I have a desk full of work to get done, so tonight I am not going to write a long post about some of the shit that's on my mind. I am going to write a short one. I want to focus on some individuals (one in particular) who, in my humble opinion, should be loaded up in military planes and dropped in the middle of the ocean. Well, maybe not in the middle, that might be going a bit far. Maybe just a mile off shore.
I am talking, of course, about the crowd over at the Free Republic and their great leader, Jim Robinson. This miserable wheel chair bound lusus (nothing against people in wheel chairs, just this one) has lived a life mired in misery, while seeking the company of similar souls.
They spew their racist venom on a web site that hides itself under the cloak of political legitimacy, and is given cover to do their dastardly deeds by a so called main stream political party with similar views.
Here is the thing, Jim: It's fine to have a site where you allow the free flow of thoughts and ideas, no matter who it might offend (hell I do it here), but what you should know is that it is never cool to go after an ELEVEN year old child and allow the most vile things to be said about her on your site. You have two sons,---I know that they are grown ass men now--- how would you like it if when they were Malia's age some deranged blogger who had issues with you posted mean spirited and vile things for millions of people to read about them? I am guessing that it wouldn't be cool with you. Well, what you are allowing on your site isn't cool either, and it's beneath even you. (And that takes some doing, because you are as low as it gets)
Still, I am going to post a link with the Free Republic rebuttal of the original newspaper article, because, unlike you, I am a fair guy.
Jim, I read the original article and I read the rebuttal, and it doesn't change my mind about your site or the cretins who congregate over there. Unfortunately, this is because you have a track record, and all I have to do is follow the droppings.
I second that motion. Excellent posting, Field.
You're so gracious with just dropping him off a mile off shore. I still say in the middle.
I didn't like what was said about Palin's daughter, and I don't like what they said about Malia. It was just racist and vile. That's okay, though. If I were Malia, I'd laugh my ass off because Malia has so much more class, depth an intelligence at 11 years old, than most of those racist fucks could acquire AT THEIR HARDEST in a lifetime.
"I rise. You fall."
And the bastards know it.
You know the old phrase "like rats off a sinking ship"? Well these Freepers are rats that are too stupid to even realize their ship is already underwater.
What the hell is wrong with some people. how can a person have so much hate and ignorance inside of them. Also, how on earth could a peace sign enrage that hatred??? WTF is wrong with wearing a peace sign!!! i thought it looked so cute on her. and hate to break it to them, but the whole world was laughing at GWB and the republican party, not Obama. Obama is now probably the most popular political leader in the world at the moment; and people have gained new respect for american politics. I dont know what kind of reality they're living in, but bush was the epitome of trash, while the Obamas are such a classy first family. I remember when news of Obamas election just broke out, my dad said to me "this is what I used to admire about America."
miss e
As bad as the Republican Party is, if the O man can't get the economy back on track, the Dems will be in trouble in 2010. So far, it looks like trouble on the horizon.
I'm amazed at how many excuse their racism as something else.
I remember all sorts od rude comments about Chelsea and her hair and braces, lots of jokes about Barbera Bush (thanks Red Hot Chili Peppers), but I don't recall ANY of them talking about her race.
Sure adult public figures are fair game but why result to skin?
That was a rhetorical question.
All comments should be moderated.
MediaMatters,Huff Post,and Think Progress had to moderate their comment sections because of the nasty things leftwing posters posted about Republicans.
Free Republic has done some good things.They helped kill the careers of the dixie chicks and help exposed the killian documents has fakes.
But still letting racist comments go though is wrong.
Its hard to have any sympathy for this story.I go back to all the hateful stuff posted about Bush's daughters and how the left has attack Sarah's children.
We all know the story about those chickens coming home to roost.
Mr R:
What in the world does a political party have to do with calling children streetwalkers, etc.? Don't you think that this comment by you lacks maturity, "Its hard to have any sympathy for this story.I go back to all the hateful stuff posted about Bush's daughters and how the left has attack Sarah's children."
