All of the FOX viewers and the rest of the folks in the right- wing echo chamber are shocked and upset, because their puppet masters who manipulate their thinking really had them believing that there was a chance that the democratic nominee president of the United States was going to be criminally indicted.
The rest of us, of course, knew better. We knew that the standard was such that it would make it very hard to prove criminal intent, and only partisans on the right could even attempt to argue that she broke the law as outlined under 18 U.S.C.A. § 1924(a), or the more serious 18 U.S.C.A § 793, which is actually a felony.
So now that the FBI director--- a man who is very much a republican, appointed by a republican president, and who voted for the last two republican candidates--- has let Clinton off the hook, wingnut heads are exploding. I actually feel for them, because deep in their hearts they really do believe that the system is rigged in favor of those on the left. If only.
Anyway, what's amazing is that her opponent has been given a pass with his own legal and ethical issues, and stories like this one are being ignored by the main stream media. The man is mentioned in over 169 federal lawsuits, and has all types of serious legal issues of his own , but, you know, Hillary's e-mails. Let's keep focusing on those damn e-mails. Even after we have earned from the FBI director that there will be no charges filed against Clinton, we are still being bombarded with silly what if hypotheticals by talking- heads and cable news pundits, whose favorite pastime is pontificating about all things Hillary.
It would be nice to get back to the issues and hear what the candidates have in mind for our future.
We know that trump wants to "make America great again", but we don't know how he plans to do it. He gets a lot of love from the white supremacist crowd, so you will excuse us black folks if those words from his campaign slogan makes us all a little nervous.
We know that Hillary Clinton says that she will carry on president Obama's legacy, and he (president Obama) was out campaigning with her today and telling us to believe her.
The president seemed to be enjoying himself on the stump, and I know that deep down he wishes that he could go for another term.
If I am going to be totally honest, I think that we are all starting to feel that way.
*Pic from
We knew that the standard was such that it would make it very hard to prove criminal intent, and only partisans on the right could even attempt to argue that she broke the law as outlined under 18 U.S.C.A. § 1924(a), or the more serious 18 U.S.C.A § 793, which is actually a felony.
Actually, neither standard requires intent, 18 U.S.C.A. § 1924(a) expressly and 18 U.S.C.A § 793 implicitly, just the kind of gross negligence Hillary exhibited time and time again.
You are not much of a lawyer, but you are quite the hack.
So now that the FBI director--- a man who is very much a republican, appointed by a republican president
In 2013, Comey was appointed as the director of the FBI by President Barack Obama:
You're not much of a journalist either, but you are quite the shill.
Hillary Clinton had no intent? Absurd—she ordered classified heading stripped from document and sent non-securely:
Gary Johnson is the only choice this November.
Democrats don't indict Democrats.
Loretta Lynch could wind up being Hillary's AG.
Uh Huh...did you really think Hillary would be indicted? Especially with her husband Bill caught with a cum-spot on Monica's blue dress?
Gimme a damn break
Princess Barry has been stuttering a lot lately; I think all that pegging s/he's been getting from Big Mike is starting to take its toll.
How often do you enjoy getting pegged by your wife, Field? Or do you just hang out in toilet stalls and public parks?
Let's look at the past Democratic AG's & or, FBI Drectors
They are all lackeys to the Dems. No independence, whatsover.
Everyone keeps hollering about this FBI Director Rhomey.
Let's see where he is in five years?
Where is Reno?
I can't remember the other.
Hillary is a goddess.
Lord. I hope that has to be a joke.
Fuck her husband. Hillary needs to be all over MY Willy.
Black America's new post-Obama Messiah isn't looking too good, is she?
@ Ministry of Truth -
Hillary is a goddess, you're right.
Fuck the white man!!!
We had quite a few posters here that swore Hildog was going to be indicted. Then again Romney in a landslide. You would think that after failed prediction after failed prediction they would give up but then again you have some folks here still waiting on that long promised race war.
This video is for the Yishengs of the world.
See? I told you he was the Lord of The Apes:
Go see me.
12:04 AM
Blogger PilotX said...
