Thursday, November 21, 2013

White lines for the white party.

How many other people in congress are getting high and snorting coke?

They sure as hell govern like they are high down there.

Anyway, they have each other's back. (It's amazing how selective outrage can be.)  Now comes word that speaker Boehner will not punish Trey Radal for turning his DC digs into a trap house.

Of course Mr. Boehner can't take the high road with this one, because he has some problems of his own. But hey, we won't go there. We all have our demons.

“I’m profoundly sorry to let down my family, particularly my wife and son, and the people of Southwest Florida,” he said. “I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice. As the father of a young son and a husband to a loving wife, I need to get help so I can be a better man for both of them.

Thank you Mr. Boehner Radel.

The first step towards recovery is recognizing that you have a problem.

Speaking of having a problem, his Oness certainly has one with his ACA roll out. No doubt there have been bumps along the way, but it could (and should) get better.

Still, what I want to know is this: What is the republican plan to fix health care in this country? And what, exactly, is their alternative to Obamacare? It's gotten so bad that FOX News now has to ask the very same question.

This is the party leader's answer to that question:

“I think you have to repeal the whole law and then you take whatever parts are most needed, like pre-existing conditions and things like that,” Priebus told Fox.
“Sure, but what is the Republican plan?” Camerota asked. “Yes, there are little things that you like — pre-existing conditions, obviously, buying insurance across state lines. So what is that plan called by the Republicans?”
“I’m going to answer the question,” Priebus briefly stymied before explaining:
I think it’s really important for people to understand that there is nothing wrong, whatsoever, for being totally opposed to Obamacare, which most people in this country don’t want. There’s nothing wrong with being opposed to something that is ruining people’s lives. So we are 100% opposed to it, and we will always be opposed to it so long as it’s as much as a disaster as it is.
After that, Reibus noted that “Democrats jammed [the GOP] with Obamacare” and wouldn’t listen to any of the “few, good solid ideas” they had for the healthcare law."

Mr. Reibus, we are all ears.............



Anonymous said...

Brother Field, Cocaine isn't that bad and it probably isn't that addictive. It's that crack that they cook up in the hood that's addictive. Isn't that 'why' they instituted the 3 strikes and you're out?

Actually, cocaine helps people to keep going and stay awake and think faster and better. I bet criminal lawyers and health people like nurses know all about it.

Anonymous said...

Brother Field, that vile should have a little spoon attached to the cap. All higher ups have spoons. They don't lower themselves to doing lines. Ask brother UK-PC.

Does anybody know if Desert puts 'extra' stuff in her baked goods? I need to know because I am a devout Catholic and would never go against my religion by eating something that's loaded with drugs. That would be a huge sin.

Wesley R said...

When the health care debate was taking place, the Republicans in the House were asked would they support a health care bill. To a person they said no. When it looked like a bill would come to the floor, the Republicans asked if they could put some of their ides to it. They were asked if they would vote for the bill if their ideas were included. They said no.
The Senate Republicans added things to the bill like the deal with the congressional staff. A Republican Senator added that and he and the rest of the republicans then voted against it.
Every since then the talking point has been the bill was rammed down everyones throat. It was passed only by Democrats who refused to include Republicans etc..

PilotX said...

ALan Grayson already told us the republican health care plan.

Anonymous said...

"(It's amazing how selective outrage can be.)"

Not to the people who read your blog fields.

Why should Republicans want to fix something you on the left f**ked up?

You broke it. You fix it.

Anonymous said...

Remember those two black teens who killed that 88 year old WWII vet by clubbing him while he was sitting in a car with flashlights?

Here is your chance to help, a group in prison has put a 10,000 dollar bounty on their heads.

If you are interested in seeing justice done to two hood punks who beat a near 90 year old man to death with flashlights and had that crack cocaine on them that you are talking about.

Please contact the Aryan brotherhood and donate today.

Show Americans you care about justice for all and help with your contribution today.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
health people like nurses know all about it.
8:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Brother Field, that vile should have a little spoon attached to the cap
Does anybody know if Desert puts 'extra' stuff in her baked goods?
9:02 PM
First of all it's spelled 'vial' not 'vile' :)

and secondly, I know you're just trying to get me started, and you just might succeed...:D

I mean...what the hey is going on????

First,do the Republicans want the citizens of this great country to die in the streets with festering diseases? Like in third world countries!!!!!

and then, all of these politicians DOING DRUGS!!!

OMG! What the???

Who can we trust? Have we no leaders any more?

Cos I'm telling youiIt's the same thing over here!

When they're not on Craigs list exposing their a*******s to the entire world,(Mr.Arango) they're holed up somewhere, whoring and drugging!!!

For this the people pay their humongous salaries while we scrimp and save and do without???

And no, I do not put anything in my special maryja...oops...I mean my special herb brownies...just..some brown parsley, rosemary and sage, are you going to digress..

Anyway, no, this political has foolishness got to STOP!

Anonymous said...

