First, I have to talk about this before I forget: Hey Cubbies, WTF is up with jumping up and down and fist thumping like you just won the f%$%*#g World Series? I saw you beat my Phillies today, and the way you clowns acted was embarrassing. Hey, news flash: we are just a little past the half way point of the season, stop acting like it's September and you are in the middle of a pennant race. (Which you will never be) No wonder you losers haven't won a ring since Lincoln was President.
OK then, now that I have that off my chest. (Sorry Dan, I know you are a cubs fan, but I had to go there)
Anyway, tonight I want to blog about Mr. Mark Williams, (See there Mark, I called you Mr., that ought to make you feel good.) h/t to the excellent blog, The Reid Report ,for their wonderful piece on my man. So here is the thing; folks have e-mailed me and wanted to know if I thought Mark Williams was simply making good use of satire. "You do the same thing, field". Yes, but I am not the leader of a movement who has just been called out for their racism issues by the NAACP. Maybe Mark's timing was a little f&^%$d up. I guess his little colored jokes would have been funny if his timing was better. Ask any good comedian Mark, your timing is everything.
Still, you have got to love it. My man Mark touched on all of the stereotypes. I bet he didn't have any problems coming up with all those negative things to say about those "colored" folks.
"How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?"
OK then, now that I have that off my chest. (Sorry Dan, I know you are a cubs fan, but I had to go there)
Anyway, tonight I want to blog about Mr. Mark Williams, (See there Mark, I called you Mr., that ought to make you feel good.) h/t to the excellent blog, The Reid Report ,for their wonderful piece on my man. So here is the thing; folks have e-mailed me and wanted to know if I thought Mark Williams was simply making good use of satire. "You do the same thing, field". Yes, but I am not the leader of a movement who has just been called out for their racism issues by the NAACP. Maybe Mark's timing was a little f&^%$d up. I guess his little colored jokes would have been funny if his timing was better. Ask any good comedian Mark, your timing is everything.
Still, you have got to love it. My man Mark touched on all of the stereotypes. I bet he didn't have any problems coming up with all those negative things to say about those "colored" folks.
"How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?"
Yes, I guess everybody knows a nigger with a big screen TV. Ouch! That one hurts, Mark.
No surprise that Mark is a regular over at Radio Rwanda. (Not to mention CNN) And he is a major player in the teabagger movement. Unlike the New Black Panther Party clowns who Radio Rwanda would want sane people to believe actually represent black folks here in A-merry-ca. They do not. Talk about irony.
Finally, let's talk about my girl Magyn Kelly, shall we? Did you see the video of Magyn and Kirsten Powers going at it over the NBP non-story. Nothing like a potential reverse racism story to get that faux lawyer all fired up. Still, it was nice to see Newsweek call them on their bullshit. Let's just hope that the rest of A-merry-ca sees them for who they really are as well.
I cant believe he thinks he can get away with saying shit like this!!
What this Tea Bagger guy Mark Williams said is about as surprising as Levy and whats her name Palin shopping around trying to get their own reality show.
I was reading that earlier today, wondering what the hell he was thinking, my jaw dropping to the floor.
I cannot imagine under what circumstances he could think that was a good idea.
@Val - shopping their kid around is what I heard. Trashy.
Mark Williams expressed what is in his heart. He knows black conservatives will be there to protect him.
Speaking of the " NBP clowns" People please read Ben Smith article over on Politico 'A conservative dismisses right wing Black Panther
memo to the naacp: shame!!!!!!!
Totally convinced conservatives have a totally different view of the world than we do. I'll be at the Beck rally and I'm betting those yahoos don't know thing the first about Dr. King but want to steal his legacy. Sad little people. But what are they going to do, admit they're racists? Most Klan members don't think they're racists.
Williams, king of the tea baggers, is a disgrace. The only good thing about him is he illustrates the lunacy that exists on the far right with these tea-bagging morons. With him as the face of their movement (along with nuts like Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Tom Tancredo and these other political hillbillies) they are doomed to failure.
The hillbillies are really coming out of the woodwork. I'm not surprised by this guy's comments. It's what nearly every Teabagger believes in their heart of hearts.
Val-"What this Tea Bagger guy Mark Williams said is about as surprising as Levy and whats her name Palin shopping around trying to get their own reality show."
