Do you believe republican senator Ron Johnson when he says that there is a "secret society" in the FBI that is trying to undermine the president and his administration?
Do you believe Mr. trump when he says that he is looking forward to talking to Robert Mueller while under oath?
Do you think that Mr. trump would have commented on the Kentucky school shooting by now if the shooter was a Muslim?
Is it a good thing that the president of the United States might be calling Alex Jones on a regular basis?
Do you agree with Erykah Baduh's comments about Bill Cosby and Adolf Hitler?
Why do you think that right-wingnuts excuse the disgusting behavior of Donald trump but not Bill Clinton?
Finally, do you think that the Eagles will win the Super Bowl?
No the Iggles won't win. In the secret society within the FBI if you make an extraordinary claim like that you better have proof and it better be true. I hope it is true in a way because a secret society within the FBI is better than conspiracy theorists in the US Senate. What a world we live in.
I know you are a liar.
"Why do you think that right-wingnuts excuse the disgusting behavior of Donald trump but not Bill Clinton?"
The difference is that Bill Clinton's disgusting behavior actually happened. It is a matter of record. In fact, here's a video of Bill Clinton testifying about his disgusting behavior:
Donald Trump's alleged disgusting behavior is a matter of rumor and innuendo.
I hope this clears this up for you.
"Trump is doing God's work."
"Can't really argue with that. God doesn't exist and Fergus isn't doing jack shit."
-Doug in Oakland
I know, neither does the Hayward Fault. Soon you'll get to ride a non-existent earthquake. Doug wants someone to perform a Fergus on him. He's such a poofter.
"Donald Trump's alleged disgusting behavior is a matter of rumor and innuendo"
oh no, trump's disgusting behavior is a matter of record. He defrauded students with his trump university and was sued. He's screwed hundreds of workers and contractors and was sued. His bad behavior is on the record.
I hope The Eagles can pull this one out. How many statements has Trump made about the recent mass shooting? What about The NRA? I'm sure had the shooter been from South of The Border, a Muslim, or Black we would hear about it non stop.
I bet if the shooter had been an Eagles fan Trump would have gone ballistic.
"Do you believe republican senator Ron Johnson when he says that there is a 'secret society' in the FBI that is trying to undermine the president and his administration?"
No. But there is a not-so-secret society known as Congress, which inconveniently wrote things called "laws" that are undermining the president.
The president doesn't like following laws. Previously in his life, laws were just tools he found useful for shafting other people that the president wanted to make an unethical profit off of, or who had said mean (but true) stuff about him and therefore needed to be bullied into shutting up. He is not accustomed to being on the other side of this arrangement.
Tom Brady 2024
1) No.
2) No. Or if he is he's an idiot. Smart, not-guilty people don't talk to the FBI unless they just have to. And even then they arrange for their attorneys to do it, or at the very least take charge of their end of the interview, because lying to the FBI is a felony, and a trained FBI agent can get you to lie about something in an interview. Anyone, any interview. Fergus can't say "Hi there" without lying his ass off, so even if he weren't in trouble before the interview (he is), he would be afterward.
4) Maybe, if he was offering to check him into a clinic to get some professional help, but I doubt that's what they talk about.
5) Not to the extent that they are not accountable for their behavior, which I think they should be, but kind of. I know quite a few folks who have misbehaved to one extent or another that I was still friends with. Not Cosby or Hitler level misbehavior, mind you, but I did know a dude named JJ who did time for murder three different times...
6) Rovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, or mad gop disease. When your toxic ideology actually eats your brain.
7) I have no idea. I haven't watched football since Biletnikoff left the Raiders...
-Doug in Oakland
Do you believe republican senator Ron Johnson when he says that there is a "secret society" in the FBI that is trying to undermine the president and his administration?
Sure. Those guys are part of the Obama shadow government, an affiliate of the Deep State.
Do you believe Mr. trump when he says that he is looking forward to talking to Robert Mueller while under oath?
Hee-hee! Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I had a hard week.
Do you think that Mr. trump would have commented on the Kentucky school shooting by now if the shooter was a Muslim?
I guess so. Who the hell cares about kids getting shot at school? I'm so over that.
Do you agree with Erykah Baduh's comments about Bill Cosby and Adolf Hitler?
