
Now that we know that former Chicago Bear, Dave Duerson, committed suicide, I hope that the "billionaire boyz club", otherwise known as the NFL, will take note. Duerson joins a growing list of former players who took this route to self destruction. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a direct correlation between concussions and what is happening to these former players. I just hope that more groups will come out and hold the league accountable.
And, speaking of holding people accountable, there are 235 people down in Washington that A-merry-cans should be holding accountable. These folks just voted to slash the federal budget by 61.5 billion dollars. Of course they didn't have the guts to touch Social Security or Medicare and *Medicaid. That would have taken something that they don't have: Integrity, and the courage of their convictions.
And, speaking of holding people accountable, there are 235 people down in Washington that A-merry-cans should be holding accountable. These folks just voted to slash the federal budget by 61.5 billion dollars. Of course they didn't have the guts to touch Social Security or Medicare and *Medicaid. That would have taken something that they don't have: Integrity, and the courage of their convictions.
Those 235 poli-tricksters remind me of the bully that goes to the playground looking for a fight, and ignores the bigger kids shooting hoops and heads straight to the swing and jungle gym to pick on the smaller kids.
Sesame Street, (goodbye Big Bird) job training programs, the EPA, food nutrition programs for children, and Head Start. These are all the smaller kids on the playground. It's always easy to pick on children and poor people; they can't afford lobbyist.
"Remember, this is historic," Cantor told reporters after leaving a closed-door Republican conference meeting at which lawmakers were hashing out their differences on the cuts. "The level of cuts here have not taken place in Congress since World War II. That's how big these cuts are. We have now produced a working document, a bill that will be brought to the floor, that will make history again."
and hobama and his banksters are the biggest OG bullies of all....shame!!!
this has no chance of prevailing; senate won't go for it, obama will veto it.
my heart breaks for duerson. football is a barbaric sport that i have never watched. i can't imagine his pain. other reports said he was engaged to be married in april. what a tragedy.
sorry, mel. i tried. she doesn't know when to stop.
maria said...
"sorry, mel. i tried. she doesn't know when to stop."
You don't know when to stop, you ignorant, self-hating bitch. All you do is repeat conventional wisdom platitudes and suck up to people who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Why don't you try coming up with an original thought? Maybe then someone would give a fuck aboput what you post.
"Sesame Street, (goodbye Big Bird) job training programs, the EPA, food nutrition programs for children, and Head Start. These are all the smaller kids on the playground. It's always easy to pick on children and poor people; they can't afford lobbyist."
No, it's always easy for a thief to hold a child up as a shield. Fuck you, and fuck that terrorist loving Bert.
Maybe the NFL should start yearly test on the players brain. Something more than a physical. Real Sports on HBO has been showing ex-players and it isn't a pleasant site. It's really sad. And they cant get alot of help from the NFL or The Players Union.
As far as Washington, they give welfare to the rich, cry broke, and take it out on the poor. Sounds like it's all planned to me. Time for people to take a note from Wisconsin and stand up.
dizzy big bold clucking wigga cookie monster chicken headed maria:
hobama is the star yellow big bird bully in dc...
and he has just begun to fly and doom hobama nazis like u
hear this awesome rebel poem for mike vick!
mareally a rabid chicken:
why do u never ever cluck about this?????
Just a few years ago, double-digit unemployment seemed like a crazy idea. But when the economy began to stumble, it was fear of high unemployment and a promise to prevent it that the Obama administration used to usher in the $787 billion stimulus package. As The New York Times reported on Oct. 22, 2009, "The Obama administration's forecast at the start of the year, which predicted that unemployment would not climb much above 8 percent."
A big promise to be sure and a claim that proved false as unemployment climbed higher and higher reaching 10.2 percent at its peak. Yet, ABC, CBS, and NBC referenced this promise just nine times in two years in stimulus stories mentioning unemployment.
Unemployment still exceeds the Obama-guaranteed 8 percent unemployment rate two years after the bill's passage. In the same time period, network news barely reported that the stimulus failed to halt the sharp rise in unemployment. ABC 'World News,' CBS 'Evening News' and NBC 'Nightly News' all paid plenty of attention to the stimulus and its accomplishments, but more than 98 percent of those evening broadcast stories skipped over the administration's failed prediction.
Wesley R said..."Time for people to take a note from Wisconsin and stand up."
The people are standing up. Viva Wisconsin!
AB, I resent you messing with Maria. As a bm I must stand up and tell you to leave Maria alone. She has done nothing to you. You are to blame for this.
silly bored assnon:
why did u waste time typing that like i actually care???
maria has plenty of black studs herein who protect her dirty deeds and deep denials.
u r not needed.
go get your life.
watching this great video on mareally a hobama nazi's god hobama will be a much better use of your time.
Thanks AB. I'll be on my way.
Before I go, did all Field and all FN posters notice how many folks are protesting in Wisconsin?
Did you see Sharon from WI among the protestors?
Yes, I saw ONE Black among a sea of Whites. since there are hardly any Blacks in Wisconsin, I can only conclude that it was Sharon frm WI. But I still couldn't tell if she was Jewish or not.
AB and Maria, what do you think?
Field, you mispelled Medicaid. It's important that you get it right since it affects a lot of poor black folks. At least come off like you know 'somethin' about the program.
I am truly grateful the Repubs did not touch Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Many of us depend on those programs. It proves that the GOP has a heart and I will vote for a Republican for President in 2012.
Field, I hope you will join me. Btw, what ever happened to Hathor? Is she ok?
Talking points memo has an article about how the whole budget 'crisis' started in Wisconsin.
BTW- Did you see Tavis and Bill Maher go at it last? It was very good.
South Park Conservatives, "What, ain't no love in the fields for Oprah?"
Nope. Ain't no love for Oprah on FN blog. She is classed as a House Negro, according to FN. It's a shame but that's the climate at FN.
South Park Conservatives said, "Who would y'all rather have teaching white America about black Anerica? Fields????? Could you even think about a fields book club?? :)"
Of course, Field's followers would want FIELD, Eraser, Mellaneous, Mack Lyons, and other black liberal progressive dems to NOT ONLY teach Whites about Black America, but teach every Black to think in their opinionated closed-minded way about their view of Black America,--esp. those Blacks with ability to cross racial lines and be successful.
MOST folks on FN blog hate that! You see, they KNOW HOW LIFE IS, and any Black with the capability to make billions and be accepted and supported by Whites MUST be an 'uncle tom' in their eyes.
You see, Field and his little mindless band of followers think they KNOW EVERYTHING and HOW RACE RELATIONS work in America for ALL BLACKS AND ALL WHITES. That's why Rev Manning says the black Dems will never be shit.
Isn't it interesting the way they minimize and diminish great accomplishments of another Black, such as Oprah, instead of praising their outstanding feats?
However, they love thugs like Michael Vick--because he comes from the hood, a criminal, and has proven that he is a moronic imbecile when it comes to being a human being with a heart... But they reason that- "he sure can play football!" And that is all that matters to most FN black liberal minded dumbocrats. They glorify Vick but trash Oprah. There is something very wrong with that picture.
It is clear that their priorities- morals, ethics, virtues and characters of people- are all screwed up. There is something quite disgusting and sick about that. Nevertheless, they would claim it's black culture and therefore part of being Black.....Right.
Wingnuts are the ultimate cowards...and hypocrites. Why don't they defund the wars? We spent a trillion dollars to settle some Bush mafioso family business in Irag and another trillion dollars in Afghanistan looking for a dude hiding in a cave. For ten years. A fucking CAVE! And they are gonna save money by firing Cookie Monster? Assholes!
