Now this from Paul Abrams writing for the Huffington Post.
"Donald Trump does not just admire Vladimir Putin. He wants to be Vladimir Putin, American-style.
Putin’s presidency provides him a monopoly of power and also control of the Russian economy. He has used that power to make himself, and a small group of insiders, very wealthy, to suppress criticism, and to exact revenge on opponents.
That is what Donald Trump has tried to do all his life. At his campaign rallies, he already cheers on his goons. With the presidency, and all that power, he can make himself very rich, and broach no criticism. What more could any narcissist want?
If one can stand the stench for a moment, put yourself into Trump’s shoes. Born into the lap of luxury and taught that your sh*t does not stink (a.k.a., the making of a narcissist), he has no capacity for guilt, shame or remorse. And, he has admitted it without any qualms: when asked how he felt when bad things happen, he said “nothing matters”.
He brandishes his wealth to push others around with lawsuits they cannot afford, and harassment. (A.k.a., a petty tyrant, and thug.) He deliberately surrounds himself with “unsuccessful” people so he will have their fawning respect. (E.g., the “latino outreach” chief of his campaign has filed for bankruptcy 14 times!)
Trump has no actual talent, and the attention span of a three-year old on any subject — other than himself, that is... His uncle is an MIT professor, his sister is a judge and he is... what? Basically, a flim-flam man.
Narcissists generally “know” at their core that there is nothing really there, but they must reject that thought in less than a nanosecond, lest their entire psychological façade collapses. Ivanka Trump revealed a deep insight when, complaining about Kellyanne Conway’s assertion that the campaign staff had “scolded” Trump for his debate performance, said, “no one scolds my father”.
Meanwhile, it must grate on Trump’s ego to have had to watch truly talented people make much greater fortunes by actually creating something of value, and without millions from daddy (one can gauge how much daddy’s help kills Trump because he tries so hard to diminish or deny it): Apple’s Steve Jobs (part Syrian background, how infuriating!), Michael Bloomberg (a Jew, also infuriating), Bill Gates (world’s wealthiest man, a nerd), Carlos Slim (a Mexican!!), George Rathmann (a scientist!),while many of his own businesses have failed (as Penn Gillette said, “Trump could not sell steak to an obese nation”), and he has had to defraud people (Trump University) or stiff them (vendors and employees) out of millions of dollars. [By my rough calculation, Trump has made at least $40M by not paying vendors or employees what their contracts called for].
But, taking control of a government has made huge fortunes for other sociopaths. Vladimir Putin, his buddy Viktor Yanukovych (Ukraine) for whom a Trump campaign manager also worked, among other things, to undermine NATO, Gulf State rulers, the Sheikh of Brunei, Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein, and so forth. Name a despot, and one will always find a large fortune.
Power. Power for its own sake, power to exact revenge, and power to amass a level of wealth to which that he has always aspired. Most truly wealthy people either prefer not having it known, certainly not discussed, and usually give low-ball figures. Or, as Texas oil billionaire Lamar Hunt once said, “if you know how much you are worth, you are not very wealthy”.
Not Donald Trump. This is the be-all and end-all of his existence. And, others must know about it, otherwise it does not satisfy his insatiable ego needs.
And, that is what Trump aspires to do. If, today, he has to win women’s votes by concocting some gerry-rigged scheme he can call “child care,” and allege that no one ever addressed it before he did, then he will do it. He could not care a hair on his diminishing pate about children, women, or care.
If he has to tell blue collar workers that he will bring back their jobs, he will tell them that — but, what he will not do is bring back his own jobs because he can make larger profits by keeping them where they are. And, no one has ever explained how money trickles down from the enormous tax cuts to depressed regions — it doesn’t.
He told coal workers he would bring back their jobs — despite natural gas undermining the coal market regardless of government regulations. He knows he can do nothing about it, but tells them anyhow.
So, here is what a Trump presidency will look like. Trump will be granted favorable tax breaks and other concessions in the US, and around the world in exchange for US foreign policy changes such as removing sanctions from Vladimir’s friends, , and his “blind trust children” will use them to grow his fortune. He will administer the law however he chooses, and the Republican House will never impeach him. He will, e.g., tell businesses they can flaunt EPA rules, not abide by OSHA standards, and so forth.
