"Could someone please explain to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) how conspiracies work?
Johnson was one of a number of Republican lawmakers who lit up right-wing media with accusations that a “secret society” of FBI agents was conspiring to investigate fake charges of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. Their evidence? A text from FBI lawyer Lisa Page to Peter Strzok, an agent with whom she was having an affair, which allegedly talked about it.
Conservatives got very upset about this secretive cabal, using it as more evidence that the FBI is a hotbed of an anti-Trump “Deep State.” Johnson was out front in this effort, taking to Fox News to claim he had heard about this secret society from an FBI informant. And also that this is really true, he is not a crank.
Then the full text from Page was released:
'Are you even going to give out your calendars? Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.'It seems obvious that if you are a member of a secret society, you are not going to call it “the secret society.” Furthermore, if you are two FBI agents in this secret society actively plotting against the president from within the government, it seems highly likely you know better than to text about it on your FBI-issued, government-owned phones.
Clearly, Page's text was a dark joke. And after two days of hollering about it, even Johnson was forced to admit to CNN on Thursday morning that “it's a real possibility” the text was written in jest.
For additional context, The New York Times reports that the mention of “calendars” referred to a gag gift of Russian-themed calendars that were to be given to agents working on the Russia investigation. Page sent the text the morning after Trump's election in what appears to be a stab at gallows humor.'' [Society]
Remember when trump's peeps said that the president had no intention of firing Robert Mueller?
"A late night bombshell courtesy of reporters over at the New York Times with no respect for the 9-5 workday revealed that President Donald Trump ordered the firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller back in June 2017.
According to the Times, the president tried to fire Mueller last year but let up on the demand after White House counsel Don McGahn protested the move and threatened to quit.
McGahn reportedly “told senior White House officials that firing Mr. Mueller would have a catastrophic effect on Mr. Trump’s presidency and would incite more questions about whether the White House was trying to obstruct the Russia investigation.” Wow, smart guy.
That was apparently enough to quell Trump’s frustration with the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia, as the White House maintains to this day that they do not intend to fire Mueller.
Safe to say, the report that Trump ordered the firing of Mueller — coupled with the stunning detail that Mueller actually found out that the president tried to fire him! — was enough to send Twitter into a meltdown." [Source]
Stay tuned.
Like I said yesterday I would rather there actually be a secret society than a sitting member of congress, chairman of the homeland security committee no less, get duped so easily. Someone that dumb is a senator is just downright scary.
"A late night bombshell courtesy of reporters over at the New York Times with no respect for the 9-5 workday revealed that President Donald Trump ordered the firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller back in June 2017."
Fake news.
Mueller should be fired because of the partisan people like Strzok he appointed to his investigation and because of his personal relationship with Comey.
"Like I said yesterday I would rather there actually be a secret society than a sitting member of congress, chairman of the homeland security committee no less, get duped so easily. Someone that dumb is a senator is just downright scary."
It's also depressing that conservatives don't understand the concept of a joke. But then again, that's nothing new. To wingnuts, a joke simply consists of saying something offensive: Haha, black people like to steal. Haha, gay people like it in the butt.
This is why there are no good wingnut stand-up comics, and nobody invites them to any decent parties.
The New York Times also reported that Hillary had a 99% chance of winning the election.
Nothing they say matters anymore.
"And also that this is really true, he is not a crank."
Although he sounds quite a bit like he might be high on crank...
-Doug in Oakland
Doug has been cranked before.
I find it amusing that McGahn, who one would assume knows Fergus' MO as well as anyone, said after he threatened to quit that "...he wouldn't do it on his own." so he wasn't worried Fergus would follow through with his threat to fire Mueller if he had to actually do it himself.
-Doug in Oakland
And will be again.
It was also reported that Hillary had a 99.99999999999% chance of not sucking Russian dick to win an election.
