I never thought that it would come to this, but I now truly believe that this guy(trump)is suffering from some serous issues when it comes to his brain. I mean let's just be honest. If you have to tell us that you are a genius and that you have the greatest mind ever, you might just have a problem. Having our president defending his mental capacity on a daily basis makes us us all nervous. And if the people who voted for him are going to be honest with themselves, they would say the same thing.
Just think, the man is comparing his mental capacity to that of Ronald Reagan . The same Ronald Reagan who suffered from Alzheimer's. That alone should have us all questioning his mental stability. Of all the presidents he could have mentioned, he chose to mention the one that was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. That ought to tell us about his lucidity.
We all should consider the words of Dr. Brandy Lee:
"Donald Trump is “showing a lot of signs” of dangerous mental impairment and may be a threat to the survival of American society, a leading Yale psychiatrist has claimed.
In an exclusive interview with The Independent, Yale University’s Dr Bandy Lee said she had seen a “marked surge” in violence among her own patients since the day of Mr Trump’s election, blaming his strong rhetoric.
The lecturer, a former Harvard research fellow and chief resident at Massachusetts general hospital, was defending experts at an event she organised after they called the President “dangerous” and “delusional”.
The claim led one Republican politician to accuse them of “throwing ethical standards out the window because they cannot accept the election results”'.[Source]
We can accept the "election results." We just cannot accept the thought of a crazy person running the country for the next three years.
Any Psychiatrist/Psychologist who puts forth such public declarations of diagnosis without benefit of actual exam has even less credibility than this blogs author. You and many posters on here truly suffer from TDS(Trump Derangement Syndrome)
"I now truly believe that this guy(trump)is suffering from some serous issues when it comes to his brain."
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Hell, you're all brown.
trump is so delusional he thinks he's a self made man. He tweets like a teenaged girl. The man has some serious problems and you know it.
Carlos Deangelo Bell of Waldorf MD. Track coach, school aide, HIV+, Negro pleads guilty to sexually abusing 42 boys aged 11-17 and deliberately trying to infect said students.
I’d appreciate a Whooteemoo update on Kendrick Lamar’s half-time performance. ππ½ππΎππΏ
He can't do anything right as president. This is where racism has got this country. You racists know it's true.
He hasn't done anything wrong as president. You dumbasses don't even know what the fuck is going on.
He hasn't done anything wrong as president. You dumbasses don't even know what the fuck is going on.
And yet he's still going to jail
He does suffer from a horrible mental illness. It's called "Republicanism" and those who suffer from it display symptoms including delusions that tax cuts pay for themselves, disassociation from objective reality in the denial of scientific understanding of how the world works, an utter lack of empathy for their fellow human beings who they attempt to harm with their policies, compulsive and pathological lying, and a sociopathic disregard for the consequences of their behavior.
He seems to be a less severe case of Republicanism, and mostly affects its traits to feed an underlying malignant narcissism through mass adoration of Republican crowds when he lies to them at rallies.
He's Donald the fuck Trump.
So it will be somewhat interesting to see what he releases out of the results of his physical exam, in a ho-hum it's-a-medical-report-about-a-71-year-old-fat-white-guy sort of way, but it will be far more interesting to see what he and his lawyers are able to do about avoiding his appointment for an interview with Mueller or his team, which they are obviously (and rightly) terrified of.
Which is all on him. He brought this on himself. The long line of specific bad decisions it took to bring him face to face with what Malcolm Nance has called "the wood chipper of justice" just go to illustrate how incompetent he is and how unfit he is for any job with any amount of public responsibility at all.
But no! They made fun of him at the dinner, so he'll have his revenge!
Fuck him.
And fuck all y'all who bought his bullshit and voted for him.
You suck, you own this, and now you will pay.
-Doug in Oakland
Dumb in Oakland, Quit listening to MSNBC (Mostly Stupid Negroes Being Chumped) Mueller has a hand full of nothing on nobody. You need to worry about the Magic Mulatto and this illegal FISA wiretapping he and a host of his worshipers are involved in.
”We can accept the "election results." We just cannot accept the thought of a crazy person running the country for the next three years.”
