Anyway, if we are going to be honest with ourselves, we have to admit that most cases of racism actually takes place behind the scenes, and cannot be chased because you never know when it's happening or who is practicing it.
Sometimes, though, it's so petty, that you have to wonder why the person practicing said racism would even bother to sweat the small stuff in the first place.
Take for instance the case of a racist homeowner in Virginia, and a manager of a big box store who is an apologist (which makes him just as bad) for her actions.
"WSET) Lowe's employee Marcus Bradley says he was asked not to make a delivery because he is black. A Lowe's employee is claiming that a manager at a Danville, Virginia store complied with a customer's racist requests, CBS affiliate WSET reports.
Marcus Bradley, an 11-year employee of Lowe's who's black, claims the manager prohibited him and a co-worker from delivering an order to the home of the customer after she specifically requested a white delivery driver.
"I got a phone call telling me to bring the delivery back — saying that I couldn't do the delivery," Bradley told CBS affiliate WSET of the alleged August 3 incident. "I asked him why I couldn’t do it and he said because you’re black and they don’t want you at the house."
WSET confronted the unnamed customer at her home and she said she "had the right to have whatever she wanted and she did not feel bad about making the request for a white driver," according to WSET.
Lowe's told Business Insider that "those who were involved in the decision are no longer with the company."
As soon as it was brought to our attention, we began an investigation and handled the matter swiftly," the company said. "Diversity and inclusion are core values at Lowe's, and under no circumstances should a discriminatory delivery request be honored. Our senior vice president of store operations, Terry Johnson, met with the two drivers last week to apologize and let them know how much we appreciate the work they and all of our drivers do." [Source]
Sometimes racism, like crime, just doesn't pay. The homeowner did not want the Negro touching her goods and that's her right, but the manager should have had the moral courage to tell the bigoted homeowner that she should take her business elsewhere.
Finally, I saw a video thanks to my twitter friend, the Shaw, which showed a white police officer attempting to arrest a non-violent African American woman in front of her children. As you can imagine, it was not good.
Take a look here and tell me what you think.
I am just thankful that we have cell phone cameras, and that more people seem to understand their rights as it relates to filming police officers.
All I kept thinking after watching that video was thank goodness for the cameras.
Oh my goodness, Feeled ... GOD FORBID someone should be able to decide who they want in their own house!
Quick, call Obama! Someone, somewhere is doing something RACIST!!!
My dog barked in the direction of some black kids today. I think you should do a post on that.
feild i'm going through some discrimnation at jcpenny. how can i get in contact with you.. i need help...
I did home delivery for a local department store for five years back in the '90s, mostly with a black co-worker. We only had to deal with overtly racist bullshit that got in the way of doing our job twice (that I remember, he might tell it differently for all I know).
Once was in San Francisco, on the hill above Army (Cesar Chavez)street, where we had to deliver some furniture to a new-ish very expensive home. The customer had taken apart the fence to his tiny back yard to save us from carrying everything up the three long, steep stairways from his front door to his living room. While I was inside putting his furniture together, the police rolled up outside, and asked my co-worker if he lived in the neighborhood. I came out and told the officer that no, we didn't live there, but were delivering the furniture on this service order to this address, and could she please tell whomever called her that the problems usually occur when the furniture is being carried from the house to the truck, not the reverse as it was in this case. She then told me that there was a housing project down the hill to the east, and that it wasn't unusual to get "there's a scary black person here, come do something" sort of calls there.
The other was in Walnut Creek (read that "white man land"), where a white woman wouldn't even open the door enough for me to get her signature on the service order after we dropped her dishwasher off in her garage. This was before we had a cell phone, so I had to decide what to do myself. Since she very much wanted us to leave the dishwasher, but utterly refused to sign for it while we were there, I made a note explaining what happened in the place where her signature should have been, left her copy on the dishwasher, and left. My co-worker said that he felt sorry for her, having to live with all of that fear, over essentially nothing.
Well, racists usually are petty.
