"During the past year, we have watched monumental change take place all over the world; not just in terms of democracy, but in terms of culture, law, and politics, etc.
Our major institutions have not been immune from this change that is sweeping across the globe. There has been a major push to redefine what a family is; we have redefined marriage; we have redefined sexuality—no longer is there male or female, now there is other; there are now gay Christians; we now have Christian gangsta rappers, etc.
Everything seems to be changing other than the Republicans approach to engaging the Black community.
My readers know, that I think the RNC, under chairman Reince Priebus, seems to be the only one that has had a substantive approach to dealing with this issue. He has hired Black staffers, he has gone into the Black community, and he actually listens to Blacks who bring ideas to him that make sense.
Now juxtapose that with our members of the House, Senate, and our 30 governors.
In June, there were two major decisions issued by the Supreme Court—voting rights and affirmative action. Neither the house or senate leadership had any coordinated response that would speak directly to the Black community. Even more problematic is the fact that the leadership in the Congress has no Black Republicans that they seek out for advice and guidance.
You have White members and their staffs who think they know more about the Black community than a Black person. You have absolutely no engagement with the Black media from these members.
The Democrats constantly parade Black liberal all over various news outlets. They constantly brand the Republican Party as racist, bigoted, and non-caring about the poor. And what is our party’s response? Total silence.
In PR, a brand that is allowed to be denigrated beyond a certain point with no one to defend it; sooner or later becomes damaged beyond repair.
So, it is no wonder that when Blacks are asked their thoughts about the Republican Party, you hear words like: racist, against Obama, don’t like poor people, homophobic, voter suppression, etc. We must fight this onslaught in the media, but Republicans have very few Blacks with credibility to utilize in this capacity.
With the winds of change blowing all around, the Republican Party’s leadership seems to be stuck in the past. If they continue to surround themselves with the same white staffers, White consultants, and white media advisers, guess what—let me paint the picture for you.
There will be no more marriage (as we know it), there will be open borders, taxes will be north of 90 percent, and Republicans will be true minority party (as in numerically).
Republican governors are passing ID laws loaded with things that undercut their whole message. North Carolina is a perfect example. I am a huge supporter of voter ID, but it is insane not to allow a student to use their college ID as valid identification. This indeed does open the door for the liberals to use the race card. We must be smart with our legislative agenda, not just be right.
What is ironic about North Carolina is that the governor’s chief of staff is Black. But this fact proves my point. Just because a person is Black, does not mean he understands PR or media strategies. North Carolina presents an opportunity to study, in real time, the impact that a negative brand can have on actual elections. On paper, we should be able to pick up the senate seat there next year; but my greatest fear is that our brand will be so bad as a result of the recently passed voter ID law, that we will lose an easy pickup.
Being right is not enough. We Republicans are very good at utilizing our majorities to force our political agenda into law; but we are horrible in explaining to those outside of the party why and how our actions will benefit them.
Unfortunately, this is not a brand new problem; but rather a brand problem." [Source]
*Pic from TransGriot
Maybe we should look to Africa to see how black folk are doing it right? Since black folk know how to take care of their own.
The "branding problem" the Republicans have is that all blacks are branded Democrat slaves.
No amount of "messaging" is going to penetrate the wall of misinformation put up by the democrat-media complex.
If the Republicans are going to save America, it will have to be without the assistance of the great majority of blacks. All of us should pray for their success.
There are two parties to the system, roughly represented publicly by the Democratic and Republican political organizations, but not actually political in the way these organizations formally are, in the mass politics sense. The one real party is the liberal/progressive party. It runs and controls everything for the benefit of liberals and progressives. But it needs a subordinate, theoretically opposed counterpart for two reasons. One is we supposedly live in a democracy, and there is supposed to be choice. Two is that dissent and serious anger needs to be released in some way. Part of this is that the policies of the ruling party may actually cause serious problems for itself with its desired policies but can’t reverse itself or lose face, and can’t alienate core supporters. So the subordinate party can advocate and sometimes implement policy.
Republicans have been broadly successful in two areas- criminal justice and taxation. Progressive criminal justice policies create chaos and horror, so Republicans have been allowed to implement strong criminal justice measures- but only strong criminal justice measures- to keep society intact. The best example of this is former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Giuliani used aggressive measures to go after the Mafia then supported the police commissioner William Bratton’s aggressive measures against street crime. Giuliani however is and was friendly to liberals on most counts, including being friendly to gays and not explicitly racist.
