As if I don't have enough to be pissed off about tonight: Down in my homeland, thanks to the work of the politrickster in charge, an entire section of "concrete jungle" is at war with the po po, because he finally decided to extradite a drug Don he has been protecting.
Then there is yet another disaster in my favorite part of the country (this time man made) and now we learn that the agency charged with watching these greedy avaricious cretins were on the take all along.
And damn it, Arnold is in the hospital and could check out any day now. "What you talkin bout", field?
Yes, all of the above is pissing me off. And, to top it off, I have to still deal with ignorant Negroes here in A-merry-ca.
Like the two clowns I am about to talk about down in Florida. (I love teachers, but what is it with teachers lately?) Now some of you Negroes really need to get a grip. Massa really did a job on your heads when you were on the plantations with the whole religion thing, and it worked. It was necessary to keep you in line. Get ready for the after life and all the glory that comes with it, and you don't have to worry about the hell you are living here on earth. Just keep picking that cotton and singing those hymns and everything will be alright. But I digress. So back to these two Negroes.
It looks like they allegedly played exorcist with a colleague in front of a room full of students.
"Two Florida teachers have been suspended and could lose their jobs following an incident in which they sprinkled holy water on an atheist colleague. The Broward County school district is treating the case as "an act of bullying." Leslie Rainer and Djuna Robinson are accused of sprinkling holy water on fellow teacher Schandra Tompkinsel Rodriguez, who was discussing her disbelief in the Christian god with students.
The alleged incident took place during a "lively discussion" in Rodriguez's classroom, during which a student said the January 12 Haitian earthquake happened because of the island's Satanic pact made 200 years ago.
Rodriguez reportedly brought up points that refuted not only the "Satanic pact" theory but Christianity itself. At some point, Rainer and Robinson entered the room with a bottle of liquid.Several students witnessed the events and have come forward on behalf of Rodriguez, but Rainer and Robinson deny the accusation. The two were escorted out of their classrooms, in front of students, and told not to return to school grounds until the investigation is concluded." [Article]
Yes, the teachers have denied it, and I know we should give them the benefit of the doubt until all the facts come out. But.....well, it's my blog, and I am entitled to my opinion. So, just for tonight, I am following the old Napoleonic code, you are guilty until proven innocent. I don't know, maybe it's because the teabaggers have gotten involved with the case, but I am not feeling these two teachers. Sorry, they look like holy water throwers to me.
Oh lawd, these teachers are running amok these days. This one wanted to get pregnant by a 17yr old student.
Wow...Holy Water???? Really?? All these people out of work and they pull this? Where I live they are letting go of teachers with the quickness due to budget cuts. We have teachers that have been laid off for a year or more. Some probably are Christians but I bet they would keep their views to themselves to keep a paycheck.
First there was Bobby Jindal performing an exorcism on his college girlfriend and now this.
Just what the world needs, more religious crazies.
Val said...
"Just what the world needs, more religious crazies."
No, we need more off their meds moronic liberals like you! Just kidding, we have plenty.
I put holy water in a squirt gun once. When I shot an atheist, they would crumble into dust. Way cool.
I am a teacher and am reading this blog to avoid the stack of poorly reasoned term papers I have to get through. Its making me crazy. After reading my student's papers I'm not surprised by what I hear on talk radio.
Dem belly full but we hungry...
FN, you are so last generation, they don't say concrete jungle, now its Jamrock... What am I doing here when I should be off listening to more CocoaTea.
So when these two teachers came into the room, who was watching thier class?
Houston Chris said...
"I am a teacher and am reading this blog to avoid the stack of poorly reasoned term papers I have to get through. Its making me crazy. After reading my student's papers I'm not surprised by what I hear on talk radio."
I'm not surprised some teacher is sneering at the kids he is supposed to be teaching and neglecting his responsibilities by diddling around some dipshit blog. Maybe if you had spent more time encouraging critical thinking instead of indoctrinating impressionable minds into liberal orthodoxy just to make yourself feel better about your own sad life, you would actually feel some sense of accomplishment about achieving something positive in the lives of a few young people. I hope you get fired soon.
are they kin to diced icy icy???
