How did we come to this?
Right-wingnuts, of course, ignore their own history of racism and blame Obama. But he is not the problem. Having Obama as our president just brought the racists out of the woodwork. "You lie!"
Now, sadly, the Genie is slowly leaving the bottle.
It's been a tough week. Two seemingly innocent men of color lost their lives via state killings, and some of the good police officers (who were protecting and serving while people peacefully exercised their 1st Amendment right) lost their lives to a madman, whose anger and hatred drove him to do a very inhuman thing.
I am not sure where all this is heading, but I suspect that with all this angst and hatred taking over our country, it won't end well.
I hate to say it, but I think that the terrorist might have already won.
*Pic from
"3 Dallas Cops killed, 7 wounded. This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you." - Former Congressman and child support delinquent Joe Walsh
As in previous documented murders committed by thugs in uniform, the apologist cockroaches are coming out of the woodwork to redefine the crime as racism which although intuitively obvious does not rise to the level of beyond reasonable doubt and so serves the purpose of exoneration through obfuscation. It is important to de-emphasize the racial aspect and focus on the act of murder, then after the thugs are convicted will make it easier to focus on the racial aspect.
The terrorists always win when everyone is afraid of one another. That's their only tool, the sowing of terror. How to make it stop is really difficult, especially when so many people play right into their hands, and so many critters in media and government have a stake in raising that fear not lowering it. You can't fault people for being afraid when there's genuine danger, but people trying to stoke fear without much real danger aren't helping.
I've witnessed a lot of violence, especially back in the late eighties, and never have I seen the police do much to make the people who lived through it feel any safer or less afraid. Maybe that's not their job, but maybe we need to try to do something different if we want to improve the situation. I've heard a lot said in the last three days about the changes in what we ask our cops to do, and I think that they have a valid point. Maybe we don't need the cops to do as much for us. The problem I see with that, though, is that there are so many guns out there, folks are rightfully anxious about doing their own conflict resolution. And it doesn't help that the drug prohibition laws cause cops to be hated and feared by the populations they are trying to protect. They are human beings, and you can't really ask them to do their best day after day for neighborhoods who hate and fear them day after day, and expect them to just shrug it all off in the name of professionalism. Some will, and some won't.
And finally, from what I've read, Dallas was the exact wrong place to shoot up a bunch of cops. Their chief of police actually understands gun violence and was (I think still is) trying to reform the way his force does business, and by the numbers, he's had some success. We could really use someone like him in Oakland right about now.
-Doug in Oakland
Joy Reid was subbing for Rachel Maddow tonight, and in her last segment she seemed to me to say much of what I was trying to say in my long comment but much better than I was able to say it:
-Doug in Oakland
This could put police on edge, which would increase the tension of citizens who come in to contact with them. That is a recipe for more over reactions and more individual incidents. Part of the solution would be to prosecute police who kill people like anyone else would be prosecuted. Our corrupt justice system protects them. But I suspect the public sees the Dallas ambush as a Dylan Roof type of murder spree. They are both examples of extreme racism that everyone realizes are not the norm. They don't incite racism as much as they remind people that racism is a problem. Both killings are equally tragic and evil, but the Dallas killing could have more impact as terrorism because it could escalate the fear of police and the people they confront going forward.
Interesting that you would bring up the "You lie!" incident, seeing as the person who shouted it, Joe Wilson, was proven correct. During his address, Obama said: "There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally." $750 million in Obamacare benefits went to illegals in 2015, according to a Senate Governmental Affairs committee report. Wilson was of course called the biggest "racist" of all time for accurately predicting that Imam Obama would become an illegal-loving socialist.
And I guess this would be as good a time as any to point out that in America, blacks commit aggravated assault on whites at 200 times the rate that whites commit it on them. #StopKillingUs
Field, you're missing the most disturbing part of the whole Dallas Sitch-yew-Asian...
Now Brutha's gettin killed by mutha (redacted) Robots...
as far as I know, first actual killing of a Human by a Robot, and of course it's a Knee-Grow, in the South, no witnesses, George Wallace(the dead Alabama DemoKKKrat Governor, not the living Afro-Amurican comedian)is rolling over in his grave (he wasn't dead and paralyzed)...
seriously, did you know the Po-Po had Knee-Grow-Killing-Robots??
Frank "where do I get one of those Robots?" Drackman
In his remarks at Howard University, Obama said: "Brittany Packnett, a member of the Black Lives Matter movement and Campaign Zero, one of the Ferguson protest organizers, she joined our Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Some of her fellow activists questioned whether she should participate. She rolled up her sleeves and sat at the same table with big city police chiefs and prosecutors. And because she did, she ended up shaping many of the recommendations of that task force. And those recommendations are now being adopted across the country -- changes that many of the protesters called for. If young activists like Brittany had refused to participate out of some sense of ideological purity, then those great ideas would have just remained ideas. But she did participate. And that's how change happens."