Liberals don’t like being mugged, and they don’t like paying 50% federal taxes, so Republicans have been permitted to succeed on these issues. Broadly what the Republicans do is use their control over a large block of voters, some traditionalist, some libertarian, to extract as many concessions as they can on the behalf of the people they really work for, big business.
Since Republicans have these two issues, the way to get chosen as a Republican insider is to either be a successful prosecutor- Giuliani’s route- or be a rich businessman. A successful prosecutor will have credibility with the rubes on putting criminals away, and a rich businessman will have credibility as a champion of capitalism and in addition he can finance his own campaign and those of others.
Where the subordinate party has not had success, because it wasn’t supposed to, was on issues of real importance to non-elite whites. Non-elite whites have been destroyed on all racial issues, except crime, which is allowed to be suppressed only to the extent liberals find necessary and only as long as it can be portrayed as a non-racial issue. “Cultural” issues- feminism, homosexuality and the destruction of the nuclear family among the non-elite classes- have been routs for non-elite whites.
An opposition politician of the subordinate party can only speak if he does not oppose black power and feminism. Until recently he was permitted to take a libertarian attitude towards homosexuality, but now anything other than positive support is unacceptable.
The elite selects who gets to participate and what they get to say in the ostensibly open, but in fact closed political system. Real opposition gets ruthlessly crushed if it is open. Pursuit of their interests through this system by non-elite whites is impossible; black interests are advance only to the extent they advance white liberal interests, so what are we to do?
I believe things peaked for black people under Eisenhower, in terms of intact families, employment, and a low incarceration rate. Obama has not waved his magic wand, and as an ironic side his hometown of Chicago presided by his old cabinet crony Rahm Emmanuel has the highest black on black rate of murder in America. Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party are doing a lot more damage than the KKK ever did.
Human nature is weird, in the end. Most people would rather be abused or exploited by people who look like them, rather than helped by someone who doesn’t. I don’t think Obama gives a shit about black people, and I think most black folks know it. On the other hand, a large cohort of white people don’t like Obama, and black people are thus duty bound to support him no matter what he does to them or anyone else. These are the rules.
This is how good things get ruined.
He makes some good points but he seems reluctant to admit that instead of just being a branding problem maybe just maybe there may be a few racists and homophobes in his party. He should be speaking out more forcefully about voter suppression in NC. SMDH.
He also seems shocked that white males act as if they're authorities on issues they know nothing about. If this dude is any indication of the quality of negores in the gop they're in bigger trouble than I thought. Man Coulter was definitely wrong, their blahs are not better than our blahs but they are good for a laugh.
Holy shit Field, did your troll just post that things were better for negroes in the 50's?????
How much you wanna bet this fool wasn't born until the 80's or 90's but yet wants to talk as if it is authority on blah life in the 50's.
At least they provide humor.
"If the Republicans are going to save America" God forbid. I think everybody knows what that America will look like. What I can't understand is how a group of people want to force their thoughts on everyone, from Christianity, abortions (which is the law), sexuality. You name it and they want to govern it. Republicans is so out of touch with the world around them.
So let me see if I have this straight.
You want Republicans to pander and bullshit like Democrats do and make a whole lot of promises and provide flowers while Democrat policies literally destroy black households.
Have you ever thought that what republicans offer are for all Americans to prosper and not for all Americans to Decline?
Yeah, Yeah, I know being an Al Sharpton Acoloyte you will scoff.
Well, the proof is in reality my friend, look over here. If your Democratic limousine liberal massas will let ya.
Median Income of Black households as a percentage of white households now down to 60.5%, same as it was in 1967. You are right, every single one of those white liberals that tells you things, is very, very rich.
Yes PilotX, it did say things were better for us in the fifties. I know one thing; it was certainly better for them.
The Opticon, u made some interesting points.
More please.
You have my attention.
FN said...
racist, against Obama
Let me get this right...
You honestly believe opposition to Obama is based on race.
That means in your heart you honestly believe that if a white male (john edwards, joe biden, etc.) had won the democrat nomination and the general election that republicans would be gladly going along with left wing ideas.
Are you really that politically ignorant?
