The first ruling was against the state of North Carolina, where state republican legislators have been watching their state turn slowly blue and decided to do something about it. They did what republicans always seem to try and do: limit access to the ballot box.
"A federal appeals court on Friday struck down the heart of a North Carolina voting law seen as the strictest in the nation, finding that Republican lawmakers intentionally discriminated against African-Americans when they passed it.
A divided 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the measure's provisions "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision."
The ruling is just the latest court win for voting rights advocates. A different federal appeals court ruled this month that Texas's voter ID law is racially discriminatory and must be softened."
The Court said the right wing legislators targeted and went after African American voters with "almost surgical precision". Now that's some scary stuff.
Ya'll might want to think about that the next time you say that voting is not important.
The other favorable ruling for those who cherish our right to vote comes from Wisconsin.
"A federal judge threw out multiple aspects of Wisconsin's voter ID law on Friday, leaving the law itself intact but ruling unconstitutional many restrictions on voting passed by the GOP-controlled Legislature and Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
Two liberal groups filed a lawsuit in May challenging the laws, including a requirement that voters show photo identification. U.S. District Judge James Peterson agreed with arguments that the laws were enacted to benefit Republicans and make it harder for Democratic supporters to vote, and ordered a range of changes."
What's that they say? Oh yeah: "The best laid plans of mice and men always go awry".
Why can't blacks get ID's like other races can?
Don't expect a fair election. Massive voter fraud is being coordinated directly by the White House, Hillary's campaign, and the DNC.
Asked for a martini no olives, got a martini with olives. Put there apparently by Russians
Honest question: Is there any other situation than voting where requiring a photo id is considered racist?
This is my first election and I can't wait to vote for Hillary! I love her!
So happy this generation has love for Hillary! They are the next great hope after the best generation of all, the Baby Boomers, passes the greatness on to them!
It's a shame that something so important, like voting, can be so hard to do for some people.
Oh, and Wisconsin sucks ass.
It's pathetic when Republicans get scared that they might not win elections and the first thing they think to do is cheat. Let everyone vote. You want to win? Appeal to more voters. When you know most people don't like what you're selling, if you want them to support you, try something different.
-Doug in Oakland
If poor minorities can't manage to get an ID to vote, how are they able to buy all that alcohol and their cigarettes?
I agree, we should let every person in the world vote for president of the United States. Now that's different...or is it?
Who doesn't have an ID?
How many black people don't have any form of identification? There is evidently hundreds of thousands or even millions. Incredible!
Russia out of our elections! Our future should be decided by those who outrun the border patrol!
You'd have to be retarded not to able to get a free ID.
Do we really need retarded people to vote?
That's what I was wondering-why don't blacks like carrying i.d.?
I know two young people (millennials) who can't get IDs in New York state. The state has had them jumping through all kinds of ridiculous hoops. They are both white American males who have never had any permanent address other than the one where they live now. The state won't let them use identification that expired when they lived sort of off the grid lifestyles. Their father joked, who does New York think they are, Yetis?
Without IDs, you can't drive or buy alcohol. In New York state 80 year olds have to show a photo ID to buy alcohol. Once I was in line behind a little old blue haired lady with gray roots an inch long. The store wouldn't let her buy a six pack of beer for her son. She said in all seriousness, "Ohhh... I knew I shouldn't have dyed my hair." Your job opportunities are pretty much limited to day laborer when you don't have a government ID. And government bureaucracy prevents people from getting them.
“Man makes history; woman is history. The reproduction of the species is feminine: it runs steadily and quietly through all species, animal or human, through all short-lived cultures. It is primary, unchanging, everlasting, maternal, plantlike, and cultureless. If we look back we find that it is synonymous with life itself.”
— Spengler
Plutocrats and corporations need to form a united front to repel the threat to them coming from the dispossessed, powerless and broke. Globalists of the world unite! We must be with Hillary!
wanna know something funny?
i get affirmative action cause i'm hispanic
cause my ancestors owned blacks in cuba
what a country!
You think not having the correct documents and ID could never happen to you, and you're dead wrong. A lost job, an illness, an accident and BAM! No resources to jump through the hoops they want. This court case just exposed the deliberate, data-driven, decision to move those hoops just out of reach of their political rivals. I guess they just figured they couldn't win a fair election, and didn't feel that losing or offering something more of the electorate wanted to vote for were really options.
-Doug in Oakland
You assholes wished you had a governor as good as Scott Walker.