Matthew 7:5
Thou hyypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Romans 13:9
For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
John 8:7
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
@ FN:
wow...we just discussed teachers in the last post and now this...
MHO is that all 3 teachers were wrong...the two throwing holy water for obvious reasons...but the classroom teacher because she should not impose her values on her students...what happened to Socratic questioning?
The classroom teacher should have kept her values to her self and allowed that student to explore his own value system...
Now people can see what I have been saying for some time now...why aren't the children in the south learning?...look who's teaching them...
The folks in Tivoli are at war for real. My friend sent me an email video that shows a policeman shooting a teen for no reason at all...it's gotten to be bigger than the Coke dude now. *smh*
The MSM finally announced that this oil disaster is the worst the U.S. has seen...and wait until you see what comes out about what those inspectors have been up to...tell me FN...isn't there a law?
These two women are just too dumb too teach.
In order to believe in "Satan", and thus be "satanic", one must accept the Christian cosmology. Satan, as defined by this nutters, is a Christan concept. It is paradoxical to accuse a non-believer of practicing satanism, a concept that escapes fundies.
In order for the "holy" water to have any effect one must share the same set of superstitions. Again, paradoxical. It may be insulting or infuriating to have a fundie douse you, but there will be no supernatural repercussions. The non-believer is protected because the invisible friend who blessed the water is also imaginary.
That bit of news will probably disturb anony @ 11:28, to find that her efforts have been wasted.
Hang on Field, you didn't explain whether or not the exorcism worked.
Did the sprinkling of holy water cause the atheist to see the error of her evil ways?
Did it burn her demonic flesh like acid?
Or did just make her slightly damp, but no less atheist?
enough of this christian religious bullshit. Not only should those two teachers be fired, but their lives should be destroyed and put on display so that others who come with christian bullshit will know that if they do we'll shit all over them.
Something is not right with this picture because one of the articles said that the three teachers ate lunch together afterwards. In addition, are the other two women Catholics? And perfume does equal Holy water. Something about this story does not pass the spell test with me.
Dey need to run dong back-a-yard and sprinkle sum water pon de man dem.
Gregory said..."In order for the "holy" water to have any effect one must share the same set of superstitions."
Not necessarily. If you only knew what's lurking out there, you wouldn't be so flippant.
Nothing I'll say here will convince you, I no. Your experiences haven't been broad enough, and your vision has been impaired by skepticism.
There are blog sites that lure in the unwary to weaken their belief in God. I said in God, not necessarily in religion.
I have no complaint with atheists or with agnostic. It's with those who use the dark energies with whom I have a beef. They use a variety of means to concentrate this energy, calling upon dark entities that humankind created millennia ago.
It's their task to keep darkness lit, and it's my task to put it out with my light, so that the world won't become engulfed with darkness.
You've already seen what the darkness can do when it's concentrated. Think Jamaica. Think the two wars in which this nation is embroiled. Think the death count on the sidebar. Think of all the other foolishness that has beset humankind.
Without LightBearers it would be worse, a great deal worse.
For your edification read up on one of the ways that this energy is used wittingly, and unwittingly. It's called "psychic attack."
You don't have to be aware of it, believe in it, or practice it, to be a victim of it.
Fear of it will feed it, though. Fear is the emotion that should be bested in this world, and the next. Fear is a negative energy and should be kept as much under control as possible.
Fear attracts that which is feared.
I am LightWorker. Google it, as well as Light Worker. There are others like me. We came to this world for the sole purpose of keeping the darkness from overwhelming the light, and descending the world further into the darkness of despair, causing it to further lose sight of the light that must never be extinguished, lest a savior is required to incarnate to relight it.
And that might take centuries. And centuries in darkness would be devastating for humankind.
In every age, Light Workers reincarnate. Had you the time and the patience, you could trace them back almost to the beginning of time.
It's not by mistake that light was the first of God's creations. Darkness was upon the face of the deep.
Whether you believe me or not, is irrelevant.
I'd prefer that you don't. Dismiss my words, and sleep in peace. The night is not your enemy. The darkness is.
