And now this from a poster over at the Jack & Jill blog called "whiterosebuddy". [I think that's their name]
Once again you and the rest of the black bloggers can go sit on a middle finger.
Who the hell are these black bloggers to criticize the NAACP what the hell have ANY of those loud mouth bloviators on the internet done to advance the cause of civil rights in this nation? What national policies have they written or fought to have implemented. What have they done in the halls of the legal justice system to right INJUSTICE UNDER THE LAW or ENFORCE DUE PROCESS.
All those whinning bloggers can kiss where the sun doesn't shine. They all need to call up Mr. Jealous and praise him for his tremendous act of courage to call out the TEA PARTY for harboring racists and fomenting racial hate.
NOT NARY one of those signifyin bloggers had the clout to do so on NATIONAL TV!! Nary one, including your echo chamber behind.
The NAACP should have ALL those bloggers respect by virtue of the fact that they have the opportunity to VOTE, go to SCHOOL and LIVE in housing as well as find employment without being discriminated against.
But you see all of them and you have an ENTITLEMENT ATTITUDE...you fail to recognize and be grateful for the lives you live with tremendously less racial strife and out and out HATE in your FACE. Where you kid is allowed to die in front of your eyes, cause the hospital refuses to care for a BLACK child where you spouse is injured and or maimed cause they were driving while black.
All you pseudo warriors can go straight to hell...because you are doing NOTHING to advance or progress race divisiveness in this nation...you are simply a bunch of sniveling, whinning, back stabbing keyboard warriors.
What you need to be doing is getting the netroots together to act collectively to achieve something of significance rather than thinking you can be the loud mouths of the internet opposing your own people and the very organization that makes it possible for you to even work, be educated and live in the very housing you do.
Y'all are nothing but a bunch of INGRATES.
How come you are not having a panel on race with your netroots folks...how come you and those black bloggers are not getting together with the FDL's and HUffPO folks that you always hugging up to? Why aren't you all supporting Jealous calling out the TeaParty...why aren't y'all organizing a protest or call for sponsors to boycott FOX...do SOMETHIN!
Please...you need to do something productive or else you need to STFU along with the rest of the DO-NOTHIN black bloggers. "
Once again you and the rest of the black bloggers can go sit on a middle finger.
Who the hell are these black bloggers to criticize the NAACP what the hell have ANY of those loud mouth bloviators on the internet done to advance the cause of civil rights in this nation? What national policies have they written or fought to have implemented. What have they done in the halls of the legal justice system to right INJUSTICE UNDER THE LAW or ENFORCE DUE PROCESS.
All those whinning bloggers can kiss where the sun doesn't shine. They all need to call up Mr. Jealous and praise him for his tremendous act of courage to call out the TEA PARTY for harboring racists and fomenting racial hate.
NOT NARY one of those signifyin bloggers had the clout to do so on NATIONAL TV!! Nary one, including your echo chamber behind.
The NAACP should have ALL those bloggers respect by virtue of the fact that they have the opportunity to VOTE, go to SCHOOL and LIVE in housing as well as find employment without being discriminated against.
But you see all of them and you have an ENTITLEMENT ATTITUDE...you fail to recognize and be grateful for the lives you live with tremendously less racial strife and out and out HATE in your FACE. Where you kid is allowed to die in front of your eyes, cause the hospital refuses to care for a BLACK child where you spouse is injured and or maimed cause they were driving while black.
All you pseudo warriors can go straight to hell...because you are doing NOTHING to advance or progress race divisiveness in this nation...you are simply a bunch of sniveling, whinning, back stabbing keyboard warriors.
What you need to be doing is getting the netroots together to act collectively to achieve something of significance rather than thinking you can be the loud mouths of the internet opposing your own people and the very organization that makes it possible for you to even work, be educated and live in the very housing you do.
Y'all are nothing but a bunch of INGRATES.
How come you are not having a panel on race with your netroots folks...how come you and those black bloggers are not getting together with the FDL's and HUffPO folks that you always hugging up to? Why aren't you all supporting Jealous calling out the TeaParty...why aren't y'all organizing a protest or call for sponsors to boycott FOX...do SOMETHIN!
Please...you need to do something productive or else you need to STFU along with the rest of the DO-NOTHIN black bloggers. "
Ouch! Well, on a lot of levels, this troubled poster is right. (Although not necessarily about Ms. Tubman, and I have never found myself "hugging up" to anyone or thing but the lovely Mrs. Field.) Certainly about us black bloggers. Netroots Nation is in full effect out in Las Vegas, and I am quite sure that most of the color there is from the beautiful casino decors and not necessarily the folks in attendance.
When it comes to fund raising and organizing in a cohesive manner, bloggers of color (present company included) have come up a little short. We do need to organize around certain issues that we can agree on, and we should leave the comfort of our homes and lap top keys and hit the streets from time time. (Although I am quite sure that my troubled friend wasn't leaving his/her comments from his/her computer while on his/her way to picket FOX NEWS.)
I love the Afrosphere (I was a co-founder) because it was a first step in organizing bloggers of color into a group. They have tried to organize as a collective and have had some success along the way. So folks are walking the walk, even if they aren't taking large enough steps for some people, they are at least trying. Which is more than I can say for some folks. (You know who you are. And don't try to figure out that link, it's an inside joke.)
I am not at the netroots confab, because, quite honestly, they never address issues that I truly care about. If other bloggers of color want to go and involve themselves with netroots nation, it's all good; just as long as they make the left leaning blogging community aware of issues that are important to us folks.