I’d LOVE to hear just ONE of you evil bastard trolls on this site say just ONE muthafuckin’ thing about those Turpin kids, y’all stupid assess been completely mum on that shit! And since you love posting stats so fucking much, research a worse case of child abuse you low life muthafuckas!
I’ll bet when you assholes look in the mirror, you “see” the mother or father of those abused kids!
Perhaps they belong to the Mystic Knights of the Sea.
"I’ll bet when you assholes look in the mirror, you “see” the mother or father of those abused kids!"
The father looks like Captain Kangaroo on crack.
Deep State.
These crazy fucks are not kidding. They believe this shit. If you ask them, the more serious ones may try to describe it as a cabal of political insiders and the monied within the halls of government, the Pentagon and I guess the private sector who somehow control the next thing that is allowed to happen in Washington and the world.
I guess it is roughly based on the popular Illuminati novels.
Things do change with the times. The Deep State is no longer involved with promoting GWB, Cheney and the PNAC. Their latest project is, of course, the Obama Shadow Government.
Didn't all y'all already know that? Please pay attention.
In reality there is something that may resemble the mythological Deep State. But these people do not control elections or reality. They mostly control the deep money.
I don't think I ever tried crack. I was hanging out with a girl who ripped me off for twenty bucks in Golden Hills one time and she offered me a toke from the glass dick.
I never really knew if it was crank or crack. I'm guessing it was just crank.
Why does everybody and their brother know so much about crack? What the hell is it? A standard punch line? That shit ain't funny.
The POTUS ...is their "great white hope" and their last ditch effort to make their America great again.
Looks like their zeroing in on the collusion...and a whole lot more.
HRC did win. Wingnuts and their Russian comrades stole the election using the FBI.
Moar breaking news-
Keep it to yerselves.
And it's time for another episode of GUESS THE RACE!, the game in which we look at the particulars of a crime and try to guess the race of the perp or perps. Today's episode comes to us from Palm Beach County, Florida. This excerpt has been anonymized with the name of the perp replaced by [PERP] so as not to give away the answer. Some salient details have been emphasized in bold type. And without further ado....
"Gun-toting selfies lead to 142 charges for 19-year-old accused of jewelry theft from elderly people
"Florida police investigating a string of burglaries have arrested a 19-year-old man after he posted photographs of himself with some of the stolen goods on Instagram.
"The Palm Beach County Sheriff"s office was already watching [PERP] closely in connection with jewelry thefts in several retirement communities when he posted the incriminating evidence.
"Police arrested [PERP] last Wednesday after obtaining a search warrant for his apartment.
"They were monitoring his social media accounts when he posted pictures of himself posing with two guns - an act that led directly to his arrest.
"As a convicted felon, [PERP] - who has been arrested on drug, car-theft, firearm-possession and trespassing charges previously - is not permitted to possess firearms.
"The young man has so many prior convictions that when arresting officers asked him his occupation, he replied, "Thief.""
Here we have the elements of:
-> A long criminal history
-> Publicly outing himself as possessing stolen goods
-> Publicly outing himself as a parole violator
Are you ready to... GUESS THE RACE?
(His name is Depree Johnson. Of course he's black.)
"These crazy fucks are not kidding. They believe this shit"
If you watch Hannity he devoted almost an entire show to the deep state nonsense. If that's all you watch, many do, that's all you'll hear.
PilotX said...
"These crazy fucks are not kidding. They believe this shit"
Says folks who still believe Russia "hacked" the 2016 election.
Go figure.
PilotX said...
"The father looks like Captain Kangaroo on crack"
That's how I picture "mike from iowa".
"Fake News" means news about the Fake; that is, Mr. Trump.
Good one, Paradoctor.
Bet you worked on that for a while.
Trump: Turned over more than 1.4 Million pages of documents and unfettered access for interviews to Robert Mueller
Hillary: Bleached servers, smashed 14 Blackberries and iPads and sent Bill to intimidate Lynch on a Tarmac
Which one sounds like they have something to hide?
