It's an interesting read.
The Field Negro education series continues.
"The United States has never been entirely sure what to do about race. Alone among the countries in the world, it has attempted to construct not just a state of different tribes, but a nation of them — white and black, Christian and Muslim, and many others, too. Its sense of nationalism has evolved unevenly, slowly incorporating an ever growing chunk of the people within its borders, and it has made steady progress.
Yet 2016 offers reasons for unique alarm. The progress of recent decades, both political and social, appears to have evaporated in the past few years. And the problems, as so often, are focused on the two oldest classes of our poor. These two underclasses pre-date the United States as a political union.
The black underclass, brought here in chains, toiled for centuries in the hopes of earning freedom — first physical, then political. They found themselves concentrated in the South — the home of King Cotton. The white underclass, many of whom descended from Scots-Irish peasants of the motherland, came here freely. They tended to concentrate in the rural parts of the eastern United States, especially along the Appalachian Mountains. The paths of these tribes have sometimes intersected. When recently freed slaves began to marry the white indentured servants of Virginia planters, their children took on a color that entitled them to all of the burdens of their darker-skinned parent. So they moved to eastern Kentucky and eastern Tennessee, called themselves Cherokee Indians, and attempted to live in peace. The locals, unsure what to do with their new neighbors, derisively called them“Melungeons.” “
A century later, as the industrial economies of the North created millions of new jobs, the white and black underclasses went hunting for opportunities. The black folks encountered a spate of indignities and a government housing policy that forced them into artificial urban ghettos. And the white establishment, confronted for the first time with people who looked like them but possessed none of their sensibilities, treated these seemingly foreign whites with scorn. As anthropologist John Hartigan Jr., commenting on the rapid industrialization of Detroit, has observed: It was not simply that the Appalachian migrants, as rural strangers “out of place” in the city, were upsetting to Midwestern, urban whites. Rather, these migrants disrupted a broad set of assumptions held by northern whites about how white people appeared, spoke, and behaved. . . . The disturbing aspect of hillbillies was their racialness. Ostensibly, they were of the same racial order (whites) as those who dominated economic, political, and social power in local and national arenas. But hillbillies shared many regional characteristics with the southern blacks arriving in Detroit.
In the face of these pressures, the two groups took different approaches to politics. The white poor, unencumbered by legal discrimination, focused on a politics of class. From Jackson to Truman, they voted their pocketbook, taught their children to mistrust the rich man, and hated the elites who looked down on them.
As Martin Luther King Jr. observed shortly before his death, they benefited psychologically from the caste system in the South. Black people, meanwhile, understandably voted the color of their skin, putting their trust in whoever promised to tear down the most legal barriers. Sometimes, as with Lyndon Baines Johnson, these interests aligned, delivering supermajorities in the process. But those moments were largely the product of chance.
The civil-rights successes of the 1960s were supposed to change that. In 1978, the eminent sociologist William Julius Wilson argued confidently that class would soon displace race as the most important social variable in American life. As explicit legal barriers to minority advancement receded farther into the past, the fates of the working classes of different races would converge. By the mid 2000s, Wilson’s thesis looked pretty good: The black middle class was vibrant and growing as the average black wealth nearly doubled from 1995 to 2005. Race appeared to lose its salience as a political predictor: More and more blacks were voting Republican, reversing a decades-long trend, and in 2004 George W. Bush collected the highest share of the Latino (44 percent) vote of any Republican ever and a higher share of the Asian vote (43 percent) than he did in 2000. Our politics grew increasingly ideological and less racial:
Progressives and the beneficiaries of a generous social-welfare state generally supported the Democratic party, while more prosperous voters were more likely to support Republicans. Stable majorities expressed satisfaction with the state of race relations. It wasn’t quite a post-racial politics, but it was certainly headed in that direction. But in the midst of the financial crisis of 2007, something happened. Both the white poor and the black poor began to struggle mightily, though for different reasons. And our politics changed dramatically in response.
It’s ironic that the election of the first black president marked the end of our brief flirtation with a post-racial politics. By 2011, William Julius Wilson had published a slight revision of his earlier thesis, noting the continued importance of race. The black wealth of the 1990s, it turned out, was built on the mirage of house values. Inner-city murder rates, which had fallen for decades, began to tick upward in 2015. In one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent memory, a white supremacist murdered nine black people in a South Carolina church. And the ever-present antagonism between the police and black Americans — especially poor blacks whose neighborhoods are the most heavily policed — erupted into nationwide protests.
