"The NAACP is about to learn one of the most basic of all lessons in life — those who live in glass houses should avoid provoking a stone-throwing war. After the civil-rights organization threatened to issue a condemnation of Tea Party activism by equating it with racism (a position from which they ultimately retreated), Andrew Breitbart announced that he would publish at least one video of the NAACP itself cheering racism. Breitbart delivers on that promise today at Big Government, showing USDA official Shirley Sherrod explain to an appreciative NAACP audience in July 2009 how she deliberately withheld information from a white farmer in Georgia trying to save his land and his business:"
Oh Ohhh. Let this be a lesson to you Negroes: There are spies everywhere, and if you are on television-even cable access- you don't know who will be watching. In this case it was a racism chasing wingnut who sent the video of Ms. Sherrod to Andrew. Which, as it turns out, might have cost her a job. Now, of course, as is always the case with folks like Andrew; there is a slight problem: It seems that old Andrew didn't release all of the video, and girlfriend doesn't look as bad if her entire speech is taken in its proper context. Andrew, of course, has promised to release more. Let's hope that the NAACP beats him to it. Again, I am no big fan of that group, but when I see comments like the ones on this site, I have to say that I am going to start sending them my hard earned money again.
To think that Andrew, by releasing a video of a government hack, can prove that the NAACP is racist and eliminate years of racism speaks more to where A-merry-ca is on matters of race than a million videos ever could. BTW, Andrew still has that offer of $100,000.00 for anyone who can prove that Congressmen Lewis and others were subject to racist taunts etc. when they made that long painful walk through the teabagger's version of the Soul Train Line. Well, as it turns out, Andrew is a liar and a fraud. He was proven wrong, and he still didn't write the check. Typical.
I was actually going to blog about the Minutemen groups-I prefer to call them Neo Nazis-at the border, but I don't want to go tit for tat with Andrew and the reverse racism crowd, so I am going to leave that one alone. Besides, they would only call me a hypocrite for saying that the NBP party folks were just a bunch people on the fringe and not saying the same thing about the Minutemen. Isn't that right, wingnuts?
1 – 200 of 348 Newer› Newest»First!
Brother Field... I think we give too much credence to an organization with a 2 year existance...when we have an organization of a century having to justify their organization. In America. It seems that we have difficulties telling a race of people that have mistreated people for centuries how we truly feel. Say what you feel and let the chips.... Maybe the problem is that we depend on others for our comforts in Amertca. The Tea Party have not attack the Jews for the financial collapse nor their placing President Obama in his role. Enough of things I can't change nor influence. Talking about giving money to an organization... My younger brother Mark Armstrong has a church and ministeries in Hampton, Va that is geared towards getting theyoung Black male off the cycle of violence and getting them to see one way out is thru education. By no means a new concept. Goggle The Daily Press "Taking steps to change lives". These are things that may change our communities as well as our young Black males. I feel for all Black males caught in this misery. Reading Brother Field's blog two days ago I wanted to respond somehow...Any Black male should feel the pain of this madness that seems uncontrollable. We are the only one that can change this. So this attempt by my brother may be a positive in changing some young soul before its too late.
This is an interesting article from the SPLC, timely and relevant to the discussion here.
Another Long, Hot Black Nationalist Summer at Fox News
"It must be July, because Fox News is once again hyperventilating over a racially charged non-story. One year ago, it was Glenn Beck’s crusade against Van Jones, the White House environmental advisor who, the host charged, day after day and against all available evidence, was a black nationalist using green jobs as a form of “stealth reparations.”
One year later, the channel’s marquee hosts and anchors are tag-teaming a new fear-mongering race fantasy — the idea that the New Black Panther Party, with the assistance of the Obama Administration, is currently hanging its black militant fangs directly over the arteries of the republic." more
If we do to them, what they've done to us, then we're the racist. It doesn't matter, as one writer puts it, that we're reactive to their racism, while they're proactively racist.
We're held to a different standard. Our fight against the enemy must be as pure as the driven snow.
Racists can use road-side bombs, suicide bombers, and kill those in a funeral procession, but if blacks resort to anything similar, to fight back, predator drone strikes, for example, then we're the racists.
We're in a war--against an old racist ideology that won't stop fighting this nation's civil war, and continue to insists on seeing blacks as maids, shoe-shine boys, and janitors, and nothing else: certainly not as this nation's president.
Field, I am sick of the NBPP and the NAACP. Both cause more trouble for Blacks than what they are worth. As I said before, I wish the 'original' BPP would denounce the NBPP, but apparently they approve of those brainless nitwits.
I also wish the NAACP would just go away. They have lost their purpose; they haven't done a damn thing worth mentioning since the days of Jim Crow.
There is a recession in America with many Blacks (and Whites) out of jobs...many Blacks are suffering. THAT- is where the NAACP should be focused. Instead, Mr. Jealous is screwing around with Tea Party ignoramuses. They just don't know much about setting priorities.
Basically, they continue to prove over and over again that they are useless and powerless when it comes to being a voice for the relief of suffering for Blacks.
I have associates and friends that were/are original Black Panther members. I blog with some of the original members. If some of their members that were killed by Glenn Beck's FBI/CIA friends like Cleon Skousen were around , they would tell you to go to hell.
From Wikipedia:
"In 1970, the LDS church was under considerable attack for its refusal to ordain blacks into its priesthood. In response, Skousen penned an article “The Communist Attack on the Mormons” in which he accused critics of “distorting the religious tenet of the Church regarding the Negro and blowing it up to ridiculous proportions” and of serving as Communist dupes."
The Panthers, CORE, SNCC,SCLC, and NAACP were DESTROYED by the FBI/CIA in a program called COINTELPRO . People were killed while sleeping in their beds. Groups were pitted against each other. Operatives were place in groups to destroy them. Bayard Rustin , a Gay Black Communist had his organization taken over by Super Tom Roy Innis.
"If we do to them, what they've done to us, then we're the racist. It doesn't matter, as one writer puts it, that we're reactive to their racism, while they're proactively racist.
We're held to a different standard. Our fight against the enemy must be as pure as the driven snow."
If we are doing to them what they have done to us, then of course we are being racist. Isn't that what we have bitched about for centuries? And now you want to do the same to them?
One would think that No One would want to do to others what they hated was done to them. But the folks display otherwise. They are are revengeful "get even" sickos...This attitude only nurtures and empowers racism, giving hate more momentum.
Blacks bitch about racism and how it is wrong yet many folks on this blog like Kid and others seek revenge. That's being a hypocrite. Oh, I am sure there is good reason for doing such wrongs, just like the Whites have their justified reasons. Justified Revenge always has a good reason. Just ask Hitler.
This sick racist country of ours is on its way to self-destruction. This train wreck seems imminent. NO ONE seems to be wise enough, honest enough, or compassionate enough to stop it.
Name a white person killed by a member of the NAACP, old or new Black Panthers. Now if you want to name Black people killed by white racist groups, I'll be here until I'm a old man.
"If we are doing to them what they have done to us, then of course we are being racist. Isn't that what we have bitched about for centuries? And now you want to do the same to them?"
It's call survival, not racism, and if you're truly black, you'd know the difference.
Read my statement again. You missed, obviously on purpose, the thrust of the argument, so that you could mount your higher ground: we're reactive to their racism, while they're proactively racist.
"This sick racist country of ours is on its way to self-destruction. This train wreck seems imminent. NO ONE seems to be wise enough, honest enough, or compassionate enough to stop it."
This much you got right. As you admonish us, I trust you're doing your part to keep the train on a safe course.
We're fighting not to be roadkill on those tracks.
