The only thing that Tehran has in common with Los Angeles, California these days is the fact that both cities were recently besieged by large crowds rallying around a common cause. In Tehran it was the outrage over what many people in Iran believed to be a sham of an election; and they were, in essence, protesting against what they perceived to be a lack democracy in their own country.
In Los Angeles, the crowds were taking to the streets; not for democracy, but in jubilation. Jubilation that their professional basketball team had won the National Basketball Association championship. See it's like this: In A-merry-ca the very same thing that might have happened in Iran, is what many folks in this country thinks happened here. But A-merry-cans did not take to the streets and act like lunatics and defy authority in a quest for justice. No, A-merry-cans have to be happy and in a mood to celebrate before they riot.
You gotta love it. We only tear up shit and riot when we are happy. Unless, of course, we happen to be talking about inner city black folks. They riot for perceived injustice like the Iranians, and they do a pretty good job of tearing shit up as well.
But I am not mad at the Iranians, and I only get mad at inner city black folks when they riot and tear up there own neighborhoods. That defeats the purpose of the riot in the first place. The Iranian uprising is a righteous cause. Whether these people were robbed of a fair election process or not is irrelevant. The fact is that many of these people believe that they were robbed and they are doing something about it. The Iranian government is trying to keep the images away from us, but thanks to what might be the worlds' first Internet revolt, we are seeing what is going down over there on our television sets and lap tops.
Sometimes I wish we had the passion for this stuff like our friends in other countries. But it's hard to be a revolutionary when your stomach is always full, you have hot and cold running water, and a big screen television to watch your favorite basketball team is on the wall.
What about the Tea Parties? Yeah, I'm laughing at myself too.
Hey, why couldn't we do that after our 2000 election?
Yo' Field...........ya' think maybe the Iranians are all jus' Laker fans and were celebratin' too? Jes' sayin'.............
Do you honestly believe that if Americans, preferably ones of color, were to ever have a "righteous" riot, that it would even get anywhere? That "the man" would even let us into any wealthy neighborhoods or business districts and actually do some real damage to "the system?"
I honestly dont think so. I think that our riots are confined to our own spaces so that we are the only ones that have to deal with the repercussions of our own actions.
Well, actually people did show up in the thousands to protest on 43's inauguration. He even had to get back in the limousine instead of walking part of the parade route.
The difference between US and Iran is that protesting the day of inauguration implies that you've already accepted the results of the election but you just want to let everybody know you don't like it.
Is it this false sense of civility we as Americans have? I heard a commentator on NPR contrasting Americans to South Americans. He implied that we are more "civilized" up here. Or perhaps we are already subdued so there is no need for the violent backlash of an oppressive regime against populist revolt. We are complacent as a nation. We'll bitch why the billy club is being brought down on our heads but that's about it.
It seems we could learn a thing or two from Iranians on how to voice our opinions on sham elections.
Great post, field. I take issue with the implication whether intended or not that Iranians are somehow part of the "third world" lacking food and running water or bourgeois amenities like big screen TVs. You and I both know that there are parts of this country that could be classified as third world.
But it's hard to be a revolutionary when your stomach is always full, you have hot and cold running water, and a big screen television to watch your favorite basketball team is on the wall.
Bread 'n circuses, baby. These days it's KFC and NFL.
Do you honestly believe that if Americans, preferably ones of color, were to ever have a "righteous" riot, that it would even get anywhere? That "the man" would even let us into any wealthy neighborhoods or business districts and actually do some real damage to "the system?"
That would be a resounding "NO". Had the LA Riots actually spread to Beverly Hills, there would have been a lot of dead Negros. I saw how the crackers got down at Waco and it's nothing pretty.
Funny thing is most moussavi supporters are middle and upper class iranians and they also live in comfort..but many of them were there on the streets rioting and making sure their voices were heard. I agree that a comfortable lifestyle is likely to make people a lot more apolitical, but are there any other reasons for american apathy?
