Donald trump was actually bragging to another loser, Billy Bush, (he shouldn't still have a job with NBC after this) about his vulgar sexist behavior towards women, and he suggested doing something that was borderline criminal (actually, you could argue, that what he was suggesting WAS criminal) to the object of his "rejected affection".
The sad part about all of this is that all of us with half of a brain in this country are not surprised. You could see this coming a mile away. This man has time after time made his views about women perfectly clear.
What's amazing to me is that this man has built his campaign on racism by trying to delegitimize the first African America president. Amazingly, he refused to apologize for it, and yet he has managed to survive up to this point.
He was also openly racist towards a Mexican American Judge, he publicly fat shamed a former beauty contestant, and again he refused to apologize.
And yet, through it all, half of America believed that he should be their president.
Now, sadly for the Donald, the camel's back is starting to break. This is not the African American president of the United States. This is not a Latina beauty queen or Judge. This is not a disabled reporter. This time it's all the women in America. White America is outraged. It is their daughters and wives. Donald, you might have gone too far this time.
"I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
“I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
“Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
“Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.” '
Donald, we have all been your bitches for a long time.
*Pic from
PROVE it, you lawyer. Show me a affidavit.
"And, to be totally honest, I have never heard or used language like I actually heard directed at women tonight from the republican nominee for the presidency of the United States.
You are a liar or a faggot.
Trump joked around with someone in a private conversation. He didn't actually grab anyone's pussy or forcibly kiss her.
Bill Clinton was accused by Juanita Broaddrick of raping her. He was accused by Kathleen Willey of molesting her in the White House, forcibly groping and kissing her. He was accused of exposing himself to Paula Jones, and had to settle a civil suit with her for $850,000. He also diddled a 22 year-old White House intern with a cigar in the Oval office and splooged on her blue dress. He lied about it to the whole country for months, plagiarized himself, lost his license to practice law, and had to testify on video (available on YouTube) about all the ways he degraded the office of the Presidency with Ms. Lewinski.
His wife, today's Democratic Party candidate for President, led the efforts to attack and disparage the women victimized by her husband. Juanita Broaddrick was afraid for her life. Someone came up to Kathleen Willey and threatened her children. Paula Jones was called trailer trash for years. Monica was painted as a crazy stalker and a liar.
Another interesting tape you probably haven't heard is the one where Hillary describes how she got the rapist of a 12 year-old girl off and laughs about it (it's on YouTube as well). She had attacked the victim there too, painting her as having "sought the affection of older men". She also misrepresented expert testimony on physical evidence. All so some scumbag wouldn't have to pay for raping a little girl. By the way, the rape was so violent the little girl lost her uterus, and therefore could never have children. Pretty funny, huh?
So spare me any vapors because Trump talked about a woman's pussy to another guy 11 years ago, or might have said a fat Venezuelan chick was fat, or snapped back at Rosie O'Donnell. The very idea that your candidate is the protector and defender of women is absurd beyond reckoning. You are a hack of the highest order.
"What's amazing to me is that this man has built his campaign on racism by trying to delegitimize the first African America president."
You lifted that line straight from the Clinton campaign. It's ridiculous, and you know it.
"He was also openly racist towards a Mexican American Judge"
Another lie. Trump opposed this judge ruling on his case not because he was Mexican, but because he was a member of a legal group associated with La Raza (The Race), the Mexican Klan.
"he publicly fat shamed a former beauty contestant"
The public evidence says otherwise, with Mr. Trump actually defending the fat beauty queen, who actually was fat, in actual violation of the rules she agreed to, because it was a beauty contest, and he rejected calls to pull her crown and instead supported he efforts to get control of her weight.
The whole Hillary campaign is built on nonsense and lies. No wonder You're With Her.
Carlos Slim's blog has illegally published Trump's tax returns and now Jeff Bezos' blog has published an illegal recording, interesting.
Yep. Bill Clinton has been sued for sexual assault, and settled. He lied about sex under oath and was disbarred. Yet he's a liberal hero.
Obama is on the brink of war with Russia
Media: Trump said he likes boobs!!!
