I was going to post about the "Breck" Boy's alleged affair and love child tonight, but then I saw the following little gem from A-merry-ca's sweetheart:
"The corporate pressure and the ratings terror are intensifying all the time, and the situation is not simple. I find myself in the last bastion of male dominance, and realizing what Hillary Clinton might have realized not long ago: that sexism in the American society is more common than racism, and certainly more acceptable or forgivable. In any case, I think my post and Hillary's race are important steps in the right direction."
Here we go again. Why do I even bother with this fight. No no no Katie, sexism is only more common in A-merry-ca if you happen to be a woman and you are black. Got it? I know your ratings are tanking and you have to make excuses for your network, but come on now. If sexism is killing your ratings why are all those women watching ABC, NBC, and not you? I will tell you why: because you might just happen to suck at this gig.
Look, I acknowledge that there is sexism in A-merry-ca, but more so than racism? I don't think so. But to prove my point I would like to see this little experiment: A white woman walks around the grandstands at a NASCAR event and we put a hidden microphone on many of the male spectators. Then we have a black male walk around the same grandstands, and we do our hidden microphone trick with him. I wonder what kind of results we would get? Care to wonder about that for a minute? Oh field stop picking on NASCAR, you are always picking on the NASCAR crowd. Okay, let's change that. Let's take damn near any large group of people in the majority and try our little experiment. I guarantee you that the results wouldn't be much different.
But I guess this is where we are now that Hillary has lost to a black man. All of a sudden they like the black people more than they like us, because they elected him. Sexism is everywhere. Well where the hell was it before Hillary decided to run and get her ass kicked by the narrow Negro from the Chi.? Come on Katie, A-merry-ca elected Kennedy, the Catholic, over Nixon, the Quaker; does that mean that A-merry-ca loves Catholics more than Quakers? No, it means that they thought that the only Catholic ever elected President would do a better job. But not for the black man. God forbid we actually thought he could do a better job. No, we elected him because he is not a woman, and we are more sexist than we are racist in this country. Yeah Okay.
There is far more serious shit going on in A-merry-ca....like I wonder if that story with the Breck Boy is really true?
I have a test for you.... try walking down the street.. or watch a young woman walking down the street and see how many cat calls, hey babies, ask how many women have been frightened when they dont respond and the man or men get angry.... "what, you too good to talk to me?"
Every 2 minutes a woman is raped in this country... only 37% of rapes are reported. How many men have to worry about walking home late at night, wondering if they will be raped?
I know that racism is deep and wide... it is manifest in all kinds of institutions... it is in the air we breathe... I cannot imagine the experience of having to deal with the daily indignities of racism, like a million little paper cuts.
But, do not diminish the very real sexism that women face daily... ALL women. It too has its daily indignities and little paper cuts. In the workplace, on the streets, in the schools, in our families, in our choices..... it is also in the air we breathe.
Why did you write this post? You know who you're gonna attract:
catty greenglen
azucar negra
that bitter-psycho-welsh-supposedly black-woman-who-can't-write-and-has-a-horrible-taste-in-TV-shows-and-literature (name rhymes with 'shitty').
Oh, and that klan lady, who wrote that crazy shit back in May who said she was accosted by SNCC and Stokely Carmichael.
Don't say I didn't warn you...
Whiney Whiteys. They feel Entitled to all the prizes and cry like widdle babes when they lose.
I never get tired of wealthy white females saying their failures are 'sexism'. Funny how graduates of Harvard and Yale are victims. Odd that people who 'summer' are kept from the good life. Strange that marrying a wallet is far more difficult than a permanent tan.
For those who don't get it...Hillary voted for the BushIraq War. That killed her with the True Believers of the Democratic Party. And don't whimper that she didn't know. Any clod with Intertube access could get decent data. For Dagon's sake, the BBC is in English.
Ummm..maybe someone should tell Cutie Couric that being a chirpy cheerleader may be good for an old geezer's ego, but it might drop your Q to the basement. Yes, she's the popularist girl in skool, that dosen't make her the smartest.
But seriously, Jody's comment is real. As any progressive wing should be able to do, the left can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can attack sexism and racism and homophobia all at once. Don't let Foucaultian single-issue campus-based rhetoric-bots convince us other wise.