I kind of admire the Iranian protesters because so many of them do have hot and cold running water and a big screen television. But I don't think they're ready to die for the cause, which would happen if they protested the Supreme Leader, the Council of Guardians, & the Iranian Constitution.
But I don't think they're ready to die for the cause
Seven of them already have.
Most of the Iranian protesting are from the middle and upper middle classes and /or college students.
I think we are too complacent. Many of us don't give a crap about anything except getting paid.
what?! I just looked over to your side bar. Thanks for the love.
Nice Article ...Love to Read..
Used Cars
Eddie, the "Tea Parties"? I guess that counts as a form of protest as well, but those folks were god fearing republicans, they would never riot. Rioting is unamerican.
"Yo' Field...........ya' think maybe the Iranians are all jus' Laker fans and were celebratin' too? Jes' sayin'............."
Well anon. a lot of Iranians do live in L.A.
J, you are right, I forgot about the W inauguration day protest. If only we had listened to those folks.
"Do you honestly believe that if Americans, preferably ones of color, were to ever have a "righteous" riot, that it would even get anywhere? That "the man" would even let us into any wealthy neighborhoods or business districts and actually do some real damage to "the system?"'
"Funny thing is most moussavi supporters are middle and upper class iranians and they also live in comfort..but many of them were there on the streets rioting and making sure their voices were heard. I agree that a comfortable lifestyle is likely to make people a lot more apolitical, but are there any other reasons for american apathy?"
Good point, and it's one I overlooked in my post.
But to answer your question about A-merry-can apathy: it's because it doesn't really matter who is in power. Most people know that repub or dem. it's just the same crooked politrickster with a different name.
We do have something to learn... but will we?
In the last 10 years, demonstrators around the world have taken to the streets to make demands about elections (Iran, Ukraine) or corporations taking over water supplies (Bolivia) or changes to workers rights (France) and instead of just protesting for a day... they STAY in the streets, their protests are sustained until their demands are addressed.....
As a veteran of protest movements here in the US, it frustrates the hell out of me that even my colleagues don't believe we can "win".... and unlike our brothers and sisters around the world, we are not willing to stop our lives and take a stand and stay.
I sincerely believe that if hundreds of thousands of people, which showed up over and over in the past 5 years to protest the war in Iraq... but just for a day... and only on weekends, would have stopped and stayed, the war would have been over. I did the math, in all of the movements I mentioned above, 3 weeks was the longest it took.
So ask yourself, if you could end an injustice in 3 weeks, if it meant taking time out of your life, yes risking losing your job, but saving hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.... would you do it?
ditto fn!
if only we loved justice as much as we love the lakers...the revolution would have already happened!
shame how twisted priorities and rabid materialism tame warrior souls...
"So ask yourself, if you could end an injustice in 3 weeks, if it meant taking time out of your life, yes risking losing your job, but saving hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.... would you do it?"-Jody
Makes sense! Folks got too many "toys" to play with than do actual work getting the "real ones"...
I like the juxtaposition between the Lakers celebration en masse and the Iranian election riots, Field.
Excellent post!
It really is a case of twisted priorities, AB. Lot of folks like to throw around the overused phrase "opiate of the masses" when discussing religion. How many of those same folks will not miss a regular season game on TV if they can help it, then as playoffs roll around they throw parties so others can share in the revelry. It is truly bread and circus, grinder! A whole facet of our society is built around the Superbowl. Folks that don't even like football go to Superbowl parties! We're so enslaved we even wait with eager anticipation for the commercials in between the game! And all that would never happen if it didn't pay off for the advertisers as they see their profit margins soar.
I dont know about you, but the great Popeyes/KFC riots of 2009 bought me back to MLK marching across that bridge in Selma..
Last December, there were also riots in Greece, and also Latvia in January.
The Laker riots here in LA show that we Americans have no clue about the world around us. We basically slept through stolen elections, illegal wars and rednecks shooting gynecologists, but we'll riot over a freaking basketball game?! WTF?!
Jody,what I love about you is that there is no doubt in my mind that you would do all the thibgs that you are posing the questions to us about.:)
Co-sign with LACoincitental!
