I guess I will keep an eye on the commercials, because with folks spending millions of dollars for 30 seconds of air time they better be good.
Anyway, I was looking over my twitter feeds earlier today and I saw some interesting stories.
The first one involved a toddler who went all O.K. Corral on his own family.
"A 3-year-old boy shot and wounded his father and pregnant mother with a 9 mm handgun that he pulled out of the woman's purse while searching for an iPad, police in New Mexico said on Sunday.
Both parents needed hospital treatment for non-life threatening injuries after the bullet went through his father's buttocks and into his mother's shoulder, Albuquerque Police Department Officer Simon Drobik said.
The woman, who is 8-months-pregnant, is being kept at the hospital for observation. The man has been released, said Drobik, who was first to arrive at the scene of the incident at an Albuquerque motel on Saturday afternoon.
"On the kid's side, it's a horrible accident that happened, but the parents are still culpable," Drobik said. "They should have secured the gun.
The couple could face felony negligence charges. The child does not face criminal charges, Drobik said.
The woman told police she purchased the gun the day before the incident, Drobik said. The man is not legally allowed to have a firearm because he has previously been convicted of a felony crime." [Source]
Oh the joys of gun ownership. So simple even a toddler can do it.
Fortunately both parents will survive. Unfortunately the poor child is only three, and he will probably have to spend at least fifteen more years of his life with these two losers.
Finally, speaking of losers, with Mitt Romney gone the new front-runner in the GOP's primary is Scott Walker.
Scott is the guy who has been breaking the law-- and the unions--- in Wisconsin while pretending to be a governor.
I finally got a chance to see Scott up close and personal earlier today and needless to say I wasn't impressed.
"Wisconsin Governor and fan of pro-union punk bands Scott Walker came into his interview with ABC News’ Martha Raddatz Sunday morning riding a first-place showing in an Iowa GOP poll, perhaps benefiting from the unceremonious exit of Mitt Romney. His celebration stopped short when Raddatz quizzed him on his foreign and domestic policy views.
When Walker mentioned Obama’s red line, Raddatz interjected. “Let’s not go backward, let’s go forward,” she said.
RELATED: Scott Walker Will Trade You Money for Reagan Quotes
“I think we need to have an aggressive strategy anywhere in the world,” Walker said.
“What does that mean?” Raddatz insisted. “You don’t think 2,000 airstrikes is taking it to ISIS?”
Eventually Walker said “boots on the ground,” and just as quickly backed away from the suggestion.
Raddatz also pressed Walker for specifics on his immigration views, though couldn’t get any further than that he opposes amnesty, but doesn’t believe in mass deportation, either. “We’ve gotta have a healthy balance,” Walker said. “In the end, we need to enforce the laws in the United States, and we need to find a way for people to have a legitimate legal immigration system, and that doesn’t mean amnesty.”
Walker finished by calling Hillary Clinton the ultimate creature of Washington. [Source]
Yeah, just as I thought. There isn't a whole lot to this guy.
Things are looking better for Jeb and Chris.
Field said...
after the bullet went through his father's buttocks and into his mother's shoulder, Albuquerque Police Department Officer Simon Drobik said.
Um...excuse me but how does a bullet go through the buttocks into the shoulder? Unless the woman's shoulders are at the height of the mans buttocks?
Maybe the kid didn't like what he was seeing?
The Field Negro said...
Unfortunately the poor child is only three, and he will probably have to spend at least fifteen more years of his life with these two losers.
Living in a motel with 2 pit bulls, a kid and pregnant with another kid.
The kid doesn't have a chance.
If not Scott which white guy will win the nomination? Ha!
Carson/Cain 16!
Scott Walker is kind of a simpleton.
The guy is essentially just a servant for the Koch brothers -- they say jump, he asks how high -- and yet when some liberal prankster called him pretending to be David Koch, he took rather a long time to figure it out. He went on and on about the many and varied ways he'd take a shit on poor people, just as the Bros Koch command him to.
It's depressing that a guy as dimwitted and rotten as Walker has gotten as far as he has. I'm disappointed in you, Wisconsinites.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
If not Scott which white guy will win the nomination? Ha!
