~Desmond Tutu~
The debate is so silly. "Why do they say that only black lives matter? Don't all lives matter?"
Let's think about that for a minute. The name of the movement is not only black lives matter, or, white lives don't matter. It's not even something as intimidating to hear as say, Black Panthers, or Black Power. The name itself is tame: Black Lives Matter. All of us who identify with the movement in one way or another are still scratching our heads over the majority population's issue with what it represents.
To listen to people like Sarah Palin and other right- wing zealots, you would think that the black lives matter movement is right up there with Isis as a group that should be feared in this country.
It's why I am not sure of what to make of some of the platitudes coming from politicians in Washington. There is a disingenuous nature to all of it. Let's just strike the right tone. Even though deep down we feel just like Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly.
I listened to Charles Blow on CNN last night, and he made an excellent point to Don Lemon, who was doing his usual best to make his white listeners feel comfortable.
I am paraphrasing, but he said something to the effect that he should not be apologizing for his blackness, and the burden shouldn't be on him to have to teach folks in the majority not to be racist. He argued that he is the one being victimized. Why should the one doing the victimizing, he wanted to know, get a pass?
He is right. The debate about racism and injustice in this country has always been about blaming the oppressed. If you call out racism, you are the racist. If you see injustice and speak on it, you are rocking the boat. "Can't we all just get along?"
We could. But the charlatans and hucksters who are profiting from making poor and marginalized white people believe that black people are the root of all of their problems would never stand for it.
On a personal note I need folks to understand something: If we never come together as a country it will not effect my life one bit.
It won't make my home or wife any less beautiful; it won't take a dollar out of my bank account; and it wont raise my golf score or improve my second serve or the quality of my backhand in tennis. I will continue to enjoy the life I have now, and the memories of a wonderful life that I have lived to this point.
This debate is about the people (black and white) who have been marginalized in this country, and the systematic and institutionalized racism that keeps tearing our country apart by denying people at the bottom of the social and economic ladder real opportunities.
To blame this on the black lives matter movement is just silly and wrong. It strikes me as people who need to look at themselves and their own short-comings, trying to find an excuse for something that they have failed to do.
This struggle for social justice and equal rights is not about black versus white; it's about the survival of this country. The sooner we all realize that and stop trying to blame or situation on a movement formed around a hashtag, the better off we will be.
*Pic from wikipedia.org
In most domestic abuse cases the abuser always blame the victim.
Very good summation regardimg the situation at hand. It is not the upper crust of society that has much to worry about. The people being affected are the ones we have all chosen not to see. They are there, on the streets and living as best a life as opportunity has given them but they are invisible nonetheless. Watching the news and hearing their stories day in and day out yet, a filter is applied. Until hearts begin to turn towards this plight we have allowed to continue in this country it will not change.
If you have a problem with the sentence "Black lives matter", you really do have a problem. You can make up and believe as many lies as you want, and wallow in denial to your heart's content, but your problem will still be there fucking up your life. And as much as you might wish or believe it doesn't show, it really does.
-Doug in Oakland
"it's about the survival of this country"
"If we never come together as a country it will not effect my life one bit."
If the country does not survive you won't be effected? Not one bit? Well, that clearly puts you in the 1%. Those people don't care about America and most certainly don't care about the 99% of people living in it.
Lastly, it's hard to be a lawyer if the courthouse is burning down. Just Sayin'
"I am paraphrasing, but he said something to the effect that he should not be apologizing for his blackness, and the burden shouldn't be on him to have to teach folks in the majority not to be racist."
No, but whites should be apologizing for being white, and it's the white man's burden to accommodate folks in the minority's inability to control their impulsive and criminal behaviors.
BLM is a hate group that is now moving on to open terrorism. Many of the people involved sincerely believe they are advocating for justice, but the people who are pulling the strings know better. Black people need to repudiate BLM before shit gets real.
"Let's think about that for a minute. The name of the movement is not only black lives matter, or, white lives don't matter."