LACoincidental said...
"rednecks shooting gynecologists"
Where are rednecks shooting gynecologists??
Jody said...
As a veteran of protest movements here in the US, it frustrates the hell out of me that even my colleagues don't believe we can "win".... and unlike our brothers and sisters around the world, we are not willing to stop our lives and take a stand and stay.
I sincerely believe that if hundreds of thousands of people, which showed up over and over in the past 5 years to protest the war in Iraq... but just for a day... and only on weekends, would have stopped and stayed, the war would have been over. I did the math, in all of the movements I mentioned above, 3 weeks was the longest it took.
Where are these protesters now??Why are you and your fellow protesters not protesting against Obama's illegal war??
I guess like Janeane Garofalo once said, its only kool to protest war when Republicans are in the Whitehouse.
I agree with you, we really aren't getting on our hind legs about issue. Hell even Obama said if you want him do something, get out on the streets and make him do it!
As for the rednecks and gynecologists --
When are you going to get it through your head that this war was not and is not Obama's illegal war. He did not start it, he did not suggest it, he voted against it. BUSH started this war and he was warned that if he started it what the consequences would be, but he had made up his mind he was gone start it no matter what. Stop blaming Obama for something he had no control over.
Obama is going to end this war, but because of what BUSH has caused by starting it in the first place and then letting it get out of hand, Fox News contributing their vicious lies to it, it is gone take a little time. That is why he is working on trying build back up our relationship around the world.
If Fox News and Rush would stop aggitating and telling lies, it might would end sooner. However, they keep making up lies that are angering the middle east.
Now, I'm through with it. From now on you can believe whatever you want to believe. But for once, you would do yourself good to stop, listen, and THINK.
obama has told many lies that warrant riots:
but kobe's dunks trump obama's
see more:
Obama is the Commander-in-chief.So this is Obama's war.If the war was illegal under Bush than it is illegal under Obama.
Think about it....
Wow!!So Rush and FOX NEWS has so much power they can shape opinions in the middle east??
FOX NEWS has the power to lead a country into war??
I'm so confused with you on the left.One day the left is sayin that only dumb stupid rednecks watch FOX NEWS and the next day people are sayin FOX NEWS is all powerful.Which is it??
Hey Field,
What do you think of this? http://www.bagnewsnotes.com/2009/06/question-of-character.html
Makes you want to believe in the humanity of peoples again, doesnt it?
Another broken promise.That doesn't matter because my president is black!!
on a related note:
here is a riot/assault on a stylist at a hair salon:
shame what we are willing to ride or die for...or not,
Didn't you read what I said? In case you didn't here it is again.
"Now, I'm through with it. From now on you can believe whatever you want to believe."
That is what you call compassion and love for your fellow man. Thank you for sharing that. If only Americans could grasp that concept.
I watched the humanitarian voice in you grow stronger by the day. I've said this once, and I'll say it again. You are a powerful woman and I suspect one day if the Lord willing I'll be reading about you being recognize for your accomplishments in making a difference in this world.
Baby girl, CPL, you, BT got political analyst skills, and I recognize that in you and them. In addition, I love reading the down-to-earth comments section over at y'all spot and the intellectual articles that are written on a serious note. I don't know if you guys recognize the two-fold impact you're make in helping some of our people understand those things which effect us by reaching out to those in a language that they understand that is also a part of our culture in the comments sections just as your articles reaches out to another part of our culture in the articles that are written.
What our people need to understand and put into practice is embracing one another instead of tearing one another down. We are all one people from the highest rank to the lowest rank in society. When our people learn to stand in unity, instead of immersing ourselves in division amongst us, our voice will grow stronger and taken serious as are other races of people.
Gil Scott Heron said that the "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised".
As a veteran of protest movements here in the US, it frustrates the hell out of me that even my colleagues don't believe we can "win".... and unlike our brothers and sisters around the world, we are not willing to stop our lives and take a stand and stay.
Americans are too divided by race and ethnicity to have sustained movement against the government.