Damn, Jack Tripper made a love child?
Men report rape even less than women.
One word..'lynching'.
Considering that the latest feminist version of rape includes second thoughts or regret...I think the cause would be better served with honest data and defendable logic.
And yes, you ARE too good to talk to him..it's about time he realized this.
Thank you brotherkomrade... my sentiments exactly!
Could people please stop with the "which "ism" is worst?". It's getting absurd. I am not going to boxed into a corner, Try being a Black woman and dealing with BOTH. Katie Couric's rating are tanking, not because she is woman but the decline in the importance of the CBS, NBC, ABC news.
Kat you are right both isms are bad. But could someone tell that to Katie and those of her ilk please?
And jody, you and BK make great points. We should recognize and acknowledge them both. But the s**t is getting old with this Hillary crowd. It's over,get over it already.
I have to agree with that sexism is more common than racism in this country, even though I think that newscaster sucks just as much as the next person. Who even watches mainstream media anymore?
50% of the people in this country are women, all of whom experience sexism. Now add on that these same women are sexist towards the other 50% of the country, and there's a HUGE amount of sexism.
Racism, while often more violent, is less common. There are less and less racists, and it's become very socially unacceptable, as opposed to the way men see women and women see men, which will never change until parents change the way they raise their kids.
From birth we are trained to accept gender roles as part of life and not as a restriction of society. Racism, while just as and maybe even more horrible, isn't as common.
Though, that's just my opinion. There's really no point debating which is more common, they are both big problems produced by the same society, and we will never fix one without fixing the other.
So Katie "$15 million a year" Couric says sexism in America is just awful and much worse than racism.
Seems like America has treated her pretty damned well considering the fact that she's at best a marginally talented news reader who resembles a gerbil.
Cosigning with Christopher. Katie's collecting $15M a year, yet Bryant Gumbel, her coworker who was a vastly superior and more experienced journalist, is doing Real Sports on HBO.
FN "No, we elected him because he is not a woman, and we are more sexist than we are racist in this country. Yeah Okay."
We elected him already??? I need to pay more attention I guess. Where's all the free stuff he promised me?
bluelinchpin, you make a nice argument, and if I looked a little different and lived a different life, I might actually agree with you. But....
Still, I agree with the last part of your comments.
BTW, if racism and sexism are both so bad; what does that tell you about the strength of sisters in this country?
Field though I agree with some of your thoughts I really don't think that racism is less acceptable than sexism. What about the black women who are assaulted, raped or even murdered. At times men ,even black men, treat women in a disparaging manner. My sisters who are both engineers deal with arrogance and dick swinging from white & black knuckleheads.
I think Katie Wonderbread's comments angered you hence your post, I found them typical of the MSM's nattering nabobs, people like her should be ignored. I think that the best approach is the one that Judy & BrotherKomrade advocate. Anyway just don't buy into the framing that Couric & other opponents of treating everyone equally & respectfully use.
Katie makes $15 million a year and has a boyfriend 17 years her junior. Her shitty ratings are the only thing wrong in her life, and sexism has nothing to do with it.
I found your next FNOTD. Did you see what Nas did today?
Sooo Katie " I drone when I talk" Couric (1.) has had BOTH {gender & color]experiences; so she is able to make a VALID comparison of the 2 -isms?! NO, YOU SAY? (2.) Then she conducted a VALID sociological experiment and drew HER conclusion from HER cogent ANALYSIS of the DATA - complete with all applicable statistical significances! NO, YOU SAY? Then, I'm going to state that HER STATEMENT is a VERY DEEP PILE Of EXCREMENT!!!
Whew. (Deep Breaths!)
A sista gets hit with both barrels (racism) and (sexism).
I was a blogger who won a scholarship to Netroots Nation this year, and I was among many voices calling out the organizers for compartmentalizing everyone.
Markos whined about it and said he found it offensive that he had to have it pointed out to him about the lack of outreach to bloggers of color, and especially female bloggers of color.
As I said, we get hit with both barrels of isms without trying too hard. So, Katie Couric can blow it out of her ass.
