I honestly thought that this issue was settled, but apparently there are some folks who think this is an evil plot by the government to control their children. Wingnuts are using words like "oppressive".
Sorry Glenn Beck, people who question vaccinations are not being "persecuted". You have the right to do what you want with your own damn kids, but not when you put other people's children at risk.
Two potential republican candidates for president have already declared that they are not too sure about this vaccination thing. One of them tried to link vaccines to mental illness.
And the other one.....
"New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Monday parents should have some choice on whether to vaccinate their children, a position he's taken before but one that drew a new level of attention amid a U.S. measles outbreak and his recent moves toward running for president."
Of course, politicians being politicians, he tried to walk it back.
"The political significance of Christie's remarks was amplified by his office a short time later, when it released a statement saying the governor believes "with a disease like measles there is no question kids should be vaccinated."
Yep, this guy is definitely running for president.
You gotta love these conservatives. I mean I understand that they don't like a lot of regulations in their day to day lives, but there are some things in life that should not even be debated.
Take washing your hands, for instance.
"In a week packed with news over concerns for public health, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) described his own history of opposing certain health and hygiene regulations, including those that require employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom.
“I was having a discussion with someone, and we were at a Starbucks in my district, and we were talking about certain regulations where I felt like ‘maybe you should allow businesses to opt out,'" the senator said.
Tillis said his interlocutor was in disbelief, and asked whether he thought businesses should be allowed to "opt out" of requiring employees to wash their hands after using the restroom.
The senator said he'd be fine with it, so long as businesses made this clear in "advertising" and "employment literature."
“The market will take care of that," he added, to laughter from the audience." [Source]
And this man is a Senator. I sure hope that he won't be shaking the hands of his constituents on his next trip home.
Folks, if you happen to live in North Carolina and you meet the senator one day, you might want to just give him a fist bump.
There will certainly be a lot more kids without vaccinations now that the dark man in the WH weighed in on the subject. Now it will get more political just like atmospheric science did when Al Gore made a movie. It is true both men did what they did to help but when dealing with a large crowd of conservatives who are largely childish and reactionary the damage may outweigh the good intention.
If I don't get my child vaccinated but yours is, how is your child getting sick?and all of these outbreaks of these diseases that the U.S. eradicated are coming to us curtesy of south of the border. I mean there are not enough unvaccinated American kids to cause an outbreak. And look at where they all are. In high alien populations
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
There will certainly be a lot more kids without vaccinations now that the dark man in the WH weighed in on the subject.
Do you mean the time he said vaccinations cause autism, or the time he said they didn't?
Will people get more vaccinations because he told them not do, or because he told them they should?
What are you saying? Did you ask your Magic 8 Ball?
Wow, the DNC comes up with this vaccination angle to try to tar the Republicans as anti-science, and Field jumps like Stepin Fetchit.
That's some ded-i-cation my man!
Dr Ben Carson said vaccination is a must.
Surely this will put an end to the argument?
"Do you mean the time he said vaccinations cause autism, or the time he said they didn't?"
Huh? Barack said vaccinations cause autism? Really? Got a link?
"Dr Ben Carson said vaccination is a must.
Surely this will put an end to the argument?"
Yes it will!
Carson/Cain '16!
PilotClueless said...
Huh? Barack said vaccinations cause autism? Really? Got a link?
“We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate,” Obama said in April 2008 at a rally in Pennsylvania. “Some people are suspicious that it’s connected to the vaccines. This person included.”
Interesting. I guess he saw the light.
Vaccinations have been under suspicion for a long time by many health professionals.
While they have contributed to diminishing many outbreaks and spread of of serious diseases, they have to be studied more closely.
Many children have violent reactions to vaccines, and while they are not published both mothers and pediatricians are aware of this.
Vaccinations lower and at times eliminate totally certain of the body's immune responses.
Whether this facilitates other conditions to develop in the body id not known, but it is suspected. The situation is this has to be studied but it seems to be a sacred cow that cannot be approached or even questioned or else it causes an illogical hyteria.
Many doctors have set up different vaccination schedules for children, theu giving the child's body time to develop it's own immune responses as well.