It was funny watching the idiot Tea party being outnumbered on Saturday about 1,000 to one by actual taxpayers that have real jobs.
Seriously, we need to pass a collection plate amongst the wingnuts to pay for the wars. They wanted the wars, they need to pay for them. Or better yet go fight and (hopefully) die in them. That would at least make the cost somewhat more bearable.
sometimes you munch on a maria, sometimes you don't .... if it tastes like dirty tuna then it's maria..crackers please.
UTS loves tuna.
sometimes you munch on a shit sandwich, sometimes you don't .... if it tastes like rotton feces then it's alica stank breaf banks... air freshener please.
ab imaginary wife luv her sum bullshit dont she!
The Situamation, how dare you classify Bart as a terrorist? That sir, is un-A-merry-cn!
Anon. forgive me on the Medicaid spelling. That's the dyslexia kicking in.:)
Tell your President that I appreciate his people chipping in and helping with the proof- reading.
Ernesto, I co-sign with you 100%
TeaBaggers have jobs. They are astroturf who are paid to pretend for TV that citizens agree with Governor Walker. Notice that the WI folks are taxpayers and union members. See how the TeaBaggers are 'outside agitators' who are receiving paychecks to show up.
Defunding the EPA? Why? Who benefits from the reduction in Science-based environmental regulation? Who thinkerates clean drinking water, clean air and clean land are eveel?
Sesame Street has long been hated, despised and feared by the wingnuts. It increased literacy and tolerance among US citizens. It showed government could teach millions of children without the use of strops, backs of hands and 'priestly interventions'. You could see city life as many of us knew it....and not the chickenpoo, pants-wetting wingnut version. City, where there was plenty to do and see. Where your neighbours were not all wite...or related...or Palins.
What ego. Historic? More like histrionic. No wonder they want the Bachmann Delusional Historee taught in skools.
Guts...would mean taxing rich folk at the same rate as wage earners. Guts...would mean working for the good of the US and not just the Koch and Scaifes.
Oprah a good Mammy/Aunt Jemimah...she don't scare doughy wite boys in Mom's Basement. She never shows them up...but instead gives them cars. Vick...by existing...makes girls realize that Tucker Carlson/Bristol Palin are examples of lazy, shiftless wite folks who expect to win...without effort or talent.
Let the Heeyucks impose their stoopid. We should spend time in a theocratic, small government regime. Afterward, any who espouse such nonsense will either be laughed at, institutionalized, or ended.
Ernesto, having worked for EveelBigGubmint, I can tell you that you do what the Directors want. If they want you to find someone...and place the resources...you find them. So, to those who have work experience, not having bin Ladens head or person...shows that bush was never interested.
Of course it was also more important to place bush appointees in Civil Service positions to prevent them from experiencing the Free Market valuation of their skills. It was also important to preclude investigations into the activities of the bush regime...that recalled that some of st reagan's crewe spent -gasp- time in country club prisons for doing criminal acts. Declasse'!
Anonymous said...
TeaBaggers have jobs. They are astroturf who are paid to pretend for TV that citizens agree with Governor Walker. Notice that the WI folks are taxpayers and union members. See how the TeaBaggers are 'outside agitators' who are receiving paychecks to show up.
The left should be the last,i do mean the last, group of people talking about astroturfing and agitators.
This whole riot was created inside the whitehouse.Union thugs where paid,bused in, and u-hauls brought in baseball bats and signs.
You even have doctors' giving out fake sick notes.Just another way unions screw hard working tax payers.
Ernesto said...
Seriously, we need to pass a collection plate amongst the wingnuts to pay for the wars. They wanted the wars, they need to pay for them. Or better yet go fight and (hopefully) die in them. That would at least make the cost somewhat more bearable.
We need to pass a collection plate so Democrat voters can pay their fair share of taxes.Also, we need to tell Democrats to stop being hypocrites about taxes.If Democrats want higher taxes, big bird, than they need to be the first ones in line to pay the cost.
SPC, union members are taxpayers. Who pays your bills...that you don't know this?
Doctors sign the notes because they identify with the Real protesters from WI. See, these aren't execs who can 'support' the CEO positions on company time...they have to use their own. Protesting on State time will get them fired.
Just because the entire R, right wing and wingnut 'protest' groups are paid agitators and astroturf, you somehow assume that it is true for those facing massive pay and benefit cuts. Why did the TeaBaggers have to wait for orders to set up their TV Potemkin Protest to pretenderate that some in WI beleeverated with Walker?
Again, union members pay taxes. Which is common knowledge among those who work for a living.
Liberal Charles Lane wrote this in the WAPO,
This is hypocrisy on an epic scale. I can't think of a more overwhelming refutation of the claim that incivility is the unique province of the American right -- as opposed to what it really is and always has been: a two-way street with both right and left lanes. No wonder so many Americans in the broad center of the political spectrum are turned off by both parties and their sanctimonious "bases."
Liberal Joe Klein wrote this Friday,
Isn't it, well, a bit ironic that the protesters in Madison, blocking the state senate chamber, are chanting "Freedom, Democracy, Union" while trying to prevent a vote? Isn't it ironic that the Democratic Senators have fled the democratic process? Isn't it interesting that some of those who--rightly--protest the assorted Republican efforts to stymie majority rule in the U.S. Senate are celebrating the Democratic efforts to stymie the same in the Wisconsin Senate?
An election was held in Wisconsin last November. The Republicans won. In a democracy, there are consequences to elections and no one, not even the public employees unions, are exempt from that. There are no guarantees that labor contracts, including contracts governing the most basic rights of unions, can't be renegotiated, or terminated for that matter. We hold elections to decide those basic parameters. And it seems to me that Governor Scott Walker's basic requests are modest ones--asking public employees to contribute more to their pension and health care plans, though still far less than most private sector employees do. He is also trying to limit the unions' abilities to negotiate work rules--and this is crucial when it comes to the more efficient operation of government in a difficult time.
Its rare you have the left-leaning media even began to speak the truth. This is a start.
SPC, What is your proof Charles Lane is Liberal? How do you define the term?
Ummm...Klein forgets the First Amendment...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Only to a Nazi or Franco Fascist would our business friendly MSM appear to be left-leaning. As far as truth...both Lane and Klein have been refuted and repudiated by the Left because both are being far less than honest.
Face it, the People of WI spoke...and they prefer not to be jerkholes or paid prostitutes...so what does that tell you about the astroturf, 'outside agitators' of the TeaBaggers?
Ernesto said...
Seriously, we need to pass a collection plate amongst the wingnuts to pay for the wars. They wanted the wars, they need to pay for them. Or better yet go fight and (hopefully) die in them. That would at least make the cost somewhat more bearable.
There you have it, your typical union gimme more till you break violent liberal/progressive democrat. Certainly the type that shits in his pants when he has to make decisions of any importance, probably has his female take care of the bills because he is too stupid to do so. So running from all of lifes trials and tribulations, he calls others cowards and wishes them dead.
So, when did FakeAnon serve? Why did no chickenhawks sign up for the bushWars?
If you-all love war so much..you be the first to go.
How does being female make one less able to handle money? Were you unaware that in many cultures the woman does the budget? Not every tribe likes 'child brides' and 'wives' and mansplaining.
South Park Conservatives said...
