Sup field hands? No post tonight, so the floor is yours.
Although I would like you to help me with one thing:
What screen name would you give Donald trump for his brief entrance into the soft- porn business? (Dirk Smallhands?)
Bullshit Detector
Not specifically, no. I'm not going to give you anything for free. If you want more details, "get used to disappointment."
If you insist. Or you can call it "the path of least effort", given that I could give myself a refresher on material I last studied in AP calculus instead of just looking at the publisher's corrections.
I may wind up doing that anyway if I don't get a reply, but I'm not in a hurry at this point. I can give it a week. -----------------------
Really James? You really expect ANYONE to believe you? You have done absolutely nothing to convince anyone you are remotely capable of getting a college degree. Here is what is happening and anyone who has an IQ of over 50 can figure you out. You are at least smart enough to have figured out that the moment you choose a major (ha) we here will know someone (most likely a negro) who actually has a degree in said discipline and will expose you for the obvious fraud you are. So to appear to have some kind of upper hand you pretend to have some genius plan to get someone to pay you to prove whether or not you actually have a degree. Dude, you're not the first nor the last racist white troll to claim to be smart/successful/ect. but you at least realize your story is bullshit and you have to ride this wave as long as you can because the second your game is exposed you have to either leave or come up with a new screen name. Intellectual honesty isn't big in racist troll communities which is very apparent in your case. At least give us the benefit of less bullshit about calling publishers and correcting mistakes and such. That type of bullshit kinda takes it just a bit too far no?
I'll bet Field, Yisheng and Co. can't wait until BOAN hits theaters. It will be just like pornography for them, the spectacle of blacks brutally slaughtering innocent white human beings like animals.
"If anything, he's hardened his position, and perhaps even won over some fence-sitters to his way of thinking simply because he was given a platform from which to spew his hatred of blacks, and to do so without censorship, and without guidelines."
The way I see it there are broadly two categories of racist.
1) People who are racist because they don't know any better
2) People who are racists because they have a deep psychological need to be racist.
Obviously, education will work with category 1 racists but not with cat. 2 racists.
Jimmy Bold is certainly a Cat.2 racist, and as such no education or interaction with logic or the truth will change his mind-set, or at east no education that we are qualified or knowledgable enough to give him. He is obviously a damaged individual who has a weird fixation on black folks and his supposed (or imagined) high level of intelligence. He has a deep-seated need to feel morally and intellectually superior to others. I don't know what trauma made Jimmy the way he is, and not being a psychiatrist I don't much care.
But I would not advocate censoring his words in any way. He would see that as a kind if victory, and I suspect most people here do as I do and 'self censor' by skipping the vast majority of his deranged rants.
Cat:1 racists definitely can be helped by blogs such as this. Academic research here in the UK has shown that racism is at a lower level in areas where the racists live and interact with each other on a daily basis.
There are what you're calling Category 2 racists: people who derive much of their self-worth from thinking they're better than some other ethnic group of people. Or those who badly need a scapegoat for something that's gone wrong in their life. (The latter may simply be fuck-ups who are the authors of their own misery, or they may be genuine victims of bad circumstances who have unfortunately redirected the blame at innocent parties.) Mostly, these bigots are damaged beyond repair. Unfixable and in some cases dangerous.
And there are what you're calling Category 1 racists: people who are simply misinformed. They've been told incorrect things about another ethnic group, and haven't had enough real-life experience with that ethnic group to discover that the stereotypes are bogus.
But then, at a university, there's yet a third group you haven't mentioned: non-racist idiots rebelling against social norms.
What am I talking about? Well, consider that university undergrads are quite young, and some are still rather immature and have less than fully developed senses of empathy. And it's the first time they've ever been out of their parents' houses and free from adult-imposed rules, so naturally the first thing they do is break every rule they had to follow previously: Stay out late. Don't bathe. Drink and smoke weed. Scream and yell. Run around naked. And ... wait for it ... say offensive stuff they were told to never say.
I can tell you from personal experience about several white folks (and Asian folks, too) with whom I attended college, particularly in freshman year, who said tons of offensive, bigoted stuff almost certainly ONLY because it was forbidden and taboo. I don't believe they were racist; I don't believe there was much actual hate underpinning their hateful-sounding speech. It was just, on some level, thrilling to them to use racial slurs and jokes in the same way as it was thrilling to inject profanities into every other sentence, because they were being "naughty un-PC rebels" and mom and dad weren't there to ground them over it. And it did not fully, 100% dawn on them the level of hurt and anger that would be felt by those the slurs and jokes targeted, should they be overheard.
Not to mention, there is just a hellacious amount of ignorance out there. Taking the example of blackface: In order to really understand why it is offensive, you have to know the history behind it. And yet, if you were to ask the average white American college kid, "What is a minstrel show?", s/he is quite likely to give you a completely blank stare. And that thing about the Confederate battle flag meaning "Southern pride," rather than "yay, slavery was great" -- lots of rednecks honest to God believe that crap! They've got it emblazoned on their pickup truck, with no racist intent behind it, and since they don't have any racist intent, they're baffled as to why black people might get mad about it.
@The Purple Cos: "1) People who are racist because they don't know any better"
If I extended your logic to other areas of human failings, it might be stated that some homophobes, rapists, murderers, thieves, or what have you, are that way "because they don't know any better."
I understand your desire to place James in an unreachable category, so that you might create another category of racist, one that might be reached, but a racist will either find support for his racism, or not, and if not, he will self-heal with or without this blog.
And if racists "can be helped by blogs such as this," it follows that racists no. 2, can also find here ample reasons to reinforce their racism.
This blog wasn't always this infested by racists. They have pretty much run off those who came here to civilly debate the events of the day, and this, because of the blogger's insistence on giving them a voice, and a platform.
If you're right, the blog has become mostly therapeutic for those of a racist bent, as those are the ones who mainly come here now, and who have overrun this blog.
Regrettably, most of the comments that are made here are either racist, or obscene, or both. I don't think that this was the initial intent of the blogger--to provide a therapeutic service for racists--when he started this blog. But, if I'm to believe you, it can now certainly serve as one.
Here's another perspective: By allowing the "racist rants," he signals his acceptance of their point of view, and the damage that view has caused for centuries.
You don't get rid of a cancer by encouraging its growth through omission or commission, you destroy it by excising it at its source. This nation has had hundreds of year to come to terms with racists, and racism, in its midst, and now you feel that a blog like this one can do what the experiences of decades have failed to do.