We had quite a few posters here that swore Hildog was going to be indicted. Then again Romney in a landslide. You would think that after failed prediction after failed prediction they would give up but then again you have some folks here still waiting on that long promised race war.
Well. I never did. Neither one.
I still hope that nasty bitch shrinks to political oblivion, along with her horse, Bill.
I don't hate black people. I just don't give a fuck about you.
Third Party 2016
All along wing nuts never stopped believing (pun intended) that there would be an indictment.
Gotta feel for those poor people. It must get hot under those tinfoil hats sometimes.😏
I heard that one email suggested that it was time to start bragging about overthrowing Libya without using American troops. They apparently decided to hold off on that. Destabilizing the Middle East, and causing the refugee crisis is out of the FBI's jurisdiction. The humanitarian crisis also led to the UK leaving the the EU. People don't have to be racist to suspect ISIS would infiltrate refugees and know that the EU gives people free reign to immigrate throughout Europe. It was probably illegal to fund ISIS, but that was a government policy that both parties supported. That's why nobody ever asks why the CIA was in Benghazi in the hearings. Rand Paul did in the first hearing and they never had him back on any of the subsequent investigation panels. Hillary lied and laughed off his question, "Turkey?" The government has since admitted they were watching someone move weapons, but not moving them themselves. Obviously they were watching their terrorist friends move the weapons. Or do you think the CIA can't even figure out where ISIS gets their fleets of Toyotas? The real crime was Obama arming and training McCain's "moderate rebels".
Obama was ultimately responsible for Middle East policy, but Hillary was his right hand man. He probably gave in to pressure from her and Republicans. He isn't as warlike as they are. He has come up with some peaceful solutions to international issues, like getting Syria to turn over chemical weapons and the nuclear treaty with Iran. They probably told him something like, you can't let an opportunity like the Arab Spring go by without stirring up trouble in countries that (that their donor countries) Israel and Saudi Arabia don't like. Then it resulted in ISIS and mass deaths. My opinion is that Obama deserves a trial with a chance to explain himself, but Hillary should just be hung along with the Bush Administration war criminals. She has shown a pattern of starting unjustified wars. Obama has usually opposed them and he has resolved some issues peacefully that she would have started wars over. I definitely won't vote for Hillary. Trump is a racist who is also ignorant in other ways, but he might be our best shot to throw a monkey wrench in the fascist establishment.
The FBI Director's statement that other people might be charged under similar circumstances reminded me of the Supreme Court saying their decision to give Bush the presidency shouldn't be followed in future similar situations.
Don't you people understand the concept of "NEGLIGENCE" in law?
Especially when the SEC Of State is involved?
They would have us cconvited and sentenced to a Max Prison.
Over 100 messages marked a TOP SECRET/ CLASSIFIED sent out on her "personal server"?
'Don't you people understand the concept of "NEGLIGENCE" in law?"
Sure, but does that rise to the level of criminal? I know many times that leads to civil actions but not necessarily criminal. I think Field as a lawyer could explain it.
Well, the Republicans will hold hearings on the investigation because apparently we can't trust the FBI.;_ylt=A0LEVu6xDH1XoEMAxBInnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEyODk4bTYyBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjIwMDNfMQRzZWMDc2M-
They want to investigate the investigation. Holy jeezus, we need to add up all the money Repubs have spent "investigating" the Clintons and reimburse the country. This is not where my tax money should go.
On the job harassment.
Whereas this is what your Black "news professionals" are when the mask comes off:
Unless they're this:
Johnson, it isn't "us people" who need to understand negligence, FBI Director Comey said Clinton's actions didn't rise to that level. Doesn't matter what we think the top cop says the matter is concluded. He will be brought before congress and questioned but I bet he'll just repeat what he said during his press conference. Then again there may be a Perry Mason moment in which he breaks down and admits his role in a vast conspiracy and coverup.
Gary Johnson 2016
Don't let Lance Cockstrong's comments fool you. Whenever someone has to constantly shoutout to his dick on the internet, he is Slim Jim equipped.
PilotX said...
We had quite a few posters here that swore Hildog was going to be indicted
Anyone who did say that was giving the current administration the benefit of the doubt that they would adhere to the basic principle that no one is above the law. They were wrong.
