That's why I want to talk about something that has been bothering me ever since we lost the King Of Pop on Thursday. It's the other half of Rev. Inc. Am I the only one who thinks that Jessie is way over the top inserting himself as the family spokesperson for the Jacksons? Like WTF? Look, maybe I am wrong, and maybe they asked him to be their spokesperson throughout this terrible time for them. But if they did, I am still not sorry about this post, because that's just the way I feel. Hey, Jessie made me this way. He has a history.
Honestly, I know the family is upset about the circumstances surrounding the gloved ones death, not to mention the lack of access to him in the months leading up to it. (Mike's doctor has some [as Ricky Ricardo used to say] "splainin" to do) Still, where did Jessie come from? And how about the other half of Rev. Inc? He has been all over the television in this Michael Jackson news cycle as well. And he has also become somewhat of an unofficial family spokesperson. I am sorry, but we just don't need Rev. Inc. overkill right about now.
And wait; it's not only Jessie and Al. I have seen former choreographers, make up people, some guy who met Mike in a bathroom after his trial, some lawyer who worked for a lawyer who represented Mike back in the day, some guy who made a comic book about Mike; and on and on. These networks are digging up anyone they can find with some kind of connection to Mike (any connection) to jump on their station and give their two cents. I saw some lady on Geraldo and I swear they made up her bio. Who are these people that keep crawling out of the woodwork to get their own shine from this tragedy? It's sick and pathetic, and they need to stop.
If you don't have a legitimate connection to MJ, such as a family member. Or if you were not in his inner circle within say the last ten years, I don't want to hear shit you have to say. I just don't.
Which leads me to Rev. Inc. again. They have been all over the networks. Part of it,I understand, is no fault of their own, because these networks have Jessie and Al on speed dial. Black icon dies? Call Rev. Inc. Trouble in the black community? Call Rev. Inc.
I guess my problem with Rev. Inc. is that they don't always have to answer the call.
Hi Rev. Sharpton? Yes, this is Bob, the producer from CNN. I was wondering if you could come on our network tonight and talk about Michael Jackson for us?
Well I have a sermon to deliver, but it can wait. What time do you need me?
1 – 200 of 264 Newer› Newest»Thank you! I'm glad *someone* is saying it. I turned off CNN the moment Rev Al came on Thursday afternoon, waving an old picture of him and MJ together and holding it up for the cameras. And then when Jessie was on ABC Friday morning, I knew it was all over. The media just loves Rev. Inc. to tell them what the brown people think so they don't have to treat us as individuals.
I'll tell you what I'm sorry about. I'm sorry your blog is being taken over by trolls and you are okay with it.
The MJ post was overrun with endless stupidity.
The same people who bitch about the trolls continue to engage them. I've said it before but trolls only stick around when they are getting attention. This blog is a troll's paradise.
I don't care who speaks for the Jackson family, their loss, their choiice. I turn the channel when JJ comes on.
every time i see jessie jackson...even on thursday when he was one of the first to be in front of the Apollo Im like ugggh. He just talked about himself and how he has influenced Michael.... im just not feelin his 'tude.
People are using MJ memory the same way they used the poor man when he was live. It makes me sick to watch all these clowns come out of the wood work to claim how they was down with Mike.
Where the hell were they when he need them the most? I mean really it just shameful to see all these fools everywhere talking about how much they loved Mike. Yeah right!!! Next, time you see them they all will be sale pieces of his glove,cars, house etc... Anything that is not nailed down.
I think Jess and Al needs to be placed far away, far away from the Jackson family if they know what's good for them.
I'm just frustrated right now because those little non-biological pretend children are going to be meal tickets for those very new comer leeches that surrounded themselves around MJ.
Field, I'm going to plead the fifth and hold it down tonight before I get in trouble and offend some of your non-black readers. But believe me, I am hot and bothered about certain things right now that has a lot to do with race in this situation.
Is it cruel of me to hope they hurry up and lay Michael Jackson to rest? So, this over hype madness from fake people being paraded on TV will end. Just let the man rest in peace people.
WCS, I feel your frustration. Some folks can be a bit....how do we say this...repetitive. But you know what? I will never ban a poster. Even a troll that many people despise. Eventually they all go away. The trolls I mean. It's their nature, they get bored with a blog and move on to the next one.
And has it ever occured to you that some folks engage them because sometimes they actually have something interesting to say? Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day,right?
As for Rev. Inc. and the other leeches, I am glad I am not alone on this one. I thought I was going to get slammed from the door, but apparently some of you feel the same way that I do.
Thank you for this post. Man,I haven't seen Rev. Jesse since he was crying in Chicago on Election night and all of a sudden this dude reappears as the leading authority on all things Jackson.
I did watch Rev Al on MSNBC and I have to give it to him, he spoke up and told them to stop trying to focus in on the dark side of MJ because MJ contributed more to music than anyone did and he was a first African American to become a Superstar globally. In addition, he said a lot of other good things.
Are the Jacksons kin?
Field so tell me, who would you want to speak for the JACKSON FAMILY? and why are you beating up on JESSIE JACKSON and REV.AL SHARPTON? you don't know what connection these two people have to the JACKSON FAMILY!
The JACKSON FAMILY need all the help they can get, you call yourself THE FIELD NEGRO, but, when two FIELD NEGRO'S step up to the plate you want to beat them down! what is your PROBLEM? that's what I would like to know?
JESSIE JACKSON and AL SHARPTON may not be Dr.king but, they deserve RESPECT, you have a nerve, MICHAEL JACKSON hung around with WHITE FOLK'S, and he tried to become one! but, yet JACKSON and SHARPTON didn't hold that against him, SHARPTON is trying to keep the MEDIA from making MICHAEL look like a drug addict, child molester, as well as a RAVING LUNATIC, because trust me, that is their GOAL!!!
I saw CNN MSNBC and FOX NEW'S and FOX is already SMEARING his name, so if AL and JESSIE are trying to honor his name, I say thank you JESUS!! and where is TAVIS SMILEY, BILL COSBY, and all the other so called BLACK high and mighty, oh I KNOW, they are somewhere beating down AL and JACKSON.
AL and JACKSON has to be the one's to go into the TRENCH'S, hold the picket sign, so ask me am I glad to see their face's on TV at a time like this? YES!!! and I pray that AL SHARPTON keep running his mouth, this is about trying to keep a BLACK MAN'S name from being DESTROYED!!!
Field, I for one appreciate and respect your non-censorship on this blog. it makes it a creative and openly honest place to be.
And sometimes engaging trolls can be side aching humorous fun :)
Prophetess Wallace, it's almost to the point where 'society' hardly takes anything seriously when those two are involved. Sorry to say.
Oh Gezzus take the wheel...
I'm just now finding out that MJ's doctor was a black man. Well no wonder they are looking at 'the doctor' so aggressively, and trying to incite some sort of malpractice situation. These fuc....
AL SHARPTON is alway's on TV trying to defend BLACK PEOPLE, and no, he has not been hiding out, he is on CNN MSNBC and FOX and he can hold his own when it come's to DEBATING,and he was at the WHITE HOUSE last month! one thing you can say about AL, he is not afraid to SPEAK UP!
La♥Incognita said...
Oh Gezzus take the wheel...
lol. I know he was black all along you could hear his hysteria in the 911 blackground tape.
I'm paying them no mind this time around. I'm choosing to focus my energy on the mourning family and loved ones. Me included.
You'll always have professional mourners when someone is lost.
"it's almost to the point where 'society' hardly takes anything seriously when those two are involved. Sorry to say."
That's true LaIncognita, but if black folks would just stop and think about it, MSM was in instrumental in destroying their credibility. They did Al a job in MSM because of Tawana I forget her last name. However, he trusted and took her word and thought he was doing the right thing by standing up for her. He really was only trying to help her. He had no control over how it turned out.
I don't know what happened to Jesse Jackson, maybe, he always was like that. I really don't know.
However, like Prophetess Wallace said, if some of these black men would stand up and speak up, maybe, Al and Jesse wouldn't have to do it. As it stands now though, now of our black men have stepped up to the plate but them.
Al, Jesse, Farrakhan, Malcolm X, MLK, Marcus Garvey, The original Black Panthers, and I can go back further than that...MSM did all of them a job. They only changed the negative stuff they were saying about Malcolm, Marcus, Huey, MLK to positive after they were dead. However, the truth is they tried to destroy them as well. They labeled MLK a communist and I could go down the list of what all they labeled the rest of them.
Like I said, I watched what Al had to say concerning Michael and he was defending Michael like a real soldier and he didn't mince words either, in fact, he made them look down in shame.
Maybe the parents actually asked the Rev. from Chicago to speak for them at this very difficult time.
I agree with you that even though the trolls irritate they usually disappear after awhile....and sometimes they can give us all a good laugh out loud which is always good for our health.
Now isn't it time for your grownup vacation? Come on over to Maui while the fares are going down due to season, economy, etc.
I was praying that the Dr. would not be BLACK! but, now look, and someone said MICHAEL'S body was pretty cold when the PARAMEDIC'S came! when I heard that i said "oh,lord" how long was he dead! this is a mess! and the JACKSON FAMILY want their own AUTOPSY done! now tell me if the JACKSON FAMILY can't use all the help they can get!
MJ contributed more to music than anyone did and he was a first African American to become a Superstar globally
When it comes to international "superstardom," have you ever heard of Stevie Wonder? And he contributed more to music than ANYONE? Hoo boy.
p.s.: Jesse Jackson and the rest are in it for the money, obviously.
Stevie Wonder is another legend and musical genius. Everyone knows Stevie, even the little kids. There are six living generations in my family and five of those generations know about Stevie. (smile) He is another icon.