West Coast Story:
I sincerely and truly understand the frustrations you feel concerning all the killings and the bad habits and the spiraling downward road some of our youth have taken. Your not alone. There are many others in our community that feel that same way. But you be encouraged!
There used to be an area right here in my city, that violence and drugs took place on a daily basis. The same problems that your city is facing were just as bad and even worse in that area. Now, you can go through there and hear a pin drop. Old people sit outside now and children are playing outside. I don't know what your beliefs are as far as faith is, but I will tell you this that prayer works.
People have asked the question why does God let people suffer?
There is more than one answers to that question, "You have not, cause you ask not, and when you ask, you ask amiss." But the main reason is this, "If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and search for me and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sins and will heal their land."
Humble = recognize their own short-comings (flaws) and faults.
Search for me/seek my face = search for me in the word (bible). Believe me he is in there and throughout it.
Heal their land = their hearts which is symbolic for minds.
Because evil and good thoughts are in the mind. It is our thought patterns. The battle is in the mind. That is where the war is taking place and the struggle between good and evil takes place. Remember the story I told about the two wolves. It is which one is fed the most that determines a persons path in life. You can feed it with good thoughts or you can feed it with bad thoughts. It's a person's choice.
There are certain principles that you have to follow and obey in order to activate the move of God in your life. Sad to say, there are too many people who think that he is a myth because they don't know him and his ways. Nevertheless, the prayers of the righteous availeth much.
I meant to give you psalm 37, 91, and psalm 4:8 to read, West Coast Story if you're a believer before you go to bed at night.
God is closer when things are at there darkest waiting on his people to pray, trust him, and look to him for help. King David went through all sorts of mess. His enemies wanted to kill him, his own sons wanted to kill him, he had problemd with one of his wives, lost one his son to death, one of his sons slept with David's wives, his kids was acting up, one of his sons raped his own sister. He went through that and much more. But through it all, he PRAYED and PRAISED his WAY OUT.
Now, Granny is getting up off her soapbox, and putting it away. I don't think I'll be pulling it out again.
For all those who think you can stop a war on a dime, should think about the Americans that are depended upon when they are fighting an insurgency. Nixon's administration tried several tracts to end the Vietnam war, didn't work and when Americans pulled out on a dime, they left behind a lot of traumatized people. I wanted an end to that war, but I am still disturbed by the people running toward the helicopters and those clinging to the Americans. The price we paid for eventually relocated many from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and the moral price of those who died is why we should have really thought about going to war again. That is why when the war in Iraq started the Right tried to convince people that this was not going to be a Vietnam. Even the veterans forgot their own history.
BTW Sick Freak and AB, Nixon was in office more than six months (5 years) before Americans came home and ending the war was a campaign promise of his. In case you forgot he was a Republican. It seem you have been exposed to a little Fairey Dust too, with your superhero/villain expectations of Obama.
Some folks that are supposed to be upholding the law can come up with more excuses when they are wrong and get away with it. And they wonder why people don't trust them. If they'd only just once admit that sometimes they are wrong too because their only human, it might defuse some of the ill feelings and mistrust people have towards them. However, it seems that they would rather uphold that code they have amongst themselves instead of doing what is right and keep on feeding that mistrust and ill feelings.
Yeah, yeah, the trooper fought in Iraq and the same ole praises for the trooper. I guess, the work that EMTs do in helping to save lives is worthless and meaningless. Smh! I could go through this article piece by piece and tear it to shreds.
Saleema, Americans have a lot to learn from Iranians about compassion and love for their fellow men. I salute the Iranians they do have a heart.
no denial or excusing will change the facts of obama's sins
honest persons can never hate gwb while excusing obama for doing worse!!
more spending
more wars etc
i refuse to give obama a pass for doing even MORE evil than gwb did in 8 yrs...and in only 6 mos just because he is black'
u do so...cool,
ps hathor:
thanks for the reminder about prezes
i thought i was to hold obama to higher standards that a moron like gwb or a loon like nixon...
but i see i thought wrong
rev wright told me so:
"obama is just another politico"
i never expected him to stop a war on a dime
but i did not expect him to add millions of dollars to current wars or start new wars in iran etc either
do not berate me for the promises he made and broke
Another major difference between the LA riots and the one in Iran is that the later 1) did not have major looting 2) the rioters did not target women, or use the chaos for random violence.