Your comments concerning this sounds like children in elementary school. "He hit me first." "Well, he hit me." Grow up, this is not elementary school, and those were not elementary school children they were adults using verbal abusive language towards a child. Now, I don't know how your parents raised you, but it's obvious that you're lacking somewhere in that department to even go along with that type of behavior. Because verbal abuse aimed at a child from an adult and thinking that is okay show signs of dyfunctional behavior.
I didn't use any verbal abuse towards Palin's kids, nor do I know any black person that did, especially on this blog. Even President Obama said that children and spouses were off limits, which showes class, that those adults on Free Republic seriously lack. And for you to make that type of comment as if it is okay and play this BS tit for tat that never happened in the first place on this blog is disgusting and appalling. You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking like that. That's sick!!!
Co-sign Granny.
Field, eloquent way to state what
we feel about the insulting things said about those children. All children should be off -limits, period.
Granny says it as well as it can be said. I don't who "Mr. R" is, but his comment is about as lame as a mess of bullshit can be. Rethink it, Mr. R. You don't need to come clean here, unless you ever want to be taken seriously again. Mostly you need to come clean to save your fucking soul.
There are times when President Obama seems too slow or cautious for my taste, but at no time have I ever thought he and his wife are anything but the best parents any child born in this world could want to have. The girls, Sasha and Malia? God bless them. They seem to be doing fine. Good genes do tell.
Free Republic's rebuttal reminds me Adam and Eve and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
"The man said, "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
Adam knew the law. And he knew he wasn't suppose to eat from that tree.
Just like Free Republic is doing placing the blame on someone else for their wrongdoings and know they were wrong. They got caught in their nakedness. Instead of apologizing or rather than admit they were wrong, they'd rather place the blame on someone else.
This is what the rightwing folks have been doing all along even when Bush was President. Think about it, every time they got caught doing wrong, they blamed someone else. It will be their downfall too. Just like it was Adam's downfall.
Adam and Eve is a story to tell little children. It's not real.
gtfooh, is this Jim Robinson? How f'n creepy is this!
Anonymous, you believe what you want to believe, okay. That's fine with me because it's your choice.
Night, granny is going to be because I am tired.
Anonymous MR.R said...
Free Republic has done some good things.They helped kill the careers of the dixie chicks and help exposed the killian documents has fakes.
But still letting racist comments go though is wrong.
Its hard to have any sympathy for this story.I go back to all the hateful stuff posted about Bush's daughters and how the left has attack Sarah's children.
First, the Bush twins are grown women.
Second, Limbaugh made up the story about then candidate Obama saying something about her baby.
Third ,Letterman never said anything about raping her daughter.Palin and FOX did.
Fourth, no black blogger called for the deaths of her kids.Now you can make jokes about killing black people that's the American thing to do.
Finally, Malia and Sasha were first attacked by Sean Klannity who said how could he let his daughters go to that racist church. Those little girls like the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus.Palin daughter the littlest one was photograph flipping the crowd the bird. If Obama kids had done that it would be played more than Rev. Wright, but America has a white standard and a black standard.
Obama went through two years of this and Satan Pagan two months . She was made unavailable to the press.She's not even the governor of Alaska, Exxon tells her what to do.
Hey People
Jim Robinson wrote something in response to the articles on his site.This is from Daily Kos:
Hey, professor. I don’t call Obama a Marxist because he’s a black man, you useful idiot. And I don’t fear black men. I called him a Marxist because he is a Marxist.
His father was a communist. His mother was a Marxist. His "home" village in Kenya is communist. All of his close friends in college were Marxists. He studied Marxism.
He loves Marxism. He says our constitution is flawed and he wants to use government to enforce economic justice. He hates capitalism. He wants to redistribute the wealth. He’s a freaking Marxist pig!
And he’s in the process of destroying America and freedom for all of us including you and all black people as well as all white, brown, yellow red or rainbow colored people!
