I sit on the board of a very good organization here in Philly. It's an up and coming 501(c) whose founder (Shout out to Malika) does great work with helping at risk young ladies get themselves together. I remember during the early stages of getting her organization off the ground, the group's founder would have various meetings and head sessions with so called leaders from different areas in the city. Some of these so called leaders talked a great game,-we could barely get trough meetings because of all the talking- and they were always down for whatever. As long, of course, as they were just talking about it. I suspect that they would be much like some people who comment on this board with very strong feelings about certain groups in various parts of the world. The thing is, when this young lady needed funding to help get her organization off the ground, these down ass leaders were nowhere to be found. When she needed actual volunteers to help out with various projects, these down ass leaders were nowhere to be found. This is typical of an individual I like to call the faux revolutionary, or the "Noisy Negro". They talk a lot, but that's about all they do: Talk.
I have issues with the tea party folks and the wingnuts who organize around right wing causes, but I will never accuse them of just talking a lot. They actually organize and put their boots on the ground, and they usually aren't afraid to write a check. They will walk to the voting booth, to Washington, and to the office of their local elected representatives. The farthest the "Noisy Negro" will walk is to his or her television to watch whatever, or to his or her computer to comment on a blog in order to cement his or her "Noisy Negro" status. Oh, and they will walk to meetings to talk if they can have the floor. That's just what "Noisy Negroes" do.
I suspect that's why many of our communities are in the shape they are in. We have "Noisy Negroes" in the pulpit, "Noisy Negroes" in city hall, and "Noisy Negroes" masquerading as community leaders.
"Noisy Negroes" are cool sometimes because they keep us entertained. They represent a kind of minstrel show, a comic relief from life. But sometimes we need a little more than just comic relief. Sometimes we need to get serious. These are serious times that call for serious actions. But I know that we won't get anything -even faintly resembling serious action- from the "Noisy Negro". Nope, that would actually require doing more than just talking or typing. That would require being quiet and listening for a minute.
All too true.
Hey Field,
Do you have the name of her organization? I would love to talk to her for tips on my own. I've gotten no help with my project. I don't want to give up though.
As for the Noisy Negroes... There are many. I actually seem to see this a lot with the Aiyana Jones case and the noise for her will die down shortly. Noisy Negroes don't have much of an attention span.
A LOT of times those "Noisy Negroes" masquerade as Field Negroes.
This needed to be said!!! Don't just talk about it, BE about it.
Che Guevera was a psychopathic murdering criminal.
Interesting post Field. So true. Where I live the noisy negroes also dominate the radio talk shows with just that... talk. In the mean while, nothing is being done to change the situations. Its like more of a popularity contest. Sometimes they even turn on each other out of professional jealousy. Then its like watching dogs barking and chasing their own tails, while they lose sight of the original enemy or the true mission.
And Thrasher, no offense, but your behavior reminds me of a woman scorned. He's just not into you. Move on.
Well said, Mr. Field. I meet these kind of people all the time with my job. I think some of them actually mean well but fear putting their words into practice. Sometimes it is difficult taking that first step. Others, well they are as you say just noisy Negroes.
Off-topic: Yea! Lakers lose!
"Sometimes we need to get serious. These are serious times that call for serious actions."
Tue...That is what's wrong with Black Community. No one is willing to change TO DO anything. I believe CF has been giving sensible arguments about this problem for years, yet Noisy Negroes like Mellaneous, UTS, Trapped in SC, and even Field keep arguing for no change, which is to keep doing the same thing over and over again that brings the same results-which is zero to minus 10..
"Nope, that would actually require doing more than just talking or typing. That would require being quiet and listening for a minute."
Well, Field. Why don't you try it CF's way? Change the way you think, type, and talk. But you won't because it would mean you would have to DO something about those 'Street Pirates' that are effing up the community. It seems no one wants to talk about them, let alone DO something about them.
Field, boy oh boy do I feel you on this one. The Noisy Negro paradigm is rather pervasive. There is also the group of people who try to do things but are constantly thwarted by gatekeepers.
For example you ran a story a couple of years back and I sincerely tried to get in touch with the detective who was handling the case in Philly. She never once returned my calls. At all.
Sometimes Negroes want to do something and get shot down by assholes who blow them off. That is another problem we have in our culture, in addition to noisy Negroes, we also have gatekeeping crab in the barrel type Negroes who are hypercritical of you and any other Black person they see. And they do EVERYTHING in their power so that you will fail.
I've mentioned before that I live in a relatively small city. It's almost a quarter of a million people now, but back in the day everybody knew everybody else and or was aware of people's business. When I first started tutoring for profit, I went to my old high school and there was a new principal; a Black woman.
She refused to allow me to pass out fliers and refused to allow me to place fliers in the teacher mailboxes. Turns out she said that some wording on my flier was 'offensive'. Turns out my parents knew her. Turns out she was a major crab in the barrel type.
Turns out she got ousted from her position as principal due to incompetence.
So FN, all of this to say I hear ya and am so frustrated about this mess.
We really have collective mental illness as a people and need to get some healing on. Because between noisy negroes and crab barrel gatekeepers, we won't never get anything done!
Instead of sitting on here all day typing, why don't you go out and do something to help fix your fucked up city? No one here cares about your bullshit. So why waste your time?
[quote]I have issues with the tea party folks and the wingnuts who organize around right wing causes, but I will never accuse them of just talking a lot. They actually organize and put their boots on the ground, and they usually aren't afraid to write a check. They will walk to the voting booth, to Washington, and to the office of their local elected representatives.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
I sense your pain and frustration about this group of Noisy Negroes. Please accept my gracious offer to give you assistance. I would rather tuck my ideological differences with you and they so that indeed these at risk young ladies need.
1) You mention the "Tea Parties" and their ability to organize. THERE IS YOUR ANSWER RIGHT THERE.....if you were to relate it to history.
The Tea Parties are seen as RACIST THREATS by you and the N.N's..
Why not go back and pattern this group after the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee? HELL - they just got a street named after them in Atlanta.
Have The Noisy Negro Coordinating Committee (NNCC) motivated by the FEAR of what the Tea Parties want to do to "at risk young ladies"?
Take your iPhone to do an interview with a known "TeaBagger" and trick him into making a hateful comment by asking him for a $100 donation to your cause. Have the iPhone recording his response with the cameraphone live streaming.
Make the video go viral on all AfroSpear sites! Make the case that says "The Teabaggers don't like 'at risk young ladies'" - Kanye style.
You know how it works Filled Negro. You - the master "self-chummer". Why do I need to tell you this man?
You must MOTIVATE the NNCC into action by allowing them to turn their hatred of the "Teabaggers" into ACTION.
2) Have you clearly articulated WHY they are "at risk"?
Capitalism, violated "social justice", societal abandonment? George W Bush!!! (that always works)
3) Show this video. This will do it for them:
No this one is better:
Chill, Val. The Lakers ( no thanks to Gasol) may have lost tonight's battle but they will win the series.
Savor the victory because it may be the only one that the Celtics get in this series.
How do I know? Maybe because every time I come on here your name pops up a million times on every discussion, you dumb fuck.
[quote]Why don't you try it CF's way? [/quote]
Anon #125?? (Is that you).
I have to REBUKE YOU:
I have "no way".
You can say that it is "my way" no more than someone can say that the science of Physics created GRAVITY.
Don't make this about "ME", Anon #125. This will trigger my good friend Filled Negro to oppose it for just this reason.
INSTEAD you must get my good friend to make note that Philadelphia has a big "Mission Accomplished" sign posted on the backside of William Penn, who stands atop of city hall.
Challenge him to realize that that which he accepted in the FIRST INTERVAL cannot be allowed to lead him down the same pathway during the SECOND interval upon which he is now walking.
Make HIM ask THEM to submit to a higher authority by which they must YIELD TO (did someone say REGULATION?) so that the next round of outcomes will address these "AT RISK YOUNG LADIES" and others.
Hey Filled Negro - I coined the term "Activists Of Leisure" to describe those who you call "Noise Negroes". My term encapsulates their tendency to be SELECTIVELY MOTIVATED to take to the streets based upon their own calculation of the ideological/political benefits that can be obtained via action.
Do you see why it is so important to have these"at risk young women" being VICTIMS of a force that can get the "Activists Of Leisure" to take to the streets?
[quote]You making me blush bitch...lol,lol,lol[/quote]
Yup just as I figured.
Harvard Law School penmanship in his articulation of complex concepts if I have ever seen it before.
Are you sure that you didn't do your academic work via a correspondence course at a Wayne State satellite campus?
SS, it's called Succor Inc. and the founder is Malika Bey. Here is a link to their site.
You can holla at her unlike the person M. Rigmaiden mentioned she will return your call. (Shoot me an e-mail and I will give you her #)
BTW. I can confirm what M. Rigmaiden said about that journalist who failed to call her back.
"Take your iPhone to do an interview with a known "TeaBagger" and trick him into making a hateful comment by asking him for a $100 donation to your cause. Have the iPhone recording his response with the cameraphone live streaming."
Come on Destructive Wingnut,you know he/she won't make a hateful comment to me. They are much smarter than that. Why don't we send you to do it?
La~Audio, did you see "Fatal Attraction"? Thank god I don't have a rabbit. :)
"A LOT of times those "Noisy Negroes" masquerade as Field Negroes."
Not true! FN's are too busy working to be noisy.
"Not true! FN's are too busy working to be noisy."
Field, between this post and your "supportive" posts about Israel, I think you might have lost your 'footing' in the blogosphere. I say 'footing' because I am praying hard like ISEEISSE would, that you haven't lost your mind, cause I love ya like a brotha, man.
Slow down my brotha, take a day off. Have a person of 'action' DO a "Guest Post" for you for a day or two- until you can get your bearings.
Just make sure it's someone who can "move" your regular posters to comment so that you won't lose any hits.
How about CF? I bet he could set your blog on fire with an opined post about Street Pirates. People need to listen to CF about this because it is 'time' to get "serious" about those street pirates, and take action against them.
I bet BD, Granny, UTS, Trapped in SC, Mack Lyons, Thrasher, Rippa, AB, LA, a host of ANONS...hell, everybody would have something to say to CF, including YOU.
"Hey Filled Negro - I coined the term "Activists Of Leisure" to describe those who you call "Noise Negroes". My term encapsulates their tendency to be SELECTIVELY MOTIVATED to take to the streets based upon their own calculation of the ideological/political benefits that can be obtained via action."
Wrong again Destructive one, these types of Negroes do not take to the streets. If you think you are leading a march and expect these Negroes to be behind you, don't look around; the street will be empty.
"I have "no way".
You can say that it is "my way" no more than someone can say that the science of Physics created GRAVITY."
I don't see instructions to put your "MODEL" together. That's the problem. I think UTS has been asking you this on this board for months now.
And M. Rigmaiden wrote about the "gatekeepers" -which do exist, but do you honestly think that if you had real solutions to urban A-merry-ca's problems the "gatekeepers" could stop you?Even with their own self interest?
Roderick & Val, did you see Ray Ray shoot down the Lakers, tonight? Damn that dude can shoot. I thought Jack was going to have a heart attack.
...please don't get me started on Atlanta.
#125, if the shoe fits fam, go ahead and wear it. ;)
"FN..I have enjoyed crushing you and your mascots in here..I shall return in 6 months ..I am leaving the country..."
Say hello to Frank for me. Or will you be in a different institution? :) Let me stop....
We will miss you.
CF, "Don't make this about "ME", Anon #125. This will trigger my good friend Filled Negro to oppose it for just this reason."
My mistake. I forgot that Field's mind snaps shut whenever you try to reason with him. I don't know why Field is like that unless the truth you speak threatens his reality.
And please don't forget the timestamps on each and every post. :) And yes, I agree with your assessment of him too and your comment.
"Not true! FN's are too busy working to be noisy."
Granny, You have been missing since Field started posting about Israel. Now you show up? I am very disappointed in you.
Thraser, "FN..I have enjoyed crushing you and your mascots in here..I shall return in 6 months ..I am leaving the country but until then keep chasing that white tail you sugar cane picking field negro....lol,lol,lol"
6 months? can't you come back any sooner? this will be quite depressing for a lot of us...anyway you could blog while out of the country?
