O my O man, who knew? And here I thought your were just another smooth talking politician who knew how to navigate between black and white worlds. A unifier; a consensus builder. You were never one of those black racist; you are someone who preaches love not hate. But apparently, the white Kanye West, Glen Beck, doesn't think so. ["Gorge Bush doesn't care about black people". (I know Kanye, but he is gone now.)] Seems Beck called you out on FOX NEWS and said you were a racist. Yep, he did it. He said you had issues with white people. You know what that means O man? It means that you hated your mama, and that just might mean that you have some serious issues not only with white people, but with women as well.
But seriously, for those of you who are surprised at Mr. Beck's remarks, you must not have been reading this blog for the past year. I tried to tell you about FOX and their agenda, and you all kept telling me that I am focusing on the wrong thing. That FOX NEWS is just being FOX NEWS and I should move on and leave them alone. Well, maybe now that they are ratcheting up the race baiting on your boy, you will see where I am coming from. Beck and company are not stupid. They know the people that they are trying to attract in this country. By telling them Obama is a racist he is telling them that it's cool for them to be racists as well. Hey, he hates you, so why not hate him? It's kind of simple when you break it down isn't it?
Now I know I know, Beck is an entertainer, and so is Kanye. But the difference is, Kanye West is a rapper and musician, Glen Beck is a political commentator, who reaches millions of his fellow A-merry-cans every day on his radio program and every night on his television show. Kanye West spoke out of anger and disgust from the heart about one of the greatest tragedies in A-merry-ca's history. What is Beck's motivation? Because his O ness rightfully called some racist cop stupid? I heard a lady on MSNBC tonight and she made a good point: Beck will always get corporate sponsors who want his show to do well, because this type of rhetoric divides the races and plays right into their (the corporations) hands. God forbid poor black and white people ever get together in this country, it would shake up the entire apple cart. Talk about crabs in a barrel. Poor people in this country are in one big fucking crab barrel.
Beck is trying to reach those poor white people in the barrel and believe me, he doesn't want them to crawl out. Sadly, it's working, I am sure most of you have heard by now about the racist cop in Boston. No, not Jim Crow, [thanks Rippa] the one on the Boston P.D. who was caught sending racist messages about Skip gates via e-mail. The one who I am sure listens to Glen Beck and others like him every day, and who believes that the race war is coming.
It's funny how racism works isn't it? I get accused of being a racist and racism chaser all the time. It's bullshit, but I will wear that badge, because I am passionate about this shit, and I am cynical when it comes to matters of race. His O ness, on the other hand, is trying to be a race neutral icon, and yet, white folks won't let him. They throw the racist label at him like Pedro Martinez fastball and hope it hits him right between the eyes. He dodges and ducks, and tries everything to appease them, (Beer anyone?) but they keep throwing. Why? Because race neutral icons might actually make it cool to do away with ignorance for one minute, that's why.
Anyway, while the Glen Becks of the world does his thing. The field Negroes of the world will do theirs. Unlike the house Negroes who want to make nice with him and his ilk, we will be over here calling him and everyone like him on his bullshit. And we will call the house Negroes on it, too. They might want to be around people who despise everything about their black asses, but us field Negroes will pass and continue to make them uncomfortable. You can call it crabs in a barrel if you want to, but it's far from it. Some of you crabs can haul your black asses right out of the barrel, I guarantee you that the rest of us won't even care. Besides, you will only be going to another bigger whiter barrel with a lot more crabs.
*Pic courtesy of ArtMaggot.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 236 of 236BSweet Thank you. METTA, AND NAMASTE.
I'll go slow here anonymous.
Some black folks have attitude problems, many others don't.
Some white folks have attitude problems......awww you get the picture, don't you.
The part that you and grinder seem to be struggling with is the fact that a lot of black folks take issue with your characterization of us and our community is no reflection of any attitude problem.
And what really kills me is that you guys absolutely freak out at the slightest criticism of white people.
It defies belief.
Anon 4:54 - *smiles*
I'll go slow here Anonymous.
Some black folks do have attitude problems, many others don't.
Some white folks have attitude problems.......awww you get the picture, don't you?
What you and grinder seem to be struggling with is the fact that many black folks take issue with your characterization of our community is no reflection of any attitude problems.