Notably among these is the Dr. Sears vaccination schedule which professes to bypass the time when the autism may develop. Many people are following this.
This does not mean no vacs, just a different time schedule for them. I agree with this, What can it hurt, lets see how it works out.
After all, it's much better to have a healthy adult population where their bodies own defenses have protected them from the onslaught of diseases we are seeing now, and paying for now!
It should be looked into in a scientific, logical, rational way. Not used for politicking.
But leftism politicizes everything.
Nothing escapes.
You'd better get your PC vaccinated. You're spreading viruses.
J. H. Krist
We all know righties NEVER politicize anything.
How's the weather?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
We all know righties NEVER politicize anything.
But lefties control the narrative.
Lefties grind their politics in our faces in school, the movies, and in Super Bowl commercials. It never stops.
They are the aggressors in the Culture War.
Yep, we never have people trying to put evolution in our school books, pass laws for womens' health that are really covers for outlawing abortion, ect. The right never pushes their agendas on others. Why would they?
Left wing ny times gets it wrong again...
Chris Christie Shows Fondness for Luxury Benefits When Others Pay the Bill
Let me fix it...
Chris Christie Shows Fondness for Luxury Buffets When Others Pay the Bill
"If I don't get my child vaccinated but yours is, how is your child getting sick?"
There are always a certain percentage of people who have no immunity, and not by choice. Newborn babies, for example, cannot be immunized. Nor can people with immune deficiencies. On top of that, some immunizations wear off over time, leaving that adult person unprotected.
Now, in a society that properly vaccinates everyone, the minority of such people who have no immunity are effectively protected by the majority who do have immunity. There aren't enough vulnerable people for a virus to get a toe-hold and cause an epidemic. This is called "herd immunity."
But in a "fuck-you, I'm a selfish moron, and I don't believe believe in scientifical stuff" society, when enough people opt out of vaccination, then plagues can happen. There is no herd immunity, and those who couldn't get vaccinated or whose vaccinations failed are punished right along with the morons who chose not to get vaccinated.
So yes, not vaccinating your kid CAN harm others who didn't opt out of vaccination.
But putting all that aside, it's worth pointing out that most of the people "opting out" of vaccination aren't actually making any choice at all -- their idiot moms and dads are.
And that raises another important question: Who the hell are you to make that choice against your kid's interest?
If you choose to expose your kid to potentially lethal illnesses for no other reason than that you bombed biology in high school, I'm going to go ahead and call that child abuse. You, sir or madam, are a shit parent!
Funny thing, this "science." People only want to believe in science when the results align with their political beliefs and ideologies. When they don't, well..."It's wrong!"
If I send my child to school and he or she gets sick because some ass-backward moron didn't get their child vaccinated, it's hard to tell what I'd do. We're not talking about a personal choice issue; we're talking about a public safety issue. It's why you need a license to drive. You can't just crawl behind the wheel whenever you feel like it. There are other people on the roadways.
One thing I've heard is that just because there is no solid link found yet, that doesn't mean there won't be. And to that, I say, "Stop being obtuse. Just because the sun hasn't blown up yet, that doesn't mean it won't. But you don't live your life by such infinitesimal standards." I don't know one person who is scared to go outside because a meteor may fall on their head. It's highly improbable, but not impossible. Yet we live our life playing percentages and assessing risks.
No links shown to date has a strong inference that none will be shown. And as far as some kind of government programming, let it go. The government already knows more about you than you know about you. Bet it. Have they taken away your freedoms yet? Are you in the Hague?
Republicans won't endear themselves to anyone save whacky creationists with this stuff.
anon12:29am, At this time of the morning you insult a parent?
Josh said...
Republicans won't endear themselves to anyone save whacky creationists with this stuff.
Republicans aren't pushing this issue.
"At this very moment, some 60 members of the Republican National Committee are in Israel, courtesy of the anti-gay hate group the American Family Association, on a trip organized by Religious Right activist and full-blown Christian nationalist David Lane."
The Republican party is a bit too close for my comfort to religious ideologues. Way too cozy with religion if you ask me.