Here's the Guidebook Summary on 21st Century Policing: Five Ways Stakeholder Groups Can Implement the Task Force’s Recommendations
1. Engage with local law enforcement; participate in meetings, surveys, and other activities.
2. Participate in problem-solving efforts to reduce crime and improve quality of life.
3. Work with local law enforcement to ensure crime-reducing resources and tactics are being deployed that mitigate unintended consequences.
4. Call on state legislators to ensure that the legal framework does not impede accountability for law enforcement.
5. Review school policies and practices, and advocate for early intervention strategies that minimize involvement of youth in the criminal justice system.
Law enforcement
1. Review and update policies, training, and data collection on use of force, and engage community members and police labor unions in the process.
2. Increase transparency of data, policies, and procedures.
3. Call on the POST Commission to implement all levels of training.
4. Examine hiring practices and ways to involve the community in recruiting.
5. Ensure officers have access to the tools they need to keep them safe
Local government
1. Create listening opportunities with the community.
2. Allocate government resources to implementation.
3. Conduct community surveys on attitudes toward policing, and publish the results.
4. Define the terms of civilian oversight to meet the community’s needs.
5. Recognize and address holistically the root causes of crime.
With problems that are deep and systemic, you need to think big, for the long haul.
In his remarks at Howard University, Obama said: "Brittany Packnett, a member of the Black Lives Matter movement and Campaign Zero, one of the Ferguson protest organizers, she joined our Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Some of her fellow activists questioned whether she should participate. She rolled up her sleeves and sat at the same table with big city police chiefs and prosecutors. And because she did, she ended up shaping many of the recommendations of that task force. And those recommendations are now being adopted across the country -- changes that many of the protesters called for. If young activists like Brittany had refused to participate out of some sense of ideological purity, then those great ideas would have just remained ideas. But she did participate. And that's how change happens."
Here's the Guidebook Summary on 21st Century Policing: Five Ways Stakeholder Groups Can Implement the Task Force’s Recommendations
1. Engage with local law enforcement; participate in meetings, surveys, and other activities.
2. Participate in problem-solving efforts to reduce crime and improve quality of life.
3. Work with local law enforcement to ensure crime-reducing resources and tactics are being deployed that mitigate unintended consequences.
4. Call on state legislators to ensure that the legal framework does not impede accountability for law enforcement.
5. Review school policies and practices, and advocate for early intervention strategies that minimize involvement of youth in the criminal justice system.
Law enforcement
1. Review and update policies, training, and data collection on use of force, and engage community members and police labor unions in the process.
2. Increase transparency of data, policies, and procedures.
3. Call on the POST Commission to implement all levels of training.
4. Examine hiring practices and ways to involve the community in recruiting.
5. Ensure officers have access to the tools they need to keep them safe
Local government
1. Create listening opportunities with the community.
2. Allocate government resources to implementation.
3. Conduct community surveys on attitudes toward policing, and publish the results.
4. Define the terms of civilian oversight to meet the community’s needs.
5. Recognize and address holistically the root causes of crime.
"I've heard a lot said in the last three days about the changes in what we ask our cops to do, and I think that they have a valid point. Maybe we don't need the cops to do as much for us. The problem I see with that, though, is that there are so many guns out there, folks are rightfully anxious about doing their own conflict resolution."
Hmm, maybe stop training cops as an occupying military force would be a good place to start. Maybe stop arming them like a military force. Maybe the police department should reflect the communities they patrol. Maybe a focus on police inter-reaction with the public versus code enforcement and revenue production of the public.
Doug, it's interesting that every time an incident like this happens some people immediately want to restrict or give away their rights. Given all the "guns" out there shouldn't there be massive "conflict resolutions" happening everyday. I would think it would be on the news; but then again, I usually have to check the British press to find out what is actually happening in 'Merica.
Just remember that as you willing give away your rights it becomes increasingly difficult to get them back.
Field, on behalf of no one but my white self, let me just say that I honor your grief and rage. I grieve too, but I'm well aware that my grief cannot be the same as yours. I rage against the terror that has pursued every African-American, from the first slave ship to the present moment. Every one of us can do better, and I pledge to try.
Anonymous said...
Hmm, maybe stop training cops as an occupying military force would be a good place to start. Maybe stop arming them like a military force. Maybe the police department should reflect the communities they patrol. Maybe a focus on police inter-reaction with the public versus code enforcement and revenue production of the public.
10:44 AM
Anonymous said...
Frank "where do I get one of those Robots?" Drackman
9:29 AM
That's what everybody on this side of the pond is asking too.
Having Obama as our president just brought the racists out of the woodwork. "You lie!"