Its amazing that we still cling to the religion that was taught to us by the MASSA.
I am disappointed that no one challenged Filled Negro for directing the conversation about "holy water" exclusively.
WHY didn't Filled Negro focus on Rodriguez and his/her DISCUSSIONS ABOUT RELIGION IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL?
Filled Negro - if we are a country that believes in separation of CHURCH AND STATE - upon hearing about the "Satanic Curse" on Haiti - shouldn't Rodriquez have SHUT DOWN THE DISCUSSION? This is VooDoo - which should be banned from public schools.
Then he/she went on to "refute......Christianity itself".
You see some of you are too quick to EAT THE CHUM THAT FILLED NEGRO FEEDS YOU. Eating it on HIS TERMS.
Should a public school teacher be allowed to promote their Atheism in a "non-Religious" zone Filled Negro?
It is bad enough that they get indoctrinated with the religion of Secular Progressivism where "I can do all things through the government which comforts me".
[quote]Something is not right with this picture because one of the articles said that the three teachers ate lunch together afterwards. In addition, are the other two women Catholics? And perfume does equal Holy water. Something about this story does not pass the spell test with me.[/quote]
My Dear Granny Who I Have Adopted As My Own:
Filled Negro is a "free radical" soul who is swimming about.
He needs a "Fisher Of Men" like you to give him some guidance.
It seems that he is more interested in attacking the religion of Christianity by pointing out the MEN who have done evil under its banner. He appears to ignore the massive amount of good that was done in Jesus' name.
If I were in Philly I would invite Filled Negro to dinner and then afterward walk up to him and do an "Imitation Of Life" on him: SMACKING him in the face as the mother did and say "Around here we believe in God".
This isn't the scene but Filled Negro needs a matriarch to put him in line just like this:
LightWorker, serious question: Where does the darkness come from?
No brohammas, Rema, Tivoli, TT, Hannah Town, and everywhere west of Spanish Town Road (Hell, even Spanish Town itself) is still CG.
"So when these two teachers came into the room, who was watching thier class?"
"I put holy water in a squirt gun once. When I shot an atheist, they would crumble into dust. Way cool."
Not true. How do you know it was an atheist you shot? Some Christians crumble into dust when they are hit with the holy water as well. :)
Dey need to run dong back-a-yard and sprinkle sum water pon de man dem"
No Rippa, only de Labourite dem.
Val, more on that Bobby Jindal story, please. WTF?
"I'm not surprised some teacher is sneering at the kids he is supposed to be teaching and neglecting his responsibilities by diddling around some dipshit blog. Maybe if you had spent more time encouraging critical thinking instead of indoctrinating impressionable minds into liberal orthodoxy just to make yourself feel better about your own sad life, you would actually feel some sense of accomplishment about achieving something positive in the lives of a few young people."
Anonymous@ 11:50am, isn't that terrible? And some people even hang around "dip shit blogs" and post asinine comments as Anonymous.
Yes!!!! I love it!
Filled Negro:
Repeat After Me:
"I Constructive Feedback's House There Is Still GOD"
Destructive Wingnut, I would love to give you a lecture on the "Establishment Clause" of the 1st Amendment one day,but sadly, I don't have the time right now.
"If I were in Philly I would invite Filled Negro to dinner and then afterward walk up to him and do an "Imitation Of Life" on him: SMACKING him in the face as the mother did and say "Around here we believe in God"."
That "smacking him in the face" part is never going to happen. Just saying. I can float like a buterfly and sting like a bee.
The dinner part, maybe. But you will have to let me bring some holy water. :)
Happy Friday and Memorial Day to all!
Field,I'm surprised you missed the Bobby Jindal exorcism story.Here are two items with differing points of view regarding it.From the Christan Broadcasting Network:
From Talking Points Memo:
Some things bring out the angry black man in me, but this news has really touched my soul. I can't believe Arnold isn't doing well.
But after my morning cup of coffee, I am doing better. Now, those 2 women. Well, I am not going to stump on their religion. Nope, can't touch that. But could someone please tell me, where I can get a bottle of holy water? I mean, I've looked in the back of my bible and I couldn't find one advertisement for such a product.