[quote]I don't see instructions to put your "MODEL" together. That's the problem.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
* You are dealing with "At risk young ladies".
Our Mission:
To provide effective, educational, compassionate and dedicated services to parents who have children with behavior problems.
The model that I have documented as a foundation of the "Community Cultural Consciousness & Competency Development Domain":
* Quality Education to train our young people to become the professional service agents in our community
* Safe Streets to allow people to build up the fabric of the community without fear
* Thriving Local Economies to allow people to trade their assets (including labor & talent) in support of the financial strength of the community
* Healthy Lifestyle and Relationship outcomes to allow people to live long productive lives
* Solutions that are EFFECTIVE, comprehensive and enduring
* Solutions that are organic in that they make use of the human resources that will benefit the most, having them to exercise their muscles to build up competency.
FILLED NEGRO - This is the MODEL that I have articulated. This is "open sourced" for the taking of all who wish.
You and others want me to give you TASKS TO COMPLETE - which you call "Give me solutions".
Without a sound foundation these "tasks" that you demand from me might be executed for someone else's benefit than your own.
How many of these "at risk girl's" problems would be addressed if the above model was adopted by the "NNCC"?
Anonymous 11:38:
Well, I'll guess you'll be disappointed many times because there might be a whole lot of times that I don't post. Like I said I have a life outside of this blog and am a very busy woman. You can't get nothing done sitting at the computer 24/7.
Besides which, Field is a grown man, a sophisticated thinker, and very capable of holding his own. I'm not Field's bodyguard, I'm a guest on here just like everyone else is. If he didn't repond to a post on here, maybe, it was too juvenile for him to waste his time on giving a reply. I know I've been wading through a few of them.
'And M. Rigmaiden wrote about the "gatekeepers" -which do exist, but do you honestly think that if you had real solutions to urban A-merry-ca's problems the "gatekeepers" could stop you?Even with their own self interest?'FN
FN I KNOW that good ideas are turned into rotting raisins in the sun every day due to gatekeepers. I know that there is a viable solution to the oil spill right now but the Colombian company who has the materials and scientific evidence to back up their claims has been thwarted by red tape beaurocrats who care more about policies and procedures that getting things done.
HOWEVER, if a person has a good idea AND powerful backers admittedly they are unstoppable. But when I look at all the movers and shakers that agitated for social change over the past century I see that they all had CONNECTIONS.
What bothers me so much today is that we aren't connected like we used to be. We live apart from one another due to economic pressures and we don't have sense of 'community' like we once did.
As to the comment about the kids I tried to get a hold of, their names are Imanginae and Tajae Brady and their Mother was killed a couple of years ago in Philly. The journalist who covered the story DID get back to me and quickly passed me onto the detective who was covering the case.
The detective NEVER got back to me. I will also state that her staff was somewhat rude and dismissive.
It's a damned shame when people who care about their fellow man are blown off or dismissed for whatever reason. These types of assholes are blocking potential blessings for themselves AND others.
Although I am not part of the Afrospear, I've told FN many a time that I believe that a scholarship or some sort of trust fund started by Afrospear would make the most sense.
The members of the Afrospear may or may not have such a fund started; I don't know but I wish they did.
Lastly, in terms of crabs in barrels, it is apparent that many of the trolls who frequent this board are nothing more than crabs in a barrel. All they do is insult, bring down and skew discussions to their ridiculous viewpoints. There is no meeting of the minds, no reason to negotiate with these people because they are terrorists who thrive off putting others down.
FN doesn't have a blog that glorifies this type of behavior, so DFTT should be the meme. Sometimes it sure is hard to follow that; especially when the barrel crabs get personal with their insults. But they are only doing that to get attention from their bleak and pitiful existence;)
CF, "FILLED NEGRO - This is the MODEL that I have articulated. This is "open sourced" for the taking of all who wish."
CF how many "MODELS" have you given Field and UTS and they still come back asking for MODELS? How many times have you done this? 10? 20? You and Field keep having the same conversation over and over again with the same 'zero' results.
And with UTS, the results are minus 20(off the charts) because you are talking to a moron who lives in Bowie, Md near Bowie State where they give out hip-hop diplomas like M&M's. UTS has one.
Do you really expect to reach either one? If you do, all I can say is, "God bless you."
One last thing, notice the spacing in the trash troll's writings. Usually it is single spaced but after it got sufficiently upset, went to double spaced comments very much like another malignant narcissistic troll who posts here. The similarities are astounding!
RM, "FN doesn't have a blog that glorifies this type of behavior, so DFTT should be the meme. Sometimes it sure is hard to follow that; especially when the barrel crabs get personal with their insults. But they are only doing that to get attention from their bleak and pitiful existence;)"
Thanks for your comment. I needed to hear it. Not for others but for myself. But sometimes 'joking' instead of "insulting" one another is good for the soul. Don't you think? I think more folks on this board are funny in a satirical way, rather than insulting. At least, that's the way Field's posts 'sometimes' come across to me.
Of course, it's a matter of opinion, and where you come from. Obviously, you come from a sophisticated upscale background where people can stay on subject and know the appropriate things to say.
"Well, Field. Why don't you try it CF's way? Change the way you think, type, and talk. But you won't because it would mean you would have to DO something about those 'Street Pirates' that are effing up the community. It seems no one wants to talk about them, let alone DO something about them."
I'm glad you noticed that emirgrated Blacks have no time to chase after anyone other than American Born Black Males. Most, who have worked hard all their liveS and are pushed out of jobs by (Crabs in the Barrel types you described) due to the type of stereotyping you witnesed here in this "Article?", "Attack Ad?", "Personal Rant?"... Just what the hell is this useless space about? I only feel motivated to be a MUCH LOUDER, NOISY BLACK MAN!
RM-"One last thing, notice the spacing in the trash troll's writings. Usually it is single spaced but after it got sufficiently upset, went to double spaced comments very much like another malignant narcissistic troll who posts here. The similarities are astounding!"
And pray tell, who might that be?
I am glad those Lakers got their ass kicked. I am sick of the Lakers!
Now just watch. I bet those sobs win the series. They are like those damn Yankees.
I wish there was some divine intervention on those schmucks.
Anon, I think joking around on a blog can be rather fun. But some of the trolls cross the line with the personal, vulgar and degrading insults.
With that in mind, I am surely happy that blogs exist so we can air our opinions somewhere;)
Field, I admire and respect writers. I wanted to be a Gil Nobel or tavis Smiley. I had so much respect for you. Your writing is great. I understand you have to be careful to choose the safe side in you articles, that's how you get to eat. All of your article were great and covered really important topics.
I dont understand this cheap attack on people you state in this "Article" are people who speak up with an intention to do good. What are you thinking today? You are better than this.
Field, I checked out the site. I like the Mission Statement. I can support it financially, but live too far away to volunteer.
There are other black groups during remarkable things in the black community. Wouldn't it be great if they could share ideas, and brainstorm solutions for those groups or organizations that are floundering, or need a little moral support?
I don't know if such a site/blog exists (preferably one with a black orientation), but I'll research it.
And a zinger from Zing:
Those who talk the most do the least. If talk dried clothes, the sun would be without a job, and just another shining star in an unemployment line.
And why can't "during" stand in for "doing"? They both use some of the same letters from the alphabet; but, alas, they don't stand for the same thing.
One have the meaning of, "Throughout the course or duration of," and the other, the "Performance of an act."
Two bad you can't unite the two, because if "doing" doesn't become "during" at some point, you get more blowhards at the beginning, and fewer followthroughs.
How about "during-do"? That'll do it!
Zing, "Field, I checked out the site. I like the Mission Statement. I can support it financially, but live too far away to volunteer."
Yeah right. Noisy Negroes always have an excuse why they can't help... "It's too far"; or "I just don't have the time"; or, "I am 'willing' to support financially."
Of course, when folks come to you Noisy Negroes for financial help, you are nowhere to be found. Noisy Negroes make me sick and at times, ashamed to be Black.
Zing, you are the "classic Noisy Negro" that Field wrote about in his post. But you are so full of shit you couldn't see yourself mirrored in his post. Read the post again-this time with 'eyes wide-open'- you bullshiting Negro.
You should follow your own little self-aggrandizing 'zinger' quote. I won't quote it but succintly it says, "if you can't seriously help, then STFU." You are nothing but wind.
"You should follow your own little self-aggrandizing 'zinger' quote. I won't quote it but succintly it says, "if you can't seriously help, then STFU." You are nothing but wind."
Thank you. You made me laugh out loud. A good laugh is hard to come by, but I keep trying.
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."--Twin Cities Daily Planet
Field, seriously- are you planning to run for office?
Memorandum to all Field Negroes and Noisy Negroes:
Rush Limbaugh got married and Sir Elton John sang all night long following their wedding. The man knows how to have a wedding.
Field, don't forget to congratulate Rush and his new wife in your sidebar. At least show some respect and decency toward a smooth operator.
And to all you haters of Rush, eat your hearts out.
Anon 3:43 AM, I did not know that. Well, I will be. Where did he get married? Was it down in the DR?
M. Rigmaiden, thanks for that link. And you are right, sometimes red-tape can be a b&^%h.
Zing, I am sure those folks will be glad to hear from you. And don't mind Anon #125, he/she is just trying to get a rise out of you.:)
Destructive Wingnut, I see your model,(you are quite the theorist. You would make a great college professor.
"Thriving Local Economies to allow people to trade their assets (including labor & talent) in support of the financial strength of the community
* Healthy Lifestyle and Relationship outcomes to allow people to live long productive lives
* Solutions that are EFFECTIVE, comprehensive and enduring
* Solutions that are organic in that they make use of the human resources that will benefit the most, having them to exercise their muscles to build up competency."
How do we get "local economnies" to thrive without jobs? How do they get funding to start businesses or vocationl training? To have a healthy lifestyle calls for healthy eating.How do you get corporations to invest grocery stores in neighborhoods with high crime rates and people who are unemployable? Oh wait, there is a high crime rate because the people ARE poor. They are poor because they have no jobs, they have no jobs because the aren't probably educated....see how this works? We could go round and round with this chicken and its egg.
The bottom line is this: The government needs to stop putting its resources in the wrong place. Less on defense and more on people. More emphasis on education (And BTW, I support school choice and charter schools)and job and vocational training. And, more of you smart educated black folks getting involved with your community groups and being mentors and role models for some of these "street pirates" that you are always b*&^%$#g about.
I could go on, but like you like to say, CF, I have outlined ,my position many times before.
Thank you Granny, I always welcome a good e-fight. But I am a changed man. I am trying to heed M. Rigmaiden's call. It's time to come together. I have nothing but love for everybody. :)
M. Rigmaiden, I am sorry to accuse that journalist, I am glad she got back to you. I guess we have to point the blame at those "friendly" detectives in the 25th District.
" I'm glad you noticed that emirgrated Blacks have no time to chase after anyone other than American Born Black Males...."
Wait, what was it you said about crabs in a barrel again? I give you the Field Negroes Exhibit A.
We don't need others to divide us, we do a pretty good job of it all by ourselves.
FN, I think what CF says in terms of developing local economies makes a LOT of sense. Try to broaden your mind past the corporations having to 'give us jobs'. I recently saw a story about neighborhood time banking. Have you heard of this? In some parts of the country, these practices are starting to thrive due to the economy.
People are figuring out ways to barter and exchange services instead of money. People are figuring out how to get what they need out of life via a different method of exchange and it brings the neighborhood together, because you can actually get to know your neighbors, among other things.
In terms of healthy food, my brother once posited a thought experiment where if we were aliens and landed on Earth in a city, what would we eat for food (we are humanoid) if we don't have money? Well, there is tons of space in urban and suburban areas whether we are talking about INDOOR gardens or container planting.
Me and my husband have an indoor and an outdoor garden. But when we lived in Oakland, we had an indoor garden. After figuring out the mechanics, we grew quite tasty herbs and spices and in time grew lettuce indoors!
Community gardening occurred after WWII and in stages in the 60's and 70's. This would be a great idea to have local food sources that are healthy. Think about all the parks that are not maintained due to city budget shortfalls.
If half of that land was maintained by citizens in the community, a thriving garden or set of gardens could grow. IF the other half of the land was maintained by citizens in the community, the city budgetary concerns would be moot.
I think the essence is that we have to come together as people and take responsibility for our environments.
