His O ness won a couple of big legislative victories today, but thanks to his fear of the white...I mean the right it was drowned out by news about Shirley Sherrod, my new heroine, and a true field Negro. Girlfriend refused to appear on Radio Rwanda, and she slammed Ailes and company in an interview she did with Media Matters.
"Not before they reported it," she said of Fox's negligence. "They have called me today and initially I had said yes (to an interview), but I thought about it and I did not think they intended to be fair in their reporting. They are going to say what they want to say regardless of what I say."
She said Fox showed no professionalism in continuing to bother her for an interview, but failing to correct their coverage.
"I think they should but they won't. They intended exactly what they did. They were looking for the result they got yesterday," she said of Fox. "I am just a pawn. I was just here. They are after a bigger thing, they would love to take us back to where we were many years ago. Back to where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person."
Still, Fox continued to push for an interview with her, Sherrod said. "
"Not before they reported it," she said of Fox's negligence. "They have called me today and initially I had said yes (to an interview), but I thought about it and I did not think they intended to be fair in their reporting. They are going to say what they want to say regardless of what I say."
She said Fox showed no professionalism in continuing to bother her for an interview, but failing to correct their coverage.
"I think they should but they won't. They intended exactly what they did. They were looking for the result they got yesterday," she said of Fox. "I am just a pawn. I was just here. They are after a bigger thing, they would love to take us back to where we were many years ago. Back to where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person."
Still, Fox continued to push for an interview with her, Sherrod said. "
See that O man? That's how you handle the Radio Rwanda folks. I have said this before, but it is worth repeating: The people who tune in to Radio Rwanda are never ever ever going to vote for you. Never! So please, stop trying to be their friend; it will not work.
But what a difference a day makes. Now, all of a sudden, everyone is Shirley's friend. And everyone is doing their mea culpa, dance. Everyone, of course, except the man who started it all in the first place; Andrew Breitbart. That scumbag low life who, if he isn't a pedophile, sure looks like one. (BTW, Andrew thinks the farmer's wife was a plant. There is a mental hospital short of a patient out there.) Hell even Russel Simmons is getting into the act. Come on Russell, throw some of those Def Jam dollars behind Ms. Sherrod so that she can take a shot at a lawsuit against some folks. Or, organize those folks in Zoo York to get a protest permit and march outside of the Radio Rwanda studios. That would be far more effective than just penning an oped on Huffington Post.
Anyway, once again, we have a teachable racial moment in A-merry-ca. Black pundits are all over the cable networks, and they are telling the rest of A-merry-ca how black folks really feel. They hope that A-merry-ca will care. They wont. It seems everybody got the memo except black folks: There is no more racism in A-merry-ca.
Meanwhile, over at Radio Rwanda, it's business as usual: O'Reilly made a weak apology tonight on his program, but in the very next sentence he declared that Sherrod should be fired for violating the Hatch Act, and maybe, just maybe, she does see the world through a racial prism. Yes Bill, when your daddy was killed by a white man who wasn't even charged, your view of race tends to get a little skewed. I am just sayin.
I can't wait for this latest little racial dust up to end. I am dying to talk about my friend Hip Hop Mike and his latest little problem over at the RNC. Now there is a Negro who could use some support from the rest of you. Shirley will be fine, she has already been offered a job. Mike, on the other hand, just might be on his way out.
No surprise there - the wing nuts will never admit that they were wrong, that would make them open-minded (i.e. liberal or progressive). I'm glad that Shirley Sherrod was vindicated. Now, can we please get onto actually fixing things again.
I'm just so mad that Ms. Sherrod had to go through this nonsense. And Obama should have been man enough to apologize himself.
Who wants an apology from Robert Gibbs? Who by the way is the Obama official that should have been fired after he said the Democrats would lose control in November. But of course the President tries his best only to fire Black people. So Robert's job is safe.
On a similar note; I wonder how hard it will be for Obama to get qualified African Americans to work in his admin after this incident. I know I wouldn't work for him.
she is a warrior and a sage!
shero sherrod shames shaky hobama!
Amen, LAC.
I think we are moving to a point where, according to the right wing, simply BEING BLACK in enough to be a racist. It isn't that being black would give you a special perspective on racism and the causes and effects thereof and the way to prevent it; It means that the simple fact of being black belies a belief that revenge at whites for past misdeeds is the only true and acceptable course of action.
That's the meme at work here.
Since Breitbart can't say that the woman is racist based on the full disclosure of the tape, he pivots to the audience, the NAACP, the people in the civil rights movement who have called to tea party out, as the true racists.
It's actually pretty smart, as it keeps the White House neutered, afraid to wade into the matter for fear of alienating the so-called middle-american working-class whites that wont vote for him anyway.
Fantastic!! I'm so glad Ms Sherrod fought back. Take a page Obama and grow a pair.
Trapped in SC said...
It's actually pretty smart, as it keeps the White House neutered, afraid to wade into the matter for fear of alienating the so-called middle-american working-class whites that wont vote for him anyway.
Trapped, that's been the plan since day one. The Fox/GOP playbook hasn't been updated since Chelsea Clinton was going through puberty. The only difference, is the target is a Black guy and we know wing nuts love to poke at darkies.
Imagine if we didn't have a year worried about wingnut parlor tricks? We'd actually get down to fixing things without the President being distracted by every goofy stunt some Tea Party hack blasts on Fox News to get the kooks out there to grab their pitchforks.
nothing has distracted hobama like coddling banksters and pharma corps...
How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou!
This is pretty much how the Right Wing addresses Obama. The problem is on issues of race at least, he may not actually have any yarbles.
How ridiculous to fire someone without knowing the facts because you're afraid of Fox News. Incredible.
Sherrod better think before she goes back to work for this administration. They are known for throwing people under the bus. I know Glenn Beck is happy now that he has been validated by The White House's fear of him. If Obama's handlers didn't want to deal with racial issues they should have worked for Hillary.
" I know Glenn Beck is happy now that he has been validated by The White House's fear of him."
Yeah that's scary. And I love how Shirley just put it out there.
Shady made a good point about that as well.
Did I write week and not weak? Lawd the stress of a post racial A-merry-ca is getting to me.
La~Coincidental, that is just what it is; a playbook. Which is why I get so frustrated with black conservatives who claim that they are independents.
BTW, I see that the tea parrty folks have a caucus on the hill now. Guess what? They are all republicans. I thought that they [The tea party] were independents.
I wish the people in this administration would just be themselves. They're much more classy as themselves than the kind of people the GOP wants them to be, with exceptions.
Trapped, that's been the plan since day one. The Fox/GOP playbook hasn't been updated since Chelsea Clinton was going through puberty. The only difference, is the target is a Black guy and we know wing nuts love to poke at darkies.
The only updates are that Fox News has become more unhinged and we have far more right-wing nut bloggers like Andrew Breitbart who will smear anyone in his path for his own wicked purposes. But, the basic tactics, you're right, are very similar.
1. Personally condemning Sherrod, stalling on an apology when the facts come out, then "apologizing" by proxy is a bitch move. Real men and real leaders think before they speak and admit fault when they're wrong.
2. Breitbart is a deceitful little snake for trying to act like releasing the video wasn't meant to hurt Sherrod but was meant to highlight NAACP racism (re: audience reaction during Sherrod's anecdote).
3. Much love and support to Sherrod for keeping her head up and defending herself during this whole debacle. Hell, turning down Fox's request for interviews because she knows it'll be a trap shows she has more common sense and more balls than Obama, his administration, her boss, Roland Martin, and the heads of the NAACP
I've said it before: blacks are held to a higher standard. Sometimes that standard is imposed upon us; at other times, it's self-imposed.
If we respond in kind (ala The Black Panthers [by any means necessary]) or submit to non-violence (ala Dr. King), to address racism in this country, and glean a measure of justice that's not afforded us by the majority, we're judged, on the one hand, as racists, and on the other hand, as weak pacifists.
Today, it matters not what measures we use, we're still called racists (whether it's the New Black Panthers), or the venerable NAACP.
Let's see who the winners and losers are in this battle of brawn and wit, to win the hearts of the American people.
Andrew Breitbart and Fox News have scored big. Together or separately, they've taken down
ACORN, Van Jones, Rev. Wright, and have struck at the heart of the NAACP's character, and nearly cost a good woman her livelihood, and her reputation.
For all of their shenanigans, Fox News won't take a hit. Their ratings will continue to climb despite driving this big lie of racism in NAACP's midst.
Andrew Breitbart won't take a hit. His web site will continue to flourish. And his followers will share his belief that the NAACP is still racist, and that the Tea Party is nothing more than good Americans struggling to hold government accountable.
The Tea Party won't take a hit. The fall out around this incident won't diminish the group, only add to their numbers.
Those who have taken a hit are the NAACP (for its rush to judgment), Shirley Sherrod (for being used as a weapon with which to attack the NAACP), and the Obama administration, and Obama himself (for capitulating to the hyper-charged racial environment brought on by having a black man in the White House).
And many of you on this blog (who are turning on Obama for attempting to keep this incident out of Fox News' klieg lights, and turned-up volume that will serve to distract him, as the New Black Panther Party has distracted him, from keeping his promises to the American people).
There are teachable moments galore here. Actually, too many to cite. But here's a few--the enemy never sleeps. Context is everything. We should be wary, always, of text being used to con. We should look at the larger picture, before we look to change the picture, and our support. We should push our agenda, if we don't think it's being pushed hard enough.
And know that change comes in small steps, not big ones, because we are, after all, a democracy, and not a dictatorship, and that the president is only as effective, and as strong, as the congress he's inherited.
I hope Breitbart gets sued or is in big time trouble for this. At minimum his credibility is shot, which is a great thing for all of us.
The right is now playing The Prez as a "failed presidency," which clearly, on the evidence of major legislation achievements, it is not. It is failing in the sense that it does not "triangulate" as Clinton did, or use national security fear tactics to manipulate public opinion, as Cheney/Bush did. Last week, in a confusing & baffling statement, I heard a right radio commentator blame the government for not doing enough AND doing too much in the BP oil disaster.
My previous comment was rude and out-of-place.
