As the wingnuts in Washington keep calling for more cuts, the states are now preparing to pass on those cuts to their citizens. In "cheese country" the natives are restless, and hard working union workers stormed Madison today demanding justice. The republi-clown governor is threatening to end 50 years of collective bargaining which protects Wisconsin workers, and as I write this post there are some dumbocratic state legislatures from Wisconsin on the run. (As long as they don't go to Pittsburgh they should be fine.)
At some point during this debate folks are going to have to start looking at the "haves" and their sacrifices. The only folks making a sacrifice right now are "have- nots" and the hard working folks in the middle. Americans seem to know it, but you would never hear about it in the press.
The new demons for wingnuts are public sector employees, such as school teachers, police officers, health- care workers, and firefighters. According to wingnuts, it is their pension plans and onerous salaries that are holding us down. They are the reason America can't rise out of this recession.------Not a war that was never paid for, tax breaks and shelters to major corporations, and tax cuts for the very wealthy among us who do nothing towards reinvesting in the economy. Not "hyper-speculation" on Wall Street which...well, we all know that story by now.
But the okie doke continues, and everyone of you are falling for it.
Here is an example:
Public sector employees are much better compensated than private sector employees. That might be true, but there is a reason for that: Public sector workers are older and better educated than private sector workers, so yes, it makes sense that they would make more in terms of pay.
Here is another myth:
Social security is going broke any day now, and it is imperative that we raise the age of retirement here in A-merry-ca. This, of course, is false, and it is just another wingnut talking point you all have been hoodwinked into believing. I have to co-sign with Robert Reich who writes that social security is not responsible for the federal deficit, and it took in more in payroll taxes than it paid out. -----BTW, it actually lends what it has left over to the...wait for it... federal government.
I could give you more, but I think you get the point.
As I watched those protesters in Madison I kept thinking about Tahrir Square. Could it happen here? People won't really protest, take to the streets, and call for a revolution unless they lose all hope. ("A hungry mob is an angry mob.") That's why all those tea party protesters were such a joke. After fighting Obama- power all day they went home to their leather sofas, flip flops, and tea by the pool. Those union workers are about to lose their jobs and their homes. They might be feeling something else in their gut.
I feel it too. But the thing is, most of the people in A-merry-ca are afraid of that feeling.
Great post.
Walker CREATED this damn mess by cutting taxes right after he went into office, and then spending money on special interests who contributed to his campaign.
This is unbelievable.
Yeah, I'm definitely feeling it! When you don't have enough money to cover your basic life expenses there is something wrong. Funny though as much as they talk about deficits and cutting from here and taking from there, they never mentions the billions of dollars that are being poured to sustain wars and help other nations.
Time for the union thugs to break out their nazi outfits,Hitler signs, and baseball bats.
Making up target signs with the gov being the target? What ever happen to the new era of stability that Obama was talking about?
Using highschool students has props? Do you on the left have no shame??
BTW, this would be a good time to ask about Jimmy Hoffa.
Democrats are scrambling like roaches when the lights get turned on.
This is what happens when Democrats/unions are exposed.
What you are watching is the power elite pushing the envelope to see how much working people are willing to tolerate. Their dream has been to not only rip apart the safety net that Franklin Roosevelt created, but to undo the trust-busting of Teddy Roosevelt. They want to bring back the laissez-faire robber baron environment of a century ago. We can't allow them to turn the clock back. The class warfare has been pretty one-sided over the past thirty years and it's time to fight for what's left of the quickly fading American Dream.
Field, I think Tahir Square type uprising will happen here. No, despite the most ridiculous fantasies, no ones going to call for Obama to leave the White House except the utterly cynical. No will people call for the Tan Man to step down.
But, as more of the Tea Party soaked noobs start throwing teachers and firefighters to the wolves and Obama letting poor freeze to save few pennies on the dollar (Negro, are you serious?!), more than a few of our fellow citizens finally will wake up and demand real change. And not the Koch Brothers funded clap trap brand either.
Hell, I think Obama may have presented the heating assistance cut to get us off our asses. Its not like Liberals haven't 'Punched a Hippie' to get 'the hippies' to fight back.
That was Conyers idea with the draft reinstatement -- share the burden of the hell hole called Iraq & Afghanistan, and even the college Republicans will be calling for an end of the war.
BTW, I've got a personal stake in this -- as my uncle ( registered Republican no less) is social worker in downtown Milwaukee.
SPC...quit foaming at the mouth at the thought of turning the clock back to 1857. You're getting spittle all over your posts and it's not pretty.
SPC -- because of those Nazi suit wearing, Baseball bat wielding 'union thugs' you have employer provided health care, weekends and other benefits. Left up to corporations, we'd still have child labor.
@SouthPark...I really wish you were old enough to have tried to cross any picket line I was on. Your dumb ass would still be thinking twice about eating jello. Unions have been responsible for everyone's rising wages and standard of living. And if any heads need busting now, let yours be the first. And I volunteer to do it.
You are a moron. I am the real SickupandFed, and I approved this message.
Dem belly full but we hungry.
"You are a moron. I am the real SickupandFed, and I approved this message."
I love that!
"That was Conyers idea with the draft reinstatement -- share the burden of the hell hole called Iraq & Afghanistan, and even the college Republicans will be calling for an end of the war."
I personally liked that idea at the time. Shared sacrifice. Yep.
"Time for the union thugs to break out their nazi outfits,Hitler signs, and baseball bats."
Nazi outfits? No, that would be the right.
Brohamas, stop it; you got me heading for my ipod. :)
Its time to start living in the IS, not the WAS.
Unions are bankrupting America.Its time someone has the onions to say enough!!!
Unions are the past.Thats why union membership is at a all time low. Thats why unions resort to nazi thug like behavior to get people to unionize.
@spc...The more your dumb ass types, the more we are all convinced you are a fool. In some places you would be required to link to something credible that backs up or proves your statement. Provide verifiable data that proves you didn't just pull that statement out of your ass.
BTW...verifiable - capable of being verified; "a verifiable account of the incident"
nonsubjective, objective - undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; "an objective appraisal"; "objective evidence"
I provided that defibition because it's one of those big words buttchunks like you always have problems with. Cone on asshole, dazzle us.
I can remember (not that long ago) when public sector pay and benefits trailed the private sector by a wide margin. Unions are not at fault, they've pretty much just held on to what they had, while working people in the private sector were/are getting screwed. If anything this situation speaks to the decimation of the private sector with respect to jobs. Globalization...you got to love it. Not! America is becoming just a marketplace instead of a country.
South Park Conservatives said...
"Time for the union thugs to break out their nazi outfits,Hitler signs, and baseball bats."
Aren't you a little confused? That's the tactic of the Tea(War)Party bunch you idolize.
Union membership cut a broad swath across a large demographic, embracing various political parties, religions, and creeds.
You may be calling a cousin, an uncle or an aunt, a "thug."
Keep following that tan man with the tin heart, and you may one day find yourself on the side of the road bleeding profusely, without police, emergency response attendants, or doctors or nurses to keep you out of the firm grasp of the grim reaper.
LACoincidental said...
"BTW, I've got a personal stake in this -- as my uncle ( registered Republican no less) is social worker in downtown Milwaukee."
Maybe he'll have to "win one for the Gipper."
re:SPC "Unions are the past.Thats why union membership is at a all time low. Thats why unions resort to nazi thug like behavior to get people to unionize."
We'll take you to our leader, as soon as you admit that you're from the Pleiades.
SPC, how exactly are unions "bankrupting America"?
I thought union households spent money in A-merry-ca like everyone else.
They are the reason America can't rise out of this recession.------Not a war that was never paid for, tax breaks and shelters to major corporations, and tax cuts for the very wealthy among us who do nothing towards reinvesting in the economy. Not "hyper-speculation" on Wall Street which...well, we all know that story by now.
I called this Tuesday night "sitting on my cloud"
Great post field.
PS. Ed is Wisconsin.
Fox and Friends opened talking about the "Wisconsin Riot". Hopefully people will wake up and get up. This is what you get when you vote these Republiclowns in.
