But then we look around and realize that we elected Donald trump, and much to the dismay of good people of conscience, he tore away at that scab, to the delight of many of his supporters and others in this country. Others who never believed that the cut was that bad, or that it was ever there in the first place. And so, it has become startlingly clear, that our union is a much longer way from becoming perfect than we first thought.
With each passing day Mr. trump reveals more of his true colors, much to the delight of his followers. For the rest of us, though, at least those who didn't see it coming, it's frightening. Some Republican elected leaders, to their everlasting shame, have made a mockery of everything that this country is supposed to stand for by hitching their wagons to this man. History, as we have seen in the past, will not be kind to them.
The latest episode in this profile of cowardice comes from two republican senators who were present in the room when Mr. trump made his "shithole" comment about African countries and Haiti. Just hours after saying that they don't recall him saying it, they are now saying that he did not say it at all, and shame on Dick Durbin for saying that he did. They are forgetting, of course, that Mr. trump himself bragged to his friends about saying it, and that the fallout from him saying those words would actually help him with his base. They are also forgetting that various people in the room, including republican senators, confirmed that he did in fact make those reprehensible comments.
Last night the president said that he was the "least racist person" that journalists ever interviewed, and in essence this was not a big deal. (So he is a racist, just a lessor of a racist than others. Wouldn't a normal person just say that I am not a racist at all? Why say you are the east of all racists? ) Memo to Mr. trump: If you have to tell us that you are not a racist, it's a pretty good bet that you are one.
The scary part for Americans on this day that they celebrate the birth of Dr. King is this: Donald trump won because he is a racist; not despite of it. Give Tom Cotton and David Perdue credit, they know their base. History might not be kind to them, but for now they will be just fine.
America, on the other hand, will not.
Happy MLK Day.
David Purdue is the cousin of Sonny Purdue, Trump’s secretary of agriculture.
Tom Cotton is a warmongering lunatic who is bucking for a job in the Trump administration. Frighteningly, it has been suggested that Agent Orange may name him director of the CIA, after moving Mike Pompeo on to a different job.
Both of these guys have very obvious reasons for affixing their lips to Trump’s ass.
MLK was one of the greatest Americans in history. That, as much as anything else, pissed off the Raygun was the greatest crowd. No whities in my lifetime have achieved the status MLK earned. None in the foreseeable future will, either.
Martin Luther King: Assassinated
Malcolm X: Assassinated
JFK: Assassinated
Bobby Kennedy: Assassinated
Jus' saying
Lilacpr said...
Martin Luther King: Assassinated - by a racist
Malcolm X: Assassinated - by the black Muslims
JFK: Assassinated - by the Jews
Bobby Kennedy: Assassinated - by an Arab
What's your point?
Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Kristian.
James Earl Ray was from the same group of deplorables with racist leanings that helped elect the racist in the WH.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a Russian agent.
Three out of four Drumpf voters. Nice people.
"they are now saying that he did not say it at all, and shame on Dick Durbin for saying that he did."
So, President Trump never called those countries "shitholes", and the whole country had a fit because Dick Durbin lied (again).
You and the rest of the media owe the President an apology.
Dr King said to judge me by my content of character, not color of skin.
It's seems blacks didn't listen. The content of black character is overwhelmingly violent.
Happy MLK Day, Field Negro.
Your comments are appropriate and well written.
I was angry when people hitched on to his code: Make America Great Again. His comments on Mexicans, an American Judge, the Central Park 5 and no "coloreds" in his buildings. DAMMIT, I WAS BORN IN NEW YORK AND "COLORED" IS ON MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE (mother's long form). My Parents are retired military (father - Marine; mother - Air Force NURSE), I am retired Army who has more combat time than my father, a Korean War and Vietnam War Vet. We are all Black Americans. For this...this..."president" to make these comments is ATROCIOUS!!!!!
However, we knew and confirmed #45 before he ever got to this point. What GALLS me, what makes me shake my head in a mixture of disgust and disbelief are those who are defending this man's actions ONCE AGAIN or who are remaining SILENT - like they just came up on a lynching and stayed to watch because their pastor was there. This truly is why I've lost all respect for many republicans and so-called christians. I can't believe the IGNORANCE as they look at me wanting to talk about other things...
Anyway, this day to me is a day of service. I work for the Veteran's Administration, so every day is a day on and not a day off. No doubt, I will have vets in front of me who will want to spout off how #45 is making America 'great again.' I cannot engage them in political talk in the office, and I'm pretty sure that my attitude change when they come in with that mess/just get this fool out of my space but, have a nice day and thank you for your service shows every time they bring this mess up.
