That's my man Charles Lollar in the pic. Charles is running as a republican to go to Congress from Maryland's 5th District. I don't know much about Charles, he seems like a nice enough guy. (Thank you for your service!) Although I wasn't pleased to read this:
"Chances of winning: Lollar, who recently solicited money from donors at a Maryland bar decorated with a Confederate flag, is fighting an uphill battle against House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer."
Not cool Charles, not cool.
Still, maybe I spoke too soon about that republican tent being too small. Seems that there is a profusion of black folks running as republicans this coming political season. -The most since reconstruction-And I, for one, am happy about it. I don't think that they are "delusional" as some would suggest. We need fresh ideas and a diversity of views to bring to the political table. Seems that there is no shortage of black folks willing to climb up on the back of the elephant. (Including some dude named Issac Hayes, a 26 year old who used to work for Newt, some candidates with tea party backing, my girl Angela and some cat named Vaughn Corrogan:
"After losing his middle-management job at US Airways following 9/11, Vaughn started a limousine company and a female clothing line, Vaughn Wear. He's also a deacon at his church."
Vaughn, you might have needed to sit this one out.
Anyway, of the 35 candidates named by the New York Times, I am guessing that maybe four or five of them have a legitimate shot at winning their primary. I think they will find that getting republicans in certain states to fork over money to the Negro candidate will be much easier to do in theory than in the real world. But we will see. And then, of course, there is the fact that many of them are political neophytes, so they were going to be behind the eight ball with the party machine in their various states to begin with.
What this all proves, of course, is that the political landscape is changing. Whether this "Motley Crew" represents a good change is left to be seen. Contrary to popular belief, black folks have shown that they will be willing to vote for the person who they perceive to have their best interest at heart. If that means voting for the white guy over the candidate who looks like they do, well then, so be it. Just ask Artur Davis in Alabama. He thought that being black and being a democrat was enough. It wasn't.
So if folks are picking up what these republican candidates are putting down it will be all good for them. But if they are not...well, see Artur Davis.
The other problem, of course, is that many of these candidates are running in republican primaries, so they have to speak to the interest of their constituents. And the last time I checked ...well let's just say that you aren't going to get any future first round NBA draft picks out of any of these districts. Tacking to the right and then tacking to the center is always tricky for politricksters. And for the black republican politrickster, it is even more so.
"President Barack Obama and San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi are implementing policies that are destroying our conservative Mississippi values. ... No one will defend and promote our conservative Mississippi values more vigorously."
I hear you Angela, but here is the paradox:
"Chances of winning: Though media savvy, McGlowan will have a tough time running against state Sen. Allan Nunnelee in the primary."
Nunnelee is a part of that conservative Mississippi machine with the old school values you so fervently embrace. The problem is, Angela, they don't embrace you.
Why do they like look so much like clones?
Hustlers exist among black folks too. Currently, some black folks with clean credentials believe that politically carrying the white racist's flag can pay off with big bucks. Why? Cause' Obama is in the White House. It is also the same reason that Bro' Steele got elected as the first black head of the RNC. With Obama in the White House all of the white political power structure is looking to sponsor/hire b;ack "conservatives". "Who's zooming who?" Believe me as soon as a white face returns to the White House the current black conservative fad will be over, and the cracker will clean house.
What exactly is a, "female clothing line"? Did they mean a women's clothing line? Geez, and these people get paid to write?
Artur Davis is a joke. But Obama should pay close attention to the fate of Davis since Obama has been running from his Black constituents since he arrived at the White House.
"So if folks are picking up what these republican candidates are putting down it will be all good for them. But if they are not...well, see Artur Davis."
So if folks are picking up what these Israelis picked candidates are putting down it will be all good for them. But if they are not...well, see Helen Thomas.
Field, I surely hope you run for office. Remember, your handlers (Jews) only have money, not the votes. If you run, don't worry about the Black vote. We never are going to forget your post.
As one poster called you...Kosher Negro
Lot's of female GOP candidates, too. I blame George Palin.
I'd also like remember J. C. Watts. He knew that the Federal Government was a poor provider. Like subsistence farming without the work.
Field, sorry to break in with something off topic, but you asked me for info on Rush's wedding. Here it is:
Charles looks like an "honest", upstanding, trustworthy, clean-cut politician.
Unlike the other 'Charles' in the DEM party.
yes it is!
because hobama made dem the new repub!
Hathor said...
"Why do they like look so much like clones?"
I was wondering the same thing, Hathor. I'm willing to put up a fistful of dollars that the Constructive One could have posed for that picture.
Wait one cotton-picking minute! The Constructive One's not that nice, and has mislabeled my handle of late. Let me come up with something really appropriate for this occasion.
Let's see........
Field is fond of "Destructive", and that's a good one. But it's not my own. I owe Constructive one.
Let's see........
I've got it...I'll call him Constrictive Freedbacker...He that backs constricting those blacks who freely choose the Dems over the Repubs.
Yep, it has a nice ring to it. And the meaning couldn't be clearer. I think I'll use it.
A zinger from Zing:
Name calling is a two-edge sword. You never know which edge is sharpest...the Right or the Left.
DOn't underestimate the lengths many white repubs will go to to prove they arent racist... like making a black guy the head of the party.
Many white people love a black person, its black groups they arent comfortable with. A token minority can become instantly popular, be it in scholl, or in an election... Of course that popularity will change quickly if a newly elected black person starts doing thingsa like appoint more black people to their staff... Like I said, we/they can handle one, but not a group.
I was one of those "tokens" of which you speak.
I was told, "You're different. You're not like the others."
To which I replied, "No, I'm not different. I am like the others."
Those words severed whatever association we had forged to that point.
A zinger from Zing:
I like my racists hard-boiled, and unambiguous. Tolerant, and parboiled racists reek.
Field- Lollar's grin tells me all I need to know . I've observed that beyond the age of ten a hyper luminous grin is a sure marker of an alternative intellect (Al) .
You see ,my Dear field , folk with an AI ,don't deal with the world as they find it -they create their very own
little happy reality -hence the " it's a great day in my reality" grin .
Field think for a second ,you've seen that grin lots of times Justice Thomas is a proud grinner .
Armstrong Williams could light the dark side of the moon with his and Mikey Steele grinned all the way to to RNC chairman , so I'm sure Lollar knocking back a brewskie and buck dancing at a Good Ole Boy rally is just a thing that happy ginners do .