Besides, what is it suppose to do?
See, this case could go all the way to the supreme court. I mean, is it "holy water" or just water?
Can God be called as a witness? Nah, that wouldn't work, he'd probably take the 5th. But see, if they are charged with sprinkling holy water, I could defend that case, and I can't read. What expert witness (for the prosecution) is going to get on the stand and say it was HOLY WATER? Who makes holy water?
Wait one damn minute. I'll be damn, something just came to me. It's water with holes in it. That's right, a person jumps through the holes and clicks their hills, and their in heaven.
Field, get your brief case, I smell easy money.
Yeah, they definitely look like holy water throwers to me as well.
GUILTY! And you know, we are still under the Napoleonic code down here so, I can say that :)
I bet that UptownSteve won't attack Filled Negro for attacking "all Black people" because he criticized these two Black female teachers.
Steve - Do you think that Filled Negro things that all Blacks are religious heathens? That we use religious mysticism to bring us mental comfort when our intellect can't provide an answer to a challenge?
See, that's what being soooo in love with Jesus and not a good black man does to the psyche of theist black women.
this is a really fun story to watch play out. strange bedfellows, indeed.
you've got the evangelicals and the tea baggers working together? this is how they're gonna prove their street cred with blacks...pretty scary shit, because we all know who they really are.
scan the tea party crowd after you look at the plastic surgery face of the white leader. see any minorities?
can't be long before the aclu defends the "atheist" teacher. i hope the teachers union defends her, too.
if the students were talking trash that the haitians deserved the earthquake through a pact with the devil the teacher had every right--a duty--to tell them what ignorant bullshit that is.
at a minimum, you don't walk into another teacher's classroom and interrupt like that--and that is what they are being investigated for.
i'm guessing the two have been there so long--and they went to school there--they thought they could act like they own the place. and they were reading resource teachers--didn't have a classroom.
the video is this link:
Carey Carey is too funny, this sounds like a holey case, no pun. I agree with him and Granny, something doesn't pass the smell test. Even so I don't know what on earth would have "possessed" them either way. They could throw holy ghost water on me all day, the only thing I'll likely catch is a cold. I wish people would keep their hypocritical beliefs to themselves more often.
I'm sorry to see what's going on in Jamaica. This is the time when peeps should be preparing for the Hurricane season (That's right, I give that SOB a capital H).
Sorry to hear about Coleman. (and gee, he must like it there in um... Utah). Oh yeah Field, I first thought you were referring to the Terminator too :)
A day without you spewing garbage on the web is like a day without sunshine.
"I bet that UptownSteve won't attack Filled Negro for attacking "all Black people" because he criticized these two Black female teachers."
Right because FN didn't attack ALL black people but two indivduals who happen to black.
Whereas you are constantly yapping that "blacks" haven't advanced, "blacks" tie their interests to the Democratic Party (most blacks don't even vote), "blacks" suffer greatly, "blacks" lack a management system in their communities.....etc....ad nauseam.
I like drinking holy water so I can piss it out...lol,lol,lol
BTW I am a pagan that worship many gods....lol,lol,lol
Following Jesus is not a religion, it is a relationship.
While I believe their hearts and minds were in the right place, the Bible does say not to force anyone to follow Christ...it is of someone's free will to do it.
Field, I adore your blog.
CF how do you talk so much and get so much wrong. You are incredible!
The admendment which talks about seperating religion in the state is a prohibition against establishing one religion and one religion alone.
It does not preclude the study or discussion of religion in public places. It is perfectly constitutional for a teacher to take on the discussion of the Haitian earthquake and the variouos nefarious theories about why it happened and that discussion could include religion, since that was wrongly thrust onto the tragedy by some backwards fundamentalist Christians.
And Field never said he didn't believe in God. He told you he is not sure about the workings of God.
Judging from the opinions and actions of some of the folks who call themselves Christians and their callous attitude toward their fellow human beings it is not hard for someone to be turned off by Christianity.
