Everyone in A-merry-ca is tripping over their president going on "The View." "He is the president." "It is beneath him." "He shouldn't demean the office by going on such a show." Stop it. Bubba was getting (hide the children) BJ's in the people's house, and my man JFK was getting his freak on with a certain blond. So enough already. This is 2010. And I understand that times are rough, but if his O ness wants to sit down with a bunch of ladies on national television it's all good as far as I am concerned. Hey A-merry-ca, I think the guy can walk and chew gum at the same time.
And, honestly A-merry-ca, you need to quit. You have a bunch of reality show freaks ringing the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange. Is there a larger symbol of A-merry-can capitalism and might than Wall Street?
What else? Oh yeah, further proof that we are in a post-racial A-merry-ca. It seems that "Essence Magazine" now has a white editor h/t to Moufbreatha for the link. I will have to ask Mrs. Field what she thinks of that one.
"This is actually an interesting debate! Of course it's easy to simply ejaculate, "Hiring should be colorblind!" But should it be, in all cases? No, probably not! Do we not criticize various important magazines for having a dearth of, for example, black writers and editors, because that dearth leads to gaping holes in their coverage and a general cultural ignorance on staff? We do! In other words, we (meaning "liberals who talk about the media") generally feel that it is important to have diverse staffs at magazines, not only out of a basic sense of fairness in hiring, but also so that the magazines do not suck.
So, then, we allow that race is a legitimate factor to consider in hiring, generally. And more specifically, we must allow that race (or ethnicity, or national origin, or gender) may be more relevant in certain jobs. Might a magazine legitimately want its Mexico City correspondent to be Mexican? Indeed it might! Likewise, might a black women's magazine want its fashion editor, responsible for dictating coverage of black women's fashion, to be a black woman? Indeed it might, legitimately!"
And, honestly A-merry-ca, you need to quit. You have a bunch of reality show freaks ringing the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange. Is there a larger symbol of A-merry-can capitalism and might than Wall Street?
What else? Oh yeah, further proof that we are in a post-racial A-merry-ca. It seems that "Essence Magazine" now has a white editor h/t to Moufbreatha for the link. I will have to ask Mrs. Field what she thinks of that one.
"This is actually an interesting debate! Of course it's easy to simply ejaculate, "Hiring should be colorblind!" But should it be, in all cases? No, probably not! Do we not criticize various important magazines for having a dearth of, for example, black writers and editors, because that dearth leads to gaping holes in their coverage and a general cultural ignorance on staff? We do! In other words, we (meaning "liberals who talk about the media") generally feel that it is important to have diverse staffs at magazines, not only out of a basic sense of fairness in hiring, but also so that the magazines do not suck.
So, then, we allow that race is a legitimate factor to consider in hiring, generally. And more specifically, we must allow that race (or ethnicity, or national origin, or gender) may be more relevant in certain jobs. Might a magazine legitimately want its Mexico City correspondent to be Mexican? Indeed it might! Likewise, might a black women's magazine want its fashion editor, responsible for dictating coverage of black women's fashion, to be a black woman? Indeed it might, legitimately!"
Hmmm, all I know is that when I go into my favorite Chinese restaurant I don't see no black folks working there. I am just sayin.
DIdn't Chris on Everybody Hates Chris work at a Chinese restaurant? I guess that only happens on TV.
Time, Inc. says jump and Essence says how high.
Hopefully, I won't forget to watch the view tomorrow. I can't wait to see what type of dumb question Elizabeth will ask for Hannity tomorrow. I'm willing to bet that Hannity has given her a list of BS to ask.
The goal of the White Middle Class® is to be blind, not necessarily to color.
At the very least, as nearsighted as Mr. Magoo.
It seems if a place serves sushi it will have black employees.
The President on the View? In terms of what is appropriate or not, I wonder if there are any boundaries for the President?
Good move for essence in hiring a competent writer and editor. They have been lacking. This will bring a bigger audience and expand their circulation. Great insight on their part.
Obama has time to go on the View, but has no time for the NAACP. How interesting! Regardless, Blacks will still vote for him, no matter how he may treat them because everyone knows that Blacks have no choice...
So, Field keep on defending the O'man...you have no choice.
Anonymous said...
Obama has time to go on the View, but has no time for the NAACP. How interesting! Regardless, Blacks will still vote for him, no matter how he may treat them because everyone knows that Blacks have no choice...
So, Field keep on defending the O'man...you have no choice.
11:54 PM
Anon, I feel you, but remember this is politics, not personal. It could be because the majority of (white) America want a less scary Negro President. Because of our racially charge politics and the over catch-22 of being the first Black whatever at your job -- you both must not speak of race while constantly being aware of it.
The reality that the only people who wouldn't gawk and sneer at the O-man paling around with the Negro Talker Class are, well, us.
Sad, but that's the goofball, immature country we live in. America would rather have their brown skinned President sipping tea with a bunch of chatty old hens than the possibility of hearing said brown skinned President rally Blacks to stomp a few Republicans.
Blacks working in Chinese restaurants?
Nothing in the world stops a black restaurateur from opening a Chinese restaurant. But for some reason, it has never happened.
It's not as though there's a law prohibiting blacks from operating businesses rooted in other cultures and races.
Meanwhile, I've never seen a Chinese waiter at Sylvia's Soul Food Restaurant in Harlem.
No_slappz, you rarely see Chinese waiters outside of Chinatown in New York, and you know it. Please put away your strawmen.
la coincidental, you wrote:
Sad, but that's the goofball, immature country we live in. America would rather have their brown skinned President sipping tea with a bunch of chatty old hens than the possibility of hearing said brown skinned President rally Blacks to stomp a few Republicans.
Yeah. When the going gets tough, the wimps go on The View.
Let's see. The oil flowing out of the now plugged well in the Gulf of Mexico has disappeared. Can't find it anywhere. Whoops. That means the clean up and compensation for Gulf businesses will bring in a lot less than the hysterically driven $20 Billion.
Iran is spouting renewed threats. And North Korea, after sinking a South Korean naval vessel, is now threating to launch a nuclear attack if the US "provokes" Kim Jong Il with more US naval exercises in the region.
The WikiLeak crew have handed documents to the main stream media that have revealed serious flaws in US military operations in Afghanistan.
Arizona wants stop the flood of illegal immigrants sneaking over its border, but Obama is opposed to Arizona's effort. Undoutedly because he's planning to offer amnesty to all illegal immigrants already in the country. What's a few more?
His idiotic wind and solar energy plans are producing nothing of value. Not jobs, not cheap energy. But taxpayers are getting unnecessary bills to finance Obama's folly.
Inasmuch as every plan he's enacted since inauguration day has underperformed or failed, it's obvious the only safe place he can go is onto this goofy show.
It's also sadly amusing to know this clown president smokes.
la coincidental, you wrote:
No_slappz, you rarely see Chinese waiters outside of Chinatown in New York, and you know it. Please put away your strawmen.
Please. Who staffs the Chinese restaurants found in every part of the city, including Harlem?
Anyway, there are no white employees at Sylvia's Soul Food Restaurant in Harlem. It's okay with me. But that's how it is.