Well, I'm glad Shirley Sherrod turned the interview down. They just wanted to set her up again, this time there would be no "full tape" to watch. The evil slithering bastards.
R.J. a law suit is possible. Although I am not sure about damages, (She has been offered her job back) and Breit-fart would try to protect his source under some type of journalistic shield. Still, I would love to see a law suit filed. Just to see where this takes us.
If only that were true. Most people have a short term memory when it comes to things like this. Unless he is sued to the point of oblivion, he'll be printing and blogging more lies to be believed by the masses in no time.
Where did you get that photo of
"Breit-face", sorry I couldn't use your name for him, although he is certainly a stinker. Sometimes you
have an * showing where pic came from but not this time. It is creepy, him in the tub.
We are living in "interesting" times, for sure.
aloha from Makaii
'It is creepy, him in the tub.
We are living in "interesting" times, for sure."
Yes it is creepy. Shame on bart for picking on an innocent black woman who meant no harm. btw, I hope he doesn't make the mistake of keeping his laptop plugged in while he's soaking his scales. I would feel so awful knowing it fell in. (poker face)
@Val at 9:26 PM
I think Gen. McChrystal didn't realize he was black when he had to turn in his resignation recently. Just sayin'
Aloha from Makaii
Obama's knee-shaking problem is understandable, when you take into account Fox News' daily attempts to rip out his spine and hammer his kneecaps.
But, what spirit of the South possessed the NAACP to denounce Shirley Sherrod before learning all the facts, and before consulting her?
What spurred their rush to judgment?
Sherrod's name is now synonymous with the events that swirled around her after the release of this edited video.
To Sherrod. To use an innocent person in an effort to bring down another, or to show that those who're leveling a claim, are guilty, too, of the claim being leveled, as in...
It was predictable that Andrew Breitbart would Sherrod the NAACP, if the situation presented itself, but what wasn't predictable is that it would work so well.
Van Jones, ACORN, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Desiree Rogers, Eric Holder, now, Shirley Sherrod.
Is it me, or is there a pattern concerning this POTUS and the AAs that work for him?
Meanwhile, there's no move to get the real crooks out (Geithner, Summers and Rahmbo).
Screw Gibbs' apology - Obama needs to be doing this - PUBLICLY.
As one commenter said on another blog, the POTUS road is lined with bodies - BLACK ONES.
¥ou Black folks better believe that they're speaking from their hearts. I've heard this kkkrap all my life. They still believe that everything of ¥ours, if not you yourselves, is really theirs. Don't take my word for it, listen to them.
Anonymous said...
Van Jones, ACORN, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Desiree Rogers, Eric Holder, now, Shirley Sherro....no disrespect but DUH!!! lol.J/K.. - You hit it head on!
What about a defamation suit, Mr. Field? Breitbart certainly defamed her.
Annony said..."Van Jones, ACORN, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Desiree Rogers, Eric Holder, now, Shirley Sherrod.
Is it me, or is there a pattern concerning this POTUS and the AAs that work for him?"
Yes, there's a bounty on blacks working for this administration, including the president, and racists are out to collect.
His O ness won a couple of big legislative victories today, but thanks to his fear of the white...I mean the right
ok FN, that was too funny for words.
ICAM with you, FN.
And about Mikey Steele - they naming numbers now, Mikey. they're coming for you- plain and simple.
I'm Whitey said...
"Don't take my word for it, listen to them."
We have. We're cautious, but we ain't scared. Instead, we live with a lot of fear. We're...
I'm tired of Obama trying to appease the right. Doesn't he know that nothing he does will ever win them over? He's going to always be seen as a racist and a socialist by them. If he had the testicular fortitude to say "Fuck Ya'll" he would be in a much better position. Appease the people who voted for you Obama, not the people who didn't! Geez! Also, what sort of pea brained jackass doesn't think to investigate a video brought to light by Andrew Breitbart? HELLO???? Way to drop the ball NAACP and the Obama administration. If you were a football team you'd be the Detroit Lions!
"I've said it before: blacks are held to a higher standard. Sometimes that standard is imposed upon us; at other times, it's self-imposed.
If we respond in kind (ala The Black Panthers [by any means necessary]) or submit to non-violence (ala Dr. King), to address racism in this country, and glean a measure of justice that's not afforded us by the majority, we're judged, on the one hand, as racists, and on the other hand, as weak pacifists.
Today, it matters not what measures we use, we're still called racists (whether it's the New Black Panthers), or the venerable NAACP."
It's high time that Blacks stop worrying about how to win the hearts and minds of Whites and just go about securing the future for themselves. Come to think of it, you don't really see any other ethnic group wringing their hands over how to win over Whites, at least not as publically as you see the Black community doing.
These people are dead set on believing that you are inferior based on skin tone and generations of stereotypical notions. Seems that they just can't cope with the thought of treating those they used to call "property" as genuine human beings.
"Unless he is sued to the point of oblivion, he'll be printing and blogging more lies to be believed by the masses in no time."
Breibart will have to step on the toes of someone "who matters", who'll then have to "make an example" of Breibart by tearing him out of the frame in a permanent and rather humiliating manner.
ah Great job Andrew Breibart and crew for tweeking the left so hard that the race world they created got drop on there azz! You did this, you started this now we want to "clarify statements" when y'all been dragging Rush's name thru the mud for years and when someone y'all dont like does a slip of the tongue (Remember Tom DeLay) y'all get all ape shit about it and thus forcing a "walking of the plank." You just can't have it both (bleeping) ways
Yes, let's see how the RNC handles Mike now. They don't play when it comes to their money.
Breitbart? I don't know if the word scumbag is low enough.
He slandered her, admitted that there was malice behind it, a desire to get at the NAACP. Somebody should back her financially to sue his behind.
New topic: Did you hear about the NPR publicist who had to apologize to Rush Limbaugh for fantasizing about his death? Story at NPR.
Jibreel Riley said...
ah Great job Andrew Breibart and crew for tweeking the left so hard that the race world they created got drop on there azz! You did this, you started this now we want to "clarify statements" ....
What's up Ninja?
Listen to this racist dumbass leaving the NAACP a voice message.
macklyons said..."It's high time that Blacks stop worrying about how to win the hearts and minds of Whites and just go about securing the future for themselves. Come to think of it, you don't really see any other ethnic group wringing their hands over how to win over Whites, at least not as publically as you see the Black community doing."
Regrettably, we've done it for years. It's as though we have to prove ourselves to them before we can prove ourselves to ourselves.
Of course, there's that counter-cultural resistance, as well, where all things white are repudiated (or should I say, "refudiated"), except their money.
Somehow, white folk money find a welcomed home in our wallets and in our hearts.
The only other ethnic group to suffer more than blacks at the hands of whites are the indigenous people of this land, Native Americans.
This nation thinks so highly of them that it almost let them freeze and starve to death during that deadly Winter storm that gripped the Midwest late last year.
And you're right. Native Americans, for all their Indian Casinos, steer clear of whites.
The Iroquois are still maintaining a separate nation, and issuing their own international passports, when they travel abroad to play their national sport, and the sport they invented-- lacrosse.
Other Native Americans are buying up thousands of acres of ancestral land.
I think when you've been down so long, as blacks have been, and so closely linked with whites over the years, first on plantations, and later as maids, servants, and common laborers, we find it harder to break that linkage.
Native American's never had that linkage to begin with, and were never stripped of their cultural unifiers, as were blacks.
Deep sigh...
NO ONE is above reproach or admonishment. ANY respect I once had for Obama is GONE FOR GOOD. His administration acted very un-professionally here. No private investigation? No testing of information? What in the hell?
While I believe no one owes anybody anything she didn't deserve this. We got change alright.
Just my two cents!
@ Citizen Ojo
I 100% co-sign. You couldn't pay me enough to run back there.
Many of us didn't think through electing a black/bi-racial president. We didn't think through the consquences. By the time all is said and done I wonder if the black middle class will still exist and the organizations that enabled them to get there. Goodluck with that!
Just my two cents!
P.S. Obama is a coward!
Just my two cents!
"P.S. Obama is a coward!"
Here's the change, a penny for my thoughts...I'm gonna vote for that "coward" for a second term.
Most of the posters here are going to do the same.
You wanna know why?
The alternative is even more disgusting, and unacceptable.
Val, see what I said @ 10:51 pm.
Rami, that's so true. But, as you can see, the natives are restless. Many of them might not come out to vote at all, and that could spell trouble for his O ness in places like Michigan, Ohio and Pistolvania. All states he needs to win. (See what Cocoa Goddess said)
Zing to Whitey was classic. :)
From Daily Kos:
"Now we know a few details. Her dad was named Hosie Miller, and he was a deacon at Thankful Baptist Church in Newton, Ga., toward the southwest corner of the state. He was also a farmer who, according to CNN, grew corn, peanuts, cotton and cucumbers and raised hogs, cows and goats. Forty-five years ago, Hosie Miller was shot to death -- in the back, no less -- by a white farmer in what his daughter now describes as ostensibly a dispute over a few cows, although the exact circumstances were murky."
This is for Jibreel Riley.The person mention in this article was Shirley Sharrod's father. Breitbart think it's funny that her father was murdered by a white farmer. If he keep it up , there will be no Republican Party left.
Count on a strong, successful, educated Black woman to do what the Black man in the WH could NOT do, and that is finally force America to have a "gloves off" talk about racism in this country.
Black women rule!!!!!
What amazes me is how these wingnut sleaze meisters keep tossing up crappy doctored videos and fake evidence over and over again and the Obama crew falls for them every time.
Good lord, you'd think after the weak ACORN sting was debunked, there would be more wariness about the source material from any of these skanks.
Whatever happened to 'fool me once...?' The Obama crew has now been fooled so many times it is beyond 'shame on me'..
To rephrase Yeats..since when is a dog supposed to take council from its fleas?
Hey Chris,
The Right knows they're full of bull, but they don't care. they know that the President was born in America. It don't matter, any old excuse to get him out would be good. At least now he can talk about race till the cows come home. Now he can call Fox racist.
MMM-"Count on a strong, successful, educated Black woman to do what the Black man in the WH could NOT do, and that is finally force America to have a "gloves off" talk about racism in this country."
