"On Thursday, Pastor George Hunley called police to report that he had been robbed and shot twice after being a “Good Samaritan” and stopping to help a multi-racial couple who appeared to be having car trouble.
Hunley says the husband — a “black man” — brandished a gun and demanded money. The 54-year-old Louisa, Virginia, pastor claimed a struggle ensued resulting in him sustaining two gunshot wounds to the leg before he was able to escape.
During the police call, Hunley claimed his attacker had a white female partner wearing a stocking cap. He also claimed they had a baby in their late model Ford Taurus.
However, it only took a day for police to determine that this altercation was all a lie. They arrested the pastor for making false statements to police. Hunley has been released but is charged with the misdemeanor.
According to law enforcement, his story unraveled when they found no evidence of blood in his car and found the wallet and checkbook that he claimed was taken.
“Everything right now points to us believing there was no armed robbery,” Louisa Sheriff’s Office Major Don Lowe explained to CBS6. “There was no bi-racial couple, none of that really happened.”
Hunley may also have to pay back expenses related to the police search for his “robbers.” Police have not offered an explanation on how the pastor received the bullet wounds." [Source]
Didn't someone tell Pastor Hunley what the good book says about lying?
I guess it's cool to lie on the black man when you live in a country where black six year olds with special needs are getting the business from the po po.
"Ridgeland Police in Mississippi showed up at Paul and Angela Thompson Roby’s home looking for Angela’s brother Carneigio Gray.
That’s when the young boy’s parents say police pointed their weapons at him. His parents say he is special needs.
Paul and Angela tell Mississippi’s Fox 40 News their son’s grandmother asked the officers not to point their guns at her grandson.
Fox 40’s Shderia Thompson says the parents have contacted the FBI and Attorney General’s Office, but have not filed an official complaint with the Ridgeland Police Department." [Source]
They don't take chances with young Negroes in Mississippi. I guess some things never change.
Good lord. That takes the cake.
"They don't take chances with young Negroes in Mississippi. I guess some things never change"
Brother Field, Emmitt Till whistled and flirted with a ww who was the wife of a wm. Blacks should never do stupid shit like that in MS or Ala.
Just in case Field Negro was too busy...
Matt Molinari - Eric Schnepf
2 white teenagers stopped by the police for hustling up snow clearing jobs.
Why is the government so intent on passing laws to entrap people?
You can't be too careful with negroes, no matter how young they are. Their parents teach them to hate white people and the police right from the cradle.
Mr Field, there have been a lot of claims by Whites with Negroes where injuries and killings have happened.
Now come on, Field....that many Whites can't be wrong about Negroes. I mean, consider the odds.
"2 white teenagers stopped by the police for hustling up snow clearing jobs."
Because whites cannot under any circumstances feel any empathy for a darkie. Even a story about cops pulling guns on a special needs 6 year old elicits a response about white kids being "harassed".
Special needs negroes are even more dangerous than normal negroes.
Normal negroes are needy enough already.
Why would REMFpublicans stop blaming Barack? Their conservatives dopes are so speed as to believe measles vaccines are a Kenyan Marxist commie plot. Obama will be the universal Republican blame all for the next 30 years.
Bullshit dirty Gene, the anti-vaxxers are mostly moonbat liberals.
Interview with a 13 year old boy murdered by the CIA earlier this month.
Read it and weep (if you have a gram of common humanity remaining).
Yeah. Too many people seem to blame black folks. But wouldn't it suck much more if whites had the equivalent of Al Sharpton whipping up racial riots and looting in random communities every time one of these stories broke?
This guy blames a crime on a black guy, and nobody seriously gives a fuck. White America shrugs its shoulders. "So?"
Black person blames whitey for something, all holy fucking hell breaks loose, the federal government is calling for investigations, stores are burned and broken, and suddenly race charlatans are leading the charge with phony slogans that even make their way to the fucking Grammy Awards, of all places.
It really needs to start working the same across the board. White people need affirmative action when they blame the black guy. White communities need to start rioting and starting hashtag campaigns and get spokespeople in front of cameras to demand justice based on zero evidence.
That whole goose/gander thing...
"But wouldn't it suck much more if whites had the equivalent of Al Sharpton whipping up racial riots and looting in random communities every time one of these stories broke?"
I see Sharpton is still the go-to bogieman for every racist troll on the net. Posts like Josh's are so generic they must almost write themselves.
You'd think they would be bored listening to themselves by now.
Yeah PC, the thing is, if they really knew any black people, they would know that we don't even consider him our spokesperson on racial issues. But it makes them feel good about themselves to have a "go-to boogie man" on such issues.
Gotta give it to Rev, though, at least he got paid.:)
Anon@12:03, thanks for noticing. Truly a sad state of affairs here in America.
"2 white teenagers stopped by the police for hustling up snow clearing jobs.
Why is the government so intent on passing laws to entrap people?"
Because the residents of those communities don't want to robbed or assaulted. These suburban soliciting laws are intended to allow local government to run criminal background checks on people who go door-to-door selling things or canvassing for political groups. You can still do it, but you have to file the paperwork with city hall before you do.