The name is not the behavior. White people pay attention to what you DO as well as what you SAY. Among the things you DO:
1. When a Black drug dealer uses his own daughter as a human shield against a gang hit and she's killed, there are NO marches and NO demands for justice from the coonmunity.
2. There are NO protests for non-Black victims of Black violence.
3. When anyone dares to say "ALL lives matter", they are shouted down as racist.
From this it follows that (a) Black victims of intra-tribal violence DO NOT matter to BLM, (b) Black victims in conflicts with non-Blacks matter to BLM, regardless of justification, and (c) non-Black victims do not matter to BLM, period.
There are vastly more Black victims of Black violence than Black victims of police, but BLM is silent about them. This proves that the name "Black Lives Matter" is a conscious lie. It also proves that BLM is out to destroy civil order.
"To listen to people like Sarah Palin and other right- wing zealots, you would think that the black lives matter movement is right up there with Isis as a group that should be feared in this country."
Civil order is essential for civilization. Civilization is required for the lights to remain on, the water to be supplied, and the EBT cards to work. Blacks destroy these things at your own peril.
Do you wonder where the unemployed (and probably unemployable) BLM protestors get the money to travel the country doing protests? Who's paying for them? Who's organizing them? What's their MASTER'S agenda? No, you're too stupid to think about that.
Sarah Palin got that one thing right.
"The debate about racism and injustice in this country has always been about blaming the oppressed."
Those who claim "oppression" while demanding what others have made are not oppressed, they are privileged. They get the privilege of not being called on their demands for things they not only did not and cannot make, but actively destroy. The Affirmative Action admittees at universities demanding concessions are privileged, having been granted things none of their ancestors ever could have created for them. Their claims of oppression are the definition of hypocrisy. They should be stripped of citizenship and removed to Africa. At least Muhammed Ali was honest enough to say "Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat." If you're so ungrateful, take the boat back.
A legitimate "movement" doesn't need to pay protesters it sources from the underemployed and/or permanently angry on Craigslist.
Black Lives Matter is deservedly getting called out and serious pushback for its lies and manufactured agitprop - the majority in America are tired of their antics.
Blacks having the good fortune to be born in America are more privileged and better off than 90% of the rest of the world.
The next few years will be interesting as blacks become the super minority within America, outstripped demographically by latinos and other groups who have no love of blacks and who hold throwback racist views of them. After years of trying to label whites as racist, the marginalized blacks will have no one in their court.
Can't wait.
Don Lemon?
the same guy who thought that Malaysian jet was swallowed by an UFO(the things you Knee-grows believe in.....)
if BLM so much someone tell me who got killed in Chicago so far this weekend,
I'll make a guess, D'ante, Da'nte, and Dan'te.....
whatever their names are, there'll be a bunch of " ' " 's
I'm glad that Tarzan Of The Apes is coming out just now...let's have a protest outside all the theaters showing it????????????
They forgot to mention, it was "Lord Of The Apes".
I'll save you Knee-Grows the work (everyone knows "Knee-grows don't (web) Surf")
for the literate among you, the 2 dead infants in Minneapolis were "Le'vonte King Jason Jones" and "Mela Queen Melvina Jones" killed Friday night in a drive-by-shooing by
"M'elonhead D'vonte Sharpton J'esse O'bama"
OK, I made that last one up.
*applause* It's my theory that people who don't grok #BlackLivesMatter and respond with ALM are subconsciously afraid of being wrong, of stepping outside the herd where danger lives. Self-awareness is key to one's ability to see one's own mistakes, and compassion must exist in a person's heart so that that person can turn those mistakes into positive action. Denial and doing nothing are easier than self-reflection and the development of compassion toward more people than one's own inner circle.
The most important thing white people can do to understand #BLM is to shut up and LISTEN. Just stop talking for a while.
Ahhhm, that shooter in Dallas was not a part of the BLM movement. I am pretty sure that the leaders of the march in Dallas will not be charged as co-conspirators in the deaths of those police officers.