I agree that Bill Cosby was a man who had a lot to offer and did some very real and beautiful things. My favorite was the cartoon show and the comedy albums about Fat Albert and the Crew. "Hey, hey, hey! I'm Fat Albert!" The shit about playing football? Best comedy ever. I still say, "Hey-hey, hey-hey, hey-hey!" I guess I got it from Fat Albert baby man. I remember the joke about a little kid trying to lie about drinking milk out of the carton. I liked him in, "I Spy," without any doubt. That was ground-breaking. Doctor Huxtable did a great deal to change people's minds and bring us all closer together. Still, there has to be at least one screw loose with this young woman.
Why do you think that right-wingnuts excuse the disgusting behavior of Donald trump but not Bill Clinton?
It's okay if you are a republican, on steroids? Remember, he is also a prophet sent by God to root out corruption by Obama and the Clintons.
Finally, do you think that the Eagles will win the Super Bowl?
Hell yeah!
Is Mexico still going to pay for the wall?
Does Vicente have a new video? Other than Melissa, so far he was the only guy that truly made me laugh my ass off. Chappelle? Sure. But he stepped in it.
Brothers and Sisters,
Vicente does have a new video out. I hope you all saw the first one or two videos. It is filmed before the disastrous tax heist of 2017. But it is guaranteed to be the only thing that can make you laugh in light of the tragic Trump presidency.
Fox for Presidente!
ABC sez the only mention of a secret society had to do with distribution of calendars. None of the other released emails had anything to do with a secret society. It is another right wing smear campaign from a bunch of panty-waists who are afraid they are just about to lose their reign of terror and their white privilege and can't do jack shit about either one.
Drumpfuck is going down-hard and good riddance to rotten rubbish.
There is no white privilege, just black 80 IQ dysfunction. That's why your folks have to create Fake Racist hoaxes every week. I wish you all would Blaxit back to the Muddaland.
Chicago January 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 27
Shot & Wounded: 132
Total Shot: 159
Total Homicides: 31
Vincente Fox said...
Is Mexico still going to pay for the wall?
2:54 AM
They are. All the drug funds being seized on the border are going to the wall.
More from desperate stoopid fucking wingnuts
Claims a bunch of Dems and Hollywood types partied at Obama's mansion doing champagne and more cocaine than one man should possess.
Current FBI and DOJ corrupt........
Niggas ain't shit no where in the world period. That's why standards have to be lowered in everything for you all to participate. On your own you would expire.
Mueller and Pelosi have 13 year affair. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Got Anyfuckingmoose totally focused on me. My own troll. I iz so hoppy.
I did know a dude named JJ who did time for murder three different times
Now we know why Doug has such a low bar for good behavior.
Doctor Huxtable did a great deal to change people's minds and bring us all closer together.
Creating a fake upper-middle class black family on the small screen, using his fame so he could go around drugging and raping white girls. That's blackness for you!
Americans can't even get to work or go into Disneyland without blacks or "dreamers" blockading them.
Meanwhile, Japanese people can get meteor showers to order.
Diversity sucks, black diversity most of all.
Here’s something you might not know: There is nothing Robert Mueller’s investigation can do to bring down Dr. President Trump or end his presidency.
Trump’s position has gotten dramatically stronger since the first of the year. So, there’s nothing Mueller can do to end or even significantly damage Trump’s presidency.
Have you noticed that Trump hasn’t used any of the official powers of the presidency to end Mueller’s investigation? There are many things he can do to end the investigation tomorrow, but he hasn't done any of them. Trump could fire Mueller tomorrow, nothing can really stop him from doing that, but he hasn’t. There are other things great & small he could do to impede Mueller’s investigation, but he’s done none of them. He's let the investigation go forward largely unbothered.
And because Trump has used none of his official powers against Mueller, we can be certain that Trump feels confident that he’s winning this battle, bigly.
The main reason Mueller can’t hurt Trump is because, no matter what he has, the democrats would need to rely on public outrage to bring Trump down. And, as we know, Dr. President Trump is completely immune to outrage. Trump is immune to outrage because he's destroyed the media, largely by overwhelming it with outrage. And he's because he's entered the Populist Golden Zone.
The Populist Golden Zone is when media attacks have the perverse effect of making the target stronger. Populists fight establishment power. If the establishment's press attacks the populist, it's proof of the populist's bona fides. Trump is in the Populist Golden Zone.
Saturday Night Live ran a skit this weekend. “What Even Matters Anymore” which perfect captures Trump’s imperviousness to outrage and the liberal despair that has occasioned. Go watch it. It’s funny.
In addition to being impervious to outrage, no matter what Mueller comes up with, Trump will never, ever resign. That’s not going to happen. Trump doesnt quit
Likewise, the GOP house will never bring articles of impeachment. Nor will a GOP senate ever vote to impeach.