We need to pass a collection plate so Democrat voters can pay their fair share of taxes.Also, we need to tell Democrats to stop being hypocrites about taxes.If Democrats want higher taxes, big bird, than they need to be the first ones in line to pay the cost.
Democrats are already paying more than their fair share. The top 10 highest net contributors to the federal budget are blue states. Whereas, most of the largest net consumers of federal funds relative to what they pay are red states. (you can google it)
But, only miggers and Planned Parenthood patients are on Welfare. Wite folks getting subsidies and stuff are hard-werkin' RealMericans.
When the Teabagging wingnuts pine for the days of Seceding....some are inclined to let them go off the dole. They will be unable to support their current lifestyle and will have to either add Socialist policies or export their social unrest.
De-funding things such as the CPB, Planned Parenthood, or cutting the food stamp program which was a compromise to pass the bill Michelle Obama backed doesn't even begin to put a dent on the deficit. There is a different between debt and deficit. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Defense will have to be dealt with. If we ended the war in Afghanistan would save us a great deal of money because we are spending billions of dollars on it. The 2011 defense request is $548.9, now if Congress was serious about reducing the budget it should reduce the defense budget alone by 20%. In addition, the Administration requested $159.3 billion for "Overseas Contingency Operations" to fight the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cutting the small programs are not going to help.
No one wants to touch the popular programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, but something has to be done to make them healthy and sustainable or you are not going to have them at all.
Anonymous said...
SPC, What is your proof Charles Lane is Liberal?
What??? The former lead editor of The New Republic a Conservative?
Ummm...Klein forgets the First Amendment...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Klein and Lane point out the lies and hypocrisy of the union thugs and their supporters.
"Only to a Nazi or Franco Fascist would our business friendly MSM appear to be left-leaning. Face it, the People of WI spoke...and they prefer not to be jerkholes or paid prostitutes...so what does that tell you about the astroturf, 'outside agitators' of the TeaBaggers?"
The only paid prostitutes that are in WI are Jesse Jackson and Ed Schultz.
"the astroturf, 'outside agitators' of the TeaBaggers?"
The only astroturfers or agitators in WI are those union thugs sented by the whitehouse.
SPC, keep trying...your paycheck depends on selling this meme.
What is your proof Charles Lane is a Liberal or Progressive?
What proof do you have of alleged 'union thugs'? Other than repeating the Big Lie?
Face it..you are realizing that your 'ideas' are not even close to what most Americans believe in.
Klein and Lane are exposing only their own bias.
Union=local citizens voicing local opinions
TeaBaggers=paid outside agitators brought in to make it seem that there is 'controversy'.
No wonder you are trying to spin this.
No one wants to touch the popular programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, but something has to be done to make them healthy and sustainable or you are not going to have them at all."
SPC, do you mind addressing this? Hennasplace wants to know if you wingnuts are going to cut Mmeicare, Mmedicaid, and SS?
SPC, do you mind addressing this? Hennasplace wants to know if you wingnuts are going to cut Mmeicare, Mmedicaid, and SS?
Or FN how about another question. There is no doubt we are about to crash and burn. The debt is unsustainable. So given that this IS reality as opposed to laying back wanting it all and pointing fingers, what do you propose happens? In the end something has to give. So which programs would you like to end? The only thing I ask is that you decide this with rationale. In other words if you decide to end national defense spending, what are the ramifications in the real world and not disneyland wishes that never has been nor ever will be.
So what would you do? Something has to and will give, only instead of us doing it together we have more and more people demanding that its someone else and not a collective problem to be solved.
What I don't understand about the left is why it is mostly rhetoric, name calling, blame placing, but never or rarely is there any thought given to actually solving the problems. Does the left feel that they are children to be supported with problems tackled and resolved by conservatives? Take your articles for example. Your very good at pointing out actions and why you don't like them or how they are unfair and on and on. But do you ever intellectualize the root problem and suggest alternatives or difficult choices that cannot be avoided or deferred until someone else makes the choice for you or actually solves the problem?
You support democrats running in Wisconson so they dont have to vote, speak publicly about why they support the position that they do, actually tell us what their decisions are and what the outcome will be honestly and openly and with accountability. Then you call the adults who actually had to slash the budget because we have borrowed money that we dont have persons who are lacking in integrity and courage of their convictions? Really? Would like to hear more on how you balance this huge irony. I would like to hear the democratic plan in Wisconsin for continuing unabated the high salaries and taxpayer funded benefit packages when comparing against the actual results of the teachers and how this can continue without bankruptcy. Why aren' the left instead of name calling and devil whipping talking about this?
Love to hear your thoughts.
Henna, let's see
Social Security...the only controversy is that wingnuts want to end this self-financed government administered retirement...which for many is their ONLY retirement.
So, is it the horrible idea of workers retiring instead of dying in harness? Is it that government does the work for far, far less money...and much better results? Or is it that the money can't be stolen?
Medicare/Medicaid could be dealt with by a Universal. I understand that some insurance execs would have to live on 200 to 400K per year...but that is a 'shared sacrifice' I'm willing to make.
Wonder why FakeAnons never ever once consider raising taxes. If your only tool is your hand...dating is eveeel Librul Soshlust conspiracy.
Maybe to a poorly educated, low-experience schlub who barely stays employed at a relatives business a teacher is overpaid. But, do any of the Sooper Experts actually do the work? Can they meet even the minimal requirements of FLA? Or do they want skools where the only metric is a written loyalty oath to bush...or to a particular sect of christianity?
Keep trying to spin...everyone knows the wingnut version is chickenpoo. And the more you hold to it, the stoopider you look. Like the street corner screamer with urine-soaked pants wailing about how the nasty icky School District will not hire him to teach kids the Truth about man-child priest activities. Or the 'smitten by Jesus' person who forgives Shawna Forde...but condemns 'harlots' who have an abortion.
Sorry, but I decline to be stoopid to make your life besser.
field negro said...
SPC, do you mind addressing this? Hennasplace wants to know if you wingnuts are going to cut Mmeicare, Mmedicaid, and SS?
With the help of Sen. Reid and the O man,yes we will.For the sake of the future, we need major entitlement reform.
You really don't know about Charles Lane or The New Republic?
WOW!! I'm now seriously doubting your educated or published.
Barack Obama’s Organizing for America is behind these union thugs.
Obama saw what just happen in New Jersey, and he couldn't let it happen in WI.
Nold Said....
Wonder why FakeAnons never ever once consider raising taxes.
How much more are you willing to pay? Raise taxes make it equal where everyone pays a fair share and then you may have something. Oh, and look up tax increases to see how historically they "helped" stop spending. Let me know if any increase not matched by spending reduction worked. Or is that to logical for you and something you expect the adults to handle?
If your only tool is your hand...dating is eveeel Librul Soshlust conspiracy.
Are you sick in the head? You seem so.
Maybe to a poorly educated, low-experience schlub who barely stays employed at a relatives business a teacher is overpaid.
Poorly educated by the pubic school teachers yet this family started, runs and owns a business that they also work at run and make profit from?
But, do any of the Sooper Experts actually do the work? Can they meet even the minimal requirements of FLA?
Minimal requirements of what, you dont make any sense. If you mean teaching, you really should be looking at minimal results before they are paid.
Or do they want skools where the only metric is a written loyalty oath to bush...or to a particular sect of christianity?
No maybe schools where they don't want to cancel science classes because of those who can't compete. Maybe schools who actually teach children instead of spreading political discord resulting in uneducated masses particularly highlighted by Black and Hispanic reading and writing levels, who then cry tests are racist.
