When someone mentioned the story I am about to post about in the comments section of this blog, I thought it was a joke. There was no way, I thought, that this story could be true.
Well, as it turns out, it is true.
"I was loathe to comment since I know that no rational discussion will follow. How could it? It was clear from the beginning that this was not a case of voter intimidation against anyone who might vote for John McCain. As many observers noted on that day, no matter how badly those two New Black Panters[sic] were behaving (and the police were called and responded), it’s a HEAVILY DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT. As blogger Ben Smith noted way back then, “You don’t typically intimidate your own voters.”But solid reporting from Media Matters and Adam Serwer of The American Prospect ought to put this nonsense to rest (it won’t, but it should). The charges against the New Black Panthers were downgraded by the Bush Department of Justice:The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.This means that the case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division." [Source]
Say what? The case was downgraded 11 days before his O ness took office?
Wait, you mean the wingnuts over at Radio Rwanda manufactured a story with a hint of some racial spice thrown in for good measure?
"The fact that the Bush administration also felt that this wasn’t the “open and shut” case that Fox News would have you believe may take some wind out of their sails, but not as much as Olbermann implies here. Also, Fox News (and our own Steve Krakauer) has been making a good point about the lack of coverage that the rest of the media has been giving this story. Olbermann gets his own good point in though, by remarking that some of Fox News’ coverage has had a bit of an uncomfortable racial tinge to it."
That's not the field talking, that's a conservative website. So where do we go from here, wingnuts? Where will we get our next faux story to fire up the base? Wait, what's that you say? You have another one already?
"So far Michelle Obama and the NAACP have offered three shreds of evidence that the Tea Parties as a whole are a racist movement.1) Supposed "slurs" yelled at black congressmen in Washington, which the media jumped all over. Raw video suggests otherwise. I suppose yelling or disagreeing with black men counts as racism. FAIL.2) Tea Party backed Rand Paul's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Forget that Paul voiced the utmost contempt for discrimination of any kind. I guess believing the government has no right to force businesses to serve anyone and everyone counts as racism. FAIL.3) Racist signs and posters seen at Tea Party rallies. I suppose one racist sign out of 100 makes the entire movement racist. FAIL.So Michelle Obama, you have given us three ridiculous arguments and still cannot prove in any way, shape, or form that the Tea Parties are racist.What really irks me?Michelle Obama stands before a racially exclusive organization whose sole focus is the advancement of one race above all others and has the gall to accuse another group of people as being racist. This is hypocrisy of the highest order. I challenge you Michelle.
You tell Herman Cain the Tea Parties are racist. You tell Kevin Jackson the Tea Parties are racist. You tell it to Alan Keyes, Charles Lollar, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Michelle Malkin, Allen West, Charles Butler, Lloyd Marcus, Angela McGlowan, Timothy Johnson, and Clifton Bazar..."
[Well, I would tell them for her, but they are too busy cleaning the big house. That's a lot of work.]
".. A few questionable signs. A phantom "slur". A candidate's opposition to government intrusion. Apparently these are valid accusations to conclude an entire movement of hundreds of thousands of people is based on bigotry. "
Ahhh, excuse me wingnut, but it seems that you are living in a parallel universe. Where exactly is Michelle Obama accuse the tabaggers of racism in this clip? Keep digging, I will wait.....
But this is what happens when one manufactured story goes to the dogs; they just invent another one. But field, Michelle Obama gave a keynote speech at the NAACP and the NAACP is adopting a resolution condemning the tea party folks as racist. Isn't that close enough?
I guess. Hey, she is black and it's a black organization. What else do you need?
But back to this New Black Panther story: Remember our wingnut lawyer friend, J. Christian Adams?
" On Tuesday, Mr. Adams argued that the New Black Panther Party case was solid. He also portrayed the civil rights division as a place where many officials are hostile to the idea of using civil rights laws to go after black perpetrators with white victims.
Tracy Schmaler, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said the department enforces voter intimidation laws “based on the merits, not the race, gender or ethnicity of any party involved.”
Sorry Mr. Schmaler, that's not good enough for the wingnut lawyer with a letter for a name.
"Mr. Adams, a Republican who had previously worked for South Carolina’s secretary of state, was hired in 2005. But he insisted on Tuesday that his political beliefs had had no bearing on his work. The investigation has divided the commission. In a statement on Tuesday, one of its two Democratic members, Michael Yaki, called it “incredibly shallow, expensive, and partisan” and a “one-sided farce.” [Source]
Mr. Yaki, you have just described the wingnut agenda to a tee.
Field, I debated Fox News contrib. JP Freire tonight in my usual segment on The Alyona on Russian TV's American cable network.
Here's link. Hope I did you proud:
NPR show was great
Field I noticed that some Philly news articles relating to Samir Shabazz suddenly disapear.
New Panthers' war on whites
Philadelphia Daily News
But Shabazz is more blunt in his views:
* On whites: "I'm about the total destruction of white people. I'm about the total liberation of black people. I hate white people. I hate my enemy. . . ."
* On Jews: "I don't care how much they try to promote the Jewish Holocaust. The African people have suffered a hell of a cost. . . . "
* On Barack Obama and voting: "He's a puppet on a string. I don't support no black man running for white politics. I will not vote for who will be the next slavemaster." Besides, he added, Obama is "a Negro who doesn't even support reparations for black people in America."
* On white supremacists: "They're sissies; they want to put their feelings on a flier. Well, come into the black neighborhood with that rhetoric and we will show you what a strong awakened black man looks like."
* On the Phillies: "They can kiss my ass. The Phillies are not doing nothing for our 'hoods."
Don't sound like a supporter of President Obama to me.
I t doesn't matter how nutty the wing nuts are; it doesn't matter if the tea party crowd is full of racists. What does matter is the economy.
The Democrats and Obama will rise and fall on the strength or the weakness of the economy. So far they prove unwilling or unable to jump start job growth or even stake out a solid ground on a variety of major issues. So, it seems they will go down to defeat in the midterms. And if a double-dip recession hits, or a jobless recovery happens, the O man is finished in the next election.
Hey Christopher, be careful
Russia Today (RT) do a lot of Cheerleading for Fox. This is the only other channel that bashes the President more than Fox.
Thank you, field, for at least sneaking a laugh into that post, because it just about has me crying in frustration.
I would like to slap Megyn Kelly right across her smug, self-righteous face.
And here's what we've got going down in Utah--McCarthy redux:
any story older than 2 days, expires on Philly.com. You have to pay to access it or some other Journal subscription database.
Sup Yawdie? I will check you out in that debate. I am sure you held your own.
kid, see what Hathor said.