Field....great post. Unfortunately, I had the bad fortune of attending college with Armstrong Williams. He was a Junior and I was a Freshman but thinking back on the debates we had still causes night terrors. I will give him credit he has stuck to the script. Definitely people of his ilk are con men and opportunist and yes they are definitely certified house negroes.
ok, I want the picture of him with the confederate flag for my collection.
he can clown if he wants to; but when he's served up as the idiot he is, I don't wanna hear jack about it.
Zing, "To which I replied, "No, I'm not different. I am like the others."
Yeah, I bet you did. Do you believe in God? If so, stop lying.
If you did say those words, you lost your opportunity to be successful and pave the way for other Blacks. And that makes you a dumb Negro.
But I know you didn't. Noisy Negroes are always mouthing off to their fellow Blacks as if they are sooo into standing up for their race. The minute massa shows up you are quiet as a mouse.
You and UTS must be first cousins.
Hathor, "Why do they like look so much like clones?"
They DON'T look like clones. They happen to look like successful conservative Blacks. You are such a negative fault-finding fool against your own race.
You need therapy to straighten out that stinking thinking mind of yours. And take that Zing-bat nut with you!
Filled Negro:
I am starting to believe that if one keeps repeating a narrative that the masses will stop asking a more logical question.
You state "Black people support those who they PERCEIVE to have their best interests in mind" and vote accordingly. I agree with this but THIS IN AND OF ITSELF DOES NOT PROVE it.
IF this were the case, Filled Negro, we would only have to go to the places where the "Mission Accomplished" banners are planted - where Blacks live in our highest concentrations and see the stellar results of a 100% Democrat-Progressive controlled monopoly.
In truth Trenton, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Atlanta and Chicago - which on paper should be shining lights for your theory are places instead where our "Black Permanent Interests" are molested. Public safety? Quality Education? Thriving Local economies?
You need to ask yourself, Filled Negro, if your goal is to maintain your ideological entrenchment on behalf of the Democrats OR if you are interested in fixing the issues over which the people you have put into place now manage?
From where I stand the people with the FINGER PRINTS UPON THE CONTROLS - which I might agree with - have far more accountability than do the outsiders with a different ideology which I disagree with.
This articulates my challenge to the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser. IF you have the BLACK PERMANENT INTERESTS in mind then there should be no problem submitting to an inspection of the places where you are in control. Instead you all do all that you can to KEEP YOUR ENEMIES ON TRIAL instead.
Let's go down the list of the Congressional Black Democratic Caucus and measure their districts based upon the interests that you seek.
[quote]recently solicited money from donors at a Maryland bar decorated with a Confederate flag[/quote]
So let's properly categorize this "offense".
Where there is the sight of an "offensive symbol" a political candidate should distance himself from the premises lest he be tarred and feathered by this symbol.
Got it.
Let me ask you Filled Negro -
Back in the Fall of 2008 when Atlanta was going through a major crime spree, the Democratic party was in a run off election for US Senator. They needed to have a "Get The Black Folks Out To Vote For The Democrats" rally. WHO did they figure represented the interests of Black folks the most?
Felon T.I.
I won't bother you with a list of offenses done by Sir Jeezy.
However what about the Black ELECTED AUTHORITY figures who remained on stage when a known drug dealer who's lyrics are filled with threats to kill Black people IS A FEATURED SPEAKER.
Filled Negro:
Should the
* Democratic Sheriff of Dekalb County GA
* Democratic ATL City Council President
* Democratic US Representative
have WALKED OFF STAGE upon seeing these rogue figures?
CF "In truth Trenton, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Atlanta and Chicago - which on paper should be shining lights for your theory are places instead where our "Black Permanent Interests" are molested. Public safety? Quality Education? Thriving Local economies?"
Losers in all cities and categories. Of course, tomorrow UTS will pounce on you in defense of incompetence and corruption.
Contrary to popular belief, black folks have shown that they will be willing to vote for the person who they perceive to have their best interest at heart.
No kidding. Alan Keyes probably didn't get any black votes.
In 2008 my cousin was running for district judge. I voted against him because I didn't like his voting record.
I wonder if he's coming to the family reunion in big D this year. Looks like he may have some extra time on his hands now.
Anon 3:45 A.M. said..."You and UTS must be first cousins."
You bet we're related...intellectual kin. I'm proud to have him in the family.
Can your family speak as acceptingly, and as glowingly about your life achievements, and intellect?
You, at best, are an infestation, a parasite crying out for attention. And the only way you know to obtain it, is as a parasite.
It's no fun taking you down. You pose no challenge. About all I can muster for you is pity. Surely, you don't want that!
You seem bright enough. Use your intellect to achieve the attention you crave. Your insults only make you seem needy and desperate.
A zinger from Zing:
Dogs bark at strangers. And they bark when they sense a threat. People should be people, and dogs be dogs.
Constructive Feedback said...
"Filled Negro:
"I am starting to believe that if one keeps repeating a narrative that the masses will stop asking a more logical question."
Constrictive Freedback we've read this claptrap a thousand times. Field has read it a thousand times. And I'd say that's pretty generous and long-suffering for the both of us.
You're the one "repeating a narrative" again and again, over and over, ad nauseam.
You have "become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal."
For all your much talking you have won no converts, except for anon #125. And he's possibly a plant, or easily seduced into crossing over to the "dark side."
A zinger from Zing:
Practice makes perfect. And repetition's the Mother of Excellence. Ask Shaquille O'Neal. His freethrows are perfectly missed, time after time.
"They happen to look like successful conservative Blacks."
I see that you agree that there is a certain look.
"In truth Trenton, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Atlanta and Chicago - which on paper should be shining lights for your theory are places instead where our "Black Permanent Interests" are molested. Public safety? Quality Education? Thriving Local economies?
You need to ask yourself, Filled Negro, if your goal is to maintain your ideological entrenchment on behalf of the Democrats OR if you are interested in fixing the issues over which the people you have put into place now manage?"
Oh lawd man,see what Zinger said.
I could care less about my "ideological entrenchment" I want what is best for the community. It just so happens that I have a certain ideology in mind that would best suited to do that. I do not believe conservative principles when it comes to economics will help uplift urban A-merry-ca, they just won't. Having said that; I do believe that certain [so-called] conservative ideals are good for black folks:
Great core family values etc.