I don't know. I just don't know. How can we have a 'conversation' about race when there are people who look at me pump gas, perform in-person financial assistance or even serve as cashiers at the local retail store believe that I am a ...
Proverbs 6:12
Anon @ 12;27 said...
"His comments on Mexicans, an American Judge, the Central Park 5 and no "coloreds" in his buildings."
Mexican is not a "race", it is a nationality. He did not disparage Mexicans. He said Mexico was not sending it's "best", which is true. Trump acknowledged most Mexican immigrants were decent, regular folks, but he correctly noted the Mexican government uses the porous border with the US to get rid of people causing trouble - criminals.
The "American Judge" belonged to a legal support group for La Raza, a racist Mexican Supremacist group dedicated to overthrowing American government control of the Southwestern US. He should have been disbarred for belonging to the Mexican KKK, let alone being allowed to rule on a suit brought against a pro-borders presidential candidate.
The Central Park 5 were vicious criminals who were guilty of participating in a horrifically violent rape and mass beatings of people that were at least partially motivated by racial animus. They got off on a technicality.
Donald Trump has never kept "coloreds" out of his buildings. That is a completely unsubstantiated smear.
The is no evidence Donald Trump is racist. You have been conditioned to call him racist because he doesn't grovel enough before the elite that has decided to fundamentally change the demographics of this country for their own benefit.
Try to objectively look at the facts before you. There is nothing that he has done that has hurt people of color. Unlike every politician for the past 50 years, Trump keeps everyone's interests in mind, even working class white people, and for this he is hated.
”So, President Trump never called those countries "shitholes", and the whole country had a fit because Dick Durbin lied (again).
You and the rest of the media owe the President an apology.”
No. So President Trump — and his sycophantic ass-lickers — lied again.
You and the rest of the Trump voters owe the country a billion apologies.
I believe Senators Cotton and Perdue over Dick Durbin, who has long history of lying about what was said in congressional meetings.
For me, this is the end of the story - Trump did not say "shithole".
Dick Durbin has gone so far off the deep end that he is claiming that the term "chain migration" is offensive and hurtful to black people because it reminds them of slavery, or something. The absolute outrageousness of this statement is so filled with ragestroke-inducing insanity and so unworthy of a response that it's breathtaking.
Sadly, I think far too many people, black and white, have been so brainwashed by academia and the media for such a long time that they might actually swallow this bilge whole. And sadly, it comes on the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. whose message of content of character over color of skin now flies directly in the face of mainstream (if you can call it that) Leftist ideology of "diversity," "multiculturalism" and the demonization of the American ideal of a meritocracy that it's only a matter of time before he, too, is airbrushed out of history and all the streets named after him get the Confederate general and Columbus treatment. How's that for sick irony
MLK....Mike King Plagiarist, User and abuser of White prostitutes, Tool of the American Jew/Communist Party, Why are his FBI Files still under seal? If America is so anti Negro and Racism is so institutionalized as Negroes claim, why aren't his records and all the truthful dirt out in the open? Mike King, just another Fraud Negro.
When Trump says "I'm the least racist person", he means it. Trump believes in race-blind pure individual merit. The left used to claim to believe in it, but individual merit kept resulting in whites doing better than blacks, so they gave up.
Leftists might say, "but merit is inherently subjective and biased". This is partly true, but it doesn't matter. Trying to be objective is more likely to get you closer to objectivity than dispensing with it from the start.
In other words, trying to select based on merit works better than intentionally introducing bias (eg Affirmative Action).
Trump, of course, sees racial preferences as inherently racist, which is why he sees himself as *less* racist than the people screaming that he's racist. Those people all support AA, diversity immigration, etc.
Notice the various levels of understanding here:
1. I don't like those nonwhites
2. Racism is bad. Everyone should be treated equally
3. Nonwhites need to be favored to create equal outcomes
1 is simple "racism".
2 is naive liberalism (which is now mainstream conservatism), including Trump.
3 is SJWism, notable for its focus on equal outcomes.
Over time, 3 is morphing into:
4. Due to history, Whites deserve to be treated worse and have worse outcomes.
4 will lead to 5. Where whites decide they need to favor their own people because everyone else is favoring themselves.
From ❤️❤️❤️All you need is love ❤️❤️❤️ to shitholes ...it is all the same sick idea of a joke to Butt Trumpet. With this latest episode of clowning Butt Trumpet has taken full ownership for any government shutdown and Republicans will be held fully responsible for that eventuality. Democrats should take full advantage and Butt Trumpet and Republicans will punk out as they did in the previous government shutdown.
"The scary part for Americans on this day that they celebrate the birth of Dr. King"
A doctorate which would have properly been revoked after proof surfaced that he plagiarized much of his dissertation (as he also plagiarized his "I Have A Dream" speech... from a black Republican preacher).
