This latest episode of racial cluelessness involving Sir Charles got me wondering why he is so embraced and beloved by folks in the majority population.
Of course I suspect that I know why: Charles is that black guy who makes white folks laugh and feel comfortable about using words like the "N" word in his company. I wonder how often Sly Stallone would use the "N" word around Charles.
Charles supposedly likes to shock us and speak his mind on matters of race, but the truth is, there is nothing shocking about what Charles Barkley has to say about racial issues. In fact, when it comes to Charles, it's all pretty predictable.
"I just watched NBA (on TNT Thursday night) and was appalled to hear Charles Barkley and Shaquille Oneal say that it was okay to use the “N” word on national television.
It was so crazy. I just sat there looking at the television dumbfounded. I could not believe the words that were coming out of Charles mouth. He said it with purpose..."
Of course he did, white America was watching. Charles has to keep them smiling.
Speaking of the "N" word, I bet George Junius Stinney Jr. heard it a lot growing up in South Carolina. And I bet the members of the all white jury that sentenced him to death used the "N" word a lot as well.
Unfortunately Junius Stinney Jr. was only 14 years old when he was strapped to the death chair and fried. That all white jury made sure that he would never hear the "N" word-- or any words-- ever again.
Now, thankfully, some historians are trying to clear his name. We are talking about South Carolina here, so I am not expecting much to come of these efforts, but I am glad that people like Ray Brown are at least trying.
Finally, I don't agree with Martin Bashir's harsh opinion of Sarah Palin, but I do believe that girlfriend has been on somewhat of a roll of late. Glen Rice's former liaison sans lendemain made less than flattering remarks about the Pope, and compared the national debt to slavery.
Of course, as is to be expected, she apologized to the Pope. She did not, however, apologize for her slavery remarks. Sarah wants Catholics to like her, they might buy her books. Unfortunately, though, Sarah could care less about Negroes not named Glen Rice.
Sadly, she doubled down on her ignorant slavery comments.
Something about apologizing to Negroes doesn't sit well with Sarah.
Slavery really wasn't that bad. Y'all needs to man up.
Nice to hear from someone who personally went through slavery. Massa was good to ya huh? I'm sure your wife and daughters really enjoyed him raping them. And you got a big kick watching such a great man doing that to your family. Made you feel like a good loyal house negro, right?
Inside The NFL took on the N Word issue as well. It was good commentary.
Bashir was on the money. He called out Caribou Barbie for what she is..
and, I'm tired of racist ass White people trying to demean and diminish slavery, which is what that heifer did.
Glad Bashir called her racist ass out.
Slavery really wasn't that bad.
C'mon now! Think about it.
If it wasn't for slavery I guarantee you that you wouldn't have been born.
I rest my case.
Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that "Pale Males" cause Cancer, Hypertension, Diabetes and overconfidence in incompetence.
"If it wasn't for slavery I guarantee you that you wouldn't have been born."
Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to Africans.
1. 40 million or so blacks who are here and would not have otherwise been.
2. Said blacks are 20x as wealthy as blacks in sub-Saharan Africa today.
3. Said blacks get far better health care than blacks in sub-Saharan Africa today.
4. Said blacks live under a far more robust legal system than blacks in sub-Saharan Africa today.
5. This could get old quick: more robust, open, and fair political system, much better life expectancy, much better nutrition, real civil liberties & real rights, better policing, far less crime, far less corruption, far bigger & more efficient welfare state, and on and on.
The transatlantic trade was, ultimately, the greatest boon ever afforded blacks.
95% of the blacks in sub-Saharan Africa desperately wish they could get themselves a piece of that legacy of slavery.
Someone should shit the mouth and piss in he eyes of that little ballsucker Martin Bashir.
Just sayin'.
MF him and his fake outrage over Palin.
