Why do you think the trump administration opened up offshore drilling in every coastal state except Florida? I have an idea.
The president wants stronger libel laws because he says that folks shouldn't be able to just lie on people.
Do you think the fact that he lied about the former president's birthplace for 8 years qualifies him to make such a declaration?
Will president trump sit down with Mr. Mueller?
Should Oprah run for president in 2020?
Did the president hoodwink the workers from Carrier now that we know that 200 more of them are going to lose their jobs?
Why did the president tell a flat out lie about news anchors sending him letters of congratulations about his meeting with congress yesterday?
Demetria Smith....Texas Queen of the Congo soon to cry rayciss over bounced filing check for Governor race.
President Snowflake wants stronger libel laws? Shocking! He loves to use his wealth to intimidate people but if he picks on fellow wealthy people and the press he'd better be careful. Snowflake sued Bill Maher because he said his father was an oragutan, which may be true. Fortunately Maher is also rich and isn't scared of a little litigation. Never seen such a thin skinned individual in public life. Don't hurt dear leader's feelings. We have an unstable preteen girl as president๐
When are these 4,000 indictments going to be revealed?
It was the shoelace.
1. Because he's a moron who doesn't read? He didn't even think about Mar-a-Lago. Rick Scott talked them out of it.
2. If the kind of libel laws he wants were enforced, they'd have to sew his mouth shut and glue his thumbs together.
3. It mostly qualifies him to be laughed at, scorned, and drummed out of polite society. See #2 above.
4. Not if he or his lawyers have anything to say about it. He's not too bright, but even he has to know (or his lawyers, anyway) that nothing good can come from an undisciplined doofus like him talking to the FBI, much less the wood chipper of justice.
5. I hope not. The unmooring of competence from the electoral prospects of candidates for consequential office is incredibly damaging to the government and the country.
I don't have anything against her, but I wouldn't want her to perform surgery on me either. That's not to say she's not capable, either. If she ran for and won a senate seat or a governorship and then wanted to run, then fine.
6. The generic term for what he did is lie to them. See #2 above.
7. Because he lies all of the damn time. It's sort of his thing. See #2 above.
-Doug in Oakland
Your boy Darrell Issa isn't running in 2018. Such a sad development.
Issa and Royce both...
Now if we can just get Nunes, McCarthy, Rohrabacher, Hunter, and a few of the Republicans in districts that are even or lean Democratic like David Valadao in the D+5 21st,Steve Knight in the even split 25th, and Mimi Walters in the R+3 45th, and maybe even some Republican districts that went for Hillary in 2016, we'll be a long way towards winning back control of the house just with this one state.
-Doug in Oakland
I had to laugh when I read your thing about opening up coastal waters to drilling everywhere except for Florida.
It's an unspeakable crime against our precious coastal habitats to be sure.
But it reminded me of back when there was still drilling in the waters off of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico, but somehow, the sacred coast of California was off-limits.
I always figured that was because the true republican fat cats with the big bucks loved their California beach homes and islands and yachts too much to have them dirtied by oil spills and tar on the beaches. What about the children with their sand toys?
Of course now the republicans that love their California Coastal Estates have all been forced underground and are no longer allowed to publicly profess their love for the West Coast. No more talk of Reagan Country.
Please let Madam Pimp Oprah run.
6 Black bastard sons carjack and run over an elderly white man in Baltimore. Most violent monkeys in the jungle shirts are needed.
Those teens are being reclassified as "unlicensed valets' in order to not ruin their chances of getting into Medical School and curing cancer.
Of course Oprah should be POTUS! So she could build a couple more schools in the U.S. WHAT??? it was in South Africa you say?. Oh okay...
There's a story about how she was approached once with a proposition concerning investing in a black business and she answered that the idea was too 'black' and had to be 'whitened up'. Ahhh dear old Oprah, future POTUS, she's perfect!
Drumpf lied? I don't believe it.
Drumpf dropped Florida drilling to entice Scott to run for the Senate.
Kellyanne Conjob says Drumpfuck just now discovered he can't build a physical wall all along the border.
Rumour has it someone asked Drumpfuck where the Mexican border was and Drumpfuck replied he is in bed with my wife. Stoopid fucking Drumpfuck, that was his gardener.
Anooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooother fucking family values fucking wingnut gets caught with his dick in forbidden territory. Stoopid fuckers just can't help themselves. Bwahahahahahahaha!
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 15
Shot & Wounded: 48
Total Shot: 63
Total Homicides: 16
I like the meme going around that Oprah, instead of running for anything, should buy Fox News.
And of course give it a "makeover."
But seriously, couldn't a consortium of billionaires do that? In today's America everything is for sale.
Is he stupid, an evil genius, borderline crazy, or mentally retarded?
Please pick one and stick to it.
And not a Confederate monument in sight!!
Uh, and turn it into what, MSNBC, CNN? Nobody (other than an idiot) would invest in Fox and then chase away the audience that made it so profitable in the first place.
6 Black bastard sons carjack and run over an elderly white man in Baltimore. Most violent monkeys in the jungle shirts are needed.
But did the shoot babies in church or a classroom? See, that's ok when white fuckboys do it.
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 15
Shot & Wounded: 48
Total Shot: 63
Total Homicides: 16
Fake news! Never happened! Lamestream media hoax!
