I see Glen Beck had a spring time version of Black History Month ,tonight. He lectured white A-mery-ca on his program about all the contributions black folks made to help our founding fathers start this great nation. Men such as James Armistead, Crispus Attuck, and Prince Whipple. Throw in Frederick Douglas, a couple of clowns masquerading as historians, (one black one white) an audience full of house Negroes, and Beck's black history bona fides were complete.
If only it was that easy. First, Beck has an ulterior motive: Sanitize the suffering of black folks during the early days of our republic by showing that they helped to build A-merry-ca and had an equal stake in it. Second, he was not telling us anything about our history that we didn't already know. (Those of us who actually read) It was a typical Beck public relations scam. Thankfully, most of us who actually have a brain aren't buying it.
Besides, I come to rip Beck with this post not to praise him.
Today on his radio program he reached a new low by mocking the president's daughter. This, after making it a point to call out folks for making fun of Sarah Palin's little rug rats.
I suppose to all of his wingnut supporters and others who are so inclined, it was funny.
But I am not laughing. And you shouldn't be either.
Anyway, since it's now open season on daughters, I guess we can talk about his daughter, Hannah, who tried to sell his drool on E-Bay. Yes, you read that right: she tried to sell his drool on E-Bay. Talk about funny. They could write an entire Saturday Night Live program around that one.
But, as is always the case with folks who wear political blinders; he is being defended by folks on the right. ( I am pretty sure there will be comments after this post from the usual suspects defending him as well.)
"First, the idea that Beck is being hypocritical over his “leave the families alone credo” is ridiculous. He isn’t mocking Malia, he’s mocking the president for using his daughter to score political points. In the interview with Sarah Palin, he plainly stated that everyone should leave their families out of the political debate, and other people should respect that. Well, Obama DID inject his daughter into the political debate, so I’m not seeing the hypocrisy here. If he were actually mocking Malia, maybe, but he’s not. He’s mocking Obama. "
Wow! Wingnut logic: He is not actually mocking Malia; he is mocking her father by mocking her. Okaaaaay......
BREAKING NEWS! Beck has issued a written apology.
"May 28, 2010 – 14:25 ET
In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”
In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”
Yes, a dad whose daughter sells his drool on E-Bay no less. Sorry Glenn, judging from the DNA in that drool, I am guessing you couldn't "know better".
Beck is an example of the worst of the worst kind of reactionary right-wing populism. He is a genuinely despicable propagandist, akin to Father Coughlin or Huey Long, the kind of man who in Weimar Germany would have been one of the earliest Hitlerite agitators.
I wish I could say he is not to be taken seriously. Intellectually, he is on a par with Les Nesman . . . but because he is tapped into a populist vein, he has to be taken very seriously. Although Rush Limbaugh for years chose to make this criticism one of his tag lines, it is far more apropos of Beck: He is one of the most dangerous men in America today.
Field, "May 28, 2010 – 14:25 ET
In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.”
Field, this should be enough proof of Beck's honesty and willingness to embrace all children, regardless of race.
Have you ever considered changing the way you see Beck, in order to have peace of mind? :) At the rate you are going you will have alzheimers at 60...all because of Glen Beck who is just trying to make a buck and keep the ratings of his show high.
Today as I was driving home from work I took the path down Metropolitan Ave in the ATL. I knew that my Nation of Islam friend would be out there. I purchased a "Final Call" as I do when I get there in time before he leaves.
By the way for all you ATLiens - Farrakhan will be in town on June 16th he told me.
Its interesting that you indict Beck for "sanitizing history". I have learned that I can't control what YOU believe.
As I read the works of:
* Farrakhan
* Ron Daniels
* Glen Ford
* Other Black Progressive Fundamentalists
I note the EQUALLY DAMNABLE offense that they offer.
You see Filled Negro - in response to the Police shooting of that precious little Black girl in Detroit -
* Farrakhan sold the tale that this was PAR FOR THE COURSE IN AMERICA.