Freedom is for all of us and it’s color blind! The rule of law is for all of us and it’s color blind! Justice is color blind! America was founded on the concept that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Look it up!!
Our God-given unalienable rights are color blind and they’re for ALL of us!!
And we fought a civil war to prove it and many wars since to defend it!!
America! Freedom! Love it, relish it, cherish it, defend it!! Don’t and it will surely die.
Advise you study up and find out where socialism, Marxism, communism, etc, leads. It always leads to tyranny, misery, failure, totalitarianism and death to millions! Useful idiots first!
The educated, the teachers, the clergy, the government officials, anyone who might stand in their way are the first to go.
Lennon, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, et al, ruthless, iron-fisted totalitarian rulers and brutal murderers and butchers of millions. And it always ends the same way.
FR is here to defend Liberty and Equality for ALL!!
My name is Jim Robinson and I not only own this more or less socialist-free oasis on the Internet, I approve of this message. And you’re a fricken racist, Marxist loving pinhead.
I want to say F America but I would be stooping down to his level. Some people get sick from racism , he's one of them.If anything going to drive black people to Marxism it's this guy.
I really calm while writing this.I guess I matured.I wish the right would do the same thing.
"You know the old phrase "like rats off a sinking ship"? Well these Freepers are rats that are too stupid to even realize their ship is already underwater."
Ernesto, I wonder what wet cheese tastes like?
"Your comments concerning this sounds like children in elementary school. "He hit me first." "Well, he hit me." Grow up, this is not elementary school, and those were not elementary school children they were adults using verbal abusive language towards a child. Now, I don't know how your parents raised you, but it's obvious that you're lacking somewhere in that department to even go along with that type of behavior. Because verbal abuse aimed at a child from an adult and thinking that is okay show signs of dyfunctional behavior."
Well said Granny.
kid, you matured? Nooooo. I want the old kid back. Thanks for the Jim Robinson quotes.
Granny's right.
And, btw, no one "killed" the Dixie Chicks' careers - they only did better and better after having been stupidly attacked by rightwing nutwads.
Blessings on you, field.
Sarah Deere
it's a two street big boy
Some youngsters ran into Mr Fava’s store to taunt him. “They was pulling down their pants, shouting, ’Kiss my black ass, because we got a black mayor’, swinging their things around and throwing stuff,” said Jennifer Green, 31, a black mother of 10.
31 and mother of 10!!! what's in the water down there???
Not only was an 11 year old child referred to as a "whore" and "ghetto trash"---in spite of never living lower than an upper middle class life and private schools, but all types of sick comments such as "Wonder how old she'll be when she has her first abortion".
And all of this because she wore a shirt purchased for her by someone else?
Fortunately she is sheltered and has no idea that a group of adult maniac racists are bad mouthing her.
Anonymous said...
it's a two street big boy
31 and mother of 10!!! what's in the water down there???
6:49 AM
We all can't be pure and pristine like Bristol Palin.At least liberals are real about their families.
How many kids does Warren Jeffs have? BTW, aren't they all on welfare?Those people should stop having babies and get jobs.Their lazy too.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Mr R:
"What in the world does a political party have to do with calling children streetwalkers, etc.?"
You need to have your glasses check.
" Don't you think that this comment by you lacks maturity, "Its hard to have any sympathy for this story.I go back to all the hateful stuff posted about Bush's daughters and how the left has attack Sarah's children." Your comments concerning this sounds like children in elementary school. "He hit me first." "Well, he hit me." Grow up, this is not elementary school, and those were not elementary school children they were adults using verbal abusive language towards a child."
Its so easy to point out the hypocrisy of those like granny and others on the left.Instead of grannystandsfortruth it should be grannystandsforhypocrisy.
" BS tit for tat that never happened"
Ignorance is bliss isn't it granny?
Third ,Letterman never said anything about raping her daughter.Palin and FOX did.
