"Fox News’ Eric Bolling may prefer shirtless, gun-toting Vladimir Putin to the fully-clothed, bike-riding Barack Obama, but according to Rachel Maddow, there’s another reason why conservatives are flocking to the Russian president. On her show Friday night, Maddow revealed that an anti-gay rights group called The World Congress of Families will be hosting their 2014 meeting at the Kremlin in Russia.
As Putin’s 'becoming a hero to literally fascist groups in Europe for him being super anti-gay,' Maddow explained, 'Vladimir Putin, and Russia under Putin are also becoming kind of a north star for anti-gay forces here at home in the United States.” Some on the Christian right are even suggesting that one Russia passed anti-gay laws, “people from the west would begin to emigrate to Russia the same way russians used to emigrate to the United States and Europe. American conservatives should move to Russia.'
But, as Maddow said, those extreme conservatives were 'just ahead of their time.' Following Putin’s scathing op-ed in The New York Times, the rest of the right have chosen him to be their 'new hero.”'
'It is not just the far, far, far right, anti-gay right anymore,' Maddow said. 'It is the right in general. Both in Congress and in the conservative media peanut gallery, who have decided real Americans should show how much they love our country by maybe moving to Russia. Because Vladimir Putin is the kind of strong and decisive leader that we want and we love.'
After playing a montage of conservatives praising Putin this week, she compared it to the “NC-17″-style love they used to feel for Sarah Palin. But unlike Palin, or President Ronald Reagan, Maddow told the right that Putin is “not that into you.”
'Seriously, I know you guys hate President Obama, so it feels good to have a man crush on somebody else,' Maddow concluded, 'but this guy is a president of Russia. Zip it up, you guys, seriously. Have some respect.”' [Source]
And this is how the Russian leader feels about "American exceptionalism"
So does the GOP hate Obama more than they love America? I think they do.
But enough of this geo-politics, I have a fight to watch.
Field, "But enough of this geo-politics, I have a fight to watch."
Brother Field, Oscar de la Hoyer has said that he would be very surprised if Alverez didn't win. De La Hoyer knows his craft and I suspect this fight will be Mayweather's downfall. I have a feeling this fight isn't going to last very long.
As a brother, I am both depressed and frustrated that at this time in America, we can't win shit in sports, politics, the Presidency, or the courts.... It looks like our time has come and gone.
Let us pray because you never know.
I have no problem with Lezbians on political short sale cable channels; no life anywhere else, fine, go for it. You have 12 viewers, so biggie. I'm just trying to find out what the purpose is of having a Field Negro?? everybody needs a cause these days..
too bad they can't be Dads, instead of baby daddies...
Highdef2012, would you mind telling us a little about yourself? any kids? are you married? any gays in your family?
I agree about the baby daddies. If those girls weren't chasing after those boys a lot of pregnancies wouldn't happen. But they take advantage of those vulnerable teenage boys and use them for sex.
I can't remember a time when I disagreed with your "Field Negro of the Day", Mr. Field, until now.
Snoop Dogg has been promoting pimp culture and gang culture for the last 25 years. If that little girl had lived to be a grown woman she would have just been a h*e to Snoop who probably would have tried to turn her out as a hooker.
A few thousand dollars can't buy respectability, IMO, Mr. Field, especially after a couple of decades of promoting the messages that lead to the kind of violence that caused the death of that little girl.
Snoop Dogg can never be in the Field, he has earned a lifetime pass to the House.
My understanding is that the law outlaws gay propaganda directed toward children?(it also outlaws "straight" propaganda)
The question that should be asked is why are people so up in arms about this?
Seems like you have some interest in sexuallizing children? The sick thing is that the said interest is simply political. So who gives a f____ if children are being used for sex (which is a big problem in Russia), just as long as you can take a jab at conservative values. Right?
PS: How about a lawyer, commenting about a law that they never read? Tisk, Tisk, Field.
In politics, it's never the crime -it's the coverup. Except with Anthony Weiner, because that guy's crime was not covering up.
The GOP DOES hate Obama more than they love America. They also hate anyone who isn't a White Male that doesn't kiss their ring.
Those Las Vegas judges are crazy! Giving more points to Canelo! and Mayweather was a real gentleman he didn't cut Canelos face or hurt him worse which he easily could have.
The way I see it,it was easy money for both actually.