What do you think your are, negroologists?
On top of the fact that you completely freak out at the slightest criticism of whites.
The arrogance is breathtaking.
anymos 4:44, I also believe in nurturing inner child, i made an honest comment that i thought bsweet's original post was about sex and marrying Black men, you know, maybe this isn't the right place to discuss this, i don't know, but it seems to me that bsweet's icon is an attempt to be provocative, not sweet inner child as she claims.
@grinder "So what are you, a blade of grass, or part of the sidewalk? Choice is yours."
That's what I like about you. You offer reflection and self-examination. But a lot of your criticizers never notice. They only notice the 'hole in the donut' instead of the donut. Nevertheless, I am really glad you are back. You have been a source of additional information regarding some of my main man Field's posts.
La Incognita and her disciples are going to be very disappointed. They probably had a good riddance party for you last night.
The Willie Lynch Letter is now 297 years old. It resonates to this day. Now: In an era where slavery has been abrogated for 144 years, and full civil rights have been the formal law of the land for 45 years, what place does it have?<<
While the Willie Lynch letter refers to divisions among black Americans, you do realize that the Willie Lynch letter is a hoax, don't you?
For god's sake...TO ALL ANONs,
Reading this entire thread, it's pretty clear that no one is listening to each other.
While the Willie Lynch letter refers to divisions among black Americans, you do realize that the Willie Lynch letter is a hoax, don't you?
I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for telling me. It's my own fault. I re-read it, and saw a reference to Frederick Douglass, who lived long after that letter was supposedly written.
La Incognita and her disciples are going to be very disappointed. They probably had a good riddance party for you last night.
I have encouraged these people by taking their accusations seriously and responding to them. I'm going to stop doing that.
Glenn Beck, huh? I still remember how he said we should kill everybody in the Middle East because it would be the only way to stop them. So am I suprised? Hardly. Thing is though it would be good to watch him. Who knows, he he may be the guy to organize some of those tea parties into something a lot less peaceful.
Kathy- "anymos 4:44, I also believe in nurturing inner child, i made an honest comment that i thought bsweet's original post was about sex and marrying Black men, you know, maybe this isn't the right place to discuss this, i don't know, but it seems to me that bsweet's icon is an attempt to be provocative, not sweet inner child as she claims."
Well, that's what YOU are seeing and thinking isn't it? Well, it doesn't necessarily make it so. I have seen far more provocative pictures by women on this blog. Her picture doesn't come close to those. Why haven't you commented about those?
And even "if" it was a provocative picture, what business is it of yours? Why are you being so critical of her?
Anymos 5:34, I make that comment, because, honestly, from reading some of bsweets original posts, she seem to want to demean and antagonize Black women, hence, I actually do believe that her icon was to provoke.
@ Kathy - First, I want you to know that I heard you when you said you were simply asking me a question, not trying to put me on the defensive. I heard it as scolding and answered that way. I hear that from my mom all the time, in various forms. What am I doing about this, that, the other thing?
I am not all things to all people, even my kids. Just trying to get along every day. Anybody here can relate to that!
As for my picture, I'm sure I have pics you would approve of. How about if I post the one when I got my wisdom teeth pulled? Would that make you feel more comfortable? (sarcasm here)
To everybody in general: It's really hard to get my message across by typing, I'm afraid the meaning gets lost in the words.
bsweet, sorry u took that as a scolding:))
bsweet, u don't need me to approve your icon, i never said anything like that. keep your icon, i don't care, and to the anymous who accused me of having those thoughts, well, turning tables is highly ineffective method with me. no biting your bait.
bsweet, i forgot to add, your allusion to me being like your mother, and how you like to take care of yourself, lol, i really don't mean to sound snarky, but i work with 978 men, believe me, i am not your mother, and i know how to look good:)))ok i guess that is snarky. but true.
Really; who gives a shit about bsweet's picture or anything else? I thought this was a BLACK blog. Why do white people have to be incorporated in everything we do???
How did the discussion turn from the Gates' incident to the Barbie chronicles? And frankly, grinder, you really need to go. What is your purpose for hanging around?
Goddamn, black people can't even have a blog. Can we for once have something Black just for us?
How many Blacks do you see on stormfront or any of the other white blogs?
