WARNING! WARNING! Beware of the new meme coming from the wingnuts about Egypt: The uprising over there is being led by Communist and Jihadist and not by ordinary people who just want to be free from Mubarak's iron grip.
Apparently we get to decide when the will of the people is a good thing. If the people have free will but make the wrong choice with that freedom that is not a good thing. Saddam bad. Mubarak good. No, wait, both bad, but Mubarak supports our interests in the region, so Mubarak good for us...or something like that.
Anywhooo, one of the reasons I love to blog is because I get a chance to read what the conspiracy nuts and FOX followers are saying. (They leave comments on this blog all the time.) It's one crazy rant after another. A world view so bizarre and out of touch with reality that one really has to wonder what these folks are breathing for air. (Comparing Obama to Mubarak and Pharaoh?)
Their leader, for the moment, is one Glen Beckkk. And his take on what is happening in Egypt pretty much sums up the mindset of my wingnut friends.
I will let David Neiwert tell it:
"Like Steve Benen, I'm beginning to wonder if our favorite Big-Time Wingnuts are about to implode under the critical mass of their own overpowering wingnuttery. It seem as though Sarah Palin's bizarre "WTF" rant of the other night -- while not particularly spectacular in the context of a political career rich with embarrassing moments -- may have been the pebble that finally tipped even her reflexive defenders in the other direction. (You sure can't find anyone outside of Planet Palin who will defend it.)
Then there's Glenn Beck in the past couple of days. Conor Friedersdorf's reaction reflected the consensus: "the fact that Roger Ailes and his associates air this kind of nonsense –couched in these kinds of assurances! – is indefensible." As Benen says:
Over the last year or so, Fox News' Glenn Beck has lost about a third of his audience, which is a pretty significant drop, and may very well lead the deranged media personality to think of ways to bring viewers back.
One way, for example, may be for Beck to be even more creative when sharing crazy visions of global affairs. Yesterday, the strange man did his best to explain events in Egypt with a take that really has to be seen to be believed. Chris Hayes called it "a tour de force of paranoid ignorance," which sums it up nicely.
As you can see, all he's really doing is reinforcing what even some of Beck's Believers are now beginning to realize: that he's an ignoramus peddling cockamamie conspiracy theories with no regard to facts or truthfulness.
You see, Beck believes that events in Egypt are the culmination of conspiratorial forces he's been railing about for some time now -- essentially revolving around an obscure book by French anarchists that nobody is actually reading, The Coming Insurrection.
Basically, Beck foresees a Middle Eastern "Caliphate" overtaking Europe and China controlling big chunks of new territory, all fueled by a "Marxist" and "Islamist" conspiracy:
I believe that I can make a case in the end that there are three powers that you will see really emerge. One, a Muslim caliphate that controls the Mideast and parts of Europe. Two, China, that will control Asia, the southern half of Africa, part of the Middle East, Australia, maybe New Zealand, and God only knows what else. And Russia, which will control all of the old former Soviet Union bloc, plus maybe the Netherlands. I'm not really sure. But their strong arm is coming. That leaves us and South America. What happens to us?
Then Beck went on Bill O'Reilly's show and explained the nutshell version:
BECK: No, I think we're actually possibly the witnessing Archduke Ferdinand moment. Archduke Ferdinand was the guy who was killed -- shot, a few months later started the First World War. I think we're in real danger.
BECK: I understand that, but what you're not taking into account is that that is what the average person thinks, just like the average person on the street of -- of Cairo thinks they're swept up in some freedom movement. It is not about freedom. It is being orchestrated by the Marxists, communists and primarily also the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sean Easter and Todd Gregory at Media Matters have a thorough roundup of the madness, and conclude by observing:
All of this was offered up in service of his theory that the protests in Egypt are the manifestation of The Coming Insurrection, an obscure book that French police believe was written by a member of a small group of anarchists. Beck has repeatedly described the anonymous author (or authors) of the book as "communists." He's tied George Soros and President Obama to The Coming Insurrection, as well.
So, a diverse group of the Egyptian people are in the streets protesting an autocratic leader, and Glenn Beck has decided that this is directly connected to an anonymously written anarchist tract from France that he's been obsessing about for the past two years?
Normally, we are in the business of debunking the falsehoods and smears that Beck promotes. But how do you debunk pronouncements that quite obviously bear no relationship to reality?" [Source]
Apparently we get to decide when the will of the people is a good thing. If the people have free will but make the wrong choice with that freedom that is not a good thing. Saddam bad. Mubarak good. No, wait, both bad, but Mubarak supports our interests in the region, so Mubarak good for us...or something like that.
Anywhooo, one of the reasons I love to blog is because I get a chance to read what the conspiracy nuts and FOX followers are saying. (They leave comments on this blog all the time.) It's one crazy rant after another. A world view so bizarre and out of touch with reality that one really has to wonder what these folks are breathing for air. (Comparing Obama to Mubarak and Pharaoh?)
Their leader, for the moment, is one Glen Beckkk. And his take on what is happening in Egypt pretty much sums up the mindset of my wingnut friends.
I will let David Neiwert tell it:
"Like Steve Benen, I'm beginning to wonder if our favorite Big-Time Wingnuts are about to implode under the critical mass of their own overpowering wingnuttery. It seem as though Sarah Palin's bizarre "WTF" rant of the other night -- while not particularly spectacular in the context of a political career rich with embarrassing moments -- may have been the pebble that finally tipped even her reflexive defenders in the other direction. (You sure can't find anyone outside of Planet Palin who will defend it.)
Then there's Glenn Beck in the past couple of days. Conor Friedersdorf's reaction reflected the consensus: "the fact that Roger Ailes and his associates air this kind of nonsense –couched in these kinds of assurances! – is indefensible." As Benen says:
Over the last year or so, Fox News' Glenn Beck has lost about a third of his audience, which is a pretty significant drop, and may very well lead the deranged media personality to think of ways to bring viewers back.