Meanwhile, the white working class descended into an intense cultural malaise. Prescription-opioid abuse skyrocketed, and deaths from heroin overdoses clogged the obituaries of local papers. In the small, heavily white Ohio county where I grew up, overdoses overtook nature as the leading cause of death. A drug that for so long was associated with inner-city ghettos became the cultural inheritance of the southern and Appalachian white: White youths died from heroin significantly more often than their peers of other ethnicities. Incarceration and divorce rates increased steadily.
Perhaps most strikingly, while the white working class continued to earn more than the working poor of other races, only 24 percent of white voters believed that the next generation would be “better off.” No other ethnic group expressed such alarming pessimism about its economic future. And even as each group struggled in its own way, common forces also influenced them. Rising automation in blue-collar industries deprived both groups of high-paying, low-skill jobs. Neighborhoods grew increasingly segregated — both by income and by race — ensuring that poor whites lived among poor whites while poor blacks lived among poor blacks. As a friend recently told me about San Francisco, Bull Connor himself couldn’t have designed a city with fewer black residents.
Predictably, our politics began to match this new social reality. In 2012, Mitt Romney collected only 27 percent of the Latino vote. Asian Americans, a solid Republican constituency even in the days of Bob Dole, went for Obama by a three-to-one margin — a shocking demographic turn of events over two decades. Meanwhile, the black Republican became an endangered species.
Republican failures to attract black voters fly in the face of Republican history. This was the party of Lincoln and Douglass. Eisenhower integrated the school in Little Rock at a time when the Dixiecrats were the defenders of the racial caste system. Republicans, rightfully proud of this history, constructed a narrative to explain their modern failures: Black people had permanently changed, become addicted to the free stuff of the 1960s social-welfare state; the Democratic party was little more than a new plantation, offering goodies in exchange for permanent dependence. There was no allowance for the obvious: that the black vote drifted away from Republicans en masse only after Goldwater became the last major presidential candidate to oppose the 1960s civil-rights agenda.
Besides, Republicans told themselves, the party didn’t actually need the black vote anyway. It would win where others had lost, by re-engaging the “missing white voter,” a phantom whose absence allegedly cost Romney the 2012 election. By the time Republicans officially nominated Donald Trump as their presidential candidate, he polled even lower among Latinos than Romney had. Asian Americans, arguably the most financially successful minority group in the United States, have abandoned the party in droves. Current polls suggest that only a statistically shocking 1 percent of black Americans will vote to “make America great again” this November. In nominating Trump, Republicans have come full circle: The party of Lincoln has become the party of the white man. And that man has become extremely cynical." [More]
Interesting. Although honestly, I think the political angst that most working class whites ( trump voters) feel towards black folks is due more to good old fashion racism than economic anxiety, but that's just me.
My question to the author would be this: When was race relations ever good in America?
"When was race relations ever good in America?"
When "were" race relations ever good in America?.
Never. But they were a lot better before the 'civil rights' movement go a hold of them.
Blacks won't vote for Republicans no matter what they do or say. It has taken a long time, but the Republican Party has finally realized the futility of catering to blacks. The only reason to do so now is to not alienate the whites who still fear being called racist.
However, as the lie that America is beset with white racism become increasingly obvious, and the Democratic Party increasingly embraces being the Anti-White party, being the white party will the key to future electoral success.
When the other party is openly calling for white dispossession and disenfranchisement, it's time to get real about defending your interests. Cynical is the way to be.
The economy is booming. Black unemployment is the lowest ever. How has Trump been bad for black America?
"The party of Lincoln has become the party of the white man."
The party of Lincoln has become the party of Jefferson Davis.
I've been saying for years that, at least here in Oakland, poor white folks have much more in common with poor black folks than they do with white folks who have more money.
I'm not black, so I can't say whether that's true for black folks as well, but none of my black friends or coworkers has ever really disagreed with me on that point.
Demographics are slowly taking care of the white racist population, and not the demographics most people think you're talking about when you say that.
No, the demographic shift that will ultimately leave the white, racist population as the anachronistic curiosity of history it should be isn't about majority or minority status of different ethnic groups, although that is also on the way, it's the inexorable migration to the cities.
And it's still underway as we speak.
And large cities are liberal. Even in the deep south.
There are no "red" large cities on the map, and the rural populations are stable at best, while urban populations are steadily rising.
The government will reflect this better after a few small changes in campaign finance, and a general reaffirmation that people, not acres, are what is represented in our government.
-Doug in Oakland
It's a beige country, and once the goobers (see supra) wake up to that fact and accept it, it's gonna be a much better place (and future generations will be gorgeous).
