I am going to stop messing with Michael Steele, because I can always count on my man to give me material; even on a slow blogging night. (*That quote in the pic is real. He really said that.)
I swear that my man goes to his podiatrist to get his teeth cleaned. (His foot stays in his mouth)
So anywhooo, it seems that he done went and did it again:
"WASHINGTON — Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, drew fierce criticism and a call for his resignation on Friday after declaring at a party fund-raiser that the United States was on the wrong side of history with its conflict in Afghanistan, a military fight he called “a war of Obama’s choosing.” This is not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in,... Mr. Steele said in a speech Thursday night in Connecticut in which he offered a strong critique of President Obama’s military strategy.
“It was the president who was trying to be cute by half by flipping a script demonizing Iraq, while saying the battle really should be Afghanistan,” Mr. Steele said, according to a video of his remarks that was circulated by Democrats on Friday. “Well, if he’s such a student of history, has he not understood that you know that’s the one thing you don’t do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan?.. Mr. Steele, seeking to clarify his remarks, issued a statement on Friday afternoon, saying, “There is no question that America must win the war on terror.”
Now what's funny about all of this is that I actually agree with Hip Hop Mike on this one; we don't need to be in Afghanistan. And what's even funnier is that Mike's republican masters want to seem tough on terror (even if it means the loss of thousands of A-merry-can lives while fighting a pointless war) so what Mike is saying goes counter to the message, and they have to bring him back on the plantation. Some of them are even saying that this is it, and they finally want Mike to step down. I guess this is the straw that broke the elephant's back.
Now here is the real fun part: Watch how Mike does his best to pull his foot out of his mouth by doing a mea culpa until his ass falls off. Don't you just love house Negroes? The problem, of course, with a house Negro, is that he is just a Negro of convenience. The white folks in the house with him have no respect for him and they do not respect his opinions. He is there simply because he makes no public objections to the status quo. He goes along to get along. He does a jig when massa needs to feel good, he tells a joke when massa needs to laugh, and he calls out other Negroes when massa needs to feel secure. The plantation is not lost, I have a Negro right here in the house with me.
"Amid a new firestorm over comments suggesting the war in Afghanistan is ill-advised, RNC chair Michael Steele is doing damage control and adding his support for Gen. David Petraeus.
In a statement released this afternoon through the RNC, Steele reiterated his own support for the war effort, and Petraeus, who was confirmed this week as the top US commander in the theater.
In a statement released this afternoon through the RNC, Steele reiterated his own support for the war effort, and Petraeus, who was confirmed this week as the top US commander in the theater.
"There is no question that America must win the war on terror," Steele said. "During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Barack Obama made clear his belief that we should not fight in Iraq, but instead concentrate on Afghanistan. Now, as President, he has indeed shifted his focus to this region. That means this is his strategy. And, for the sake of the security of the free world, our country must give our troops the support necessary to win this war."
Steele spokesman Doug Heye responded to a video in which Steele made his controversial comments by questioning Obama's strategy in Afghanistan.
"The responsibility for building and maintaining [a] strategy falls squarely on the shoulders of the President. Like so many Americans, Chairman Steele wants to hear an explanation from President Obama on what his strategy is for winning the war in Afghanistan," Heye said."
Jig Mike, Jig! Your ass is still there.
Field, no surprise that Michael Steele finally stepped over the line with the GOP puppet masters. Funny how saying something that is true by accident (The Afghan War is a waste of time, money and human life and Obama needs to get us out of there now) is getting him canned.
But then again, as the Tea Party neo-con goofballs somehow think that killing Brown people for the empire is okey-dokey, its really not a surprise at all.
Michael Steele is absolutely an oxygen thief, he's done everything but tap dance. It's time for him to move out of the spot light and go back to being a lowkey Uncle Tom.
Michael Steele is living proof a man can live without any brains or balls. I hope he doesn't resign though. The entertainment value is just too good. As Michelle Bachman said "He be da man!"....