If they are there and not making others aware of those issues, I guess folks like my true warrior friend will continue to call out us "bloviators".
He underestimates the power of the pen, er, um ... keyboard.
I have had a problem with the NAACP for some years as Ida B. Wells said from its inception that is an organization with white heads and black bodies. If you have not read the biography "Ida : A Sword Among Lions: Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching", I recommend reading the book. The problems with NAACP are more profound that it goes back from the very beginning that it a part of the present. This is the same organization that had ideological differences with MLK. I cannot not discount the legal progress it has made, but it seems to be only method. If Charles Houston and Thugood Marshall did not make the strive of bringing Brown v Education before the Supreme Court, it would very difficult for me to justify their present existence. Actually, I still having a difficult time in justifying their present, I was kidding myself.
I have a problem with an organization that throws a woman under a bus when it had access of her speech in its entity at an NAACP event and did nothing to defend her. An organization known for its advocacy yet does not defend advocate for Shirley Sherrod. I blame the NAACP more so than the White House because it had access to her speech. I blame the White House for making a rash decision for asking for the woman's resignation. I am not giving the NAACP any money because its an ineffectual organization. It would be liken to me giving a mechanic money to fix the same problem over and over again. Jack and Jill has a tagline "A black bourgeoisie perspective on U.S. politics", which places the blog in a position of distinguishing itself from the other black people, and is the purpose of taglines but sets off a negative tone. I have no idea what they were thinking when came up with that tagline has it comes off has we have class and the other black people do not. This is a perception and I am not the any person who thought of it. Jack and Jill are certainly entitled to their opinion, and they have to accept that people will not agree with it and what's the meaning of the watermelon. I am going to stop writing now because I am putting way too much thought of what they think.
Co-sign with everything hennasplace said.
I hope Sherrod sues everyone and cashes out. No one was looking out for her interests. I'll also add, to whom you give your money is to whom you give your power. A few years ago, I looked at the expense list for the NAACP. It seemed to me the the biggest expenditure was not for legal fees or community activism, but fund raising and social events. Maybe my memory is faulty. I just expected more activism for people of color.
The reactionary behavior of the WH and amoral behavior of the NAACP is proof that far too many of us still fear whites and will do anything to appease them....even if it means harming ourselves.
I certainly don't kiss up to the HuffPo crowd. What have they done for me other than provide more sensationalized headlines than The Globe or National Enquirer?
With all this talk about the NAACP and the new Black Panther has anyone stop to wonder about the KKK and who are 'the new KKK'? Why havn't the media written anything about them? Did they just drop off the planet?
Thats where your focus needs to be; who are these painted black faces going into the black neighbourhoods killing people and committing random acts of violence?
Y'all bloggers should to be part of the solution and not the problem.
Sheese, we just had a shameful media lynching of Shirley Sherrod that exposed who the sniveling cowards really are, in media & far-too WHITE House, & sad to say, that part of the NAACP that loves those big contributor black tie dinners. I first learned the truth from blogs.
1. it annoys the hell out of me that most people say "netroots" and mean it as a blanket term that is supposed to include all people who blog. there is no "netroots." there are lots of people who blog, and subsets of that group (in which there is overlap among them) include activists, congressional staffers, union organizers, radicals, moderates, housewives, gays, party people, teens... only the SCLM treats the netroots as if it were a monolith.
2. NN is a convention like 0000s of others; some good things come out of it, a lot of talking takes place, sometimes politicians go there and make speeches and promises. but i don't think it's ever claimed to be more than just a convention. it's ridiculous to treat it as if the future of the Democratic party is being decided there.
3. NN is and always has been very white, as are the core group of organizers, for the most part. it's still way, way less pale than say, the republican alternative. which isn't saying much, but at least they make an honest effort to be inclusive at NN. i should know, i've been invited to and spoken on panels at NNs of the past.
4. real organizing and activism does mean leaving the computer once in a while. i am totally in agreement that many blogging folks could do a lot more than they do. but compared to the average american? sorry, but bloggers have a much better record of real activism than the general population. i'm totally bored by FOX-watching hypocrites, who wouldn't know the first thing about activism if it hit them in the face.
5. Afrospear is a lot of fun. just sayin. as are some of the other af-am bloggers lists i know of. and there's nothing wrong with just having fun, yo.
Netroots nation is a self important collection of lefty blowhards noted for shrillness without much evidence of concern for the issues impacting African Americans.
Senator Jim Webb recently made an interesting observation about how demographic changes have made a hash of 'Color' that hardly helps African America.
In general, 'white' people are now becoming a minority in a nation of new immigrants from the African Diaspora beyond the United States, from the Asian Subcontinent lands, from Africa itself and so on.
One might even argue that the President is an American African rather than an African American.
The point of Webb's remarks, and I don't have a link, is that all these new arrivals complicate a real need for redress of actual African Americans dragged here on slave boats back in the day.
The new arrivals don't carry the burdens borne by our homeland originals and it makes a hash, legally, of useful definition in order to allocate resources where they are really needed to cover the last leg of the journey toward African American fulfillment.
And neither NAACP nor 'netroots' seem to be doing much to make substantive contributions toward redress of very old grievances.
By contrast, Afro Spear makes a valuable contribution to this redress merely by existing as it is a network in place aligned to the potentials of post print and broadcast media which is fading.
When newspapers and broadcast relics finally head to that landfill in the sky, Afro Spear will be here and who knows what missions lay ahead for it?
Until 5 year ago I didn't know what a blog was and I had co-workers much younger than who didn't know much about them 2 years ago. Their interest were in social networking sites.