The most important thing white people can do to understand #BLM is to shut up and LISTEN. Just stop talking for a while.
NO, black people need to STFU and stop being the patsies for a bigger agenda, which does not truly help black people. Just by virtue of being born in America, you are better off than 90% of the rest of the world's population.
People in the majority are doing the math are realizing, blacks = problems. In every civilized multiracial country, it is the black cohort that are responsible for the majority of crime and depravity. Ergo, no blacks = no problems. The discussion now is centered around how to purge America of what ails here. That's the reason Liberia was founded.
George Soros should be arrested for inciting and abetting murder.
Blacks rape on average over 20,000 White Girls a year. Just in the past 50 years, Blacks have raped over a million White Girls.
Over the last 50 years, Blacks have killed Whites at 50 times the rate Whites have killed Blacks.
Blacks should pay a 10% tax on all their income as Reparations to White Victims of Black Crime.
ctrl+halt+del said...
"In most domestic abuse cases the abuser always blame the victim."
I see your point - it's like how Trump gets blamed when paid thugs try to shut down his rallies.
It's time to respond. With extreme prejudice.
Mystere typed..
"Self-awareness is key to one's ability to see one's own mistakes, and compassion must exist in a person's heart so that that person can turn those mistakes into positive action."
If only we could get black folks to understand this notion. I remember the black murderers laughter, jokes and heartless statements when given the chance to speak at their own trial.
Until then, just remember that worse is better.
"The most important thing white people can do to understand #BLM is to shut up and LISTEN. Just stop talking for a while."
I've listened to the din and cacophony. I listened to one black guy on national TV state that there needs to be special laws just for black people. We already have that. Blacks already have all sorts of privileges. Their biggest privilege is not being held accountable for anything. We live it everyday.
OT: the narrative about Philando Castile is falling apart. Leftist must hate the internet.
@ Field Knee-grow 11:30am
Wow! what a daring prediction!
I'll predict David Duke won't be at any #BLMunlessthey'rekilledbyanotherBM marches....
Mr. Blow was eloquent as usual, so nothing to add except that it is a damn shame, and that as a white person my core value is to deal with people as individuals and not categories, and I do my best not to be one of those that he is referring to.
I don't get why you are so rough on Don Lemon. Doing his best to make white listeners comfortable? Can you give one concrete example? Let's not lose sight that in addition to himself and Mr. Blow the panel consisted of Van Jones and Kamau Bell. I know you don't have much respect for Mr. Jones either, but does 4 black faces juxtaposed across the screen strike you as an attempt to make whites comfortable?
Another segment involved Mr. Lemon interviewing former congressman Walsh (the source of "watch out Obama real America is coming after you" statement that I referenced previously). As I said, the Joe Walshes, David Clucks, Rudy Giulianis of the world are out in force redefining the crime from murder to racism, trivializing the murders committed by thugs in uniform as compared to black on black crime. Sadly Lemon took the bait here, and the conversation devolved into parsing whether 'systemic racism' implied that all police are racist. Lemon would have done better if he had focused back on the specific incidents captured on video, a man face down on the ground with 2 officers on top, being blown away, another being blown away simply for informing the officer that he was legally armed, and forcing Walsh to acknowledge the crystal clear act of murder therein. Let's put an end to this tired meme. We focus on the 1% and not the 99% because the 1% are the law and as such are in a position to place themselves above it.
Inclusion is a state of being valued, respected and supported. It’s about focusing on the needs of every individual and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve his or her full potential.
Inclusion should be reflected in an organization’s culture, practices and relationships that are in place to support a true diverse society. BLM includes “no one” but black lives. To say/write anything different, is a LIE.