My husband and I decided to get rid of most of our front yard grass and do edible gardening. Now we're trying to figure out what to plant!
The point is, there are many ways in which goods and services can be exchanged in a locale with minimal corporate intrusion.
In terms of banking, there is also the concept among family members and loved ones called Susu. My parents, grandparents and some aunties did this for a few years. They pooled all their money together and passed the pot around each month.
We've got to think about new paradigms for this century and looking at what immigrant groups do (like you;) is a place to start.
Oh many of the plants we consider to be weeds are edible super nutritious veggies! Dandelions are a good example. Dandelion greens helped to heal me from pneumonia once, greens and menudo;)
Just got my boy to bed! Now off to bed for me. :)
[quote]How do you get corporations to invest grocery stores in neighborhoods with high crime rates and people who are unemployable? [/quote]
I fear you Filled Negro.
Not for what you can do to me.
Instead based on what you would YIELD to the government for the sake of pursuing the standard of living that the people who took your vote have PROMISED YOU.
How many times have I told the story about the Riverdale GA "Super H-Mart"?
After years of complaining that "the suburbs" had access to better foods the "Activists of Leisure" began going after CORPORATIONS, asking if they had "No Urban Mandate" to open a quality grocery store in a Black city. (Note - Riverdale was once called "a suburb").
A "Winn Dixie" grocery store opened for a few years. It closed down because it was losing money in this same spot.
The criticism flared back up about "the QUALITY FOOD DESERT". (Note: "Quality Food Desert" is a newly coined term by the Progressives but it describes what these past protests were talking about)
About 3 years ago the SOUTH KOREANS came to the rescue!!!! While the "I marched with King", Civil Rights Industrial Complex were looking at Kroger, Publix and Ingles to come in - the South Koreans decided to open their 2nd major farmers market within Georgia in Riverdale!!!
* Fresh Fish. (Some of them swimming in a tank - that could be caught and killed right before your eyes)
* A large fresh produce section
* In-store restaurants - mostly Asian but they do have one Jamaican counter!!!!
BUT WAIT FILLED NEGRO. Look at the checkout counters. LOOK who's EMPLOYED there. South Koreans!!!!!!
Black folks (and a few Hispanics and Koreans) in line. All of the cashiers are Korean!!!
You see Filled Negro - the "Activists Of Leisure" demanded a STORE and FRESH PRODUCE AND FISH.
Did they ask for JOBS?
Did they come to the table with MONEY for OWNERSHIP?
They played the role of CONSUMER, having promoted the NEED FOR QUALITY FOOD into a RIGHT.
They got what they asked for.
The South Koreans drive delivery trucks INTO Riverdale.
The Brinks armored truck drives the MONEY OUT.
They are giving the community what they asked for. I AM NOT MAD AT THESE PEOPLE.
I hear ya Field but the flip side of the coin are the grassroots groups like 100 Black Men, Inc and the Alliance of Concerned Black Men and don't forget the NOI which are doing great work in the communities while sometimes putting their very lives on the line.
The noisiest of the "Noisy Negroes" are the black conservatives who run their mouths in front of white audiences, trashing their own people while not doing anything to right the things they see as so wrong with black people.
Hey wait a minute!!!
Filled Negro!!!
Super H-Mart has a location in Upper Darby. (You know - the city to the southwest of Philly where the Street Pirate shot the cop about 3 weeks ago)
I challenge you to go to the Super H-Mart location in Upper Darby and humbly ask these Koreans to tell you their secret on how to meet the needs of the people but also employ their people and run a profitable operation.
7050 Terminal Square
Upper Darby, PA 19082
Or is Elkins Park PA or Levittown closer to you?
Stay away from Levittown. UptownSteve is boycotting cities named "Levittown". They were created "When Affirmative Action Was White". The government funded these suburbs for White folks.
7050 Terminal Square
Upper Darby, PA 19082
Speak of the devil and he rises like the sun.
[quote]I hear ya Field but the flip side of the coin are the grassroots groups like 100 Black Men, Inc and the Alliance of Concerned Black Men and don't forget the NOI which are doing great work in the communities while sometimes putting their very lives on the line.[/quote]
Never does UptownSteve commit himself with the discipline of asking:
"IS WHAT THEY ARE DOING WORKING? Does it have the SCALE and COMPREHENSIVENESS enough to mitigate the problems at hand?"
* We lowered a dome but it iced up
* We did a "Junk shot"
* We pumped heavy mud
* We cut the pipe and put a containment dome
WHY is it that while Uptown Steve accepts BULLET POINT LISTS from his "Permanent Friends", when it comes to BP he looks at their list and asks DID IT WORK? (Fraud)
The noisiest of the "Noisy Negroes" are the black conservatives who run their mouths in front of white audiences, trashing their own people while not doing anything to right the things they see as so wrong with black people.[/quote]
Trashing their own people?
I trash people who TRY to hijack my own people's grievances for their own agenda.
I actively suggest that the Black Rank and File put Negroes like YOU on a 'Performance Plan'. Either you PRODUCE or you lose your position.
"IS WHAT THEY ARE DOING WORKING? Does it have the SCALE and COMPREHENSIVENESS enough to mitigate the problems at hand?"
I have personally witness the transformation of previously drug and violence plagued enclaves in DC such as Benning Hts (formerly known as "Simple City) and Edgewood Terrace due directly to the work done by the NOI and the Alliance of Concerned Black Men.
I trash people who TRY to hijack my own people's grievances for their own agenda."
Oh please.
You've never seen a white ass you didn't reflexively want to slap your lips on.
I have NEVER in the 3 years that I've been exposed to you, read one post from you that expressed any pride in or love for black people.
Your people.
It's sad.
I think we could all use a dose of "get out there and make a difference" on these issues, but like most everyone else I do my "protesting" from my cozy computer.
The wingnutters are out in force, and it makes them look like a much more formidable, organized, and outraged group than they really are. If sane, thoughtful, and responsible people were to take to the streets to counter their bigotry and hate, there wouldn't be enough room to hold the crowd. Problem is, angry bigots are easily aroused, and thoughtful people tend to write blogs about them.
You've got a great style, sir, and I hope you'll carry on despite the negativity and back-biting of some of these comments. Personally, I admire what you have to say and follow your commentary daily.
Thanks for your voice.
You would be surprised at the amount of markets that have opened in Philadelphia. There is even one two blocks away from a blue light district.
The problem is that retail never provides enough jobs and in Philly, health care is the biggest industry, which for the most part requires a more highly skilled work force. What this city needs are more jobs with skills that can be acquired on the the job, where post high school training is not a huge investment or time consuming endeavor. We also need jobs that are accessible to public transportation. I use to commute 54 miles a day to a place where the assemblers were making a little bit more than minimum wage. They were having problems filling jobs because you had to have a car to get there. This company wasn't in the suburbs, it was in the country. I ask why didn't the company locate closer to Philadelphia where there were many available people to work and had public transportation. No answer, but to me it was obvious that they really didn't want to have a lot of Black or Hispanic people working at the place.
In order for Black people to have resources to use to improve conditions, they have to have income, and that mean work. One learns to be successful, when one can observe how its done.
amen fn!!!
like all the fools who bash us teachers but never help/save/teach even one child
...including their own!
all the hobama nazis who coddle hobama but never research his bush ties/follywood ascension/real agendas etc
sistas are not just "noisy" anymore either!
seen this?
kudos to all who act louder than words!!!
There are quite a few urban gardens here, sponsored by the Philadelphia Horticultural Society. This organization is willing to help with the know how, to turn vacant lots into fertile soil and the types of plants and plantings.
The city recycles trees from the city's largest parks. Shreds dead tress, fallen limbs, collected leaves and Christmas trees and allows them to mulch and become compost.
They reuse it in the parks. If you can haul it away, its free.
like all those who noisy fools who dare to defend BP as if it some innocent capitalist venture rather than a key player in the financing of hobama inc/the military industrual complex etc
Hathor, it is good to know that there are quite a few urban gardens in Philly. How many of them are in low income areas? I've never been to Philly so truly have no idea.
Our town is losing revenue by the second, especially due to tax revenue losses from foreclosures. Many of the parks are not being maintained. It would be nice if people in the neighborhood took responsibility to maintain the parks.
I've found that usually people don't want to do anything so long as someone else can do it;)
i know atlanta well!
Well I ‘m going sacrilegious here. If you ask me largest group of Noisy Negroes is the Black Church. Long gone are the brave congregations of Martin Luther King’s time. They’ve been lead astray by the greedy, pimp like prosperity preachers. The worst of the lot is that walrus on two legs, T.D. Jakes. Others like Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, and Fred Price would make Iceberg Slim look like a choir boy. The tragedy of course is the influence these men have had on the greater Black Church.
I asked a friend who attends church every Sunday if she would go with me to candlelight vigil against the war. After all, Christian doctrines are opposed to war, right? Her response, “well there are going to be wars and rumors of war.” In other words, I’m not going to do a damn thing. The same kind of answer is offer about cultural anti-social behavior. “The bible said this is going to happen.” Therefore, they’ll just let it.
What was that saying about being "so heavenly minded that you’re not earthly good."
FN posters,
This is CF on a black conservative website this morning.
"The Black community has a problem with BIGOTRY!!
Certain operatives have profited greatly by fostering a spirit of HATRED FOR WHITE PEOPLE AND CAPITALISM."
See, this is the way these TOMS talk when they're in front of white people or in their enclosed groups.
He wouldn't dare say this shit in front of most black folks because he'd be challenged to substantiate it.
"Who in particular has profited from anti-white hatred in the black community?"
"Please detail how "hatred of white folks" has manifested itself in today's black community."
"If certain nebulous "black groups" have benefited from anti-white sentiment among blacks, how has the GOP not benefited from anti-black sentiment from whites"?
WhiteBowieSteve is so predictable that it has reached comedic proportions.
[quote]I have personally witness the transformation of previously drug and violence plagued enclaves in DC such as Benning Hts [/quote]
Are these in the 8th Ward where the 5 young people who were themselves walking home from a funeral were gunned down?
You have to understand the dynamics at play here people.
BACK IN THE DAY when it came to BLACK PEOPLE BEING LYNCHED it was the WHITE ESTABLISHMENT who tried to blow it off saying "Our Nigras are happy. Why do you focus on the few Nigras who 'GOT THEMSELVES KILT' as you try and indict the entire White community which is upstanding?"
The goal of these RACIST WHITES was to PROTECT THE ESTABLISHMENT and dismiss the DEAD BLACKS.
WhiteBowieSteve is playing this role today.
He is so vested in defending the ESTABLISHMENT of Washington DC and Baltimore that he supported their run into power.
He sees ME as a threat to this ESTABLISHMENT.
He has previously dismissed the homicides saying "Its just Black drug dealers KILLING EACH OTHER".
Have any of you ever heard an old time Civil Rights activist saying "Thanks to our hard work in engaging the KLAN we now have a 40% drop in lynchings of Black people, thus proving that our efforts are working and should be continued".
WhiteBowieSteve is too compromised to be credible.
Using Google Maps to tell the truth that we WON'T hear from UptownSteve:
[quote]"The Black community has a problem with BIGOTRY!!
Certain operatives have profited greatly by fostering a spirit of HATRED FOR WHITE PEOPLE AND CAPITALISM." [/quote]
Why didn't you post the URL of this statement so that open minded readers could understand the full context?
1) DO YOU think that there are any "bigots" in the Black community or do we only have a portion of the full array of human character flaws as WHITE FOLKS do?
2) When you watch the TV One documentary "Mean Streets w/ Judge Mathis" where he goes to Newark and Oakland and the PEOPLE WHO LIVE THERE are SAYING THE SAME DAMNED THING THAT I AM SAYING regarding Street Pirates YET you notice that they are talking as if these places are as deadly as "Mississippi 1941" for Black people - WHAT OTHER THAN "bigotry" allows these people to KEEP TRYING HARDER to support the present ESTABLISHMENT yet not acknowledge that TO-DAMNED-DAY they are living under the "Mission Accomplished" banner that SOLD OUT KNEEGROWS like YOU hung up all over the Black community, tacking them to the telephone poles like you were a HIP HOP PROMOTER?