You have a point. I mentioned in a comment in yesterday's thread Obama being fearful and 'spineless'. It seems to be a debilitating trait of 'some' bm but rarely found among bw. Don't know why this is the case, but it is.
Zing, "We have. We're cautious, but we ain't scared."
Right. Tell that bs to Obama and the NAACP.
Brother Field..Sister Sherrod truly rpresent true Panther spirit. Standing tall while doing right. still trying to convince whites... well we have to over compensate because the majority owns the means to display our misbehavior every day. I know it is not good to have not a means to display our uniqueness.. other than the blogsphere where all can see.. my people are still passionate about being a part in this evolving America. One of the previous commenters made a good statement in regards to the Black Panthers and Reverand Martin Luther King. Damned if you do- damned if you don't. Maybe we should forget trying to be soo willing to please. Since when does the victim continue to encourage the bully? Thanks Brother MackLyons for that Old School insight.
Zing, "We have. We're cautious, but we ain't scared. Instead, we live with a lot of fear. We're...
Zing, the meaning of 'FEAR' you stated actually belongs to Fox, Megyn Kelly, O'Reilly and Glen Beck.
The meaning of F.E.A.R. for Blacks seems to be
At least, that's what Obama and the NAACP did. They were shaking in their boots...totally paralyzed at the thought that Glen Beck might attack.
So, let's get real honest here and not pretend to be unafraid because everyone knows that is not the case. AA's are the most fearful group in America.
Mack Lyons, "It's high time that Blacks stop worrying about how to win the hearts and minds of Whites and just go about securing the future for themselves."
This has been said by Blacks for centuries. Yet Blacks still seek approval from Whites. Obviously, it is easier said than done because no one seems to know "how".
"Count on a strong, successful, educated Black woman to do what the Black man in the WH could NOT do, and that is finally force America to have a "gloves off" talk about racism in this country."
You really are nuts, aren't you?
How is this race conversation any different than previous ones?
Black people outraged.
Black conservatives carrying massas water.
White liberals at first hesitant and then morally irate.
White conservatives defensive and angry they got caught.
"Yet Blacks still seek approval from Whites."
Make up your mind.
Either we hate whitey and spend all our waking hours blaming him or we seek his approval.
Can't have it both ways.
So on top of everything else Shirley Sherrod's husband is a founding member of SNCC and no one in the so-called "intellectual" administration knew that. I didn't have a lot of faith before but I have about none now.
I'd also like to express my outrage at the overreaction to a nipple by the FCC given some of what was featured on NYPD Blue yet not a peep in light of the media's role in defaming this woman.
I feel like a tea partier saying this but I have no faith in the government's ability to do anything.
and her full speech moved me to tears...it is truly superb!...
ALL who are awake feel like tea partiers...they are just angry dissenters/patriots whose rallies are clowned by a few racist fools...
I'm pissed off that the White House, USDA, NAACP, etc. weren't smart enought to vet the video that the wingnut posted on his site before condemning Mrs. Sherrod. Roland Martin even had the nerve to scold this lady. And now EVERYBODY wants to apologize?!! Seriously??! When I first saw the video, I thought maybe Sherrod's comments had to have been taken out of context. Before voicing my opinion on the matter, I figured it would be best if we got the TRUTH first!! Had everyone else done the same, Sherrod would still have her job. But then again, losing her job could be a blessing in disguise. Perhaps God is opening bigger and better doors for Sherrod. I'm praying that is the case.
"I'm pissed off that the White House, USDA, NAACP, etc. weren't smart enought to vet the video that the wingnut posted on his site before condemning Mrs. Sherrod. Roland Martin even had the nerve to scold this lady. And now EVERYBODY wants to apologize?!! Seriously??!"
Hindsight is always 20/20.
The fact remains that the NAACP, USDA and Obama Administration admits they screwed up.
Meanwhile Breitbart, Fox and the other yahoos haven't apologize, expressed no remorse (did anyone see Michelle Bachmann last night?) and look like they are just gearing up for the next salvo in the race war they are waging in the media.
Black conservatives ought to be publicly shamed and ridiculed at every juncture.
Has any ONE of them had the guts to speak out against Fox and the Tea baggers?
sherrod likes hobama
and even SHE calls hobama out as an alien
Sherrod got apologies from press secretary Robert Gibbs and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, but says, “I can’t say the president is fully behind me.” She says Obama is not a person who “has experienced some of the things I’ve experienced in life.”
I'm sorry Steve but I'm just not a fan of the welfare state or group collective thinking. You have your opinion, I got my reality. Sarah Palin get taken out of content on a regular basis while VP Biden gets a free pass?
I guess LBJ was right when he said: "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years"
Mack Lyons, "It's high time that Blacks stop worrying about how to win the hearts and minds of Whites and just go about securing the future for themselves."
Yet this blog gives zero respect to black nationalists and those working to build communties apart from whites.
"I'm sorry Steve but I'm just not a fan of the welfare state or group collective thinking."
So you had a problem with Bush increasing the deficit more than all of his predecessors combined and the White South being predominately conservative and Republican????
Probably not.
You sound like another buckdancing clown who can't understand why the rest of us blacks don't enjoy grinning and shufflin for racists as much as you do.
anon & jr:
no prez has created more debts/joblessness/homelessness for generations to come than hobama!!!
So on top of everything else Shirley Sherrod's husband is a founding member of SNCC and no one in the so-called "intellectual" administration knew that.
What does this mean? Is there some harm in an organization that helped Black people be able to use public accommodations and vote.
what simulus/recovery???
"Yet this blog gives zero respect to black nationalists and those working to build communties apart from whites"
Such as whom?
Constructive Feedback?
Alicia Banks?
It's no surprise that you don't know any nationalists, Steve. You're too busy trying to relive the Huxtables out in suburbia.
Short memories
How can black folks expect to be treated unlike animals when I come to this blog weekly and see you all bickering like animals. You cannot even get along with one another for god's sakes. That is so sad No wonder blackies are at the bottom of the barrel. Thank god I am white. You all are one messed up community. Thanks for the laugh Kneegrows.
Steve: I said "The Welfare State" aka the golden goose for blacks and Democrats since 1960
bam 2!
sherrod EXPERTLY explains why we blacks are road kill under the rubber tires of hobama's busses!!!
"I know he's African-American or part African-American, and many of us are not totally black in our genes. I'm one of them. But when you get down to where the rubber meets the road, I think he needs to understand a little more of what life is like at that level."
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0710/40100.html#ixzz0uQSknHib
u r a coward and a fool
u will never call my name solo...and whine about me responding
"It's no surprise that you don't know any nationalists, Steve. You're too busy trying to relive the Huxtables out in suburbia."
I guess you can't produce any examples of these "black nationalists" either.
you are a soulless dog clone of the FBI "bruhs" who destroyed the BPP posing as rebels
you bash huey newton worse than any KKK memeber
i killed a gnat in my car on the way to my office this morning...
that dead gnat means more to me than weak beta male lost niggers like you
if it makes you feel better "bruh"
i do care MUCH more about your pathetic lost beta male self and that dead gnat than i do about mostly rabid...
power to the authentically black educated people!!!!
see some real black folks i adore here...
unlike u and mostly rabid, they have souls/hearts/brains/spines/educations etc...
MeandMyMicroscope said...
Count on a strong, successful, educated Black woman to do what the Black man in the WH could NOT do, and that is finally force America to have a "gloves off" talk about racism in this country.
Black women rule!!!!!
6:50 AM
it's not what he COULD not do. it's what he doesn't WANT to do. he wants to govern. in his mind, he's the president and that isn't what he was elected to do. he's not a sociologist. he said his piece in his speech on race in america.
and this discussion isn't being had an any real way. and sherrod didn't start it. she got caught up in trying to save her job, which was wrongly taken from her. i'm pretty sure she wishes this whole thing had never happened.
it was a brawl based on lies.
racist assnon:
you peaceful whites have just spread harmony and bliss all over the earth for centuries...NOT!!!
you are a revisionist racist retard!!!
hobama's speech on race was a betrayal of a reverend who is a revered scholar on the reality of racism in america
i am not impressed by hobama's post racial bs nor his bogus speech nor said betrayal!
"Sarah Palin get taken out of content on a regular basis while VP Biden gets a free pass?"
Sarah Palin is "OUT OF CONTENT"
field, you wrote:
Andrew Breitbart. That scumbag low life who, if he isn't a pedophile, sure looks like one.
Getting close to libel there, buster. As you know, even though public figures are permissibly slammed in most ways, it is still actionable to FALSELY claim a public figure has a loathsome disease or has committed a heinous crime.
racist assnon:
cc that stupid delusional bs to:
wm lynchers
america's wm politicos
ted bundy
george bush
richard speck
slave masters
christopher columbus
christian crusaders
wm cowboy invaders of america
Uncle Jibreel
"Steve: I said "The Welfare State" aka the golden goose for blacks and Democrats since 1960"
Yeah, I know you're carrying massa's water for him like a good boy.
But you'll have to show me how welfare, corporate and farm subsidies, no bid military contracts etc....were only supported by or benefitted to Democrats and blacks.
Take all the time you need.
superb article on how hobama has too much of uts' bitch assed dna!!!
With all due respect, it’s time to man up. It is time, way past time for you to grow into the job you were elected to do, and promised to do. It is time to stand up and be the man we hope we elected. It is time to justify that hope, and the trust that was placed in you. It is time to pick up the mantle of history that has been entrusted to you and prove yourself worthy of carrying it forward
And now Shirley Sherrod had become strike three.
Yours has become an administration that remains loyal to people who are and have been part of the problem (Any problem we’re currently facing. Pick one.)
It’s an administration in which a Ben Bernanke can keep a job, but a Van Jones can’t.
It’s an administration in which a Larry Summers can keep a job, but a Shirley Sherrod can’t.
It’s an administration in which a Tim Geithner can keep a job, but an Elizabeth Warren may not be able to get one.
It’s an administration that quickly leaves twisting in the wind good people who are trying to be a part of the solution, but have the misfortune of being targeted by smear campaigns from a political right-wing you clearly fear more than you respect the concerns of not just progressives who worked hard to put you into office, but the very people Sherrod spoke of in her unedited speech.