When I came to the net I became suspicious of bloggers who thought that blogs would become the new media. I also thought some thought way too much of their influence. I see a blog for what it is, a personal journal or a means of sharing other things found on the net or give real information on "Do it Yourself." On occasional some blogs stimulate the mind either in personal matters or in political thought. I find too many blogs who do not want opposing opinions, but are too cowardly to say so.
I am not sure that blogs have the power to organize and be activist in a significant way. I think the social networking sites have the reach to be able to do so. They also probably many more people involved overall. Blogs are not always easy to find.
Brother Field...different times..different people. That was a "tuff" indictment by the writer. Living actively in both times I can see the pains of the writer. NAACP represented a conduit to the powers to be at the time. In our civil rights days be a collective unit was needed for voice as well as legal protection.NAACP was there when the fight would advance their percieved power. Personally having to have had to ask for their help...they were very leery about local "small time Panthers" or others issues. They did force Blacks to contribute, seeing they were the longest and most honored. Now in my mind I feel that the Afro blogger dealing with todays social issues are infecting others to be more proactive. Brother Field.. you are a positive component with what you do. Getting with others may (blogg :)) you down with personalities. Do what you can but really dont wear that coat that the writer is holding out. Times are different..people are different. We know what need be done. StillaPanther2
I think the J&J blogger brings up some valid points, but the blogger is TOTALLY WRONG about the NAACP. The organization should have been criticized about throwing Ms. Sherrod under the bus...and rightfully, they were.
The NAACP has been at the forefront of most civil rights events, and is interwoven into the fabric of America's history. I remain positive about the contributions made by the NAACP, but really, are they above criticism? When the tape is from your own organization, why would you not take a look at it? Video evidence that's handled by someone else should NEVER be taken at face value. As the very horrible Breitbart said, CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING!
Mr. Jealous made a mistake, and he apologized for it. Ms. Sherrod accepted his apology. The NAACP deserved having a finger wagged at them, as well as the White House. Now hopefully we really know what we are up against regarding the right wing, the GOP and anti-Obama outlets such as FAUX NEWS. Now we can move on.
Blogs don't have the immediacy, they cant be the "church" where people meet to organize.
Jody had mentioned the good aspects of a "flash mob". In this tech savvy world Twitter and cell phones have become the organization tool. Think of the recent Iranian protest.
As someone above commented, I started getting turned off by the NAACP and some of these other fancy Negro groups (CBC included) after I attended one black tie even too many. Negroes primping and posing instead of trying to find ways to reach out to less fortunate Negroes and start a real movement from the ground up.
Hathor, I agree with some of what you say, but why can't personal blogs (just like social media) try to organize for fund raising etc collectively? I think the Netroots folks raise a lot of money for certain political candidates which are why mains stream A-merry-ca views them as a political force.
I also agree with Chicago Dyke, that netroots does not represent all people who blog, they are just a groups of organized political bloggers. No more, no less.
hennasplace, it's Sunday morning, so you might as well have church. :)
"With all this talk about the NAACP and the new Black Panther has anyone stopped to wonder about the KKK and who are 'the new KKK'? Why haven’t the media written anything about them? Did they just drop off the planet?"
NO they did not. Thanks to a very wealthy Australian they now have a television station. :)
Sorry, looks like I got cut off before.
8:47 AM
"Jody had mentioned the good aspects of a "flash mob". In this tech savvy world Twitter and cell phones have become the organization tool. Think of the recent Iranian protest."
True! So maybe we should be using technology to organize as well.
I agree with Field that you can use blogs and other social media outlets as a tool to organize people. Social media can have effective at bringing people together. The Obama campaign used social media to effectively organize people, so it evidence that it does work. However, we come down to human nature as you can lead the horse to water but you cannot make him drink it. People have to want to participate.
"Although I am quite sure that my troubled friend wasn't leaving his/her comments from his/her computer while on his/her way to picket FOX NEWS."
Which is why I hadn't paid the comment much attention when I saw it on JJP. And why I was surprised the Field brought it here. These words, when launched in accusory tones, tend to be from people who've forgotten the whole pot/kettle concept.
Brothers and sisters were out doin the danmn thing at Netroots Nation 2010. I've been following the tweets via the hashtag #NN10 on Twitter and live streaming online, and man it was indeed powerful to see some of "us" coming together to make it happen.
I have two powerful video clips on my blog featuring Van Jones. I think for some of us progressives (especially the black ones) his words are just what we need as we take the easy route of being down on Obama.
As you know, the internet is, and has become a powerful tool for everybody with an agenda, political or otherwise. And I think that with regards to people of color, in my opinion, some of us just haven't caught on to power of social media and it's impact politically. I'm a member of the AfroSpear also, but outside of that group and our collective works (no matter how small), I don't see our people coming together and or forming orgs and alliances to affect change.
I do think however, it is up to us to forge said alliances so that our concerns can be heard and addressed. If one right wing asshat blogger (Breibart) can make such an impact politically while playing for the other team, just think what we can all do together. The problem with "us" as I see it, we fall quickly to the divide and conquer tactics which are mostly played upon us, by us.
"Rippa, I am glad to hear that there were folks at Netroots addressing issues that are important to us folks.
And I agree with you and hennasplace about the potential power of social media.
"Which is why I hadn't paid the comment much attention when I saw it on JJP. And why I was surprised the Field brought it here."
Mack, I brought it here because even though I think that the particular poster is more than likely just talking the talk, there are quite a few folks out there who think like he does"
"We do need to organize around certain issues that we can agree on, and we should leave the comfort of our homes and lap top keys and hit the streets from time time."