I don't know why you feel a need to imply that there is some kind of power base that folks like moi need to jump off. Don't you get it? Folks like you and I and 90% of the people posting on this board are going to be fine no matter who is in power. I know you keep trying to deny it, but you have to stop seeing everything as a republican partisan.
"They DON'T look like clones. They happen to look like successful conservative Blacks."
What does a "successful conservative Black" look like? Not trying to be funny, that is a serious question.
Anon 11:06 pm, thanks for that link. I smell a post in there somewhere. And yes, I am disappointed with Elton John.
Blackmoses, I blame you for Armstrong, you should have checked that boy then. I don't care if he was ahead of you. Isn't he an Alpha? Hopefully of my Alpha friends reading this can confirm it for me. :)
"Field, I surely hope you run for office. Remember, your handlers (Jews) only have money, not the votes. If you run, don't worry about the Black vote. We never are going to forget your post.
As one poster called you...Kosher Negro"
Don't worry, I won't be looking for your vote. If people like you vote for me I won't deserve to win. :)
[quote]You're the one "repeating a narrative" again and again, over and over, ad nauseam.
For all your much talking you have won no converts, except for anon #125. And he's possibly a plant, or easily seduced into crossing over to the "dark side."[/quote]
Lets LOGICALLY walk through your statements.
You say that I NEED "CONVERTS" for my arguments to be CORRECT?
I counter with the question to YOU:
"What is it going to take for certain people to JUMP OFF OF THE BANDWAGON THAT THEY ARE RIDING UPON?"
(Please keep my "bigotry" argument in the back of your mind)
1) When you see a group of people (not necessarily of a particular race) claim that EDUCATION IS THE GREAT ENABLER OF YOUNG PEOPLE........What happens when you look at the SCHOOLS THAT THEY CONTROL, which they send their children to and you see that they are not doing the job?
2) What if alternatives are set up (Charters) and yet the LEADERSHIP that these people promote hate Charters as they threaten the jobs of unionized public school teachers. While not perfect - when you look in Harlem - One school ran by Geoffrey Canada has 71% of its students at reading proficiency the other public school right across the street has a 17%
3) I am watching CBS Early Show HummZinger. Harry (?) just asked an executive from BP "This is YOUR oil right here - DO YOU FEEL GUILTY?". I wonder if I was to take the voters and leadership of Detroit on a tour of their own city and ask the question "THIS IS YOUR CITY THAT YOU ARE CHARGED WITH RUNNING....DO YOU FEEL GUILTY?" - do you think that it would stick?
WHY do I need to "win converts" HummZinger?
Shouldn't we look at the GOALS of the Political Activism of the people and measure IF WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS WORKING?
[QUOTE]It just so happens that I have a certain ideology in mind that would best suited to do that. I do not believe conservative principles when it comes to economics will help uplift urban A-merry-ca, they just won't. Having said that; I do believe that certain [so-called] conservative ideals are good for black folks:
Great core family values etc. [/quote]
Filled Negro:
This is your problem.
YOU "don't like wrenches" so you make use of a hammer as your tool of choice.
You are used to riding your snow mobile yet can't see that you are at the waters edge and that you might need to change tools. At least you could put some pontoons upon your snow mobile.
You need to focus upon GOOD SCHOOLS than Progressive Theories running the schools
You need to focus upon SAFE STREETS rather than retaining the "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" legal theories which tries to put the SYSTEM on trial rather than the assailant
You need to focus upon setting up EMPLOYMENT MARKETS rather than organizing a labor union and then DEMANDING that someone come in and purchase their labor
Again - you prove my point. YOU are more interested in your IDEOLOGY than you are in implementing the right solution for the task at hand.
"The problem is, Angela, they don't embrace you."
Just like they don't embrace Michael Steele. Which is why they're (Rove and the teabaggers)running an end game around the RNC and soliciting money on their own, for themselves.
"The problem is, Angela, they don't embrace you."
Just like they don't embrace Michael Steele. Which is why they're (Rove and the teabaggers)running an end game around the RNC and soliciting money on their own, for themselves.
True. People are so fucking stupid. When are people gonna start seeing this shit for what it is?
The truth is they can't stand a nigger in a position of power, no matter who it is. We like to think some whites are racist when in reality, most if not all whites are racist. what's funny is most of them know it too!
You know what would be hilarious, if some anthropologist actually found the remains of jesus, and through dna analysis found out he was black. I would love to see the looks on white konservative christians faces.
That would be priceless!
If it is possible.
[quote]The truth is they can't stand a nigger in a position of power, no matter who it is. We like to think some whites are racist when in reality, most if not all whites are racist. what's funny is most of them know it too[/quote]
As a Black man I "can't stand a Negro in a power position" WHEN the BASE OF VOTERS love the "NEGRO IN THE POWER POSITION" more than they LOVE THEIR OWN PERMANENT INTERESTS if this Negro Establishment operative fails to deliver upon the community's interests, refusing to turn him loose and go in a different direction. (Attention WhiteBowieSteve - my statement above is a CONJUNCTION!!! Please save your B.S. unless you take my complete statement)
Let me ask you Shabazz - With this RACIST WHITE FOLKS - why do you support MORE DEPENDENCY upon their system with regard to HEALTH CARE and other "Social Justice RIGHTS" since they all hate the ground that you walk upon?
Can you detail any COMPETENCIES that the Black Progressive Establishment has fostered over the past several decades that allow our SCHOOLS that they control to create MORE physicians, accountants, lawyers, managers and business owners that we need to retain the STANDARD OF LIVING that we desire?
Or are you satisfied with going after White folks?
[quote]You know what would be hilarious, if some anthropologist actually found the remains of jesus, and through dna analysis found out he was black. I would love to see the looks on white konservative christians faces/quote]
So let me get this straight Shabazz.
DESPITE the fact that the Christian faith believes that their savior, Jesus Christ - who was God in the physical form placed on Earth. That he ascended back into Heaven upon being lynched............
YOU expect me as a Christian to bite your CHUM, done for "racial hypothetical purposes" - even though THERE IS NO BODY OF JESUS remaining to take DNA from?
Indeed the devil knows the bible better than most Christians do.
I counter than those who believe in EVOLUTION and state that ALL MEN DESCENDED FROM AFRICA........are not able to take this original thought and apply it TO-DAMNED-DAY to their assumption that Black people are "THE LEAST OF THESE".
If WHITE FOLKS descended from BLACKS then logic would hold that BLACKS ARE EQUAL to all others.