Keep trying to spin...everyone knows the wingnut version is chickenpoo. And the more you hold to it, the stoopider you look.
Yup, compared to your well thought out position and eloquunce everything looks like chickenpoo.
Like the street corner screamer with urine-soaked pants wailing about how the nasty icky School District will not hire him to teach kids the Truth about man-child priest activities. \
the 'smitten by Jesus' person who forgives Shawna Forde...but condemns 'harlots' who have an abortion.
Sorry, but I decline to be stoopid to make your life besser.
Yes, you are the type of mind that supports what you do. Good representin, you are a perfect example of liberal/progressives. We can look to hold you up as the shining star and representative of progressive idealogy.
I mean if we put your thoughts into actually running the country, who knows we might actually be the bestest in the world and solve every problem known to mankind. You should write a book and send it to Soros.
field, you wrote:
There is no doubt in my mind that there is a direct correlation between concussions and what is happening to these former players. I just hope that more groups will come out and hold the league accountable.
Jeez. Massive, incredibly strong men bash into each other and get their heads slammed repeatedly.
Hmmmm. And someone wonders whether the brain gets rattled in the process? Wow?
Is this like wondering if smoking causes lung cancer? Well, the cigarette companies conceded that, in fact, smoking does cause lung cancer and other health problems. To compensate, the tobacco companies pay the government a lot of money every year.
Of course the smokers themselves pay the bill, both monetarily and physically, until the doctor bills go out of control and then in many cases Medicaid and Medicare -- the taxpayers -- pick up the tab.
Smoking cigarettes and head banging are bad for your health. If people want to avoid the consequences, they have to stop inflicting the damage on themselves.
There will be NO "safe" cigarettes -- and there is no way to violently but SAFELY slam your head.
Sorry, but I decline to be stoopid to make your life besser.
You decline to be stupid to make my life better? MY LIFE better? This sentence says it all. YOU aren't making my life better by allowing me to be responsible and not have to support YOU in a publicly funded position. I am not asking YOU to do anything for me. I am telling you to do for yourself and get off my teats. and this is what you dont like.
So the truth is your a leech, YOUR not agreeing to be less of a bloodsucker is not doing anything for me at all. YOU always have the choice of looking for another job that perhaps is higher paying equivalent to your highly polished skills. Clearly you arent just delusional and crazy, so you shoudl make it just fine in the real world.
field, you wrote:
These folks just voted to slash the federal budget by 61.5 billion dollars.
Not nearly enough.
Of course they didn't have the guts to touch Social Security or Medicare and *Medicaid.
Too bad. The Meidcaid bill in New York State for this year is budgeted at $53 billion -- that's $13,000 per person enrolled in Medicaid. In other words, the annual expense is DOUBLE the national average AND is as costly as some of the best union programs -- but no one has ever said Medicaid coverage is as good as it is in those union plans.
In other words, taxpayers are getting hosed.
That would have taken something that they don't have: Integrity, and the courage of their convictions.
Healthcare spending can easily bankrupt the country and in the coming decade we will reach the point at which action must be taken to prevent a financial catastrophe for the federal and state governments in the US.
Sesame Street, (goodbye Big Bird) job training programs, the EPA, food nutrition programs for children, and Head Start.
Sesame Street? Harmless. Has it helped anyone? Who knows? There's no way to measure its impact. Period.
Job training programs? A serious lack of data makes it impossible to know if government-run job training programs have had any impact. Who knows? Not the government.
The EPA? The agency appears to be a job killer while creating extraordinary paydays for some lawyers who win lawsuits that force consumers to pay the bill.
Food nutrition programs for kids? Please. We now have an epidemic of obesity.
Head Start? More baloney. There is not one shred of evidence suggesting this program has done anything but give paychecks to some adults who keep telling people the program does wonders.
Here's a thought. Hire the leaders of the Urban Academy in Chicago that has once again gotten 100% of its graduates -- exclusively black males -- to spread their knowledge of education management. Seems they know what they're doing.
Of course they will tell you their secret is no secret and their practices will not work for a lot of black males. But, there is no doubt they would have more success than the union-run schools that are populated largely by black students.
These are all the smaller kids on the playground. It's always easy to pick on children and poor people; they can't afford lobbyist.
Oh stop. You're killing me. The children and the poor you're crying for have been represented by Charlie Rangel and others just as corrupt, for decades.
If these parasitic public unions aren't pushed back now, they will do to state and municipal governments what the UAW did to GM. As there can be no federal bailout on that scale, there will be massive layoffs and cutbacks in critical services.
The voters of states like Wisconsin recognized this last election and chose to address the problem now. It is anti-democratic for the White House and its union backers to try to subvert this process.
If you are on the side of the unions, you are against the democratically expressed will of the people. But that's what liberalism is all about, isn't it? Imposing your views on people who don't know what's good for them.
The clock is running out for leftist cockroaches, and it's time to start scurrying under the refrigerator. Get going.
Rev. Right said.
The clock is running out for leftist cockroaches, and it's time to start scurrying under the refrigerator. Get going.
They already have started scurrying,m they are running away from responsibility in WI.
I'm going to assume that you never watched Sesame Street. I am of the first generation that watched the program and loved it. It's how I knew that things like the classical and opera music existed. I learned new words and how to sing from watching the program. My mother couldn't afford to send me to pre-school, and the program let me into the world of imagination and creativity something that you sorely lack at the moment.
Unions can be a good thing as long as they are not in bed with management which has been the problem over the past few decades. Let's not forget that unions were responsible for setting work hours, vacation, sick time, disability, and regulating child labor laws.
We can cut the deficit even lower by getting rid of the tax cuts because we cannot afford it. Money has to be borrowed to make the tax cuts happen, and we have to realize that there is not such thing as a tax cut.
Amen, brother.
Behind you 1000% (as they say).
Love ya,
I just hope that more groups will come out and hold the league accountable.
P.S. You would benefit from making Anonymouses sign their "names" and blocking the rest.
hennasplace, you wrote:
I am of the first generation that watched the program and loved it.
In other words, you were part of an earlier and far more primitive period, when today's technologies were barely in their idea stage.
It's how I knew that things like the classical and opera music existed. I learned new words and how to sing from watching the program.
Nothing prevents corporate donors from paying to produce more Sesame Street stuff. Sorry, but your warm and fuzzy recollections do nothing to disprove my statement, which was that there is no evidence Sesame Street did more than entertain SOME kids in pleasant ways.
My mother couldn't afford to send me to pre-school, and the program let me into the world of imagination and creativity something that you sorely lack at the moment.
You're out of touch. IN most of the country the public schools offer "pre-k". My kids attended.
Moreover, the spread of cable TV and the video explosion has led to endless hours of decent, high-quality, "educational" programming. If Sesame Street did anything, it led the way for massive growth in "educational" media. Now shows like Sesame Street are inescapable -- and not funded by taxpayers.
Mobil Oil loves to give money to PBS.
Unions can be a good thing as long as they are not in bed with management which has been the problem over the past few decades.
Unions in bed with management? Oh boy. Where did you get that one? Next thing you know, cats will be sleeping with dogs.
If you had said that unions were in bed with elected officials, then I would agree.
Let's not forget that unions were responsible for setting work hours, vacation, sick time, disability, and regulating child labor laws.
Okay. So? What have they done for workers lately?