Tamara Scott, an Iowa Religious Right organizer and RNC committeewoman who was involved in organizing Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s “The Response” prayer rally, said last week that a number of other Republican governors have committed to or are seriously considering holding similar rallies, which she hoped would save America from God’s destruction. - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/more-governors-planning-response-rallies-stop-god-destroying-america-says-tamara-scott#sthash.EgB11ian.dpuf
Great, more wacky hyper religious Republicans acting as politicians and preachers. Maybe it's just me but I prefer my governor working on state issues and leaving the religion to religious leaders but I guess that's why I'm not a Republican.
"Vaccinations have been under suspicion for a long time by many health professionals."
"While they have contributed to diminishing many outbreaks and spread of of serious diseases, they have to be studied more closely."
No human medical intervention has been studied as closely, as intently, for so long as vaccination and immunisation.
"Many children have violent reactions to vaccines, and while they are not published both mothers and pediatricians are aware of this."
A tiny, tiny minority of children have "violent reactions" (by which I presume you mean 'severe') to vaccinations. A tiny percentage of the numbers who would have had severe reactions (including death) to those diseases that the vaccinations prevents.
"Vaccinations lower and at times eliminate totally certain of the body's immune responses."
The bacteria and the viruses used in vaccines are severely weakened or killed, as part of the vaccine manufacturing process. There are far fewer of them than the germs the babies will come into contact with in their normal activities. Even if a child was given ELEVEN vaccines simultaneously, it would only use a thousandth of their immune system.
"Whether this facilitates other conditions to develop in the body id not known, but it is suspected."
Where? When? By whom?
The situation is this has to be studied but it seems to be a sacred cow that cannot be approached or even questioned or else it causes an illogical hyteria (sic)."
Again this is hysterical nonsense. There has been MASSIVE research into this area, and vaccines have been shown to be massively beneficial. At the start of the twentieth century infection was the cause of more than 40% of all human deaths. Today that figure is around 10% When was the last time you heard of someone dying of Smallpox? Without vaccines, somebody you know would have died of Smallpox. The death rate by infection amongst Americans in 1900 was 800/100,000, by 1980 that figure had fallen to < 50/100,000.
"Many doctors have set up different vaccination schedules for children, theu giving the child's body time to develop it's own immune responses as well. "
Again nonsense. See my previous answer.
"Notably among these is the Dr. Sears vaccination schedule which professes to bypass the time when the autism may develop. Many people are following this."
Here is a very good demolition of Sears and his ability to parlay idiocy into his financial gain/
This does not mean no vacs, just a different time schedule for them. I agree with this, What can it hurt, lets see how it works out."
See my previous answer.
"After all, it's much better to have a healthy adult population where their bodies own defenses have protected them from the onslaught of diseases we are seeing now, and paying for now!"
Yeah people! Let's all go back to the good old days when we died of Smallpox, Diphtheria and Polio! Woo Hoo!
It should be looked into in a scientific, logical, rational way. Not used for politicking."
Exactly. When do you intend to start?
@Pilot X @President MSNBC.....Yes, the president did indeed see the light or grasped the big picture, so to speak, as is indicated when reading the full Politico article of the link President MSNBC provided.
PC, this is what wingnuts like to push:nonsense.
Co-sign with Anon@12:29.
A new debate? This debate has been going on since the 70's. Hardly new.
Gotta love the left. They created this anti-vaxx hysteria. They've been the loudest voices.
Now that they see the negative impact-they want to blame Republicans and pretend it's Republicans who are driving the issue.
Sorry libs. Least you have your Bush stole the 2000 election and 9/11 conspiracies. And your wife beater superbowls.
Field just called lilacpr2000 a wingnut.
Just wow.
"Gotta love the left. They created this anti-vaxx hysteria. They've been the loudest voices."
It was the Christian Right who pushed this particular meme, Andrew wakefield was associated with several Evangelical Christian churches.
Nonsense. It was the left. Try to re-write history if you must. It's what you on the left do.
Somebody once said numbers don't lie. Numbers show it's not the "Christian right" who are refusing to vaxx they kids.
The Purple Cow said...
It was the Christian Right who pushed this particular meme,
Rich white hollywood is now part of the christian right?