A GOP congress might have impeached Trump last year, but not now, not after Trump has shown them the power of playing hardball, given them a taste of victory, and tied their electoral prospects to the success of his presidency.
In fact, The GOP has absolutely no choice but to stick with Trump, because 90% of GOP voters are now rabid Trump supporters, and they will kill a political career dead if a politician even look sideways at Trump. Just ask Jeff Flake. So, no impeachment.
Not only can Mueller do nothing to damage Trump, but Trump has completely flipped the dynamic on the Russia investigation.
Class, what is Dr. The Honorable President Donald J. Trump’s signature political move?
It’s putting his opponents into lose-lose situations.
Donald Trump has jiu-jitsu’ed the Mueller investigation into a lose-lose for the Democrats. No matter what happens with Mueller from this point forward, the Democrats can’t win. Losing is their only option.
There are several possible outcomes of the Mueller investigation, from best to worst, from announcing “Meh, it’s a nothing burger”, to Mueller brings charges against Trump in a state or federal court.
Let’s say the outcome is “nothing burger”, that on next Monday morning, Robert Mueller announces that there was no collusion between Trump’s campaign and Putin’s Russia. No laws were broken. The President is off the hook
What do you think the Democratic reaction will be?
Dems are so invested in Mueller saving them from the Trump Boogeyman that Mueller giving Trump a clean bill of health, precipitates the mother of all emotional crashes. Many Dem voters would be so dispirited they’d tune out of politics for the rest of the year, if not longer.
The Dems made a massive tactical error when they went all in on All Russia, All The Time.
With the help of their media stooges, they hyped the Russia thing to the moon. If Mueller clears Trump there will be huge crash as they fall back to earth.
Okay, since Dems can’t impeach without the GOP onboard, Mueller decides to push the accelerator and file charges against Trump in a state or federal court. Obstruction of justice, money laundering, treason. The sky's the limit!
What happens now?
Mueller filing charges against Trump would bring on the mother of all constitutional crises. How would Trump respond?
Dr. President Trump would Andy Jackson the shit out of any attempt to prosecute him in any court in this country. Trump would use that as an opportunity to clean house at the DOJ, the FBI, the judiciary, the whole magilla.
It would be the most spectacular political crisis since the Civil War. Trump would use every official power at his command. His lawyers would dig up obscure presidential powers that haven’t been used since the 19th century. Letters of Marque are on the table! It would be wild.
Don't forget, Trump knows more about lawfare than the vast majority of lawyers. He's been in over 3,000 law suits, most of which he's won. Couple that bellicosity with the powers of the presidency and it's reap the whirlwind for the Democratic party.
That sounds flip, but remember, Trump doesn't resign. He fights you with every thing he has, and what he has right now is the Constitution Desk and a picture of Andy Jackson. You do the math.
The correct answer is, Mueller will never bring charges against Trump, no matter what he finds. Mueller is not a stupid man, he knows he can't win doing that. At the end, Mueller will just toss his report into the laps of Congress and walk away.
And, once the report goes to Congress, that's where it will die, because Congress will never impeach, and Trump will never resign, and his voters will stick with him no matter what, because he's impervious to outrage.
So, once again, there is nothing Robert Mueller's investigation can do to end President Trump's presidency. Nothing.
Perfectly sums up Black and White racial mixing.
Some things are just not allowable by nature.
Trump has more questions to ask from Mueller, than Mueller has from Trump.
Here's what we get when Whites decide to create a culture.
Here's what we have when Blacks move into someone's culture (since they cannot create their own):
And this:
Oh, and this:
Endless excuses and explanations for naturally violent behavior. Do the White race a favor, move to Ghana. There at least your dysfunction would be accepted.
Naturally violent behavior? Uh, I haven't shot up a church or school anytime in my life. Been to Vegas many times and have yet to shoot up a country music concert. Maybe if those guys had gone back to Ireland the victims would still be alive.
Dems are so invested in Mueller saving them from the Trump Boogeyman that Mueller giving Trump a clean bill of health, precipitates the mother of all emotional crashes. Many Dem voters would be so dispirited they’d tune out of politics for the rest of the year, if not longer.
The Dems made a massive tactical error when they went all in on All Russia, All The Time.
With the help of their media stooges, they hyped the Russia thing to the moon. If Mueller clears Trump there will be huge crash as they fall back to earth.