That's probably on of the main issues. Many socially engaged bloggers tend to be middle class and higher. It's also seldom that they are involved in street level activity in places far removed from their own reality.
The same types of things could be said for groups like the NACCP and the Urban League. These groups tend to have more of a middle class constituency and they tend to be less involved in the grass roots levels in the most trouble neighborhoods. Instead, you see groups like the Nation of Islam going into the hardest hit communities and working with truly disadvantaged folks.
Damn it "Well", I am starting to agree with you more and more. Now that, my friends, is troubling. Common ground with Well.
Oh well, (pun intended) stranger things have happened. :)
I have been trying to post a response it doesn't appear to post
Thanks for the heads up, I tried to post this comment at the site. And it is not showing up..so I will post it here.
Happy Sunday to all. I am astonished that Field Negro decided to front page the post I wrote.
While it may sound accusatory to those unfamiliar with J&J it has become a well established pattern by Ms. Tubman to jump on the right wing talking point bandwagon to bash, Obama and the NAACP..so that was the fundamental basis for the intensity of the response. It is not an isolated incident, just as Jealous called out the TeaBaggers for the same reason.
While, I may not be headed to picket Fox, Field Negro, I am also not bashing the only venerated civil rights organization in this nation which has a legislative track record of success. Which goes to my other point where Ms. Tubman felt she could round up a bunch of blogger comments who were black to bash the NAACP. As if their views were a consensus amongst the black 'netroots' and by dent of race..black folks, as well. That was wrong. While times may be different..there is no other institution standing up for discrimination who has been as successful as the NAACP. That fact alone, should garner tremendous respect given our history. The NAACP deserves not only to be respected but should have given Ms. Tubman pause for far greater reflection and a far more thoughtful analysis of what COULD be done, rather than trying to tear something down when there is nothing or no one to step into the vacuum.
It seems only AA's have the ignorance to be complicit with those who seek to tear down the only group to dismantle centuries of LAWFUL discrimination and racist brutality. NO other institution has that standing. No other group commands that respect amongst mainstream America. NONE, has EARNED that respect, other than the NAACP. So, why would any AA be so ignorant as to bite off the hand that feeds it. If you wanna stand for change, DO SOMETHIN, don't BASH what you have yet to achieve.
I am certain that you are very happy to hug Ms.Fields...and it most feel far better and genuine...but alas..Ms.Tubman does hug up to HuffPO Huffington and FDL Hamsher and has proudly posted pictures of her smooze time with them...thus the remark.
Having said this..I am willing to discuss the issue...should others choose to.
my post was too long will post part 2
wrb whiterosebuddy
Happy Sunday to all. I am astonished that Field Negro decided to front page the post I wrote.
While it may sound accusatory to those unfamiliar with J&J it has become a well established pattern by Ms. Tubman to jump on the right wing talking point bandwagon to bash, Obama and the NAACP. So that was the fundamental basis for the intensity of the response. It is not an isolated incident, just as Jealous called out the TeaBaggers for the same reason.
While, I may not be headed to picket Fox, Field Negro, I am also not bashing the only venerated civil rights organization in this nation which has a legislative track record of success. Which goes to my other point where Ms. Tubman felt she could round up a bunch of blogger comments who were black to bash the NAACP. As if their views were a consensus amongst the black 'netroots' and by dent of race..black folks, as well. That was wrong. While times may be different..there is no other institution standing up for discrimination who has been as successful as the NAACP. That fact alone, should garner tremendous respect given our history. The NAACP deserves not only to be respected but should have given Ms. Tubman pause for far greater reflection and a far more thoughtful analysis of what COULD be done, rather than trying to tear something down when there is nothing or no one to step into the vacuum.
It seems only AA's have the ignorance to be complicit with those who seek to tear down the only group to dismantle centuries of LAWFUL discrimination and racist brutality. NO other institution has that standing. No other group commands that respect amongst mainstream America. NONE, has EARNED that respect, other than the NAACP. So, why would any AA be so ignorant as to bite off the hand that feeds it. If you wanna stand for change, DO SOMETHIN, don't BASH what you have yet to achieve.
I am certain that you are very happy to hug Ms.Fields...and it most feel far better and genuine...but alas..Ms.Tubman does hug up to HuffPO Huffington and FDL Hamsher and has proudly posted pictures of her smooze time with them...thus the remark.
wrb whiterosebuddy
to be continued, too long for one post
Having said this..I am willing to discuss the issue...should others choose to.
The NAACP made an error no doubt about it. What they do not deserve based on their historical significance is the bashing as if they are some 2-bit race hustler like FOX news has tried to portray them.
Anyone who watches the Sunday shows learned today that O'Rielly taped his remarks at 5pm, before Sherrod was fired, to air at 8pm and not once did he seek to verify the story. Fox news along with Breitbart are the viscious culprits for what happened to Ms. Sherrod. The WH and the NAACP were victims of a hostile media bent on fanning the fans of racial resentment so as to generate enough racial polarization to prevent President Obama being re-elected. That is the sole purpose of all this.
The NAACP has the exact opposite goal and all thinking AA's need to reconize that and get behind this insitution and make it better not try to discredit it with the help of the right wing conservatives.
The NAACP is under attack. Breitbart threw the firebomb and Fox addrd the accelerant for it to burn fast and furious.
So, let's focus our ire where it needs to be appropriately.
Nor is it an accident that cable news features far more BLACK conservatives today with opinions in numbers that are far disproportionate to the opinion within the black community, as if they are speaking an opinion held by many in the black community. Ms. Tubman followed this same journalistic model when posting her thread.