Oops mistake, not Craigslist sorry, that was on Grindr I believe the politico posted the pics.

Anonymous said...

"If you are interested in seeing justice done to two hood punks who beat a near 90 year old man to death with flashlights and had that crack cocaine on them that you are talking about.

Please contact the Aryan brotherhood and donate today.

Show Americans you care about justice for all and help with your contribution today."

Are these contributions tax deductible? Is this a Whites ONLY contribution?

Anonymous said...

greetings from a yardie ,,did you see this
at the ceremony for navajo code talkers..
they put names of two indiegnous peoples and then after it put the word" alcoholic"
alot of indiegnous peopl ein orth america talking about this

Anonymous said...

Desert, "First of all it's spelled 'vial' not 'vile' :)"

Thanks for the correction. I really had no idea how it was spelled. But I knew you would know.:)

Anonymous said...

"Anyway, no, this political has foolishness got to STOP!"

10:08 PM
Ah, let those hard-working politician have a little fun. I mean, they are in the hot seat all the time, the least the people can do is let them have a little snort, drink and nookie every now and then. You should be grateful for the politicians in PR. They have dramatic personalities. And they are better looking than anyone in Congress, esp the GOP members.

StillaPanther2 said...

Today was a good day for my inner spirit. Backstory.... I was about 16 years old and was totally immerged into the Black nationalist movement as well as many others youths in the late 60s. The white schools were still having all-white basketball athletes so it was a done deal when Kentucky was to play Texas Western in the finals for NCCAA championship. We had no hope for the Texas team due to who (Kentucky, Mr. Rupp et the white nation)they were playing. On my Brother's B/W tv, we witnessed one of the greatest two events in our young lives. The other being a tie between the news account of The Black Panthers on the court house steps in Oakland as they stood strong and with the white man's book of tricks in their hands that they portend to know. The other was the shooting of Reverend Martin Luther King shoot-down in Memphis. All these events were obtained by the TV, we being on the East Coast.

Now getting to my today's joy- even though the local station DID NOT BROADCAST the event as they had scheduled to show. Wednesday Cox Cable was to broadcast NCCU (my beloved alma mater) versus an ACC school NC State. HBCUs have an 0-about 100 against ACC schools. My wife (NCCU-76) and I (NCCU-77) were waiting by the tube to see the game when it was announced- at game time- that that game was not going to be shown. No sweat. We really did not want to see another loss by a HBCU. Coastal Carolina and Baylor was shown. Slept through it. THEN this morning my brother-in-law call and said NCCU HAD WON. My oh my, 1-100 sounds sooo good. Now let me savor this moment a little longer. I still want to see a HBCU beat a HWCU that have all the best Black athlete. Hampton got close to beating William and Mary in football. So you can say that this (me) is one Negro that always want more. Smile... did I say Negro? Give this aged man the a moment to go back in time where....

PilotX said...

And NC St is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

StillaPanther2, CONGRATULATIONS! I too share in your joy. Maybe this will be the beginning of a trend?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well check this out about NCCU, a school of higher learning:

I swear, we can't do anything right. Field, you need to post about the dangers of going to an all black college. People run the risk of getting shot.

PilotX said...

right after you post about the dangers of attending an all white Christian University.

Dr. Nuwang said...

IMHO In NC, the are really ONLY 3 schools, A&T (hubby and sister are alums), Chapel Hill (where me and my sister are alums), and Duke.

NCCU? Ain't nobody been checking for them in over 30 years, lol!! Matter of fact, they need to consolidate ALL the black HBCU's into A&T to make ONE strong institution!

Sorry for the side note!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You should be grateful for the politicians in PR. They have dramatic personalities. And they are better looking than anyone in Congress, esp the GOP members.

10:53 PM
I have to agree with that:)

StillaPanther2 said...

I usually don't like to get in a tic for tac in dealing with negative commenters on this and other web sites but this is a new day and yesterday I refused to let my joy be tampered someone with a small agenda trying to tweak me about something I have no control over. Let me remind this commenter if you don't know or care. I can't have any more pain that I have already experience in dealing with race and America. To infer about the quality of a school because some body shot someone or stole something will not change how I view NCCU. I attended NCCU after returning from Viet Nam in 70-71. For two years I just hitched-hiked around America to find a niche. Which I found in 72 on the campus of NCCU. The Black youth of this time period were the first generation post civil rights and our school's unofficial song was "Keep Your Head to The Sky". We were proud to be smart and Black. Then the "made in America" Blacks were showcased by your newspaper which pick and choose what to write about. Start replying to me about what you know first hand or self experienced...not this constant tripe you pull from the media that has portray Blacks in a negative light. After all they got to keep the poor and ignorant whites against people that can't hurt them. By the way... have you ever been to a Carolina game and see the drunk students that are not arrested. Please.. if you let one negative article about NCCU cause you to form an opinion of quality of an institution that have served my people wayyy before the white man let these few Blacks in most valued institutions. And for all the Blacks that are so attached to the Dukes of the world think...the majority of the schools prospered off the backs of our/my people during slavery, after slavery Jim Crowe and not Saturday evening football.

