It turns out that not all the women in the FOX fun house were pleased with how they were being treated. And, as a result, the head hog was forced out. Sadly, he might not have been alone in the FOX skirt chase Olympics.
FOX recently paid over 13 million to make sexual harassment claims go away in order to keep their star talking head on the air.
But apparently not all of his accusers wanted money, and so there was no settlement to silence at least one of the accusers.
"Wendy Walsh, a former guest commentator on “The O’Reilly Factor” and adjunct professor of psychology, appeared with her attorney Lisa Bloom on Monday to call for an independent investigation of the culture at Fox News in light of claims of sexual harassment against anchor Bill O’Reilly.
Walsh, at a press conference in Bloom’s Woodland Hills, Calif., offices, claims that early in 2013, after she had started weekly appearances on “The O’Reilly Factor,” she met O’Reilly at his invitation for dinner at the Hotel Bel Air in Los Angeles, and talked of her prospects for getting hired as a paid contributor. She said she later refused his invite to his suite. After that, she said, O’Reilly was “hostile” to her and, in May, her weekly segments were put on hold.
Walsh said O’Reilly’s “job offer disappeared the moment I refused to accompany him to his hotel suite. His friendliness to me vanished the moment I rebuffed him.”
Walsh’s account was among those detailed in a New York Times report of multiple settlements totaling $13 million paid after sexual harassment claims against O’Reilly." [Source]
I can't blame Ms. Walsh for not wanting to go with Billo to his hotel room. I mean money can only go so far. If these stories are true, Billo and the old white men at FOX are truly despicable human beings.
Good for Mercedes Benz for pulling ads from his program. It would be nice if more advertiser's followed their lead, but I won't hold my breath.
*Pic from
Susan Rice gets named as the person Obama used (again) to excute his dirty work, and you post a nothing story about a woman who got asked to Bill O'Reilly's suite (and said no)?
Not very subtle, Field. Can't you do better than that?
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
"Even if you dislike the folks at FOX and what they represent, you have to respect their business model. For years they would show more legs than news, much to the delight of their old white male viewers in red states. Now, though, it seems that the gig is up."
The women who worked there were okay with the showing of leg; not so much the grabbing of ass.
Fox can undoubtedly afford the $13 million for O'Reilly's falafel crimes. They will survive this, learn absolutely nothing, and proceed to harass more women. It's just too bad there's no penalty for vast number of lies they spew. That would truly bankrupt them.
Harassing women is the way of life.
Yeah, old white guys love them some Fox. In fact they have the Fox brigade at United who sit in lounges at bases and the training center to make sure the tv stays on Fox. Of course I always change it because why should they dictate what is on? Ha! I know we're all kinda childish.
Report: Susan Rice leaked Highly Classified info (including Trump Administration names) to her husband, ABCs Executive Producer Ian Cameron.
Calling Bill O'Reilly despicable is putting it very, very lightly. He and his cohorts at Faux News are lower than pond scum.
Of course I always change it because...
...I'm a dick who knows black people can do whatever they want or somebody gonna get called racist.
Bill O is just another micro-dick white boy. What else is new?
Let's cut the crap. Susan Rice is a liar with ZERO credibility, who was promoted by Obama because she's a loyal liar. If I was POTUS, I'd hang them all.
Guys, give Susan Rice the benefit of the doubt. She was ordered to do this by someone higher up (someone who recently fled the US).
After today's revelations about Susan Rice, I think it's become clear that the only foreigner meddling in the election was Obama.
The Russians can be our friends. Don't let the war mongering liberals start WWIII! They are just trying to distract from the crimes of the Obama administration.
Donald Trump didn't do anything wrong, and he's not going be impeached, arrested, or ritually disemboweled. When the truth comes out and it explodes in the Democrats’ soft, girlish hands, we’ll all be laughing and toasting their humiliation with Stoli shots.
How do I know this with utter certainty? Because it's all so glaringly obvious, and it’s the only scenario that fits the facts. As Hugh Hewitt says, this scandal has three silos. The first silo is the question of whether the Russians somehow “hacked our election.” The second silo is whether any Trump people “colluded” with the Russians. The third silo, the one patriots care most about since it’s the one that isn’t a ridiculous fantasy, is whether anyone in Obama's administration used our intelligence apparatus to spy on his and Hillary’s political opponents. The answers are “No,” “No,” and “Yes.” The end results are going to be a stronger Trump, weaker Democrats, and various Obama minions exploring new career opportunities in the exciting fields of license plate-making, large-to-small rock transformation, and artisanal pruno distilling.
If there's one thing we've learned from Susan Rice it's that you shouldn't hire black women just because they're black women.
Imagine for just a moment, how truly disgusting it would be for a beautiful, young, athletic and attractive woman under fifty years of age to somehow figure out a way to get a disgusting old man like O'Really happy, hard and horny?!? What would she have to do to coax an erection, let alone a passable sexual performance in line with what she has become accustomed to from younger, more virile men? Sounds like a job for an experienced whore more than an ordinary woman. Maybe it's better not to imagine his tastes and needs. Gives me the fucking Heebie-Jeebies.
"I'm a dick who knows black people can do whatever they want or somebody gonna get called racist."
Well, some people are racists.