Every 20-something reporterette pretending to be offended at Trump has pics on her phone of her blowing her last four boyfriends. This is crap.
Here's some more fun footage from Donnie's back catalog of vileness.
In this clip, he tries to get Congress to punish his competition in the casino industry by asserting, with no evidence, that Native American casinos are mobbed-up (which is an interesting accusation coming from a guy who's had lots of construction done for him by mafia-affiliated contractors), and besides, those casinos are probably not even run by Native Americans anyway, because "they don't look like Indians to me."
Trump has such a long, long history of nasty unethical business thuggery, it's hard to even know where to begin. But sure, by all means, let's all focus on a handful of work emails that accidentally ended up on Hillary Clinton's private email server, and the fact she had the audacity to run a totally above-board charitable foundation. That's what's really important.
It's weird how "Crooked Hillary" isn't actually crooked, but Crooked Donald is dirtier than a urinal at Penn Station.
By the by, did you catch the news that the Russian government complained to the the UN that UN officials shouldn't criticize Trump for being a bigot? Now why ever would they do that? It couldn't possibly be because Donald and scummy Russian kleptocrat Vladimir Putin are chums, could it?
UN Critic of Donald Trump Must Be Silenced, Russia Says
So damned what.
Why do so many black dudes get them a white, especially, young blonde girl?
Because black girls are ugly?
Why don't you "sistas" say anything about this?
Gimme a break.
Ministry of Faggotry said..
Trump has such a long, long history of nasty unethical business thuggery, it's hard to even know where to begin. But sure, by all means, let's all focus on a handful of work emails that accidentally ended up on Hillary Clinton's private email server, and the fact she had the audacity to run a totally above-board charitable foundation
You want "unethical business thuggery", take a look the copies of Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches that were just released. She yuks it up over how profitable the graft is. Thug life!
"Accidentally ended up on Hillary Clinton's private email server"? Did that computer you just bought "fall off a truck"? And 33,000 deleted emails is a handful? You must have big hands like Trump!
And you wrote "totally above-board charitable foundation" when you meant "slush fund on charity watchdog problematic list":
At least you got the "audacious" part right.
Facts are a bitch, bitch!
Real men have to make tough choices. You can choose a rapist-enabling lying bitch from hell or a guy who says rude things
The Ministry of Truth said...
By the by, did you catch the news that the Russian government complained to the the UN that UN officials shouldn't criticize Trump for being a bigot? Now why ever would they do that?
Why would the UN interject itself into the American political process?
Debate Sunday:
Trump points: WikiLeaks, lies, treason. "open borders"
Hillary points: "Pussy"
I'd like the record to reflect that I love pussy, it loves me, and I will never disavow it. Ever.
The very fact so many career politicians are united in their opposition to Trump gives him credibility with the common man.
"The very fact so many career politicians are united in their opposition to Trump gives him credibility with the common man."
And by "common man," you mean white racist morons, of course. The common men who aren't white or aren't racist morons ... not such big fans.
I'm not white or a moron, and I find Trump credible. Why do you feel such contempt for the working class and such affinity for establishment power?
Whoa, pump the brakes fellas. I would be interested to read the opinion of some women and not the white male Trump apologists who are gonna vote for him regardless. You can defend him until the cows come home but if white women without a college degree leave him Trump is done.
Paul Ryan has already disinvited him from his own event. Ha! When the fuck has that EVER happened? That's like being disinvited from your own birthday party! Just wow. How many more Republicans are distancing themselves from the Donald? This is getting embarrassing. Not sure Hil-dog should start measuring the drapes just yet but she may need to start pricing tape measures.
"You Need Both a Public and a Private Position"
So? Is that important?
I've got a LOT of p*ssy and d*ck grabbing fans on this site, har, har, har!!!
And I'm a lying, teleprompter reading p*ssy grabber!!
"While Curiel is indeed a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, several conservative pundits, politicians, and supporters of the Republican presidential candidate accused the federal judge of being a member of a different organization with "La Raza" in its name: the National Council of La Raza, a civil rights organization that advocates for (among other things) immigration reform and better opportunities for Latino families.