UTS, "The part that you and grinder seem to be struggling with is the fact that a lot of black folks take issue with your characterization of us and our community is no reflection of any attitude problem.
And what really kills me is that you guys absolutely freak out at the slightest criticism of white people."
Oh really? Well, I for one am glad that you take 'issue' with whatever. It never occurred to me that you felt so deprived of from not being able to take issues. I have taken issues all of my life.
And why would any white person freak out over you taking issues if they feel good and secure about themselves? I think you are projecting your own emotions on the entire white race and cannot see the forest for the trees. You are incapable of seeing Whites as individuals or human beings who might happen to disagree with you but still be supportive of you. But I know discussing this with you is a waste of time. I am the Anon who told you about your narcissism and just as I predicted, it didn't even make a small dent in that thick skull of yours.
FYI, I Black, not White you nitwit. And no, I am not a Repub. I can't stand them. But I am also quickly becoming sick and tired of Dems reacting to every damn word ignorant Repubs say.
IMO, Dems lack the capacity and ability to rise above Republican BS. Considering that Dems are the majority in Congress and the White House, that tells me that Dems are not used to being there. It tells me that you will do what the Republicans has always made you dummies do: 'shoot yourselves in the foot.'
anymous, 606, your right, of course, this is a Black blog, and i guess that was irked me about that icon and previous posts made by bsweet, lack of respect for the Black women on this blog.
maybe you see things differently about this issue, it's my white lense speaking of my feelings about her apparent snarky lack of respect.
"Anon I thought this was a BLACK blog. Why do white people have to be incorporated in everything we do???
How did the discussion turn from the Gates' incident to the Barbie chronicles? And frankly, grinder, you really need to go. What is your purpose for hanging around?
Goddamn, black people can't even have a blog. Can we for once have something Black just for us?
How many Blacks do you see on stormfront or any of the other white blogs?"
LOL. You are funny, anon. Where does FN Blog say, "FOR BLACKS ONLY"? I have never heard Field say that. In fact, Field used to have an article up that described his blog as the place where people of all races shared.
Why don't you start your own blog that is exclusive only for Blacks? Meanwhile, you can go on Stormfront anytime you want. Just ask UTS...
Isn't it ironic that Blacks have been struggling to be part of the white world and when they show up to be part of ours, we bitch about it? Black and White earthlings are funny people.
That is where you are all wrong. I don't belong to the GOP at all. And I don't watch FOX news nor subscribe to damnear anything they have to say because it is a propagandist site. I am an Independent Constitutionalist. I've never been a member of the GOP and never was a member of the DEMs either. I don't feel as though either party has the interests of us in mind and basically all of our elected officials don't represent our interests because they've been bought out. We need to completely restructure our economy and our government to get rid of that corruption. That is my belief. I am a tea party supporter because of the ideals espoused by the tea party founders are applicable to all Americans. I could truly care less if some asshole says something racist about me. Hell I've had liberal democrats say racist things. The world isn't so Black and white that I align with any party.
This is why I can say that Glen Beck is a liar, a hypocrite and a fool and don't feel bad about it.
I think your advice is better suited to someone else.
Obama, why hast thou forsaken me?!!!!
Someone may have said this earlier, I have said something similar on other post, but the major failure to communicate is that some are speaking of A and others B. One complaint that I have is that I don't see black behavior as being part of the discussion on racism, but many white folks do. When black folks were raising white children, teaching them the proper manners, behavior and morals, it did not make white folk think any better of us. In the era of Jim Crow there were no nannies, but the "girl" in the middle class white household. If we were such moral lepers, would we have been allowed to have that much influence in their children's behavior? Of course we had to enforce the racial patriarchy, while making sure we produced good white folks.
So producing statistics doesn't cut it or talking about what we need to do or to bring up Bill Cosby. Thats not talking about racist behavior. You don't talk about calling to see an apartment and when you show up it has been rented or having a real estate agent steer you into certain neighborhoods. What is it like in the 1990's or 2000 to be the first Black family to move in a white neigborhood? Or do you understand why a white elderly person would leave their beautiful property, because a middle class black family had moved in. Or did you see white folks scatter because a Black person moved in your neighborhood. Then you can start with the crap you see at your job. You know the politics, but did you really think that black person didn't get that job because they did not play the politics well. Do you ever see incidents that smell?
