First, he disparages the mother of a fallen soldier by suggesting that she let her husband speak at the DNC because she is a Muslim woman. (Yo Donald, guess who else watches her husband speak while standing at his side without saying a word?) And then he claims that the brave soldier's father "viciously attacked" him for simply speaking his mind.
He told a flat out lie about the NFL contacting him about the timing of the debates. He also claims that he turned down a chance to meet with the Koch brother. (They said they never sent him an invite.) Now I am no fan of the Koch brothers, but I think it's fair to say that they have more credibility than Donald trump on this one.
And in between all of this he makes fun of a military hero, rips the man that rescued him from an elevator, and drops the f-bomb into an open mic.
I am not sure who is running trump's campaign these days, but now might be a good time to lock him away into a room and only bring him out when there is total control of what he has to say. Clearly the man can't help himself.
The man couldn't even feign empathy for the Khan family because his ego wouldn't let him. Mr. Khan "attacked" him and all he could think of was lashing out against the man. Losing sight, as he always does, of the bigger picture. It's not about this family who spoke out against him at the DNC; it's about all the families whose loved ones have given the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.
The fact that he himself took deferment after deferment so that he didn't have to go to war and defend this country, makes his words and actions even more reprehensible.
Anyway, all this won't really matter. Donald will get his 45% of the voters no matter what, and the news networks and political junkies will have an election close enough to keep us watching their coverage so that they can get a ratings boost.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. Maybe she wasn't allowed to. You tell me."
I would try to tell you Donald, but you wouldn't hear me. Once you stop hearing the sound of your own voice, you tend to tune out everything else.
I almost feel sorry for the people running your campaign. Almost.
*Pic from
Mr. Khan politicized his son's death, something Trump had nothing to do with.
He did this in support of the candidate who has said she will send more young Americans to their deaths in the Middle East.
Trump recognized the heroism of his son, while pushing back on the unseemly exploitation of their loss by the Khans and the Democrat party, who have shown no such compassion for the victims of Muslim terrorism.
Any politician worth their salt would have knocked that one out of the park by simply stating his previously held position that invading Iraq was wrong. Whether it's true or not is questionable, but Trump has repeatedly claimed that he opposed the invasion of Iraq, and clearly stating as much would have worked to somewhat defuse the grief and anger that made the speech so powerful by a sort of ersatz agreement that their son should never have been there in the first place and would probably be alive today had we never invaded. Which would be bullshit, of course, because their son was in the army before the invasion, and could have been recalled to deploy elsewhere, but bullshit is what you get from Trump (and many other politicians) on a good day, and few would have noticed it among the torrent of lies spewing from Trump like a brown firehose.
If he wants to be president he should be smart and in control of himself enough to handle simple issues like this one. When the fire is coming from literally the most powerful people on the planet instead of a Muslim gold star family in a convention speech, he needs to be able to think clearly enough to not be baited into a war. I have no confidence in his ability in that area as it stands. And Roy Cohn would be disappointed in him for trying to weasel out of the debates like the utter craven poltroon he is.
-Doug in Oakland
This is why no one takes the media seriously anymore:
More (((propaganda))).
This Khan story, like blaming Putin for the DNC hack, is just another diversionary tactic by the prog media to keep anyone from noticing the the democratic nominee for President is the biggest criminal and traitor to ever get so close to the presidency:
The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections
Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?
Field Negro: He also claims that he turned down a chance to meet with the Koch brothers. (They said they never sent him an invite.) Now I am no fan of the Koch brothers, but I think it's fair to say that they have more credibility than Donald trump on this one.
No fan? Until you became fixated on Trump, the Koch Brothers were the Most Evil Force in the Universe. Now the Koch brothers refuse to support Donald Trump, instead preferring Hillary as the defender of the status quo.
You are now on the side of the Most Evil Force in the Universe, supporting the candidate of War. You've come a long way, Field,
The hedge fund billionaires and Wall Street execs are all backing Hillary, not Trump and the Republicans. Follow the money and the story becomes clear.