One way, for example, may be for Beck to be even more creative when sharing crazy visions of global affairs. Yesterday, the strange man did his best to explain events in Egypt with a take that really has to be seen to be believed. Chris Hayes called it "a tour de force of paranoid ignorance," which sums it up nicely.
As you can see, all he's really doing is reinforcing what even some of Beck's Believers are now beginning to realize: that he's an ignoramus peddling cockamamie conspiracy theories with no regard to facts or truthfulness.
You see, Beck believes that events in Egypt are the culmination of conspiratorial forces he's been railing about for some time now -- essentially revolving around an obscure book by French anarchists that nobody is actually reading, The Coming Insurrection.
Basically, Beck foresees a Middle Eastern "Caliphate" overtaking Europe and China controlling big chunks of new territory, all fueled by a "Marxist" and "Islamist" conspiracy:
I believe that I can make a case in the end that there are three powers that you will see really emerge. One, a Muslim caliphate that controls the Mideast and parts of Europe. Two, China, that will control Asia, the southern half of Africa, part of the Middle East, Australia, maybe New Zealand, and God only knows what else. And Russia, which will control all of the old former Soviet Union bloc, plus maybe the Netherlands. I'm not really sure. But their strong arm is coming. That leaves us and South America. What happens to us?
Then Beck went on Bill O'Reilly's show and explained the nutshell version:
BECK: No, I think we're actually possibly the witnessing Archduke Ferdinand moment. Archduke Ferdinand was the guy who was killed -- shot, a few months later started the First World War. I think we're in real danger.
BECK: I understand that, but what you're not taking into account is that that is what the average person thinks, just like the average person on the street of -- of Cairo thinks they're swept up in some freedom movement. It is not about freedom. It is being orchestrated by the Marxists, communists and primarily also the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sean Easter and Todd Gregory at Media Matters have a thorough roundup of the madness, and conclude by observing:
All of this was offered up in service of his theory that the protests in Egypt are the manifestation of The Coming Insurrection, an obscure book that French police believe was written by a member of a small group of anarchists. Beck has repeatedly described the anonymous author (or authors) of the book as "communists." He's tied George Soros and President Obama to The Coming Insurrection, as well.
So, a diverse group of the Egyptian people are in the streets protesting an autocratic leader, and Glenn Beck has decided that this is directly connected to an anonymously written anarchist tract from France that he's been obsessing about for the past two years?
Normally, we are in the business of debunking the falsehoods and smears that Beck promotes. But how do you debunk pronouncements that quite obviously bear no relationship to reality?" [Source]
Ahhh David, you can't. You can only listen and thank your lucky stars that you were born with a brain.
Hahaha! Love that picture of the eternally weeping Beckkk! I think his brain cells were burned up by all the alcohol he consumed!
What I don't get is what happened to the brains of all his fans? :O
I'm sorry I went to the link as I can't stand more than about....22 seconds of that asshat. Encouraged with audience lost figures but still can't figure why anyone would.....wait, there's Palin on A&E. That may pretty much explain why Beck exist on any noise box.
That clown will really dump a load when folk here get as fed up as they are in Egypt.
No, what we are really witnessing is a conspiracy between Zack, Screech, and Mr. Belding, to keep Lisa Turtle form enjoying her international stardom that we all crave.
See Mr.Field, I have a chalk board in my house where I explain what is "really" happening in the Fields.
SickupandFed said...
That clown will really dump a load when folk here get as fed up as they are in Egypt.
Go for it, what do we have to lose? Gubnt bennies? Taxpayer funded permanent vacations? Go for it!!!
If the poor in America have things that people in other countries can only dream about, why is there a progressive/liberal/democrat/marxist/socialist/communist movement to make America more like those other countries?
PilotX said...
OK, I was lead astray. Opiate, are we all happy now? Now back to regular programming.
"Lead" astray like a fishing sinker weight and cast to the bottom or Led astray like you followed someone who knew not?
Snicker, Snicker...its all good.
SickupandFed said...
That clown will really dump a load when folk here get as fed up as they are in Egypt.
Your right, they already did. People like you flipped out when the tea party started protesting and took over the electorate. Notice there were no burned down buildings or turnover cars or rightfully looted stores, next.
Beck is an entertainer, and he gets in over his head talking about things he doesn't apparently know enough about. But it's hard not be paranoid in A-merry-ca today.
In the footsteps of ACORN and SEIU, Planned Parenthood now has their own undercover video exposing the rancid side of liberal activism. Planned Parenthood gets over $100 million a year in federal funding.
Leftist groups associated with the democratic party abetting child prostitution, voter fraud, illegal immigration, voter intimidation and taxpayer fraud. Chipping away, day in and day out, at the foundations of a functioning civil society.
How cool is that?
Your right about the conspiracy nuts and Fox followers. Having a Black President has brought out the worst in those folks.
Bad part about it is that these ignoramouses are running the government. The tea baggers are installing their leaders (Allen West for example). It's always funny til they start affecting the rest of us. The righties won't be happy until Reagan and Jesus are on the dollar bill and we teach our students that dinosaurs and humans lived side by side on the Ark with the founding fathers. This is one stupid country.
Oh well, at least we only have to deal with 18" or so of snow. My wife was giddy when she saw thundersnow for the first time.
Glenn Beck has to be a black man who is passin. He has more flavor than the average white boy. Reminds me of a young Jimmy Swagger (without the hookers).
"Your right about the conspiracy nuts and Fox followers. Having a Black President has brought out the worst in those folks."
Yes, you are right. That's why it's not a good idea to elect a bm for President. Things will simmer after the next Presidential election.
Field, posting about Beck really has no value, benefit or importance. Why not do a post that is meaningful and important like this?
Bekkk's got my 5150 gun-nut Morman step-brother ready to climb a clocktower. What we non-Mormans don't understand is the extent to which his whole shtick comes out of Morman revelatory and prophetic legend from it's founding in the mid 19th century.
I don't think it's any coincidence that the 2 most prominent political Mormons are running for prez in '12 either. The whole American exceptionalism ethic is literally Morman Gospel.