Filled Negro:
Seriously man. I read you. I read "The Grio". I read several other "AfroSpear" propaganda blogs.
It is without a doubt the truth that you all spend more time talking about forces that reside OUTSIDE of the key interests and issues of the Black community than you do on the relevant inside issues.
Is there some point at which the problems that remain WITHIN despite your "self-chumming" upon EXTERNAL issues causes you to stop feeding the masses on the cheap thrills and get more serious?
* Gunman shoots 3 teens walking from Parkway fireworks
* Off-duty officer stabbed outside W. Phila. bar
* Camden man, 26, fatally shot in Lindenwold
Its a good thing that Michael Steele had no scheduled events in Philly over the weekend. I seriously believe that you would question if he had assaulted/murdered these people in Metro Philly.
How is it that AfroSpear has an "Electrocuted While Black" blog in its syndicate but not "Attacked By A Street Pirate And Lived To Tell About It" blog?
[quote]Michael Steele is absolutely an oxygen thief, he's done everything but tap dance. It's time for him to move out of the spot light and go back to being a lowkey Uncle Tom.[/quote]
You are quite the attack merchant on the various blogs that I see you on.
If Michael Steele is "tap dancing" then what are the various people who have elective offices over some of the most distressed Black communities yet shamelessly run for reelection and WIN doing? I don't recall you ever suggesting that any of them go sit down and allow other effective people to lead.
George Bush and Michael Steele have a lot in common. Neither has a filter between their brain and mouth.
World Can't Wait goes against Obama on the Afghanistan war - gives him the same perp walks as Bush.
as someone pointed out on one of those Sunday Shows, Steele was articulating a certain point of view - problem is, it's the POV of the anti-war caucus, and groups like MoveOn.Org.
too many GOP donors are getting rich off that war that we don't need, which is why he was told to STFU.
also, he was disrespecting the neocon clowns that helped lie this country into that war in the first place.
you gotta admit, he was hilarious.
Although not too politically bright, Michael Steele is a well-mannered black man. That is how he became successful.
"To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered." -Voltaire
Reggie's got him right, "oxygen thief." And Shady_Grady's comment is funny too. What's Steele going to do when he's kicked to the curb or walks there willingly? Who will have him?
Steele sounds as confused as CF. I guess he didn't get the memo from the folks who run the GOP. Admitting that Afghanistan is a lost cause just isn't one of their talking points.
Hip Hop Mike left the Reservation and with him the GOP's feeble attempt at "minority outreach". I will miss him, not just for the constant gaffes but for how uncomfortable he makes Limbaugh, et al. Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of schadenfreude.
When Obama sent 30,000 more people into to battle, to die for oil, Bush's wars became his wars. So, Steele was dead right.
As far as calling him an Uncle Tom goes, I bet some of these big bad activists in here, have white bosses, whose asses they kiss and lick on the regular! :-)
But, hey! I get it! You people are angry because he isn't falling in-line with the broken-black-agenda.
This is comedy at its finest! Encore!
LOL@ Anon 12:12 AM :)
Gregroy, looks like you think Mike is as good as gone. Sad:( What will a blogger do if he does leave?
The problem with what Steel said isn't that we don't need to be in Afghanistan (which I agree), it's the flat out LIE that it's "war of Obama's choosing" and that Americans never supported it. It's a lie. We've been Afghanistan for 9 years, before Obama was even a Senator.
You didn't point out the flat-out lie, Field.
i'd like to keep steele exactly where he is. i want the republicans handicapped this way. the only thing i'd like to see more is maybe rand paul taking his spot. that man does SO well on the national stage.
and i think we SHOULD get out of afghanistan, and i didn't agree at all about the "surge."
Field, I don't think this guy will ever get off the lawn! SMH!
OK, It's time for you people to come clean. He's a Manchurian Candidate. How he does what he does and manages to stay in there, the world may never know.
Michael Steele ain't going anywhere until his term is up because we all know that the GOP elected him because he was black and now they can't fire him because he's black.
