Today I was talking to one of those white female Philly suburban voters about the elections, and she confessed that she was a lifelong republican, who had planned to hold her nose and vote for trump this year. But now, she says, given trump's actions over the past few days, she just cannot vote for the man.
Silly me, I assumed that it was trump's hot mic "grab her pussy" talk that set her off, but I was wrong.
"It wasn't that. What sealed the deal for me was the way he paraded those women from Bill Clinton's past to sit front and center at the last debate. I just thought it went way beyond the pale. Gosh I hate to say this, but for the first time in my life I felt sympathy for Hillary Clinton."
I must confess that I never even thought of the implication of that particular moment. I was viewing it from a purely political perspective, but I forgot the human aspect of it. Bringing those women out there to face down Hillary and Bill had to have rattled her a little bit, and it might have even worked for purposes of the debate.
The thing is, though, that it turned off the very demographic that he needs to win this thing: White female suburban voters. Hillary Clinton's approval was highest when America found out that her husband was getting pleasured by his jump-off in the people's house. They didn't blame Hillary; they felt sympathy for her.
Donald's people might want to keep that in mind the next time that they try to take us down memory lane.
You just can't get any lower than Trump and his dumbed-down supporters. Once again, thanks White America.
Bringing Alicia Machado to the first debate was the high road.
Hillary is up 11 points in a new poll that was 71% white. Up 14 points in a head to head. There are more female voters than male voters, and if you've ever, say, met a woman, you should have been able to figure out how not to make them run screaming from the idea of you getting elected. This is shit you have to master to win an election for school board.
Meanwhile, Trump and his Republican party are busy trying to be western civilization's Al-Ghazali and tear down everything we have achieved as a country. Not gonna happen, and the women he feels so superior to are going to be the reason it doesn't.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
and if you've ever, say, met a woman
I know this hard for you to comprehend, Doug, but those of us who have met, and touched, women can tell you they are not all cartoon figures who vote with their vaginas.
Now go touch yourself to sleep.
No matter who wins, America as we knew it will be over after the election.
The wind is starting to pick up already.
"Today I was talking to one of those white female Philly suburban voters about the elections, and she confessed that she was a lifelong republican, who had planned to hold her nose and vote for trump this year. But now, she says, given trump's actions over the past few days, she just cannot vote for the man."
This story needs to be enshrined in the classic leather bound book series of "Things That Never Happened".
Trump is such a lunatic that he actually wants politicians prosecuted for their felonies.
Fuck the Baby Boomers.
Fuck Generation Z.
Worthless pieces of shit.
Given the WikiLeaks releases, if you still support Hillary Clinton you are either part of the corruption or incapable of analytical thought.
"...who vote with their vaginas"
I don't know if you've ever seen a vagina, but as far as I know there isn't any way to vote with one.
Some of their votes, however, might be influenced by a thing called human decency. You should check it out some time, I find it quite helpful.
-Doug in Oakland
Kill all religion. Demolish all churches, mosques, and synagogues.
I wipe my ass with the Bible, and clean my toilet with the Quran.
The Donald had to run the tables with the white vote because he offended every other demographic but he is having trouble with non-college educated white women. If he struggles there he's pretty much done. As Field says, without Pennsylvania he's got no path to the WH. Maybe Kelly Ann Conway can pull a rabbit out of her hat but it doesn't seem realistic. To add on to that he's fucking with Paul Ryan who seems to be the next in line for 2020. This civil war in the gop is more interesting than Captain America's.
Why are white men so lame and white women so fine? I've never quite understood how there can be such a disparity between the two.
Haha, the Giants lost! Fuck the San Francisco Giants and their shit fans. Good riddance to them. I despise every single one of them.
If we get President Hillary Clinton, we have no one to blame but Black America.
If we get President Donald Trump, we have no one to blame but White America.
I am so glad I am neither black nor white.
Recalls have been issued for the latest model of Samsung's Galaxy cellphone line, and for the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Both suffer from the same critical design flaw: a tendency to dangerously self-destruct.
Members of the public are instructed to drop the affected electronic device/presidential campaign into a special fireproof box, while wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment and exercising extreme caution, and mail the malfunctioning units back to the Korean factory/bowels of Hell from whence they came.
Huh. Philadephis is the piss-turd , barely behind Chicago, in the US.
The "woman", in the far left, in your pic looks like some kind of a goth bitch.
They "guy" to the far right is wearing a baseball cap, for God's sake. Gotta be a homo.
" Awesome Atheist said...
Kill all religion. Demolish all churches, mosques, and synagogues.
I wipe my ass with the Bible, and clean my toilet with the Quran.