If you believe it's racist to make black people show ID to vote, is it also racist to make black people show ID to:
adopt a pet
purchase a home
purchase an automobile
purchase a gun
obtain a bank account
obtain a credit card
obtain a passport
write a check
make a credit card purchase
apply for a loan to purchase anything
to prove your age
to get married
to receive a marriage license
to drive
to buy a house
to close on a house
to get medical care
to get on a plane
to get insurance on anything
to get a job
to get a post office box
to get a hunting license
to get a fishing license
to get a business license
to cash a paycheck
rent an apartment
rent a hotel room
rent a car
rent furniture
rent tools and equipment
receive welfare
receive social security
receive food stamps
buy cigarettes
buy alcohol
buy a bus ticket
buy a cell phone
buy any antihistimine
go in to a casino
go in to a bar
go to college
have your water turned on
have your electricity turned on
have your cable turned on
have your gas turned on
obtain trash pick up service
pick up a package from the post office
pick up a package from fed ex
pick up a package from ups
pick up a prescription
A lot of things black people can't be doing if you believe the lies that blacks aren't as capable as whites at obtaining ID.
No Bill, not all opposition to the President is based on his race but you have to admit some of it is. This is not a zero sum game.
Bill stated the following non-sequitur statement when referring to FN: “You honestly believe opposition to Obama is based on race. Are you really that politically ignorant?”
I’m not a fan of ObomBer, however, to think otherwise that his race mixture doesn’t play a part in the political travails and skullduggery of today is sheer foolishness! Are you really that politically naive?? And if you have unfortunately fallen into such a lowly state, I will also inform you that George W. Bush was our best president EVER!
""If the Republicans are going to save America" God forbid. I think everybody knows what that America will look like. What I can't understand is how a group of people want to force their thoughts on everyone, from Christianity, abortions (which is the law), sexuality. You name it and they want to govern it. Republicans is so out of touch with the world around them."
republicans want to control sexual issues (e.g. abortion), but democrats want to control everything but sexuality. they offer complete sexual license in return for giving up all other basic freedoms. this is how we are controlled. think.
PilotX said...
No Bill, not all opposition to the President is based on his race but you have to admit some of it is.
Of course there is some opposed based on his skin color.
We also heard about those folks opposed to Obama and his skin color during the democrat nomination-
Black Sage said...
I’m not a fan of ObomBer, however, to think otherwise that his race mixture doesn’t play a part in the political travails and skullduggery of today is sheer foolishness!
I admitted that of course there is some opposed because of race. (both parties)
What % of opposition to Obama is based on race?
If the republicans elected a black president, would democrat opposition to right wing policies be also based on race to some degree like with Obama?
Black support for the person you said (sarcastically) was the best president... was opposition to his policies based to some degree on race?
Bill, of course political parties.oppose each other because of differences of ideas, but the Tea Party movement is with us because of racism.
Make sure that when you go to Syria, that's all white too.
Blogger field negro said...
Bill, of course political parties.oppose each other because of differences of ideas, but the Tea Party movement is with us because of racism.
Nonsense. Never was racist, but that was the only label Anita Dunn/sharpton and all the other kooks decided to try and paint them with after astroturf didnt work and claiming they were violent didnt work and claiming they were just rich white guys didnt work.
But keep believing what you like.
that cia bankster hobama is a brand
and his global wars have given the ENTIRE usa a branding problem...no????
cc syria/ndaa/wwiii/africom/benghazi etc
how long will u evade hobamageddon herein?????????
So Bill you basically answered your own question.
Next, why are conservatives stuck on the id portion of their voter suppression efforts? Ok, we need ID to vote but why limit early voting? Why eliminate voting locations? Why exclude student id's? It's insulting to our intelligence. Also, in person voter fraud is virtually nil. Absentee voting is where fraud can occur. In fact early voting can help prevent in person voter fraud (if it even exists). For example, if someone wants to steal my vote they would have to know when I voted, if they go the day after I already voted they're done.
Blogger field negro said...
Bill, of course political parties.oppose each other because of differences of ideas, but the Tea Party movement is with us because of racism.
I'll call your bluff.
Cite some examples of the tea party being created because of racism.
Good luck!
Sorry, this is off topic, but I was wondering what happened to your sidebar that was play on the Amber Alert, to draw attention to missing minority status children?
PilotX said...
Next, why are conservatives stuck on the id portion of their voter suppression efforts? Ok, we need ID to vote but why limit early voting? Why eliminate voting locations? Why exclude student id's? It's insulting to our intelligence.