Hell Steele immunized himself a couple of months ago when he said that he and Obama were held to a higher standard because they are both black men.
But I don't feel sorry because this is one time the Republicans played the race card and lost big time. LOL
Looks like CF has a friend
Timothy Fitz:
Call me Uncle Tom. I thought Glenn Beck was hilarious! I almost wet my britches listening to that clown imitate Malia Obama. Scary. I wonder how he knows what she sounds like. Anyway, Beck isn't to be taken seriously; he's nothing more than a political jester, a 3D cartoon character, who has mastered the art of pushing people's buttons. If Beck couldn't piss a lot of people off, he wouldn't have a radio show.
Besides, I wonder how many of the people who found Beck's bit offensive, laughed when "Family Guy" went after Sarah Palin's Downs-baby.
If Glenn Beck is to be criticized for anything, criticize him for being a hypocrite and picking on a kid. After all, Beck is the one who said that when it comes to media scrutiny, politicians' family members should be off limits. Not to mention the fact that picking on a child is just plain ole stupid. But Beck isn't the only one to blame. If you really want to jack someone's slacks over this incident, President Obama is your man.
Obama shouldn't have used his daughter to put a cute spin on a horrible situation. If Obama doesn't want his daughters to be political fodder, keep their names out of his mouth, when addressing the nation.
Besides, I don't believe Malia Obama said anything at all about the Gulf oil spill. She's 11. Most 11-year-olds are only interested in boy-bands, Barbies, and Justine Bieber. On the other hand, Malia isn't your typical 11-year-old; she is the daughter of a president. She may have overheard adult conversations and decided to ask questions about the oil spill.
Regardless, I think Obama used his daughter to deflect the criticism he's facing, after moving like an arthritic snail, when it came to addressing the BP oil spill. Obama used his own kid to drive the point home, that he actually cares about the issue, and it backfired.
Beck was merely being Beck, but Obama should have known better.
And one more thing... regarding Beck's statement that Obama doesn't like black people; I'm not sure that's true. I think that now that's he's been elected, Obama has no further use for us. So it's not quite the same thing as hate - it's more like indifference.
You TOMS love it when a white man attacks a little black girl, BUT HATES IT WHEN WHITE GIRLS ARE PICKED ON! IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN TO EITHER ONE!
"I hope he doesn't resign though."
Same here. He needs to stay and continue to be the face of the GOBP and represent all of their f*cked-uppery.
Timothy Fitz said...
When Obama sent 30,000 more people into to battle, to die for oil, Bush's wars became his wars. So, Steele was dead right.
As far as calling him an Uncle Tom goes, I bet some of these big bad activists in here, have white bosses, whose asses they kiss and lick on the regular! :-)
But, hey! I get it! You people are angry because he isn't falling in-line with the broken-black-agenda.
This is comedy at its finest! Encore!
Tim, you kind of missed point. The reason why Steele got taken to the tool shed is because the war is about the only thing that Obama's done that hasn't brought out the Tea Party pitch forks.
It was the Neo-Cons who started the war and their fellow travelers in the military-industrial complex are making serious cake. Cheney may still have stock in Haliburton.
fn are you on facebook?
My wife and dad think he's gone but what else do they have? They need a person of color to attack the prez so as to not look totally racist, like when Jefferson Sessions III attacks Thurgood Marshall. Their only hope would be J.C. Watts but even he has his moments of Blackness and methinks the GOP has learned their lesson. I say he stays around til November but with a muzzle.
does it matter that mike did not lie?
or that hobama's afghanistan war grows more bloody and hopeless and unchanged each day?
or that biden is FAR more of a gaffe naking joke than mike could ever be...yet biden was also as chosen as this war as veep by hobama?
all politicos are equivalent jokes to me...moreseo with each blood shameless passing day...
and i respect any truth from ANY source...mike s included
this war is atrocious
and no silences from anyone will save a single soldier or our collective nation's soul
alicia banks said...
does it matter that mike did not lie?
or that hobama's afghanistan war grows more bloody and hopeless and unchanged each day?