Desert, are you saying Conelo won?
No, Mayweather won, but the judges gave one of the rounds (points)to Canelo when clearly he didn't win any. Just thought that was odd.
hobama could teach putin how to be a fascist
cc putin/nsa/snowden/syria/africom... etc
shame on u fn!!!!!!!!
ab, Can you believe Mayweather won? I am glad because I told Field that the days of the bm are over. But maybe not in the ring? I believe it was a setup because Oscar de La Hoya predicted Conelo would win. Oscar knows what he is talking about.
A lot of Mexicans came to see that fight. I hope they have a rematch. I bet everything I had on Alverez.
Sometimes Negroes surprises me. I am broke. Oh Lord, what am I going to do? I hear FN has a slush fund for loans.
ab, do you think Field will give me a loan? I need to talk to Field asap.
dear brother field, I am requesting a loan from the slush fund for Field Negroes. If I don't qualify for that fund, I will suck up my pride and accept money from the slush fund for House Negroes.
What are the terms of the loans?
eff putin, i need a loan.
Where is Field? I need some money. Can somebody tell me where my good brother Mr Field with a heart is?
No loans for you. Next time bet on black.
Pilot X, that judge got paid. Boxing has.to.do better.
Val, that's a fair point and one I considered.before making him FNOTD. Maybe it's his Rastafarian conversion that gave me a soft spot for him. That, and the fact that he has been married to the mother of his children for a long time.
He also does a lot of work with youth football in the LA area which helps to keep a lot of kids off the streets.
No more than Obama and the blacks hate white people more than they love America.
Field, what is a Rastafarian conversion?
"No loans for you. Next time bet on black"
these days it's difficult to bet on black. you never know what's going to happen. whites are consistent. you always know what they are going to do.
negroes are sooo unpredictable. you have to be very very careful when betting on one of us: obama, sharpton, jesse jackson, jesse lee peterson, cbc, maxine waters, charlie rangel, naacp, pilotx, granny, etc...get the picture?
Anon@8:40 am, Google Snoop Lion. Went to Jamdown, tried the good collie weed, and then decided to worship Jah.
GOP loves Putin? I thought Boehner, Lindsey Graham, and JOhn McCain were members of the GOP. Sorry for my mistake.
John McCain Lindsey Graham: GOP Senators Demand Syria Intervention, Encouraging Another Stupid War
Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are pounding their fists for intervention in Syria after reports of supposed chemical weapons being used. They have called for bombing Syrian air bases, arming the rebels and readying an international force to secure chemical weapons stocks. McCain was quick to say, though, he did not want American boots on the ground because that would be “the worst thing the United States could do right now.”
Although McCain and Graham hide under the pretense of humanitarian intervention and securing national interests, they are paving the way for another war in the Middle East. Bombing Syrian air bases to create a no-fly zone would have little effect on saving civilian lives.
Someone takes a Rachel Mancow rant seriously?
The GOP does not love Putin. Bush put Putin in his place. It is Obama who tried to "reset" relations with Russia by naively thinking if he put US interests aside and gave the Russians whatever they wanted, everything would be cool.
Instead, Putin bent Obama over a barrel. Now on the world stage, Obama is Putin's bitch. The US is getting shown up by broke down second world country.
Everything Obama has done has weakened America economically, militarily, culturally and spiritually. Hating Obama usually means you love America.
Ivan Iggar enfeebling uttered: “Everything Obama has done has weakened America economically, militarily, culturally and spiritually. Hating Obama usually means you love America.”
Truthfully, I tell you, some people need some intense sessions of psychotherapy.
Economically, …. we were already in the crevice of an economic slump prior to ObomBer being seated in the White House. Bush and Wall Street put us there, … remember??
Militarily, …. we were already in Afghanistan and Iraq, … remember?
Culturally, …. Amerikkkan culture exists only in the sense that it’s an exceptionally racist country. There is nothing that we do or voice as a country that truly binds us together as a people. Don’t believe the hype!
Spiritually, …. nope, this country isn’t a haven for spirituality either. DemoMobs and RepubMafias currently occupy and therefore supplant that particular space.
As far as “hating” ObomBer means you love Amerikka, I suggest you try speaking for yourself. Just because someone disagrees with his policy doesn’t necessarily means ObomBer needs to be hated. It’s merely a disagreement , … IDIOT!