In American these two things are often present in riots which makes a huge difference. Then the rioters are simply criminals who found an opportunity. Not dignified or principled.
I heard AHMADENAJAD on TV when he came to America last year, this man is afraid to let his guard's down, he doe's not trust America! he spoke about the disrespect America has shown to other country's in the past, in my opinion he is slightly disturbed, but, yet he is smart, and the only person that will be able to reach him is the President, BARACK look's like the IRANIAN people, why do you think those young people are willing to stand up for justice in the mist of turmoil, they want change, and they are sick and tired of old men trying to destroy their future, the Iranian's deserve to live in peace!
I watch the Iranian people when they protest, these people have been given a raw deal, and the truth is this is the first time I think these people have been shown as Human Being's! the media would have us to think that they are all a bunch of Heartless Murderer's! but, now look, God has brought them out in the open, and he is showing the world that these people want freedom, justice, and equality, some of them are willing to dye for it at any cause! and I'm sure I spelled ahmadenajad name wrong, but, so what, and beside's all thing's work together for the good, and in the end, the leader's in IRAN will begin to see their CITIZEN'S in a different light! I pray that GOD will bless and keep the IRANIAN'S in perfect peace as they seek Change in their COUNTRY!
The "Fairey Dust"caused me to believe Obama and the Democrats campaign promises.
What happen to hope and change?
BARACK look's like the IRANIAN people
An Iranian woman
Hello Prophetess Wallace:
I was hoping to see you. I've been away from my computer trying to do a few chores around the house. I come back to it every once in a while to read the news at different sites.
Amen, I cosign with what you said. You on target with it. We Americans need to learn to embrace others,their different cultures, them as a fellow human being, and do away with those superiority false assumptions. We are all botn of the human race all over the world and one people. I pray one day We Americans get that concept before they finish destroying the world with hatred.
You are one person I doubt would be able to recognize change and hope if it was staring you in the face with a sign on it saying hope and change. I sense the anger and confusion in your mind that you project whenever you write it spills out. You are blind and can't see because of those things you hold in your heart with your unstable self.
You want to crucify the President because of a sick ideology. Nevertheless, do what you do best. In fact, I'm even going to thank you for it because every time you write something it illustrates how narrow-minded and insane the extremist in the right wing party are and lets millions of other people know why they voted for President Obama and keeps crazy people like you from being able to continue to destroy and divide this country. The hate on the right is what is going to drive the American people to come together in unity. So, in that respect I truly and sincerely thank you!!!!!!!!!
Saleema, that was FN behavior on the part of those protestors.
Instead of botn I meant to say *born*
We Americans need to learn to embrace others,their different cultures, them as a fellow human being, and do away with those superiority false assumptions.
Does the Islamic world in the mideast do this? Do the Asians? Do the Africans? The human race AS A A WHOLE needs to get its' act together; however, the chances of that happening are slim.
Anonymous 7:25:
"The human race AS A A WHOLE needs to get its' act together; however, the chances of that happening are slim."
Okay, you started off with a truth in this statement and then ended it with DOUBT. My people, my people, my people...smh! Let me put it this way, you are what you BELIEVE.
FN-"Sometimes I wish we had the passion for this stuff like our friends in other countries. But it's hard to be a revolutionary when your stomach is always full, you have hot and cold running water, and a big screen television to watch your favorite basketball team is on the wall."
Is lack of passion in the Black race because of full stomachs and modern conveniences? Maybe. But it is also obvious that many Blacks are people with little hope and courage. Field, I think you might be stretching for excuses. It’s more because Blacks have paralyzing fear and a lack of courage. Have Blacks as a ‘unified’ race ever shown much courage as a race in America? There was some courage shown in the 60’s during MLK and Malcolm X days. But that ended with King’s death. Today, Blacks talk and blog about what should be done, but that’s as far as it goes.