Prophetess Wallace:
Did that link that black diaspora gave you help you get to my blog?
GRANNY, this is PROPHETESS WALLACE, I did what you told me to do, and I only came up with a BLOG with your screen name on it, I was told to sign in, and when I did, I ended up with being told to set up my own BLOG! but, I am determined to locate you (smile), I need to stay off this computer giving people a piece of my MIND! I will be REPENTING later on tonight!
Prophetess Wallace:
Here try this link:
I tried it first and it worked, so try this one.
GRANNY, I was about to get off the computer, but, something told me to go back and look at the comment's, and low and behold, I happen to scan back up, and I read the message you sent, THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!! I read the comment you said about BLACK DISPORA and I linked into your BLOG, I am so PROUD of you! it is set up very professional! I'm getting ready to go back now and READ!
Okay, Prophetess and thank you.
Rev. Al used to dust James Brown's shoes, so he knows something about great musicians. Jesse is spiritual advisor on-call to the stars. You have be African-American royalty, or a newsworthy cause, for Jesse to comfort you in your grief.
You might be right about Jesse. As for Al I think people have misread and misjudged him about a lot of things.
Proph Wallace [side eye]
I have had a problem with Jesse and Al for a while. I agree with the other poster that they are widely treated like a joke by anyone who is not not part of the Black community from a CERTAIN GENERATION. Yeah I said it.
I need to know why they haven't passed the torch to Black people (gasp- even BLACK WOMEN) who haven't had the checkered past they have had. (ie: tax evasion, illegitimate children et al.) Oh I know why- it's more about their egos than for anyone else.
They are ambulance chasers though I admit there was a time and place for their leadership. That time and place, however, have passed.
I hear AL and Jesse's name and all I can think is [insert Cleo's fake Jamaican accent] "Call me now!"
And trust me Proph Wallace [side eye] you don't need to school me. I'm grown and unlike many have had the great pleasure of seeing the forest from the trees.
The question should be when are those black people who want to hold the torch going to step up? They've had plenty of chances to do it. Why haven't they stepped up to the plate?
In this line of business, they can't be mealy mouth, and sitting back waiting on someone to hand them a torch. They have to step up, grab the audience's,open their mouth and speak up.
BTW, I don't want to give anyone the impression that it's an easy job either, because it is not. Because you will need courage, a head like flint, a good mouthpiece, and be sharp-witted.
oops and I forgot a passion and endurance.
*audience attention*
Isn't it interesting, Field, how Rev. Al and Rev. Jesse know just when to insert themselves into the publicity whirlwhind? They're good, really good.
For two men who use the moniker, "Reverend", they certainly do less of that than anything else.
The thing is, Black people continue to uphold Rev. Al and Rev. Jesse significant leaders in the Black community. When we, as Black folk, stop giving these men undeserved recognition, perhaps they'll move on and make a real living and a real contribution to society. And, Tavis needs to stop inviting them to this annual forum, or, at least, not have them on the same panel at the same time.
FN, I guess my problem with Rev. Inc. is that they don't always have to answer the call.
If they do not answer, someone (a rank amateur) will.
@Field-"I guess my problem with Rev. Inc. is that they don't always have to answer the call."
I am glad Rev Sharpton stood up and spoke positively for MJ while many posters were pissing on his grave in your first post about his death. I gave a video link in that thread where Rev Al spoke highly of MJ, and he gave a short history of his relationship with Michael going back many years.
I ‘remember’ those times. I also ‘remember’ the times when Rev Al was the BEST we had when it came to defending Blacks. Most Blacks shoot their mouths off, but do nothing. At least, Big Al takes some action.
Rev Sharpton has had a historical connection with MJ and the Jackson family. Yet, some of you are bothered by the Rev supporting the family on TV? Let's face it. You have a deep-seated prejudice against Rev Sharpton. Has it occurred to you that the Jackson family WANTS/NEEDS the Rev to be there for them?
From what I have heard so far, Rev Al has been the most outspoken-- and has given the best praise of MJ. And God knows MJ needed it, considering the number of Blacks who have dumped on him-- esp. on this blog. So I was elated when Rev Al stood up for Michael.
Some of you posters might not agree, but Rev Al Sharpton IS an ‘icon’ also...a BIG ICON. He has been a GREAT defender of Blacks. He has called attention to incorrigible racist Whites, and he has made many suffer for their prejudices.
THAT is ‘why’ many Blacks and Whites have Big Al on "speed dial". It comes from many years of putting himself on the ‘front’ line for civil rights. I am grateful to the Rev for what he has done. Of course, some of you are disgustingly ungrateful.
Rev Sharpton has always been ready to ‘answer the call’, whether folks have been ready for him or not.
How about some of you self-righteous-petty-ass-Sharpton-hating folks? ‘When’ have you been ready for the call? And ‘what’ have you done lately besides shoot your mouths off?
Some of you folks have trashed MJ and now you are trashing Rev Al. It seems as though you Negroes are in a conspiracy with the racists to put down any Black who has devoted their lives to helping our race.
And you folks call yourselves Field Negroes? You need to look in the mirror. Again, you are disgustingly ungrateful.
They did Al a job in MSM because of Tawana I forget her last name. However, he trusted and took her word and thought he was doing the right thing by standing up for her. He really was only trying to help her. He had no control over how it turned out.
Yet when it became apparent Tawana Brawley had lied though her teeth Al though nothing of the men he had falsely accused. He did have control of the situation because he could have examined the facts before screaming "FIRE!!". And of course, he could have acknowled these men he had earlier accused were innocent. But apparenly being a black civil rights leader means never having to say you are sorry.
Evita-"And trust me Proph Wallace [side eye] you don't need to school me. I'm grown and unlike many have had the great pleasure of seeing the forest from the trees."
You may be grown physically but emotionally and mentally you are not, and you definitely can't see the forest for the trees.
Just because there is a generational difference-or 'a CERTAIN GENERATION'-doesn't mean you can piss on those who got your condescending dumb ass to where it is now.
Your problem is "disrespect and arrogance". Then you blame Jessie and Al for trying to carry on while you sit on your do-nothing- ass and complain. You want to help lead the race out of its troubles? You can start in the Black community where children are being gunned down everyday. Take it from me...NO ONE WILL STOP OR INTERFERE WITH YOU, esp. Jessie and Al.
If you were a full-grown adult you would have stood up a long time ago. But you haven't. You sit back and whine like a little girl. And you call yourself grown?
Jessie and Al aren't the joke.
YOU are the JOKE, and an ungrateful one at that...Yeah, I said it.
"...And, Tavis needs to stop inviting them to this annual forum, or, at least, not have them on the same panel at the same time."
Actually, Tavis needs to stop giving his annual forum because nothing ever comes out of it. Also, Jessie and Al are as much of the Black community as anyone. In fact, they have done a lot for us and should not be excluded.
BTW, Tavis is suspect himself.
When someone you love dies.... even if you had conflicts, unresolved issues (maybe even especially then)...... it is so important to have others reach out.
Think about it. I imagine most of you here have experienced the death of a love one. Do you remember the people that called, said they were sorry for your loss? Maybe the friend that came over and helped you through, listened to you, comforted you....
Do you remember how much you deeply, deeply appreciated even the smallest act of kindness?
Moving through death is such a tender time. Our hearts ache and our world stops.
I would imagine that anyone who has reached out to this family in this time of loss, especially a loss that was unexpected, is deeply appreciated.
I cannot fault anyone, no matter who they are or what they have done, from offering comfort and words of kindness to the Jackson family and friends. Right now, in their loss and heart ache... they need all the kindness that is offered.
If you don't have a legitimate connection to MJ, such as a family member. Or if you were not in his inner circle within say the last ten years, I don't want to hear shit you have to say. I just don't.
Thank you and amen, Field. I was simply horrified when I saw JJ enter the picture.
Oh Field. Leave Rev. Inc. alone.
What has been repeatedly reported is that the Jackson parental units don't know who had been advising MJ over recent years. They KNOW the Revs and probably feel comfortable with them.
The devil you know ...
When I first saw Jackson on the news, I got the impression that he has a longstanding relationship with MJ's family or that he was contacted at their request. I can't imagine that he would be acting as a spokesman for the family without their permission.
you are on point! Watching the news I was like wtf is sharpton doing up in front of the Apollo talking about michael? my friend said, "Just wait--Jesse'll be there in a minute." and sure enough... SMH
I agree with you on this post Field, but the pic with Farrah's body and MJ's face is BEYOND foul.
This is unfortunately, the beginning of the many, many leeches that are going to try to attach themselves in some way to MJ's legacy.
Here's your allegory for the week: when the whole NY Post ape cartoon thing broke, part of the eventual white mea culpa was the usual bullshot payoff to Rev. Inc. and 100 Black Men. They formed a commission, with regular catered meetings. THERE WAS NO MENTION OF THE REAL ISSUE--NO BLACK FOLKS MAKING ANY EDITORIAL DECISIONS, NO DIVERSITY AMONG THE REPORTERS, THE CARTOONISTS, THE PHOTOGS.
I put this in all CAPS b/c that's the real issue. Plain, simple. There'd be no need for these fools if we were in on the decisions. That's the irony white people don't get.
I can understand Al and Jessie saying a few words about MJ's death, but do we need to see them throughout news cycle. I can see people like Teddy Riley and R Kelly because they worked with him on last three albums, so I agee with Field with sentiment. I do want to hear what the doctor knew about what caused MJ's death. The news will have to cover the implicationns of his death including his financial problems and the custody of his children. There is no question his musical legacy will live on.