No coincidence either that Utah, a hereditary theocracy stuffed into the framework of an American State, just adopted the Browning Automatic Pistol as it's State Gun in response to what.... ultimately a black man, blood cursed in the Mormon Gospels, in the WHITE house.
Rev.Wrong, you really have to stop making a fool of yourself. PP had already reported that faux pimp to the FBI. But nice try.
The Beckkkification of A-merry-ca continues.
"Field, posting about Beck really has no value, benefit or importance. Why not do a post that is meaningful and important like this?
You must be new here.
Field, "You must be new here."
Being new, I don't understand your reply. Please explain.
@Whitey's Conspiracy... Are you some expert on Mormonism or did you just do a Google search or two? I only ask because I was born in Utah, third generation Mormon, went to 4 years of Mormon seminary, 4 years of college level inatitute of religion, 2 year mission, regular temple attendee... and I think Bekkk is full of crap, as is the bulk and tone of your statement.
Glenn's schtick has Mormon lingo but is ABSOLUTELY not in line with the church's doctrines.
Hereditary Theocracy? Nice big words but how does it apply to Rocky's election (he was a non-Mormon ACLU lawyer)? Maybe you say hereditary because of Huntsman Jr... even though Sr. was never elected? Or is it because Church leadership follows paternal lines?... O wait, it doesn't.
Please continue to clown on Bekkk, I'm with you there, but don't blame his lunacy on his religion.
"Yes, you are right. That's why it's not a good idea to elect a bm for President. Things will simmer after the next Presidential election."
Let's check the logic here.
This isn't the first time I've heard this from the wingnut section.
Electing a black man as President is bad for race relations......because......well...it upsets racists and makes them act irrationally.
waiting for uts and lac to complain about how much you hate glen and rush...
and to ask you if you ever met either of them too...
and to tell you that you have no life and are miserable because u slay them etc...
yada yada yada...
attn needs slaps:
more to make u mum about wf moms...
QuoteGlennBeck: "And Russia, which will control all of the old former Soviet Union bloc, plus maybe the Netherlands."
I think that is singly the funniest thing I've ever read on the internet.
Beck's problem here is that he can't conceive of non-white people ever being motivated by anything other than venal or base emotions. So this idea that Egyptians are sick and tired of living under a repressive authoritarian regime, and are just trying to make a better lives for themselves and their families is just anathema to him.
In Beck's mind only white people are capable of holding high-minded ideals, or of acting with grace an mobility.
I find what is happening in the middle East incredibly exciting, who will be the next domino to fall? My money's on The Yemen, though Iraq also has got to be a good call...
Nobility, not mobility.
One of my all time best typos.
alicia banks said...
attn needs slaps:
more to make u mum about wf moms...
yeah its so sad when a couple of crazies pop up here and there.
How about this, just another example of overfed, undereducated, well taken care of by working taxpayer dollars folks. In fact, one of these ladies looks like your picture, is that you AB?
You can always tell the Shrill voices from miles away.
mareally narcoleptic:
more on what u missed while snoring during your beloved hobama's speech:
6.Obama's Sputnik moment means less funding for schools and social programs that directly and indirectly improve a student's experience and, therefore, the likelihood they will do well. It means a hyper version of the Bush administration's No Child Left Behind. Obama's Race to the Top program actually means an even further "narrowed curriculum" meaning that more will learn even less in an attempt to inflate test scores that, under the Obama plan, are even more so wedded to funding.
7.The phrase, "our Sputnik moment," is about waking the country up to its slipping grip of power over the world. But, as has always been the case for Black America, words like "our," "us" and "we" must be heard cynically. An ascendance of the United States suggests nothing of an ascendance of Black people. Indeed, quite the opposite. As has always been the case, and is always the case, wherever that case may be, the ascendancy of the state requires the devolution of African people
blind racist assnon/needs slaps:
i know we all look alike to you...
you are as blind to our physical differences as you are to the fact that MOST people on welfare and MOST toxic abusive parents are WHITES who look just like YOU and your own wf mom...
deal with that!
ps: if u were not a faceless coward...we could see if u and your mom look like rush or glen too..
Hey AB,
The New Imam for the ground Zero Mosque says that Gays were probably abused as children.
Knowing your affection for Islam and your being a Bulldyke I figured you would be best to offer an opinion on this.
Kind of fits in with the story you told us of your daddy hittin your pootennanny when you were just a big butt little girl doesnt it?
Ab; Would you know from the media coverage that there are more sex offenders among public school teachers then among Catholic priests? How come the church gets the blame and the Department of Education doesn't? And why is the media so outspoken about sex abusers being priests, but avoids calling them homosexual pedophiles? Who are they afraid to offend?
racist pedophile assnon/"moron polanski":
like hobama, u lie.
i am not a muslim.
i hate all religions.
i have never been molested.
dumb sexist homohating dogs like u created and rule all religions...
so why are u singling out islam????
they are no worse than hobama's best dl nelly gaybashing gay hypochristian pals rick warren or donnie mcclurkin...
teacher hating dunce assnon:
like hobama, u lie.
there are FAR more pedophile priests and FAR more letch pastors/tree jumpers for jesus like eddie long...
most child molesters are het wm like u and most teachers are females...
and teachers get fired when they molest students...
molested church members pay tithes...like tolls for tricks..ya know?
Ignorance is stronger than logic. The most dangerous and deadly blindness is that caused by religious ignorance. Just as the biological warfare of AIDS urged gaybashing fools to ignore decades of heterosexual African genocide and centuries of virus-free bloody prison rapes, gaybashing fools now ignore glaring and gross institutional flaws in the Catholic religion and millions of heterosexual pedophiles, as they vent about psychotic and monstrous priests. The only thing more evil than a priest who would sexually prey upon a child, is a demonic gaybasher who would slander all homosexuals for what a few demonic priests dare to do.
All crime watch organizations report that 85-99% of most pedophiles are middle to upper classed, married, heterosexual men who rarely even visit churches and routinely molest their own daughters and nieces. The vast majority of priests are not raping little boys. Those priests who do so should be swiftly crucified. All church officials and peers who harbor and protect these pedophiles should be crucified with them, including the Pope!
incestuous imbecile assnon:
most homos have never been molested or even visited anyone in prison.
millions of children are molested daily and they grow up to be hets.
handle that fact u homohating clown.