Letterman joked about having sex with a underaged girl.Spin all you like.
Fourth, no black blogger called for the deaths of her kids.Now you can make jokes about killing black people that's the American thing to do.
Have you read every black blogger on the net?What white blogger called for the deaths of Obamas kids?
Finally, Malia and Sasha were first attacked by Sean Klannity who said how could he let his daughters go to that racist church. Those little girls like the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus.Palin daughter the littlest one was photograph flipping the crowd the bird. If Obama kids had done that it would be played more than Rev. Wright, but America has a white standard and a black standard.
Thats not a attack.Its a legit question.
Obama went through two years of this and Satan Pagan two months . She was made unavailable to the press.She's not even the governor of Alaska, Exxon tells her what to do.
Sarah and her kids are still being attacked by the left.
Nergro, check out my post and leave a comment on Character Corner let me know what you think.
In times like these I fall back on a wonderful piece of penmanship by Maya:
"You may write me down in history with your bitter twisted lies. You may tread me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I'll rise."
i would like to agree that you allow the "free flow of ideas" but you don't, you censor comments all the time. you are certainly not the only blog that does but you do nonetheless.
i attribute to kinda like americas idea of democracy, fine in theory but not in practice.
What is it with all the trolls hanging out here?
Wish they'd go paint their graffiti elsewhere.
Mr R:
You really need to change your handle to kiddie R because that is how you're acting. As for ignorance is bliss, you should know all about being ignorant because you are an excellent example of that.
Nothing is wrong with my vision, child...I see more than you think I see, and some things you'll never be privileged to see because your heart is in the wrong place.
Let me help you out a little bit, kiddie corner is down the hall at the Free Republic or either one of those Republican pedophile sites, exit this door go down about five doors and make a left. I don't have time to play your little childish games. Adults post here.
Oh I forgot, Republicans are the party of pedophiles so verbal abuse of children comes easy to them.
Jim2,I have NEVER censored a comment on this blog.Ever!
Try again.
You might me mistaking me for someone else.
Good morning to you sir. Well, good afternoon where you at. Granny will chat with you good folks later.
Kiddie R:
BTW, I meant to say *MATURE adults post here*
Palin daughter the littlest one was photograph flipping the crowd the bird.<<
I had a copy of that picture pinned to my bulletin board at work...just before the election.
i would like to agree that you allow the "free flow of ideas" but you don't, you censor comments all the time. you are certainly not the only blog that does but you do nonetheless.
i attribute to kinda like americas idea of democracy, fine in theory but not in practice.<<
If anything, some people have complained that Field does not remove offending posts. You must be referring to posts removed "by the author," which refers to the poster, not Field.
For instance, if I were to post this message and delete it, that is what would be found in its place, "Removed by author."
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Oh I forgot, Republicans are the party of pedophiles so verbal abuse of children comes easy to them.
What a childish and ignorant thing to say.I shouldn't expect anything less from the left.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Oh I forgot, Republicans are the party of pedophiles so verbal abuse of children comes easy to them.
I didn't know Michael Jackson was a Republican!!!!
Sharon from WI:
Thanks, i stand corrected.
My apologies Field.
All this back and forth is nonsense. The fact remains that ugly, vicious comments were made about an 11 year old innocent on the internet.
While that is their right they must also accept the responsibility of condoning such comments. Why are Americans so quick to raise their voices and scream, "My rights, my rights!!" but are unwilling to responsibly exercise those rights? Perhaps when we ignore our moral compass for to long it stops working and what are we left with. Impulse, reaction, instincts. That sadly makes us no better than animals.
If you cannot reason that nothing your perceived opponents have done to you justifies an equally reprehensible reaction on your part than you are losing sight of what separates you from other species.
Mr.R said: I didn't know Michael Jackson was a Republican!!!!
Mr.R, while I will concede Michael Jackson lead a strange life and I do not agree with many aspects of his life the man is dead.