* The police are the modern day LYNCH MOB
* He told how we were oppressed from Reconstruction onward. (Daniels)
* Black mayor in Detroit
* Black police Chief
* Black man who KILLED ANOTHER BLACK MAN was the motivating purpose for the raid.
You see Filled Negro this is what frustrates me about you - you are always going to CHERRY PICK.
Glenn Beck is the new Klan
Rachel Maddow, Olberman and Ed - are "Friend of Black People" this despite them not mentioning ANYTHING about the MAIN ORGANIZED KILLING FORCES OF BLACK PEOPLE in 2010 - the Street Pirate Militia.
(CS why do you keep diverting away from Field-Negro's posts to focus on B on B crime?
ANSWER- I am not the one doing the DIVERSION - FILLED NEGRO IS!!!!)
Glen Beck has no more propensity to SELF-INDICT WHITE FOLKS as YOU ARE inclined to indict the ESTABLISHMENT POWERS that run Philly and elsewhere that YOU HELPED PUT INTO POWER - despite their control over the "Killing Fields For Black people to-damned-day.
I hoped like hell you'd catch wind of this show. I'll shoot you an email of my blogtalkradio.com show. At 11:00 pm, Beck will get his.
Beck is a disgrace and a hypocrite. he knew what he was doing when he attacked an 11-year-old girl and questioned her intelligence. It shows what kind of dark heart exists inside of him.
Glenn Beck was trying to attack a man where it hurts most ... through his kids. This was no accident. It was a deliberate attack by a man so filled with hate toward President Obama that he broke his own rule about attacking kids.
"I hoped like hell that you'd catch wind of this [beck's fool talk]...not "catch wind of this show." If it seemed as if that didn't make any sense, I understand; it didn't make any sense :0)
As a side note, I have a LOT of new enemies in South Africa. You should visit the Facebook ANC site. The blatant racism will make your blood boil...jokes about cotton stuff up the behinds of slaves with dysentery...AND THEY'RE CALLING ME A RACIST, AND TRYING TO GET ME THROWN OFF OF THE INTERNET !!!!!!!!
Beck has said that he does not hate anyone.
I also have a problem with the "plugging up hole" and using his daughter. This has sexual connotations. He is an hypocritical racist ass.
Field, that is a picture of Sasha...Malia is the one Glenn "Crying Man" Beck attacked. How could a grown ass damn near 50 year old White Man say such horrible thing about a defenseless 11 year old.
Its not her fault the President is her father. If this bastard has problems with Obama take out on him...not his kids.
You know, people also need to keep an eye on their little children around this creep.
Filled Negro, others:
Can you lay out the scenario in which Glenn Beck or any other Fox News show can make a depiction of "Black History" in which you'd say:
"Though I do not like Conservatives.....the show that they did provided a fair and balanced view of American history"
It is the "All White Jury" who's main flaw is that they allow the bigotry that they enter the jury box with that prevents them from seeing evidence and rendering objective judgment.
I will personally write a letter to Glenn Beck and tell him that the ONLY Black people who he is allowed to attack with below the belt hits are:
* Michael Steele
* Clarence Thomas
* Jesse Lee Peterson
* Larry Elder
If he wants "Black people to like him", Glenn Beck is going to have to be a bit more selective about his attacks.
Just wait the trolls will be here posting saying "So, what Glenn Beck picked on Kenyan Obama daughter...Nobody, stopped others from laughing at Sarah Palin daughters." to Republicans two wrongs make it alright.
[quote]Republicans two wrongs make it alright.[/quote]
Anon 100:
Actually the more affirmative statement is:
Field, did you say "Rugrats"? I think you may have made a slight error in spelling. It should have been spelled "B E B E K I D S".
Don't get me started comparing Palin's kids to Obama's kids. Glen Beck is hungry. He needs a knuckle sandwich and some knockout punch. Why won't someone feed the man?
Destructive Wingnut, I am convinced now that you are an operative working for the republican party.
WTF? Please make a connection to Glenn Beck insulting the president's daughter and a police shooting in Detroit, (Which, btw, I never posted about while blaming the po po) or street crimes perpetrated by some thugs in Philly.