Luis Osuna, president of the La Raza Lawyers Association, confirmed to the Washington Post that these two organizations are not connected:"
"The NCLR is not a "radical" group similar to the Ku Klux Klan and U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel is not the "grand master," or affiliated in any way, with this group. The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association (of which Curiel actually is a member) is one of more than a dozen affiliates of the California La Raza Lawyers Association, and not an outlier group:"
Hmmmmmm, another false claim made by Trump's supporters to support his racism is proven false? Oops. I'm just surprised they didn't attack his membership in a Black Fraternity.
More from the above article.
"Many people incorrectly translate the name, “La Raza,” as “the race.” While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings. As noted in several online dictionaries, “La Raza” means “the people” or “the community.”
Translating our name as “the race” is not only inaccurate, it is factually incorrect. “Hispanic” is an ethnicity, not a race. As anyone who has ever met a Dominican American, Mexican American, or Spanish American can attest, Hispanics can be and are members of any and all races.
The phrase "La Raza" is actually truncated from "La Raza Cósmica," a phrase coined by politician and philosopher José Vasconcelos (also a former secretary of education and 1929 presidential candidate in Mexico) to describe the ideology that the mixture of ethnicities in the New World ushered in a new era of humanity characterized by love and inclusivity."
"So? Is that important?"
Maybe, we'll let the people decide.
All of you Trump excusing baboons are going to have a long, long four (and most likely eight) years under Madame President Clinton.
You actually though you could be openly racist, sexists and xenophobic and get away with it?
"I'm not white or a moron, and I find Trump credible. Why do you feel such contempt for the working class and such affinity for establishment power?"
Ah, so it's you and Omarosa, then, holding it down as Trump's "massive" minority support base. Your numbers must range into the lower double digits. Hahaha.
You might want to ask yourself the more pressing question, which is why do you have such reverence for a lying, racist con artist with zero qualifications for holding public office?
PilotX said...
"While Curiel is indeed a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association"
La Raza means "The Race", and was founded by a Mexican Supremecist, as was the affiliated Lawyer's association to which Curiel belonged:
The lawyers’ association to which Judge Gonzalo Curiel belongs was co-founded by a man who publicly bragged about Hispanics taking over California and all of the state’s governmental institutions–and insisted that whites should go back to Europe. The group, the California La Raza Lawyers Association, has been widely defended as “not pro-Mexican” by mainstream media outlets, though the outlets failed to report the inflammatory statements of the man listed first as a founder, Mario Obledo.
"Mario Obledo was a co-founder of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) and the La Raza Lawyers of California bar association, and he formerly served as California’s Secretary of Health and Welfare. We don’t know exactly when and where he first made his controversial statement about California’s becoming a “Hispanic state,” but he has confirmed he said it at least twice: during an appearance on Ray Briem’s talk radio show in May or June of 1998, and again on Tom Leykis’ talk radio show:
Obledo: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority population of this state.”
Caller: “You also made the statement that California is going to become a Hispanic state, and if anyone doesn’t like it, they should leave. Did you say that?”
Obledo: “I did. They ought to go back to Europe.”
So there you have it. The mainstream media again gets it wrong. Donald Trump AGAIN proven right. Judge Gonzalo’s Curiel’s “La Raza Lawyers” is not just Pro-Mexican, they are founded by a radical Hispanic supremacist that said non-Hispanics who resist take-over ought to “GO BACK TO EUROPE.”
Donald Trump had every right to question Judge Gonzalo Curiel based on this shady affiliation.
César Chávez was a critic of "La Raza," stating to Peter Matthiessen of The New Yorker,
I hear more and more Mexicans talking about la raza—to build up their pride. Some people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro. We had a stupid guy who just wanted to play politics with the union, and he began to whip up La Raza against the white volunteers, and even had some of the farm workers and the pickets and the organizers hung up on la raza.
I'm proud of Donald Trump standing up to open racist groups like La Raza.
You should be too.
We are told ad nauseam that the United States is a racist country. Indeed, how could this not be the case in a multiracial country? But if Americans are racist, and they are, why then is there not a strong ethnic and racial nationalism felt by her people, of any race? White nationalism, black nationalism, and in some circles chicano nationalism, are all fringe ideologies with very few public adherents. Wouldn’t nation-states with racial majorities be an obvious solution to the racist American people?