Shit man I know. Feild let's all this racest come on here and talk shit like the cowerd's their are and he don't do anything about it. They just talking trash cause there dick's are so small. Ha ha. We all got big Dick's and they their jealos. Punk faggit's.
People talk about liberal and conservative bias but pro war and corporate bias is worse. Eisenhower was right about the military industrial complex. They control the media and government now. We are allowed to be racist or against racism. We are allowed to be for the elite paying workers less, or for workers having more money to spend on the rich class' products. But the media doesn't want us to be against war. If the media had a liberal bias Bernie Sanders would be the Democrat's nominee. The AP even announced that Hillary won before she did and before the California primary. I would have liked for the election to be between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. At least the establishment didn't get their candidate, Jeb Bush, on the Republican side.
As a white interloper, I show up here for my education and as a means of coping with the racism in this country, the virulent resurgence of which I don't understand. But not all the education comes from here. The New Yorker opened my eyes about the snowball effect (pun not really intended but I'll take it) of what is politely called "economic inequality" between whites and blacks. I knew it was bad, but the statistics are fucking horrible. To level THIS playing field it's going to take a few megatons of TNT.
It's not as prevalent now, but most of the racists I have actually known were that way because they grew up where it was "normal" to be racist. My father and brother were from Ardmore, Oklahoma and carried their racist views with them to California when they moved there in 1960. Since there weren't really any black people to be racist against in Eureka, they sort of calmed down about it after civil rights became the law, but since they really didn't know any black people, it took both of them a long time to get up off of their overt racism. They did manage it, mostly, and eventually, so it can sometimes be done. It probably depends a lot on how much of your identity you have invested in your racism. If you've only bought into the BS that all of your poor, white, problems are caused by black people, then you can probably come around by buying into something closer to the truth. It seems to me that when it gets more convenient to actually admit other people's humanity than to deny it, a lot of lukewarm racists just don't want to go to the trouble. The harder core remain and probably always will. That seems like a lot of trouble to go through for very little benefit to me, but I grew up respecting people, so what do I know?
"If I extended your logic to other areas of human failings, it might be stated that some homophobes, rapists, murderers, thieves, or what have you, are that way "because they don't know any better."
Yes, I'd say all of that is true. Not all murderers are axe-wielding psychopaths and not all rapists set out to rape - some for instance do not seem to realise that seducing intoxicated women is rape. (Though that does not in anyway excuse their crime.)
** "I understand your desire to place James in an unreachable category, so that you might create another category of racist, one that might be reached, but a racist will either find support for his racism, or not, and if not, he will self-heal with or without this blog. "
I think you are over-simplifying my argument - or perhaps I explained it simplistically. I have not created a category of 'nice racist' - what I am saying is that I have met real world people who had distorted views of black folks purely out of ignorance. I dated a Finnish woman from Oulu in northern Finland who had literally never seen a black man until she moved to Amsterdam at the age of 25 - to her black people were as strange as aliens until she began to interact with them on a daily basis and the penny dropped. She had no NEED to be racist, that's the difference. I don't believe racists ever self heal, those that can be saved do so by discovering that black people are just people. As I said in my previous response it's no coincidence that racism is at its lowest where different races interact on a daily basis.
** "Regrettably, most of the comments that are made here are either racist, or obscene, or both. I don't think that this was the initial intent of the blogger--to provide a therapeutic service for racists--when he started this blog. But, if I'm to believe you, it can now certainly serve as one. "
That's not exactly what I said though was it? A cat. 2 racist will always be that way because they need to be that way, coming here will never change them. Cat.1 racists who lose a debate to black folks maybe have to re-evaluate their views that black folks have an I.Q. of 70, or 80 or whatever it is thy claim. You can't have understanding without communication.
I don't believe any adult should censor another adult - even if Adolf Hitler was to post here - I wouldn't advocate banning him. This throws up some anomalies I'll grant you - most obviously protecting the right to self-expression of people who seek to deny the right of self-expression to others. Nevertheless I do not banning anyone's views - no matter how repellant.
** "Here's another perspective: By allowing the "racist rants," he signals his acceptance of their point of view, and the damage that view has caused for centuries. "
I shouldn't speak for Field, but surely allowing 'racist rants' signals his acceptance of their right to voice their point of view, NOT the point of view itself.
** "You don't get rid of a cancer by encouraging its growth through omission or commission, you destroy it by excising it at its source."
Maybe by giving the racists enough rope to hang themselves, that exactly whatField is attempting to do?
"This nation has had hundreds of year to come to terms with racists, and racism, in its midst, and now you feel that a blog like this one can do what the experiences of decades have failed to do."
I wouldn't know, your nation is not my nation.
What I'm saying is that not all racists are created equal, some definitely can be "cured" by interacting with other races, some the Stormfront, KKK, and SBPDL crowd - obviously not. But they are not going to go away simply because Field banned them.
In the final analysis of course, this is Field's Blog, so only Field can make that decision.
@PC (ONE)-- "Yes, I'd say all of that is true. Not all murderers are axe-wielding psychopaths and not all rapists set out to rape - some for instance do not seem to realise that seducing intoxicated women is rape. (Though that does not in anyway excuse their crime.)"
How about women who are so intoxicated that they have passed out? How about obtaining consent before you introduce them to Mr. Long John? Are we so animalistic that we're willing to allow our sexual drive to overlook common human decency, the "rights" of woman not to be penetrated by another when she's incapacitated?
My God, man, why would you be an apologist for these criminal acts? When you do to another what you don't want done to you, then you're guilty, whether you're psychopathically guilty, accidentally guilty, or ignorantly guilty. (In matters of law, ignorance is no excuse.) Offer up your rationales to the victims of these murderers and these rapists.
Wow! Double wow! It's statements like your preceding one that discourages my coming to this blog.
And you say it "doesn't excuse their crime," when you have done just that.
"Cat.1 racists who lose a debate to black folks maybe have to re-evaluate their views that black folks."
What debate? Did you not say the following: "I suspect most people here do as I do and 'self censor' by skipping the vast majority of his deranged rants."