"Have you ever considered changing the way you see Beck, in order to have peace of mind? :)"
Nope! See what Public Eye said.
"Beck has said that he does not hate anyone."
And I would kick Lark Voorhies out of bed.
"You know, people also need to keep an eye on their little children around this creep."
Co-sign, he looks like he should be in the sex offender's registry. Just sayin.
"Glenn Beck was trying to attack a man where it hurts most ... through his kids. This was no accident. It was a deliberate attack by a man so filled with hate toward President Obama that he broke his own rule about attacking kids."
Sandy, and this is from a man who has a child with special needs. *shame*
Anyone who sees anything sexual in her comments or anyone else's comments about plugging the hole are misguided. This is a disaster and a lot of people are concerned about it (people of all ages). It seems the president was just giving this example to show that all kinds of people are concerned and even in his immediate family.
"Anyone who sees anything sexual in her comments or anyone else's comments about plugging the hole are misguided."
I am not following what you are saying. There is something fundamentally disturbing about a grown man mimicking an 11 year old girl's voice while she's supposedly asking her daddy if he "plugged up the hole yet" over and over and over. How necessary was that? Make no mistake about it. Beck and I'm sure others found more than one humor punches in that.
He has crossed the line, and has gone a new low among the pedophiles and creeps in my book. Maybe not yours, figures.
Anonymous 8:40:
No one has ever laughed at Palin's promiscuous teenage daughters that can't keep a boyfriend or her Down' Syndrome's baby, or none of her out of control kids. For that fact, no one has made fun of Beck Down's Syndrome daughter either. So, what are you talking about?
If the truth be told the only people I've observed bringing up Palin's kids or attacking kids are the rightwing folks. Most people on the right feel compassion for kids. They don't believe in doing what some of the pedophiles on the right side of the political spectrum have done to kids.
Palin even spoke out again funding for children who have the same disability that her baby has. She should have been one of the main ones advocating for the funding instead of going around thinking that she has political qualifications and fleecing those angry white folks and tea party folks. Nevertheless, I won't knock her hustle because she gotta eat as they say.
*I meant to say most people on the left instead of the right*
word verification; Palial
LA, "I also have a problem with the "plugging up hole" and using his daughter. This has sexual connotations."
I don't see the sexual connotations here. Could you explain it?
[quote]I am convinced now that you are an operative working for the republican party. [/quote]
Filled Negro:
I told you before that the most futile task is to try and convince a BIGOT that he is wrong. I will just have to live with the thought that YOU believe that I am a Republican.
I am on the last 10 minutes of the "Racist" Glenn Beck show.
As an attorney who lives and dies by the WRITTEN WORD and the ARGUMENT - I challenge you, Filled Negro,
1) to point out the molestation of Black History that Glenn Beck did in this show?
2) Why do you believe that the Black professor, Lucas Morel, author of "Lincoln's Sacred Effort" is a Tom? (or is he suffering the present "Skip Gates/Tavis Smiley Disease" - high praise UNTIL the Negro says something disagreeable to the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists?
I have a few gut feelings on why you are upset:
A) They talked about how some Negroes use "Black Victimization" as their currency today.
B) Glenn Beck mentioned something negative about Liberals not wanting to tell the whole story on history.
Bottom Line Filled Negro - it is your ideological bias and you assumed GATE KEEPER status that prevents you from separating your IDEOLOGICAL/POLITICAL disagreements with Glenn Beck from your willingness to accept that HISTORICAL FACT is out there for anyone to tell it.
Why hasn't Rachael Maddow or Keith Olbermann or Ed Schultz done a "Black History" show OR, better yet included Street Pirates as an EQUAL THREAT as are Right Wing Militias?
Wow, Glenn Beck went after Obama's daughter? I've never heard of a conservative media pundit attacking the preteen daughter of a sitting President..oh, nevermind. The Fat Man pull that trick almost 16 years ago (Jesus, its been that long?). Hell, Obama got off lucky that McCain hasn't made a joke about his daughter yet.