Well said Field!!
blacks are bigoted towards gays/republicans who are clones of dems etc...
hobama benfefitted by blacks racism and is amazingly STILL somehow doing so
Of course there are bigots in the black community, however you described the "community" at large as being bigoted.
"Who in particular has profited from anti-white hatred in the black community?"
"Please detail how "hatred of white folks" has manifested itself in today's black community."
"If certain nebulous "black groups" have benefited from anti-white sentiment among blacks, how has the GOP not benefited from anti-black sentiment from whites"?
"blacks are bigoted towards gays/republicans who are clones of dems etc..."
If you believe that white conservatives love your black lesbian behind you reallly are blind.
Here's the url in case you are trying to suggest that I misrepresnted your words.
MY WORDS: "Black people have a problem with Bigotry".
In the view of WhiteBowieSteve this says: ALL BLACKS ARE BIGOTS.
I know from past engagements with Steve that his attacks are SPECIFIC to individual Blacks (ie: Black Conservatives). He defends against my attacks on Negroes like him by claiming that I am talking about all Blacks.
This is why I have my proportional diagram.
however you described the "community" at large as being bigoted.[/quote]
If you say so Steve.
[quote]"Who in particular has profited from anti-white hatred in the black community?"[/quote]
Who has LOST as the propagandists have allowed Anti-White hatred to hook people into focusing on where they want us to:
ANSWER: The Black Community as a whole
1) When A KILLING FIELD like Baltimore is of less concern than the latest Tea Party march for sold out Negroes like YOU - you had better believe there is harm done to the community
2) When you actively run your adversaries off of the school board and yet your friends that took their place fail to produce - and suffer none of the same purge attempts - YES
3) Ditto with corporate employers within the community that were pushed out
[quote]"Please detail how "hatred of white folks" has manifested itself in today's black community."[/quote]
Last summer Atlanta:
* White man beats up Black woman in front of a restaurant. EVERY DAMNED DAY the Civil Rights warlords held a press conference in front of the restaurant and attended every court hearing
* 2 weeks later 2 young Black mothers were forced to strip naked, perform sex acts and then EXECUTED with both of them SHOT IN THE HEAD. NOT ONE DAMNED PRESS CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"If certain nebulous "black groups" have benefited from anti-white sentiment among blacks, how has the GOP not benefited from anti-black sentiment from whites"?[/quote]
That's the problem. These BLACK GROUPS ARE NOT BENEFITING the Black Community!!! They are benefiting Progressivism. They are benefiting the Democratic Party.
The GOP is no less prone to take votes any way they can get them.
From a BLACK MAN'S PERSPECTIVE, however - THEY HAVE FEW BLACKS THAT HAVE ATTEMPT TO FUSE OUR RACIAL INTERESTS WITH THE INTERESTS OF A POLITICAL PARTY. The GOP is purged by Blacks whenever there is an opportunity. Can you say the same thing in response to the FAILURE In Baltimore, DC, Trenton, Philly, Buffalo or Detroit? Each of which have higher Black unemployment than the national average of Black unemployment?
Field, my man, you're preaching to the choir in my case. I've long ago said that there are too many mau-mau talkers in the Black community and on the Left in general. And one election or one cheesy protest isn't going to change the way politics works. If politicians aren't scared of you (Tea Party, The Religious Right) or bought off by you (Corporate America) then they will ignore you (the majority of working people, minorities, environmentalists, etc).
The Left complains, the Right reacts.
From a BLACK MAN'S PERSPECTIVE, however - THEY HAVE FEW BLACKS THAT HAVE ATTEMPT TO FUSE OUR RACIAL INTERESTS WITH THE INTERESTS OF A POLITICAL PARTY. The GOP is purged by Blacks whenever there is an opportunity. Can you say the same thing in response to the FAILURE In Baltimore, DC, Trenton, Philly, Buffalo or Detroit? Each of which have higher Black unemployment than the national average of Black unemployment?
CF -- you're sounding like a broken record and shows you have no true education in economic history. The reason why Black people moved from the South to Baltimore and Philly is the same reason why Latino immigrants move to Arizona -- that's where the jobs are.
Now, when said jobs get shipped to China, Mexico or Singapore and there is no new industries to take their place -- you get crime and urban decay.
No amount of Magic Negro Dust from an elected Black leader or preacher is going to make good paying jobs appear out of the ether. Until we reinvest in jobs, we'll continue to have problems in the city.
Class dismissed.
you are arrogantly ignorant and a dirty amoral cheater at "debate"
i have never said necons love blacks or gays
i have never said ANY bfs were saints or angels
yet you claim such transparent bs ALWAYS in lieu of actual debate
you are pathetic and inept!!!!
"No amount of Magic Negro Dust from an elected Black leader or preacher is going to make good paying jobs appear out of the ether. Until we reinvest in jobs, we'll continue to have problems in the city."
ditto that no such dust will EVER cover up all of the jobs hobama has created or saved EXCLUSIVELY for banksters/govt drone cronies/BP lawyers/halliburton's global bilkers/AIG execs ETC!...
The Leading Blacks are full of these type of folks who want to have title but don't want to do anything about it. We have replaced our good grass root leaders with a generation of groomed orators who at best cow tow to the civil rights generation going to events, balls and taking pictures. The best they can do is point to it like a dumb dog but they aren't going to do anything about it.
We are used to them only because all the fighters died and what we have left is their hypemen and women. We have a bunch of fake intellectuals aka ineffectuals who can break down the problem in two minutes and pass farce legislation in their group but do nothing about it.
The issue isn't about finding a good one it's about people doing it their damnselves without going to talk to these cats. We keep trying to ask the same idiots we know haven't done anything for help. It's like asking the bum to help you move as even their help is wobbly at best.
We just have to move on and do it ourselves. Force them to do something by bringing it to their door and saying either you can join us or you can get voted out next election. Stop asking for a leader and lead your damn self.
those white racist neocons whom you EXCLUSIVELY lament TEACH ignorant amoral black clones of YOU to be BIGOTS and torture gays and blacks globally!!!
This blog and its commentaries are endemic of the problems our people face...so-called "noisy negroes" come in all political, social and cultural manifestations.
That's one of the reasons I stopped commenting here...alot of hot air and peculiar perspectives that carry no weight...literally just a bunch of "noisy negroes" giving opinions and verbal masturbation.
Nothing uplifting or enlightening...just the same ole shit.
Ann G Myma...you also hit on a MOST important aspect in the decline of our communities...my father use to say; "There ain't much difference between a pimp and a preacher...they both prey on woman and neither one of them want to work a real job."
And btw...Thrasher does make a pretty good case, in spite of the fan club here Field.
re said magic dust:
history will prove that hobama needed tons more dust to cover tons more brutally evil elitist dirt than his fellow warlock cousin gwb did!...bet!!!
"The reason why Black people moved from the South to Baltimore and Philly is the same reason why Latino immigrants move to Arizona -- that's where the jobs are.
Now, when said jobs get shipped to China, Mexico or Singapore and there is no new industries to take their place -- you get crime and urban decay.
Until we reinvest in jobs, we'll continue to have problems in the city."
Thank you.
This much is obvious.
But the reason the righties are going to hammer home the "black crime" "black culture" and "black anti-academic" rants is that the only way there will be any reinvestment in the inner city is over their dead bodies.
The US Government financed white flight into suburbia and middle class status and that's all the social investment they're willing to make.
"The Leading Blacks are full of these type of folks who want to have title but don't want to do anything about it."
Who exactly are the "leading blacks"?
"We have replaced our good grass root leaders with a generation of groomed orators who at best cow tow to the civil rights generation going to events, balls and taking pictures. The best they can do is point to it like a dumb dog but they aren't going to do anything about it."
This is a smokin pile of dogshit.
During the lives of MLK and Malcolm a majority of blacks were in poverty. The number of black elected officials were miniscule. And we were officially second class citizens in America.
Today a majority of blacks are working to middle class. There are thousands of black elected officials. There is no one BLACK agenda.
Civil rights organizations are becoming increasingly irrelevant and I can't understand why black conservatives keep trying to scapegoat them.
Now I'll ask all the outraged negroes on this board and elsewhere about the lack of grassroots participation and giving back in the 'hood.
What are YOU doing?
If you're not doing anything yourself, you have no right to criticize anyone else.
u r a rabid elitist fool
and this proves it:
"Today a majority of blacks are working to middle class. There are thousands of black elected officials. There is no one BLACK agenda."
i rest my case
poor is the new american!!!!
but u just keep waving that hobama flag
@UPSteve - I'll answer the call as I run a business in LA myself. I hire and train young black youth in my own company and get them jobs in this industry. I have personally given my money to buy single mothers 2 cars and have given my time to the schools in Compton where I come from.
Also who are these majority of Blacks that moved up into working and middle class? Are you in DC or something because that's the only place where you can even make that kind of statement thinking the majority of us are in that group. Even DC makes you understand there's more living in poverty than working in some government building.
No one is asking for a Black Agenda as that's stupid. Just do what you can where you can and be happy with doing it. Jesus isn't coming but we keep celebrating our dead heroes every year and wondering WWJD oops I mean WW-Malcolm-Do or WW-Martin-Do. We need to move on aggressively from this traditional thinking and address the concerns of the Black population today.
No one needs a damn sit in anymore, No one needs a damn march anymore, no one needs you to black mail people anymore. We have education, drug and poverty issues to solve nowadays what the hell does a Black conference of ineffectual talkers have to do with that. You are watching a generation of lingerers holding onto when things were the way they remembered and you have a whole bunch of their children thinking the same old ass way.
even elected officials are being swiftly unemployed...sespecall dems!!!
hobama's 0 black agenda trumps all diversity
especially dems!
ditto that no such dust will EVER cover up all of the jobs hobama has created or saved EXCLUSIVELY for banksters/govt drone cronies/BP lawyers/halliburton's global bilkers/AIG execs ETC!...
AB - I'm not going to get into any arguments about Obama's policies, good or bad, because its bigger than just one guy.
The last time I checked there were over 300 Congressmen,100 Senators, 50 Governors and scores of local officials. Most of those clowns have not been serious about dealing with urban decay, education or the myriad of other problems -- other than protecting their corporate donors and niche lobbying groups.
Obama is far from perfect, but for anyone on the Left or Center to expect one man to magically fix all our problems with:
1. A hostile irrational minority party and slim margins.
2. Self-absorbed special interests in your own party who who won't let you coalesce into a consistent message.
3. And most of all, an apathetic public who expect all their problems and woes solved without sacrifice.
Obama could be Che Gueverra reincarnated and he'd still be as lackluster as Jimmy Carter, given the rotting corpse of American politics.
The pandemics of Black poverty, environmental chaos, non-functioning public education, non-existing public health care and the erosion of the middle class in general existed long before Obama showed up. And these issues will continue long after he's gone if people like you and I sit around and do nothing.
Civil Rights, Emancipation and the New Deal were achieved because the people decided things were important enough to push. Hate to quote the O-man to you, since it raises your ire, but "We are change we've been waiting for".
CF is right on one point -- nobody's coming to the ghetto with a Green Lantern ring, Reality Engine or Cosmic Cube to magically wipe away our problems. (Sorry, comic book geekdom showing). We got to do for self.
Now, the libertarian lunacy that the Right espouses ain't gonna get us there. But the Tea Party has the correct idea, you want change, force it to happen.
"@UPSteve - I'll answer the call as I run a business in LA myself. I hire and train young black youth in my own company and get them jobs in this industry. I have personally given my money to buy single mothers 2 cars and have given my time to the schools in Compton where I come from."
What's the name of your company?
Got a website.
Why do I know you're full of shit?
"Also who are these majority of Blacks that moved up into working and middle class? Are you in DC or something because that's the only place where you can even make that kind of statement thinking the majority of us are in that group."
Are you actually stating the majority of blacks are in the ghetto?
No you can't be that dumb.
You are unaware of thriving black middle class communities in every metropolitan area in the country?
"Even DC makes you understand there's more living in poverty than working in some government building."
Answer my question.
That's kind of hard since the black poverty rate officially is 24%
"We need to move on aggressively from this traditional thinking and address the concerns of the Black population today."