Big ups to Ed Schultz!
field, you wrote:
Public sector employees are much better compensated than private sector employees.
Some are. Some are not. Here in NY City, the police, firemen, sanitation workers and teachers have contracts that stipulate similar levels of base pay.
It's just dandy that garbage-men are paid as much as the others, because we all know the complexities of grabbing trash cans and dumping their contents into the belly of garbage trucks.
You wrote:
That might be true, but there is a reason for that: Public sector workers are older and better educated than private sector workers, so yes, it makes sense that they would make more in terms of pay.
Yeah, lots of garbage men -- and there are thousands here in NY City -- are older and better educated than, well, somebody.
The Metropolitan Transit Authority gives an incredibly generous wage and benefit package to the employees who clean the subway cars, shovel snow at outdoor stations, change lightbulbs at subway stations and clean garbage off the tracks. Again, they are older and better educated than, well, somebody.
The NY City Dept of Education is preparing to lay off teachers. Budget problems, as you might know.
Who's getting the boot? Union rules require Last In, First Out. Thus, the newest teachers are getting canned while the oldest are staying.
Thus, the kids get stuck with the highest paid and most seriously burnt out teachers. How much more great news from the cutting edge of government employment can we take?
field, you wrote:
Social security is going broke any day now, and it is imperative that we raise the age of retirement here in A-merry-ca.
The calculation for determining the solvency of Social Security is simple. Thus, we know the track on which the program is riding. Inasmuch as any dummy can see that more and more people are becoming eligible to collect Social Security and people are living longer, any dummy can also see that more and more tax money will have to come from workers to pay the retirees.
Moreover, our median age is climbing. Therfore, even a dummy can understand we have to raise the age of eligibility.
You wrote:
This, of course, is false, and it is just another wingnut talking point you all have been hoodwinked into believing.
Yeah, just like it's false that adding 40 million people to government healthcare coverage will NOT increase the total healthcare bill. Obviously the liberals of this country never learned the basic math concepts of less-than <, equal-to =, or more-than >, when it came to comparing tax inflows with tax outflows.
You wrote:
I have to co-sign with Robert Reich who writes that social security is not responsible for the federal deficit...
Yeah, well, that's a true statement in a way. The way is tied to accounting. In government accounting, which is often as gimmicky as Enron accounting, Social Security may stand alone. As if that matters.
You wrote:
...and it took in more in payroll taxes than it paid out.
Oh. As if the future is saved by what happened last year. It makes no difference that total government funding LAST YEAR was sufficient to cover LAST YEAR's bills. The concern is about what's ahead, and even a dummy can see that a divergence in revenue versus expenses is well underway.
-----BTW, it actually lends what it has left over to the...wait for it... federal government.
Your preceding statement shows just how naive you are about government and government funding.
The government never has any money "left over." Every dime, plus a lot of borrowed dimes are allocated well before the check goes in the mail.
If you were to view the government in normal accounting terms, you would see that it is a heavily leveraged operation and its current ratio is negative.
Perhaps you should reflect on the fact that taxes collected under the heading of Social Security are actually just tossed into the general pot and used to fund whatever the government is obligated to fund.
In terms of priority of creditors, Social Security recipients rank very high. But as Congress always seems to prove, every creditor enjoys a high rating because whenever cash is tight, the government borrows more. There are limits to taxation and there are limits to how much we can borrow, but there's less objection to more borrowing than to more taxing.
Finally they are going after Kasich. The Unions and Liberals are uniting. Tea Baggers are coming too, but not to support the Unions. People are talking about recall. People realized how their government works when Fox and Murdoch runs the Governor's office. The folk in Southern Ohio are starting to wake up. The problem isn't who is a Muslim or a Mosque in New York, the problem is the Republican Party running out of Bullshit. I guess Egypt and Wisconsin woke them the hell up.
Ditto Field you said it all. I have freinds that are involved in this struggle that are in Madison right now.
according to them it was a sight to see.
Maybe folks will start seeing through the games that are being played. I mean we got to ask at some point when are the rich going to be asked to bear some of the burden, if you can bail out the banks then we can bail out the workers.
Anyone want to make a beet how many "plants" Fox, the Koch family, and the right put on the side of the Unions? Michelle Malkin announced that she has a Union member who wants to hold a counter protest against the Unions.
Remember ACORN, Shirley Sharrod, and the NAACP. BTW, Union folk don't play. Just like black folk and Voting Rights , Union workers DIED for their rights. I wouldn't want to mess with them.
Sorry I meant "bet".
The 'Liberal Media' ignored The Wisconsin Story for days, but whenever a Right Wing Wacko makes a stupid comment it's becomes headlines.
South Park Conservatives said...
Its time to start living in the IS, not the WAS.
Unions are bankrupting America.Its time someone has the onions to say enough!!!
Unions are the past.Thats why union membership is at a all time low. Thats why unions resort to nazi thug like behavior to get people to unionize.
You're right Cartman let's just let the rich do what the hell they want, we can trust them right?
It's time the rich pay for their 30 year vacation they had. It's time they pay their fair share of the taxes. Even Frank Costello of the Mafia paid his fair share. He said it at the Organized Crime hearings.
Every American should be forced to take a couple of accounting courses and a couple of economics courses -- and every American should have to demonstrate he learned something in those courses.
The notions that liberals have about economic behavior are mostly frightening.
No matter what laws are passed in this country, it is impossible to keep America out of the Global Economy.
Thus, Hyundai, Kia, Toyota, Honda, and cars from China will compete with GM, Ford and Chrysler -- forever.
Clothing bought by Americans will continue to come from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Guatamala and elsewhere until Americans make automated sewing equipment that can be operated here for less than it costs to pay the low-skilled workers in other countries.
99% of all shoes sold in America are made in other countries. It's that way because our labor and tax laws make it so.
Much of our steel industry is gone for the same reasons.
eReaders are killing the book, magazine and newspaper businesses. Not ot mention the havoc eReaders bring to the pulp & paper industry.
Perhaps we can start using the excess trees to make wooden horse-drawn buckboards to replace the cars we can no longer drive.
Then there's the issue of energy and the fact that on this subject Obama is the classic moron.
kid wrote:
Union workers DIED for their rights. I wouldn't want to mess with them.
The fact that some union organizers and union members died a hundred years ago and a few may have died 50 years ago, well, those deaths are not relevant with respect to today's issues.
Companies always try to operate where costs are lowest. Due to great global transportation, manufacturers can now operate anywhere on the globe. But some union work must be done here at home. Like teaching in public schools.
Howver, Because wages and benefits for government-controlled services continue to rise, and because Medicare and Medicaid expenses are rising, employers are more willing than ever to put their factories outside the US whenever possible.
We are not Norway, a country that exports 90% of it oil production, which enables Norway to finance a lot of ventures for its citizens.
Slappz, thanks for the stock tips, esp PM, MO, GE, and BP. I am still NOT sure what to do with AAPL. I am still holding on to it because I think it will go to at least 425.
But you might have a point about the impact Jobs looming death might have on AAPL should he die. However, it's only rumors right now and Apple is pretty closed mouth about it as they always have. So it's anybody's guess.
Tomorrow should be a good indicator since it's options expiration day. there should be some good market action.
Slappz, "The calculation for determining the solvency of Social Security is simple. Thus, we know the track on which the program is riding. Inasmuch as any dummy can see that more and more people are becoming eligible to collect Social Security and people are living longer, any dummy can also see that more and more tax money will have to come from workers to pay the retirees.
Moreover, our median age is climbing. Therfore, even a dummy can understand we have to raise the age of eligibility."
Anybody with a little common sense and an ability to ADD, SUBTRACT, AND DIVIDE will agree with you. But you are on FN blog. It's not like that-it's in a class all its own where the actual numbers aren't important.
no_slappz said...
kid wrote:
Union workers DIED for their rights. I wouldn't want to mess with them.
The fact that some union organizers and union members died a hundred years ago and a few may have died 50 years ago, well, those deaths are not relevant with respect to today's issues.