Don't ask us to die to show our superior humanity. Let them die because of their belief in an inferior humanity.
Get a handle. All of you anonymous people look alike.
I don't usually respond to those who hide behind it.
"Don't ask us to die to show our superior humanity. Let them die because of their belief in an inferior humanity."
That was profound!
I think that is why MLK is becoming so popuar these days: he died with class and dignity. :(
"This sick racist country of ours is on its way to self-destruction. This train wreck seems imminent. NO ONE seems to be wise enough, honest enough, or compassionate enough to stop it."
Anon. shouldn't we start by talking about our differences and being honest with each other? If the "train wreck" is coming and we are all on the train, shouldn't we be yelling at the conducter? Or, at the very least, trying to find ways to work together and figure something out to stop the wreck?
Gregory, thanks for that link.
i'd like to hear more of her speech. i don't like her attitude at all--his own "kind?" how would blacks judge a white woman talking about a black man like this? you'd best believe she'd be fired in a heartbeat.
i think she could have used a dose of humanity as she dealt with him. his "own kind" is farmers. and "make himself seem "superior?" could that be because he had to humble himself to go ask for help? that was hard for him? farmers--all races--are proud people. if this is in the south, maybe neither one of them had been in a position like this before.
so many white farmers lost their farms, too. did they not? wasn't her job to help everyone?
i wouldn't call her racist based on just this clip--nor the farmer either.
what is being missed is she seemed to be saying she realized her job transcended race, that it was about poverty, the superior position she had came from her not being poor, vs. the farmer. it's not clear.
i'd like to hear more of what she thought. it sounded like she learned something from the incident, tho at this point it isn't clear what other than to never give a recorded talk again!
however--i fail to see how her comments reflect AT ALL on the NAACP. and i'd hate to see her entire life and career judged by 2.5 minutes of video.
It took all of 3 minutes to google and discover that this woman, in a moment of self-depreciating honesty, told a story of her own prejudices and how she came to realize they were wrong... how she came to realize it was class, not race, that was the issue for farmers. She told of working to advocate for ALL farmers... and she was not working for her current (now ex-employer) at the time....
This story is an excellent example of the knee-jerk reactionary, short attention, lack of reason, lack of research, lack of common sense, lack of logic, lack of critical thinking society we have become.
I personally think we need MORE Shirleys in public advocacy positions, not less... hers is a story of growth, reflection, change and deepening of understanding... sadly, again, that story has been lost.
exactly, you repeated much of what i said, jody...
Kid, "Name a white person killed by a member of the NAACP, old or new Black Panthers. Now if you want to name Black people killed by white racist groups, I'll be here until I'm a old man."
There are no known Whites killed by the NAACP. There are known Whites who were kidnapped and forced to rob banks with the "Old" Black Panthers.
There were numerous shootouts with the police by the 'original' Black Panthers. Blacks certainly betrayed the Panthers, which showed just how easily Blacks will stab each other in the back.
On the other hand, have there been any known Blacks who have been "freed" or black lives who have been bettered today by the NAACP?
The "New" Black Panther Party hasn't killed a white person, YET. But their rhetoric of hatred indicates that they are capable of doing it. They certainly will intimidate white voters!
Bottom Line: Blacks have a trust and unity issue WITH EACH OTHER! As I tried to explain to that moronic imbecile Uts there is a history of bm failing the black community. In fact, Uts is one of them. Wouldn't you agree, Kid?
"I also wish the NAACP would just go away. They have lost their purpose; they haven't done a damn thing worth mentioning since the days of Jim Crow."
If they are so insignificant why are you so obsessed with attacking them?
Black people standing up to and defeating white racists ENRAGES clowns like you.
"The "New" Black Panther Party hasn't killed a white person, YET. But their rhetoric of hatred indicates that they are capable of doing it.
And the rhetoric of the Tea Party doesn't suggest that they are capable of violence.
"The tree of liberty must sometimes be watered with blood?"
"They certainly will intimidate white voters!"
By their very existance??
Why aren't white folks worried about big government, the war in Afghanistan, the oil spill in the Gulf???
Why would they be obsessing over a fringe group of nuts with no political power?
ditto fn:
no entire org should ever be lumped and libeled by a few racist fools within it!
ditto for the tea party/the entire u.s. congress/the original BPP etc ....also!
how ironic that the very same MASSES of black racists who give the MOST evil elitist brutal hobama/gwb 2.0a pass simply and ONLY because his deadbeat dad was black, even as they flagrantly ignore his wf solo mom...
as they SIMULTANEOUSLY dare to bash a few racist fools within the tea party of RIGHTEOUSLY dissenting white patriots who dare to protest the COLORLESS/MONEY GREEN evils of the blackish hobama
only in twisted racist america
...a country FULL of a rainbow of racist hypocrites!!!
i disagree on mlk
he LIVED with class and dignity
there was nothing classy or dignified about the way the u.s. govt sloppily blew his head off at that hotel....
he died in a HORRID bloody govt mess
AB...this ain't got nuthin to do with obama.
this ain't got nothing to do with biracial politics. no evidence NAACP is racist, all evidence tea party is.
only a racist in deep denial would deny that hobama has INTENSIFIED racist delusion/denial/hatred etc in amerikkka
many predicted it would be so long before he became prez select
did u just say that the tea party has nothing to do with hobama???
yeah...u r in really deep denial!
"only a racist in deep denial would deny that hobama has INTENSIFIED racist delusion/denial/hatred etc in amerikkka"
Only a delusional lunatic would suggest that OBAMA initiated the racial animus that is always right below the surface and has now erupted because the rightwing element has refused to accept a black man as their President.
"did u just say that the tea party has nothing to do with hobama???"
No, that's obviously NOT what she said.
AB you've become an embarassment.
Take a break, for your own sake.
uts/captain save a white ho:
so what did she say?
pray tell?
"this has nothing to do with hobama"???
is this not a post about the tea party?????
try again uncle tom/remus to the rescue!!!
ever seen the boondocks?
u r the official 24/7 UNCLE RUCKUS of this blog:
"lawd dat white woman maria gots a big heart...she really do gots a big ol heart"
i despise u itty bitty lil nigger boy!!!
you were BORN an embrassment u lying foolish nigger
uncle ruckus:
what is embarrasing is to defend what is one of the most blatantly stupid and dishonest things maria has ever posted just because she is a wf like the ones you covet...
shame u euro colorist lying bama bodyguard oj nigger!!!!!!!
like hobama
and maria,
and u usually do so just because u just do not have anything truthful or intelligent to say and you talk incessant bs rather than stfu
i never said hobama initiated it
i said he intensified it
and he did!!!
and many others herein have said the same routinely including fn you tomming moron!!!
too many syllables for u nigger boy???
i said this THREAD about the speech at the NAACP has nothing to do with obama, or biracial politics (your belief that blacks think obama is above reproach because "his daddy was black"). you find a way to contort every post to be about obama and about his mother being white. there's nothing here that makes either relevant. actually, you don't even try to connect your hatred of him with whatever the real topic of the thread happens to be.
manic maria:
what post did YOU read to the illiterate uts today???
fn posted about a racist tea partier who is bashing the naacp in retaliation against the black racists bashing the entire tea party because they bash hobama
i am waiting for u and your FELLOW stupid lying pet nigger boy uts to explain how that is not about hobama!!!
the entire naacp is not racist and neither is the entire tea party...but ALL orgs include racists in this racist country
the naacp is filled with cowards who would rather fight a few powerless racist whites than brawl with that powerful blackish evil hobama who is slaying this entire country and destroying poor blacks even worse than he is destroying the poor whites in the tea party!!!