It's amazing how folks (mostly right wingers like our man no_slappz) seem to think that one TV appearance somehow indicates that a President that pushed through:
Financial Reform
Healthcare Reform
Stabilized then Ended TARP
Propped up the auto industry
Extended family benefits to LGBT workers in Federal non-government jobs
Cut loads of pork from the military budget
and a bunch of other stuff is sitting on his ass while known loafers like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, well, actually sat on their asses and did nothing.
Dude goes on a 1 hour TV show and suddenly the sky is falling.
Yeah, I know Field. Americans are a buncha babies.
I think the whiners about the View need to be lined up against a wall and spanked (or shot with tazers). He's going on there for 1 hour, not co-hosting for a month. There are 24 hours in a day and 12 working ones. I'm sure he can spare 1 hour for this show and work on the Economy while flying back to Washington.
Speaking of Economy, The Situation should've slapped around those Wall Street fuckers. It would have made the Situation a whole lot better.
I say give the editor a chance. If she knows her shit about weaves and that coconut gel, she should stay. If not, then she should go.
Know your target audience. Besides, she's only 1 editor, not the CEO. You whiners should be lined up against a wall and spanked (or shot with tasers).
Agentx, LOL!
Now let's not forget about she must know how to use flat irons because believe it or not there are a lot of black women whose long hair is real and they were born with it. And she must be able to choose the right black products when picking out makeup. Makeup products made for white women don't work too well or blend with black women's skin. Oh yeah, as long as she knows that to give a black woman a perm you use relaxers and that cold wave perms that white women use don't work on black women's hair she should be fine that is if she has a good eye for fashion.
Oh I almost forgot, she must know that you comb black women's hair out if it's wet by starting with the ends and working your way up to the roots.
I think no_slappz has a learning disability; therefore, he wouldn't be able to distinguish between someone sitting on their ass and someone who has actually been working his ass off. In fact, our resident racist seems to have a major comprehension problem as well as a problem dealing with true facts. I'd write him off as irrelevant as far as having any meaningful convo on this blog with him because it is like talking to a dummy. I'm referring to those types of dummies that you have use a ventriloquist with. Well...he's a stormfront dummy. I bet he even sports one of those Stormfront tatoos and a bald head. He sucks as a human being, maybe, he is a reincarnation of an ass.
Damn, Granny. You took it to him on this one. You didn't have to -- normally I just treat ol Slappy like a piece of bark on a tree in a forest. You don't pay attention to it unless you want to and it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Meanwhile, teabaggers are using any and every single excuse in the book to devalue the President's effectiveness, citing his appearance on the View as a clear indication of how he's "sitting on his ass". That and the fact that it doesn't seem all that manly to appear at what amounts to a televised hen party.
Very few people realize that this man, by virtue of his race and the racial relations of this country, is working one hell of a highwire act, where even the slightest wrong move can render his term a lame (or dead) duck until 2012. After that, its a wrap and the GOP gets a clear shot of putting the "right" person in charge of the oval office.
Mack, I know, I know, granny bad girl. -->granny smiling a mischievous grin.
BTW, President Obama is going through his storm right now, but everything is gonna work out. After every storm there is a rainbow.
That new fashion editor could give Whoopi some fashion advice. I'm still trying to figure out if that is a moo-moo or a shirt she has on in the picture.
Hey Field, came across this that sort of fits in to your post which you might find interesting.
"Anon, I feel you, but remember this is politics, not personal. It could be because the majority of (white) America want a less scary Negro President. Because of our racially charge politics and the over catch-22 of being the first Black whatever at your job -- you both must not speak of race while constantly being aware of it."
anon, You prove my point: Blacks will fabricate any reason that goes against themselves every time. You have just made up a reason in your head 'why' Obama supports other groups but can't for them. That's a common perverse pattern of denial many Blacks have developed because it's too painful to think otherwise.
It's for this reason that Blacks get suckered over and over again. The funny thing is, Obama hasn't tried to fool them. It's Blacks who are fooling themselves! Even in the face of evidence, folks like Field are standing watch for 'brotha' Obama.
By now you must have wondered what 'kind' of 'brotha' is Obama? Has he been supportive of Blacks?
How do you think Shirley Sherrod would answer those questions?
Does he stand on Principle or does he react at just the thought of Glen Beck and Fox?
Yeah, yeah, I know...it's because of politics, it's nothing personal.
"Anyway, there are no white employees at Sylvia's Soul Food Restaurant in Harlem. It's okay with me. But that's how it is."
I won't even give a closing argument. The prosecution will rest their case.
"Good move for essence in hiring a competent writer and editor. They have been lacking. This will bring a bigger audience and expand their circulation. Great insight on their part."
Yes, that's kind of how I feel about A-merry-ca and her first black Prez. ;)
"..and a bunch of other stuff is sitting on his ass while known loafers like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, well, actually sat on their asses and did nothing."
Yep.(See what Mack Lyons said)
Granny, I love your sense of optimism. I wish I had mroe of that. I am such a cynic.
I thought the point of Essence, was that is was not supposed to be the brown version of Cosmo, but from I have heard that is was it has become since it was sold. I have not read it in years so personally I don't know if a white editor would make any difference. In ref to what Granny said there have been a few Black bloggers who have complained that there hasn't been enough coverage and information about how to wear natural hair.
Granny, "BTW, President Obama is going through his storm right now, but everything is gonna work out. After every storm there is a rainbow."
Granny you are full of old sayings that don't fit reality. What is that rainbow you are talking about? Does it include Blacks or will he continue to treat us like he did Shirley Sherrod?
Field, "Bubba was getting (hide the children) BJ's in the people's house, and my man JFK was getting his freak on with a certain blond."
Have you forgotten that those Presidents were White, and this one is Black? They are not equal in the eyes of America.
One would hope that Obama would have higher standards and elevate the office of the President to the level it should be. Just because some Presidents lowered the standards of the office by wallowing in the gutter does not mean Obama should. He cannot afford to do what they did...he is not White and should rise above such crap.
anon 8:05,
You forget that Obama may want to be re-elected and to do that has to be a politician and go where the voters are. He also has to appeal to those same demographic that Sarah Palin appeals to. Guess whose watching The View. Should the President only lecture on Constitutional Law in the Ivy Leagues.This is a democracy, where my vote is as important as a Harvard professor.
Essence has been an insidious danger to black women for some time now. I am not surprised.
And its no surprise how some people on this blog just won't "get it" as to why this situation would be important and outrageous to some black women living in this already discriminative, black female insensitive and "white" beauty dictating society.
I'll come back to this.... "The devil wears payless" just walked into my office. bye
if essence can put reggie bush/oj redux on its cover, a qualified literate white editor is a step UP!!!
i hate essence magazine
honey magazine is much better!!!
it has been better than essence from day 1
i do not care that hobama is on tv
he has been on tv for yrs
i hate that hobama is still playing american idol games while america is rapidly DYING!!!!...
i hate that hobama is playing celeb on tv while most of us have no cable/lights/are jobless/homeless/hopelessly unchanged etc.....
