Do you believe all the salacious details about Mr. trump and the porn star?
And if it's all true, does it even matter?
Does the fact that the White House possibly lied about Mr. trump's relationship with Ms. Daniels upset you more than the fact that he allegedly paid her to go away before the 2016 elections?
It does not matter.
If you are a voter who was fine with Trump being a corrupt, incompetent, democracy-despising racist, why on earth would you now get worked up because you discovered he’d cheated on his wife with a porn star?
And if you are a voter who was fine with the vast, gargantuan amount of lying he’s done to date, why on earth would you now be upset to learn he’d paid people to lie about him banging a porn star?
The horde of drooling morons who are still in Trump’s corner at this point are truly the Deplorables, and they will never give up on him.
Nah, what upsets me more are the numerous ways trump screwed the average joe mostly by not living up to his part of an agreement than screwing a porn star.
Oh, this was while he was married. Ok, now I'm not cool with this.
Trump has been married throughout his entire career of whoring, cheating and sexual harassment. He would cheat on his current wife with his next wife and then cheat while she was having his baby.
But that doesn't make you or me prudish for disapproving. Marriage is a sacred union.
Now if a boy scout like President Obama was caught in a scandal...
Naah! Not gonna happen.
Not sure how I feel about this.
"Now if a boy scout like President Obama was caught in a scandal..."
That was fantastic! Ya got any more?
I just found out that math is racist! We have got to eliminate math from the universe. We shall overcome! Yes we can!
That chick was probably just too high.
A magazine interview was published back in 2011, in which Stormy Daniels admitted to having had sex with Trump. (This raises the question of why the hell Trump later bothered paying her all that cash to keep her mouth shut. I mean, the cat was already out of the bag.)
Anyway, in the interview, she said that he told her she reminded him of his daughter Ivanka. Yet more proof, as if we needed any more, that Donald Trump wants to bang his daughter.
Word is she was shopping her story around to different media outlets because she didn't trust Fergus to actually pay for the NDA, which at the time, seemed like it would become worthless after he lost the election.
Now, NDA or no, her story, which she told to an interviewer in 2011 (I think) is on the cover of a magazine.
Fergus 1) never thought he'd win, so 2) never gave a thought to the amount of privacy he would be required to forego as president.
And lying about fucking a porn actress? That does seem deeply out of character for him. He's the kind of creep who brags about shit like that.
And $130,000? Just another case of him vastly underpaying a contractor.
-Doug in Oakland
NDAs are unconstitutional. They allow Dumbfuck Drumpfuck to use his free speech to prevent a woman from exercising her right to free speech. If he paid her money, that makes this prostitution and he is a John and should be shamed in public.
Anonymous said...
"Now if a boy scout like President Obama was caught in a scandal..."
Dumbfuck Drumpfuck claims WJC, dumbass dubya and Obama left the N korea problem for Drumpfuck because he scored highest on cognitive test. What a fucking moronic fucking stoppid fucking wingnut fucking moron stoopid fucking Drumbfuck the dumbfuck is.
No wonder wasicu wasteys love this stoopid fucking stoopid fucker. He is just like them. He IS them!
A great read from Mr.Charles Blow 'The Lowest White Man'
Quote from the article:
"If Donald Trump follows through with what he said during that meeting, his base will once again be betrayed. He will have proved once again that he was saying anything to keep them angry, even telling lies. He will have demonstrated once again his incompetence and unfitness.
And once again, they won’t care."
Did he grab her coochie????
Bwahahahahahaha! But yet trump is going to jail while Obama chills on the beach! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Charles M Blow:
Slavery bred in the poor white a dislike of Negro toil of all sorts. He never regarded himself as a laborer, or as part of any labor movement. If he had any ambition at all it was to become a planter and to own ‘niggers.’ To these Negroes he transferred all the dislike and hatred which he had for the whole slave system. The result was that the system was held stable and intact by the poor white.”
For white supremacy to be made perfect, the lowest white man must be exalted above those who are black.
Before wingnuts cream their diapers.
Did anyone see the parents who kept their kids in captivity? Dude looked like Captain Kangaroo on crackπ³
PX: Exactly. And didn't they claim god told them to do it or some horse shit?
-Doug in Oakland
Cleophus Cooksey Jr. Arizona serial killer. Look him up magic negro kangz
”PX: Exactly. And didn't they claim god told them to do it or some horse shit?”