We wouldn't have the holiday if the FBI files on him were opened. Nobody would stand for a philandering, woman-abusing race-baiter having a holiday in their name today.
Everything about Michael Scott King was a shit-show, carefully covered up. He was the Manchurian Colored Poser. He was probably killed when he was because the truth was going to come out and destroy everything his handlers had worked for, so they turned him into a martyr.
Everything Anymoose ejaculated in his latest racist screed is basically a fucking lie.
Snopes explains with proof why Anyfuckingmoose is a racist liar.
The Central Park 5 were vicious criminals who were guilty of participating in a horrifically violent rape and mass beatings of people that were at least partially motivated by racial animus. They got off on a technicality.
Another blatant, racist lie. The Central Park Five were exonerated because the fucking DNA did not match theirs. It did match the prisoner who finally confessed, stoopid fucking wingnuts.
"The Central Park Five were exonerated because the fucking DNA did not match theirs"
But they were all there, and they all participated in the rape. They even confessed to it.
If they had participated in the rape their DNA would have been all over the place. Ask the judge how the cops got the admissions, dipshit.
Fact Jack strikes out on Judge Curiel being a thug, as usual.
Someone with a subscription to WAPO should be able to get the transcript from the "shithole" interview.
It is about a more perfect union, Field. I noticed you used the analogy of a scab. I blogged about King's 1962 speech on the one hundredth anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. I had to look up the word, "scabrous."
The simple fact is that the relative progress in undeveloped sectors of the world in human rights races at jet speed, while we strain in a horse and buggy for advancement. We are not moving in the world tempo of change. Worse still, as the earth is shrunk by the revolution in communication, and the shams of Little Rock, Albany, and Oxford flash around the globe, the world is becoming more aware of our deficiencies. Floods of consumer goods, superhighways, supermarkets, and tel-stars do not obscure the existence of scabrous prejudice; and this fact more than any other explains why more emerging nations move away from us than toward us. The touchstone is not the sophistication of our industrial devices, but our commitment to freedom and equality. Without faith that we are wedded to these truths, our power and strength become a menace to other peoples, and they will maintain their distance until we have justified their confidence.
"But they were all there, and they all participated in the rape. They even confessed to it."
They were there -- at the opposite end of Central Park, committing a significantly less serious crime. That was how they got roped into the police investigation.
But they confessed under police coercion. This is how a large percentage of wrongful convictions do occur: Police question suspects without lawyers present, generally violate the suspects' rights, and end up with false confessions.
There was nothing else to tie the Central Park Five to the woman's rape and beating. Cop misconduct sent them to jail, and unwillingness to admit that misconduct kept them there for far too long.
Lest we ferget, Drumpf claimed he never said he has a good relationship with Kim Dumbdrumpf Yung un. Wall Street Journal, which taped the comments begs to differ with the pathological liar.
"But they confessed under police coercion."
Bullshit. They were there, they admitted they were there, and they implicated each other as to be being there.
They helped beat and molest that woman nearly to death. But they are heroes and martyrs to you because they aren't white.
And you wonder why your culture is so dysfunctional.
Facts will set you free.
From the recently released FBI files on Martin Luther King Jr.:
One of King’s principal advisors is Stanley David Levison. Ostensibly only a New York City attorney and businessman, Levison is, in fact, a shrewd, dedicated communist. Levison has spent the major part of his life advancing communist interests.
The paper then listed some of the ways Levison had supported and influenced King, as far back as 1956:
• He actively involved himself in fundraising drives for King.
• He served as King’s legal counsel.
• He suggested speech material for King.
• He guided King in deciding whether to accept or reject public appearances.
• He edited most of the chapter’s of King’s book Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?
Levison was quoted as saying King was a "slow thinker" and that "under no circumstances should King be permitted to say anything without their approving it".
The whole Civil Rights movement was basically a Jewish Communist front, designed only to advance their interests, not those of black Americans. This is why the movement has never gone away and it's achievements have not worked to better the lives of blacks - quite the contrary actually.
Anonymous Fact Jack said...
"But they confessed under police coercion." That's the one thing you got right. Try harder. 14, 15 and 16 year old POC being deprived of their rights.
Author Sarah Burns devotes many pages to a painstaking reconstruction of how NYPD detectives broke down a group of scared, sleep-deprived kids into confessing. Much of the power of those confessions came from the fact that they were videotaped, but the suspects spent hours in interviews and interrogations before the actual taping.
“A jury looks at that and thinks this is a spontaneous confession, when in fact it’s anything but spontaneous,” Burns said in an interview with HuffPost.
Not even a videotaped confession is enough to sway mike's undying faith in the innocence of Holy Minorities.