Duke got its wealth from tobacco. Who do you think picked it for them? Also wealth was given to this PRIVATE institute from the grants by the federal government. Please I don't have any ill-will toward the ACC schools, but I do know that the states dole out much more cash to these schools than the HBCU. As far as sports, don't speak bad of schools that have to work with the Black left over players. When I was growing up Duke was the sorriest team in NC> I find it strange that a school that only accepts 10% of the people applying have 80% of the ball players. I guess Mrs. Mary B. Duke still got "dem boys" sweating.

One more thing. For that "newspaper reading commenter"-where are the stories about Harvard, Yale, William and Mary and Princeton making money off the slave trade?I guess that's alright since this guy stuck up somebody on NCCU recently. I guess the media got a block-busting story about that thug that was on my beloved campus.

Unknown said...

We had a young DA Assistant who was caught with pills with intent to distribute. He got probation or something.

Meanwhile poor folks, white and black, are overdosing on heroin, stealing pills, smokin crack and snortin coke. Seems just about everybody has their vice.

I think it's despicable for these pretenders who scourge drug use in the rest of America all the while stuffing that shit up their nose or drinking themselves to oblivion.

I think their position, from their desire, puts them into a shell, they front what they are on the outside, holding in their demons from public eyes.

I'm sure he regrets getting caught more than having done it.

Recently, my state decided to try to start funding drug rehabilitation programs a little better. I wish they would address the drug problem with a little more sanity and care.

field negro said...

Maybe when more polititricksters start getting popped with drugs they will get serious about reconsidering the silly "war on drugs".


Thanks for sharing that anecdote.

Desert, I just know that u are drug free down there in PR.

The Purple Cow said...

Quote: some idiot on yesterday's thread

"My Webster dictionary defines the word ethnic as "a member of a minority group who retains the customs, language or social views of the group".

With the aforementioned definition in mind, blacks descended from black American slaves are a distinct (ethnic) group. As are blacks descended from Nigerian blacks, Kenyan blacks, or blacks from other countries. Each group has its own "customs, language or social views"."

You still haven't defended your stated position that "Obama is not black" though. Are saying only African Americans can be black?

Anonymous said...

"White Part"????? Really? Sucking up to homies and trying to acquire Mexicans as a base constitutes a "white" Party? You're quite the comedian FN. Would you prefer they smoked 'rock' instead of snorting it? Snorting it is so white after all.

Cal said...

Obama is not 'Black' in the American sense of the term.

He is a Kenyan-Euro-American raised in Indonesia. His Americanization consisted of going to school with rich White Hawaiians and contact with his grandparents Communist friends.

Tell me what he shares culturally or by life experience with Black Americans?

PilotX said...

Brotha Panther good ancedote. PC, this is what happens when your only exposure to blah folks is via the internet. I have friends who are second generation Americans with parents from the continent who aren't descendant of slaves and funny thing I don't notice different language, customs or social views. Just another attempt by somebody outside our community to create an artificial divide. BTW, many blah folks outside the US dig Barack just as much as folks here.

BARBBF said...


Insurers Cut Doctor Fees, Restricting Networks under Obamacare

Friday, November 22, 2013 09:01 AM

By: Lisa Barron

Healthcare insurers are cutting the fees they pay to doctors on many of the new plans offered through the Obamacare exchanges, which could cause more medical practices to shun the marketplaces.

United Health Group, for example, sent physicians in New York City new contracts this month that included much lower rates than doctors normally get from private insurance, reports The Wall Street Journal, which obtained confidential documents.

"We have heard from a lot of physicians the rates [insurers] are offering them are very low, and physicians are questioning whether they are going to participate," Sam Unterricht, a Brooklyn ophthalmologist and president of the Medical Society of the State of New York told the newspaper.

The documents show that some of the rates being offered by United are similar to those paid by people on the state Medicaid program, and the fees for some office visits are less than half of what doctors in the city get for treating patients on employer-sponsored plans.

WellPoint's Anthem Unit in Connecticut is also slashing payments, offering one ear, nose and throat specialist in Trumbull rates that he told the Journal "were not what a reasonable person would consider acceptable." As a result, he refused the contract.

A WellPoint spokeswoman said that the plans were "focused on affordability to allow the maximum number of individuals to purchase coverage."

But not all doctors are willing to accept the lower rates and have the ability to opt out, meaning consumers could choose a plan based on doctors who ultimately decide not to participate.

"It is going to be very tough for consumers to have accurate information about which physicians they really have access to," Paul Ginsburg, president of the Center for Studying Health System Change, told the Journal.

Meanwhile, some insurers are simply restricting consumers' choice of doctors and hospitals, excluding top-rated facilities, in an attempt to keep costs down, reports The Washington Post.