Nation of Islam, Five Percent Nation, New Marcus Garvey Movement (out of Detroit,) The African People's socialist Party (aka Uhuru) The New Black Panther Party, The National Black United Front, N'Cobra, All African People's Revolutionary Party, etc. Though there are smaller and more local groups working in nearly every major city.
Shirley Sherrod has the opportunity to become a strong media figure. She could become Obama's Cindy Sheehan, a gadfly who was a lightning rod for press attention till Bush left office. She's still out there stumping for her cause, however diminished it is now.
However, at this moment it looks like Sherrod will miss her spotlight opportunity. Actually, it looks like she'll throw it away.
How have any of them been dissed on this board and how have any of them created a society within America outside of white people?
hey racist assnon:
also cc that bs to the wm politicos who blew jfk's white head off in public...k?
Uptown House Negro,
I didn't say dissed. I basically just mentioned that's it's interesting that you don't hear a peep about the work of black oriented groups who are speaking truth to power on a blog called "Field Negro."
Uptown House Negro,
I didn't say dissed. I basically just mentioned that's it's interesting that you don't hear a peep about the work of black oriented groups who are speaking truth to power on a blog called "Field Negro."
i think shirley sherrod is doing just fine this far...
and the attys chasing her and her superb string of tv and print interviews are helping her to shine globally!
uptownsteve, you wrtoe:
But you'll have to show me how welfare, corporate and farm subsidies, no bid military contracts etc....were only supported by or benefitted to Democrats and blacks.
Farm subsidies? Let's drop them. But don't ignore how farm subsidies are tied to overall crop production, meaning sometimes fields are left fallow. But nevertheless, the goal has always been to smooth out the volatility of crop prices. Hardly a bad goal.
Corporate subsidies? I doubt you can name a true corporate "subsidy", unless you look at Obama's lunacy of Cash for Clunkers and his economically irrational subsidies for electric cars and wind power.
No-bid military contracts? Again, if by this you mean certain Halliburton contracts in Iraq, well, when the military needs supplies in the field, the contract goes to the team with the ability to get the job done NOW. Not after weeks or months of haggling over the cost. That's war-time economics.
By the way, we're still at war in Iraq, Afghanistan and, by creeping degress, in Pakistan. No one is squawking about those contracts now.
For the next day or two, our media will obsess about Shirley Sherrod. After that, who knows? Maybe we'll get back to BP and how Obama is killing domestic high-paying jobs in the oil industry.
"I basically just mentioned that's it's interesting that you don't hear a peep about the work of black oriented groups who are speaking truth to power on a blog called "Field Negro.""
No you said this:
"Yet this blog gives zero respect to black nationalists and those working to build communties apart from whites."
Now I'll ask once again.
What exactly are they doing and how are they building communities apart from whites?
anonymous, you wrote:
Nation of Islam, Five Percent Nation, New Marcus Garvey Movement (out of Detroit,) The African People's socialist Party (aka Uhuru) The New Black Panther Party, The National Black United Front, N'Cobra, All African People's Revolutionary Party, etc. Though there are smaller and more local groups working in nearly every major city.
As compelling as these misguided groups may be, a more interesting reality is the microcosm that develops in virtually every housing project in America. A tiny universe evolves, and it is almost impervious to external realities. Unfortunately, this barrier is one of the unintended and disastrous outcomes of welfare and public housing.
Look the groups up. It's not up me to be your tutor. What they are primarily doing is addressing the needs of the truly disadvantaged in the black community (people you try and pretend don't exist) and they are calling whites out on their bullshit-something Obama is incapable of doing.
"Corporate subsidies? I doubt you can name a true corporate "subsidy", unless you look at Obama's lunacy of Cash for Clunkers and his economically irrational subsidies for electric cars and wind power."
Sorry racist but once again you're wrong.
"According to the Cato Institute, the U.S. federal government spent $92 billion on corporate welfare during fiscal year 2006. Recipients included Boeing, Xerox, IBM, Motorola, Dow Chemical, and General Electric."
"No-bid military contracts? Again, if by this you mean certain Halliburton contracts in Iraq, well, when the military needs supplies in the field, the contract goes to the team with the ability to get the job done NOW. Not after weeks or months of haggling over the cost. That's war-time economics"
Would you know who could do the best job NOW if competitors weren't even allowed to give a bid or a presentation.
BTW racist,
Halliburton's cost overruns.
"Maybe we'll get back to BP and how Obama is killing domestic high-paying jobs in the oil industry."
Even better, why don't you detail specifically how he's "killing jobs" in the oil industry instead of just regurgitating a rightwing talking point.
"Look the groups up. It's not up me to be your tutor."
Another phony exposed.
"Another Phony Exposed"
Oh boy...You got me Steve...
How about this question: What's Obama done for black folks? The answer-nothing!
Who's going to be confronting tea partiers in Washington? You? Obama? Nope. The NBP will. Who leads outreach efforts into the most troubled neighborhoods and who rehabs the most troubled blacks? The Nation of Islam.
The New Marcus Garvey Movement leads a variety of neighborhood campaigns in Detroit. They confront drug dealers, set up after school programs, and deal with the worst neighborhood problems in the inner city.
Uhuru has recently lead campaigns against police brutality in Oakland and constantly deals with the police state in that area.
From a comment from the WP:
The Administration is proving what Sudhir Venkatesh's (on the NYTimes Freakonomics blog, who was tracking drug dealers) drug dealers (who were predominantly black) said.
They said the worst thing for them would be to have a black president, since the black guys crack down on non-whites far more than the white guys, to appear "non-racist"
Almost makes you think.
I'll say it before and I'll say it again -- the whole Sherrod fiasco was right wing bait and switch 101: Trump up some BS racist charge on a Black bean counter in the Obama administration. Obama is forced to either stand by this person and look racist or throw this person out in the cold and look like a punk. And the blog-sphere is a tizzy for two days about much of nothing.
Either way, the wingnuts win. Obama looks bad, we're distracted, tea party to puff their chest over nothing -- and corporate oligarchs get to railroad progress.
Again, the real issue should be Republicans and Ben Nelson torpedoing a jobs bill and how we narrowly missed unemployment extensions in the Senate (again). The story should be about how BP knew the rig was going to blow and why Tony Haywood isn't in the pokey.
Nope, we're all here worried about some fat pasty blogger who ran a smear job on a public servant whose spent most of her life helping poor farmers; all so the Obama administration would be forced to administer "tough love" and not get onto real business.
If the White House and the NAACP are guilty for falling for this bullshit, we're just as guilty because we're still talking about it.
Anonymous said...
Yet this blog gives zero respect to black nationalists and those working to build communties apart from whites.
Most so-called 'Black nationalists' are hippie burnouts, psuedo-intellectual thugs whose grasp of history and politics would get them tossed from community college and mau-mau liberal arts college graduate daydreamers who are knowledgeable about Sims and facebook than actually walking the streets and doing stuff.
Sorry, but my mother's generation weren't about sitting on their asses and sniping at each other.
Most so called "Black Nationalist" these days aren't worth my time or energy. When they're not hawking books or running from point a to point b telling people how driven and smart they are, they're sitting in college town cafes with their white liberal counterparts who have turned activism into a cottage industry.
Or, they run into community meetings with some hair-brained idea that went out with strobe lights and bell bottoms because they just finished reading a Noam Chomsky book.
In short, most of today's 'activists' are no less pompous, idiotic and self-absorbed charlatans than TV preachers -- they just lack a bible and the enormous marketing budget.
Ass-non asks:
What has Obama done for blacks?
Well Obama is the President of the United States and not the black neighborhoods.
However this is what he has done so far for the inner cities and the poor
"the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Part of which provides $5 billion to fund Head Start and other child intitiatives."
"Childrens Health Intitiative - Extending Health Insurance Coverage to poor children."
The Bush administration vetoed this twice.
"a $2,500 tax credit to help offset the cost of tuition (among other expenses) for those seeking a college education. Nearly five million families are expected to save $9 billion, according to Treasury officials."
The Administration also included an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant – conceived by The U.S. Conference of Mayors and the top priority in the mayors’ Ten Point Plan — in the Recovery Bill. This Grant positions cities to receive an unprecedented $2.8 billion, and supports mayoral efforts to meet the goals of the Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement, which commits cities to meet Kyoto Protocol Standards by 2012.
More than any prior president, Obama has put a spotlight on America's struggling cities, even creating an office of Urban Policy in the White House. It is the Justice Department, however, that lays claim to one of the most consequential of urban affairs achievements. Through the Recovery Act, DOJ secured $2 billion for Byrne Grants, which funds anti-gang and anti-gun task forces. The money, cut during the Bush years, is expected to have massive ramifications on inner-city crime and violence.
black nationalists do more for black americans than black neocons and lost black democratic drones in EVERY generation!
from malcolm to mlk
and harriet t ro harry b
from huey to ali
to mike dyson to cornel west
those radical black nationalists trump suicidal black drone democratic knee grows in EVERY generation
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Sorry racist but once again you're wrong.
"According to the Cato Institute, the U.S. federal government spent $92 billion on corporate welfare during fiscal year 2006. Recipients included Boeing, Xerox, IBM, Motorola, Dow Chemical, and General Electric."
steve, get your dictionary out and look up "tautology." Your example of corporate welfare is to cite a statement that uses the term -- but gives no defining examples.
Obviously there are some gifts to corporations granted by the government. However, some corporate welfare is worse than others. The bad gifts are gifts like subsidies for buying electric cars.
If those subsidies succeed, they will cause car buyers to buy cars that run on electricity. If enough people were to buy those cars, then some people in the domestic oil industry would lose their jobs. That's the brilliance of ObamaEconomics.
Regarding no-bid military contracts:
Would you know who could do the best job NOW if competitors weren't even allowed to give a bid or a presentation.
The number of US companies capable of handling large-scale supply operations in the middle east on is small. Meanwhile, the cost issue has gone away. Obama and his mindless followers no longer care. Why? Because taxpayers are financing jobs for Americans.
If Obama and his administration cared about this cost issue, the Defense Department would be evaluating new supply proposals from the companies in this business. Food is one part of it. Fuel is another.