Once I got a haircut, and I paid the barber a bill with a picture of a Democrat who nowadays would be a Republican; and for change she gave me a bill of a Republican who nowadays would be a Democrat. How much did the haircut cost?
$15; a $20 Jackson bill minus a $5 Lincoln bill.
The USA sill not exist in its present form much longer.
It’s ironic that the election of the first black president marked the end of our brief flirtation with a post-racial politics.
No, you idiot, it's obvious. Electing a black man to the highest office in the USA was the ultimate act of white racial supplication. The expected response was the long-awaited black acceptance of white standards of conduct. Instead, they got a doubling down on racial grievance and demands.
When the greatest possible sacrifice had already been given and rebuffed, white people were red-pilled. They realized that no compromise was possible with blacks. And that is why Generation Zyklon whites are going all-in for white consciousness. You have sworn your implacable hatred toward them, and received the same in return.
Inner-city murder rates, which had fallen for decades, began to tick upward in 2015.
White people have nothing to do with inner-city murder rates, save trying to remove the perps from the streets before they commit them. You went all-in with the War on Policing, so the police went fetal instead of proactive. You reaped the predictable results. To fail to understand the causality is to be an idiot. Which you are.
In one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent memory, a white supremacist murdered nine black people in a South Carolina church.
Ignoring the 51 dead in the Pulse nightclub. But that was a Mohammedan committing jihad against non-blacks. Some Mohammedans believe that those they kill in the name of Allah will become their slaves in the afterlife. What kind of person would want half a hundred young gays to be their slaves to eternity? Somebody who loves sticking their dick into assholes, that's who. Not even the suicide bomber at the Arianna Grande concert was more of a pervert.
Omar Mateen let blacks go. He obviously didn't want any blacks to be his slaves in the afterlife. I guess nobody wants you, not even Islamic faggots.
Meanwhile, the white working class descended into an intense cultural malaise.
A viciously anti-white presidency destroying employment and everything else will do that.
Perhaps most strikingly, while the white working class continued to earn more than the working poor of other races, only 24 percent of white voters believed that the next generation would be “better off.” No other ethnic group expressed such alarming pessimism about its economic future.
Observing the government sacrificing you to everyone and everything else, including illegal aliens who have no business being inside the borders in the first place, was bound to do this. That sacrifice is going away, as Trump has jiu-jitsued Schumer into terminating DACA without receiving anything. The white birthrate has already risen above that of minorities. This trend will accelerate as white optimism increases, and millions of minorities will leave the USA with their children in the years ahead. The future of the USA is white.
Besides, Republicans told themselves, the party didn’t actually need the black vote anyway.
When whites are 60+ percent of the population and a much larger fraction of eligible voters, ANY party can win without any minorities whatsoever if they attract enough whites. Ergo, nobody needs blacks or anyone else.
Although honestly, I think the political angst that most working class whites ( trump voters) feel towards black folks is due more to good old fashion[ed] racism than economic anxiety, but that's just me.
You're fucked in the head in more ways than one, Feeled. Probably five or six at least.
My question to the author would be this: When was race relations ever good in America?
When blacks were forced to confront reality and not allowed to vote their delusions. The ideal was before the first African came to the shores of the New World. We should return to those days and send you all back.
It’s interesting that my family and other highly educated Black families I know, were very proudly Republican during the 2000s though we often voted Democratic as well. That started to change after McCain picked a Bimbo as a running mate.
Now we’re ALL Independent, voting a mix of Independent and Democratic for the foreseeable future. And I know that after 45, I’ll NEVER vote Rebublician EVER AGAIN!!
Working class whites need to stop feeling entitled to a better life because they’re White, especially when so many of them have obvious Black ancestry.
I don't watch TV or movies, much less award shows, but in my Facebook feed this morning I'm seeing pics of the goings on at the Grammy's last night. Just off hand I'm noticing that the Latinos were dressed like clowns and ho's, the Blacks were in weird clothes, and the whites all elegant and stately!
Now as I said, this is just a few pics from a news feed, I could be wrong, but then again people will do anything for money, even appear like fools.
Oh well par for the course, I'm not surprised just bemused and a little annoyed. I guess people will do just about anything for that green paper...
Paradoctor said...
Once I got a haircut, and I paid the barber a bill with a picture of a Democrat who nowadays would be a Republican; and for change she gave me a bill of a Republican who nowadays would be a Democrat. How much did the haircut cost?
$15; a $20 Jackson bill minus a $5 Lincoln bill.
11:59 PM
xD Umhm...
Damn straight. It's about time we speak iut about Colin Kapernick and him living in his all white gated community while he pretends that he's one of the downtrodden.