What's wrong with Bristol and Levi shopping around for their own reality show? Hell, everybody is doing it. If they can do it, I say more power to them.
Val, you ought to lay off those young kids. RT, so should you.
Field, you must admit the Cubs are looking better than the Phillies. Everyone is forecasting the Cubs to be in the playoffs. You are just angry that the Phillies got an ass-whipping from the Cubs.
Hey, Chicago is the city of champions.
"What's wrong with Bristol and Levi shopping around for their own reality show? Hell, everybody is doing it. If they can do it, I say more power to them."
Okay, let's flip this bad boy 180 degrees and see what the reaction is.
What if Sasha and Malia Obama were shopping around for their own reality show?
Pardon me while I break out the popcorn and juju beans. Shit could pop off and I don't want to miss any of it. :D
"Let's just hope that the rest of A-merry-ca sees them for who they really are as well."
Oh yeah. The big-loud-white-TVguys are really stepping in it now. Their sheets are showing fa sho!
Like the man said, even I'm saying it's a conspiracy MF. They aren't gonna fool me or mine though; they don't call our tune.
Glenn Beck is having his Washington, "Restoring Honor," rally on the National Mall in August. A black counter march and rally is also being planned.
No doubt, Beck's rally will attract T-baggers from every corner of T-bag Nation.
Fox News is going to be all over this T-Party/Beck rally, MS-NBC not so much for the Martin Luther King III/Al Sharpton, "Redeem the Dream" march, unless both sides go all gangster with chains, knives, and such.
MS-NBC's Chris Matthews went so far as to put together a documentary on the T-Party, tracing the history, growth, and impact of the group, as though it deserved this kind of in-depth coverage.
It doesn't.
Both Fox News and MS-NBC cover this group way out of proportion to its importance.
It drives the ratings for both media organizations.
As a result, both media giants have a vested interest in keeping the T-Party's supposed threat to Dems and Repubs front and center.
Democrats and Republicans are being played like a banjo, but they go along: Both sides, Right and Left, like the lyrics, and can't get that tune out of their head.
memo to u: shame!!!!!!!
Apparently the New Black Panthers will be in Washington to confront Beck and Company, should prove to be interesting.
Greetings Field Negro,
Coming out of lurking mode for a moment here.
Respectfully, I don’t care who is or isn’t racist right now. Right now I care about the escalating physical and sexual violence against black women and girls. Right now I care about the unemployment rate, the foreclosure epidemic, and public school closings or downsizings. I care about the sky rocketing tuition, and the possibility of having the middle class closed to deserving people. I’m sorry to say but I’ve come to the conclusion that our population (I don’t believe we are a “community” anymore) is too fractured to unilaterally fight these types of movements from racists of any ethnicity right now. I’m not sure there will ever be any real unity. Also, many folks, no longer buy into the ABC organizations in our population anymore. We see the corruption, dysfunction, and disorganization. We don’t see results (safe neighborhoods, performing public schools/colleges, access to healthy food and health care).
I believe it’s up to each of us to become our own leaders, and divest from the pack of lies and slogans that keep us stuck. All we do is feed the monster when we focus on these people.
Just my two cents!
Well Field, word on the street is that Obama is seeking a second stimulus. Maybe Mark Williams knows something that we don't. Maybe this time around Obama is gonna ensure that us nigg... oops, colored folks, all have a flat screen TV on a wall in every room of the projects we live in. You know, a lil something extra to go with the reparations that was Health Care Reform.
Just my two cents, I feel you. And yes, as a community we have a lot of work do do. Still, some things are still needed from the government's end to make some of the programs that we need work. For example, there needs to be an extension of the unemployment benefits package. Our public schools are in crisis mode and there needs to be more attention and focus on that problem. So you won't get any arguments from me on those points.
"Apparently the New Black Panthers will be in Washington to confront Beck and Company, should prove to be interesting."
Well said, I still think that those guys might be FOX plants. :)
Anon 2:32 a.m., your Cubbies will not catch the Cards or Reds. And you can forget about a wild card spot. So sorry, this will be another year for you long suffering Cubs fans without a ring. the curse continues. :)
Mack Lyons, there you go flipping the script on folks.