Actually, no, I cannot accept the election results. The 2016 vote did not meet the standard of a free and fair election. It was grossly contaminated with malfeasance by multiple actors:
*Republicans pressuring the FBI to abuse its powers in carrying out an endless, bogus investigation of Hillary Clinton’s self-evidently non-criminal email management.
*Republicans suppressing the votes of Democratic voting constituencies under the rubric of preventing (basically nonexistent) voter fraud.
*Russians hacking the DNC and Clinton campaigns (possibly with the connivance of the Trump campaign).
I am not fucking fine with any of that. Nobody should ever be fine with any of that. Donald Trump is not a legitimately elected president.
But even if I thought the election had been free and fair, I still wouldn’t be fine with someone as deranged as Trump running things. The objections to him have never only been about his ideology (to the degree he even has any, other than racism).
He is also both intellectually unqualified for the job and of dangerously bad character — the latter to such a great degree that it may well qualify as a DSM-listed personality disorder (malignant narcissism seems likely).
trump is such a moron he doesn't know he could always say merry christmas. What an idiot.
Let me know when that happens...they've only been at the Russian collusion thing for what, 13-14 months now, and nothing??
Doc@10:54, it was pretty dynamic. The kid has some skills.
"Nothing" huh? Try telling that to Michael Flynn.
Trump sure is an idiot all right.
Boy oh boy, l sure miss the shitty economy of the genies Obama years!!
C'mon FN, Flynn is all they can get? You would think that Trump being such an idiot that he would have left all sorts of evidence tying him to the Russians! Why is it so hard to find, is the FBI covering up for him?
Ya' know Judge? The Marxist Left has trotted out this tired, thread bare ploy over the last half century on every Republican presidential hopeful, counting on the lack of memory and awareness on the part of the Lumpenproletariat. I've witnessed this, and it was getting tired by the time Nixon rolled around.
"We just cannot accept the thought of a crazy person running the country for the next three years."
We had the puppet masters being Zero running this country for 8 years. Things are going much better under Trump, who at least appears to be his own master.
Anonymous said...
Let me know when that happens...they've only been at the Russian collusion thing for what, 13-14 months now, and nothing??
5:54 AM
HRC has been investigated for thirty fucking years and ....nothing. Wingnuts are after her again.
BTW domestic spying has just been re-authorized by congress with progressives and tea baggers against.
Things are going much better under Trump, who at least appears to be his own master.
Yeah, soooooooo much better. A fat assed moron who tweets like a brain damaged 2 year old. Your standards aren't very high. Idiot couldn't say merry christmas for 8 years for some weird reason. Great.
trump is Putin's bitch.
That's BANDY Lee, not BRANDY, Field. Brandy Lee is a pole dancer at Hot Cheeks down the street.
field negro said...
"Nothing" huh? Try telling that to Michael Flynn.
Flynn's legal problems have nothing to do with his position in the Trump administration, but from work he did years earlier. Same goes for Manafort, much of whom's dodgy activities were carried out while working with the Podesta brothers.
There is much more evidence for "collusion" with Russian (and Saudi, Qatari, Iranian, and Chinese) interests by the Clinton people than with anyone associated with Donald Trump.
But here we are, 14 months after the election, and the Left is still stamping their feet and refusing to accept the results. It was bad after W's wins, but this is absolutely insane. It signifies the end of democracy in America. I can't imagine the Left ever chancing losing an election again.
I have to to give the Dems props, it's a ballsy and clever tactic to cover up your own crimes by accusing your opponent of them. If successful, they could overturn the election they lost. But it's not looking like Plan A is going to work.
Plan B is to call Trump "crazy" and get the cabinet to declare him unfit. This is why you now have the combined campaign of congressional democrats, armchair psychiatrists, and Wolff's fake book coming out at the same time. This is flopping as well.
Plan C is probably an assassination attempt. Killing Trump would be a huge mistake, as what comes after him is going to make all your fevered fantasies about right wing extremism come true.
