― Kofi Annan
Today the Homeland Security Secretary declared that she didn't know that Norway was a white country, and that she heard others (and the president saying) "tough" things when trump made his "shithole" remarks, but not trump himself say "shithole".
She actually said this to a group of senators in Washington before the Senate Judiciary Committee, obviously with no f***s to give because she is with team trump. These people lie so much that they trotted a doctor out there today to add an inch to trump's height and lie about his actual weight. All so that he could not be classified as obese. He is one pound under being obese based on what they told us. (His stomach alone weighs 239 pounds. Give me a break!)
Anyway, I still don't understand why people who have careers and lives to live go out and constantly lie for this man. Or why they put themselves out there to be ridiculed and embarrassed while he runs off and hides.
Thank goodness for folks like Corey Booker, who called out the latest trump flunky, Kirstjen Nielsen, for the cowardly liar that she is.
“Why am I, frankly, seething with anger? … You’re under oath. You and others in that room suddenly cannot remember?” Booker said. “The idea that the commander in chief of this country can, with broad brushes, talk about certain nations and thus cast a shadow over the millions of Americans who are from those communities, and that you could even say in your testimony that Norwegians were preferences because they are so hard-working.”
“I didn’t say―,” Nielsen began.
“Excuse me,” the senator interrupted, his voice rising. “Let me finish.”
Booker, who may be eyeing a 2020 presidential run, said tens of millions of Americans are worried about the racism coming out of the White House and asked Nielsen why she wasn’t doing more to stem an uptick in white supremacist violence in the country. He cited quotes by Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi and Elie Wiesel about the dangers of staying quiet in the face of bigotry and hatred before turning back to Nielsen.
“Your silence and your amnesia is complicity,” Booker told her." {Source}
There has been a lot of "silence" in this country when it comes to racism coming out of the White House lately. So far we have a couple of senators and a high ranking cabinet member willing to lie rather than call out the president for his racist rhetoric.
They all deserve each other.
There has been a lot of "silence" in this country when it comes to racism coming out of the White House lately. So far we have a couple of senators and a high ranking cabinet member willing to lie rather than call out the president for his racist rhetoric.
They all deserve each other.
Now Field, you KNOW (pencil penis w/power) White men are NOT going to let Booker get away with going off on that lying ass WW.
”Anyway, I still don't understand why people who have careers and lives to live go out and constantly lie for this man. Or why they put themselves out there to be ridiculed and embarrassed while he runs off and hides.”
I guess they are hoping that after Trump finally goes down in flames (and possibly off to prison), they can all go on “wingnut welfare”: i.e., get hired at some tycoon-funded wingnut think tank doing basically nothing all day, or else go work over at Fox News or Breitbart as a highly paid professional liar and hatemonger.
They sure won’t get hired by any reputable employer with the stink of Trump on them.
Soror Kamala got with her ass too😂
Ah, yes, ignorance and complicity. Like all of those voters who had ample time and opportunity to find out the obvious facts about Fergus, the racism, incompetence, corruption, and all of the other well known reasons why he should never have been within a hundred yards of any public responsibility.
Anyone with two working neurons to rub together knew all of this. Even the less functional had all of the information they needed to avoid doing this.
They are guilty of shirking their civic responsibility to make informed choices at the ballot box.
This isn't hard to figure out.
You had to, on some level, be complicit in the publicly admitted goal of destroying the government. "Deconstructing the administrative state" means destroying the government. Words... How do they work?
And someone is surprised that Republicans lied? Really? You mean members of the party that claims tax cuts pay for themselves, climate change is a hoax, the Earth is 6,000 years old, and evolution never happened (we look like monkeys because God made us to look like monkeys) said some shit that wasn't true to help themselves politically? My stars and garters!
Scumbags like them lie a lot. About everything that makes them look bad to their idiot, I mean complicit hoards.
Also, water is wet, fire is hot, and the hogs will eat you no matter what political party you belong to.
-Doug in Oakland
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 16
Shot & Wounded: 82
Total Shot: 98
Total Homicides: 19
There has been a lot of "silence" in this country when it comes to racism coming out of the White House lately.
LOL. Except for every mainstream news network, newspaper, magazine and blog (including yours) calling Trump racist daily.