Just as the biological warfare of AIDS
Sure, another one of your conspiracies to take the fault out of the hands of people who stick it in each others poop chute. Was this Obamas fault too ya fruitcake?
Its called thinking, if you know the odds of your getting aids are extremely high if you sleep with a Black Woman (1 in 3 alive in the US have aids) then don't do it. Your safer fuckin a goat then a Black Female and lookin at you the goats more attractive. At least it has real hair and gives milk and wont be shrill yellin at ya all day long like the lunatic witch you are.
millions of children are molested daily and they grow up to be hets.
handle that fact u homohating clown.
hey, just because some can shake off the stink that you could not...
Whats your point? We already know you are weak.
racist trailer pk assnon:
i have never been on welfare.
i have worked since i was 15 and will work until die.
millions of blacks like me have never been on welfare.
u r the white sheep/welfare peasant of this black blog.
keep your place bubba.
hey racist sci moron assnon:
u r really late about aids created at ft detrick maryland and deliberately given to gays/junkies/africans as vaccines for hepatitis and smallpox
and cc that to mareally swirling unsafely.
r u not the same racist fool who claims we black women are as celibate as u r...and that maria and uts and their oj nicole clones are the ones having all that germy sex???
genocide only to spew racist attacks upon its fatalities.
For the truth about AIDS, bypass George’s racist drivel. Instead, read Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper. I quote this classic exposé on the New World Order and its most fatal plot that strategically targeted Africa decades ago:
“The plan is a part of Global 2000. In 1969, the U. S. Defense Department got 10 million dollars to make the AIDS virus as a weapon to be used mainly against Blacks. In 1977, the World Health Organization injected AIDS laced smallpox vaccine into over 100 million Africans. In 1978, the Centers for Disease Control in New York City laced AIDS into hepatitis B vaccines given to 200 white gay men.”
HUNDREDS of other books document the truth about AIDS. Seek the truth. It will free your mind and soul.
alicia banks said...
racist trailer pk assnon:
i have never been on welfare.
i have worked since i was 15 and will work until die.
millions of blacks like me have never been on welfare.
u r the white sheep/welfare peasant of this black blog.
keep your place bubba.
Listen Laquisha, you ARE on welfare. You take hard earned taxpayer money stolen from them and me to fund underachievers like you in the failed belief that the next generation wont turn out as bad as the last 4 have, all while you so productively blog and blog and blog.
Know your place lesbian and dont ever forget it again. You arent fit to serve me.
genocide only to spew racist attacks upon its fatalities.
For the truth about AIDS, bypass George’s racist drivel. Instead, read Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper. I quote this classic exposé on the New World Order and its most fatal plot that strategically targeted Africa decades ago:
“The plan is a part of Global 2000. In 1969, the U. S. Defense Department got 10 million dollars to make the AIDS virus as a weapon to be used mainly against Blacks. In 1977, the World Health Organization injected AIDS laced smallpox vaccine into over 100 million Africans. In 1978, the Centers for Disease Control in New York City laced AIDS into hepatitis B vaccines given to 200 white gay men.”
HUNDREDS of other books document the truth about AIDS. Seek the truth. It will free your mind and soul.
oooooooooooh more conspiracies....oooooooooo. The new world order...ooooooooooooo
So tell me did the government get it wrong again then? Why do more Black Women in the U.S have aids then homosexual men the world over? Are you just stupid?
demented babbling bubba assnon:
i have paid taxes all of my life...
as a single childless educated unwed white collar techie admin...i am ceratin that i pay more taxes even now than welfare drones like u..
watch your place u tiny limp blue balled rednecked scrub!
we sheer white sheep herein when they baaaaaabble as u u do!
spanking monkey ape assnon:
lying racist wm who edit news and mags like u tell such lies about black women
aids is a global epidimic for ALL hets of all races/genders
gay men are less infected ONLY because they have been MORE responsible since day 1 of the aids crises...
lesbians are safest ONLY because we exchange less bodily fluids during sex
and hets are dying because
ignorant illiterate sci morons like u STILL believe it is a gay disease...
so they have unsafe het sex and end up in het graves...
inbred bubba assnon:
my dad named me alicia.
it is spanish.
uh lee see uh.
laquisha is a name common for the swirled babies of women like maria and stanley/hobama's mama.
the babies of young wfs have the ghetto names u like....because they do not like wm bubbas like u.
@ Alicia Banks:
"MOST people on welfare and MOST toxic abusive parents are WHITES"
Anyone who makes a token stab at research can quickly find out that most people on welfare are white. I don't know about most abusive parents being white, but there certainly are lots of them.
field negro said...
"Rev.Wrong, you really have to stop making a fool of yourself. PP had already reported that faux pimp to the FBI. But nice try"
No, PP reported the fact that that it had been getting visits from men and women claiming to be involved in a sex trafficking ring. PP knew it was being targeted by an anti-abortion group and warned its people, but I guess one manager didn't get the memo.
Nice try Field. And quoting Media Matters? Seriously?
alicia banks said...
demented babbling bubba assnon:
i have paid taxes all of my life...
as a single childless educated unwed white collar techie admin...i am ceratin that i pay more taxes even now than welfare drones like u..
watch your place u tiny limp blue balled rednecked scrub!
we sheer white sheep herein when they baaaaaabble as u u do!
Ohhhhh, the fishy leZ bean is threatening me. Honey, you couldnt afford the money I spend on just wax for my boat every year. You too busy payin for those expensive weaves to get your fake hair.
What in the world makes you think every man who rejects your disgusting lifestyle is limp or blue balled. You bet your big fat snelly ass when in your presence a big fat loudmouthed disgusting fish eater, my shit wouldnt get hard with a bottle of viagra. Who wants to see shit jiggle and flop when a woman walks? I like nice clean smellin pretty, real hair , feminine women. Not some bulldyke dirty snatch sniffin excuse for a woman who is more man then most of her neighbors.