It seems strange that white, American media pundits such as Bill O'Reilly would spend so much time vilifying a dead man they could care less about in life. Perhaps it was an opportunity to attack a particular community in a moment of collective mourning for the passing of a cherished entertainment icon. The problem is that Bill O'Reilly and his viewers (I'll assume you're one of them) don't realize is that Michael Jackson transcended color barriers and was embraced by many people not just blacks. That Bill O'Reilly reserve his disdain for the black community is telling of his motives in mentioning MJ.
I don't recall Bill O'Reilly speaking out about white America's general acceptance and forgiving of Jerry Lee Lewis committing statutory rape on his 13 cousin. That he married her is irrelevant in this country. You don't do that. Why wasn't their a segment done on sexual predation and deviance in the entertainment industry as a whole? Why? Because Bill O'Reilly saw a community with many black faces represented coming out to mourn the death of one troubled but beloved nonetheless icon. Perhaps it isn't MJ that bothers Bill O'Reilly or his viewers but the thousands of black faces coming together for anything. It makes you wonder if Bill O'Reilly was among those here in America that took a collective fear shit when the Million Man March descended upon DC. Just wondering.
J said...
(I'll assume you're one of them)
Why would you assume that? I would rather watch paint dry.
Jerry Lee Lewis ??When was the last time he was relevant ?When he did those things sex crimes against underaged people were viewed differently than they are today.
And when Jerry Lee dies his past sins will be brought up by the media.
Did you miss BillO's year long mission against white judges and white sex offenders?
Whats to fear about the Million Man March? What did it accomplish?
We can get angry as AFRICAN AMERICAN'S but, the truth is that, if a RACE of people will LYNCH a young boy, that being EMMIT TILL! then why would they not have a problem with calling the PRESIDENT'S daughter VILE name's!
Why are we so shocked! you see this is light weight compared to what they really want to do! it sound's scary but, the truth is each time they called MALIA those name's, they had to be full of RAGE! and trust me, WHITE FOLK'S invented that WORD!
This is not about the ECONOMY, TAX'S or HEALTH CARE, this is about WHITE RAGE!!! these people are fit to be TIED!
These people get up and go to sleep at night trying to figure out way's to bring down the PRESIDENT! they even went so far as to invent a FAKE REBELLION! that being the TEA PARTY, excuse me but, don't BLACK'S, HISPANIC'S and other minority's pay their fair TAX'S! and who did we see at those trumped up TEA PARTY'S? we saw WHITE RAGE!!! they were all over the place, this was their way of saying to the PRESIDENT "WE want you out of that WHITE HOUSE!!!
Yes, what we are seeing is ugly, but, what can we expect, the WHITE HOUSE was not build for a BLACK PRESIDENT to occupy, so when the RACIST has to deal with a black family enjoying the luxury of MAID'S, WAITER'S and so on, this drive's these people crazy!!! so they took their RAGE out on MALIA.
MR.R WHITE RAGE will make you go to a BLACK WEBSITE and SPEW HATRED! I guess you just can't help it, it's part of your UPBRINGING!
Many of the comments made by progressives regarding Palin's children were in the form of sympathy for Trig being so young and on the campaign trail. It was basically the same for the other kids, including Bristol. Some progressives questioned whether Trig was Palin's child because of the circumstances surrounding his birth: the trip to Texas for the speech, the flight to Anchorage when, supposedly, Palin's amniotic sac was leaking fluid, the subsequent ride to the hospital in Wasilla, the revelation of the pregnancy at @ 5 months, the failure of Palin to release any medical records other than a statement from Dr. Baldwin, her OBGYN, after promising to do so. Many progressives commented on the unsuitability of Bristol to speak on the subject of abstinence on behalf of Candies with a baby in her arms, Tripp being proof positive that Bristol had not practiced what she preached.