It was very clear what you said.
I personally am getting a little sick of AB's act.
I'm not even sure she really hates Obama.
Shes just trying to draw attention to herself.
u fake fool
did YOU need attn when u rushed to embarass yourself herein by defend maria's blatant lie nigger???
if it was so clear u liar
then wtf DUD she say???
YOU stop giving attn to lies and wf racists in distress boy!
i am very sick of your psuedo-intellectual bs/moronic masturbation herien all day every day u nasty soulless nigger boy!!!
i hate that nigger hobama FAR less than i loathe niggers like u
if it was so clear u liar
then wtf DID she say???
you are just like malcolm x said nigger
even maria has enough sense to be quiet and concede that the blatant lie she posted was indefensible...even as you nigger dare to harp on in defense
"we sick miss anne...we know we sick...we know yo sickness...alicia be a bad nigger...whup her"
BOTH of you will be choked by your own fake weak whips whenever u step to me...bet boy!!!
I believe the DOJ should ask for the complete tape.
IF as Mrs. Sherrod claims, the tape has been edited to misrepresent what she said, then the DOJ should pursue criminal charges against Big Government and Faux News employees involved in the editing and publication of the tape. There are both criminal statutes under the USC, as well as Civil Rights and Hate Crimes statutes which apply.
Further - I believe, in consideration of the ACORN tapes, Faux News has established a pattern of fraudulent misrepresentation, which goes beyond the political sphere to impacting the lives and livelihoods of non-public persona. I believe this is a direct violation of the Telecommunications Act of 1937 - meaning, should the DOJ indeed find that Mrs Sherrod was misrepresented, based on a pattern established in the ACRON Tapes...
The FCC should revoke Faux's broadcast and operating license.
the only actor here nigger is you
acting like an overseer with a brain...
hobama's blackish skin and his brazen blatant evasion of all black politics has indeed intensified racism in america as never before!!!!
i didn't lie about anything. and i'm a wf racist in distress? that's rich!
so what did motivate your blatant lie???
it is typically distress or dementia when any hobama nazi jumps off of such a cliff at the mere mention of anything less than adoring abotu hobama
and please share your bogus defense with that nigger dog uts...so he can bark for ya!
Field - I know it goes against you 1st Amendment instinct...
But I really think it's time you flush this toilet.
the entire tea party is not racist!
yes many turds need to go!!!!
yes many turds need to go!!!!
And you're 1,2 and 3.
You add nothing to the conversation except multiple non-sense post and your obsession with everything Obama is getting tiresome.
Slow day at the Y, huh? LOL
rodtrick/triple turd:
get the plunger!!!!
your own huge turd just clogged the entire toilet you selective fake fool!
i have posted the truth
scan up!
inept fools like you cannot handle the truth
you missed the lies posted by maria and uts...as always YOU and your lack of comprehension are suspect!
did u get sonething shot in your eye at the Y that has your vision blurred?
vote 3 times for hobama in 2012
he will need it
Here's the quote from Sherrod: I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough. ... So I took him to a white lawyer. ... So I figured if I would take him to one of them, his own kind would take care of him."
Own kind? That sounds like something a tea partier would say, which makes this whole thing even more ironic.
u LIE just like like uts/maria/hobama!!!...
i add more books links & truth to this blog than any other poster
but niggers like you are only impressed by lies
that is why u love hobama so
"I wish the 'original' BPP would denounce the NBPP, but apparently they approve of those brainless nitwits."
They already have.
Better late than never. Now if they can ever get around to Cheney...
Federal hate crime charges filed in Katrina shooting of African-Americans
"A former New Orleans resident was charged Thursday with federal hate crimes for his alleged role in a racially motivated shooting of three black men in the days after Hurricane Katrina.
Roland J. Bourgeois Jr., 47, is accused of plotting to defend his Algiers Point neighborhood "from outsiders" including African-Americans, constructing barricades on public streets and using racial epithets to describe black people, according to the five-count indictment.
At one point, Bourgeois allegedly said, "Anything coming up this street darker than a paper bag is getting shot."
The indictment charges Bourgeois with doing just that when three black males walked through the neighborhood toward a makeshift Coast Guard evacuation center on Sept. 1. Bourgeois fired a shotgun at the trio, felling Donnell Herrington and wounding Herrington's two companions near the corner of Pelican Avenue and Vallette Street, according to the indictment.
Later, Bourgeois plucked Herrington's bloodied baseball cap from the ground and proudly displayed it to others, boasting that he "got one" and had shot a "looter, " according to a witness."
Well is ABs alter ego (sick).
That needs to be flushed too.
funny how strange fruit like you
and btw and uts have never called for frank and the kkk posse herein to be flushed
further proof that the real turds in this toilet are fake floating cowardly mfs like YOU
3 x niggers he would lynch while they ONLY BRG fn to lynch me
shame niggers....shamme!!!
i pray frank lynches YOU first!!!
3 x niggers he would lynch while they ONLY BEG fn to lynch me
shame niggers....SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Field, "Anon. shouldn't we start by talking about our differences and being honest with each other? If the "train wreck" is coming and we are all on the train, shouldn't we be yelling at the conducter? Or, at the very least, trying to find ways to work together and figure something out to stop the wreck?"
What "should be" and what Americans "actually do" are worlds apart. I would think by now that you "should" know that America does not want to talk about race.
Obama's famous and moving speech about race in America has been forgotten. And he was criticized by the nation for trying to use the Gates incident as a 'teachable' moment. Instead, they had beer on the WH lawn in front of the nation and called it a day...some teachable moment!
Regarding racial matters, Eric Holder said, "we are a nation of cowards". It does not take a genius to observe something so obvious; but nevertheless his remark drew outraged criticisms and denials.
Brother Field, there is no will or desire to talk about racial differences and racism in America. Maybe some Blacks want to talk, but Whites don't. In fact, I bet that most Whites are sick of the matter...
And unless Whites have a 'sudden' spiritual experience, which demands they deal with racism, it just isn't going to happen.
And why "should" they? Afterall, White superiority and White priviledge are inextricably linked to racism. I doubt any self-centered 'human ego' would want to give up such status. It would be a great blow to white identity.
Hence, the lack of will, and a lack of desire to end racism IS the train headed for destruction. Surely you can see it?
To make matters terribly worse, Blacks commonly call Whites "racists" without a thought or conscience. And calling a White person "racist" is a SURE WAY of ending a possible productive discussion before it even gets started. Calling someone a racist is a very UNSKILLFUL way of communicating with anybody. Period.
I have noticed that you often encourage and support such talk.
For example, you have said on occasion how you admire Kid's heart when he uses hateful rhetoric toward Whites. IMO, there is not 'one' white person, whether sane or dysfunctional, who would want to communicate with a black person like Kid- from Cleveland.
Btw, if I were White, or even Jewish, I wouldn't want you as my lawyer.
In any case, RACISM is part of America's DNA.... It's in our bones. It thrives on the perceived negativities of human differences instead of the similarities. In America, the white group thinks of itself as superior, while the black group stays angry because it hates being treated as less than human. The more Blacks scream and sizzle in their anger, the more powerful Whites feel and enjoy their superior status.
It's been that way since America's inception. It won't, and cannot change. Again, the lack of will, lack of desire, and most of all, a lack of 'know-how' to end racism keeps the freight train of racism headed toward its destructive destination.
Meanwhile, racism is what keeps FN blog alive, does it not? Unless there is divine intervention, the trainwreck is inevitable.
Maybe you "should" put in one of your prayer requests to ISEEISEE?