Let's see, a Trump advisor Carter Page was unwittingly recruited by a Russian spy, Jared Cushner met with a Russian spy but oh yeah Susan Rice. Conservatives are sooooo easy to fool.
Those Russian trolls must really think that using one of their familiar-to-the-pig-people names over and over will distract some of Trump's base away from deserting him in droves, but as always they are wrong. The death spiral of the MAGAts is just starting to gain some RPMs down to the inevitable meeting with the place they call "splat".
Billo is a retarded moron who thought Jebus controlled the tides. I don't even know any hookers who would do him. But FOX makes a sizable portion of their billion dollars a year off of him because he's just the kind of retarded moron who can make the pig-people feel like their ignorance is noble and their bigotry is patriotic. Sort of like Trump in that way, really, they both try to win arguments about how bad they suck by pointing to their ratings, as if having that many pig-people watch you wasn't incontrovertible evidence that you suck like a black hole on acid.
I guess they must believe that sucking that badly entitles them to unfettered access to any woman's body they happen to feel like defiling at any given moment.
I would feel better about these women taking big chunks of their money if the women weren't complicit in the damage FOX is in the business of doing. Like the subjugation of poor women and the regulation of their reproductive systems was just ducky, but let one of the hideous old creepers feel them up personally and that's an outrageous transgression? Really? Well, I guess you gotta start somewhere.
-Doug in Oakland
"Those Russian trolls must really think that using one of their familiar-to-the-pig-people names over and over will distract some of Trump's base away from deserting him in droves, but as always they are wrong."
One way we recognize mass hysteria is that everyone who doesn't believe is accused of being in on the plot.
Doug is batshit crazy.
Doug uis at least 100% correct. Drumpf failed. Drumpf colluded with our known enemy. Drumpf is going down, especially when wingnuts finally decide to abandon the sunken steaming pile of rat shit that is right wing America.
The little sheeples will keep bleating Obama and HRC did it, They don't know any better. No one taught them critical thinking skills. They do whatever Fake Noize puts them up to.
And Orally has the nerve to say he settled to save his children from hearing their old man is a lecherous, traitorous, old horny woman hating prick.
Susan Rice did her job, as NSA she wanted to know who was talking to the Russians. She did not release this information to the public nor declassify it. This is Trump trying to cast a shadow on the previous administration and not Putin. Now that's just weird.
4th April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
You trolls can take your Susan Rice whining and shove it,
"Unmasking" the identities of Trump cronies who had friendly chats with our nation's enemies, but who had no justifiable reason for doing so, is exactly what people in our government (no idea if this was really Susan Rice -- who gives a shit?) should have been doing. And was not illegal, in any event.
Trump can hand-wave all he wants and make out that uncovering his shady activities is somehow more unacceptable than the shady activities themselves, but this will convince nobody except those who are already Trump fanboys.
Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Russian spy in 2013
"A foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign met with a Russian intelligence operative in 2013 and provided him documents about the energy industry, according to court filings.
The Russian, Victor Podobnyy, was one of three men charged in connection with a Cold War-style Russian spy ring. According to the court documents, Podobnyy tried to recruit Carter Page, an energy consultant working in New York at the time, as an intelligence source. Page is referred to in the filing as "Male-1."
Trump and his chums' treasonous shenanigans = no problem.
Finding out about their treasonous shenanigans = so mean and unfair.
I see your stupid "Susan Rice," and raise you "Male-1."
Of course, just like every other time a Trump henchman has done something bad, he's now going with the "I don't know that guy" defense. When, eventually, Ivanka does something bad, he'll still probably go with that.
"she met O’Reilly at his invitation for dinner at the Hotel Bel Air in Los Angeles, and talked of her prospects for getting hired as a paid contributor. She said she later refused his invite to his suite. After that, she said, O’Reilly was “hostile” to her"
So Feeled is all "OOK OOK!" about what some woman who failed at television is accusing a private individual of offering (not doing, offering)... while this blog has NEVER addressed the rampant sexual incontinence of Black men including those on the public payroll and (allegedly) in public service.
It's a mystery, it is.
"If there's one thing we've learned from Susan Rice it's that you shouldn't hire black women"
If there's one thing we've learned from Africans, it's that they don't belong in America.
"Drumpf colluded with our known enemy."
"Nobody will reduce taxes! Nobody will solve the crime problem! Nobody will fix our education system! NOBODY FOR PRESIDENT!"
"But Nobody wants a nuclear war."
There is no such person as "Drumpf".
On the other hand, the people who ordered unlawful surveillance on the Trump campaign and feloniously distributed the products of that surveillance are all too real, and the responsibility for that goes straight to the top. There's a reason the Perpetraitor-in-Chief is in Tahiti.
And watching the nonsense coming out of Blockhead Fifteen is entertaining. It's ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood and BLM/Antifa committing terrorist attacks on US soil and China being very aggressive against our allies abroad, yet for some reason he thinks Russia is our enemy.
It's almost like he's one of the paid war interests.
The nald guy is de-evolving right in front of our eyes. He is practicing his mother tongue for tree living-ook-ook. The lingua fracais of all tree dwelling human ancestors.Ook-Ook.
When all this Trump/Russia nonesensical hysteria has passed, the Democrat Party will be on life support. Anyone with an ounce of integrity will put as much distance as they can between themselves and this lunatic failed collection of misfits.