When this EQUALITY is translated into the threat of them having to agree with Clarence Thomas that "ALL BLACKS ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW"......those who transact upon BLACK INFERIORITY reject such a notion as they fully understand how heavy the burden of EQUALITY is.
I live in the 5th District of Maryland which was gerrymandered eastward and southward to protect Steny Hoyer as Prince George's County became more black and brown.
So now the 5th District covers a small sliver of PG county, most of it is Anne Arundel, Charles and the rural St. Mary's.
The 5th District is still 30% black but we blacks in the 5th District haven't seen hide nor hair from Lollar.
Go down to Waldorf and Pomfret and you'll see his campaign signs with his big watermelon grin all over them.
I'm betting that he'll lose big just like Angela McGlowan and Artur Davis did..
These two fools swore that they could dis black folks (their natural constituency) suck up to conservative whites (who will never vote for a black) and win?
Lawd help 'em.
destructive weezebag:You are a bootlicking tom, and I do not wish to engage with you. Further jests will be ignored you tapdancing coon!
[quote]Go down to Waldorf and Pomfret and you'll see his campaign signs with his big watermelon grin all over them.[/quote]
Have you ever seen a WHITE politician and then noted that he has a "Watermelon Grin"?
Or is this an attribute ONLY of Black people that you don't like for ideological purposes.......kinda like the White Racists who hoisted this image upon Blacks?
3:20 mark in the video
I'm betting that he'll lose big just like Angela McGlowan and Artur Davis did..[/quote]
You are HOPING that he loses like......
These two fools swore that they could dis black folks (their natural constituency) suck up to conservative whites (who will never vote for a black) and win?[/quote]
I would be more impressed with you if you'd document how the results obtained in the 8th Ward of DC could have the Black voters REPUDIATE those who they promoted to represent their permanent interests.
[quote]:You are a bootlicking tom, and I do not wish to engage with you. Further jests will be ignored you tapdancing coon![/quote]
* Bootlicking Tom
* Tap Dancing Coon
The Black Bigots fail to realize how much they sound like White Bigots.
No worries Shabazz - I realize that the bigots are the first one's who refuse to talk when they can't justify their hate-laced ignorance.
No, asshat, I refuse to talk to you. Don't you have some shoes to shine slappy? Now do what massa says and grab your fucking shinebox!
"I would be more impressed with you if you'd document how the results obtained in the 8th Ward of DC could have the Black voters REPUDIATE those who they promoted to represent their permanent interests."
Hell Tom, the Tea partiers and their black lackeys like you want more the GOP leadership which led us into the fiscal and global mess we're in today.
Who are you to be questioning people's political decisions?
Cocoa Goddess, I couldn't have voted for Alan Keyes last election because I live in California. However, I may have given him some consideration given the opportunity. And I am Black and proud of my heritage.
Some of us aren't neo cons nor are we WASP conservatives but can align on certain issues. I respect Alan Keyes precisely because he put his money where his mouth was and started the global gag rule on abortion. I know this isn't the thread for such a discussion but more or less, I think he is righteous. If his daughter ran for office, I might be more inclined to support her since she is a complete non violence activist and is anti abortion AND vegan. (I like meat too much to give it up but appreciate her consistency).
As to some of you guys talking about Tea Parties, I finally went to a Tea Party meeting a couple of weeks ago and had a very good time. Background, I live in suburban/rural California. My county is only three percent Black and the Tea Party meeting was in an adjacent county with about the same percentage of Blacks.
In any event, the people were VERY VERY VERY nice. One lady there looked like a relative of mine and we hit it off immediately. Basically it was a bunch of elderly and middle aged people airing their opinions.
The organizer is an ex military intelligence guy and is very organized, so it isn't a bitching session. He structures the meetings and has lecturers on the Constitution, socialism etc.
The night I attended there was a medical doctor who was trained in Poland before their revolution and she talked about growing up under hard socialism. Some of the stuff she said hit me hard like she never saw a homeless person or heard of unemployment until she came to the USA. Also school tuition was totally free.
BUT individual freedoms were quite limited and if you dare critisize the government, well your ass would be grass.
I guess we all have the right to be noisy Negroes in the US, but not elsewhere;)
The point is, the Tea Partiers are people like me and you and many of them are not racist extremists like depicted on television. Even deeper, many politically independent Blacks could align themselves with some aspects of Tea Party ideology...however that may be defined...
Shit! Hell must be freezing over because I am feeling CF lately. In particular, the need to discard ideology in order to solve problems that are global in scope is absolutely necessary. Now CF can you take your own advice? ;)
some aspects of Tea Party "ideology...however that may be defined..."
That's the problem. There is no definition of them, and what we do know of them isn't very glowing. Especially their economic policies which make absolutely no sense.
Mandisa, that's a nice story but how many of the old folks at those Tea Party meetings are ready to give up their socialist Medicare and Social Security?
My problem is that their protests against Obama's policies seem personal and racist because if you added them all up none of his proposals would cost anywhere near the social welfare entitlements ( Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) that are so popular, yet you never see nor hear the Tea Party protesting them.
[quote]Shit! Hell must be freezing over because I am feeling CF lately. In particular, the need to discard ideology in order to solve problems that are global in scope is absolutely necessary. Now CF can you take your own advice? ;)[/quote]
MR - I knew that you'd come back around my way. :-)
Let me adjust your claim slightly.
I am NOT suggesting that people push their ideologies/methodologies aside.
I am ONLY suggesting that frauds like WhiteBowieSteve YIELD TO a greater management framework.
"Open his books" for INSPECTION. (You know that "regulation" thing?)
The truth is that the Black Community is still governed per the list of challenges from Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement.
It does not effectively address the situation that occurs when PERMANENT FRIENDS are in power. (See Dekalb County GA).
I am suggesting that certain people who believe that their methods are the best way forward should be made to PROVE IT via empirical evidence.
Instead many of them have taken advantage of the VOID in such a management structure and USED OUR PEOPLE'S GRIEVANCES FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS.
Our GRIEVANCES continue.
Their PARTY stands more powerful in our communities than ever before.
We are told "Let them eat CAKE......that is dished out upon the Obama Commemorative Plate" that they PAID FOR from the Walgreens.
Zing, "For all your much talking you have won no converts, except for anon #125. And he's possibly a plant, or easily seduced into crossing over to the "dark side.""
What makes you think I am a convert? That's an illogical assumption for somebody who takes the time to give practical italicized advice at the end of his/her comments.