They were part of that Krazy Kristian movement known as “Quiverfull,” which says that its adherents should make as many babies as their genitalia can churn out.
Apparently, God told them to make endless babies, but forgot to tell them they ought to feed the babies or even treat them like actual human beings.
Kamala ππ½ Got ππ½ In ππ½ Dat ππ½ Ass!!!!!!!
Duggars are part of that cult and have less morals than alley cats crossed with phony kristian stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Of course he fucked the porn star. It was one dog to another.
If you put blonde hair and blue eyes on dog shit...he'd fuck that too.
If he can't control the shit that comes out of his mouth what makes anybody think he can control what comes out of his P P.
Furthermore he looks like "Big Foot" (big, doofy, ugly, and hairy)....
Hell, no wonder he has to pay for P _ _ _ Y (meow).
Re: Yet more proof, as if we needed any more, that Donald Trump wants to bang his daughter.
He probably already has.
Sick, very sick.
Speaking of sick puppies- Ammosexual Sebastian Gorka Has An Outstanding Warrant In Hungary For Firearm Abuse
Apparently he substituted his own rod to swab out the residue. That would be abusive.
Black Folks unite.
Save your damn selves.
Pick up a broom and clean your filthy neighborhoods.Being poor is no excuse for being dirty.
Stop being destructive.
Teach your children.
Educate yourselves
Stop the crime
Make your cities great again.
Speaking of porn, didn't Melanoma engage in soft-core porn with another woman?
If Trump was black, Mike from Iowa would be praising him at having bagged a supermodel AND a porn star.
Is Michael your middle name, Mike?
Proof that between 1980 and 2008, Blacks committed 52% of all homicides in the United States.
White folks unite.
Stop ODing on meth.
Clean up your trailer parks, being poor is no excuse for being nasty.
Stop starving your kids and getting bowl cuts.
Educate yourselves and make your trailer parks great again.
Proof that between 1980 and 2008, Blacks committed 52% of all homicides in the United States.
Fake news!
Did you ever find that naked pic of Ivanka?
Got to be scrubbed by now.
:D Yeah, it's fake news since it contradicts your make-believe world. You Blacks are so quick to say something is fake or biased without providing the least evidence for such a statement.
Know why?
Cause have none, and you know it. But you figure if you claim fake news or a rigged system often enough, then truth won't matter.
Guess what?
The truth does. :)
Point to a reputable source that demonstrates government statistics are rigged or slanted against Blacks.
Oh, sorry, forgot, you can't. :)
Get a clue.
mike from iowa said...
Speaking of porn, didn't Melanoma engage in soft-core porn with another woman?
8:50 PM
progressives and liberals are supposed to be anti-bullying and not being hurtful towards others.
Poor Tom Cotton can't stand being criticized so he is threatening people who annoy him. He still doesn't understand how our gubmint works. Maybe he should communicate with Iran's leaders. They know more than he does about how government works.
progressives and liberals are supposed to be anti-bullying and not being hurtful towards others. You ain't too brite, R U Anymoose?
"Black Folks unite.
Save your damn selves.
Pick up a broom and clean your filthy neighborhoods.Being poor is no excuse for being dirty.
Stop being destructive.
Teach your children.
Educate yourselves
Stop the crime
Make your cities great again."
Come now, you must realize that these will never, ever happen. You're either Black, a Black supporter or a White apologist.
A greater point is, you have no native cities, what you have are cities Whites left because of Black dysfunction. They couldn't stand the crime, filth and noise.
What your bunch are is squatters. No better than the homeless that hide in abandoned buildings and vacant lots.
I'm going out on a limb by assuming you have reading comprehension above the 4th grade, but here is a book that may prove enlightening.
Black America - A Study of the Ex-Slave and his Late Master by W. Laird Clowes 1891
This book provides commentary from a man who was there during Reconstruction. (That's the period after the Civil War 1865-1877 for you anti-History types)
It recounts how freed Blacks were given control of the Southern States (through Northern Carpetbaggers) and proceeded to run those states, and themselves into the ground in a flurry of mismanagement, overspending and debauchery that generated such embarrassment for Blacks it's no wonder you're attempting to re-write historical fact.
You bunch never cease to crack me up.
niggers really are like little monkey children Ο
niggers really are like little monkey children Ο
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