What are the concerns of the black population today as you see it?
your endless excuses will not save you or hobama
no one ever applied any of those excuses to his kinder and gentler clone gwb...
keep watch
holla back in nov/2016
and r u not pt of that same worshipful faction who said:
a godly dem prez + a dem majority in dc = political bliss???
got new mantras?
at some pt
even you MUST stop excusing the inexcusable...
then again
some nazis died defending hitler...so maybe not...
alicia banks said...
your endless excuses will not save you or hobama
no one ever applied any of those excuses to his kinder and gentler clone gwb...
keep watch
holla back in nov/2016
Who's making excuses for Obama? Do you even bother to read? And you think things will improve in 2016?! How exactly, if we still have the same kind of splintered masses in DC and across the country? What do you expect to happen?!
How do I make it any clearer? I'm point is, pardon my language 'F**k Obama, he's go sh** to worry about. We need to do for self'
You're focus on Obama shows that you still put waaay too much value on what he's doing and not enough emphasis on what you can do.
scan up
u did post at 2:50?
u did read that???
your excuses glare!
even historical refs to excuse hobama retro...they do not fly!!!!
i will stand by legacy and resume up against yours any day
and neither of ours will make the empty suited hoax that is hobama any less inept or inexcusable
i will stand my legacy and resume up against yours any day
hobama's brutal socialism ONLY for the rich is whitening/regentrifying ALL of america...DC included!!!
Anybody seen Freeman?
*standing ovation* @ This is typical of an individual I like to call the faux revolutionary, or the "Noisy Negro". They talk a lot, but that's about all they do: Talk.
Whenever I am constantly criticized for an action or belief that I sweat for, here where I live, it never fails that I will eventually be criticized by those who simply stand around on the sidelines, while I am tired and sweaty.
The moment they fix their mouth to say something negative, I quickly get off into their ish.
I have always expressed the fact that it's much easier to sit around and wait for something than it is to actually lend a helping hand, and making it happen.
Noisy Negroes will even get you killed and stand around and watch as you die.
seen this?
further proof that glenn beck is just generically & completely insane:
AB - You proved my point, you don't get it and don't pay attention to what you read. Here's my quote, again:
"I'm not going to get into any arguments about Obama's policies, good or bad, because its bigger than just one guy.
The last time I checked there were over 300 Congressmen,100 Senators, 50 Governors and scores of local officials.
Most of those clowns have not been serious about dealing with urban decay, education or the myriad of other problems -- other than protecting their corporate donors and niche lobbying groups.
Obama is far from perfect, but for anyone on the Left or Center to expect one man to magically fix all our problems with:
1. A hostile irrational minority party and slim margins.
2. Self-absorbed special interests in your own party who who won't let you coalesce into a consistent message.
3. And most of all, an apathetic public who expect all their problems and woes solved without sacrifice.
Obama could be Che Gueverra reincarnated and he'd still be as lackluster as Jimmy Carter, given the rotting corpse of American politics."
How did you get Obama apologist from that? Are you that dense? I didn't disagree with you, my point (as usual) is that Obama is the symptom, not the cause of our current woes.
CF-"Are these in the 8th Ward where the 5 young people who were themselves walking home from a funeral were gunned down?"
I just love the way you call UTS out on his bs.
UTS-"Why do I know you're full of shit?"
It takes a Noisy Negro to know a Noisy Negro. and you be it, Mr. Bowie State with your hip hop two-year degree!
are u serious????
we agree to disagree!!!
i see endless current and retro excuses STILL!!!
he has fix NOT ONE SINGLE problem for anyone is not a bankster!
hobama has NOT fixed ONE SINGLE problem for anyone is not a bankster!
obama has NO message at all for poor people except "do not ask me for s*it!!!"
The man in charge of the government that both permitted and abetted the heinous corporate crime (“Drill, baby, drill!”) should, by all rights, be in terminal disgrace. Instead, much of Obama’s “base” behaves as if the First Black President is an innocent party – a victim of circumstances – rather than a facilitator of the corporate enterprise that has spawned the Mother of all Pollutions. But then, Teflon is a petrochemical product.
"I just love the way you call UTS out on his bs."
CF never answers a direct question not deals with the issue being discussed.
He rants, then diverts, then buckdances, then grins.
What did the 8th ward have to do with this discussion?
hobama is specifically doing everything he can to increase BLACK poor homelessness by design...people will be packing up to shelters as they don his t-shirts!
President Obama's greatest domestic imperative is the transfer of public wealth and resources to the private sector. He moved tens of trillions of dollars to Wall Street in the guise of rescuing the economy. Hundreds of billions in public funds are scheduled for transfer to private insurance corporations over the next decade or so, masquerading as a health care plan. His support for corporate-backed charter schools and other so-called public-private partnerships has dramatically escalated the privatization of education in the United States. Obama calls it a "Race to the Top." Now, the Obama administration is serving up to corporate vultures the nation's dwindling stock of public housing, with bankers as the ultimate beneficiaries
Imagine! Obama wants to transfer to banks and developers tens of thousands of acres of public-owned urban property - home to 1.2 million families, disproportionately Black and brown - all the while subsidizing the banksters' profits with billions of taxpayer dollars. He would entrust the fates of millions of poor people to the tender mercies of the same criminal-minded class that has destroyed a generation and more of Black homeowners and displaced legions of Black renters from the gentrifying cities.
"The scheme would allow banks and other speculators to mortgage public housing, and then raise the rents to ten percent above market value."
Obama wants to transform public housing into a Section 8 subsidy program. That is the kiss of death. Section 8 housing has always been underfunded. In New York City, alone, 10,000 Section 8 voucher holders may not be able to pay their rent because the feds won't come up with the funding.
@UPSteve - You called and I returned.
"Why do I know you're full of shit" - because when someone challenges you and can back it up you want it to be a lie so your point can be proven. Also why would I put my company out on this blog or any blog for that sake as this is a conversation not a big dick contest. I'm not hard to find type up Daniel Freeman on google and hit LA and look for a black guy and I'll be on the front page.
Are you actually stating the majority of blacks are in the ghetto? - Depending on what you call a ghetto but to think you're little middle class areas in DC (PG-County-McLean-Alexandria) Philly (Mt-Airy) New York (Westchester-Harlem) Chicago (Flossmoor) Oakland (Oakland Hills), Atlanta (DeKalb County) LA (Ladera Heights, the valley), Boston (Milton)-- really outnumber the masses of Blacks Have Nots who live right next door shows you haven't traveled and lived many places. I have can't you tell!
The concerns of Black America are Drugs, Education, Abortion and Poverty. We are relaxing on our gains when there are ground level problems that people are still dealing with.
What do you think it is from your place up on high? Don't confuse telling jokes with opening your mouth and being thought of as one..
UTS, "What did the 8th ward have to do with this discussion?"
Plenty. You are just an unaware guy who lives in a white dream would, you pathetic moron.
How many times must AB slay you before you give up? You are like Darth Vader in Star Wars. Just when everyone thought DV had been slain, here comes another Star War episode. The SOB just won't die.
The way AB slays you, one would think you would go crawl under a rock. But you keep on coming back for more. Do you have a thing for pain and humiliation?
So this idiot is saying that Drugs, Education, Abortion and Poverty are "black" problems.
"but to think you're little middle class areas in DC (PG-County-McLean-Alexandria) Philly (Mt-Airy) New York (Westchester-Harlem) Chicago (Flossmoor) Oakland (Oakland Hills), Atlanta (DeKalb County) LA (Ladera Heights, the valley), Boston (Milton)-- really outnumber the masses of Blacks Have Nots who live right next door shows you haven't traveled and lived many places. I have can't you tell!"
You don't know what you're talking about and that's obvious.
The black poor of DC are mainly in Ward 5 and Ward 8 and the numbers don't come close to the black middle class in Prince Georges, Montgomery, Fairfax and Charles Counties.
As far as the Philly area is concerned you seem to be unaware of the thousands of black middle class families in suburban NJ. Black communities like Willingboro, Mt Laurel and Pemberton. On the PA side you have Horsham, Elkins Park, Sharon Hill and others.
No buddy. You're just another self-hating coon screaming the 'sky is falling on black folks' and doing nothing about the problems you decry.
Just assigning them a color.
Stop it AB.
You don't fool anybody.
@UPSteve - I could be wrong about the DC numbers but it only shows your local. What about a whole state like Mississippi or Louisiana. So you think you're couple of good communities outnumber the majority of Black folks in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.
I went and got edu-ma-cated too but I never forgot where I came from. I know there are two realities the one we want and the one that is. You know where they are in DC but you dont' know what they are dealing with.
What do you think the problems of the Black race are gaining access ?
"What about a whole state like Mississippi or Louisiana. So you think you're couple of good communities outnumber the majority of Black folks in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana."
You mean those red conservative states???
Probably not.
Even though I know alot of black folks living quite well in LaPlace and Baton Rouge.
"I went and got edu-ma-cated too but I never forgot where I came from."
And your point is what?
The only way to be authentically black is to be from the 'hood.
That's nonsense.
Most of my peers are first generation college educated, middle class suburban dwellers.
I thought the name of the game is upward mobility.
"I know there are two realities the one we want and the one that is."
I'm still trying to get your unequivocal answer.
Yes or No?
"What do you think the problems of the Black race are gaining access?"
Are you insane?
5:09 PM
[quote]And one election or one cheesy protest isn't going to change the way politics works.[/quote]
LAC King:
The first part of your statement had me excited that you "Get It".
Then you posted THE PHRASE UP ABOVE and I was nearly brought to tears.
POLITICS he says!!!
There is the "American POLITICAL domain".
Then there is the "Community Cultural Consciousness and COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT Domain".
You and others are fully vested in the first.
The second is suffering from Benign Neglect
Why do you believe that everything boils down to POLITICS LAC King?
Did the KOREANS that I pointed out behind Super H-Mart use POLITICS to open their stores in communities that are NOT serviced by main-line corporations - in many cases their own Korean communities?
My frustration with you LAC King is that even when you have full implementation of your THEORY and the results STILL FALL SHORT - in my view - you are one of those "bigots" that I speak of who is too blind to reassess the situation and make note of some "dark matter" that is present which doesn't fit your previous model that you had been working with.
Non-bigoted thoughts are evidenced by the willingness to RECALIBRATE.
I am not sure that you have this capacity sir.
I am not calling for you or other Progressive-Fundamentalists to be forced to "change" (ie: becoming "conservative").
I AM STATING that the Black Rank and File had better see the need to REGULATE you (and me) with some overlay entity that allows us to pursue our ideological motivated strategy but then REBUKE THIS PLAN if and when it fails.
Absent such a management overlay YOU and other bigots will continue to exploit our frustrations and keep TRYING HARDER!!!
@UPSteve - Nope you don't have to come from the hood but you have to realize that it's part of our race. So to act like the small group that make up the middle needs are bigger than the masses is absurd.
If you want to better your income group say it that way but don't come out saying you want to better all Blacks when you're scope is only limited to how you live and how you see the world.
Be you brother and I'll be me. There is no conflict just we need to define what our scopes are.
CF aka "Uncle Rukus" - a man who blanketed calls his own people 'street pirates' calling me a bigot is well, weird.
As for your case with a Korean grocer, well no they didn't use the political domain because a) smaller ethnic communities have a different frame work than Black folks due to their size and lack total assimilation into American culture. As much as many faux Afrocentrics bemoan it, Black folks are just as 'white' as Italian-Americans in Jersey, in terms of culture and worldview.
You're right that we don't often invest in ourselves -- but that's a longstanding cultural bias towards doing business with Black folks. We honestly are crabs in a barrel. Would you honestly set up say, a financial commons such that any member of your neighborhood could start their own business? Does your church have credit union? b) You look at anecdotal information without full analysis -- if it weren't for Black folks fighting for the right to start businesses without them getting blown up, those Koreans wouldn't have a grocery store. Also, chances are that those Korean guys weren't rice farms in the North, but accountants and schoolteachers in South Korea.
Politics is more than elections and governments, CF. As a man of letters, you should know that. I don't think that every solution begins and ends at the ballot (though far too many on the Left have abandoned the ballot to their chagrin.) There are plenty of community level efforts for solving our problems -- the problem is that there are far too many 'Noisy Negroes' sucking up the air to get things done.
My question, are you involved in anything, CF?
"The way AB slays you, one would think you would go crawl under a rock."
the vile disgusting wretch is more obvious then ever
the only person on this bored who says 'slay' is her and the imaginary minions shes created
crazy irrational idiotic moronic mentally unstable disgusting vile pitiful wench.