Anon 11:23 p.m., I actually agree somewhat with what you said. You are right, at the end of the day, it's all about the economy. That, of course, won't stop certain people from doing whatever they feel it takes to win back power.
Thanks for telling me Hathor. People didn't believe me when I said that Samir Shabazz hated the President.
Actually the New Black Panthers openly endorsed Obama. The even said that Obama would represent a "positive change for America." One can still be a black nationalist and vote for a mainstream candidate. Plenty of black nationalists supported Jesse Jackson when he ran.
Anonymous said...
Actually the New Black Panthers openly endorsed Obama.
Not Samir Shabazz.
Samir doesn't speak for the group. Malik Zulu Shabazz is the ultimate voice for the party. These quotes are from Shabazz.
"I think the way Obama responded to the attack on him and the attempt to sabotage his campaign shows true leadership and character. He had a chance to denounce his pastor and he didn't fall for the bait. He stood up and addressed real issues of racial discord."
I have nothing but respect for Obama.
BTW, don't equate Black Nationalist with racist. Marcus Garvey is a Black Nationalist.
The New Black Panthers have lots of friends in the Injustice Department — but not so many on Main Street. Have a laugh as the goons are chased out of Pasadena, Texas (suburban Houston) to chants of "USA!"
The NBPP had planned a protest to terrorize Joe Horn, a hero who shot and killed two illegal alien burglars. Horn's neighbors did some protesting of their own.
Unfortunately for the Panthers, this happened in 2007, before they had Obama/Holder to fight their battles for them.
Yes, Garvey was a black a nationalist.
He was more concerned with racial uplift than attacking whites. However, he lived in a era where white violence was commonly directed at blacks, so I'm sure he was aware of potential backlash.
Not only does Todd Gaziano (Congressional appointee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights) claim that the 2008 Election Day voter intimidation charge against the Philadelphia New Black Panther Party was“open and shut,” but that Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes ordered, “Never bring another lawsuit against a black or other national minority, apparently no matter what they do.”
Like the Van Jones story, the ACORN story, and the Charlie Bolden/Muslim outreach story, this is another example of stories the MSM doesn’t want you to know about. And why not?
They don’t fit the narrative.
Iowa Tea Party Billboard Compares Obama With Hitler And Lenin
"Rule No. 37 of comparing Obama to Hitler: It's hard to walk back a billboard.
The North Iowa Tea Party has put up a billboard in Mason City, Iowa, comparing Hitler, Lenin and President Obama, reports the Associated Press. The bottom of the sign reads: "RADICAL LEADERS PREY ON THE FEARFUL & NAIVE," while the words "National Socialism" appear above Hitler, "Marxist Socialism" above Lenin and "Democrat Socialism" above Obama. The word "change" is stamped on each picture.
A spokesperson for the Tea Party Patriots told the AP the sign isn't appropriate. Meanwhile, North Iowa Tea Party co-founder Bob Johnson says the sign's pictures may be getting in the way of its intended message -- presumably a level-headed and civil comparison of Obama to Hitler and Lenin."
Field, this is astounding on several levels. Willful ignorance is obviously a requirement to be a 'bagger. Speaking of that, you seem to have a new anonymous wingnut stalker. The entertainment never stops.
You really have to love the conservatives consistent misunderstanding of the historical meaning of "national socialism."
In an effort, presumably, to stay relevant, the NAACP has taken on the Tea Party movement. At its annual convention, the organization adopted a resolution accusing the Tea Party of being racist:
"The country's largest civil rights organization has passed a resolution that condemns racism within the tea party movement.
Delegates approved the resolution Tuesday during the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Kansas City.
NAACP President Ben Jealous has blasted the tea party leadership, saying they need to "be responsible members of this democracy and make sure they don't tolerate bigots or bigotry among their members."
Reportedly, the NAACP cut off its live feed so the public could not see the debate on the resolution.
The Associated Press, in reporting on the resolution, repeated the slander that African-American Congressman lodged against Obamacare opponents, but at least didn't allege that it was true:
"Occasional claims of racism have swirled around the tea party. In March, three congressmen said some tea party activists yelled a racial epithet as they walked to the Capitol."
It is a sad day for a once-respected organization; truthfully, though, it has been a long time since anyone has taken the NCAAP seriously.
Very timely, anony. Field posted about this yesterday.
Anonymous said...
The NBPP had planned a protest to terrorize Joe Horn, a hero who shot and killed two illegal alien burglars. Horn's neighbors did some protesting of their own.
This local hero is a coward. The illegal alien burglars were shot in the back. Not only were they Hispanic they were Black too. He got a twofer.
Gregory said...
"Very timely, anony. Field posted about this yesterday."
Yeah, but Field's post was full of shit.
"This local hero is a coward. The illegal alien burglars were shot in the back. Not only were they Hispanic they were Black too. He got a twofer"
The only good burglar is a dead burglar.
Gregory said...
"Iowa Tea Party Billboard Compares Obama With Hitler And Lenin, blah blah blah"
Your right Gregory, there is a big difference. Hitler and Lenin were for advancing the respective interests of the nations they led; Obama is bent on destroying the country he leads.
Beck is very much against the President. He is a very smart cookie and very powerful. I am very concerned because Beck is very powerful.
He will probably shut down the NBPP. I just hope he will be merciful.
Beck is very much against the President. He is a very smart cookie and very powerful. I am very concerned because Beck is very powerful.
He will probably shut down the NBPP. I just hope he will be merciful.
I don't know whether to laugh out loud or what?
Anonymous said...
The only good burglar is a dead burglar.
People don't usually get the death sentence for stealing.
Joe Horn's fat ugly coward ass is in hiding. What kind of bitchassness is that?
@ FN:
Just had to say thank you for this:
"[Well, I would tell them for her, but they are too busy cleaning the big house. That's a lot of work.] "
Two things:
1. I am now thinking of going into the cleaning supply business...I see a very lucrative opportunity here...;)
Dare I say it...?...Has it already been said...?...Two words:
(and it WILL be televised)
word verf: banchi
@ FN:
I think it is only fair to say this...You have given an accurate discrpition of the timeline of events that led to this story. White racists feel this will be the on that puts Obama (therefore Blacks) under the bus once and for all....
In studying the timeline...Does it seem to you it that it may be a set up by white racists, with the help of then president George Bush, to defeat the Obama agenda (and therefore black agenda)?
Every insider on Capitol Hill knew the election was called in June 2009 when Obama opened a campaign office in every state and Puerto Rico...and McCain barely had enough money to open campaign offices in the red states...due to his own party not giving him sufficent financial backing.