Face it, black people are scary because they really are much more likely to rape, rob or kill you. Every single crime database confirms this.
A woman home alone not wanting a black man to come to her house is making a rational choice regarding her personal safety.
It's not racism, it's reality.
If you want other people to treat you like anybody else, start behaving like everybody else.
Anyway, if we are going to be honest with ourselves, we have to admit that most cases of racism actually takes place behind the scenes
If you really want to be honest with yourselves, you have to admit that most cases of racism actually are figments of your imagination.
Face it, black people are scary because they really are much more likely to rape, rob or kill you. Every single crime database confirms this.
Unless of course you're white then you're most likely to be done in by a fellow white person. Every crime database confirms this. Except those used by dumbasses like No Fact Jackass.
If you really want to be honest with yourselves, you have to admit that most cases of racism actually are figments of your imagination.
Or not.
Brother Field, I must admit that as a bm I am half-way scared of some of my people. I mean there are some brothers and sisters who scare the hell out of me. Especially the loud big ones who are very angry and will confront you with, "what you looking at nigger?"
I am an old man and cannot afford to have some big ass brother beating up on me. I bought me a machine gun on a tri-pod that I keep sitting in front of my door. Any Negro who tries to bust in on me is going to get some hot lead.
It's hell being a bm and you have GOT to know I am right because you are Black and live in Philly where Jews run the city.
"Unless of course you're white then you're most likely to be done in by a fellow white person"
A very large percentage of black people just cannot understand statistics.
What would you do if you saw a Negro who was so black that he was purple and looked like a cow in the face? Would your emotions turn racist even though you didn't want to?
I would and I am Black.
A very large percentage of dumbasses like Fact Jack just cannot understand statistics.
"Unless of course you're white then you're most likely to be done in by a fellow white person"
This is absolutely true.
More conservative hypocrisy.
Brother Field, as a bm, let me explain to you the benefits of electing Donald Trump as President:
1. Every bm will have a job.
2. Racism will come to an abrupt halt.
3. Incarcerations of bm will drop 50+%
4. Anons from Stormfront will be tracked down and thrown in jail.
5. Ben Carson will be Trump's VP.
6. Tiger Woods will be in charge of Donald's Miss USA Pageant will Donald is President.
7. Money will pour into cities like Detroit, Baltimore and even Ferguson.
8. Killings in Chicago will come to an end.
9. For the first time in a long time Blacks will feel like they are 'somebody'.
10. ISIS and Putin will wish they never heard of Trump.
#5 is bullshit.
Carson/Cain 16!
"Sometimes racism, like crime, just doesn't pay. The homeowner did not want the Negro touching her goods and that's her right, but the manager should have had the moral courage to tell the bigoted homeowner that she should take her business elsewhere."
I doubt it came down to the man touching her stuff.
She did not want him at her house because she believes black men are criminals (he might decide to rape her, he might case her house in preparation for a burglary, et cetera).
The manager evidently took that "customer is always right" maxim way too far.
"Finally, I say a video thanks to my twitter friend, the Shaw, which showed a white police officer attempting to arrest a non-violent African American woman in front of her children. As you can imagine, it was not good.
Take a look here and tell me what you think."
What I think is that all of the media focus on police brutality is causing some black people to become absolutely petrified of cops to the point of foolishly not cooperating with them. I say foolishly, because lack of cooperation with the police is the number one factor that could increase your chances of actually being on the receiving end of some police brutality.
I mean, in this video, the officer apparently wants to take the woman outside the store so his questioning of her won't bother the other shoppers. He is trying to take her from one public place (the store) to another public place (right outside the store). And yet, based on her obvious fear, you'd think he was demanding she accompany him alone to a deserted warehouse down by the docks! Her behavior does not make sense.
I saw another video with similar dynamics in play. A black couple had been pulled over and the cops had told the male half of the couple to exit their vehicle. He would not, because he was terrified of the cops. And they had given him not much reason to be terrified, beyond their being cops.