Doubtful. Most have actually forgotten about the Russia investigation and will have no impact on November. People HATE trump and are sooooooooo motivated to get back at his ass. Don't worry about Democratic motivation, the dumb ass in chief will provide all the motivation they need. This blue wave is coming no matter what you and Kellanne Conway spin.
Field, are McLeod and Jenkins still kneeling?
@ Black James:
Give it a rest. It's very telling that Orania has been thriving and self-sufficient for decades, but Cape Town (which is majority non-White) is soon to run out of safe drinking water. Guess they're too busy burning Colonial artwork and books to bother with necessities.
Blacks in charge. That cracks me up.
Did you know the school shooter in Kentucky anon 12:37?
Do you spend your time researching towns that have bad drinking water? Wow, you should really find more productive ways to stay occupied.
James Comey is the Grand Poobah of the Secret Society.
Chicago January 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 27
Shot & Wounded: 132
Total Shot: 159
Total Homicides: 31
"People HATE trump and are sooooooooo motivated to get back at his ass"
Get back at him for what? A booming economy, lower taxes, winning strategy with ISIS, taking on the corrupt Washington establishment?
Why would he be hated?
Things conservatives believe in: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, fairies, the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, ghosts, gobblins and secret FBI societies.
Do they control chemtrails and HAARP in the secret FBI society?
Russian bot
@ Black James:
And here I thought your reply would be more persuasive, or at least partly intelligent.
I spend my time well, I keep informed with what happens in the world. It's called "taking an interest". I don't, like you, regurgitate Leftist talking points and blame Whites for all my troubles. I go out, learn about the world and take action based on my findings.
Orania is a demonstration of why Whites will always survive.
Cape Town, and other locations I could cite, are proof of what you lot cause when you intrude into society.
So please, continue with your lowbrow cut-downs, as you can see, in the final analysis, it won't matter. XD
Modern sexual liberation-libertinism is a sign of a culture wishing its own demise.
The horrors it inevitably spawns provide a masterful excuse for government centralizers to expand their tyrannical powers — to do good, to provide services to the needy, to save.
Why do you think that right-wingnuts excuse the disgusting behavior of Donald trump but not Bill Clinton?
- Is this really still a serious question...?
- Well alrighty then, here ya go:
☼ For the same reason that George Soros is the Antichrist, while the Kochs and Waltons and Cargill-MacMillans, et cetera, are "doing God's work".
☼ For the same reason that a law-flouting "judge" who diddled yound teenage girls is "preferable" to a law-abiding, apparently scandal-free former prosecutor who favors increased defense spending and a few other traditionally-Republican policies, MERELY because he is registered as a Democrat.
☼ For the same reason that Michelle Obama got called "a slut" for wearing a sleeveless, yet overall quite modest and understated, dress for an official photo, but Melania gets a pass for having been a stripper and so on.
☼ For the same reason they claim the *their* rights have no limitations whatsoever, but everyone else's are *completely* limited.
☼ For the same reason that they scream "You're intolerant!!!" at anyone who doesn't passively acquiesce to even loud public calls for violence against anyone who doesn't pass the right-wing tests for white racial "purity" and for reactionary corporatist policies,
☼ For the same reason they call one a "commie" for citing certain ideas, even when those ideas were, in the not too distant past, mainstays of the Republican platform.
- In short, because they are NOT Republicans and they are NOT "conservatives" - they commandeered those monikers for the same reason that the name "national socialists was deliberately and sardonically adopted by the German fascists following WW-I, namely:
☼ because they are junkyard dogs pretending to be wolves, while trying to disguise themselves as peaceful sheep
☼ because those are manipulating the wolves, unlike the dogs themselves, know history, AND know psychology, and know damned full well exactly how to manipulate a mean dog into becoming downright vicious.
Flying Junior said...
Brothers and Sisters,
Vicente does have a new video out. I hope you all saw the first one or two videos. It is filmed before the disastrous tax heist of 2017. But it is guaranteed to be the only thing that can make you laugh in light of the tragic Trump presidency.
Fox for Presidente!
3:54 AM
:D he's got cojones I must say! Love the hats!
The real question is, why hasn't it commented about those 13 kids abused by their parents.
And here I thought your reply would be more persuasive, or at least partly intelligent.
Says an anon who just sits around thinking one example of one white and one negro town is somehow evidence of the superiority of whites. Have you even ever been to SA oris this "research" all done by youtube? Give me a break, there are shithole white areas right here in America, West Virginia anyone? What is sooooo intelligent about posting nonsense on a blog all day? Yawn, you provided nothing new just more gibberish about how lowly and unitelligent negroes are and how superior your race is. Funny, I have never seen one post here that shows me unequivocally that whites are superior. No one has posted highly advanced math equations, given examples of some great enginnering feat it's always just Chicago crime stats or some blurb about a negro nation. Yeah sure genius, you're the greatest.