Except for Doug and mike. They are true believers. They will shamble on like Heaven's Gate cult members who got there too late for the Kool Aid.
We sure went from "Trump's crazy to think he's being monitored" to "Lawful, appropriate unmasking isn't a police state tactic" in a hurry.
ObamaGate is growing....
The best part of the Obama Administration getting caught for illegally surveilling political opponents: After a year of listening to Trump's calls, they found absolutely nothing.
I think Barack Obama has known about this for some time. He has to have been involved from the start.
Team. Obama. Is. Fucked.
They were counting on a Hillary victory to ensure their crimes would never be revealed.
The entire Democratic establishment must be in absolute shock right about now.
Ha ha: CNN Goes on Rampage Against Susan Rice Bombshell, Instructs Viewers to Ignore Story.
That's right, CNN publishes a rebuttal of story they won't report.
"We sure went from 'Trump's crazy to think he's being monitored' to 'Lawful, appropriate unmasking isn't a police state tactic' in a hurry."
No, we didn't. The security services leaked information to the press that clearly indicated they'd listened to the Trump camp's communications. This was never in question.
But then Trump started bleating about "I GOT WIRETAPPED!! ILLEGAL!!", never once allowing for the possibility that he and his people had been talking to other people who were wiretapped -- legally and for good reason.
Nobody screwed them. They screwed themselves. You talk to bad guys, you go down with the bad guys.
"CNN publishes a rebuttal of story they won't report."
The editors and producers at CNN are obviously so ignorant, they've never heard of the Streisand Effect. They're just going to have to learn first-hand, I guess.
"But then Trump started bleating about "I GOT WIRETAPPED!! ILLEGAL!!", never once allowing for the possibility that he and his people had been talking to other people who were wiretapped -- legally and for good reason."
Those wiretaps are only supposed to be used for national security matters. Any intercepted information that is not related is supposed to be deleted immediately. Retention, let alone distribution, is a felony.
Susan Rice will be indicted, and sing like a bird in return for a reduced sentence. The rest of Team Obama is going to spend some time in Club Fed, at least until the treason trials. After that there will be a lot of pock-marks in a wall somewhere and freshly-turned soil in a graveyard or ten.
I hope they use the MLK memorial as the backstop for the firing squads. It's really the only legitimate use for the damned ugly thing.
Susan Rice will be given the Precedential Medal of Freedumb because she is so much smarter than the bald guy. Akk bald guy has to do is prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Rice's unmasking was not security related and she is toast. The problem is every single one of Drumpf's henchmen had contacts with the Russians during the campaign and the Russians got surveilled, wingnuts got shitty egg on their face and tools like bald guy bark up the wrong trees as a distraction.
Baldy don't know what he don't know so us Libs have to educate the uneducatable tools and learn them a new way of life-living in reality.
No. That is not how it works. "Incidentally collected" communications of US citizens in overseas wiretaps are not deleted. They are "masked" -- until there is a necessity to unmask them. There WAS a necessity in this case and Trump's possible treason WAS national security-related.
"The NSA treats all content intercepted incidentally from third parties as permissible to retain, store, search and distribute to its government customers. Raj De, the agency’s general counsel, has testified that the NSA does not generally attempt to remove irrelevant personal content, because it is difficult for one analyst to know what might become relevant to another."
Brigade Fifteen said...
But then Trump started bleating about "I GOT WIRETAPPED!! ILLEGAL!!"
Well, now we know he has been vindicated.
Trump was right again. He is pretty much always right.
I hope the media and his unhinged critics can man up enough to apologize to the President.
He is going to need our support during these trying times when the previous administration is being brought to justice.
They were counting on a Hillary victory to ensure their crimes would never be revealed.
Some people have lust in their heart. Wingnuts have Dem conspiracies in theirs. They just can't ever prove them.
By the way, that thing about deleting people who were recorded, but not listed in a warrant and not saying anything related to a crime -- that stuff applies only domestically. NSA can do pretty much whatever the hell they like on overseas calls. Congress gave them that right.
Someone needs to send Trump this song. Mr "Terrorists Have No Rights" was all in favor of the government having more power to get bad guys -- right up until he remembered he's a bad guy. LOLOLOLOLOL
"Hello, NSA"
A few years back I tried to impress my then Finnish girlfriend by learning to speak her language. I failed.
This article from a Finnish website explains why.
Part 1
English: A dog.
Swedish: What?
English: The dog.
English: Two dogs.
Swedish: Okay. We have: En hund, hunden, Två hundar, hundarna.
German: Wait, I wan’t to try it too!
English: No, go away.
Swedish: No one invited you.
German: Der Hund.
English: I said go away.
German: Ein Hund, zwei Hunde.
Swedish: Stop it!
German: Den Hund, einen Hund, dem Hund, einem Hund, des Hundes, eines Hundes, den Hunden, der Hunden.
Finnish: Sup.
English: NO.
Swedish: NO.
German: NO. Finn, you go away!!
Finnish: Koira, koiran, koiraa, koiran again, koirassa, koirasta, koiraan, koiralla, koiralta, koiralle, koirana, koiraksi, koiratta, koirineen, koirin.
German: WHAT?
Swedish: You must be kidding us!