Quite evidently, they aren’t, and why they aren’t isn’t something widely explored as it would rub against the secular faith of American multiculturalism and Diversity. For Americans, race is an important part of identity, even though whites will bend over backwards in their insistence that race does not exist. Race is so significant metapolitically speaking, and together with geography strongly determines voting patterns. But it has failed to give rise to nationalism.
I think there are several distinct reasons for the bridging of race and nation failing to materialize:
Maybe Trump might reconsider his strategy of pussy grabbing after tens of millions of US women kick him in the ballot this November. Judging from the fact that he still believes the Central Park Five are guilty, I don't think he has the brains to come around. Kind of sad, really, but he wrote his own ticket and could have done almost anything with the wealth he was born with. That among the staggering scope of options he had available, this is what he chose, tells you everything you need to know about the creep.
Nice deadbreitbart links guys.
-Doug in Oakland
La Raza means "The Race"
Ok, maybe you didn't read it the first time.
"Many people incorrectly translate the name, “La Raza,” as “the race.” While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings. As noted in several online dictionaries, “La Raza” means “the people” or “the community.”
Translating our name as “the race” is not only inaccurate, it is factually incorrect. “Hispanic” is an ethnicity, not a race. As anyone who has ever met a Dominican American, Mexican American, or Spanish American can attest, Hispanics can be and are members of any and all races.
The phrase "La Raza" is actually truncated from "La Raza Cósmica," a phrase coined by politician and philosopher José Vasconcelos (also a former secretary of education and 1929 presidential candidate in Mexico) to describe the ideology that the mixture of ethnicities in the New World ushered in a new era of humanity characterized by love and inclusivity."
Doesn't sound much like the klan to me but I guess after the breitbart treatment maybe we should be scared of the scary Latino law organization.
"I'm proud of Donald Trump standing up to open racist groups like La Raza."
Of course you are, but the problem is that Judge Curiel wasn't a member of La Raza but a mainstream legal organization much like BLSA. I'm surprised he isn't being attacked for being a Kappa, even though that is actually a bad thing. Ha!
"Donald Trump claimed that a federal judge presiding over a civil lawsuit against the defunct Trump University is a “member of a club or society very strongly pro-Mexican.” That’s an inaccurate description of a group for Latino lawyers and law students in San Diego.
“We have no pro-Mexico agenda,” said Luis Osuna, president of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. “We are here to help Latino law students and lawyers.”
Curiel actually prosecuted Mexican cartel members when he was a prosecutor in Southern California, so he can definitely do his job regardless of ethnicity. That Trump can't imagine anyone doing so is unsurprising.
-Doug in Oakland
"Curiel actually prosecuted Mexican cartel members when he was a prosecutor in Southern California, so he can definitely do his job regardless of ethnicity. That Trump can't imagine anyone doing so is unsurprising."
It's just projection. Many racists project their racism on others. Take for example jim crow laws and the harshness directed towards blah people in an effort to keep them powerless and unarmed because they fear retribution.
I don't believe we have a good choice ahead of us. Although I am thankful America is rejecting Mr. Trump, I don't consider Secretary Clinton up to our standards, either.
Citizens of the UK have a message for our American cousins.... #MakeAmericaHatedAgain
I've grabbed me a pussy or two, and they stayed for breakfast the next morning. And tried to call days & days later.
and I thought today's topic would be the new WikiLeaks release.
Ahhh Lt. Commander Johnson! Is there any subject on Earth that he doesn't know fuck all about, but mouths off about anyway?
Here's his alleged question...
"Oh, wow. Do you remember the Ice Age(s)?
Where did the horrible carbon emmisions come from?
Answer cow, or STFU."
I'll give you your answer, son.
The natural cycles that gave birth to the ice ages (known as Milankovich cycles) occur at a rate of 0.5C per 8000 years. The world has warmed more than 0.8C since WW2.
Incidentally, we are on a down slope of Milankovic cycles, so if the current cycle was natural the world should be getting cooler.