It is bad for certain black blogs like Field Negro as now they have to invent racism.
Race relations were last good June 25th, 1876, Little Bighorn River in Montana. For a few hours after Custer disrespected his last Indian foes. Indians got to whoop it up for defeating wasicu wasteys.
Baldingo is off his meds again.
Field, these white folks are just evil. They are/will be burning in hell
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Field, these white folks are just evil. They are/will be burning in hell
10:05 AM
Don't be too hasty. A few good minutes with a hot burn can turn wasicu wasteys any color from golden brown to cherry red to crispy black. The burn can also seriously adjust stoopid fucking wingnut's attitude allowing some of them to be repatriated as POC with a serious asterisk behind their names.
I can't wait until all the twisted, pathetic self-hating boomers like cuck from iowa and Cuck from Oakland are dead and all this white self-abasement nonsense is over.
This attitude doesn't fly with the current generation of whites.
First "whotemoos", now "wasicu wasteys". Leftards excel at the creation of gibberish which means nothing to anyone save themselves.
At least it's funny, and not even in the "there but for the grace of God go I" sense. It's in the "how much organic brain damage does it take to do THAT?!" sense.
Racism has and most likely always will be a construct of the United States because MSA (mainstream America) benefits so much from it. It gives whites someone to look down on and it's an effective security blanket for insecure whites who fear losing the privilege of being white affords them.
I knew that had to be written for a conservative rag (National Review) with a line like "become addicted to the free stuff of the 1960s social-welfare state." I view of "free stuff" lapped up by corporate America, and tax write-offs allowed by the upper brackets' law teams, that phrase is a continuing smear.
So, your thesis is that whites being able to "look down on" blacks to assuage their own insecurities is worth the trillions of dollars black dysfunction and criminality costs them.
Lets's recall that America gives non-whites institutional privileges over whites in the form of affirmative action in school admissions and employment, minority set-asides for government contracts, minority loan guarantees, and disparate impact legal actions brought in the name of equal outcomes.
Media producers consistently enforce a uniformity of content that depicts blacks as saintly victims and whites as either inherently evil or incompetent. Black problems are excused; white problems are mocked.
Our public schools have put aside the pursuit of excellence and instead focus completely on the Achievement Gap, desperately flogging America for the fact blacks just don't do as well in school.
White America has spent the last 50 years doing everything in its power to get black America up to speed and with the program. We've abandoned the space program, neglected our infrastructure, dumbed down our universities, and mortgaged our future by diverting the bulk of our resources to the Equality Project. Yet all the that the objects of our largesse can see is "white privilege".
Fuck it. We're done.
"White privilege" is the most bizarre phenomenon in human history.
Never before has an "oppressed" class of people fled in huge numbers to countries controlled by the people claim are their oppressors.
First "whotemoos", now "wasicu wasteys". Leftards excel at the creation of gibberish which means nothing to anyone save themselves.
Perhaps "Cracker" or "Ofay" would be more appropriate terms for describing those grayish-pink people who currently infect this land.
I'm sure every single Black or Hispanic that applied for college was affirmative actioned in.Riiiiiight.
The only time that ever came close to happening was when Johnson and MacNamara ran out of poor southern wasicu wastey cannon fodder for VietNam and then lowered the standards to sweep up every young black regardless of IQ or education.
I don't care who/what runs for whatever, I'm not voting ever again for anybody. You don't like me because I'm so-called "black", that's your problem taught to you by your family. I don't care about that either. I'm the way I was born. I could have been born a tarantula spider or a crocodile. I'm not an "American", I'm just my mother's child and that's all I've ever been. I could have been born on the Sahara Desert, but wasn't. Screw all the negativity in this place called "America", that was formerly known as "Turtle Island." May Trumpt make "America" white again, that has NEVER been "white" EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Racist wasicu wastey's sure get their knickers in a twist when their poor widdle fee-ffes get hurt. I thought they thought they were men. Best joke ever.
"The economy is booming. Black unemployment is the lowest ever. How has Trump been bad for black America?"
When Black unemployment is as low as white unemployment we can start patting each other on the back.
Wasicus, what makes you think yer white privilege allows you to come on Field's blog and escape with yer pastey white hides unscathed?
Did your privilege lead you to believe there weren't gonna be any white feelings hurt, here?
A race that just got more interesting. The 33 wingnut announced he is not seeking re-election. From New Jersey. Could the House of Reprehensibles become the people's house this year, again?
So AndrewMcCabe resigns who will replace him? David Duke?
It's ok to be Muslim.
It was an interesting discussion Field. And I am sure that things have got worse. It's undeniable. Nothing about it is stable state.