In Washington State, for instance, Premera Blue Cross did not include Seattle Children's Hospital as an in-network provider except in cases where the treatment could not be found anywhere else.

"Children's non-unique services were too expensive given the goal of providing affordable coverage for consumers," spokesman Eric Earling told the newspaper.

For Seattle resident Jeffrey Blank, that means his daughter Zoe, who was diagnosed with a rare bone disorder, will no longer be able to go to Children's for routine checkups without it being billed as an "out-of-network" visit.

"It just stresses me," Blank, who is self-employed, told the Post, adding, "I hope things continue wonderfully for my daughter and that she doesn't need the level of care she got after her diagnosis, but there's this unknown."

Seattle Children's Hospital has now sued Washington's insurance commissioner over being kept out of many of their provider networks.

But many of the country's other leading hospitals, including the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, and children's hospitals in Houston and St. Louis, are reportedly also being excluded from most new plans in an attempt to keep down the cost of care.

The result in many places could be a two-tiered system of health care, with those on individual plans receiving coverage that is far inferior to that obtained by people who are covered by their employers' plans.

PilotX said...

The result in many places could be a two-tiered system of health care? I guess unlike our current system huh?

Anonymous said...

@Purple Cow
"You still haven't defended your stated position that "Obama is not black" though. Are saying only African Americans can be black?"

You really are a pea brain. I did not say that Obama was not black. I also did not say that only African Americans can be black.

Reread my two previous comments on this subject, dimwit.

Obama claims to be black so who am I to say that he isn't. But he does not belong to my particular group of black people.

I am a descendant of black American slaves on both sides of my family. Obama is not a descendant of black American slaves on either side of his family so he is not a member of MY group of black people.

An individual black person can be black and not be a member of my particular group of black people. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

Unknown said...

What makes his experience so different being a person of color in America?

He was raised mostly in America. His mother was American. His guardians were American. His experience would be distinctly American.

Because he happens to have skin color that is considered not white, his father and step father were not white, he would also have experiences in which his non whiteness is reinforced by other Americans.

He is still dealing with racism today.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is time elected members of congress get tested as well for substance/DRUGS!

The Purple Cow said...

"An individual black person can be black and not be a member of my particular group of black people. Why is this so hard for you to understand?"

Well it's because you are not actually black, mate.

The Purple Cow said...

Oh by the way, I believe your actual quote was:

"Obama is not "Black". He is not descended from West Africans brought here as slaves centuries ago. He is the son of a white woman and a an East African citizen of Kenya whose ancestors were not slaves."

Anonymous said...

@Purple Cow @ 11:30 AM
So if a black person disagrees with you, that person is not black? You have a lot of living to do, I see. If you live long enough, you will meet many black people in life who disagree with you on all sorts of things.

@Purple Cow @ 11:32 AM
The comment you have there is not MY comment.

My comments were 11:23 AM and 6:15PM. Read MY comments again. I did not say in either of MY comments that Obama was not black.

I, an American black descended from black American slaves, would have little to nothing in common with, for example, blacks born and raised in, say, Nigeria, Kenya or England.

An ethnic group has "customs, language and social views" in common. I have no "customs, language or social views" in common with black persons born and raised anywhere outside of America. Why could I?

Anonymous said...

brutha field, i know you've heard the sad news. our sista, a civil rights icon, has been found guilty of second degree murder.

no doubt crystal mangum was suffering from ptsd. wouldn't you be all messed up if you were raped by whitey?

brutha field, would you mention sista crystal in tonights post?

now more than ever, we negros need our faith and black leaders.

we shall overcome white supremacy. our sista will be free.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:54 PM meant How could I?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
@Purple Cow @ 11:30 AM
So if a black person disagrees with you, that person is not black? You have a lot of living to do, I see. If you live long enough, you will meet many black people in life who disagree with you on all sorts of things.

A very true statement. Obviously, PC STILL hasn't met very many Blacks. But he is in the UK where there aren't that many. Only East Indians and Muslims....

Poor PC. his outlook on life is so distorted.

Anonymous said...

Brother Field, as a writer I am incensed that people on this blog have been plagiarizing what I written in the past. Please ask them to stop stealing my "lines".

Dr. Nuwang said...

And for all the Blacks that are so attached to the Dukes of the world think...the majority of the schools prospered off the backs of our/my people during slavery, after slavery Jim Crowe and not Saturday evening football.

I'll take it upon myself to address this since I'm the one that brought up Duke and I'll apologize in advance if I offend you.

I'm not the one that made NCCU a "non Mofo factor" in the academic world. YOU did. And let me tell you how you did it. By having one of the poorest alumni networks around and by accepting academic "scraps" from places like A&T.
So take a hint from the Mormons (BYU) and Jews (Yeshiva). CONSOLIDATE your resources and close the step above high school "university" down.

And for the record, I come from a family of folks with degrees primarily from NCCU. But that was a LONG time ago when you could get a quality education there. I was smart enough to have options (Duke and Carolina) instead of having to attend a school that could barely stay accredited.