Even jon stewart knows you are clueless.
Jon Stewart Mocks Anti-Vaccine Liberals: "They Practice a Mindful Stupidity"
Jon Stewart took aim at the Measles outbreak hitting the United States — and the "science denying affluent California liberals" who oppose vaccines.
Let's look at some of the most vocal anti-vaccine science deniers. Feel free to point out their right-wing status.
Robert Kennedy Jr.
Robert Kennedy Jr. has authored the book Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, which argues that the preservative thimerosal, found in some flu vaccines, is harmful to pregnant women and children.
Alicia Silverstone
Silverstone included anti-vaccination passages in her 2014 book The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning. "While there has not been a conclusive study of the negative effects of such a rigorous one-size-fits-all, shoot-'em-up schedule, there is increasing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have gotten distressed phone calls from parents claiming their child was 'never the same' after receiving a vaccine," she wrote. "And I personally have friends whose babies were drastically affected in this way."
Bill Maher spoke out against flu vaccinations in 2009: "Why would you let them be the ones to stick a disease into your arm? I would never get a swine flu vaccine or any vaccine. I don’t trust the government, especially with my health.
Billy Corgan
The Smashing Pumpkins frontman came out against vaccinating for H191 in 2009, calling it "suspicious."
“If you follow some of the links I have been supplying as of late, you’ll notice many are focused on the propaganda build up to our day of reckoning with the Swine Flu virus," Corgan said. "I say 'propaganda' because, in my heart, there is something mighty suspicious about declaring an emergency for something that has yet to show itself to be a grand pandemic."
Britney Spears
Britney Spears was spotted at a 2008 fundraiser for Jenny McCarthy's autism charity, which critics say advocates against vaccines.
Hugh Hefner
Hugh Hefner has supported Jenny McCarthy's autism charity.
Jenny McCarthy
Jenny McCarthy is the perhaps the celebrity most synonymous with the anti-vaccine movement, though what she has said has varied over the years.
Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey, who was once married to Jenny McCarthy, joined her crusade.
Rob Schneider
The Saturday Night Live alum is outspoken in his belief that vaccines should not be mandated and that there is a link between vaccines and autism.
Toni Braxton
In her memoir Unbreak My Heart, singer Toni Braxton writes that she wonders if her son's autism was a result of his vaccinations. "Maybe it's just a coincidence that after my son's first MMR vaccine, I began to notice changes in him," she writes.
"It was the Christian Right who pushed this particular meme, Andrew Wakefield was associated with several Evangelical Christian churches."
Nonsense, Wakefield published in The Lancet, the same ideologically infected leftist journal that published the fudged study on "extra" deaths in Iraq that grossly overestimated Iraqi casualties during the Iraq War.
This is not a left-right issue! Stop falling for these manipulations of the Democrat-Media perpetual campaign machine.
PilotX said...
The Republican party is a bit too close for my comfort to religious ideologues. Way too cozy with religion if you ask me.
I don't like it either, but at least they aren't sucking up to the religion that wants to enslave the world and is regularly decapitating and burning people alive.
señor kinky said...
Nonsense. It was the left. Try to re-write history if you must. It's what you on the left do.
Dumbocrats are so funny with their silly double standards.
Dumbocrats believe the science of man made global warming.
Dumbocrats don't believe the science of vaccines.
The Purple Cow said...
Exactly. When do you intend to start?
5:45 AM
Well since I'm not a scientist, that would be never :)
You make some valid points, but I have heard them all before and they are the same facts that have been stated time and again.
But I don't speak using worn talking points that I've read or heard on the TV.
I speak from experience as a parent and health professional.
Perhaps you have much more personal experience in this matter than I, and thus you speak so vehemently/passionately :)
Either way, I guess it's a very personal issue, but I guarantee you that those of us who are parents want the best for not only our children, but all children.
I don't believe it hurts to delay vaccination for a few months or even weeks if that may help bolster that child's own immune system.
By the way, if you happen to know any late 80's and 90's aged people, as them if they were vaccinated as infants.
Interesting rates on vaccine.
Compton schools: 93.80%
Beverly Hills aschools: 78.33%
Rich white dumbocrats don;t vaccinate their children at the same rate parents in Compton.