Dig a little deeper...why did the Repubs not back McCain? Because even they were tired of the Bush agenda...Bush screwed everyone over (except Condy and Dick). They could not take a chance on this country losing any further ground economically (against China)...so McCain never received the financial backing he was looking for...which led to him choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. It was McCain's way of "pay back".
Palin is the sole reason why there is a Tea party movement and why poor whites who have been lying dormant as racists feel it is within their "rights" to excersize their ugly and evil racists views.
These political, social and economic and moves are all calculated to keep the American public's eyes off what is really happening in this country...selling it out to the highest bidder...creating an even greater divide between ultra rich and ultra poor.
There is no way Obama could have taken that office without the help of the Bureaucrats (some of whom are in the Republican party).
Does it seem strange at all that this story broke when it did... how it did?
Let us never discount the cleverness of evil.
What has not been in the calculation is the fact that most Americans are struggling economically. Greespan stepped down in time for his house of cards to fall and look good in the process.
The predictors of what this depression (and that is what it is) would look like were ignored. Greenspan knew it, saw it, and helped it to destriction; he is part of that clever evil. Why have we not heard his name mentioned anymore? In the times of plenty he was in the front page...now his name never comes up.
When Tony Hayward (of the BP oil spill) had his birthday party in England in May/June...who was in attendance...? I won't name names because I would be showing my hand...you can bet there was one American Bureaucrat that was front and center...and he is a Republican...and so is his wife.
If you want to know what is really happening in America and who makes it happen...follow the money trail.
Didn't mean to diatribe - but it is what it is...
The Defacing of an American President.
The wave of public acclaim that swept Obama into the White House had to be met with a force equal to, or greater than, lest he and Democrats for the next five national elections continue to ride high in the hearts and minds of the American people.
This offense to the Republican party, and conservatism, could not stand, and would not stand.
Liberalism was a bigger threat to the sanctity of the American Way, the Holy Grail of the U.S. Constitution, and the honored memory of our Sainted Forefathers who fashioned this document to govern the affairs of men--than al-Qaeda, the Iranians and their persistent effort to enrich uranium to build nuclear bombs with which to destroy us and Israel.
This threat wasn't lost on Rush Limbaugh. His was the first shot across the bow of Obama's freshly formed "regime," which was soon picked up in sundry incarnations:
"I want him to fail."
Sensing that the Republican party had played too nicey-nicey, allowing the liberal (now socialist) takeover of the presidency and the congress, the Tea Party Movement (more edgy, and more conservative than the mainstream) was given birth.
They had one goal: Topple Obama.
If he was seen as an icon (Shatter his image!). If he was a unifier (Brand him a racist!). If he galvanized a crowd with words alone (Call him the anti-Christ!).
For months now the destruction of a president and his party has been well under way, the assaults occurring daily--here a little, and there a little, a chipping here and a whittling there.
And the method has been sinister, a Machiavellian plot that Machiavelli himself would have endorsed, and would have been proud to call his own.
The opposition party resorted to several tactics, using a stratagem that would be the envy of Tricky Dick, were he alive, and will, over time, be inducted into the Hall of Fame of Dirty Tricks
The method was simplicity itself: The Tea Party Goers would, until the next national election, put all their collective energies toward the following: the radicalization, the Islamization, the socialismization, the Hitlerization, the blackenization, the racialization, the foreignization*, of Obama.
It didn't matter that, by associating Obama with Hitler and the holocaust, that it marginalized both--the horror that emerged as concentration camps, and the mass extermination of Jews, and the evil that was Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Predictions have it, from the White House Press Secretary himself, Robert Gibbs, that the Fall elections could result in a hand over of the keys to the U.S. House of Representatives to Republicans.
Although I, for one, am not certain of the outcome of the election for the House or the Senate come this Fall, I have never underestimated the power of bad press, and its destructive potential, especially when those who would wield it, wield it unscrupulously, and with deadly intentions.
*Some words created just for this post.
If Anonymous the Fox News fan is so righteous, why doesn't he make himself known--photo, real name? Seriously.
"Liberalism was a bigger threat to the sanctity of the American Way, the Holy Grail of the U.S. Constitution, and the honored memory of our Sainted Forefathers who fashioned this document to govern the affairs of men--than al-Qaeda, the Iranians and their persistent effort to enrich uranium to build nuclear bombs with which to destroy us and Israel."
Another classic from BD.
Agape2010...things that make you go hmmmm.
Did some wingnut up- thread actually try to remind us of Joe Horn? You can tell a lot about a man by folks he holds up as heroes.
Gregory, I am not surprised by that billboard, or anything else that the teabaggers and their wingnut friends do.
There's more to it than just the fact that Michelle is Black and the NAACP is a black organization. ALL FOUR of her grandparents were colored people and the "CP" in NAACP? You connect the dots and tell me if I'm wrong. This is big. Very big.
The comments are going to be good today.
BD 4:52 AM
I find it interesting that so many on the right are too cowardly to admit to being racists, though they insist on saying racist things.
Fox TV's War on Black America
It's very real folks.
fox tv is no more racist than any other tv news network
and the elitist hoax hobama does NOT rep the entire black race...he RUNS from and abuses the entire black race...
so i could not care less!!!
fox news is STILL doing the only real reporting on the hobama regime....everything else is just an ongoing mindless pep rally...
uptownsteve said...
Fox TV's War on Black America
It's very real folks.
Yep, it's baking in the oven. I've been watching Glen Beck a lot more lately because I want to see what kind of bullshit he keeps throwing out there. He had a 2 day segment on the NBPP, Van Jones, the Weather Underground, The NAACP, The US Justice Dept and so on just to tie the NBPP to Barack Obama and the company he keeps. Dude was serving hefty portions of racism and let me tell he made it look very palatable. Pictures and video CLIPS, yeah he pushing for something and honestly if it backfires on him - however it comes - Good.
i despise the racist psycho glen b and the nazi bill o and the skinhead sean h etc
but there are TONS of other reporters at FOX who are all doing the BEST netwk tv
that is why they now rule all tv news in all races/demographics
fox news is no more racist than cnn news etc...
this is why fox news rules tv:
i watch fox news because they have never pretended that hobama has done anything to fashion any recovery!!!
"A 53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time."