The folks who blame BLM need to look in a mirror. Rudy Guliani was on msnbc and complained about teh blacks and how the President was creating divisivness and he didn't pause for one brief moment to consider he is also responsible for our divided state. What do you expect? 300 years of blamimng blah folks and ignoring everything that happens to us isn't a problem? Then we have posters in here who were advocating for a race war long before Dallas so let's not act like this is all one side's fault or the other. If I was a mentally unstable individual and had arms and repeatedly read that the cops were going to start systematically killing us and we see stuff like MN and LA what do you think could happen? You know who you are and if you don't take some personal responsibility your credibility will sink even lower that it already is (if that's possible).
Anon@12:42, my eyesight must be "falling apart" as well. Cause I know what I saw.
You must be living in some FOX views alternative universe.
"True Crime", you are a true idiot.
It's never a good idea to stay off your meds for such a long time.
Oh and I hate to bring it up and maybe it's already been discussed but peep the difference between the targets of dylan roof and Micah Johnson. The brotha, while he may have hated white folks, his targets were basically an army and he took them on alone. Hell, Dallas has a tv show about their SWAT team. I of course no way endorse any killing but it takes a lot more guts to take on fellow armed folks than a church full of elderly women or a classroom full of kids. As Queen Latifa sang just another day. Now let's just sit back and wait for the next mass shooting.
And Field, turn off the moderation, this comment section ain't gonna be any more racist than it usually is. That horse done left the barn mon.
Seems like this discussion is so redundantly overly discussed in society today; so much has been said, yet not enough. Books have been written on the subject. T.V. news stories have been in the vanguard - what does it take for "real change" to occur? So much discussion to the point of a desensitizing of the American mindset, and not only of the White minds. I feel like the issue has been "accepted" to a point by Blacks as well with so many other issues on the dinner plate, i.e. LGBT issues. I watched, I think CBS this Sunday morning from a discussion panel consisting of several Black youth (one being the son of a Black police office r) and a Black police chief along with a White detectiv where the detective actually believed that his all teenagers, including his own, face the same type of profiling from police officers simply inherent on the fact of their youth. That is to say that Black teens face no more confrontations that may be deemed to be over aggressive than White teens. To me this is simply confounding. With this sort of mindset from the people who are placed in the publics trust to be the keepers of law and order, then it's little wonder that there exist such a disparity in police brutality and/or over aggression towards Blacks in general in society.
No More @12:04
Violence is never the answer in a domestic dispute. Unfortunately, for many like yourself, this is how you have learned to solve your problems. Intimidation, violence and humiliation are just some of the means by which abusers use to try to gain control of their victims or justify their behavior.
Studies show that over 13 million people currently suffer from the affects of Neuropeanosis. If you or anyone else you know feels the need for senseless violence please seek help. Operators are standing by.
Mr. Muh Dik bloviates again:
"another being blown away simply for informing the officer that he was legally armed"
The local sheriff reported that Philando Castile never applied for a permit to carry, and he was never issued one. He was NOT legally armed.
But you'll invent your own reality anyway, like insane people do.
"Rudy Guliani was on msnbc and complained about teh blacks and how the President was creating divisivness and he didn't pause for one brief moment to consider he is also responsible for our divided state."
The divided state is caused by the fact that you are impossible to live with. Even your own get the hell out of the 'hood when they can. Guliani controlled Black misbehavior for a while and accomplished much, but it's all un-done now.
Soon-to-be-ex-pilot adds:
"300 years of blamimng blah folks and ignoring everything that happens to us isn't a problem?"
Nobody here is responsible for anything that happened 300 years ago, or 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago. Now take responsibility for what YOU are doing and saying right now. If you TRULY want to be equal, it goes both ways.
Until the philosophy that holds one race superior,and another inferior ,is discredited and abandoned!
PilotX said...
"Oh and I hate to bring it up and maybe it's already been discussed but peep the difference between the targets of dylan roof and Micah Johnson. The brotha, while he may have hated white folks, his targets were basically an army and he took them on alone"
PilotX is praising the guy who killed 5 cops.
Go figure.