Just imagine the amount of courage it must have taken for Oprah to stand up last night and take on the powerful pro-sexual harassment agenda that dominates our culture. A brave lone voice in the wilderness confronting the overwhelming support for rapists and molesters that we have been barraged with in all forms of media.
And kudos to the good people of Hollywood for once again providing moral leadership for a degenerate American society. It may be a hard lecture to hear, but we would all do well to work towards living up to the standards they exemplify.
I'm greatly amused by the "Trump is mentally unfit to serve!" hysteria from a class of people that believes boys can become girls through magical thoughts.
Wow, such projection there kid. Now back to reality. No one wants to have to be concerned about the mental fitness of the president but here we are. Do we just ignore the fact that a grown 70 year old man has the inpulse control of a toddler? He attacks people personally with insulting nicknames, Little Marco, Low Energy Jeb and then tweets childish insults everyday.
Honest question Deep Blue, are these the actions of a rational leader? Are you even the least bit concerned about some of trump's actions? Sorry if I want an adult leading this nation.
I'm greatly amused by the "Trump is mentally unfit to serve!" hysteria from a class of people that believes boys can become girls through magical thoughts.
The man IS mentally unfit to serve. He should take the required testing to prove otherwise. Just because I believe that people have the right to be whoever it is they want to be has no bearing on the fact that trump acts irratically. The dude wakes up rage tweeting while watching Fox and Friends. Are those the actions of a rational leader? Is that acceptable to you?
"Is that acceptable to you?"
I love it. He sticks up for himself and his supporters. If not for his ability to reach people directly, he would be completely defined by the lying press that is committed to bringing him down.
The Democrats and their media wing have leveled the same defamations against virtually every Republican President who has served during the past forty years.
The difference now is that the press has abandoned all pretense of objectivity and serves openly as a mouthpiece for the Democrats.
The Democrats themselves have gone completely off the deep end and continue to marginalize their appeal.
Trump's crime is that he is winning. The time for playing by your rules is over. This is war.
Hey Doc, check this. I dig.
I love it.
And that says all we need to know about you.
And that says all we need to know about you.
Ditto. You are not "fellow Americans". You are enemies. Treasonous, vile enemies... stupid enough to announce this to us.
Well, your skin is your uniform anyway.
From your link:
It resumed being a vital black community until segregation was overturned by the Federal Government during the 1950s and 1960s. Desegregation encouraged blacks to live and shop elsewhere in the city, causing Greenwood to lose much of its original vitality."
So it wasn't the riot, but desegregation that destroyed thriving black communities like Greenwood.
Desegregation also destroyed a lot of thriving white communities like Detroit.
Maybe segregationists had a point.
Mr. Ed for President!
A stable genius with horse sense!
Flynn's legal problems have nothing to do with his position in the Trump administration, but from work he did years earlier
What a complete load of hog shit. Flynn colluded with Russia shortly after the election on matters about Russian sanctions letting the Russkies know Drumpfuck the dumbfuck was amenable to dropping them. He lied to the FBI. He lied to the pathological liar in the WH. He lied to the KGB agent Veep, Pence.
He committed felonies by acting as a government agent at a time Obama was still Potus and had no authority trying to make deals with our enemies.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts ignore reality all the god damned time. No wonder they are stoopid fucking wingnuts. Flynn also got into hot water because of earlier deals. Sounds way more serious than HRC's emails.
Anymoose @ 10:48 lookee what I found- https://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-school-teacher-father-of-2-charged-with-140-counts-of-sexual-abuse-206413/
Lily white phony kristian in a lily white, embarrassingly red wingnut city in NW iowa gets his lily white kristian jollies molesting schoolkids. I'm guessing since it is a wingnut stronghold all the kids were lily white and available.
Curtis Van Dam is scheduled to stand trial March 6 in Sioux County District Court on 146 charges -- 103 felonies and 43 misdemeanors -- that carry a total of 2,088 years in prison.
Luckily for this guy, the stable genius will prolly pardon him for being a good wingnut voter. Afterall, wingnuts could give a fuck what happens to a fetus once they force it to be brought into this world.