Very few people realize that this man, by virtue of his race and the racial relations of this country, is working one hell of a highwire act, where even the slightest wrong move can render his term a lame (or dead) duck until 2012.
If that's true, why did he get the nomination again? Why elect someone who can't bring on any issue that he/she needs to?
Secondly, you know what will really make him a lame duck? Not figuring out the jobs crisis. If you think he can get reelected by walking a tightrope, then you are sorely mistaken. The current economic climate won't allow for that.
hobama has chosen to be a superstar live wire/trapeze artist extraordinaire EXCLUSIVELY for his fellow banksters/warmongers.
he has fatally choked the rest of us with his elitist razor wires WORSE than any prez to date...
Honey? That's still being published? Wow, I'm really out of the loop. I haven't seen that magazine since college. That's a good look, there was a time when a lot my favorite magazines imploded in the early 2000's (Savoy, VIBE). Some have reemerged, but they're not the same.
The Essence thing is kind of weird. There aren't qualified Black editors to run a Black magazine? But lets give this woman a shot. She might not be bad -- though again, I'm wondering how some Becky is gonna tell the Shanneehees of the world about about the new line of Hair Mayonnaise that she's never going to use.
LA-Audio, the Devil Wears Payless? Hot Damn that's a hilarious.
Hathor, I get it -- Obama can't afford to scare whitey since whitey still makes up 2/3 of the voting populace. Like I said, Obama is the Jackie Robinson of politics -- he can't say anything to rock the boat on racism, though I think even Mr. Cool wants to punch a few Tea Party nuts once in a while.
Beside, like Field said, the man can walk and chew gum at the same time. The man has an impressive record for only 2 years on the job. Its not like the last guy, who spent close to 40% of his time in the white house not working. Obama gets railed on for taking his wife to a play -- as if Al Qaida keeps up with playbill to figure out when the Color Purple is playing in midtown. He can yack it up with Barbara Walter and Whoopi for 45 minutes, the world won't fall apart.
la coincidental, you wrote:
It's amazing how folks (mostly right wingers like our man no_slappz) seem to think that one TV appearance somehow indicates that a President that pushed through:
Financial Reform
Healthcare Reform
Stabilized then Ended TARP
Propped up the auto industry
Extended family benefits to LGBT workers in Federal non-government jobs
Cut loads of pork from the military budget
From your preceding claims, it's obvious you know nothing about "Financial Reform." The changes in the bill do NOT stop people with poor credit ratings, poor job prospects and NO downpayment money from getting mortgages. In short, giving money to likely deadbeats was the primary cause of our national mortgage and real estate problems.
Thus, on that one Obama accomplished NOTHING. But you, in your naivete, believe otherwise.
Healthcare Reform: Sorry. But if Obama accomplished anything, it was to open the floodgates of taxpayer spending on healthcare.
MedicAID -- not Medicare -- in NY State is now budgeted at $12,500 per person. That's DOUBLE the national average for healthcare costs. Inasmuch as Obama's plan moves the country toward a national MedicAID program, we already know where the costs will go.
Bottom line: the nation cannot afford the program this ridiculous legislation will deliver. Worse, the legislation does NOT exclulde illegal immigrants. They will get coverage.
Obama had NOTHING to do with the ability of banks to repay TARP funds. However, he has done NOTHING to repair the damage done by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which have cost taxpayers about $150 billion -- money that we will NEVER recover.
Meanwhile, TARP is still alive. It was the right way to go at the time. But Obama was not president when TARP was created.
Propped Up the Auto Industry? You really know NOTHING about finance. No. Obama shifted the pension and healthcare benefits of retired auto workers to TAXPAYERS.
The new Government Motors -- GM -- is a company that was allowed to walk away from its overwhelming financial obligations through a government-approved plan. In other words, a huge payoff to the United Auto Workers union. I hope you feel good about paying your unfair share of a bill multiplied by outrageously generous benefits.
Meanwhile, the New GM is about to launch the Chevy Volt, an electric car that goes 40 miles on one charge of its batteries and has been priced at $41,000. The Volt will be an electric Edsel.
Meanwhile, Obama did nothing to change laws that prohibit GM from importing its own highly efficient vehicles built in GM plants in other parts of the world. Why? Another union payoff.
Cut Loads of Pork from the Military Budget? Please. Show me the pork. And then tell me how he cut "pork" while borrowing a couple of trillion bucks to finance a "jobs" recovery.
obama has indeed done NOTHING but ESCALATE every ill that his cousin gwb initiated...
he has done NOTHING to garner the worship and adoration of droves of americans who are POORER each day!
he never has and he never will
hobama and his banksters have fleeced us all...
but poor blacks are the MOST naked sheeple!!!
and hobama fans rule all media (except fox)
so we are never even seeing the BULK of his bloody elitist evils...shame!!!
Barack Obama and his handlers think they are magicians, that they can somehow snap their fingers and separate the president from the wars he has embraced and expanded. In attempting to distance Commander-in-Chief Obama from his own wars - the sordid details of which are contained in 90,000 pages of documents released by WikiLeaks - the Obama crew is behaving both more cowardly and more cynically than their Republican predecessors in the White House. The Bush men were barbaric racists, crude cowboys whose naked American hyper-nationalism, and gross disdain for and ignorance of everyone one else on the planet was ultimately too heavy a burden for the empire to bear. They had to go, in order for the empire to live.
But this behavior is typical Obama, who told his corporate and military allies early on in his campaign that he wasn't opposed to war, only to "stupid wars." He now disavows the first year of his own administration's conduct of the Afghanistan war, even though he embraced it as a "good" war and expanded it deeper into Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than George Bush ever dared. Apparently, the first Obama war year is now to be considered part of Bush's "dumb war" days, and the official Obama war is now dated from December, 2009. Or so we are expected to believe.
no slapzz, i really feel sorry for you, you're such an unhappy, hateful person. and AB. you guys need to get a life.
Hi Field,
I lost a bet with ProfGeo of the blog "The Other Two Fifths". We made a bet on whether Elisabeth Hasselbeck would be disrespectful towards the President. She was with her condescending attitude in her questioning.
Elisabeth told the President he was misleading the public to believe that jobs are increasing when, in fact, she didn’t believe they were. Ugh! I despise that woman!
So, I would appreciate it if you guys would show ProfGeo some love over at "The Other Two Fifths"!
Here is the link..
The problem I have with Obama going on the view is that he didn't make a public apology to Shirley Sherrod.
Obama can invite a racist cop who punked him on tv by admitting that he didn't vote for Obama, but he can't invite Mrs. Sherrod a long time public servant who is indirectly one of his subordinates to the White House to make ammends for his administrations poor decision making.
But he has time to drop by some gabfest like the View where he will probably be asked some assinine question from the resident airhead Elizabeth and have to answer it.