So, when Tubman claims to be a progressive and black bloggers claim to be liberals and jump on the same bandwagon, it outrages me.
It does not bode well for blacks in this nation..& that is where my passion lies and hope that we recognize.
happy Sunday
There is no doubt that the NAACP resume speaks for itself regarding its work to attain Civil Rights for black Americans (and as a consequence, all Americans).
The question is whether the NAACP is relevant in the 21st century?
I say that there will always be a place for the NAACP as long as there is an America, perhaps not in the prominent role it had from its inception to the 1970's.
Just my two cents.
I am glad that you used whiterosebuddy's comments for your article. Whiterosebuddy is on point!
The right wing is going to go after Shirley Sherrod, the NAACP, and Vilseck even harder in the next day or so. This is one of the biggest tricks I have seen, ever. If Shirley Sherrod was indeed awarded money under Pigford V Vilseck, and then hired, and then fired, this is gonna get really ugly.
First of all, I am an Afrospear blogger and I'm good a heated with the assumptions that the writer of this post tries to pass off as matter of facts.
I celebrated my first birthday the same year that Brown vs.Topeka Board of Education was ruled on by the Supreme Court. I have been an activist for decades. I still get up off of my butt and go to work where I reside. I've done work on all types of issues. So the assumption that we all just sit at our keyboards is the byproduct of a confused mind.
I am sick of talking about race. For those folks who haven't figured it out yet, I hope you get a clue soon. It is not an issue to me. Either you know what to do about the issues regarding race or you don't. I learned the old fashioned way, just by being born a Negro female in these United States who evolved into a Black woman.
I'm okay with the criticism that we could be doing more. That is true. But we were talking about Tea Party racism a year ago. Now all of the sudden we're suppose to get fired up over the NAACP doing so? Please! Someone needs to go to school and get their confusion organized around this aspect of the issue. They've been sitting back and enduring the taunts of Beck and Company for a year for their failure to respond to the acts of the Tea Party. So who really needs to check to see if they've got a set of mental balls?
Why should I thank Jealous for showing the nation how the oldest Back organization in America does not protect or defend Black women who come under fire by a racist?
I said it on my blog and I'll continue to say it because it is true.
If he was up on his game, he should of known that every action has a reaction. Our story is full of moments when even the elite was snookered. If he had not been lax about handling his business in this matter, then the outcome of the story would of been different.
And he wouldn't of come down on the same side of the racist who set the trap in the first place against Sheryl Sherrod.
By the way, my hometown chapter of the NAACP is not that politically active. They do work and it is good, but what they are about is not on my political agenda list. They are too self-contained for my style of political/social activism.
I'm not backing down off of this stance. It is my right as an American to express myself. If the person who wrote this post likes the NAACP and wants to support Jealous-so be it. I am going to do what I believe to be right. I'm going to call a thing by its real name so it exists. And if there is going to be thanks issued, he can send me a note because I worked my ass off to help win many of the freedoms that he enjoys.
I hope that the author of this rolls through and reads this comment. If they don't like it, come on to my site and let's have at it.
Anonymous @ 4:59 pm wrote:
Anyone who watches the Sunday shows learned today that O'Rielly taped his remarks at 5pm, before Sherrod was fired, to air at 8pm and not once did he seek to verify the story.
Mrs Sherrod said that she e-mailed her resignation at around 3:30 pm.
People, businesses, and political groups must change in order to stay relevant.
The NAACP needs to change some of it's focus and missions to meet the needs of this century. These so much work to be done in our communities, regardless of economic class. I could list issues for days. I'll bet not one is adequately being addressed by any of these organizations.
As I have written earlier, I do have a problem with an organization to did not defend Ms. Sherrod, a woman who supported it. If NAACP was not willing to come one person's defense, then how can it be an advocate for the community. We should hold the organization to a higher standard, and it should do every thing it can to bring forth issues affected poor African Americans because no one ever wants to discuss the class issue that is also a part of the race issue. Sherrod in her speak had an epiphany while helping the white farmer from losing his land, it is about the have and the have not. Wealthy have tricked the less unfortunate white people that have an higher status than of black people just to have a divide conquer between to prevent them from pulling their resources together and become a reckoning force against the wealthy. This has been going on since time and memorial to get groups to fight for the crumbs while the wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. The NAACP played in right into their hands. You have to hold the position never let them see you sweat because if you do, then you are down for the count. I had a conversation with an older woman today about the Sherrod, and she say that Sherrod should shut up and that the NAACP made a mistake and does not understand why the black community should not call them on it. Her argument is that white people make mistakes all the them, but when we do it is a big deal. That is a faulty argument to me because the NAACP played into white people's hands. It was a missed opportunity for the organization to say that we are not going to take this lying down and we have the wherewithal to fight. I know people think that Obama should say something about race, but whether we like it or not, he is not in the position to do because he is damned if does and damned if he doesn't. The President has signed the Financial Reform Act, and the extension unemployment benefits and it does not matter because race became the top new story this week. That is the plan of the right to throw race into the mix and not pay attention to anything else. However, this should not prevent the NAACP from taking up the fight and not blink. The NAACP did not come to the aid of ACORN either. It is amazing how I am not to critique the NAACP when it is necessary to do. My
The blogger that wrote the post can kiss my royal black ass.
I have been critical of the NAACP for over scores of years, even when I was on the Board of the Boston Branch of the NAACP (as the Youth Director) back in the 1970's during the the school desegregation.
I have blogged about the National NAACP's opportunist shit for many a year.