She's very well paid for that "sexism" she's screaming about. Could it be that she's just not a talented journalist, and that "perky" can only cover up "incompetence" for so long?
And if it is true about John Edwards having a COTS and a baby mama, I have to question his taste in women.
Elizabeth, his wife, is beautiful, and homegirl looks like she could be Linda Tripp's twin sister, less 50 pounds.
I'm so glad Keith Olbermann busted her lying ass about the Mr. Morton interview that they totally sliced and diced to get rid of the bad stuff by Mr. Morton.
Katie, STFU.
About Edwards:
You know, I just can't get past WHO owns the Enquirer -
RON (the Clinton's won't explain what's in the 18 million dollar partnership with him)BURKLE.
The Enquirer did this story months ago.
WHY oh WHY are they just NOW returning to it.
Could it be that, according to Time Magazine, JOHN EDWARDS HAS MADE IT TO THE SHORT LIST of possible OBAMA VP NOMINEES?
And Burkle wants to do ANYTHING to knock any of Hillary's competitors.
I will remind people, that during the primary season, like clockwork, every other week, there was some story in The Enquirer about either
So, before you believe this about Edwards. ....think and question.
While sexism affects a greater portion of the population, I daresay that women have made greater strides overall in terms of leveling the playing field than have Blacks or many Hispanics for that matter. At least in terms of socioeconomic issues.
Sexual assault is a really immense problem, but to bring it in as a way of arguing that perhaps women have it worse than Blacks in the "ism" department is, I think, problematic. Sexual assault isn't simply an issue of sexism but is tied up with a lot of other issues as well.
Overall, I suspect that the daily slights and stressors that the average woman experiences are both less frequent AND less demeaning than what the average Black person experiences...particularly when said Black person is in settings where the paler persuasion is predominant.
Let me be redundant, or at minimum repetitive here.
This white boi let the Negroe male vote, prior to letting his own mother, sister, wife (white female) vote.
Now a Negroe male is a presumptive Democratic Party nominee for POTUS over a white female; mayhap I lack the neurons to discern what's going on here, but t'it t'would seem that sexism trumps racism.
But wait, what doth deh Lawd Gawd have to say about this?
Genesis 3:16
To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, In pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you."
1 Timothy 2:12
Moreover, I do not allow a woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man. Instead, she is to be quiet.
field, you are in violation, severe violation; you need to get 'em in check. Hush 'em up!!
NSangoma is sitting at home all alone typing away at his computer for it is his only friend. Or he's a totally cockholded man trying the flex his littlest muscle.
Elizabeth, his wife, is beautiful, and homegirl looks like she could be Linda Tripp's twin sister, less 50 pounds.
For all these white women bemoaning the sexism in their lives, I see very few who actively renounce the benefits that flow from the sexism in this country. I never see these women singing the blues about the benefits of being able to marry into money and power. Never see them whine about how being attractive hurts their chances at just about everything, Have yet to witness a woman renounce the advantages there are to "playing " men. And yet, there are perks which come into play everyday that come from being able to use men's sexism against them.
So, tell me what are the benefits that flow from racism? On an individual level? I'll wait. I have all day.
That your own arguement is that women's advances are only tied to "marrying a man or being attractive to a man or 'manipulating a man' speaks volumes to what exactly the problem is for women....
I do not like to argue the "hiarchy of oppression." It is not productive for Anyone.
What is more productive, in my opinion is for me to understand and struggle for justice for everyone.. and to understand that my freedom cannot come at the cost to yours. I only ask that you do the same.
This is what I think.
The only group of people who should be qualified to give a sound analysis on this issue (racism vs sexism) should be BLACK women. We have both of these isms to deal with.
Ok, I wish these white women would just stop with their ulterior agenda. Since the rise of the Obamarism, their real fear is losing their "white privileged" place directly behind the white man. They just don't want to lose their spot on the totem poll. They well rather be behind the white man, than be "behind" the black one and his black wife.
My argument is not limited to those examples. ( I have yet to get out of a speeding ticket cause I'm black.) But if you are 51% of the population, and you can't work out your issues, then you are part of the problem. And part of the problem with women is that large numbers of them are so benefited by their alleged oppression that they fail to see any reason to change it. If black people were as self hating and as willing to maintain the status quo as women, they'd still be slaves.