Personally, I made no denigrating statements concerning Palin's kids since in my occupation I deal with kids who find themselves in all kinds of situations. I do have problems with Palin when it comes to her fitness for a political office at the national level, and I think John McCain is directly responsible for what has happened to Palin because his campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, admitted recently that JM did not meet Palin until a little more than 24 hours before the Republic National Convention, and the vetting process did not take place until after she had been announced as his candidate for vp. Schmidt went on to state that it was JM who sent the lawyers to Alaska to vet Palin after the fact. Palin must accept some of the responsibility for the public backlash against her. Her Gibson and Couric interviews were less than stellar. She also made it a point to air conflicts of a personal nature on the national stage, the most recent being the Van Flein letter blasting bloggers and some national news networks regarding a rumor, and Meg Stapleton's response to the Levi Johnston interview attributing one cause of Palin's resignation being a concern over family finances which showed Palin in a vindictive mode against the father of her own granchild.
Contrary to what many on the right perceive as progressives' fear of Palin, it is our horror of Palin as POTUS that is so unsettling. If a candidate for POTUS is to be judged on the basis of political skill, knowledge of U.S and world history, and knowledge of policy issues, Palin simply does not measure up. No amount of fund-raising ability, stump speeches, beauty pageant looks, or popularity will appeal to rational thinkers when it is time to cast ballot for POTUS at this time when America is being assaulted at every angle with problems it hasn't had to confront since the Great Depression.
Unemployment reaches 9.7%.The highest rate in 26 years.This after Obama told everyone after his stimulus bill passed the rate wouldn't rise above 8.0%.
Obama became the first president ever to witness the US deficit top $1 trillion dollars under his watch.
Yeah its all about the "rage"
"Obama told everyone after his stimulus bill passed the rate wouldn't rise above 8.0%."
Please post a link to support this claim. I recall Obama saying that getting this economy turned around would be like turning around a big ocean liner, i.e., a very slow process.
BTW...where were you hiding when Bush started the trillion dollar wars and cut taxes for billionaires? That trillion dollar deficit is 99 percent your good Republican baby. But now you're all suddenly fiscal conservatives. Of course you don't care, but people are hurting and cutting back on social spending for veterans who fought in your wars is not the right answer.
"But still letting racist comments go though is wrong."
I'm guessing that you think it's wrong only because it shows the true nature of many of the people that subscribe to your political creed.
The problem with Obama's stimulus plan is that it hasn't worked and it's not going to work. Apparently they forgot you need job creation. The economy is continuing to bleed jobs and little has been done about it. Probably nothing short of another Works Progress Administration is going to get people out working. After all, many of the jobs that have been lost during the recession are not coming back. What is going to be done about that? Neither the Republican or democratic party have an answer to that quandry.
To boost support for his stimulus, Obama’s economic team released a report that estimated unemployment wouldn’t rise above 8 percent with a stimulus package, according to Associated Press. Even without a stimulus, Obama’s team echoed the CBO claim that the economy would shed 3-4 million more jobs, reaching 9 percent unemployment by 2010.
Obama also vowed to create 3.5 million jobs by 2010. Just more lies and BS from our supreme leader.
Mr. R,
Look up the National Debt website and check out the last 8 years. I'm thinking you got your zero's mixed up.
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
It shows what the deficit was in 2008 and what its going to be for the next the next 10 years or so.
That is not what you said and implied in your comment.
Obama became the first president ever to witness the US deficit top $1 trillion dollars under his watch.
Look up the principles of Aristotelian Logic.
Anon-"What is it with all the trolls hanging out here?
Wish they'd go paint their graffiti elsewhere."
What trolls are you talking about?
Hello Prophetess Wallace:
Did you get my message?
I don't believe Obama lied deliberately about the numbers. i just don't think he has a plan for the worst to come. Nor does Obama have the support of the "Blue Dog" Democrats who are not ready to do what it takes to create jobs and fundamentally realign the economy.
Micheal Steele stating that he will lure blacks to the GOP using FRIED CHICKEN AND Potato Salad.