Blessed are the morons, for they shall inherit the earth.
From those same recently, unredacted files the FBI was controlling the American Communist Party in the 60's and 70's. MLK was a dupe and two brothers, former members who became re-activated under the FBI fed the bureau the dope on Levinson and King.
Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King: Assassinated - by a racist
Malcolm X: Assassinated - by the black Muslims
JFK: Assassinated - by the Jews
Bobby Kennedy: Assassinated - by an Arab
What's your point?
11:27 AM
That America is the land of assassinations? Why are your panties in such a bunch? :D
4:46 PM
Martin Luther King would have fucked Fergus up but good:
You can tell that the trolls are terrified when they start with the desperate lists of Gish-Gallopy lies that don't even make internal sense, much less objective sense.
Have fun while you can, little trolls, things are about to get ugly for the despicable reprogrammable meatbags who foisted this farce upon us, and as long as you stand with them, you're next.
-Doug in Oakland
"That America is the land of assassinations?"
All of those are from 1963-1968.
Leftist loons are constantly calling for Trump to be assassinated, as they did Bush, but the last attempt on a major political figure was when Reagan got shot in 1981.
Have fun while you can, little trolls, things are about to get ugly for the despicable reprogrammable meatbags who foisted this farce upon us, and as long as you stand with them, you're next.
Just look at this keyboard faggot and his threats of genocide!
Doug probably can't even wipe his own ass properly, but he thinks he is going to be crushing the skulls of everyone of who doesn't share his twisted fantasies about how the world should be.
Jesus Christ, what a human stain.
Anonymous said...
"That America is the land of assassinations?"
All of those are from 1963-1968.
Leftist loons are constantly calling for Trump to be assassinated, as they did Bush, but the last attempt on a major political figure was when Reagan got shot in 1981.
4:58 PM
Well, but that was enough. The American Blacks have not had another leader since. Because of the fear of assassination.
"American Blacks have not had another leader since."
Are you fucking kidding me?
Anon @ 1:56 PM said:
"We wouldn't have the holiday if the FBI files on him were opened."
It is obvious to everyone that there is a reason King’s FBI files were sealed for fifty years back in 1977, and only the Main Stream Media’s typically relentless Politically Correct air cover prevented this flagrant maneuver from discrediting the Martin Luther King Day legislation in 1983.
The problem that these sealed files pose, the MSM/ Ruling Class determination to repress it—and incidentally the unimpeachably reasonable nature of the MLK Day opponents’ position—emerged at President Ronald Reagan’s famous October 19, 1983 press conference:
[Sam Donaldson, ABC News]. Mr. President, Senator [Jesse] Helms has been saying on the Senate floor that Martin Luther King, Jr., had Communist associations, was a Communist sympathizer. Do you agree?
The President. We’ll know in about 35 years, won’t we?
No, I don’t fault Senator Helms’ sincerity with regard to wanting the records opened up. I think that he’s motivated by a feeling that if we’re going to have a national holiday named for any American, when it’s only been named for one American in all our history up until this time, that he feels we should know everything there is to know about an individual. As I say, I don’t fault his sincerity in that, but I also recognize there is no way that these records can be opened, because an agreement was reached between the family and the government with regard to those records. And we’re not going to turn away from that or set a precedent of breaking agreements of that kind.
Sir, what do we do then in 35 years if the records are opened and we find that Dr. King was a Communist sympathizer? Do we then try to undo the law? I mean, I’m not quite certain where the logic is there.
The President. The logic is there in that there is no way that this government should violate its word and open those records now.
I happen to — while I would have preferred a day of recognition for his accomplishments and what he meant in a stormy period in our history here, I would have preferred a day similar to, say, Lincoln’s birthday, which is not technically a national holiday, but is certainly a day reverenced by a great many people in our country and has been. I would have preferred that, but since they seem bent on making it a national holiday, I believe the symbolism of that day is important enough that I’ll sign that legislation when it reaches my desk.
Every Lib in the 50's was accused of being a commie. Then they were socialists.
Meanwhile, in honor of MLK's legacy, the shithole of Wisconsin is moving two DMV stations from public transportation served downtown Madison out to the west end of town where few buses run and the closest bus stop is no where near the DMVs.
Poor and disadvantaged people needing government IDs to vote will be forced to ride the bus more than an hour away to get their IDs.
Wingnuts see nothing wrong with inconveniencing POC voters to no end. Behind smirks they claim there is no sinister motivation behind their actions. Of course everyone knows wingnuts lie like dogs.
"Oh f**K yeah"
”It is obvious to everyone that there is a reason King’s FBI files were sealed for fifty years back in 1977, and only the Main Stream Media’s typically relentless Politically Correct air cover prevented this flagrant maneuver from discrediting the Martin Luther King Day legislation in 1983.”