Furthermore, I noticed how casually you utilized the word “hate”, I’ll bet a quarter that you’re a white guy. You couldn’t be worth more than that.
PS: After you’ve thoroughly shaken off your pro-longed slumber due to an overnight hangover, TRY AGAIN. And this time, try making some darn sense!
Yep, Ivan is a partisan idiot who knows zero about economics, geo politcs, culture, the military or spirituality. In orher words, it is a wingnut.
Black Genius said...
Economically, …. we were already in the crevice of an economic slump prior to ObomBer being seated in the White House. Bush and Wall Street put us there, … remember??
I remember how the Democrat slush fund called Fannie Mae crashed the financial industry, just in time to get Obama elected. Five years later, we have yet to have a real recovery, something which should have taken 18 months.
Militarily, …. we were already in Afghanistan and Iraq, … remember?
I remember that Obama withdrew from Iraq exactly per the timetable negotiated between Bush and the Iraqi government. He promptly expanded American presence in Afghanistan - 80% of American casualties have occurred in his watch. Over the past five years he has slashed our military capability, promised missile defense technology to Russia, and turned the Armed Forces into free-for-all social engineering project for the benefit of women and homosexuals.
Culturally, …. Amerikkkan culture exists only in the sense that it’s an exceptionally racist country. There is nothing that we do or voice as a country that truly binds us together as a people. Don’t believe the hype!
I see you have internalized leftist propaganda quite well. Congratulations.
Spiritually, …. nope, this country isn’t a haven for spirituality either. DemoMobs and RepubMafias currently occupy and therefore supplant that particular space.
Obama has declared that America is no longer a Christian nation, waged war on the Catholic church, financed the slaughter of Middle Easter Christians, dismissed the idea of American exceptionalism, and sowed divisiveness deep into the heart of the nation.
Yes, I am white, and yes, I hate Obama. Not because he is black, but because he is purposefully destroying America.
"Hate Obama"? Hmmmmm, and here I thought that Christians were not supposed to hate. Interesting. Must be a white Christian thing.
I am not a Christian.
Sorry Ivan, I just assumed that all klansmen identify themselves as Christians.
Obama loves white people (his mother, grandparents, most of his cabinet members, etc.), in general, and reTHUGlicans (professed man-crush on Reagan, 5 of them in his cabinet his first term, etc) in particular. All of his major policy initiatives have been republisan-authored.
As for Black folks, name another group of nonwhites that don't believe that you all aren't truly a scourge upon humanity. I didn't think so.
The Eagles need a defense.
If one rereads Rudyard Kipling's "White Man's Burden," and likewise rereads judge Roger B. Taney's Obiter Dictae in the Dred Scott case, they'll see that it should come as no surprise that the GOPer would have greater love for Putin.
Field, can you think of any strategjes that we can use/deploy to convince Ivan and the rest of the GOPers to move to Russia or one of the European countries listed as most happiest (Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, etc.)? Did you see that?
Blogger field negro said...
Anon@8:40 am, Google Snoop Lion. Went to Jamdown, tried the good collie weed, and then decided to worship Jah.
10:04 AM
Hmmmm. I wonder what a GOD worshiping person like FP thinks about it?
The Eagles are like Philly, HORRIBLE!
Field, you make a mockery of the true religions of the world by building up rastafari. You are a very irreligious person. You, along with some of your other FN fans like Black Genius, are going to rot in hell.
You see, there is a reason 'why' some humans are White and some are Black: There is a reason 'why' one color dominates, and the other doesn't. There is a reason 'why' one color holds the power, money, status and position in the world. There is a reason 'why' one color is preferred beautiful, and the other isn't. There is a reason 'why' mostly 'everyone', including Blacks, want to be White. There is a reason 'why' other races don't want to be Black.
Shall I go on? You get the picture.
Ivan. Unsuredly said: "I am not a Christian!"
Well, what or who are? Are you a white separatist, atheist, racist, ObomBer hater, Putin loving, george zimmerman loving, negro hating, right winger, exceptionally outstanding, above the fray Amerikkkan?
field negro said...
"Hate Obama"? Hmmmmm, and here I thought that Christians were not supposed to hate. Interesting. Must be a white Christian thing.
It sho' is!
Jig Field, jig!
"Field, can you think of any strategjes that we can use/deploy to convince Ivan and the rest of the GOPers to move to Russia or one of the European countries listed as most happiest (Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, etc.)? Did you see that?"