Go back to your gated suburb. How about some more posts about how black people are mostly middle class? How about some more posts where you casually dismiss black women and their concerns?
yes many turds need to go!!!!
And you're 1,2 and 3.
You add nothing to the conversation except multiple non-sense post and your obsession with everything Obama is getting tiresome."
Thanks, Roderick...I agree wholeheartedly. btx3 is the worse. Because of his mean-spirited non-sense, CF left FN blog and I am sure he will drive others away. He thinks he is clever, but always comes off as the world's biggest evil idiot.
Yeah, if the toilet is flushed, btx3 should be the first to go.
Your comment sounds as if we have slipped back in time 60 years.
Well comments
Apparently the rest of the story is coming out. CNN just interviewed Sherrod and the farmer's wife...
3 lynched niggers uts/btw/rodtrick:
and none of you have said one word about flushing that 24/7fecal vulgar mostly rabid either...
u 3 selective turds are hypocritical toilet stains!
shame x 3!!!
Analosity gibbers - Thanks, Roderick...I agree wholeheartedly. btx3 is the worse.
Good to know calling you on your bullshit is getting through!
As to being Porch's self appointed nursemaid - you can find him every single day on Booker Rising, and occasionally on my site, where he has received the exact same criticism from other black conservatives, BTW...
Or any one of his 10 blogs.
So, the Porch pity party is a bit premature.
u r the sickest tomming sapsucking neocon sexist colorist soulless blind bootlicking hobama nazi mf on this blog
no lost niggers in america are sicker than u
read the whole story. she did not have to resign, and should not have been pressured to. incident was 24 years ago. and was taken totally out of context.
AB wells up and pouts - shame x 3!!!
I find it amusing that you immediately believed that who I was talking about was you.
Guilt indeed is a real "mother".
Nor did I state what actions, I believe Field should take.
You are projecting.
the only thing worse than a coward
is a fake coward
spare me the scared belated bs
nigger pleeez.
i am prating for cf to return asap and clean YOUR toilet stains
you are cowering and crying wolf!
Well (ab)
Go back to your gated suburb."
Don't live in a gated suburb.
I live in a suburban subdivision inhabited by black middle class families.
THOUSANDS like it across the nation.
"How about some more posts about how black people are mostly middle class?"
I said most blacks were working to middle class.
The black poverty rate is %24.
How would you describe the economic position of "most blacks"?
"How about some more posts where you casually dismiss black women and their concerns?"
I confront angry man-hating castraters and expose their lies.
Will continue to do so.
Wanna get smacked around some more?
Or will you finally retreat from your embarassing performances on this board and try to regain some self-respect and credibility?
i am PRAYING for cf to return asap and clean YOUR toilet stains
she is a casualty of white racists clones of the black racists who slander the tea party as they blindly worship that blackish hobama...shame!!!
i neveer ever post as assnon
and you embarass yourself EVERY
time u do so so obviously u stupid nigger
but i understand that you have to create someone as STUPID as u are to banter with fairly...
carry on uncle ruckus reject!!!
The comments are interesting today.
Sadly, Field, Alicia's continual hijacking of your comments section makes the comments not worth reading any more.
yes many turds need to go!!!!
And you're 1,2 and 3.
You add nothing to the conversation except multiple non-sense post and your obsession with everything Obama is getting tiresome."
Thanks, Roderick...I agree wholeheartedly. btx3 is the worse. Because of his mean-spirited non-sense, CF left FN blog and I am sure he will drive others away. He thinks he is clever, but always comes off as the world's biggest evil idiot.
Yeah, if the toilet is flushed, btx3 should be the first to go.
No, ab, I was referring to you. You need better reading comprehension and don't try to play the dozens with me because I am from MS and we eat pseudo-siddity ape-looking weave-wearing b*tches like you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
BTW ab you might want to remove the chip off your shoulder because it's making you walk like the Hunchback of Note Dame.
Now go sit down somewhere.
"No, ab, I was referring to you. You need better reading comprehension and don't try to play the dozens with me because I am from MS and we eat pseudo-siddity ape-looking weave-wearing b*tches like you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
BTW ab you might want to remove the chip off your shoulder because it's making you walk like the Hunchback of Note Dame." rodman
u said it rite this time mane the
gorilla looking bitch need to sit
down and stfu fa real!
Sadly, Field, Alicia's continual hijacking of your comments section makes the comments not worth reading any more. sensible anon
its okay anon u will see in time the
cunt troll will post less as her lies
are continuously exposed
at some point shell get the picture
her opinion is not needed required or
desired here
this is why the troll posts so much nonsense today she got to try to save the face that is coated with shit from her lies
eyell show u next post ule see how bullshit she is
she is a liar a fraud a cheat and a shill
no mercy should be shown towards her cuz she has a harmful agenda
that sows supposed 250 iq recorded in 1976 is an outright lie
considering the guiness book of world records listed child prodigy
Kim Ung Yong age 14 as having the highest iq at 210 in 1977 AFTER u
took ur supposed iq tests u fucking liar!!!
yes TIME magazine is a valid source unlike the twisted lies u call a brain
got vos savant u lying sack of catwaste?
here is more damning evidence of that troll cunts deceit:
mostly rabid hater assnon:
i understand why losers like you hate great leaders like me....thanks!
cuntball troll
heres the response:
ab ure digging urself into a very
deep hole
stop it ur lies r obvious
lets go over the list shall we
http://www.kpfa.org/history u aint mentioned not ONCE on the entire page
why, pray tell is that???
also a search of the site
turned up nada on u why is that?
cuz u dont matter as a person and
havent done shit in ur life thats why
same for wgst u aint mentioned on
the site at all in any way shape or
u aint mentioned on the uiuc timeline
site either
why u choose to link to it is beyond
anyone with half a brain fool!
there is no mention of u on this site either
once again showing that u r nothing
more than hot air living in a bullshit fantasy world
this site turns nothing up on u either except
an article under the search that names alicia keyes face it u r a nobody with delusions of grandeur
oh before eye forget u also said that
u accept fucking whos who awards but
chose not to join phi betta kappa
honor society? u fucking lying loser!
where are all the strange fruit blog police now that the vulgar ghetto uneducated mostly arbid is back?????
hello out there you selective fake fools?????
faceless lying assnon:
i posted on topic as always
uts and maria LIED about the turds they left in response to my post
so flush your own lies u turd
got glasses?
got amnesia?
got a clue?????
uts uncle ruckus:
this is your standard trifling nigger MO herein daily:
post rabid bs all day every day
ENDLESSLY evade defending said bs
always after being slain by ME for said bs, create FAKE assnon fans/fantasy ab assnons
then enegage in retarded bitch banter with your own assnon creations... you moronic phantom bitch festing fool
you are a wicked witless weak weasel you silly old gray eternal freaky foolish dr. frankenstein nigger boy...ditto to all of your assnon monsters!!!
sherrod, van jones. wish the admin had balls!
u stupid full of shit fuckwad
the dailyillini.com does not list u in any way shape or form
ur lies are obvious
all u can do is pretend not to be hurt or ashamed
but ur nonsensical frenzied posts say otherwise
u flatter me
i am so powerful solo...wow
and u r skipping over a mtn of turds in this toilet
u lying faceless mf
that sows supposed 250 iq recorded in 1976 is an outright lie
considering the guiness book of world records listed child prodigy
Kim Ung Yong age 14 as having the highest iq at 210 in 1977 AFTER u
took ur supposed iq tests u fucking liar!!!
yes TIME magazine is a valid source unlike the twisted lies u call a brain
got vos savant u lying sack of catwaste?
got iq fucking liar?