11:37 PM
The fact that we've survived a sadistic and narcissitic terroristic existence here highlights quite the contrary. The fact remains that:
1. That was not slavery's intent; to better the Black Man.
2. The instituionalized oppression of a people versus a cooperative progression as a country has prevented Blacks and 'merica from gaining a higher standard of living and societal advances.
I would argue that thru innovations resulting from the synergy of our creativity all of us would be better off.
Think outside of the box for a minute would you? What are you afraid of?
anon11:47pm, "Anonymous said...
Someone should shit the mouth and piss in he eyes of that little ballsucker Martin Bashir.
Just sayin'."
What you said was filthy. What gives you the right to say shit like that about a good soul and excellent reporter like Martin Bashir?
"Slavery really wasn't that bad. Y'all needs to man up."
I've got a feeling that the 30% of captured slaves who died in Africa even before they even made it to the ships would disagree with you. Let alone the 25% of slaves (two million i number) who died during the crossing. The 10% of slaves who revolted against their oppressors might have something to say as well, including those who had their teeth smashed out so they could no longer refuse to eat.
Your planters were chronically in debt when they had to pay wages, so slavery alone made their economic system work. Pretty much all international trade at that time was in goods produced by slaves, cotton, tobacco, rum, wood, iron ore.
Without slavery capitalism would not have been possible, the USA would not have been possible.
What does that tell you about capitalism?
I actually think Bashir is one of the best and most talented talking heads on cable news.
Svigor, you forgot the part where all the slaves slept with --and had children with--- plantation owners and gave us all kinds of mixes and half and halfs for generations.
Bet u don't like that part of slavery now do u?
Ii am sure there is some Mandingo stock in u there somewhere. ;)
PC, it tells me that dem Capitalist are some baaaad people.
PC, "So whoever you are, please tell em what you allegedly have been waiting for, and I'll supply it for you."
I'm still waiting.
Dear PC, Remember this, you hypocrite? And do you remember the insulting comment you made when you could not provide a link to click on?
YOU said the following:
"Pray silence everyone for the stupidest single comment in the history of the Internet. Look at it, admire it, experience it. It takes a special kind of idiocy to post something that stupid. What a total fucking numpty this guy is.
You asked me to prove that this guy was Canadian - something you could have done yourself in five seconds flat - and yet you accuse me of being uneducated.
Instead of wasting your time here, why don't you run outside and try and find a brain?"
And now you are being reminded to google by Baghdad Bob. HA! what a joke you are!....HYPOCRITE! Btw, I am NOT White you purple ass creep. Any brother knows I am Black except you.
Yeah, as AL Sharpton says on Politico Nation, "This time, we gotcha."
"I'm still waiting."
For what?
A bus?
A girlfriend*
Some meaning to your life?
As I said before, I have no idea who you are or what piece of evidence you are allegedly waiting for.
You seem very reluctant to tell me what this allegedly missing proof is.
*Don't hold your breath on that one, Cletus.
Dear Anonymous 9:16
Dear Cletus,
Clearly you are insane. I'm sorry for you, but that's just how it is. I will try to explain my point one last time, but if you still don't get it I'm going to have to give up.
Here we go, Cletus, stop me if my logic goes too fast for you.
1. You asked me to prove that Orville Lloyd Douglas was a Canadian.
2. You could have proved that to yourself by Googling his name in less time than it took you asked me to prove it.
3. I pointed this out, and also provided you with information from Wikipedia that was address number 1 given by my Orville Lloyd Douglas google search.
4. You responded with a bizarre rant about you couldn't access Google because you live in a Ghetto, and your mouse and keyboard don't work properly.
5. Your idiot buddy Baghdad Bob, simply stated that the Lancet study was debunked.
6. I pointed out that it isn't.
7. He provided a short list of links to right-wing hack sites that questioned the voracity of the Lancet paper.
8. I pointed out that FOUR (that's one more than 3 and one less than 5 Cletus. Try counting the fingers on one of your hands and leave out the thumb) peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that if anything 600,000 was a conservative figure.