For MJ, Thriller was his blessing and his curse because the albums after that did sell well, but did not match Thriller. His videos were innovative and I especially loved Smooth Criminal with the 50 degree lean and think was a better video Do You Remember because the dancing was just so precise.
I think Prince has managed to keep a low key which enabled him to continue writing and producing music. Prince has put out an album almost every year since 1979 and remember his fight to protect his music and image, and not many knew that he was a VP at Warner as a part of recording contract. I have to say that MJ's and Prince have contribute a lot to the musical culture with influencing some musicians after them. Thursday was also the 25th anniversary of the release of Purple Rain.
WoW! It didn't take long for Prophetess Wallace to lose her religion.
I'll never forget this piece of advice that my late Grandmother taught me:
"The moment you resort to insulting or profane name calling, is the very moment you lose both your credibility and the argument."
just reading, listening, and learning. . .
Granny, I didn't know you have a blog. Everytime I go to the link with your comments I come up blank. I will check out that link you left again.
Now, to Rev. Inc. How many of you posting these rabid defenses of these two men actually have personal knowledge of how they operate? *crickets*......*more crickets*
Okay, I have been in the same room with Rev. Al. I have seen him operate up close and personal, and believe me, he is NOT the man you think he is. If the lights aren't on, the good Rev. is not the holy civil rights crusader some of you have made him out to be. There is a documentary that chronicles the life of the family of a young man who was hung in Florida the night OJ was acquitted, and there search for justice. In the film they try to reach out to Rev.Al. Watch his reaction to the family in that film and you will know exactly where I am coming from.
If it's not a big story Rev. Inc wants no part of it. Many of us (bloggers) were front and center with the Jena 6 case long before it became national news. It took the folks from Color Of Change, journalist, Howard Witt, and cyber activist to bring it to the public's attention. When it did, and the movement started to grow, Rev. Inc. jumped right in. Why? Because the lights were on.
There are great community leaders and activist in cities like Philly, NY, and LA, who you will never hear of because the media won't let you. They would much rather reach out to those two familiar faces because, sadly, that's who A-merry-ca has come to expect.
As for JJ; did anyone ever wonder why MLK's widow wanted nothing to do with him util the day she died?
Think about it. And if you don't know the story, ask somebody.
Have they both done some good things? Sure they have. But let's always try to keep things in perspective. NO ONE is above criticism.
Christopher, I co-sign with you 100% Which is one of the dangers of Rev. Inc. Corporations and [insert whatever entity you want here]buy them off, and it's as if all is right in the black community again, because Rev. Inc has been paid. Hey, Rev. Inc says we are forgiven so our conscience is clear. We don't have to try and correct the problems that got us to this point in the first place.
Yes Fly, ArtMaggot is wrong for that one. Bad ArtMaggot.:(
I don't have a problem with Rev. Jackson being there. I assume that the family made contact with him and asked him to help shield them from the media.
On the other hand I think Rev. Sharpton being around is overkill. I don't get the feeling that the family reached out to him. It was probably the media that made the call to him.
I'm not really a fan of either reverend. But I will say that Rev. Jackson has played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement. And back in the 80's when Jessie was running for President I think most Black people were in his corner. He has made some mistakes of late but that doesn't mean we should discount what he's done.
Why is everyone hate'n on the justice bruthas??Rev. Al and Jessie has been defending the bad behavior of blacks for years.Everyone brutha from MJ, to those bruthas at the Dunbar Village, can count on the justice bruthas to be there to lead your defense.
When you rape,rob,torture, and murder a white person who do you want representin you? Mr.FN?? or the justice bruthas??
OK, so I think I am the only person out there that is tired of ALL of the tributes and so forth--regardless of which court they hail (entertainment or Rev., Inc.)
...just, enough already!
Alomst forgot...Who is this Lorraine chick that keeps sending in comments with cheap formal dress links.
'cause for real, for real...that's working my nerves right now.
As the resident Scientist here on this blog, allow me to school those of you who obviously never had a biology class, LOL. First, it's entirely possible that MJ's kids are his. Why? Because the genetic admixture of Blacks in America, primarily as a result of slavery, allows us to have children that can be born with eyes the color of the sky to the color of soot.
As for the rather ignorant assumption of his "transition" to being the color of a white man, he had a condition called vitiligo, a disease similar to albinism in that skin pigmentation is affected.
Class dismissed!
Lorraine is spam.
jane doe,
Did Emmett Till or other black men lynched get apologies?
Stop the feigned indignation.
I would not blame Rev. Inc. for their ascendance as media hogs. Even when John Lewis made provocative statements about Palin's following, he practically got no notice. The media chose who they would define as black leaders. It seems that the media purposely chose those who are controversial. No Rev. C.T. Vivian for them.
I love what Sharpton said when he spoke outside of the Apollo on Thursday. What he said needed to be said especially before these media hounds attempted to disgrace MJ's legacy with all the negative talk.
For that, I ain't mad at Sharpton.
As for Jesse? For all we know, he has been a close confidant of the family. I'm just sayin, I hate to think that he used this as an opportunity to shine in the spotlight.
At the end of the day Rev. Inc. as you call them are not getting any shine in the media with this story. The people who are getting it like you said are the people who bumped into Mike in a bathroom, or the people who allegedly sold him and Rick James drugs when they had those wild sex parties with abducted females in those basement pits.
P.S. Spell Check is racist; I keep getting squiggly lines under the name Sharpton when I type it.
@ RiPPa
Lol, Spellcheck tries to correct "obama" with "Osama". I wonder if Bill Gates is a Republican?
Granny and Proph wallace
People are stepping up. ColorofChange jumped on the Jena 6 thing immediately. Long after the cameras left, Color of Change was still doing the work. So you see it is about doing the work- Jesse and AL will do the interview but I have heard ONE BIT about the Rainbow Coalition.
Here's another example: Barack Obama stepped up, despite the reality that Al supported Hillary "Poor working class Amerikkans" Clinton before he supported Obama. And Jesse? Well let's say he try to mess up Obama's candidacy so many times it pains me to count.
SO right there I give you people in their 30s and 40s who have stepped up. These are not kids. Baby Boomers love to dismiss anyone who wants to fight this thing differently. I knew Proph would come back with some immaturity this and that. Whatever. I'm not whining, sis, I'm doing the work. I have worked the the leadership that helped get Obama elected.
CNN knows two people: Al and Jesse and that doesn't speak to these guys as leaders it speaks to the racism in the media. All these guys have to do is PASS THE TORCH which means co-signing on others.
This is the problem. They want the shine despite what it will do to the Black Community. Ask any 15 year old what Jesse Jackson has done and they may not know. These guys are not going to live forever and it will be a shame if they die never having passed the torch to someone who could breathe new life, new energy, and new creativity in Black leadership which is what is needed NOW.
Proph you and your generation are letting these guys rest on their laurels. I am not emotionally connected to them so I hold the standard higher.
They need to step aside and MAKE CNN go find someone else to speak on behalf of the Black Community like Kevin Powell, Majora Carter, etc.
OH and I am not whining. I'm checking you. This is a blog. This generation engages in dialogue. We may not make a sign to march anywhere, but we forward emails. Have live chat. Blog. Raise Money. Make calls to our elected officials. This is the new politics.
Baby Boomers need to step aside. You've made a big enough mess of things already. Step aside.
Granny- much respect to you.
I'm not 15 years old but Jesse and Al are not relevant to me right now nor have they ever been. Even in their supposed "heyday", they were not the front men. They only got in the spotlight once the true spokesmen were gone. Jesse and Al's histories are sordid and as many have said, I am tired of the media using them as leaders of the Black community. The leaders of the Black community are in different pockets of the country and I wish that they can come together so that we can strengthen and rebuild our community.
Great post, FN.
In their quest to feed their inflated egos, both Sharpton and Jackson are too irrational to understand that, sometimes, you don't answer the call. But, by doing so, they have revealed themselves for all to see.
Stevie Wonder is another legend and musical genius. Everyone knows Stevie, even the little kids. There are six living generations in my family and five of those generations know about Stevie. (smile) He is another icon.
I was a huge Motown fan as a kid (yeah, there were plenty of white kids who moved Motown), and I perceive Stevie Wonder as a post-Motown black pop star. When black pop moved past Motown I didn't really make the move along with it, so there were things I missed and Stevie was one of them.
I went in other directions, mainly to rock 'n roll and country. (Not the top-40 Nashville dreck, but more authentic forms of country music, which is a real motherlode of Celtic culture.) Throughout it all, I retained my passion for jazz, which was always on a separate track from any pop music.
Anyway, lately in my advancing age I've come to appreciate Stevie Wonder a lot more. One of these days I'm going to run out and pick up 10 of his records.
I stand to be corrected. I had forgot about color of change and the work that they do. And yes, they do a excellent job. The thing is that I sign every petition that they pass out and had forgot about them. Forgive me. Unlike other baby boomers I'm not dismissing anyone, as long as the job gets done.
The only thing I have a problem with is helping massa put down them down because if they can do it to one they'll do it to all and any. In other words, just like how you wouldn't let anyone badmouth a family member of yours. Behind close doors you might be giving that family member a piece of your mind and telling what and what for if their wrong, but you wouldn't let anyone outside your family do that. Don't help them put them down. That's what I'm referring to because then they feel they don't have respect any of black that fight for rights.
Sorry if this was already used in an earlier comment...but
"Jesse just wants to be the 6th Jackson!!!!!" Umm I guess he'd be the 5th now...