I reiterate my point, the one that you said was irrelevant:
"Regrettably, most of the comments that are made here are either racist, or obscene, or both. I don't think that this was the initial intent of the blogger--to provide a therapeutic service for racists--when he started this blog. But, if I'm to believe you, it can now certainly serve as one. "
@PC TWO --"I don't believe any adult should censor another adult - even if Adolf Hitler was to post here - I wouldn't advocate banning him. This throws up some anomalies I'll grant you - most obviously protecting the right to self-expression of people who seek to deny the right of self-expression to others. Nevertheless I do not banning anyone's views - no matter how repellant."
Knowing what you know about Hitler, the 6 million Jews and others that he slaughtered in the most horrific of manners, you would still permit his "right to self expression," believing that his self-expression is of a greater import and right than the expression of their lives.
In that case, then, we should put garbage in the Louvre, since there's no real distinction between the two.
"I wouldn't know, your nation is not my nation."
From what you've said here, you're not racist, a rapist, a homophobe, a child molester or a murderer, but that didn't stop you from categorizing their heinous acts, excusing some (Yes excused, as you downplayed their crime.), while vehemently denouncing others.
"What I'm saying is that not all racists are created equal, some definitely can be "cured" by interacting with other races,"
Don't stop with racists, as no two people are the same. Whether a racist can be cured or not, is up to him, as I'm not obliged to participate in his therapy.
I'll leave the therapeutic treatment to you and Field.
"I shouldn't speak for Field, but surely allowing 'racist rants' signals his acceptance of their right to voice their point of view, NOT the point of view itself."
Why not speak for Field, you've spoken for an assortment of unsavory characters--racists, rapists, murderers, etc. There's really no distinction between the toleration of certain behavior and endorsing it. That's what parents do with the rearing of their children--socializing them--that is, they punish certain behavior, while praising other.
"Maybe by giving the racists enough rope to hang themselves, that exactly whatField is attempting to do?"
Why? Why should he care? Wouldn't that prove to be anti-therapeutic? I thought it was Field's aim to "cure" the racist, or at the least give him a platform from which to speak his mind.
UC: It's my understanding that it is better to have these views out in the open where the rest of the people who have to deal with them in real life can see exactly what they are up against. Those kind of things tend to fester when they never get out in the light of day and bump up against the reality they attempt to deny. Will it help them? Who knows. It does help me a little to have some kind of contact with views which contradict my own. It sharpens my game a little, and gets me outside the bubble that forms around my opinions, and reminds me why I have the opinions I have in the first place. Freedom of speech is a good thing precisely because it exposes us to views we find abhorrent.
Russia announced that they will shoot down any American planes that target the Syrian military. Let's see, do you think you should vote for the candidate who said we should sit back and watch the Russians bomb ISIS in Syria, or the one with an email about how overthrowing Syria will please Israel?
@Doug in Oakland -- "It's my understanding that it is better to have these views out in the open where the rest of the people who have to deal with them in real life can see exactly what they are up against."
As a black man, I know what I'm "up against," and I don't think that I'm alone--most blacks know what they're "up against."
That said, I don't need to have it thrown in my face on a blog, for the sake of protecting a stranger's right to have his or her say, as I've seen, and heard "these views" ad nauseam.
"Those kind of things tend to fester when they never get out in the light of day and bump up against the reality they attempt to deny."
If Field wishes his blog to perform a therapeutic service, a place where racists can come to vent their racism, so that it won't "fester," then he should rename his blog, and extend open arms to all those on white supremacy web sites, and change his stated interest, "Advocating for social justice and human rights," to providing a safe haven for racists to vent.
It's getting harder to differentiate his blog from one of the white supremacy blogs.
"Will it help them? Who knows. It does help me a little to have some kind of contact with views which contradict my own."
In order to "maybe" help a few racists, Field has felt constrained to transform his blog into an outreach for racists, even if such an outreach alienates the majority of his erstwhile black commenters who used to post here.
"It sharpens my game a little, and gets me outside the bubble that forms around my opinions, and reminds me why I have the opinions I have in the first place."
If you need a constant context of racist thought in order to rally around your opinions, how much is enough?
That's what our memories are for, to recreate contexts from having been exposed to certain experiences, so that we might experience again who we are, our particular mindset about a thing.
"Freedom of speech is a good thing precisely because it exposes us to views we find abhorrent."
To deny one a platform is not the same as curtailing "freedom of speech." Were we all entitled to a platform, regardless of the source, I'd be on every major television station nightly.
In addition, there's no freedom, including "freedom of speech," that mustn't be exercised responsibly. What's the famous example: If there's no fire, it's against the law to yell out "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
In this lifetime, I've been exposed to enough "views [I] find abhorrent." I don't need to add to them, rather, blogs like this one, where practically anything goes, are a turnoff.
"As a black man, I know what I'm "up against," and I don't think that I'm alone--most blacks know what they're "up against."
That said, I don't need to have it thrown in my face on a blog, for the sake of protecting a stranger's right to have his or her say, as I've seen, and heard "these views" ad nauseam."
Goddamn, I feel you on this point but at the same time if Field had to censor all of the bullshit that gets thrown here by racists he wouldn't have time to do anything else. It may be hard to do but like PC says we may just have to step over the shit to get to where we're going. A blog with only fair minded sistas and brothas would be sooooooo much easier to communicate without having to deal with the insults and harassment but as we have seen here, most of these trolls only want attention and if you ignore them they go away. I know I know easier said than done but I mainly ignore anything by an anon and just read stuff from Yisheng, F&F, PC, Doug, Another Bozo, Limpbaugh and Field. Maybe one day we'll have a comments section to ourselves but that's not a realistic world. When I need sanity I go to Facebook where 100% of my friends hate Trump and aren't rabid racists. Shrug.
@PilotX -- "most of these trolls only want attention and if you ignore them they go away."
The "trolls" have been here at least eight years, or more, and they don't seem to be going anywhere.
They're usually the first to post, and often the ones to get in the last word.
"I feel you on this point but at the same time if Field had to censor all of the bullshit that gets thrown here by racists he wouldn't have time to do anything else."
Blogger has tools to help reduce the troll population, but those tools have to be applied, something that Field has been unwilling to do.
I recall the beginning of the assault on his blog, and, at the time, I warned Field that the attacks were orchestrated, and that the trolls were under the command of a ringleader. I stayed up all night one night taking on one minion after the other. Towards morning they brought out their heavy hitter, their ringleader, to finish me off.
This ringleader had a better command of the language, had better polemic skills, and you could tell he was better educated than the loyal minions that preceded him.
"Maybe one day we'll have a comments section to ourselves but that's not a realistic world."