I think the assumption that black people don't have the wherewithal to get a free picture ID is a bit more insulting to your intelligence, but whatever.
These measures are a tepid response to the massive voter fraud being perpetrated by the Democratic party. They impact black voters more because blacks are more likely to be democrats and because a majority of them live in the large urban precincts where the bulk of the fraud is being carried out.
Asking for clean elections is not racist.
Anon@12:12pm, thanks for bringing that up. With the young lady from Virginia still missing, I was thinking of posting the alert sidebar again for missing minority children.
Anon@1:51 pm, that's like asking me to prove that hookers are in it for the money.
Anon@1:51 pm, that's like asking me to prove that hookers are in it for the money.
No, that would be easy because it is true.
Saying that people who advocate for small government and fiscal responsibility are racist is a crude propagandistic lie that is of course impossible to prove.
Field, you ought to be posting about Obama's foolish move to attack Syria. That could lead to a major conflict of a lot of lives, which could be avoided. for the life of me, I don't see 'how' the US thinks it is the world policeman.
If we attack Syria, don't think for a minute that Russia and Iran will sit by. We really can't afford this risk of becoming embroiled in another conflict in the middle east.
If we attack Syria, it's not going to turn out well for us at all.
No bosephus we are not unintelligent which is why we know these are blatant voter suppression tactics. We've never been lacking in common sense.
Bill, this is an old discussion. I had this very conversation with a nice lady at the Glenn Beck rally a few years ago. She thought maybe one percent of the opposition to Barack was racial while I think it is north of 40 percent. We will never agree so let's agree to disagree. As far as racism in the tea party we first have to agree on the definition of racism.
What voter fraud are you talking about? There is none. Why would the dems need to committ voter fraud in areas where they get 80 percent or better of the votes? Your argument makes no sense. Secondly Bosephus we are talking about heavily Republican states with gop governors. In person voter fraud does not exist, if there is fraud it would be with absentee votes not in person voting.
Let's be clear, for years I didn't have to show id to vote because they would compare my signature to the one on record and check my name off. If someone tried to steal my vote my name would already be checked off and now whomever did vote in my name would be flagged. Then again it never happened so we never worried about it. Its not about ID, its about 1. Limiting early voting days 2. Moving and closing polling places 3. Not letting students use school id's even though for decades it was ok 4. Changing the challenge laws. Add it all up and this is a way to harass blah voters just like in the past. You keep bringing up ID but I notice you ignore the other measures. Now that is insulting my intelligence. Are you going to address the other suppression measures or are you going back to your broken talking points about fraud which is non existant?
OMG they're so far in the stone age it hurts! The problem is they think HIRING black staffers is even a point. It SHOULD have been a non-issue circa 1900. All along, actually. I'm a white dude, so somebody black tell me how that is any different from saying they have some black friends? It sure sounds like the same old shit to me.
It's 2014 almost and there's more important stuff to think about.
The democrats hired a black staffer too - hired him as President of the United States.
I'm so sick of republicans. It's like they're playing this little game that kids play - if you ask for permission to go skydiving and your parents say no, it's a sure thing they'll say yes to just having ice cream for desert. The so-called modern conservatives are playing that same sort of obfuscating, misdirecting game. If they make the issue putting creationism in schools, we won't tax the churches. If they act like hiring black staffers is a big step forward, we'll forget blacks are completely under-represented in their party and American leadership in general. Ignore the rich white guy behind the curtain, whatever you do. Look! Elvis!
Yeah, how about the dumbass up there "praying for their success"? Pray on, dumbass. Pray in one hand and shit in the other, 'cause your republican fantasy world never existed and never will. You are a dinosaur.
PilotX said...
What voter fraud are you talking about? There is none
Even the wanna be pimp guy showed how easy it is to vote using eric holder's name.
Bill, such false evidence. The pimp guy ATTEMPTED to show how "easy" it was to committ vote fraud. He didn't do it because it is a federal offense. Had he actually done it he could have been sent to a federal prison. What person in their right mind is going to risk prison time for a vote or two? Dump example.
Also, if as the other person suggests there is rampant vote fraud in urban heavily Democratic blah areas why is the response in rural Republican areas? There is no logic to the over hyped "problem" of vote fraud. Ask a federal prosecuter if it's reallya problem.
One of the best studies on the subject was conducted by Justin Levitt of the New York University Law School. Its conclusion is simple: allegations of widespread voter fraud are greatly exaggerated.