English: This must be a joke…
Finnish: Aaaand… koirasi, koirani, koiransa, koiramme, koiranne, koiraani, koiraasi, koiraansa, koiraamme, koiraanne, koirassani, koirassasi, koirassansa, koirassamme, koirassanne, koirastani, koirastasi, koirastansa, koirastamme, koirastanne, koirallani, koirallasi, koirallansa, koirallamme, koirallanne, koiranani, koiranasi, koiranansa, koiranamme, koirananne, koirakseni, koiraksesi, koiraksensa, koiraksemme, koiraksenne, koirattani, koirattasi, koirattansa, koirattamme, koirattanne, koirineni, koirinesi, koirinensa, koirinemme, koirinenne.
English: Those are words for a dog???
Part 2
Finnish: Wait! I didn’t stop yet. There is still: koirakaan, koirankaan, koiraakaan, koirassakaan, koirastakaan, koiraankaan, koirallakaan, koiraltakaan, koirallekaan, koiranakaan, koiraksikaan, koirattakaan, koirineenkaan, koirinkaan, koirako, koiranko, koiraako, koirassako, koirastako, koiraanko, koirallako, koiraltako, koiralleko, koiranako, koiraksiko, koirattako, koirineenko, koirinko, koirasikaan, koiranikaan, koiransakaan, koirammekaan, koirannekaan, koiraanikaan, koiraasikaan, koiraansakaan, koiraammekaan, koiraannekaan, koirassanikaan, koirassasikaan, koirassansakaan, koirassammekaan, koirassannekaan, koirastanikaan, koirastasikaan, koirastansakaan, koirastammekaan, koirastannekaan, koirallanikaan, koirallasikaan, koirallansakaan, koirallammekaan, koirallannekaan, koirananikaan, koiranasikaan, koiranansakaan, koiranammekaan, koiranannekaan, koiraksenikaan, koiraksesikaan, koiraksensakaan, koiraksemmekaan, koiraksennekaan, koirattanikaan, koirattasikaan, koirattansakaan, koirattammekaan, koirattannekaan, koirinenikaan, koirinesikaan, koirinensakaan, koirinemmekaan, koirinennekaan, koirasiko, koiraniko, koiransako, koirammeko, koiranneko, koiraaniko, koiraasiko, koiraansako, koiraammeko, koiraanneko, koirassaniko, koirassasiko, koirassansako, koirassammeko, koirassanneko, koirastaniko, koirastasiko, koirastansako, koirastammeko, koirastanneko, koirallaniko, koirallasiko, koirallansako, koirallammeko, koirallanneko, koirananiko, koiranasiko, koiranansako, koiranammeko, koirananneko, koirakseniko, koiraksesiko, koiraksensako, koiraksemmeko, koiraksenneko, koirattaniko, koirattasiko, koirattansako, koirattammeko, koirattanneko, koirineniko, koirinesiko, koirinensako, koirinemmeko, koirinenneko, koirasikaanko, koiranikaanko, koiransakaanko, koirammekaanko, koirannekaanko, koiraanikaanko, koiraasikaanko, koiraansakaanko, koiraammekaanko, koiraannekaanko, koirassanikaanko, koirassasikaanko, koirassansakaanko, koirassammekaanko, koirassannekaanko, koirastanikaanko, koirastasikaanko, koirastansakaanko, koirastammekaanko, koirastannekaanko, koirallanikaanko, koirallasikaanko, koirallansakaanko, koirallammekaanko, koirallannekaanko, koirananikaanko, koiranasikaanko, koiranansakaanko, koiranammekaanko, koiranannekaanko, koiraksenikaanko, koiraksesikaanko, koiraksensakaanko, koiraksemmekaanko, koiraksennekaanko, koirattanikaanko, koirattasikaanko, koirattansakaanko, koirattammekaanko, koirattannekaanko, koirinenikaanko, koirinesikaanko, koirinensakaanko, koirinemmekaanko, koirinennekaanko, koirasikokaan, koiranikokaan, koiransakokaan, koirammekokaan, koirannekokaan, koiraanikokaan, koiraasikokaan, koiraansakokaan, koiraammekokaan, koiraannekokaan, koirassanikokaan, koirassasikokaan, koirassansakokaan, koirassammekokaan, koirassannekokaan, koirastanikokaan, koirastasikokaan, koirastansakokaan, koirastammekokaan, koirastannekokaan, koirallanikokaan, koirallasikokaan, koirallansakokaan, koirallammekokaan, koirallannekokaan, koirananikokaan, koiranasikokaan, koiranansakokaan, koiranammekokaan, koiranannekokaan, koiraksenikokaan, koiraksesikokaan, koiraksensakokaan, koiraksemmekokaan, koiraksennekokaan, koirattanikokaan, koirattasikokaan, koirattansakokaan, koirattammekokaan, koirattannekokaan, koirinenikokaan, koirinesikokaan, koirinensakokaan, koirinemmekokaan, koirinennekokaan.
Swedish: Breath!!
German: Whattaaa?
English: Okay, now you’re just making things up!
Finnish: And now the plural forms…..
English: WHAT?!?!
Exactly why is perjurer Jeff 'Racist' Sessions still the AG? The guy lied to Congress twice and is still in government office? The guy has committed more crimes in a week than HRC has been tried and convicted of in 35 years of wingnut witch hunts.
Drumpfuck Drumpf is on pace to play 2X the amount of golf as Obama whom Drumpf constantly whined about during the campaign even though Obama wasn't running for office.