Yes, I wrote that the National President of the NAACP is disgrace and a sell-out and should consider resigning as President of the national NAACP.
Yes I wrote that he is part of the new crew of colored people advancing their own agenda, not a black empowerment or capacity building agenda.
Yes I wrote that I agree with Black blogger, Gina at What About Our Daughter, and her on point comments about the NAACP President, when she says:
"I thought Jealous was a young idealistic fool, but instead he's turned out to be a cynical mealy mouth coward of the highest order... and jelly-spined did I mention jelly-spined?"
Yes, I said I also agree with Gina at the blog What About Our Daughters who wrote:
"The NAACP is really the NAAMCP (National Association of Male Colored People). Tell me how the NAACP's male President starts some MESS with tea partiers and a Black woman ends up being the one to lose her job? Not only do they only appear to mobilize solely for the benefit of humans with penises, they have a proclivity for throwing Black women UNDER the bus and then shanking them in the back."
Yes, I have asked the question why is it that the national NAACP President, Ben Jealous, joined in the electronic lynching of Ms. Sherrod? From my point of view, Ben Jealous comes to the NAACP from the Rosenberg Foundation, a private, California-based group with a lack of experience on the national stage, and is making some ill advised decisions. He may be Rhodes Scholar book smart, but he sure is common sense ignorant.
Are we, black bloggers, suppose to be quiet, as the NAACP get well financed by Wells Fargo and their Mexican Drug Lords?
As I said, The writer of can kiss my royal black ass.
Read more: AA Political Pundit http://aapoliticalpundit.blogspot.com/#ixzz0ujo4msq2
Read more: AA Political Pundit: NAACP President Ben Jealous Your Wrong. Shirley Sherrod Is Right! http://aapoliticalpundit.blogspot.com/2010/07/naacp-president-ben-jealous-your-wrong.html#ixzz0ujm9IDcs
Correction: As I said, The writer can kiss my royal big black ass.
Damn AAPP, why don't you just come out and say how you really feel? :)
WTB, I am glad you saw my post and commented. Don't be "astonished" that I used your comments for the basis of my post; I am assuming that's why you wrote your comments in the first place; to start a debate and to vent your opinions.
I cannot speak to what you said about the blog J&J, because, unfortunately, I do not lurk over there enough. But I thought that it was the job of bloggers to be honest and critical regardless of whom it hurts. I think that's what some folks are doing with O and with the NAACP. Just as you are doing with J&J.
"The NAACP needs to change some of it's focus and missions to meet the needs of this century. These so much work to be done in our communities, regardless of economic class. I could list issues for days. I'll bet not one is adequately being addressed by any of these organizations."
Smashed...that's well put.
I think the NAACP of the 21th century should do what it did best. I think they should lobby to affect laws that disproportionally harm Black folk. The drug possession sentencing laws are an example. Also to investigate reform in the Justice system. The Innocence Project should have been initiated by the NAACP, since most of those found to be innocent have been Black.
@Hathor 7:59
I agree with you.
Much of what else folks are critiquing about the NAACP in terms of poverty & comunity programs has not been their traditional role.
If these upstarts with no greatness behind their names to claim nor projects of any merit that have uplifted the community...want to bitch whine and moan...they simply do our community a huge disservice.
Surely, we can criticize the NAACP in a CONSTRUCTIVE manner without doing the work of the right wing conservatives.
Much of this bloviating is nothing but hotairandnosubstance...and it certainly is not regal or royal in any sense.
oops that was WRB 8:27 @ Hathor
each day i awake, i am more amazed by black hobama nazis that flagrantly censor any free speech that indicts hobama...
no censorship for any prez!!!
no excuses for the naacp/usda/hobama!!!
Field, I'm also glad I saw your post and commented.
I was not "astonished" that you used JJ politics for the basis of your post. They do great work.
Field, You are one of the great African American bloggers, and provide great discussion and debate on critical issues, that the NAACP should debate on it's "weak ass" so called "new" NAACP "corporate" blog.
How does the NAACP have 100 of thousands of members, and can't create a relevant blog or relevant Facebook page that provides national dialogue, debate, and discussion? I thought new new NAACP President was hip to new technology ... whatever!
But hey, black bloggers are not the only ones seeing how wacked the NAACP is.
Check out DeWayne Wicham article in US Today about how the NAACP has failed to keep the heat on Barack Obama.
Field, you always bring honest and critical discussion on the critical issues regardless of whom it hurts.
Keep doing what you do Field.
Field Negro,
Yes, you are correct I did want to spark debate and vent. I am just use to the debate being sparked on the thread where the post was originally made. I did not anticipate this broad exposure manner of doing so. It's all good.
I have to say my core message and where I am coming from is honestly one which I learned as a member of a family. If someone like my uncle, brother, cousin, sister whatever, was a scondrel or engage in some less than upstanding acts whether it was a minor or major faux pax I would criticize them at home and we all as a family would get up their patooty. HowEVER, what we would not do is engage in bashing them in the public square.
Obama and NAACP belong to my race family. I am not going to bash them in public or take any actions that will bolster political opponents.
The mainstream media is going to do enough of that on their own. The GOP staunchly advocates for their political side and does not criticize their own ever in public, on blogs or as pundits on cable.
It is worse when we do this to the most venerated civil rights institution, when we KNOW they were RIGHt to call out those TeaBaggers..even if some think it was a year late. NO ONE ELSE EVER in that YEAR stepped up and represented US. And now when the NAACP does, we are gonna let those hate mongerers say THEY are racist?!