I bet he's one of the 6 milllion whites on welfare.
Yeah, it's soooo intelligent to go off topic and discuss a town in South Africa for no fucking reason. Brain warriors abound!
I bet he's one of the 6 milllion whites on welfare.
Right there
Just another White Old Cuck said...
☼ For the same reason that George Soros is the Antichrist, while the Kochs and Waltons and Cargill-MacMillans, et cetera, are "doing God's work".
The Kochs and Waltons and Cargill-MacMillans, et cetera, are just trying to get richer by influencing government policy. Not cool, but not fatal.
George Soros is dedicated to destroying western civilization.
Existential threats, once understood, trump financial ones.
Just another White Old Cuck said...
☼ For the same reason that Michelle Obama got called "a slut" for wearing a sleeveless, yet overall quite modest and understated, dress for an official photo, but Melania gets a pass for having been a stripper and so on
Nobody ever called Michelle Obama "a slut".
The Obamas got a free pass from everybody. Eight years without one comedian making a joke or a single SNL skit mocking them.
Melania was a model, not a stripper or a prostitute. The way the press has insulted her is way out of bounds.
@ Black James:
That I'm anonymous changes nothing. I could just as easily create a seemingly authentic handle and I'd still be "anonymous". Your kind like to point out those that use the word "anonymous" without also indicating your own anonymity.
As for my knowledge of South Africa. Yes, actually, it does come from being there and seeing things first-hand. Not all of us are stuck in the United States.
And my example is not the only one, it happens to be one of many I could cite. Also, I did not state the "superiority" of Whites because of it. That's your persecution complex kicking in.
I stated it's an example of why Whites will always survive.
Yīshēng said...
The real question is, why hasn't it commented about those 13 kids abused by their parents.
I think the real question is why hasn't Trump commented on the fact Kobe Bryant's "Dear Basketball" got nominated for an Oscar but not a Golden Globe!!!!!
"- In short, because they are NOT Republicans and they are NOT "conservatives""
They're not conservative and haven't been for years. The conserving of norms and traditions has long since fallen to the Democrats, the supposedly "liberal" party, out of necessity: if we don't do it, it won't happen.
They are, in fact, Republicans. That's who and what Republicans are now. They have been since the southern strategy invited all of the formerly Democratic bigots and racists into the Republican party in order to cynically win elections on bullshit bigotry and racism that the leaders thought they could ration out to the reprogrammable meatbags, who exist on a steady diet of Fox and Rush Limbaugh, and keep them under control enough to elect them to enact policies that screw them over only to benefit the wealthy and corporations.
But they were wrong. The meatbags got tired of the maintenance dose of dog whistles and policies that screwed minorities worse than they screwed them and went for the mainline racism and snarling hostility of Donald Trump, just like we told them they would all those years ago.
So now the monster we warned them about is shambling around in the light of day fucking up everything he touches, and they are either denying that it is happening, making futile attempts to suck up to the monster and waiting for it to be their turn in the buggering line, denying that they ever supported the monster, or worst of all, making up fictitious liberal misdeeds and yawping "Both sides!" as they scuttle back to their hidey-holes secure in their media or Republican jobs no matter how spectacularly and repeatedly wrong they are about every goddamn thing they say and do.
See also: Brooks, David and Ryan, Paul.
-Doug in Oakland
@ Black James:
Hey I see one of your Leftist media outposts (CNN) is carrying a story about the water issue in Cape Town.
About time they caught up, it's been a issue since last year.
Oh, you might also want to write them and explain they need to more properly spend their time.
dinthebeast said...
"The conserving of norms and traditions has long since fallen to the Democrats"
So true. From gay marriage, to mandated transgender bathrooms and pronouns, homosexual advocacy in public schools, hate speech codes and politically-motivated censorship, and massive state-engineered demographic change, Democrats have been the stalwart defenders of tradition and normalcy in our culture.
FBI's sekret society was going to hand out "beefcake" calendars of Vlad Putin doing manly things like cornholing Drumpfuck on a horse- or something. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Perfectly sums up Black and White racial mixing.
Some things are just not allowable by nature.
Ever notice how easy it is to bias white paint just by adding small amounts of a minority color?
Ever notice how hard it is to bias black paint by adding larger amounts of supposedly superior colors.