CF, there is no defense for Beck or anyone else attacking an 11 year old asking an honest question about the world to her father. You're such a right wing operative that you feel its okay to attack a kid? I'm with Field, are you on the GOP payroll to troll on Black blogs? Sad.
Back to Beck, he's just despicable and complete poser. He's to Rush what Palin is Gingrich -- a foul-mouthed, ignorant wannabe poser who's playing their idol's right wing handbook -- with half the brains and twice the volume and insanity. The main difference between Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck is that Rush is a mean spirited jackass but he doesn't believe half the crap he says. Glenn actually believes in lunacy.
Rush can pull out (most of the time) from the white power madness. Beck's so deep in that garbage, it comes out of every pore and opening in his body.
Beck's such a Rush Limbaugh wannabe, he probably has his housekeeper smuggling his personal station of heroin.
(Funny Beck history, I remember when Beck was a local Connecticut Rock DJ. He was a foul-mouthed racist blowhard then, he's a foul-mouthed racist blowhard now. He's just channelling the Pigman instead of Howard Stern.)
LA, "I don't see the sexual connotations here. Could you explain it?"
She explained it @9:06 and I agree with her. surprised noone else picked up on it. He was making fun of biracials in his skit too.
[quote]You're such a right wing operative that you feel its okay to attack a kid? I'm with Field, are you on the GOP payroll to troll on Black blogs? Sad.[/quote]
LAC King:
Only a select few people on this blog and the AfroSpear conglomerate have the CREDIBILITY to call out someone for hitting below the belt as such.
Just wait until the next controversial Supreme Court ruling. YOU and others will be calling Clarence Thomas names that used to be reserved for Black men just minutes before them being lynched.
Please spare me from your B.S.
Glenn Beck should have known better.
He should know that certain people who disagree with him want to find some other motivation (racism) to define his actions.
For example LAC King - I just read today in Business week that GUN SALES ARE DOWN. Their reason: People are less fearful that the Democrats are going to pass gun control laws.
Please recall that 18 months ago the reason for the INCREASE in gun sales was because WE HAD A BLACK PRESIDENT IN OFFICE.
Some of you are so fraudulent that you forget the lies that you told the last go round.
I see where he was making fun of race.
But, as I am uncomfortable defending Glenn Beck in any way, shape or form, I am bailing out of that aspect of this comment thread.
Fuck Glenn Beck.
And if you defend a grown-ass man going after a person's daughter, fuck you too.
"Just wait until the next controversial Supreme Court ruling. YOU and others will be calling Clarence Thomas names that used to be reserved for Black men just minutes before them being lynched."
Do you know something that we don't know regarding the next Supreme Court ruling? I mean they haven't made one yet. Or do you know beforehand what that ruling will be? And are you privy to that information? Curious minds wants to know!
Because like most citizens I would like to believe that the judges sitting on that bench are thinking it over and not just spitting out prejudged decisions and have made up their mind what the decision is going to be before they hear a case. If they are making those types of decisions, that's scary.
I know this happened on Beck's radio show but this sort of stuff is why Obama should not have done that interview on FOX News.
Does Beck want to lose the few advertisers he has left? I know Rupert Murdoch will run Beck's show at a loss to lock up the loony demographic.This certainly isn't good PR for Faux Noise,but they never cared about THAT.
Jeez Field, If you'd even bother to watch you would know most of the program was about Pudd'nhead Wilson. It's the new media, get with the program....
CF said..."Why hasn't Rachael Maddow or Keith Olbermann or Ed Schultz done a "Black History" show OR, better yet included Street Pirates as an EQUAL THREAT as are Right Wing Militias?"
They don't want to steal your thunder, CF.
They know you'd accuse them of ideological infringement.
Further, you lean more Right than Left. You're a Right Leaning Tower of Pisa. One day, both you and the tower will collapse.