How will he do this? Do we not have “checks-and-balances”? Not to Donald Trump who, as Mr. Khan said at the convention, has likely never read the Constitution, and certainly cares nothing for it.
First, all right wing despots move to control the judicial system. Why? Because unlike kings, who ruled under the “divine right theory”, the despots have no legitimacy. Hence, they have to create it.
The fire-drill to take absolute control is frighteningly simple: Trump will fire all the US Attorneys and replace them with people whose only mission is to protect and extend Trump influence. He will demand, in advance, a signed letter of resignation that he can date whenever he finds them not doing what he wants.
The same will be true of judges, and even Supreme Court Justices. He will appoint some bozo to the Supreme Court whose only judicial philosophy is to help and protect Donald Trump.
And, there you have it. The complete takeover of the judicial system. With his other actions now protected by the imprimatur of “law”, Trump will proceed to take over the economy and use monopoly of power for his own ends.
Most leaders who care about performing their jobs will look for people who are better than they are. Not Donald Trump. He wants inferior people who, therefore, will respect him. Translation: he will find people who will do what he says because they are thankful to have the power and prestige.
Through the National Security Agency, that monitors everyone’s messages, calls, emails, and so forth, Trump will gain total control over society — exactly the danger Eric Snowden sacrificed to expose. The head of NSA — are you thinking Rudy Guiliani? The man responsible for police and firefighters’ deaths by ignoring expert advice after the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, and placed communications hub back at the WTC, so that firefighters and police responding to 9/11 had no radio communications.
If Trump asks him to mine for information he can use against anyone or any company or any official, do you really think Rudy will deny him? After all, Rudy himself compared Putin favorably to Obama because Putin made “quick decisions”, whereas Obama had to think about it, and also discuss it with others.
And, of course, do not forget the IRS. The Commissioner will be a Trump crony. Trump’s back tax returns will be mysteriously “lost” on the IRS computers. And, while Lois Lerner was merely doing her job, determining whether special tax preferences for “social welfare” groups applied to organizations with names that included “Party”, Trump’s IRS will resemble nothing like we have ever seen. Critics will be audited, and prosecuted by Trump’s US attorneys.
Again, any agency head that does not provide Trump with what he wants will be fired. Trump will have those undated, signed, letters of resignation in his back pocket, so it will all seem legal.
What about the media? Will they not be exposing all of these gross transgressions daily, and riling up the public? Of course not. The media will, at best, present “both sides of the debate” as if they had legal and moral equivalence, but, after a time, even that will become more than Trump is willing to stomach. As he has already in his campaign, he will simply deny access to himself and any member of the Administration. Without access, the medias’ ratings will wither. And, thus, so will its financial viability. Rupert Murdoch, however, will do great.
And, then, of course, will come the renewals of FCC licenses. If you are a critic of Trump, or even air too many of his critics, do not bet on a license renewal.
Not all of this will happen at once. It will be a gradual, but deliberate destruction of the democracy and justice, of a balanced market system, all to serve the needs of our own “dear Leader” to whom, one of his sychophants, Amarosa, has already said, we will all bow down. [More]
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*Pic from
No, Putin is trying to make Russia great again.
Trump wants to make America great again.
Hillary is trying to make herself God.
"And, while Lois Lerner was merely doing her job, determining whether special tax preferences for “social welfare” groups applied to organizations with names that included “Party"
Sweet Jesus, do you really believe this?
What the fuck is wrong with you, cognitively?
A jew writing from the Huffington post thinks Trump = Putin = Literally Hitler?
This is serious!
Wow! That's a whole bunch of pearl clutching!
I hate when people distill complicated people down to silly names. That type of thinking is what keeps the masses dumb and docile. Trump is no fool. People don't get to his level by being a doofus. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not a Trump supporter.
Trump isn't anywhere near smart enough to pull all of this off. Or even evil enough, really. He doesn't give a rat's ass about running the country, and has already said he would leave most of that to Pence. So a Trump presidency would more probably look less like a Russian oligarchy (truly wealthy people loathe Trump) and more like a lamely administered theocracy like Indiana and Kansas. The real damage, as was hinted at in the article, would come from the Republicans he appointed to positions of authority. Just like last time, they would try to prove that government can't do anything right by destroying it from the inside. And believe it or not, W was politically and governmentally far smarter and more adept than Trump will ever be.