LAC and CF you guys might be laboring under false notions. This study showed that Chines and Korean immigrant communities are able to finance their small businesses by leveraging existing financial institutions. Peer and community funding sources are NOT major sources of start up funds, contrary to popular belief.
This paper was put out in 1996.
Notwithstanding the fact that many immigrant communities stick together because they know from whence they've come. They also have specific dietary needs unique to their cuisine so there will always be trade back and forth between here and their native countries.
I think CF is right; we really ought to develop our locales. Corporations are not necessary for a lot of this development. People power and a united vision IS necessary for this type of development.
everyone knows you post bs in stereo as assnon always!!!
it is one of your many distraction tactics to mask your perpetually retardation at actual debating...
and everyone know i proudly NEVER use any id but my own birth name EVERYWHERE...net/radio/mags/ ETC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u r a sexist psycho pathological liar and a euro elitist colorist coward!!!
keep slaying uts with ease!!!!
reginay nay:
girl...i thought u were still slaying at that swap meet!
i see u have spike your haterade with that patron again!
UPSteve - "carrying other people's water when it absolutely has to get there overnight."
I feel that name.
LAC King says:
[quote]The reason why Black people moved from the South to Baltimore and Philly is the same reason why Latino immigrants move to Arizona -- that's where the jobs are.[/quote]
You greatly MOLEST the totality of facts.
In the Great Migration, Blacks had no POWER in the South. Indeed my parents moved North for employment as you say.
Here is how your model fails to encapsulate the conditions TO-DAMNED-DAY.
Today's Baltimore, Philly, Trenton, Detroit have FAVORABLE MACHINES running the key institutions - just as the residents PROMOTED INTO POWER!!!
You say "they are no jobs" but you FAIL to note that today's employment environment is the residue of the ECONOMIC THEORIES that those who put the powers into place supported.
You say the SCHOOLS are inferior - you voted for the leadership.
You say that the STREETS ARE VIOLENT yet you supported the "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" that took over the system. (Note - listen to the maniacal rantings of Michell Alexander in order to understand what "J.T.M.J." is. Her goal is to INDICT THE SYSTEM while having SOLUTIONS that cannot possibly be instituted outside of communist totalitarianism)
[quote]]Now, when said jobs get shipped to China, Mexico or Singapore and there is no new industries to take their place -- you get crime and urban decay.[/quote]
Same ole tired rant.
"CONSUMERS OF LABOR" that you speak of suffered the following fate as a result of facing unfavorable production climate in these areas:
* They went out of business
* They were acquired by another firm
* They moved their production outside of the city
* They moved their production to "Right To Work States"
* They moved their production to Mexico
* They Moved their production to China, Honduras, etc
* FOREIGN FIRMS with foreign production TOOK OVER MARKETS that had been controlled by the firms that you speak.
You see LAC King - you need to set up a tale of INNOCENT VICTIMIZATION. Where the organized labor establishment operated transparently with no other cause but to get FAIR PAY for their rank and file. Only the GREED of these evil "consumers of labor" that sought to EXPLOIT THEM was the force that moved away. Judge Mathis called this "Corporate Abandonment".
Yet in the very next scene an activist in Newark stated that he is looking toward the CORPORATIONS IN DOWNTOWN NEWARK to "share their PROSPERITY with the rest of Newark".
Now get this LAC King. You have a business which you do the right thing within. You have a group with pitch forks and torches who see your "castle" downtown. Despite YOU being the key employer in his city - he is brainwashed to see YOU AS THE ENEMY and is gunning to TAKE YOUR SH**.
LAC King - is there a point at which we LOOK AT THE ACTIVIST and ask him to LOOK AT ALL OF THESE OTHER VACANT LOTS around town. "WHY haven't YOU built up your own castle? Employing people. Proving true his rhetoric that 'there are many UNDERSERVED COMMUNITIES that could support a _____________ store'?
You see LAC King you like to make indictments against the SYSTEM. It is time to get the "Noisy Negro Coordinating Committee" to do something - now that he has his FAVORED PEOPLE RUNNING THE INSTITUTIONS WHERE HE LIVES?
No amount of Magic Negro Dust from an elected Black leader or preacher is going to make good paying jobs appear out of the ether. Until we reinvest in jobs, we'll continue to have problems in the city.[/quote]
LAC King - I realize that you believe that I am supposed to thank you for your above words. Instead I still don't believe you "get it".
YOUR WORDS will ring true when - PRIOR TO THE ELECTION - upon hearing one of these "Negroes on stage with a Mic in their hands" link Black community DEVELOPMENT with VOTING FOR THE DEMOCRATS (or voting as a united block for the sake of UNITY) - YOU RUSH THE STAGE AND RIP THE MIC OUT OF HIS HANDS.
I would even be impressed with you LAC King if you had STANDARD OF LIVING GOALS for your COMMUNITY (not race - community) and then "reverse engineered" the set of disciplines necessary to obtain this.
After implementing this at the community/city level and creating productivity - once someone sorts this same report BY RACE it will show "Productivity Increases for Black folks" as a consequence.
"Aldrich and Waldinger point to "the fragmented social structure of black communities, which inhibits
resource mobilization," in their analysis of "the underdevelopment
of black business" (1990, p. 62)."- Tomothy Bates, Prof Wayne State University
reginay nay...oooooweee!!!!
did u find a used dictionary in that bargain bin you hoodrat stalker???
chickenheads coming up!!!...word!!!!
keep slaying uts with ease!!!!
is this AB or Trash cuz they say summa da same shyt
now git ready for a comment about assnons
what a fucking maroon
[quote]CF aka "Uncle Rukus" -[/quote]
LAC King:
Did you see the "Obama" episode of "Boondocks"? Huey was forced to "ride in the same car" with the Black Republican to leave town. Though they both opposed Obama when the German narrator asked him about the irony of him being in agreement with Ruckus - Huey said something to the effect of "he has the car I am merely providing the gas money". I am NO "Uncle Ruckus". I am not a lefty revolutionary like Huey either.
a man who blanketed calls his own people 'street pirates' calling me a bigot is well, weird.[/quote]
Despite the fact that I have repeatedly said that Street Piracy is an EARNED TITLE you continue your slander. It is A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION of those who prey upon their own damned community.
but that's a longstanding cultural bias towards doing business with Black folks. We honestly are crabs in a barrel.[/quote]
LAC King:
I saw a brief clip from the show "Martin" recently. He said something to the effect of: "you expect Black people to pay their money on time?".
Why is it that the words of a "Tea Bagger" is more 'hurtful' to you than this phrase by Martin which further stitched the biased stereotype that you speak of? (I won't even talk about "Soul Plane")
Would you honestly set up say, a financial commons such that any member of your neighborhood could start their own business?[/quote]
LAC King:
I presently support several small businesses. I take my business management consulting and telecommunications skills that the EVIL CORPORATION has exposed me to and I apply it to small businesses - the majority of them Black. (Ironically - all most all of them are owned by Black foreigners from the Caribbean or Africa).
Your question is too generalized. I have seen Black folks start a business with no clue about the market that they are serving - only to have the venture have them spiral to near bankruptcy.
To answer your question - NO I WOULD NOT "assist" ALL BLACK PEOPLE into setting up a business. I will LISTEN to their plans and then provide 'constructive feedback' - asking "Devil's Advocate" questions so that they can clarify their agenda.
if it weren't for Black folks fighting for the right to start businesses without them getting blown up, those Koreans wouldn't have a grocery store. Also, chances are that those Korean guys weren't rice farms in the North, but accountants and schoolteachers in South Korea.[/quote]
Check out my blog later tonight. I have videos that show clearly that KLANSMEN blowing up Black business is not the threat today.
* A stolen SUV driven into an ATM on Sunday
* A group of Street Pirates breaking into a coin laundry to steal their ATM on Saturday
My question, are you involved in anything, CF?[/quote]
Note to self. When I go into the hood and talk to the men there - ASK THEM what LAC has asked ME:
"What are you involved in within your community to help it move forward?"
My husband and I decided to get rid of most of our front yard grass and do edible gardening. Now we're trying to figure out what to plant!
The point is, there are many ways in which goods and services can be exchanged in a locale with minimal corporate intrusion.
In terms of banking, there is also the concept among family members and loved ones called Susu. My parents, grandparents and some aunties did this for a few years. They pooled all their money together and passed the pot around each month.
We've got to think about new paradigms for this century and looking at what immigrant groups do (like you;) is a place to start.
This is a nugget of wisdom you've provided here. The people who are self reliant and who develop a system of exchange outside of paper money are going to do fine given the impending economic crisis that's about to beset us.
Little do many people realize how important this will be going forward. Most of us have our butts firmly planted looking into the rear view mirror and assuming that the recent past will be the near-term future.
My parents were from the rural south and although I grew up in a city, we grew and canned our own veggies, jellies and etc. I've been thinking about this a lot lately as like you, I think it's very important to "get outside of the system". Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't afford me the time to do what my parents did, but I ran across something that may actually work for me, which you appear to be doing--container gardening. I have a fairly large yard and I'm looking at putting out some large containers to begin growing stuff. The container thing would be easier than trying to till and would make managing pests easier as well.
reginaynay/stupid fake hoodrat moron assnon:
i am indeed a proud "maroon" u moron!!!
u made my day
and legions of rebel kin's too!
ps 4 real tho:
anything to say about the post????
do u realize that you only check in to hate on me????
do u not have some ebt cards to cash out?
cornrows to do?
horse hair stores to raid?
yak to buy?
trick bitch boo bye!!!
Regina, "@UTS
the vile disgusting wretch is more obvious then ever
the only person on this bored who says 'slay' is her and the imaginary minions shes created
crazy irrational idiotic moronic mentally unstable disgusting vile pitiful wench."
Hey Regina. Can't you tell by the cadence of my writing that I am not AB, you dumb ass? Most readers can at least discern that I am NOT AB. At times some readers can even id me from the other Anons, like CF often has done. Of course, he has an observant and sharp mind. Even Field has sniffed me out on occasion. (At this rate, I might have to get another ID.:)
On the other hand, you and UTS can't observe shit.
You two need to take a few courses in 'discernment and observation' because both of you are waaaay off when it comes to id-ing Anons. And why are you supporting UTS? You two got something going?
FYI: AB has never masqueraded as an Anon. Her writing is distinct and anybody can tell when she speaks. Besides, we proud Anons wouldn't stand for her trying to be part of our highly valued and regarded elite group on this blog.
But we DO know that UTS has 'encroached' on our territory a few times trying to get back at AB as an Anon, after she "slayed" and humiliated his ass publicly on a world-wide scale...ROFLMAO.
Next time, pay 'attention' before you wrongly accuse AB...She proudly wears her own ID as "ab".
I wish trasher was still here posting he was refreshing he nailed people with the truth.
they hide because they need cheerleaders
i slay them solo
no need!!!
i am a leo
i like grand credit IN MY NAME for all i do
like that leo hobama!....smile
but i ignore uts and hoodrats andfools who egg him on...they all know he is schizo and post as assnon and that i never do so!
I am not sure of how many gardens their are, but many are in poor neighborhood. When abandon houses become uninhabitable, many are torn down or fire takes them. In a city of row houses that means instant lot. We do have an agricultural high school here, so there is a possibility that green house farms or abandon manufacturing site that could be cleaned up to have urban farms. I think one problem is that there is no concerted effort within the poor communities, to make farms seem a viable possibility.
A city like Philadelphia the poor have to now worry about relocation once more. Gentrification is seen as a way to live more green, by what we use to call YUPPIES. The renters are screwed, because the landlords can improve the property and greatly increased the rents and the home owners will see their property taxes become exorbitant. Many of these people are elderly and live on fixed incomes. They have an incentive to sell, just to survive. Quite ofter they sell below market value because they are not that knowledgeable about real estate.
The problem with small business in the Black community is still due to our slave legacy, not fully trusting another Black or trying to exploit that Black. This is another reason why I think a business which does not serve the Black community, but would need the workforce from that community is more viable. For example if a company provide security guards for a mall or manufactured parts for an auto company.
If anyone can find the capital and start up a manufacturing company I would have no problem offering my expertise. I don't like being a talking head, but my talent does not lie in organizational or social skills. I am strictly a hands on mechanical, electronic and computer person. I would do what it would take to make or service a product, but I am not the kind of person who could smooze a bank officer or write a business plan.