PC-how does one translate zero meters of wall built into Finnish?
More hilarious news:
Texas homeowners are discovering that if Trump's dumb wall ever gets built, their houses are gonna be on the Mexican side.
Better brush up on your español, gringos.
I wonder how many of these goobers foolishly voted for Agent Orange?
About Susan Rice: The President's National Security Advisor has authority to request unmasking of American names from intell agencies.
But in this instance, I am stunned by the lack of curiosity most media have shown about the facts and circumstances present here.
This is a good example of media giving soft coverage to President Obama while they're hard on the GOP in general and Trump in particular.
Bear in mind, Rice is the official who praised Bowe Bergdahl for his "honorable service" and claimed he was captured "on the battlefield."
She also said two weeks ago in a TV interview that she didn't know anything about the unmasking.
I would have thought the media would ask tough questions. There is no reason this should be a FOX News and conservative press issue only.
If I were a reporter, I would want to know why Rice sought the unmasking. It us the FBI's job to investigate possible Trump collusion with Russia, not the White House.
How often did she ask? What reasons did she give? (Each request is tracked and catalogued in writing by the NSA. A procedure exists.)
The information would have been provided ONLY to her as the requester. It is highly classified. Did she share it? With whom? Why?
If she shared it with anyone, why did she do so? What did they do with it? Did they give it to the media or tell media about it?
One of the reasons we live in a polarized era is because too many reporters look the other way at issues like this. Bias is real
She also said two weeks ago in a TV interview that she didn't know anything about the unmasking.
Months ago, a month ago, some weeks ago, a week or so ago, probably just yesterday Drumpf and his band of merry liars claimed to have not had any contacts with the Russians. Now we know every last wingnut ever born has had conversations with the Russians. And still they lie about.
Wingnuts are desperate to find anything to take attention away from the crimes of this WH and they do a lousy job of it. Every accusation against HRC or Obama fizzles out because there is no there there, while Drumpf is just crawling with criminal mahhots.
"Months ago, a month ago, some weeks ago, a week or so ago, probably just yesterday Drumpf and his band of merry liars claimed to have not had any contacts with the Russians"
The lack of any illegal or unethical contacts with the "Russians" has been confirmed by FBI, the Senate, and House committees.
What don't you get about this, you fucking moron?
Imagine, say, Steve Bannon doing to left wingers what Susan Rice did to Trump and his associates.
Now imagine the media reaction.
Just wait until all the women who have been harassed--and probably worse--by the current Rapist-in-Chief get their day in court.
That will make Fox News and Bill Clinton seem like boy scouts in comparison.
And if the Trumpster is ever convicted of these sex crimes, imagine how an old White boy like Donald Trump would fare in a general prison population comprised of mostly minority men--the same demographic that the Donald is hostile to.
Donald will get all the Golden Showers that he desires--on his knees and not from any Russian prostitutes either.
Susan Rice knows nothing about this but actually what she did was heroic and good, this happens all the time but it also never happened.
The surveillance of Trump was caused by a YouTube video.
Anymoose ejaculated- The lack of any illegal or unethical contacts with the "Russians" has been confirmed by FBI, the Senate, and House committees.
What don't you get about this, you fucking moron?
Why did Flynn get fired? He was talking to Russian ambassador about SANCTIONS which was illegal and unethical. He was acting as a government agent which he later claimed he was not.You fucking moron.
As for the rest of them the investigations are not done, you fucking moron. Sessions lied under oath about his contacts. He denied having any without being asked. Then he lied on a written question to Patrick Leahy. Perjury is still a crime, even when lying wingnuts do it.
Imagine, say, Steve Bannon doing to left wingers what Susan Rice did to Trump and his associates.
If you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Famous wingnut words of advice to Dems. But it apparently does not apply to the guilty as hell wingnuts.
One more tempting little tidbit. Judge GoSuck is getting a senate hearing-something wingnuts denied Merrick Garland last year in their political ploy to keep Obama from turning the court Liberal. GoSuck will get filibustered but he will at least have had an up or down vote. Fuck wingnut cheaters.
Lying POS Spice blames Syria's poison gas attacks on Obama and refuses to consider if Russia might have had a hand in them.
We all remember Don Rumsdummy congratulating Saddam Hussein short days after Hussein used US supplied chem weapons to kill thousands of Kurds. Good old US sold Hussein the essentials for his nukular weapons program. Raygun sold Mujahadeen surface to air missiles to fight against Russia in Afghanistan then tried to buy them back when we turned our backs on them after they ran Russia out of Afghanistan. Drumpf is prolly trying to sell nuke powered golf courses so our enemies can cheat at golf like Drumpf does.
mike from iowa said...
Lying POS Spice blames Syria's poison gas attacks on Obama and refuses to consider if Russia might have had a hand in them.
It's not Obama's fault, that's ridiculous.
I doubt the "gas attacks" even happened.
"Lying POS Spice blames Syria's poison gas attacks on Obama and refuses to consider if Russia might have had a hand in them."
Uh-huh. Obama's "weakness" allowed the gas attacks by Assad, according to Spicer.
If I recall correctly, when Obama proposed intervening in the last gas attack by Assad, people from across the political spectrum pitched huge fits, so he dropped it. But Trump is different, apparently, so we'll be invading Syria now.