As for Putin, whatever happened to all of the boasting by the right about how much smarter we were than the USSR? Putin was an agent of the Kremlin, after all. So which is it? Is he a genius or a stooge? Can't have it both ways.
Well, not for anyone capable of thought, anyway. As for those millions of people who actually call themselves "dittoheads", who knows? The whole point was to make them infinitely reprogrammable, and it appears that they've done a bang-up job where that is concerned.
It would suck if Trump won, but most of us, and definitely the country, would live through it.
-Doug in Oakland
There is nothing to admire about Trump or his stupid supporters! On the other hand, there is plenty to admire about Hillary, and her administration will be something to be proud of! Go Hillary!
People who claim to care about "money in politics" but actively refuse to grapple with this history are just hacks:
"As for Putin, whatever happened to all of the boasting by the right about how much smarter we were than the USSR?"
That was before he ran circles around Obama and made our President look like a gutless fool.
You mean by running his economy into the dirt while under Obama the petroleum output increases here knocked the bottom out from under oil prices and destroyed the Russian economy (which relies heavily on energy) even further?
-Doug in Oakland
Theists are ruining not only this country, but the whole world. They are the cause of most of the world's problems. They are worthless.
You know what? I wipe my ass with the Bible and clean my toilet with the Quran.
"You mean by running his economy into the dirt while under Obama the petroleum output increases here knocked the bottom out from under oil prices and destroyed the Russian economy (which relies heavily on energy) even further?"
No, by making a mockery of Obama's "red line" and thwarting his illegal overthrow of the Syrian government on behalf of ISIS. Also resisting his CIA coup in Ukraine and coming away with Crimea.
Obama leaves office as Putin's bitch. President Trump will straighten him out.
One of George W. Bush's daughters attended a Clinton fundraiser in Paris.
Clintons and Bushes are part of the same corrupt clique who think they're entitled to rule America. The rot stops on 8 November.
If Trump wins, he will not only ruin America, but the whole world. Too bad the rest of the world can't be one-day American citizens on November 8 to vote against Trump.
Muh dik! Muh dik! Muh dik!
Dude, Assad is still in power. That must be some powerful shit you're smoking. Or perhaps on a brain such as yours, it doesn't need to be all that strong.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
"Dude, Assad is still in power."
Of course he is, dumbass, because Putin kept him there.
Obama created ISIS and still supplies them to this day in his failed illegal attempt to overthrow the Syrian government.
Putin has kept Assad in power. Putin is winning.
Are you retarded?
I can't tell who is uglier: Trump or Putin.
A woman who pretends to be a feminist shouldn't be taking money from countries where women are stoned to death.
Fuck the Baby Boomers.
Fuck Generation Z.
Worthless pieces of shit.
A reminder that George Stephanopoulos is a little fucking scumbag:
" his illegal overthrow of the Syrian government"
is what you said. The Syrian government hasn't been overthrown, and it was never our policy to do so. Overthrowing governments in the middle east has worked out so well, I can't understand why we didn't want to overthrow that one.
-Doug in Oakland
"The Syrian government hasn't been overthrown, and it was never our policy to do so."
You are a complete idiot. The Obama administration has been trying to oust Assad since Hillary was Secretary of State. How did you miss that?
He wants Assad to step down. That's an entirely different thing than overthrowing him. We overthrew Saddam Hussein. Which is why ISIL exists, Iran is in ascendance, and was no small factor in the Arab spring uprisings which led to the Syrian civil war. Everyone knew it would happen. Assad's father responded to opposition by leveling a city. No-one expected Assad to behave any better, and he hasn't. So, yes, we want him to step down. We have no authority to remove him from power by force, and we are still dealing with the consequences of doing so in Iraq. It is not strength, power, or wisdom to destroy something simply because you can. It doesn't mean you "win". Putin isn't winning anything. His own country is crumbling around him.
-Doug in Oakland
White boys are pussies and retards.
White boys ain't shit.
Russia crumbling around Putin? Well, the USA is crumbling around us, and Black America has to take a lot of the blame. If we get President Hillary we are in even more trouble, and Black America has to take a lot of the blame for that too.
James Deplorable & Lt. Commander Johnson >>>>>>>>>> Yisheng, lilac, and Lance "Muh dik" Cockstrong
Fuck it.