"I wish trasher was still here posting he was refreshing he nailed people with the truth."
"AB has never masqueraded as an Anon. Her writing is distinct and anybody can tell when she speaks. Besides, we proud Anons wouldn't stand for her trying to be part of our highly valued and regarded elite group on this blog."@AB
more proof of ur fucked delusions fucking crazy asshole u always hate on anonymous commenters but u didnt get this one cuz u was him dumbass
"more proof of ur fucked delusions fucking crazy asshole u always hate on anonymous commenters but u didnt get this one cuz u was him dumbass"
Can you explain that in english? I don't understand ebonics and pig latin.
Hathor and Greg L thanks for the responses that are on topic with the tenor of the post. Yes Greg, the container planting is nice, we also use soil in our back yard and have a compost heap. We will brew compost tea in a few days. If you have enough egg shells or calcium source in your compost, that is all the plants will need. BUT if you don't have enough calcium, supplementation is key. We had some Roma tomatoes get blossom end rot last year and found out that we had the majority of nutrients in the tea but NOT ENOUGH Calcium. Some of the romas were ruined but after adding some egg shells and milk to the compost, THEN some off the counter stuff the plants were thriving!
I love indoor gardening, especially as an URBAN SOLUTION to high veg costs. You can be HELLA broke, but if you manage to get some soil, some seeds and five dollar flourescent lights you can grow a LOT of stuff in a closet. The electric bill won't substantially increase using flourescents either.
You can grow lettuce, greens, herbs and spices and other things ONLY on fluorescents. And if you take it to the next step and get like three or four gallon buckets, you can have a hydroponic system set up and that increases production quantity and decreases production time. Lettuce can grow under hydro in a week or two! They have organic micronutrients now which are okay for using hydro.
The point is, many of us got divorced from living off the land when we became more urbanized.
When I look around my town, the surrounding areas near the foothills and mountains, I WISH more Black people had the idea to farm and ranch. But in my area, the Mexicans do quite a bit of organic farming (they aren't always certified which makes things cheaper), Portugeuse OWN most of the ranches and old guard Dutch and Italians are still here but in very small numbers.
Some Southeast Asians are getting into it more, but they also have their own unique food distribution channels.
I think that the only people who will survive these hard times are those who can do for self as much as possible, but also rely upon community support. With it, we are a dead society anyway:)
I meant without community support we are a dead society;)
And anonymous you would do well to stop trolling and feeding the trolls. Regina, please stop harassing AB it degrades the content of the blog.
And AB I've already had words with you, but a forty six year old 'accomplished' woman should not act like an infantile teenager. Let the insults go; they are just trying to get a rise out of you.
Anonymous, you ought to let that shit go too. It is ridiculous.
The other half of this problem is that we listen to those Noisy Negroes. We love people who talk a good game, whether it's a preacher or a rapper or a guy on the street picking up girls. We even have a word for that, just "game". And it's considered a good thing to have.
Just look at how much we revere Malcolm X. Here is a Noisy Negro who accomplished nothing of worth for the black community besides converting Cassius Clay to Islam, and yet is thought of as one of the greatest black leaders of the 20th century. Yet I bet not one person here can name off-hand the first black CEO of a Fortune 500 company, the first black winner of the Pulitzer Prize, or the first black general of the US Army. All of these were the kinds of pioneers that get up in the morning and decide to do something, to accomplish something, and could be inspirations to a generation of young people in school.
Instead, we give them Malcolm X.
you are arrogantly ignorant about malcolm and his legendary global pan-african/womanist/anti-racist legacies etc
fix that asap
i live online
i have never seen any black site where legendary black icons like huey and malcolm are so blatantly & routinely slandered etc....not even on kkk sites!!!
and that is precisely why i do not let cowardly self hating niggers post as assnons or even call into any of my shows as assnons
i never have and i never will!!!!!!!
u r the man!
This is a nugget of wisdom you've provided here. The people who are self reliant and who develop a system of exchange outside of paper money are going to do fine given the impending economic crisis that's about to beset us."
Greg L, that's a good point. Here in Philly there are some groups doing some things with community gardens in urban areas, there could be more, but at least folks are trying. I say good for them.
I am enjoying the discussion between Destructive, UTS, Freeman & La-Coincidental.
But Destructive, I still do not get this:
"In the Great Migration, Blacks had no POWER in the South. Indeed my parents moved North for employment as you say.
Here is how your model fails to encapsulate the conditions TO-DAMNED-DAY.
Today's Baltimore, Philly, Trenton, Detroit have FAVORABLE MACHINES running the key institutions - just as the residents PROMOTED INTO POWER!!!"
What is this "MACHINE" you keep speaking of? And how could a different group/machine/political party/the constructive crew...whatever you want to call it; make a difference? It seems to me that many of the things that folks like UTS La-Coincidental and others outlined have nothing to do with politics? So again, what is your motivation for calling out this so called machine?
"Seem like the House Negro is acting like a soviet bureau fonctionaire by blocking Ips of people dont tow the line .
Bon debarras et sans regret."
There has NEVER been an IP address or person banned from this site.
You are a liar in English & in French.
Au revoir tromperie. ;)
mr/captain save a hoodrat/ho:
you are one of the sorriest snakes on this blog
got envy?
got that library wk done yet on dd?
hop to it!
you are so selective in your transparent weak bs herein
soooo many other people herein for u to call out...u flatter me so!!!
do u really think i care what an illiterate coward like u thinks of me...really?????
Hey MR!!!
Did I ever show you a picture of my 2 "Topsy Turvy" tomato planters?
In the (racist) South where I live I have in my back yard:
* Pear trees
* Peach trees
* Apple trees
* a Nectarine tree
* Deer
* Rabbits
I am going to violate the ecological balance as I shoot the squirrels that are eating the hell out of my fruit.
I have a peach tree that I planted 2 years ago that was full of fruit about 6 weeks ago. Then I saw two "Street Pirate squirrels" that cleaned every single peach off of that tree!!!
They are no longer cute to me. They are "Tree Rats".
[quote]What is this "MACHINE" you keep speaking of? And how could a different group/machine/political party/the constructive crew...whatever you want to call it; make a difference? [/quote]
Filled Negro:
I was just thinking about you.
My Jamaican mother in law and pops are in town. She just cooked up a large batch of Ox Tails.
I just took a picture of the bones that I discarded to show you what you are missing. Ok I admit it. I was going to taunt you. Jamaican women have an open door in my house anytime.
Why do you continuously GET IT WRONG Filled Negro?
WHY do you keep asking how the "Conservative alternative" might be fairing?
YOU and others SOLD US ON THE PRESENT PRESCRIPTION that we are addicted to.
WHY is it that YOU, UptownSteve and LAC King are inclined to ask the ODD MAN OUT "What is he doing/going to do" instead of looking at the EFFICACY OF THE DRUG you got us addicted to?
[quote]It seems to me that many of the things that folks like UTS La-Coincidental and others outlined have nothing to do with politics? So again, what is your motivation for calling out this so called machine? [/quote]
You are hurting me Filled Negro.
Let me ask you - After Rev Al Sharpton closed up his conference about 4 weeks ago and then announced a massive VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE - implicitly done to KEEP THE DEMOCRATS INTO POWER - why didn't we hear YOU going after him, asking IF POLITICS was the solution to what ails us?
Do you see the deal Filled Negro? YOU prove your credulity as you bum-rush the stage and SNATCH the mic from the people who MAKE THE POLITICAL LINKAGE on a preemptive basis.
Why do you focus on ME after the fact?
Anon 7:53 P.M said..."All of these were the kinds of pioneers that get up in the morning and decide to do something, to accomplish something, and could be inspirations to a generation of young people in school.
"Instead, we give them Malcolm X."
This was a "feel-good" rant, right? You had something to get off your chest...perhaps you don't like Malcolm X, or Field's use of his persona for his blog.
Reason why I asked...your rant is founded in fantasy, and not fact.
During Black History Month our nation's young people learn about the achievements of many black pioneers--civil right's pioneers, science pioneers, and those who invented things to make life simpler for us all.
A zinger from Zing:
It's not by accident that those who make outlandish claims choose to remain anonymous.
Also, no one owns up to a fart whether it stinks a little or stinks a lot. Most farts are anonymous.
Pardon me Filled Negro - I failed to more fully articulate what a "machine" is.
A Machine in Philly is where My friend Filled Negro is a defense attorney who fights AGAINST the government that seeks to lock up his clients.
AT THE SAME TIME he is supportive of the prosecuting attorney - Seth Williams because he is a Democrat, an Obama supporter and the first Black District Attorney.
A MACHINE in Dekalb County Georgia (The second wealthiest majority Black county in America behind Prince Georges County where Steve lives)
This past weekend a Black man was LOCKED UP by the police on a warrant that was issued to the Sheriff by a CLERICAL ERROR.
The BLACK ESTABLISHMENT in the county (NAACP, Democratic Party, SCLC, etc) will NOT wage a protest about this - THE SECOND HIGH PROFILE ARREST OF AN INNOCENT PERSON IN THE PAST 2 MONTHS.
Their "Mission Accomplished" was to get:
* The District Attorney
* The County CEO
* The County Board
* The Police Chief
* The Sheriff
* The Municipal Judges
* The Administrators of the computer systems in the Justice Dept
They ARE NOT ABOUT TO attack the people that they have a portrait of hanging on the wall.
Not to mention 2 "taser related deaths" in the past 3 months.
(Do I need to go to the AfroSpear "Electrocuted While Black" site to see if they have been following the story?)
A MACHINE is when YOU CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF THE INSTITUTIONS and you are forced to compromise yourself.
(Hey -what did you all do to Laurel?)
Check this out
2010 World Cup
The 10 best World Cup commercials
OK Destructive One, I must admit you got me with the Oxtail reference. Did she use rice and peas or white rice? Any plaintains or fried dumplings in there?.... oh lawd, let me stop. Nice try Destructive One, but making me hungry won't make me lose my focus.
Has it ever occured to you that Seth Williams might actually do a better job than the republican candidate you would have me support, just because he is NOT a part of this so called "machine"?
Yes Zing, I see what that Anon was trying to do.
I guess he never heard of the OAAU. The fact that he was the most sought after public speaker in the early sixties.
And being on national television (remember, no cable back then)to engage in public dialogue and debates at places such as Columbia and Harvard law school didn't mean anything. Again, we are talking EARLY SIXTIES HERE.- Context my brother, context.-
Long before the MMM there was the "Unity Rally" in Harlem. We had to start talking somewhere. But I admit, we are past that stage now, Malcolm,as did others, laid the framework by making it easier for us to go out and do after we are finished talking.
BTW, those other folks you mentioned are worthy of our praise as well.
Gregory, thanks for the link.
CF some pics of your tomatoes and other plants would be nice. It is always heartening to hear people GROW their own food, or at least a portion of it. This is truly self sufficiency in action.
And your ideas about developing locales makes a lot of sense to me. I wholeheartedly support many of your assertions on that point.
FN do you garden or support any of these urban gardening societies? Just curious. Some people don't like getting dirty but can be good patrons of the art of gardening;)
Field, here's a little something about Elton John singing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding:
I wonder how AB or Jody can defend this 'marriage' of Rush and Elton at Rush's wedding? This proves that gays can be bought off.
Speaking of weddings, I wonder if MR is married?
MR-"FN do you garden or support any of these urban gardening societies? Just curious. Some people don't like getting dirty but can be good patrons of the art of gardening;)"
I like to dress up before gardening.
The problem with small business in the Black community is still due to our slave legacy, not fully trusting another Black or trying to exploit that Black.... but would need the workforce from that community is more viable.
I operate a small business and although my clientele is mixed, the vast majority are African-American. I've not encountered a huge problem on the trust front as I go all out to make sure I offer value for the service being provided.
The biggest problem the African-American community faces on the business front is that folks aren't trying to offer a high level of service. Much of this, IMO, is a function of the fact that the best trained of our people are often employed building up someone's else's thing. If you provide good service at a fair price, black folks and everyone will trust and reward one with business. This is the key. It's gotta be a business and not a "hustle".
You bring up an excellent point on employable folks within the community. This is one of the biggest barriers to business development generally.