And am I the only one who just now realized "Janet Jackson"'s a Real Live person???? For 20 yrs I thought it was Jacko playin a character.... C'mon "Rhythm Nation" was pretty good...
i get a little concern, how we view those who help pave the way for us or our parents .. jessie and al paid their dues and i’ll not take that from them. in our journey we’ll always need folks who are not emotional in their presentation, understand the game and are great organizers, jessie and al have those skills.
as it relates to lights, camera and action .. in corporate america it’s not uncommon for an executive to asked an assistant to pull together slides for a presentation .. the executive not the assistant .. delivers that information to the clients. it’s the same logic for jessie and al, people are paid to do the work/research .. its called structure .. those who are in a hurry for their 15 minutes standby you're up next.
st. louis mo, our family reunion was fantastic .. you guys have a very nice city.
3g-ing .. i-55 south to texas
In other words, evita, they will take them all for granted. That is what granny is trying to say. For example, read Frank's comment up above. It opens the door for them to find a way to ridicule any and all blacks that in this fight and make them seem non important or worthy of being ignored.
That's what I'm trying to get across to you younger folks.
Yes, I have a blog, I told everyone that the other day. I'm still working on it and trying to get it right. It's not good as yours but after I get the hang of it, it will improve. I'm still trying to put pictures and videos on it, but I keep getting an error message.
Miss Evita, of the generation who gave us rap music and images of black people as minstrels then exported them around the world, I'm not stepping aside any time soon so you will be whining and crying in vain.
Hey, maybe Jesse Jackson figures he's a distant relative of Michael Jackson and is therefore entitled to speak for the family, and eventually claim a slice of the pie?
Field, you commented above:
As for JJ; did anyone ever wonder why MLK's widow wanted nothing to do with him util the day she died?
Think about it. And if you don't know the story, ask somebody.
This is me asking you. What's the story?
Co-sign with prophtess wallace, 1:00am.
Al and Jessie are not exactly my favorites but, every person's fight is different. As Blacks we all have a job to do, and we need all the fighters we can get. My fight might not be the same as Jessie's; the same way my fight might not be the same as yours. The ONLY way to truly make a difference is to stick together; they do it, and it's long past due for us to do the same.
Amen Shabazz:
Finally, a young person that understands what us old people are saying. Unity is very important. United we stand, divided we fall. Division brings desolation.
If a person has some disagreements with Al and Jesse, they should pull them to the side and express them, and not air them openly because it gives kindle to the fire, fires spread fast, and can get out of control turning into a blaze that will destroying everything (blacks) in its path.
Please excuse my errors in writing today, I'm being distracted by family members.
in the words of faux news “some say” jessie was instrumental in the death of mlk .. google who killed martin luther king. steve cokley makes a good discusssion .. check..
however it’s all speculation. 3g-ing.. i-40 south to texas..
the shelf life on those two reverend gentlemen expired a long time ago. i tuned them out a long time ago. they have no more relevance to our community, only the white media execs still have them on speed dial for anything black related. well done FN i hope you win the black web log award for your outstanding body of work
I was wondering about that, this Lorraine chick. You would think she would realize she's ticking people off rather than piqueing their interest in her wares.
Hey, now that we are talking about dead celebrities, I would like to point out that sometimes God or the probability tables manage to reach out and deliever a little justice in our time!
Okay, now: Was it the Demerol, or did he just go KABOOM?!
There is a documentary that chronicles the life of the family of a young man who was hung in Florida the night OJ was acquitted, and there search for justice. In the film they try to reach out to Rev.Al. Watch his reaction to the family in that film and you will know exactly where I am coming from. <<
Could you please provide the link or the families name so we can look this up?
Let's get real. When a black person is in trouble, who do we call?I remember as a kid when Jessie came to Cleveland.He would tell City Hall to employ more black youth.He would be out in the streets when something was up. When J.Kenneth Blackwell was busy rigging the votes Jessie was THERE !Now you know we can't call Alan Keyes or Rev.Jessie Lee Peterson.You KNOW what they will do to us.
Granny I gave Jesse a lot of respect growing up and I'm almost 40. This criticism of them has been a long time coming. For me the final straw was his disrespect of the only VIABLE Black candidate for President our country as ever seen. Speaking on a live mic (newbie mistake- he's done TWICE... Heimy town anyone?) Or really WAS IT a mistake? The proof for me has been in his/ action or inaction for that matter.
I'm happy to know you acknowledge others are stepping up and it's crucial now than ever because the nature of the beast has changed. Racism is structural and personal as we all know, but his way of speech does not resonate with all the people we want to motivate.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not mention hip hop. That's a topic I have really strong feelings about. We cannot blame the children (of the 70s and 80s)for the lack of supervision or education they never received from their Boomer parents.
I respect them everyone however, they should be mentoring leaders behind the scenes, leveraging connections where able, and not being the VOICE of the Black Community because their voices have proven NOT to unify.
Like I said they will not live forever.
"Yet when it became apparent Tawana Brawley had lied though her teeth Al though nothing of the men he had falsely accused. He did have control of the situation because he could have examined the facts before screaming "FIRE!!". And of course, he could have acknowled these men he had earlier accused were innocent. But apparenly being a black civil rights leader means never having to say you are sorry."
jane doe,shut up.
If you feel that disgruntled about OUR leaders, stay your ass out of our discussions. Why don't you go to hannity or rush with that bullshit! What do YOU know about Al or Jessie besides what you see in msm news?
A Boston publication printed "Fade to Blacko" on the cover.
"One of these days I'm going to run out and pick up 10 of his records."
Yeah grinder,you can sit back and listen to them with your 2 black friends
Here, he comes to save the Daaaaayyyyy,
(just read) Reverend Sharpton's on his Waaaaaayyyyy.
I want to puke.
grinder said...
"Hey, now that we are talking about dead celebrities, I would like to point out that sometimes God or the probability tables manage to reach out and deliever a little justice in our time!
Okay, now: Was it the Demerol, or did he just go KABOOM?! "
Maybe it's me, but I don't see the deliverance of "justice" nor the humor in your above statement. Now getting back to the original topic...
Well, La Inscrutable, I doubt anyone's ever accused you of having a sense of humor, now have they?
If you feel that disgruntled about OUR leaders, stay your ass out of our discussions. Why don't you go to hannity or rush with that bullshit! What do YOU know about Al or Jessie besides what you see in msm news?
Oh, quit being so fucking defensive, and if you ever decide to lay that chip down for a while your shoulder's going to feel ever so much better.
Eva E:
I didn't like what Jesse did either during the elections, but I won't take part in helping massa crucify him. As for speaking on rap music, I am not a critic of it because every generation has some type of music that the older generation criticized and didn't like. The generation older than me didn't like ours. They called it the devil's music. When your generation gets older, you'll more than likely be doing the same with those younger than you.
Granny has lived, saw, and experienced more in life than you could ever imagine, but through it all I learned about human nature, people, and life in general. Will it go round in circles? Yes, it will! The way the young people dress, wear their hair, music are all fads that fade away eventually and they'll grow out of them.
I could tell you about a lot of things that the older generation criticized us about. My mother, grandmother, and great-great grandmother told me about things they were criticized for. I understand that it is just a phase young people go through in their journey to find themselves. So you won't get no naysaying out of me about those things. Nor will I throw it up in this generation's face about their lack of supervision with their children who are killing each other and standing on the corner with drive by illegal drug businesses or sleeping around with multiple partners. No indeed, instead I'll just thank God for my children and grandchildren that they didn't choose to go that route and keep praying that they never do. That's one thing, granny is not into. As an older woman, my job is to teach the young, not tear them down.
No we won't live forever, but then neither will you. And the way the young folks are dying before us old people, that isn't certain either. Some of these old people are out living young people these days.
It was how Jesse Jackson responded after MLK's death. I believe he had claimed to be at his side when King was dying and Andrew Young described a different scenario.
I may be wrong but,
east austin,
I never heard that Jesse Jackson was responsible for King's death. Living in Tennessee at the time and the problems that had occurred in Memphis and Middle Tennessee(little Mississippi) and knowing what Jesse Jackson had done with the SCLC; I think that scenario impossible. Most of us were surprised that it wasn't some cracker off the street would have ran up and shot King point blank. As it was done, we all felt the White Citizens Council was behind his assassination or the FBI.
Granny is not a fan of Jesse either.
Ding ding ding. Hathor, go to the head of the class. Although it's the second part of that story that pissed off his widow even more. As for Jessie causing his death; I never heard that either. That sounds like one of those urban legends which only serves to distract from the real story.
Sharon from WI.
Here is the link:
BTW, I made a mistake; the young man was from VA. not Florida.
Thank you biafrblk, that's serious FN behavior on your part.
Granny, I will be sure to check out your blog and give you mad link love. I am sure it's all that.
"as an older woman, my job is to teach the young, not tear them down".
well said granny ..
3g-ing i-30 west to texas.
Thank you, I appreciate you doing that. Well, it is okay, I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Granny will figure it out eventually. (smile)
Perhaps a little too hard on Jesse and Al. I recall both of them being with MJ during his legal problems. Actually the association between the Jacksons and Jesse goes way back to Expos in Chicago. I think that the Jacksons may have even performed at Expos a few times. Al really appeared to be a good close friend. Lets not diss our own. There are too many others out there trying to destroy MJ's memory.
"Oh, quit being so fucking defensive, and if you ever decide to lay that chip down for a while your shoulder's going to feel ever so much better."
Mind your fucking business grinder, nobody was talking to you!
By the way, who the fuck elected you internet police chief???
I don't even like you.
Myself, and others on this blog notice your undercover racist remarks.
If I don't refer to you, mind your damn business and don't say anything to me.
This is a BLACK blog; if you don't like what you read here, carry your ass!
Pictures should be downloaded to your computer first. Open the "add image" icon in create post toolbar; then use browse(it will browse your directories), select picture, then upload it. If your domain is hosted, then you download pictures there.
