"Thursday’s ABC town hall with President Barack Obama was anticipated with bated breath.
Many were looking forward to an honest conversation about race, and the current tensions between the black community and police officers in the aftermath of the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and the attack in Dallas that left five officers dead.
Unfortunately, many activists left disappointed, even angry, at what they witnessed and heard.
Erica Garner, the daughter of Eric Garner who was choked to death by New York City police in 2014, stormed out of the taping of the town hall, saying she had been “railroaded” by the network, denied the opportunity to ask the president a question, something she said she had been promised.
Garner said she felt that she had been “used for ratings,” and a few activists in the room agreed that the event seemed to be manipulative.
“It felt manipulative and disingenuous, and if we’re really trying to have a town hall about race in this country, it’s going to have to look much more like a truth-and-reconciliation process. It can’t be an hour and 15 minutes with the president taking up the most space, with people asking what he thinks of things instead of demanding that he do things,” Patrisse Kahn-Cullors, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Network, told The Root Friday.
“The town hall was clearly a curated event for ABC to quell protesters and organizers. It had nothing to do with actual future for black, people and I think that for us, we want to push POTUS in his last few months as the president to take executive action, to defund law-enforcement agencies that have consistently violated the civil and human rights of black people,” she added." [Source]
President Obama was the featured speaker, and he tried to calm their anger and fears with his usual platitudes.
The thing is, though, these kids out here are not trying to hear it. They think they see a set-up, and they are going to let their voices herd no matter what.
*Pic from cnn.com
"Manipulative and disingenuous"
Pretty much sums up the Obama administration.
I'm seeing the age old young uh, experienced divide. I was talking to a young lady the other day who was the burn it all down and start over type, I remember being that guy years ago. Funny, now I'm the old sage offering advice and getting them to see the long game. Whodathunkit?
Of course ABC News isn't going to respect blacks. They are just like Faux News and CNN and other bullshit networks.
"we want to push POTUS in his last few months as the president to take executive action, to defund law-enforcement agencies that have consistently violated the civil and human rights of black people,” she added."
In other words, she wants the President to push his fascist agenda of federalizing the police in America, creating a progressive police state with different standards for protected racial groups, a country where blacks are no longer required to conform to white standards of civilization.
The answer is no. The rest of America is sick of your inability to live as a free people and your pathological need to externalize the blame for your own shortcomings. You've pushed it way too far, and now the game is coming to an end.
The right is bad enough, but couldn't get away with the damage they do without the both-siderists in the media. Apparently there isn't any money in telling America that one of its governing parties has lost its damn mind, so for every atrocity perpetrated by the right, an imaginary equal and opposite evil hippy has to be invented, so as not to damage their business model, which has become so important to them that they can't really do anything any different. So I'm not too surprised that ABC couldn't present something without lying to people and watering down what remained. It's sort of what they do.
-Doug in Oakland
"herd" is correct. Thanks
I'd rather have a "truth and consequences" process.
Burning it down and starting over might work, with some specific caveats.
White folks just don't get it, and never will.
I can't wait till that divisive loser is out of office. Hillary is infinitely more presidential than he was on his best day.
Like I've said before: Blacks are too accepting of mediocrity.
@ sfasshole
Calm down, dickless. Try growing a dick first before you shoot off at the mouth.
"Black folks are not feeling much love for ABC News these days."
Ms. Agee Nation used to always say," You can prove the truth but, you can't prove a lie."
Let's not forget that the White man loves animals, but hates people. He has no incentive to change the course for what has taken him 400 years to create. That's why he keeps us between him and the neuropeons. It took him 600 years to get them in line.
There's NOTHING to discuss about race. All one has to do is pick up a book, stare at TV for 5 minutes, go somewhere and it's all laid out for you unless you're blind as a bat. The two "people"; the lightest and the darkest of humanity can't stand each other and we've been on the same territory for 500 years. It's worse than waterboarding for all of us; flat out torture. America's not going to be satisfied until there millions of bodies of all colors laying everywhere and damn near everything;s up in flames. Coming in 1...2...3...4...After the shit hits every fan in existence, maybe the 3 remaining will find some semblance of peace, if there's clean water to drink, clean are to breathe and something to eat besides each other. Then it'll be THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"America's not going to be satisfied until there millions of bodies of all colors laying everywhere and damn near everything;s up in flames."