Lesson Learned:
IF you want a portion of the Black community to LISTEN TO YOUR PRESENTATION OF A MORE ACCURATE DEPICTION OF HISTORY which positively emphasizes the role that Black people have played in this these events over time.................................make sure that you don't attack any Black people that they LIKE.
* Monique does "Soul Plane" yet then can host the "Soul Train Music Awards" without missing a step.
* DL Hughley acts as a minstrel and then gets a comedic news show on CNN where he "acts like a minstrel". People are disappointed when his show is canceled. As long as he is attacking their political enemies - NO problem with the minstrel act.
* Young Jeezy, former Drug Dealer. Verbally threatens to "Kill any Black man who steps to him and disses him". His pose has been involved in at least 2 shootouts on the streets of the ATL over the past 4 years. Despite this he is invited on stage at a Democratic "Get the Blacks out to vote for the Democrats" rally. The "responsible" politicians know that he has a connection with younger Blacks. They want their VOTES more than they care to repudiate this "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" thug.
The level of hypocrisy and offenses rendered by the "Neo All White Jury" who's choice of what they will get offended over matters less about the content than the political advantage they can obtain therein from acting the part.
Well, if he were as passionate about his apologies as he was invective about his rants he might be more believable.
I can't believe he has a child.
CF said..."I just read today in Business week that GUN SALES ARE DOWN. Their reason: People are less fearful that the Democrats are going to pass gun control laws.
"Please recall that 18 months ago the reason for the INCREASE in gun sales was because WE HAD A BLACK PRESIDENT IN OFFICE."
I don't know what else I can add to your statement. You sized up the lunacy, and paranoia of the Right perfectly.
Emotions ran high, and fear enveloped both their reason and their commonsense, believing, as they did, that a liberal congress, and a black president would deprive them of their precious guns.
You Right-wing, gun-toting scaredycats are easily manipulated.
All gun salesmen have to do is tell you rabbits that the government is going to take away your guns, to get you to go out and add as many guns as you can afford, to your already sizable arsenal.
And Sarah Palin is an idiot, nah...scratch that. Sarah Palin is a dumb idiot and she gets a national political platform to let us know how dumb she is.
Rush Limbaugh is a drug addict and an obese slob and gets a radio show and leadership position over the GOP.
Hannity is an ex-bartender, whose Hal Turner the nazi's associate and ex-lover, college dropout, who sells fraudelent freedom concert tickets, and he gets a position on a so-called news station on national tv as a political commentator.
Glen Beck is a heroin addict, alcoholic, and mental case who also gets a spot on a so-called news station on national tv as a political commentator.
Mergyn Kelly is an adulterous who was sleeping with Bret Hume and she gets a spot on the same so-called news program.
James O'Keefe was a fake pimp with a fake hoe, who tried to wire tap a federal officials telephone, he made a phone tap of a conversation that never happened and caused an organization to lose their funding behind it, and he got a spot on the same so-called news program.
So what's your point?
Backpeddling is an artform.
Fuck Glenn Beck.
And if you defend a grown-ass man going after a person's daughter, fuck you too.
Hear! Hear!
Calling Karma to visit Glen Beck! Please don't tarry!
Why does it not surprise me that CF springs to the defence of Glenn Beck?
Maybe, that's who he works
for-->Fox We Make It Up News.
Field, I think your takin Gary Coleman's death wayyyyyyyyyyyy to seriously.
Watchoo Talkin' Bout Willis???
[quote]Why does it not surprise me that CF springs to the defence of Glenn Beck?[/quote]
Gregorian Chant:
Do you recall the legacy of the "Nigger Lover" CALLER? I am not talking about the person that was CALLED "Nigger Lover". I am talking about the CROWD who called me such.