Whitey fucking wingnuts is on his last dominant legs and is going down hasrd and fast. Pretty soon no more pastey white whiteys whining around.
self-hatred is nauseating to everyone, mike.
nobody respects you.
Re Erykah Baduh's remarks:
She is young and naive. It is easy to be empathetic at a safe distance; but if she ever found herself in Bill Cosby's hotel room, then I advise her not to drink anything he offers.
As for Hitler; she's wasting her empathy. Why not Stalin and Mao too? They had even bigger body counts. If that's a problem, then why not Trump? He has a lower body count... so far. But on the other hand, his is an active crime scene.
Sure, people deserve the benefit of the doubt, at first. But some individuals have maxed out their moral credit line.
self-hatred is nauseating to everyone, mike.
nobody respects you.
but EVERYBODY respects an anonymous troll.�� Get a life!
Hey I see one of your Leftist media outposts (CNN) is carrying a story about the water issue in Cape Town.
They also ran a story about the water problem in Texas which is run by righty whitey. Does that mean the entire white race is somehow unintelligent?
As for my knowledge of South Africa. Yes, actually, it does come from being there and seeing things first-hand. Not all of us are stuck in the United States.
Yeah right! You've been outside your trailer park! Bwahahahahahahaha! Next thing you know you'll be telling us you have a job and a college degree! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Go post your stupid bullshit about international cities with water problems and how they somehow prove whites won't go extinct somewhere else, somebody might even believe your dumb ass.
Loathsome anyfuckingmoose didn't get his round mouth from eating square meals. He likes to suck dicks and that is okay. I don't disrespect him because of what he is predestined to do. Be nice if he would stop trying to converse with his mouth full.
FBI special inquisitor claims they have found the missing emails so HRC and Obama better be taking vacations pretty pronto to escape the flurry of lies and innuendoes headed their way some more.
@ Doug in Oakland
- I say "not Republicans" because I still think of Eisenhower as the quintessential Republican. Nowadays, of course, the right-wingers would try to call him a "lefty loonie commie". I know the history of the "dixiecrat" migration into the Republican party, but what I personally saw was the "Bircherization" of the GOP becoming a major, and then the dominant, force following Reagan's first term.
- The worst part was that none of the so-called "conservative intellectuals" ever said as much as one word opposing that hijacking.
- The people who blither about "commies" and "the extreme left" ((not to mention endless repetition of the absurd and easily-researched-and-debunked baloney that the corporate owned and controlled media are "lefty")) have not one iota of a clue what an "extreme left" ((or hell, even a moderate left!)) looks like, but that sort of scare talk has, of course, been one of the key tactics of corporatists since, what, 1880 or so? The Nazis, after all, learned it from US corporatists, although most people don't know that, and certain people try like mad to erase it from the public record.
- At any rate, despite the Dixiecrat influx, there were still a few in the GOP who were capable of thought, able to compromise, and especially, able to remember, and work for, the Constitutional mandate regarding the government being formed to, in part, "promote the General Welfare", which in old-timey-lingo, MEANT "the good of the nation at large". But there are still the videos on You Tbe of snake-in-the-Grassley and others of his ilk telling Moderates to "not let the door hit them in the ass on their way out", because "there is no room in the Republican Party for moderates".
- That right there made it crystal clear that it was no longer the Republican Party, but rather, had become, deliberately and by plan, the American Fascist party.
- Of course, we then have other snakes in the grass mewling that some unspecified, unreferenced something which supposedly is in "The Federalist Papers" supposedly means that there was supposedly an absolute unity of opinion among ALL of the founders et al that the US was supposedly "for Euros Only", even though such a unity of opinion would have been included in the Constitution, which does not, in reality, specify any such thing.
- Even the infamous "counting slaves as 3/5ths of a person" phrase did nt specify race - yes, of course the VAST majority of slaves were taken from Africa, but there were a few White slaves. Since they were not excluded by the Constitution, even before that part was nixed, the nonsensical fantasy about some "unified For Euros Only view of the nation" is proven to be the foetid steaming pile of pigpoop that it is.
- This rejection by the right-wing of the Constitution is why I refuse to call them Republicans. They are what they were known to be in the 1950s, in the 1960s, in the 1970s, and most of the 1980s, until the really massive image-massaging gained a foothold. They are merely would-be manipulative tyrants, and their gullible quislings, and all of them Enemies of the Constitution, which they have continually cursed and continually worked to edit and curtail and massage, using and abusing the Law to destroy the Law, while remaining oblivious to the fact that tyrants have always considered, and still consider, their minions and lapdogs to be lower life forms to be used and discarded.