As a black woman, I deal with both sides of these issues and if I could banish one of them from my life, my days would be greatly unburdened by giving up the racism issue. I have to think about the impact of being black a hundred times a day. If I spent a second a day being concerned about whether what just happened is because I'm a woman, I'd be surprised.
Your certainly entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. I just don't see it your way.
"their real fear is losing their "white privileged" place directly behind the white man. They just don't want to lose their spot on the totem poll."
@La-msv... I hear that.
black woman here... katie needs stop. Her ratings are in the toilet not because of sexism but because she is a morning personality trying to do hard news. She was a mediocre journalist hired at an outrageous sum (while CBS cut the budget of the News division). Maybe CBS didn't realize during a time of war and major economic problems we wouldn't want to hear about Suri Cruise during the evening news (Katie did talk about her during her very first newscast).
Sorry but I can't shed a tear for this very privileged woman complaining about how sexism is hurting her. Is she kidding!? I don't see her and Hillary worried about poor women, who are the ones who really have to deal with the brunt of sexism. You know the ones not make 15 million a year. The ones who had to sue Wal-mart for equal wages. Oh that's right Hillary is on the board of Wal-Mart.
Burkle own the N.E.? Okay that is deep.
I agree that Katie's ratings are in the tank because she is just not very effective at her job.
That said while I do agree that sexism is a problem and that for many women particularly white women there is a very real glass ceiling that they deal with. As a Black woman, I deal with a concrete and steel ceiling on a day to day basis.
On some level since Hillary lost, all this wailing and gnashing of teeth over sexism being a bigger issue than racism just sounds like sour grapes. THese same women who are kvetching now over sexism, did they really ever care about racism? I can't answer that but I am bothered by the implication that racism is not an issue or less of an issue.
All anyone has to do is look at the statistics as far as Blacks and whites and it would be easy to see that racism is still a very big issue. Instead of triangulating perhaps their efforts would be better spent trying to deal with all isms.
Being Black and a woman,hmmm, let me see, what trips me up more in my daily life, sexism or racism?
I go to work, and I report to a white female boss, who answers to a white female boss, who answers to a white female v.p., who answers to a white female division head. No sexism there!
Last weekend when I was in NYC, several Black gentlemen complimented me on my locs "I like your hair, Ma!" I didn't feel they were harrassing me because I was a woman; it was a frickin' compliment. No sexism there!
Being followed around a ritzy boutique, or ignored completely. Struggling to get my company to value the African American market. Blogging about the disparity in mental health care between Blacks and whites. Volunteering in prisons and halfway houses and seeing mostly Black faces. Living in a virtually segregated city like Cleveland and seeing that segregation's effect on education and job opportunities for Blacks. No sexism there.
This is why I am not a feminist.
Katie, Please.
RE: your sidebar. Please check out our Tuskeegee Airman card in February. You won't find many Valentine's Day cards because, well, everybody knows Black people don't love. But we know how you Negroes love your Black History, so be sure to check that out.
(there is a smidgeon of sarcasm in that. I am pleased with the Tuskeegee card, but I'd like to be able to offer some Val cards for Blacks too.)(again, no sexism there!)
Hillary lost on her BushIraq War vote. If she had voted "NO", she'd be the nominee. Barack saw a huge opening in her politics and took it. Sorry OldWhite Wimmen, she knew the game.
Feminists are queer in their logic. They always weep copious tears over the decline in the female's income after a divorce. Then you do the Math, you know, 'Math is hard'. The male income goes up because he had been turning over his entire check to the family. Hmmm. Then there is the child support. No oversight. You'd think that she'd just love to rub it in his face...that she does better with the money and here's proof. Oh, it's tax-free and no oversight. I think that it's only human to purchase a BF or jewelry or coupe or whatever. Look at out current administration.
The distance between feminists and POC can easily be seen. Amanda Marcotte had a book cover with a 'spear chucking Negroe'. She was surprised that AfAms called her on it. She also 'neglected' to cite a POC Fem blog...even after being informed of her lack of citation. Big no-no amongst those who attended college.