Think about it Gregorian Chant -
* The Nigger Lover was GUILTY because he went against the grain of the bigoted masses
* The Nigger Lover had the AUDACITY to point out that "Yes - while 'the Blacks had some occasions of violence', HIS OWN PEOPLE had their fair share as well"......WHO WHERE THEY TO PRETEND that they had no blood on their hands
* The Bigoted Masses merely wanted the Nigger Lover to SHUT UP!!!! "We don't care to listen to what you are saying". Do you see Gregorian Chant it had NOT A DAMNED THING to do with the "Truthiness" of the words. It ONLY had to do with what they were "Trying to hear" at that point
It is not that I am "Defending Glenn Beck" - I have said that Conservatives have an extra duty to NOT "Go There" because those who are looking to find something that justifies their hands cupped over their own ears and eyes with regard to the MESSAGE will always focus upon the OFFENSE rather than the MATERIAL JUSTIFICATION for their opposition to the main points of the debate.
Gregorian Chant - what if I ignored Cornel West because he welcomed cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal in a CSPAN conference call - telling him "We know you DIDN'T DO IT"?
What if I rejected Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson because they are as "freaky" as Fox New's Megan Kelly, per Granny's Judgment?
Do you see Gregorian Chant the only thing that I am offending is YOUR OWN sensibilities.
I DO NOT SUPPORT INCLUDING FAMILY INTO POLITICAL SKIRMISHES - including Mrs Obama - unless she as an ADULT interjects herself into POLITICS.
I applaud the content of the Glenn Beck episode on Black history. He takes the time to HUMANIZE the Black figures on some of the paintings that we see from the American Revolution.
Here is what pissed Filled Negro off: Throughout the show Beck takes stabs at "Progressives". He makes the case that by promoting the notion that the RACIST founding fathers wanted nothing to do with Blacks and their role in the Revolution, this allows the Left to attack the Founding Fathers.
Beck's MOTIVATION, therefore was not to merely LIFT UP Black people, it was to LIFT UP THE FOUNDING FATHERS.
(Look at this passage Filled Negro). I REJECT THIS WHITEWASH OF THEIR MOTIVATIONS.
They STILL ALLOWED SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES. It matters not that the North eventually banned slavery. The fact that they allowed it to continue in the South, not wanting to allow the enslavement of EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS to be a "deal breaker" in creating the nation means that Africans were not worth as much as THE NATION.
The best thing that Glenn Beck and Louis Farrakhan can do is to MAKE SURE THAT THE HISTORY THAT THEY POINT TO - NEVER, NEVER IS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN IN THE FUTURE. Instead both of them use HISTORY for their own present purposes.
Filled Negro heard the attacks on Progressives and ended up REJECTING even the accurate depiction of the Blacks in history, including the FIRST Speaker Of The US House - who was a Black person after the Civil War.
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
Abraham Lincoln, September 1858
I can't wait until White America becomes China's "negro." KARMA, they call it...?
Open season on bf, whats new?
La, when it comes to little bfemales people don't see sexual danger or inappropriate innuendos aimed at us. Thats why the numbers of abused bf are so high. thanks for calling it. One bm said it, FN didn't pick up on it even afer.
"Here is what pissed Filled Negro off: Throughout the show Beck takes stabs at "Progressives". He makes the case that by promoting the notion that the RACIST founding fathers wanted nothing to do with Blacks and their role in the Revolution, this allows the Left to attack the Founding Fathers."
Yes! And....
"Do you recall the legacy of the "Nigger Lover" CALLER? I am not talking about the person that was CALLED "Nigger Lover". I am talking about the CROWD who called me such."
So in your analogy you are the "Nigger lover"? I don't think your boy Beck would like being called a "Nigger" very much.
Here is what pissed Filled Negro off: Throughout the show Beck takes stabs at "Progressives". He makes the case that by promoting the notion that the RACIST founding fathers wanted nothing to do with Blacks and their role in the Revolution, this allows the Left to attack the Founding Fathers."
There's good reasons why the left is so paralyzed in this country: it's divided as hell. The founding fathers debate is a good example of where racial and cultural disconnects hurt progressives. Given the nature of US history, that's not likely to be resolved. The right has largely managed to avoid such balkanization.
Maybe this will work itself out. As states and cities gradually resegregate, perhaps more monocultural regions will have a better chance of embracing more liberal policies?
@ FN:
With Beck there is no new low...he's always just real low, lower and lowest.
granny said..."So what's your point?"