2:09 AM"
Yeah. Do it in public, Awesome. Not behind a computer.
Let me know when you plan to do it, so I can place a bet in Vegas.
Podesta email shows that Hillary Clinton tells interviewers what to ask and literally reads from a script during her interviews:
The next time Chris Hayes tells you some 'news', think of this.
Field's story:
"Today I was talking to one of those white female Philly suburban voters about the elections, and she confessed that she was a lifelong republican, who had planned to hold her nose and vote for trump this year. But now, she says, given trump's actions illustrating Hillary's hypocrisy and duplicity, she will let the lying media get their candidate elected."
And that's how you get a confirmed criminal into the White House.
A proud day for America.
Obama shows off his boner to giggling female reporters on an airplane:
Now that's classy! That's "Presidential"!
"Obama shows off his boner to giggling female reporters on an airplane:"
He must have been talking to Reggie Love.
His dick is almost as big as Hillary's.
White people are so bland and boring.
James Deplorable & Lt. Commander Johnson >>>>>>>>>> Yisheng, lilac, and Lance "Muh dik" Cockstrong
Trump is a moron, but I actually think his supporters are worse. They are even more stupid and ignorant than Trump himself, and even if Trump loses the election, his moronic supporters will try to bring this country down, or at least to the dumbed-down level that they are at.
Lt. Commander Johnson is one dumb white boy. I feel sorry for any of the ugly women who have had the misfortune of being touched by him, or any of the little boys who he has molested.
LOL, "Minstry of Truth". You are a stinking liar.
We know you are Queenie, Illiac, and all the other pseudonyms we can name.
Why don't you speak the "truth"?
Remember Marvin Loofer King?
The choirboy scholar athletes & mechanical engineers likes the Carr bruthas, Trayvon, Crutcher and Scott?
Looks like that anti-American asshole Colin Kaepernick will be starting for the 49ers on Sunday. With the NFL a majority of dindu nuffins and BLM-lovers, I will be watching less of a once great league.
But...but, remember...he's got his poofy negro bush upon his head!
I just hope they can get a helmet to corral that crap.
Plus, I hope he gets his neck broken.
All I want to do is sleep with a black woman at least once before I die. Why aren't the sistas more receptive towards me?
The black race is a joke.
"Obama shows off his boner to giggling female reporters on an airplane:
Now that's classy! That's 'Presidential'!"
Well, given that you losers' favorite epithet for your enemies is "cuck" -- person who lets a black dude screw his wife -- I am not very surprised at your obsession with the president's weiner. We all know where your minds are.
But perhaps try and contain yourselves? All this public fixation on the black johnson is quite unseemly. If that's just not possible, however, you should go ahead and embrace your true identity and find your own black dude to snuggle up with.
The Minstrel of Truth said...
We all know where your minds are.
"We" are not very self-aware, are we?
Bitches whining about "rape culture" are going to get a taste of what it REALLY is if Trump doesn't secure the borders. Vote wisely.
Bill Clinton hired his third cousin to babysit Chelsea Hubble so he could sexually assault her, according to information released in the Podesta emails:
And he calls Trump voters rednecks!
Yeah, Queenie, ak. "Minstry Of TRUTH (LOLOL)
You've had more balls on your chin than a DC hooker.
You know what? Us men talk aboubut all you whores, at one time or the or other.
ALL men.
We especially like to talk about the girls who like it up the butt, as I'm sure you are aware. They moan even better.
BTW, Queenie...there,is a new word for you, ABOUTBUT.
@4:57, Listen you 100 day old used tampon breath d*ckhead.
I don't know who da' f**k Ministry of Truth is and i di t care. But unlike ALL you lame, lifeless m*fuckers that stay on Breirtbart and other $hit for brains websites all day long, I've got MUCH better things to do that post here all f*ckin' day like you dimwits.
Got it Bubba?
There is no specific low point for Trump. It can only be measured in relation to how low he already is. Let's call it "Trump Factors." (TF) If you start with a baseline of how low he already was before birtherism, his descent into it is 1TF. By that measure, his "Mexicans are rapists" announcement speech, and "POWs aren't heroes." Are each about a Trump Factor. So, long before he bragged about his dick in a debate, insulted gold star parents or bribed his fans to beat demonstrators, he was already 3-4 times lower than he'd been in his spectacularly sleazy business career. An authoritative count on Monday said that he'd had 272 similar incidents in his campaign, so conservatively we're now at about -275TF, and he's just getting warmed up. As my Drill Instructors would have said:"That's lower than whale shit and it sits on the bottom of the ocean."
Except that didn't happen, so...
Russian constructions for Vlad's bitch Donald Fyodorovich.
