Tonight we will educate you about the candidate leading the republican field to become their nominee for presidents of these divided states of America.
"Two Boston men were charged yesterday in the beating of a homeless Mexican man. The victim was allegedly sleeping outside a subway station when brothers Scott and Steve Leader rummaged through his things, then started beating him around the face and neck and hitting him with a metal pole. One witness heard the brothers laughing as they walked away.
Here's what police say Scott Leader told them to justify the assault: "Donald Trump was right — all these illegals need to be deported."
Here's what Donald Trump said when told about the alleged assault (according to the Boston Globe) at a press conference in New Hampshire: "I haven't heard about that. It would be a shame, but I haven't heard about that." Then the crowd buzzed, and Trump added: "I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate. I will say that, and everybody here has reported it.".....
When people are committing hate crimes in your name, you do not call them "passionate." You do not say they "want this country to be great again." You say they do not represent you or your beliefs. You talk about why your followers are different from people who beat up homeless men because they're "illegal."
Donald Trump isn't explicitly saying it's okay to beat people up because of how they look, but at least two men have interpreted it that way. And instead of telling them, and the rest of his followers, that that interpretation is unequivocally wrong, he's — at best — framed it as a moderately regrettable downside of his movement's "passion."' [Source]
Oh, and by the way, I hope that you Negroes understand what the Trumpster means when he says, "Let's Make America Great Again." Think about it for a minute.
*Pic from by Getty images.
They were also charged with indecent exposure for urinating on the homeless man while he was still asleep. Classy, just like their idol.
-Doug in Oakland
The great GOP awakening. Man Coulter and Pat Buchannan already spelled out how the gop should move forward, Trump's policies are just the natural extension.
Brother Field, I noticed in your side bar who labeled as the recent House Negro. Well, that woman has several excuses: She is truly uneducated, she hates being Black, and she thinks white Virginians love her.
There is a high school brother who even tops her. The man has even tattooed the Confederate Flag on his arm because, like the sister, he knows that the Confederate Flag has nothing to do with racism.
As a bm, I feel we are one very sick race that is divided, split and messed up. I am truly embarrassed to be Black, not because of Whites, but because of Blacks. You really ought to do a post on PTSD due to slavery, Jim Crow and pure ignorance in the black race. I mean, we really have disgusting sick people in our race.
My God, O'Reilly really gave it to Cornel West about Blacks. I always thought Bill O'Reilly was for Blacks-- not against us.
Brother Field, pray for us.
"They were also charged with indecent exposure for urinating on the homeless man while he was still asleep. Classy, just like their idol."
Maybe the entire Republican Party can be charged with indecent exposure. Trump is certainly exposing their indecency.
"My God, O'Reilly really gave it to Cornel West about Blacks. I always thought Bill O'Reilly was for Blacks-- not against us."
O'Reilly isn't for blacks? Say it ain't so! Next you'll be telling us that nice David Duke gentleman isn't fond of black people either.
"Brother Field, pray for us."
I don't know what Brother Field will do, but I will pray that you learn to accept that you are a white dude and a troll.
Field, "When people are committing hate crimes in your name, you do not call them "passionate." You do not say they "want this country to be great again." You say they do not represent you or your beliefs. You talk about why your followers are different from people who beat up homeless men because they're "illegal.""
First, those two numbskulls didn't commit a hate crime in Donald Trump's name. Second, you don't run Trump's campaign which is very different from a PC phony Dem campaign. Trump has been genuine and he says the truth. Of course, Mr Field has done hundreds, if not thousands, of posts that have been wrong and biased by miraculously, he passes over those.
Why didn't you blast away at the illegal Mexican who killed Kate Steinle in SF while strolling with her father? Where was your passion about that?
Let me answer for you....You had no passion about it. You didn't feel a thing. Well, brother Field, I did. I have a daughter and we could have walking together and it could have been her.