Hillary 67 White
Warren 65 White
Biden 72 White
It looks like AARP and Ensure will be sponsoring the dumbocrats in 2016.
Is the gop even fielding a woman? Does Carly Fiorina count?
Carson/Cain '16
Things are getting nuts with kids and guns lately.
It was only a month ago when a kid found an amusing gun to play with in his mom's purse while standing in line at an Idaho Wal-Mart. He proceeded to shoot his mom dead, in front of a store of horrified onlookers.
But, you know, guns don't kill people -- two-year-olds do.
What a crazy country we live in.
"Carson/Cain '16"
The GOP nominating an all-black ticket comprised of two dudes that even most black people probably won't vote for? I think that's one of the signs of the apocalypse.
It comes somewhere between the plagues of locust and the oceans turning to blood.
Walker finished by calling Hillary Clinton the ultimate creature of Washington
Creature is an understatement:
No one with a soul could vote for that.
"The guy is essentially just a servant for the Koch brothers -- they say jump, he asks how high"
Liberal morons believe everything their masters tell them to.
AARP candidates? '08 John "Crypt Keeper" McCain. '12 Willard Romney. 80 Ronald Reagan. 88 George HW Bush. 96 Robert Dole. Will the gop finally nominate someone under 1,000?
Carson/Cain '16
Too soon to tell if Mr Walker is just the flavor of the week or a contender, but my instinct is the latter. Unlike Mr's Bush and Romney, he's relevant in 2015. Unlike Mr's Rubio, Graham, and Jindal, he isn't standing for No 2 Unlike Mr's Huckabee and Cruz, and Ms Palin's, his isn't a Vanity candidacy, but a carefully considered and competently staffed effort. unlike Mr Christie, his personality attracts people. I'm The only other figure in Republicanland as serious is Mr Rand Paul, and he's only that because of his father's followers. No, if I were to bet, Mr Walker would be mine, at this point at least, for Establisment Annointed.
Oh. Did I forget Mr Carson? Well I don't take Donald Trump seriously either. Neither are actually running for anything. No staffs. No supporter networks. No fundraising. Just noise.
Brother Field, I have a feeling that Scott Walker would be the best President for Blacks. I believe he would lift the black community up.
What say you? Btw, thanks for the post. I was hoping you would soon give Scott some attention...he deserves it.
How does a 'three year old' shoot a gun? It seems quite unlikely, but considering our folks, anything is possible. At the age of three, this Negro is learning how to shoot black people. This both depressing and disgusting.
As each day passes, more and more it becomes obvious that being Black is very bad karma...a curse.
She sure as hell didn't here in 2010. Except for soaking up a lot of Republican money and spending it on nonstop tv & radio noise, she and Meg Whitman were both Utterly irrelevant. Neither got a single vote that wasn't theirs all along. The Republicans could have nominated sugar-cubes and not campaigned and still gotten 90% of their vote tallies.
Scott Walker is an idiot.
The kid, though, got both parents with one shot. He could have a bright future in the gop.
-Doug in Oakland
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Too soon to tell if Mr Walker is just the flavor of the week or a contender, but my instinct is the latter.
Then by all means, let the Alinskying begin! Objective presidential debate moderator and Obama wedding guest Martha Raddatz has already started!
RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Doug in Oakland has an IQ below room temperature.
Yeah. I wish that the left had adopted his methods as ruthlessly as the GOP. Democrats just aren't as cold blooded as Republicans, ISIL and other fanatics.
"How does a 'three year old' shoot a gun? It seems quite unlikely, but considering our folks, anything is possible. At the age of three, this Negro is learning how to shoot black people. This both depressing and disgusting."
Our people? Oh, you must mean white people. Or Latino people.
In this case, the dad is white and mom is Latino. Both of them look exactly like the rocket scientists you'd expect them to be:
Oh, and the woman shot by her son in Idaho? Also white. She was yet another victim of red-state, redneck gun-nuttery.
"She was yet another victim of red-state, redneck gun-nuttery"
Deluded negroes point to random occurrences like this and ignore the thousands of black perp murders that happen every year, year after year.