The best place to embed video is to open "Edit HTML". Paste the code and put the cursor before the embed code and use the justify icons to position.
Thank you. I had tried it worked when I downloaded two of the pictures for the sidebar, but for some reason now I keep getting an error message and contact for support message now.
My computer has been acting funny lately. I think I am going to have to reformat it and reinstall all my software all over again. One of my cousins that works with computers for a living came and fixed my computer and it was working great. Another one of my younger cousins, without my permission, who, also, works with computers came and put a program on my computer and took off what my other cousin had put on it. He messed up my other cousins computer too, she was telling me that at the family gathering we had recently. My computer has been acting up every since he did that.
So, now, I have to wait until the first cousin who fixed it comes back out this way again or reformat it and reinstall my software all over again.
I just found out who Billy Mays was from the local news. I still don't see the humor or understand the comment "deliver a little justice."
Teach the young and not tear them down huh? I guess calling me a token was complimenting the younger generation.
EVERY generation of Black folks needs a "check" every now and then and NO generation is immune.
"Teach the young and not tear them down huh? I guess calling me a token was complimenting the younger generation."
But you are a token!
*vomits in mouth*
Hey Family MJ is gone R.I.P. lets put all this energy towards Troy Davis, I spoke with his sister over the phone they are true field Negroes.
Hathor and Field,
Thanks for the summary.
I thought maybe it was some story I hadn't heard before. I'm from Chicago, where JJ landed post-King, and am intimately familiar with his opportunistic ways.
Rev. Inc. believes when a door closes, God opens a wallet, er I mean window.
I still think the Jacksons asked for JJ's presence following MJ's death.
Now for Rev Al ....
I have tried to avoid saying anything to you, because of your attitude, your penchant for holding grudges and your knack for making comments that suggest that everyone is beneath you.
Yes, I got on your case before, but it was to point out something to you that was turning people off and to help you avoid a train wreck. However, you missed it and after the ugly way you acted I just decided to go on and let you have that train wreck.
You see, what you don't understand and probably never will understand is that I didn't get on your case because I disliked you. I called you a token to let you know how it feels for someone to do you like that. You were belittling others, but when you got belittled you didn't like it. Oh, that hurt your feelings and you still haven't got over it, or grasped why I came at you that way. Everyone else on here caught it but you. Some even tried to tell you what it was and were being nice about it, but you cussed them out. So, basically, you put yourself in that position to get treated the way you did by them.
However, you like to get down ghetto style and play the dozens. I know how to play the dozens. I know how to play them real well, in fact, I'm a master at it. I chose not to go that route with you because it serves no purpose, whatsoever.
" Am I the only one who thinks that Jessie is way over the top inserting himself as the family spokesperson for the Jacksons? "
Oh, you mean the Jessie Jackson that inserted himself into Sean Taylor's (football great) funeral. Remember? Sean Taylor was stabbed to death by a pack of inbreeds that he paid (big bucks) to fix up his yard.
And, just to let a little steam off, WTF is the connection between Michael Jackson and RAP MUSIC, and Rap Musicians? That Jackass "Souljah boy", who thanked the slave master for the middle passage, is on T.V. right now giving his shot-out to Mike. Can't we leave rap music the f*** out of this?
Run DMC made rap music what it is, so cant we wait until the remaining two (R.I.P. Jam Master Jay) members of Run DMC pass to include rappers in tributes.
Finally, Beyonce knowles (or whatever her name is), is a female Jesse Jackson. I've known these types of sisters all of my life. They know that a lot of people are into them, so they cleverly insert themselves into situations that give them attention. Indeed, this is the night of her life.
I'll try to enjoy the show, but I have a bad feeling that I'll end up really pissed. After all, this is BET, the second biggest enemy the the Negro community; second only to the Black church...but that's another story. Bob Johnson's "creation" is still a disgrace...not hating...just saying.
Granny, I stopped reading your posts after you called me a token, but this time I'm going to make a slight exception although I still didn't read all you had to say to me. I saw my username and started typing because the fact is that I could care less about ANYTHING you have to say.
The fact of the matter is that I would rather have been called a Bitch than a token, it's really that simple. Maybe if I hadn't been so many "firsts" I could have taken that comment like any other asinine comment I ignore from racist white folks. But ANY Black person who knows ANYTHING at all about educational system in America knows dam well that NO Black person who has succeeded in the white man's educational and professional world to the extent that many on this blog have, got there being a token.
People stepped to me in ignornat jealous mode and I responded. You felt the need to defend their diatribes toward me by calling me a token, and I've simply decided to remind you of just how disloyal that was considereing you're supposed to be a Black person who "knows" the struggle of Black folks.
I don't regret anything I've said on this blog nor would I take anything I've said back. Now you can continue to ignore my comments as I intend to do to yours.
"The fact of the matter is that I would rather have been called a Bitch than a token, it's really that simple. Maybe if I hadn't been so many "firsts"...
Here we go...does it always have to be about you?
Just like a typical black republican...
grinder said...
Oh, quit being so fucking defensive, and if you ever decide to lay that chip down for a while your shoulder's going to feel ever so much better.
Please take your racism to the daily kos or stromfront.Racism has no place on this blog
Child, you can re-invent what happened to make yourself feel better if you want to. Suit yourself! But that is not the way it went down. When that young lady asked you a simple question, "What are you views?" that is what you considered diatribe and being jealous. Because before that no one was coming at you in any negative manner. However, your answer to her, a young lady younger than you was, "You'd better step to me correct." I'll say!
Don't worry, I will definitely ignore you as I have been doing anyway, because your not worth my attention. Besides which, I don't have time to waste stooping to your level or play your immature games. However, I hope that your ignoring me includes not picking with those catty little being messy remarks you like to aim at me every once in while because ignoring means, NOTHING, NONE, NADA, ZERO have to say to me or aimed at me.
Shabazz said...
Here we go...does it always have to be about you?
Just like a typical black republican...
Now coming from you, being called a token is a compliment, LOL!!
BTW, is that ALL you've got ShaBUZZARD, LOL??
No, I've got more if you want, you condescending little bitch, stfu!
And btw- "fly" is played out, been out for over 10 years now.
Why don't you find someplace else to have your midlife crisis.
You can have all the degrees in the world, it will NEVER change who you are as a person, token.
I have to say that I'm only in partial agreement with FN's post about Jesse and Al. True it seems these past few years they have occasionally stood behind the wrong causes, but I think their overall record with advancing causes important in the black community still stands.
As the resident Scientist here on this blog, allow me to school those of you who obviously never had a biology class, LOL. First, it's entirely possible that MJ's kids are his. Why? Because the genetic admixture of Blacks in America, primarily as a result of slavery, allows us to have children that can be born with eyes the color of the sky to the color of soot.
Apparently, Debbie Rowe is talking and she says the sperm came from a donor.
As for the rather ignorant assumption of his "transition" to being the color of a white man, he had a condition called vitiligo, a disease similar to albinism in that skin pigmentation is affected.
I thought someone upstream (Field? Bueler?) said the vitiligo claim was unfounded. . .? It's not that I'm ignorant; I'm familiar with the condition and MJ's claim to it, but I thought someone here said that his dermatologists claimed otherwise.
Class dismissed!
rolls eyes
You are not old enough to be the first in anything. Unless you are the first in your family.
You must also assume that everyone's background here is that of the unwashed masses, to think anyone here would be jealous of you or your accomplishments. I would assume that you have followed your aspirations in the pursuit of education and career. That would also be most of us here.
Hathor said...
You are not old enough to be the first in anything. Unless you are the first in your family.
You know I should stop responding to you because I think you're the dumbest person around here. How STUPID of you to ASSume that a person born in the 60's couldn't have many first's. Guess you've never heard of a place called the South? Dumb ass!
Here's one for you and all the other dummies out there. Beyonce was the FIRST black woman to receive an ASCP award for her song writing and she received it a few years ago.
And I'm certain AB was a "first" in many things too. Listen, you obviously haven't done much in your life so don't dismiss others who live in excellence and achievement!!
Now before folks start whinning about the blog getting off track and seeing as how white folks have many of you pegged just right with your gang like ways, why don't you buttholes that ALWAYS have so much to say to me send me an email so we can keep this blog on topic.
Biotches!!!! Now is that term modern enough slang for you ShaBUZZARD, LOL!!!
I rest my case!
Please bitch, you probably live in the projects.
What makes you any better than anyone on this blog?
Granny doesn't even like you, the fact that you would disrespect someone who is old enough to be your mother speaks volumes about yourself.
You can come up here and think you're all high and mighty, but the same way you think about us, I think you're nothing more than some random, lying ass bitch who uses a blogsite to try to belittle everyone else to try to build up your own pathetic self image.
Don't you notice everyone else on this blog can have an adult conversation without calling each other names?
Sometimes we disagree, but that's the way it is in real life, and the whole time we don't know anything personal about each other because we didn't come to a blogsite to spill our life stories, accomplishments, degrees, etc.
You came here and volunteered that information yourself, nobody asked you.
It sounds to me like, either you never had shit in your life, or you're just a lying ass bitch trying to get attention.
None of us know you, and nobody's interested in your midlife crisis.
on Al Sharpton, first of all, Tawana Brawley was THIRTEEN years old, everybody seems to forget that she was a little girl who had something happen to her, we still don't know what.
Tawana Brawley was a 13 year old child who was found in a bag with dog shit all over her, she said she was raped,
What happend? NOT EVEN A GOD DAMN RAPE KIT was ordered for her at first, next, Please, pick on Sharpton all you want, but leave Tawana Brawley out of it, you don't dont for sure what happen to her.
People obviously aren't satisfied with Jesse and Al being Black leaders and certainly Micheal Steele won't do, so who are the Black leaders?