More likely not released in order to protect figures in the government.
J Edgar Hoover and his thuggish underlings committed numerous crimes in the ‘50s and ‘60s in an effort to defame MLK and many other left-wing activists. This was the essence of the COINTELPRO program.
Delaying the release of the documents until 2027 allows enough time for the criminal FBI geezers to die of old age before their misdeeds are revealed.
J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972.
Earlier release of the King files would have sparked more conversation on race relations and elevated MLK far higher than when he was murdered.
FBI has some serious 'splaining to do about their efforts against America's citizens.
Hoover, like Raygun and Nixon and Ford need to be dug up and placed on trial and in the cases of former potii, impeached and disgraced.
the retard from iowa spewed...
"Wingnuts see nothing wrong with inconveniencing POC voters to no end. Behind smirks they claim there is no sinister motivation behind their actions."
Because all decisions by society must always prioritize the needs of negroes over everybody else, am I right? The fact that the hundreds of thousands of people in Madison who drive (and who pay for the DMV) might be better served by a new location is outweighed by a few dozen people who need to go there once every five years to get an ID.
And everyone knows Madison Wisconsin is a conservative stronghold run by "wingnuts".
Eric Ericson on Drumpf and "shithole" comment.
Anonymous We shall overcome the inconvenience of getting our free IDs said. som really stoopid fucking wingnut stuff. Madison didn't make the decision to move the DMVs. Wingnuts in the capitol did and don't pretend you don't know Wisconsin is embarrassingly red like yer face when you get done kissing Drumpf's fat ass.
Inconveniencing POC is a wingnut hallmark. They can't help their racists self. They had closed most of the DMVs earlier in poor sections of the state and sold free id's to unwary POC for $27 a piece only to be caught as the racist thugs they are. Face it, you suck as human beings and ain't nobody gonna like you, ever.
”J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972.”
The goons who worked for him didn’t. They’d all be happier if the public trashing of their reputations commerced AFTER they’ve passed on to the great hereafter.
Because all decisions by society must always prioritize the needs of negroes over everybody else, am I right? The fact that the hundreds of thousands of people in Madison who drive (and who pay for the DMV) might be better served by a new location is outweighed by a few dozen people who need to go there once every five years to get an ID.
And everyone knows Madison Wisconsin is a conservative stronghold run by "wingnuts".
Sounds like you are running for wingnut hillbilly office. Couldn't have gotten much more racist, could you?
"Couldn't have gotten much more racist, could you?"
You are the one who assumes one race is less capable of performing simple administrative tasks like getting an ID.
Trump said to the press that he was "the least racist person you'll ever meet"
"the least"
You listed all the reasons the stations need to stay where they are, cleverly disguised by your white privilege. And you didn't even realize it. Clewless clowns.
Kismet, spare us this mess.
white privilege of paying for black people's transportation to get free IDs
Happy Martin Luther King Day.
Like most white men, our POTUS hates Black people.
He always has hated Black people and he always will hate Black people.
In short he is a RACIST...and anyone who is white, black, green or purple can see this.
His many WORDS and ACTIONS over the many decades proves this. But don't expect many white men to admit this PERIOD!!!!!! And DON'T EXPECT AN APOLOGY.
Like most white men, his prejudice upbringing, along with his "white privilege," and now his position in the white house gives a free pass and free reign to all of our "closeted racists" to now openly express their racism. (including our "fake" white liberals who clap the loudest at black achievement but still live in predominantly white zip codes).
When the POTUS speaks negatively about Black people and Black countries he speaks the feelings of 99.9% of white men.
Any white man who continues to "say" that the POTUS is not a racist knows damn well that he IS..
However, the reason why these whites keep denying it is because they are racists themselves.
It's always amusing how white folks say and do racist things but are too spineless and gutless to call themselves out.
So instead they make excuses and use "double talk" trying to DEFLECT, DEFEND and DENY that they are.
Now regarding "shit hole" Black countries, shit hole black cities, shit hole black communities and shit hole black neighborhoods:
If you know anything about history, geography, government and politics, these so called "shit hole" Black countries have become that way largely due to white dominance, white corruption, white control, and by whites dividing and conquering.
Now regarding shit hole black people:
*Educate yourselves.
*Say no to drugs.
*Men should be positive role models for their sons.
*Black ministers, principals, and educators should educate youth about the long term consequences of breaking the law BEFORE they get into trouble and sent to prison. It is amazing how there are schools in inner cities being run by black men who do nothing to reach black youth. Not even a discussion or a class about illegal activity that could send them to jail for 20+ years with the loss of voting rights and no promise of a job when they get out.