ure just an attention seeking blog
who doesnt matter to the world
ure a wannabe has been that aint done
anything close to noteworthy in ur
this cause u to fabricate many lies
u cant argue with the time article
cuz ur lying about ur iq along with
other things
u r a truly pathetic liar
take yuor 24% bs to detroit/chicago/any tea party
wacth them lynch u nigger!
the day u ever life yuor hand to slap me anywhere is the day u die bitch
mostly rabid:
got attn from any college recruiter ever?
got attn from your man post laundry fay?
and once u realize how toasted ur ass really is
ule slither under that mossy rock from whence u came
good riddence to bad rubbish
ure just an attention seeking blog
who doesnt matter to the world
ure a wannabe has been that aint done
anything close to noteworthy in ur
this cause u to fabricate many lies
u cant argue with the time article
cuz ur lying about ur iq along with
other things
mostly rabid:
got attn from your man post laundry day?
yes every one in the whole world is "AUTO" entered in that stellar research book
u get dummber every day bitch
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
call the ncf now!!!!
notice that the cunt troll doesnt mention the iq data at all
cuz shes been shown to be a lie on that level
also she provides links to main pages of orgs that dont list her as a founding member a member of any significance or whatever else
lying loser!
forty six going on four
forty six going on four
forty six going on four
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
notice that the cunt troll doesnt mention the iq data at all
cuz shes been shown to be a lie on that level
also she provides links to main pages of orgs that dont list her as a founding member a member of any significance or whatever else
lying loser!
ure just an attention seeking blog
who doesnt matter to the world
ure a wannabe has been that aint done
anything close to noteworthy in ur
mostly rabid:
u r a mean moron!
i would never do this to your mammy!!!:
"ule slither under that mossy rock from whence u came"
the turbo breeding bitch that birtched u has already been foreclosed and evicted once this yr
hobama will do nothing to help her find a home
why r u trying to make me make her homeless once again????
3 lynched niggers
reel your ghetto bitch mostly rabid's LONG raggedy leash in now...
or stfu forever!!!
orgless/pageless/uneducated rabid bitch:
your embarassing lack of reseacrh skills are a personal problem
do not blame me/the net/this blog etc
mostly rabid bragging retard:
i enjoy sending links that prove you are too ignorant to research me even when i help you do it...
but the icing on the cake is when you remind us all that your even MORE ignorant than you are inept as you brag about that!!!
btw if u really were a founding
member of an org ur name would be
mentioned on their website
wbml mentions NOTHING of u in their
history section
ur feeble excuses for the holes in ur
supposed resume back story are
pathetic and almost pitiful but u
dont deserve pity u deserve scorn
u accept whos who awards but avoided
phi beta kappa? say what? u fucking
u post ur supposed resume online for
all to see but yet YOUR pages are the
only places where u r mentioned
outside of blogs where uve added
in other words u r a loser
if u r so smart where r ur
publications in peer reviewed
scholarly journals
where is ur ability to solve complex problems
what cures of disease have u found out
what social problems have u solved
none nada zilch
u aint worth ratshit get it?
u dont matter anywhere to anyone!
ure just an attention seeking blog
whore who doesnt matter to the world
ure a wannabe has been that aint done
anything close to noteworthy in ur
mostly rabid:
but the icing on the cake is when you remind us all that you ARE even MORE ignorant than you are inept as you brag about that!!!
thanks 4 that!!!
mostly rabid:
cc that wbml website
u cannot even spell wbml u silly bitch
mostly rabid hater:
i even created the name wbml
"where black music lives"
bet u did not know that either
thanks again u kudo magnet!!!
ur lies r escalating to outright
denials in the face of pure facts
the only person shown to be
incompetent here is u
lets go over it again shall we?
ur iq of 250 in 1976 has been shown
to be a lie unless the reporters at
time magazine r liars who have it in
for u (yeah right)
ur affiliation with these orgs that u
founded has not been verified and is likely fabricated
the links u provided r just links to
main pages that say absolutely
nothing about u
u receive vanity awards wherein u pay
a fee to get recognized ie u r a
loser who pays for people to clap
their hands for u
ur other awards at uiuc have not been
btw u stupid soya drinking cow, many
of the past recipients of the
Trailblazer awards are listed online
u aint one of them
lying cuntlicker
yeah sure sure brag all u want about ur supposed creations
if u r so influential how come no website other than blogs mention u at all?
get it thru that thick skull:
u don't matter
u arent shit
u arent worth anything to anyone
u r a NOBODY
ure just an attention seeking blog
whore who doesnt matter to the world
ure a wannabe has been that aint done
anything close to noteworthy in ur
mostly rabid vaginally obsessed fhetto assnon:
keep reminding me how great i am
and how you are not and never will be!!!!
lickless ged coveting mf
if u r so smart where r ur
publications in peer reviewed
scholarly journals
where is ur ability to solve complex problems
what cures of disease have u found out
what social problems have u solved
none nada zilch
u aint worth ratshit get it?
u dont matter anywhere to anyone!
if u r so smart where r ur
publications in peer reviewed
scholarly journals
anon there are none she is just a sack of shit lying again and caught
mostly rabid:
thanks for finally sharing your bio...what took u so long fool????
your bio:
"u don't matter
u arent shit
u arent worth anything to anyone
u r a NOBODY"
it is clear this is why u hate me
so...we all get it
hate on lickless dreg....
the foul troll cunt beast cannot answer any real inquiries into her fabricated past
so goes for cheapshots again
as to exposing lies, didnt u say isadore banks was ur grandfather u lying cunt?
and didnt someone call u out for that?
u do anything to get attention even running into a wall at 70mph
like ure doing now
mostly rabid:
only dumb envious illiterate niggers use this phrase:
"if u r so smart"...
thanks again!!!
and isadore hated uneducated niggers like u too
u aint shit
how many people of note publish their curriculum vitaes on their blog profile page
NONE that matter
ur inadequacy is obvious
the foul troll cunt beast cannot answer any real inquiries into her fabricated past
so goes for cheapshots again
as to exposing lies, didnt u say isadore banks was ur grandfather u lying cunt?
and didnt someone call u out for that?
u do anything to get attention even running into a wall at 70mph
like ure doing now
mostly rabid:
bet u have no idea who your daddy/grandaddy are
did they covet ged's too?
so now u can speak for a man who u never met?
he was killed before u were supposedly born
what rite have u to screw with his memory by putting words in his mouth?
just another example of ur shameless lies
the foul troll cunt beast cannot answer any real inquiries into her fabricated past
so goes for cheapshots again
u cannot prove ur supposed 250 iq cuz that never happened
u cannot prove u started any organization or radio station
ur name is not listed in any capacity as a founder, influential member or otherwise on those sites
past trailblazer awards are publisized and ur name aint one of them
u can continue this sharade if u want
it just makes u look desperate worn out and used up like the liar and shill u really r
carry on cunt
"the naacp is filled with cowards who would rather fight a few powerless racist whites than brawl with that powerful blackish evil hobama who is slaying this entire country and destroying poor blacks even worse than he is destroying the poor whites in the tea party!!!"
"i hate that nigger hobama FAR less than i loathe niggers like u"
I don't know if I should ask why you insist on using the word "nigger" -- maybe it's linked to your already unstable mindset. Maybe anyone whom you deem not as "black" or as "righteous" as you is a "nigger" -- who knows? I don't like to delve any further into the minds of psychotics than I have to.
Perhaps you need a little perspective. Perhaps you need a white woman to come along and call you Nigger, just so you can finally feel the sting and get some perspective. Hopefully it'll cause you to consider removing "nigger" from your vocabulary.