If anyone can find the capital and start up a manufacturing company I would have no problem offering my expertise. I don't like being a talking head, but my talent does not lie in organizational or social skills. I am strictly a hands on mechanical, electronic and computer person. I would do what it would take to make or service a product, but I am not the kind of person who could smooze a bank officer or write a business plan.
I once read a book entitled "Tribes". It was about how ethnic groups often work together unconsciously to accomplish things and/or develop their communities. I just think that all of us need to just do what we're good at and provide that in support of other people and businesses. This doesn't necessarily mean "social work" as most needs can be addressed by someone starting a business to provide the necessary services. This means that the only "plan" that any of us need have is to develop a business to provide the needed services if that's what you're inclined to do. This is what other "Tribes" do, but we often seem stuck on convincing others to address our issues or attempting to get a piece of the government's largess to address this or that. We need to be able to work together as a team where talents of one are combined with talents of others. But that's easier said than done in my experience as the "noisy negros" again present a problem by making commitments that they have absolutely no intention of keeping. The only way to deal with this is to set clear expectations up front as that tends to chase those who are "faking it" away fairly quickly so you don't have to waste time and get frustrated dealing with them.
I don't think it can be stressed enough the importance of having the right people "in the right seats on the bus". The biggest problem in black organizations, whether business or otherwise, is how we form the working relationship. Before sitting down to meet with anyone, someone has to draw up the organizational structure. This means determining who's going to do what and what objective measures we're going to use to evaluate them. In too many black business or organizations, we assume that just throwing together folks in a "meeting" is all that's required and everything should work just fine...it almost never does because just "meeting" does not an organization structure make, plus it gives too much of a stage to the "noisy ones". On the other hand, if someone really designs the structure and the related accountabilities, the "noisy negros" are going to choke you on heel dust as they beat a path towards the door. Structure and accountability for them is like putting light on cockroaches.
I know I've digressed from your topic and points and am now rambling somewhat, but I sorta responding to your posts and Field's at the same time. I guess what I'm saying is there's a reason why things aren't functioning in our communities whether it's black business, black social service organizations or political organizations. At bottom, the problem is defective organizational structures and the wholesale absence of a plan to develop them. Because of that, we lack the mechanisms to exert accountabilility. This is well known by all, including our folks, which is why you have the wild west situation in the streets, polictians who do nothing and talking heads on the TV who purport to "represent us". Each on of these in a way is a face of the Noisy Negro. I just think that if you're trying to be something other than "Noisy", then it's incumbent the that necessary structures be developed. The day we do that will be the day we begin witnessing a sea change within.
Greg L.-"...The biggest problem in black organizations, whether business or otherwise, is how we form the working relationship..."
Greg, you hit the proverbial nail on the head that Blacks don't want to talk about: they are incapable of working together. Hasn't that been the problem since DAY #1?
Let's face it. If Blacks were capable of working together, there would be black businesses all over the community and nation. But there aren't.
I love indoor gardening, especially as an URBAN SOLUTION to high veg costs. You can be HELLA broke, but if you manage to get some soil, some seeds and five dollar flourescent lights you can grow a LOT of stuff in a closet. The electric bill won't substantially increase using flourescents either.
You can grow lettuce, greens, herbs and spices and other things ONLY on fluorescents. And if you take it to the next step and get like three or four gallon buckets, you can have a hydroponic system set up and that increases production quantity and decreases production time. Lettuce can grow under hydro in a week or two! They have organic micronutrients now which are okay for using hydro.
You know, I've heard of the hydropronic method, but it was always associated with folks growing marijuana in my mind. I never thought of it in connection with growing vegetables indoors. I must do some research on that. As you say, with that, there's absolutely no reason for anyone to be starving. Now that I think about it, I've got a fairly large basement that I could set that up in. It's good from the standpoint of being able to grow stuff all year long as well especially for folks in the northeast like me.
I agree, it's going to be very important to have a source of food to reduce the need for money as that is going to be in short supply for many.
Yeah Greg, you can also grow tomatoes indoors that way. I would suggest hydroponic tomatoes simply because you won't have a problem with insects but if you grow tomatoes in soil indoors, you will likely have insect issues...Thanks for feeling me on this. Now we have to get the people we love and care about to implement same...
Greg, you hit the proverbial nail on the head that Blacks don't want to talk about: they are incapable of working together. Hasn't that been the problem since DAY #1?
Let's face it. If Blacks were capable of working together, there would be black businesses all over the community and nation. But there aren't
Man, I'm getting way too verbose here today. I'm not a frequent poster, but some topics have come up that are near and dear.
Anon, I do believe we are capable of working together, it's just that 1) we don't have the appropriate structures in place to do so and 2) the most trained and talented among us are available to take a "seat on the bus". They're generally riding on someone else's bus and often catching hell as a result. This means that those left behind to "run things" frequently don't have the talents nor the training to do so. In other words, our best foot is not forward. I just think that these two things alone account for 99% of the problems we have in getting anything off the ground.
Most other groups have their best and brightest well repesented among the leadership. We do not. Actually, I think if we compare the 60's with King and others versus the leadership we have now, we'll find the main difference was that the 60's leadership was not only more trained and educated in some instances but they were more independent as well in the sense that their income was based in the community they represented. In other words, we "paid" them hence we had "paid representation". Today, our "leaders" are really being paid by others which means that they're frequently representatives to us rather than for us.
Regardless of all that, the basic problem is the organizational/accountability issue. To me, that cuts across everything that's a problem. We need a group of us who understand this and who put this in place. This ain't a mass movement sort of deal but one where a small group of like minded individuals puts together something to deal with some real issues.
"Yet I bet not one person here can name off-hand the first black CEO of a Fortune 500 company, the first black winner of the Pulitzer Prize, or the first black general of the US Army. All of these were the kinds of pioneers that get up in the morning and decide to do something"
This statement is sad but true. I dont know the names of any of these people. But I do know the name of the Guy at the corner Grocery Store, I know the name of my Barber. I think, at the risk of being a Noisy Negro with an opinion; we should listen to the two heroes right here on this forum. I think "THE GREGG L PLAN" is the best blueprint we could all use to start or be a part of a business. And I think FREEMAN is the best person to model yourself after when you start a business. Of course, nothing is that simple. Training of trusting your fellow Black Man may be a hard thing to do; but hasn't Workforce One takin care of that problem? All that's really left to do is get some of those CEOs and pulitzer prize winners and Generals to open up some supermakets and other small businesses in the Black Communities of this Country and put more Black People on the road to the Middle Class. Gregg and Freeman provided all the inspiration any of us should need. Thank you.
@Anon 11:24 PM said "Let's face it. If Blacks were capable of working together, there would be black businesses all over the community and nation. But there aren't."
Before desegregation, black businesses thrived, especially down South.
Blacks worked together, as whites worked together, for economic survival.
There wasn't a lack of cooperation among black professionals (there were black doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers), and blue-collar workers.
On Sunday, they all prayed together in the same church, and sang from the same hymnal.
Black businesses treated you with respect, and you didn't have to wait while a white person was serviced first, because few whites frequented black businesses.
Further, you weren't queued into a separate line set aside for blacks.
The South set up a demeaning system of race relations, and interaction, and that fostered the existence of black businesses, and caused them to thrive.
Integration made in almost impossible for black businesses to compete with the larger department stores.
As then, you may still find black funeral homes, barbers, liqueur stores, restaurants, landlords, nightclubs and cobblers.
Friendlyword, "And I think FREEMAN is the best person to model yourself after when you start a business. Of course, nothing is that simple. Training of trusting your fellow Black Man may be a hard thing to do; but hasn't Workforce One takin care of that problem? All that's really left to do is get some of those CEOs and pulitzer prize winners and Generals to open up some supermakets and other small businesses in the Black Communities of this Country and put more Black People on the road to the Middle Class. Gregg and Freeman provided all the inspiration any of us should need. Thank you."
No. Just no. They won't be opening up "one" supermarket or business in the Black Community to put more Blacks 'on the road to the Middle Class.' Again, we have a problem in our race where we are nothing but Noisy Negroes when it comes to helping Blacks. This is nothing new....it's as old as this country.
So, forget it. As a race we have no cohesiveness, never have. Even when MLK was marching on our behalf, most Blacks were just being Noisy Negroes and pandering to Massa.
Hell, CF has been trying for years to explain to folks on this blog how to pull out of our sick mentality but we are too far gone to see, hear, or observe anything new. As a unified race, it ain't gonna happen. We are toast.
[quote]Hell, CF has been trying for years to explain to folks on this blog how to pull out of our sick mentality but we are too far gone to see, hear, or observe anything new. As a unified race, it ain't gonna happen. We are toast.[/quote]
Anon #125(?):
Slight correction.
I am AGAINST "Unity"!!!
If Jesus came to turn "sister against sister" THEN I must follow his wise council.
If the American Civil War turned brother against brother then we must agree that some of our greatest inflection points throughout history were DIS-UNIFYING in nature.
You see I reject UNITY when we are asked to put aside foundational beliefs merely for the sake of a fake UNITY. This is often driven by constant reference to some EXTERNAL entity.
Instead we need to UNIFY behind some FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES and we need to UNIFY behind an APPRAISAL SYSTEM by which we can measure the effectiveness of what one faction believes over the other.
Beyond that we need competing ideas that will go at each other with so that no one gets to steam roll over us with the notion that "IF YOU ARE 'REAL BLACK' then you would THINK THIS WAY". This present viewpoint has us stuck where we are today as a community.
We don't need "Unity".
We need more advanced HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS and CONFLICT RESOLUTION SYSTEMS by which we move forward upon.
Coke and Pepsi fight it out constantly. The aggregate benefit of their battle is:
* Jobs
* Products sold
* Education
* Taxes Paid
A combatant is allowed to move from one company to the next without being called a "Sellout".
"FN do you garden or support any of these urban gardening societies? Just curious. Some people don't like getting dirty but can be good patrons of the art of gardening;)"
Does watering the plants count? Seriously, I do support a couple of food cooperatives when I can get out there. But I will admit,not as much as I should. You and Greg L have changed me. See, who says blogging isn't good for you.
Friendlyworld, I co-sign with you. And I want to join you in thanking Greg and Freeman. Someone reading this will be inspired.
OK FN and Greg L. Here is a link on how to grow spinach and lettuce indoors with fluorescent lights.
Yes FN watering plants helps because you are tending to them. You'd be surprised at how many kids are even divorced from watering plants. Believe me! Some kids don't even know how to plant a seed in soil! No lie!
So you are doing something;) Besides we all know you're busy.
FN and Friendlyworld, thanks for the compliments. I've been self employed for so long that I tend to take it for granted, so I'm glad that some might find whatever I have to offer useful in some way. I missed Freeman's posts earlier, but clearly he and I are on the same wavelength. Let me suggest, as he did, that it's almost impossible for a black business to not be part of the fabric of the community in which it operates, so providing training and helping people solve problems is kinda what you're paid to do. Any businessperson worth his or her salt is an expert problem solver. If you think about it, the way to make big money in America is to solve problems.
Those of the blood Afric are often wrongly positioned in this sense as we're part of the problem versus among those who are attempting to solve them. Since we're part of the problem, we frequently drive the economic fortunes of others. One only need to consider the prison industrial complex to understand this.
Here's a piece I wrote awhile back about what I believe to be the role and function of black business in a community based on my own experiences.
OK FN and Greg L. Here is a link on how to grow spinach and lettuce indoors with fluorescent lights.
Yes FN watering plants helps because you are tending to them. You'd be surprised at how many kids are even divorced from watering plants. Believe me! Some kids don't even know how to plant a seed in soil! No lie!
So you are doing something;) Besides we all know you're busy.
This is very helpful. Thanks for the education here!
Wow! Field Negro's.....I call them Poverty Pimps...
I nominate Trasher for Noisey Negro. That's actually kinder than this prick deserves.
This is the guy who denigrated black people who engaged in community service on MLK's birthday. This is the puke who wrote disparging commentary about Dorothy Height and Rosa Parks.
Trasher reminds me of the guy on "In Living Color" who was in prison and tried to impress everybody with his large vocabulary that consisted of large words with many syllables that were largely made up. I know Trasher will have to look up the word syllable but at least he will have learned something today.
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