Obama was in fact lying at the time.
Because he is 1/2 black, in the Progressive mind, a white man calling out his lie is racist.
Whatever may have been the case during our grandparents time, Progressives are the source of all of today's racial acrimony. Their entire rationale for power is built on maintaining and ratcheting up racial division.
These protests are funded by billionaire leftists like George Soros and fueled by a leftist media that tells half the story and hides most of the truth. The whole strategy is coordinated by leftists in power who now are unleashing mass violence against their political opponents in an effort to intimidate and bully their way past the remaining limits on their statist agenda.
Wake up people. Justice must be done for the victims of police violence, but the idea that there is some kind of systemic war on blacks by law enforcement is absurd. We are being lied to by people who would put us all through a meat grinder to get what they want.
White Americans need to do a better job of listening to African Americans. We should probably pay attention to blacks when they tell us they want to kill us because we're white.
There is nothing that can happen and no evidence existing that won't keep Whites from being blamed for everything.
In an America with weak leadership and forced multiculturalism, everyone feels under attack, even if they're not.
The genius of Progressivism has been to make everyone think they are a victim and that their government is working against them.
Fear + Division = Power
Lilac: Redditt Hudson was interviewed by Chris Hayes last night:
That link doesn't seem to be working, but the interview is on the website in the first segment that comes up in the video player.
-Doug in Oakland
Field it's been awhile since I posted anything hope life is treating you well.
It's getting old when I hear that someone's violent death "may lead to something good will come out of this." Just when you think humanity can't get any lower. Can't was just talk as human beings?
I agree with Anon 9:29 that one of the really bad parts about this past week is that the term "bomb robot" appears to now be part of the national lexicon.
I don't want "bomb robot" to be part of the national lexicon.
Of course, I also don't want us killing each other based on our job, race, or religion. I don't always get my way.
Please tell us the entire story.And I don't think that my eyes are lying to me.
Please tell us the entire story.And I don't think that my eyes are lying to me.
Once again, the media has rushed in to frame a narrative that calls for more control and a government solution, rather than reporting the facts and let people decide for themselves what happened. The same dishonest script that has been played over and over again.
The truth is seeping out, as Castile identified as a crip and the stop was initiated because police believed he was a the subject of an armed robbery BOLO. Reframing the "broken tail light lie" to add some context to what may have happened is important, but the progressives will never allow it to become common knowledge.
The tragedy of real innocents caught in the cross fire of violence in urban communities like Chicago and Balimore gets dismissed whenever time and attention is spent exploiting the death of yet another violent gangbanger who got his just desserts.
Black Lives Matter is forcing a conversation on race - this is true.
However, it is not the conversation that Eric Holder demanded America have. It is a conversation that the majority in America now feel comfortable having, and one that will not bring the dividends that the Black Lives Matter activists seek.
Blacks who choose to side with violent criminals and excuse their life choices forfeit their right to complain when they get lumped in with said above group.
Well this is refreshing: more commenters who are being pro-active and being sincere about it by standing for change instead of same-old same-old. Thank you to each of you.
To those who continue to foment division and white privilege: I have a very strong feeling that folks like you will eventually be outnumbered (sooner rather than later). Please don't use that possibility to strike out (in whatever form) in hate and fear. Violence never fixed anything.
Compassion and love should be our guiding principles. I'm not a Buddhist or a member of any organized religious group, but I believe Jesus and Buddha were on the right track.
Blessings to you all.
Maybe they are if you're seeing double on your own blog.
Anti-White Thugs have been given the green light for years. Violence against Whites is common on campus and the streets. Of course, firing Whites for politically incorrect views was normalized 20 years ago.
So, as in other countries and other times, it will only be when the mass of Whites embrace a more fascistic outlook, that any degree of freedom for THEM will be restored.
I don’t particularly like this fact, but the pattern seems pretty clear.
Mystere said...
To those who continue to foment division and white privilege
It's white privilege to be murdered by black racists?
"Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good."
---Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
White Privilege means it's still my fault when an Afghani Muslim walks into a bar and kills 50 gay Latinos.
You have stirred the shit for a long time about cops. Now white, innocent cops are being murdered. Murder of cops is up 44% this year. Happy?
I am done caring one fuck about you and your whole "black community".
"To those who continue to foment division and white privilege: I have a very strong feeling that folks like you will eventually be outnumbered (sooner rather than later)."
You clearly don't understand history or science. Racist blacks and browns fail to understand that the population overshoot in their communities/countries has been made possible by the technology, medicines, infrastructure and other hallmarks of the modern West that were created by whites and generously shared with others. The population growth of the black and brown underclasses in these regions, unable and unwilling to control their reproduction themselves, will usher in their demise. Populations reach a peak and then there is always massive die-off. Whether that will be due to misallocation of resources (an example would be starvation, lack of access to clean water) or through disease (anti-biotic resistent strains of diseases thought conquered; the recent yellow fever outbreak in Africa) or just old fashioned vicious internecine war (Rwanda) remains to be seen. But rest assured, the dusky will not conquer nor will they thrive. I'm not worried, but the dusky should be.