No your not a vegetarian because you use meat substitues, Dildos dont count. Now go get your industrial sized dildo and hook it up to your car battery and know your betters when you see them. Fishwife and you should know about sheephair, thats all you got on your head for real.
but that uneducated kkk peasant
bubba assnon can barely spell "research"
let alone actually do it
there are more white parents than black...simple math/law of avgs
ask any teacher:
MOST young parents are toxic today...
bald lard assed beer gutted sex toy collector assnon:
even white women do not want u...why would i????
i have long lovely soft silky nappy natural dreadlocks.
millions of black women like me have never worn a weave.
wax your dome and your wife's wig stand.
MORE white women wear weaves and wigs than black women do!
ask paris hilton. her yacht is bigger than your raft!
resident wm peasant assnon:
cc that to the vdlr.
she is one weaved bf.
bald obese racist waxed assnon:
millions of sexy black women like me ONLY wear our real hair...
shame that your sloppy fat wife can never grow locks as long and lovely as mine.
eumenidis said...
@ Alicia Banks:
"MOST people on welfare and MOST toxic abusive parents are WHITES"
Anyone who makes a token stab at research can quickly find out that most people on welfare are white. I don't know about most abusive parents being white, but there certainly are lots of them.
Ok. I understand you may have some problems with math, but lets try this.
There are roughly four times as many whites in the US then Blacks. As of 2006 welfare statistics to total population:
5.27% of the white population is on welfare
27.78% of the Black population is on welfare
11.47% of the hispanic population is on welfare
Total Welfare cases in 2006 - 29,900,000
39% of total cases white 11,661,000
38% of total cases black 11,362,000
17% of total cases Hispanic 5,083,000
So if you filled a rooom with 10 welfare cases
1 would be white
6 would be Black
2 would be hispanic.
1 would be other.
Unfortunately that is why you see the dominant black faces at every section 8 offering, welfare office and other handout lines.
Renown author and sage Alice Walker is beautiful. And so are her locks. In “Oppressed Hair Puts A Ceiling on the Brain”, an essay in her classic collection of non-fiction titled Living by The Word, Alice states:
“...It occurred to me that in my physical self there remained one last barrier to my spiritual liberation...my hair...It was the way I related to it that was the problem...I suddenly understood why nuns and monks shaved their heads...I remembered years of enduring hairdressers, from my mother onward, doing missionary work on my hair. They dominated, suppressed, controlled. Now, more or less free, [my hair] stood this way and that...It never thought of laying down. Flatness, the missionary position did not interest it. It sought more and more space, more light, more of itself. It loved to be washed; but that was it.
Eventually, I knew precisely what hair wanted. It wanted to grow, to be itself, to attract lint, but to be left alone by anyone, including me, who did not love it as it was...(I was now able, as an added bonus, to comprehend Bob Marley as the mystic his music has always indicated he was.) The ceiling at the top of my brain lifted; once again my mind (and spirit) could get outside myself...This was the gift of my growth during my fortieth year. This - the realization that as long as there is joy in creation, there will always be new creations to discover, or rediscover, and that a prime place to look is within and about the self. That even death, being part of life, must offer at least one moment of delight.”
illiterate bubba assnon:
like hobama, u lie
Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.
The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as "direct benefit payments for individuals" by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.
alicia banks said...
bald lard assed beer gutted sex toy collector assnon:
even white women do not want u...why would i????
i have long lovely soft silky nappy natural dreadlocks.
millions of black women like me have never worn a weave.
wax your dome and your wife's wig stand.
MORE white women wear weaves and wigs than black women do!
ask paris hilton. her yacht is bigger than your raft!
its funny the fantasies you have to come up with to justify your disgusting life. Must hurt to know you can never have some things, so you settle for the dirty snatch of another bulldyke.
Nappy natural dreadlocks, yeah the stuff of dreams, if you are into beastiality.
Rev Wite, Let me see if I understand this. A white dude with urine-soaked pants goes to a Planned Parenthood clinic and claims that he am wondrous pimp for Jesus O'Keefe and has many, many underage girls who service his every need. He gets reported to the authorities under relevant statute. He Lies for Jesus (tm). And you beleeve him?
Even though PP has public documents concerning their operations and procedures available. Even though PP has been regulated by State and Federal Law. Even though PP has won awards for their health clinics
You want to trust a man who lies...so he can be a jerkhole to a woman who may use PP contraceptive services?
Makes me wonder if anything you claim is based in Reality.
ya got your waxed ebt card bubba?
Some six million Americans—one in 50 people in the US—are living on no income other than $100 or $200 a month in food stamps, according to an analysis of state data by the New York Times. The number of people who reported that they are unemployed and receive no cash aid—neither welfare, nor unemployment insurance, pension benefits, child support or disability pay—the newspaper reported, has jumped by 50 percent over the last two years, as the recession has taken hold.
The Obama administration is continuing and accelerating the transfer of wealth from working people to those who are responsible for precipitating the worst economic breakdown since the Great Depression.
Nearly a year after his inauguration, President Obama has demonstrated he is nothing but a tool of the financial oligarchy. The very future of the working class depends on the development of a mass socialist movement against this administration, both big business parties, and the profit system which they defend.
FakeAnon, does your 'boat' fit in your tub? Or is it R/C? Maybe it am a BassBoat...chuckle...guffaw.
AB, you are indeed correct. If one wishes to research the issue of Welfare payment and race...it becomes quite obvious that the majority of recipients are White. Wonder if st reagan's Welfare Queen was Bristol?
Another fun Fact is that the urban areas support the suburbs and rurals. Seattle has recently been debating this and the budget, if one has the math skills to use a calculator, shows quite clearly that the cities subsidize the outer areas. In PA, Philly and P-burgh pay for nearly all the rest of the Commonwealth. Oh, don't just take my word..read the actual budget...and I'll know if you do.
hard up cramped handed bubba:
u r way too obsessed with my wife and i...