Beloved SF bookstore becomes casualty of minimum wage hike
so it's hard to believe that an initiative passed by voters to raise the minimum wage is driving a Mission District bookstore out of business.
"You know, I voted for the measure as well, the minimum wage measure," customer Edward Vallecillo said. "It's not something that I thought would affect certain specific small businesses. I feel sad."
Though it's caught a lot of people off guard, one group that wasn't completely surprised was the Board of Supervisors. In fact, they say they debated this very topic before sending the minimum wage to the voters.
Interesting that the san francisco dumbocrats didn't think of the consequences of raising minimum wage.
It appears the Board of Supervisors understood and went with it anyway.
More of those dumbocrat double standards...
arrested for drunk driving, battery of a police officer, and possession of a gun while under the influence.
BREAKING NEWS: Senator Reid's brother arrested
Senator Reid's office stated, "Larry Reid is Senator Reid's brother, and this is a private matter."
Harry's gun carrying police assaulting brother is off limits.
Dumbocrats couldn't stop talking about Trig Palin.
If not for double standards, would dumbocrats have any standards?
Jon Stewart and Robert Kennedy Jr talking about the horrors of vaccines.
Strangely absent are the right-wing christians.
You think Larry will come clean about Harry Reid's alleged pederasty and sexual abuse of minors in exchange for a plea deal?
"You make some valid points, but I have heard them all before and they are the same facts that have been stated time and again. "
Yep, that would be because they are 'facts'.
Facts are like that....
2 + 2 = 4
Too much alcohol makes you drunk
"You make some valid points, but I have heard them all before and they are the same facts that have been stated time and again. "
Yep, that would be because they are 'facts'.
Facts are like that....
2 + 2 = 4
Too much alcohol makes you drunk
Bill, do u think that children should be vaccinated?
It's a simple yes or no answer.
The Purple Cow said...
Yep, that would be because they are 'facts'.
Facts are like that....
2 + 2 = 4
Too much alcohol makes you drunk
1:53 PM
To use your example, just like the "too much alcohol makes you drunk" fact, there are variables within that fact.
1. Not every person reacts the same way to alcohol.
2. some people can drink more than others without becoming drunk.
3. Alcohol lowers the bodies level of glucose differently in each individual.
4. And did you know that alcohol increases the levels of estrogen in some males causing them to act effeminately? Fact.
So these same variables are present in everything that affects the human organism, including vaccines.
If ignorance is bliss, you've achieved Nitvana.
"Tar the republicans as anti-science". That's like tarring Muslims as anti-pork -manifestly redundant.
Mr Carson lost his credibility when he said that providing healthcare to those who need it is the worst thing since the genocidal terrorism of America's chattel slavery of Africans. In his short time on the public stage, he's earned his irrelevance.
Sounds like a minstrel show to me. All lead paste, shoe polish, tap dance and watermelon jokes.
field negro said...
Bill, do u think that children should be vaccinated?
It's a simple yes or no answer.
It really is that simple.
As I've pointed out, between the time that this statement was made and now, the Lancet (most prestigious medical journal in existence) retracted and repudiated it's published study linking the two. Changing your opinion when accepted fact is disproven is what smart people do. Sticking with discredited ideas is what idiots do.
If you say so. Now go brush your tooth.
Have some cheese with your whine and bite me eh?
field negro said...
Bill, do u think that children should be vaccinated?
It's a simple yes or no answer.
Why do you believe the anti-vaccine crowd are mostly rich white dumbocrat voters?
Christie has the shelf life of unrefrigerated fish outside of New Jearsey. Where is he supposed rack up that all important first win? Iowa? No that's Huckleberry country. New Hampshire? Ever heard of the Sununus? South Carolina? They're more pragmatic than Iowans, but just as conservative, so no. He's stuck in the Guliani niche: too socially liberal for the base and too prolitarian for the grey suited money men.
Don't know. Maybe they have been watching FOX VIEWS and other right wing news outlets.
Watching Fox News is forbidden in Hollywood.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
That's like tarring Muslims as anti-pork -manifestly redundant.