Remember when Hillary’s IT guy was caught asking how to destroy evidence on Reddit after a subpoena was produced? The Obama DOJ gave him full immunity and no one was ever prosecuted.
Even the RUSSIANS are smart enough to know that getting your dick sucked by that bag isn't worth it!
I think you should go into writing cutting-edge remarks like this for a living! Your hard hitting wit and sarcasm is sorely needed on the left to crush these right wing bullies.
Which one sounds like they have something to hide?
Drumpfuck, of course, stoopid fucking wingnut. So far after 30 years of lies and innuendoes you have got nothing on HRC. Must suck to be a whiny, sappy, stoopid fucking wingnut. The latest bombshell about sekret societies is making stoopid fucking wingnuts the laughingstock of the Universe. Keep it up. You might get to be mildly amusing.
Says folks who still believe Russia "hacked" the 2016 election.sez the guy who believes there was no collusion and no meetings between Drumpfuck's campaign and Russians before, diuring or after the Russians hacked the election to block HRC from winning.
Rumour has it HRC whopped Putin's ass in karate.
PilotX said...
"These crazy fucks are not kidding. They believe this shit"
"Says folks who still believe Russia "hacked" the 2016 election.
Go figure."
I was quoting someone else so that wasn't me saying that thus the quotation marks. Butcanyhoo there is evidence of Russian tampering in the election, our intelligence agencies proved this.
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 28
Shot & Wounded: 133
Total Shot: 161
Total Homicides: 32
Drumpfuck lied again and broke his promise that the economy would grow by more than 3% last year. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
2.6% justlike every economist predicted except the one who knows more than everybody else- Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.
Fer krissakes don't throw much humor at wingnuts. It goes right over their heads because they ain't thew sharpest knives in the drawer.
"Butcanyhoo there is evidence of Russian tampering in the election, our intelligence agencies proved this."
No, they have never proved that.
Our intelligence agencies never got the chance to examine the DNC server, instead they took the word of a private contractor hired by the DNC that someone likely from Russia accessed their emails. But anyone can fake a Russian IP address, and why the FBI was not allowed to verify this is a mystery.
We don't know who gave the DNC emails to Wikileaks, but we do know that Julian Assange himself has repeatedly said it was not the Russians and it was not a "hack", but someone with approved access to the servers.
In had a productive day yesterday, for a gubmint leech. I not only got my humangous SS check (minus nearly $3 from last year's check. My 2% raise was entirely eaten up by those free Medicares and free prescription drugs I get) I also qualified for nearly 560 bucks to help pay winter fuel bill. Let's get the whining and name calling started stoopid fucking wingnuts.
I didn't apply for foodstamps even though I qualify. I can buy a month's worth of Ramen noodles at Chinatown (Walmart) for about four bucks. I can buy a pound o9f lunchmeat from the same place for around a buck seventy. I grow lots of spuds, onions and green peppers and tomatoes in the summer. And I have an asparagus patch that will easily produce 15 pounds of spears at one cutting.
Sanctuary states, like slave states of old, exploit the Constitution's apportionment mechanism for seats in Congress, Electoral College votes, and federal spending.
Non-slave states knew that slave states could import and breed their way to more power, thus insisting on the 3/5th Clause.
Illegal aliens are today's slaves.
Charlie Pierce:
-Doug in Oakland
mike from iowa said...
In had a productive day yesterday, for a gubmint leech. I not only got my humangous SS check (minus nearly $3 from last year's check. My 2% raise was entirely eaten up by those free Medicares and free prescription drugs I get) I also qualified for nearly 560 bucks to help pay winter fuel bill.
So the white virtue signalers who post here the most (mike and Doug) are both wards of the state.
Imagine that.
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 28
Shot & Wounded: 133
Total Shot: 161
Total Homicides: 32
ASPEN, Colorado — Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said Friday there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election — despite comments by his boss, President Donald Trump, that have seemed to cast some doubt about the unanimity.