Perhaps, but that unrealistic world used to exist, at least on this blog, where blacks mostly had it to themselves.
It all begin to fall apart leading up to the election of Obama, with the troll presence remaining after he was elected president. That Blacks had found a place on this blog to discuss issues of importance to them proved too much for the anti-black forces that opposed the election of a black president, as well as the social, economic, and political progress of blacks in this country.
And here we are: The trolls have won; the racists have overrun the blog, and blacks, once again, are shaking their heads that such a thing was allowed to happen.
Great comments and discussion above about some things I struggle with on a daily basis.
Yes, racists are everywhere, and, sadly, we will not be getting rid of them anytime soon. I think it's important to know exactly where they are. That's why when they come to this site and expose themselves I do not censor them.
BTW, this is not the only site. Take a look at some of the comments in the comments section over at Yahoo and you will see what I am talking about.
Remember, the hidden racists who hold real power are even more dangerous than the idiots who post on this site --and others like it--- from their basements, 24/7.
What PX said. There are many, many places on the internet in which to only reinforce the views I already have. There are many, many batshit insane places on the internet where truly abhorrent views are reinforced. The number of sane, informative sites where free contact is made with the sizable fraction of the populace who vehemently hate the things I stand for is very small, and while I too sometimes feel like I don't ever want to hear any of the vicious drivel they spew again, I don't have to engage with them when I feel that way. I have other things to do. Basically, I don't have a lot of contact with people who are my political opposite, and I find it a healthy thing on my part to be reminded what they are really about sometimes. It would maybe be different if there weren't anywhere online where I can interact with folks I agree with, but I know of lots of places like that. Add to that living in Oakland, and it becomes easier to ignore the fact that these people exist. But they do exist. Maybe being white gives me a different slant on this, I don't know. If I didn't find any value in the interactions in this comment thread, I wouldn't keep coming back here.
"It's getting harder to differentiate his blog from one of the white supremacy blogs."
I seriously doubt ANY White supremacy blog has a Black Pilot, Attorney, MBA, and a Scientist. SERIOUSLY.
And as one of the primary targets of a lot of the racist vitriol on this site, I'm indifferent to it at this point, though I didn't always feel this way. In fact, I took about 2 years off from even visiting the site. But then I realized that the ability to "brush the dirt off your shoulders" can ONLY be an asset to a Black, FEMALE future Physician/Scientist.
Yīshēng said -- "So here I am. And HERE I STAND!!!"
One out of a hundred commenters who deserted this blog when it was overtaken by racist anons.
You weren't here at the beginning; I was. I know what this blog was like before it became infected by racists.
Compared to what this blog once was, it has become "harder to differentiate [this] blog from one of the white supremacy blogs," notwithstanding the intellectual caliber of some of the commenters who now remain.
You weren't posting here at the time. This blog attracted many blacks who were smart, intellectual, and well-positioned in society.
That was then; this is now. Now, there's only a handful who can make such a claim.
"I realized that the ability to 'brush the dirt off your shoulders' can ONLY be an asset to a Black, FEMALE."
Each person has to make that determination for him or herself as to whether it's an "asset" or not, and clearly not many perceived it as you see it, as the numbers representing the old guards have all but disappeared.
"And here we are: The trolls have won; the racists have overrun the blog, and blacks, once again, are shaking their heads that such a thing was allowed to happen.'
I disagree, I can still have a good time joshing with my peoples here. I still owe Field a pizza. Maybe it's like a noisy high school cafeteria, we just have to ignore other conversations and concentrate on our own.
Trust me UC but who I really feel sorry for is the Black ham radio operators. They used to have their own channel and chat about all kinds of things but guess what, you know the deal. Now they can't talk to each other as they had been doing for decades because of racist trolls and there's nothing they can do about it. These guys are in their 80's, supposed to be in their golden years and have to put up with all kinds of bullshit. Here, like you said there are tools to weed out the silliness and if Field gets upset enough he may just do it, he has that power but imagine not having any ability to do anything about it. That would be frustrating. Here, I can just ignore the anons and get to the good stuff, kind of like fast forwarding through commercials.
First, I've been here since around 2008 or so. So I'm no newbie.
Second, in that time, I've noticed that many Black intellectuals have been replaced with white racists trash. Or Whooteemoos as I'm so fond of calling them.
Third, this blog is a microcosm of modern day America, racists are as easily spotted as a purple elephant.
Fourth, I guess I don't get why their presence bothers folks so much, that's a lot of power to give to people who are not only ignorant, but Insignificant as well.
Lastly, I gathered a LONG time ago that Field doesn't post so he can draw big audiences. I feel that his continued presence in the blogosphere means that the racists loose. And my continued presence says exactly the same thing, as long as we're here, THEY LOOSE!!!
Yīshēng said..."Fourth, I guess I don't get why their presence bothers folks so much, that's a lot of power to give to people who are not only ignorant, but Insignificant as well."
There's "power" and then there's "power," power to stay and power to leave. They exercised their "power" to leave.
Most blacks are weary of the white racist nonsense; some are even suffering from PTSD as a result of having to face racist attitudes in their daily encounters.
So, for their own mental health, they avoid whatever racist strife they can, such as that on a blog.
At some point they have to choose--to avoid the strife that they can avoid, so that they can cope with the strife that they can't avoid.
Yīshēng said..."Lastly, I gathered a LONG time ago that Field doesn't post so he can draw big audiences. I feel that his continued presence in the blogosphere means that the racists loose. And my continued presence says exactly the same thing, as long as we're here, THEY LOOSE!!!"
It's not about winning or losing, it's about reaching or not reaching, and right now he's not reaching the numbers he once reached, and the racists who post here--now, as well as in the past--have had a lot to do with that.
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***The views expressed on this site are the field's and the field's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***
This is a commercial free blog.
Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Not specifically, no. I'm not going to give you anything for free. If you want more details, "get used to disappointment."
If you insist. Or you can call it "the path of least effort", given that I could give myself a refresher on material I last studied in AP calculus instead of just looking at the publisher's corrections.
I may wind up doing that anyway if I don't get a reply, but I'm not in a hurry at this point. I can give it a week.