2 sexy urban professional lesbians who would not even hire a peasant like u to mow our lawns...
why dude?
happy hets do not fret over what gays do
AB said...
The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as "direct benefit payments for individuals" by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.
Yeah, ok. More racist logic. Now Social Security and medicare the forced ponzi scheme that is fully paid for by those elders who worked and paid in full, the same fund that gets raided to provide Supplemental income to those 70% single moms, the same funds that are totally gone because they were spent on other "helpful" programs, the same funds that is provided to those women who ate themselves into obesity and became disabled, the same funds that are raided to provide primary care giver status when AliciaQue has a kid at 14 making her mom a grandma at 30 and a great grandma at 45... is welfare.
Nah, I dont think so. Demented thinking maybe, but other then that. You make yourself even more stupid by saying something like this.
why do all the filthy vulgar assnons herein like to brag so explicitly about their/their spouses'/tricks' own HORRID hygiene????...
Maybe it am a BassBoat...chuckle...guffaw.
Ha-Ha, with that grammar and your normal incoherent gibberish, you must be one "am of" Alicias Queer students.
proudly ignorant and soon to be waxless bubba assnon:
cc that to hobama asap
he is coming for your ebt card and your ssi immediately
and HE just told u so in his sotu bs fool!!!!
dl gaybashing gay assnon:
i do have gay adult students.
they are gifted like most of us and i adore them.
and they would not hire an uneducated illiterate peasant like u to do their chores either....fyi
funny how insecure scared racist lying fools like assnon always harp on blacks as perpetual minorities...
until it comes to any pathology,
then we are suddenly infinite majorities
silly insanity common to bigoted buffoons
alicia banks said...
dl gaybashing gay assnon:
i do have gay adult students.
I know, It was clear from the start that someone like MOld was as am of taughted by someones likem youAll. Hear wut Im sayin, you peace out and all that sort of shizzle. Yo.
racist inhumane assnon:
calling beautiful black people like me beasts is what racists like you did when u stole and chained us...
that was back when you had to pretend were were not human so u could own us like pets...
that was back when slave master peasants like u owned mansions rather than just rusty old trailers and matching "boats"...
funny how insecure scared racist lying fools like assnon always harp on blacks as perpetual minorities...
until it comes to any pathology,
then we are suddenly infinite majorities
Isnt reality sad.
silly simian bubba assnon:
u slave massas/overseers/white trash drones were really into us "beasts"...literally.
your very own beloved bestiality bred millions like hobama for decades...
and your women like maria have taken said bestiality to cosmic levels...why wm apes like u are actually swiftly becoming extinct because your women love us beasts so much...
that hurt nuch?
i hear your pain herein.
alicia banks said...
racist inhumane assnon:
calling beautiful black people like me beasts is what racists like you did when u stole and chained us...
that was back when you had to pretend were were not human so u could own us like pets...
that was back when slave master peasants like u owned mansions rather than just rusty old trailers and matching "boats"...
Look, your a beast. Has nothign to do with something you or I or anyone we know has never experienced and never will. Your just a beastly butchy. End of story, leave the fake victim shit on the doorstep of someone who gives a shit. The only thing you were ever a victim of is a bad weave, that scrunced your head real tight and killed what little brain cells you had.
virtual reality dwelling bubba assnon:
that is only sad in the trailer pk fantasy where u live and fester.
we are elated and amused by your kkk whitewashed witless perversion of reality.
perpetually deluded assnon:
i am a sexy femme with long lovely real hair.
much more than i can say for u or your bald headed wife.
deal with that
your very own beloved bestiality bred millions like hobama for decades...
NahMean? Could you translate that into civilized speech?
I feel you about Maria, you got a thing for her don't ya
suddenly a linguist really reaching bubba assnon:
mareally u in drag is not my type
u do know what i mean indeed...
that is why u r screaming as loudly as all those wf nfl/nba wives when they have orgasms with our beasts...
impotent failed slain bubba assnon:
mareally is my fav deaconess in the cult of hobama worship.
i am happily married.
and unlike your wife, i have never swirled!
FakeAnon, I write to the audience. In this case, you.
You can opt out of SS. The Amish do. So why haven't you?
Much easier to repeat stuff that sounds academicarated.
By the way, this was the same whine heard during the generation of SS...that undeserving 'darkies' would somehow get their Ham-fisted mitts on it. Nice to know you and your Daddy/Uncle haven't learned much in the intervening years.
Oh, stick to telling other folks in your 'special' church about the budget. They won't chortle at your ignorance.
Oooh, a BassBoat. 2K...LOL. Think Feadship, Heeyuckian. Now that's a BOAT.
alicia banks said...
impotent failed slain bubba assnon:
mareally is my fav deaconess in the cult of hobama worship.
i am happily married.
and unlike your wife, i have never swirled!
Cool, at least you are admitting that you kneel to Maria and you are one of the followers of this "deaconess" seeking her golden honeypot.
How can you be happily married if you are single? You will never get to know my wife no matter how many times you bring her up, she dont like Women who are Men.
Did you get your "boyfriend" hooked up to your car battery yet?
Brrrmmmmmmm....Brrrmmmmmmmm..... the neighbors sayin...that damn leZbeans at it again...
stupid assnon:
thanks for letting us all know that u covet mareally would never do a wm like u either...
my wife and i are lipstick lesbian soulmates...neither of us are sexually attracted to men/butches.
happy hets do not obsess over what gays do in bed.
and happy lesbians need no sex toys like u and your needy wife.
i am happily married and lesbian.
that means i am legally single...duh??????
u heard of that whole gay marriage thing from anyone who "reads" more than the classifieds in your trailer pk???
just how dumb are u brainless bubba????
Anonymous said...
FakeAnon, I write to the audience. In this case, you.
You can opt out of SS. The Amish do. So why haven't you?
Much easier to repeat stuff that sounds academicarated.
By the way, this was the same whine heard during the generation of SS...that undeserving 'darkies' would somehow get their Ham-fisted mitts on it. Nice to know you and your Daddy/Uncle haven't learned much in the intervening years.