And for the record, I don't give a rat's tail where Duke or any other top school got their funding from, because THIS ENTIRE COUNTRY AS WE KNOW IT TODAY WOULDN'T EXIST HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR SLAVERY!!!!

So what should black folks do because slavery financed this country, pack our stuff and move back to Africa? Negro plu-eeze, smart Blacks take those degrees from top institutions and make better lives for themselves and their families. Where I come from, we call this making the best of the hand you;re dealt to get where we need to get!

What you and others like your are so blithely unaware of is the fact that the world is GLOBAL and Black Americans aren't close to being partially prepared academically for the future (Africans and Caribbean Blacks are an ENTIRELY different story, THEY GET IT!) And by the time people like you get a grip, it's going to be far too late to play catch up.

All this being down for your academically inferior HBCU is by far the most ignorant thing I see among so called educated Blacks. Put another way, I know Black folks in HR that TRASH resumes from HBCU's like central. So imagine what the white folks who make up 99.9% of HR departments are doing?

Ok, I need to end this essay now, LOL, but I get REAL territorial when it comes to education and Black people as a future Doc, and former Chemistry Professor, Scientist, and current STEM entrepreneur.

The Purple Cow said...

"My comments were 11:23 AM and 6:15PM. Read MY comments again. I did not say in either of MY comments that Obama was not black. "

Confuscious he say, man who hide behind anonymous moniker on website deserves to be misinterpreted. Especially when the views of two different anonymous posters are close to identical.

Confuscious very wise man.

"I, an American black descended from black American slaves, would have little to nothing in common with, for example, blacks born and raised in, say, Nigeria, Kenya or England."

I think you'll find that "you" were descended from African AND American slaves. In fact a clear majority (79%) of African Americans have European DNA, and about 5% of 'White" Americans have African DNA. And of course every human on the planet is ultimately descended from seven women who came from the Rift Valley.

And I think you'll find that cultural heritage goes deeper than that, though it is true that those who took the Black Star Liner faired very badly indeed. With U.K. black folks you will certainly have the shared experience of growing up black in a white dominated nation. That counts for quite a lot, doncha think?


"An ethnic group has "customs, language and social views" in common. I have no "customs, language or social views" in common with black persons born and raised anywhere outside of America. Why could I?"

That's demonstrably untrue.

Many Africans speak English, and the links between African American and African culture are well demonstrated. Not just in music, but even in the rhythm of African American speech patterns and even poetry.

Dr. Nuwang said...

In fact a clear majority (79%) of African Americans have European DNA, and about 5% of 'White" Americans have African DNA.

This number for White Americans is WAY off, especially for Southern Whites. I've heard estimates as high as 50% and I believe it. Just look at Southern whites and look at Europeans, not much in the way of physical comparisons in my opinion.

I have many members of my own family, who "left the family" during Jim Crow era and live as White. And my Southern Black family is NOT unusual.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at the very idea of any real Republican alternative to Obamacare. Their attitude is and always has been that poor people don't deserve healthcare.

I heard one commentator say that while Republicans have been referring to their approach as "Repeal and Replace," it would more accurately be described as "Repeal and Shrug."

That sounds about right.

uli said...

Slavery did not "build this country", cotton was an important crop, but a small part of the economy. That is why the North won the Civil War, despite most of the military leaders being Southern.

I agree that Obama is not black. It is laughable when an African moves here and then wants reparations for slavery.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Uli, you MUST be White AND on crack if you think free labor for HUNDREDS of years didn't contribute significantly to this country's financial foundation.

Unknown said...

Enslavement was the first thing any european did in America beginning with Columbus. When enslaving the local populations wherever their colony happened to be, they always switched to importing people from Africa to be broken as slaves.

Slavery existed in every Northern colony, not just the Southern colonies and slaves did everything from clear fields for food, many crops were of American and African origin, to building homes, ships, and serving high class people.

In the early days some whites were even kept as slaves, with owners shirking their responsibility to emancipate once their debts for passage were paid off.

Anonymous said...

Slavery lost money, that's why we got rid of it.

Anonymous said...

"Obamacare is failing badly." The Factor

Brother Field, I am afraid Laura Ingrahm is exactly right. I know you and UK PC are pissing in your pants, maybe even shitting, about Obamacare. Face it. It's over. Obama has lost, and by extension, all of you FN Obamaholic Negroes....and one Black in the UK, of course. Let us not forget the purple kid. Ha!

PilotX said...

So true PC. When I visited the continent there wasn't much difference than here in the US except the brothas there played a lot more soccer. There were reggae clubs, hip hop, pool halls and lots of similarities. I got along just fine just like they do when they come here. For cats that say they have nothing in common with sistas and brothas from other lands have never traveled abroad most likely or they're white pretending to be blah.

PilotX said...