9. I also linked to an excellent paper called 'Fly Paper for Innumerates' written by a proper Professor that demonstrated the statistical and methodological fallacies of those who criticised the original paper. Like those idiots who contributed to the links that Bob posted, who seemed to think they knew more about statistical epidemiology than statistical epidemiologists.
10. All this makes me a hypocrite according to you, and you allege you are waiting for something - though you have not explained exactly what you are looking for.
So my answer to you is put up or shut the fuck up
PC, "10. All this makes me a hypocrite according to you, and you allege you are waiting for something - though you have not explained exactly what you are looking for."
I have repeatedly and respectfully aske for a link that I could clique on which would take me to the site to prove your case. You have kept me waiting for days, you inconsiderate jackass.
Now you give me 10 points which are illogical in the extreme. Furthermore, it's not me who is insane, it's you who is insane....purple-ass creep! Yeah, I do live in the ghetto, and have a mouse on the blink and a keyboard that doesn't work what?
Thank you for the commentary on excuse making for SH (shitheads) using the n word.
Also on people not taking slavery seriously. Americans need to look at slavery and race in our history much more critically.
Someone said here African Americans are better off than majority of sub Saharan Africans, but the wage gap between whites and blacks in America is 20:1.
I can't tell if some of them are being sarcastic or trolls.
Bryan Ortez said...
"Also on people not taking slavery seriously. Americans need to look at slavery and race in our history much more critically."
Are you kidding? That is about all this country "looks at" critically.
"Someone said here African Americans are better off than majority of sub Saharan Africans,..."
"... but the wage gap between whites and blacks in America is 20:1."
No, the wage gap is about 1.3 to 1, and decreases when normed for education and experience.
field negro said...
PC, it tells me that dem Capitalist are some baaaad people.
That's what I like to hear, Comrade Field!
I am not your "Comrade". You will bs shipped to Siberia.
Bryan, alway go with troll. Way more trolls on the Internet than critical thinkers.
The Purple Cow said...
Without slavery capitalism would not have been possible, the USA would not have been possible.
What does that tell you about capitalism?
Did the slave owners wear shoes? Well then, anyone wearing shoes supports slavery.
What does that tell you about people that wear shoes?
"I have repeatedly and respectfully aske for a link that I could clique on which would take me to the site to prove your case. You have kept me waiting for days, you inconsiderate jackass.
Now you give me 10 points which are illogical in the extreme. Furthermore, it's not me who is insane, it's you who is insane....purple-ass creep! Yeah, I do live in the ghetto, and have a mouse on the blink and a keyboard that doesn't work what?"
Listen sunshine, I've been thinking, and my conclusion is that you should fuck off and die. You are total fucking waste of teutonic DNA.
You obviously think you are very funny Cletus, but I'm afraid I don't see the joke.
Quote Bill-the-Dimwit
Did the slave owners wear shoes? Well then, anyone wearing shoes supports slavery.
What does that tell you about people that wear shoes?"
Without slavery Capitalism would not have been possible.
Without shoes slave-owners would have been possible.
Try again, little man.
Bryan Ortez studiously said: “Also on people not taking slavery seriously. Americans need to look at slavery and race in our history much more critically.”
You’re correct Bryan, however, I doubt Amerikkka will ever think critically about race or slavery. I doubt that it will ever take place for fear of white Amerikkkans eventually realizing that collectively, they are the devil’s incarnate. I doubt it will happen because white Amerikkkans would much romanticize the issue of slavery in an attempt to escape the horrors of merely thinking about it. I doubt it will happen because Amerikkka is still a very euphemistic country through labeling things as something other than what it truly is. For instance, “this is the home of the braves”, NOPE, this is the land of the slaves. I doubt Amerikkka will ever think critically about slavery because it reveals the true animalistic, global behavior of whites. Instead, they’d much mask the inhumane treatment of slavery through a supposedly, bullsh*t Emancipation Proclamation, supposedly Civil Right laws and other crumbs of trinkets, NOPE, … phuck that, how about real HUMAN RIGHTS?