That's what the Koch Family want people to think. If big fat Americans don't have money to purchase products from overseas for their leisure, then Asia will go broke. A "poor" person in America can buy a car quicker than a poor person in China. If everyone on Earth got a fair wage, there will be no problem with the worlds economy. The main problem with the world is exploitation. No one can buy a cheap car if they don't have the money to buy it. America keeps the world afloat. Our pocket money keeps the world happy. We buy what we want, not what we need. the only way for those Billionaires to make money is to let the poor make money. billionaires don't buy pet rocks, mood rings, invisible walking dogs, or Air Force One's.
no_slappz said..."No matter what laws are passed in this country, it is impossible to keep America out of the Global Economy."
And this.
"Companies always try to operate where costs are lowest. Due to great global transportation, manufacturers can now operate anywhere on the globe. But some union work must be done here at home. Like teaching in public schools."
Is capitalism, then, the implacable behemoth that we've paid homage to throughout the years, only to find that, in reality, it's a ravenous beast prepared to consume every available resource on the planet including the energies of both humans and machines?
And are you suggesting, further, that this beast can't be constrained, can't be tamed, by the actions of men?
Are you suggesting, too, that American exceptionalism came about, because, for a short time, American workers provided the beast's maw with an educated labor pool, and America, the raw material it required to grow, and sustain itself?
Are you saying, in addition, that this beast recognizes no flag, isn't subject to the will of people, or of governments, possesses no loyalty to man or country, but is only true to the perpetuation of its own existence?
If so, the beast has an apocalyptic character, a ravenous appetite that won't be satisfied until the whole planet has served its need for survival.
no_slappz said: It's just dandy that garbage-men are paid as much as the others, because we all know the complexities of grabbing trash cans and dumping their contents into the belly of garbage trucks.
You're the typical myopic conservative.
You may want to consider the public health implications if garbage isn't picked up within a certain amount of time and properly disposed.
Also think of businesses like restuarants that would be avoided if garbage wasn't collected. Do you think you could eat anything while there are piles of stinking garbage outside?
Speaking of NYC I bet people like you were jumping up and down when Bloomberg fired about 400 workers from the sanitation department right before the snowstorm hit.
What you don't understand is that if people can't leave their homes they can go shopping. If people can't go shopping businesses that barely surviving during this recession go under and you have an increase in the unemploymnet rate which has a domino effect.
But you're an ideologue and I am sure you didn't think of that.
I disagree with the idea that labor laws in the US is the reason that cheaper goods from other countries are sold in the US.
The real way to look at this is to look at the fact that multi-national companies seek to find workers they can pay the least and have the fewest rights.
In fact I just read an article which I will have to google to provide the reference but it mentioned that some European companies had actually relocated to the US where they received tax breaks and promptly laid off workers and changed the pay rates.
And the article pointed out how they could never have gotten away with their treatment of the respective work forces in the Europe.
re: slappzer..."Then there's the issue of energy and the fact that on this subject Obama is the classic moron."
Moron or not (I happen to think he's not.), the president recognizes that fossil fuels are a commodity that won't be with us forever.
Not too long ago, it was predicted that we'd run out of oil by 2012.
Now, I'm reading this.
[S]cientists led by the London-based Oil Depletion Analysis Centre, say that global production of oil is set to peak in the next four years before entering a steepening decline which will have massive consequences for the world economy and the way that we live our lives.
Unless we find an industry where we can take the lead in the world, whether it's electronics that's made here, rather than in China, a Silicon Valley solution, or some other industry (the Japanese seem to have robotics down pat), our days as an innovation leader will come to a screeching halt.
one example of European companies misbehavior in the US.
"The Human Rights Watch report documents intimidation tactics used, for example, by T-Mobile in response to an organizing drive led by the Communications Workers of America and by DHL Express in response to a drive launched by the American Postal Workers Union. It also shows how European companies have tried to remove unions already organized, such as the decertification effort by Saint-Gobain against the United Auto Workers at a plant in Massachusetts. Other case studies show how companies such as Norway’s Kongsberg Automotive use tactics such as the lockout of union workers during contract negotiations that, as the report puts it, are “unheard of in Europe.”
re: Anonymous..."Anybody with a little common sense and an ability to ADD, SUBTRACT, AND DIVIDE will agree with you. But you are on FN blog. It's not like that-it's in a class all its own where the actual numbers aren't important."
We don't have a problem with numbers. In fact, we have a number for you. Zero.
Eraser that was funn LOL LOL
Hey Field - I have to correct you on the Democratic Caucus in the WI State Senate. They didn't leave because they're chicken, they left to prevent quorum. Basically, 'call in sick' so the vote can't be passed.
And BTW, I'd like to highlight Ed Shultz as HFND. He's been on top of the story since day 1. I don't agree with Shultz all the time, but like my pops - he's a union man through and through.
Hey Eraser - yeah, I should call my aunt and uncle to see how they're holding it down. I doubt they're protesting (the true, ride or die FN's are on momma's side of the family). But I doubt they're gonna let this dude cut their wages and tell them they can no longer organize.
LAC, you are right. i thought FN got that.
i am loving the sudden appearance of the eraser, w/his/her wit and wisdom. welcome!
wilkerson has always told the truth, tho too late to matter...i will support ANY party that says end the wars now, now, now...they are the real cause of the federal deficit...why is everyone so fucking SILENT? i will not be, i cannot be...when i am done fighting my local issues with the school system etc i will be on this...
OT: Field, since you mentioned the book The Help a few posts back, I thought you'd be interested to know that the actual maid on whom the white author bases the maid character is suing the author/the family for whom she worked all those years. See story here.
"Every American should be forced to take a couple of accounting courses and a couple of economics courses".
I guess it's too late for you.
Val, thanks for that story.
LACoincidental said..."But I doubt they're gonna let this dude cut their wages and tell them they can no longer organize."
Good for them. This is about more than politics. This is about survival.
I'm afraid it's only the beginning. Both sides are watching what happens in Wisconsin, so that it can be replicated elsewhere.
The Koch brothers own Scott Walker, and he's not the only Republican't governor in their back pocket. I suspect John Kasich is another.
maria said...
"i am loving the sudden appearance of the eraser, w/his/her wit and wisdom. welcome!"
Thanks, maria, and mellaneous. I hope to be around for a while.
Poor mell and maria, they lack good judgment. clearly eraser is a nut. but when you are a liberal atheist, you'll worship anything or anybody. you two need to have GOD in your lives so that your lives many improve. right now it is dark indeed, because eraser is the devil.
The Eraser said...
re: Anonymous..."Anybody with a little common sense and an ability to ADD, SUBTRACT, AND DIVIDE will agree with you. But you are on FN blog. It's not like that-it's in a class all its own where the actual numbers aren't important."
We don't have a problem with numbers. In fact, we have a number for you. Zero.
Oh that was so cool. Hes a zero..did you come up with that on your own?
Walker...National Guard...anybody else think Kent State???
After all, the Rs are acting like Franco/Khmer Rouge/Salvadoran Death Squads. And they pull from the same demographic.
Just because your alleged 'college' only prepared you for bible study does not mean others are as academically weak. It is not that long ago when private pensions, pay and perks far, far outstripped what the public offered. Since globalization has been with us since at least the days of the Spanish Empire....thinkerating it is now the cause for downwards wage movement shows an abject ignorance of History and Economics. But, you can impress other Heeyucks with your ability to repeat wingnut talking points.
Answer this...if globalization is so irresistible...why is there no vast importation of Chinese and Indian CEOs? They speak multiple languages, went to first-rate colleges, and will work for much less.
The Eraser said...
maria said...
"i am loving the sudden appearance of the eraser, w/his/her wit and wisdom. welcome!"
Thanks, maria, and mellaneous. I hope to be around for a while.
Eraser/Scooter Boy - You'll be around for awhile, yeah like four feet around. Try putting down the chicken lard ass.
Unions caused the financial crash? Enron? S&L failure? Outsourcing? Tax differentials (where Koch pays less than you)? MN bridge collapse? AK bridge to Nowhere? Abu Grahib? bushWars? No infrastructure maintenance? Mark Foley? Larry Criag? Klausutis? Diapers Vitter? EPA defunding(Cuyahoga)? Lack of Universal Health Care?
