Some of these "liberals " kill me with their bullshit. They act like they get an honorary "black pass"' because their political leanings is more in sync with most black people. I have written about this before, and this is a good time to remind liberals that they get as much scrutiny from the kid as conservative republicans when it comes to matter of race.
For the record, comparing the actions of the kkk to ISIS is quite appropriate. The kkk lynched, burned, and raped to terrorize a race of people. And ISIS is committing unspeakable acts for their own sick religious reasons as well.
In case Lawrence and others like him forgot their history, it's important to note that the kkk, like ISIS, also used their religion to justify their actions.
I think that it might be time for Tamron to have a serious PT session with her man.
Finally, I don't like to write about what I do every day for obvious reasons. But I work in an environment where I see domestic violence and its effects quite often, and I am hear to tell you that domestic violence is a serious problem in this country.
I am reminded of that sad fact after reading about yet another horrific story triggered by an ex- husband's jealousy and rage.
"Douglasville, Ga. (Reuters) - A father went on a shooting rampage this weekend, killing his ex-wife, her boyfriend, and two children before taking his own life in a suburban Atlanta neighborhood, authorities said.
The massacre at the former wife's home near Douglasville, about 20 miles (32 km) west of Atlanta, left two other children on life support, authorities said on Sunday.
The shooter chased his daughter into the street and shot her in Saturday's incident, said Randy Daniel, coroner for Douglas County, Georgia. She died at the scene.
"It was his own little girl," Daniel said in a telephone interview. "It's terrible."
He also fired at his ex-wife and her boyfriend, as well as the other children, Daniel said, adding that all were shot in the head.
The shooter was found dead with the other victims inside the house, Daniel said, in a quiet neighborhood of two-car garages and well-kept lawns near Douglasville.
Teresa Carter, who lives right across the street in the quiet Amber Forest neighborhood, was home at the time.
"I was sitting in my living room and heard the pow," she said. "Then I heard the little girl screaming, and then four more shots. It was the worse thing I ever heard in my life."
She ran outside and saw the girl had been shot in the mouth.
Carter said her neighbors had seemed to be a perfect family, playing ball in the street, with the children coming up to her to pet her dog.
A small pile of carefully placed teddy bears and dolls sat in front of the home where the shooting occurred." [Source]
There will be more stories like this, and we will be just as saddened and outraged at the next one.
Saddened and outraged; but certainly not surprised.
"just because you are knocking boots with a sister, that doesn't give you the right to speak on black issues that you have no clue about."
Ah, I see. There is no freedom of speech if someone wants to speak about "black issues" in a way you don't like.
Good to know.
Listen, Lawrence -- tapping the sista don't give you the right--yes, "right"--to speak freely.
How dare you think you'd ever have a right to free speech! Black people can take it away, apparently, if you displease them.
The Field Negro said...
Some of these "liberals " kill me with their bullshit.
Nice. It appears you've been reading my words.
I have written about this before
7 years and 363 days ago.
I am here to tell you that domestic violence is a serious problem in this country.
Just because a person has a 2 car garage and lawns doesn't mean one possess the skills to successfully raise children.
You are right field, some are up in arms about President Obama's comments about The Christian Crusades but no one has touched his comments about Slavery and Jim Crow.
Tam Tam is kicking it with Lawrence? Hmmmm, I thought she would do better than that. Anyhoo blah folks can easily see the Isis kkk connection but it's hard for some whites because we have been dehumanized to the point where if anything happens to a blah person the best they'll get is indifference. Just wait and read the comments that are sure to follow.
That last story was disturbing. America has always been a violent place.
Wesley R said...
comments about The Christian Crusades but no one has touched his comments about Slavery and Jim Crow.
I'm under the impression the crusades were about christians taking their land back.
Jim Crow/Slavery there is no excuse for.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
America has always been a violent place.
Humans are violent.
For European women aged 16-44 violence in the home is the primary cause of injury and death, more lethal than road accidents and cancer.
"...because we have been dehumanized to the point where if anything happens to a blah person the best they'll get is indifference."
Oh, you poor, poor people. Nobody gives a fuck about blahs in America. NOBODY!
"I am reminded of that sad fact after reading about yet another horrific story triggered by an ex- husband's jealousy and rage."