*Get married ( especially BEFORE giving birth and set an example for your children...especially for your daughters. REMEMBER: If you thought he was good enough to "knock you up" then you should feel like he's good enough to "put a ring on it.")
*Stop having 800 kids from 800 different "baby daddies"(this in itself is child abuse).
*Stop abusing your sons because you hate their fathers.
*Stop littering your streets.
*Sweep the garbage from your sidewalks (your neighborhoods look like garbage dumps.( Nothing worse than seeing people who call themselves human, living, working, and playing in garbage like animals).
Be quieter...You're all too damn LOUD!
In conclusion:
Don't try to change the president....you'll die trying.
A day ON...Not a Day OFF
MLK's greatest legacy was having streets named after him all over the country that alert drivers to lock their doors and not stop for gas.
Hey Black Folks...It's MLK Day.
*Show respect for yourself and Martin by getting off welfare.
*Pick up trash and litter from the sidewalks in your neighborhood
(stop waiting or expecting your damn landlord to do it. You live there).
*If you own a home keep up the curb appeal (mow your lawns and fix shit when it breaks!)
*Sweep your gutters, and curbsides.
*Men should act like men and make there neighborhoods great again.
*Turn in your guns.
*Stop the "drive bys."
*Flush your drugs down the toilet (including weed and cocaine which stays in your bloodstream, attaches itself to your sperm and causes your kids to need special ed) .
*Get educated.
*Stay in school.
*Stay out of jail.
*Graduate from college.
*Get jobs
*Get married.
*Be Pro Active!
Happy MLK Day
Pastor James David Manning is the only voice that can bring Black folk out of the wilderness. ATLAH !
All Democrats (and any Republicans with any sense) in Congress should follow Rep. John Lewis lead (as have Reps Wilson, Waters, Blumenauer, Jayapal) and boycott Butt Trumpet's State Of The Union speech
Rep. John Lewis is in fact himself a racist.
Happy bday Dr. King! Happy founders day to the pretty gurls in pearls!
"Don't try to change the president....you'll die trying."
My the trolls are desperate and stupid today. All you have to do to change the president is wait until the end of their term, dear.
Having lived through the shit I have lived through, living another three years doesn't seem likely to be the challenge that kills me.
So, you know, go fuck yourself.
-Doug in Oakland
The most important practical lesson from MLK is to never be the white person praising him the least.
"Don't try to change the president....let Mueller do it".
"When the POTUS speaks negatively about Black people and Black countries he speaks the feelings of 99.9% of white men."
When black people (like Field) try to get from black countries to the USA, they admit that white people make better countries and better societies than they can. Otherwise they'd stay home like the Norwegians.
"Any white man who continues to "say" that the POTUS is not a racist knows damn well that he IS."
Any white who isn't "racist" in your eyes is a damned fool. You doubly so.
"these so called "shit hole" Black countries have become that way largely due to white dominance, white corruption, white control, and by whites dividing and conquering."
Look, someone who is STUPID enough to think the entire continent of Africa was Wakanda before the Arabs and Portuguese came and conquered the superior African civilization...
As if 17th-century Arabs and Europeans could ever conquer a civilization like Wakanda. Hint you idiot, Wakanda is FICTION! Mike is dumb enough to believe his own shit without ever asking that question. He really is dumber than a box of rocks (or lusting after black dick).
Thought experiment regarding immigration from “shithole” countries:
1) Think of a so-called “shithole” country, and one that obviously isn’t (say, Haiti and Finland).
2) Swap all the people, leaving all their stuff behind.
3) Check back in 25 years.
4) What results do we expect?
Clown News Network's Don Lemon had MLK Jr's nephew on and then got pissed and argued with him the whole segment because he wouldn't call President Trump a racist.
One of my conservative bros just told me Trump spoke on this anniversary of Dr. KIng's birth.
He said it was inspiring.
Did any of you negro-hating Trumpies hear it?
Trump's words?
Dr. King's dream is our dream, it is the American dream, it's the promise stitched into the fabric of our nation, etched into the hearts of our people and written into the soul of humankind. It is the dream of a world where people are judged by who they are, not how they look or where they come from.
Not much effort if that is all he had to say.
From Brookings:
"Our observation: The less-than-500 counties that Hillary Clinton carried nationwide encompassed a massive 64 percent of America’s economic activity as measured by total output in 2015. By contrast, the more-than-2,600 counties that Donald Trump won generated just 36 percent of the country’s output—just a little more than one-third of the nation’s economic activity."
-Doug in Oakland
Have those 4,000+ indictments been served yet? Still waiting for the entire CBC to be frog marched out by Marines. Yawn.
dinthebeast said...