Trump 2016
Well this says a lot.😏
I dunno. Sounds like BS. If Trump can so easily take over the government what does that say about our vaunted system of checks and balances? How can Obama claim to be "thwarted" by the Republicans all these years yet Trump will just push through his agenda without a hitch? If the Democrats are so spineless, ineffectual, and stupid to allow all these bad things to happen why should I support any one of them? Take the fear mongering elsewhere, I aint having it.
"He will administer the law however he chooses, and the Republican House will never impeach him. He will, e.g., tell businesses they can flaunt EPA rules, not abide by OSHA standards, and so forth. "
Hmmm, you mean like the way Obama told businesses and Dimocrap polities they could flout (not flaunt) immigration law, and Dimocrap political committees they could do whatever they want while Republican ones were indefinitely hung up by the politicized IRS?
You mean like the way Obama destroyed private health insurance in the USA, with a bill-that-was-deemed-a-tax-bill that originated in the Senate... when all appropriations bills must originate in the House, by the Constitution?
For some reason the Republicans refused to impeach the SOB for any of this, or even block the implementation.
If you think Trump can do anything about the Clean Air Act, you must have brought some of the good stuff when you last visited home.
"The same will be true of judges, and even Supreme Court Justices. He will appoint some bozo to the Supreme Court whose only judicial philosophy is to help and protect Donald Trump. "
Yeah, like the "Wise Latrina" whose major qualifications were (a) not White and (b) vagina.
I'm looking forward to Trump having his attorney general subpoena Obama's educational records from Harvard. It's almost certain that he was registered as an Indonesian citizen. All of this calls every last one of his presidential acts into question, including and especially his judicial appointments. Trump would then have the grounds to demand the resignation of every last Obama appointee, appoint at least 4 new USSC judges, and eliminate all of the moles Obama's put deep into the machinery of the government.
I'm sure that scares the crap out of you. 4 new White Protestant conservatives, eeek!
"Most leaders who care about performing their jobs will look for people who are better than they are. Not Donald Trump. He wants inferior people who, therefore, will respect him."
Someone knows what Affirmative Action hires are like, and is projecting like a movie theater.
"Trump presidency would more probably look less like a Russian oligarchy (truly wealthy people loathe Trump)"
Most of today's "truly wealthy" got that way by cronyism, restraint of trade and ethnic preferences (e.g. Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Mark Zuckerberg). They have no legitimacy.
dinthebeast said...
He wants Assad to step down. That's an entirely different thing than overthrowing him......We have no authority to remove him from power by force,
OMFG this guy.
We are politely trying to "persuade" Mr. Assad to step down by gently but firmly bombing his country and arming bloodthirsty ISIS jihadis that are butchering people in the region by he tens of thousands?
I suppose Mr. Assad should just recognize the moral superiority of Obama's wisdom and retire to Florida and everything will be copacetic.
You have zero credibility, Doug. You are so in the tank for your side you will say anything, no matter how ridiculous. What a fitting Hillary voter you are.
If we can just gin up more outrage over Trump following existing tax laws than Hillary breaking information security ones we're in business!
Hillary and the media conspired to win the election but all they could produce was three pages of 20 year old tax returns and a Venezuelan whore.
Trump lost $1 billion of his own money.
Hillary lost $6 billion of our money, the confidence of the FBI chief, over 30,000 emails, and an Ambassador.
"You have zero credibility, Doug. You are so in the tank for your side you will say anything, no matter how ridiculous. What a fitting Hillary voter you are."
That's exactly what I was thinking. The Obama administration is elbows deep into causing a bloodbath in Syria. I can't say that their experiment in Libya worked out too well either. The TrumpHate causes people to think absolutely ridiculous things.
I still can't see what possible US national interest there was in Syria. Perhaps the mafia currently running the White House thought that a clean military coup could happen there and all would be well. It's the kind of magic thinking that the US nomenklatura cooks up in a meeting room in DC with absolutely no experience on the ground.
With Hillary, more of the same, except with a crazier person than Obama running the show. With Trump, who knows? It's playing Russian Roulette with an automatic vs. a revolver.
"I still can't see what possible US national interest there was in Syria"
Everything we do in the Middle East serves the national interest of Israel.
That's why it makes no sense when you try to rationalize how our actions in the region over the past 50 years advance our own interests.
Trump has said he wants to advance policies that advance American interests. Somehow, this is "controversial" and "dangerous".