Excellent fucking job, stoopid fucking wingnut voters. You are all gonna rot in hell and I can run over to Sioux City, iowa and get a semi load of Jolly Time popcorn to eat while you burn. Nothing (much) personal, you understand. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
103 felonies? Bring him to Cook County lL and let one of the enlightened progressive Democrat hack judges sentence him.
If it's anything like the usual punishment passed out in the murder capital of America known as Chiraq, he'll get sentenced to time served.
Uh, Flynn lied to the FBI. That's what they got him for, that we know about. What we don't know yet is what he traded for that plea deal.
I know you don't have an attention span (more like an attention spurt) but the investigation isn't over yet, and since it has largely been leak-free, we don't know what they have on Fergus.
But if Fergus wasn't in any trouble, I doubt the goddamn Republicans would be so feverishly tearing down their own fucking justice department.
But sure, live it up while you still can. They haven't told YOU what they have on them yet, so they must not have anything at all.
You're like the guy who jumped off of a fifty story building on a bet, and as he passes the tenth floor, says "Well, so far, so good."
-Doug in Oakland
Flynn has nothing to "flip" on, because his problems date from prior to his involvement with Trump. The Russian collusion investigation is over, at least as far as Trump is concerned. Mueller is so compromised that no one is going to give any credence to it anyway. Face it, you've already made up your mind and will only embrace the results if they fit what you want. Most sane people know this is a political witch-hunt that is going nowhere.
"Flynn colluded with Russia shortly after the election on matters about Russian sanctions"
Nope, it is standard for incoming administrations to reach out to foreign governments (Obama did it) and is not a crime, let alone a felony.
Dream on, losers.
Hey, what's wrong with lying to the FBI? That's illegal now?? Considering Director Comey WAS a liar, l figure it's a wash.
Flynn broke every law in the book, up to and including-Pinkie Swear- by engaging with foreign officials as a private citizen.
He not only broke the laws but Pence and Drumpfuck both lied through trough their teeth that no officials from the campaign had contacts with Russians, when in fact everyone had contacts with Russians. We got violations of the Logan Act, undermining a sitting, legally elected twice, actual. bonafide Potus, plus a CIC that is a pathological liar and an Attorney General that is on the record perjuring his skanky racist ass twice.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts refuse to see the truth.
Drumpfuck might be going to McCDonalds for his physical. His aides made sure there would be no phychiatric exam allowed because Drumpfuck the dumbfuck would flunk it with flying colors. He also will perjure himself the first time he has to say anything to any one under oath. Wingnuts in the sinate will make sure the day never comes when Drumpf has to perjure himself.
Geez, poor HRC has been lied to, at, about, assaulted verbally and probably physically for 30 years and bawl baby wingnuts swear if they can just fool the public for thirty more years they will catch her doing something wrong.
In today's edition of Nigga News:
One of you degreed, highly-educated niggas anally rapes at least two female patients:
Chimpcongo niggas severely beat 63-yr-old woman during home-invasion robbery:
Cincinnati nigga charged with rape of an 11-yr-old:
And from our "height of ingratitude" department, nigga attacks 73-yr-old "Meals On Wheels" volunteer with a machete:
And you have the gall to wonder why nobody wants you around...
@PX, that was a GREAT read, thank you for linking me to another great resources of positive, Black news!!ππ½ππ½ππ½ππ½
"And you have the gall to wonder why nobody wants you around..."
Nobody wants me around? Since when? I'm usually the life of the partyπ
"I'm usually the life of the party"
Until the anal raping starts.
So all it took was a book to make trump act right? We should have done this looooong ago.π
What is hillbilly heroin?
Oprah and Harvey Rapestein 2020!
Winfrey/Cosby in 2020
Winfrey/Kaepernick in 2020
"Hey, what's wrong with lying to the FBI? That's illegal now??"
Try it and see.
"What is hillbilly heroin?"
Prescription painkillers. See also: pillbillies.
-Doug in Oakland
Bannon/David Duke 2020!
Federal judge finally calls wingnut gerrymandering naughty.
Hillbillies+hillbilly heroin=cracker ODs.
crazy white guy + classroom full of kids= shooting
bitch assed bullied white fuckboy teen + high school= shooting
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