Promise them free moonshine if they leave.
"The Eagles are like Philly, HORRIBLE!"
Where do you live?
If your hometown does not have world class universities and research centers, medical centers, or museums, you need to put on your DUNCE CAP and go to a corner.
Anon 5:47 said: "There is a reason why one color dominates and the other doedn't."
Oh, ... I know the answer to that.
Is it because of the legacies of colonialism, barbarianism, military adventurism, Anglo-Saxon laws, economic, political and social warfare? Is this what you're referring to as it relates to the domination of others? If not, you need to conduct a reasessment and recalculate as well.
Black Sage, "Is it because of the legacies of colonialism, barbarianism, military adventurism, Anglo-Saxon laws, economic, political and social warfare? Is this what you're referring to as it relates to the domination of others? If not, you need to conduct a reasessment and recalculate as well."
BS, you sound as though you are jealous of white accomplishments. You left out one other attribute which drives the other features of being White: "BRAINS"
You proved my point bro.
So being true to your subhuman nature, due to you all being a virulent, invasive melanin-deficient subspecies, in fact, a lethal mutation , comstitutes "white accomplishment?"
I think not.
Everyone knows you all are not human The Africans (think: the parent human species) who "came before Columbus," as made clear by Scholar Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, could've been monstrous/genocidal as your subspecies was on these shores, but they're human & don't suffer from a small penis complex. And were you all evolved rather that devolved, then you wouldn't be dying out (See Also "More Ethnic Babies Born than White Babies," and "More White Deaths Than White Births" with both articles penned by USATODAY, courtesy of the U.S. Census). Thus, calling heinous atrocity after heinous atrocity smart or pertaining to "brains", I'd say to you, mitamt ephemera, that you're sadly mistaken. Watch Blade Runner, Replicant, to learn your fate.
There are no black people in Blade Runner.
Erratum: mutant ephemera
"White people! Were you an accident or did HE do it to us on purpose! I wanna know!"
While that uber misogynistic (it originally contained the word 'woman' rather than 'white people') line was originally bellowed by one of my favorite mutant actors portraying the proverbial devil in "The Witches of Eastwick," Animal Planet's How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears," as well as there being plants, vegetation under each polar cap, according to Time & NewsweMagazines, all but confirms that you all indeed where an accident
Of the Wurm Ice Age, as identified by the Germans, which was said to have been induced by an exogenous or endogenous cataclysm. Thus, when Joss Whedon referred to white people as bad code, an accident, or a mistake, with his "Person of Interest", it appears that he knows the deal... ,
@Wang Chow
And there shouldn't be any members of the parent African human species, here, as you mutants begin your death spiral into oblivion, as well. Remember, that WAS a grimy place, wasn't it? It's funny how sometaphors work themselves out, don't they?
One of the esteemed elders (Randal Robinson, principal architect in the dismantling of apartheid) wrote a book, "Quitting America" and another (Derrick Bell, Harvard Professorial Giant) wrote another work, "The Permanance of Racism," which bookend the really that this virulent, invasive, melanin deficient lethal mutation should die alone. Thus, I know it's truly gotta be a bitch knowing that you were an accident that's programmed, no, designed to self destruct (See Also the Columbine boys, James Holmes of Aurora, Philip Kehoe of Bath, MI, Adam Lanza and others, none of whom had record, which is important) and don't belong here, despite your efforts to escape in outer space and cyberspace. That is indeed the ultimate takeaway!
@Wang Cow
There weren't any Blacks on the Titanic, either, and even you've gotta admit that 1,200 plus whites (read: mutants) one the bottom of the Atlantic was a great place for nature to start!
Polar Bears can swim.
Black Sage said...
Culturally, …. Amerikkkan culture exists only in the sense that it’s an exceptionally racist country.
Name another predominately white country that has elected a black leader.
Brothers Sage, and anons who are calling Whites mutants and subhuman, how can you in good conscience say that? The Creator made us all. We all come from the same Source. Surely you must know that?
If Whites are not human, then neither are we. So the important question to consider is: "What makes a true human being?" Maybe we STILL have yet to truly become human? We STILL don't know what's right and what's wrong. We are ALL ignorant but we mistake our ignorance for knowledge.