Every labor-intensive US industry that once was a world leader is now painfully diminished. Steel, autos, textiles, shoes, etc. These days, because we live in a "global economy", employers can choose where they want to operate.
If American unions demand too much, management can open factories in another country, which happens all the time. Obviously union leaders believe it's better to lose a lot of jobs while keeping wages and benefits high for a relative handful of workers rather than maximize the number of jobs that remain.
Okay. That's what unions achieve, no matter what union leaders claim. GM is much, much, much smaller now. And there is no doubt that GM will expand its operations in China a lot faster than it will expand here in the US, if it expands here at all, which it may not.
We can cut the deficit even lower by getting rid of the tax cuts because we cannot afford it.
I'll assume you're referring to personal income taxes. Here's some news -- there is NO perfect tax rate. The fact that taxes are raised or lowered does not mean that either change has some moral component. The bottom half of the US population pays less than 5% of the nation's income taxes. In fact, a lot of people toward the bottom pay Negative Taxes. In other words, they work and receive their paychecks AND get extra money from the government through the Earned Income Credit. That' okay with me, but there's no denying the generosity of the system.
Money has to be borrowed to make the tax cuts happen, and we have to realize that there is not such thing as a tax cut.
You obvously know nothing about state and federal budgets. A lot of spending goes to Entitlement Programs, which are very, very difficult to cut. The discretionary spending is a small percentage of the budget and included in that is defense.
The best way to end budget deficits is by cutting spending. Spending billions on projects of no demonstrable value is a huge mistake, especially when there are plenty of projects corporations would undertake if permitted, such as drilling for oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge and off our East and West Coasts, as well as in many interior regions.
That is still not enough cutting. You are going to have cut spending in defense, and stream-line Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security, Cutting budget on smaller program isn't going to work. End the two wars, and you have already cut $100 of billions of dollars with that alone. Cutting a billion here and there from programs that are needed doesn't even put a dent in it. That's like me driving 20 miles out of the way to save a $1.00. How does that make sense?
Slappz, you are an unenlightened jackass and let me tell why. There was no pre-K in my area in the late-sixties or seventies, and if there was pre-K, parents had to pay for it. I'm talking about 1969 and 1970. There was only Kindergarten and it was all day unlike today when it's only a half a day. Sesame Street is educational television and children do learn from it, sometimes low-tech is not a bad thing when it comes to getting kids being curious. The idea is to make learning fun and not to dread it.
I do know what I am talking about, you just don't like what I am saying because it would mean we have to cut spending in the areas I mentioned because what we spend on the entitlement programs is less than 1/10 compared to defense, medical costs, and retirement benefits. The reality is that you do not have enough people paying into social security and too many people collecting benefits. The country is getting older, and I'm not saying that we shouldn't take care of the elderly, we need to find a better way to do it. We can also shut down someone's defense system by sending a virus to the network system as it was already down with Iran. You have a laser focus one small item while the ship is getting ready to hit an iceberg.
Field you aren't surprised by right wing reactionary types pretending that Sesame Street and Head Start especially, weren't good innovations. And that they didn't make a difference in a lot of young people's lives.
These guys are scary and to suggest as one of them did, that corrupt politicians like Charley Rangel actually looked out for the interests of the poor is just plain ridiculous.
And who in their right mind would go around calling teachers and pubic employees thugs?
I really am starting to suspect that this blog has been invaded and tied up with nonsense by folks who are paid to do so.
Really what working class person doesn't know that the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes, or that practically every major industry in the country recieves government subsidies.
And the banks just recieved a bailout and few have paid back what was I guess given and those who have paid something back have done so at an interest rate of one percent.
And to prove that they aren't serious they almost never call for ending the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, or cutting defense spending. And of course the Democrats/ liberals in truth have no interest in cutting some of this spending as well or these wars of aggression.
But they want to go on and on about cutting programs that support poorer folks.
And notice how the working class Uncle Toms on this blog, try to pretend that their views are representative of the average working person. Not even close.
Unless they think by repeating their sell out position over and over it will somehow magically become the position of most working Americans who intrinsically know better. They know in their guts that they got nothing in common with the bosses, the rich!
And I am not for in anyway getting rid of Medicaid or Medicare. To do so would be to effectively turn this country into a Third World country,which is where the rulers are taking us, unless folks wake up and begin to bond around their common interests and give up ideological positions that are based on fantasy.
Hennasplace ditto, I had some of the same experiences.
The reactionaries are arguing against it because they are paid interlopers or just blind ideologues.
There are lots of studies that have attested to the effectiveness of Sesame Street.
Or they are either misinformed and are trying to misinform Field's readers.
You can simply google some of the studies, in fact Wikipedia has some of the sources of the studies listed.
This is from Wikipedia:
"Summative research conducted throughout Sesame Street's history demonstrated that viewing the show had positive effects on its young viewers' learning, school readiness, and social skills. Two "landmark"[7] evaluations conducted in 1970 and 1971 demonstrated the positive effects of the show, and subsequent studies have done the same. As CTW researcher Gerald S. Lesser stated in 1974, early tests conducted on the show, both formative and summative, "suggested that Sesame Street was making strides towards teaching what it had set out to teach".[8]
stop the wars=deficit is GONE. i will support any anti-war party! we must begin to talk about this. they are immoral, unjust and unaffordable.
why aren't the afghanis and the iraqis rising up against their US oppressors?
hennasplace, "Slappz, you are an unenlightened jackass and let me tell why. There was no pre-K in my area in the late-sixties or seventies, and if there was pre-K, parents had to pay for it. I'm talking about 1969 and 1970. There was only Kindergarten and it was all day unlike today when it's only a half a day. Sesame Street is educational television and children do learn from it, sometimes low-tech is not a bad thing when it comes to getting kids being curious. The idea is to make learning fun and not to dread it."
I am amazed that you don't recognize that what was in the 60's and 70's is not what is happening today. Let go of the past and come into 2011. Pre-school IS avaiable in public schools today.
America is in financial dire straits...Sesame Street has to go and so will other programs. IT'S OVER! Go get a clue, woman.
Mell doesn't understand anything about how this country and the world works. and neither does Maria. We are in Afganistan to HELP them...get it?
Why does Sesame Street have to go? There is nothing wrong with Sesame Street, kids do learn from it. In addition, the show is still popular. I am not living in the past, but it's amazing to me that people think that something has always existed when it hasn't. I was making a point that pre-K didn't exist when Slappz seems to think that it did. Does NPR need to go as well? This American Life, does that need to go? These programs are certainly better than what is on prime-time TV that you probably constantly complain about. Sesame Street is still of value because art and music are not a part of public school. We don't think it's valuable. At least with PBS people can still be exposed to the arts and music as you have not seen a price of a concert ticket lately. At least, I get the chance to see Metropolitan Opera on PBS because I can't afford $150 to see a performance in the actual physical place
I was a big Jim Henson fan, the innovation, creativity, and imagination. I thought that was a part of the American fabric, was I just sold a bill of goods? The very things that get our minds going.
alicia banks said...
"The Obama administration's forecast at the start of the year, which predicted that unemployment would not climb much above 8 percent."
“Unemployment still exceeds the Obama-guaranteed 8 percent unemployment rate two years after the bill's passage.”
Make up your mind! What did President Obama do? Did he FORCAST what the unemployment rate would be? Did he PREDICT what the unemployment rate would be? Or, did he GUARANTEE what the unemployment rate would be? When you decide what the answer really is; tell me what difference does it make. He was trying to diminish the number of breadlines we have to face because of depression we are living in.