90% of Comey's announcement yesterday listed all the evidence that Hillary was both "recklessly negligent" and did not follow the precautions that a "reasonable person" would. Her actions in setting up the private server and in destroying over 33,000 emails that she was required to turn over to the government violated two specific statutes associated with national security. He then concluded with a superfluous determination that since he could not definitively prove intent*, these violations were not a slam-dunk conviction and hence would not be prosecuted.
What he did was back off from prosecuting the front-running candidate for President during an election year. This would have been unprecedented, hugely disruptive to the process, and would have brought the wrath of the dominant liberal media down on his head. So, as with the way John Roberts decided on Obamacare, he decided not to follow the law and instead contorted his logic to allow him to walk away.
Setting up the server in the first place was a violation of both statutes and something that at minimum would result in the loss of security clearances for anyone else. Comey said there was evidence of hacking attempts on the server and no way to definitively know how successful these attacks were or who was doing the hacking. We know she used this private email system while overseas on unsecure devices. We know the server was completely unsecure for over a month at the end of 2009. What if the Russians or the Chinese have something really damaging on Hillary? Do you think Putin would be averse to blackmailing the President of the United States?
Outside of the specifics of national security implications, letting Hillary walk is yet another nail in the coffin for the legitimacy of the legal process. If the law does not apply to everyone, no one owes it respect, just fear.
Congratulations "progressives".
*One thing Comey said was that Hillary's lawyers didn't even read her emails to decide which to turn over, and which to delete.
Remember, it is The Fucking Law that any work-related email is an official government record which must be retained and turned over to the government for its permanent archives (and so people can FOIA it).
How did Hillary "comply" with this law?
Well, her lawyers did a keyword search of different keywords they imagined (they claim) would indicate a work-related emails.
Any email which did not pop up during these searches was simply deleted. Obliterated from existence.
Hypothetical: She searches for "Libya" as a term likely to disclose work-related emails. She does not search for "Lib," a common-enough truncation/abbreviation of Libya.
Emails that say "Lib" instead of "Libya" are then subject to mass-deletion.
Repeat this process 1000 times and you zap 33,000 emails in a hurry.
And no, those emails are not all about yoga routines and grandchildren.
This is not a procedure created to retain emails -- this is a protocol designed intentionally to delete as many emails as possible.
Since all of Hillary's official correspondence was done on her private server, 98% of these emails would be expected to be work related and the personal emails should have been the ones searched for. The keywords should have been "yoga" or "grandchildren", and the emails read before deleting. This ignores the fact that it was against the law to delete any emails, because once you use an account for official business, all are by law a matter of public record.
And he claims he could find no "intent" here, nor any attempt to obstruct justice.
* (edited)
We live under a Rule of Law! ❌
We live under a Law of Rule! ✅
Understanding this difference will clarify much.
Anybody stupid enough to vote for Hillary deserves everything that's coming to them.
Who, whom? said...
Outside of the specifics of national security implications, letting Hillary walk is yet another nail in the coffin for the legitimacy of the legal process. If the law does not apply to everyone, no one owes it respect, just fear.
Congratulations "progressives"
Congratulations truly are in order, thank you. Another win that demonstrates exactly just who is in charge. Outdated concepts of what is scandalous have once again shown how out of touch conservative ideas of accountability and equality before the law are. Politicians are accountable only in advancing the interests of their backers. Applying the same rules to yourself that you use against your opponents is just stupid. Change has come, losers!
Only a small minority of Americans are concerned with justice or government corruption. They are playing by yesterday's rules and fail to see the game has fundamentally changed. The e-mail scandal actually helps Clinton with her base and her donors. It shows she is deep in the Game and can't be fucked with. The vast bulk of this coalition is held together by one thing: Splitting up the property of middle class America. Hillary has promised to deliver, and what she has going on to the side doesn't matter one bit. Hillary is going to be President, and you'd better be afraid. We don't want your respect, just your fear. LOL.
I'm not just so sure anymore.
Should the President Appoint the Director of the DOJ, or the Director of the FBI?