Most fem blogs I've read discount the Black experience as being somehow lesser than that of Princess WhiteyWhite. That DWB is not as painful as being passed over for promotion by a guy with 25years more experience.
And they constantly want cheap daycare. For those not as old as I, that usually meant a Mammy, a Black woman working horribly long hours for a literal pittance.
I am not a black woman so I can't tell black women how to deal with sexism or fauxgressives like A Marcotte. I just know that after dealing with all this racism I get really tired of their bullshit and would rather not have anything to do with them and other white fauxgressives
First, folks need to stop with which "ism" is more acceptable these days. Both are still very much in vogue, but how much you suffer from racism or sexism or both depends on who you are, where you are and your perception of the society.
I think writing off the goals of feminism- equal pay for equal work and a lessening of gender straightjackets is wrong. Gendered thinking is pervasive in the black community. I am currently reading "Getting Played" and you cannot tell me that sexism, sexual violence and outdated gendered thinking are absent in the black community. Black folks are seriously old-fashioned about gender except when it comes to black women working outside the home.
I do not miss my days of catcalls, unwanted "compliments" and other such nonsense that black women are subjected to on the streets by black men. Street harrasment is real. Of course there is still the Social Security crowd trying to push up.
Now I have to wory about grown men making comments about and to my twelve year old daughter. Just because you are the victim of racism, doesn't mean that you are not a victim of, or perpetrator of sexism.
That said, Katie's ratings suck because she is not as likable as Brian Williams.
blackgirlinmaine said "Instead of triangulating perhaps their efforts would be better spent trying to deal with all isms." and Field implies all of the time that we need to address all injustice and that humanism is where we should be aligned. But as
khia213 said "...if I could banish one of them from my life, my days would be greatly unburdened by giving up the racism issue. I have to think about the impact of being black a hundred times a day." perhaps we need to have a genuine hierarchy as to what hurts the most. As a person of lesser color, it takes extensive research with people and in blogs and comments to even begin to slightly comprend those "hundred times a day."
I don't watch Fox News but I went to see what FN meant about on that Fox News link. I chewed it over for hours before I reached a point where I think I understood what he was getting at. ...And it is "a hundred times a day."
WA, WA, WAAA. Who whines the most blacks or women.
Answer; BLACKS.
Get your house in order first. Get fathers in your home.
Stay in school and perform equal with other races.
Quit killing each other.
Quit committing so many crimes.
Put in an honest days work once in a while.
Quit having kids at 15.
If you still have inequality, then well talk.
You aint nearly there yet.
My parents came here from Mexico and they did pretty well thanks. Worked hard, didnt commit crimes, worked as a family, didnt whine for handouts like you do.
Blacks drop out of school, have many kids before age 20, commit crimes and still have the cajones to whine about how they dont have what others have.
You dont have it because you didnt do what it takes to get it. That simple. You blacks that are always crying make me laugh. Immigrants in this country ONE fucking generation are kicking your asses.
Either do what it takes to make it or get diapers.
Try slavery for a few hundred years and then endure homicidal abuse for a few generations after slavery is over and see how "in order" your house is, anon 4:22.
My father in law isn't a whining black man but even he is still haunted by seeing a black man hanging from a tree...and he's only in his 50s. Lynching wasn't that long ago asshole, and this society has systematically fucked over blacks and Native Americans both.
I'm white and I want to throttle you for that bullshit you just posted. Another chickenshit anonymous racist...yeah, blacks have some internal problems to overcome, but don't you dare come across like immigrants don't have some very real advantages over them and the fact that America doesn't shit on immigrants nearly as much.
Anon 4:22
WA, WA, WAAAA----we're Mexican and we came to this country with nothing and worked hard so give us permanent residency and then citizenship even though we crossed the border illegally and jumped the line before all the other immigrants and we're too stupid and dumb to come up with a way to stay in Mexico and fight the drug cartels that run our country!
That's whining for sure. And I know you can't be serious about blacks having 15 kids like Mexicans don't breed with reckless abandon!!! Your peeps are featured regularly on Lock-Up out in Cali. They have to separate the Northern California Mexicans from the Southern California Mexicans to keep them from killing each other.