Brother Field, "jealousy", along with "pride", is the worst of the seven deadly sins for humans. It can be lethal in relationships, marriages and family, depending on the depth of intensity. That man who killed his family obviously was overtaken by jealousy, which caused him to do what he did. It was a moment of insanity and great pain.
I agree with you that there will be more of this violence. However, the violence is due to jealousy, not because humans are violent.
In every violent act, Pride, Anger, Lust, Greed, Jealousy/Envy are responsible for it.
You see, to be incarnated as a human, you must carry those 7 deadly sins. And they control humans. That's 'why' we need God to help us defeat them.
Unfortunately, most humans love to sin. There is a raging spiritual battle going on in every one of us between the deadly sins and virtue. Needless to say who is winning?
Have you been following Whitney Houston's family? Blacks are notorious for Pride, Anger and say nothing of lust and greed.
see what i mean 'bout menfolk needing to control themselves? all around the globe women are catching hell 'cause some menfolk would rather control others. get violent nasty with it, too, when faced with exercised free will.
if more would rise to that challenge, they wouldn't have time to worry about what random women are doing with their wombs.
what is most horrific to me is that little girl running away from her protector/father because he was seeking to do her THAT makes my soul sick.
it is written that in the last days parents would turn against their children and children against parents;(
the beautiful BW can't change how her man thinks/feels. he has a right to his opinion...we all do. i don't understand your point FN. are only Black folk entitled to have a point of view on matters concerning race?
lol @/with Bill:
"I'm under the impression the crusades were about christians taking their land back.
Jim Crow/Slavery there is no excuse for."
Josh, why do you hate Blacks? Why don't you care about Blacks and PX? Lord have mercy.
FP, "if more would rise to that challenge, they wouldn't have time to worry about what random women are doing with their wombs."
Life is sacred and God made woman to be the conduit to life. All sacred human life comes from the woman. And now she is desecrating that sacredness by killing her babies? Is there nothing left that's sacred in this world? God entrusted life to the woman and she blames the man? PLEEEEZE.
Anon 9:01pm- don't believe the WHouston family hype. they murdered her. intended her daughter to go first...
then switched up the plan when things went wrong.
the actor that spoke of star whackers, Quaid fellow, told no lies. of course sleepers dismissed him as "crazy"...
i pray and watch to see if they will conclude the ritual by allowing BK to linger until anniversary of her mother's death.
Seymour Hoffman was last superb owl/ super baal...
BK this year.
meanwhile the Grammy rituals are in full effect as we speak...remember they didn't remove WH's body 'til after folk finished partying? but they loved her... the bath tub has occult meaning,too;( hidden in plain sight.
blessings all!
I understand perfectly where you're coming from Field!
It's so annoying to hear someone spouting off about a culture and people they do not truly know about!
Like someone pertaining to speak knowingly about the culture, politics, grievances, joys, sorrows etc., of Puerto Rico. Without having lived here or lived through what we live through every day!
Talking nonsense that we know is a bunch of half truths and made up talking points! Annoying because it's disrespectful!
As for the man that killed his family. Of course it has to be investigated but I'm wondering if the judge gave her the house, the kids,and the larger part of his paycheck?
Not that this justifies murder,it most certainly does not! But to be living in a furnished room or back with his parents,and not have enough money left to even eat out, then watch as another man is brought into that very house, can drive an already unstable person over the edge!
It has happened before. I think the alimony rates should be revised. The man has to live also!
@9:13- you miss the point.
life is sacred.
we agree.
menfolk specialize in global murder and mayhem. fix that FIRST, since life is sacred.
more women/men would do well to get closer to Yah. that in and of itself will eliminate much of the madness.
i don't do battle of the sexes. humanity loses.
nor do i do the bow down to menfolks' little egos when quite a few have ZERO intent to EVER follow Yah. ZERO intent to EVER lift Him/His Word up before men and regulate other men. quite a few of these jokers ONLY know two Scriptures- women submit to menfolk and know ye not that we are g-d? never mind they twist ALL Truth out of even those two Scriptures as they seek to control everyone but themselves.
i can't make you get the point of what i am saying. all i can do is type it and pray it connects on some level.
ps. for all the moaning menfolk do re: abortion. it is one of the 1st things many suggest when THEIR pockets/lives are about to be impacted. it's like they have no clue sex results in babies. the point of control is BEFORE dropping trousers. past that point? grab a seat.
so again, pray for others and control yourselves.
so...if folk move to puerto rico that makes them puerto rican?
never mind...
they would STILL have a right to freedom of speech + their opinion;)
Do famous people know what they signing up for before the fame?
ps. maybe folks' daddies could teach them how things will go down if they marry or impregnate the wrong one?
that man needed some self control. trust + believe womenfolk feel like off'ing folk, too, behind menfolks' madness. some do. betty broderick comes to mind. she put her husband through law school, raised their kids + was replaced by the much younger secretary once he got on. righteously ended up in prison for her lack of self control, too.
menfolk already know how the law gets down. act accordingly + find Yah's favor so you can find the Right one...