President Obama did not lie at all. He was very sincere with what he promised during the election. However, it's hard fighting against the power-that-be by yourself and when you have some in your own party betraying you and stabbing you in the back.
People need to go back and listen to his speech.
Red Devil:
"Micheal Steele stating that he will lure blacks to the GOP using FRIED CHICKEN AND Potato Salad"
That is the topic on my blog today.
The air's getting a bit thick in here. As much as I commend the Field's stance at letting everyone have their say, having the more sensible commentators constantly balance out the lunatics, trolls and imbeciles is becoming very, very tiring. Why should I have to self-censor and sift through a dozen assinine comments left by people who shouldn't be in front of anything more powerful than a speak-and-spell, let alone a computer with an internet connection?
Getting back to Jimmy Boy and the Band of Idiots.........well, the website is, as Granny would probably remember me saying, an "echo chamber" of codeword racism and all sorts of idiotic bigotry. The people take the terms Marxist, Communist and Socialist, and use those as codewords for our bigoted White peoples' favorite word, Nigger. Obama is a Socialist = Obama is a nigger. See how that works?
Trying to call out some of the people there for rampant racism makes you liable to have your "voice" muzzled. Call out someone for equating blacks as "savages"? "Your posting privileges have been suspended". The cretins there get away with codeword racism, but those who think contrary to FReepers and Jimmy Boy are often accused of being "lefty libs" and "DUmmys" (refering to Democratic Underground) and eventually being banned. FReedom of Speech, indeed.
"Some youngsters ran into Mr Fava’s store to taunt him. “They was pulling down their pants, shouting, ’Kiss my black ass, because we got a black mayor’, swinging their things around and throwing stuff,” said Jennifer Green, 31, a black mother of 10."
These boys should have had their asses beaten black and blue. You just don't go in and disrespect someone just because you think you have the upper hand on them. To make matters worse, this probably reinforced the latent racism there and elsewhere, with bigots remarking scenes such as these as "typical nigger behavior".
Thanks for explaining that for me Sharon from WI. Jim2, apology accepted.
GRANNY this is PROPHETESS WALLACE, when did you send the E-MAIL?
I have a E-MAIL, but, it is only asking did I receive the first one, so can you please do it over again.
Prophetess I sent two, the second one asked if you received it, so that is it. Send it back so I can see if it's the right e-mail address.
"Red Devil said...
Micheal Steele stating that he will lure blacks to the GOP using FRIED CHICKEN AND Potato Salad.
7:16 PM"
Elihu Harris, the former Oakland mayor, tried this. People of all colors were outraged. He was going to give fried chicken vouchers to people who voted. He lost his bid to return to Sacramento to a Green Party wack job. That's how angry people were.
Michael Steele is a horses ass.
west coast story said...
"Red Devil said...
Micheal Steele stating that he will lure blacks to the GOP using FRIED CHICKEN AND Potato Salad.
This has got to be the lamest smear.
No where did Micheal Steele state that he wants to lure black folk to the GOP using fried chicken and potato salad.
A gay black blogger said he would bring the collard greens.
Steele joking said" "There you go. I got the fried chicken and the potato salad, okay?"
I wish Steele wasn't our fearless leader but this is just lame on the part of the Huff Post.
MR.R, this country is a mess because BUSH and his greedy friend's made it this way! it's called CAPITALISM, and now you want the PRESIDENT to clean up their dirty mess, BUSH is sitting back living HIGH OFF THE HOG! and you have the nerve's to complain about a BLACK PRESIDENT, please, you don't have a leg to stand on, look at your HISTORY, greed, greed and more GREED!
MR.R, this country will come back to order, their will be plenty of JOB'S, so you can call it SOCIALISM or whatever, but, how would you suggest the PRESIDENT rebuild this broken country?
You people say NO! to the STIMULUS PACKAGE! and then you complain about TAX'S, what a confused group of people, no doubt you are a REP/CON it show's from your writing.