That darn RonChristie, never said a bad thing about the GOP or Bush. Neither did Ken Mehlman, DickArmey, O'Connell, Cantor, Boehner...etc.
They all adhere to one message in the public square and they consistently uphold that political message. Always twist it to their advantage..even now they are trying to call Sherrod racist for saying Breitbart wants to take us back to slavery times.
That is what so enrages me about progressives, Democrats, so called netroots 'black bloggers'....it is like everyone went apeshyt and started attacking the WH, the Obama administration and the NAACP..rather than the culprit BREITHBART and FOX news. They added fuel to the firestorm instead of a hose.
A better head line for that thread where I made this post, would have been Breitbart and Fox News Brand NAACP as racist.
And then have a discussion on how they were decieved and snookered all in an attempt to racemonger and whip up white racial resentment.
We should have been talking about the southern strategy and how FOX had been running racists incidents all week..between the black Panthers, accusing the Justice department of not investigating racism and then the Sherrod branding..all within in days of the NAACP coming out to say the TeaBaggers need to disown the racists in their group.
All they wanted to do was attack the NAACP and discredit them, how could black bloggers not have seen this REAL political TRUTH?
Cause that was the REAL story.
Heck Breitbart, said as much, he wanted to show the NAACP to be racist because they called out racist elements within the TeaParty.
To me, that is how the black bloggers should have fought back against the mainstream medai and conservative message.
Breitbart is complaining he didn't call for Sherrod's resignation, well when you publically defame someone you are going after their career. He and FOX news should have been the ones to bear the brunt of what transpired here.
NOT the NAACP nor Obama.
I think community and poverty should be the current focus of the NAACP. I really do not understand why poverty should not be tackled considering the present climate of high unemployment which is the highest of African Americans. Every organization has to change its focus to meet the demands of what's happening at the moment. Yes, the organization should continue with the legal arm, but there is also a social arm that has be to met as well. Childcare for single mothers, jobs training or teaching how to start a business. One of the greatest opportunities unmet by the Civil Rights movement was the inclusion of poor working blacks and MLK tried to do that during the last six months of his life. The reality the movement did help many African American from the middle class at the aid of the black working class. This is why that is not only about race, but class, and no one wants to have a discussion about it. The NAACP legal focus is on civil rights issue, and does very little work on criminal cases. In those criminal cases, once again defendants involved are poor who are wrongfully convicted of a crime. Ida B. Wells wanted the NAACP to have focus on lynching, but others felt differently. After all, there were black intellectuals in the organization at the time and I am not saying that it was an insidious plot against the poor blacks, but they just were not at the top of the list. I think people need to learn more about the history of the NAACP to get a broader picture of the organization and look at the not only the successes, but flaws, and go on to make the organization better. I'm just saying.
i do not care what white people think about black truths
and whites bash each other constantly in public
all wounds heal best in open air
whites publicly heal their wounds
while whispered hidden black wounds fester...shame!!!
Thanks AAPP, I know that you have been fighting the good fight in the blogosphere for a long time. And I appreciate that.
WRB, I understand your position: Don't air your dirty laundry, keep it in house. I get it. And, honestly, I spend most of my time focusing on the dark forces of evil such as the clowns over at FOX and their minions. Not the folks at the CBC and the NAACP. It's just that when they do wrong we have to call them on it.
Trust me, as an attorney I understand the historical role the NAACP played with many legal battles. But please read and try to understand what some other posters have said about them losing their way.
Question: Isn't J&J considered in house? It’s not like they are on The FAKE NEWS station ripping black folks.
"I have to say my core message and where I am coming from is honestly one which I learned as a member of a family. If someone like my uncle, brother, cousin, sister whatever, was a scondrel or engage in some less than upstanding acts whether it was a minor or major faux pax I would criticize them at home and we all as a family would get up their patooty. HowEVER, what we would not do is engage in bashing them in the public square."
"Obama and NAACP belong to my race family. I am not going to bash them in public or take any actions that will bolster political opponents."
"The mainstream media is going to do enough of that on their own. The GOP staunchly advocates for their political side and does not criticize their own ever in public, on blogs or as pundits on cable."
"It is worse when we do this to the most venerated civil rights institution, when we KNOW they were RIGHt to call out those TeaBaggers..even if some think it was a year late. NO ONE ELSE EVER in that YEAR stepped up and represented US. And now when the NAACP does, we are gonna let those hate mongerers say THEY are racist?"
"They added fuel to the firestorm instead of a hose."
"A better head line for that thread where I made this post, would have been Breitbart and Fox News Brand NAACP as racist."
"And then have a discussion on how they were decieved and snookered all in an attempt to racemonger and whip up white racial resentment."
"We should have been talking about the southern strategy and how FOX had been running racists incidents all week..between the black Panthers, accusing the Justice department of not investigating racism and then the Sherrod branding..all within in days of the NAACP coming out to say the TeaBaggers need to disown the racists in their group."
"All they wanted to do was attack the NAACP and discredit them, how could black bloggers not have seen this REAL political TRUTH?"
You made some very good and wise points that I agree with and that others on here should pay attention to and take heed, because that old "Southern Stragedy" is definitely in full play regarding the NAACP, Obama, and Sherrod.
Nevertheless, don't write the Afrosphere off as non-effective either, because that's not true. However, both the NAACP and Afrosphere have a part to play in our struggle, both are needed, and both could do better and the only thing preventing that, frankly speaking, is egos getting in the way. Nonetheless, like the word says, if you find fault in your brother go to them and try to reconcile your differences. Like you I don't think those differences should be aired out in public for all eyes to see.