And we'll have to start slapping more sanctions on Assad's nasty, murderous friends, too. Especially that one guy, what's his name? Vladimir something. I forget.
Obama got ass-raped by Assad.
"There is no reason this should be a FOX News and conservative press issue only."
Yes, yes there is. The reason is that they lie to you. They lie to you and you like it so much that you really need a sign:
-Doug in Oakland
"Akk bald guy has to do is prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Rice's unmasking was not security related and she is toast."
Proven by the record. There were no security-related actions taken, or charges made. The ONLY use made of this material was to leak to the press, to cause damage... because if Hitlery's interactions with the Russians were leaked, she'd be in jail.
Besides, if there was anything going on, why wasn't it used before the election to guarantee Hitlery would win? It's because they thought they had it in the bag andTrump did nothing wrong. Now they're trying to carry off a coup d'etat.
"Susan Rice will be given the Precedential Medal of Freedumb because she is so much smarter than the bald guy."
HA! I bookmarked that. I'll be reminding you of it in the future, I'm sure.
"What don't you get about this, you fucking moron?"
Point, jump up and down and ook is the limit of their talents.
Moron from Idaho is always good for a textbook example:
"Why did Flynn get fired? He was talking to Russian ambassador about SANCTIONS which was illegal and unethical."
Flynn said nothing beyond saying the WH would look into things. Which is absolutely above-board. Now, Zero's tantrum of sanctions including throwing a bunch of Russian diplomats out of the vacation retreat (owned by the Kremlin) where they were going to spend Christmas with their families... THAT was unethical.
It was also obviously at the behest of (((them))). Nobody hates Russians more than (((they))) do.
"Sessions lied under oath about his contacts. He denied having any without being asked."
Sessions had official duties relating to the Russians as a sitting Senator on the Armed Services Committee. The questions were strictly about activities and contacts while on the transition team, but of course morons like you will point and ook anyway.
This is why you have no business in Western society. You're too stupid to understand such simple distinctions, which means you're way too stupid to vote.
"The reason is that they lie to you."
Says the idiot who STILL believes "Hands Up Don't Shoot" and that Trayvon Martin was a choirboy.
More than 190 theatres, primarily in the US, but also in Canada, the UK, Sweden and Croatia will participate in a screening of Orwell's "1984" as a protest against Donald Trump.
h/t: Susie Madrak
-Doug in Oakland
"More than 190 theatres, primarily in the US, but also in Canada, the UK, Sweden and Croatia will participate in a screening of Orwell's "1984" as a protest against Donald Trump"
How gay.
Especially after eight years of the Obama administration during which the Left advocated for censorship, speech codes, and imprisoning heretics like "climate change deniers".
Liberalism is morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt.
"Liberalism is morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt."
Doug is also financially bankrupt.
Quote: Little Jimmy Bold
"Says the idiot who STILL believes "Hands Up Don't Shoot" and that Trayvon Martin was a choirboy."
So little Jimmy, is it your contention that young boys who are not choirboys should be executed without trial?
Shit fer brains nakd guy- here is the question Granken asked perjurer Sessions and here is perjurer Sessions perjuring himself voluntarily.
At a confirmation hearing in January, Franken posed the following question to Sessions: “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?”
“I'm not aware of any of those activities,” Sessions replied. “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians.”
Sessions was not asked if he had any meetings with Russians. He voluntarily flat out fucking lied under oath, shit fer brains. Spin away.
Doctors in Syria thought chlorine gas was used but decided there were too many deaths. They now believe the agent was sarin, that Syria was supposed to have gotten rid if in 2013 treaty with US,Syria and Russia. Some speculate this might be new sarin made since the quantities appear to have been small. The attack occurred a day after SOS Tillerson basically told Assad we would leave him in power. Nice parting shot guys.
Trayvon Martin did not deserve to be a victim of pre-meditated murder. Zimmermurder told police dispatch that Martin resembled other thugs who had gotten away. He told dispatch that Martin was not going to get away so he murdered him in cold blood, imho.
Zimmerkiller was also told not to follow Martin. He was told to wait near the gate and let the police handle this. Facts is facts and since Zimmerwhale was 2X Martin's size there was no way the kid could beat him up.
Donald Trump Jr. ✔ @DonaldJTrumpJr
Congrats to @Cernovich for breaking the #SusanRice story. In a long gone time of unbiased journalism he'd win the Pulitzer, but not today!
Sternobitches story has been debunked over and over but wingnuts are so desperate they keep hanging on to nothing. Close yer eyes, click yer heels and yer still in red ruined Kansas TOTO.
OK, I'm gonna break this down for you once, although I do realize that you're probably way too far gone up your own ass to understand it, I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it just so someone said it and none of you have any more excuses for lying about it (not that that will stop you):
President Obama put sanctions on Russia for interfering with our election. His National Security Advisor's job in that case was to find out who the Russians were talking to, and which Russians were involved so as to advise the president on how to make sanctions that actually did anything germane to the situation. That was her job. That's how a functioning government works. I hope we have another one some day.
And my mom has been dead since '91, so any time you want to follow suit is fine by me.
-Doug in Oakland
mike from iowa said...