Damn. Just damn!!!
mareally in denial:
i fear blind jungle fevered bimbos like you who actually look at the state of america and find swirled glee...
i wonder if any hungry homeless campus coeds caught hobama on the view as you did????
mareally a drone:
tv shows are meant to keep mindless minions like you happy...in spire of the misery that is destroyong our country.
carry on hobama nazi.
i am blessed with LOTS of happiness in my life...
my life is much better than most hobama nazis in fact
empathy trumps hobama worship for me
but NOTHING makes me happy enough to smile over that bloody lying bastard hobama and his brutal elitism as you do even in your swirled dreaming slumber...
not only did hobama not speak about anything relevant on the view
he actually dissed sherrod even more as "a bogus flap" etc
and he continued to blame his media fans rather than his clueless staff for his very own abuses of sherrod...what a liar and a coward!!!
i despise this blackish demonic empty suit that is maria's oj spwaned idol
not only did hobama not speak about anything relevant on the view
he actually dissed sherrod even more as "a bogus flap" etc
and he continued to blame his media fans rather than his clueless staff for his very own abuses of sherrod...what a liar and a coward!!!
other than her presidential wet dreams...i wonder what mareally a fool is so happy about???
Obama on the View: No harm, no foul.
In spite of my sometimes criticisms, I have always acknowledged that he is a strategic thinker and politically savvy.
He is indeed charismatic and conversationally engaging, especially so in informal settings and his appearance on The View will probably net him some political capital and goodwill.
for 8 yrs, i called out gwb WORSE than i have ever called out his clone hobama...
and NEVER was i called "unhappy" etc....
maybe because this black cloned hobama was supposed to snow me with his swirl as he has maria?
i am not a racist
i judge hobama ONLY by his actions
and he is whiter and more republican than gwb ever was
thanks mareally a hobama nazi!!
it always makes me feel elated to tell colorless truths about that blackish hobama!!
politically savvy people know that hobama sins are way beyond the whitewashing of any flyffy tv show....bet
few will be fooled by hobama more than once!
Far be it for anyone to suggest that women (80 per cent of The View’s audience is female) watching late-morning television are not busy people. But Mr. Gibbs’s explanation for why the White House is sending the big guy to the chatterbox on the Hudson for a Wednesday afternoon taping was incomplete.
The real reason is that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is sinking by the day with the very voters who put him over the top in 2008. Women broke for Mr. Obama over John McCain 55 per cent to 43 per cent in the last election, while men split evenly. Rekindling that affection will be critical to the success of Democratic candidates in this fall’s midterm congressional elections, not to mention the President’s own re-election in 2012.
mareally clueless:
so did u hear that fictional race man hobama call his black nazi groupies "mongrel bitches" too???
since you are the resident wigga/mrs. ruckus, he dissed u too "sista"!!!
now ure bullying maria ?
but thats what u do u say as much
mean nasty shit as u possibly can
and always try to get the last
word in especially against people
like maria who dont like
quarreling with ur trifling ass
u r a despicable nasty foul quasi
human being
wheres proof of that 250 iq again?
u still harassing her even long after she left and aint said shit else
u nasty bully
surely ur grandfather would be so
proud of his forty six going on four
year old granddaughter who calls
people nigger and other foul
things on the internet eh?
@ Roderick
The President called Mrs Sherrod personally & apologized. He talked on the View about how she had been wronged. He stated the Shirley Sherrod circus was a "phony controversy" created by the media. He also spoke about what happened to Mrs Sherrod at the National Urban League Convention this morning.
Roderick said...
The problem I have with Obama going on the view is that he didn't make a public apology to Shirley Sherrod.
Obama can invite a racist cop who punked him on tv by admitting that he didn't vote for Obama, but he can't invite Mrs. Sherrod a long time public servant who is indirectly one of his subordinates to the White House to make ammends for his administrations poor decision making.
But he has time to drop by some gabfest like the View where he will probably be asked some assinine question from the resident airhead Elizabeth and have to answer it.
Damn. Just damn!!!
The problem of political realities Roderick. If we lived in a nation of adults in a modern western nation -- instead of a nation populated by the cast of "Jersey Shore" and "Real Housewives of Atlanta" the President wouldn't bother talking to those old hens or cowtow a bunch of knuckleheads on Fox News.
No_slappz, I'm going to just ignore you. Its not worth engaging someone so lost in their own fairytale land of Right wing propganda, Maoist diatribes or whatever cuckcoo flavor of the month, that they don't bother to read the mainstream or alternative newspaper.
Here's a political tracker from St. Petersburg Times, not exactly MSNBC or the Nation
For the most part, the man's on track on exactly what he said he was going to do, and flubbed on other stuff. In other words, he's not God but he's lightyears ahead of his predecessors in terms of getting things done.
uneducated fertile turbo breeder niggers like mostly rabid love hobama because he is piss colored and makes "dem pretty babies".
interchangeable posse house niggers like mostly rabid sure know how to rush to protect miss anne/mrs ruckus/mareally a happy fool when the senior house slave is away too!!!
i am not a racist.
that is why i hate hobama.
i am a realist.
that is why i hate that uneducated nigger mostly rabid.
my grandfather was a fearless educated african warrior king who revered courage and education...
he lives in me and is very proud of me...
and he inspires me me to steer clear of KKK dog bimbo whores like maria and black ignorant canine nigger bitch clones like mostly rabid
thank u isadore!
i sure hope mareally miss anne never gets caught doing uncle ruckus/uts and cries rape...
then her pet uneducated nigger wench mostly rabid might come to understand lynching after all...
hobama nazis are waking up daily...
just what will 2 cloned swirled "mongrel" nigger bitches like maria and mostly rabid do if hobama loses his surreal/selected bid in 2012???
i pity u blind bimbo hobama nazis....
Never despise an enemy, know them for who they are.
For an ignorant person has a chance to learn, were as a stupid person closes their eyes,ears, and hearts to the possibility of change.
You know elizabeth so don't despise her, but place her in that box of other stupid people and move on, remember that the future is briter when you know who your enemies are. Its the enemy from within that we should despise.
hobama is a liar who is totally off track on EVERY issue he used to pimp votes!
no one sane can deny this
NIGGERS are assaulting and killing CHINESE people left and right in the Bay Area, haven't heard a peep from you. Just sayin.......
yes indeed
hobama is light years ahead of gwb in every way
more bloody wars
more jobless
more homeless
more blacks in abject misery
and only hobama nazis praise hobama's blooddy shine
Justice58 said...
@ Roderick
The President called Mrs Sherrod personally & apologized. He talked on the View about how she had been wronged. He stated the Shirley Sherrod circus was a "phony controversy" created by the media. He also spoke about what happened to Mrs Sherrod at the National Urban League Convention this morning.
He should have made a televised public apology to her at the White House which would have allowed him to segue into how the Right wing is destroying the ability to have intellegent rational political discourse instead of ignoring Operation Negrophobia being perpretrated by Fox, Limpballs, Beck, et al.
But oh well Shirley Sherrod was just another black bureaucrat he threw under the bus yet Obama beleives that if he can say the magic words blacks are going to show up at the polls in mass in November?
He's going to be seriously mistaken.
Anon 1:56pm
I know you're right. Point taken!
@ Roderick
We don't know what's in the President's plan with Mrs Sherrod. He has already apologized & stated Vilsack fugged up. What more can he do?
Great post!!! The Devil wears payless? Priceless, LOL!!!