[laughing at this Mexican fool!]
Thanks Kellybelle. You brought the noise.
Field, being a triple minority, Black, Female, and Disabled causes me to have to put up with isms all day long.
Which is the most impactful, annoying, and restricting to my efforts to live a healthy and productive life in this country?
Well, it depends on the day, the situation, the place, and the context..
I feel the heat on all sides. And I get discriminated and locked out by all groups, depending on the situation and context.
But take it from a sistah with a significant disability... My life ain't no bed of roses. Sometimes, it's racism... Sometimes it's sexism.l.. Sometimes it's disabilityism... (Is that a word? Needs to be.) And sadly, sometimes it's all of them...
but I'm not complaining though. It is what it is. And I don't try to rank the three. Because unfortunately, I think that the three isms that I deal with, link up and join together to try to take me down in many situations.
But praise God for human rezilience! No matter who we are and what color we are, we all can tap into the strength that comes from God to overcome all this bull. And that's what I do everyday. I get up fighting and insisting that no one, no group, no ism will dominate me.
That ain't happening.
As for your girl... I knew when they offered her the position that it would never work. She is mediocre at best. And her competition is just better at what they do. And it's not because they are men.
If anything, little miss has benefitted from the sexist systems set up in this country. She would not have gotten as far as she had if she didn't play the role.
Are whiney whiteys any relation to boorish blackies? Oh.
I am a black female so I feel I'm in a particular good position to speak about this. I have never been spit on, or beat up, or had slurs thrown in my direction because I'm a woman--wait, not true. I've been called a bitch, or worse, a million times by men who thought I should speak to them, give them my telephone number, etc.
I also know about being fearful of walking home from the bus stop or the train, and being followed. Terrified to walk through the eucalyptus grove after a night class at UC Berkeley. As a soon to be senior citizen, being bulled and stalked by a young man who does't like how I'm trying to clean up the 'hood. He would never do what he does to me to a man, but he's a badass 'cos I'm a female. Oh, and he's a brother.
I am disgusted by the couple of comments that followed Jody's post. I guess it's true that ignorance is bliss. As a woman, if you have any street smarts, you are on guard all the time just walking down street. I am amazed at how clueless brothers are about sexism in general how females are targets of men with "issues."
Just how dangerous is it for women? Check this out. Statistics show from 1979-2005 that one third, 33.33% of female murder victims were killed by intimates. Only three percent, 3%, of male murder victims are murdered by intimates. It isn't even safe for us at home.
All that said, it is positively pointless to declare that one group is a bigger victim over another. I don't know what Katy Couric's point is but I certainly do not recall any black 6PM news anchors who have had her particular problem. The only black anchor I can think of was Max Robinson and he was a co-anchor during the week on ABC in 1978.
And while we are comparing our victimhoods, it is instructive to note that Robinson was never subjected to the childish cold shoulder and shunning that Harry Reasoner subjected Barbara Walters to during her brief co-anchor duties with Reasoner, also at ABC.
Robinson passed away over 20 years ago. Of AIDS. that should give the rest of bigots something to chortle about.
So yes, I believe Couric is treated differently because she is a woman but as a woman, she is enjoying a position that no black person has had the privilege of ever holding.
And I stopped reading the rest of the comments because I was afraid my government issue computer was going to fly through the window.
"You won't find many Valentine's Day cards because, well, everybody knows Black people don't love. But we know how you Negroes love your Black History, so be sure to check that out."
Kelly, you had me crying in the library with that one!
I dont understand so why are the Tuskegee Airmen so significant?.....Just joking. I had no idea that they were in town. I live not too far from Philly and would have loved to see these old brothers.
Baba Wawa got her job by being having great 'oral' skills. Her interviews are mostly tripe. Reasoner had paid his dues. She slept her way to the anchor chair and thought her method was equivalent.
Before you squeal...I do like Ms Amanpour. She speaks multiple languages (fluently), does very good jounalism, and is photgenic (it's teevee, idiots..no fatties apply).