We are living in an era where we are in a fight for our very existence as well as keeping the freedoms we now have. This really is the time when by any means necessary holds true than it ever has in the past. Now is the time to unite like never before. United we stand, divided we fall.
Sup Granny? I missed your wisdom.
Hey Field:
I missed you and each and every one that post on the Afrosphere blog. So, I am really glad to be back. :)
Field Negro,
With regards to J&J as family...as mentioned earlier..Ms.Tubman consistently posts threads which support the right wing mainstream talking points about the Obama administration. They are too numerous and such a consistent pattern that it infuriates me.
As far as I can tell, Ms. Tubman is the AmyHolmes of the netroots. She even did a thread protesting Obama calling himself Black on the US census!
She denounced him for claiming being black and claimed he was disowning his white heritage!!!!
Such specious threads have EARNED her the response that I wrote that you have posted here.
Ms.Tubman has not demonstrated that she is a credit to the race at all when it comes to political awareness of how this media is trying to bring down this administration.
Being in the legal field I am certain you are well aware of the achievements. I would like for the NAACP to move forward with the sentencing disparity cases.
They have a big role to play in terms of bringing pressure to bear on this administration to dismantle vestiges of legal discrimination. And to call out the racist hatemongering that Fox news spews out daily.
I am certain there are numerous other areas of outreach for our community as well. I prefer for the NAACP to focus on what they have shown they do best.
I wish that young attorneys who are our best and brightest would sign on to work as legal counsel for the NAACP, because the organization does need new blood.
Thank you for the thoughtful feedback.
I have not written off the afrosphere. I feel they have a role to play that can be as impactful as what Breitbart has done...only constructively and credibly calling out the racist patterns of media coverage that is trying to dismantle this Presidency.
I beleive the black bloggers should make it their aim to laser focus on the conservative media bias..to create so much noise until Kurtz, CNN, ABC, NBC, and the rest are forced to cover this blatant racemongering.
It is very clear to me that the GOP has nothing other than race to attack this administration with in order to siphon off the white vote 'cause he hates them' and the black vote 'cause he ain't supporting us'....this is the deviousness of all the racial fans being flamed.
To take bake Congrss and the WH..that's all.
Now the rest of the politicians they could get on all types of corruption and scurrilous behavior that begat Watergate, Travelgate, IranContragate, Monicagate...but this President don't have a nasty trail like that, even though he acknowledges they all swimming in dirty water.
The only thing they have is RACE.
And what we are watching is RACEGATE.
The 44th President being strung out and out over RACE!!
Which is white folks problem..they have made HIS problem...and blacks problems with their hate filled messages of dastardly events, that are just inflammatory to create racial animosity from both blacks and whites.
Otherwise they WILL NOT have the votes.
So, if black bloggers seek a productive POLITICAL role for this historic Presidency that i is it.
Mack, I brought it here because even though I think that the particular poster is more than likely just talking the talk, there are quite a few folks out there who think like he does"
Hi Field,
That's my friend Whiterosebuddy. She is a fierce defender & supporter of the President. She helps us keep our eyes on the prize. She & Shanti both talk the talk and walk the walk. They never waver. They've been this outspoken in their defense/support from the beginning. Both work very hard not only with their time but with their money to support this President. Shanti worked her rear off and was rewarded with a seat sitting directly behind the President at a Minnesota Rally last year. I've come to know both ladies personally. They're good people!
Amen, that is what it is all about RACEGATE. The GOP has always used reverse tactics so to speak, they accuse others of what they are guilty of and Fox is their mouthpiece. People should have learned that lesson when Kerry ran for President. It is a pattern with them that has not changed. Old habits are hard to break and don't die overnight, especially when they are embedded in a person's heart, soul, and mind.
When Fox came up with those edited tapes of Rev Wright and ACORN, I was hoping that right there would open people's eyes to their dirty tactics. You see, Fox is out to destroy anyone who supported President Obama or whomever they think was instrumental in helping him get elected. Roger Ailes is a die-heart racist, vicious, and mean-spirited man and so are those who work under him. Rupert Murdoch is from Australia and he brought with him his bigotry because I am sure I don't have to tell anyone how racism flows freely in Australia.
Check out this link, the hat tip was to me:
You see, I've battled with Fox before, and they threatened to sue behind what took place after that incident above, and my attitude was go for it. I'm not going to go into all of what went down, its a long story, but they hurried up and back off and left it alone. I know how to play hard ball too real good. And that Hal Turner incident, also, happens to be the real underlying reason and ulterior motive behind why the New Black Panthers have stayed on and are on Fox's hit list of people to destroy because Malik brought up Hannity and Hal Turner's relationship on Hannity's show and caught him off guard. Due to some of the controversial things said by the New Black Panthers and Fox's hatchet job on them, the majority of people would never believe that the New Black Panthers were innocent and being set up by Fox to be destroyed and brought down as they are trying to do with President Obama and his administration.
Nevertheless, Whiterosebuddy, you are on target nailing a bulleye.
Justice58, thanks for the 411 on WRB. It helps to humanize the words. And, it explains a lot.
WRB, I hear you about the wingnuts, and I have no love for them. I see what they are doing with the race baiting and other tactics.
I will just have to start reading J&J more before I can weigh in on this debate in a more honest and credible way.
I love whiterosebuddy's honesty, saying what we all know to be true. Blogs like Gina the sister of Ann rabid Coulter of WAOD or Amy what's her whiney face, start with what looks like a valid premise and end up as an unconstructive petty self centered rantfest. Biatchfest to put it nicely.
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