@9:33- i don't know.
i haven't figured out if folk just plain wicked/evil + will do anything for $ or if they are caught up...
i pray for ALL souls in Messiah's Name.
indeed, we war NOT against the flesh..
THIS is why the Black/White flesh battle = distraction + dumb.
Blessings all!
Lawrence O'Donnell is right: Obama is full of shit.
The kkk lynched, burned, and raped to terrorize a race of people. And ISIS is committing unspeakable acts for their own sick religious reasons as well.
This is pathetic.
The KKK did not act in the name of Christianity. And in any event, no one is suffering at their hands today.
ISIS is acting in typical Muslim fashion, as Muslims have for 1,400 years.
It is disgusting how liberals go to the most extreme measures to excuse Islam and try to tar Christianity as just as bad.
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your venality.
I'd like to think that if 'ol boy was ex-married to a sista' packing heat (with red dots), he would think twice about going on a shooting rampage.
Just sayin'.
Today is the 100th anniversary of the release of "Birth of a Nation", one of the greatest movies ever made.
Everyone who is interested in the truth about the KKK should watch that movie.
The KKK definitely is a valid comparison with ISIS -- both were/are vicious terrorist organizations that use religion to justify their violent acts.
But I have to agree with O'Donnell at least to the extent that it's not an ideal comparison. There's no doubt about the KKK's Christian association -- their symbol is the burning cross, after all -- but religion still isn't as big a part of their ideology as with ISIS.
ISIS is all about their warped, fundamentalist version of Islam. They are trying to set up a theocratic state, and everything they do has some sort of conscious connection to the Koran, even if most of the Muslim world thinks their interpretation of scripture is insane.
O'Donnell is right, I co-sign with him.
However, Tameron with Lawrence kind gives me nausea. It's not a pretty sight. Tameron must be desperate for a man.
"There's no doubt about the KKK's Christian association -- their symbol is the burning cross,"
Wait, so people who burn the flag are patriots?
Does ISIS burn the Koran?
Are you retarded?
O'Donnell spreads the truth, just he spreads his man butter all over Tameron's back.
"It is disgusting how liberals go to the most extreme measures to excuse Islam and try to tar Christianity as just as bad."
All religions are "just as bad." Any religion can be used to justify bad acts, and most have been, at some point.
Christianity isn't used for such purposes quite as often as it used to be, but that's mainly because the Western world is way less Christian than it used to be. The Enlightenment happened, and the West is now much more secular.
This is not true in the Middle East, which is still extremely religiously observant. If someone in that region wants to do something violent, they are more likely to bring religion into it, but the real motivation is usually something much more earthly (snatching land, controlling women, taking revenge on people they don't like, or whatever).
"Wait, so people who burn the flag are patriots?
Does ISIS burn the Koran?
Are you retarded?"
Idiotic analogy. Burning something doesn't always mean you are against it. Context matters.
It sounds like you might be the retarded one.
Bro Field, you are not part otf the propoganda that was aformentioned . Your forte is the written. This imagery of global looks and privilege come in the form of visualness, graphic. Pick up the latest Sports Illustrated.
BF you are good at what you do
Anon from 12something oclock yesterday.. I agree with you on that note of the white male being emasculated and there is no help on the horizon. I guess we will have to accept the change with the other lemmings.
Barbados's finest eviscerates the 'deluded and dysfunctional' Republicans.
We are a Christian organisation" says K.K.K. leader."
My favourite line...
"We want to stay white, it's not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy."
All I can say to any race or group of people, "when your brother is wrong tell them". The bull need to stop.
I didn't realize that it was up for debate whether the kkk considered themselves Christians or not.
My trolls re getting better. They are using words like ""venality" now. Whaaat?
Bill, that old Doobie Brorhers song:"what a fool believes he sees" . Maybe u should read more of my old stuff. It might diminish your trolling creed, but u might find it useful.