And we all want to know, what is your particular group of blah people? Being from Chicago I can attest Barack lived the same blah experience most southsiders have. He married a sista from the southside, he went to Rev.. Wright's church, he ate at Harold's Chicken Shack, he hooped at the parks and spent much time in the hood as a community organizer. As far as we're concerned he's one of us.

Anonymous said...

can someone tell me what "blah people" are? Are they a tribe or something?

focusedpurpose said...

folks drinking, snorting/smoking coke, sexing up everybody but their spouses particularly mk'd sex slaves/closeted not new politician behavior. hrc is making the list for mk'd sex slave abuse as well. if anything the corruption just became co-ed. now women get to be sexual predators, too! progress!

in fact, THIS is why many are sent to washington. they are already compromised + controllable. if they get out of pocket, they are promptly eliot spitzered.

the former senior counsel for the world bank was quite clear about MO being compromised as well. honey traps in hotel rooms with double mirrors is bound to happen to folks married to crack/coked out homos like BO.

dang right if he doesn't do anything else he will make sure his fellow gays can get married. sinclair told/described all that man's biz. literally. i heard MO clearly when she indicated she was a single mother. read reports where she has been trying to peace out for longer than a minute. she seems rather stuck, frankly. as such, i don't begrudge her retail therapy. if betty ford can be a fall down drunk to deal with her husband's nonstop getting it in...MO can shop! dang it;)

folks acting like they don't know what time it is...or truly just not knowing what time it is despite much available information...make me tired at this point in the game.

see the former counsel for the world bank bust a gut:

please notice U.S. taxes end up at the vatican. how's THAT for separation of church and state? then dig this convenient little connection:

world bank counsel fired lady didn't call it...i will. BO IS falling in line and working overtime to advance wickedness. everyone calling it ain't 'racist'...

for those that don't understand the spitzer reference, get familiar with the back story that did not make our 'news' with near the focus spitzer's whoremongering did:

what folks already knew was released to the public when that man had the unmitigated gall to attempt to block the gov't bank bail outs which citizens paid for- while citizens lost their homes.

if washington was cleared of all compromised corrupt politicians- it would be ghost town by tomorrow.


looking at the exchanges in the comment section, i have a question:

what do 'educated' Blacks call themselves today?

talented 10th?
talented 5th?
wanna be 1%?


it is mind boggling that folks are bickering about such inconsequential things at this point in history. sometimes i can laugh at it...other times not so much. it hardly seems a responsible way to use the folks work overtime to negatively impact the flow of internet info. there is not much info flowing over here;(

quite a few Black folks world wide DO behave like children. it is either play or nap time...interrupted only by a solid mammon chase;(

hbcus were created + funded by white folks for white folks' purposes. much like the naacp, so called Black 'leaders' and other 'institutions' that lost Black folks seem so proud of...

Africans and other Blacks don't better grasp anything. otherwise they would take their 'education', go home and fix their smelly mess white folk oppressed homelands. no?

jamming one's brains full of whitened info that keeps folks begging + chasing after lost full of lies white folks for stuff is hardly to be 'educated'. folks are trained to be well adjusted to oppression for a few peanuts. those that are not begging are most definitely tip toeing around on their best slave behavior towing the line.



Anonymous said...

Africans and other Blacks don't better grasp anything. otherwise they would take their 'education', go home and fix their smelly mess white folk oppressed homelands. no?

jamming one's brains full of whitened info that keeps folks begging + chasing after lost full of lies white folks for stuff is hardly to be 'educated'. folks are trained to be well adjusted to oppression for a few peanuts. those that are not begging are most definitely tip toeing around on their best slave behavior towing the line.


11:21 PM
I can't look. It hurts too much. Just let me keep my eyes and ears covered. Hasn't that been our way of dealing with things? See no evil, hear no evil?

White Sugar said...

Field Pilot lives in a fantasy world. Barack just is not that into you, baby.

focusedpurpose said...

'blah' is the latest nasty esteem attacking slur hurled at Black folks.

those that come up with the nonstop self hatred monikers seem to have taken a break from aiming at bw long enough to hit us all up with that 'blah' nonsense.

of course, every dead head lost Black person will bomb rush to circulate that nonsense among folk...while feigning coolness.

this nonsense seems to have contaminated even the elders among us...much like the uncovered legging craze that older women should be schooling the younger women against.

instead, you see depend bottomed elder women with their personal biz on blast- wearing uncovered leggings- in the street. grinning. acting like they are 'cool'...that madness truly pains me to my soul.

instead of rushing to call folks 'blah' you would think the most 'educated' among us would try to make Blessed Black what time it is...since it IS written in Scriptures that this is what we are as a people.

blithering Black idiots running around calling other Black folks 'blah' must really make the Psalm 83'ers proud;(

IF folks researched, cross referenced and studied the Scriptures...with the same intensity they research and study other books that their mammon runs might be would be a new day.

instead, because Scriptures has been leavened, chopped up, whitened and used to brutalize Black folks...most Blacks keep away as foam at the mouth for a man to follow instead of Most High. while chasing down white folks that are the direct descendants of those that have whitened Scriptures and brutalized us with it.