BTW, for me to cross over to the dark side, I would have to become a liberal progressive non-thinking black dem who believes in keeping the status quo- which is trying the same ole stuff over and over again, expecting different results. I don't believe in enslaving our people again for the benefit of corrupt 'do-nothing black politicians'. If there IS a political party that will aid in breaking the chains of victimized Blacks, it WON'T be the party you belong to.
You seem to be in an onery critical state of mind today. Are you trying to impress Field? It's working...He loves you. Congratulations! You are now on the "groping dark side".
Please keep your zingers coming. The kids love them.
[quote] ready to give up their socialist Medicare and Social Security?[/quote]
Do you mean those two programs that appear as line items on their PAY STUBS?
You are funny. Just as with Abortion - if they EVER TOOK YOU UP ON YOUR "Well why don't you protest against......." then YOU would be the first one attacking them for doing so.
My problem is that their protests against Obama's policies seem personal and racist[/quote]
About a month ago Black Disapora posted that "we need to defend BLACK POLITICIANS like Obama from attacks". The other day I saw a poll that 91% of Blacks approve of Obama.
IF the Tea Parties are motivated by RACE and this is EVIL - what do you say about certain people liking their Permanent Friend over their Permanent Interests?
11% of White folks in Alabama vote for Obama meaning that the remaining 89% are RACIST!! 96% of Black folks vote to promote to the White House the MACHINE THAT ALREADY CONTROLS THEIR LOCAL INSTITUTIONS and "they know who has
their best interests in mind".
You don't have a problem with this contradiction it seems.
[quote]because if you added them all up none of his proposals would cost anywhere near the social welfare entitlements [/quote]
So with Medicare slated for insolvency in 2020 and Social Security in 2038 - we should be pacified that the Tea Parties do not know what they are talking about regarding Health Care costs?
Did you see the news from Germany about the planned massive social entitlement cuts for Europe in order for these nations to stay afloat?
Roderick, Okay so you saw on TV that some Tea Party protesters don't like Obama's policies. Fine. But how many meetings have you attended?
At the Tea Party meeting I attended, the Presidents' name did not come up ONCE. And there was no code speak, we were discussing policies. That is what I loved about the group; policy debates are very fun and can bear applicable fruit. In other words, this is a group with a plan; they are not simply Noisy Negros.
The group is non partisan and what they value is smaller less intrusive government and adherence to the principles of the Constitution. Many of them are family people with children and grand children who've contributed to society. And I didn't hear anyone rail on receiving social security, Medicare or retirement benefits from the government. Just because some privileged yahoo talks mess about safety nets doesn't mean that everyone in the Tea Party or even the GOP feels that way.
There is almost NOBODY that I know who could go without the government safety net if they hit hard times. Perhaps there might be two or three people that could live for a few years before their reserves were depleted, but most Americans are just a few paychecks and savings account away from financial insolvency. Therefore, it is impractical to suggest that people should or would give up their government benefits for programmes into which they've paid over time.
All of that talk you reference is more or less idealized libertarian talk from people who have so much money that they're divorced from every day realities;)
Pragmatism dictates that we live in a nasty system, but if we pay into it we ought to utilize it when needed. Nothing wrong with that!
Roderick, go to a Tea Party meeting for yourself before you are so hasty with your judgments.
And I hope the tone of my comment does not seem nasty in any way; I just feel passionate about the issue. In particular the way that Tea Party goers have been depicted in the media is disturbing. They show fringe straight up suckas! And then try to say that these assholes represent what Tea Partyin' is all about!
But to address another commenter above, on a national scale just about the only goals that Tea Partiers seem unfied about are that our government is corrupt and needs to be replaced, our system of taxation should be revamped...,and the Constitutions' Bill of Rights should be respected more by all arms of government. Lastly, many of these people are Protestant Christians.
All the other stuff about Obama hating and Sarah Palin doesn't necessarily filter into local groups; not necessarily.
M. Rigmaiden
"Hell must be freezing over because I am feeling CF lately. In particular, the need to discard ideology in order to solve problems that are global in scope is absolutely necessary."
That's not what CF is saying.
CF asserts that the reason black America is in the desperate, dysfunctional situation it's in (we're all ghetto dwellers you know) is because we continue to support Democrats who have done nothing for us but enriched themselves.
Now, when I challenge him to detail what the GOP has done for America, he changes course and claims that ideology is not the issue.
He's an obvious phony.
"I am suggesting that certain people who believe that their methods are the best way forward should be made to PROVE IT via empirical evidence"-CF
You are right on this point. In medical care, there has been a very strong push by some doctors and insurance companies to use evidence based medicine. What they are finding is that many times people are over treated and over medicated. Sadly often the medication side effect profiles can cause secondary illnesses which cause cascade effects in the need for more meds upon more meds. All of these things are beginning to come to light, suggesting that our entire paradigm of medical care should be changed. It is inefficient, costly and treatment outcomes are not where they need to be! The STRUCTURE of health care delivery needs to be changed completely. The same thing goes with local, state and national governance.
Somehow the interests of the people became coopted by special interests on the left and right and voters were duped into believing that they have to align according to silly things. Now the cognitive disconnect is staring us in the face and some of us ignore it and others see it but still do nothing and recycle the same old talking points.
This is why I've always urged people to vote Independent of political party and vote for what works!
Well Steve, he might very well be a shill for the GOP...I don't know. However I do believe that neither political party acts in the best interest of Americans and that we need a new paradigm;)
I grew up in southern MD and Stenny Hoyer has the support of Dems and moderate Republicans. He has, over the years, gone out of his way to take care of the southern part of the state (Charles, Calver, St. Mary's Counties) so regardless of how good this new candidate is Stenny has the backing of voters from both parties. My 92 year old grandma is a Repub and she's voting for Stenny. My mom's a Dem and she's voting for Stenny. New guy has an uphill battle. And that area is still not the most enlightened when it comes to race. I'm just saying.
[quote]CF asserts that the reason black America is in the desperate, dysfunctional situation it's in (we're all ghetto dwellers you know) is because we continue to support Democrats who have done nothing for us but enriched themselves.[/quote]
The people who OBJECTIVELY read my works know how much of a joke you are.
Your claim doesn't even make sense from a "cause and effect" standpoint>
Why are Blacks as you have listed?
BECAUSE We keep voting for the Democrats.