“Many of the claims of voter fraud amount to a great deal of smoke without much fire…Most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless—and that of the few allegations remaining, most reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct, rather than fraud by individual voters. The type of individual voter fraud supposedly targeted by recent legislative efforts—especially efforts to require certain forms of voter ID—simply does not exist.”
More from Forbes article
"The creation and propagation of the voter fraud myth, which has gained huge currency in the GOP over the past decade, has been championed by Hans von Spakovsky, a lawyer who is also a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. He was recently profiled by Jane Mayer in a New Yorker piece. His work has spawned numerous new rules in states like Florida and Ohio that not only promote strict voter ID laws, but end up restricting voting in minority-dominated areas. Many of these restrictions are likely violations of the Voting Rights Act, a landmark law that Lyndon Johnson signed in 1965 to end the Jim Crow era, well, until democracy foes like Spakovsky came on the scene."
"It is that kind of voter fraud that Texas' voter ID law, which was struck down in federal court last month, and similar laws passed in eight states over the past two years were written to prevent. But voter impersonation cases like Almanza's, who is serving 5 years of probation for illegal voting, are the exception, not the norm.
Over the past decade Texas has convicted 51 people of voter fraud, according the state's Attorney General Greg Abbott. Only four of those cases were for voter impersonation, the only type of voter fraud that voter ID laws prevent.
Nationwide that rate of voter impersonation is even lower.
Out of the 197 million votes cast for federal candidates between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for voter fraud, according to a Department of Justice study outlined during a 2006 Congressional hearing. Only 26 of those cases, or about .00000013 percent of the votes cast, resulted in convictions or guilty pleas."
This from an ABC investigation. So .00000013% is a pervasive problem? Really? And I notice no mention of closing voting locations, not being able to use college ID and limiting early voting and Sunday voting. C'mon man, this is an obvious attempt to make it harder for blah folks to vote. Nothing more nothing less. Answer those questions and stop going back to the same fucking ID issue.
It’s important to protect the integrity of our elections. But we must be careful not to undermine free and fair access to the ballot in the name of preventing voter fraud.
The Brennan Center’s ongoing examination of voter fraud claims reveal that voter fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is nearly non-existent and much of the problems associated with alleged fraud in elections relates to unintentional mistakes by voters or election administrators. Our report "The Truth About Voter Fraud" reveals most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless — and that of the few allegations remaining, most reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct.
Voter fraud is not acceptable in our elections, but we must find a balance and not impose solutions that make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in our democracy.
Just the opposite, republicans are very much in touch with everything accept for just how fast the white race is rocketing to extinction. However, through voter suppression and anti-abortion measures, they aim to win their fight with nature, as they, ehites, are in fact, a Lethal Mutation that nature aims to recall. Thus, there is their need to control what they can, even if it means killing off and imprisoning all non-whites, globally, if necessary. Because they know they are and accident of nature that's on a recall list, they know no God exists. Why would a God allow a group to come into existence only to have it die off in less than 10,000 years? A parasitic existence typified by slavery, colonialism, jim crow, drug dealing makes perfect sense for creatures who know that they have free reign to perpetrate amoral acts. They're dying out just as Sci Fi novelist Phillip K. Dick depicted in, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", better known to moviegoers as Blade Runner. In other words, blacks are trapped in a real-life Sci Fi horror flick, but they're in total denial about it because it, the truth, flies in the face of the slave religion that they still desperately, inexplicably cleave to...
Once again, republicans understand all of this blatant, naked criminality that they perpetrate, but they exist, as it were, by T.I.N.A.: There Is No Alternative. Republicans are losing their numerical advantage and they, as well as their race, are dying out. They've never believed in Democracy, but rather merely majority rules. They'll do anything to return to the majority. Akin and Mourdock talk wistfully about rape, and in their tone, it's implicit necessity... When will Blah people wake up to reality?
America is comprised of gangs of predominately European men calling themselves "Republicans", "Democrats", "government", etc. They could be called "lions", "roaches", "bees", "butterflies". Makes no difference, they're just some mother's children, controlling the rest of other mother's children. In the end, it really makes no difference, we all eventually end up DEAD. Happens to all the mothers' children of the WORLD.
Oh LAWDY another houde negro or wanna be Barak Obama PILEEZE no thx! Scrub
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