Pathological liar Romney didn't look so bad compared to Walker, the Koch's divide and conquer boy, and Jeb, who stole our votes and caused a million deaths.
Quote Josh
"There have been numerous studies conducted which suggest, on their face, that there is an intelligence difference."
Ahh Josh, your true colours are now shining through. You portray yourself as a non-racist, right-Libertarian, but that quote gives the game away.
Ther have been more studies that show no difference between race intelligence than show any difference at all. The studies that show meaningful difference have been largely discredited. Added to that, scientists are increasingly sceptical that race exists as a biological term at all, which renders these studies even more meaningless, unless you seriously believe that melanin levels in the skin are an indicator of intelligence.
You chose not to focus on those issues, instead choosing to say that those who have called into question theses studies are guilty of "shooting the messenger". In fact they were not shooting the messenger they were challenging the methods and conclusions of these studies. That's what scientists are supposed to do.
So Josh, you have finally outed yourself for what you truly are.
Anon@1:20, please provide a link to the thousands of black three year olds shooting their parents.
Take all the time u need. I will wait.........
"Ahh Josh, your true colours are now shining through. You portray yourself as a non-racist, right-Libertarian, but that quote gives the game away."
Josh goes out of his way not to push any conclusions and tiptoe around the subject, but the Cow still feels compelled to attack.
For the Purple Cow, acknowledging the existence of studies that do in fact exist but have findings that must be denied, is racist.
You really are a fascist.
What are you so afraid of?
A study that says Bantus are taller on average than Pygmies does not make the shortest Bantu any taller or the tallest Pygmy any shorter. It doesn't change your estimation of the height of the Bantu standing before you.
In other areas, determination of group averages doesn't make Yao Ming less tall or Neil DeGrasse Tyson less smart.
Group difference are valid area of study. They cannot be applied in any valid way when assessing an individual's attributes. Hysterically denying the differences you are afraid of is pathologically illogical. Girly, even.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
AARP candidates? '08 John "Crypt Keeper" McCain. '12 Willard Romney. 80 Ronald Reagan. 88 George HW Bush. 96 Robert Dole.
Reagan was old when elected.
Reagan was 69 when elected
Younger than Biden will be if elected.
Younger than hillary will be if elected.
2 years older than warren.
Willard was younger than biden, hillary and warren will be.
Reagan bush and dole are not running for office in 2016. Not sure what they have to do with the old white dumbocrats running in 2016.
Why are the dumbocrats going back to old rich white people?
Is the dumbocrat party out of young ideas?
"Hysterically denying the differences you are afraid of is pathologically illogical. Girly, even."
The difference I am denying is that difference that says some groups of people are more intelligent than others due to genomic differences. The reason I am denying it is that I have seen absolutely no convincing scientific evidence that it is true. Similarly, the majority of the world's experts in the field also do not believe it to be true.
Now if wanting to see real, hard scientific evidence for something before I believe it makes me "hysterical" or "girly" - then so be it.
“Don’t dress like Beyoncé,”
People on the left can get away with telling black women not to dress like Beyonce.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Her "sex presence" is driving them crazy.
It wasn't that long ago that Field Negro wrote about the right having issues with Beyonce.
No mention of rich white dumbocrats not wanting their black mistress to dress like Beyonce.
How Donald Sterling of him.
Poor old Bill.
"The difference I am denying is that difference that says some groups of people are more intelligent than others due to genomic differences."
Then you are denying something that has been demonstrated repeatedly in credible studies. It has been deemed by our rulers to be a dangerous area of study, because...Nazis. And it is dangerous, as it could be used to assign characteristics to individuals because of their membership in a group (like Progressive identity politics does).
But it is true.
Replace "group" with "family". Although there is not a perfect correlation, smart people tend to have smart children. Not so smart people tend to have not so smart children. There are environmental factors, but twin and family studies have confirmed that genetic factors are undeniable. But not determinant. My brother has a PhD, but that doesn't make me smart.
The problem is when conclusions about group differences are used to oppress individuals by assigning them the properties of their group.