And am I the ONLY one who's decided to never again respond to the nameless in an attempt to keep some peace around here???
I guess so, LOL!!!
Anonymous 7:54:
Every human being on this earth goes through bad days in their lifetime, but it always works out in the end where they get to have some good days too. Now, what is so unrealistic about that? If you didn't understand my "old sayings" all you had to do was ask and I would have broken them down for you so that you would understand what I meant.
BTW, I don't read Essence because I never liked the layout of it. For some reason the layout of it turned me off. Besides which, I never found any of the articles interesting. I do read Ebony, Jet, and a few others though.
u r my idol
and i promised fn that i will really try
pray for me...please
i want to be u and fn when i grow up even more than mostly rabid wants to be educated!!!
mrs. sherrod will resign and sue....yay!!!
mitrice may be alive in vegas
seen this?
Great to hear that slimeball is finally getting sued by someone. Thanks for the post AB.
you are welcome.
and i already see her retiring early....blissfully vacationing on a cruise/beach...
many blessings come in disguse...
Amen, Ab thanks for that post. And yes, blessings do come in disguise!
BTW, I went over and checked out Jeffrey Lord's blog and they were giving him the what for and where to get off at. Apparently, his accusations didn't go over too big with the majority, not even some Republicans. I guess, Lord didn't understand what the definition of "lynching" means in to Southerners in the South. He knows now, without a doubt.
Personally, I think that retiring would be the worst thing she could do. She's worked her whole life to get to the point where she can help Black farmers in a big way, why stop now?
She's at Canaan's gates -- don't stop there.
Why retire when she could easily move into a higher paying position and really make the changes she's be fighting for decades? Right now, she's got the USDA by the balls.
The federal government pays pension comparable to one's last pay grade. Why settle for say, 110K level pension when you can get a 150K pension. And the White House won't fire her again -- if only because it wants to save face.
She's only got 3 more years before she's eligible for SS anyway. My advice -- milk it honey!!
GRANNY SAID:"I think no_slappz has a learning disability; therefore, he wouldn't be able to distinguish between someone sitting on their ass and someone who has actually been working his ass off. In fact, our resident racist seems to have a major comprehension problem as well as a problem dealing with true facts."
Right again Granny. He has a serious reading comprehension problem (not to mention a self-esteem problem.) I don't think my dyslexic and MR students have that bad of a reading comprehension problem. At first I thought he was misinterpreting what others wrote on purpose. Now, I'm not so sure.
u r welcome
i understand why sheerrod resigned
i could never respect or trust the peers/dc drones who betrayed and disrespected me so ever again...
not even for a project/job eval etc... could u?
"Hmmm, all I know is that when I go into my favorite Chinese restaurant I don't see no black folks working there. I am just sayin."
Field have you ever been to Timmy Chan's in Houston? The original restaurant is located in 3rd Ward Houston. Black folks work there all the time. Then again, Houston is a pretty diverse city and it isn't as racially segregated as a lot of urban cities
I understand what you're saying and also I understand what Justice58 is saying. Nevertheless, like LaCoincidental said, President Obama is the Jackie Robinson of Politics. The media is out to destroy the President's reputation and his accomplishments by minimizing them from day one and they are doing a pretty good job of that for now. Although, you never know in what way that might backfire on them. God works in mysterious ways.
They do not want another black person in the White House ever again and never have wanted one to occupy it. To some white folks the White House is just that only for "white folks" to occupy. For centuries they've been peddling the myth that blacks were not capable of leading a country or capable of doing anything that requires critical thinking or intellectual thought. And they've embedded that myth so deep into the fabric of our country and other countries until we might not ever be able to repair all the damage done.
We've been delegated to the bottom of the totem pole in society since our ancestors were brought over here on slave ships because they never wanted us to share in the opportunities that America offers because of their greed and selfishness. And for that fact,they never wanted any other minority to prosper and enjoy the same opportunities. Only them and them only were supposed to prosper and enjoy the benefits and other remain in a status beneath them. They didn't even want the Native Americans who this country belonged to in the first place to enjoy those same benefits. Just look at how the Native Americans who this country really belonged to in the first place are suffering a more harsher poverty than any other group of people in this country.
Benjamin Franklin said, "Why should we let the Sons of Africa come over here and prosper and enjoy the opportunities that America has to offer. I am more partial to my own race." That right there should tell you something about the ideology of this country. Not only that, the teaparty folks and GOP hollering,"Take back our country" should be enough to confirm that this is how they think and what they truly believe. This country did not belong to them in the first place, it belonged to the Native Americans. If anyone should be hollering, "Take back our country" it should be the Native Americans.
My ancestors helped build this country with their blood, sweat, and lives. It was through their forced free labor that America has prospered and the reason the bulk of the wealth is enjoyed by whites today. I'm not looking for reparations, because all of my grandfathers got their forty acres and extra and a mule, but it wasn't given to them. All of them worked hard for it and paid for it with their own money. However, I am fighting for the right of every person of color to enjoy those same benefits, opportunities, rights, and everything else that America has to offer because this is supposed to be a nation of people, not a white country only.
Besides which, whether people want to believe it or not, we're all connected more than people think in a family way. That connection started right there in the South, the main place where that "Southern Stragedy" was birthed at and even over in the West Indies.
Roderick, "Obama can invite a racist cop who punked him on tv by admitting that he didn't vote for Obama, but he can't invite Mrs. Sherrod a long time public servant who is indirectly one of his subordinates to the White House to make ammends for his administrations poor decision making."
I agree. Please see my comment @6:32a
MMM, "And am I the ONLY one who's decided to never again respond to the nameless in an attempt to keep some peace around here???"
I respond to your comments but you refuse to respond to mine? That is unfair and it sucks. This is war!!!
i understand why sheerrod resigned
i could never respect or trust the peers/dc drones who betrayed and disrespected me so ever again...
not even for a project/job eval etc... could u?
I've walked off plenty of jobs that could have 'catapulted my career' because managers threw me under the bus, took me for granted etc. But, I've also set back my career by letting my pride get the better of me. I've learned that sometimes its better to grin and bear it until 'something better comes along'.
Again, this is not a fry clerk at McDonald's -- this is Shirley Sherrod's lifelong work.
after 8 horrid yrs of gwb, hobama had the LOWEST bar for success in history...
yet he has ONLY taken us all lower!
what has he accomplished????
she had a grand post
and an even grander betrayal
we agree to disagree
hobama has failed at his top 5 promises:
save homes/recovery
save jobs/stimulus
end wars
all 3 = worse = 3 strikes = OUT!!!
pick any major city in america
what has hobama done???
even for his homies in dc???
what has hobama done???
u nasty bully
surely ur grandfather would be so
proud of his forty six going on four
year old granddaughter who calls
people nigger and other foul
things on the internet eh?
he died before u were born so u dont
have the rite to speak for a dead person
if it wasnt for ur grandfathers
breeding habits u wouldnt be here
cretinous sow
MMM, "And am I the ONLY one who's decided to never again respond to the nameless in an attempt to keep some peace around here???"