Monica Lewinsky just announced she's voting for Trump because the last Clinton left a bad taste in her mouth!
*xD lolol guffaw guffaw guffaw rotf*
LOL @ that one Lilac!
Income inequality has increased because of mass immigration.
Mass immigration lowers wages and increases profits for the upper classes.
Hillary wants an even greater influx of third-world immigrants. So do the Wall Street and crony capitalist corporatists that are funding her campaign.
Hillary will create even greater income inequality in America.
Percentage of actual voter fraud found and prosecuted is incredibly low.
Voting is a fundamental part of our democracy. It should be easy, not hard, to be able to vote.
"Voting is a fundamental part of our democracy. It should be easy, not hard, to be able to vote."
It should also be hard to cheat.
Every fraudulent vote disenfranchises someone else by cancelling out their vote. Without a secure electoral process, elections have no legitimacy.
Every other democracy on earth requires proof of voter eligibility precisely for this reason.
No one trusts the American process anymore. No one trusts the American government. This is a very bad thing.
Hillary means more foreign wars. For that reason alone, Field should support Trump.
But his partisanship trumps his ideology.
Hillary approved a deal which gave Russia 20 percent of U.S. uranium.
Received a huge donation to the Clinton Foundation, plus several million in speaking fees for her husband.
That black elites run cover for the noxious culture of lower class blacks is one of the biggest failures in America's body politic today.
"No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook. It cannot be done."
--Harry Truman
Bill and Hillary Clinton have amassed over $300 million working in politics.
A reminder to commenters asking why some folk can't get a photo ID:
1. Such IDs cost money. If the state wants a person to have one, the state should pay for that ID, not the person.
2. Voting is a right. Having a photo ID is a privilege. There is a vast difference between the two.
3. If a person is registered to vote, they should receive a registered voter's card (as my state does) for free. That should be enough ID to vote with.
4. When I was an election official, voters had to be checked against a master registered voters list for ID verification. Voters also had to present their registered voter's card. Neither the list nor the card carry any photo ID.
Mystere said...
1. Such IDs cost money. If the state wants a person to have one, the state should pay for that ID, not the person.
2. Voting is a right. Having a photo ID is a privilege. There is a vast difference between the two.
3. If a person is registered to vote, they should receive a registered voter's card (as my state does) for free. That should be enough ID to vote with.
4. When I was an election official, voters had to be checked against a master registered voters list for ID verification. Voters also had to present their registered voter's card. Neither the list nor the card carry any photo ID.
1. All states where voter ID laws have been attempted have included provisions for free ID's. This is not an issue.
2. Voting is a right, and is should be restricted to those eligible to vote. To not do so abrogates the rights of legitimate voters to have their vote count.
3. See #1 above. Not an issue.
4. That means anyone who either registered fraudulently (ala ACORN) or obtained a voter registration card (e.g. from a relative or a deceased person) could cast one or more fraudulent votes. And many jurisdictions don't even require a registered voters card. Some you can walk in, say you live in the district, and they'll hand you a ballot.
Economic experts used to say America is DEAD if GDP/Debt ratio ever reaches 100%. well here we are
Latest report shows National Debt at 105% of GDP. National Debt now at $19.402-trillion.
Congratufuckinglations Obama! You did what you wanted to do.
31 cases of that sort of voter fraud out of a billion votes cast since 1980. They caught these assholes dead to rights changing the laws in order to win elections. But go ahead and keep fucking that chicken if it makes you feel better about you dishonest bigotry, you're going to anyway so why should I expect anything else?
-Doug in Oakland
"Voting is a fundamental part of our democracy. It should be easy, not hard, to be able to vote."
I agree, vote early and often.
"31 cases of that sort of voter fraud out of a billion votes cast since 1980"
And I am sure they caught everyone, right fuckhead?
Every election, there are inner city districts that go 110% for the Democrat.
Several senate races and at least one governor's race were decided by fraud just in the past decade.
The GOP in the past was not much better than the Democrats. But now that seems not all that relevant, now that Trump is an option. It would seem now would be the time to spend some effort to make sure the elections are not rigged.
Woke Brother pushes back against Jew reporter from CNN:
Anon: While you have your tinfoil hat on, did they fake the moon landing? Was Sandy Hook a false flag production of the government in which no one was killed? And what would you do if they they came out with a vaccine against the effects of chemtrails?
-Doug in Oakland
When someone calls out the demonstrable voter fraud going on in America, you try to tar them with crackpot ideas. Good work, lackey.