Trayvon Martin did not deserve to be a victim of pre-meditated murder. Zimmermurder told police dispatch that Martin resembled other thugs who had gotten away. He told dispatch that Martin was not going to get away so he murdered him in cold blood, imho.
Your opinion marks you as a moron.
mike from iowa said...
Congrats to @Cernovich for breaking the #SusanRice story. In a long gone time of unbiased journalism he'd win the Pulitzer, but not today!
How true.
t will come as no surprise at this point that the Trump White House's position was hypocritical. First, Obama's red line at the time was a threat of US military action against Syria should it continue to use chemical weapons. When Obama asked the GOP-led Congress to authorize the potential use of force against Syria, the Republicans, not wanting to take a firm stance, declined to hold a vote. Still, Obama's move prompted Assad to agree to a Russian-brokered deal to give up his chemical weapons. To a degree, Obama's threat worked.
Yup, wingnuts wouldn't hold a vote because they are gutless cowards who allow other people's kids to die for korporate overlords profits.
Tom Suksballs, the Pulitzer isn't given out to liars spreading lies.
Hindu Huffin- everything I said came out of the transcript from the dispatcher. If I thought yo could read and comprehend I would dig it up for you. But, I'd rather you go fuck a goat or yer sister or something. You are too stoopid to learn anything that Fake Noize doesn't drill into yer head.
Have a crappy day.
Michael Flynn will be indicted, and sing like a bird in return for a reduced sentence. The rest of Team Trump is going to spend some time in Club Fed, at least until the treason trials.
There, fixed it for ya.
Maybe Trumpcare will pass the second time. Nope! Obamacare is still the law of the land because Republicans are too dumb to come up with a replacement.
As dumb as James.
New Pepsi ad has Kylie Jenner co-opt BLM movement ans head off riot with a can of Pepsi for a cop.
This will not go well.
55% of people polled favor Obamacare.
Drumpfuck's base is deserting him. At least 18 major retailers have abandoned Fake Noize over Orally's sex habits. News just keeps getting better for we the people.
"is it your contention that young boys who are not choirboys should be executed without trial?"
It is my contention that killing a violent assailant in self-defense is justifiable homicide, and if you think that either Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown were "executed" you are too fucked in the head to be a member of Western society. Yes, that includes your shitlib White pals like Dougie.
The thug Trayvon Martin deserved everything he got. He could easily have avoided getting shot. He could easily have avoided being suspended from school, and would have remained in Miami. However, he was too stupid to do the right thing either time, and he justly earned his fate.
"At a confirmation hearing in January, Franken..."
Oh, right, Franken. The comedian who owes his election to a corrupt recount process. Okay, go on.
"posed the following question to Sessions: “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?”
“I'm not aware of any of those activities,” Sessions replied."
And neither was anyone else.
"Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell... said he had learned that the former officer, Christopher Steele, paid his key Russian sources, and interviewed them through intermediaries.
"On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all," Morell said at an event sponsored by the Cipher Brief, an intelligence web site.
"There's no little campfire, there's no little candle, there's no spark. And there's a lot of people looking for it.""
There you have it, from an FBI guy and Clinton stooge.
"Trayvon Martin did not deserve to be a victim of pre-meditated murder."
But DAMN are you stupid. Trayvon attempted to murder Zimmerman, you fool! He had already gotten away clean but decided to run back to get revenge for being chased off.
"He told dispatch that Martin was not going to get away"
Such a shithead you are. Zimmerman said, and I quote, "They always get away." The full call audio is on YouTube, you can't lie about it.
"so he murdered him in cold blood, imho."
A jury and a civil rights investigation say you're fucked in the head.
"Zimmerkiller was also told not to follow Martin."
SO fucked in the head. The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." That is not an order. Dispatchers can't lawfully issue orders; they aren't at the scene.
"He was told to wait near the gate and let the police handle this."
This must be one of those "alternative facts" that Black people create to explain why they're so fucked up compared to White people. It's never anything you do, like lying about everything including the audio of a 911 call that manifestly has nothing like that in it.
"since Zimmerwhale was 2X Martin's size there was no way the kid could beat him up."
I'm approaching twice Martin's size and taller too, but Zim? George Zimmerman: 5'7", 185 lb. Martin, 5'11", 158 lb. (source).
Western society is for people who live in reality, not those with paranoid delusions of racial persecution from the people who make it all possible. You need to go back. Maybe Afreaka will have a renewing effect on you... or maybe you'll just get eaten, as your distant ancestor was lucky enough to avoid by being purchased. Since you have no gratitude, take your leave and good riddance.
You won't do a damn thing but lie about writing books and trying to act tough on a blog. Typical white trash racist behavior. With your bitch ass.
Obama is going to jail.
Trump is going to jail.
there, fixed it for ya
It's abundantly clear in America why Hillary had to win and why media and the left are still perpetuating these Russia lies (that you morons sap up like big mama's gravy): We would find out just how criminal the Obama Admin was. Holy shit. These people's tiniest scandals are light years beyond anything Nixon ever did.
What a bunch of scum we've had in office for so many years. And what's media talking about during all of these revelations? "Is Trump Afraid of Stairs?" Fucking ridiculous.
The diversity hire you lot worship as some demigod was/is a fucking criminal scumbag.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Josh is mainlining wingnut Kool-Aid. Call the lads in white.
no wonder Josh won't tell us where she gets her news. First the left wanted war with Russia because they are a white nation and now it's because we all knew Obama was a criminal and needed Hillary to win so he could remain free. Josh is pretty dumb and gets her news from some "alternative facts" platform.