Val, Levi is shopping for a reality show? Noooooooo.
blackinalabama, thanks for the 411 on that Politico article.
femicide is a global sport
Lets post that Mark Williams letter -
Dear Mr. Lincoln
We Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!
In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the 'tea party movement'.
The tea party position to "end the bailouts" for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn't that what we want all Coloreds to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us coloreds! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds.
And the ridiculous idea of "reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government." What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Coloreds we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions!
The racist tea parties also demand that the government "stop the out of control spending." Again, they directly target Colored People. That means we Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.
Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government "stop raising our taxes." That is outrageous! How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?
Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.
Precious Ben Jealous, Tom's Nephew National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Head Colored Person
memo to u: shame!!!!!!!
The New Black Panthers are such a joke that the founder of the Black Panthers, Bobby Seale, would just as soon have these idiots use another name.
Field, "Anon 2:32 a.m., your Cubbies will not catch the Cards or Reds. And you can forget about a wild card spot. So sorry, this will be another year for you long suffering Cubs fans without a ring. the curse continues. :)"
Now why you wanna try remove "hope" away from the Cubbies? What did the Cub fans ever do you? You are one cold dude.
And wipe that Clarence Thomas smile off your face.
Sharon from WI-"The New Black Panthers are such a joke that the founder of the Black Panthers, Bobby Seale, would just as soon have these idiots use another name."
They are more than a joke, they are a disgrace. Who do they think they are to even associate with the Panthers name? It's too bad there aren't any old Panthers left to speak out about this!
The new Black Panthers are a disgrace and ultimately a form of distraction.
The media isn't focusing on local community activists organizing for housing in Katrina, the serious work of the NAACP or the Urban League (instead of the Tea Party resolution stuff or burying the N word) or the US Social Forum. You know, real progressives doing real work.
These illiterate clowns are strawmen created by the Fox News crazies to distract and delay from a real battle with the Tea Party.
No Faux News has everyone (particularly stupid white people) up in a tizzy over fake Black Panther who are too stupid and illiterate to know the history or the real Panthers. Its another example of bait and switch.
Its about not showing the truth and confusing the issues.
"The media isn't focusing on local community activists organizing for housing in Katrina, the serious work of the NAACP or the Urban League (instead of the Tea Party resolution stuff or burying the N word) or the US Social Forum. You know, real progressives doing real work"
OK Anon. 6"16 p.m., I will cut them some slack. Especially since we beat them today.
LAC-"These illiterate clowns are strawmen created by the Fox News crazies to distract and delay from a real battle with the Tea Party.
No Faux News has everyone (particularly stupid white people) up in a tizzy over fake Black Panther who are too stupid and illiterate to know the history or the real Panthers. Its another example of bait and switch."
What makes you think Fox News has anything to do with it? Why is it that whenever Blacks do stupid things it's the fault of Fox News?
I think Fox has nothing to do with those ignoramuses. They are doing it for attention and show how screwed up the black community is.
BTW, StillaPanther2 apparently went to one of their meetings as an endorsement of what they are doing. Is he part of the Fox News conspiracy too?
It never ceases to amazed me how our folks can deny that there are morons in the black community.... It is always Fox News fault-as if we are soooo powerless, innocent, and brainless that Fox can set us up anytime it wants to.
Such bullshit...
Yeah ass-non,
There are morons in the black community.
But the NBPP is not a valued political arm of the Democratic Party.
The Tea Party is part of the Republican mainstream.
I condemn the NBPP and their hateful rhetoric.
Are You going to denounce Mark Williams and the racists of the Tea Party?
Here's your chance.
"Are You going to denounce Mark Williams and the racists of the Tea Party?
Here's your chance.
UTS, I will wait with you........
Hell where I get my flat screen tv?
I'm still watching my GE tv that's over 25 years old.
UTS-"Are You going to denounce Mark Williams and the racists of the Tea Party?
Here's your chance."
I wholeheartedly denounce Mark Williams and the Tea Party. Why would I condone them? And what do they have to do with the NBPP? The NBPP is hurting our community as fellow Blacks. Mark William is White and racist.