can anybody else see how out of right mind THAT behavior truly is?

i love Black people. respecting the vast majority of Black folks is a personal choice that has nothing to do with what they are doing in most instances. i respect them despite them...because i respect Him + me.

i don't believe His people, my people will sleep forever. because it is written that His people, my people will awaken + arise.

the black devils have to show folks who they are...i appreciate the heads up, frankly;)

focusedpurpose said...


folks are foaming at the mouth for a man to follow, instead of Most High.

apologies. i AM multi tasking poorly as i comment here and text Scriptures to a Mormon who REALLY believes a grip of lttle/GIANT white lies. yet, he will come to me and pick my brain. lol. i sent him to Obadiah and suggested he get a clue about who those folks are...pretending to be Shemites won't really help the Edomites very much in the big picture.

gentile whites are just a...mess. lol. poor things. inheritance= all lies.


'I can't look. It hurts too much. Just let me keep my eyes and ears covered. Hasn't that been our way of dealing with things? See no evil, hear no evil?

11:33 PM'


ignorance is not bliss.

whoever told you it your enemy.

His people perish for lack of it is written.

silence won't save a a universe that listens for us to speak out + up as His Lawgivers.


those that bury their heads will find their bodies + souls tossed into the dark pit as well...

this life is truly NOT for the faint of heart.

i would rather stand and speak. but then i understand:



Joshua 10:8- ...Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.


if you know who Joshua (Hebrew Yahushua) was to the Yahuthim, then this Scripture:

Hebrews 4:8 and the margin note for 'J-sus' should be a big revelation. at least it was to me;)

durty devils changing names = not cute.

i AM not afraid of death. He already conquered it. when you flow through letting folks know...devils are more afraid than anything else. the bold slow devils at some point have no choice but to catch up.

may more wake up to this Truth. stat.

waiting for historical lying enemies to cop to the Truth is an exercise in futility. the heat has not been turned up enough for folks to reach the conclusion that they need us. not the other way around. give it a minute...

we as a sleeping nation don't help the circulation of this much needed memo running backwards the bulk of the time.




scared as all get out...of those weaker + less than on a good day. hence their crazy obsession with superiority born of a melanin deficiency. lol.

we do all this while refusing to find our lives + Courage + call this madness what it is...

Anonymous said...

@Purple Cow
I could be wrong, but you apparently have dreams of some sort of international "black solidarity" thing where blacks from all corners of the world "come together" in some sort of "movement" or "community". Ain't gonna happen.

As an American black, I experienced and/or read about the Civil Rights/Black Power Movements (the latter is the biggest farce of all time) of the 1960s and you know what? It all came to ... nothing (or at least very little).

You will find, as I have, that it's always been every black man (and woman) for himself or herself. That's the way it's always been and the way it's always going to be.

I am not interested in having any sort of solidarity with black people here in America much less black people from foreign lands.

Again, blacks in America have "been there and done that" like back in the day and the smart ones have moved on: it's every black man for himself. What you can do is make good choices in life and leave bad influences alone. In the long run you will be a lot happier.

I am not your "brother". lol No, really, I'm not. The "brothers" and "sisters" you have (if you have any) were birthed by your parents. No one else. Random strangers who may share your pigmentation are not your "brothers" and "sisters". I do not care about you or "black solidarity". Take care of yourself and stop trying to get others to think as you do. No one cares. I know I don't.

Note: I do not care about black Africans. They, after all, sold us into slavery. I don't despise them, it's just that they mean nothing to me. I don't care what happens to them.

Not only that, but I've read that large numbers of blacks in England marry white. If their kids marry white, which they usually do, than that means they are fading to white. This means that in several generations many black people in England will be "white". The only black people in England will be the new immigrants coming from Africa and/or the Caribbean. So much for black solidarity in England (and elsewhere).

The Purple Cow said...

Quote: anonymous white boy

Part One

" could be wrong, but you apparently have dreams of some sort of international "black solidarity" thing where blacks from all corners of the world "come together" in some sort of "movement" or "community". Ain't gonna happen."

Wrong I said no such thing.

"As an American black..."

Which you are not...
" I experienced and/or read about the Civil Rights/Black Power Movements (the latter is the biggest farce of all time) of the 1960s and you know what? It all came to ... nothing (or at least very little)."

Nonsense. If you knew your black history the civil right's movement achieved much in education, health and closing the poverty gap

On top of that Black power achieved 5 things

1. Black people could actually take pride in being Americans. (Remember black people were already black, they just wanted to be Americans).

2. It unleashed a global explosion of interest in black culture that continues today. For instance anywhere you go in the world today MOBO (Music Of Black Origin) dominates world airwaves.

3. It allowed the civil right's movement to portray itself as moderate. So that guys like MLK could go to the white man and say:

"Listen, you either talk to us, or you talk to this crazy Trinidadians like Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael. And you know you are better off talking to sane blacks like us, rather than those Trinis? Your call, boys."