Obviously if the military believed it was up to handling the job without private assistance, then Halliburton and Kellogg, Brown & Root would have to look elsewhere for new contracts. IN fact they have. Both are global companies with operations in other fields. Halliburton is mainly in the offshore oil-drilling business.
BTW racist,
Halliburton's cost overruns.
Inasmuch as YOU cannot read financial statements, there's no point in reviewing Halliburton's results.
Regarding loss of jobs in the oil industry:
Even better, why don't you detail specifically how he's "killing jobs" in the oil industry instead of just regurgitating a rightwing talking point.
The offshore drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, and, as of yesterday, a moratorium on oil exploration in northern Alaska.
Offshore drilling rigs cannot sit idle for six months while the government dithers over well drilling issues. The rig owners will move the rigs to either the North Sea or the waters off western Africa, mainly Nigeria rather than risk extended dis-use here.
If the drillers sign new contracts in other regions, the rigs will remain in those other regions for a year or two. Inasmuch as there are only about 500 deepwater drilling rigs in the world, there is no chance rig owners will tow a rig across the ocean to Africa and then in six months return it to the Gulf.
However, if the drilling moratorium on shallow-water drilling were ended, then a mini-boom might begin in the Gulf. But Obama and his Green Nuts are opposed, so I will not hold my breath for any move as smart as that.
alicia banks said...
from huey to ali
to mike dyson to cornel west
those radical black nationalists trump suicidal black drone democratic knee grows in EVERY generation
You made my point. Huey and Ali's brand of activism are light years removed from two Ivy League history profs.
And most so-called 'Nationalists' snipe at these Negroes too.
What made the Panthers, SNCC and others affective is that they had a plan -- they knew what they wanted and had an idea of how to get there.
They did not waste their time screaming at white people in downtown Philly, writing snippy articles about people who do more for Black folks in a week than these self-absorbed coons could do a decade and posting these asinine articles on news blogs that nobody reads.
Today's so-called 'radicals' are a joke. Again, when some adults enter the room count me in. Otherwise, the XYZ People Liberation Movement of ABC can kiss my A-S-S.
those who bash the BPP on gp dare to defend it now?????
if we had listened to those black academics plan for hobama...he would not be wilding on poor blacks now!!!
cornel west and mike dyson were the very first to call out hobama for his chosen wall st regime
and broke knee grows still dare to bash these 2 afro rebel profs as they "kiss hobama's narrow ass"????
these suicidal drone uneducated illiterate masochistic black hobama nazis are a gd disgrace to africans all over the diaspora!!!!
"steve, get your dictionary out and look up "tautology." Your example of corporate welfare is to cite a statement that uses the term -- but gives no defining examples."
I just gave you 6 examples.
Are you ignint?
"Subsidies considered excessive, unwarranted, wasteful, unfair, inefficient, or bought by lobbying are often called corporate welfare. The label of corporate welfare is often used to decry projects advertised as benefiting the general welfare that spend a disproportionate amount of funds on large corporations, and often in uncompetitive, or anti-competitive ways. For instance, in the United States, agricultural subsidies are usually portrayed as helping honest, hardworking independent farmers stay afloat. However, the majority of income gained from commodity support programs actually goes to large agribusiness corporations such as Archer Daniels Midland, as they own a considerably larger percentage of production."
uptownstever, you wrote:
However, the majority of income gained from commodity support programs actually goes to large agribusiness corporations such as Archer Daniels Midland, as they own a considerably larger percentage of production.
You gave NO examples as actual "corporate welfare', but your comment did drop a few corporate names.
Your response added nothing except a few words about the meaning of "corporate welfare."
Once again, no examples of wasteful benefits flowing to Archer Daniels Midland or any other commodity company.
While I agree there is waste in farm subsidies and that a lot of subsidizing benefits large agricultural corporations, it is also true that unless someone has chained you to a radiator in the basement of a building, you cannot starve to death in America. Thus, the agricultural companies are producing, even if the production is skewed by Congressional meddling.
By all means -- end the subsidies. They are nothing more than vote-buying gambits served up by amoral politicians.
We should also end the tariff on imported ethanol. We slap a big tariff on ethanol from Brazil and subsidize US farmers producing corn. What happens? Corn prices rise and corn production is diverted to ethanol production rather than to feeding livestock.
Outcome: higher prices for all other food that depends on corn for feed.
America has reached the point where the family farm has outlived its usefulness. Corporate farms can weather the swings in commodity prices. Individual farmers cannot. Thus, it is time to shift the risk to organizations that can withstand it and continue to function.
So on top of everything else Shirley Sherrod's husband is a founding member of SNCC and no one in the so-called "intellectual" administration knew that.
What does this mean? Is there some harm in an organization that helped Black people be able to use public accommodations and vote.
You misunderstood me Hathor. I think its a travesty that in an administration that prides itself on being intelligent, none of these intellectuals knew that she wasn't just your average bureaucrat.
slappy sez
"You gave NO examples as actual "corporate welfare', but your comment did drop a few corporate names>"
Okay, let me shut this goober up once and for all.
You want examples?
And here:
Agriculture Department's Market Access Program ($100 million a year). Created under Reagan, this one gives taxpayer dollars to food and agricultural products exporters to offset the costs of their overseas advertising campaigns. Yes, we pay for their advertising.
The Export-Import Bank ($700 million a year). Through this one our money is used to subsidize financing to foreign purchasers of U.S. goods. This includes direct loans to buyers at below-market interest rates, guaranteeing private loans to those buyers, and providing export credit insurance to exporters and private lenders.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation ($70 million a year). This program make direct loans, guaranteed loans, and political risk insurance to U.S. firms that invest in developing countries. Yes, we have our paychecks nicked so companies can more easily set up shop overseas.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ($1.9 billion a year). Mapping, charting, and weather forecasting saves specific private industries a lot of money for services that are already being provided by the private sector. We pay for redundant services just so shipping companies and others can get them free or cheaper.
perfect illustration of why hobama nazis will be historically documented as the lgendary overseers of our century:
2 RICH black profs fight to save poor black people from hobama
they are told "kiss my ass"
1 RICHER blackish hoax blatantly BETRAYS ALL poor people of ALL races and BROKE HOMELESS JOBLESS DOOMED black fools INCESSANTLY BLINDLY "kiss his ass" with glee...
this suicidal and tragic truth is far stranger than fiction indeed
from speaking for the poor on radio & tv to mentoring to books to rebel cd's and films and inspiring millions of future black leaders in the streets and in academia....
cornel w and mike do FAR more for blacks than any knee grow fool dem drones who bash them
even if each afro prof bro penned only one book and inspired one black person
that would be more than ANY witless wasted nigger who dares to bash them!!!
Am I the only one who thinks this is just plain dumb? Are the number one problems of black America really the insults and negativity directed at the president by a bunch of crazy people who are not even in power? Are these the times of Shakespeare's Richard III, when the only political yardstick that mattered was whether and how much you did or didn't love the king? Why should Fox News, the tea party, and insults and negativity directed at the president even rank among black America's top ten or twenty problems? And if black America is called upon to make some kind of united political statement in this season of unprecedented joblessness, homelessness, family debt, privatizations and mass incarceration, is flying the red, white and blue to support the president really the most useful thing we can do?
Does “negativity” against the president keep him from addressing mass black incarceration, unemployment, crushing family and student debt, homelessness & ending US imperial wars abroad?
The short answer is no. A longer answer is that we have other matters which are real problems with far greater effect upon the lives of millions of families than the torrent of “negativity” directed at the president.
The best thing going for Barack Obama is his wife, and two daughters... That's it...
The best thing going for Barack Obama, in addition to his wife and two daughters, is the patience to put up with ungrateful shiftless folks who want everything solved for them and then handed to them on a silver platter ... yesterday.
uptownsteve said...
You really are nuts, aren't you?
Well ONE of us needs to have "nuts", since clearly you have NONE, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!
Sandy Gholston said...
The best thing going for Barack Obama, in addition to his wife and two daughters, is the patience to put up with ungrateful, shiftless folks who want everything solved for them and then handed to them on a silver platter ... yesterday.
Speak the truth and shame the devil, Sandy!!
"Patience to put up with ungrateful, shiftless folks..."
He's not some king that we look to for air to breathe... He's not above criticism... What's becoming increasingly clear is that he will throw black folks under the bus before a Geithner, Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid, et al... And for that I am not grateful... For that I am ashamed!!! But admire what his black family represents... "I don't want nobody to give me nothin' open up the door I'll get it myself..."
devils are those who dare to demonically ans amorally slander poor people who are starving and barefoot about FICTITIOUS "silver platters" and "boot straps"...
hobama is the demon who gave all the food and shoes to his fellow banksters after he robbed the poor od THIER OWN fed tax coffers....shame!!!!!!!
LAC said- "Today's so-called 'radicals' are a joke. "
LAC as the resident radical on this site I think what you mean to say is some or many radicals are a joke.
I been in this struggle in a long time and even my enemies wouldn't have thougth to fix their mouths to call me and my fellow travellers jokes!
Its not fair to say all radicals are a joke, since you have said over and over that you disagree with a revolutionary perspective.
Its unfair to judge folks who want radical change, in this climate where folks are more sleep than they have been in a while and distracted by the presidency of Obama.
Now if you mean progressives or liberals you may have a point because they waffle between wanting real reform and change and settling for much less.
And I didn't get to respond to your equating Obama with LeBron yesterday,just got too much work to do. But I would say that Obama is more like the average player who carries water for the coach.
Again you are guilty of assigning Obama a perspective that he has not articulated. He bailed out the banks, left Guantanamo Bay open, increased the war in Afghanistan,watched while black folks and others loss their homes, has been saber rattling with Iran, continues to allow the CIA to snatch up folks, has left all the discriminatory policies that affect primarily blacks and people of color and esp. blacks in place (case in point he has not fought to change the disparity in crack laws or the fed mandatory minimums that force judges to throw first time offenders in jail for drug use for lengthy periods of time).
LAC I understand your frustration but it is what it is. This system is just as corrupt and unjust as it was when we had Jim Crow and when we were fighting it in the 60's and 70's.