Breaking news:
Fast food giant shows Ronald the back door.
In a move to bolster sales,new pitchman Donald McDonald, pictured on left, will roll out " Furburgers and thighs," in select rural markets. As part of the new campaign it was disclosed to industry insiders that "fries will come with that shake." Look for new commercials with the new tagline.... bah dap bop bop bah, I'm taking it!
Next up:
Doctor says Trump is doing fine after he coughs up hair ball. He says "Must have been something I ate!"
This today's news about Hillary. But hey, Donald Trump likes boobs.
10:32 AM
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
Ahhh Lt. Commander Johnson! Is there any subject on Earth that he doesn't know fuck all about, but mouths off about anyway?
Here's his alleged question...
"Oh, wow. Do you remember the Ice Age(s)?
Where did the horrible carbon emmisions come from?
Answer cow, or STFU."
I'll give you your answer, son.
The natural cycles that gave birth to the ice ages (known as Milankovich cycles) occur at a rate of 0.5C per 8000 years. The world has warmed more than 0.8C since WW2.
Incidentally, we are on a down slope of Milankovic cycles, so if the current cycle was natural the world should be getting cooler.
10:59 AM
So, Mr. Cow.
We are doomed by an 0.3 per cent of your Milankovic-faggot-cat syndrome?
Gimme a break. Modern-day forecasters can't even predict the local weather by such a measure.
"We are doomed by an 0.3 per cent of your Milankovic-faggot-cat syndrome?"
What on Earth are you talking about?
UH...your faggot cat avatar, and the fact you claim we went from a 0.05 to 0.08 today?
The people who lie to you everyday on TV always say they don't know if it's true when they introduce Wikileaks information. LOL! Wikileaks has a 100% record of accuracy.
..."and the fact you claim we went from a 0.05 to 0.08 today?"
Sorry Lt. Commander, I over-estimated your intelligence. Let me explain it again in a manner that even the terminally stoooooopid can understand.
Let me know if I go too fast, OK?
1. The ice ages that you asked about were caused by Milankovich cycles. These cycles are caused by variations in the Earth's movement - axial tilt, precession, variation in the Earths 'wobble' - that sort of thing.
With me so far?
2. So the Ice ages had little or nothing to do with carbon emissions at all.
2. These cycles are called cycles because they cause the Earth to get colder and then warmer and then colder and then warmer again over time. Kind of like the wheels on your daddies pig-shit cart going round and round, and round.
3. So the speed at which these cycles happen is of the order of 0.5C every 8000 years. Let me explain that simply for you. On average when the world is cooling (or heating) by Milankocich cycles the temperature changes at an average rate of half a degree centigrade every 8000 years. (8000 years, that's like 8000 times when it's been summer, autumn, winter and spring).
4. HOWEVER, the Earth has gotten 0.8C warmer since World War 2, (ask your Dad), so that's eight tenths of a degree warmer in about 70 years.
5. Eight tenths of a degree change in 70 years is A LOT faster than five tenths of a degree in 8000 years. Like massively faster.
A) The Ice ages had next to nothing to do with carbon emissions, they were caused by Milankovich cycles.
B) The current global warming has nothing to do with Milankovich cycles or any other natural cycles you can think of.
Let me know which bits of today's lesson you didn't understand.
Tomorrow we can start on difficult sums if you like - long division, fractions - stuff like that.
PilotX said..
"While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish,"
PilotX posted:
“We have no pro-Mexico agenda,” said Luis Osuna, president of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. “We are here to help Latino law students and lawyers.”
We are not pro-Mexico, we are pro-MEXICANS.
Big difference. One is an advocate for a piece of land, the other is a racist advocacy organization.
PilotX said...
"It's just projection. Many racists project their racism on others"
e.g. Field Negro, Yishbag, Purple Cow, Ministry of Truth, and PilotX.
Limpbaugh said...
"and I thought today's topic would be the new WikiLeaks release."
We decided it was more relevant for the weekend news cycle to be dominated by Trump's private comments about pussy from 11 years ago. That way we can make sure the debate is focused on important stuff like body image issues.