Is that in the Constitution?
The past have been sluts by the Administrations.....PUPPET TALK.
Don't congratulate progressives Who, Whom. None of us had anything to do with this situation or its outcome. If there is a smoking gun I'm sure the Republicans who will hold numerous hearings will find it starting with Comey. As far as hacking foreign entities have hacked official government servers so that may not have been much more protection. Hold on because this ride isn't over and maybe it shouldn't.
If all the sexist, racist, ad hominem attackers in these comments would STFD & STFU, there might actually be more reasoned discourse here. Then we could collect all that pent-up hot air and float a bunch of big pretty balloons and have ourselves a lovely day.
I ain't holdin' my breath for it, though.
PilotX said...
Don't congratulate progressives Who, Whom. None of us had anything to do with this situation or its outcome.
Actually, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the current standard bearers of political progressivism, and they were both intimately involved in this process. Hillary's husband met with the AG last week, Hillary met with the DOJ over the holiday weekend, and Obama attended a campaign appearance with Hillary two hours after Comey's announcement. Enough said.
But I will grant you the Republicans share blame as well. We have passed another sordid milestone. The path back is getting harder and harder to see.
Uh, Hildog IS NOT the standard bearer for progressivism. Not sure why you would think that and Barack may be the standard bearer for moderates. Further I don't blame the Republicans but they will hold hearings and try to get to the truth. Now once they get all the answers they can it's time to move on and not hold 10 more hearings a la Benghazi. Yes that event was tragic and mistakes were made but no way those inquiries should have taken longer than the 9-11 hearings.
"Don't congratulate progressives Who, Whom. None of us had anything to do with this situation or its outcome."
Hey, you voted the Obama administration in. You broke it, you bought it.
"Hildog IS NOT the standard bearer for progressivism."
Juan McPain wasn't exactly the standard-bearer for conservatism in 2008, and you could have kept Hitlery out by voting him in. You voted for Zero instead, so it's all on you.
Some of those emails on that server were from Obama, so indicting Hillary would have dragged the President into this trial. If the President had sent something sensitive to an unsecure email account....well, a situation better left alone. They were never going to let this go to court.
You have to give it to conservatives, they don't know how to let things go. Roe v. Wade is almost as old as I am and they're still fighting it. Who knows how long this will drag out.
Slavery was 10,000 years old when the abolitionists started fighting it. Good thing they didn't know how to let things go.
Hacked email account for Deray McKessson shows collusion between BLM and AG Lynch to call Trump "racist" and disrupt both the RNC and DNC conventions!!
Dude wants to create chaos so Obama can declare martial law and stay in office. The idea that this could be pulled off is insane, but if he really has spoken to Loretta Lynch then some kind of crazy has found itself into the administration.
Bill and Hillary left the White House "broke" and are now worth over $150 million.
Hillary used her private e-mail as Secretary of State and exposed our spies, our government, our troops involved to "hostile actors".
This shit is boring as hell.
Anon@4:58, have u been to Jamaica, lately? Where did u get that good collie u are smoking?
Mystere, that was an excellent point.
"Slavery was 10,000 years old when the abolitionists started fighting it. Good thing they didn't know how to let things go."
Yeah, I guess unsecured e-mail and slavery are very similar said no one ever.
Justice is justice, PX.
There are varying degrees of justice. Someone getting away with running a stop sign is totally different than someone getting away with murder Brown. 9 out of 10 sane people agree. Ha!
You're right PilotX, let's let compromising national security for personal gain go. It's not like lying about the circumstances of a terrorist attack that killed an ambassador, or selling a US trade position for donations to your foundation and a honorarium to your husband. It's time to Move On. 9 out of 10 amoral people agree. Ha!
10 congressional investigations and you can't accept the findings. The 9-11 investigations took less time than Bengahzi. I guess 4 dead Americans trump 3,000 when there is a political agenda. 9 out of 10 partisan hacks agree.
How many more Behgazhi hearings do you recommend Brown? What will 11 or 12 discover that number 10 didn't?