The same solution is necessary now as it was when Martin King and Malcolm X and the original Panthers and dozens of others insisted that this society will not treat its citizens, that is all of its citizens as human beings until there is a radical restructuring.
Now of course you choose not to fight for this because you don't have the stomach for it, but it does not, I repeat it does not change the reality.
Oh for God to raise up another group of courageous folks to call the system for what it is-- evil-- and work to change it.
All this mush mouth, keyboard warrior, defending what can't be defended crap just won't cut it in the long run.
devils are those who dare to demonically ans amorally slander poor people who are starving and barefoot about FICTITIOUS "silver platters" and "boot straps"...
hobama is the demon who gave all the food and shoes to his fellow banksters after he robbed the poor od THIER OWN fed tax coffers....shame!!!!!!!
No matter how wrong Slappy is, which is most of the time, he's going to keep arguing with you because he needs the attention. Bless his heart.
hobama is the demon who gave all the food and shoes to his fellow banksters after he robbed the poor OF THEIR OWN fed tax coffers....shame!!!!!!!
what is MOST amazing to me is that the more abusive and evil hobama becomes the MORE hobama nazis adore and defend his glaringly inept and indefensible betrayals!!!
hobama nazis are the new crack heads
the more hobama cracks their heads, the more they love the taste of the blood oozing into their adoring mouths
the more he ignores their increasingly doomed by design lives, the more they want his autograph and t-shirts
the bilderbergs are guffawing at how we were all tricked even BETTER than they planned...all the way to the banks!!!
First Black Presidency Has Driven Many African Americans Insane
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
“The psychological harm done to Black people by Obama’s presidency may be even greater than the economic and political damage.”
When debating Black supporters of President Obama, there often comes a point where even the most fervent Obamites can find no coherent defense for the president’s pro-Wall Street and militaristic policies, when his refusal to even consider race-targeted solutions to race-based problems becomes simply indefensible. Typically, at that point, the Obama supporter will play the psychological card. The advent of the First Black President, they say, has been of incalculable psychological benefit to Black people, especially to Black children, who can now project themselves into an infinity of possibilities because a Black family is in the White House. Hallelujah!
mell said:
gain you are guilty of assigning Obama a perspective that he has not articulated. He bailed out the banks, left Guantanamo Bay open, increased the war in Afghanistan,watched while black folks and others loss their homes, has been saber rattling with Iran, continues to allow the CIA to snatch up folks, has left all the discriminatory policies that affect primarily blacks and people of color and esp. blacks in place (case in point he has not fought to change the disparity in crack laws or the fed mandatory minimums that force judges to throw first time offenders in jail for drug use for lengthy periods of time)."
did you honestly expect him to achieve that much change in 18 months? seriously. 18 months. and bailing out the banks was not a failure.
you're acting as if he's already a two-term president, which i believe he will be. you can judge him THEN.
and not to put words in LAC mouth, but AB is the one who constantly calls herself a "radical," yet all her time is spent here posting comments or on her block.
radical needs to = action. i am taking action in my community. few do.
excuse me, on her blog.
u surgically slew that bumbling beta male eunuch uts as ONLY u can do
u rock!!!!
thanks for making my day!!!
your honorary wigga status does not extend you the privelege of pathological lying
you are a hypocritical lying cave bitch
check my legendary contributions here
do not hate me because i live online and get paid to do so
you and mostly rabid can enroll in any community college/ged computer class as a swirled bimbo duo whenever u wish
good luck with that!
mareally a silly lying cave bitch:
and i prove my radical kudos each time i slay you safe tame brain dead american morons herein
mareally reaching:
i have been officially active in my REAL rather than virtual black community since i was a 12 yr old naacp member before i became a 17 yr old naacp youth chapter prez etc....
i have taught black children in hoods u fear since i was 16
i have spent decades walking the revolution u only talk on blogs...
u r unfit to get your cave bitch dandruff on my radical shoe strings...fyi
honorary wigger status..lol
mareally suicidal:
that uncle ruckus/oj mf uts has you all geeked up playin his nicole...
we get that
but as you spend your 24th hour playing bitch happy herein, it would behoove u to recall that nicole is a corpse...
you and uts are both way too easy to slay...solo or duo matters not to me...bet!
ab, this is the only response you will get from me.
Slappy said:America has reached the point where the family farm has outlived its usefulness. Corporate farms can weather the swings in commodity prices. Individual farmers cannot. Thus, it is time to shift the risk to organizations that can withstand it and continue to function.
Some of the most powerful lobbyist in the US are from the food industry. Corporate farms do not care about your health or the health of their animals or vegetable products. The individual farmer, who works from sunrise to sunset, cares for the animals, and crops far better than the faceless corporation can't compete against big business.
ab is up to her old sow tricks again
bullying people
why u messing with maria she aint
did nothing to u
u r a useless vulgar lying bully
where is proof of ur 250 iq loser?
funny u critisize the president
all the time but when u r
critisized *cough* when the truth
of ur lies is shown
u threaten legal action?
aint that about a loser trick!
where r your publications in
scholarly journals trick?
u r a liar and no amount of
bothering maria can deflect from
ur embellishment prone prose
mucous filled loser!
mareally a silly lying cave bitch:
and i prove my radical kudos each time i slay you safe tame brain dead american morons hereina cunt loser
this is statement against marias
character she can sue u for
harassment didnt ur lawyers warn
u about that? loser
AB is the one who constantly calls herself a "radical," yet all her time is spent here posting comments or on her block.noodles
Even noodles sees through your lies!
"field, you wrote:
Andrew Breitbart. That scumbag low life who, if he isn't a pedophile, sure looks like one.
Getting close to libel there, buster. As you know, even though public figures are permissibly slammed in most ways, it is still actionable to FALSELY claim a public figure has a loathsome disease or has committed a heinous crime."
If you are friends with Andrew, please tell him to feel free to sue me. I look forward to it. Is there "actual malice"? Hmmmm.
Since you are playing lawyer today, go look up the defenses to defamation. Truth is one of them. I am not saying that he is really a pedophile, I am just saying that truth could be a defense in some cases. ;)
yep truth is can set u free via a defamation suit against u
defamation only works if someone
knowingly is lying on someone
else and personal opinions r
different then lies
field can say he looks like a
pedophile in his opinion
but if field says the guy IS a
pedophile then that is defamation
c the difference
to relate this to the thread ab
threatened anonymous commenters
with legal action
but if they were stating their
opinions or telling the truth (she dont have a 250 iq) (she
never started a radio station) (she never graduated from uiuc)
then she cannot prevail since
defamation cause of action lacks
merit in cases where the truth is
in that case and it will be
Wow, the Legal Anon has been on AB's ass this entire week. lol
You go that AB? Whenever you bully us again, we will call the Legal Anon for your ass.
maria, "ab, this is the only response you will get from me."
Wow. and admission of fear.
Cocoa Goddess,
No matter how wrong Slappy is, which is most of the time, he's going to keep arguing with you because he needs the attention. Bless his heart."
That goes for most righties and trolls.
Question to black conservatives.
Why won't Breitbart and Fox apologize to Shirley Sherrod?
"AB is the one who constantly calls herself a "radical," yet all her time is spent here posting comments or on her block.noodles."
How can one be a black radical and a tea party apologist at the same time?
Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMM.
anon maria did seem scared though
and eye got to wonder why she
afraid of that mean old lying sow
btw legal anon made a mistake it
should be a frcp 12 B motion for
failure to state a claim
12 E is when the pleadings
require a motion for more
definite statement ie two cases
one, somebody said u owe them
money but aint attached a shred
of proof 12E motion for more
definite statement
case two, the rambling lunatic
who sued you has such an
incoherent pleading that the
defendant cannot adequately
answer the complaint without
further (rational looking)
now if somebody like ab dumb
crazy ass tried to sue u would u
do a 12 E or B motion?
maybe both? lol!
what a fucking cunt!
@Kathy: "The individual farmer, who works from sunrise to sunset, cares for the animals, and crops far better than the faceless corporation can't compete against big business."
Good point, Kathy.
If we're not careful, we will streamline, automate, bottomline, mass produce, time manage, and work flow ourselves right out of our very essence--any semblance, or vestige of humanity we have left.
It's called alienation. We're distancing ourselves from life, and calling what's left life, rather than involving ourselves with it.
And it's beginning to tell, especially in the efficient and impersonal way we wage war--our enemy's use of roadside bombs, and our use of predator drones.
My statement should not be taken to assume that the more "personal" war becomes, the more acceptable it becomes.
War is rarely acceptable. As a species, by waging war, we create unseen risks for ourselves, the seeing of which would give us pause.
The assemble-line process, although productive, and efficient, nevertheless forces the individual to find satisfaction, not in the completion of the final product, but in that small part of which he or she is responsible.
Other examples exist, but I'm too lazy to detail them.
There's much to recommend the slow and unhurried way, the inefficient and laborious way, the personal and creative way, the people coming together, and interacting way.
And, where possible, it's salutary to work in a little of that unstructured activity daily.
These are only some of the ways our souls are nourished, and allowed to grow, and mature.
This is, after all, the reason for living, and all of life. All else is busywork.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Agriculture Department's Market Access Program ($100 million a year)...Yes, we pay for their advertising.
The Export-Import Bank ($700 million a year)...this one our money is used to subsidize financing to foreign purchasers of U.S. goods. This includes direct loans to buyers at below-market interest rates, guaranteeing private loans to those buyers, and providing export credit insurance to exporters and private lenders.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation ($70 million a year). This program make direct loans, guaranteed loans, and political risk insurance to U.S. firms that invest in developing countries.
stevie, let me translate this for you -- these programs are inducements for American companies to sell stuff to the hapless, helpless, incompetent, unproductive nations of sub-Sahara Africa.
As I said about Farm subsidies, it's okay with me if we end these programs. My view is based on the belief that they accomplish nothing good.
Meanwhile, as with most financial stuff, I know you have no idea how it all works or who benefits in the end. However, if YOU don't care about the nations in Africa, then you should oppose the organizations you listed.
But somehow, it seems to me when you realize who benefits from the subsidies you discovered, you will become a big supporter.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Agriculture Department's Market Access Program ($100 million a year)...Yes, we pay for their advertising.