Why does the $787 billion stimulus package upset you so? The Bush administration put us in this situation where we need stimulus packages. Oh, by the why, how many billions of dollars were in that truck that disappeared in Iraq during the war? Cut and paste the passionate stories you wrote about that. I really want to see the one you wrote about the Bush Administration robbing our Treasury! You seem to have lost you way. You’re blaming the wrong people for all the wrong things. A little more research and a lot less hype should help you to direct your anger at the people that actually deserve it!
mellaneous said...
These guys are scary and to suggest as one of them did, that corrupt politicians like Charley Rangel actually looked out for the interests of the poor is just plain ridiculous.
Yes, couch that corruption with some unfortunate soul or group. Liberal tactic number 6. Is Charlie corrupt in your mind or is his corruption ok with you because he is just another corrupt member of the CBC and you cant be black and corrupt?
And who in their right mind would go around calling teachers and pubic employees thugs?
Ummmm.....when they try to hold the taxpayer who pays their salary hostage. Call everyone who disagrees with them hitler, Nazis and so on and refuse to do their job that they are so highly paid to do even though most have proven incompetent with todays educational statistics and everwidening racial gap in educational results. Why is a state/federal employee entitled to demand never ending pay increases and monster benefits when they arent doing well? Either in performance or financially, we are broke and they refuse to concede anything. Is this the mafia? Pay me now or else and they aren't part of society?
I really am starting to suspect that this blog has been invaded and tied up with nonsense by folks who are paid to do so.
How much do you make an hour, for your diatribes certainly are filled with racism and nonsense.
Really what working class person doesn't know that the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes, or that practically every major industry in the country recieves government subsidies.
Do you live on another planet? I am not rich, but I know who pays the majority of taxes. It's the people who earn the most, who create the most, who opened business and conduct trade that employ people the most. nearly 50% of us do not pay anything at all and with all the fake reverends running around who are tax exempt, I guarantee this number gets higher.
And to prove that they aren't serious they almost never call for ending the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan,
I wish the wars were over, but I am also not foolish enough as you are to think all those nice Islamic fellas oppressin women and cutting peoples heads off left and right will just play nicey nice if the US is gone, or weak and cannot defend itself. If you are semi intelligent you understand that the only way we will not have to fight is if they are afraid we will annihilate them if they attack.
But they want to go on and on about cutting programs that support poorer folks. Oh everyone is poor, everyone poor needs a program.
How about improve yourself program with deadlines, drug tests and accountability like every other person who PAYS for these programs has to endure?
And notice how the working class Uncle Toms on this blog...
Your just a plain old racist. Anyone who disagrees with your rev'mund tax free mail in certificate outlook is a traitor to the cause (irrational or not you must stick with the black agenda) How hateful do you think god would find this and which spot in hell will someone who is misleading his flock like you have reserved for him?
Unless they think by repeating their sell out position over and over it will somehow magically become the position of most working Americans who intrinsically know better. They know in their guts that they got nothing in common with the bosses, the rich!
Sellout, another racist comment. The only boss is yourself. If you are that weak that even in this land of opportunity you cannot go out and get your own and have to blame a ficticious man or race...thats pathetic and lame. Spreading hate and division over jealousy yet again, what a man of god you are - NOT
unless folks wake up and begin to bond around their common interests and give up ideological positions that are based on fantasy.
give up ideaological positions..based on fantasy? You are talking the end of the socialist/progressive/liberal party, just look at your points. Fantasy land extreme.
"Or FN how about another question. There is no doubt we are about to crash and burn. The debt is unsustainable. So given that this IS reality as opposed to laying back wanting it all and pointing fingers, what do you propose happens? In the end something has to give. So which programs would you like to end? The only thing I ask is that you decide this with rationale. In other words if you decide to end national defense spending, what are the ramifications in the real world and not disneyland wishes that never has been nor ever will be.
So what would you do? Something has to and will give..."
Glad you asked. I would RAISE TAXES!!!
(Did you know, for instance, that raising taxes in Zoo York by 2% would raise about 9 billion for those folks and possibly give the state a surplus?)
Limit the deductions of high income families. (a million or more)I you make over five million per year, you can stand to pay an extra $440,000.00 in taxes. And if you make $800,000.00 per year, an extra $30,000.00 won't kill you.
It's not like rich folks are reinvesting in the economy. They are storing it in trust funds to pay for private schools for their grandkids.
"The best way to end budget deficits is by cutting spending. Spending billions on projects of no demonstrable value is a huge mistake, especially when there are plenty of projects corporations would undertake if permitted.."
Another wingnut talking point and lie. Big non-financial corporations are sitting on trillions (with T.) and not investing it.
BTW, I am still waiting on one of the wingnut leaders to say that they will tackle SS, Medicare and Medicaid.......
field, you wrote:
(Did you know, for instance, that raising taxes in Zoo York by 2% would raise about 9 billion for those folks and possibly give the state a surplus?)
First, with this statement, you show your ignorance of a basic math concept.
You do not know the difference between raising taxes by two percent and two percentage points.
If taxes are raised from 10% to 12%, that's an example of raising rates by 2 percentage points. But the increase to the taxpayer is 20 percent.
Second, states cannot engage in Deficit Spending. Only the federal government can play that game.
Third, because nitwits want to believe it's always possible to raise taxes on wealthy taxpayers, the nitwits make themselves oblivious to the fact that the big earners of New York City are not without recourse.
For a long time NY City was home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other city in the country. But those days are long gone. Lots and lots of them moved to Connecticut and elsewhere.
Investment banks have been leaving town too. They like Stamford and other towns in Fairfield Country. Of course some went down in flames, like Lehman and Bear Stearns. They now pay no taxes anywhere to anyone.
Meanwhile, lots of hedge funds have been formed in Greenwich, CT and other towns in that area -- outside of NY State. Hence, no taxes for NY.
Knowledge businesses and relationship businesses can operate wherever the climate is friendliest. And they do.
field, you wrote:
It's not like rich folks are reinvesting in the economy. They are storing it in trust funds to pay for private schools for their grandkids.
Your statement is the height of financial and economic ignorance.
It's unfortunate that you know so little about money, finance and economics. Really sad. But hardly news.
Your statement says you believe money is stored in bags that are hidden in a cave somewhere.
Perhaps you have a deposit account at a bank. Do you think there's a little drawer in the bank with your money in it? You probably do.
Banks, by law, are permitted to create loans that are collateralized by deposits, and due to lending laws, they can lend an amount that is several times the amount of your deposit. Banks lend money for a million reasons, for a million projects.
Where the heck do you think money comes from? I'm sure you have no idea.
Stock? When companies issue stock for the first time, the money from investors goes straight to the company so it can build its business. Biotech, semiconductors, oil rigs, you name it.
The market capitalization of a company's stock is its Residual Value -- what the company is worth after all its debts are paid off.
Not long ago the Residual Value of GM was $ZERO. Actually, the company was worth less than zero, but the government and the bankruptcy court stuck the taxpayers with the loss -- even though the taxpayers did not want to receive this bill.
Meanwhile, a rising stock price is evidence that a company is running its business efficiently and for the benefit of its stockholders, who are the OWNERS of the company. For a stock price to rise, management must create value, which means investing capital funds wisely and cutting spending on non-essential programs when necessary.
field, you wrote:
Big non-financial corporations are sitting on trillions (with T.) and not investing it.
Oh. So you believe companies should spew money out office windows because....?