So far, Blacks have been no action. Blacks were denied their right to vote in 2000 in Florida. That was a fine example of Black cowardice. They did nothing about it.
It’s no wonder the Iranians are admired for their courage, selflessness, and passion. Blacks lack those inner qualities today. Instead, Blacks are fearful, selfish, and passionless. A Black angry protest is a riot that tears up their own properties, neighborhoods and communities. That is not courage, that is a blatant act of cowardice. Clearly the target should have been the White community. Of course, no Black is willing to die for that.
"A man who hasn't found something he is willing to die for is not fit to live." MLK
No one wants to admit it, but Blacks don't value their race enough to make an effort as a ‘unified group’-- let alone ‘die’ for a cause. So forget about protesting with conviction and determination like the Iranians or any other courageous group of people willing to die for what they believe in.
Desperate Black kids are dying in the streets. Nothing has been done except ‘recycled going no-where’ actionless discussions conversations-- month-after-month, year-after-year.
As a race, Blacks are gutless loud mouths but are too gutless to admit it. No other race would, or could stand by while their children are murdered, month-after-month, year after year.
Oh, I forgot. Recently, there has been something ‘new’ added for future conversations...it's called "sterilization." Yeah. That should do it.
Anonymous 7:53:
Amen, amen, and amen again! I feel a fire in my bones.
How about the cats in Iran believe their riots will change things in the government while Black folks riots in LA are just saying f*ck everything we'll burn this ish down if we have to.
Riots and Rallies are civil when they believe things will change but give that same Riot in Tehran a month or two and see if that same group doesn't plan a coup. Black folks don't plan a coup so instead they do what anyone with no power does and that is cause chaos.
Just because we are full doesn't mean we aren't doing things in the same manner as any other group in our position would do. Only the intellectuals want to march hand in hand hoping that peer pressure changes the masses some people rather do it another way because begging and hoping hasn't worked for ish!
Prophetess Wallace:
Do you see the latest snare they're trying to set up wanting to know who visits the President. Yea, ulterior motive with hopes to be able to drag whoever does through the ringer and sling mud hoping to kill his influence.
The President is still working with a lot of missing staff, but yet that is not good enough for people who want to crucify him. He is doing the best he can under those circumstances. Sometimes I feel like praying that Bush could get another term so he can finish the job. That ought to satisfy all of these unhappy folks.
Begging and hoping as some call it was the cause of the Civil Rights Bill being passed and a lot of other stuff getting done. Only it wasn't all begging as some would like to call it behind closed doors. And intellectuals holding hands was a way of getting nationwide attention back then. Unfortunately, some seem to think that it does not work in this generation. However, it is always powers in numbers.
Nevertheless, since people nowadays want to write those things off as trivial no sense in hoping, huh? All I can say is, we might not be where we're supposed to be, but we're not where we used to be, which people will probably write off as trivial as well.
Hope is a main ingredient to practically anything we do. When you went to apply for that job, you were hoping you'd get it. If you go to the grocery store to get a certain item, you're hoping they have it. You hope to wake up in the morning, and I could go on and on about hope. Yet and still, hopeless people wouldn't understand that little simple thing called hope,so,what's the use.
Sometimes people are their own worse enemy. Sad but true. They don't make fighters of injustice and equality like they used too. Because we've gotten so intellectual now. Back in those days MLK and Malcolm had one thing in common a belief in God, Allah...same thing! They put God/Allah first. Their methods were different and simple but are considered trival and myths to all these intellectuals nowadays.
Sometimes, you have to get back to the basics. The Iranians people have what we call a righteous anger. Their not out to destroy one another their fighting against what they believe in, and to them is an injustice. Like I said before, Americans as a whole could learn a lot from them.
Anon.7:53P,my toes are hurting.
But damn it, you are speaking some truths to me.
it was obama who promised to be transparent and "change" bush's policies
this is yet another lie he told
Malcolm had one thing in common a belief in God, Allah...same thing! They put God/Allah first. Their methods were different and simple but are considered trival and myths to all these intellectuals nowadays.