Or maybe you're not who you say you are. It's piss easy to make a persona for one's self on the net. Even take a picture from someplace else to cover up the fact that your melalin count disqualifies you from being anything but...pink. Combine that with your "nigger" fetish and one has to wonder.....
mostly rabid assnon:
it is a damn shame your sperm donors did not even leave legcaies or legends in the family
as i said
only a moron would admit that they do not even have a story about their absentee deadbead generational daddies
u aint shit
how many people of note publish their curriculum vitaes on their blog profile page
NONE that matter
ur inadequacy is obvious
slack lying
only nigger boys like you see wfs as saviors
i use the word nigger because it describes people like you and mostly rabid in all races superbly
gwb and his clone hobama are both niggers
so is the wf maria and her pet nigger uts
the day u cease to exist
is the day i will cease using it
notice that the troll cunt only sends out insults now
the troll cunt cannot possibly escape from its web of lies
so it tries to distract from the conversation by insults
we r over ten years old here
that diversionary tactic is ineffective cunt
the truth is out now and erybody knows u r a fucking LIAR
now the tactic is to insult the perceived posters family members
this is similarly ineffective
where is proof of ur 250 iq
how come the black alumni assoc at uiuc never heard of u
cuz ure a loser! thats why!
Real researchers don't throw around the word "nigger", either. And they don't engage in actions that cause their fellow researchers to question their mental state.
You must be off your medication again. I still don't understand why the psychiatric ward would let their patients use the computer. It's simply not healthy.
mostly rabid assnon:
i have never posted my corp or academic resumes online
and i never will
and only moronic niggers like you can BOTH deny i have one and them lie about me publishing one in the very same niggerish breath
"only nigger boys like you see wfs as saviors
i use the word nigger because it describes people like you and mostly rabid in all races superbly
gwb and his clone hobama are both niggers
so is the wf maria and her pet nigger uts"
You tell yourself this every single day, just to avoid realizing that the only Nigger in the room.......
....is you.
Keep hanging on to that word. The more you use it, the more people will question your mental being. If you're lucky, maybe FN will come in and tell you to knock it off. I know he's all for free speech and everything, but there comes a point where enough should be enough.
slack lying:
u r arrogantly ignorant and dead wrong!
you stand corrected you uneducated fool!!!
i have taught entire courses on the word nigger
nigger is an academic logophile study in bastions of academia all across america
like the renownedd researcher and harvard prof
randall kennedy
more on niggers:
"i have never posted my corp or academic resumes online
and i never will"
Because they exist only in your head.
Good luck trying to get a copy of your academic resume when the only copies are the ones you've fabricated in your mind.
Perhaps it's time to get back on your medication. The delusions must be getting harder for you to handle at this point.
mack has called u out before and u
cant handle it cuz hes telling the
anyone who cared about black folks
u profess would not be so anxious to
call other blacks niggers when there r
along with ur lies, fabrications and
concoctions and willingness to degrade black men so easily
u likely r a shill or plant
slack lying/mostly rabid:
the only thing worse than niggers who hurl insults herein all day
are hypocritical niggers like u who dare to complain about me doing the same just because i do it so much better
all niggers are inept haters!
mostly rabid:
you are not "black folk"
u r uneducated black trash
and you incineraste yourself nigger with each vulgar niggerish post
mostly rabid:
i am a warrior plant
and u r the fecal fertilizer
helping me bloom revolution and wake up rotted hobama nazis
carry on you uneducated reeking skank!
i have never posted my corp or academic resumes online
and i never will"cuntball troll
Because they exist only in your head.
Good luck trying to get a copy of your academic resume when the only copies are the ones you've fabricated in your mind.@Mack Lyons
mack ure rite and its plain for all
to see
the bitch has taken good discourse
away from comments section with her
lies enough is enough
she cant defend the fact that her
lack of credentials has been outed so
now goes for the jugular
its like a powerless hurt animal
stuck in a bear trap lol!
mack has called u out before and u
cant handle it cuz hes telling the
anyone who cared about black folks
u profess would not be so anxious to
call other blacks niggers when there r
along with ur lies, fabrications and
concoctions and willingness to degrade black men so easily
u likely r a shill or plant
"i have taught entire courses on the word nigger
nigger is an academic logophile study in bastions of academia all across america
like the renownedd researcher and harvard prof
randall kennedy"
Funny how I've never heard of your courses. Or anything else of academic note you've done.
And now you're using Kennedy's work as a crutch for your own use....ahem....overuse....of the word "nigger". Keep justifying your reasons. Meanwhile, the mental health clinic you're in should reconsider your internet access, as it is clearly blocking your progression into something resembling a sane being.
slack lying/mpstl;y rabid:
lies will never create or degree
or make my degrees go away
sorry for both of you glaringly uneducated fools
the only thing worse than niggers
who hurl insults herein all day
hypocritical lying niggers like u
who fabricate their resumes then
dont know what to do when they r
outed so insult people
like hurt animals
eye hope ur leg gets amputated
from the bear trap it got stuck
in! fool!
slack lying:
how can u call kennedy a crutch
after exposing your own breaking leg by claiming he/no work akin to his even existed
try again limping nigger
mostly rabid assnon:
got a resume?
of any kind?
Funny how I've never heard of your courses. Or anything else of academic note you've done.
And now you're using Kennedy's work as a crutch for your own use....ahem....overuse....of the word "nigger". Keep justifying your reasons. Meanwhile, the mental health clinic you're in should reconsider your internet access, as it is clearly blocking your progression into something resembling a sane being.@Mack Lyons
yepper truth without substitutes
ab read and weep u lying fuck!
the only thing worse than niggers
who hurl insults herein all day
hypocritical lying niggers like u
who fabricate their resumes then
dont know what to do when they r
outed so insult people
like hurt animals
eye hope ur leg gets amputated
from the bear trap it got stuck
in! fool!
"lies will never create or degree
or make my degrees go away"
The question, asked time and time again:
What degrees?
And please don't tell me you've got them from the Alicia Banks University. That'll pretty much put a cap on today's look into your schizophrenic psyche.
slack lying:
i am absolutely certain that there are countless college courses that uneducated niggers like u and mostly rabid have never heard of!!!
slack lying:
it is clear that you are even too ignorant to read about my degrees at my blog profile
u may be even dumber than that psycho uneducated bitch mostly rabid
salck lyings:
u missed a lot of capless fools herien today
u yourself and mostly rabid included
Uhm, wow. I'll leave the typical "AB versus the world" bit alone and focus on real issues. Let it suffice that its the same sh** different day --
1. Field brings up a topic, blogger discuss,
2. AB comes along goes off on her Obama is Satan rant or something similar.
3. Other bloggers say "WTF?" and maybe hurl an insult.
4. AB responds with nasty comments,
5. other bloggers respond with nastier comment.
6. Repeat steps 4&5 until either AB or other Bloggers go overboard. Or, Field posts another topic.
On to real stuff -- Sherrod issue is another example of the Tea Party Right is nipping off any thing remotely progressive and Black related to Obama. Again, the right can't kill the Negro in the White House, they can only 'wound' him politically.
Hell, they're opposing things now just to oppose them (what kind of heartless bastards in this day and age won't extend jobless benefits with skyrocketing unemployment?)
Simply put, because there's a Black man in office, crazy ignorant white people (are there any other types who listen to Fox News)feel that there are Black racists everywhere. This is an obvious hack job, this woman is a bean counter for the USDA and the quote, like Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones, were taken out of context. But the Obama administration,as usual, will cave.