And for those who call Christianity the religion of Massa don't understand that folks can claim to be anything they want without actually holding to its tenets. For example there is a serious debate among practitioners of Islam about whether Muslims who commit terrorism or advocate violence against non-believers are really Muslim.
A bit of historical inquisitiveness would reveal that on the contrary, Christianity got its start in Africa and the region of Afro-Asia. It was a very revolutionary religion advocating love for one's brothers and sisters demonstrated by the care and concern for one another as well as the poor and downtrodden. It also adopted its cousins religion Judaism's passion for justice both personal and social.
It was also noted for its adherances allegiance to God rather than the imperialist state. And of course for these stands they were persecuted.
The European settlers and planters adopted the Bible for their purposes, that can't be blamed on the religion.
But the religion of oppression is not the same religion and it is not the same God that delivered captured and enslaved Africans from slavery, Jim Crow and have brought the majority to the place where they too can enjoy some of the American good life.
Of course there is still work to do but there is no denying that our just God has broght us from a might long way!
love to hear your views on the subject. This subject was probably one of the first arguments concerning religion, ever experienced.
The same line of thought and everything, actually.
Wow. Obama's regulators were accepting gifts amongst other things from company officials? That is too funny. Yes. I guess it does answer the question of "What regulation?" I see another comedy, err, congressional hearing on the horizon.
And damn it, Arnold is in the hospital and could check out any day now. "What you talkin bout", field?
I read where he is on life support.
Here are two links on Jindal the exorcist, Mr. Field:
[quote]you've got the evangelicals and the tea baggers working together? this is how they're gonna prove their street cred with blacks...pretty scary shit, because we all know who they really are. [/quote]
I am far more concerned with the people who CAN GET ELECTED into seats that control the institutions where Black people live in our highest concentrations.
IF the "Tea Parties" are the enemies of Black people I wonder what you would call these people who are Popular, who have INTENTIONS to help us yet so many of their ACTUAL DELIVERABLES damage our interests greatly.
At least when people like you hate someone for ideological reasons you apply sufficient scrutiny to them, watching their every move.
scan the tea party crowd after you look at the plastic surgery face of the white leader. see any minorities?[/quot]e
I don't see much DIVERSITY in these Pro-Illegal Immigration protests. Is this a sign that the group called "The Race" is "racist"?
[quote]It does not preclude the study or discussion of religion in public places. It is perfectly constitutional for a teacher to take on the discussion of the Haitian earthquake and the variouos nefarious theories about why it happened and that discussion could include religion, since that was wrongly thrust onto the tragedy by some backwards fundamentalist Christians.[/quote]
As with most people who practice self-flagellation against his own country and religion I am not surprised by your response.
I would like FOR YOU to speak up with these words the next time some Secular Progressive attacks the inclusion of Christianity into a school time debate.
CF - the only reason why " Secular Progressive (would attack) the inclusion of Christianity into a school time debate." is if the Christianity was introduce to proselytize the non-believers and as a factor within a historical debate.
For example there's a difference between saying "How did the Enlightenment views of religion affect the First Amendment?" than asking "How did the Founding Fathers' faith affect the first Amendment?" One is a academic question of philosophy and one is a backdoor purity test of religion.
BTW, those two 'Christian' teachers are morons -- no matter how deep your faith is, throwing water on a colleague is not only un-christian, its just down right immature and could be viewed as harassment.
Did they the other teacher would melt or something. For God's Sake, the atheist teacher isn't a vampire.
My favorite line was at the end of the clip when asked if the saturated teacher had 1st amendment rights as well..... "Yes. But she hasn't been punished yet for speaking out!"
Oh the idiocy is almost to thick to stir!
arnold died
god rest his soul...
he was so robbed, abused, and angry...
here's a MUST READ:
how christian is the tea party?