Black Sage, you are guilty of that process of ignorance all the time, but no one can tell you a damn thing because, in your ignorance, you think you know it all. I believe the term for you is "intellectual idiot?"
Until some of you Negroes develop some "humility" you can expect more bad karma over and over again. That means "last place" on the racial spectrum. So, stop calling Whites names to 'justify' our miserable situation and circumstances in this world. Name calling WON'T CHANGE a damn thing. POSITIVE ACTION for ourselves will.
Wang Chow said...
There are no black people in Blade Runner.
2:17 AM
bullshit. i saw the movie "Blade Runner" and the star was Black.
@Anon 12:34P.M.(really FocusedPurpose)
You state that, "the Creator made us all," but science PROVES that that's just not true and I have provided the incontrovertible facts. Why are you in denial when the so-called superior whites cannot refute said facts? The Chinese say that the beginning of wisdom is to call something by its proper name and their very own science designates them as being mutants and lethal mutationIs, at that. Why does that unassailable TRUTH compel you to, in effect, falsely accuse me of lying through name-calling as though those who identify themselves as white are NOT a subspecies, a mutant of the lethal mutation variety? Can you do what whites CANNOT - PROVE they are NOT what their very own science says they are? If my science was off, wouldn't white people, who are technically mutants, PROVE it so? Wouldn't these same creatures who use J.F. Blumenbach's "Heirarchy of Races" and Charles Murray's "Bell Curve" to advance the hair-brained notion of the inferiority of members of the parent African human species destroy my scientific suppositions if they were incorrect? It doesn't strike you as odd that NONE of these alleged "superior" whites want ANY part of my science-based argument? I know in your young lifetime that you've NEVER heard nature's most notorious aberration so thoroughly, relentlessly put in its proper context. Why are you such a complete slave to the willful ignorance demanded of a slave religion that asks you to turn a blind eye to modern day lynchings and slavery by another name: mass incarceration and the answer 'why' that I supply?
You should read a book entitled, "The Republican Brain: the Science of Why They DENY Science and Reality." For you, FocusedPurpose, I could rewrite it and it'd be entitled "The Fanatical, God Complex-Afflicted Black Christian :Female Brain: The Science of Why They DENY Science and Reality."
@Anon 12:34P.M.(really FocusedPurpose)
Your defense of this particular melanin-deficient lethal mutation (google the Grimaldi Man/Find, which was said to be the skeletal bridge)is reminiscent of overt virulent mutant bigot, Strom Thurmon's Black daughter and Ms. Evers, of "Ms. Ever's Boys" infamy (think Tuskegee Experiment). The way you seek to defend these creatures that still have us yoked to their socially engineered genocidal plan brings to mind what Strom's daughter said when asked why she didn't speak up and just let the world know that she EXISTED when he was filibustering against the Civil Rights of Blacks while in the U.S. Senate.
Strom's illegitimate, mixed(up), elderly daughter said, and I quote, "Well, I just didn't wanna get him in trouble." And Ms. Evers, when asked, in effect, how she could bear witness and maintain the U.S. Government deliberately, subhumanly inoculate Black Men with Syphilis, from 1940 to 1970, she said, and I quote, "I was just DOING my job."
Well, both of these very sad, lowly pathetic wretches are you, as you seek to defend mutants and get them out of trouble and you downright channel Ms. Evers as you "just do your job" in your persistent attack of Black Males in dispensing "His Law." Just like George Bush claiming God talked to him, you're plum freakin' crazy. You need to stay where you were blogging before because the discursive, stream-of-consciousness drivel that you excrete simply sucks, as it's always all over the place.
I know that you hate the truth, but when I comment, I try to emulate the flawless logic of Sojourner Truth and I try to let the truth force people to free themselves in the spirit of Harriet Tubman, who once said, "I freed 300 slaves, but I could've freed 3,000 more, if only they KNEW they were slaves (but something tells me that you KNOW you're a SLAVE)." So far, neither you nor the mutants you seek to defend and their slave religion you insist on being evenly yoked to, can counter the truth as I've presented it. You are a cruel joke on yourself and you don't even know it. And, newsflash: science is not intellectualism. Science is that which is verifiable/falsifiable and reproducible. Science or the Scientific Method is a rational expedition grounded in empiricism---and you are clearly irrational. You should free yourself and shake off your shackles of anti-science, anti-knowledge, and anti-education because you are an embarrassment and a scourge.
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