This is why the neocons have gone back to the Democrats, and why every Jewish pundit and media operative, no matter which "side" they were ostensibly on before, is so vehemently opposed to Trump.
"Everything we do in the Middle East serves the national interest of Israel"
In that case, what good does a Syrian Civil War do for Israel? The side effects are large and unknown in the long run, Iran expands some direct influence, and you lose an individual (Assad) that you can threaten and/or make deals with. I would guess that the Israelis benefit from bargaining with fairly non-religious dictators rather than jihadis.
In any case, the current administration certainly made a hash out of the situation. Between Obama and Bush (and a fairly likely new crazy lady President) the whole region has been set on fire.
Once that really gets going, just wait for the enormous population explosion in sub Saharan African to waft north. Somebody is going to be really sorry that they pushed down infant mortality rates.
Fuck your god!!!
I wipe my ass with the Bible and clean my toilet with the Quran.
The war profiteer sponsored news talks about Trump and give two speeches in Moscow. They tell us Russia hacked the DNC but if watch what the head of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, says about it you will see that it was most likely DNC staffer Seth Rich and they had him killed.Russia happens to be allied with moderate Arab countries. There is plethora of information to support this, like the fact that the thousands of Christians who live in Iran can drink alcohol, but the punishment in Saudi Arabia is up too a hundred lashes. Iran is fighting ISIS, Saudi Arabia supports them. Hillary approved the sale of fighter jets to Saudi Arabia after they and Boeing made donations. It was also after Saudi Arabia financed the 9/11 hijackers. Now Saudi Arabia is purposely bombing hospitals and schools in Yemen.
It took me a long time to see through Obama Either that or it took him a long time to get corrupted. He appointed pharmaceutical corporation lobbyists to the FDA, vetoed JASTA, supports the TPP, and armed McCain's "moderate" terrorists. He used a pseudonym when he mailed Hillary. Now can you figure out why the FBI let Hillary go? The Fed won't even raise interest rate until after the election. Yes, Trump is an ignorant racist, but Hillary is worse. She is a greedy psychopathic killer. I will be voting against Hillary and all incumbents, regardless of party. The people who will vote for Hillary would have voted for Bush if he were black and had a D next to his name.
You guys don't think we could take Assad out if we wanted to? And you say I don't make sense. Maybe Breitbart isn't telling you the truth.
-Doug in Oakland
"You guys don't think we could take Assad out if we wanted to?"
Perhaps. Any head of state is vulnerable. In one of it's proudest moments, The Obama and Hillary Show managed to get the leader of Libya killed by being sodomized with a bayonet and have nothing to show it.
So what exactly *is* US policy towards Syria? Backing, in any way, a non-successful insurgency just results in more and more deaths and displacement. At least the Russians have the excuse that stabilizing a neighboring country has some value to them.
No doubt you are well meaning, but I'm afraid that the Democrats have become the party of destruction. Good luck on that one.
Putin likes p*ssies which is why Putin LOVES orange anus.
If you don't believe the Huffington Post is a propaganda piece of shit, try Writing Sunni Awakening in a comment. You could write, "the Sunni Awakening was part of the surge. Your comment won't be allowed, even though the mainstream media widely reported it. I guess they want people to think that the improvement in the tide of the Iraq was entirely due to the increase of troops. I'm not sure if I've ever even made a single comment on Field's blog that the Huffington Post would allow.
That is not surprising since Andrew Breitbart helped launch Huffington Post. All we did in Libya is stop Gadaffi from doing to Bengazi what Assad's father did to Hama in 1982 and what Assad and Putin are preparing to do to Aleppo right now. The guerillas in Libya are the ones who caught Gadaffi and did him in. Perhaps the right wing propaganda about how much the Libyan people loved Gadaffi was overstated.
-Doug in Oakland
So now we find out that an Iranian bank cheated on their sanctions... with Donald Trump. While he was, of course, calling for harsher sanctions and outright war.
-Doug in Oakland
Same guy who was trying to do business with Cuba while telling Cuban-Americans what a despot Castro was and that we should not do business with him.
You mean like the way Obama destroyed private health insurance in the USA
Really James? With a 150 IQ you are still this stupid? Obama "destroyed" the private insurance industry? Holy shit, you have got to be the dumbest human in the entire fucking universe! No wonder your dumb ass used a 10th grader's homework assignment as proof of one of your dumb arguments.
150 IQ! Bwahahahahahahaahahahhaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha!
This is what an IQ of 150 gets you in the racist white community! That's equivalent of an IQ of 50 in the real world! 150! This guy makes Lt. Commander No-Johnson look like a genius. Hell, he makes Bill look like a fucking mastermind.
"Really James? With a 150 IQ you are still this stupid? Obama "destroyed" the private insurance industry? Holy shit, you have got to be the dumbest human in the entire fucking universe! No wonder your dumb ass used a 10th grader's homework assignment as proof of one of your dumb arguments.
150 IQ! "
You went on that long, when you didn't even know that Minnesota's health-insurance regulator is saying the situation is an unfolding disaster:
"Department of Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman said Friday that the five companies offering plans through the state's exchange or directly to consumers were prepared to leave the market for 2017. He said big rate increases were the tradeoff to convince all but one company to remain for now.
Rate increases finalized this week range from a 50 percent average hike for HealthPartners plans to a 67 percent jump on average on UCare."
What kind of industry needs radical price increases every year? One whose economic basis has been destroyed.
This is why I come here. It is so easy to bait you ignoramuses with stuff you are too dim and slow to know about yet (it will take you weeks to years), and then when you react with incredulity and insults I close the trap with the facts. And you never learn.
Yes James, you are still a dumbfuck. You gave an example of ONE state. Ok, well here's an example of insurance companies doing well under the ACA.
Give me proof the entire industry is failing. You can't can you because you are a dumbfuck. You don't trap anyone, you go online and find something, well anything really, to support whatever dumbassed proposition you come up with. At least this time it isn't a 10th grader's fucking homework assignment so you are learning something aren't you? Next we'll teach you that anecdotal evidence isn't acceptable, you know like when you tried to confirm voter fraud (which we all know doesn't exist) by telling us a bullshit story about your friend who had a friend in Chicago who's vote was stolen. Is that also one of your genius plots to trap us? Ha!!!!!!!!!!! You are such an idiot. Now go play with your other mentally impaired friends. 150 IQ, bwahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahhaa!
and then when you react with incredulity and insults I close the trap with the facts.
No you don't, you use oversimplified generalizations and whatever you came up with an internet search. If you really were half as smart as you claim to be you would know that intelligent grownups accept the fact that life is complex and not either all good or all bad. The ACA is a prime example. There are of course going to be aspects that will be good for certain specific insurers and not so good for others. There are always growing pains as this is a complex issue. You over dramatized the results based on one state and a very limited data sample. We would expect a genius like yourself to understand this but you don't seem to be able to grasp complex issues. As a FN poster very astutely expressed there are numerous internet posters who claim to have a high level of intelligence and over time if they actually do that evidence will show but dude, you haven't been able to demonstrate that you actually have an elevated IQ. Maybe you will in the future but as of yet there is no evidence you have any more than average intelligence even though you say you do. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
"Ok, well here's an example of insurance companies doing well under the ACA."
You gave ONE insurance company, and wonder of wonders, 90% of its subscribers get federal subsidies. Which go straight to the Ins. Co. Kind of like landlords who get Section Ape rent paid straight into their accounts, no having to collect from tenants.
"you know like when you tried to confirm voter fraud (which we all know doesn't exist)"
The amazing thing about you pavement apes is how much you know that isn't so.
At least 5000 non-citizens casting votes in Colorado.
1046 illegally-registered aliens detected in a survey of just 8 Virginia counties.
And none other than Arcan Cetin, the Cascade Mall shooter, was registered to vote and on record as having voted despite not being a citizen.
OTOH I'll bet you believe the "hand up, don't shoot" lie from Ferguson, or that Trayvon Martin wasn't a burglar and engaged in felonious assault when he was shot.
See, this is why everyplace you get political power turns to shit. Either you can't see what's right in front of your face, or truth just doesn't matter to you.
Trayvon Martin wasn't a burglar and engaged in felonious assault when he was shot.
Uh, and you have proof of this or is this more bullshit? For a person with an IQ of 150 you really don't know how the whole fact thing works do you? Even if he was a burgler that's a problem for the police not a wanna be cop (wondering what this has to do with anything).
See, this is why everyplace you get political power turns to shit. Either you can't see what's right in front of your face, or truth just doesn't matter to you.