AB - you're right that this war is bloody and senseless. But Mike Steele is full of crap and complete shill, as he's a primary cheerleader for the war, as are his clients in the GOP.
He doesn't care about ending the war -- Mike Steele's only purpose is to put a Black face on a strictly partisan full frontal assault on Obama.
The only person in the GOP who is consistently against this BS conflict is Ron Paul. (And between his hardcore anti-war stance and his foot-in-mouth son, its no wonder he'll never be a Republican Presidential Nominee.)
Michael Steele is not supposed to have an independent thought and quite frankly is grasping at straws when he goes to the Left of the President.
Uh, oh. Someone is back with the consecutive multiple posts.
Somewhere a mental hospital is missing a patient.
what is partisan about the truth about this war?
hobama's suit is even en emptier than mike's and hobama has a lot more power...
thus, is is not hypocritical and "partisan" to solely attack mike?
who can be more republican than hobama has been????
excuse the typos
rushing as always
i envy morons like roderick
for the brevity and accuracy of their constant, succinct, and vapid irrelevance...
When does Mike's tenure end (first of the year)? He's not going anywhere - the RNC wanted a "black" man, they got him, now they're stuck with him.
What they didn't realize they were getting is a loose cannon. If they try to get rid of him now - he can play that race card. He has put himself in a position to be "checked", but not "checkmated".
Sorry, about the mix of card and chess analogies.
"I swear that my man goes to his podiatrist to get his teeth cleaned."
I'm surprised you didn't say "proctologist."
Is there some point at which the problems that remain WITHIN despite your "self-chumming" upon EXTERNAL issues causes you to stop feeding the masses on the cheap thrills and get more serious?
FN I agree, you cannot even clean your own house man...start there.
"I'm surprised you didn't say "proctologist.""
LACoincidental, I didn't miss the point at all. The reason Steele is on the chopping block, is because he went against the grain. Black people do the same thing to other blacks who don't fall in-line with their angry-negro agenda.
And I don't need a history lesson on who started the war. Obama could have ended this war or scaled it down. He did neither.
kid, you are very good at cut and paste. Even your opinions are borrowed.
You copied an entry from my blog and now you think you know me? Save your phony activism for someone less astute.
It's strange how black folks get all up in arms over a white man's comments; yet, completely ignore what blacks are doing to one another. Glenn beck isn't shooting little black children in the head in Chicago - OTHER BLACK PEOPLE ARE.
Timothy Fitz said: "It's strange how black folks get all up in arms over a white man's comments; yet, completely ignore what blacks are doing to one another. Glenn beck isn't shooting little black children in the head in Chicago - OTHER BLACK PEOPLE ARE."
Constructive Feedback lite.
You're years late, and half a wit short.
We've heard it all before.
CF sez
"If Michael Steele is "tap dancing" then what are the various people who have elective offices over some of the most distressed Black communities yet shamelessly run for reelection and WIN doing? I don't recall you ever suggesting that any of them go sit down and allow other effective people to lead."
This negro will not quit.
Wouldn't "more effective" mean new ideas and strategies?
You black righties have no ideas.
Your reason for existing is to make massa smile and remain comfortable in his sense of superiority.
Like the man said, you're nothing but oxygen thieves.
Timothy Fitz,
"The reason Steele is on the chopping block, is because he went against the grain. Black people do the same thing to other blacks who don't fall in-line with their angry-negro agenda."
Let me go slow for you Goober.
If anyone chops Steele's head off, it will be the white rightwing patrons who made him in the first place.
As soon as he is no longer convenient or necessary., he'll get beat over the head with a rolled up newspaper and chained to the radiator like a puppy who shit on the floor.
That's what the white right does to their rent-a-negroes.
Steele and his ilk have no relationship with nor credibility in the black community.
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