Yeah Alicia, I know there are others on FOX News that actually are trying to do a good job. Even though my show is CBS Sunday morning, I'll admit, from time to time, I actually watch and prefer Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace over Meet the Press with David.
thank u!
i hate all racists
but i always give credit where it is due
and fox news has been the only netwk that is not drunken with love for hobama
shep smith is a stellar liberal gay anchor at fox!
i also love great and geraldo...
msnbc/hobama tv is the worst hobama nazi netwk of all!
abc tv literally moved into bed with the hobama at the white house...wtf???
i will pass on all netwk tv except fox news!
thank u!
i hate all racists
but i always give credit where it is due
and fox news has been the only netwk that is not drunken with love for hobama
shep smith is a stellar liberal gay anchor at fox!
i also love great and geraldo...
msnbc/hobama tv is the worst hobama nazi netwk of all!
abc tv literally moved into bed with the hobama at the white house...wtf???
i will pass on all netwk tv except fox news!
i also love GRETA and geraldo...
a b
who gives a fuck who u like on tv u dumb animal
easily baited just like the cow that she is
red flag waving
mostly rabid:
your inability to let your slaying go
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
ur immaturity and idiocy is shown to all
fifty year old senile bully
runs away when she is called out for her lies
Alicia, it's only on Sunday I watch Fox News but during the week it's Chris Mathews/Glen Beck (they come on at the same time), Ed Shultz, sometimes Keith Olbermann only because I'm ready to play video games at 8 pm or watch other TV shows or playing poker or doing..You get the picture. But when Street_Pirate (thanks CF) is slaying other gamers online, I'm listening to Rhandi Rhodes followed by The New White Panther - Mike Malloy (This is Rushs total oppostite evil twin, too bad he comes on at 12 Midnight on the east coast). So I get plenty of propaganda.
your inability to admit that ure a liar and a fool
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got sidis?
i love mike malloy
he is personal friend
mike malloy is a dear friend and mentor and we both slew rush in atlanta...
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
your inability to admit that ure a liar and a fool
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got sidis?
and we both slew sean hannity when he was a local atl star too..
i used to slay sean as a guest on his own show at wgst
oh my has the rapid rugmunching
manhater become silent after getting
she lies and thinks people will believe her
fifty year old incompetent fool
where is proof of ur achievements
iq test results
where r they
and we both slew sean hannity when he was a local atl star too..
i used to slay sean as a guest on his own show at wgst
uh huh sure sure right...and just
as ur name recognition in the
industry generates nothing
ur legendary 'slayings' of sean
hannity are also imaginary
oh wait wasn't that a community
public radio station for college
kids and city loons
Bit of history on Mr Adams. He was a political appointee under Bush who was "burrowed" into a Civil Service Position in the closing days of the Bushit Administration -
These guys were put there to derail any effort by the Obama Administration at enforcing Civil and Voting Rights.
mostly rabid:
all 3 of us ruled peime time commercial talk radio in atl
mostly rabid:
all 3 of us ruled prime time commercial talk radio in atl
were u even born then?
busy blogging bs then too?
wtf is victory magazine?
a google search turns up nothing cuz
its such a general term
more lies uve concocted shown for all to see herein
uve been slayed and kilt
and we both slew sean hannity when he was a local atl star too..
i used to slay sean as a guest on his own show at wgst
uh huh sure sure right...and just
as ur name recognition in the
industry generates nothing
ur legendary 'slayings' of sean
hannity are also imaginary
oh wait wasn't that a community
public radio station for college
kids and city loons
all 3 of us ruled peime time commercial talk radio in atl
that link doesnt say shit about u
u havent shown anything no proof of ur rabid lies
ever heard of u outside of ur
fucked up mind
fifty year old senile wretch
AB said:
shep smith is a stellar liberal gay anchor at fox!
do you feel it is appropriate to out him? I think it is no one's business. he has not admitted to this and he is not an elected official passing anti-gay legislation.
also, greta is insane=scientologist and fox news 100% racist in its non-news (and often news) programs. their spin is always negative. always leave out facts.
idiot u repeated urself asshole
u are wasted space on the Earth
do us a favor and reduce ur girth
always leave out facts.
of course those who pride themselfs on their lies always leave out facts
bitch cannot prove she got a degree from uiuc
bitch pays for whos who awards
nobody ever heard of her in atl
bitch try to dominate with nothing
worth shit
liars are useless
"I actually watch and prefer Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace over Meet the Press with David."
Fuck Chris Wallace.
He can race bait with the best of them when he wants to.
How Chris Wallace became irrelevant
Wallace referred to the Tea Partiers as the "real America".
Well what does that make the rest of us? Particularly black folks.
Wallace's interview with the Rev. Joseph Lowery was disgusting.
He badgered Lowery with cooked stats like "1 out of 9 black men are in jail" and of course the 70% OOW wedlock rate and declared "that's the state of black America. You can't blame white people for it."
So that's what we black folks are all about.
Bustin caps and knockin boots.
I wonder what Wallace's father Mike, who was a real crusader and an honest newsman, thinks of his son's hustling for the right.
he is not closeted off camera
rock hudson
queen latifah
and it is not a disgrace
just a fact
i think all religions are insane
and i do not go to church with greta
i watch her show
no biggie/secret x 2
anderson cooper is not officially out either
but he is with his husband off
camera etc
no biggie/secret x 2
who gives a fuck who is homo and who
is not
ur nosiness shows ur fixation with ass piracy and rug munching
u just cant leave well enough alone
and let people do what they do in
private? Tabloid reader loser
btx3 said...
"Bit of history on Mr Adams. He was a political appointee under Bush who was "burrowed" into a Civil Service Position in the closing days of the Bushit Administration -
These guys were put there to derail any effort by the Obama Administration at enforcing Civil and Voting Rights."
And he did his job well - exposing the racist Obama justice department for all to see. Mr. Adams is a hero.
wtf is victory magazine?
a google search turns up nothing cuz
its such a general term
more lies uve concocted shown for all to see herein
uve been slayed and kilt
your inability to admit that ure a liar and a fool
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got sidis?
see mostly rabid's denial above?
just as u said
cite the source she demands and she just attacks the source
all consuming envy trumps all evidence...always!
your inability to admit that ure a liar and a fool
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got sidis?
delusional fifty year old loser cunt licking rug muncher man hating liar
most rabid:
we all see that you are a slain stalker...
your stalking is trumping your envy today...
i do not care whether he is gay or not and it is not something worth spreading around. personal life=personal life...who cares. people can be in or out if they want.
if u TRULY do not care
then neither of us have an issue...beware/ya sure?
shep is proof that fox tv is not the rigid neocon demon that many claim it to be herein...
THAT is why his sexuality is relevant and THAT is why i will always mention it herein
mostly rabid:
as you bash oral sex
i sure hope you are bashing a lot of hets herein too
i hope they all are not unlicked like you!!!
mostly rabid:
i hope you are bashing your own pvt tiger too...for his hos' sakes...nahmean?
i know he is not licking you...that is glaringly obvious
uptownsteve said...