First, I'd love to know which companies you think are "sitting" on lots of money.
I can tell you that GE is sitting on some money. It's stock is about $21 a share and the value of the cash and securities on its balance sheet is about $12.
First, you have no idea if this situation is normal for GE or not. Second, no responsible management blows money recklessly on projects that are likely earn too little to justify the risk.
These days, it's risky to manufacture more units of a products that consumers are ready to buy. The auto companies know the amoung of money consumers can borrow. Thus, they know the number of cars they can sell.
Several years ago, when the auto industry had its Big Year -- when money was thrown around recklessly -- consumers bought over 16 million vehicles.
This year, the US car-buyers will probably buy 11 million vehicles. But based on field-economics, you want to the auto companies to "invest" in another year of selling 16 million cars.
Yeah, great. Then we'll have 5 million unsold cars sitting lots at the end of the model year, and it will be doubly hard to sell even 11 million cars the year after.
However, being a government employee, you haven't got the slightest concept of what earning a profit or losing big means.
Anon said:
"How much do you make an hour, for your diatribes certainly are filded with racism and nonsense."
Okay anon prove your point what did I say that was racist?
And what did I say on this thread that was non-sensical? The fact that Sesame Street has aided millions of children in their development, or the fact that Head Start was beneficial to lots of poor children who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to be in a a learning/academic environment before starting elementary.
Just say you disagree and then try to make your point. It's better than trying to just call me names, which seems kind of juvenile.
And sell out was used in the context of selling out the interests of the average working person.
And why do you keep alluding to God when it seems you don't understand that God favors the poor and the oppressed? Those who can't defend themselves. Clearly the rich and powerful don't need any help.
So I try to fight for those who can't fight for themselves.
IN the scriptures it shows God always looking out for the poor and oppressed. God delivers the Hebrew slaves because he hears the cry of these oppressed folks.
God sends his prophets over and over to remind the people of Isreal to do justice to their neighbor and stop exploiting the poor.
Jesus comes and right away says that, "the spirit of the Lord is upon him, because he has annointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free,"
There is nothing in the Word that says support the rich over the poor. Actually the Bible keeps pointing out that the rich already have their reward.
Sesame Street may have been your babysitter back in the days when there was NO pre-K school for you to attend at taxpayer expense.
But, as I said, that is NO LONGER the case. These days, Pre-K schooling is close to universal.
Moreover, it costs far, far, far more to cover the costs of Pre-K for everyone than it costs for Sesame Street.
But as I said, there's nothing stopping Mobil Oil or any other well known benefactor of PBS from picking up all the bills for producing more of those shows.
But you want tazpayers to pay the bill when there are corporations willling to do the job. Makes no sense to me.
And, as I said, as a result of the popularity of Sesame Street, a lot of other "educational" TV shows and videos and DVDs and everything else have been flooding video screens everywhere.
But you seem to think Sesame Street is the only show in town. You really are out of touch.
mellaneous, you wrote:
And why do you keep alluding to God when it seems you don't understand that God favors the poor and the oppressed?
Oh. Wow. Remind me to steer clear of God. Lets' see, if living under the thumb of brutal dictators in countries devastated by disease and perpetual war is a sign of God's good will, then, well, let's get some new Gods. Cuz this clown is bad news.
I see that the Jewish fella stnill wants to play even after kicking sand in everybody's face.
Who cares about what he thinks he knows he doesn't have sense enough to care about an old woman who clearly was raped and still has not received justice.
He has no heart, so who cares about his head!
This reminds me of a saying, "People don't care about what you know until they know that you care"
I think it's clear that the Jewish fella didn't have to tell anyone that he steers clear of God; it shows.
Especially since he has no sense of propriety, no sense of morality and definitely no love for anyone not even himself. Of course you nothing about God!
If anyone could use a little religion it has to be this guy!
hennasplace, you wrote:
You are going to have cut spending in defense, and stream-line Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security, Cutting budget on smaller program isn't going to work.
That's all okay with me. But you are probably one of the misguided people who voted for Obama thinking he was not lying, but telling you the truth when he said he would end our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and not raise taxes and not increase governemnt spending.
Politicians are liars, and he is a liar of epic proportion.
Analysis of the war in Afghanistan seems to have disappeared from the thoughts of liberal journalists. They cannot write about our military efforts there because they would have to face the fact that Obama believes the US must continue to fight that war.
Okay, Obama's view may have been reasonable two years ago, but now we know the war in Afghanistan is leading only to more warring in Afghanistan.
HOwever, it appears Obama is afraid to change horses at this point because he's afraid if he changes his position, he will lose the next presidential election. If we are lucky, he will lose.
He seems desperate to repeat Carter's mistakes, and so far, he's doing a first-rate job of it.
On the other hand, defense spending is more than just paying soldiers their monthly wage. A lot of equipment is developed, designed an built by a lot of smart people.
Field we didn't get really get to discuss Dave Duerson. Do you think that he was implying that he was driven to suicide by something being wrong in his brain.
Do you know anything else about this?
maria said...
"stop the wars=deficit is GONE. i will support any anti-war party! we must begin to talk about this. they are immoral, unjust and unaffordable.
why aren't the afghanis and the iraqis rising up against their US oppressors?"
A perfect example of why women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
mellaneous, you wrote:
Who cares about what he thinks he knows he doesn't have sense enough to care about an old woman who clearly was raped and still has not received justice.
There is not one shred of evidence that Recy Taylor was raped. And the story was so lame it read like a movie script.
That's not to say she wasn't raped. But she offered NO proof at the time, and there's no proof today.
Moreover, based on the excepts in the post and the newspaper article that appeared alongside the post, there is only the claim of the alleged victim that she was raped.
As I pointed out, people lie about crimes all the time. Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum and a long list of others told the police one story, while the truth was much, much different.
Even Taylor herself seems unwilling to name her attackers, and she's reluctant after saying that some of them are dead. If her story is true, she should have no compunction about naming names.
By the way, if God is good to the poor, what's he done for this woman? She says she wants an apology from somebody, but she hasn't gotten it. Seems like this God you're jabbering about is unnecessarily stingy.
rizzo, you wrote:
why aren't the afghanis and the iraqis rising up against their US oppressors?"
To be fair, you have to admit that the people shooting at US troops ARE Afghans and Iraqis. But only a small percentage of them.
Meanwhile, there's no doubt that Islam cannot tolerate non-muslims and that Islam does encourage its followers to harm non-muslims in any possible way.
"There is not one shred of evidence that Recy Taylor was raped. And the story was so lame it read like a movie script."
The computer program responding right on cue. Surely he jests!
Getting rid of the PBS would gladden the hearts of Fundies. While they could rail about the eveelbigcity and the horrors of Art...watching Opera on TV showed what ignorant rubes they truly were...and still are. Odd how unions are parasitic..when nearly all members work...pay taxes...and support their communities. Oh...you mean to have union members work like the slaves used to! To a slave owner, any income is 'parasitic'...stealing the very lifeblood of trust funds. How dare those slackers earn a First World living...when heroic brave CEOs can ship the private sector jobs away and pocket the difference between the First World charges and the Second/Third World wages.
Umm...pretenderating the EPA is a job killer leads me to wonder if you are an idiot. What EPA agent shipped jobs to China? What EPA regulation forced plants to close? Why is breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and having clean soil so offensive...and what does that have to do with jobs?
Oh...it's the idea you have to clean up after yourself. And if you don't...the government will either make you...or do the work and charge you for it. Why does that bother you?