Khan should be complaining about the "black souls" who lied us into the war that killed his son. A lot of people who lost loved ones in Iraq refuse to believe their family members died for nothing. His son died for corporate greed, not defending America. The media and Hillary Clinton, who helped lie us into that war, are using the poor man for their dupe. They are disgusting people. They are using a grieving father to propagate their evil propaganda. The corporate media still covers up how badly we were lied to and the Democrats never even charged Dick Cheney with anything.
mike said...
This is why no one takes the media seriously anymore:
In Media World, Khan's dead son establishes immigration policy--as other dead sons have no effect whatsoever.
Donald Trump:
"Many Republicans support TPP. They are stupid. We have stupid Republicans too. We need to keep jobs here!"
That's why the Koch brothers are for Hillary.
Anyone who votes for Trump is seriously demented. They are not fit for this planet.
Just keep digging your grave, Mr. Trump! More great news for Hillary!
I never believed Sandra Bland who stood up for her rights, and yours and mine, seemed like someone who would commit suicide. In a system where the police police the police, and they cover up for each other, it is very rare for information to come out like this:
Actually, the Koch brothers are NOT supporting Hillary. They said as much.
Mr Khan's son died in battle in 2004. That was under Bush's presidency.
Barack Obama was a senator from Illinois at the time.
Thanks for staying on point Feeled. This is the most important story of the century.
BTW, more murder by Muslim terror attacks on US soil than "American" Muslims killed or wounded in American globo-wars.
Meanwhile, Shillary was never lying when she was not telling the truth.
Yep, Trump has been wrong about attacking the fallen soldier's family. Stupid, actually. But did you see the three people showed up for Hillary in Pennsylvania? Well, maybe a wee bit over three.....
Trump's still hitting it out of the park at every rally.
More American soldiers have been killed by Muslim American soldiers on American soil than Muslim American soldiers who have died in battle for America.
Many more American soldiers have been killed by Muslim American soldiers in traitorous attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We can recognize one man's sacrifice and still realize that Muslim immigration is wrong for America.
Despite all efforts by the media to distort Trump’s position about “banning” Muslims, he has made perfectly clear time and again that he does not want to ban all Muslims. He wants to simply perform thorough and complete background checks on all immigrants coming from countries presently in the grips of violent Islamic terrorism.
This is a reasonable opinion shared by over 80% of Americans.
Yes, that means if you are a Muslim who wants to immigrate from Syria or Afghanistan, you are going to get a lot more scrutiny than if you are a Jew trying to immigrate from Israel or a Hindu coming from India. That is most unfortunate, but not nearly as unfortunate as innocents getting slaughtered by 10th Century savages killing in the name of Allah.
"France has more terror attacks now than Yemen, which is considered by many ... analysts to be a failed state."
Jesus did not come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people live, but nothing will be done without your consent. You must choose life over death, survival over inertia, justice over inaction. It is choosing time for you now, as it no doubt will be for other nations very soon.
In the 1990s, France participated in the bombing of Serbia, killing countless Christians and destroying beautiful churches, all in the name of the Clintons and America's sick world order, all in the name of helping the Muslim Bosniaks and Albanian thieves to achieve their destructive ends. Then president Milošević, in the wake of his nation's defeat at the hands of NATO, had this chilling warning for the West, and it echoes today, almost two decades later.
And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know what this war was about"
--Slobodan Milosevic
Muslim killed by Muslims, Muslim father angry at guy who didn't support the war. Back's woman who voted for it.
He also said (falsely) that if Trump had his way, his son never would have come to America. That means he'd still be alive, right?
"I believe the primary role of the state is to teach, train and raise children. Parents have a secondary role."
- Hillary Clinton, "It Takes A Village".
"Every right that we have is open to and even subject to reasonable regulations."
- Hillary Clinton, yesterday during an interview with Chris Wallace.
“Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe. The real problem here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm. Given the state of the world today, we have to know everything about those looking to enter our country, and given the state of chaos in some of these countries, that is impossible. While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. If I become President, I will make America safe again.