And there's another difference between Dylan Roof and Micah Johnson: Roof's crime was exploited to inflict collective punishment on Southern whites and used to tear down the symbols of their culture all over the country. Despite Mr. Johnson saying he wanted to kill white people, even the President denies this was a racist hate crime, and BLM is getting a pass from the MSM. I don't hear any calls to start tearing down MLK statues. Yet.
-Doug in Oakland
I thought you said you'd never censor? So what's the point of this? :)
ctrl+halt+del said...
"Studies show that over 13 million people currently suffer from the affects of Neuropeanosis."
Hey dude, if you have a nervous penis there are pills for that. Just sayin'.
Wrong again as usual J-Bo. And he wasn't wanted for armed robbery either. Now shut the fuck up.
Thanks for that Doug. Roy Zimmerman? Any relation to Bob Zimmerman?
You trolls who carp about labels(black lives matter vs all lives matter) are full of crap. It's obvious white people like you couldn't give two nickels about black lives and that is what the movement is about. White people have the power. The system is designed to work for white people. Just because there are lots of poor white people and some successful black people doesn't change the central point. Black people are the victims of white power and white hate. Chris Rock said to an audience at one of his performances that not one of the white people present would switch places with him, a black man, "and I'm rich!" he said. And he's right. When you say "all lives matter", you clearly don't believe that either. You are racist but you don't understand that you are racist. You have nothing to contribute of value here if you can't even see that much.
snowcap said...
"Black people are the victims of white power and white hate."
How? Who? Name names and we'll stop them. If you can't, then it's all in your head.
"Wrong again as usual J-Bo."
Really? We have an un-named source in the Star-Tribune vs. the sheriff of Ramsey county declaring that Castile had not applied for a CWP in his county. Now, given the difference between an un-attributed source and an official source, which would YOU take more seriously?
Oh, we also know that Castile was a proud member of the Crips crime gang. I'm sure you don't consider this a negative, given what you are.
"And he wasn't wanted for armed robbery either."
He wasn't a NAMED suspect, but he met the description of the be-on-lookout warning. He was pulled over because the car and driver matched the descriptions of the ones sought. Just about everything his side-bitch said about him is a lie. Finally, when the cop told him NOT TO MOVE, he moved... and he had a gun visible in his waistband, thug-style.
His long record of stupid traffic violations should have required him to at least sign a waiver before getting a gun permit, if he ever truly had one. The guy was literally not smart enough to keep himself out of trouble. He maybe didn't deserve to die, but he was too dumb to carry a gun and live.
And snowcap jumps in with more nonsense:
"It's obvious white people like you couldn't give two nickels about black lives and that is what the movement is about. White people have the power. The system is designed to work for white people."
Were you born that dumb, or did you have to study? BLACK PEOPLE don't give two nickles about Black lives, or they'd be marching and demanding scalps of Black gang members at least a dozen times as often as cops of any color. They'd be demanding MORE policing to stop the epidemic of Black-on-Black murder where the Ferguson Syndrome has taken root.
BLACK PEOPLE DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK LIVES. They only care about the Black tribal war against everyone else. THAT is one reason why I do not take BLM seriously.
White people do not casually murder the likes of Molly Macauley. Blacks do. That is why I do not want Blacks anywhere near me.
Don't worry James Bold. I don't want your stinky, fat, inbred ass near me either.
Field. Do you really think you can levitate above the fray and not be affected by the events playing out right now? Ask Michael Jordan and Bill Cosby (son shot dead on the highway) if their money spared them from the realities of life in America?
"Wrong again as usual J-Bo (hint - "... in his county" -"
Then let's have it from an official source that (a) he had one, and (b) he hadn't invalidated it somehow... like not changing his address, or being under the influence of dope.
"(read: just cause of his black ass)"
The armed-robbery perp had a black ass. And dreadlocks. And was driving a car matching the description. There's firmer evidence that Castile was the armed robber than that George Zimmerman did anything other than defend himself lawfully.
""A proud member of the Crips". And you are a proud member of the KKK."
Are you admitting that the Crips are as bad as the KKK? They're certainly responsible for a lot more murder and other crime.