5. Finally, I am just going to say it. There is something wrong with a political movement like the Tea Party which is almost all white. Does that mean every member of the Tea Party is racist? Likely not. But is an undercurrent of white resentment part of the Tea Party ethos, and would there even be a Tea Party if the president of the United States weren't the first black man to occupy that office? It's time we had some honest answers to that question. And as far as I can tell, Libertarianism has never been much of a multi-cultural movement. Need I say that racism -- overt, implied, or even subtle -- is not a Christian virtue.
the quakers were all white
and i thank god for them & all the black slaves they freed...
i refuse to ever bash anyone and please the hobama nazi led media who are using the tea party to outlaw consent
racists are EVERYWHERE!!!
i meant:
i refuse to ever bash anyone and please the hobama nazi led media who are using the tea party to outlaw DISSENT
i will never lend my CONSENT to blindly patriotic propoganda!
in any way to ANY race!
more racist/hobama nazi media lies:
"the tea partiers are all white"
"all the kkk are poor trailer park dwellers etc"
Some blacks also fought for the Confederacy. Your point?
you need to read the whole piece.
the MSM didn't write that piece. this guy did.
and please...you're not really going to equate the quakers with the tea partiers and libertarians? i won't even try to debate that.
Jim Wallis is a Christian leader for social change. He is a speaker, author, activist, and international commentator on ethics and public life. Wallis was a founder of Sojourners - Christians for justice and peace - more than 30 years ago and continues to serve as the editor of Sojourners magazine, covering faith, politics and culture. In 1995, Wallis was instrumental in forming Call to Renewal, a national federation of churches, denominations, and faith-based organizations from across the theological and political spectrum working to overcome poverty.
Wallis speaks at more than 200 events a year and his columns appear in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and other major newspapers. His most recent book is "God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It" (Harper Collins, 2005). He offers regular commentary and analysis for radio and television and teaches a course at Harvard University on "Faith, Politics, and Society."
your illogic is consistently irrelevant
i never posted anything in praise of any singular army or segrgated race...
pay attn and you may appear to be more intelligent or at least more focused....
who equated anything?
i sstated that ANY actions by ANY race can never justify censorship/attributed monoliths that do not even exist/silencing of ANY dissenters etc
racist right wingers are EVERYWHERE...even BLACK CHURCHES
ask diced icy icy...or these 2 holy water spewing shrews fn posted about....
the tea partiers are NOT all racists and only hobama nazis think they are...
those of us who see hobama as a horrid prez rather than an abused bro see the difference
we see them as dissenters
& the enemies of the state flavors of the month!!!!
they ARE all patriots though!:
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”
Howard Zinn
AB wrote:
"pay attn and you may appear to be more intelligent or at least more focused...."
Classic, just classic.
field negro said...
"LightWorker, serious question: Where does the darkness come from?"
Negativity, which precedes from fear, the second of man's emotions, the first being love.
Love is light, and light is love. Darkness, unto itself, isn't bad. It allows love to shine more brilliantly, allowing it to be experienced more profoundly.
However, the concentration of fear (and there are those who're adept at so doing) can wreak havoc on an already love-depleted world.
Couple this concentration with the human inclination to sow the seeds of fear, rather than love--hatred, anger, frustration, revenge, envy, jealously, a rather long list--the combination if often lethal, and accounts for a world seemingly devoid of love.
It's the task of Light Workers to bring balance to a world struggling with the darkness, that which is concentrated and that which is incidental to the human experience--incidental, but
nonetheless damaging when it predominates.
Not all who say they're Light Workers have been so tasked. As with all human endeavors, corruption can take place, but true Light Workers continue undeterred, and mostly in secret.
We're not well understood, and even less believed, but we will not veer from our task.
May Gary's soul rest in peace. I know for a fact, its a bitch trying to live on dialysis and trying to put food on the table. Many of us blacks travel to the dialysis unit to live and its not a cure all.
"BTW, those two 'Christian' teachers are morons -- no matter how deep your faith is, throwing water on a colleague is not only un-christian, its just down right immature and could be viewed as harassment."
"And Field never said he didn't believe in God. He told you he is not sure about the workings of God."
Thank you mel. Some folks should really learn the difference between Agnosticism and atheism.
Val, thanks for those links.
OK LightWorker, you have my interest. I will read up on your group/organization. [What do I call what you have?]
R.I.P. Gary Coleman. Trickster, you are right,I feel for anyone who has to go through treatments of any kind.