There were times when indeed we all seemed to be coming together. But of course it was never all of us. I remember Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder singing, "Ebony and Ivory." As the conservative author points out black professionals, academics and those in other roles had seen some very real economic gains in those years. I remember a time or two watching the black professors at UCLA laugh and celebrate together. I thought we had all come through it quite safely.
I'm calling it for the internet. The internet quickly became a meeting place for hate groups. Before the early 1990s these people had to use the printed word to spread their message. They were not welcome on radio or tv.
Thank you for channeling the words of MLK and his being judged by the content of one's character rather than the color of one's skin. Nice.
Damn Mike, way to go with your cutting edge insults!!
Wasicu Wasteys
Stoopid fucking Wingnut's
Keep the insults coming, they cut the alt-right to the quick!!
I am flabbergasted you can read. Learn something new everyday here.
Buddy, your channeling of Elmer Fudd is HILARIOUS!!!!
That's right, in other words you can't ever be satisfied.
Surprised James had time to post seeing that he is usually busy inventing and orbital engineering.
Flying Junior said...
"There were times when indeed we all seemed to be coming together. But of course it was never all of us. I remember Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder singing, "Ebony and Ivory."
Said no one ever without sarcasm.
Flying Janitor said...
I remember Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder singing, "Ebony and Ivory."
I remember Reginald Denny being pulled from his truck and having his skull bashed in with a brick.
Anonymous said...
Buddy, your channeling of Elmer Fudd is HILARIOUS!!!!
This is really where mike is coming from:
Martin Luther said days before he died:
" We have fought long and hard for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win, But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house."
I didn't think the song would piss anybody off. You guys are too much.
"First "whotemoos", now "wasicu wasteys". Leftards excel at the creation of gibberish which means nothing to anyone save themselves."
How about "fat white guys"? I've been using that one since the eighties, and it's always worked for me. So far, no-one has failed to understand who I was talking about when I said it, so I consider it a successful term.
You'll notice, however, that I did not in fact call them "ignorant", "evil", or "retarded"...
-Doug in Oakland
"How about "fat white guys"? I've been using that one since the eighties, and it's always worked for me."
Doug is a special kind of guy.
And has been, apparently, for over 30 years.
You'll notice, however, that I did not in fact call them "ignorant", "evil", or "retarded"...
Thanks, Doug. That is my province. If I call them stoopid fucking wingnuts, rest assured they had it coming. I am the one and final arbitrater until I get voted off the island.
Anymoose done got the Gay disease and has feelings for some Libs. Not sure I care for that.
Okay, so the WH didn't screw this up, still........ it's early. Give them time.
I remember Reginald Denny being pulled from his truck and having his skull bashed in with a brick.
Maybe I'm older than you but I remember Emmitt Till and Medger Evers.
CNN yesterday: Christopher Wray threatened to resign if Andrew McCabe is forced out of FBI.
CNN today: Andrew McCabe forced out of FBI by Christopher Wray.
Speaking of Andrew McCabe, he went out of his way to tell Reince Priebus that news reports of Trump-Russian collusion findings by the FBI were false. He then leaked that same conversation, which he initiated, and alleged it was proof of White House obstruction. Incredible.
Doesn't think much of Kurtz new book written by a right wing nutjob, printed by a right wing nut job publisher and glorified by a right wing nut job paper.
McCabe said before the first of the year he was retiring in March when he would get full benefits.
Why race relations got worse. Simple. The ugly truth is rethuglicans got ugly. And uglier and then ugliest.
Yeah, blame whitey! He's responsible for everything, black people are responsible for nothing. That's why whitey needs to pay for programs to fix everything that goes wrong in black families and the black community.
It's been 50 years and trillions of dollars and the job is STILL not done. AAMOF things are getting worse. We need MORE!
"Why race relations got worse".
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
The two races should have never lived together on the same turf. We don't like each other as races and never will. Neither blacks nor whites are on their home turf here in the Disunited States of Amerigo (whatever the fuck his first name was) Vespucci.
You want a "white" country, move back to Ireland, Iceland, Norway. You're not going to get it here, no matter how hard you try or how many people you kill.
This is Native country. Good ole Turtle Island!!!!! So long Palies.
the end of jim crow was bad for blacks and whites. when the races were segregated there was peace,and people, blacks mainly, knew their place in society. It was like the plantation in a way, not good perhaps but something blacks could understand. when society is too open blacks do not know which direction to go.
^^^ "when the races were segregated there was peace"...
Are you insane, or just ignorant? Never mind, it's a trick question, since both must be true based upon that nonsense.
Some of you lack brain cells.
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