You should be asking: WHAT is the Black Rank and File PURSUING and WHO amongst them told them that VOTING within the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN is going to be the fix?
You SHOULD ASK - What entity within the Black Community serves as the "Food And Drug Administration" function? They don't MAKE THE PILLS. They listen to the CLAIMS about what a pharmaceutical concoction is said to initiate in the way of a CURE. They use the real world data to confirm the VERACITY of such claims.
In their mission to protect the PERMANENT INTERESTS of the populace they FORCE THE "Pill Sales men" to REMOVE the snake oil from the market.
With sold out operatives such as yourself who lurk within our "Racial Consciousness Nucleus" like a parasite, working on behalf of some EXTERNAL ENTITY - it is YOU who I am focusing upon as the key FRAUD.
Now, when I challenge him to detail what the GOP has done for America, he changes course and claims that ideology is not the issue.[/quote]
Actually I challenge you on the FRAUDULENCE and diversionary intentions of your question.
Unlike what is the case in Baltimore, etc - the GOP had control over the executive branch and legislative - Americans were disappointed with the results and PURGED THEM FROM POWER.
When it comes the the BLACK COMMUNITY there is not the binary choice between Democrat and Republican.
INSTEAD the choice is between investing in the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN versus the "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competency Development Domain"
I struggle to understand the depth of your intellectual dishonesty. It is far deeper than the oil well in the Gulf.
I can always tell when I've cut you with the truth.
You git so emotional!
"WHAT is the Black Rank and File PURSUING and WHO amongst them told them that VOTING within the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN is going to be the fix?"
This is part and parcel of your ongoing strawman BULLSHIT.
Black politicians are no different than any other politicians.
They make promises to get votes.
The kicker about the GOP is that they won't even attempt to garner any black votes.
They figure that their open hostility toward blacks has actually strengthened their position and even the few Republican negroes they can prop up continue to employ the tactic.
Just PLEASE answer these three questions for me.
Do you acknowledge that there is a prosperous and upward mobile black middle class?
Do you acknowledge that they primarily vote Democratic?
How then can that be given your assertion that its the Democrats who have enslaved black people and made them dependent?
What's up brother Field? I had to sit out yesterday because I am going through some changes trying to pull off a badly needed community iniative and I can't get my Pastor to catch the vision or anyone else for that matter.
So I had to sit that one out so that I wouldn't say something I would regret. What was on my mind wasn't Christian.
You should have called the Noisy Negroes out and said what you mean and that is that we do indeed have a problem with opportunists in our community and folks who can see no further than their democratic meal ticket.
I think after listening to a few of these guys that some are indeed opportunist and some believe what they are saying but I think the solutions to our problems clearly don't lie in Republican party politics no more than they lie within the Democratic party.
CF I read your posts yesterday and I found that I agreed with you on a few points. In fact I usually think that your criticisms of liberalism is dead on. Anon #125 doesn't read me very carefully or otherwise he would know that we sometimes agree, and that I take issue with you when you are not clear, and when you are demogogic, and when you defend the capitalist (when it appears they have done something indefensible) and when you appear to be callous and uncaring about folks who don't have the pyschological and mental and emotional wherewhithal that you appear to have, and when you ignore the very real effects of racism on mind, body, and soul.
And of course we disagree about the viability of capitalism and its ability to solve the deeper problems of hunger,homelessness, health care, human kindness and justice.
Wait before you rush to argue check out what I agreed with you about yesterday and today.
1- I wanted to let you know that your posts about the failures of the liberal machines to rescue cities like Detroit, Trenton etc, is not far from the truth.
2- I think your assessment of what happened with the Korean store in Georgea is right on. We in the community have to figure out how to think ahead and come together to create jobs and job opportunity.
3- I think what you said yesterday about unity and folks not always agreeing as being healthy for growth was on the mark.
I have a revolutionary perspective --which of course you disagree with --but I am willing to lay down my theoretical tendencies to advance the interests of the folks in the community in which I abide.
Now CF that would mean that you too will have to get off the couch and look at things as they are and not how you see them ideologically as well.
On the negative side pretending not to see racist disparity is the characteristic of the Noisy Negro, who disparages those marching while downplaying the very real hindrances to black progress.
Hey Field you know I think our problems may be exacerbated by the noisy Negroes and downplayed by the backward Negroes but worse yet they are multiplied by the materialistic, self satisfied, self righteous, finger pointing (looking down their noses at their lesser off brothers and sisters) QUIET NEGROES!
(when did you pick up the extra "N" in your name?)
It is NOT that I am "criticizing the LEFT".
I am criticizing the BALANCE OF POWER within these communities.
Failure to make note that after going with the flow has not lead to the promised benefit AND IMPLEMENT MORE REGULATION means that there is COMPLICITY in all that has transpired.
I don't believe that ideological homogeneity if needed nor is it possible. INSTITUTIONS are what is needed and protected from compromise.
When people don't feel that the will be given a fair shake at having their say in these institutions because of the fraudulence of the majority - they begin to attack these institutions due to this fraud.
People need to decide if they favor their own ideology or if they favor the governance toward their permanent interests that well run institutions can have us trend toward.
"I am criticizing the BALANCE OF POWER within these communities."
blah, blah, blah
Why won't Republicans campaign for the black vote?
Answer my questions above.
[quote]This is part and parcel of your ongoing strawman BULLSHIT.
Black politicians are no different than any other politicians.[/quote]
I AM TIRED OF HAVING MY RACE BE USED TO GARNER VOTES FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (OR REPUBLICAN PARTY). When Black Republican Larry McAllister's articles appear on Booker Rising WHO is calling him out asking him to STOP USING MY RACE to garner Republican votes?
[QUOTE]They make promises to get votes.[/quote]
Again - YOU are one of the lead sellouts who are helping them by "playing through" the flea-flicker that they are running upon us.
The kicker about the GOP is that they won't even attempt to garner any black votes.[/quote]
Steve - Seriously man. I get the feeling that you are seriously hurt with your perception that the GOP is not willing to GO LEFT in the pretext of picking up Black votes. I can't do anything about your feelings.
I challenge YOU to look at the MONOPOLY CONTROL that is present over the Black community and figure out why THESE BLACK VOTERS don't initiate some alternative that can assist them in obtaining their interests?
They figure that their open hostility toward blacks has actually strengthened their position and even the few Republican negroes they can prop up continue to employ the tactic.[/quote]
Do you own Sirius XM?