I agree with you.
thank you all for allowing me to test a 3g wireless network .. my goal was to experiment with network accessible including voip from st. louis to houston .. my assessment .. it’s overrated .. i’m going to asked for a refund.
I searched around the internet and could not find where coretta said she was upset with jessie behavior after mlk death. i’m sure as a grieving wife .. jessie was not the first/last thing on her mind. how did you guys come to that conclusion?
3g – ing .. 59 south in carthage texas (my sister drives tooooooooo fast)
ladies what happen .. we were playing so nice?
Fly at 12:11 PM, I must have missed that comment earlier, after reading RT, I had to back track to see who made it. I am one of those people who stated they are not his bio children. So I take your statement personal.
"As the resident Scientist here on this blog, allow me to school those of you who obviously never had a biology class, LOL'
You sound more like the village idiot - a simpleton. I am not a Scientist, but I would like to think I have at least some basic common sense. Yes, black biracial people can vary in skin tone, facial and various body features. However, these children (who are past toddler age) do NOT show even the slightest signs of 'black' genetical characteristics. In most cases you would be inclined to find at least a hint of this in most black biracial people, regardless of history. Furthermore, the odds of this not showing in three of his 'biological' children are absolutely notwithstanding.
As for the Vitiligo theory, any ninny under a rock could tell you MJ had deep rooted issues with his 'blackness' and his black facial appearance. It's openly evident he went as far as to alter his facial features to help eradicate the presence of his black characteristics. All that being said, it's more probable to conclude that in conjunction - he altered his skin pigmentation deliberately, and used Vitiligo as an excuse. All that took was observation and common sense, no BS/MS degree needed.
Scientist my ass, anybody could be anything on the world wide web.
kathy said...
Tawana Brawley was a 13 year old child who was found in a bag with dog shit all over her, she said she was raped,
1.She was 15 not 13
2. A rape kit was administered at St. Francis Hospital and sent under seal to an FBI lab for analysis.
3.A witness saw a black girl climb into a garbage bag and lay still on the ground.She was the FIRST PERSON to call 9-1-1
4.Tests found no evidence that a sexual assault of any kind had taken place.There wasn't any evidence of exposure to elements, which would be expected in a victim held for several days in the woods at a time when the temperature dropped below freezing at night.
5.Several witness came foward to say they saw her at times she claimed that she was being kidnapped and raped.
6. There is no proof this happen.
AL jumped into the Tawana Brawley case for the same reasons Nifong jumped into the Duke case.
Fame,Money,and political lust.
At one time Al and Jesse may have done good things,but now they are nothing more than political whores that will do anything for the right price.
,"Apparently, Debbie Rowe is talking and she says the sperm came from a donor."
RT, yup, chica will start singing like a canary to keep the meal tickets away from MJ's family getting custody. She's gonna bring it all out now to show they don't have any biological ties. She was always about 'bizness'.
Mind your fucking business grinder, nobody was talking to you!
By the way, who the fuck elected you internet police chief?
No one. When did I ever say that I was anyone's Internet cop?
I don't even like you.
I'm crushed!
Myself, and others on this blog notice your undercover racist remarks.
I notice your defensive, chip-on-the-shoulder attitude. So we're even.
If I don't refer to you, mind your damn business and don't say anything to me.
Speaking of being elected police chief ...
This is a BLACK blog; if you don't like what you read here, carry your ass!
Speaking of being elected police chief ...
I just found out who Billy Mays was from the local news. I still don't see the humor or understand the comment "deliver a little justice."
I guess you've never seen those obnoxious commercials where they turn up the volume about three notches, and this guy comes on the shouts, I'M BILLY MAYS AND I'M HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT KABOOM, THE MIRACLE CLEANER!
Finguratively speaking, I've always wanted the guy dead, myself. Finally got my wish.
I thought she said she didn't want the kids. I got go and read that article. I just glimpsed at the headline but I'm going back and read it to see if that was one of those trick titles. (smile)
La♥Incognita said...
However, these children (who are past toddler age) do NOT show even the slightest signs of 'black' genetical characteristics.
So lemme guess. You're black as coal, with a nose as wide as the pacific ocean? And since you know so much about skin lightening and hate your complexion, why don't you share with us with skin lightener because you're obviously a comsumer of such products, LOL!!
BTW, since you're obviously smarter then I am and know more about human genetics, why don't YOU explain WTF a "black genetical" characteristic is?? BTW, my 12 year old knows that the word is GENETIC characteristic NOT "genetical", dumb ass, LOL!!
Do yourself a favor and stay in the stupid lane where belong. Even IF those kids aren't by MJ, it's not unreasonable that a man that looked like him couldn't have kids that look like them.
Back to the topic at hand: Here is an interesting story that implies Jackson's death was a de facto suicide.
grinder said...
Back to the topic at hand: Here is an interesting story that implies Jackson's death was a de facto suicide.
I have to admit that I reluctantly gave suicide a thought because there's no doubt he lived a very troubled life. Just too sad on too many levels.
FlyNmy40's you are so stupid, you made no sense.
Mr. R
You are FOS, if you know what i mean, st. francis didn't do the rape kit initially, NO they were pressured to do something, and yes, she was 13 years old. your damage control is too little and too late.
p.s. i didn't read the rest of the shit that you wrote, i get tired of "white wash"
p.s. Granny, I am trying to find some good links for you to read about blogs, and thanks for your comment!
Granny - maybe we're reading the same blogs--lol--because I read she didn't want the kids, either, and that's the same article where she claimed the sperm came from a donor.
HuffPost has the story--
Thanks Kathy.
Mr. R.
Ok i did read the rest of the shit that you wrote,
a. number one, if you are in the legal profession, you KNOW that witness accounts are basically useless to all but the public, witness accounts are well known to be UNRELIABLE!!!!
next, that little fband i kit was sent after the fact, too late, it was not done when physical evidence would be still present.
finally, before i try to get some sleep, you comparing Nifong to Sharpton is the biggest fn' joke I heard in a long, long time.
I don't know what to believe about Rowe, time will tell. I saw an article this morning, but I can't find it. I found this one...
Fly, you shouldn't try to correct other people's grammar while you're making simple errors doing so. I should understandably be allowed to make all the grammatical errors, I'm not the one boasting about having an education. As for 12 year olds, I'm convinced that is your actual age.
"Finguratively speaking, I've always wanted the guy dead, myself. Finally got my wish."
You are one shallow, sick fuck.
You better hope something doesn't happen to you.
Watch what you wish for prick.
Have you noticed that Fly and ab are very much alike?
They both claim and boast superhuman achievements; they have condescending arrogant attitudes.
They are unreasonable and irrational; they are adversarial and contentious.
They are incapable of hearing the good will and good intentions of another person--they haven't learned when to take the cotton out of their ears and stuff it in their mouths.
Both are very angry explosive people; both tell grandiose lies.
They desperately need and want ATTENTION. The similarities between them are astounishing. I think they are the same person.
They are lonely people who feel unwanted and unloved.
For someone to be a so-called scientist, you sure spend alot of time blogging.
Look, everyone here knows your full of shit, so why don't you give it a rest.
You lying token "I wanna be white so bad I got a picture of rush limbaugh under my pillow" trick.
Why don't you take your bullshit somewhere else?
Take some hormone replacements, they might help.
" As the resident Scientist here on this blog, allow me to school those of you who obviously never had a biology class, LOL. First, it's entirely possible that MJ's kids are his. Why? Because the genetic admixture of Blacks in America, primarily as a result of slavery, allows us to have children that can be born with eyes the color of the sky to the color of soot. "
Uhhhhhhh, you may have taken a biology class, but did you earn a PASSING grade? The one-gene, one-trait theory of inheritance has been proven to be foolishly flawed, and the by product of sluggish scholarship.
Don't agree. Well, I'll use your own understanding of biology to prove you wrong.
Let's use your oversimplified one-gene, one-trait ideology. Take a genetic punnit square (assuming that you remember what this is). Now let's cross breed a Black person (who carries the recessive gene that causes one to have blue-eyes), and a blue-eyed White person, who carries a pair of recessive genes giving rise to blue eyes.
With successive cross breeding, the one-gene, one-trait mentality would predict that MANY black people would have blue eyes. In your own words, you stated that "something about us all being mulattoes...yawn..never heard bout that." Hovever, the fact that interracial couples NEVER have children with blue eyes disproves the one-gene, one trait theory, which would be necessary for your opinion about Michael Jackson's children to be true.
Listen carefully...more carefully than you did in the remedial biology class that you bragged about. THE ONLY BLACK CHILDREN (AND I'VE SEEN PICTURES OF THEM) WHO HAVE BLUE EYES ARE CHILDREN WITH BIRTH DEFECTS. A blue-eyed Black child has defects that will, in most cases, render them blind at a very early age.
I could go much deeper into this subject, but my point isn't really a scientific one. The point is this: don't try to be a big shot by "flaunting" your so-called expertise around people who may be less informed about your area of expertise. This says very little about the quality of your character. Additionally, you'll always run the risk of running into someone (hint, hint), a REAL scientist or medical expert who won't hesitate to expose your ignorance, and embarrass you accordingly.
12:01 AM
Race Traitor:
LOL! You and I did read the same blog.
Well, to add insult to the comments made by the phony "scientist", the multi-factorial nature of genetics is what gives rise to GREEN eyes in some interracial children, but NEVER blue eyes.
Additionally, did it ever dawn on you that white people with black, brown, and green eyes are carriers of the genes of BLACK ancestors? Are you really silly enough to think that only African Americans have a plethora of genes from a diverse (yet tragic) ancestry? How can EVERYONE be a child of Africa, yet only some of us have Black genes.