Radical atheists are cut from the same cloth as Islamists & Christianists.
Hey Queenie. Its fun to see you pull your urine-stained cotton panties down, and be your sophisticated self.
You can pull them up now. Show's over. Remember, you're trying to cure cancer.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Nasty Whooteemoos having their comments removed. Again.
Oops, nasty whooteemoo is an oxymoron.
"Oops, nasty whooteemoo is an oxymoron."
An oxymoron is a contradiction in terms. I'm certain Yīshēng did not mean that, though it's hilarious that an allegedly educated Black woman would say it.
"Yīshēng is stupid and nasty" is merely redundant.
Every time Wikileaks publishes documents the corporate media releases more "revelations " about Trump. After all, Bill Clinton's Telecommunications Act is what gave them their fascist control, and they don't own Trump. People who don't see the media's collusion by now are duped sheep. Here's a quote from an email leaked just before they waved a shinny object in front of your eyes.
"Secretary Clinton is not an entertainer, and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold; what can she do to offset this? I'm certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not. And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."
The only women stupid enough to support Orangeman are women who want their p*ssies grabbed.
And crackanon's Daddy.
And yet no matter how many grammatical errors you catch, you're still poor white trash obsessed with stalking successful Black people on a Black blog. EVERY FUCKIN DAY OF YOUR MISERABLE SHITTY LIFE.
@11:41PM, You're a miserable cracka' and racists lowlife. Is that an oxymoron or am I being redundant? Or is the question moot?
WTF do you mean MOT, aren't we the same person?
It's funny when googles try to use fancy words they don't understand in an attempt to try to look all edumacated, and fall flat on their air-bag lips. It proves that they can spend their entire lives in school without actually getting knowledge; education is limited by lack of intelligence.
Blowing up when you bring this to their attention proves that it's one of their major insecurities. That's what makes it funny. Image is everything to the NAPA; puncture the image and they've got nothing.
There's a LOT to unpack here from this P*ssy grabber lover, so where or where, do I begin?
Let's start with your jealousy of the fact that so many of us Black folks here LIVE so much better than you! Between the education, investments, vacations, cars, homes, salaries, ect. ect., there's not much a poor little cracka' boy like you can do but dream of a better life, like the ones of us that you despise so much. Of course the problem is that rather than doing something that could put you in a better place, you choose to post stupid shit here ALL day, EVERY growing ever increasingly with so much jealousy, that you're shit has turned green.
At the end of the day, after we've used our quality education to maintain the wonderful lives we live, you're stuck posting posting comments here constantly from a place that can barely be called home with no spouse, no children, and a dog that shits on your cot because it's too afraid to go outside that tin can trailer you live in.
"your shit", sorry to take away YOUR importance in catching my spelling/grammatical errors.
"Let's start with your jealousy of the fact that so many of us Black folks here LIVE so much better than you!"
Honey, my situation isn't what I'd like it to be (we all want more), but I have a modest yet high-priced home that I own free and clear, independent income, work at what I want to, nature at my disposal... things you'll be lucky to have. Ever. Because if you ever move out of Blackistan, your obnoxious habits will have so many police calls to your house for public nuisances that you'll be sent right back.
"Between the education, investments, vacations, cars, homes, salaries, ect. ect., there's not much a poor little cracka' boy like you can do but dream of a better life, like the ones of us that you despise so much."
Yes, this "education" of which you speak. We already know that you don't understand the meaning of "oxymoron". We have also gathered, from hints here and there, that you are in your late 30's or early 40's and still in medical school, at a time when non-Affirmative Action students have long since done their residencies and been in practice for years.
Any White or Asian med student would have been either not accepted at your age, or flunked out due to poor performance. Should you ever get into practice, you will see a fraction of the patients in your career that someone on the usual track would. You are literally a walking medical deficit, damage to our already-burdened health care system, some thousands or tens of thousands of people who will go without care because you are wasting one of the limited number of med school slots that could have gone to someone else. But that someone else would not be "diverse".
I can predict how your medical career will end: you will turn a bunch of patients away muttering "Ain't nobody got time for this. For real." On the day your license is revoked, your name will be up in lights along with Crenshanda Williams'.
"you choose to post stupid shit here ALL day"
My time on FN is 2 minutes here, 5 minutes there. I'm wasting maybe 10 minutes to write this long comment. I come here because you clowns make me laugh.
""your shit", sorry to take away YOUR importance in catching my spelling/grammatical errors."
I did laugh out loud at that. At least you can get the small things correct. But when you prescribe a blood-thinning drug instead of vitamins for a pregnant patient, as one bad-with-words MD did a while back, it will be no laughing matter.
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