"I actually watch and prefer Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace over Meet the Press with David."
Fuck Chris Wallace.
He can race bait with the best of them when he wants to.
How Chris Wallace became irrelevant
lol. I 'm not watching it to become the next house negro..lol. I watch FOX News Sunday for certain reasons of which I don't want to air out under my "name" and I don't do annon, so we'll never know what runs through my head 100% of the time. And honestly, I just don't like David Gregory as a host, I think he sucks. The way he talks and when he interjects people when they're trying to answer....Something about that dude I don't like, can't put my finger on it. So now I mostly watch FOX News on Sunday because of the Odd Couple, Juan Williams and Bill Kristol when i'm in the mood. Only thing Bill is missing is a white hood and Juan. well, let's just say he has his good days and bad days, I'll leave it like that. If they're not on the "superstar" panel together at the same time, I usually turn to something else.
But I do like Shep. Gay or not..lol
ditto rk
i hate juan too!
you should not be basing your judgment on the fact that he's gay and that a supposedly gay man works for fox news.
no, i do not care and neither should you and you should respect his privacy. it's completely irrelevant to what he does for a living. bringing it up demeans his work.
i always thought he was a pretty OK journalist--nothing special--except when compared to the crap anchors on the rest of that network.
You people hate FOX because you have been trained to hate FOX by the lapdog media. FOX is villified because it does not toe the line on the liberal propaganda cranked out by all the other media outlets.
Is FOX a paragon of truth, intelligence and enlightenment? Of course not, there is a lot of crap on FOX (eg Hannity), but it is the only TV news that is not designed to deceive you into buying the official narrative.
If you don't watch FOX, you will not see half the stories you need to know about.
pay attn:
i adore the work he does as an anchor
i adore how his being a gay anchor at fox proves they are not rgid neocons
so i just realize that u outed yourself as a homhater?
how is being gay "demeaning" his work or ANYTHING else about him????
if i called him a het anchor would that be demeaning too?
i knew this was an issue for u...
do YOU realize that u just outed yourself as a homohater????
please tell me exactly how his being gay "demeans" shep as an anchor etc????
alicia banks said...
ditto rk
i hate juan too!
I don't hate Juan, I actually like him - It's Bill I hate.
jesus. i am not a "homohater."
you need to be a bit more sophisticated, AB.
eg--if everytime hillary did something someone had to mention she was a woman, it would demean her work.
get a grip!
it isn't his BEING gay. it's you MENTIONING it that demeans his work as an anchor as it is 100% IRRELEVANT TO HIS WORK.
get this--YOU--are demeaning his work--not me.
Anonymous said...
You people hate FOX because you have been trained to hate FOX by the lapdog media.
No I hate Fox because Jesse Lee Peterson said I should "Thank White People for Slavery".I hate Fox because when a white man called a little black girl nigger, Sean Klannity threw Dog the Bigot Hunter a ticker tape parade almost and helped him get a raise and his hob back.Wherever a black person is getting screw fox is there to make it worst! I'll be damned if I have to live in a country where my survival is depended on kissing a white man's ass!
i have a masterful grip on the fact that you just absolutely cannot say BOTH of these things!:
1. it does not matter that shep is gay at all
1. but...if i know shep it gay, that demeans him as an anchor
it is akin to all the liberal racists who say:
"when i see you i do not see race"...
if you have to edit out my race, then you never really see me...i am black and lesbian etc...
shep and i are not tangerines...you cannot see us in sections
he is gay
and when droves of superb closeted homo anchors etc.... come out, ONLY then can non one deny our collective excellence simply because we do happen to be gay
that is precisely why all HOMOS should be out!
millions did indeed slay hc simply because she was female and NEVER let anyone forget it
reality is always "extreme" maria...
that is why being real like me is so very rare!
when YOU attach his being gay do his work and YOU claim that demeans it...that proves YOU are a homohater
i just stated a FACT about his being gay to prove the FACT that fox tv is unfairly maligned as a PROTOTYPICAL RIGIDLY neocon netwk
were that true, shep would NEVER ne an anchor
we agree to disagree
ALL homohaters are all hopeless hypocrites
1. but...if i know shep IS gay, that demeans him as an anchor
no can do!
this is a great book that detailes precisely how sexism slew hc
i meant:
when YOU attach his being gay to his work as an anchor and YOU claim that demeans said wk...that proves YOU are a homohater
excuse all the typos
busy day!!!
maria dont listen to this disease
ridden nasty insufferable troll cow
all she does is turn the
to herself and her rug munching
she is an idiot liar and fool with
no life and nothing better to do
so she comes here to waste time
fuck this waste of time and space
Kid is rite fox news is bullshit and racist
only fool lapdogs like troll cunt ab believe they are objective
she is a plant sent here to start discord
where is the iq showing 250 score
where is the uiuc diploma
she is full of hot air and bullshit
ignore this nasty malady
Did you know they have a Free Mershel Facebook page (The Cop Who killed Oscar Grant) and are planning to hold a rally to free him? Its time for a revolt!
e b there is a free johanes merserle page
that is sad
only human haters would side with that
like troll cunt ab
mostly rabid lying stalker:
i said fox tv is no LESS objective than any other tv news...
and you have been sounded LESS objectively lickless each passing hour!
got a long day?
mostly rabid/oj/assnon ETC...:
and you have been SOUNDING LESS objectively lickless each passing hour!
carry on unlicked obsessed vulgar psycho wannabee...
mostly rabid uneducated fool:
if i am a "discord plant"
why are so many other folks herein working OT for free?
don't i owe a whole lot of vulgar evil clones of you a whole lot of my pay???!
your very own HUGE cut alone would be worse than child support!!!...4 real!!!
mostly rabid raging ranter:
if i am staying on topic
with maria/rk etc
while you incessantly obsess all day about oral sex/being lickless and your wannabee woes...
then....just WHO is "planting discord"???
i do get that you are being purposely obtuse.
however, i'll give you one more chance:
if you say, he's tall. that demeans his work because being tall isn't part of his job.
if you say he's a man, that demeans his work because it has nothing to do with it.
if you say that he's gay that demeans his work because it's irrelevant.
perhaps to YOU being gay is somehow a positive thing. but it isn't positive or negative.
it's IRRELEVANT. i don't care what you think you know to be true, what is true, what isn't true.
just exactly like my analogy with hillary, which you chose to ignore.
fox was never accused of hating tall people/males etc
fox is accused of being supremely neocon and it is not
hillary was crucified for being female...from her crying to her "swollen ankles" to her pants suits ETC...