Funny how I've never heard of your courses. Or anything else of academic note you've done. ml
thats cuz there aint none
eye asked her about publications
in scholarly journals but she
avoided the question like the plague
cuz she aint done shit and her
back story research is clearly lacking
if i was going to make up an identity at least it should be plausible
but this bitch is unbalanced,
greedy, attention seeking and a bully
this psychology is a set of
character flaws that medication cannot usually help
sad euthanasia is getting one more supporter today!
your synopsis is grossly selective as always
i posted on topic
then maria and its LIED!!!
mostly rabid lies on/attacks me 24/7 even when i do not post to the topic at all
do not get me twisted
i will never ignore niggers or take their bs in silence or let envious bullies run me away...
and that includes u
i will be here calling u hobama nazi nigger out and kicking ALL of your asses until fn asks me to leave
believe that.
"Blacks bitch about racism and how it is wrong yet many folks on this blog like Kid and others seek revenge. That's being a hypocrite. Oh, I am sure there is good reason for doing such wrongs, just like the Whites have their justified reasons. Justified Revenge always has a good reason. Just ask Hitler.
This sick racist country of ours is on its way to self-destruction. This train wreck seems imminent. NO ONE seems to be wise enough, honest enough, or compassionate enough to stop it."
I don't know what to make of this. Every time I hear the phrase "blacks bitch about racism and XXXXX", it usually comes out of the mouth of a white person who simply wants the whole issue to go away. That would entail the black race "going away", slinking quietly into the night, back to it's "rightful place" of shoeshine boys, mammies and second class citizenship.
Funny how this country loves to forget uncomfortable events and issues in it's past. It even goes so far as to pretend they don't exist. Must be why soem within white society would love to rewrite history into something that amounts to a glorified press release for white America.
You're right about one thing. This country, thanks to it's unwillingness to face head on and own up to it's sick racims, is headed straight for self-destruction. To put it all in perspective, it's about two manic episodes away from finding itself rolling on the floor in a straightjacket, babbling about how "great" it used to be in between prolonged stints of incoherency.
i posted on topic
then maria and uts LIED!!!
the faded slack lyig and the fecal psycho fool mostly rabid never need any post to set them off
they hate me and expose themselves as all uneducated niggers do 24/7...on gp
Sorry, that should be "racism"
mostly rabid:
thanks for the backhanded compliment
my uniquely great life is alwaqys implausible to uneducated inexperienced niggers like u
so nice of u to mention that fact
Field could you please get rid of AB, really she brings nothing.
She is very distracting far more than the usual folks that comment here.
u missed a lot of books links etc
fix that before u fry in the fray
mostly rabid assed bitch:
where is that wbml link you patholigical envious uneducated nigger liar????
Wow... Sistuh alicia banks... Your tirades obscure some of your cogent and thoughtful comments; how come it so easy for others here to set you off? Anyway...
Folks, we live in a (dying) civilization/empire that happens to be manipulated by racist and sexist euro/caucasian/white men, period. It is what it is; get over it.
"Hobama" happens to be a lightning rod for that old axiom: "Black people have NO rights that whites/euros are bound to respect." Let's look forward to the day (in 2012)when urofacial-syndrome, crispy constipated crackers get 'their' country back and we can get on with the final demise - "train-wreck". Can't wait.
I'm tired of Negroes pissin' and moanin' about racist ignorance while ignoring the terrorism of:
The tsunami of Black male irresponsibility.
The symphony of Black criminal behaviors
The rabid Black worship of euro-centric religions and pimps; and its twin - anti-intellectualism.
Sadly, we have obscenely squandered our collective time and opportunities to truly echo and practice the teachings of brother Malcolm X. Long time ago we should have gotten our collective "turds" together and cleansed our communities of those "cousins" who continue to obstruct our progress.
We castigated Booker T.; called him 'house negro" for demanding that black folk do for themselves.
Anyway, ab, lighten up; this will soon be over... Then, whatchya gonna do?
"Uhm, wow. I'll leave the typical "AB versus the world" bit alone and focus on real issues. Let it suffice that its the same sh** different day --
1. Field brings up a topic, blogger discuss,
2. AB comes along goes off on her Obama is Satan rant or something similar.
3. Other bloggers say "WTF?" and maybe hurl an insult.
4. AB responds with nasty comments,
5. other bloggers respond with nastier comment.
6. Repeat steps 4&5 until either AB or other Bloggers go overboard. Or, Field posts another topic."
I'm convinced AB is a professional troll. Either that, or the psych ward's giving out internet access as a perk for good behavior.
The task of a troll is to throw a topic so far off course that it's damn near impossible to get it back on track.
1) Topic is made, people participate in discussion.
2) Troll introduces itself.
3) People fervently respond to troll.
4) Topic is now dominated by troll and responses to said troll.
At this point, the topic either dies off due to a steep decline in interest or a moderator steps in and either a)returns the topic back on track or b)locks everything down.
The cycle is pretty predictable. Most places I frequent would have already shown AB the door a long time ago. Or at least they would simply talk around her, denying her the attention she apparently craves. But this is Field's house and the Field does as he wishes. And apparently he sees AB as just as valued a commenter as anyone else here. Which is fine by me.
The question, asked time and time again:
What degrees?
And please don't tell me you've got them from the Alicia Banks University. That'll pretty much put a cap on today's look into your schizophrenic psyche. mack attack
u got took ab
admit it
u got slayed
u r too stupid or ignorant to
even put what ur supposed degrees
were in on ur blog profile
incidentally the trailblazer
awards are doled out by
department so by not mentioning
the department that issued ur
award once again u look like a
lying loon
Your comment sounds as if we have slipped back in time 60 years."
Maybe we have, I don't know. I am speaking about the "present". Maybe you could expand a little on your comment?
Do you by any chance live in the city of brotherly love?
how come it so easy for others here to set you off? anon
answer is simple anon cuz the bitch is crazy
that is, if she really is a woman
since nobody outside of her own head
has heard of her we might never know...
Field could you please get rid of AB, really she brings nothing.
She is very distracting far more than the usual folks that comment here. marcus
in an ideal world field would get
rid of that cunt troll
since the world is not ideal u
either join the fray in exposing
her lies or ignore her
mostly rabid assnon:
if u spent 1/10th of the time on obtaining an education as you do EXPOSING the fact that you do not know anything about any real univ...
u could have that ged!...bet!
haters never win...liars neither!
u got took ab
admit it
u got slayed
u r too stupid or ignorant to
even put what ur supposed degrees
were in on ur blog profile
incidentally the trailblazer
awards are doled out by
department so by not mentioning
the department that issued ur
award once again u look like a
lying loon
it never ceases to amaze me how people can beg me to be nice as they simultaneously ignore the horrid harassment i take from mean envious hateful niggers on this blog all day....
cc that to
slack lying
mostly rabid lying uneducated bitch
those are the mean niggers...i am just meaner as i slay them
a b u dont know anything about
the way universities operate
uve concocted all this shit from
what u thought was good research
but others r better researchers than u
u r a liar
u r a loser
u dont matter to the world at large
u aint never contributed any
original work or idea to the body
of academic knowledge
ie where is ur phd dissertation or thesis solving the problems in the world?
it dont exist dumbfuck
u aint done shit
where is proof of ur 250 iq again?
mostly rabid:
people in glass houses should not throw thrones
and inferior uneducated niggers like you should never tell anyone about their lack of contribution to the world...especially anyone like me...fyi
slack lying:
if i am a professional troll
then you and your hater nigger posse are the illuminati...NOT!
Name a white person killed by a member of the NAACP, old or new Black Panthers. Now if you want to name Black people killed by white racist groups, I'll be here until I'm a old man.