Oh, stick to telling other folks in your 'special' church about the budget. They won't chortle at your ignorance.
Thanks for the laughs, your awesome when I get a gleam of what the hell you are trying to say in that warped infantile or is it senile little mind of yours.
So when can we go on your Feadship Yacht? What size ship is she?
white trash peasant assnons:
unlike u, our dirt patch/yd is not a car cemetary.
we keep our silent cars in our silent garages.
alicia banks said...
stupid assnon:
thanks for letting us all know that u covet mareally would never do a wm like u either...
my wife and i are lipstick lesbian soulmates...neither of us are sexually attracted to men/butches.
happy hets do not obsess over what gays do in bed.
and happy lesbians need no sex toys like u and your needy wife.
i am happily married and lesbian.
that means i am legally single...duh??????
u heard of that whole gay marriage thing from anyone who "reads" more than the classifieds in your trailer pk???
just how dumb are u brainless bubba????
OK, I am done with this. I leave you with words of kindness. Good lick, I mean luck in your fake marriage. KNow that in my eyes you will always be a good guy. I love you MAN and don't worry Maria is all yours, if she will have you. You said yourself, she likes Black Men...your in baby.
fake failed felled bubba assnon:
every woman i know het or gay is more man than a rejected frustrated perp like u will ever be...thanks!
cc that bs to all your fellow shacking/divorced hets...there are billions!!!
bet that trailer pk is just a bastion of legally ideal harmonious matrimony...NOT!
run away forrest...run!!!!
field, you are truly a hopelessly naive child when it comes to understanding the event in Islamic nations and where these upheavals may lead.
Of course it was just those freedom-loving seekers of democracy who used Andeson Cooper head for a punching bag today.
Your Whimp-in-Chief Obama has announced to the world that the US is stepping back from the action in Egypt, thereby giving Mubarak permission to shoot protestors, which has happened, and, simultaneously, giving his blessing to the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies to do whatever it takes to seize power.
The bloodshed is coming because Obama is Letting It Happen, rather than forcefully steering Egypt toward its own form of democracy and freedom.
What a wuss he is.
Mold said...."
Oooh, a BassBoat. 2K...LOL. Think Feadship, Heeyuckian. Now that's a BOAT."
Take a deep breath, put down the scissors, step away from the table, and take the blue pill. No sudden movements this time and the Tazer stays in my pocket. Everything will be alright.
alicia banks said...
laquisha is a name common for the swirled babies of women like maria and stanley/hobama's mama.
10:51 AM
Are you fucking serious? Please produce a link for evidence of that asinine statement.lol..C'mon Alicia..
u of all people herein should know that droves of wigga white girls are having black babies and giving them ghetto names...
i assumed you may even have sired one or two yourself playboy...
Why marry Brother/Daddy/Uncle when some dude will be genetic donor? Must be terrible to realize that a woman would prefer an infrequent hook-up to studly ManDumpling Rs.
Cheoy Lee 53
Grand Banks 42
Slappy, the thugs appear to have been gawd-beleevin', christians. He must have done something to anger them...like vote, read, watch PBS or wear well-made clothing.
Wow Field, your racist buddy calls you naive. Hey pal you find that info about ole' Miss yet? I'll wait. Maybe your interpretation of events is suspect but you have a chance to prove me wrong.
Field this has become the "anon" and "ab" show and takes away from most of your posts with topics that could be really discussed. Those of us who are scrolling the comments find it tiresome. I will continue reading your posts but the "crap slinging" under the guise of comments will be ignored!
Aw come on Joanne, the racist comments and anonymous commentators are the best part.
Joanne said...
Field this has become the "anon" and "ab" show and takes away from most of your posts with topics that could be really discussed. Those of us who are scrolling the comments find it tiresome. I will continue reading your posts but the "crap slinging" under the guise of comments will be ignored!
As if you ever say anything smurts anywhos ya dumb beyaatch
Penis is 112" so who needs um whackamole vibrator.
Cunt hang wit da big dogs then we put you in da Vicks house....beeks bapo rube gots a chest cold my yacht is a model bassboat...snicker..snicker....baby ruth.
PilotX said...
Aw come on Joanne, the racist comments and anonymous commentators are the best part.
Espesially yurs capt elton john someone saved my life tonight sugar bear. Rockin in the usa tonight on alis holyfield
Forcefully steering Egypt? And how exactly would that be accomplished? And are we sure Mumbarak is in bed with the MB? I mean aren't they his biggest rival to power? Interesting take. Tell us more.
It's the wingnut hope that they have the ability and power to change more than their curiously stained undies.
To that end, I have offered to personally expedite their enlistments into the Armed Services where they can learn a skill and become contributing members of society.
Oh, they done read that Muslim Brotherhood in a newsletter funded by the Koch Brotherhood and written by a man who wears -sniggle- WalMart menswear. Ummm...does proper costume mean little to you? Crap clothes, along with unwashed hair (missy smith), horrific pong, garbled syntax, and delusions...signal mental illness.
hey joanne:
u have missed many of my posts on topic and links...
the loss is yours.
and u have missed many others who post off topic by name..
fix both asap.
more than their curiously stained undies.
Under-roos to the Rescue. Yay Mold due dey let chu wear dem all da time are you kiddin why would you not wear dem lets change the light to yellow red means go how the hell would your leftnut know what the rightnut wants if you aint gut nuts how can you teabag if you aint got nuts got just a grocery bag did you buy nannas and peanut butter
lac/mareally willfully snoring:
what more do u need????
hobama is not even masking his wall st regime/elitist hoaxes and lies anymore!!!
statement in response to President Barack Obama nominating Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB):
“Less than 24 hours after delivering the State of the Union, which largely focused on jobs and the economy, President Barack Obama already broke his word to workers and small businesses by re-nominating labor radical Craig Becker, a former attorney for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). In his address to the nation, the President stated his administration will ‘fix’ any ‘unnecessary burden[s] on businesses,’ yet one of his first acts following those words is to nominate an individual who is committed to job-killing policies,” said Katie Gage, executive director of the Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI). “In re-nominating Becker, President Obama has sent the message to employers across the country that his rhetoric is just that, and the nation’s chief executive is more concerned with paying back union bosses than turning the economy around. We will work with small business owners to ensure the Senate once again rejects the Becker nomination in a bipartisan manner.”