Those things above are some of the places you can start the dialog.
If you say or think the white people scattered, because of what Black people bring; then you can never be part of the dialog.
Why don't you start your own blog that is exclusive only for Blacks?
I have one, going on 3 yrs. strong asshole.
Isn't it ironic that Blacks have been struggling to be part of the white world and when they show up to be part of ours, we bitch about it? Black and White earthlings are funny people.
You will NEVER have to worry about me assimilating myself with your fake ass heritage. I have a beautiful, strong West African heritage, I have no reason or desire to be a part of your white world.
Anon "I have one, going on 3 yrs. strong asshole."
Is it exclusive, or can anybody join? I would like to be part of your blog. Please, can I be a part of your blog? I used to be Black in many past lives. Does that count?
Where in West Africa are you from?
Rigmaiden"...I've never been a member of the GOP and never was a member of the DEMs either. I don't feel as though either party has the interests of us in mind and basically all of our elected officials don't represent our interests because they've been bought out."
You sound similar to Constructive Feedback.
grinder, I am glad you decided to come back to the fields and engage the field hands.
To all the people e-mailing me and commenting about the Lark Voorhies sighting, from the bottom of my heart I would like to say, THANK YOU!!!!
The key to understanding conservatives/republicans is that whatever they're calling you or claiming you're doing is exactly what they are and what they're doing. I was told this by an ex-republican (he was born one and couldn't help that). At first, I thought it was a bit of a joke but I'll be damned if it doesn't work 99.9% of the time. Seriously, follow the rule and you'll know what they're up to before the story breaks in the news.
Now apply the rule to Mr. Beck and see what you come up with! :D
Most of the black people on this board are educated, successful accomplished people who are not about to be cowed by your incessant rants about crime and illigetimacy.
you're so full of it! hell one your little friends "kid" said in one of his insightful rants that he only makes $8,000. a year. doesn't sound very "educated, successful".
Richard Cranium
uptownsteve said-
Us po dumb black folks just won't accept the ugly truth about ourselves, huh?
Anonymous, I'll bet a limb most of the black folks on this board could buy and sell your sorry ass ten times over.
Get it through your thick skull that you are in no position, moral or otherwise, to lecture black people or tell us what our problems are.
Most of the black people on this board are educated, successful accomplished people.
your so full of crap hell "kid" just said in one of his little rants about whitey that he only makes $8,000 a year! doesn't sound very successful or educated to me.
and the lectures your refering to i guess are the facts that the black population is killing it's on more than whites are! then there's the issues with the unwed-mothers, the dead beat fathers and the education problems!
which of those were you refeing to?
Richard Cranium
37 AM
your so full of crap hell "kid" just said in one of his little rants about whitey that he only makes $8,000 a year! doesn't sound very successful or educated to me.
and the lectures your refering to i guess are the facts that the black population is killing it's on more than whites are! then there's the issues with the unwed-mothers, the dead beat fathers and the education problems!
which of those were you refeing to?
Richard Cranium
8:14 AM
I never said that I made $8,000.00 a year you sorry ass punk bitch mother fucker.
When you have a fucking plumber who says he will make a million dollars in four years bitching about succeeding from the union and you have people who work part time and make $8,000.00 a year who has a right to bitch you bitch?
"The key to understanding conservatives/republicans is that whatever they're calling you or claiming you're doing is exactly what they are and what they're doing."
Hi to Kathy again, read your responses to my posts. I get real emotional about things sometimes, so you'll just have to excuse me while I wipe off the attitude, LOL.
I probably shouldn't care what anybody thinks about what picture I put up there, but if you were offended, then I am sending the wrong message. I can listen and learn. Besides, life's too damn short to run around pissing people off.
Okay, I'm headed over to the Beer Summit post for today.
Peace. :)
I would really like to know why you all hate Whitney. She don't hate you. I think she is on our side, but you want to stomp her ass. You all think she is a bigor or something. Obviously she is not.
BSweet-"I probably shouldn't care what anybody thinks about what picture I put up there, but if you were offended, then I am sending the wrong message. I can listen and learn. Besides, life's too damn short to run around pissing people off."
I like your heart and thoughtfulness, but I wonder if this will make a difference?
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