America was happy to keep Black and White separate and mostly out of each other's faces. It was Yankees and (((others))) who had different ideas.
If you look at who is saying "burn this bitch down", you'll see a Black face.
There are more Hispanics than Blacks in the USA (another thing the (((others))) managed to do with the immigration act of 1965), and they'll kill Blacks to be rid of them. Your fate is already sealed; Compton and Harlem are de-Blacked, and the rest of the USA will eventually follow. Go to Africa while you still can.
With allove due respect, if that logic is the starting point and end point for the debate, then what is the point?
Following that logic, is it time to start carving up the states into sections for certain groups? By the term "White folks" you are saying that there is a collective hive mentality for over 200 million indivuals. That is quite a leap to deny the free will and determination of each individual.
What is it that needs to be got exactly? Assigning 5, 10, even 10,000 events as evidentiary to the whole group is truly unfair and sounds like a spin that is attributed to the other side at times.
With allove due respect, if that logic is the starting point and end point for the debate, then what is the point?
Following that logic, is it time to start carving up the states into sections for certain groups? By the term "White folks" you are saying that there is a collective hive mentality for over 200 million indivuals. That is quite a leap to deny the free will and determination of each individual.
What is it that needs to be got exactly? Assigning 5, 10, even 10,000 events as evidentiary to the whole group is truly unfair and sounds like a spin that is attributed to the other side at times.
"Many were looking forward to an honest conversation about race..."
The office of the President has been besmirched by previous administrations, specifically those of Nixon, Bush (1 & 2), Reagan and Clinton who fortified this "racial" divide by instituting policies and rhetoric fomenting fear and distrust amongst American citizens.
As history one day reflects back on this administration, it should note the obstructionist policies that preserved those feelings preventing such dialogue. Unfortunately, it will also be noted that, too many of us sat back and watched as we left President Obama alone to fight our battles for us.
PilotX said...
I'm seeing the age old young uh, experienced divide.
You know PX, I'm getting more and more fed up with his new generation of Black young people. Actually, let me correct that Africans and Caribbeans seem to "get it" a hellva' lot better than other Black Americans.
Case in point, how it is that with all the advances in technology and education, that there are far FEWER Black Americans going into STEM fields?
Another example, they want to assert their right to carry automatic weapons at an anti-police brutality demonstration, WTF? Then get pissed when the President won't co-sign on that stupidity? GTFOH!!!!
I guess our generation didn't always agree with our elders either, but I don't recall us being so dumb ass about it!
Puerto Rican food is nasty shit AKA Dr. Seuss is my favorite author said...
Of course ABC News isn't going to respect blacks. They are just like Faux News and CNN and other bullshit networks.
Really B*tch?
ctrl+halt+del said...
"As history one day reflects back on this administration, it should note the obstructionist policies that preserved those feelings preventing such dialogue."
Nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever a black person's fault.
Yīshēng said...
Case in point, how it is that with all the advances in technology and education, that there are far FEWER Black Americans going into STEM fields?
Case in point, entitled "Queen" spends 40 years pursuing a degree she is not qualified to earn by merit, resents deeply the society that has funded and accommodated her delusional demands unquestioningly for all these years. Hates whites and Asians and even her fellow American blacks, from whom she differentiates herself by identifying as "Caribbean". Is a miserable person who assuages her insecurity by disparaging working class people. Has no real friends.
Maybe they just have more sense than you do.
And I suppose white folk didn't do nothing either.
All these BLM stooges are just (((Geerge Soros'))) puppets:
Jig, Field, jig!
Hey Yisheng, what's it like to be such a slimy piece of shit in life?
The late ABC World News Tonight anchor Peter Jennings (Canadian born, who proudly became a US citizen a few years before he died) would never put up with this garbage. My belief that all network and major cable 24-hour news stations have been sinking into mediocrity keeps being validated, nearly daily. It is a sad era for journalists. There are many who still follow the standards (objective, factual reporting), but they're outnumbered. Sigh.
Yo' Stalkies, how does it feel to KNOW that YOUR life revolves around MY success, LOL?
Bawhahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :)
"...and if we’re really trying to have a town hall about race in this country, it’s going to have to look much more like a truth-and-reconciliation process."
I don't know Doc, our generation was just as goofy. In regards to your point about open carry if that's the law in that jurisdiction it's the law. If everyone else can open carry then so can everyone else. I don't have a problem with that. Hell, Cliven Bundy's people actually pointed their weapons at Federal Officers and nothing happened. We can't have two sets of rules, either everybody can carry or no one can. Rules is rules.
Oh yeahn your point about STEM careers. NSBE (national society of blah engineers) and other such organizations have programs to get more students into STEM advocations but with underfunded schools with horrid math and science curricula it's difficult to get kids qualified or even interested in doing extra work to get into these disciplines. If there was a path to these careers that was straight forward we'd see more interest. And keep in mind it is our generation's fault as well as the ones before us who allowed these conditions to fester. I say we all committ to programs like one that wants to create 1,000 new engineers. I agree with you Doc which is why I support efforts, like my buddy Kenny Ruffin who was featured at the BET awards who actually do the hard work of training young people to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there.
"The office of the President has been besmirched by previous administrations"
You mean, like Abraham Lincoln?
“…I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.”
Or maybe this gem, uttered when the Civil War had been on for over a year:
“You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.”
Quotes found at Atlanta Black Star. What has to hurt you the most is that you know in your heart he was right.
"how it is that with all the advances in technology and education, that there are far FEWER Black Americans going into STEM fields?"
STEM requires math and logical thinking. You can't even get to more complex issues, such as grasping that (a+b)² <> (a²+b²). The sort of mind which goes into an emotional tizzy at the first hint of "disrespek", like being graded wrong on a problem, is going to fail out before long division.
"You mean, like Abraham Lincoln?"
No I don't.
President Lincoln is one of the good guys because despite his personal feelings he still constructed the Emancipation Proclamation. He gave his life to support that portion of the belief that all men are created equal. President Lyndon Baines Johnson is another one of my favorites. While we're at it how about Jack Kemp, Sargent Shriver and Bobby Kennedy? There are a lot of whites who without their support who knows what where we would be.
But Nixon, the Bushes, Reagan and Clinton are in the other group between Andrew Johnson and Woodrow Wilson.
Bold, why are you such a miserable hateful person? What is wrong with you?
PilotX said...
We can't have two sets of rules, either everybody can carry or no one can. Rules is rules.
But isn't 2 sets of rules what we already have? And hasn't it been that way since this country was stolen from Native Americans?
NSBE does a great job, my kid enjoys it a LOT. And you're right about the education in inner city schools. But I still put a lot of the blame on the decreasing interest in STEM on the Black community itself.
"Bold, why are you such a miserable hateful person? What is wrong with you?"
Only his counselor and his probation officer knows for sure. :)
>> "You mean, like Abraham Lincoln?"
> No I don't.
Er, Lyndon Baines "I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years" Johnson?
The Republican party is the party of abolition, the Dems the party of the KKK. How does that feel, to be supporting the party of slavery... because so many of "your people" have effectively re-enslaved themselves to government assistance in return for votes, their labor now being worthless?
"But Nixon, the Bushes, Reagan and Clinton are in the other group"
Interesting that you include "America's first Black president" at the end.
"Bold, why are you such a miserable hateful person?"
Hateful, me? I bear you no ill will, I just want to be free of your pathologies. The people who actually hate you are exacerbating your problems instead of trying to fix them, and using you as weapons against White Americans while importing millions of "Hispanics" to ethnically cleanse you. I'm telling you to get to Africa before that endgame plays out, so you don't get caught in it. Would someone who hated you tell you how and why to get yourself out of danger?
"What is wrong with you?"
It's not wrong with me, it's wrong with America and I hope to see it fixed.
"Only his counselor and his probation officer knows for sure. :) "
Careful, counselor. Stating that someone HAS a probation officer is stating that they have not only committed but been CONVICTED of a crime serious enough to merit it. That's libel, unless true. Of course, if you really think this is the case I'm willing to settle the issue under my usual terms (six figure minimum).
I miss Josh and Kinky. They knew how to put a dumbass cunt like Yisheng in her place.
Hillary will make a great president!