How exactly is a secret ballot overseen by Federal officials a 'Nazi' activity? Or..do you just say that, hoping your audience is stoopid?
Be very careful what you wish for. A nation run by goobers, gomers, Heeyucks and christmoles may sound good to you now...but they will continue to seek out 'the enemy'....and you can read.
Life was not good under Franco, Khmer Rouge and others.
The protests and the drama in Madison, Wisconsin, over Gov. Scott Walker's plan to limit collective bargaining for some -- but not all -- public employees have been getting the attention of the country. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the guy with the "sensible" budget plan for the country, has made the unfortunate comparison between Madison and Cairo, probably without thinking that he was casting Mr. Walker in the role of Hosni Mubarak, and the protesters won. The drama got even more amusing when the Democratic caucus basically went into hiding in order to avoid getting a quorum in the state house and blocking passage of the bill. (They headed for a restaurant in Rockford, Illinois, just over the border.)
But it turns out the governor actually created the budget shortfall willfully (http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/02/wisconsin-gov-walker-ginned-up-budget-shortfall-to-undercut-worker-rights.php)so that he could force through the cutbacks in the state employee benefits.
Furthermore, this broadside comes less than a month after the state's fiscal bureau -- the Wisconsin equivalent of the Congressional Budget Office -- concluded that Wisconsin isn't even in need of austerity measures, and could conclude the fiscal year with a surplus. In fact, they say that the current budget shortfall is a direct result of tax cut policies Walker enacted in his first days in office.
"Walker was not forced into a budget repair bill by circumstances beyond he control," says Jack Norman, research director at the Institute for Wisconsin Future -- a public interest think tank. "He wanted a budget repair bill and forced it by pushing through tax cuts... so he could rush through these other changes."
In other words, he wanted a way to screw over the unions -- except the ones that had supported him in the last election -- and the manufactured budget "crisis" was the way to do it.
It takes a certain amount of hubris and gall to deliberately tank the state budget just to exact political revenge. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before some other politically ambitious and callous hack tries it in another state... like, oh, say, Florida.
I think you missed a part of this equation. One big reason that the Republican governors are going after the unions now is in anticipation of 2012. Unions, are major contributors to the Democratice party. By breaking state and local unions, the republicans break a reliable and generous contributor to the DNC.
This battle doesn't have a lot to do with what public employees are paid. Recent studies show that they are paid less than similiarly situated employees in private companies. Those wages are offset by benefits which are different than private employment.
And I believe, but don't have the data to prove it yet, that public employees have a high concentration of minorities and women. This is due, in no small part, to the protections that government service offered against discrimination. POC and women were able to rise in the ranks during Democratic administrations and weren't as subject to the vagaries and bias that exists in private companies. (This might be why a HUGE percentage of African American lawyers are concentrated in public employment.) If the private market had been fair, this wouldn't have been an issue. But the Old boy network is and was slow to respond to the changes in the work force and in some ways forced POC to turn elsewhere.
Unions aren't perfect. I think that they sometimes asked for more than was merited. But they protect their members against some of the stupidity that management would have imposed left to their own devices.
When some commentators tell us that 'reeducation' is needed for 'Liberals' or 'Progressives'...I don't think they are joking. They want literate, Science-educated persons to accept their gawwd-fearin', beleeveration-based mental illness...OR ELSE.
Although this will end the US as a Superpower, economic force or decent place to live...they don't care. All that matters to them is shoving eveel readers, unionists, femaNazis, and Lib'rrls into 'camps' where we-all can be 'encouraged' to be 'raht-thinkin'. Since the guards would be the same Heeyucks who molest their own kids...as they can't fight back...I have no illusions of fair treatment.
kid said...
It's time the rich pay for their 30 year vacation they had. It's time they pay their fair share of the taxes.
The top 10% pays 71% of Federal taxes.The top 1% pays 40% of federal income texas.The bottom 50%pays less than 3%.
When are you going to start caring the water, instead of drinking the water?
"Public sector employees are much better compensated than private sector employees. That might be true, but...
Wait. Stop right there. If adjusted for education levels, public sector employees make LESS than the private sector, even when you include benefits. Don't feed the foolish lies of the right Field.
A study(performed in WI) of midwestern public sector workers last year made this case.
A similar study performed by the nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency in Michigan said the same:
SPC, perhaps you could list the Beck Show where your 'numerals' come from? Which tax? Is this an assumed taxation based on Eisenhower-era rates or actual collection?
no_slappz said...
Every American should be forced to take a couple of accounting courses and a couple of economics courses -- and every American should have to demonstrate he learned something in those courses.
I think every American should be forced to take courses in Political Science/Government along with course work in logic and reasoning. Maybe then people will start voting their interests, instead of the interests of rethugs, whose only interest seems to be with accounting and economics. Government wasn't meant to be run like a business.
Anonymous said...
SPC, perhaps you could list the Beck Show where your 'numerals' come from?
Spoken like a true libtard.
But, but st reagan and bush ran it like a business...jobs fer cronies, cash fer friends who beleeverated in wite Jesus, huge perks fer Boss, and unpaid overtime fer the lazy/shiftless miggers.
Slappy likes to pretend they know Accounting and Economics...yet those who have actually used those disciplines have been blogging on the Liberal/Progressive side for years. Unless they are paid hoors for wingnut welfare. It would be similar to a Biologist who was an IntelligentCreationismDesign proponent.
Pretty much the only folks pushing for Austerity and Sacrifice are doing so out of political ideology. The theory and the data support Keynesian policies.
SPC, more like a true academic...a published one who indulges your fantasy of credentials. Still, what is the answer?
Anonymous said...
SPC, more like a true academic...a published one who indulges your fantasy of credentials. Still, what is the answer?
LOL.... Lets see what you have published,libtard.
never forget that the democrat hobama is the republican clown in chief...
no one ever cheers the coach of a horrible nfl/nba team...
ditto for hobama's INCREASINGLY RUTHLESS regime...
as hobama ignores and slays the poor
he is making his hero raygun very proud
The Eraser,
"The Koch brothers own Scott Walker, and he's not the only Republican't governor in their back pocket. I suspect John Kasich is another."
That's the plan.
Take one state at a time.
Here's a refinement of an earlier statement I posted.
The reason companies put their manufacturing where they put it is this: Productivity.
Low wages are NOT the reason. If low wages were most important, then Haiti would enjoy full employment.
On that note, in 1986 -- get this -- in 1986, the per-person GDP (that's Gross Dmestic Product) of Haiti was HIGHER than the per-person GDP of CHINA.
China's per-capita GDP was $300.
Hait's per-capita GDP was $330.
Hey, nice work down there in Haiti.
Over the last 25 years, China, a nation of over 1 BILLION, got itself rolling and stimulated the forces of prosperity by following some clearly understood economic principles.
But Haiti, over the same 25-year period, sank further into the mud because half the population practices the principles of voo-doo. Even Edwidge Danticat writes -- in a warm fuzzy appreciative way -- about Haitians and their love of voo-doo.
Hmmm...Capitalism or voo-doo? Capitalism or voo-doo? Hmmm...which one? Which one?
Shall we ask Watson, the computer now trouncing the best players on Jeopardy?
Shall we check in with Robert Mugabe? He's a well known maven on economics, isn't he? Mubarak? Maybe he's got some ideas?
as hobama slays the poor
have you noticed how he is corralling black celebs as window dressing for black votes:
the demonic jay-z
gabrielle union
he and opulent oprah are buying sellout black celebs as hobama billboards
while droves of black voters are homeless/starving/jobless...
also the newest warlock/follywood psycho kanye w too...
i have never been a fluff daddy fan until now!
SPC, still waiting. And I decline to 'out' myself. I will say that I have been an author in at least two fields.
Why is it soooo difficult to cite your source? Was it really Beck?