Personally, I hope Trump wins. All this Trump should have said is nothing but PC crap...that's exactly what it is. One thing for sure, the illegals will soon get the message that it might more dangerous in America than Mexico for their murdering criminal RACIST asses.
Field, you need to wake up and realize that Trump is where he is because Americans want someone to DO something about all this shit that the Dems and GOP does nothing about exact bloviate like hot air balloons.
I don't know what Brother Field will do, but I will pray that you learn to accept that you are a white dude and a troll.
12:44 AM
Man, do you have me all wrong. What do you call the sister who loves to wave the Confederate Flag in VA with her new found white friends? Is she White, too?
Some of you off-brand Negroes ought to STFU because you don't know the difference between black and white.
One thing for sure, the Donald will stop abortions and that will be a good thing. If some of you FN folks are for Planned Parent Hood you are definitely NOT decent human beings who care about life.
PT 1--Info you should know about Trump, but Field won't tell you:
"And when Trump posted a mash-up video on of the Bush family presidency on Instagram saying “Enough is enough - no more Bushes!” he nailed it. (Granted, Trump’s “solutions” for the second and third Iraq wars is beyond reckless and borderline sociopathic. For Isis, he prescribes re-invading Iraq and “stealing” all of their oil fields, and he claims “we should’ve invaded Mexico” instead of Iraq the first time.)
And then there are the Super Pacs. Has there ever been a more effective criticism of money in politics than Donald Trump? No one has shed more light on the money-funneling mechanisms for legally bribing politicians since Stephen Colbert. Trump knows wealthy people have inordinate power to influence elections, because he is usually one of them.
When questioned and criticized for donating to Hillary Clinton and other democrats, Trump didn’t hide from it or apologize; he openly bragged about it: of course he donated to Democrats, because he was buying access and the politicians therefore had to kowtow to him.
Trump has no problem brazenly calling out the other Republican candidates, who spend their time sucking up to billionaires, either. “I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?” he tweeted. You’re not going to find more truth in any statement this election in 140 characters or fewer."---MSN.COM
PT-2--Info you should know about Trump but Field won't tell you:
"Trump also doesn’t try to hide his support for Social Security and Medicare, or pretend he’d push for massive cuts of two of the most popular social welfare programs that have ever existed, unlike almost all of his fellow Republicans. Instead, he scolded his opponents for even considering it: “I am actually disappointed with a lot of the Republican politicians,” he said. “Whether it is we are going to cut Social Security, because that’s what they are saying. Every Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security, they want to do it on Medicare, they want to do it on Medicaid,” he continued. “And we can’t do that. And it’s not fair to the people that have been paying in for years and now all of the sudden they want to be cut.”
His opponents may brand him a “moderate” or “Rino”. But what does Trump care? Support for those social programs is a really popular position, even within the Republican party. As the National Journal reported in April, “A United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection poll from January of 2012 found that among white working-class men and women, the bedrock of the GOP base, more than 80% said they didn’t think the program should be cut to ease the deficit.”
Even some of his more childish insults of other candidates have some truth. He demanded that the Republican Party issue an IQ test to Rick Perry before letting him enter the debate. Say what you want about The Donald’s own intellect; he’s right that Perry is so dumb he should be disqualified from the presidency.
And when Donald Trump said Lindsay Graham “doesn’t seem like a very bright guy...I think Rick Perry honestly is smarter than Lindsey Graham,” he might be right, too. While Lindsay Graham certainly talks a better game than Rick Perry, he has been wrong – and many times unhinged – on almost every issue on foreign policy in the last decade, a subject which is supposedly his only strength.
In the coming weeks, Trump will inevitably say something horribly offensive to a particular person or group – that’s what he always does. But when the conventional wisdom machine then proclaims his campaign can’t possibly survive, remember there is a reason they will once again likely be wrong." MSN.COM
FN brothers and sisters note that Donald trump will protect SS and Medicaid that so many Americans have paid into and deserve to receive. Mr Trump is a fair man and not as crazy as Field would make him out to be. Trump didn't make billions because he was unaware or stupid.