They gave him numerous warnings that if he didn't come out, they were going to have to break into the vehicle, and they tried to give him every opportunity to change his mind, but he refused. So, predictably, they smashed his window, Tased him, and dragged his ass out onto the concrete. I felt a little bad for the guy, but he really left the cops no alternative but to get physical with him. It's not like they're allowed to say, "Oh, I see you're scared, so I guess we won't do our jobs today."
There is no "cop-o-phobia" clause that black people can invoke to get out of cooperating with the police. It does not work like that.
. A black couple had been pulled over and the cops had told the male half of the couple to exit their vehicle.
Why was he told to exit the vehicle? Was he under arrest? If not they can give him a ciation and let him be on his fucking merry little way.
but he really left the cops no alternative but to get physical with him. It's not like they're allowed to say, "Oh, I see you're scared, so I guess we won't do our jobs today."
Bullshit, they could have explained why he was being arrested or if he wasn't being arrested they could have given him a citation and left him to go on his merry fucking way. You're obviously not a cop or lawyer. Cops operate by a set of laws and are not dictators who need every little whim obeyed. This is America not nazi Germany asshole. Fuck you and racist asshole cops with fucking authoritarian fetishes. The day of the yessir boss negro is over.
There is no "negro-phobia" clause that cops can invoke to get out of following the law. It does not work like that.
Anon above, u are not black.
Some of the comments above cinfirm that racists just aren't very smart.
I think I saw a picture of the old racist, and as we used to say back in the day: She is safe.:)
"No Fact Jackass"! Excellent; sums it up.
That massive white cop was holding onto that woman's wrist as if she was holding a grenade or something. There was absolutely no need for it. He was causing great distress to her children. He could simply have allowed her to make a phone call. Of course she wanted to make arrangements for her children.
That cop was either enjoying his power, or he was just too stupid to realize the foolishness of his actions. Either way, he should not be wearing that uniform. That scene was disgusting.
"Some of the comments above cinfirm that racists just aren't very smart."
Shhhhhhhh, you might stop the comedy.
"That cop was either enjoying his power, or he was just too stupid to realize the foolishness of his actions. Either way, he should not be wearing that uniform. That scene was disgusting."
Too many of these guys are on a power trip.
If you want other people to treat you like anybody else, start behaving like everybody else.
Who is everyone else? You? The guy who shot up a movie theater? The beer swilling, monster truck watching fat ass on welfare? Or you again? I for one get treated like I want to be treated and would hate to get treated like you No Facts Jackass.
It's not reality, it's racism.
Black and Unarmed
A year after Michael Brown’s fatal shooting, unarmed black men are seven times more likely than whites to die by police gunfire
So far this year, 24 unarmed black men have been shot and killed by police - one every nine days, according to a Washington Post database of fatal police shootings. During a single two-week period in April, three unarmed black men were shot and killed. All three shootings were either captured on video or, in one case, broadcast live on local TV.
Those 24 cases constitute a surprisingly small fraction of the 585 people shot and killed by police through Friday evening, according to The Post database. Most of those killed were white or Hispanic, and the vast majority of victims of all races were armed.
The left leaning washington post is reporting that most of those killed were white or Hispanic?
I wonder what is causing the liberal media to report this.
So I guess the thrust of what y'all want is negro immunity from having to obey laws or recognize the authority of the police?
The answer is no.
Grow the fuck up already. Or there will be consequences.
Tamaran Hall interviewed the sista from Seattle BLM. She admits to having tea party parents but "changed" her views. She also says going to gop events would be a waste of time because they don't care about blah people. Stay tuned, this is getting even more interesting.
So I guess the thrust of what y'all want is police immunity from having to obey laws or recognize the authority of the constitution?
The answer is no.
Grow the fuck up already. Or there will be consequences.
Read it and weep you authoritarian assholes.