Please listen to the weekend line up of "XM The Power 69". You will see that RACIAL RILING UP OF THE MASSES is not unique to White Republicans. Tune into www.waok.com in the morning to see the very same thing.
Constrictive Freedback said..."WHY do I need to "win converts" HummZinger?
"Shouldn't we look at the GOALS of the Political Activism of the people and measure IF WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS WORKING?"
Let's suppose that what these "Political Activists" are doing isn't working. What then?
Fire them? And hire whom?
Who do we replace them with? Who can we trust to work in the people's best interest?
Even the most casual observer of the political landscape knows that politicians are whores, and cheap ones at that.
And it doesn't matter if they're DemWhores or RepubWhores, they spend more time whoring on their behalf than working on ours.
The solution as I see it...take the incentive for whoremongering out of the political process. As long as it's profitable, as long as it's enticing, as long as it gives politicians a political edge, whoring will continue.
These whores are forever looking for their next John. When they're not lying to us, they're on the phones, or on the streets parading their wares, colorfully festooned, wearing little or nothing to ensnare their next sucker.
If you're not looking for converts, Constrictive Freedback, stop yelling so loud, stop yelling so often, stop yelling, period.
We hear ya already!
A zinger from Zing:
Politicians are like the moon. They go through phases...from very slim to very full. Their greatest fear is not the phases, but the eclipse that'll blot them out altogether.
The concentration camps through out this country are filled with the incompetence of the leaders that they serve; their neglect in the development of the communities they serve has only hindered progress.
Regardless of party affiliation our communities continue to suffer. Until we begin to understand that the MESSIAH is not in white house nor is HE/SHE in the pulpit we are going to continue to stagnate universality.
The power is in your hands, but you must become a CRITICAL THINKER (no insult intended). This is not LMAO matter, OUR ECONOMIC, AND EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS ARE IN TROUBLE, WE CONTROL NOTHING, WE ARE THE CONSUMERS WHO ARE BEING CONSUMED.... Until we begin to realize and understand who we are, we will continue to tair each other apart, physically,and intellectually.
Sometime ago Field recommended the book, "BRAINWASHED" by Tom Burrell, it helps in the understanding of PROPAGANDA.
Field quoted Angela McGlowan saying:
implementing policies that are destroying our conservative Mississippi values. ... No one will defend and promote our conservative Mississippi values more vigorously."
What values is it that she is talking about? Didn't their governor recently deny that the Civil War had anything to do with slavery?
This is the kind of foolishness that I was referring to earlier. What values do poor black folks or even poor white folks share with those in power in Mississippi? I remember when it was a value in Miss. to keep black folks at the bottom of the competitive pile.
"Steve - Seriously man. I get the feeling that you are seriously hurt with your perception that the GOP is not willing to GO LEFT in the pretext of picking up Black votes"
The problem with this is that conservatives are always yakking about how generically conservative most black people are (antigay, anti-abortion, pro-religion)but the reason we keep voting Democratic is because we're hooked on handouts.
You can't have it both ways.
Mike Huckabee, whom I disagree with but respect, proved in Arkansas that a Republican can get black support (he routinely got 40% of the black Arkansas vote) if you fuckin campaign and ask for it!!!!
Just PLEASE answer these three questions for me.
Do you acknowledge that there is a prosperous and upward mobile black middle class?[/quote]
I am A PART OF THIS segment.
Stupid question.
You should ask: "ARE YOU SATISFIED that the maximum number of Black people are being INCULCATED toward this end via the INSTITUTIONS that people favorable to you have control over?"
[quote]Do you acknowledge that they primarily vote Democratic?[/quote]
Indeed Steve.
Still I must go back to your ease of passification.
They vote Democrat and thus the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BANNERS are all over the place.
I have a recording of Dr Cornel West in which he is talking about PROTECTING BLACK PEOPLE IN THE SOUTH SIDE OF CHICAGO instead of Obama fighting a war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
How then can that be given your assertion that its the Democrats who have enslaved black people and made them dependent?[/quote]
You are one frustrating individual Steve.
You keep making your arguments PARTY CENTRIC rather than BLACK BEST INTEREST CENTRIC.
The Democratic Party can have all the plans in the world for Black folks.
It is ONLY what Black folks ALLOW to happen to us as some people latch into our grievances that matters Steve.
I did not say "The Democrats Enslave Black people". You are taking talking points from Star Parker and attributing them to ME.
I am simply asking when people like YOU are going to realize the PILLS that you have in your drug case and ask if you are growing stronger, thus weaning yourself off of the drugs?
Who specifically is claiming that Obama is the Messiah?
The only people I hear even making the suggestion is rightwingers creating strawmen.
Anon #125, I think said..."If there IS a political party that will aid in breaking the chains of victimized Blacks, it WON'T be the party you belong to.
"You seem to be in an onery critical state of mind today. Are you trying to impress Field? It's working...He loves you. Congratulations! You are now on the "groping dark side".
"Please keep your zingers coming. The kids love them."
Actually, Anon, I'm trying to impress you...but my weight is insufficient, and my shoe size inadequate.
No party works for the people. See my previous comment.
The only chains I hear rattling are carried by your patron saint, Constrictive Freedback.
If he had his way, he'd ball and chain us to his methodology, to his untried, and untested solution for us "victimized" black folks.
I don't trust his approach any more than I trust the approach of any self-style Truthsayer.
His approach doesn't deal with the real underlying problem of politics...money...and more money...gobs of it...and those who have it and are willing to buy off the unsavory, and oily (Seen the Gulf lately!) politicians who will sell their souls to have it...and your's, too.
Run along, little #125. Your master is calling.
I have no zinger for you today. I'm not in a 'PG' mood. I'm reserving my zingers for the grownups among us, those over 18.
[quote]The problem with this is that conservatives are always yakking about how generically conservative most black people are (antigay, anti-abortion, pro-religion)but the reason we keep voting Democratic is because we're hooked on handouts.[/quote]
I take the CLAIMS and then show how FALSE they are>
IF Black folks are conservative and defend "traditional marriage" THEN why are our marriage rates so low - absent a CULTURAL ENFORCEMENT agent to follow through?
My only statement is that when it comes to the actual ATTAINMENT OF OUR PERMANENT INTEREST.....more Black people are focused on those who INTEND to obtain them and who's METHODOLOGY are more like their own THAN WE are willing to make a dispassionate assessment of where we stand in reference to these INTERESTS - showing the will to RECALIBRATE OUR OWN ASSUMPTIONS when they don't prove true.