The next round of secretly recorded Trump Tapes will prove that he says all kinds of cusses when he's doing poorly on the golf course.
Sexual predators don't just talk.
The Purple Cow said...
"Incidentally, we are on a down slope of Milankovic cycles, so if the current cycle was natural the world should be getting cooler."
Wrong. You cannot expect a linear progression year-to-year on an 8,000 year cycle. While the overall trend will be down, there will be many counter trends within such a long cycle.
Even during the depths of the Ice Age there were decades of warming temperature trends.
And it's not really getting warmer. Data from land stations now surrounded by heat islands is giving a false trend, and the people who promulgate this information know it. Much more accurate satellite data shows no such warming trend.
If there actually is such a thing as anthropogenic global warming, this would be a good thing. Ice Ages are terrible. The warmer it is on earth, the better it is for life. The more C02 there is in the atmosphere, the more plants grow.
Hilarious to see the people who glorify and defend every bizarre sexual degeneracy that ever existed shocked by some basic male heterospeak.
Who craves the massive ding dong of Ted Cruz?
Democrats cry about Trump’s locker room banter which now opens the floodgates to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s actual treatment of women.
Trump wins.
Grab on to the pussification of America. Endorse a woman who shelters rapists.
Golly gee, cow. Now I understand!
Man-made "pollution" is not a factor of "Global Warming", "climate change", or whatever!
It's the "Milankovic cycles"!
Seems to smash all your previous "green" threads to ribbons.
Don't embarrass yourself by denying the discussions we've ad over this subject, and I told you that you were full of crap.
"It's the "Milankovic cycles"!
It isn't. As I have just demonstrated.
So. You have no answer, except that you have no clue, as to "Global Warming".
I thank you for your edification.
BTW....why are turds brown? I mean, you eat things of all different colors, but it always comes to the loo brown.
Man these trumpets really seem desperate. I actually feel sorry for them.
Hey, I had a crush on this girl back in the day and it turns out thst she was a terrible person.
I feel your pain. :)
"Wrong. You cannot expect a linear progression year-to-year on an 8,000 year cycle. While the overall trend will be down, there will be many counter trends within such a long cycle."
Well duuuuuhhhhhhhh.
My point was a refutation of the concept that this particular warming cycle is anything to do with Malenkovich.
"Even during the depths of the Ice Age there were decades of warming temperature trends."
Well duuuuuhhhhhh
'And it's not really getting warmer. Data from land stations now surrounded by heat islands is giving a false trend, and the people who promulgate this information know it. Much more accurate satellite data shows no such warming trend."
Total bollocks.
Read this...
" Contrary to generally accepted wisdom, no statistically significant impact of urbanization could be found in annual temperatures. It is postulated that this is due to micro- and local-scale impacts dominating over the mesoscale urban heat island. Industrial sections of towns may well be significantly warmer than rural sites, but urban meteorological observations are more likely to be made within park cool islands than industrial regions."
Then read this...
Than read this...
Then read this...
"If there actually is such a thing as anthropogenic global warming, this would be a good thing. Ice Ages are terrible. The warmer it is on earth, the better it is for life. The more C02 there is in the atmosphere, the more plants grow."
So turning the southern states of the USA into the Ghobi Desert is a good thing is it? Mmmmmm. Interesting theory genius.
The real problem in global warming is the rate of change" of temperature - which is unprecedented in human history but not in Earth history. Nature can and will adapt to global climate change if that happens gradually. However, rapid climate change is the main suspect in most mass extinction events, including the Great Dying around 250 million years ago, in which 90% of all life became extinct.
I always like to ask questions on this blog, which will NEVER be answered.
Why is it, in about 90% of commercials. do we see black men chilling out with white girls? Particularly blonde white girls? (and in real life, too.)
You black girls like that, Queenie?
Purple Cow said..
rapid climate change is the main suspect in most mass extinction events, including the Great Dying around 250 million years ago, in which 90% of all life became extinct.
There were no SUVs 250 million years ago, dude.
Accurate temperature data only goes back a century or so for some areas, and only a few decades globally. There is absolutely no way to say the world is warming due to CO2 increases since WW2.
It's not science, it's scientism.