- I think that calling them "Republicans" gives them a false aura of legitimacy - one which I personally just refuse to grant them...
Maybe this is why that clown ass troll is sooooo stupid, he's been drinking leady water. Yeah,the white race will survive but they'll be as dumb as this clown ass fuckboi. Oh I'm sorry, Mr. Anthony Bourdain world traveler. Bwahahahahahaha!
Anyfuckingmoose, kindly remind me how many companies Drumpfuck has repatriated since he was appointed Czar by Putin.
Does the garbage he peddles, made in China, have a huge tariff on it?
"but what I personally saw was the "Bircherization" of the GOP becoming a major, and then the dominant, force following Reagan's first term."
Well, daddy Koch had billions to influence the electorate. Since Citizens United is the law of the land his sons will finish what the old man started.
The Koch Brothers are anti-Trumpers.
Out of control negroes kill Colorado Sheriffs Deputy:
"The Koch Brothers are anti-Trumpers"
Not the point.
Anonymous said...
Chicago January 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 27
Shot & Wounded: 132
Total Shot: 159
Total Homicides: 31
12:59 PM
I own a funeral parlor in Chicago and business is good!!!
Out of control white fuckboi kills and wounds students instead of going to class like a normal human.
I own a funeral parlor near trailer parks in West Virginia and Kentucky and business is really really good!
So looks like Republican senator Ron Johnson is a moron. His secret society claim is fake news. A normal human would have taken the secret society quip as a joke but the Republican chair of the Homeland Security Committee runs to Fox and spouts conspiracy theories. A fucking senator! Oy vey!
Nobody likes a RW cuck said...
Just another White Old Fart said...
☼ For the same reason that Michelle Obama got called "a slut" for wearing a sleeveless, yet overall quite modest and understated, dress for an official photo, but Melania gets a pass for having been a stripper and so on
Nobody ever called Michelle Obama "a slut"."
- The hell they didn't.
George Soros is dedicated to destroying western civilization.
- Only in your own imagination - in the real Universe, nope.
The Obamas got a free pass from everybody.
- I don't watch SNL or Jimmy Fallon or whatever, so unlike you, I don't define "everybody" as meaning what SNL etc. do or don't do skits about; in any event, Real Life has proven that this claim, too, has Zero truth.
Melania was a model, not a stripper or a prostitute.
- Prostitute, nope, and didn't say that. Stripper, yes. Nude model, yes.
- Personally, I don't care that she was; the simple point, which should be obvious and in no need of explanation, is something entirely different.
Blaxit in 2020
> Ever notice how hard it is to bias black paint by adding larger amounts of supposedly superior colors.
Quite right. No matter what you add to sewage, it's still sewage.
To make it not-sewage you have to take stuff out. 100,000 years of evolutionary selection has taken the sewage out of the Neanderthal-descended genome. Putting it back is lunacy.
Also, #Blaxit now! Avoid the rush!
Apparently, inside the White House, things are looking quite similar to that scene of a desperate, defeated Hitler in the bunker that has been turned into endless Internet memes. The Trump meltdown has begun.
Trump tried to fire Mueller in June but White House counsel refused – report
"The Koch Brothers are anti-Trumpers"
Which would make sense seeing that the old man founded the Birchers in response to his experience in Russia and trump has close ties to Russia.
"The Koch Brothers are anti-Trumpers"
They sure rewarded Ryan nicely for his work on behalf of Fergus though, so are they really? That's like trying to say that they didn't fund the goddamn Tea Party because Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity don't have "Koch Industries" in their names.
And Just another White Old Fart:
I pin that metamorphosis around the 1996 release of Newton Leroy Gingrich's GOPAC memo "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" that began the scorched Earth Republican policy of calling Democrats as many words from its list of invective as possible any time a Republican got within 100 yards of a live microphone.
I'm not saying there was a lot of comity before then, but there has been zero since, and that fat bastard still gets invited on supposedly liberal TV to opine about whatever vicious drivel he thinks will sell him and Callista more books and DVDs on a regular basis.
Also, they keep trying to take my health insurance, that I paid payroll taxes into for 32 years, away. Fuck them.
As I have said over and over, we told them it was a bad idea, and not only did they do it anyway, they called us traitors and all manner of kind words for our trouble.
They could have listened, but instead they took over the party of Lincoln and transformed it into the party of Jefferson Davis.