Don't go to medical school (as you suggested you may try). SAVE YOUR MONEY. I'M REALLY NOT TRYING TO BE CRUEL, BUT YOU'D NEVER MAKE IT THROUGH MEDICAL SCHOOL. The reasoning you shared with everyone is proof of this.
12:11 AM
Gine and EVITA: this is PROPHETESS WALLACE answering back, I must be courteous when I am being called, and yes, I do get a little intense with my writing, and I will not be changing anytime soon, so when I leave a comment, expect to read my personal opinion on the subject at hand, and oh, EVITA, I'm sure you are thinking "what is a PROPHETESS doing on a comment form with people using so much PROFANITY! well, the answer is "my call has no limitation's! you will be surprised at some of the TRENCH'S GOD has lead me too!
I marched in MEMPHIS with Dr. KING, became a part of the BLACK LIBERATION MOVEMENT as a teenager,in that day we called it fighting for the CAUSE, and we also called it BLACK POWER! now this was doing the time when we had to hide out and meet, our focus was on the future generation, we wore our big AFRO and we stood proud, this was doing the time of ANGELA DAVIS and the list go's on, someone said something about, passing the TORCH, well in that day we all had our own TORCH'S, so when someone say's "pass the torch to the other generation" I say go out and find your own TORCH! their is so much that need's to be done to help our people, go out and find what need's to be done and GOD will do the REST.
EVITA: GOD blessed me with these TORCH'S/MANTEL'S:
What's more, people who are afflicted with vitiglio strive, if they are so inclined, to color themselves to match their original skin color, not the color of the disease. Furthermore, vitiglio certainly does not alter the shape of noses, cleft chins or thin lips.
Granny, I know you don't need me to defend you, but I didn't like his tone.
Prophetess Wallace:
You made my mind go back down memory lane with the Afro natural. I went from one extreme to the other with the Afro natural. I had one bigger than Angela Davis afro natural and later on I cut it and wore one so short you could smell my brain (joking about smelling my brain).
I've always had long hair and when I cut my hair off to wear the short-short natural people got upset with me. It took forever for me to grow my hair back to it's original length (halfway down my back). I said I'd never do that again. However, the beginning of this year, I let my daughter talk me into getting my hair cut in a short bob. This time I'm going to let it grow back and really not do it again. (smile)
By the way, phony medical expert, why do you think that there are fewer people in the World with blue eyes than ANY OTHER COLOR?
Why? Look around. White people have black, brown, green, and blue eyes. This leaves blue eyes a small minority trait amongst white people.
Non-whites...Mexicans to Philipinos, Black Africans to Arabs, ALL shades of Asian, etc, etc, etc, have BLACK EYES. This is indicative of dark eyes being an extremely dominant trait. And since so many differing ethnic groups, even whites have these dominant traits, this explains, once again, why there aren't blue-eyed Black chidren running all over the place, regardless of cross breeding with white people with blue eyes.
ONCE AGAIN, AND I REALLY MEANT WHAT I SAID ABOUT MEDICAL SCHOOL, SAVE YOUR MONEY! IF YOU REALLY ARE WORKING UNDER A Ph.D, and STILL have this outdated understanding of genetics, you'll be one of those people who ruin their lives with 200,000 to 300,000 dollars worth of debt, and no medical degree to bail you out.
And once more, STOP COMING TO THESE SITE TRYING TO IMPRESS PEOPLE WHO MAY NOT BE SCIENTISTS. Do you think there's only one type of intelligence. A person who sucks at science, but can make a guitar or piano sing is your equal, whether you want to believe it or not.
You are one shallow, sick fuck.
Yeah, I know. I'm going to have to learn to love obnoxious TV commercials like you do.
Thank you Race Traitoress:
It's sort of funny to me, since, I asked Francis to check out my blog and give me some tips. And I asked out of a sincere heart because I am an amateur at blogging. I always admired him and thought highly of him. I really thought that he was an excellent writer. Nice to know that he doesn't think so highly of me and that he would accuse me falsely, and at least he could have told me that instead of going behind my back and stabbing me in it.
I'll say! The Lord has never failed me yet to shine the light on those who wish me ill. Thank you Jesus! He always sends somebody to warn me and pulls the cover off of those who wish me ill . Thank you Lord!
Granny, I don't really think his post considered you or your blog at all--he just grabbed one word as a jumping off point for his post.
However, in doing so he implied he was schooling you, which did give me a chuckle.
And I found his post while Googling for you--his blog was the first hit. Mysterious ways, indeed.
What a treat to read more of your thoughts! Thank you--
I even took Francis advice, because I learned something on that subject that I didn't know from him. LOL!
What nice person he really turned out to be. smh!
Race Traitoress:
It's no big deal. LOL!
Granny, you've got fans already, I'm jealous! :)
grinder said...
You are one shallow, sick fuck.
Yeah, I know. I'm going to have to learn to love obnoxious TV commercials like you do.
Gee, your wit amazes me (rolls eyes)
You really need to come up with some better material.
Ahhh Shabazz, you know Granny is one of your fans so don't be jealous. I put your blog on my blog roll. At first, I had the wrong link for it. I discovered the error when I tried to use the link, and corrected it.
You really need to come up with some better material.
Why, the two of us could form a mutual admiration society, couldn't we? Has anyone told you how brilliant you are today?
Oh, I was actually talking about the dude who took 1 word from your blog and wrote a bible length post
on the word "race."
I guess he schooled you! LOL
"Has anyone told you how brilliant you are today?"
Has anyone told you how stupid you are everyday?
Shabazz, speaking of coming up with better material, you really need to do better than the equivalent of, "I know you are but what am I." Sheesh. I mean, as much as I deeply admire you, it's only right to point out when you've totally fallen on your ass, don't you think?
Hey, maybe it's not Jesse Jackson who's the Jackson family's blackivist of the week. Looks like Al Sharpton. I see that Doc Demerol (who says he isn't) is black. I had envisioned a white doctor. Yeah, yeah I know. I'm a sick fuck, right Shabazz? And a racist, right La Incogitation?
Oops, meant "blacktivist." Damn those fingers. You know, if the job pays well enough I'd be happy to be their whitivist if they need one.
grinder,why don't you shuffle on over to stormfront.org, they're always looking for good "whitivists".
I don't know why white people always try to insert themselves into anything having to do with Blacks. It's quite obvious by the responses here you're not wanted, why don't you go hijack one of the white blogs? As much shit that's going on in our communities, the last thing we need right now is another "white saviour". You people are the ones that got us in this mess in the first place.Why in the hell would we want to align with you knowing all to damn well how you feel about us at the end of the day? You might have others fooled, but I know about you people all too well. Believe me, and I mean this with the most utmost sincerity, I have absolutely no desire to deal with you or anyone who looks like you on any type of level. You are all devils in my book.
Shabazz, are you in a bad mood tonight? I sure hope so, because if you're always feeling like this then, well, then I hope they don't let you anywhere near the nuclear reactor.
No grinder, I just don't kowtow to people that hate my existense due to the color of my skin.
Would you like it if certain people felt like you don't have the right to be on this earth?
I am thoroughly sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Not just for myself, but my family, friends, my kids, we all have experienced racism at the hands of white people. In fact, ask any random Black person if they've ever been discriminated against and see what type of answers you get.
And what's really sad is you people actually think it's "god's will" for you to treat us the way you do.Do you really think you (in general) would get into heaven the way you treat people based on the color of their skin? In this country (and probably other places), a dog gets treated with more humanity than a Black person. I cannot and I will not discount my race for anyone anytime period.
Live a week in my skin, and tell me if I'm wrong for feeling the way I do.
Wow, Shabazz, I have never seen you this upset. I would dare say that most of the members who happen to be white have been respectful. I do not see them attempting to insert themselves into our issues.
Damn, the media haven't called me yet.
My cousin did additional vocals with Kim Wilde when she supported the glove in London years back.
Oh, the phones ringing, maybe it's them now.
Spot on post Mr. Field.
Also loving the media talking about the media interest in the death of the Glove, hence talking about themselves as if they were not part of the problem.
Field Negro G said...
I have first cousins with blue eyes and NONE of them have birth defects. However, I'm sure if they did they would stil be smarter than you.
I used to wonder why there are so few Black Scientists and Physicians in America. After reading so many of these IGNORANT scientific "facts" I don't wonder why anymore.
So many of YOU, are who racist white folks are talking about when they lump us all into the dumb and ignorant category. My middle school daughter knows more science and goes to school with kids who know maore science than a few of you so called educated Black folks. Simply put, a lot of you make those of us who have achieved academic success look terrible from an intellectual point of view.
FNG, CLEARLY you NEVER had a college genetics class much less a high school Biology class. Your statement about Black folks not having blue eyes unless they have defects is some "massa done labelled all us stupid if we look like him" bullshit. House nigga for DAM sure!
I need for someone to tell me which birth defect the singer,actress Vanessa L Williams has, because she dam sure has blue eyes and according to the Nobel Laureate in Genetics Field Negro G, she MUST have a birth defect somewhere!
This idea is so silly it's laughable!
My bad man, do I need to define for you what a Nobel Laureate is because I'm dam sure you have no f*cking clue!
"House nigga for DAM sure!"
Yeah, but you're the Black conservative.
Are you insane???
It's 8:43 am, don't you have a job to do "scientist"?
Look lady nobody believes in your fucking fantisies.
You seem to be the only scientist in America that can sit on the internet all day getting into cyberspats with people.
Oh yeah, before you fire off another pathetic attempt at a retort, I work nights, thus the reason I'm posting in the am.
What's your excuse gonna be now?
Enquiring minds want to know!