Hmm..intimates do the killing. Could it be that Liddle Mizz Humpshine eggs his anger on? Not saying it's every couple. But I have seen petite blondes pummeling their much larger boyfriends. I see Kate Gosselin smacking her hubby on TV. I also spent a summer with a man convicted of manslaughter. As the cops said, it was even money who would die and would do time.
In a world where Uncurious George gets out of 'Nam by joining the National Guard, and then doesn't show up, these men served with distinction when they could be lynched by hillcretins for being 'uppity'. Actually was called this by a boss...didn't sit well with me or the POC I was dating. Cheney had other thingsto do...not these heroes.
Navigating in this new world, where racism is reversed discrimination, using a race card and speaking truth to the facts; it is hard to tell which is sexism or racism.
"BTW, if racism and sexism are both so bad; what does that tell you about the strength of sisters in this country?"
12:23 AM
Thank you, Field Negro.
OK Jody,
I had to bite. As a black woman I have the privilege of dealing with both racism and sexism. Rape and sexual assault and abuse is real. But as you are scared to walk down the street when someone cat calls you, I as a black person is just scared to walk down the street due to people giving me strange looks and stares for walking in "their" neighborhood. Fear of cops assuming I don't belong. People walking to the other side of the street scared I am going to mug them. I think the feminism movement has been great, but it has grossly neglected black women, which is why there is a womanist movement. As we have seen from this campaign, Gloria Steinem and Geraldine Ferraro do not give a crap about blacks, or black women. That there are tons of white women, like Katie Couric who have automatically assumed Obama is the less qualified, less competent candidate and that the only reason he "won" is because he is a male, and nothing more.
There are less and less racists, and it's become very socially unacceptable, as opposed to the way men see women and women see men, which will never change until parents change the way they raise their kids.
There aren't less and less racists, there are just more people who know better than to voice their racist opinions out loud.
This white boi let the Negroe male vote, prior to letting his own mother, sister, wife (white female) vote.
Let's get real. Black people although "legally" able to vote, didn't really get to vote until the 1960's civil rights movement. They had to pay money and take tests just to be able to vote, while their male white counterparts did not. They did this even after women were allowed to vote.
My parents came here from Mexico and they did pretty well thanks. Worked hard, didnt commit crimes, worked as a family, didnt whine for handouts like you do.
Last I checked, the hispanic population wasn't fairing any better than the black population. Maybe you should get your house in order?
that sexism in the American society is more common than racism
True. 50% of Americans are women and we all face sexism. How many Americans can say they've faced racism? If it's every single non-Hispanic white, you've got 30-something percent. Just as White Privilege seems to blind whites to the prevalence of racism, Male Privilege appears to blind men to the issue of sexism. I'm in my 20s and when I speak with my friends in the working world and especially those in law school of all places, you'd think we were living in 1950s.
To some extent, I get racism. Societies have a need for whipping boys and people who look different from the majority are an obvious choice. Sexism on the other hand is baffling and at the end of the day, everybody loses.
and certainly more acceptable or forgivable
Also true depending on where you live. Overt racism is perfectly acceptable in many parts of the country just though those places also tend to be the most sexist as well.
I'm not saying sexism is a bigger problem than racism. I can't pick a side. And I don't have to because I get to have both. Yay!
I just have to get over the feeling of betrayal when I see black men turn a blind to sexism and when white women turn a blind eye to racism because neither group will ever walk in my shoes. Open your eyes and talk to some of the women in your life. It's a slap in the face every time I read something like this much like Gloria Steinem.
siditty.... the fear I am talking about is not from the catcalls.. it came (too old now for this to happen, but happened too many times when I was young) when the catcalls became angry threats when I did not respond. Being called bitch.... or hey all you need is a good fuck cause I was with another woman.... or being followed to the point of not going home cause I didnt want that guy to see where I lived.... to being assaulted while being called a cold bitch....
I will say it one more time... I AM NOT SAYING SEXISM IS WORSE THAN ANY RACISM!!!! I am just sayin, it is real.
Look at the way the Williams sisters get treated as compared to Tiger Woods.
Who inspires love in the masses?Why that adorable Tiger of course. The Williams sisters? A little odd, aren't they?
As a black foreign woman, I am more concerned about racism and Xenophobia than my gender. I have got to make my priorities right.