In other words, you have nothing besides conjecture, you stinking cow.
Lots of willful ignorance and desperation here this morning. You can keep on denying it until it kills you, but some of us don't want to be killed just yet.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
Lots of willful ignorance and desperation here this morning.
Yes, you are around.
Before you judge Hillary, ask yourself what woman WOULDN'T do everything she could to destroy the reputations of her husband's rape victims?
"Real men have to make tough choices. You can choose a rapist-enabling lying bitch from hell or a guy who says rude things"
That seems to be the campaign in a nutshell.
The sole argument that you can make for Hillary Clinton is that she'll bring in a ready to go bureaucracy. If things are going well and would continue to do so given current trends, I say everyone should vote for her.
"Accurate temperature data only goes back a century or so for some areas, and only a few decades globally. There is absolutely no way to say the world is warming due to CO2 increases since WW2."
The funny thing about climate change and it's champions is the politically correct nature of proposed solutions.
There's really only one way to decrease CO2 emissions, population control. Instead, the answer appears to be to encourage population growth in the third world (watch all hell break loose if you carpet bombed Africa with condoms, YER TRYIN' TO COMMIT GENOCIDE!!!) and to move an ever-increase group to the first world where they can burn yet more oil.
Thinking you can turn around climate issues, if they exist, by installing wind turbines and solar cells is just plain silly.
Condoms in Africa.
You gotta be kidding me.
"There were no SUVs 250 million years ago, dude."
..and what the flying fuck does that have to do with anything?
"Accurate temperature data only goes back a century or so for some areas, and only a few decades globally. There is absolutely no way to say the world is warming due to CO2 increases since WW2."
Accurate temperature data goes back thousands of years thanks to ice core sampling.
"It's not science, it's scientism."
Here's the thing.
Science predicted (in 1896) that an increase in CO2 levels would lead to increased global surface temperature. Then guess what? CO2 levels went up and the world got warmer.
So the recorded facts follow the scientific theory. If you seek to deny the science how do you account for the fact that reality is following the course predicted by science so exactly? Secondly, the world is getting warmer - why? What's your theory? Do you have scientific data that supports your theory?
"In other words, you have nothing besides conjecture, you stinking cow."
That moment when Lt. Commander Johnson gives up on debating because he knows he's lost another one.
field negro said...
Man these trumpets really seem desperate. I actually feel sorry for them.
Pfftt, why? They HAD to know this was coming, Trump didn't just become an animal overnight. It's simply a demonstrable fact that all the other male whooteemoos in America envy his lifestyle and money (and access to women you put their boobs on magazine covers), so they support him on ALL fronts. Pun intended!!!
PS- He's rich, so his small hands don't matter.
Blogger Nasreen Iqbal said...
I don't believe we have a good choice ahead of us. Although I am thankful America is rejecting Mr. Trump, I don't consider Secretary Clinton up to our standards, either.
I'll see an equivalence when Clinton starts threatening to grab a man penis......................Unless he has small hands.
"Real men have to make tough choices. You can choose a rapist-enabling lying bitch from hell or a guy who says rude things"
I think you meant an orange guy that DOES ILLEGAL things, sexual assault was a crime the last time I checked.
"Condoms in Africa.
You gotta be kidding me."
Oh, I expect that a few get shipped there, but they probably get repurposed. Kind of like how anti-mosquito netting gets used to strip mine fish ponds.
Purple Cow said..
Science predicted (in 1896) that an increase in CO2 levels would lead to increased global surface temperature. Then guess what? CO2 levels went up and the world got warmer.
No, it actually got colder for 40 years after the 1930's. The 18 year "pause" we recently experienced happened during the fastest measured increase in CO2 in history.
It's a nice, simple theory that isn't supported by the evidence.
Anonymous DQAE said...
"Real men have to make tough choices. You can choose a rapist-enabling lying bitch from hell or a guy who says rude things"
I think you meant an orange guy that DOES ILLEGAL things, sexual assault was a crime the last time I checked.
Saying the word "pussy" does not qualify as sexual assault.
Trump supporters are the dregs of society.
"No, it actually got colder for 40 years after the 1930's.