Bill O'Reilly would never have to harass women if he knew how to present his thick dong, subtly, and let the ladies flock to him.
It's abundantly clear in America why Hillary had to win and why media and the left are still perpetuating these Russia lies (that you morons sap up like big mama's gravy): We would find out just how criminal the Obama Admin was. Holy shit. These people's tiniest scandals are light years beyond anything Nixon ever did.
What a bunch of scum we've had in office for so many years. And what's media talking about during all of these revelations? "Is Trump Afraid of Stairs?" Fucking ridiculous.
The diversity hire you lot worship as some demigod was/is a fucking criminal scumbag.
Hey Josh, remember me? Another white American who is infinitely smarter than you could ever hope to be.
Yeah. I'm still reading your Trump puke/bullshit.
Hillary had to win. But she did not. That's two words that mean, "didn't." I guess that means she really didn't have to win. She only had to win if we, as a voting nation, actually cared about the future of the entire world.
Since Hillary did not win, we, as a nation, are in deep shit. You agree, more or less, right?
What are the Russia lies, genius boy? Surely you are talking about the latest joke that we should be focussing on Hillary's connection with Russia.
Obviously, her strongest connections would be through the Clinton Foundation. Is the foundation attempting to free Pussy Riot? If so, I had not heard. Just what Hillary connection to Russia are you talking about? Of course, the Clinton Foundation is very likely partnering with Russia to promote the general welfare, but you are not very likely to know about that.
If you are indeed talking about Trump and his collusion with Russia to corrupt and destroy the 2016 general election, why do you call it lies?
Why, fuckface?
Big Mama's gravy? Is that a racist reference to Martin Lawrence's runaway hit movie and beloved character?
Why do you hate black people? Many of us have had to deal with prejudice. But we have found a way to love our black brothers and sisters. Come into the light, fucking Lucifer.
You are a disappointing fuckface. I considered you a frenemy when I first met you.
What a bunch of scum we've had in office for so many years.
You don't like Obama?!? Please explain. You must be insane.
The diversity hire you lot worship as some demigod was/is a fucking criminal scumbag.
So, is that it? You're fucking English? You're the biggest conservative fuck that I have ever encountered in England, South Africa or otherwise.
I am seriously starting to doubt that you are an American after all. Maybe not Russian. Maybe some Russian fuck that has lived in our midst.
"Hey Josh, remember me? Another white American who is infinitely smarter than you could ever hope to be."
Thanks for reminding us that the Dunning-Kruger effect isn't limited to NAMs.
"Hillary had to win. But she did not. That's two words that mean, "didn't.""
Lack of understanding of the jussive mood, confirmed (sure English is your first language?). Hitlery "had to win", like a poker player who is all-in. But she failed. Now she's politically busted, and soon she will be criminally busted too.
"She only had to win if we, as a voting nation, actually cared about the future of the entire world."
As in, starting a nuclear war with Russia? The half-trillion dollars in accounting errors in HUD alone is bad enough, but you are so sick you want to erase that by erasing the USofA.
"Since Hillary did not win, we, as a nation, are in deep shit."
The left isn't even in deep shit. We got a pinprick air strike on Syria that distanced the WH from Putin rumors and more business for Raytheon, but you won't even lose your queer marriage or tranny bathrooms of choice. Trump's too much of a Jew York liberal to change that.
"If you are indeed talking about Trump and his collusion with Russia to corrupt and destroy the 2016 general election, why do you call it lies?"
By GOD you're stupid. This has been out for some time:
"Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell... said he had learned that the former officer, Christopher Steele, paid his key Russian sources, and interviewed them through intermediaries.
"On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all," Morell said at an event sponsored by the Cipher Brief, an intelligence web site.
"There's no little campfire, there's no little candle, there's no spark. And there's a lot of people looking for it.""
There you have it, from an FBI guy and Clinton stooge.
"Why do you hate black people?"
Because Black people taught me that I had to, by hating me to insane degrees first. Jamie Urton tried to treat Black people as he'd treat his own neighbors and was viciously murdered for it. The same almost happened to Steve Utash, and random Black-on-White hate attacks that could easily be deadly are literally laughed off in this very forum.
I carry a gun these days. Black people are a big part of that. I have no interactions with them that I can avoid. Hate is defensive. Only by hating can I be ready to shoot if necessary. Hating also puts out an aura that I'm not to be fucked with, making it less likely I'll have to. My hate keeps them from acting on their hate. It's win/win.
"You don't like Obama?!? Please explain. You must be insane."
Half a TRILLION dollars mis-appropriated in HUD, $100 billion EACH diverted from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to feed Obamacare (without any Congressional appropriation), and we're supposed to LIKE this level of gross corruption and criminality?
"I am seriously starting to doubt that you are an American after all."
I am seriously starting to believe you're Jewish. Corruption is the Iraeli way of life.
Bill O'Reilly allegedly masturbated when he called the women. That wasn't right. What would be better is if he made a video of himself oiling up and rubbing down his thick peter until it spewed jizz in huge arcs onto the floor. He could be either naked or clothed.
Bill O'Reilly is a horny old white dude.
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