What kills me is that both christianity and islam were the religon of those who were responsible for the African slave trade. WAKE UP BLACK PEOPLE.
@ Mell:
Thank you for shedding light on the true origins of Christianity.
The first Christian church was in Ethiopia. Judeao Christian Beliefs did not begin with white people and just as in Islam it is being used to twist the minds of people to condone/dismiss/justify the wrong they do.
Just as those two teachers did.
And the classroom teacher was just as wrong to push her values on her class. Her job is not to instill her values, it is to give her class enough information for them to develop their own value system. This is a classic case of why there should continue to have a clear separation of church and state.
"Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar."
-Jesus the Christ-
Field and LACon, I am no christ-stain (the one time on this blog I voiced my views on the jehovah wickedness, I almost lost my jugular. My hypocritical church loitering co-workers thinks I'm a lost child of God who needs to be drowned), but remember the holy water is still alleged in regards to that possible harassment angle.
Rodriguez also needs to take some heat for not only dumping her religious beliefs on the class, but also for her offensive and inappropriate analysis behind the Haitian earthquake. Maybe she realized that too? I'm not saying its not possible for those teachers to do the deed, but you have to take in account that Rodriquez claiming "holy water" being thrown at her could be a damage control diversion on her part. I could see why students/teachers got offended, and it may not have had anything to do with God.
field negro said..."OK LightWorker, you have my interest. I will read up on your group/organization. [What do I call what you have?]"
We're discussed on the Internet. Yet, we don't belong to a group that you'd understand, since we operate in the background, behind the scenes, as it were, mostly in secret, forming an alliance of intent, although we can know who other Light Workers are, if we choose.
Knowing who the others are is not necessary and neither is it a pursuit.
Light Workers know that they're Light Workers, and are directly or indirectly aware that other Light Workers exist.
What we have is a "mission." One we chose before coming to earth. We have lived many lives, and have firsthand knowledge of many of them.
Light Workers are united by a common purpose. We work tirelessly on behalf of humanity, primarily without its knowledge of such, and without recognition.
We don't seek recognition. We prefer anonymity.
We blend in pretty well. We're hard to spot, unless we reveal ourselves. We're not unlike you, and we don't consider ourselves special in anyway.
We are your brothers and your sisters. You are us, and we are you.
We differ, because we chose, simply, to remember who we are, something you yourself, too, can achieve.
AB, "Romans 13:9
For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
Thanks, ab. I didn't know you knew much about the bible. All the answers are there. Too bad so many humans misunderstand the truth. I guess their sick mean-spirited ego gets the best of them.
Gregory, "In order for the "holy" water to have any effect one must share the same set of superstitions. Again, paradoxical. It may be insulting or infuriating to have a fundie douse you, but there will be no supernatural repercussions. The non-believer is protected because the invisible friend who blessed the water is also imaginary"
Gregory, how the hell do you know?? Who anonited you as the expert on believers and non-believers and the affects of such?
LightWorker, is this you?
Now I am really curious.
trickster, thanks for the 411 on those farmers.
La~Audio, that was a good point. ( I think someone else above mentioned it) But this post wasn't even about the original teacher, but about the actions of those two other teachers who actually assualted (allegedly) a fellow teacher in front of a class full of students. That's the issue.
I don't care what she was saying, that type of behavior (and from two christians no less) was inexcusable)
Nothing to say with this comment. But the comments counter was on 66 and I got scared.
Field, you lack empathy and respect for your fellow human beings who have faith. You lack heart...very disappointing.
But, considering that you are originally from the concrete jungle of Jamaica where God is dead, it's understandable...
"Nothing to say with this comment. But the comments counter was on 66 and I got scared."
Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Yet, your anti-Christian comments indicate that you are not afraid of God, let alone believe in HIM.
How does that work for you?
'But this post wasn't even about the original teacher, but about the actions of those two other teachers who actually assualted (allegedly) a fellow teacher in front of a class full of students."