You are right PilotX, nothing happened at Benghazi, Hillary didn't lie to the families and nation by blaming it on a video, and Libya today is a stunning foreign policy success story. Because a political hearing said so. 1 out of 1 partisan hacks agree. Ha!
Whatever Clinton's misdeeds, anyone with any sense understands that bestowing the final piece of the puzzle for total right wing domination, nothing less than democracy itself is at stake. No doubt Sanders would have been the preferable nominee by far, and not nominating him is a missed opportunity at best, a disaster at worst if it results in President Butt Trumpet.
Straw man alert Brown. Something bad did happen in Benghzi and unfortunately people died. There were several hearings that found there were mistakes made and pointed out. What else do you want? Sometimes America makes foreign policy mistakes, remember the 241 Marines killed in Lebanon? How long did those hearings take? We can talk about Benghazi forever or we can learn from our mistakes. Choose.
Reagan never lied about the marine barracks bombing. He never made up a fake story to shift blame that he sent out his staff to repeat to the press and to the families of the victims. He never destroyed official correspondence in order to cover his tracks.
With the current administration, no one is ever held accountable for their mistakes or their misdeeds. It's always someone else's fault, usually someone unnamed.
"With the current administration, no one is ever held accountable for their mistakes or their misdeeds. It's always someone else's fault, usually someone unnamed."
Sure they are but the thing is the mistakes are small and just that, mistakes. I guess the point I'm making is compared to the mistake that killed 241 Marines Benghazi is small potatoes and not worth a larger investigation than the Beirut bombing and 9-11. We have to have perspective which the congressional Republicans seem to lack. 5 hearings would have sufficed as Trey Gowdie himself pretty much admitted as his latest investigation produced no new information. How many more hearings do we need? Clinton was called out for her mistakes, what more do you want? Trey Gowdie found nothing new and the head of the FBI said there's nothing more to see. Can we move on? Or please give us all a recommendation of how to proceed.
Imagine, a third Obama term with a Congress full of sane adults! What might be accomplished? I know, I know, it requires too much imagination.
@ PilotX:
Libya is a mistake that has cost tens of thousands of lives.
Syria is a terrible mistake that could cost millions of lives.
Russian relations over what we did in Ukraine have created a very dangerous situation that will take many years to repair.
China is building naval bases in international waters while we are installing transgender bathrooms in our submarines.
Clinton and Obama have been "called out" for their mistakes by their political opponents, but have been defended by a media less interested in reporting the truth than in supporting their team.
Bush was rightly, if not always fairly, raked over the coals over the consequences of his decisions. Not even his own party's nominee defends him anymore.
Clinton has been an abject failure in every position she has held over the past quarter century. Prior to that, she had a very ethically challenged career in private law practice. She has flouted the law as regards national security and public records and she has enriched herself by taking money from foreign governments in return for selling US policy positions. She is absolutely the most corrupt person ever to get so close to the Presidency, yet she is supported in lockstep by the entire Democratic Party establishment who have enabled her whitewashing of yet another serious scandal. The one thing she is good at is avoiding the consequences of her actions. This is who you want as President?
"This is who you want as President?"
Not really but she is better than the alternative. Now had the Republicans nominated a normal candidate then I wouldn't be as concerned. Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio.....all would have been much better alternatives than the current candidate.
Now about the other charges, Libya is a mess and a very costly mistake that will take years to manage, Syria is a mess that no one can really figure out and there are no good choices. Iraq and ISIS were created by disarming the Iraqi army which was a choice made by the previous administration. Now Clinton has never been proven to have taken money as Sec. of State to get influence. That could not happen as the President is the head of our foreign affairs and the Sec. of State works for him so that accusation is a right wing lie that should just go away. I get you hate Clinton but what other choice do we have? Do you suggest I vote for Trump?
BTW, I will probably be voting for the Green Party candidate as I have in other elections so not a huge Hillary fan here.
"Not really but she is better than the alternative. Now had the Republicans nominated a normal candidate then I wouldn't be as concerned. Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio.....all would have been much better alternatives than the current candidate."
Bullshit. You'd be calling them crazy racists just as loud as you are for Trump.
And you are voting for Hillary, because you've been told to.
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