If you can't trust the electoral process, you can't trust the government. That's why protecting the voting process is sacred in a democracy.
Now go back to worrying about your neighbor's new SUV melting the South Pole, or the Klan keeping black kids from doing their homework. If Mexicans voted 75% Republican, how would your opinion change about keeping illegal immigrants from voting?
Wingnuts, u do realize that republicans were caught red handed trying to deny minority votes and using restrictive voter ID laws to do it, right?
Our neighboring countries, to the North in Canada and the South in Mexico, both require voter identification.
and your little 'commonwealth' island possessions do also.
We have to be registered and are issued an id card with our picture that we have to show at the polls in order to vote. Our names are also looked up in a huge book before we are allowed in to vote, and we have to dip our finger in some sort of glowy ink too ;)
You could vote for Bernie but it wouldn't matter.
field negro said...
Wingnuts, u do realize that republicans were caught red handed trying to deny minority votes and using restrictive voter ID laws to do it, right?
There was nothing in the law whatsoever regarding race. Any ID requirements applied to everyone. How could that restrict minorities more than whites?
You are aware that democrats have been caught red handed registering illegal aliens, using dead people's identities to vote, voting multiple times in multiple districts, and creating fraudulent ballots to steal close elections in recount situations, right?
Claiming that voter fraud exists is a lie used as a tactic to suppress the vote of your political rivals.
Actually believing the lie is a symptom of mental illness, thus my comparisons with the belief of other such lies.
I know people who do believe such things, so I have seen what it looks like.
The ones I know all seem to have one thing in common, which is drug addiction, though I also know substance abusers who accept reality, so I don't think you can blame all of it on the drugs.
-Doug in Oakland
"You are aware that democrats have been caught red handed registering illegal aliens, using dead people's identities to vote, voting multiple times in multiple districts, and creating fraudulent ballots to steal close elections in recount situations, right?"
Link(s) from a reputable source, please.
Voter id is just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond that we have 7 hour voting lines, restricting early voting, same day registration, and pre-registration of underage voters who would be eligible to vote by the time of the election. Also, the court found that the North Carolina congress studied data on the use of voting practices by race and tailored the law accordingly.
But if you really want to know the truth about "true the vote", no shortage of prominent right wing dumbasses who will gladly spill the beans:
"Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done."
- Mike Turzai PA House Majority Leader:
"I plan to take this show on the road" - Pete Gilbert Pasquotank County NC GOP chairman: After ruling that on-campus address cannot be used to establish residency:
“I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they’re going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.” - Ken Emanuelson Dallas Tea Party Activist:
"The law is going to kick the Democrats in the butt, If it hurts a bunch of college kids too lazy to get up off their bohonkas and go get a photo ID, so be it. If it hurts a bunch of whites, so be it. If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it." - Don Yelton Buncombe NC GOP precinct chairman:
Here you go, field....maybe not just illegals, but legals as well.
Guess who those dead people are voting for....
Fuck those cheating democrat swine.
Here's another one for you:
Blogger Mystere said...
A reminder to commenters asking why some folk can't get a photo ID:
1. Such IDs cost money. If the state wants a person to have one, the state should pay for that ID, not the person.
2. Voting is a right. Having a photo ID is a privilege. There is a vast difference between the two.
Uh huh.
If you have no money, that means you are probably sucking off the teat of tax-paying whites.
Those aren't evidence of voter fraud, they are evidence of states refusing to spend the money to hold fair elections, and instead resorting to tactics that suppress the vote of constituencies they don't like. I live in California, and vote by mail. I am identified by comparing the signature on the outside of my ballot envelope to the one they have electronically on file. If they don't match, I am notified and given the opportunity to otherwise identify myself. As a disabled person who likes to look up the down ballot candidates and initiatives before I vote on them, not only is it more convenient for me, but the quality of my actual votes are better. And it does not matter what you think of how other citizens live, they should all vote. I think it's unfortunate that mandatory voting is unworkable as the laws stand (and it is) because the government should represent everyone, not just some preferred constituencies.
It might cost some money to produce more accurate voter rolls, with with current, accurate signatures on file for ID purposes, but that's what fair elections cost, and if you don't want to spend that money, you don't really want fair elections.
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug In Oakland
Well, Hooray for Voting Rights!! Now the 64,000 dollar question is: Vote for Whom??????????????? Where da Sanity at?????
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