Slappy, nice non-comparison. It may work at the local wite church. After all, it self-selects for lower achievements in all areas...but this is a blog. So, what exactly is the comparator? Skin? Education? Interference by US? Business refusal to invest? Environmental constraints? History of assassination of nationalist leaders? Perhaps one might not wish to pretend to expertise when there is none. Your version of 'Capitalism' is simplistic and based more on politics. A form of Randian CEO-Daddy worship instead of a Real World model. Wingnut child primer of economic beleef. Sorry, I read the Econ blogs. It is very obvious the Austerians are wingnut ivory tower theorists with political agendas.
Why aren't the wingnuts blessing Ireland anymore? How about the UK? Russia?
before the mayflower, you wrote:
And are you suggesting, further, that this beast can't be constrained, can't be tamed, by the actions of men?
Economic behavior is an entirely human matter. There is no "beast". However, there are repressive governments that stand in the way of individual prosperity because the government exists to perpetuate itself -- see Cuba and Norht Korea and Zimbabwe for obvious examples.
Are you suggesting, too, that American exceptionalism came about, because, for a short time, American workers provided the beast's maw with an educated labor pool, and America, the raw material it required to grow, and sustain itself?
Nope. I'm saying that for a long time American manufacturers made products that were better -- more value added -- than products from elsewhere. And global transportation was not as good AND lots of nations practiced protectionism.
When the Japanese learned -- from the US -- how to build better cars for less than Detroit, they began to acquire a share of our market. Even when the US imposed tariffs on imported vehicles, US buyers went for Toyotas, etc.
Result -- GM, Ford and Chrysler improved their products. But increases in wages and benefits of domestic auto workers took the profit out of GM, Ford and Chrysler. The bankruptcies of GM and Chrysler prove the point.
this beast recognizes no flag, isn't subject to the will of people, or of governments,
The principles of economics are well understood. Thus, any government can guide a nation based on economic principles that work. Or, it can choose to believe fairy tales and enforce economic principles that are proven failures.
... possesses no loyalty to man or country, but is only true to the perpetuation of its own existence?
You have this bizarre idea that human economic behavior is a mental disease. You can pretend 2+2=3 if you want. But even if you codify that belief into law, the well known principles of mathematics demonstrate that such a silly law would be wrong.
The issue is Value Added.
Have you noticed that NO world class products come from Africa or the Islamic nations? And very few come from South America. Yeah, Brazil makes a few good airplanes. But the other countries? Nothing.
Bolivia cannot even provide clean water to its population. And Bolivia has stated its belief that it will become the Saudi Arabia of Lithium, for electric-car batteries. But its moronic government has not yet sold its first pound of lithium. Why? Because everyone in Bolivia involved in the lithium business is incompetent and corrupt to the point that no battery makers have the slightest interest in dealing with them.
Meranwhile, back in the USA, these days, it takes only a small number of skilled people managing an auto-factory that uses a lot of robots to build world class cars that are as good as any cars made by any company on the planet. But unions do not want to know too much about robots and how robots will replace humans.
But it's even happening on Jeopardy? Of course we watch Jeopardy because we like to see human competition. If we want to see competition between machines, I suppose we can go to a tractor-pull, a drag race or the Indy 500.
no ballzack is way more palatable than buceta breaf and her ridiculous rantings! that shiteater has stained ur blog entirely too early this morning!
what has p. diddy done for anybody, esp. blacks?
his fee: $80 THOUSAND dollars.
field, you posted:
"That was Conyers idea with the draft reinstatement -- share the burden of the hell hole called Iraq & Afghanistan, and even the college Republicans will be calling for an end of the war."
Wrong again. The Marine Corps is turning away people at all levels -- at the officer level and at the enlistee level.
A lot of those who were unable to join the Marines then went into the Army where they are now. One recruit (white, from Fairfield County, CT) I know is now in basic in Georgia. The crowd of inductees at the base was so large that he and his fellow recruits who reported on Janauray 5, 2011 were put up in motels outside the base until barracks space opened up.
Get it? No shortage of volunteers.
The majority of the US military is white, and the officer corps in all branches is very white. And everyone is a volunteer.
Moreover, with respect to the draft and how it worked in Vietnam, well, 75% of US forces voluntarily joined the military. Only 25% of our uniformed forces were draftees.
In any case, Obama's the guy who wants to keep things going in Afghanistan. He may have been motivated by good intentions at the start of his presidency, but we are getting close to that LBJ moment when he has to face facts and realize his war in Afghanistan and Pakistan is accomplishing nothing that anyone can quantify except for killing a few members of the Taliban.
The Afghan war is much less in the news these days, probably because liberal media leaders are confused about the war itself and how to reconcile it with the Obama they thought they knew. Must be heartbreaking for them to face the painful reality that Obama is a hapless incompetent commander-in-chief, and sympathetic to Islamic causes too.
mareally a moron:
the uber rich fluff daddy has told the truth unlike broke liars like u
this is why helen thomas was axed
for refusing to cheer gwb and hobama!!!
Behar: Things have changed. And President Obama, do you like him? Do you think he is doing a good job? We started out the conversation before about it a little bit.
Thomas: I think he lacks courage
Behar: He lacks courage?
Thomas: And he is not a liberal. I had hoped he was. I suppose I thought he was, because he was black, I thought he would automatically be —
Behar: Well, that was your mistake.
Thomas: That was my mistake. I thought he would be a liberal.
Behar: Can’t judge a person by the color.
Thomas: Absolutely. You are so right. But I really thought that he would have an empathy for all the blacks, what they had gone through in life.
mareally a blind lustful rabid hobama nazi:
how revealing it is that you would dare to research fluff daddy's celeb fees
but ignore the bankster billions that fund own and fuel hobama??????
fluff daddy is a pauper like u compared to hobama and his wall st ilk/regime!!!!
Slappy, 'Merican products were never 'value added'. We had protectionist policies that allowed our firms to sell here. What we had was middle quality. British had better, Germans had better, French had better...only after WWII did we have the whole market. WWI was bad...but when the Fwee Market beleevers tried to crash wages...it kept going.
'Merican Best only existed in the minds of Babbitts and rubes.
Do you get your 'history' from the same source as Michelle Bachmann?
Umm...your fantasy about robots was BullPoo back when the wingnuts sold it to the idiots. Who do you think runs the robots? Programs them? Maintains them?
The Africans have a very long history of invention and accomplishment. Oh...and when neo-cons sell guns to like-minded cretins...there is a strong incentive to avoid the activities that upset wingnuts...like building and creation and thinking. Plus, they tend to bravely shoot unarmed folk.
Bolivia...now why did you mention them? Ohh..they am Socialist. With Petrobras. And the claims of corruption are based on some basement-dwelling wingnut who has never been to Bolivia, doesn't speak a lick of the three major languages, and writes that it was never the ruling wites who continue to mess up things.
Please, you are repeating drivel from wingnuts who are wetting their pants over the idea of having to work.
since you never, ever served...how many of the 'volunteers' are seeking a job with medical benefits and a pension? How many have run out of Unemployment and have to find work?
They didn't institute a Draft because then bushTwins, Megan McCain, Bunny Quayle, and many others would have to show up for duty. It was revealing that so few Congresscritters had offspring going to the bushWars. Or MSM children. If they had been shipped...the pretense would have ended.
yeahright said:
I think every American should be forced to take courses in Political Science/Government along with course work in logic and reasoning.
Another dandy idea, except that poly sci courses are a little on the fuzzy side. Moreover, when it comes to logic and reasoning, way too many people have such superficial views of complex issues that even good logic and reasoning skills fall short of making a difference.
Still, I support more education about how governments operate. But I do oppose indoctrination, which is way too common on too many campuses today.
Maybe then people will start voting their interests,
This is exactly what people do TODAY. That's why Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other taxpayer-supported programs consume that vast bulk of our taxes.
However, at the same time, parents of school-age kids are forced -- by the bureaucratic monopoly of the public education system -- to send their kids to the school in their district, no matter how crappy the school. OR, they can exercise their power of choice to send their kids to a Private School -- if they can afford it. Thus, public schools overpower parents because they provide schooling without requiring out-of-pocket tuition payments.