4. It allowed many African Americans to take pride in their skin colour and African heritage for the first time.

5. It taught many African Americans that they had a right to armed defence. Resistance was not, after all, futile.
"You will find, as I have, that it's always been every black man (and woman) for himself or herself. That's the way it's always been and the way it's always going to be."

You see that paragraph?

Right there if I didn't know before, I know now that you are white.

That's the classic far-Right mitten-european"There's no such thing as society." paradigm in a nutshell .

Wrong, society is real, and people do better when they work together. Africans have always known that. Community and family have always been important to Africans
"I am not interested in having any sort of solidarity with black people here in America much less black people from foreign lands."

Yes we know.
"Again, blacks in America have "been there and done that" like back in the day and the smart ones have moved on: it's every black man for himself. What you can do is make good choices in life and leave bad influences alone. In the long run you will be a lot happier."

You are starting to repeat yourself.

"I am not your "brother". lol. "

Fuckin' right, you're not.


"No, really, I'm not. The "brothers" and "sisters" you have (if you have any) were birthed by your parents. No one else. Random strangers who may share your pigmentation are not your brotehrs and sisters. I do not care about you or "black solidarity". Take care of yourself and stop trying to get others to think as you do. No one cares. I know I don't."

Yeah we get it already white boy.

The Purple Cow said...

Part Two

"Note: I do not care about black Africans. They, after all, sold us into slavery. I don't despise them, it's just that they mean nothing to me. I don't care what happens to them."

YAWN. Deeply tedious repetition. I'm thinking of publishing your writing as a cure for insomnia

"Not only that, but I've read that large numbers of blacks in England marry white."

Really? Gosh!

Where did you read that? A learn-ed Journal? A peer-reviewed scientific paper perhaps?

When you say 'large numbers" what do you mean? 1% ?, 5%?, 10%? 50%?

How did the writer come up with these stats? My search just now revealed no such numbers. Please give us the reference when you've got a moment. I appreciate you're a busy man, those crosses don;t burn themselves now do they?

"If their kids marry white, which they usually do..."

They do? How do you know? What are the statistics? Do you have a link for us?

"This means that in several generations many black people in England will be "white". "

Ey? How does that work. How can black people be white?

Anonymous said...

@Purple Cow
"4. It allowed many African Americans to take pride in their skin colour and African heritage for the first time.

5. It taught many African Americans that they had a right to armed defence. Resistance was not, after all, futile."

You are not as knowledgeable about CURRENT day black Americans as you think. You are right that many American black people in the 60s/7os learned to take pride in their skin color for the first time (Black is Beautiful! and all that) but TODAY most young black people in America act as if they never heard (or read) of that period which was only 40 or 45 years ago but still before most of them were born.

The less said about "armed defense" and black men the better. The people most black men kill today are each other. The Black Panthers of the 60s/70s are a distant (and bitter) memory. Read the books about the Black Panthers, especially some of those written by female Black Panthers. Many of the male Panthers were not nice to their female "comrades" to put it politely. To be not so polite, many of the male panthers took being "sexist pigs" to whole new levels.

"Ey? How does that work. How can black people be white?"

Obviously, you know next to nothing about skin color politics in America. This proves my point that blacks who are descendants of black America slaves have a different social/cultural history from blacks born and raised in other countries.

It appears you may have read about black Americans but yours is a romantic view based on the hopefulness of an earlier time. These days, some thoughtful black Americans see a sinking sink. Hip hop has defamed the black woman by branding her internationally as a "bitch" and a "whore".

I could go on but discussing this with an outsider who doesn't understand the current realities of being a black American descended from black American slaves is getting tiresome.

Anonymous said...

focusedpurpose said...

'blah' is the latest nasty esteem attacking slur hurled at Black folks.

of course, every dead head lost Black person will bomb rush to circulate that nonsense among folk...while feigning coolness.

instead of rushing to call folks 'blah' you would think the most 'educated' among us

blithering Black idiots running around calling other Black folks 'blah' must really make the Psalm 83'ers proud;(
11:41 PM

Hey blithering F*** up!
Watchu doin posting on the sacred Sabbath???

Aren't you the MOST religeous, high and mighty one that always keeps the Sabbath???


PilotX said...

"I am not interested in having any sort of solidarity with black people here in America much less black people from foreign lands."

No shit.


White republican congressman gets popped with an eight-ball of snow, we don't even get the news until two weeks after the fact, sees the judge and only gets probation; NO jail time?!?!? All you anonymous Caucasian racist trolls French-kiss my black balls! Don't tell me there's no such thing as White Skin Privilege/Protection!

If this were Charlie Rangel or Maxine Waters,House Speaker Drunk-Ass Boehner and Stone Face backstabber Pelosi, FUX NEWS, and all Teabilly assholes would be screaming for their heads and asses on a pike!

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