Trump is not racist. Most people know this, and a lot of the rest don't care. By calling him racist every day, the MSM is just further solidifying the idea that they are nothing but "Fake News".
You called every white person racist for years, and now no one gives a fuck anymore. Now the word "racist" itself is fake news.
The whole race industry is collapsing. Try running Corey Booker for President! That would be just too perfect.
-Doug in Oakland
What most people saw today was a faux-outraged black man violently berating a polite White woman.
Keep digging your own graves, shitlibs.
Corey Booker is a showboating peter-puffer.
Senator Cory Booker...show us using the puppets where Trump touched you.
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 16
Shot & Wounded: 82
Total Shot: 98
Total Homicides: 19
Totally Fake News!
What most people saw today was a faux-outraged black man violently berating a polite White woman.
No, that's what your dumb ass saw. The rest of us sane people saw a dumb blonde who was promoted wellbeyond her capabilities who tried to interrupt a brilliant brotha who has a law degree from a Ivy League school.
Still waiting on those secret indictments. Guess they'll be opened when trump gets his wall?
You can learn to love MAGA. Here's all you need to understand:
1) Races are a little different.
2) Genders are a little different.
3) Love people anyway.
Trump ran for office on the slogan “Make America Great Again.”
But judging by the statements of his underlings, the actual motto of this White House is: “I don’t recall.” (Soon to be replaced by: “I invoke my 5th Amendment rights.”)
You had me at "anyway".
Another story from Fraud Negro about a whining, complaining black politician. Yawn
I keep asking about this.
If these numbers ARE fake, it can't be that hard to find the REAL NUMBERS! Find them and POST THEM!
The only "silence" Trump and his supporters want is the silencing of minority voices.
Polls indicate that black Americans ain't buying the Trump is a racist lie. Many are probably witnessing and experiencing an employment boom andit is scaring the living daylights out of the Left. They know that if they lose a percentage of that voting bloc, it would be disastrous for them.
And that is one of the key reasons they want open borders; to import a mass of voters to replace they ones whom they have aborted, imprisoned or destroyed through their compassionate programs like the Great Society.
Their political power depends upon poverty and disenfranchisement, whether naturally occurring or as evidenced by the past 50 years pre-manufactured. I think we are potentially on the cusp of a great black American awakening to this. And were that the case, there would be no stronger ally we can have in the sealing of our borders and the road back to the resurrection of our society.
Praise God and MAGA.
Winning! said...
What most people saw today was a faux-outraged black man violently berating a polite White woman.
Keep digging your own graves, shitlibs.
11:18 PM
Whining, you and Anyfuckingmoose need to set up a Go Fund Me to buy a noose and a lynch mob and make America grate again, wasicu wastey racist style.
Anonymous The Trumpening said...
You can learn to love MAGATs. Here's all you need to understand:
1-all maggots are white
2-all maggots eat disgusting shit and decaying flesh
3-they grow into flies and breed more maggots. Rinse and repeat.
I ficks tit for you Drumpening.
Racist micro dick white boys like Butt Trumpet always stay close to their own kind. Nobody else can take them seriously.
If Corey Booker had to play poker for a living, he’d starve to death.
Donald Trump sold a Trump Tower apartment to the brutal and corrupt former Haitian leader Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier.
On 7 February 1986, facing a domestic populist revolt and international pressure to step down, embattled President of Haiti Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, fled his country for exile in France onboard a United States Air Force jet. A New York Times obituary from 4 October 2014 described his rule over Haiti as one of “bloody brutality”, widespread corruption, and lavish excess:
Sounds just like 'shithole countries' Drumpfuck.
What specifically has Drumpf done to create all those jobs Obama created? He was born into wealth and he stepped into the Russia bought presidency with a growing economy and thinks he has done good works. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Donald Trump also donated generously to the Haitian relief fund before he was president.
Just what were you fine, upstanding black residents of Chicago doing over the MLK weekend?
And you are stupid enough to wonder why nobody wants you around....
(Now watch someone say it was all white people wearing negro masks.)
"Just what were you fine, upstanding black residents of Chicago doing over the MLK weekend?"
Did what I do most weekends. Most other people enjoyed a three day weekend and some volunteered for a day of service. What did you do? Thanks for asking.