Good point, granny!
Yep, Granny pretty much has the Radio Rwanda folks figured out. :)
[quote]Maybe this will work itself out. As states and cities gradually resegregate, perhaps more monocultural regions will have a better chance of embracing more liberal policies?
You are mixing "racial segregation" with "ideological domination".
What I keep trying to show my good friend Filled Negro is that in very many places there are already "Mission Accomplished" signs on BOTH "Progressive Ideology" and "Racial Integration" in very many places.
Sadly in many of these places people STILL STRUGGLE for some "Mission Accomplished" goal beyond that which they already planted. "Struggle" IS their "Struggle".
Its not that Progressives are content with having "won" various key metro areas and can use this to execute upon their ideological goals. I have observed that PROGRESSIVISM IS NOT ORGANIC!!! As a result in their victory they've noted the absence of an ECONOMIC solution. Their solution is to hoist a NATIONAL SOCIAL CONTRACT upon the nation, thus UN-SEGREGATING us all, relieving them of the obligation to have their local economic theories be able to PAY ITS OWN WAY.
The domination of liberal policies, as you say is like a wrecking ball being forced to destroy the crane that it dangles upon. That final blow to the main arm of the crane causing the ball itself to fall to the ground and become a useless marble upon the ground. The steel wire that once lifted it in the air now being a slave shackle upon is movement.
Progressivism lives to deconstruct order that was erected for the sake of the SYSTEM that it created. To some this order is seen as OPPRESSION which must be constantly fought against.
Just another day in the neighborhood:
Ex-con, 18, arrested in execution-style murder of teen Brooklyn girl Al-Taya Conyers
By Kevin Deutsch, Jonathan Lemire and Joe Kemp -- Daily News Writers
Sunday, May 30th 2010
Teen girl gunned down in possible retaliation for assault complaint
The Brooklyn teenager shot execution-style allegedly by an ex-con was killed over pressure to drop charges against a man who assaulted her just days before, according to court papers.
Kendale Robinson put a gun to the head of Al-Taya Conyers, 16, and pulled the trigger Wednesday even as the terrified teenager screamed, "No! No! No!" and begged for her life, police said.
Conyers was killed just two days after she was beaten up by a 17-year-old boy, court documents show.
The beating occurred the same day she was arrested for harassment after posting a threatening message on Twitter against another girl, court papers show.
Robinson, 18, did not enter a plea at his arraignment last night and was ordered held without bail. His lawyer, Steve Chaiken, was concerned because Conyers' mother is a correction officer at Rikers Island and fears for his client's safety when he's in jail.
Robinson has a lengthy rap sheet that includes convictions for assault, drug possession and drunken driving, according to records.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2010/05/29/2010-05-29_excon_18_arrested_in_executionstyle_murder_of_teen_brooklyn_girl_altaya_conyers.html#ixzz0pPjBf7b7
No_Slappz, like I said before, we get it. You hate black people. We make you life a living hell. What are you going to do about it? Oh yeah, express your rage on a black blogger's site. Effective!
cocoa goddess, you wrote:
No_Slappz, like I said before, we get it...What are you going to do about it?
Apparently you do not get it. The question is NOT what I'm going to do. For me it's simple. I steer clear of situations and places where I might become a victim.
The question is what are YOU going to do about it?
It is black thugs in black neighborhoods who commit the violent crime that is the problem. It is black under-achievement in school that is a problem.
The contribuing pathologies are largely within the sphere of influence of family.
When will black adults impart enough influence to black kids to reduce their self-defeating behavior?
Actually, I think I saw a sign of hope in the last few days. The cap on Charter Schools in NY City was raised. The big increase in the number of charter schools will give black parents who care a chance to move their kids out of public schools over-run with thugs.
But there was plenty of opposition to raising the cap.