It's hard to compete with $Zero.
...instead of the interests of rethugs, whose only interest seems to be with accounting and economics. Government wasn't meant to be run like a business.
Oh. So in your bizarro world, the government can spend any amount of money and, based on some whim, provide any services it wants while passing any legislation, no matter how crazy.
This is the same government that for many years upheld the rights of slaveowners and also attempted to banish alcohol.
While it is a truism that government is not a business and therefore should not be run just like a business, it is total silliness to believe the government has no responsibility to maintain acounting standards or measure the economic impact of decisions.
Pouring money into solar energy and wind energy and giving tax breaks to people who buy electric cars or hybrids.
mareally a brazen hobama nazi:
what does it say about you that you would dare demand a vapid celeb like fluffy be a messiah for black people
as u ignore that vapid amoral messianic hoax hobama as prez of the usa????????????
hobama has done even LESS for black people and actually SLAIN and ROBBED millions of blacks/UNBORN BLACKS who grossly outnumber fluffy's client list????!!!!
John W. Boyd Jr., the steadfast leader of the National Black Farmers Association, was in high spirits last December. President Barack Obama had just signed a bill authorizing $1.25 billion to settle a long-standing discrimination case filed by thousands of black farmers against the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The feat was hailed as a landmark civil rights victory, and Boyd was relieved to finally see justice for his constituents.
Two months later, he now says that their last hope is in danger. Driven by mostly anonymous anecdotes and misinformation from conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart (of grossly edited Shirley Sherrod video fame), an online campaign alleges that the black farmers' legal claims are scams that threaten to swindle the government out of billions.
mareally incessantly ignoring how incessantly racist and elitist hobama is:
wtf has hobama done for blacks in his own regime????
his slumlord pal valerie j is iranian!!!
he dogged desiree w and shirley s and van j...
he has muzzled eric h
and now this evil racist deed!!!
Bill Burton cleaned out his office, packed up his boxes and abruptly left his White House job this week, reportedly because he was passed over as White House spokesman to replace the outgoing Robert Gibbs.
Burton, who is biracial and acknowledges his African-American heritage, was the highest-ranking black aide in the White House press office. It appeared that he was seriously considered for the higher position - and probably should have gotten the job. He was certainly well qualified.
i knew you could not answer a simple question. should i restate it?
what has p. diddy done for anybody, esp. blacks?
10:18 AM
mareally a moron:
fluff daddy has told the truth about hobama...MUCH more than adoring zombies like u will ever do.
repeating irrelevant questions only reveals more of your overall arrogant ignorance?
restate it as often as u wish u silly shrew
it only evinces your infinite ignorance
Anonymous said...
SPC, still waiting. And I decline to 'out' myself. I will say that I have been an author in at least two fields.
Why is it soooo difficult to cite your source? Was it really Beck?
So mold, your nothing but a coward.You are brave behind your computer,but a coward in real life.Typical libtard.
CNN Money
The Tax Policy Center
Tax Foundation
Many,many other tax sites you can go to.
Ummm...this am a Democracy. The government is us. You sound like a Perp...'not my fault'..'it all you fer leaving stuff out'...'how dare you control my urges'. Really, it seems that you want to do -poo- to others and you resent it when the greater society tells you 'NO'. We won't let you steal from widders 'n orphans...and that makes us Soshlust. We tell you to pay your share of tax for the General Welfare...and that is an affront to your dignity.
Tax Foundation-wholly owned by the Koch brothers. Not exactly honest or accurate on taxation issues.
Tax Policy Center-right centrist...and you cherry-pick their 'findings'.
CNN-conservative slant already documented by others. Seems they can't find a Liberal, no matter how hard they don't try.
Simple Google reveals that you are misstating the findings and removing relevant data because of personal bias. Is this a conservative trait?
Still..no source. And I would point out that 'taxing the rich' would impact all of the contributors to the places you listed. However could they hire an illegal Guatemalan nanny if they had to pay the same level of tax as the eveel limo driver that takes them to work?
"CNN-conservative slant"
The facts don't lie.You can thank the top 10% for the welfare benefits you receive.
mold said...
SPC, more like a true academic...a published one who indulges your fantasy of credentials.
Stop being a coward....Tell us what you have published.
The people aren't "really" protesting; this is a staged political operation. The protesters in Wisconsin are being bussed in by Obama's campaign organization (renamed "Organizing for America). Talk about astroturf! This is an effort to overturn the results of a legitmate, democratic election. Governor Walker was elected to get things in order, and that is what he is doing.
And none of these union workers "are about to lose their jobs and their homes". The teachers in Wisconsin are having a tantrum because they are being asked to make concessions that are miniscule compared to what private sector workers have had to make.
In a clear choice between pathologically greedy teachers unions on one side, and the children who are going untaught and their bled-dry taxpaying parents on the other, our President has come down firmly on the side of his campaign donors. Obama has publicly incited thug tactics by denouncing Governor Walker's acknowledgment of fiscal reality as "an assault on unions."
A large majority of Americans agree that there is no good reason for public sector employees to be represented by labor unions.
When instead of electing a leader, you elect a man whose only real experience was as a "community organizer", this is what you get. That, and crippling debt, economic freefall, and a world on fire.
no ballzack is way more palatable than buceta breaf and her ridiculous rantings! that shiteater has stained ur blog this afternoon!
perpetually envious pointless topicless clueless vulgar vdlr:
it was actually your misssy mareally miss anne who stained this blog with typically brazen foolishness...
mareally miss annie envy illogically holds the pop star/ceo fluff daddy to a higher standard than that bankster/ceo hobama...
who owes more to adoring foolish fleeced mongrels like you????
which one???
fluff daddy or hobama?
a pop icon or your messiah/god???
save yo massa's dumb gal...she be needin yo nursin' somethin awful!!!!!
SPC, I will continue to decline to 'out' myself.
Rev Wite, when a wingnut Governor threatens me with National Guard troops for daring to retain my rights...I think of Kent State...and that many brave, heroic chickenhawks who never served a day in out military constantly wish that the Guard had killed many more unarmed civilians/citizens.
It is grassroots, which you would see if your own favorites were not so astroturf. The MSM continually 'undercounts' the number of protestors, despite the Madison Campus being right there and the tools for getting crowd data are easily acquired.
The whiney parents could go to School Board meetings and voice their worries. Want to bet they just pouted that a teacher with a Master's Degree makes more than a dropout wingnut. If private skools are so much besser, than why does every open society have public schools?
Yes, they will lose their homes....their jobs. That's why they are protesting. Not to make up for an utter lack of ability, skill or hygiene like TeaBaggers...but because the alternative is to revolt.
Shame that the Invisible Hand of the Fwee Market deciderated that private employees were over paid as compared to the Third World. Wonder why IH didn't make the same call with CEOs? They have a far greater wage discrepancy and much less productivity. Yes, private firms looted the pension funds. Danged regulations made it a RealJail crime for the
public ones.
Wonder who Politico polled? Toomey, Santorum, Walker, Christie, Vitter, Ryan....hate to inform you but the US public likes them their public unions. And this has been data since before Nixon. So, I would hazard that this was designed to pretend that an inconsequential minority of losers are the same as the general public.
Actually, I would prefer that we not have TeaBaggery as Law of the Land. Letting stoopids run anything is a bad idea. It is even poor policy to pretend they have a clue and aren't inveterate liars.
Obama's fault is he thinkerates that wingnut R policies are sanity. If he continues, unless the Rs pick a abject loser (Quayle, Thune, Palin, Huckabee, Paul, Christie, Walker, Pawlenty, Kasich...) he'll win by default. It's school election. Vote for the Obama who tells you that parking permits should go only to the rich kids....or vote for mean, vindictive, petulant, stoopid, vain, arrogant, bitchy, greedy Sarey.
no ballzack is way more palatable than buceta breaf and her ridiculous rantings! that shiteater has stained ur blog this evening!
as to all that other stuff about vdl or whateva the phukk u talkin bout girl get a grip uve reallllllllly lost it big time just crazy just strate up crazy
Mold Said...