Spot on, kid.
hey mostly rabid:
call that book asap
tell them they are missing LOTS of child prodigies unlisted!!!
do that AFTER u post that wbml link you trifling illiterate lying uneducated nigger bitch!!!
do that AFTER u post that wbml link you trifling illiterate lying uneducated nigger bitch!!! acuntball
now does this sound like a person who cares about the upliftment of black people?
or does it sound like some racist kkk or skinhead said it?
either way u look like a loon
a b u dont know anything about
the way universities operate
uve concocted all this shit from
what u thought was good research
but others r better researchers than u
u r a liar
u r a loser
u dont matter to the world at large
u aint never contributed any
original work or idea to the body
of academic knowledge
ie where is ur phd dissertation or thesis solving the problems in the world?
it dont exist dumbfuck
u aint done shit
where is proof of ur 250 iq again?
why would u want someone to post a
link to a radio station u supposedly
helped to found?
ur idiocy is astounding!
Funny how I've never heard of your courses. Or anything else of academic note you've done. ml
thats cuz there aint none
eye asked her about publications
in scholarly journals but she
avoided the question like the plague
cuz she aint done shit and her
back story research is clearly lacking
if i was going to make up an identity at least it should be plausible
but this bitch is unbalanced,
greedy, attention seeking and a bully
this psychology is a set of
character flaws that medication cannot usually help
sad euthanasia is getting one more supporter today!
mostly rabid:
u r busted u lying bitch!
link it or stfu!!!
did u learn a new word?
those ged books are great!
euthanaia is what black folks do to black trash like u
and youth in asia want to skin niggers like u too!!!
mostly rabid:
got a ged dictionary?
bully is not a synonym for slayer of bullies!!!
"it never ceases to amaze me how people can beg me to be nice as they simultaneously ignore the horrid harassment i take from mean envious hateful niggers on this blog all day...."
We're not asking you to be nice.
We're asking you to fuckin' get lost.
You are screwing this blog up with your rants.
We want to talk about the thread topics.
mostly rabid:
youth in asia hate dumb uneducated turbo breeding niggers like you even more than i do...bet!!!
uncle ruckus:
u started all of this bs today u ignorant sexist colorist amoral cowardly hypocritical oj turd
scan up!!!!
and i do not need to flush you
i will just keep smashing and smearing your fecal fake ass along the sides of this toilet so that stain mostly rabid can keep some nigger company!!!
uncle ruckus:
"i ran cf away...but i sho know i will never run alicia away...naw a nigga like me just won's ever be strong enuf to do dat deah lawd...no not neva"
grow a set like fm fool!
and get your own blog!
i promise u i would never waste my time surfing there u idiot
unccle ruckus:
"i'm am the blog police...i only police ab but i's still am the blog police"
grow a set like fn fool!
stfu u moron!!!
So Sharrod says from HER own mouth that the Obama admin FORCED her to resign??
Yeah, just what I expected from "us"!!!
OTOH, the mofo's woulda' had to fire my black ass because I don't kowtow for ANYONE, and yeah, it HAS cost me my black ass in the past, LOL!!
which nigger lied and told u i ever cared about what niggers like u want anyway??????
who dat uncke ruckus?????
u weak beta male overseer lying mf:
u and maria chose to LIE about the thread topic rather than post about it...and your silence has proven that
try again uncle ruckus
DAT did not fly fool!
macklyons said...
The cycle is pretty predictable. Most places I frequent would have already shown AB the door a long time ago
You're soooo upset with AB but OK with her being called a cunt every day? GTFOH!!!!
What I find absolutely reprehensible is that FEW people here seem to have a problem with the frequent use of the word cunt to describe a woman EVERY DAMN DAY!!! Personally, I don't really give a rats ass if you agree or disagree with what AB does here as far as her posts are concerned, but this cunt shit shoulda' been shut down a LONG time ago.
Hell, how would YOU react if every f*cking day someone was calling you something as vile as that and NOTHING was done about it? You might go off too!!!
We're not asking you to be nice.
We're asking you to fuckin' get lost.
You are screwing this blog up with your rants.
We want to talk about the thread topics. uts
mmm she is only getting what she
# S: (n) cunt, bitch (a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked) "she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch"
# S: (n) cunt, puss, pussy, slit, snatch, twat (obscene terms for female genitals)
according to the definition she is the former
and eyem sure eryone will agree with that
heres a zinger: never dish out what u cant take
Blogger MeandMyMicroscope said...
So Sharrod says from HER own mouth that the Obama admin FORCED her to resign??
I can't understand why she would have to resign, it makes no sense to me.
ditto mamm
these hypocritical lying niggers are bold as blind hobama nazis!!!
that nasty turd mostly rabid posts her vulgar homoerotic DL vaginal obsessions about me 24 hrs a day
she is filthier and dumber than any toilet in any female prison
yet not a peep about flushing her
i must be posting something deep to get attacked for hours rather than debated!!!
it is easier to gang up on be and get slain by the dozen than deal with 12 truths that slay hobama!!!
it is easier to gang up on ME and get slain by the dozen than deal with 12 truths that slay hobama!!!
then after i slay each of the pack rat mfs they whine about how mean i am...
what joker niggers!!!!
Kathy said...
I can't understand why she would have to resign, it makes no sense to me.
Like I said, they woulda' had to kiss mu ass, but she just said on CNN that she was followed yesterday by three cars sent by the Obama folks to "talk" to her about resigning.
First the supreme court nomination now this, sistas' in/around the Oabam admin may wanna shore up thier "plan B", LOL!!!
u and maria chose to LIE about the thread topic rather than post about it...and your silence has proven thatacuntball
eryone is a liar in ur twisted world
u r too blind to see that u r the
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
liar liar pants on fire
have u ever seen an allegedly het nigger married to an alleged medicated saint so obsessed with vaginas as mostly rabid???
what the hell did her man and his stable of hos do to her to get her so DL demented????
alicia banks said...
that nasty turd mostly rabid posts her vulgar homoerotic DL vaginal obsessions about me 24 hrs a day
Exactly!!! We ALL KNOW it's MR posting this nasty bullshit as assnon and she does is as assnon because she knows internet harassment is against the law in most states.
We she "forgot" to post from the email I sent her many months ago was a quote of the Maryland law against internet harassment.
So if ANYONE needs to be banned it should be her ass and ALL the anons!!!
alicia banks said...
have u ever seen an allegedly het nigger married to an alleged medicated saint so obsessed with vaginas as mostly rabid???
Like I told her in the email I sent to her, she really does have some issues that need to be treated with meds AND counseling.
Folks like her are the reason I had to pull up on the personal info that, and that fact that you can't carry a concealed weapon in DC.
I thought I smelled sardines.
even as bimbo clones of mostly rabid bitch are cheering for hobama and harassing rebel truth tellers like tavis and i
he is showing them no love
blackish evasions
tea party backlash
naacp sabotage
hobama has no love for stupid suicidal niggers!!!!
uts/freaky uncle ruckus:
wash your top lip nigger!!!
you left that on there when u upgraded your plastic toy doll
last night
"yes yes...ima enjoy this here nice plastic white lady and ima add my own scentseses...gat it from my own kitchen..yes ah did nigh"
uptownsteve said...
I thought I smelled sardines.
My sister is a Pharmacist in PG County, I'm sure she'd be happy to hook your ol' lady up with some Flagyl, LOL!!!
Or is it YOU that needs to Flagyl, LOL??????
mostly rabid:
why are YOU, the nastiest dumbest uneducated nigger bitch in cyberspace, giving me soooooooooooooooo much attn then?????????
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