I know Field, but that's the thing, it is "alleged". No evidence, no one is saying they saw it actually happen. Until then, the so call actions of the two teachers should be moot. If we are going to push this anyway, this only brings us back to the original teacher where there is evidence of HER actions, that should not be accepted either. Her actions were provocative and could have easily triggered consequences of all sorts. That's why I try to keep my trap shut when I'm at work when the hypocrist-stains start up about God and church. If only they could do the same. Sometimes when the devil gets in me (pun intended) for shock value I like to interrupt them and yank there tails. But after I do, I know not to leave my coffee unattended.
But I think the two teachers may have verbally threatened to throw the holy water, but until someone steps up and say they actually saw it...
field negro said...
"LightWorker, is this you?
Now I am really curious."
No. We have blogs, we even have Web sites, but we rarely promote ourselves.
There are reasons for this.
I suggested that you Google, or run a search, so that you'd know that the concept "Light Worker" is in the public domain, with common references.
I did so that you might, by reading what comes up, after running one of these searches, learn something of our purpose, but all who call themselves Light Workers aren't Light Workers.
True Light Workers work behind the scenes, and don't seek public exposure, or acclaim.
If you're a Light Worker, it's because you chose to be one, and this choosing usually occurred before coming to earth.
That is not to say that you cannot choose to become one, once here, whether you chose it in advance, or not, but that life would initiate you in such a way that you'd know that you are a Light Worker.
OK, I want to be a LightWorker.
"Field, you lack empathy and respect for your fellow human beings who have faith. You lack heart...very disappointing."
Please pray for me. :(
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Yet, your anti-Christian comments indicate that you are not afraid of God, let alone believe in HIM."
God, is that you?
ISEEISEE, where are you? Please straighten Field out.
Anony @ 7:47 wrote:
"Gregory, how the hell do you know?? Who anonited you as the expert on believers and non-believers and the affects of such?"
Perhaps you are the expert, then. I've had holy water thrown on me and I'm still here. It's just water, despite what your invisible friend told you.
The problem I see is not that some teachers at school are religious. It is not, even, that some teachers are fundamentalists and feel threatened by different religious opinions. It is not even that they tried to bully one teacher into changing her opinions. That's a bad thing, but it's nothing that a normal administrative process can't deal with (i.e. they can be fired, delicensed, and blackballed).
The problem is that we have two women advanced college degrees who believe that sprinkling holy on an atheist will magically alter their core personal values and beliefs and make them convert to Christianity. Aside from the fact that this isn't even supported by even a liberal interpretation of any Christian scripture, it is completely batshit insane. How did people like this ever get teaching jobs? How did they manage to get through college, let alone obtain teaching certificates or master's degrees?
Anonymous said...
What kills me is that both christianity and islam were the religon of those who were responsible for the African slave trade. WAKE UP BLACK PEOPLE.
6:25 PM
@ anonymous 6:25pm,
Yes!! A messiah prone people always looking up for a savior while the world they reside keeps moving without them....smh aka SPOOKISM.
Anonymous said...
What kills me is that both christianity and islam were the religon of those who were responsible for the African slave trade. WAKE UP BLACK PEOPLE.
6:25 PM
@ anonymous 6:25pm,
Yes!! A messiah prone people always looking up for a savior while the world they reside keeps moving without them....smh aka SPOOKISM.
As someone who's worked in education for a long time, I've seen it all. I'd say all three teachers were in the wrong. If discussing atheism isn't in the state standards, Ms. Rodriguez needed to STFU about her personal beliefs. That's why our students today can't read on grade level and don't know jack about anything - because their teachers aren't teaching the curriculum.
Same thing for the two idiots sprinkling holy water...who was teaching their students when all this went down?
No wonder the school children have bought the drivel that Haiti made a pact with the devil - they don't have teachers actually doing the job they're paid to do - teach the academic content, not your personal beliefs, one way or the other.
1) Is this a public school? If so, why were they discussing religion at all?
2) Considering the fact that holy water is generally used in religious ceremonies for purpose of purification, why pray tell were they walking around with it in their purses or their desks? Are they sprinkling bad assed students with holy water? Did they recoil in horror when no evil spirit emerged from the atheist teacher?
3) I realize these questions are rhetorical, but this has to be one of the most bizarre articles you've ever posted.
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