There is no such thing as "white privilege", it's a concept invented by Marxists to divide and conquer. Rational, successful people of all ethnicities and backgrounds understand the basic guideposts to success. Unsuccessful people who wallow and revel in victimhood have to create strawmen to explain away their self-created circumstances.
Your comment would infer you don't believe in self-will and self-determination. How sad.
"White Americans need to do a better job of listening to African Americans. We should probably pay attention to blacks when they tell us they want to kill us because we're white"
On one level your comment nails it. On another level it's a telling commentary on how successful the Regressives have been in their divide-and-conquer strategy.
There is a permanent, violent underclass that has been created and funded by Regressives as a source of continual friction to keep those in power in power.
That underclass is not just black. Look to the violent drug culture in the white underclass criminal communities of California and Appalachia as a prime example.
Reasonable people of all colors, ethnicities are appalled by what is happening and are speaking out. Obama, Hillary and Loretta Lynch are all being called out for their hateful rhetoric that seeks to pander to the worst elements within America.
The problem with America is that we have created a class structure based on grievances rather than merit. We've opted for "communism lite" and are now witnessing the fruit of that choice which rewards indolence and resentment. Instead, we have to work towards a true meritocracy unchained from the concepts of entitlements based in historical grievances or privileges and judge people based on their actual abilities and motivation, rather than how they add to the artificial "diversity" grail scheme.
dinthebeast said...
Lilac: Redditt Hudson was interviewed by Chris Hayes last night:
2:38 PM
Thanks! I found it. Truthful words, but this memo has to come from higher up. That's the problem. Different protocols for policing have to be established.
Stopping someone for a non functioning tail light??? I mean really! Passenger without a seat belt on???
Maybe not having a seat belt on wouldn't have killed him, but a bullet sure will! I mean...really now?
So many folks haven't learned a goddamned thing.
@lilacpr2000 2:38pm
how long's it been since R-R-R-R-odney K-K-K-King got his ass beat by the LAPD? (haven't heard much about RK lately, wonder what he's been up to)
OK, The Police don't like Blacks/Mexicans/Fags/Yankees(probably the most abused minority group, but they'll never complain)
So why do you N-Words still drive around with no license, tail lights out, tint too dark, open container, smoking the Marriage-juan-a....
Just put a friggin target on your forehead, it'll make it easier for the Cops...
Frank "you look up "White Boy" in the dictionary, you see my picture" Drackman
Anonymous Anonymous said...
@lilacpr2000 2:38pm
So why do you N-Words still drive around with no license, tail lights out, tint too dark, open container, smoking the Marriage-juan-a....
Just put a friggin target on your forehead, it'll make it easier for the Cops...
Frank "you look up "White Boy" in the dictionary, you see my picture" Drackman
3:28 PM
Frank, could you please post some links where all of these 'infractions' have put a couple of bullets and a death sentence on a white man/woman? Please, would really love to see some instances! Then I'll STFU,promise. I'll even apologize!
Because, to give you an example (of the many) I can recall in particular where a white drunk woman, with a stolen car,led the cops on a wild chase, then stopped, opened her door, bent over to reach for something in the car,(which I personally thought would be a gun), got out,tugging and poking inside her pants, and danced,goaded and jeered at the cops!
I thought for sure omgosh she's gonna get shot! But no, no problem here, kid gloves for the 'white lady'
So that's quite a difference in the protocols used by police. I think even you can see that!
I have a great deal of respect for John Walsh for what he endured with his own son along with the efforts he has made in capturing fugitives etc. However, I find his comments about the sitting Commander and Chief and Black Lives Matter completely disrespectful and ignorant. While I understand and agree with his analysis about the murder of good officers in Dallas by a deranged (regardless of a society laced with racism and hatred) man, his comments are underscored with the same bigoted idiocy of the predecessors during the civil rights movement. The same shamed power structure that cut the lives short of the likes of Fred Hampton of the Black Power movement of the 1960s for peacefully voicing the opinions of a people in economic strife and racially discriminatory practices. Black Lives Matter focuses on the beleaguered individuals in a society where par isnt the same for all citizens. To call out those individuals as thugs is the denial of the historical relevance of our country from its infancy.
But Gene, they are thugs.
Thugs who have grown up in a country that does not oppress them, rather one that caters to their every delusion. They are spoiled children who feel entitled to commit violent acts when they don't get everything they want handed to them.
Fuck BLM.
The best thing would be for Yisheng to get shot.
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