The flip side of this is Progressivism which uses false assumptions about the absence of group differences to oppress individuals by enforcing policies that seek to eliminate group differences.
It is better to proceed from knowledge than from ignorance.
The Purple Cow said...
Poor old Bill.
You commented yesterday...
I was going to say debating with the likes of you is like debating with a five year old child, actually a two year old would be a better analogy.
I don't know why I'm bothering tying to make you understand, you are either an imbecile or a wind-up artist.
You answered your own question.
Nighty-night all, this has been fun
You have fun arguing with people you believe are beneath you.
"Replace "group" with "family". Although there is not a perfect correlation, smart people tend to have smart children."
Evidence please.
"Not so smart people tend to have not so smart children."
Evidence please.
"There are environmental factors, but twin and family studies have confirmed that genetic factors are undeniable."
"But not determinant. My brother has a PhD, but that doesn't make me smart."
Well that's true. you can't be that smart, otherwise you wouldn't be a racist troll with nothing more interesting to do with his time.
The Purple Cow said...
"Replace "group" with "family". Although there is not a perfect correlation, smart people tend to have smart children."
Evidence please.
Jesus, do you ever look out the window?
Errrrr, that link does not back up your case.
Did you post the wrong link?
Replace "group" with "family". Although there is not a perfect correlation, smart people tend to have smart children. Not so smart people tend to have not so smart children. There are environmental factors, but twin and family studies have confirmed that genetic factors are undeniable. But not determinant. My brother has a PhD, but that doesn't make me smart.
you are right that there is no 'perfect' correlation whose kids are above average and whose kids are not. In fact that pertains to all of us today who make such comments.
Einstein's parents weren't too bright. Now that is 'huge', when considering your 'imperfect correlation'. I suppose you are using statistics to prove your point? Here's something to consider when dividing up families for the sake of degradation of your fellow human being: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics."--Mark Twain
Anon, "The problem is when conclusions about group differences are used to oppress individuals by assigning them the properties of their group."
I agree wholeheartedly. That is a 'major' problem. The human ego just can't help itself in oppressing others. It doesn't do it because it 'wants' to, it does it because it 'has' to in order to make itself feel better. It's the basis of racism, wars, mean-spiritedness, degradation, justifying murders, separation, etc....It can all be summed up with one word: "EVIL". It saps the life out of both the victims and the perpetrators. No happiness or joy comes from it.
Anon, "The flip side of this is Progressivism which uses false assumptions about the absence of group differences to oppress individuals by enforcing policies that seek to eliminate group differences.
It is better to proceed from knowledge than from ignorance."
The trouble with 'human' knowledge is it brings enormous ignorance with it. Haven't you noticed this important 'knowledge?' It's the ignorance of 'smart' people who disagree with other 'smart' people's interpretation of the facts that lead the 'wise' to recognize that we humans don't know a damn thing.
I wonder if the family of Bobbi Kristina Brown is going to keep her alive until the 11th.
@ words for ya' Billy Boy, SICK BASTARD!!!!
Man that family should start taking showers instead. Just sayin'
Another heart warming tale of gun ownership:
Good points WC but if Billary runs the gop will need to trot out another woman so they can avoid the sexist lable they will certainly get when Limbaugh or some other conservative idiot lips off. They will already have to support Dr. Carson just so the stage won't be all white as usual. Things will be interesting next year.
Carson/Cain '16
Anon 2:55pm, very good points.
Martha Radditz has had her boots on the ground in the Middle East for years. She knows her shit. Big talk from small minds like Walker etc.
Women have no business giving opinions on foreign policy.
If the father had been rich, then his wallet would have been thick with money. His buttocks would have been shielded by his money. But he wasn't rich because his money went to taxes to support the Welfare-drawing black gangsta crackheads in his town which it why the family had the guns. See the vicious cycle? At least his ass wasn't black. Field would blog "White Man Shoots Unarmed Black Ass!"
Anonymous White Racist@11:38PM
And what about all the closet KKK White-Welfare and SSI-drawing unemployed, toothless, shoeless, sizzurp drinkin' peckerwoods, Whitesnot??
I thought so, you White racist pig!
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