u cannot save yourself maria because YOU INTRODUCED "demaning"
and YOU are IGNORING why i mentioned him being gay
we will never agree on this
because you are a typical homohating hypocrite
IT IS considered positive when matt lauer shows off his model het wife and his hot macho abs
just as to all gaybashers like you it IS demeaning if anderson or shep do the same with a gay lover/spouse...hot gay abs etc
i get that even if u do not
you are being EXACTLY like all the hets who scream
SEX IS FOR PROCREATION!!!... while they inhale bc pills and stuff their pockets with condoms
MARRIAGE IS A SCARED ACT FOR HETS ONLY...as they seek prenups/divorce attys/mistresses etc
i get it
because i am the ONLY one bewteen is who truly does NOT care if he is het or gay
and your homohateful hypocrisy is even MORE glaring with each post
i knew it from your fiorst protest
and being het or gay and OPEN and honest is ALWAYS a supremely positice thing!!!
being honest and open is always POSITIVE!!!
seeing shep being gay as demeaning is your pt and your problem....shame!!!
and his being gay is COMPLETELY * VALIDLY relevant to the defense of fox tv as rabidly neocon
your homohating denial and hypocrisy will never change that truth
and we will never agree
It looks like Thierry Henry is coming to a club near you.
Thierry Henry signs for New York Red Bulls on 'multi-year contract'
Ebony Goddess said...
"Did you know they have a Free Mershel Facebook page (The Cop Who killed Oscar Grant) and are planning to hold a rally to free him? Its time for a revolt!"
I'll bet you have a "Free Mumia" t-shirt, don't you?
Thanks. Coming from you that is a real compliment.
Ebony Goddess said, "Did you know they have a Free Mershel Facebook page (The Cop Who killed Oscar Grant) and are planning to hold a rally to free him? Its time for a revolt!"
It doesn't surprise me. In fact, I would expect them to. You see, Black lives have never been as valuable as Whites. They always stick together which is more that I can say about Blacks.
I think the motivation for the move to New York is that Thierry Henry is a very close friend of Spike Lee. This dates back to Henry's time at Arsenal. Lee is a huge Arsenal fan as I'm sure you know.
Lee is reportedly working on a script for a movie that will star Henry.
I suspect it may well go straight to DvD in Ireland.
black diaspora, you wrote:
The method was simplicity itself: The Tea Party Goers would, until the next national election, put all their collective energies toward the following: the radicalization...
Check. Pals with Bill Ayres, unrepentant white radical.
the Islamization...
Check. He was born a muslim and lived in a muslim nation from the ages of 6 to 11. During those years of a boy's life, he is more impressionable and less capable of resisting influences that at any other period.
It is impossible to shake or avoid the impact of all the psychological forces that enter a boy's mind between the ages of 6 and 11. Obama, in his heart of hearts, is a muslim.
the socialismization...
He's funding more and more government programs with trillions of borrowed dollars. He's a socialist.
the Hitlerization...
This one is a smear. But liberals smeared Bush the same way, and they smeared Bush with an extra layer of Hitler goo in the months before the 2004 election. I saw a lovely Bush-as-Hitler poster at a voter registration stand in Princeton, NJ during the fall of 2004.
the blackenization...
Hard to say what this means.
the racialization...
Yes, he and Michelle are racializing things. I've always felt Obama learned his racial views from his mother who shared with him her belief that whites always take advantage of blacks.
the foreignization*, of Obama.
It's the muslim part that matters. Living in Indonesia where everyone was swimming in the muslim-ness of the nation in the years he was there.
He has deep psychological ties to a muslim culture, and even he is probably incapable of expressing how deep the ties go.
Meanwhile, his naive support for Palestinians and his willingness to stand by while Iran obtains a nuclear bomb tells you he favors muslims over building a saner, safer world.
The fact that we are fighting in Afghanistan, where many nations have come to ruin, is NOT proof that he opposes islamic radicalism.
AB, "seeing shep being gay as demeaning is your pt and your problem....shame!!!
and his being gay is COMPLETELY * VALIDLY relevant to the defense of fox tv as rabidly neocon
your homohating denial and hypocrisy will never change that truth"
You are absolutely right. Maria's reaction to your statement about Shep was an overreaction...completely off-the-chart. Obviously, there is something going on in her unconscious that has her in its grips.
Maybe she has a prejudice against you?
sure. LOL
there was, again, no reason for her to mention that shepard smith is, in her opinion, gay. whether he is or is not has no bearing on fox as a legitimate and unbiased news source. esp. if he's in the closet. that makes fox hip and wise...exactly how?
since when are you all friends with "shep?"
and her projections on me of what she thinks i think of marriage are ridiculous and completely baseless and false (and, again, beside the very SMALL point that there was no reason for her to name drop smith as being gay). and her 25 posts to my two was NOT over the top? pullleeezze
I'm watching the gay guy now, he's looking good!..lol
And Glen Beck...and I'm paraphrasing now.. "The Civil rights act wasn't made into reality by the Black Panthers - God did that" You see, that's the shit I'm talking about..I'm telling ya'll he's pushing for something - has been pushing for something..The Van Horn thingy got his balls swollen, so he's been feeling himself...I got to keep this civil..OK annons let's hear your dumb ass comments.
maria why u engage that waste of space
u know she is full of shit but must
be bored today
otherwise nothing that troll cunt
said makes sense at all
ab where is ur iq test results
where is ur uiuc diploma
u fucktard
Maybe she has a prejudice against you?
yes maria is prejudice against
trolls with no brain
cunts like ab that are a waste of
space on the planet
where does that troll get off
off the work of her cheating wife by
blogging all day
This is to all you OBAMA HATER'S!the disgraceful Black NEGRO'S as well as your White Racist DEAT DOWN OBAMA BUDDY'S!
If This Black man and his Family is Harmed in any way! I will go into SPIRITUAL WARFARE LIKE A CRAZY PERSON! oh and trust me, there will be RESULT'S! what you have today will be gone tomorrow! you will be PUSHING A BABY STROLLER with your meager possesion's it! cause trust me, you would not have the need for a Grocery CART! ALL your Earthy GOOD'S WILL BE SOLD! this has come down to GOOD and EVIL! EVIL is promoting HATRED and DISCORD! so GOOD has to step forth and Challenge it! my POWER come's from GOD! TEA PARTY POWER come's from the PIT OF HELL!!!!!
I don't know who any of you people are, but, some have three or four USER NAME'S! some BLACK'S are too EXTREME in their comment's, so I tend to beleive most of these people are White! it is NOTHING they won't say or do, when they feel Threatened! why would a Black person be this CALLOUS! what would they gain from tearing down a Black man?