Really James? You really expect ANYONE to believe you? You have done absolutely nothing to convince anyone you are remotely capable of getting a college degree. Here is what is happening and anyone who has an IQ of over 50 can figure you out. You are at least smart enough to have figured out that the moment you choose a major (ha) we here will know someone (most likely a negro) who actually has a degree in said discipline and will expose you for the obvious fraud you are. So to appear to have some kind of upper hand you pretend to have some genius plan to get someone to pay you to prove whether or not you actually have a degree. Dude, you're not the first nor the last racist white troll to claim to be smart/successful/ect. but you at least realize your story is bullshit and you have to ride this wave as long as you can because the second your game is exposed you have to either leave or come up with a new screen name. Intellectual honesty isn't big in racist troll communities which is very apparent in your case. At least give us the benefit of less bullshit about calling publishers and correcting mistakes and such. That type of bullshit kinda takes it just a bit too far no?
Donnie Minnowbutt.
-Doug in Oakland
Dougie Dildobutt.
I'll bet Field, Yisheng and Co. can't wait until BOAN hits theaters. It will be just like pornography for them, the spectacle of blacks brutally slaughtering innocent white human beings like animals.
I'll bet Field will get a little tiny hard on. ;)
^^^ why see the movie when I've already read Nat Turner's autobiography??
Just because you don't read above a 2nd grade level, don't assume everyone is as illiterate as you.
@Field: What screen name would you give Donald trump for his brief entrance into the soft- porn business?
Don Ald T Rump!
Quote:Unintended Consequences
"If anything, he's hardened his position, and perhaps even won over some fence-sitters to his way of thinking simply because he was given a platform from which to spew his hatred of blacks, and to do so without censorship, and without guidelines."
The way I see it there are broadly two categories of racist.
1) People who are racist because they don't know any better
2) People who are racists because they have a deep psychological need to be racist.
Obviously, education will work with category 1 racists but not with cat. 2 racists.
Jimmy Bold is certainly a Cat.2 racist, and as such no education or interaction with logic or the truth will change his mind-set, or at east no education that we are qualified or knowledgable enough to give him. He is obviously a damaged individual who has a weird fixation on black folks and his supposed (or imagined) high level of intelligence. He has a deep-seated need to feel morally and intellectually superior to others. I don't know what trauma made Jimmy the way he is, and not being a psychiatrist I don't much care.
But I would not advocate censoring his words in any way. He would see that as a kind if victory, and I suspect most people here do as I do and 'self censor' by skipping the vast majority of his deranged rants.
Cat:1 racists definitely can be helped by blogs such as this. Academic research here in the UK has shown that racism is at a lower level in areas where the racists live and interact with each other on a daily basis.
I'd go a bit further with that, Mr. Purple Cow.
There are what you're calling Category 2 racists: people who derive much of their self-worth from thinking they're better than some other ethnic group of people. Or those who badly need a scapegoat for something that's gone wrong in their life. (The latter may simply be fuck-ups who are the authors of their own misery, or they may be genuine victims of bad circumstances who have unfortunately redirected the blame at innocent parties.) Mostly, these bigots are damaged beyond repair. Unfixable and in some cases dangerous.
And there are what you're calling Category 1 racists: people who are simply misinformed. They've been told incorrect things about another ethnic group, and haven't had enough real-life experience with that ethnic group to discover that the stereotypes are bogus.
But then, at a university, there's yet a third group you haven't mentioned: non-racist idiots rebelling against social norms.
What am I talking about? Well, consider that university undergrads are quite young, and some are still rather immature and have less than fully developed senses of empathy. And it's the first time they've ever been out of their parents' houses and free from adult-imposed rules, so naturally the first thing they do is break every rule they had to follow previously: Stay out late. Don't bathe. Drink and smoke weed. Scream and yell. Run around naked. And ... wait for it ... say offensive stuff they were told to never say.
I can tell you from personal experience about several white folks (and Asian folks, too) with whom I attended college, particularly in freshman year, who said tons of offensive, bigoted stuff almost certainly ONLY because it was forbidden and taboo. I don't believe they were racist; I don't believe there was much actual hate underpinning their hateful-sounding speech. It was just, on some level, thrilling to them to use racial slurs and jokes in the same way as it was thrilling to inject profanities into every other sentence, because they were being "naughty un-PC rebels" and mom and dad weren't there to ground them over it. And it did not fully, 100% dawn on them the level of hurt and anger that would be felt by those the slurs and jokes targeted, should they be overheard.
Not to mention, there is just a hellacious amount of ignorance out there. Taking the example of blackface: In order to really understand why it is offensive, you have to know the history behind it. And yet, if you were to ask the average white American college kid, "What is a minstrel show?", s/he is quite likely to give you a completely blank stare. And that thing about the Confederate battle flag meaning "Southern pride," rather than "yay, slavery was great" -- lots of rednecks honest to God believe that crap! They've got it emblazoned on their pickup truck, with no racist intent behind it, and since they don't have any racist intent, they're baffled as to why black people might get mad about it.
The dumbass factor is all too real.
@The Purple Cos: "1) People who are racist because they don't know any better"
If I extended your logic to other areas of human failings, it might be stated that some homophobes, rapists, murderers, thieves, or what have you, are that way "because they don't know any better."
I understand your desire to place James in an unreachable category, so that you might create another category of racist, one that might be reached, but a racist will either find support for his racism, or not, and if not, he will self-heal with or without this blog.
And if racists "can be helped by blogs such as this," it follows that racists no. 2, can also find here ample reasons to reinforce their racism.
This blog wasn't always this infested by racists. They have pretty much run off those who came here to civilly debate the events of the day, and this, because of the blogger's insistence on giving them a voice, and a platform.
If you're right, the blog has become mostly therapeutic for those of a racist bent, as those are the ones who mainly come here now, and who have overrun this blog.
Regrettably, most of the comments that are made here are either racist, or obscene, or both. I don't think that this was the initial intent of the blogger--to provide a therapeutic service for racists--when he started this blog. But, if I'm to believe you, it can now certainly serve as one.
Here's another perspective: By allowing the "racist rants," he signals his acceptance of their point of view, and the damage that view has caused for centuries.
You don't get rid of a cancer by encouraging its growth through omission or commission, you destroy it by excising it at its source. This nation has had hundreds of year to come to terms with racists, and racism, in its midst, and now you feel that a blog like this one can do what the experiences of decades have failed to do.
@ Untended consiquince's -
Shit man I know. Feild let's all this racest come on here and talk shit like the cowerd's their are and he don't do anything about it. They just talking trash cause there dick's are so small. Ha ha. We all got big Dick's and they their jealos. Punk faggit's.