I doubt Amerikkka will ever think deeply about slavery because the mere fact a truly free black or brown, sovereign state or province of North Amerikkka with their own military sends bristling chill up the spine of white Amerikkkans. Nope, placing blacks on some type of reservation commune without any method of defending themselves like you’ve done to Native Americans will not suffice and selectively placing a Halfrican in the White doesn’t mean “ish to me! All sociopaths are out for themselves and no one else!
I know white Amerikkka,… it’s hard living in close proximity to an undetonated bomb (slavery, racial issues, unaddressed disenfranchisements), but isn’t it of your own making? Don’t forget, the clock is still unendingly ticking, … tick, tock, tick, tock!
"Also on people not taking slavery seriously. Americans need to look at slavery and race in our history much more critically."
Good luck with that one. Blah people don't rate, even at the height of slavery and james crow the prevailing attitude was "get over it" and "it ain't so bad". Witness here that racist whites think the yknow what's best for us negroes. Why should that change anytime soon?
I liked Charles Barkley when he played for the University of Auburn and The Philadelphia 76ers as the "Round Mound of Rebound." However, something changed after he started playing for the Phoenix Suns. I don't know what's going on with him, perhaps it's the water in ARIZONA, They do things differently out there!
Most slaves had it pretty easy, compared with working conditions elsewhere at the time. Blacks tend to do better in controlled environments.
Solomon foolishly said: "Blacks had it pretty and they tend to do better in controlled environments (paraphrased)"
What are you smoking today to enunciate such stupidity?? And how did you come about being aware of such things? Oh well, ... I guess this is your signification that your family was thoroughly entrenched in the business of owning human property. How silly of me, I should've known that already!
By the way, are you still in possession of Confederate dollar bills? And having your own country didn't work out so well, did it?
PC, "Listen sunshine, I've been thinking, and my conclusion is that you should fuck off and die. You are total fucking waste of teutonic DNA."
You are terrible, mean-spirited, straight from hell, you four-eyed self-hating purple demon. Your thinking followed by an insane conclusion tells a lot about the nature of your character and heart: Blacker than any black hole in the universe. It's clear you are from the dark side of an evil destructive heart. I feel for anybody who depends on you for care, or love. You haven't the foggiest idea what that is, you mean-spirited unmerciful ugly freak.
"Most slaves had it pretty easy, compared with working conditions elsewhere at the time."
Question. Is that why so many of those poor, starving, non-slave holding rebel yell blankes lined up to sign away their freedom? If what you say is true why didn't any of those envious dirt farmers become slaves, too?
I know, maybe it didn't pay enough.
"Blacks tend to do better in controlled environments"
My point exactly! Doesn't everybody?
Isn't that what civilized behavior is?
It must be hard being poor and white. How do you rationalize that in spite of white privilege and the systematic oppression of POC we still have produced so many policymakers and world shakers.
Just think, if we had level playing field. What are you afraid of?
anon5:02p, I agree with you 100%. PC is a prick. The world will be better off once he is dead. Actually, the universe will be better off. I am sure God regrets making his turkey ass. All you did was ask PC for a link and he gives you a rash of shit. The fool is mentally and emotionally sick. Lord have mercy.
The Purple Cow said...
Without slavery Capitalism would not have been possible.
I'd ask for a link but I see you don't do well providing links when asked.
Is it about people making a profit that bothers you so much about Capitalism?
It's as important in the West these days to differentiate between the practitioners of
Cristianism and Christianity as it is in the Muslim Ummah to differentiate between the practitioners of Islam & Islamism. Sincere Christians & Muslams try to live upright lives in the spirit of the golden rule, while Christianists and Islamists try to impose the external (ironically often completely secular in origin) rules of their particular sects onto wider society.