Huh? I've never run for political office in my life so I don't see what me having political power has anything to do with any argument you've made.
Holy shit James, you are fucking more stupid than I ever imagined! The Public Interest Legal Foundation? Really? The group led by J. Christian Adams? Are you fucking kidding me? You should have just used another 10th grader's homework assignment. Then the Virginia Voter's Alliance? Really? No actual arrest for voter fraud but just allegations from partisan conservative groups? Dear god you are a fucking moron!
You used a friend's allegation of a second hand story from Chicago about voter fraud then you try to justify it by allegations from biased groups about supposed voter fraud in Colorado and Virginia? Really? You are actually the single dumbest human being on the entire planet. You do realize that there IS NO VOTER FRAUD! If you had half the IQ you claim you would know this and not use a claim by J. Christian fucking Adams! Jesus fucking Christ, you probably don't even realize how dumb you really are do you?
What was your major James? And don't say STEM, that isn't a major. (let the shucking and jiving ensue)
Hmmmmmmm, for someone with an IQ of 150 James seems to have made numerous mistakes no one beyond high school would make. He made a fundamental mistake by using a straw man argument. I mean anyone who has spent more than 2 minutes on the internet won't make this most basic mistake but alas our resident genius did. Next he uses a link to a non-credible, actually two non-credible sites as sources to back up his argument. This is another fundamental mistake that even grade school trolls don't make. This is some Bill level faux pas. I guess we have to ask ourselves, does anyone really believe James has an IQ of 150? There is nothing and I mean nothing that leads credence to his claim of having some kind of superior intellect. Maybe he can explain these missteps.
"Uh, and you have proof of this or is this more bullshit?"
I have been posting and re-posting and re-re-posting this news article excerpt and its source here for... at least two years now? So what's your excuse for not knowing it yet, ignoramus?
"For a person with an IQ of 150 you really don't know how the whole fact thing works do you?"
I have to keep lowering my expectations for what the morons in this forum can remember, between bouts of brainwashing with "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" and "Black Lies Matter" propaganda. Just ONCE, I'd like to see BLM march against gang shootings in Chicago. That's where the REAL losses of Black lives are happening, not from the police. You OBVIOUSLY don't care about them, so they just as obviously Do Not Matter.
"Even if he was a burgler that's a problem for the police"
The Miami-Dade School Police had him in custody, with his ill-gotten loot, and didn't book him as a criminal. They were under pressure to make Black crime go away (RTFA). But if he'd been in jail in Miami as he should have been, he couldn't have been getting himself killed in Sanford 200 miles away.
Trayvon Martin was "relieved of police oppression" as you prefer, and is dead as a direct result.
"not a wanna be cop"
The whole point of Neighborhood Watch is to scare off burglars and get real cops on the scene whenever suspicious people show up. That is exactly what Zimmerman did. Real cops were on the way when Martin jumped him.
"(wondering what this has to do with anything)."
Because you're ignorant and stupid and have trouble with chains of causation, I'll explain it AGAIN: Trayvon Martin was a burglar (among other things) and was caught in school with loot from a burglary. Instead of booking the jewelry &c as loot and trying to match it up with a victim report (which was eventually found, NO thanks to the Miami-Dade schools and their PC police), the school police listed it as "found property" and did NOT criminally charge Martin. This did two bad things:
1. It emboldened him, because he got away with it.
2. It left him out of jail (where he belonged), to get into worse trouble.
But the school did suspend Martin, so he wound up in Sanford with his worthless father. In Sanford, he tried casing houses for more burglaries... only Zimmerman spotted him doing it and chased him off, and Martin decided to take out his frustrations on Zimmerman. Martin was in the act of trying to beat Zimmerman to death against a sidewalk when Zimmerman got out his gun and shot the SOB.
Trayvon Martin got what he deserved for what he did. With a little more "oppression", it's very likely that he wouldn't have done it. That's the part you savages are too stupid to understand.
'Huh? I've never run for political office in my life"
I'll bet you voted for Obutthole twice. Wherever you get the balance of voting power, everything starts going to shit and people start leaving. Wherever you have a majority, it gets so bad even YOU start leaving. Jim Crow worked because it kept stupid, hateful googles from voting.