Oh field gets his knickers is a bunch when someone non-black speaks on black issues.
But field is totally ok with speaking on white issues.
The hypocrisy, like cow manure, is spread thick in the fields.
The Crusades was a war out of necessity. Without the Crusades, Europe would have been turned into a Islamic slave state. Europe of today would look more like Afghanistan and purple cow would be using his left hand to wipe his ass.
The left continues to try to re-write history and morel equivalence the hell out of whites. They can't help but to play the victim card and wallow in self-hate.
In times like these, it's important to ask the difficult questions, just ask Philomena Cunk...
Did America find more land as I was sleeping?
We're the largest, most powerful country on Earth.
Thankfully, the person interviewing Obama didn't yell out liar.
The last person to yell "liar" when Obama was talking about Americans saving $2500 on Obamacare turned out to be correct.
SPLC labeling ben carlson an extremist for his comments
In His Own Words:
“Marriage is between a man and a woman.
For some strange reason, the SPLC didn't have a problem with Obama saying-
I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now for me as a Christian (interrupted by thundering applause at an Obama event)
I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.
There must be a good reason the SPLC didn't label Obama an extremist for his beliefs marriage was between a man and a woman.
StillaPanther2 said...
Anon from 12something oclock yesterday.. I agree with you on that note of the white male being emasculated and there is no help on the horizon. I guess we will have to accept the change with the other lemmings.
I'm not going to change the world, but I am not going to accept my country being sold out from under my feet. A lie that goes unchallenged gets to masquerade as truth.
Americans are kept divided in order to better facilitate their dispossession. Maybe it is time to look for allies in new places.
Poorly Bill, you've gotta feel sorry for the boy.
The Purple Cow said...
Poorly Bill, you've gotta feel sorry for the boy.
Ding ding.
It's hard even for a hitler socialist to argue my left-leaning links.
Poor old Bill.
Lawrence O'Donnell's show is my favorite show on MSNBC. Not because his analysis is better than than the others. It's because of his get in your face attitude. It reminds me of Keith Olbermann. But Lawrence is no Keith Olbermann. Krystal Ball might be the best analyst. Rachel Maddow is the first to raise her hand when the bosses want the hosts to lie. Chris Matthews is second. David Corn lies without being asked. That's why Maddow's and Matthews' shows are advertised the most, to pressure the other hosts to tow the corporate line. I think most of them just won't talk about a subject if they disagree with the corporate bosses' position. I'd call that lies of omission. The ones who wouldn't lie, like Keith Olbermann, Cenk Uygur, and Phil Donahue aren't there anymore. Fox News may lie more, and micromanage the talking points more, but they are more tolerant of deviance from their talking points. I don't agree with Geraldo Rivera on much, but I can see that he believes what he says.
field negro said...
Maybe u should read more of my old stuff. It might diminish your trolling creed, but u might find it useful.
I have read your old stuff, I've commented on it before and you said good for me for reading your old words. :)
Here's my observation...
Your link in this thread is from 8 years ago, that's the time period I have found your dumbocrat bashing.
Which just happens to be the time period when rich white dumbocrats were campaigning against Obama.
Not much dumbocrat bashing since Obama was elected.
Context Josh. Context.
No parent gets the instruction book, you live it.
"European"? This is America, we hold ourselves to a higher standard.
Interesting couple. Lawrence has every right to his opinion. Love his show.
6:46 AM
Blogger field negro said...
6:47 AM
BROTHERS. They aren't your damn brothers. They're not your damn sisters. either. I remember Alicia Skanks calling the black woman :Nubian Princesses.
Of course, most of the slaves to the Western world came from Western Africa, courtesy of African/Arabic slave traders
I take offense to Tamron Hall being linked with this article. She has nothing to do with the story. As a black woman that have been in highly diversity environments (military). I have seen too many black men overlook black women and trip all over themselves trying to get to white women. I love to see strong "black Love". But, truth is black women are very limited when it comes to the "male pool."
Just want to add to my previous comment. The KKK was/is just as bad as ISIS and so are some of the "Crooks" on Capital Hill in Washington, DC
BIA, Ms Hall was linked simply because of her relationship with the target of my post. I have no idea where she stands on this or any other issue.
Somebody set Lawrence straight. Last night he had a guest who talked about the KKK and its link to Christianity.
That's good to hear.
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