I wonder how much of our foreign policy is religiously driven. I can somewhat see it in some posts here but many on the right (esp. Palin) believe we must support Israel because the bible tells us to and the end times can't happen until certain events in the bible start to occur and Israel is in the center of these events. I read the republican party platforms from many states and they include a support for Israel based on biblical prophecy. To me that is downright scary to base foreign relations on a 3,000 year old book written by desert dwellers but that's just my take. Reason #1002 I'm not a Republican.
i see white and mixed kids with black names daily...
even beloved wigga star gary owen
jokes about his own black name!
BlackAmericaWeb.com: How does a white guy win a contest as funniest black comedian in San Diego? What was the competition like? Were there like two contestants, and you were just funnier?
GARY OWEN: Well, you have to have the name Gary Owen. I was a comedian on BET, so for a while there, I was the funniest black person in America. So I was beating everybody. The competition is what it is. I mean, that was San Diego; it wasn’t Brooklyn. I think there were like 10, 15 different guys in the contest. It ran over the course of a couple of weeks, and it was a radio contest where you called in. I just kept winning. I didn’t say I wasn’t black; I just called the radio station, and then when I showed up they found out I wasn’t black
mareally kkk bubba in drag:
just like back in the day when u and the vdlr ran tara...
more proof that racism trumps swirling:
"Beck is an entertainer, and he gets in over his head talking about things he doesn't apparently know enough about. But it's hard not be paranoid in A-merry-ca today."
Talk about throwing your own people under the bus. Amazing how conservatives can smoothly and cleanly disassociate themselves from fellow members who off the rails.
Glad I read this post if only to learn Beck's audience has dropped 30% in the past year.
Where did you pick up that bit of good news?
@ Mack, Black folks been paranoid for good reason here for centuries. beck is like Elvis, stealing our act and getting paid. Damn shame. only in amerikkka can an uneducated wite man make millions by spewing retarded racist crap day in and day out or recycle some old John Birch mess from the 60's. I am jealous.
Mack Lyons said: "Talk about throwing your own people under the bus. Amazing how conservatives can smoothly and cleanly disassociate (sic) themselves from fellow members who off the rails."
No, what is amazing is that people on the Left can't dissociate themselves from the nut cases and the haters among their ranks, because irrationality, ignorance and hate are essential to maintaining Leftist beliefs.
Being a conservative means you are allowed to stick to the truth, and not feeling you have defend every word of every other person labelled "conservative".
PilotX, getting your foreign policy from the (version) of the Bible means that the stoopids can follow along without Cliff's (maybe) It also allows religio-skool gradumates to be appointerated to positions in a bush or st reagan administeration.
An added benefit is that one can pretend to understand the local issues by quoting Scripture...or some poorly random wingnut.
Beck and Rush have never had mass appeal. Beck has one joke, badly imitating the instructor. That gets stale after one telling. Even for the stoopids...they might have to, like, pass the exam for gradutation...or have two kids. Rush, well, shows the puerile ignorance of his dittohead listeners. When ManDumpling bravely and heroically called a 12 yo Chelsea Clinton 'the white house dog' and didn't have the guts (how is that possible????) to own up to his bravely heroic stance...his numbers fell. Now, his fans, being staunch opponents of eveels like education, never caught on that his alleged ratings were the result of monopoly and poor assumptions. At that time slot, his was the only show....as there was no other option. Seems his corporate masters done bought up all the stations (thanks to st reagan) and folks could listen to him....but no other. Then, the wingnuts assumed that the listenership remained the same as before and simply multiplied the stations by who used to listen. Odd...they forgot to look at the horrendous decrease in ad revenue. The sheer drop-off in repeat ad buys. The reluctance of any research into audience share. Short answer...el rushbo has about 100K listeners, worldwide.
Rev Wite, can you list some 'haters' and 'nut cases' from the Left? Feel free to make names up.
How horribly awful, a lawyer for a union gets on the NLRB. Why, the NLRB might even follow law and shut down union-busting activities! The NLRB might certify unions that meet the conditions for certification!
more proof of racism and conspiracy!!!....
African Americans are eight times more likely to face jail for petty drugs crimes than whites convicted of the same offence, according to a law report.
The shock figures were uncovered in Cook County, Illinois, after an investigation into the belief that young black men in inner cities were disproportionately arrested, prosecuted and sentenced for drug crimes.
The report, by the Illinois Disproportionate Justice Impact Study Commission, found 19 per cent of black defendants accused of minor drug-possession crimes in the state were sent to prison, compared to just four per cent of white defendants.
" PM
alicia banks said...
more proof of racism and conspiracy!!!....
African Americans are eight times more likely to face jail for petty drugs crimes than whites convicted of the same offence, according to a law report.
The shock figures were uncovered in Cook County, Illinois, after an investigation into the belief that young black men in inner cities were disproportionately arrested, prosecuted and sentenced for drug crimes.
The report, by the Illinois Disproportionate Justice Impact Study Commission, found 19 per cent of black defendants accused of minor drug-possession crimes in the state were sent to prison, compared to just four per cent of white defendants.
5:21 PM"
How much do you want to bet most of the blacks in that "study" were repeat offenders? Maybe judges get tired of seeing their butts in court, so they're more likely to send them to the pokey for a while. Big conspiracy, there.
Besides, were the judges who sentenced them to prison all white? If a black judge sends them up the river, is that "racism"?
The predictability of the left has become nauseating.
"The predictability of the left has become nauseating."
Now you know how we have felt -about the right-all these years.
Pass the Pepto- Bismol, please.
Assnonymous, the tea klux klan didn't say a damn thing when we confronted them and dreck in DC. They did just what you would do if I was standing in front of you. you won't say jack sh*t.
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