From Brookings:
"Our observation: The less-than-500 counties that Hillary Clinton carried nationwide encompassed a massive 64 percent of America’s economic activity as measured by total output in 2015. By contrast, the more-than-2,600 counties that Donald Trump won generated just 36 percent of the country’s output—just a little more than one-third of the nation’s economic activity."
Poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote!
dinthebeast said...
From (((Brookings))):
"Our observation: The less-than-500 counties that Hillary Clinton carried nationwide encompassed a massive 64 percent of America’s economic activity as measured by total output in 2015. By contrast, the more-than-2,600 counties that Donald Trump won generated just 36 percent of the country’s output—just a little more than one-third of the nation’s economic activity."
I think there's more to those numbers than that, but maybe you could do a similar analysis regarding who the various racial demographic groups voted for and how much each contributes to the country's economic output and get back to us. That would be very enlightening.
Donald Trump could carve a swastika on his forehead, grow a little Hitler mustache, and use a Seig Heil salute when greeting people, and many of this grassroots supporters would still insist that he is a "least racist" person.
Hell, these Deplorables would probably secretly get off on it and support him even more.
Welcome to the American Herrenvolk.
Through the centuries in America whitey fucknuts owned slaves and kept them in filth and misery. When blacks were freed, whitey wingnuts kept them in filth and misery. Everywhere blacks have gone, for the most part, whitey fucknuts said not in our neighborhood. Go live in the contaminated districts where our factories and sewage will poison you and yours. Don't move into our neighborhoods. If we can't own you, we don't want you around.
21st century and nothing has changed. Poor southern whites are lead to believe if it weren't for the blacks collecting all the welfare, poor whites could be Carnegies and Rockefellers. Keep the stoopid fucking poor white wingnuts inflamed against blacks and set back with popcorn and watch America destroy itself.
All whitey stoopid fucking wingnuts are racists to their cores. They have had generations of training and being told if not for blacks whites would all be wealthy. How did that work out for you, Anyfuckingmoose? Here you are on a Black blog fomenting your racist bullshit and lamenting the fact if not for negroes....... Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Stoopid fucking Anyfuckingmoose.
More Americans moved to Norway last year than came here from there. What does that tell stoopid fucking wingnuts? It's all the negroes fault.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts say America has the best healthcare in the world. If that were true how come no country that has government funded healthcare has ever changed to what the US has?
Stoopid fucking wingnuts lie all day, every day and especially on MLK Day.
They be some sick mofo puppies.
Drumpfuck the dumbfuck also said he knows more about wedges than any man alive. Seriously, I think he got confused again and meant wedgies where someone grabs the back of his Depends and yanks up until Drumpfuck the dumbfuck squeals like Barry Gibb.
Nah, not so much. There are some places in Appalachia that are majority white I wouldn't go to with a hazmat suit.
"Hell, these Deplorables would probably secretly get off on it and support him even more."
Hell yeah!
"Nah, not so much. There are some places in Appalachia that are majority white I wouldn't go to with a hazmat suit."
But you would be pretty safe from being a victim of violent crime. Despite being very poor, these areas have crime rates that are a fraction of what is seen in black neighborhoods. Why is that?
mike from iowa said...
Through the centuries in America whitey fucknuts owned slaves and kept them in filth and misery. When blacks were freed, whitey wingnuts kept them in filth and misery... 21st century and nothing has changed
Question any black folks reading this site: Is mike correct that you are living in filth and misery?
mike from iowa said...
More Americans moved to Norway last year than came here from there. What does that tell stoopid fucking wingnuts?
Uh, Norway is a white country that isn't a shithole?
"maybe you could do a similar analysis regarding who the various racial demographic groups voted for and how much each contributes to the country's economic output and get back to us. That would be very enlightening."
Already been done. Black people cost an average of over $10,000 apiece in government services above the taxes they pay.
Note that this does not count hidden costs of lower productivity due to affirmative action, the lost production caused by spending on security against black crime, the cost of long commutes to live a safe distance away from black zones, and so many other things. That's probably another half-trillion a year.
"All whitey stoopid fucking wingnuts are racists to their cores."
... writes the hypocrite from his less-than-1%-black county.
"They have had generations of training and being told if not for blacks whites would all be wealthy."
If not for blacks, whites wouldn't have to deal with being robbed, raped and murdered by blacks, have to defend themselves against black crime with measures like bars on their windows, have to send children to private schools where the activities center around teaching rather than twerking, have to avoid no-go zones....
None of which the hypocrite Mike could have any experience with, living where he's always lived.
Question any black folks reading this site: Is mike correct that you are living in filth and misery?
That is what Drumpf sez and many wasicu wasteys agree.