What do Arizona, Philly, and Utah have in common? the Republican Party is using voter intimidation in all those places. This is not about Panthers, this is about voter nullification. The current Governor of Arizona was the Secretary of State.Jan Bruner was involved in removing Hispanics from the voter rolls. Then you have government officials in Utah making a list of Hispanics to go after. The Republicans are scared that's why they are using dirty tricks and ratfucking.
the original BPP completely condemns the new BPP...always has!
they should sue to make these fools change their name
if the police harassed/stalked/slew the new BPP for one day the way they totrtured the BPP for decades...
these racist new jack wannabees would be history already!
mostly rabid/assnon:
name ANYTHING or ANY radio station where you have done ANYTHING...
we are all waiting!!!
my corporate and media resumes would blow your tiny mind u envious troll
got a time warp to go with those defective research skills and comical endless envy?
wigo was the first commercial radical political 24 hr AM talk station in atlanta long before it was sold out to tame evil apolitical church niggers like u....i was the original superstar of the original wigo...correct your homewk
kpfa was once the most radical legendary and the FIRST community radio station in the nation...i am eternally proud to be therE...
i FOUNDED WBML and was its original general mngr and pd and superstar dj...it is why i won a campus award in 1996 for what we achieved from 1982-1984...thanks for allowing me more kudos herein!!!
smile (this is way too much fuin!!)
wgst is STILL one of the top talk stations in america...and it rules the atl mkt to this date
thanks for helping me to brag in even more detail...
i am very proud to be a lifetime leader in academia/gay activism/feminism...u????
have u lead anything other than your man to his side pcs???
have u lead anything other than this blog into a x rated ghetto trash can??? "hot dogs water" and all? ie
do u boil top ramen to go with your escalating blood pressure you filthy psycho mf???
you have this really vulgar weird obsession with "diseased vaginas" that is almost as glaring as your obsession with envying me...
but you are supposed to be het/wed to a saint/your own pvt medicated monogamous tiger? wtf?
so research this:
how have you sniffed so many reeking vaginas other than your own?
do you have a lot of reeking dl lesbian dreg lovers to match the side pc stable of your own pvt tiger?
are you just toiling over too many reeking vaginal remnants in your own private tiger's dirty undies/laundry??
what is your motivation for your XXX reeking posts???
you are a reekingn envious inept icky trick!!!
ab, "the original BPP completely condemns the new BPP...always has!
they should sue to make these fools change their name"
I am not sure whether the BPP condemns the NBPP. StillaPanther2 made a comment about supporting them that made me think otherwise.
I wish the BPP would make it known that they don't condone the NBPP. That would be a BIG help to our community and a great political help and relief to many others. Plus it would make Beck and Megyn look like shit.
Field, now that Mark Williams has been banned from the Tea Party, what do you have to say about yourself?
You might want to look up David Webb, a sharp brother who is a national spokesman for the Tea party. Your accusations, along with UTS are, as usual, WRONG!
You two owe the tea party a sincere apology. I'm waiting.
Yes, my friend Devid Webb. More on him later.
As for that apology; let me think about it......
Anonymous said...
Field, now that Mark Williams has been banned from the Tea Party, what do you have to say about yourself?
You might want to look up David Webb, a sharp brother who is a national spokesman for the Tea party. Your accusations, along with UTS are, as usual, WRONG!
You two owe the tea party a sincere apology. I'm waiting.
I have the same response that Ta-Nehisi Coates have of the Tea Party in The Atlantic:
BTW, David Webb is a low down ass kissing tom ass coon.
Kid, you are a member of the NBPP and should be in prison in the prison pysche ward for haters and racists.
Oh wait a minute...you are already in prison in a pyche ward because you live in the ghetto of the ghetto of Claveland....never mind.
Look BITCH, how do you know IF I live in a ghetto or not? BTW, it's Cleveland not Claveland.
If the right keep inventing Black strawmen , they're going to have them. Because of white priviledge bigots put up their violent fantasies on the internet,do you think a brother will put up their plans of what they're going to do? If I was white and not "down" I would be scared shitless. Think about it .
"And what do they have to do with the NBPP? The NBPP is hurting our community as fellow Blacks."
How is the the NBPP hurting the black community??
They are a fringe brand of kooks with a membership of 12.
Were it not for FAUX TV broadcasting the speeches of Samir Shabazz every hour to divert from the blatant racism of a Republican constituency, nobody would have heard of them.
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