He is smarter and more honest than any GOP candidate OR Democrat.
"Man, do you have me all wrong. What do you call the sister who loves to wave the Confederate Flag in VA with her new found white friends? Is she White, too?"
Is she white, too? Well, she is trying very hard to be!
I feel for her. Perhaps we can all pass a hat around and raise some funds for her race-change operation.
"One thing for sure, the Donald will stop abortions and that will be a good thing. If some of you FN folks are for Planned Parent Hood you are definitely NOT decent human beings who care about life."
I'm pretty sure The Donald is on the record as having been pro-choice in the past. But if you want to try and convince yourself he's now suddenly adamantly opposed to abortion, knock yourself out.
"I feel for her. Perhaps we can all pass a hat around and raise some funds for her race-change operation."
1:37 AM
Well the woman is my sister....go FUCK yourself, Negro. This is America. If she wants to stand up for Whites, any kind of Whites, she can do so. That is her 'right' as a Negro.
"Trump didn't make billions because he was unaware or stupid."
Trump made billions because he is lucky and unethical.
"He is smarter and more honest than any GOP candidate OR Democrat."
He isn't remotely in the same neighborhood as honest. Not even in the same galaxy as honest.
He is simply happy to tell clueless bigots whatever they want to hear in exchange for votes. And you like this because ... uhm ... you're a clueless bigot?
He is simply happy to tell clueless bigots whatever they want to hear in exchange for votes. And you like this because ... uhm ... you're a clueless bigot?
1:46 AM
DO you know that I am Black like my sister in Field's side bar? You are one sorry Negro.
Blogger PilotX said...
The great GOP awakening. Man Coulter and Pat Buchannan already spelled out how the gop should move forward, Trump's policies are just the natural extension.
10:20 PM
Brother PX, where might I find Man Coulter? I have looked all over the internet and can't find him.
Field, "Oh, and by the way, I hope that you Negroes understand what the Trumpster means when he says, "Let's Make America Great Again." Think about it for a minute."
Brother Field, Trump means exactly what he says. There are no hidden meanings behind his words like you Dems and Repubs.
What Mr Trump says you can take to the bank.
Everybody say a prayer for the Lash family of Atlanta; their home was recently invaded by four violent black thugs. The father was shot in the legs, and the mother and kids were quite traumatized.
Let us pray their attackers get many, many years behind bars for this shocking and cowardly crime.
Why do you stand up for Mexicans, Feeled? They DESPISE your kind. See: SC LA. They kicked you all out, and you all went running like little bitches. xD
As more Latinos pour into this country, the more you guys will have to go scurrying to the white man for protection. Is that what you want?
In other news, two black thugs brutally attacked and robbed an elderly Caucasian woman praying in an Omaha church recently. The harrowing attack was caught on camera; let us all hope and pray that the lady makes a speedy recovery, and that the vicious demon thug-beasts are caught and sent to prison for a very, very long time.
I though that just a couple of years ago the Trumpster supported partial birth abortions.
"Digital Black Face Alert"!
Field, "I though that just a couple of years ago the Trumpster supported partial birth abortions."
Yes, Mr Field, you are exactly right. In fact, I sent you a link a couple of posts ago where NBC interviewed Trump and he said as much. It was a great interview by NBC not only about Planned Parenthood but his views on the Iran Deal, Saudi Arabia, the Ukraine, illegal immigrants entering our borders, building the wall along the Mexican border, our relations with Mexico, racism, etc.
Obviously you did not watch it. Anyway, he has changed his view on abortions. He informed the interviewer and the public that he had a hard time watching those undercover Planned Parenthood videos where they killed those vulnerable fetuses--which were obviously 'alive'--in order to harvest and sell their body parts. He felt it was 'morally' wrong, and could not see how 'anyone' watching those videos could not experience a change in conscience.... Hence, he no longer supports abortions.