I respond to your comments but you refuse to respond to mine? That is unfair and it sucks. This is war!!!
muah muah muah
MMM, "And am I the ONLY one who's decided to never again respond to the nameless in an attempt to keep some peace around here???"
I respond to your comments but you refuse to respond to mine? That is unfair and it sucks. This is war!!!
muah muah muah
ur desire to have the last word shows ur idiocy uve jacked this thread with ur irrational hatred for the president and ur rabid lies
ure a lowlife who even associates themselves with victims of civil rights abuse so u can get attention u disgusting heifer!
hows tht 250 iq treating u genius cuntliar?
AB thanks for the 411 on Mitrice, I am all over the story. I hear she has been found alive in Nv.
BTW, can you ease up on the "n" word. I think someone mentioned it in an ealier comment and it's true. I could get flagged as a hate site. I know a lot of folks already think of me as such, but I don't want it to be official. :)
Again, try to ignore Anon. They are going to stay on you until you do.
Cocoa, I didn't know that about some of Houston's eateries.(Although when in Houston I prefer TexMex or Louisiana cooking) Hmmm, I don't know. I actually prefer to have all Chinese working in the Chinese restaurant. I don't have a problem with that. If I go to a Jamaican restaurant I would much prefer to know a yawdie is in back cooking up the currie goat if you catch my drift. ;)
yes i will my king....
u r welcome always!
please forgive me...
from now on i promise to just use the synonym = "mostly rabid"
she has proven to be the ideal illustration of the potent and eternal accuracy of that slur....
how sad is it though that a real word like mostly rabid would warrant someone slandering this as a hate site but all of that mostly rabid's vulgar XXX expletives are just kosher?
especially since sex organs are way more natural and way less vulgar than mostly rabids
field-- don't ignore that AB is also calling me names, which is completely uncalled for. she doesn't confine herself to the anons in anyway.
mareally angelic:
shame how demons like me slur angelic nuns like u for just no reason at all... like u huh miss anne/mrs.ruckus?
generic name callers are par for the course herein....
i dish out no more to this blatant liar maria and her boy toy uts than they do to me...fyi
AB, please try to be nice to maria. :)
i will ONLY be as nice to her as she is to me...always have been
no more
no less
(grimace & grin)
alicia banks said...
i want to be u and fn when i grow up even more than mostly rabid wants to be educated!!!
LOL!!! I just hate to see so many of your VERY profound points mixed in with the comments of assnonymous fools, LOL!!
And this is just the beginning for Ms. Sherrod!!!!
Hey Granny, how have you been!!!!
ditto with all your ninja wisdom!
mostly rabids always destroy sanity in all arenas
have a great pm
AB, please try to be nice to maria. :)Field
BTW, can you ease up on the "n" word. I think someone mentioned it in an ealier comment and it's true. I could get flagged as a hate site.Field
even field is giving you hints that u might want to stop ur hate laden irrational diatribes especially calling people n**gers and such u bully maria so much that he even had to intervene u stupid lying fool!all uve done is show how unstable, silly and stupid u really r after u die people will come across this blog and see u arguing with an anonymous commenter and using the n word more than they do on stormfront sites ur idiocy knows no bounds ur immaturity is also pitiful forty six year old going on four if u were so smart *cough* with a 250 iq and all, why r u wasting ur time arguing over the fucking internet? oh wait, eye forgot ure just a blow hard liar thats why u dumb coohole!and field is rite as soon as u get rite and stop harassing people eye will leave u alone theres nothing wrong with saying u dont like the president or that u disagree with another poster here but disagreement does not mean that u can defame, harass, annoy, make false statements about them or their families
if u keep doing that eye will stay on ur fugly ass cuntlicker
as soon as u get rite, eyel leave u and this site alone
only pet fly cretins think anything
the beast says is profound
field negro said...
I think someone mentioned it in an ealier comment and it's true. I could get flagged as a hate site. I know a lot of folks already think of me as such, but I don't want it to be official. :)
Isn't the threat of being labelled a porn site just as great thanks to assnon?
I can admit it, I've been known to enjoy an alternative film or two in my day, but the word "cunt" is used around here more than I've heard/seen in my entire lifetime!! And just as much as the word nigger.
I'm just saying, get rid of the dog and you'll get rid of fleas, LOL!!!!
I'm just saying, get rid of the dog and you'll get rid of fleas, LOL!!!!MMM
sure ure rite about that as soon as
the cretin dog ab leaves and brings
her shit with her along with the
flies then eyel leave believe that
thank u!!!
mostly rabids are so vulgar and still posting in schizo stereo too!
mostly rabids are uneducated & unskilled & uncouth & unchecked....shame!!!
Hey Field the winner of the Cloonie award Angela McGowan lost her seat in Mississippi. On Huff Po they said she was too Black to win in a Republican district and too Republican to win in a Black district. That's what happens when you run Tea Party. Well she still have her job back at Faux.
OT, I have been to at least five Chinese resturants in Cleveland that were ran by blacks.
ab and her pet flies are uneducated & unskilled & uncouth & unchecked....shame!!!
hows that 250 iq treating u genius?
especially since sex organs are way more natural and way less vulgar than abs cuz she is a diseased c**tlicker
no slappz
"Meanwhile, I've never seen a Chinese waiter at Sylvia's Soul Food Restaurant in Harlem."
C'mon dude,
You ain't never been to Harlem, let alone Sylvia's.
There are Indian waiters at Sylvia's.
Hey MMM, I'm doing fine and you? Sorry for slow reponse but I had left to go pick up my lost baggage which was finally found today and just got back a few minutes ago.
OK Anon, please ease up on the "C" word. I don't want to be labeled a porn site, either...At least I don't think I do.
Kid, Angela needs to take me up on my offer. I am still waiting on her people to call me. They hinted at something before and backed out. Typical.
Oh, and kid, I am sorry, I am not feeling the brothas in the Chinese restaurants.:)
" For centuries they've been peddling the myth that blacks were not capable of leading a country or capable of doing anything that requires critical thinking or intellectual thought. And they've embedded that myth so deep into the fabric of our country and other countries until we might not ever be able to repair all the damage done."
That myth wasn't just invented by the U.S. The British and other European powers used that myth to justify their control and exploitation of lands populated by those of color, citing their supposed inability to run a country or think for themselves as an excuse to rule over them with a firm hand. Even today, the bigoted among us point to the current state of most African countries as proof positive of the native population's feeblemindedness and base characters while blithely ignoring socioeconomic factors and a horrific number of bitch moves pulled by Europeans to ensure that African countries never become economic powerhouses.
Those countries sowed a bad wind and reaped the whirlwind: note that nearly every single one of these former colonial powers are mere shells of what they once were, with each country facing their own existential crisis. The Euro and the common market were attempts by both France and Germany to recapture some of that imperial allure.
The U.S. sowed a bad wind by building itself on the backs of slaves and the impoverished, while denying both groups the common decency of being acknowledged as human beings. Sad to say, we're starting to reap one hell of a whirlwind -- if this country doesn't fall apart thanks to civil war, then we're bound to play second-fiddle to China and other emerging economic powers. The bigots are self-destructing after seeing a Black being elevated to the #1 position of national leadership and fear other Blacks being empowered to rise socially and economically. These bigots will do everything in their power to stop that from happening, even if it means destroying the nation in the process.