Umm...your fantasy about robots was BullPoo back when the wingnuts sold it to the idiots. Who do you think runs the robots? Programs them? Maintains them?
Are you seriously this stupid or just playing? You think a couple of programmers equates to entire assembly lines? Have you ever watched how its made to get you some learnin? Automated lathes, milling machings, assembly lines.
The Africans have a very long history of invention and accomplishment.
Really? Which country and where and when and what? Before you reply be sure to know that Myths don't count.
Oh...and when neo-cons sell guns to like-minded cretins...there is a strong incentive to avoid the activities that upset wingnuts...like building and creation and thinking.
Not sure what this drivel means are you trying to say that because people have guns they oppressed inventiveness, creation and people like you from exploring business opportunities? Is that really your excuse?
maria said...
i knew you could not answer a simple question. should i restate it?
what has p. diddy done for anybody, esp. blacks?
10:18 AM
u dumb fool u cant even answer a yes or no question ya moron! u just launch into a tirade about the president as usual and this make u sound even mo crazier then normal cuz he ain ha shit to do with the question but this i the prblem when normal people try to talk to crazies they get gibberish in return kunthead!
stank breaf kunthead banks, that is muah muah muah
see 4:43
proof of the vdlr's severe retardation = pasting a question that is clearly NOT a "yes or no" and then claiming it is one!
proof of the instant contagion of ignorance =
the vdlr posting mareally a moron's mindless irrelevant hobama zombie "question"
only to then pose an even MORE monstrously ignorant "question" as "defense"
i can actually feel the collective IQ on this blog PLUMMET the moment the vdlr's reeking insane XXX posts fatally poison all sane comm herein each day...
this anti-intellectual dreg turbo breeder should have been blocked like a 3 am dui/weed check long ago!!!!!
hey weaved head weed head vdlr:
yo...chill out on all dem blunts ho!!!
Mold Said...
Rev Wite, when a wingnut Governor threatens me with National Guard troops for daring to retain my rights...
You mean for being cowardly enough not to face reality and doing as liberals do - running from problems and responsibility, not having a clue as to the solution but knowing how to call names and wait for the adults to solve and give you everything you feel entitled too? . If the democrats believe that there is no budget problem say so and vote to keep the gravy train rolling, but be accountable for your logic and actions.
I think of Kent State...and that many brave, heroic chickenhawks ...
Your just a moron. I know your vocabulary is better, slightly but a little better yet you continue to talk false ebonics on a Black Blog. You once said you have to fit in, are you saying you talk like a incomprehsible moron as this is how you see Field and his readers?
It is grassroots, which you would see if your own favorites were not so astroturf. The MSM continually 'undercounts' the number of protestors
Yeah, ok nancy pelosi. Are you aware of the union school teachers who took entire schools on a trip and the kids not knowing or caring why they were there protesting for some guy? Or college students saying they felt forced by professors to attend protests
The whiney parents could go to School Board meetings and voice their worries. Want to bet they just pouted that a teacher with a Master's Degree makes more than a dropout wingnut. If private skools are so much besser, than why does every open society have public schools?
For underachievers like you, thats why. Bullshit, half the teachers cant even read or write. In fact check Detroit where due to affirmative action the head of the schools for the city can barely read or write.
If the teachers are so smart and so competent with the high salaries they make, why are math and reading proficiencies at an all time low and continuing to get worse and worse despite very, very high levels of taxpayer money? With hispanics and Blacks educational gaps widening in an ever increasing manner?
"A careless airline pilot, a lazy waitress, a crash-prone cabdriver, an unproductive salesman, an innumerate cashier will all have to find other work; poor teachers keep teaching and receiving raises as years go by and kids don't learn. Of course; they, with their unions, run the show".
"but because the alternative is to revolt"
Yes, the entitlement and lack of accountability with horrible results is revolting.
Shame that the Invisible Hand of the Fwee Market deciderated that private employees were over paid as compared to the Third World. Wonder why IH didn't make the same call with CEOs? They have a far greater wage discrepancy and much less productivity.
Your like a little kid. Can you start, have you started a company? Can you run a company? Do you have any idea what it takes in terms of labor, hours, intelligence, investment to create and run a company to employ entitled children like you? Have you invested your life in educating and learning skills to become a CEO? Have you ever gotten a job from an idjut like you or was it a CEO who created a company that employed you?
Yes, private firms looted the pension funds.
You mean unions, unions looted the pension funds to contribute to the democratic campaigns to keep the corrupt gravy train going. Must be nice belonging to a union and know they took your pension to play politics with the hope that the private sector taxpayers will bail out the unions failing pension funds.
and buceta breaf u really ought to leave the vdl shit out cuz it makes u look rottonly crazy and like someone who hates kids and those who have them but oh wait dont u supposedly tutor gifted kids while u blog all day? talk about a ripoff! u aint even a good baby sitter kunthead!
faceless nobody dreg unlicked vdlr:
VULGAR DOWN LOW RETARD = sheer perfection as a name for u
and each "posts" earns that moniker better...
hobama is slaying black single mothers worst of all...ALREADY the poorest demographic in the usa!!!!
can u lick this...yes or no!!!???:
I can't put into words how proud I am of Diddy. By taking a stand for a single mother under attack by the system, he is taking the lead on showing the amazing power of the hip-hop community when it comes to fighting for real change in America. It is my hope that in addition to speaking up on behalf of Kelley Williams-Bolar, young artists and their older managers will start to help the hip-hop music industry reclaim its rightful place among the great beacons of black American activism. The racial inequality which exists within the prison, educational and economic systems in America gives artists a whole lot of places to channel their talent and energy.
put a leash on mareally your wigga bitch asap.
that racist dog has bitten steve and fluff daddy and i have shut her down as always...with 2 biscuits poisoned by truth.
the 3rd one she snaps up may be fatal...
i smashed her black flea the vdlr too!...
but u may want to get mareally your wigga bitch a new flea collar too!
re: SPC...
"The top 10% pays 71% of Federal taxes.The top 1% pays 40% of federal income texas.The bottom 50%pays less than 3%.
When are you going to start caring the water, instead of drinking the water?"
When you look at average tax rates, the big downward swings seem to correlate both with good times in the market and reductions in the capital gains tax rate—which dropped from 28% to 20% in 1997, and from 20% to 15% in 2003. The differential between capital gains tax rates and the tax rate on regular income also explains why those making more than $110.6 million a year pay taxes at a lower rate than those making $300,000 or $400,000 a year—because the really rich get a much higher percentage of their income from capital gains than the HENRYs do."
re: Daffy who wants to be called "Daddy" said..."Eraser/Scooter Boy - You'll be around for awhile, yeah like four feet around. Try putting down the chicken lard ass."
Got soap? It's good for a foul mouth and a foul disposition.
Did you become mean-spirited when you became a Republican't, or you became a Republican't because you're mean-spirited?
Enquiring minds want to know.
re: RR..."When instead of electing a leader, you elect a man whose only real experience was as a "community organizer", this is what you get. That, and crippling debt, economic freefall, and a world on fire."
I see you play fast and loose with the facts.
Fact one. President Obama was a U.S. senator before becoming president, and, before that, an Illinois state senator.
Fact two. The "crippling debt, economic freefall, and a world on fire," began under his predecessor, G.W. Bush.
It FELL to Obama to clean up the mess that Bush and Republican'ts left behind when he took office.
In your world where liberals are everything evil, I know your little narrative brings comfort, and an ease of mind, but try not, I know it's hard, to confuse facts with wishful thinking.
AB, "put a leash on mareally your wigga bitch asap.
that racist dog has bitten steve and fluff daddy and i have shut her down as always...with 2 biscuits poisoned by truth."
ab, LEAVE MARIA ALONE. STOP INSULTING HER, YOU WRETCHED WOMAN. As a bm who respects mature bright women such as Maria, I find it outrageous the name calling you are doing. Consider this your last warning, Negro.
Coming into this conversation a bit late, and wanted to add my thoughts to yours. For what it's worth.
The last time I took to the streets was back in the late 60s and early 70s when we were bogged down in Vietnam and the commodity which I was to this country wasn't worth much and was in high risk of having its ass shot off. I took to the streets.