You are complaining but, can you imagine what it would be like if MCCAIN was PRESIDENT? unemployment would be off the board!! if you lose your job, oh,well, because MCCAIN and PALIN would have cared less! but, you people don't care! you just want to see a WHITE MAN'S face as the PRESIDENT, well you didn't have your way this time! so stop throwing TEMPER TANTRUM'S!
YES, GRANNY the PRESIDENT is being stabbed in the back by BLUE DOG DEMOCRAT'S! or shall I say RACIST DEMOCRAT'S!
I am more sure now than ever, some people are unsaveable. And it seems they like to congregate at FR.
I am one of the calmest folk you can find(sometimes). The crap I saw there makes me sick. It is so ignorant and vile. But it is exactly what I expect out of deceptiCons.
All they have is their hate. And that is the saddest part.
GRANNY, you have me venturing into unknown territory (smile) I made a mistake and punched that key thing, I thought that was the way to send message back to you sorry, but, I only stay in a SAFETY ZONE when it come to COMPUTER'S laugh, laugh, laugh, I did the best I could, and trust me, it was the BEST, but, this is the first time I something back, so hope you received what you asked for, and yes I received message.
The demon spawn who post comments like those on that site are the 21st version of those good old American White people in the 50's who spit on Black students and called them niggers. Difference now is, they can only do this in cyberspace, and the child they are referring to is the daughter of the leader of the free world. All they can do is console each other, and convince themselves of their superiority.
And now we are close to having a "wise Latina" the Supreme Court, nominated by our Black president-hot damn, the universe is upside down for these assholes.
They know good and well the Obamas are leagues ahead of them and it hurts their brains.
Mack Lyons-"The air's getting a bit thick in here. As much as I commend the Field's stance at letting everyone have their say, having the more sensible commentators constantly balance out the lunatics, trolls and imbeciles is becoming very, very tiring."
You often complain about having to sift through comments you don't like on FN Blog. Well, I like FN Blog just the way it is, including trolls, lunatics, imbeciles and smart asses. They add spice to an otherwise boring commenter like you. On FN Blog, one can visit and mix with 'all' of humanity, from the ugly to the beautiful. It's can be informative, fun, sad, and even hilarious at times. However, in order to experience it in such a manner, you first must accept the human race with its flaws, weaknesses, strengths, and goodness. And not try to be so god-like and condescending, Mr. Mack Lyons.
If you are so tired with FN Blog, why not start your own personal blog? That way, you can control and have things just the way you want it. BTW, some of these trolls, imbeciles, and lunatics happen to be a lot smarter than you are.
Your complaining is becoming very, very tiring. How long will it take for you to respect and accept the way Field runs his blog? Try it.
Damn, I sure did set you on the offensive there. Something I said must have struck home with you, so much that you have to hide behind Anonymous to strike out at me. So what got you all chipped-up and thick skinned, Mr. Anonymous? The fact that you are among the groups I called out in my previous post? Did this bother you so much that you had to devote all your time and energy into that one anonymous post?
I love the Field's blog. And I enjoy most of the commentary here. But I don't enjoy the trolls (Frank), imbeciles (Constructive Negro), escaped mental patients (AB) and other assorted assholes, including the ones who attempt to carry an air of supposed superiority such as yourself, Mr. Anonymous. Or Mrs. At this point, I can't really bother to discern who's behind that mask.
Come on, Bitch, say something about MY kid. I dare you.
All he has is plenty of time and energy to spew hatred. I'm not surprised or amazed or phased by it. White people are priviledged. Period. They can say this rhetorid for a very long time and be allowed to.
slack lying
the only think i seek escape from is morons like you
your insanit is more glaring with each of your posts
and i thought your missing photo was the troll posted in the sidebar...no?????
"and i thought your missing photo was the troll posted in the sidebar...no?????"
No. He's much uglier.
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