"especially since sex organs are way more natural and way less vulgar than abs cuz she is a diseased c**tlicker"
Thanks, but the Field has taken care of the issue. Which means you should ease up on the diatribe.
muah muah muah okay that is fare
enuff eye will not use the word as
not to offend u guys provided the
foul sow stops her abuses and lies
and field angela is pretty but has zilch upstairs thats prolly why they backed out didnt want her to look bad cuz she cant speak on her feet too well
mack why no hyperlinks?
"Kid, Angela needs to take me up on my offer. I am still waiting on her people to call me. They hinted at something before and backed out. Typical."
Why would Angela want to debate a blogger of a site that contains hate and porn posters? That would not be good for her outstanding career.
I am saddened by her loss in MS. She could have done a lot for EVERYONE in that state, esp. Blacks. The people of that state just don't know what's good for them.
Field, "Oh, and kid, I am sorry, I am not feeling the brothas in the Chinese restaurants.:)"
Obviously, you have not tasted 'wong dong jerk chicken and chitterling fire' soup. Field, you should take the wife and go have some. It'll be an experience you'll never forget. I bet your mouth is watering already.:)
Looking at that photo, Whoopi doesn't look quite human. Field, did you intentionally try to make Whoopi look ugly? Does she look like that on the View?
"Why would Angela want to debate a blogger of a site that contains hate and porn posters? That would not be good for her outstanding career."
OK, whatever you say.But she might be rethinking her career goals right about now. :) Oh well, there is always FAKE NEWS.
Anon. I am getting hungry.:)
alicia banks said...
i will ONLY be as nice to her as she is to me...always have been
no more
no less
(grimace & grin)
5:35 PM
that's a lie and you know it and so does everyone else. you always respond in an explosive way that is 10X out of proportion and volume to what i and anyone else says. you have been crass and rude and disgusting when i have simply disagreed with you, and if field thought you were correct and responding in kind he never would have commented on this.
check yourself.
you would have been banned long ago from any other site for a multitude of reasons, and the only reason you're still here is because field doesn't ban anyone, on principle.
anyone who leaves for a few days and comes back and reviews the comments sees immediately the damage you do others' attempts at an open exchange of ideas. it's really unbelievable.
testing is NOT teaching!
firing and blaming teachers will never fix public ed:
"I went to school at one of the best universities in the country and completed undergraduate and graduate programs in Education. I am a master of my craft. I know what effective teaching entails, and I know how to manage the curriculum and needs of the diverse learners in my full inclusion classroom. I graduated at the top of my class and entered my first year of teaching confident and equipped to teach effectively. Sadly, I am now being micro-managed, with my instruction dictated to me. I am expected to mold “out-of-the-box” thinkers while I am forced to stay within the lines of the instructional plans mandated by policy-makers. I am told what I am to teach and when, regardless of the makeup of my students, by decision-makers far away from my classroom or even my school. The message comes in loud and clear that a group of people in business suits can more effectively determine how to provide exemplary instruction than I can. My expertise is waved away, disregarded, and overlooked. I am treated like a day-laborer, required to follow the steps mapped out for me, rather than blaze a trail that I deem more appropriate and effective for my students—students these decision-makers have never met."
mareally not an actress:
the angel/martyr schtick will never convince me...
i know you mostly rabids all too well.
mareally a hobama nazi:
did you see your false god BOMB divinely on the view?:
mareally needs glasses:
i hope anyone who sees how i slay bullies admires my slayer skills as much as you do...thanks!
mareally confusing:
why do mean people like you dare to whine about meanER people who slay YOU?
got shame?
got dignity?
got a conscience?
got a spine?
spare me...
there will be no doormats here!!!
fn & maria:
no pleas or rules for the vulgar mostly rabid???????
slack lying:
when did fn take care of the vulgar mostly rabid???
i missed that...
and who are you?
"asst fn"???
boy pleeez
fn thanks!
fn = 1
maria = 0
mareally whining:
nothing to say to your fellow mostly rabid that vulgar mostly rabid?????
la coincidental, you wrote:
No_slappz, I'm going to just ignore you. Its not worth engaging someone so lost in their own fairytale land of Right wing propganda, Maoist diatribes or whatever cuckcoo flavor of the month, that they don't bother to read the mainstream or alternative newspaper.
Your preceding statement is almost hilarious. You default to a news agency to back your naivete rather than looking for the hard facts.
Let's put it this way, you wrote that you studied physics in college. That means YOU know that batteries for cars STINK. You know that 500 pounds of batteries contain less energy than 10 pounds of gasoline.
More importantly, you know there is NO experimental battery technology that promises to give batteries as much energy per pound as gasoline.
Thus, you know that electric cars will fail. Nevertheless, you believe Obama took the right steps with respect to GM. And it seems you do not object to paying your unfair share of GM pension and healthcare benefits Obama dumped on taxpayers.
Obama needs more people like you. The useful kind, who do not mind getting fleeced by the government as well as those lucky GM retirees who get pension and healthcare benefits most people can only dream of.
uptownstever, you wrote:
no slappz
C'mon dude,
You ain't never been to Harlem, let alone Sylvia's.
There are Indian waiters at Sylvia's.
stevie, I was in Harlem last night around midnight, walking on 125th St, though I did not stop at Sylvia's.
that's a lie and you know it and so does everyone else. you always respond in an explosive way that is 10X out of proportion and volume to what i and anyone else says. you have been crass and rude and disgusting when i have simply disagreed with you, and if field thought you were correct and responding in kind he never would have commented on this.
check yourself.
you would have been banned long ago from any other site for a multitude of reasons, and the only reason you're still here is because field doesn't ban anyone, on principle.
anyone who leaves for a few days and comes back and reviews the comments sees immediately the damage you do others' attempts at an open exchange of ideas. it's really unbelievable.noodles
well noodles what do u expect? shes a pathological liar and fool along with being a self aggrandizing cretinous sow who needs a shot of reality
buceta! so u now direct ur anger
towards noodles who doesnt
comment that much just so u can
have the last word?
u stupid disgusting moron! u r a
bully bully bully who cannot
handle scrutiny so instead
directs their anger towards
others screw u
lets recap things shall we? u r a
liar and theres been no
documented cases of people with
250 iq ever u claim to start
radio stations but arent
mentioned on their founders page
and arent mentioned in their
archives at all
u claim to have done all of these
things but the only comments
about u have been made by u
now u resort to bullying maria of
all people? u low down dirty
stinking lying buceta!u could
step into a kennel and wipe off
better stuff from ur shoes then u
AB, please try to be nice to maria. :)Field
buceta u havent followed Fields
advice he might have to ban u for
disobedience noodles
each day that u lose control u
get closer to banning urself
buceta and none of us can wait
until that day
a buceta if ure so busy using ur
genius *cough* to change the world
how do u have time to blog all day
watch tv and insult people on the
oh wait being in an asylum does have
its perks after all eh?
la coincidental, you wrote:
For the most part, the man's on track on exactly what he said he was going to do, and flubbed on other stuff.