Now we do have a BUNCH of BLACK FOLK out their lapping behind white folk! WHOOPI GOLDERG! she is a disgrace to her DREDLOCK'S!
Any of you Poach Monkeys know where I can find some good Watermelon????
I mean, since the Asians/Mexicans moved into Jaw Jaw, Watermelons gotten as scarce as the stray cats that used to run around...
Seriously, I'm gonna be in the Big Apple next week, so help a Brutha out.
Frank "My Friends call me "Cracker" Drackman
ISEEISEE..Chill, Dude. We understand your frustration, trust me.
A two-part response...
no_slappz leaving comments in the Field, after a long absence, after an anoymous tip about his identity, his motivation, and his mental state.
I'm your huckleberry.
'Check. He was born a muslim and lived in a muslim nation from the ages of 6 to 11. During those years of a boy's life, he is more impressionable and less capable of resisting influences that at any other period.'
Now, thanks to your unsolicited revelation, I can understand the causes of your racist rants on this blog...the impressionability of youth, and your innate inability to 'resist influences' of racism swirling around you.
'He's funding more and more government programs with trillions of borrowed dollars. He's a socialist.'
Then he follows in the footsteps of an august body of presidents before him, from Franklin Roosevelt on the Left, to G.W. Bush on the Right.
Get a grip! Socialism is as American as your mom's Apple pie.
'Check. Pals with Bill Ayres, unrepentant white radical.'
This one skews the truth so far to Right, only a desperate ideologue would scratch around in the dirt to use Ayers (guilty by association) to label Obama as a radical.
Further, it presents proof positive that your claim is as fraudulent as you are, and underscores the length you'll go to besmirch the character of the president and, by so doing, besmirch your own.
'Yes, he and Michelle are racializing things. I've always felt Obama learned his racial views from his mother who shared with him her belief that whites always take advantage of blacks'.
Cheap, unsubstantiated claim, even for you. But then I think I credit you too much. Now, we're to give your assertions credibility based on your 'feelings,' and your racist views of Obama's mother's influence on Obama's racial views.
Left to their own devices, there's nothing in the black experience to suggest otherwise...'whites always take advantage of blacks,' as well as Native Americans, and Mexicans (which continues to this day).
Your argument is as anemic as you are, and just as pale.
'This one is a smear. But liberals smeared Bush the same way....'
And his wife, and his children, and his political party, even veering from the party to create a movement more to the Left than the left, with racist placards, and slogans, denouncing the evils of 'conservatism' and the 'reactionary movement' in this country.
Yeah, that was appalling. I can't defend it.
'He has deep psychological ties to a muslim culture, and even he is probably incapable of expressing how deep the ties go.'
Among your other questionable degrees, you proffer yet another, that of a psychiatrist, providing a gratutious psychoanalysis of the president.
I'm sure he would be both thankful and flattered.
'Meanwhile, his naive support for Palestinians and his willingness to stand by while Iran obtains a nuclear bomb tells you he favors muslims over building a saner, safer world.'
The naiveté is yours, dude. You suggest a 'final solution' for Palestinians, while Obama supports a 'two-state' solution. Yours is the path of utter destruction, and his a lasting peace, and autonomy for both.
Now, whose solution do you think I support, yours or Obama's?
I can tell you favor 'stupidity' and Republican talking points to reason, and rationality.
But that was clear from day one, and nothing has changed in the interim to interrupt your descent into the depths of this failing.
Second part of a two-part response.
If Bush didn't favor blowing the Iranians back to the Stone Age, when he had Joe Lieberman (Are all JOEs wackos?), and McCain, and other hawks to back his play, don't blame Obama for taking a sane, rational, approach to the threat.
It seems Bush manifested more wisdom, and good judgment, than you. Now that's saying a lot!
'The fact that we are fighting in Afghanistan, where many nations have come to ruin, is NOT proof that he opposes islamic radicalism.'
Yeah, listen to the self-appointed sage of this blog.
No proof I present, or the president presents, or anyone living, or now recently deceased, would satisfy the kookiness that you have built up around this issue.
Obama is fighting in Afghanistan, blowing to Kingdom Come Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban in Pakistan, and Afghanistan, along with Muslim civilians, but he's doing it because of his love for Muslims, and his high respect for Islam.
He's doing all of that killing, because he supports 'islamic radicalism.'
Your logic makes you certifiable, and a fraud of the first order.
I've already proven that, beyond cavil, but you still insist on elevating irrationality, your 'feelings,' and misinformation into the pantheon of logic, and reason.
That, sir, makes you more than a fraud, but a fool as well.
Sorry, but I can think of no nicer way to put it to you. I guess, in that case, I'm not so sorry after all.
You and Conflictive Feedback must have gone to same 'Distract with Stupidity and Dazzle with Idiocy' training session.
You learned your trade well. But I'd still ask for my money back...your impact here is as negligible as your intentions.
From here on, I can't be your 'huckleberry.' I bore easily when faced with 'foolishness and mayhem,' the foolishness of your positions, and the mayhem you do to reason, the facts, and rationality.
I'll have to leave you to others with a temperament more suitable to working with the disadvantaged than me.
Obama is a racist; he has a deep hatred for whites. He learned this from his mother's words as well as her actions.
Obama is a muslim; his chrisitianity is a false faith. He hates true Christians.
Obama is a man without a country; he hates America.
Obama is a marxist. His hatred of capatilism is fueled by his racism.
The most powerful man in America is driven by a desire to destroy her. God save us all.
"The most powerful man in America is driven by a desire to destroy her. God save us all."
Why not just move out of the country to Europe?
anon- "Why not just move out of the country to Europe?"
Europeans are atheists and are not fond of Christians.
"Why not just move out of the country to Europe?"
Because I'll stand and fight.
trolls with no brain
cunts like ab that are a waste of
space on the planet
where does that troll get off
off the work of her cheating wife by
blogging all day
he dont hate white people but he do
act oblivious towards blacks u cant
be all things 2 all people
Zing-your two part series show how full you are of yourself! You really are an egomaniac, you poor weak boy.
Rwanda Today:
The vice president of Rwanda's Democratic Green Party -- Andre Kagwa Rwisereka -- was found murdered a day after he was kidnapped. His body was dumped on a riverbank; his head almost cut off.
He had expected to run in next month's presidential election.
That's Africa.
zing, you wrote:
The naiveté is yours, dude. You suggest a 'final solution' for Palestinians, while Obama supports a 'two-state' solution. Yours is the path of utter destruction, and his a lasting peace, and autonomy for both.