I hate white peple.
-An Black Collage Gradate
Donny "Little Hands" Trump
People talk about liberal and conservative bias but pro war and corporate bias is worse. Eisenhower was right about the military industrial complex. They control the media and government now. We are allowed to be racist or against racism. We are allowed to be for the elite paying workers less, or for workers having more money to spend on the rich class' products. But the media doesn't want us to be against war. If the media had a liberal bias Bernie Sanders would be the Democrat's nominee. The AP even announced that Hillary won before she did and before the California primary. I would have liked for the election to be between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. At least the establishment didn't get their candidate, Jeb Bush, on the Republican side.
"little tiny hard on"? Ok then😊
I like👍
UC makes some interesting points at 5:17, and a blog post on that very subject is coming soon.
When sites like stormfront and SBPDL is linking u because your writing pisses them off it's hard to keep the racist trash out.
As a white interloper, I show up here for my education and as a means of coping with the racism in this country, the virulent resurgence of which I don't understand. But not all the education comes from here. The New Yorker opened my eyes about the snowball effect (pun not really intended but I'll take it) of what is politely called "economic inequality" between whites and blacks. I knew it was bad, but the statistics are fucking horrible. To level THIS playing field it's going to take a few megatons of TNT.
It's not as prevalent now, but most of the racists I have actually known were that way because they grew up where it was "normal" to be racist. My father and brother were from Ardmore, Oklahoma and carried their racist views with them to California when they moved there in 1960. Since there weren't really any black people to be racist against in Eureka, they sort of calmed down about it after civil rights became the law, but since they really didn't know any black people, it took both of them a long time to get up off of their overt racism. They did manage it, mostly, and eventually, so it can sometimes be done.
It probably depends a lot on how much of your identity you have invested in your racism. If you've only bought into the BS that all of your poor, white, problems are caused by black people, then you can probably come around by buying into something closer to the truth. It seems to me that when it gets more convenient to actually admit other people's humanity than to deny it, a lot of lukewarm racists just don't want to go to the trouble. The harder core remain and probably always will. That seems like a lot of trouble to go through for very little benefit to me, but I grew up respecting people, so what do I know?
-Doug in Oakland
Quote:Unintended Consequences
"If I extended your logic to other areas of human failings, it might be stated that some homophobes, rapists, murderers, thieves, or what have you, are that way "because they don't know any better."
Yes, I'd say all of that is true. Not all murderers are axe-wielding psychopaths and not all rapists set out to rape - some for instance do not seem to realise that seducing intoxicated women is rape. (Though that does not in anyway excuse their crime.)
"I understand your desire to place James in an unreachable category, so that you might create another category of racist, one that might be reached, but a racist will either find support for his racism, or not, and if not, he will self-heal with or without this blog. "
I think you are over-simplifying my argument - or perhaps I explained it simplistically. I have not created a category of 'nice racist' - what I am saying is that I have met real world people who had distorted views of black folks purely out of ignorance. I dated a Finnish woman from Oulu in northern Finland who had literally never seen a black man until she moved to Amsterdam at the age of 25 - to her black people were as strange as aliens until she began to interact with them on a daily basis and the penny dropped. She had no NEED to be racist, that's the difference. I don't believe racists ever self heal, those that can be saved do so by discovering that black people are just people. As I said in my previous response it's no coincidence that racism is at its lowest where different races interact on a daily basis.
"Regrettably, most of the comments that are made here are either racist, or obscene, or both. I don't think that this was the initial intent of the blogger--to provide a therapeutic service for racists--when he started this blog. But, if I'm to believe you, it can now certainly serve as one. "
That's not exactly what I said though was it? A cat. 2 racist will always be that way because they need to be that way, coming here will never change them. Cat.1 racists who lose a debate to black folks maybe have to re-evaluate their views that black folks have an I.Q. of 70, or 80 or whatever it is thy claim. You can't have understanding without communication.
I don't believe any adult should censor another adult - even if Adolf Hitler was to post here - I wouldn't advocate banning him. This throws up some anomalies I'll grant you - most obviously protecting the right to self-expression of people who seek to deny the right of self-expression to others. Nevertheless I do not banning anyone's views - no matter how repellant.
"Here's another perspective: By allowing the "racist rants," he signals his acceptance of their point of view, and the damage that view has caused for centuries. "
I shouldn't speak for Field, but surely allowing 'racist rants' signals his acceptance of their right to voice their point of view, NOT the point of view itself.
"You don't get rid of a cancer by encouraging its growth through omission or commission, you destroy it by excising it at its source."
Maybe by giving the racists enough rope to hang themselves, that exactly whatField is attempting to do?
"This nation has had hundreds of year to come to terms with racists, and racism, in its midst, and now you feel that a blog like this one can do what the experiences of decades have failed to do."
I wouldn't know, your nation is not my nation.
What I'm saying is that not all racists are created equal, some definitely can be "cured" by interacting with other races, some the Stormfront, KKK, and SBPDL crowd - obviously not. But they are not going to go away simply because Field banned them.
In the final analysis of course, this is Field's Blog, so only Field can make that decision.
PC,I could not have said it better.
@PC (ONE)-- "Yes, I'd say all of that is true. Not all murderers are axe-wielding psychopaths and not all rapists set out to rape - some for instance do not seem to realise that seducing intoxicated women is rape. (Though that does not in anyway excuse their crime.)"
How about women who are so intoxicated that they have passed out? How about obtaining consent before you introduce them to Mr. Long John? Are we so animalistic that we're willing to allow our sexual drive to overlook common human decency, the "rights" of woman not to be penetrated by another when she's incapacitated?
My God, man, why would you be an apologist for these criminal acts? When you do to another what you don't want done to you, then you're guilty, whether you're psychopathically guilty, accidentally guilty, or ignorantly guilty. (In matters of law, ignorance is no excuse.) Offer up your rationales to the victims of these murderers and these rapists.
Wow! Double wow! It's statements like your preceding one that discourages my coming to this blog.
And you say it "doesn't excuse their crime," when you have done just that.
"Cat.1 racists who lose a debate to black folks maybe have to re-evaluate their views that black folks."
What debate? Did you not say the following: "I suspect most people here do as I do and 'self censor' by skipping the vast majority of his deranged rants."