The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted in response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, a type of general search warrant issued by the British government and a major source of tension in pre-Revolutionary America. The Fourth Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789 by James Madison, along with the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, in response to Anti-Federalist objections to the new Constitution. Congress submitted the amendment to the states on September 28, 1789. By December 15, 1791, the necessary three-quarters of the states had ratified it. On March 1, 1792, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced the adoption of the amendment.
Because the Bill of Rights did not initially apply to the states, and federal criminal investigations were less common in the first century of the nation's history, there is little significant case law for the Fourth Amendment before the 20th century. The amendment was held to apply to the states in Mapp v. Ohio (1961).
Under the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer who has sworn by it. Fourth Amendment case law deals with three central questions: what government activities constitute "search" and "seizure"; what constitutes probable cause for these actions; and how violations of Fourth Amendment rights should be addressed. Early court decisions limited the amendment's scope to a law enforcement officer's physical intrusion onto private property, but with Katz v. United States (1967), the Supreme Court held that its protections, such as the warrant requirement, extend to the privacy of individuals as well as physical locations. Law enforcement officers need a warrant for most search and seizure activities, but the Court has defined a series of exceptions for consent searches, motor vehicle searches, evidence in plain view, exigent circumstances, border searches, and other situations.
Maybe if you ask nicely the only attorney here, a blah man by the way, can explain the 4th amendment to you.
Fun question of the day. How well would a boorish, sexist, racist fool like the Donald do in the Democratic primary?
My nomination for the most powerful person in America:
the "anonymous caller."
Think about it.
I'm just a Bill, oh wait no I'm not said...
Read it and weep you authoritarian assholes.
Liberals tout the fourth amendment when it suits them, then look the other way when the liberal government illegally taps journalists and uses the power of regulatory agencies to harass political opponents.
They have effectively repealed the 10th amendment in the pursuit of central authority.
They also have no use for second amendment rights, seek to curb first amendment rights through hate speech codes, regulation of broadcast speech (Fairness Doctrine), internet censorship, and forcing Christians to submit to the beliefs of the State Established Religion of Progressivism.
So when a liberal progressive spouts off about protecting Constitutionally guaranteed rights, the proper response is "fuck you".
Fuck you.
The white race is absolutely pathetic and worthless. Please name me ONE thing you damn wooteemoos have contributed to society and humanity.
Poll: Only 26% Would Vote for an Obama Third Term, If It Were Allowed
68% would vote for someone else, and another 6% would kill themselves:
"Poll: Only 26% Would Vote for an Obama Third Term, If It Were Allowed"
Fuck me, just how desperate are you people?
Field has desperately asserted that Obama would win a third term.
Try to keep up.
I keep up just fine.
I happen to know that asking the public answers to questions they know are irrelevant won't get you any answers worth considering.
Obama won. Twice.
Get over it.
And would win a third time.
Anonymous Queen Yisheng said...
The white race is absolutely pathetic and worthless. Please name me ONE thing you damn wooteemoos have contributed to society and humanity.
Well what have we here, looks like imitation IS the best form of flattery. But here's what's missing from your fake ass "Queen Yisheng" profile:
1) As a Black woman that's ~1/3 Caucasian, I'd never make a DUMB ASS statement like that about ALL White folks. And even if I didn't have European ancestors, I'd NEVER make a dumb ass statement like that.
2) You'll NEVER earn a graduate degree in a STEM field. And since I have two advanced degrees and counting, you'll NEVER be on my level.
3) A loving family is a WONDERFUL thing and I enjoy mine EVERYDAY. It's just too bad you'll NEVER know anything about that either.
So keep coping my style, Bitch. Since your Mammy was a ho', I understand why you look up to me.
"Poll: Only 26% Would Vote for an Obama Third Term, If It Were Allowed"
Romney in a landslide?
, then look the other way when the liberal government illegally taps journalists and uses the power of regulatory agencies to harass political opponents.
Bush was a liberal? Who knew?
They also have no use for second amendment rights, seek to curb first amendment rights through hate speech codes, regulation of broadcast speech (Fairness Doctrine), internet censorship, and forcing Christians to submit to the beliefs of the State Established Religion of Progressivism.