As a Catholic, the obvious example of that difference is that between Benedict & Francis. Like their namesakes, the never-beloved Benedict became a promulgator of harsh rules while Francis, as Bishop & Cardinal humbly lived the Gospels. Ratzinger excelled as prefect of the inquisition, the preeminent Christianist organization, and brought it with him to the papacy where he continued promulgating new rules for the flock while sweeping institutional rot & corruption under the rug until his unprecedented resignation. In contrast, Francis, already beloved in his first year as Pope, came into the papacy with a broom. Since becoming Pope, Francis has reached out to everyone Benedict straight-armed, including nuns, gays, Muslims & atheists, and put the hierarchy on notice that his is to be a pastoral papacy & they can either get on board or find another calling.
Of course Ms. Palin prefers Benedict to Francis; Benedict and she are both dedicated Christianists, while Francis lives the Gospels. Nothing is more existentially threatening to a Christianist than a Christian, just as nothing is more existentially threatening to an Islamist than a Muslim.
It figures Whitey would hate a great man like Benedict, while praising the confused Francis.
And you are definitely not a Catholic. As evidenced by your equating murderous Islam with reactionary "Christianists', you are not even a Christian.
@Bill O'Reilly Jr., it's common knowledge that capitalism is a system based entirely on profiteering on the usage of human property during the slaveocracy era just as it is today. PC is correct, the entire system of capitalism would've collapsed if it weren't for slavery. Slavery was the pillar of this devilry system. Therefore, a link isn't required to prove any thing.
Black Moron said...
@Bill O'Reilly Jr., it's common knowledge that capitalism is a system based entirely on profiteering on the usage of human property during the slaveocracy era just as it is today. PC is correct, the entire system of capitalism would've collapsed if it weren't for slavery.
You and Purple Cow deserve the Nobel Prize in Blackonomics!
Anonymous, 10:03 a.m.
"I have repeatedly and respectfully aske for a link that I could clique on which would take me to the site to prove your case. You have kept me waiting for days, you inconsiderate jackass.
Now you give me 10 points which are illogical in the extreme. Furthermore, it's not me who is insane, it's you who is insane....purple-ass creep! Yeah, I do live in the ghetto, and have a mouse on the blink and a keyboard that doesn't work what?"
Leaving aside your spelling and grammatical errors, is is clear you are an idiot. You have asked PC for a link you could "clique" on (I assume you mean "click"), but in the next sentence you say your mouse and keyboard don't work. Thus, there isn't a link in the world that you CAN click on. PC hasn't kept you waiting. He provided a link. The fact that you allegedly can't click on it but are blaming PC for it just demonstrates the depth of your idiocy. Grow up. Get a mouse and a keyboard. Learn to read and write.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Sincere Christians & Muslams try to live upright lives in the spirit of the golden rule
Yeah right, Whitey:
There's no difference between Christianity and Islam.
haven't read all the comments, I said wage gap when I really meant wealth gap. recently I read a statistic that said for every $2.20 owned by whites, blacks own 10 cents of wealth.
Wage gap and wealth gap are very different, sorry for the mistake.
Solomon said that "blacks are best behaved in controlled environments... "
they must be following the slave manual distributed by Willie Lynch in the America's in 1712. Much of this ideology incidentally was passed down through shithead racist white people up until the very present.
Will it ever go away? It hasn't yet.
No Bryan, I suspect that it will not.
With a little more research it seems that Willie Lynch letter I cited may be of modern creation and has enjoyed wide circulation through the Internet.
I should have referenced John Calhoun, South Carolina Senator, as his discourse on the subject is widely known and apt in this person's reference.
I will always use the the word nigger..I loate censorship and more importantly just like Black genius flipped the word 'Black" we did the same with the word 'nigger'.. Intent and circumstances always are the other side of the story..
Zimmerklan's in the can again. He's about to find out that slapping a blond woman is gonna cost him a lot more than murdering a black boy.
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