The source is THE CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE??????????????????????? James, there is no way one human being can be as monumentally moronic as you. You have to have a clue that such a biased WEBSITE is not a credible source right? I mean even you can't be this stupid. And then you end with more straw man arguments. Dear god, please for the love of all that is holy just kill yourself because there is no justification for being this dumb. Even your parents being siblings can't explain the stupidity.
"The source is THE CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE???????????????????????"
To be specific, the sources are major news media and internal investigation reports of the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department (specifically, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one).
The Treepers are just doing the analysis (that the lamestream media won't do, because they won't even report this stuff).
"James, there is no way one human being can be as monumentally moronic as you. You have to have a clue that such a biased WEBSITE is not a credible source right?"
This, from a clown who believes the "hands up, don't shoot" lie? BTW, I have a video with an at-the-scene, eyewitness account which blows the lie out of the water. I've even given it to you Field hands before. You'd still rather believe the lie. That's why you're hopeless.
"I mean even you can't be this stupid."
You just keep telling yourself that you're just fine, that Black people are going to win, that all you need is for Whitey to stop holding you down. That level of stupid has gotten you this far, hasn't it?
Poor poor James, doesn't realize how fucking stupid he is. At least everyone else knows. If this fucking fool has a 150 IQ then the white race is doomed. Teh stupid in this one is strong. He is the Sith Lord of stupidity.
The utter lack of self introspection from James is just astonishing. The supposed genius who has shown no evidence of his 150 IQ.
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!
"The supposed genius who has shown no evidence of his 150 IQ."
I'll be happy to show the evidence. I'll show it to your counsel and mine, as the settlement of a libel suit; what you get back is "the evidence exists" or "the evidence does not exist", as a sworn affidavit from the lawyer you choose. It'll cost you $100,000 if you lose, and gain you $200,000 if you win. Feel free to accept the challenge any time... coward.
Instead of James' dumb ass taking the easy way of proving he has an IQ of 150 such as occasionally posting something intelligent he comes up with an elaborate scheme to somehow "show" us "evidence". Now if this isn't the nail in the coffin proof of his extreme stupidity I don't know what is. He's too fucking dumb to just post something smart!
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaaha! Dumbest human on the planet!
James is so stupid, someone said it was chilly outside and he ran out with a bowl and a spoon!
James is so stupid, he gets his family out of the car with a coat hanger!
James is so stupid he saw a sign that said Airport Left so he turned around and went home!
James is so stupid the dog walks him!
I've put $200,000 on the table. If you're so much smarter than me, pick it up.
I've put $200,000 on the table. If you're so much smarter than me, pick it up.
Well I just put up $1,000,0000 that says you can't say ANYTHING remotely intelligent. If you have ANY brains say something smart and pick it up.
150 IQ. Bwahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahhahaaha!
Holy fuck James, you are one dumb son of a bitch.
$200,000 Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
150 IQ bwahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I come back here and I find that someone, maybe TWO someones, is watching this so closely that they reply to me within 2 minutes.
I'm living rent-free in your head. Maybe that's why you can't just accept my bet, you can't handle the cognitive dissonance it would create.
I'm living rent-free in your head.
That's the best you can do? A man with a supposed IQ of 150 and you come up with a retort common among teenaged trolls?
150 IQ! Bwahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Maybe that's why you can't just accept my bet, you can't handle the cognitive dissonance it would create.
Uh no, it's because it's the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever come up with. Tell you what asshole, prove to me I wouldn't be wasting my time. Take a picture of the largest amount of money you can muster and have the latest Sports Illustrated next to it to prove it's you. THEN we can bet. No proof no bet!
"you come up with a retort common among teenaged trolls?"
Truth hurts, doesn't it? Your obsession speaks for itself.
I'm going with one troll-wannabe posting under multiple nicks. The time coincidences are too great for it to be anything else.
Go with whatever you want. Wanna prove you have money asshole or are you a pussy? Take a picture with a stack of money and then we can bet. C'mon pussy.
You think I keep my money in bills at my house? How very typical of the ghetto rat.
My wealth is in banks and stocks and land, idiot. Some of my tangible wealth is in collectibles like leaded crystal and fine china. It's stuff that morons like you wouldn't bother trying to steal because you don't have a clue what it's worth or how to fence it, and it's so distinctive that you'd get arrested the moment you tried.
Last, "James Bold/Deplorable" doesn't have any e-mail, social media or photo site accounts and never will.
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