Forcing who to do what? teh stoopid is strong in this one.
So when a conservative progressive spouts off about protecting Christian rights being trampled somehow, the proper response is "fuck you".
"Oath Keepers" in Ferguson with automatic weapons?
Guess the Police are "scurred".
forcing Christians to submit to the beliefs of the State Established Religion of Progressivism.
When you know the person posting is way too full of shit. Wha wha wha, white male Christians are being persecuted. Somebody get me some tissue, this guy is being FORCED to submit to a state sponsored religion. If he/she could please explain how this is happening I think we could all benefit from a good laugh.
At least the Oath Keepers recognize the "moooolato Preesadant".
They need to sell those guns a buy a damn English book!
Yīshēng said...
1) As a Black woman that's ~1/3 Caucasian
Yisheng is a whootiemoo!
Since Yīshēng is 1/3 white, maybe she could earn 1/3 of a STEM degree.
Yīshēng said...
"Oath Keepers" in Ferguson with automatic weapons?
They were there protecting some black residents who requested the help.
Secret Service agents on Tuesday kept five people in #BlackLivesMatter T-shirts from entering a Hillary Clinton event in New Hampshire, but the candidate later met with them in an overflow room set up near the event.
One of the five kept outside the event was Daunasia Yancey, the organizer from the Boston chapter of #BlackLivesMatter. The New Republic had quoted her earlier Tuesday saying the group planned to disrupt Clinton's event with questions about her previous support for "draconian penalties for drug possession and abuse" and the "hyper-militarization of urban police forces."
What a coincidence that people that planned on disrupting hillary were locked out.
Field, Lowes has 11 year old employees and your only concern is racism?
Human rights organizations have already documented child labor at Lowe's. According to a 2009 petition by Human Rights Watch: "Thousands of children are employed at Lowe's, often involuntarily working 10 or more hours a day. They are often exposed to dangerous pesticides, experience high rates of injury, and suffer fatalities at five times the rate of other youth. Their long hours contribute to alarming drop-out rates. Government statistics show that, while gaining an extraordinary amount of knowledge about hardware, barely half ever finish high school. According to the National Safety Council, home improvement is the second most dangerous occupation in the United States. However, current US child labor laws allow child workers in the home improvement sector to work longer hours and under more hazardous conditions than other working youths. While children in other sectors must be 12 to be employed and cannot work more than 3 hours on a school day, in home improvement, children can work at age 8 for unlimited hours before and after school.
Anon, Lowes employs professional pedophiles to rape lost children, and your only concern is child labor?
"11 year employee", not 11 year OLD employee. Lord u people. :)
Sometimes you just want what makes you comfortable. I was being yelled at by a white cop in a police station after getting in big trouble after drunk driving. After my four hours in the drunk tank a white cop started to chastise and I asked for a black cop to do the honors. Black cop took over and proceeded whooping right along. Ole white woman wants white delivery. This middle-aged black woman at the time wanted black verbal delivery. Same thing. It's all in what makes one feel safe for the moment.
Bottom Line: White folks and Black folks do not like each other worth a damn and it's getting worse. We gotta do what we gotta do until we can't do it anymore. One day this problem will be solved, unfortunately probably no will be around, that's how it's going to be solved.
Blacks 7 times as likely to murder 6 times as likely to rape.
Person vs person.
They are not seven times as likely to die when you figure in the murder rate.
They are 1/2 as likely to die
3.5 more likely overall, person to person.
I saw a live interview with a 12? Yo black girl that said she saw Michael Brown run up to the cop car and reach inside. She confirmed he attacked that officer.
I don't care if you're red white black blue or yellow. You're going to get shot when you do that. Period
The white race has developed the modern world as we know it.
Civilization as we know it.
If it wasn't for us your racist black would be getting raped back in Nigeria you stupid 50,000 million yo missing link.
What has Africa ever given to the world? Inbred slaves that were the rejects of Africa? You should feel blessed we saved you from genocide
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