No_Slappz, I teach "at risk" children of all races. I dare say it is a lot more effective than getting out all of my rage on the internet WHICH ACCOMPLISHES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
If you think black people are so beneath you, why do you continue to argue with them. Wouldn't it be a fruitless endeavor? I guess it serves as some sort of outlet for you. The funny thing is that you keep lumping all black people into one category and fail to realize that most of the people who reply to this blog aren't thugs. They're educated, middle class professionals. If you have a problem with thugs, take it up with the thugs. Can you say Fundamental Attribution Error??? Or what about Confirmation Bias?
By the way, charter schools are a gamble. Anyone can open one -- even people who have no background in education. They get paid per student so they have open enrollment which means they can let anyone in. This includes "at risk" children i.e. children who are emotionally disturbed. Since a number of people who open charter schools have no experience in education let alone special education, the schools can often be mismanaged.
By the way Slappy, since you seem to think that black people have to be responsible for all black people (because you insist on viewing us as a collective and not as individuals - which is another flaw in your cognition - uhem ULTIMATE Attribution Error), What are YOU going to do about rednecks and meth heads? What are you going to do about the suicide rate in young white males? What are you going to do about the alarming rate of white women who die of eating disorders?
When your momma discarded you, by any chance did some black kid beat the soup out of you in that "upscale" orphanage that you claim to have been raised in? Did a child of color take your lunch money or something like that? Whoever that black kid was, he really must have given you one good beat down. I have no doubt in my mind that you more than likely deserved it because you don't exactly have the interpersonal skills needed to communicate with people of color or even white people for that fact. You are one weird,dorky person.
It really might do you a world of good to see a therapist in your area so that you can get some help with all of those serious issues you seem have.
no_slappz has been shunned by whites too. They don't care for him either.
You're right about that Granny. He seems to have the social skills of a chain saw. I'm pretty sure he's got bigger problems than his negrophobia.
Anonymous 2:45 is me.
remember how ruthless so many people were to amy carter and chelsea clinton because of their looks?
yet no such enraged reactions?
could it be because they were seen as human kids and not the angelic spawn of a god?
sarah palin's daughter was ruthlessly attacked...maybe worst by david letterman the adulterous letch who hypocritically called her all kinds of whores etc...
but again:
sarah is seen as human unlike the god hobama
what glenn beck did was typcially sexist racist insane appalling etc...yet that is his toxic niche
what is far more appalling to me is the over the top reaction...the nazi like death knells...the collective fatwa in reaction to his typical bs
AB you evil sick bitch. You hate Obama so much that you would allow a white man to disrespect a black girl. I am convinced you are not a black woman, you are a beast masquerading in women's clothing. You fucking hypocrite, go back to hell!
evil twisted rabid assnon:
quote me u demonic moron!!!
u lie like hobama!!!!!!!
u r sick and blind
your demented rant evinces your own insanity and illiteracy!!!
the only thing worse than calling me by your mammy's name is pretending i live in her home!!!
illiterate loopy lap dog assnon:
amusing how easy it is to set u hobama nazis off...
and not a word about what i actually said = proof of facts!!!
A. Banks:
Lady and I use that term very loosely, seek Jesus................
by a concerned parent!!!
demonic assnon:
shame that you bred
garbage in = garbage out
"perpetually ignorant" (thanks fn!) brazen blind bold fools like you are a disgrace to jesus...
there is nothing as urgently "concerning" as unholy and ungodly fools like you always blasphemously daring to harp about jesus...
you put the putrid in buybull PR!!!
ps silly assnon:
ask jesus to help you handle facts and debate as well as you evade and spew sinful bs!
loosely logical assnon:
ask jesus to tighten up that nerve i loosened all the way up with the facts i posted too...
gee, this "alicia banks" person is a little angry, no? it is particularly weird that she does indeed disregard the fact that this vile excuse for a human being, glenn beck, attacked a small child and then, instead of really apologizing, he basically said, 'well, obama asked for it.' how could you be guilty of the very same thing? you, ms. banks, are ignoring the poor girl's feelings to dismamtle her father. wouldn't it be nice if politicians were criticized for their agendas and platforms rather than their personal lives- especially their families? that said, alicia, your poor mother. :/
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