I reiterate my point, the one that you said was irrelevant:
"Regrettably, most of the comments that are made here are either racist, or obscene, or both. I don't think that this was the initial intent of the blogger--to provide a therapeutic service for racists--when he started this blog. But, if I'm to believe you, it can now certainly serve as one. "
@PC TWO --"I don't believe any adult should censor another adult - even if Adolf Hitler was to post here - I wouldn't advocate banning him. This throws up some anomalies I'll grant you - most obviously protecting the right to self-expression of people who seek to deny the right of self-expression to others. Nevertheless I do not banning anyone's views - no matter how repellant."
Knowing what you know about Hitler, the 6 million Jews and others that he slaughtered in the most horrific of manners, you would still permit his "right to self expression," believing that his self-expression is of a greater import and right than the expression of their lives.
In that case, then, we should put garbage in the Louvre, since there's no real distinction between the two.
"I wouldn't know, your nation is not my nation."
From what you've said here, you're not racist, a rapist, a homophobe, a child molester or a murderer, but that didn't stop you from categorizing their heinous acts, excusing some (Yes excused, as you downplayed their crime.), while vehemently denouncing others.
"What I'm saying is that not all racists are created equal, some definitely can be "cured" by interacting with other races,"
Don't stop with racists, as no two people are the same. Whether a racist can be cured or not, is up to him, as I'm not obliged to participate in his therapy.
I'll leave the therapeutic treatment to you and Field.
"I shouldn't speak for Field, but surely allowing 'racist rants' signals his acceptance of their right to voice their point of view, NOT the point of view itself."
Why not speak for Field, you've spoken for an assortment of unsavory characters--racists, rapists, murderers, etc. There's really no distinction between the toleration of certain behavior and endorsing it. That's what parents do with the rearing of their children--socializing them--that is, they punish certain behavior, while praising other.
"Maybe by giving the racists enough rope to hang themselves, that exactly whatField is attempting to do?"
Why? Why should he care? Wouldn't that prove to be anti-therapeutic? I thought it was Field's aim to "cure" the racist, or at the least give him a platform from which to speak his mind.
UC: It's my understanding that it is better to have these views out in the open where the rest of the people who have to deal with them in real life can see exactly what they are up against. Those kind of things tend to fester when they never get out in the light of day and bump up against the reality they attempt to deny. Will it help them? Who knows. It does help me a little to have some kind of contact with views which contradict my own. It sharpens my game a little, and gets me outside the bubble that forms around my opinions, and reminds me why I have the opinions I have in the first place. Freedom of speech is a good thing precisely because it exposes us to views we find abhorrent.
-Doug in Oakland
Russia announced that they will shoot down any American planes that target the Syrian military. Let's see, do you think you should vote for the candidate who said we should sit back and watch the Russians bomb ISIS in Syria, or the one with an email about how overthrowing Syria will please Israel?
@Doug in Oakland -- "It's my understanding that it is better to have these views out in the open where the rest of the people who have to deal with them in real life can see exactly what they are up against."
As a black man, I know what I'm "up against," and I don't think that I'm alone--most blacks know what they're "up against."
That said, I don't need to have it thrown in my face on a blog, for the sake of protecting a stranger's right to have his or her say, as I've seen, and heard "these views" ad nauseam.
"Those kind of things tend to fester when they never get out in the light of day and bump up against the reality they attempt to deny."
If Field wishes his blog to perform a therapeutic service, a place where racists can come to vent their racism, so that it won't "fester," then he should rename his blog, and extend open arms to all those on white supremacy web sites, and change his stated interest, "Advocating for social justice and human rights," to providing a safe haven for racists to vent.
It's getting harder to differentiate his blog from one of the white supremacy blogs.
"Will it help them? Who knows. It does help me a little to have some kind of contact with views which contradict my own."
In order to "maybe" help a few racists, Field has felt constrained to transform his blog into an outreach for racists, even if such an outreach alienates the majority of his erstwhile black commenters who used to post here.
"It sharpens my game a little, and gets me outside the bubble that forms around my opinions, and reminds me why I have the opinions I have in the first place."
If you need a constant context of racist thought in order to rally around your opinions, how much is enough?
That's what our memories are for, to recreate contexts from having been exposed to certain experiences, so that we might experience again who we are, our particular mindset about a thing.
"Freedom of speech is a good thing precisely because it exposes us to views we find abhorrent."
To deny one a platform is not the same as curtailing "freedom of speech." Were we all entitled to a platform, regardless of the source, I'd be on every major television station nightly.
In addition, there's no freedom, including "freedom of speech," that mustn't be exercised responsibly. What's the famous example: If there's no fire, it's against the law to yell out "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
In this lifetime, I've been exposed to enough "views [I] find abhorrent." I don't need to add to them, rather, blogs like this one, where practically anything goes, are a turnoff.
"As a black man, I know what I'm "up against," and I don't think that I'm alone--most blacks know what they're "up against."
That said, I don't need to have it thrown in my face on a blog, for the sake of protecting a stranger's right to have his or her say, as I've seen, and heard "these views" ad nauseam."
Goddamn, I feel you on this point but at the same time if Field had to censor all of the bullshit that gets thrown here by racists he wouldn't have time to do anything else. It may be hard to do but like PC says we may just have to step over the shit to get to where we're going. A blog with only fair minded sistas and brothas would be sooooooo much easier to communicate without having to deal with the insults and harassment but as we have seen here, most of these trolls only want attention and if you ignore them they go away. I know I know easier said than done but I mainly ignore anything by an anon and just read stuff from Yisheng, F&F, PC, Doug, Another Bozo, Limpbaugh and Field. Maybe one day we'll have a comments section to ourselves but that's not a realistic world. When I need sanity I go to Facebook where 100% of my friends hate Trump and aren't rabid racists. Shrug.
@PilotX -- "most of these trolls only want attention and if you ignore them they go away."
The "trolls" have been here at least eight years, or more, and they don't seem to be going anywhere.
They're usually the first to post, and often the ones to get in the last word.
"I feel you on this point but at the same time if Field had to censor all of the bullshit that gets thrown here by racists he wouldn't have time to do anything else."
Blogger has tools to help reduce the troll population, but those tools have to be applied, something that Field has been unwilling to do.
I recall the beginning of the assault on his blog, and, at the time, I warned Field that the attacks were orchestrated, and that the trolls were under the command of a ringleader. I stayed up all night one night taking on one minion after the other. Towards morning they brought out their heavy hitter, their ringleader, to finish me off.
This ringleader had a better command of the language, had better polemic skills, and you could tell he was better educated than the loyal minions that preceded him.