The legislation that has been passed that is somehow linked to the topics he raised while campaigning is linked in name only.
If you ever develop a sense of ecnomics and finance, you will then understand that healthcare legislation, financial reform legislation and the GM abuse of taxpayers were horrible mistakes.
In other words, he's not God but he's lightyears ahead of his predecessors in terms of getting things done.
Oh. So in your view, results are relative. Putting aside the damage his legislation is doing to the economy, you believe he's doing well because laws have been passed rather than because he has truly solved a problem or two.
For a guy who probably knows something about the realities of energy, you might know that oil & gas are great sources. You might want to pretend that lots of energy is available from the sun. But you know we are decades away from converting sunlight to electricity in the quantities that it takes to move this country.
And you also know it is not unwilling utility companies that have slowed the growth of solar power -- the bottleneck is solar technology itself. And once again, there is no pending breakthrough that will bump efficiency of solar panels by an order of magnitude. There's no Moore's Law for solar energy development.
Instead, we have political delusion and the belief that the laws of physics and chemistry are made by Congress and the Obama administration.
well noodles what do u expect? shes a pathological liar and fool along with being a self aggrandizing cretinous sow who needs a shot of reality
11:44 AM
don't call me noodles, asshole.
don't call me noodles, asshole.noodles
awww has our resident noodle
expert become upset? awww sorry
to offend u toots but eye was
actually defending u buceta
that mean old sow ab has ur mind
so wrong u cant even tell when
someone is calling her out for
fuckin wit u thats okay tho
noodles eye see ure getting
fiesty good for u
now direct ur ire towards that
sow by calling her an asshole cuz
after all shes the one who was
fucking wit u from jump
You know that 500 pounds of batteries contain less energy than 10 pounds of gasoline.nobrains
dude u dont know shit about anything
stop tryin to front like ure in the
know about engineering principles
buceta, I wrote:
You know that 500 pounds of batteries contain less energy than 10 pounds of gasoline.
You responded:
nobrains...dude u dont know shit about anything...stop tryin to front like ure in the...know about engineering principles
My undergraduate degree is in mechanical engineering.
Moreover, there were no black graduates in my class and while I was in school only a handful of black engineering students were enrolled. When it comes to science and math, this is reality.
no_slappz I bet the only degree you have is in pedophiling and lying. First, you claimed you were a teacher, then you claimed to be in a financial occupation, and now you claiming mechanical engineering. Oh yeah, back last year you were claiming another occupation. Pauleeze, you not that bright and lack comprehension skills, and you are not even entertaining anymore. You are so full of dung! BTW, what were you doing walking around in Harlem at "midnight"? Were you trying to pick up one of those loose women or trying to exercise that little dirty unhealthy habit that you rightwing folks have a tendency of with minor children?
I don't blame your mother for discarding you! She probably realized that you were the afterbirth and her real baby was missing.
granny, you wrote:
no_slappz I bet the only degree you have is in pedophiling and lying. First, you claimed you were a teacher, then you claimed to be in a financial occupation, and now you claiming mechanical engineering.
granny, however impossible some things may seem to you, they are, nevertheless, true.
My undergraduate degree is in mechanical engineering. For whatever it's worth, I worked my way through college as an engineer. Following college, I was in the cable TV industry and then jumped to Wall Street where I became an analyst. My role as an analyst led to positions managing money. However, I know these things are way over your head.
I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to teach math in NY City. For that I became a certified math teacher, which was simple because my math background from engineering and Wall Street made it easy to pass the tests.
Unfortunately, too many kids are determined to avoid learning math, even when they are in a math class. As SAT and other standardized test results have shown for decades, most of those kids are black.
Meanwhile, it takes a screwball like you to reach the crazy conclusions you posted. But, if you can entertain yourself by spouting your nonsense, have fun.
no_slappz, yeah...yeah! I don't have to, nor is there a need to entertain myself when we have a bigoted asshole such as yourself on here posting a lot of BS 24/7 trying to camouflage your own insecurities and feel good about self by putting others down.
Seeing how you claim to be a math teacher, no wonder the kids aren't learning math, because no matter what time of the day or night or week, I sign on you are on here posting that BS. So, tell me is this blog part of your classroom math activities or do you always go into a classroom with that attitude that blacks can't learn so you don't bother to teach them?
Last time I checked the Afrosphere deals with political and social issues affecting the black community on the Afrosphere of which I am a part of. I'm not aware of any others in the Afrosphere that post any basic math, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Trig, or other math problems on their blog.
Since, you hate people of color with a passion and seem to think that they have no intellectual abilities, it really doesn't make sense for you to spend so much time in the company with a bunch of people of color seeing how you hold all of those negative, bigoted, opinionated, and low opinions of those who blogs you choose to write your diatribe on. Don't you think that Stormfront would be more suitable to your taste. Because we know without a doubt that you are not here to help solve any problems or work through any issues or to try and come up with any type of solutions for the betterment of mankind and our community.
You come here with an attitude that demonstrates constantly that you do not believe that all human beings are equal and that people of color are beneath you. You believe that they are incapable of achieving anything, which is an insult considering all of the achievements of success against injustice we've made throughout the years. In spite of all the man-made obstacles placed in our past to limit our success, we've come a long ways, although, we still have a ways to go.
If it were left up to you, we'd still be picking cotton without pay while you sit on your lazy ass drinking mint julips.
Granny, you misjudge no_slapp, he is trying to help you.
Anonymous 11:00:
I don't need no_slappz's help! And there isn't anything he could help me with. No, I haven't misjudged him, I got him pegged right down to a tee!
Granny, where is your appreciation and gratitude for people like no_slapp?
If it wasn't for people like him you wouldn't be grateful to not have a child like him.
Anonymous 1:09:
Well, I guess you got a point there. Thank you Jesus!
no_slappz said...
Unfortunately, too many kids are determined to avoid learning math, even when they are in a math class. As SAT and other standardized test results have shown for decades, most of those kids are black.
I live in a wealthy white suburb in Metro DC and I can tell you that white kids ain't all that fond of math either.
In fact, the racial group that has the lock on Math based on SAT scores are Asians, NOT whites, so you can unperch your ass of that high horse you're on, because in reality the "view" you have is of the crack of the Asian that's ahead of YOU!!!
No_Slappz is so full of shit that it's coming out of his pores. In the next post, he's going to say he has a pilot's license and spent three years in the Israeli army. He's also a former underwear model for Tommy Hilfiger who has worked on developing the mathematical framework for brane-world theory with Keeton and Petters. LMAO!!!
Anon 1:09 that was gold!
"So, then, we allow that race is a legitimate factor to consider in hiring, generally. And more specifically, we must allow that race (or ethnicity, or national origin, or gender) may be more relevant in certain jobs. Might a magazine legitimately want its Mexico City correspondent to be Mexican? Indeed it might! Likewise, might a black women's magazine want its fashion editor, responsible for dictating coverage of black women's fashion, to be a black woman? Indeed it might, legitimately!"
So when competence is a job requirement, might an employer want a white male? Indeed it might, legitimately!
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