Maybe all of this is security overkill -- who knows if they actually cut down on crime -- but in any case, these laws are popular. And truthfully, even if it turned out they didn't make anyone any safer, they'd still be popular, because most people don't like unknown people ringing their doorbell all the time anyway, and anything that discourages it is a plus.
You might want to note, Bill, that these laws are most common in wealthy, conservative-leaning enclaves. This is because contrary to the hogwash that comes out their mouths, conservatives don't actually want smaller government, just government that does different things from what liberals want. Liberals think one of the jobs of government is to help poor people escape poverty. Conservatives think government exists solely to allow them to escape poor people.
The Purple Cow said...
Interview with a 13 year old boy murdered by the CIA earlier this month.
Murdered by President Obama.
His policy.
The buck stops with him.
The world has noticed.
The liberal media is still crickets.
Nice try to spin the truth and blame the CIA for following orders.
How many other "conservatives" do you try and protect with your spin?
But kudos to you for finally speaking out against all the innocent people being killed in drone attacks ordered by Obama, I mean the CIA.
Bill are you saying that Obama directed the drone personally from the White House?
Are you saying that the CIA are in no way responsible for these drone attacks?
..and yes I know its Obama's policy to murder Muslim kids I wrote extensively about it on one of my blogs. But he didn;t set the drone program up for the record.
1: Who the hell said, "Black people love Al Sharpton and want him around"? Certainly not me.
2: He's the go-to guy because he's the motherfucker who's out there leading the hands up, don't shoot campaign and burying the Duke lacrosse team, etc. He interjects himself into these beefs, makes them explicitly racial, and capitalizes on it.
3: One thing about the boogeyman -- it doesn't exist. A boogeyman is like the wage gap or white supremacy, nonsense that's brought up to teach children...or adults with the minds of children. Al Sharpton is fucking real.
And before anyone even begins to dare think they can spit some shit about, "Oh, those incidents were in the past. STFU about Tawana Brawley!" let me remind the slower mfers 'round here about the Christians-are-equivalent-to-ISIS post recently, as if it was just 8:14 a.m., 2/10, in the year of Obama 2015, that some white Christian just burned to death a black man for being black.
Perspective, asshats. It's what gained when you aren't desperately beholden to a narrow ideology.
field negro said...
if they really knew any black people, they would know that we don't even consider him our spokesperson on racial issues.
Dumbocrats insist rush is the de facto leader of the rethugs.
Rethugs insist rush doesn't speak for them.
And here you are parroting rethug talking points claiming sharpton doesn't speak for you. :)
And unlike rush, your de facto leader gets a lot of face time on teev pushing his agenda.
And unlike rush, your de facto leader routinely meets with the president in the white house.
The Purple Cow said...
Bill are you saying that Obama directed the drone personally from the White House?
How many Iraqi children did bush kill from the white house?
Are you saying that the CIA are in no way responsible for these drone attacks?
..and yes I know its Obama's policy to murder Muslim kids
Blaming the CIA when you admit it's Obama's policy?
Batshit crazy even for you PurpleCow.
Intentionally lying to black people is the new orange.
Axelrod: Obama Misled Nation When He Opposed Gay Marriage In 2008
Barack Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons, his former political strategist David Axelrod writes in a new book, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics.
Axelrod also admits to counseling Obama to conceal that position for political reasons. “Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church, and as he ran for higher office,
The Obama lies are piling up.
Good thing dumbocrats don;'t hold their party to the same standard they hold retugs.
Josh, "It really needs to start working the same across the board. White people need affirmative action when they blame the black guy. White communities need to start rioting and starting hashtag campaigns and get spokespeople in front of cameras to demand justice based on zero evidence.
That whole goose/gander thing...
5:13 AM"
Whites have affirmative rights. They have had it for centuries. Blacks had affirmative action for almost 20 years and Whites couldn't stand any affirmative action for Blacks and complained and had it repealed.
It's understandable. If you are a murderer, thief, racist and a rapist, you want to be able to continue doing that evil to Blacks.
Relax Josh. You can shoot a bm to death and the grand jury and prosecutor will say "it's ok."
So, what other affirmative action do you Whites need?
field negro said...
Yeah PC, the thing is, if they really knew any black people, they would know that we don't even consider him our spokesperson on racial issues.
He is your spokesperson on everything.
He is Obama's shaman, witch doctor to to the King of the Negroes.
The absolute and breath-taking imbecility of WHITE racists!!!!
Ping Field Negro
You've written many times about police shootings.
Have you ever tried a police training live-action shooting scenario?
I ask because Black Panther Quanell X did and his reaction was to opine...
"Please, brothers and sisters, if they [police] tell you to do something, do it,”
Man, any cops who pulls a gun on a special needs kid should be immediately terminated. Ya need to be working security at Home Depot.
"I see Sharpton is still the go-to bogieman for every racist troll on the net. Posts like Josh's are so generic they must almost write themselves.
You'd think they would be bored listening to themselves by now."
You would think. There should be a Godwin's law for racial discussions. The first person to mention Jesse Jackson and/or Al Sharpton immediately conceeds the debate/argument.