The Export-Import Bank ($700 million a year)...this one our money is used to subsidize financing to foreign purchasers of U.S. goods. This includes direct loans to buyers at below-market interest rates, guaranteeing private loans to those buyers, and providing export credit insurance to exporters and private lenders.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation ($70 million a year). This program make direct loans, guaranteed loans, and political risk insurance to U.S. firms that invest in developing countries.
stevie, let me translate this for you -- these programs are inducements for American companies to sell stuff to the hapless, helpless, incompetent, unproductive nations of sub-Sahara Africa.
As I said about Farm subsidies, it's okay with me if we end these programs. My view is based on the belief that they accomplish nothing good.
Meanwhile, as with most financial stuff, I know you have no idea how it all works or who benefits in the end. However, if YOU don't care about the nations in Africa, then you should oppose the organizations you listed.
But somehow, it seems to me when you realize who benefits from the subsidies you discovered, you will become a big supporter.
"stevie, let me translate this for you -- these programs are inducements for American companies to sell stuff to the hapless, helpless, incompetent, unproductive nations of sub-Sahara Africa."
puh-leeze goober.
You can't be stupid enough to think that Republicans will allot billions of dollars to companies solely for the purpose of helping Africans.
They're proping them up to make money and in return get campaign contribution, junkets and payola
You don't fool anybody slappy.
Government handouts to white folks, which is the way this country has worked since day one, is always justified and rationalized
Goverment assistance to black folks (the type of which has gone to all other groups as well), who provided the foundation of America's wealth with 200 years of free labor and sweat, is somehow vilified.
Race baiting, pure and simple.
Obama got into this position because he is afraid for his job. He fears for his job because he lacks the deep power base he needs.
See my analysis here:
Charlie Rangel was charged with ethics violations today. One-by-one, Blacks are falling or catching hell under this administration. Does anybody know why?
Charlie Rangel the DISTROYER of harlem. Does anyone no WHY?
Again, the problem is that the congress offers the man no back up.
Again you are guilty of assigning Obama a perspective that he has not articulated. He bailed out the banks, left Guantanamo Bay open, increased the war in Afghanistan,watched while black folks and others loss their homes, has been saber rattling with Iran, continues to allow the CIA to snatch up folks, has left all the discriminatory policies that affect primarily blacks and people of color and esp. blacks in place (case in point he has not fought to change the disparity in crack laws or the fed mandatory minimums that force judges to throw first time offenders in jail for drug use for lengthy periods of time).
Would you like to know why the White House caved on their Gitmo promises? Because the Washington chatter class and half the Dems in the Senate went running for the tall grass because Roger Ailes' goon squad starting talking about letting terrorists run through Manhattan. Again, nothing happens in a bubble.
Also, Obama was very clear that Afghanistan and Pakistan were his primary security concerns. Again, look at his words and don't project.
Half the stuff you listed can't be changed until your elected representatives grow a pair. As Bartcop says on his blog (Yes, field, I'm a member of the BC Nation since 1998) the Dems have been wearing pink tutus since the Carter years.
LAC I understand your frustration but it is what it is. This system is just as corrupt and unjust as it was when we had Jim Crow and when we were fighting it in the 60's and 70's.
The same solution is necessary now as it was when Martin King and Malcolm X and the original Panthers and dozens of others insisted that this society will not treat its citizens, that is all of its citizens as human beings until there is a radical restructuring.
Actually, they're not because the problems are a lot different. Some solutions work -- but our enemies have adapted to our tactics and in many ways, turned them against us. And frankly, we're no longer fighting for a seat on the bus. Racism is a lot more insidious. To fight the old wars in the same old way is "Is to put new wine in old wine skins". In other words, you will fail because trying think about today's world in yesterday's fashion will leave you totally out of step.
Honestly, do we need Black nationalism to acheive the real goals for the majority of Black America? Probably not. If Black people had guaranteed rights and the poor were cared for -- wouldn't reparations be redudant?
To think that we can solve are more complex and problems with the same solutions is just not thinking creatively. And to think its my way or the highway is to be no better than wing nuts.
how can you be uncle ruckus and beetlejuice at the same time?
fugly suit and ghostly bitch mate maria and all?
wise choice...
mostly rabid:
educated people have the skills to mask fears rather than making themselves look like cowardly vulgar foolish jokes as they express said fears...ha!
dial mostly rabid's invisible "law" office anytime
have you ever seen anyone who was so enraged about being academically inferior as mostly rabid????
funny how the black uncle toms despise black nationalism as they embrace white nationalism for all post racial americans...
got slavish hypocrisy???
they are just like hobama...he is prez of "all americans" ONLY when he is evading the demands of black americans exclusively
hobama and his peer banksters detroyed harlem
and most urban cities
LONG ago!
i am not a tea party apologist.
i am a tea party REALIST!!
all dissent by all people of all races in this evil empire is HEROIC!!
racist black niggers like you have no right to bash an entire party filled with whites who are not racist/far LESS racist than you.
niggers like you need to swig some tea asap because you have drowned in the arsenic of hobama's gray/blackish/money green kool-aid!
uptownsteve, you wrote:
They're proping them up to make money and in return get campaign contribution, junkets and payola
Everything politicians do is aimed at getting re-elected. Everything -- every politician.
However, the self-serving vote-buying actions take nothing away from my statement that the Ex-Im Bank and two other organizations you mentioned exist largely to finance the sale of stuff to the ruined nations of sub-Sahara Africa.
Rather than stew in your own delusions, look into the organizations. They list their projects and programs online, which means you will easily come up with a list of financings -- gifts, more accurately -- that have gone to the wrecked countries in Africa.
educated people whose lives are open books rarely muster a modicum of empathy for uneducated envious rabid fools who are simply too retarded and unskilled to research said open books...tragic!
la coincidental, you wrote:
(case in point he has not fought to change the disparity in crack laws or the fed mandatory minimums that force judges to throw first time offenders in jail for drug use for lengthy periods of time).
One of the more remarkable aspects of your statement is its subtext that criminals deserve even-handed treatment. Your statement also implies that differing laws on crack vs cocaine somehow force blacks to deal and use crack rather than cocaine.
However, nothing in your post suggests that blacks would be wise to stay away from illegal drugs. Your comments imply that blacks have a right to their recreational drugs.
On the other hand, in recognition of exploiting different standards for different people, black criminals have shown they understand that minors can commit crimes, and, if caught, face very little punishment.
Yet this clear-eyed understanding of how to avoid prosecution and long jail sentences disappears when it comes to actual drug use by black adults.
Inasmuch as you want to reduce the penalties for crack dealing and use, it may be that you are someone who believes that legalization of recreational drugs is the way to go.
Or maybe you will settle for decriminalization. However, both routes will clearly lead to increasing devastation in the black community.
No_slappz, I tend not to engage you because unlike many say, CF, you don't even show the most remote knowledge of well, anything.
Drug and alcohol abuse is actually systemically lower amongst Black teens. Black teens actually use pot and hard drugs at a much lower rate. And they're barely a blip for teen smokers. Anti-drug campaigns in the Black and Latino community for decades.
And yes, crack sentencing was a means for Reagan to target Black and Brown people, as well as poor whites -- because well-heeled suburban white people could afford the 'good stuff'. Its actually the same for hillbillies and crystal meth. Crack is the drug of choice for, as Morgan Freeman said in "Lean on Me" - 'Niggers, Spics, and poor white trash'.
Rich white preppies and hipsters (many of whom I know personally) can snort the white lines until their nostril hairs are gone -- they're not going to jail as long as the Tyrone Biggums of the world.
No, I don't argue for legalizing crack -- its too dangerous. But, I don't advocate to criminalizing addiction -- its an illness and you shouldn't put sick people in jail for, well, being sick. Its cheaper to make a nationwide AA than to lock up base heads with rapists, mobsters and "street pirates". But then some rich corporate scum ball won't make as much money sobering someone up in 3 months as he would cattle herding human beings for 15-30 years.
And the idea of 'recruiting folks when they're young' is how all career criminal enterprises work. The Italian mob, the Russia mafia, the Crips and the Chinese triad all recruit teenagers. Frankly, if you older, educated and have a good job -- slinging isn't in your purview.
I know you'd like to paint all Black folks as little more than beasts who somehow can't be civilized. Its fits into your irrational meme that somehow Black inner city folks asked to be a permanent underclass.
But here's a reality check -- many Black people have been fighting on many fronts to end Drug Addiction and the Drug War since the 80's. And many educated Black men give their time to deter young Black males from joining gangs.
Now, run along; Rush Limbaugh is on in one hour on the East Coast.
anon maria did seem scared though
and eye got to wonder why she
afraid of that mean old lying sow
btw legal anon made a mistake it
should be a frcp 12 B motion for
failure to state a claim
12 E is when the pleadings
require a motion for more
definite statement ie two cases
one, somebody said u owe them
money but aint attached a shred
of proof 12E motion for more
definite statement
case two, the rambling lunatic
who sued you has such an
incoherent pleading that the
defendant cannot adequately
answer the complaint without
further (rational looking)
now if somebody like ab dumb
crazy ass tried to sue u would u
do a 12 E or B motion?
maybe both? lol!
what a fucking cunt!
educated people whose lives are open books rarely muster a modicum of empathy for uneducated envious rabid fools who are simply too retarded and unskilled to research said open books...tragic! cuntlickingloser
educated people who actually
possess said education do not
feel the need to broadcast their
achievements on their blog
profile pages nor do they feel a
need to lie about what theyve
done in life unlike u
where is proof of ur 250 iq
fucking liar?
where is proof that u started
wbml radio? non existent u
fucking liar
u try to sound intelligent but
unfortunately the gig is up
u cannot prove any bragging rites
cuz they r all lies
fucking loser thats why u picking
on maria now cuz she wont give u
so much lip
u fucking bully
hells doors r opening for u bitch!
u try to talk that legal shit
but it aint work
4 all the harassment u claim
against others
there is written record of ur
continuous harassment of at least
five other posters on this board
and THEY do have a case against u
tread lightly sow
dumbass fool!
black niggers like you have no right to bash an entire party filled with whites who are not racist/far LESS racist than you.
niggers like you need to swig some tea asap because you have drowned in the arsenic of hobama's gray/blackish/money green kool-aid!
so much for black power huh?
ur hypocrisy is noticable
u throw the word nigger around
like sliced bread
how about this
how does that feel u fucking hypocrite?
u want everybody to be so
politically correct with ur
fagisms but its okay for u to
call other people niggers?
sit down and stfu u stupid nigger
la coincidental,
Predictably, you pretend the urban pathologies that have made a mess of a large segment of black America are a white fabrication and that whites are equally plagued by the same self-destructive impulses.