Or tarring Democrats as anti-American.
Racist conservatives lie about it, but vaccination rates are higher in Central America than in Texas.
And explain again how my unvaccinated pose a risk to your vaccinanated children? If vaccines protect folks from disease then you kids should be fine against whatever my kids bring them. Since they aren't.... I call bullshit
Limpbaugh said...
Racist conservatives lie about it, but vaccination rates are higher in Central America than in Texas.
field negro said...
Don't know. Maybe they have been watching FOX VIEWS and other right wing news outlets.
So all those anti-science anti-vaccine dumbocrats are part of the 3 million foxnews viewers?
Seriously Field Negro?
señor kinky said...
Field just called lilacpr2000 a wingnut.
Just wow.
8:09 AM
And don't forget, that I therefore "push nonsense"
Ahahaha! You know what I say to that right? x*D
Because to me all of the rabid pro vaxxers, especially the ones that have no children, are pushing much more non-nonsensical rhetoric! If you can't do the walk, don't talk the talk! and I say this to him and all ;D
and to me this is too serious of an issue to just blindly walk in lock step with anybody!
Another dumbocrat caught lying for years.
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted Wednesday he was not aboard a helicopter hit and forced down by RPG fire during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a false claim that has been repeated by the network for years.
Hillary was also caught lying a few years ago...
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday she made a mistake when she claimed she had come under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996 while she was first lady.
In a speech in Washington and in several interviews last week Clinton described how she and her daughter, Chelsea, ran for cover under hostile fire shortly after her plane landed in Tuzla, Bosnia.
Several news outlets disputed the claim and a video of the trip, showed Clinton walking from the plane, accompanied by her daughter. They were greeted by a young girl in a small ceremony on the tarmac and there was no sign of tension or any danger.
(Surprisingly, news outlets despite having a video of the incident didn't dispute the story for 12 years until she was running against Obama)
And lets not forget the "seared in my memory" lie that john kerry told for decades before he was forced to be honest.
There must be a good reason dumbocrats have to lie.
Maybe Field Negro will make the point again it's because they watched foxnews.
Dumbocrats keep telling us immigration won't hurt Americans seeking employment.
Information technology workers at Southern California Edison (SCE) are being laid off and replaced by workers from India. Some employees are training their H-1B visa holding replacements, and many have already lost their jobs.
The employees are upset and say they can't understand how H-1B guest workers can be used to replace them.
Just like the dumbocrats in san francisco can't understand how raising minimum wage forced the closure of a book store.
Maybe ISIS set that guy on fire because they watch Fox News.
Maybe Obama said you can keep your doctor because he heard it on Fox News.
Tom Brady's balls got deflated after watching Fox News.
Pete Carroll called that play because he saw it on Fox News.
Super-smart negro Ben Carson said the US should be “doubly vigilant” about vaccinating children due to the dangers of an open border.
He also said dirty, disease-ridden Mexicans were the #1 threat to articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking mainstream African-Americans such as himself and President Obama.
"Another dumbocrat caught lying for years."
So Bill, you're saying that from January 2001 until January 2009 you were "exposing" Republican lies and using terms like Redumblicans? Really?
That lying sack of shit Brian Williams finally got busted over his bullshit Iraq story. What a fucking scumbag.
Brian Williams was forced to lie about being shot down in Iraq because of Fox News.
Jon Stewart Asks Why Diseases with Vaccines Are Making Comeback, Maybe It Had Something to Do With Jon Stewart Promoting RFK Jr.'s Looney Liberal Anti-Vax Crusades.
There's a lot of this going 'round. This particular paranoia is found mainly on the left -- some on the right, but mainly on the left, among the Brie-Eaters -- and the media would like to attack this particular meme.
But how to do that without attacking one's own political correlegionists? Easy -- just airbrush Democrats out of the picture and pretend this is a rightwing thing:
See Josh Earnest refusing nine times to establish a federal vaccination mandate:
A position I tend to agree with, but why is the media pretending this is some kind of out of bounds rightwing nuttery when it is the official stated position of an archliberal/soclalist administration?
You republiklanners are the anti Americans. Not a drop of citizenship in the lot of you.
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