What would it take to make Americans angry enough to take to the streets now? African-American President sure got a bunch out there waving signs.
I wonder if the Republicans found a way to compromise Medicare and suddenly millions of Americans would find themselves without medical resources. Wouldn't that make the middle class stagger. Would that make us take to the streets in anger?
How about if I get a notice that says my social security check is going to be cut by 25%? Would that make me and a lot of others mad enough to take the streets?
This country is becoming more and more dysfunctional. Elections are controlled by wealth and not necessarily represent the will of the people. A small number of voters can take over the system and f*ck with a lot of people.
What's it going to take to make us angry enough to take back our democracy?
Good article on Salon today:
Two main points in there that need to be realized:
1. The private sector has failed miserably over the past 30 years of trickle down economics to actually have anything trickle down to its workers. This has made the public sector jobs seem lavish by comparison, when in reality they are barely keeping up with the cost of living.
2. Wisconsin is the current class warfare battleground, the first salvo in the attempt by the plutocrats to finally rid the landscape of unions. This is their dream of more than 70 years. The battles will soon move to other states where the lower classes are targeted to pay for bailing out the crooks that crashed the economy in the first place.
"This country is becoming more and more dysfunctional. Elections are controlled by wealth and not necessarily represent the will of the people.."
Houston, we could have started and ended this entire discussion with that one quote.
"I wonder if the Republicans found a way to compromise Medicare and suddenly millions of Americans would find themselves without medical resources. Wouldn't that make the middle class stagger. Would that make us take to the streets in anger?
How about if I get a notice that says my social security check is going to be cut by 25%? Would that make me and a lot of others mad enough to take the streets?
This country is becoming more and more dysfunctional. Elections are controlled by wealth and not necessarily represent the will of the people. A small number of voters can take over the system and f*ck with a lot of people."
Well, if we had a different KIND of President, none of this stuff would be happening because the Republicans wouldn't consider such tactics. Things will settle down in 2012 with a new President who won't remind people of their racial differences.
Having a black Prez is just too scary for most Americans because they don't trust Obama...and that's the truth. Our former black leaders and many in the black race were right: the country was/is not ready for a bm in the WH.
Field, "Houston, we could have started and ended this entire discussion with that one quote."
Who are you trying to kid? You ARE part of the wealthy.
field negro said...
"This country is becoming more and more dysfunctional. Elections are controlled by wealth and not necessarily represent the will of the people.."
Houston, we could have started and ended this entire discussion with that one quote."
That is true to the extent that a functioning democracy requires an informed electorate, which is not always the case.
However it is pretty clear the "will of (a lot of) the people" was expressed over the past two summers by a true grass roots movement and certified last November by voters across the country.
Government sponsored astroturfers, aided by the personal apparatchiks of the President are attempting to bully through the policies that were explicitly rejected by "the people" when they had a chance to a vote. If W's campaign organization was bussing in people to harass state legislatures in Red states, I'm guessing you would have aproblem with it.
There are people who want to defend their spot at the public trough. Fine. You can get out there with them and express your displeasure. But don't for a minute believe these protests represent what the voters of Wisconsin asked for when they elected Governor Walker.
The battle for Wisconsin really raises in extreme form the question whether the people rule here. President Obama gives us one answer. Governor Walker, in the plain speaking style of a man who can afford to be candid, gives another.
why won't this blog take my comment? this is discrimination and a violation of my first amendment rights. I had a feeling this blog might have been a little racist.
"However it is pretty clear the "will of (a lot of) the people" was expressed over the past two summers by a true grass roots movement and certified last November by voters across the country."
Grassroots meaning sponsored by a flood of corp-polluter PAC money. The majority of people don't bother to vote in mid-term elections, which are typically over-represented by wingnuts. So we get more supply-side assaults on living wage jobs from people trying to turn this country into Honduras.
Rev Right you made the point that democracy requires an informed electorate.
Well an informed electorate that is the working class has to instinctively know that their interests and the interests of the rich are not the same.
The struggle in Wisconsin is really about the rights of workers to fight for better or at least fair working conditions( surely the people of Wisconsin are not opposed to collective bargaining working conditions and other issues outside of wages).
This is also an attempt to bust the unions which the capitalists have been trying to do for quite some time. Those who work for a living and protest unions are only protesting their own interests.
Yes unions have their problems but without them even non-union workers would find themselves with less rights and benefits than they presently enjoy even as those rights and benefits are lessening.
And the right wing folks are not and don't come close to making up the majority they in no way speak for the workers of this country.
i know he has his detractors on this blog, but bill maher had a good comment the other day.
he said the right wingers and teapartiers are all about taking "america back."
he said "i want my country to move FORWARD."
and you are right mel, it's not just a repeal of exiting rights they are fighting, they need better conditions, better pay and an assurance that the terms of their contracts they've already forged are honored, like healthcare and pensions. the bill in wisconsin was about making collective bargaining possible only about wages.
The right wing and republican party goals are to bring back slave labor here in America. Their tactics to achieve this goal is to rape and rob this country to the point of no return. That's is why these union busting tactics can be used to destroy the working class people. That's why we go to war every time a republican gets in office. The last Bush raped this country with his wars and tax breaks for the rich. The States and City mayors are trying to break unions and send workers back to the stone age...and slave labor. My boss told me that we, the union workers took lower paying jobs in return for security. Private sector jobs have high pay and no union security. Why do we have to pay for the bad choices of the private sector workers that were thrown out of jobs by the thousands? It's not the union workers fault. You can't turn around now and blame us for your bad choices, bad employers, and bad politicians you put your trust in. Live with your decisions stop the union busting tactics that will eventually destroy this country and hurt everyone. Thank you for this blog FIELD!
we will all soon be forced to walk like egyptians...globally!
power to the people!!!
Walker CREATED this damn mess by cutting taxes right after he went into office, and then spending money on special interests who contributed to his campaign.<<
Let's not forget the multimillion dollar high speed rail project that he turned down, which in turn lost thousands of jobs here and closed down the company that came here in anticipation of the project.
And this idiot really thought he could keep the money and put it towards highway construction instead.
You should see the commercials that Walker and his crew have on TV attacking government workers. Everybody else is miserable, according to the ads, except the public workers who aren't doing "their fair share." Yet government workers for some time now have agreed to accept unpaid furlough days to offset some of the state deficit.
This clown we have in Walker acts as if he were some tinpot dictator instead of an elected official (he won by 5 percent against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, so he sure as hell is not in Madison on some mandate). He actually believes that he can strip people of their collective bargaining rights and they are not going to raise hell over it.
Already, he has attacked consumer protections by signing off on legislation that would make it difficult for people to sue negligent nursing homes and other such businesses.
He also is against health care -- and he is targeting the plans that already in place for the poor -- as is his lieutenant governor, who truly believes that people are supposed to care about her cancer treatment (that's covered under government health insurance)while she could give a rat's ass about the health of people who are uninsured.
This man clearly is bad news for Wisconsin. Already there is an exploratory group looking to have this idiot recalled. The state law mandates that any recall effort has to take place a year following this idiot's swearing into office.
That year cannot pass quickly enough for me. But in any case, I hope by then to be living with BF in Houston.
SPC -- because of those Nazi suit wearing, Baseball bat wielding 'union thugs' you have employer provided health care, weekends and other benefits. Left up to corporations, we'd still have child labor.<<
Along with 7-day work weeks and 16-hour workdays.
Keep following that tan man with the tin heart, and you may one day find yourself on the side of the road bleeding profusely, without police, emergency response attendants, or doctors or nurses to keep you out of the firm grasp of the grim reaper.<<
It snows in Wisconsin. It happened a few weeks ago during a blizzard that dumped 18 inches of snow in Milwaukee. It will snow again next year.
It's city and county workers who get up at 0 in the morning to plow the snow off the city's highways and byways. Yet Walker wants to strip these hardworking people of their collective bargaining rights.
Just try driving down I-94 or I-43 when it's under an 18-inch blanket of snow.
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