Oh yeah, I forgot to thank the donald for keeping the US aviation industry so safe. And here I thought it was us frontline employees like controllers, dispatchers, mechanics and pilots. ๐
Fake news! Never happened! Lamestream media hoax!
1:17 PM
Libtard delusion. CPD has the numbers and the morgue has the bodies.
Yes, it must be fake because Chicago, being run by Democrats is a peaceful place.
What ARE the REAL numbers???
Libtard delusion. CPD has the numbers and the morgue has the bodies.
Liberal media lies! If you want to believe media lies go right ahead sheeple!
Which morgues have the bodies of the victims of hillbilly heroin?
Liberal mayor DeBlasio has NYC at an alltime low in crime. DeBlasio for president!
Even fox news knows trump lies like a dog.
FJ: The 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill was the third largest US oil spill to date, and the media coverage of oil coated birds and blackened beaches helped launch the environmental movement and kickstarted some of the actual environmental legislation we actually got passed, and yes, the rich fucks who owned beachfront property on the SoCal coast freaked the fuck out. Property values, donchaknow.
So California was one of the first places to realize that offshore oil extraction was, in fact, dangerous, and there were, in fact, no good ways to clean up the mess when it went wrong.
We use the same boom containment and oil skimming technologies to clean up spills now as we did then, and they don't work any better now than they did then.
Also, buried in the tax cut bullshit bill, is a section that eliminates the clean up fund that we established in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon spill, and some of the supposedly onerous regulations they have killed were the ones we passed based on the blowout and safety backup failures that caused that spill.
So basically it's just the same spiteful, ignorance based policymaking Fergus always does.
-Doug in Oakland
TNB is multiple times every day in many cities and you can only sight the same ol bad yt murders. Pathetic
In today's episode of Nigga News:
Coal-burner and her nigga rob ditch her mother's funeral to rob her house.
Nigga finds a 64-yr-old woman who needs a walker to walk, follows her home and rapes her.
Nigga rapes a child under 10 years old.
And from the this-is-why-TNB-is-dumb department, an oldie but a goodie:
French police simultaneously tase and teargas a nigga showing his ass and he bursts into flames.
If we just did this to all misbehaving niggas, we'd really cut down on TNB.
Recently, the Very Stable Genius has done the following very stable and genius-like things:
*During negotiations with congressional leaders about a deal on DREAMers (which ain’t gonna happen, because Trump has conditioned such a deal on Congress paying for his dumbass wall), he complained that we shouldn’t have to take people from “shithole countries” like Haiti or places in Africa, and why can’t we get some nice blond Norwegians?
*He probably mentioned those Norwegians because his mind was on Scandinavia after meeting with an official from the Swedish government. Subsequently, he held a press conference in which he bragged that the US had sold Sweden some F-52 fighter planes. There is no such thing as an F-52 fighter plane, except in the video game Call of Duty. Remember, guys, he’s a Very Stable Genius, and not, you know, a dotard.
*He made former wackadoodle Congressman Pete Hoekstra our new ambassador to the Netherlands. Hoekstra is (surprise!) a bigot and a liar, who is on video from a couple years back saying that evil Muslims have established “no-go zones” in the Netherlands, which non-Muslims cannot enter, and when Dutch politicians tried to visit these zones, the evil Muslims set them on fire. Consequently, he cannot now appear in public without Dutch journalists asking, “Why did you defame our country? Your pants are on fire, not our politicians.” Hoekstra tried to deny he’d made these comments, calling them “fake news,” but this did not work, because, again, IT’S ON VIDEO.
Hey PR, I hope you and your family are doing ok in PR.๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ
In today's hillbilly news we learn that hillbillies have no problem with pedophilia as a congregation gives a pastor a standing O for admitting molesting a teen. No wonder Rudy Ray Moore was their choice for senator.
Yฤซshฤng said...
Hey PR, I hope you and your family are doing ok in PR.๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ
6:42 PM
Hey Yisheng! We're doing okay I guess, the hurricanes aftermath changes one. To experience such vulnerability and fragility is not only humbling before the power of nature, but also to realize that living with nature is the only way. Modern technology can be eradicated whenever nature intervenes. One cannot depend on it too much.
We need Mueller to hurry up and put trump in jail. This insane racist needs to go.๐
More illegals from Wakanda are what we need.
We have a bad habit of not respecting nature. Take a look at California, yearly wild fires, mudslides not to mention a huge fault line.
Ask Europe about shithole immigration, not working out to well.
If even Mia Love comes out of the shadows to denounce trump then you know it's bad. Now we remove all doubt trump is a racist. Sarah Huckabee is getting drunk right about now.
Looks like a shithole country produces the most educated population in 'murica. the donald's argument is patently wrong to begin with.
Anonymous said...
Demetria Smith....Texas Queen of the Congo soon to cry rayciss over bounced filing check for Governor race.
9:42 PM
More whitey wingnut racism. Texass AG was an indicted criminal(federal and state securities fraud) when he ran for and was elected AG. He wasn't forced out or disqualified because he is white. Matter of fact, he is still indicted.
And if held accountable as he should be, no Whites will cry Racism or loot or burn down anything in protest. Now go watch Al Sharpton on TV.
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