Somehow I missed signing up with the KKK. Never had the fun of going to a cross-burning. All my hoodies are black, too. I hate missing all the good stuff.
"Don't get into a battle of wits with no ammunition J-Bo. I will fuck you up every time."
Oooh, I'm so skeeered. Don't taunt me, Mr. Dik! Don't taunt me! <laugh>
"The local sheriff reported that Philando Castile never applied for a permit to carry, and he was never issued one" - bullshit
"he met the description of the be-on-lookout warning" - bullshit
"Castile was a proud member of the Crips crime gang" - bullshit
Any questions?
field negro said: "Ahhhm, that shooter in Dallas was not a part of the BLM movement. I am pretty sure that the leaders of the march in Dallas will not be charged as co-conspirators in the deaths of those police officers."
Apologies. I left out several things that would have made my comment a little more coherent.
1) The killing of black people in the US by police officers needs immediate action.
2) BLM exists because it has to, due to #1.
3) I agree that the Dallas shooter of police was not part of the BLM movement; those folks are peaceful and just want white people to listen and care.
4) The Dallas shooter (not naming him to reduce the name recog) , in some news reports, was alleged to have said that he targeted police in Dallas in revenge for the Sterling and Castile police-caused deaths.
I'll endeavor to be more coherent in future comments. Thanks, Field!
Year to date in Chicago, there have been 2,009 shootings. 9 of then have been by police, or 0.4% of the total. But that's all Field Negro, guilty white liberals, Back Lives Matter, and the news media care about. And then you wonder why intelligent people recoil from you?
@7:45, retards like you will NEVER understand, deep sigh.
Black on Black criminals ARE held accountable WITH charges.
Get it now, ya' ignorant f**k?
Fuck you, bitch. You think black lives matter? Just wait until your brother kills ya.
With all the bullshit the cops pullin these days, Black Americans have every right to be upset.. Pissed. I dont think they're hatin on white ppl or anyone.. 'Course as a European-American I can't speak for any other ethnic group. But my take is that they just want to be treated equally and people to recognise the disparity. As a low-income citizen with a criminal past and experienced police brutality I think I can relate a lil. Maybe even more so than most. Poor ppl matter. Native lives matter too (Seattle cop, woodcarver?) As well as anyone else who's been historically &/or currently persecuted. But we're not talking about all that right now. The Black Lives Matter movement.. I've heard a lot of ignorance from ppl regarding the subject. Their lives DO matter and have every right to speak up and say so. I think people are just getting fed the fuck up, and rightfully so. Just my two cents, correct me if i'm wrong. I can't say much more about the subject except I hope we see some social change quick before shit get any nastier. America was pretty fucked up in the past, things improved some. We had a Black President, that was a milestone accomplishment. But now we got a guy like Trump as a Presidential candidate in modern-day times, promising to 'make things "great" again. Pretty fucking discouraging. I feel like we're going backwards. I HOPE Blacks continue to speak up. As a White (former) defendant in criminal cases I've seen the disparity firsthand. Same exact crimes or even less severe yet I've seen them get higher bail, stiffer sentences, PR'd less and.bail set higher. And that just aint right.
Mr. Muh Dik just can't get enough pounding:
""The local sheriff reported that Philando Castile never applied for a permit to carry, and he was never issued one" - bullshit"
If he'd moved from Robbinsville—which was where he LIVED, note the past tense—more than 30 days before and not changed his address, his permit was invalid.
""he met the description of the be-on-lookout warning" - bullshit"
Car pulled over because the driver looked like the suspect in a July 2 robbery:
""Castile was a proud member of the Crips crime gang" - bullshit"
Yet here he is, named as a member on a Crips social-media page:
Not to mention appearing in pictures wearing all blue, throwing gang signs, and wishing "Merry CRIPmas and happy BLUE year":
"Any questions?"
Nope. You'd just lie and deny like you always do. "you jus' keep sayin' dey ain' no bitch til da bitch leave."
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