Are you saying you never used the word nigger?
Actually President Warren G. Harding is the first Black president.
Correct me if I am wrong but there was no democrat or republican party in 1619.
You should thank Field for the lessons you are receiving here for free... kinda like you're getting a little assistance, too.
Not true, Bold, u could be in an ARD program for which a PO is also required.
We would love to hear more about u, though.Sounds like u are ready to open up and give us more info. :)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I miss licking Josh and Kinky's ass. They knew how to put a dumbass like me in a good anal, tingling place.
Assipoo, we would all appreciate you keeping your sexually perverted habits off the blog. Thank you!
what's the problem with you Spooks?
You've had a Black POTUS, AG for almost 8 years,
probably won't happen again, the Spicks and Chinks will elect one of their own before trusting one of your color again...
if his Nappiness in Chief had any balls(he doesn't) he'd pardon every Afro-Amurican in Federal/State/Local prisons on January 19, 2017...
either way it's gotta suck for Him, turning it over to the one who released photos of Him in his native Kenyan dress, or to the one who made him release his birth certificate...
"Are you saying you never used the word nigger?"
Have you already forgotten this little quote of mine? But damn, your memories are short (or you're just stupid).
I find the left's sacralization of Africans, to the point where using the word "nigger" is condemned in harsher terms than murder, both incomprehensible and detestable. I'm tempted to use the term out loud in public just to shock the crap out of them (just not tempted enough to do it quite yet).
"Warren G. Harding is the first Black president."
Keep deluding yourselves, it's most entertaining.
"there was no democrat or republican party in 1619."
There was no United States of America in 1619. There were, however, Jewish slave traders starting to get their act together. Guess who's still making money off you today?
"Sounds like u are ready to open up and give us more info. :)"
I've been ready for months. Sworn affidavits from my Las Vegas counsel will affirm what I've been telling you, and they're bargain-priced at just $100,000 a pop.
"...is condemned in harsher terms than murder..."
Overly dramatic maybe???
"I'm tempted to use...just not tempted enough..."
You seem conflicted.
"Guess who's still making money off you today?"
That's it, I'm through. I'm canceling HBO. I'll see you back here after 7p, I've already seen dead poets society. Don't be late!
"But isn't 2 sets of rules what we already have? And hasn't it been that way since this country was stolen from Native Americans?"
Yes, but it's up to us to make sure it doesn't continue.
"But I still put a lot of the blame on the decreasing interest in STEM on the Black community itself."
Yeah, we take a lot of blame for many things so why not some more. I won't go so far as to blame a community so much because you don't know what you don't know. We need people like yourself advocating for better curricula. How can you even contemplate a career in engineering that requires advanced math beyond calculus when your high schools are teaching basically freshman algebra to seniors? There is a lot of blame to go around but at what point do we stop the blame game and start doing what is necessary to fix the problem? I tend to think the Japanese way of handling problems is appropriate here, don't worry about WHO is to blame worry about WHAT is to blame and fix that. No need to heap more blame on our community unnecessarily. Be real, most STEM careers are fantasies for most urban kids and we need to promote more programs to make this a reality. You know how to do it so we need to be better at getting our message out. And one more point, STEM careers aren't popular for most people in general because they are difficult. It ain't just a blah thing Doc.
"I won't go so far as to blame a community so much because you don't know what you don't know."
See here is where I REALLY disagree. EVERYBODY in the 'hood got a cell phone and Black folks use social media more than ANY other group. But what we're using it for ain't got nuthin' to do with STEM.
"How can you even contemplate a career in engineering that requires advanced math beyond calculus when your high schools are teaching basically freshman algebra to seniors?"
This is where those of us IN STEM come in to "plant" STEM seeds. I'm at 'hood schools on a regular basis and taught college chemistry last Spring at an HBC. But I can't keep do this 'ish by myself because I simply don't have the time.
"There is a lot of blame to go around but at what point do we stop the blame game and start doing what is necessary to fix the problem?"
We stop playing the blame game when we start accepting responsibility for our own futures. When is THAT going to happen?
"Be real, most STEM careers are fantasies for most urban kids and we need to promote more programs to make this a reality."