Rizzo, you don't date much, do you?
Slappy, you confused. Obama is continuing bush's failures. Carter's mistake was thinking st reagan was honest and had the best interest of the country.
The rich hope we have another Depression. The wages crash and they get cheap, disposable labour like their grands tried to get. Only, FDR prevented a Socialist Revolution with Keynesian policies. Kept the rich from decorating lampposts. It was that bad back then, despite what overfed morons are selling now. Claim your 'moral superiority' and whine about 'moral hazard'...means little when there is starvation.
Hmm...there is no proof that Slappy does not molest little boys. Not one shred do they supply.
You are lying about Islam. It would be like saying all Christians rape boys as a sacrament...when we all know it is a very small minority of conservative Catholics. Or that all Jews salivate over the murders of Palestinians...when it actually is just a bunch of non-serving Ultras and US birthed ill-educated oafs. Again, you are lying. Why are you lying? What do you gain by being untruthful?
Umm...Iraq is still unsettled and the US pays off warlords to keep our soldiers from getting wacked. Afghanistan is already lost. We hole up in forts and the Taliban has regained all its former territory. But...that would require a poster to read the military reports about the area, understand them, and make valid conclusions. Why do that when you can just repeat spurious drivel from 'experts' and pretenderate you have a minute clue about the region? And the data is all public...
Mold "You are lying about Islam."
No he is not.
Islam is worse than barbarism.
MOLD you hit the nail on the head with this. And you are exactly right about FDR saving US capitalism.
Getting rid of the PBS would gladden the hearts of Fundies. While they could rail about the eveelbigcity and the horrors of Art...watching Opera on TV showed what ignorant rubes they truly were...and still are. Odd how unions are parasitic..when nearly all members work...pay taxes...and support their communities. Oh...you mean to have union members work like the slaves used to! To a slave owner, any income is 'parasitic'...stealing the very lifeblood of trust funds. How dare those slackers earn a First World living...when heroic brave CEOs can ship the private sector jobs away and pocket the difference between the First World charges and the Second/Third World wages.
Umm...pretenderating the EPA is a job killer leads me to wonder if you are an idiot. What EPA agent shipped jobs to China? What EPA regulation forced plants to close? Why is breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and having clean soil so offensive...and what does that have to do with jobs?
Oh...it's the idea you have to clean up after yourself. And if you don't...the government will either make you...or do the work and charge you for it. Why does that bother you?
Rizzo, you don't date much, do you?
Slappy, you confused. Obama is continuing bush's failures. Carter's mistake was thinking st reagan was honest and had the best interest of the country.
The rich hope we have another Depression. The wages crash and they get cheap, disposable labour like their grands tried to get. Only, FDR prevented a Socialist Revolution with Keynesian policies. Kept the rich from decorating lampposts. It was that bad back then, despite what overfed morons are selling now. Claim your 'moral superiority' and whine about 'moral hazard'...means little when there is starvation.
This is the result of years of indoctrination by the right wing. Put everyones trust in freemarkets and corporations and demonize government and anything close to regulation and fair tax rates. As a union member who grew up in a household in which both parents were union members and all of my friends' parents were union members I know we are not "thugs" and/or parasites. If we want to talk about class warfare why not look at Fox and the conservatives that say "hey, you lost your kob but look at these guys who not only have a job but BENEFITS". Talk about hypocrisy, Rush freaking Limbaugh was calling people who actually work for a living parasites while he makes 40 mil/yr for what? Anyhoo, this is not about astroturfing but about standing up for your fellow union sister/brother. Many of us in ALPA, the largest pilot's union, will be going to Madison and then we'll see if these are real people or paid operatives from the WH (which I doubt). This is people saying no more cutting and trying to balance budgets on the backs of the middle-class but methinks this isn't about balancing budgets. The unions agreed to pay and benefit cuts to help out (as they always do) but governor Walker won't budge from his position which will virtually destroy the unions. We can talk all we want about voting and such but no governor has the right to unilaterally end collective bargining because as we all know economic downturn are cyclical and we will once again need to attract people to public service.
Thing is with the teacher's union is they understand what is going on. We have to be able to attract intelligent young people into the profession to be able to compete as a world power. Years ago we were lucky, in a bad way, because women were kept out of many professions and many bright young women went into education and nursing as these were virtually the only fields that were available to them. We need to instead of making public service jobs as crappy as private sector jobs make them appealing so we can keep talented people in these professions. I think some of us are being very short-sighted when we take the axe to the average working stiff. This is what happens when conservatives take tax increases off the table which is something that must be considered if we are serious about our debt crisis.
Lastly, I'm trying to figure out where all the anti-union sentiment is coming from. (I know as far as years of right-winged brainwashing) but on a more personal level. Thing is union membership is optional, no one is forced to join. Kinda like a sorority, fraternity or any other group, if you don't want to join then don't. A majority of people have to agree to join so isn't that democracy? Even if one thinks unions are outdated or unnecessary we have to, in a democracy, leave the option available to those who choose to join/start one. Almost all major airline pilots in the U.S. are union members and we know from history our working lives are the better for it. I won't speak for other professions but I can give you over 100 reasons why we are better off unionized than not. i would suggest talking to a teacher or government employee before demonizing them and get both sides of the story instead of looking at this from your living room on Fox. This is real life and not economic theory and we need to understand the stakes. Someone made a comment about labor contracts being amendable which is correct but these amendments have to be agreed upon by both parties and not unilaterally accomplished by a governor/CEO and that means the workers/unions need to have a say.
"Field we didn't get really get to discuss Dave Duerson. Do you think that he was implying that he was driven to suicide by something being wrong in his brain.
Do you know anything else about this?"
Yes Mel. google Dr. Robert Cantu and the Boston University Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy.
"Hmm...there is no proof that Slappy does not molest little boys. Not one shred do they supply."
Come on Mold, that's rather mean. Slappy, can you prove that you do not molest little boys?
mellaneous said...
"MOLD you hit the nail on the head with this. And you are exactly right about FDR saving US capitalism."
Neither of you know squat about FDR or capitalism.
Here's FDR in 1937 on the idea of public sector unions:
"The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. Yes, public workers may demand fair treatment, but I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the public sector. A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government."
"Glad you asked. I would RAISE TAXES!!!"
Brilliant move.
The US is already not competitive with other countries and has very high tax rates.
So the solution to the US not being competitive, and therefore, jobs and industries continuing to be offshored is ... make it even less competitive by raising taxes.
You realize when tax rates go down, actual tax revenues go UP, right?
"Many of us in ALPA, the largest pilot's union, will be going to Madison"
ALPA succeeded in destroying aviation as a profession.
Much like the NEA destroyed the public schools.
For all their talk, what is ALPA doing for entry-level pilots? Where was ALPA when regionals like Colgan Air were bending the rules, abusing novice pilots and through their silence, knowingly endangering the lives of passengers?
Sooooooooo Rv. Right, what are you implying with your quote from FDR? Was he against the unions? Was he an unrepentant capitalist? Not sure how that one small quote shows Mell or Mold are incorrect about their assesments of FDR. Care to enlighten us? I know many Fox viewers have a hatred towards FDR as does Thomas Sowell. This should be good.
"You realize when tax rates go down, actual tax revenues go UP, right?"
No, I did not realize that. Do you have a link to prove this statement?
Arthur Laffer said it so it's true. Even though even George H.W. Bush called it "voo doo" economics. Right wingers believe in some strange things.
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