First, inasmuch as I disagree with virtually every statement you wrote in your two previous posts, a full response would burn up more time an effort than I'm willing to commit.
Hence, I'm going with a single point. One that -- to people who know something about the situation -- is crystal clear evidence of Obama's incompetence, appeasement and pro-muslim sentiments.
Since the beginning of human society, territory has changed hands, been divided and shared.
The region of the world known as Palestine -- there was NEVER a sovereign nation of Palestine -- was divided by the British. The debate about handling the territory began in the 1920s and was concluded with the formation of today's states of Jordan, Israel, Syria and Lebanon.
Israel was formed in 1948.
Inasmuch as there was NEVER a nation of Palestine, there were NEVER any Palestinians. There were/are arab muslims who were born in the region. But they were not born into an existing nation.
Palestine is a region, like the North Pole. Not a country. However, the nations surrounding Israel refuse to give citizenship to the people who define themselves as Palestinians. Nice.
Contrast that fact with Obama's desire to give amnesty to 15 million illegal immigrants in the US.
Anyway, Obama is doing NOTHING to bring about the creation of a Palestinian state. He pretends the Hamas government of the Gaza Strip is a legitimate government, even though Hamas, in its charter states its dedication to the goal of destroying Israel and driving all Jews out of the middle east.
For the president to pretend a government that defines itself by its terrorist goals is legitimate is to say that he has no real intention of pushing for a Two-State Solution.
Meanwhile, the muslims of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have refused the terms of statehood proposed by Israel.
Why? Because the muslims want all Jews OUT. They say it, say it again and amplify their position with terrorist acts and by electing terrorist governments.
Unfortunately, the so-called Palestinians live in an alternate reality. They want to maintain and expand the reach of their insanely repressive and backward religion, and they will sacrifice everything for the chance to spread their misery across Israel.
The best analogy would go like this: US blacks in the 1950s would claim they love Jim Crow laws so much that they demand whites submit to same repressive laws.
Muslim law -- for muslims -- is many times more repressive than Jim Crow. And those nuts want everyone to live in their misery.
This is the misery that our ex-muslim president is willing to accept, and, in his own way, support.
diced icyicy
cc that to the kennedy family
do u even care about dead white presidents too???
hobama knew he could die when he took the job
i just wish we knew how many millions of us he would destroy first!!!
u have gone from flagrant gaybashing to foolishly denying that shep is gay
u r clearly a homohater
and shep and i BOTH could not care less
mostly rabid:
got valium?
got a ged summer program in your city?
got a togre alert pending?
mostly rabid:
got a TIGER taming alert pending?
stalk your hubby and his hos rather than me and give us all a break!!!
diced icy icy
we reap what we sow...ditto c 10 for hobama the hoax!!!
i still mourn the death of jfk...
our last real prez
but if hobama is popped
i will order a cake with YOUR face painted on the icing and get my party on in the name of jesus
i see u!!!:
diced icy ice:
i despise you hypochristian amnesiac hobama nazis!!!
i recall people OPENLY wishing hobama's cousin gwb would be killed and even making films about it!
being prez is not for wimps!
trolls with no brain
cunts like ab that are a waste of
space on the planet
where does that troll get off
off the work of her cheating wife by
blogging all day
i despise you hypolesbian amnesiac muff diving nazis!!!
got sidis?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
maria why u engage that waste of space
u know she is full of shit but must
be bored today
otherwise nothing that troll cunt
said makes sense at all
ab where is ur iq test results
where is ur uiuc diploma
u fucktard
waste of space cuntroll late to the program talkin that shit
got a degeneres alert pending?
stalk your wife and her hos rather than me and give us all a break!!!
cuz as ugly as u r we all know the
bitch cheat on u every day
but if hobama is popped
i will order a cake with YOUR face painted on the icing and get my party on in the name of jesus a b
so u r advocating the president get
killt and ule celebrate
wasted fuck
u sick ugly demented coohole!
your inability to admit that ure a liar and a fool
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got vos savant?
give us all a break!!!
A BREAK? a break? a break? from what exactly
do u want a break from? getting the
medicine that uve been doling out for
so long what the 'lioness' cant even
take what she give out
pitiful pathetic liar fool and
so u cant take some innocent
joking over the internet
my arent u taking this a bit too
mostly rabid:
hyenas can never even pretend to be lionesses..
keep barking u buffonish bitch
mostly rabid:
faceless bitches never growl
u r funny
mosty rabid moron:
degeneres is a great monogamous faithful spouse that is NOTHING like your own pvt tiger!
but my queen and i thank u for the compliment!
mostly rabid:
if it makes you feel less manic, you psycho stalker,
i promise that will throw a MUCH bigger party if you are ever put out of your glaring misery...k?
i promise that i will throw a GRANDER party if you are ever put out of your glaring misery...k?
of course, until i find a video of you as i did diced icy icy...
i will have to order a fittingly faceless icing icing upon my cake...nahmean u invisible cowardly idiot???
give us all a break!!!
A BREAK? a break? a break? from what exactly
do u want a break from? getting the
medicine that uve been doling out for
so long what the 'lioness' cant even
take what she give out
pitiful pathetic liar fool and
so u cant take some innocent
joking over the internet
my arent u taking this a bit too
i promise that i will throw a GRANDER party if you are ever put out of your glaring misery...k?
of course, until i find a video of you as i did ur cheating wife...
i will have to order a fittingly faceless icing icing upon my cake...nahmean u invisible stinkin idiot???
so u cant take some innocent
joking over the internet
my arent u taking this a bit too
go ahead and end it already u cannot possibly win at this
u dont have the wherewithal
u know ur wife has to floss in
triplicate every time she touches ur
disgusting snatch
rabid ugly disease ridden dog
end it already end that charade u
call existence eyel be waiting in
hell to usher u in bitch
i despise you hypolesbian amnesiac muff diving nazis!!!
got vos savant?
lying sack of dogshit
your inability to admit that ure a liar and a fool
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got vos savant?
mostly rabid obsessed hater assnon:
bygone =
your false buybull god
your sanity
your dignity
your soul
your chance to be educated and win any award EVER!!!
your chronological denial
your fugly faceless empty invisible head herein...
got laundry?
go wash those reeking vaginal germs out of your ow pvt tigers undies now!!!
mostly rabid awardless vulgar blind deluded hater:
where are ANY of your awards from ANY year???
count the 2011 awards and weep...do so over the washer and you can save on your waterbill as you launder your own pvt tiger's reeking undies!!!:
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/57 2004
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in
American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association
Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
your inability to admit that ure a liar and a fool
just reminds us all in each new thread that your were slain
where is proof of ur 250 iq
got vos savant?
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