"Maybe one day we'll have a comments section to ourselves but that's not a realistic world."
Perhaps, but that unrealistic world used to exist, at least on this blog, where blacks mostly had it to themselves.
It all begin to fall apart leading up to the election of Obama, with the troll presence remaining after he was elected president. That Blacks had found a place on this blog to discuss issues of importance to them proved too much for the anti-black forces that opposed the election of a black president, as well as the social, economic, and political progress of blacks in this country.
And here we are: The trolls have won; the racists have overrun the blog, and blacks, once again, are shaking their heads that such a thing was allowed to happen.
Great comments and discussion above about some things I struggle with on a daily basis.
Yes, racists are everywhere, and, sadly, we will not be getting rid of them anytime soon. I think it's important to know exactly where they are. That's why when they come to this site and expose themselves I do not censor them.
BTW, this is not the only site. Take a look at some of the comments in the comments section over at Yahoo and you will see what I am talking about.
Remember, the hidden racists who hold real power are even more dangerous than the idiots who post on this site --and others like it--- from their basements, 24/7.
What PX said. There are many, many places on the internet in which to only reinforce the views I already have. There are many, many batshit insane places on the internet where truly abhorrent views are reinforced. The number of sane, informative sites where free contact is made with the sizable fraction of the populace who vehemently hate the things I stand for is very small, and while I too sometimes feel like I don't ever want to hear any of the vicious drivel they spew again, I don't have to engage with them when I feel that way. I have other things to do. Basically, I don't have a lot of contact with people who are my political opposite, and I find it a healthy thing on my part to be reminded what they are really about sometimes. It would maybe be different if there weren't anywhere online where I can interact with folks I agree with, but I know of lots of places like that. Add to that living in Oakland, and it becomes easier to ignore the fact that these people exist. But they do exist. Maybe being white gives me a different slant on this, I don't know. If I didn't find any value in the interactions in this comment thread, I wouldn't keep coming back here.
-Doug in Oakland
"It's getting harder to differentiate his blog from one of the white supremacy blogs."
I seriously doubt ANY White supremacy blog has a Black Pilot, Attorney, MBA, and a Scientist. SERIOUSLY.
And as one of the primary targets of a lot of the racist vitriol on this site, I'm indifferent to it at this point, though I didn't always feel this way. In fact, I took about 2 years off from even visiting the site. But then I realized that the ability to "brush the dirt off your shoulders" can ONLY be an asset to a Black, FEMALE future Physician/Scientist.
So here I am. And HERE I STAND!!!
Yīshēng said -- "So here I am. And HERE I STAND!!!"
One out of a hundred commenters who deserted this blog when it was overtaken by racist anons.
You weren't here at the beginning; I was. I know what this blog was like before it became infected by racists.
Compared to what this blog once was, it has become "harder to differentiate [this] blog from one of the white supremacy blogs," notwithstanding the intellectual caliber of some of the commenters who now remain.
You weren't posting here at the time. This blog attracted many blacks who were smart, intellectual, and well-positioned in society.
That was then; this is now. Now, there's only a handful who can make such a claim.
"I realized that the ability to 'brush the dirt off your shoulders' can ONLY be an asset to a Black, FEMALE."
Each person has to make that determination for him or herself as to whether it's an "asset" or not, and clearly not many perceived it as you see it, as the numbers representing the old guards have all but disappeared.
I know: I was here.
"You weren't posting here at the time. This blog attracted many blacks who were smart, intellectual, and well-positioned in society."
And now we have posters like Yisheng. Where have all the smart, successful blacks gone?
"And here we are: The trolls have won; the racists have overrun the blog, and blacks, once again, are shaking their heads that such a thing was allowed to happen.'
I disagree, I can still have a good time joshing with my peoples here. I still owe Field a pizza. Maybe it's like a noisy high school cafeteria, we just have to ignore other conversations and concentrate on our own.
Trust me UC but who I really feel sorry for is the Black ham radio operators. They used to have their own channel and chat about all kinds of things but guess what, you know the deal. Now they can't talk to each other as they had been doing for decades because of racist trolls and there's nothing they can do about it. These guys are in their 80's, supposed to be in their golden years and have to put up with all kinds of bullshit. Here, like you said there are tools to weed out the silliness and if Field gets upset enough he may just do it, he has that power but imagine not having any ability to do anything about it. That would be frustrating. Here, I can just ignore the anons and get to the good stuff, kind of like fast forwarding through commercials.
IUC, couple facts.
First, I've been here since around 2008 or so. So I'm no newbie.
Second, in that time, I've noticed that many Black intellectuals have been replaced with white racists trash. Or Whooteemoos as I'm so fond of calling them.
Third, this blog is a microcosm of modern day America, racists are as easily spotted as a purple elephant.
Fourth, I guess I don't get why their presence bothers folks so much, that's a lot of power to give to people who are not only ignorant, but Insignificant as well.
Lastly, I gathered a LONG time ago that Field doesn't post so he can draw big audiences. I feel that his continued presence in the blogosphere means that the racists loose. And my continued presence says exactly the same thing, as long as we're here, THEY LOOSE!!!
@PilotX -- "I disagree, I can still have a good time joshing with my peoples here. I still owe Field a pizza."
Those who left did so for the reasons I indicated. I'm speaking for them, not for you.
Yīshēng said..."Fourth, I guess I don't get why their presence bothers folks so much, that's a lot of power to give to people who are not only ignorant, but Insignificant as well."
There's "power" and then there's "power," power to stay and power to leave. They exercised their "power" to leave.
Most blacks are weary of the white racist nonsense; some are even suffering from PTSD as a result of having to face racist attitudes in their daily encounters.
So, for their own mental health, they avoid whatever racist strife they can, such as that on a blog.
At some point they have to choose--to avoid the strife that they can avoid, so that they can cope with the strife that they can't avoid.
Yīshēng said..."Lastly, I gathered a LONG time ago that Field doesn't post so he can draw big audiences. I feel that his continued presence in the blogosphere means that the racists loose. And my continued presence says exactly the same thing, as long as we're here, THEY LOOSE!!!"
It's not about winning or losing, it's about reaching or not reaching, and right now he's not reaching the numbers he once reached, and the racists who post here--now, as well as in the past--have had a lot to do with that.
@UC, it's NOT about the "numbers", it's about getting a message out that main stream media and other blogs refuse to address.
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