He DID NOT feel, however, that Planned Parenthood should be shut down or NOT be supported in other areas where they do good things for America. But we should NOT use our tax dollars to kill vulnerable babies.
Mr Field, you really should watch that interview. It was quite thorough and done by the liberal media, MSM(NBC), where they pulled no punches with Donald Trump. I am sure you will agree that it's better to speak with an informed mind than to speak with an ignorant one. So many FN posters speak with an emotional ignorant mind.
I pray that you don't want to be in that number like so many of your liberal FN friends?
Some of you Negroes are really off the chart about Trump changing his mind about abortions. Yet, Obama does it all the time and you are just fine with it.
Fyi: One thing 'very' different between Obama and Trump: Obama 'never' admits his mistakes and Trump does....In other words, Trump is honest and Obama is not. Obama lies so much that his middle name is LIAR....every American knows that if Obama lips are moving, he is probably lying.
You folks really want to make Trump into somebody he really isn't. You ought to be concerned about that sick lying 'do&done-nothing-entitled-to-be-President- Hillary. I bet even YOU secretly wish someone else will be the Democratic candidate. Because she isn't going to do a damn thing for Negroes. That meeting with BLM proved that. The woman can't stand Blacks.
Forget about her. Vote for Trump. Even God would tell you FN non-thinkers that Trump is good for you. But I know Blacks will think their way into a 'losing' position with Hillary-- where we will, once again, end up on the bottom....just like we did with Obama.
It's as though at an unconscious level, Blacks are addicted to the experience of losing and will lean in that direction. That's the truth about Blacks, and history proves it. There is a consistent pattern there.
Is there any wonder no takes Blacks seriously when they don't even value themselves? Mr Field, your posts should be about revolutionizing the way Blacks think because it makes no sense.
The only DIGITAL BLACK FACE ALERT is YOU and some of your paranoid FN Negroes like PC. You are such a fearful lot that you can't even recognize another brother. We are destroying ourselves.
"Ann Coulter had some rather harsh words for Fox News host Bill O'Reilly in response to his recent interview with businessman Donald Trump this week.
On Tuesday's "The O'Reilly Factor," O'Reilly challenged key parts of Trump's recent immigration proposal, which includes building "a big, beautiful and powerful wall" on the United States' southern border, deporting undocumented immigrants en masse, and stripping birthright citizenship from their children, whom Trump calls "anchor babies."
O'Reilly said he agrees with Trump's idea of building a wall, but said stripping citizenship from children who were born in the U.S. would be impossible because of the 14th Amendment.
"That's not going to happen, because the 14th Amendment says that if you are born here, you're an American, and you can't kick Americans out," the host told Trump during the interview.
Coulter came to Trump's defense on Twitter, cheering the business mogul for referring to the children of undocumented immigrants as "anchor babies" and hashtagging one of her tweets about O'Reilly with #GoodGodHesStupid."--Huffington Post
I can't believe Ann Coulter called Bill O'Reilly stupid. The fall-out from this is going to be brutal.
I am glad Trump AND Jeb Bush are standing up for themselves in using the term "anchor babies".
field negro said...
I though that just a couple of years ago the Trumpster supported partial birth abortions.
Right-wingnuts have been pointing out the trump hypocrisy for a while.
Glad to see you're finally catching on.
I'm voting 4 Trump....say what u want but the man is a breath of fresh air. He's honest in the fact that he's an egomaniacal billionaire, a true wolf. Hilary n Jeb Bush are egomaniacal millionaires who pretend to look after the regular folk, they are foxes. Trump don't answer to no one while hillary n Jeb are suckin up to the billionaire class...playin u suckers 4 fools.
Also why is everyone givin Trump so much heat for being against illegal immigration. Importing mass foreign nationals will make the working class and middle class poorer. All Americans black, whie, latino etc.. will suffer. Don't believe me? Take a look at dems and repubs suckin up to illegal immigrants. They aren't even citizens!!!! Both parties don't even care about the black vote anymore. Negros wake up!!!!