That's the facts jack.
Perjurer Sessions lies his ass off making claim that Drumpf is ending the carnage in America. What did you expect from the party of lies and more lies?
Neither Doug or I are wards of the state, stoopid fucking wingnut. Worthless wingnut [pols from the top down, are bigger leeches and much more of a drain on America than all the poors combined. I can't wait until yopur ass licking wingnut buddies take away yer retirement and insurance and throws you to the tender mercies of the religious right. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha stoopid fucking wingnut.
Doug, yer link led to several good stories. Thankx.
These scabs are not healing as quickly as I would have hoped....
Yes, very fake.
Those were yesterday's totals so it's up by another murder or two and a bakers dozen of shootings.
Sterilization, Segregation in 2020
mike from iowa said...
These scabs are not healing as quickly as I would have hoped....
3:02 PM
This was not me because I would have said the scabs are still better looking and much more intelligent than the stoopid fucking wingnuts that troll here. Trolls can be inspirational.
Poor Sean Hannitwitty. @ Fake Fucking Noize. Gets his lunch money stolen by his own outfit and made to look like another bratty 4 year old like Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.
Got anymore killer bombshells for us today, boyz? Bwahahahahahahaha!
Sterilization, Segregation in 2020
trump ousted and sanity returned in 2020
What you're witnessing right now is panic and fear out there in official DC in response to dramatic lack of substance underlying Russia-Trump collusion narrative and substantive revelations about what caused and hyped that years-long story.
Fake news loving, trump ass sucking impostor pretending to be mike from iowa said at3:02 PM
These crabs are not healing as quickly as I would have hoped....
Hazards from being a prostitute.
”Sterilization, Segregation in 2020”
I agree. 2020 is a perfect time to chop off the wingnuts’ balls and ship them all to Antarctica.
Wingnuts are so dumb, they think it is plausible that a secret society within the FBI would name themselves “secret society.”
Disgraced, disgusting, deplorable dipshit Devin Nunes is going to buck the Justice Department and hand over a classified sekret memo to Drumpfuck the dumbfuck. This is the same one that claims Drumpfuck has a three foot penis and HRC did Benghazi on porpoise.
nice informasion..
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What you're witnessing right now is panic and fear out there in official DC in response to dramatic lack of substance underlying Russia-Trump collusion narrative and substantive revelations about what caused and hyped that years-long story.
Actually what you're seeing is the noose closing around trump's neck and his sychophants trying desperately to change the subject.
trump ousted and sanity returned in 2020
Trumpslide and #Recolonization in 2020!
what you're seeing is the noose closing around trump's neck and his sychophants trying desperately to change the subject.
What you're seeing is #NarrativeCollapse and the Russian connections to Hillary being exposed.
WHO is wearing "medical boots" to hide ankle monitors?
Hillary and Huma, for two. They are going DOWN!
Fear the Hand: Mosquitoes Can Be Trained to Not Bite You, Study Finds
If skeeters can be trained not to bite, why can't stoopid fucking wingnuts be taught manners and civility and be potty trained?
New Parts for a couple refrigerators on AF1 are gonna cost 24 million bucks plus title,taxes. warranty, dealer prep and other cost overruns because stoopid fucking Drumpf can't remove his fat ass from Twitter long enough to be bothered by wasteful spending.
Hillary and Huma, for two. They are going DOWN!
Keep dreaming. Who has been indicted? Flynn and Manifort. Who hasn't been indicted? Hillary and Huma.
Yeah yeah, any day now right? Yawn.
Trumpslide and #Recolonization in 2020!
Bwahahahahahahaha! More like blue wave and trump impeachment 2018 and president Kamala Harris 2020!
TRUMP 2020!!
trump 10-20!
If skeeters can be trained not to bite, why can't libtards be trained not to lie?
Breaking: libtards are dumber than mosquitoes!
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