Factually incorrect.
"The 18 year "pause" we recently experienced happened during the fastest measured increase in CO2 in history."
There was no "18 year pause". Just because there was an 18 year gap between the current "hottest year ever" and the previous "hottest year ever" - doesn't mean warming stopped. It just means the world continued to get hotter without breaking the record that had been set in a super-zinio year.
Top 16 Warmest Years Ever Recorded (NOAA)
Year Anomaly °C Anomaly °F
1 2015 0.90 1.62
2 2014 0.74 1.33
3 2010 0.70 1.26
4 2013 0.66 1.19
5 2005 0.65 1.17
6 (tie)1998 0.63 1.13
6 (tie)2009 0.63 1.13
8 2012 0.62 1.12
9 (tie)2003 0.61 1.10
9 (tie) 2006 0.61 1.10
9 (tie) 2007 0.61 1.10
12 2002 0.60 1.08
13 (tie) 2004 0.57 1.03
13 (tie) 2011 0.57 1.03
15 (tie) 2001 0.54 0.97
15 (tie) 2008 0.54 0.97
I'll let you have that “super El Niño year" typo for free.
Anon@4:42, I bet that seemed funny when you wrote it.
Trump is what you get when whooteemoos go to the polls in big numbers, LOL!!
Melania AKA tryna' keep her green card while plagiarizing the spectacular FLOTUS, supports her husband..... NO $HIT!!!!
So now we know what GOP stands for: Grab Others Pu$$y.
Hillary Clinton, First Woman President of the US!!
I hope her first presidential order is the revoke the green card of Nipples/Mrs.Pu$$Y grabber and banish them both to some Muslim country.
HRC is your next President, asshole!!!!
HRC is your new President, asshole!!!!
Nice try douche, HRC will be your President through 2024, deal with it. U douche.
The only thing more fucked up & moronic than Don "the con" Drumpf is his shit for brains supporters. HRC through 2024 = reality.
Hey Douche, got a newsflash for u: HRC is your President through 2024, u stupid asshole. Enjoy!
U see 90% of "real life"? U stupid asshole, HRC is your next President through 2024. U stupid asshole.
Yawn...guess what dipshit. HRC is your president for the next 8 years. Stupid fucking asshole.
@3:52-4:14, go grab YOUR MOTHER'S P*SSY like your favorite candidate!!
The fact of the matter is that neither one of these two candidates is "…worth a damn." It's just that Hillary is the "lesser of the two evils." Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. Anonymous
…Now for all of you black ministers that are still rallying behind Trump…you must be receiving some sort of financial gain.
If Trump is elected then black folks need to polish off their chains because here comes slavery once again.
Donald "grab a p*ssy" Trump and his followers, are the epitome of what's WRONG with this misogynist, racist, and religiously intolerant country!
"A new State of the Climate report confirmed that 2015 surpassed 2014 as the warmest year since at least the mid-to-late 19th century.
Last year’s record heat resulted from the combined influence of long-term global warming and one of the strongest El Niño events the globe has experienced since at least 1950. The report found that most indicators of climate change continued to reflect trends consistent with a warming planet. Several markers such as land and ocean temperatures, sea levels, and greenhouse gases broke records set just one year prior.
These key findings and others are available from the State of the Climate in 2015 report released online by the American Meteorological Society (AMS)."
Do we really have to explain to jerks like you that no matter how many guys a girl blows, she can still say no to any future blow jobs. I hate to be the one to break it to you but you are not entitled to sex.
Grow the hell up and learn the meaning of the word "consent."
Since you're such a pussy hound, are you sure you don't have some baby somewhere waiting to claim you as "daddy", like your ex-buddy does? You guys are wonderful at bouncing out of your pure white race, leaving a brown bumbkins somewhere, turning your back and strolling back to White Land, to the phony wives that'll never know. We're stuck with raising your productions. Maybe that why a lot of you white men look like you have contacted Hepatitis ZZZ by age 65. You're probably diseased from head to toe. Want to put the blame on the Black woman. Old Lying Caucasoid Pussy Hounds. Just like your Slavery Grand Pappies.
Yeah, about that...
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