Did you know that in elementary school, Black kids generally show a very strong interest in Math and Science but that by middle school that interest is gone? The primary cause of this is the lack of encouragement/support to gut it out from their mostly White, female teachers, followed by a lack of support at home. Even homes with so called "educated" parents.
"And one more point, STEM careers aren't popular for most people in general because they are difficult. It ain't just a blah thing Doc."
True that, but EVERY other racial group is already adequately represented in STEM. In the research world, that translates into their health "interests" being addressed. Our lack of representation in STEM means that ours are not and that has life and death consequences for ALL of us.
"This is where those of us IN STEM come in to "plant" STEM seeds. I'm at 'hood schools on a regular basis and taught college chemistry last Spring at an HBC. But I can't keep do this 'ish by myself because I simply don't have the time."
Exactly, remember in the at large community you'll see maybe 1% of students choosing a career in STEM fields.
"We stop playing the blame game when we start accepting responsibility for our own futures. When is THAT going to happen?"
Exactly again, let's stop playing the blame game and get to the work of getting more robust curricula in our schools. I agree.
"Our lack of representation in STEM means that ours are not and that has life and death consequences for ALL of us."
Sure but I can't envision kids choosing STEM careers in any inordinate numbers in relation to society at large. Math is difficult and there's a reason 99% of ALL students don't pursue STEM careers. Hell, I would love to see more pilots in our community but it will be a small number of us choosing that field for the forseeable future. I'm in schools promoting and working camps but reality is reality.
"See here is where I REALLY disagree. EVERYBODY in the 'hood got a cell phone and Black folks use social media more than ANY other group. But what we're using it for ain't got nuthin' to do with STEM."
I don't know about the statistics there, young people do young people things. If I were 20 I would be using social media in the same manner as the other young people are doing. I would say instead of blaming our folks for not using social media to pursue STEM careers do something about it. Use social media to your advantage as I am sure many positive groups are. I would also focus on the successes of groups using social media in the manner in which you advise. I know NSBE has a facebook site as do other groups. That said, we have some more work to do but we are moving in the right direction.
Here is the 10,000 blah engineers by 2025 campaign. I think it's achievable if we buckle down and go to work. This means encouraging and stopping the negative self talk and belittling our community. I know you mean good but tearing down our own isn't doing anyone any good. We know how much work needs to be done and that will leave little time to put down our fellow sistas and brothas. I'm in.
""But I still put a lot of the blame on the decreasing interest in STEM on the Black community itself."
Yeah, we take a lot of blame for many things so why not some more."
Try taking the blame for turning schools which used to teach Latin and calculus into schools which are somehow unable to teach reading and arithmetic. The Detroit Public Schools have been Black-run for decades and now graduate functional illiterates; all the responsibility is yours.
Actually, the cause is simple: typical Black children are high-grade morons with severe impulse control problems and violent tendencies. Wherever they go will be a zoo unless they are literally whipped into submission, their pace of learning will always be slow, and they will have rather low limits they cannot surpass. This was foretold by the old "racists" of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, but (((some people))) found profit in blaming it all on Whitey.
"I tend to think the Japanese way of handling problems is appropriate here, don't worry about WHO is to blame worry about WHAT is to blame and fix that."
How do you fix the African genome?
"the lack of encouragement/support to gut it out from their mostly White, female teachers"
White female teachers are pathetically math-phobic, but Black teachers appear to be worse.
"This is where those of us IN STEM come in to "plant" STEM seeds."
Those who really love STEM gravitate to it. They pick up books by themselves... meaning, they learned to read and LOVE to read. They will teach themselves if you let them. Children who cannot read detailed material for comprehension, let alone those who cannot read, will never make it in STEM. They will flunk out in the first semester of required courses, and switch to African Studies. When they graduate with their degree in Unemployability and $60,000 in loan debt, they will blame Whitey and join the New Black Panthers.
And while I'm here, can any of you tell me when you're going to hold a White Lives Matter rally and discuss reparations for this murder of an 88-yr-old hospital patient and her 36-yr-old nurse—both White from the look of the surnames?
The perp invaded the hospital, sneaked around, and killed two White females he'd never met before. Either he was looking for White people to kill and it was a pure hate crime, or he's just a dangerous animal who never should have been allowed to run free in society. Which is it?
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