Uh, Norway is a white country that isn't a shithole? But America is and more whites live in poverty and squallor than blacks. Take a look around Appalachis, w/wo HazMat suit. I also suspect the violent crime rate has escalated with the drug epidemic.
mike from iowa said...
Uh, Norway is a white country that isn't a shithole? But America is and more whites live in poverty and squallor than blacks
Because....white privilege?
Do you even try to make sense?
"But you would be pretty safe from being a victim of violent crime. Despite being very poor, these areas have crime rates that are a fraction of what is seen in black neighborhoods. Why is that?"
I live in a Black neighborhood, I haven't seen a crime no less been victim of one. There are white neighborhoods with higher crime rates than mine. Why is that? (Committing the crime of answering a question with a question)😝
Happy Founders Day to the ladies of Z Phi B!
Do you even try to make sense?
Do you even try to understand? Your lack of understanding is not a failure on my part. Do you understand that?
"I think there's more to those numbers than that, but maybe you could do a similar analysis regarding who the various racial demographic groups voted for and how much each contributes to the country's economic output and get back to us. That would be very enlightening."
According to Pew, blacks went for Clinton 88 to 8, so they must be in those <500 counties, no?
-Doug in Oakland
How Drumpfuck the dumbfuck turned the gleaming house on the hill into a shithole of a shithouse- because stoopid fucking wingnuts and Russians voted for this racist POS and then defend every racist utterance out of his shithole of a potty mouth in the shithouse. And none of them wipe, after.
PilotX said...
"I live in a Black neighborhood, I haven't seen a crime no less been victim of one."
The exception does not disprove the rule.
Middle class black neighborhoods have much higher crime rates than poor white neighborhoods.
dinthebeast said...
"According to Pew, blacks went for Clinton 88 to 8, so they must be in those <500 counties, no?"
So, it must be the presence of black people that allows those urban areas to generate a higher level of economic activity. That's some pretty high-level thinking, Doug.
Black is Beautiful!!
WH Dr. declares 45 in excellent health?
Talk about White privilege as medical malpractice/incompetence, the man is overweight/borderline obese based on his BMI alone.🙄
My BMI is high because I'm big-boned.
I just wish I could get boned-big.
"So, it must be the presence of black people that allows those urban areas to generate a higher level of economic activity. That's some pretty high-level thinking, Doug."
Well, they are in those counties, and those counties produce ten times as much per county, so it does sort of fuck up your contention that black people don't contribute to the economy.
And as for thinking, you should try it some time; it's as much fun as masturbation and way more useful than hate.
-Doug in Oakland
Drumpfuck's doc claims Drumpfuck weighs 239 pounds. He left out the contextual part- on the surface of the moon. He is closer to 300 than 200 pounds and it is amazing they stack shit that high without a pail.
"Middle class black neighborhoods have much higher crime rates than poor white neighborhoods."
Not sure that's true. There's a lot of crime in some neighborhoods.
"so it does sort of fuck up your contention that black people don't contribute to the economy."
We add billions of dollars to the economy. I have to find the article but the Black dollar is very important to the exonomy.
Now gang, you too can be as smart and cognitive as Drumpfuck. He aced this puppy https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/01/the-president-can-draw-a-clock/550610/?google_editors_picks=true
He can also identify a lion and a camel and probably pick his own nose in a crowd- maybe.
Countdown to Black Panther!!!👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿
Drumpfuck's doc claims Drumpfuck weighs 239 pounds. He left out the contextual part- on the surface of the moon. He is closer to 300 than 200 pounds and it is amazing they stack shit that high without a pail.
He’s talking about his ass, Nipples ought to divorce his ass ‘cause if SHE were that big, he ‘d drop her ass like a hooker that peed on him crooked!!
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"they are in those counties, and those counties produce ten times as much per county, so it does sort of fuck up your contention that black people don't contribute to the economy."
Look at this! The libtard thinks the productivity is coming from the ghettoes, not the office towers (because they're in the same counties)!
What do you call a liberal with half a brain? Gifted.
In a $20 trillion economy, that's 6.5% of the buying power from 12.4% of the population.
Everyone else in America would be better off without you. No wonder you think math is part of the system of racial oppression.
"So, President Trump never called those countries "shitholes", and the whole country had a fit because Dick Durbin lied (again).
You and the rest of the media owe the President an apology."
That apology will be a long time coming.
Beside, it's a fact. Haiti *is* a shithole.
Oxford Dictionary defines shithole as: An extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place.
Well, that's Haiti, that's also nearly every location in Africa.
Actually Haiti (and a few African countries) are worse than shitholes because they are very dangerous places to visit.
The State Department even warns travelers about going to Haiti:
Sucks to be Haitian, it seems.
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