Religion has nothing to do with righteousness or justice. The people who hold sway over the Iranian people are religious themselves- they believe in Allah. How much sympathy did the Prophet Muhammed have for nonbelievers? The entire Middle East is one of the most religious places in the world. it also one of the least free in terms of governmental participation.
I suppose it its pretty common for ultra religious folks to call anything outside of the Bible "intellectual" and hence bad. What were Malcolm and martin? Street fighters?
This world needs less religion and not more.
@Granny-Anonymous 7:53:
Amen, amen, and amen again! I feel a fire in my bones.
Thanks Granny...too bad FreeMan missed the point.
@ Field-"Anon.7:53P,my toes are hurting.
But damn it, you are speaking some truths to me."
Thanks Field, glad it made your toes hurt. Try soaking them in some warm salt water....A+
You are set in your beliefs and nothing granny says to you is going to change that because you're not going to hear it anyway. Unlike some on here, granny loves you the same, sometimes I wish you would slow down a little bit though (LOL) for granny though.
It's a reason for some of the things he is doing right now, and it has something to do with danger and security. There are some dangerous and crazy people roaming around and some of them are up on Capitol Hill. Right now, he can't tell folks everything he'd like to. However, patience is not the American people's virtue.
With regards to foreign policy his is way different than GWB in both substance and style. He is fulfilling hius campaign promise to decrease U.S. involvement in Iraq cautiously while increasing funds to fight against Bin Laden and his supporters. Think about it was Ben Laden not Saddam that attacked us in 9/11.
He has improved our image abroad.with negotiation instead of intimidation. I could go on but I'm not. I'll leave it right there as far as the promises he has kept. The man is working very under staffed. I'm sure most people know what it's like to work under staffed. It means extra work for the staff that he does have and some things have to be put on the back burner for a minute until he can get the rest of his staff. President Obama might know how to multi-task with ease, but everybody can't do that.
Streetfighters? Where did you get that from? And righteousness and Justice have more to do with God/Allah than you think. However, it wouldn't do any good for me to tell you that because it would be a waste of time. Therefore, you believe what you think you know. So be it!
i love you too as we agree to disagree
this is not a security issue
it is a secrecy issue
all of his guests will still be heavily screened/guarded/inspected etc as always...
their visits will now just be censored like those who visited gwb
Anonymous A+:
Amen! You encourage me! Thanks, God always knows what you need when you need it, and he has never failed me yet. I know you understand what I'm talking about.
Well, I got to get ready to go in a few. I have to go out of town this evening. I am going to visit a dying friend tomorrow, a mother who was on fire for the Lord. I'm staying at one of my relatives house who is taking me tomorrow. When I get to my destination, I might be able to use their computer. It depends, because we have to get up early in the morning because it is long few hours drive there.
Have a peaceful evening Granny. I hope your friend isn't suffering too much. Seems like you have been handling a few deaths lately. Hope you are ok with it.
Peace and Love,
I'm okay. I'm more tired than I am anything right now. I've been getting a couple hours sleep the last couple of days. And thank you again. GBU.
ditto granny:
god bless you all
life is eternal
celebrate and enjoy!
Granny, I co-sign with what A+ said at 10:28PM.
Thank you Field and Alicia. I'm waiting on my ride to come. They should be here in a few.
To be free in the mind is true Freedom but I know you won't understand that.
Ever been in a church and felt the peace in the atmosphere. That is how it should feel in your house and in the environment. In some folks house you can walk in and feel that same peace. Some folks house you walk in you can feel the unrest. Has it ever occurred to you why?
Desperate Black kids are dying in the streets. Nothing has been done except ‘recycled going no-where’ actionless discussions conversations-- month-after-month, year-after-year.
Oh so true.
Why do you people give sick freak the attention that he seeks by responding to his comments?
Ignore him and don't feed his hate and rage.
Damn this was good!
That last paragraph totally killed it.
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