Bro Field:
Here's another one for you:
74 year-old brother who caught a "warning shot" in the head.
Cue all the White Racist Asshole Kochtrolls!
Also interesting is the arguments are very old. The same critiques and criticisms that Rev is getting were lobbed at Dr. King. The more things change.
"Blaming the CIA when you admit it's Obama's policy?
Batshit crazy even for you PurpleCow."
Now answer my fucking question, drongo.
Hehe, it's always entertaining to read when albinos are complaining about affirmative action. I mean, you have to be absolutely COMPLETELY USELESS as a person if you can't make a decent living for yourself in the white supremacist capital of the world, AmeriKKKlan.
There's nothing quite like albinos bitching in the morning.. You know that sound, that whiney nasally sound.. Sounds like..... white trash!
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Also interesting is the arguments are very old. The same critiques and criticisms that Rev is getting were lobbed at Dr. King
People are accusing Al Sharpton of plagiarism? Of liking to slap whores around?
I thought he was just a tax cheat who incited murder.
Richard Høy said...
"Hehe, it's always entertaining to read when albinos are complaining about affirmative action"
Only loser groups need affirmative action.
The white race is scum. I have never met a good white person in my life. Fuck you all.
Sitting here at Toronto (YYZ) airport waiting for my flight back home to Paris and thought I would check in with all of you.
Just finished up visiting friends/family in NYC and Wash DC and must say - this is a time of extreme challenges for the US. The mood and the tensions there are very uncomfortable.
I think when you are outside of the USA, and return, the racial discord is very remarkable. When you live in the USA, somehow it becomes normative - which is sad.
After leaving the US we lived in Chile and then in a Central European country. Our daughter got accepted into a prestigious academy in Paris and my husband (now retired from the USMC, Praise Be To God) was offered a teaching appointment, so we are living in Paris for a year and arrived in early Dec.
Like Toronto, the black/white divide is not as pronounced as it is in the USA. There are divisions - but they are social/economic more than skin color. Both countries struggle with how to deal with economically disadvantaged migrants but I don't have the same sense of rancor and resentment fueled by race.
My experiences in both countries are also that black professionals are accepted as the professionals they are, without caveats. I definitely did not get this sense during my most recent visit to the USA.
In majority-black communities in the Greater Toronto area, I don't feel threatened or at risk from harm. Same-same with Paris. I can not say the same about my recent visits to NYC and DC.
FN, I can certainly understand why you don't like blogging about your "day job". I worked domestic violence/sexual abuse cases when I worked in the pediatric practice, and it can be souldestroying. I was also the victim of domestic violence myself when my first husband became addicted to cocaine.
My concerns when I listen to the pain expressed by black Americans is that the sense of vulnerability is very similar to what domestic violence survivors feel.
It is so important to let go of that, for your OWN healing. Once I was able to separate the irrationality of my ex from my own sense of self, I was able to "move on". I ended up rebuilding my life, meeting a wonderful man who loved my deeply scarred children as his own, and we also had children of our own.
Continual retraumatizing over race doesn't help. The black community is stronger and better than that.
FYI, after visiting my Mom in dementia care, I am again struck by the depth of compassion, concern and empathy from black Canadians in all aspects of her care. There is something genuine and real about the compassion and empathy blacks share - something the white community could learn from and emulate more.
And the hyper-policing in the USA is really out of control - but they will prevail as long as others are able to keep the black/white animosity divide alive and well. "Divide and Conquer"
"People are accusing Al Sharpton of plagiarism? Of liking to slap whores around?
I thought he was just a tax cheat who incited murder."
Folks accuse the good Rev of all kinds of stuff. Just read any white person's response to anything involving race. You should know.
PoopAvenger said...
The white race is scum. I have never met a good white person in my life. Fuck you all.
6:09 PM
i feel your pain...it's 'difficult' to find a good fair-minded white person, esp towards blacks. it's been that way since slavery. and slavery is inherently evil. it takes a large group of people committed to the service of evil for slavery, jim crow and discrimination to work....you have every right to be angry, sad and depressed because it is their nature not to be good.
but don't forget there some sell-outs who are helping whites. that is beyond evil.
"There should be a Godwin's law for racial discussions"
Which fittingly enough never, ever includes going back throughout history to point out that white Christians did some fucked-up shit to black folks. No. That one's always a good one to pull out, regardless of context. But mustn't say shit about Sharpton. Get over it, white people! He's the "good reverend." Don't bring up that the man's a fucking walking charlatan whose picture should be in the dictionary beside the word. STFU, while we trot out a picture from 65 years ago to remind you how bad white people were, with the express intent on claiming this is still how white people are.
Fucking silly white people. Abide our bullshit standards. Don't be racists!
Yes, and sensible liberals repudiate and shame them. Would that sensible conservatives do that with... oh, wait. Never mind!
Up yours, Shitlips!!!
Oh, STFU yourself, you pussy. Stop whining about Sharpton, Jackson and others.
History repeats itself: You palefaces simply cannot stand Blacks that won't take or follow orders!
You cuntmunchers whine today the exact same way vou bellyached about MLK and Bro. Malcolm X 50 years ago!
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