"Further, Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for her central role in destabilizing the Middle East. She voted to send the United States to war against Iraq, helped lead the disastrous withdrawal of American troops years later that created the vacuum allowing the rise of ISIS, and has never met a regime change she didn’t like (which have all been disasters) – not to mention her invasion of Libya and her abandonment of American personnel in Benghazi. The loss of these lives in Libya is directly traceable to Clinton, but their families' testimonials were rejected by the media.
Clinton’s actions have been reckless and have directly led to the loss of American lives. And her extreme immigration policies, as also laid out by American victims in Cleveland, will cause the preventable deaths of countless more -- while putting all residents, from all places, at greater risk of terrorism.
As Bernie Sanders said on numerous occasions, Hillary Clinton suffers from "bad judgement." She is not qualified to serve as Commander in Chief.”– Donald J. Trump
Field and Doug both keep trying to advise Trump to shut up, reign it in, use some self-control, etc. Why? I say let him keep talking. If there are any "independents" who "haven't made up their minds," (with that last word giving them the benefit of the doubt) the next bullshit, bald-faced lie, revelation of abysmal ignorance, etc. he issues may do the trick. Why does the meter have to stick at 45% of the vote? They don't even have to renounce him, just get preoccupied on election day.
To me, it seems like getting attacked by a non-celebrity service member or family of a service member is easy. You just say, "The nation thanks your family for your service and sacrifice" and move on. The service member's family will never be heard from again.
If Mr. Trump ultimately loses, the memoirs from this campaign staff are going to be priceless.
I didn't advise him to shut up or rein it in, I just pointed out his incompetence as a politician who actually had the upper hand in a conflict, but tripped over his own dick and failed to exploit it. He could no more shut up or rein it in than Paul Ryan could write an honest budget.
-Doug in Oakland
"He could no more shut up or rein it in than Paul Ryan could write an honest budget."
Or that Hillary could stop lying.
>Or that Hillary could stop lying.<
Non-Europeans see kindness as weakness to exploit.
6:09: Yes, well, melanin is inversely prportional to how much one values "kindness."
Republicans are poop.
Khizr Khan's son was killed in a useless war that Hillary Clinton supported. How is Trump the problem?
@6:35: I agree with you, actually. The original point was sort of hazy. Presumably, they were being cast as decent people who had lost a son in the war to show that some Muslims are great American who shouldn't be excluded from the country... I guess. They would have been quickly forgotten, but alas, Mr. Trump decied to turn a half-day story into a one-week story and now has VFWs even repudiating him.
Politics! Ugh!
Of course time and again immigrants to America have served and died in it's wars! But trotting that hero out to be put on display does not negate the reality that we are living now.
It seems the oil countries have America over a barrel huh?
Although not Trump or so he says, we'll see...
Would y'all believe that Obama actually made a video scolding the island for being against the spraying of the Naled for the Zika mosquito???
I don't even believe it so help me God! I'm seriously disillusioned! We do not have Zika here! I know of not one case as of yet! It is a fabrication people!!! So there is no reason on earth to spray this highly noxious chemical/poison on us!
Unfuqinbelievable! What people will do for money huh?
Trump isn't the problem, just the symptom, say scholars of authoritarianism. They predicted him before he appeared. Knock this guy down and there will be others following him. Read this if you want to get a fix on what's coming.
Vox is Zionist propaganda.
Field wrote:
"Anyway, all this won't really matter. Donald will get his 45% of the voters no matter what, and the news networks and political junkies will have an election close enough to keep us watching their coverage so that they can get a ratings boost."
Finally, someone gets it. This whole thing is BS.
Campaign contributions from Hedge Funders:
Clinton: ..$48,500.000
Trump: ..........$19,000
Hillary has shared the stage with three billionaire this week - Bloomberg, Cuban, and Buffet. Methinks the primaries are over.
I wish 500 bees would fly into that circular mouth all at once and make him shut the sucker up for a couple months. What Kind of Man is he supposed to be?? He's not Man-Kind. More Beast-Kind.
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