Bannon is making a deal. trump is going to jail sooner than later.
"And you are stupid enough to wonder why nobody wants you around...."
Oh calm down, I'm well liked and get plenty of invitations.😜
The thought of someone like Corey Booker running against tr**p must make tr**p and his vile supporters more than a little anxious. tr**p supporters recoil in horror at the thought of someone classy back in the White House.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
We won another special election yesterday. We didn't win in South Carolina, because South Carolina, or Iowa (where we lost by 400 votes in the first election under their voter ID law), but we won in Wisconsin, by 11 points, in a district Fergus won by 17 and the previous Republican won by 26.
Reanimated corpse and governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker shat a green brick, upon which a message appeared calling the loss "a wake up call for Republicans", who he again neglected to realize are not fully sentient in the first place.
So those "rust belt" economically anxious white working class voters?
They know they fucked up, and most likely won't be doing so again next time.
-Doug in Oakland
Today the Homeland Security Secretary declared that she didn't know that Norway was a white country. Should have said Nordic country and then wingnuts would declare Norway a lesbian hangout.
(Now watch someone say it was all white people wearing negro masks.)
You already said it and everyone here believes you on this. Since you didn't post a right wing site, this is most likely true.
Per whooteemoos, Black men are overly dramatic, Black women are angry.
Delusion will NEVER be rational or logical.
"Today the Homeland Security Secretary declared that she didn't know that Norway was a white country. Should have said Nordic country and then wingnuts would declare Norway a lesbian hangout."
That would be DHS Secretary Kirstjen the fuck Nielsen who claimed she didn't know Norway (or as Fergus spells it "Normay") is white country.
None of these creeps can lie worth a shit.
-Doug in Oakland
White people of all political persuasions have proven they are not fit to govern an inch of this world. They are absolutely useless.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
Ed Krassenstein @EdKrassen
BREAKING: Haiti just had an emergency high court session resulting in an agreement to unseal & release documents relating to Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier's indictments for money laundering through Trump Tower. Looks like Trump will regret insulting Haiti!
KARMA's a B*tch!
3:27 PM - Jan 15, 2018
This place is an intellectually-bankrupt echo chamber.
Fuck this shit. I'm out.
"White people of all political persuasions have proven they are not fit to govern an inch of this world."
This must be why all the Africans in Europe are going back to their homelands as fast as they can, and black emigration from the US to Haiti and the home continent is at all-time highs... oops!
"They are absolutely useless."
Except to show just how much worse every other strain of humanity is.
Especially yours.
Yīshēng said...
Per whooteemoos, Black men are overly dramatic, Black women are angry.
Delusion will NEVER be rational or logical.
4:23 PM
look in the mirror.
Anonymous said...
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 16
Shot & Wounded: 82
Total Shot: 98
Total Homicides: 19
Totally Fake News!
11:36 PM
All true you are delusional.Look in the Cook County Morgue and the area trauma centers.
In this government the race for Most Despicable is a tough one. Even though he hogs the spotlight the Bigot-in-Chief has stiff competition in the lizard McConnell, the mysterious multi-millionaire whose backers never seem to run out of campaign cash, and Ryan, the demented Marie Antoinette with the darling Ayn Rand rationale. Then there are the cabinet members. Comparisons fail. And Congressmen and Senators. My current favorite is Cotton, Harvard's eternal shame and a demonstration that depraved morals have no relation to educational level. But maybe I shouldn't make fun of his hearing problem.
As Charles Pierce said and I believe, the current catastrophe had its origins in that grinning, ah-shucks St. Ronald from Hollywood, the first fully-bought corporate candidate and snake oil salesman. It's worthwhile to trace our calamity back to the roots, understand how we got here because we're not going to come out of this one, folks. Too much twisted metal, and 911 is now a porn hustle.
Proof that between 1980 and 2008, Blacks committed 52% of all homicides in the United States.
"White people of all political persuasions have proven they are not fit to govern an inch of this world. They are absolutely useless."
I actually hope your opinion is further adopted. It will go a long way towards showing the White Leftists that they are being used by Blacks and when they finish serving the purpose, they'll be removed.
So, bravo for showing what your kind is really about. :) I give it two-big thumbs up!
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