-Doug in Oakland
"The Koch Brothers are anti-Trumpers"
Please. The Koch brothers are whores. They contribute money to whomever will help them get even richer at everyone else's expense. They may not have preferred Trump be the GOP nominee, but they'll be perfectly happy to take Trump's repulsive tax cut.
According to this analysis, Trump has fucked people who actually work for a living, but increased the undeserving scumbag Kochs' income by about $1 billion every year.
Trump is a standard pro-aristocrat Republican. No discernible difference in economic policies between Trump and Jeb Bush. Basically the same guy -- just one of them is way more racist.
PilotX said...
"trump has close ties to Russia."
Such idiocy is beneath you, X.
@ Doug in Oakland
- No argument from me.
- I do think that the "Bircherization" prepared the proverbial soil, though, to receive, and nurture, Gingrich's toxic seeds.
- They want to take *everything* - Donnie is personally responsible for us having nearly $400 less a month in disposable income than we had in 2017, because the Kochs et al "need" it more than we do, just as they "need" your paid-for benefits more than they beeeeLEEEEV you do.
- As for trying to warn people, oh yeah, I know. I was there as well. The worst part of it all, though, is that the people who *should* have held their noses and voted strategically, instead pitched silly little political tantrums because they chose to believe the right-wing propaganda.
- I empathize with you about them trying to take away what you paid for. I turn 62 in a few weeks, and yeah, we saved and, especially, invested and so on, but we didn't have enough time to prepare for the destruction of Social Security, which seems to be where they're rushing to take us all.
- I just wonder what the hell they really think they'll end up with if they succeed in turning the US into the modern equivalent of a feudal state. It seems to me that there will come a point where so much money will be removed from circulation, taken out of the system, that it will cause the system to collapse.
Just another White Old Fart:
Yeah, I turned 57 in December, and haven't been able to work since my stroke (haven't given up on it though, still work on recovering every day) so SSDI is keeping Briana and myself housed and fed, and that makes me eligible for Medicare, which is good, but only goes so far.
The Medicaid expansion in the ACA made me eligible for the kind of MediCal that paid the other 20% of my cataract surgery in 2015, without which I would still be blind and thus unlikely to ever work and pay taxes again, so in the long run was a good investment on the government's part.
And damn, that sounds like demand-side economics... Otherwise known as reality.
-Doug in Oakland
Libtards don't realize that sucking money out of Social Security and Medicare (used by old white people) to throw it into welfare and Medicaid (used by minorities and especially immigrants) was an Obama thing. The God-Emperor had nothing to do with it.
But libtards gonna libtard.
Stoopid fucking wingnut Anymoose doesn't understand that immigrants paid over three billion per year into SS and Medicare- monies they will never get to collect because they can't be citizens.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts know there are over 2 trillion in IOUs from trust fund money borrowed from SS to pay for taxcuts for the koch bros over the years. Wingnuts weant to do away with SS and give the rest of the fund to Chuck and Dave and their koch bros wives because he is a stoopid fucking retarded fucking stoopid fucking retarded wingnut.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
> Ever notice how hard it is to bias black paint by adding larger amounts of supposedly superior colors.
Quite right. No matter what you add to sewage, it's still sewage.
Ever notice how hard it is to keep a stoopid fucking wingnut on message? I talk paint, he talks tablefare for stoopid fucking wingnuts.
"Such idiocy is beneath you, X."
He borrowed money from Russia when no one else would loan it to him. Remember his Florida house a Russian bought for 100 mil when it was worth 40 mil? C'mon man, you know he's in bed with Russians.
Don't forget his tower in Panama where entire floors were bought by Russians and cartels and stand unoccupied.
Why would anyone think that was money laundering?
And then there was the letter of intent to build Trump fucking Tower fucking Moscow that he signed in the middle of the campaign, while swearing up and down that he "had no deals in Russia."
He's a lying sack of shit who wouldn't even be in business if not for dirty Russian money.
-Doug in Oakland
A few million spent to support a candidate who freezes out the candidate who's owned by war interests who want that country to make war on YOU is money well spent.
Doubly so if it prevents a war that only the war interests want, and no real American wants a war with Russia. Only one (((group))) wants revenge for Russian pogroms, and they aren't Americans and don't even consider themselves white.
Doubly so if it prevents a war that only the war interests want, and no real American wants a war with Russia
Because only trump can prevent a war with Russia. Time to check the level of your meds (((James)))
Still haven't seen the nigga who wants to carry a rifle to go up against Russian troops. They all say that's a job for crackas.
White people don't want that job either. But (((somebody))) wants to force them to take it.
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