As for John Edwards, that story came out a while back during the primaries in the Enquirer but I guess they didn't have much evidence.
"Anonymous said...
Baba Wawa got her job by being having great 'oral' skills. Her interviews are mostly tripe. Reasoner had paid his dues. She slept her way to the anchor chair and thought her method was equivalent.
Before you squeal...I do like Ms Amanpour. She speaks multiple languages (fluently), does very good jounalism, and is photgenic (it's teevee, idiots..no fatties apply).
Hmm..intimates do the killing. Could it be that Liddle Mizz Humpshine eggs his anger on? Not saying it's every couple. But I have seen petite blondes pummeling their much larger boyfriends. I see Kate Gosselin smacking her hubby on TV. I also spent a summer with a man convicted of manslaughter. As the cops said, it was even money who would die and would do time.
There just isn't a nice way to call you an incoherent ass.
Another story about Katie? why not have a full story of the Tuskegee Airmen? or a story about how non blacks are ignoring history and are constantly stereotyping Black people as whiners or when did Soledad O'Brien become black 'cuz I never knew she was or I just need to stay away from all blogs and achieve peace because if I hear another nonwhite categorize all black people and older blacks negatively stereotype the younger generation. I felt we were moving in a positive direction in America until I started reading ignorant ass comments online, even from my own people.. damn!
"Anonymous said...
Another story about Katie? why not have a full story of the Tuskegee Airmen? or a story about how non blacks are ignoring history and are constantly stereotyping Black people as whiners or when did Soledad O'Brien become black 'cuz I never knew she was or I just need to stay away from all blogs and achieve peace because if I hear another nonwhite categorize all black people and older blacks negatively stereotype the younger generation. I felt we were moving in a positive direction in America until I started reading ignorant ass comments online, even from my own people.. damn!
3:14 PM"
Well, yes I couldn't agree more. Let's start with your comment that Soledard isn't Black. What difference does it make? This reminds me of the Negroes who used to call in to a local cable access news show to tell the black newsreader (who was a professional print reporter) how they couldn't beleive anything in the white man's newspaper but they could believe what Chauncey told them. Even though Chauncey read the news from such black bastions of print like the New York TImes, The Washington Post, the SF Chronicle, and Oakland Tribune, in addition to a couple of black newspapers. It's like giving yourself a license to be ignorant.
Some of the CNN special is the same old stuff but much of it is new, like exploring the program to pay black kids to go to school and is that a good thing? O'Brien isn't putting on a show like this by herself, or maybe you think she's just making up this stuff with no one else involved. So let's not have an investigation about the King assassination until someone black can do the talking (and of course someone black that you approve of, because that would involve another whole whinefest).
Whining? We gripe that we are ignored by the MSM, then bitch like big dogs about Black History Month (because THEY gave us the shortest month in the year--even though a black man initiated the concept of Black History Week about 70 years ago) and then bitch like bigger dogs when something gets this much air time about black people. The series ain't perfect but some of it has been enlightening. It's never a bad thing to have intelligent black people who represent a range of points of view on television talking about our experience. I hope to gawd I neve get trapped in a world so tiny that only black people can teach me anything. The big plus in my opinion is that so far, nobody has seen the need to bring on rappers in order to "lend credibility" to the series. Imagine, a whole series about black people and nobody invited Snoop or Nas. Tsk, tsk.
As for the Tuskegee Airmen, why not ask Tavis Smiley to do something on that instead of rolling out the same old tired State of the Black Union with same old tired participants year after frigging year? He spends a whole day allowoing black folks to clap, shout, stomp, and nod their heads-- and accomplish NOTHING. At least the CNN series is giving some examples of peeople who are coming up with solutions.
Katie's rating are low because you show it field, look at the picture.. she's smiling, she was always smiling on Today, who wants to turn to the news and see that awful look on her face as if someone died. plain and simple the viewers saw her smiling for years now she looks so depressed, then I'm depressed and I change the channel
You may find this media matters report on the gender and "ethnicity" of guests on prime-time cable news shows to be of interest.
In the given time period, white males were heavily over-represented, black males were slightly over-represented, and all other groups were under-represented.
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