Your comments covered drug abuse. Others like to pretend the murder rate among blacks is NOT 7 times the white rate.
You wrote:
No_slappz, I tend not to engage you because unlike many say, CF, you don't even show the most remote knowledge of well, anything.
Ahh, yet another black with his head in the sand. In your closed world, only a select few blacks know the score.
Yesterday, one black teenager threw NY City's daily average murder number out the window. By himself, he bumped the daily figure to 5, up from the average of 1.2 murders daily. Nice work.
You wrote:
Drug and alcohol abuse is actually systemically lower amongst Black teens. Black teens actually use pot and hard drugs at a much lower rate. And they're barely a blip for teen smokers. Anti-drug campaigns in the Black and Latino community for decades.
Based on your comments above, I see you like to contort data into forms that ease your mind, but do nothing for the community.
Assuming it is true that alcohol and drug abuse is "low" among black teens, then the collapse into substance abuse among blacks occurs a little later in life.
What's the point of mentioning the low rate of abuse among teens when there is a huge substance abuse problem among an older demographic?
Using your logic, you can paint an even better picture by touting the clean-living of black kids of an even younger age, say 10 and under.
So, like most deniers, you zero in on a healthy segment of the larger afflicted group and ignore the ravaged demographic.
Then you go for the sidestep by claiming that all organized criminal groups use minors for some functions.
Perhaps true, but here in NY City, where I live, the mafia has taken a brutal beating from law enforcement and prosecutors. Meanwhile, the groups you mentioned commit so few murders in NY City, they are looking totally pacified.
Hence, you, like so many others, miss the forest for the trees.
You wrote:
Its cheaper to make a nationwide AA than to lock up base heads with rapists, mobsters and "street pirates".
AA cheaper? Says you. That's pure uninformed speculation. If there were NO criminal penalties for drug sales, drug use and drug abuse, then consumption would soar.
Despite the warning labels, the videos, the deaths from lung cancer and heart disease, there are still 50 million smokers in the US.
Why? Addition.
If tobacco companies can serve 50 million smokers, then recreational drug purveyors will have no trouble providing for an equal number of customers.
If cocaine were decriminalized (not legalized, just decriminalized), then nothing would stop coke users from seeking crack when the coke high was no longer enough. Then what? Decriminalize crack?
Crystal meth? The force motivating all drug dealers is money. Thus, they always look for new customers. In a world of decriminalized drugs, their job is many times easier and their market is multiplied. When the hapless crack or meth addict is broke and at the end of his rope, he might accept treatment.
But after completing his treatment obligation, he is likely to relapse and resume his old ways. Partly because near total self-destruction gets him a stay in rehab, which mainly prepares him for a return to his dissipating ways. Treatment is hardly a compelling deterrent to future drug use.
Your scenario means recreational substance abuse among blacks will soar to epic levels.
no slapz u fullashit fucknut
ever heard of holland fool
no_slappz said...
la coincidental,
Predictably, you pretend the urban pathologies that have made a mess of a large segment of black America are a white fabrication and that whites are equally plagued by the same self-destructive impulses.
To pretend otherwise (that systemic and institutional discrimination as well as poverty wouldn't cause a spike in crime) is to prove oneself ignorant or just self-deluded on sociological realities.
As UTS often points out -- when you start to incorporate class and economics into the picture, you get a much different reality.
Compare a trailer park to the projects and dollars to doughnuts folks in those places are equally violent, self-sabotaging and hopeless.
Yes, there are pathologies within the Black community. But please stop pretending moral outrage to cover up for your abhorrent racism and ignorance of political economy.
Hell, in France and the Netherlands the street thugs aren't Black people -- its Arabs. In parts of the midwest and New England, Myung children are the 'street pirates'. And lets not forget that South Boston has crazy Irish guys who are even more violent than cats in Roxbury.
Are Arabs, Irish and Myungs also predisposed to violence more so than "good white people"? No. But stick a bunch poor, hopeless people in a little box with no means to make a living and easy access to guns and drugs -- someone's gonna die.
Oh, and by the way, Blacks have higher rates of convictions, not higher incidents of crime, very big difference.
And most drug abusers are white people. Let me repeat, most addicts are Caucasians.
no_slappz, please stop pretending to have moral outrage when you're really an ignorant Fox News disciple. (It shows all to clearly.)
la coincidental,
You try as hard as you can to deny the facts by spouting the contrived responses blacks are known for.
Like -- there are more white drug addicts than blacks.
There is SOME truth in the statement and a LOT of deception.
Yes, whites are known for abusing prescription drugs, and improperly obtaining controlled substances, which therefore adds them into the "addicted" class. But having an Oxycontin prescription abuse problem is not quite the same as crack addiction.
That's one of those scenarios that make blacks feel better, I guess. Since you spouted this tired theory, it must make you feel better. But, as usual, the only accomplishment of stating this dubious claim is its power to steer the discussion away from the fact that substance abuse is a huge problem for blacks, many times greater than it is for whites.
As for pretending the problems of South Boston Irish are equal to the problems of blacks in Roxbury, well, nice try. Yes, there were a lot of troubled Irish drunks and dopeheads in South Boston. But, if you've been around there lately, you might have noticed an improvement.
How are things in Roxbury? Frankly, I'm not sure.
As for arabs -- muslims -- well, inasmuch as most live by the Koran and Koranic law demands the destruction and dissolution of laws made by men and framed by documents including the Constitution, those people are hardly a guide for anything good. As they regularly announce, they kill for their god.
Interestingly, the general rejection of learning and the unwillingness to accept the organizing forces of Western society are aspects of life common to both muslims and blacks. Hence, it is no surprise that blacks in the US are sympathetic, if not supportive, of muslims and islam. That's a bad mix, and from it we get that jailhouse specialty -- PrIslam.
You wrote:
But stick a bunch poor, hopeless people in a little box with no means to make a living and easy access to guns and drugs -- someone's gonna die.
Oh. Hey, that's amusing. What's your solution? Restrict the supply of guns? Restrict the supply of drugs? Or let the locals do whatever comes naturally?
Blacks commit murder at 7 times the white rate. In most comparisons, if one group's behavior deviates from another's by 10%, 20%, or 50%, the alarms are sounded.
But here, when the difference is hundreds of percentage points, blacks ignore it, or blame whites, even though murderous slaughter defines much of life in Africa. Therefore, those who live with you in your alternate reality are comfortable claiming it's all a bunch of myths created by Fox News.
Ms. Sherrod is the Rosa Parks of the Web 3.0 age.
She has opportunities right in front of her eyes. I wouldn't go back to that gov't job. Her purpose is larger than that.
"She has opportunities right in front of her eyes. I wouldn't go back to that gov't job. Her purpose is larger than that."
Maybe she could be the Sarah Palin of the left.
Wait, I think Ms Sherrod does have a college degree, has read a few books, doesn't shoot wolves from helicopters and no baby mamas for teenage daughters.
"That's one of those scenarios that make blacks feel better"
Oh please.
You're the one trying to make yourself feel better about being a white loser but spouting cooked and false statistics and thinking "at least I'm not a nigger."
You sorry ass clown.
You hang around a black blog all day every day trying to convince the attorneys, engineers and businessmen who post here that we're inferior to a nose pickin goober like YOU?
Study found white job applicants with criminal records have a better chance of being called back for an interview than black applicants without one, even when all the qualifications are the same?
Justice Department study, to the effect that blacks are far more likely than whites to have their cars and persons searched after a traffic stop, even though whites, when searched, are more than four times as likely to have drugs or other illegal contraband on them?
Data shows that although whites and blacks use and sell drugs at roughly the same rates, African Americans are anywhere from 2.8 to 5.5 times more likely than whites to be arrested for a drug offense, depending on the year? Or perhaps the state level data indicating that in nine states, blacks are arrested at more than seven times the rate of whites, and in Minnesota and Iowa at rates that are more than eleven times greater than white arrest rates for drugs? Or perhaps the additional data that blacks are more than 10 times as likely as whites to be sent to prison for drug offenses, despite relatively equivalent rates of drug crimes? Or the fact that a majority of persons admitted to prison for drug offenses are black, even though there are about six times more white users nationwide?
No Slappz comes to this blog to argue with black people because he knows he would soil himself if he had to confront a black person in real life.
LaCoincidental - When someone is as delusional as No Slappz it is really useless to debate him with facts and logic. He starts off most of his arguments with false premises and then follows them with strawmen arguments. Also (since I refuse to believe his reading comprehension skills are that bad) he purposely misinterprets your statements. It's almost as if English isn't his first language. I told him I read Voltaire and Camus in high school in FRENCH so he concludes that the only reason I read them was because I was forced to do so. HOWEVER, no one is forced to take more than two years of a foreign language in HISD. I took FOUR! Even when he has no personal experiences with one of the many pathetic sweeping statements he makes, he'll just follow up with a, "nuh uh!" Case in point, I've been to Bahrain, he hasn't -- yet he still wants to argue that women can't drive in Bahrain and Bahrain is a theocracy. Seriously, what kind of nut job does that? He'd even argue that childbirth isn't painful. That's how delusional, brainwashed and convinced of his own superiority he is. Then again, we all know that a superiority complex is really an inferiority complex in disguise.
Cocoa_Goddess said..."When someone is as delusional as No Slappz it is really useless to debate him with facts and logic. He starts off most of his arguments with false premises and then follows them with strawmen arguments."
You're right. Your assessment is spot on. n_s not worth the time. The others will catch on by and by.
anybody notice that slappz has filled the vacancy left by CF?
Now that should make you miss CF...
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