(well not really, but you're probably gonna come up with another quick lie to coincide with your amazing scientist with 35 degrees story) This is the internet hon. I have a better chance in believing in the easter bunny.smh
"This idea is so silly it's laughable!"
Your scientist story is even funnier.
Field Negro G said...
Don't go to medical school (as you suggested you may try). SAVE YOUR MONEY. I'M REALLY NOT TRYING TO BE CRUEL, BUT YOU'D NEVER MAKE IT THROUGH MEDICAL SCHOOL
As a former high school chemistry teacher and person loyal to my people, I'd never suggest a black person NOT further their education and for you to do that, makes you Chief House Nigga on THIS blog. And it's comments like these that many of you only seem to make toward AB and I, that make somany of you indirect pawns for racists. They don't have to say or do shit, you idiots are trying pitifully to destroy the spirit and thus, the soul of Black folks without the help of racists.
My suggestion for you and your croonies on this blog is that you start with community college and work your way up...... if you can.
Either way, don't YOU ever step to me again with things you obviously don't know shit about again, OK punkin'?
Wow said...
"House nigga for DAM sure!"
Look lady nobody believes in your fucking fantisies.You seem to be the only scientist in America that can sit on the internet all day getting into cyberspats with people.
Tell you what. Why don't you go through my posts and show us all how I'm able to "post all day long" which is not only NOT true but another one of those dumb arse statements my fans here like to perpetuate. You and a few other FN idiots HAVE to tell yourselves crap like that to convince yourselves that there's no way I could be a living, breathing, working Scientist. We call that being jealous and/or delusional in the medical and scientific world.
As for posting at 8:30 AM, I run things where I work, thanks to being blessed just last week with a promtion to Scientist Manager. I took the day off because "I got it like that", LOL!!
Now why don't you and all my other jealous fans go ask yourselves why I STAY cloaked in God's blessings, because let me tell you I am living proof that education, working hard, and doing the right by yourself, your family and your community, will ALWAYS and sometimes literally pay off eventually!!
Now I'd better go because I'm about to get my shout on up in here!!! God is GOOD!!!!!!!!
Crabs in a bucket. When will house nigga's EVER learn, SMDH!!!
NOT true but another one of those dumb arse statements....
OMG- now you're british too?
Stop perpetrating a fraud girl.
Like Jay-Z said "We don't believe you; you need more people!"
ditto fn!!!
jessie and al will do nothing but further sabotage a possible murder investigation that will become a typical media circus...
only those who did not really know mj and all of his illegal and suicidal deeds preceeding his death are daring to revise his extremely eurocentric surgical and documented criminal histories and blindly defend him...
what is most tragic is that the enbalers who isolated him from his black kin and all those who truly loved him are increasingly beginning to look like more than mere celeb leeches, but actual murderers
the only thing more tragic than the icon mj dying like elvis would be dying via execution like jimi hendrix/marilyn monroe
stupid ass.
There goes my day...
alicia banks said...
the only thing more tragic than the icon mj dying like elvis would be dying via execution like jimi hendrix/marilyn monroe
Now THAT was deep! What's up AB??
i respect you as a sista and a scientist
but, i truly believe that mj lied about vitiligo
lisa pressley admitted this when they were wed and interviewed by diane sawyer
most persons who have vitiligo
re-pigment or darken the skin that becomes bloctched and white...
mj whitened the dark skin?...that makes no sense...
we agree to disagree
FlyNMy40s said...
alicia banks said...
the only thing more tragic than the icon mj dying like elvis would be dying via execution like jimi hendrix/marilyn monroe
Now THAT was deep! What's up AB??
OOOOOH Deep! (rolls eyes)
I see your bend over buddy ab is back "scientist"
"according to the Nobel Laureate in Genetics Field Negro G, she MUST have a birth defect somewhere!"
Well maybe her eyes are a birth defect. A birth defect doesn’t have to be a missing limb, or some sort of mental challenge.
'Crabs in a bucket. When will house nigga's EVER learn, SMDH!!!"
Most of us who visit this blog consider ourselves field negros, or honorary field negros. So the 'house nigga' could only be you. Ok I'm done. I was only having fun engaging you.
mj was a pathological liar
we all know he said he only had 2 surgeries on his face...both to his nose only
so if he so blatantly lied about his surgeries, why would he not also lie about his skin tone?
alicia banks said...
mj was a pathological liar
we all know he said he only had 2 surgeries on his face...both to his nose only
so if he so blatantly lied about his surgeries, why would he not also lie about his skin tone?
My point as it relates to his skin color is that black people have vitiligo. MJ says he had it. I don't think deep enough about this stuff to really analyze to
the point of trying to determine whether or not he was lying about. If he was, so be it.
I'm think that if there was a "skin cream" that could bleach a person's skin to the extent that MJ's skin changed, someone would have sold that to black folks eons ago and made a billion dollars. And I've seen vilitigo in clinical settings as well as under the microscope. Skin changes like his ARE quite possible although in most cases I've seen, the persons's skin is usually blotchy.
As far as plastic surgery is concerned, MJ isn't the first and won't be the last to lie about having plastic surgery or the number of surgies he had. So if he's a pathological liar about his surguries then so is just about every one else in Hollywood.
I personal feeling is that MJ was a victum of severe child abuse who unfortunately NEVER got over it. He didn't love himself which explains the need to so significantly alter his appearence.
ditto fly:
i pity the self-hating, bleached white pedophile mj became...
i blame joe's verbal, physical, and sexual abuse and mj's extreme white supremacy
here is where lisa admitted his skin bleaching indirectly as "his business"
what a toxic business it was!
The ONLY people who could confirm whether or not MJ had vitiligo is a Dermatologist or Pathologist.
Still I stand firmly behind the idea that such a skin lightening cream would have been marketed and sold out in the black community many years ago. Hydroquinone (Fly fans go ahead and wikipedia that sh*t) is a chemical compound that could lighten a persons's skin to that extent, but I'd imagine that the toxicities associated with it could eventually prove deadly.
Maybe that was the case with MJ.
i will always mourn the boy mj
as i have done for decades
re: the wounded and twisted bleached man
i agree with katt williams:
6 min - Oct 5, 2008 -
ditto fly:
i have always heard
from many dermatologists on mj news docs etc
that hyper strength serums of hydroquinine can whiten the skin when injected in limited sites
this would be MUCH stronger than fade creams in stores...
this would explain all of the criminal docs that claim mj was still very dark from the waist down...
he never ever wore shorts or went sockless/shoeless in public
as a "peter-pan", he would have looked more juvenile in shorts and sandals etc
Does this bitch have to say "ditto" for every fucking thing?
ab and the "scientist" are two fuckin' tards in a pod.
You two really deserve each other.
here is more from someone who actually knew mj:
his bf nanny
the truth is its own defense
the mj autopsy will continue to reveal all that so many deny..
AB, don't you find it absolutely hilarious that our FANS post crap anonymously? I'm certain they have usernames and are too spineless to to use it.
I agree that the autopsy reveal facts, but whose "facts" are we to believe? Anyone could fake an autopsy report and post it on the internet.
ditto fly:
they hate us because they envy us
i am used to that...
mj is NOT the father:
not the jackson's lose all blood power and debbie or a leech can claim these kids
i hope grace gets them now!
she is the only real mom they have ever known
AB that article sounds like something from the national enquirer. I mean really, her saying "I don't want these kids in my life" after loosing they lost father? Just doesn't sound believable or like something a mother would say.
"AB, don't you find it absolutely hilarious that our FANS post crap anonymously? I'm certain they have usernames and are too spineless to to use it."
Gee wilikers, us po' folk sure envy y'all duuuuuuuuh
I find it hilarious you won't tell us what you really do for a living you pompous little bitch.
You and that ugly furby looking bitch alicia banks are a real pair.
Get a life....and jobs!
she was never a mother
only a really well paid surrogate womb...
2 things should happen now:
the jackson family should SWIFTLY demand DNA tests to secure their bio power
tons of attys should be chasing down the wm dad/s who will want custody for cash now
no lie lives forever
time will reveal all
alicia banks said...
she was never a mother
only a really well paid surrogate womb...
This story just gets too sad as time goes on...............
My dear Anon fan, you're the absolute BEST fan AB and I have. And since you're so interested in how I spend my days, here's a little of what I'm working on and reading right now:
Sensing danger--Hsp72 and HMGB1 as candidate signals.
Molecules that behave as danger signals are produced when the body is perceived to be under attack, and they alert the immune system to the problem. The immune system can then mount an appropriate response. Two molecules that have received attention as potential danger signals are heat shock protein 72 (Hsp72) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), which are intracellular proteins but are released when cells are under stress, in particular, when necrosis occurs. This review considers the similarities between these two molecules and then contrasts their mechanism of action and problems that can arise when they are overpresented in the extracellular environment. It is proposed that Hsp72 and HMGB1 are members of a suite of danger molecules that provide a fingerprint of the threat, or stressor, to tissue or organism integrity.
Now I would break that down for you in dummy terms, but the fact is that I don't have time. Or the 2 year old vocabulary.
FYI, the afore mentioned abstract is NOT mine, only being used by me as a resource to assist a colleague in developing an experimental protocal adaptable to the species she's working with.
Comprende, buttholes?
gnat(Fly) there you go again showing off and you wonder why so many can't stand you...all you just proved is that you know how to cut and paste....Toodles
Anonymous said...
gnat(Fly) there you go again showing off and you wonder why so many can't stand you...all you just proved is that you know how to cut and paste....Toodles
You're quite obviously jealous of ANY black woman that has a great life. And still too spineless to get username.
Hell if I was you, I'd hate me too, LOL!!!
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