Trump and his ancestors are the "anchor baby's"
And where did Ivanka the ex come from? Go back Yvanka (daughter), you 'anchor baby you!
The only non "anchor baby's" in America are the Native American Indians. Everybody else: "anchor baby" :)
"Two Boston men were charged yesterday in the beating of a homeless Mexican man. The victim was allegedly sleeping outside a subway station when brothers Scott and Steve Leader rummaged through his things, then started beating him around the face and neck and hitting him with a metal pole. One witness heard the brothers laughing as they walked away.
Field,Field,Field,please,those young'uns were just 'sowing their wild oats' That's what Trump and company's gonna say, watch...
Now if they had been brown or black...well, that's a whole other story, then they would have been wild,vicious, out of control savages! Because everyone knows only browns and blacks commit crimes! But whites just 'sow their wild oats'
lilac, I like your insight as it pertains to race, which is very important to see. I am surprised that a racism chaser like Field missed it. Guess he isn't too good at the racist subtleties.
Of course, he has a hard time determining who is Black on his own blog...LOL..He is small-time, not ready for prime time.
Thank you for bringing this up.
^^^^ Maybe Field wouldn't have such a hard time if you'd man up and pick/use a username consistently.
You post as Anonymous yet wonder why Field barely acknowledges your existence?
OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
Trump and his ancestors are the "anchor baby's"
And where did Ivanka the ex come from? Go back Yvanka (daughter), you 'anchor baby you!
We need to cut off welfare to Puerto Rico, it's a bankrupt useless commonwealth.
"Let's Make America Great Again."
Trump should go back to Scotland where he came from. He has it better over here than he would've ever had it over there. I can see it now. Donald Trump, world's fastest potato peeler.
Yīshēng said...
You post as Anonymous yet wonder why Field barely acknowledges your existence?
7:33 PM
Oh that person has a name, they just post as Anon when they want to mess around! Lol!
It's simple, if you observe the writing style, the words, you'll immediately see who it is! It's someone you'd never guess LOL!
Anonymous said...
We need to cut off welfare to Puerto Rico, it's a bankrupt useless commonwealth.
8:24 PM
Oh Yippeee! Maybe if the Donald wins he'll take your advice ahahaha!
I'd be better than him coming over here to fill the island up wit trashy, garish, casinos!
Although on second thought, we'd prolly love them! LOLOL!
"I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. "
I met a white guy today and I asked him about things he is passionate about. He said in this order:
1. Jim and Tammy Baker reruns
3. WWE
4. Guns
5. Donald Trump
6. Fox news
7. Corn squeezing's (?)
8. Dairy Queen
9. Red Man chewing tobacco
I forgot no. 11, his dog.
Lilac, "Oh that person has a name, they just post as Anon when they want to mess around! Lol!
It's simple, if you observe the writing style, the words, you'll immediately see who it is! It's someone you'd never guess LOL!"
9:08 PM
Damn, you got depressed negro again. But Pleeeze don't tell Yisheng. I want to remain anonymous.
Hi, Yisheng.
Your assertions about Jayne Mansfield I believe to be incorrect. I have since watched several of her movies, (thru NETFLIX), and I just don't see it.
However...her daughter, Mariska Hargitay, well, she has a Slavic, or American Indian type of complexion.
Have a nice weekend.
@PR , I know LA Audio likes to get her "coward" on and posts as Anonymous. And maybe other regulars do it too, I never really give it much thought.
To each their own, playing hide and seek on a blog just isn't my thing.
@12:28, feel free t believe whatever you like, the whole point if "passing for white" is that it isn't supposed to be obvious.
It seems as if all the other presidential candidates are running to represent people that are in the country illegally. This AA woman is voting for some that is going to represent me. No one is prefect so I say, Go Donald - 2016.
I suck at least three white dicks a week.
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