Your deflections and evasions are so obvious.
You're getting boring.
I didn't mention shit about the Southside of Chicago.
You don't fool anyone dude.
As long as there is urban ghetto crime, you have a built in diversion from any issue upon which you can't intelligently comment.
Like most of them.
Constrictive Freedback said..."You keep making your arguments PARTY CENTRIC rather than BLACK BEST INTEREST CENTRIC.
"The Democratic Party can have all the plans in the world for Black folks.
"It is ONLY what Black folks ALLOW to happen to us as some people latch into our grievances that matters Steve."
What Constrictive Freedback is in the best interest of blacks, as you perceive it, that's not politically oriented?
I don't think blacks should "allow" anything to happen to them.
Blacks should be out front making what they wish to have happen, happen for them, not listen to some political hack, or some methodology-driven or ideologically-centered solutionist tell them what should be their course of action.
A zinger from Zing:
The greatest threat to one's security, and wellbeing, comes from within. It's the threat that you don't see coming that does the most harm.
"What Constrictive Freedback is in the best interest of blacks, as you perceive it, that's not politically oriented"
He's not going to answer you.
He's offended that blacks vote ovewhelmingly Democratic but then if you ask why the GOP rejects the black vote, he claims that politics doesn't matter.
[quote]Let's suppose that what these "Political Activists" are doing isn't working. What then?
Fire them? And hire whom?
Who do we replace them with? Who can we trust to work in the people's best interest?[/quote]
HummZinger - I an tell that you are young so I am going to work with you. You keep buying the rant.
When they initiate the very same phrase against Street Pirates who are not appreciative THEN I will buy their claims
Could I drive down to New Orleans and SPEAK FOR BP?
How then do certain people without any 'OFFICIAL POSITION' get to work themselves into being our RACIAL SPOKES PEOPLE?
The truth is, HummZinger, they are ONLY operating in the VOID OF INFRASTRUCTURE that is present as they do their thing. I am not assigning "evil" to them. Certainly there is a long history of important people who have assumed this role.
However, in this lack of INSTITUTIONS they are able to step in and speak for you, especially since they have no particular entity that could FIRE THEM, as you say.
At this point in time all they need to do is to tell you "Without people like ME you'd still be a slave".
Constrictive Freedback said..."I am simply asking when people like YOU are going to realize the PILLS that you have in your drug case and ask if you are growing stronger, thus weaning yourself off of the drugs?"
Get off the "pill" you're taking Black Folks, and get on mine! Isn't that your solution, Constrictive Freedback?
Blacks would do well to avoid all pills, yours, theirs, and any others that pushers are pushing.
The political process is inimical to blacks. The solution Mr. Solutionist isn't political, certainly not the way it's being practiced by either side of the blackening political spectrum.
Money has corrupted the political process. It matters not whose politics you embrace, or whose solution for the moment appears as a radiant alternative to what's happening now.
When you offer an alternative to the corrupt system in play now, and acknowledge that it's foul smelling, with a putrefaction of its on making, then perhaps I'll listen.
Until then, no amount of jawboning from you is going to make me sit up and take notice.
[quote]As long as there is urban ghetto crime, you have a built in diversion from any issue upon which you can't intelligently comment.
Jena LA was a DIVERSION!!!!
It got the entire Black Establishment to "Get On The Bus".
Racist Whites back in the day thought that the outrage over LYNCHING was a "Diversion". The Negro "Got himself KILT by disrespecting a White woman".
Sadly YOU claim that me pointing out how 10 people in BALTIMORE were MURDERED over the Memorial Day weekend as a DIVERSION.
[quote]"What Constrictive Freedback is in the best interest of blacks, as you perceive it, that's not politically oriented"[/quote]
Unlike WhiteBowieSteve I have a number of posts on my own blog that you can research my views.
Go to "functionalculture.blogspot.com" and do a search on "Community Cultural Consciousness & Competency Development Domain".
I fully articulate the fundamental issues that CANNOT be addressed in the "Political Domain".
From there you can get your answer.
Is anyone just a bit tired of having to register to vote as a member of either major or any minor political party? I've been annoyed for decades. Why in the sam hill do any of us need any more i.d. than we already have? No document I possess that allows me to vote has any information about politics and my vote shouldn't either. Nor should any of our votes.
Conflictive Feedback said..."HummZinger - I an tell that you are young so I am going to work with you. You keep buying the rant."
If you're losing the argument, resort to the "you're too young to fully grasp the magnitude of the problem or the solution," and, then, offer your mature, wise, seasoned, and august guidance.
Is that it? Is that the tactic you wish to use?! It's shamelessly self-serving, and patronizing.
"When they initiate the very same phrase against Street Pirates who are not appreciative THEN I will buy their claims...."
When all else fails, fall back on the ubiquitous "Street Pirates."
You have used the specter of "street piracy" to force your arguments on so many occasions, that I'm sure if "Street Pirates" actually knew to what extent they are being used, they'd pay you a little visit and demand restitution.
Come on, now, Conflictive Feedback, answer the damn question I posed! Otherwise you'll reveal yourself as a charlatan, a snake-oil salesman, credibility challenged, and a fake.
"The truth is, HummZinger, they are ONLY operating in the VOID OF INFRASTRUCTURE that is present as they do their thing. I am not assigning "evil" to them. Certainly there is a long history of important people who have assumed this role."
Conflictive Feedback, You have entered the Twilight Zone of inscrutability with that statement.
What can a nebulous "infrastructure" do for blacks, or anyone else?
If you say it's missing, and are suggesting that the having of it is some kind of magic bullet, or some kind magical doorway through which blacks may walk and come out saved on the other side, then I must express skepticism.
"Could I drive down to New Orleans and SPEAK FOR BP?
How then do certain people without any 'OFFICIAL POSITION' get to work themselves into being our RACIAL SPOKES PEOPLE?"
Why would you want to "speak for BP"? The oil spill in the Gulf is already speaking volumes for BP. In fact, it's speaking tens of thousands of gallons of oil spilled in the Gulf daily.
BP doesn't need spokespeople. What they needed, this corrupt government didn't give them over the years, and that was good woodshed beating with the regulations currently in place to prevent the kind of disaster to which the coast, and the marshlands will be subjected during the next several months, or possibly years.
People should use whatever leverage available to them...speak with their purchasing power, speak with one voice, and speak by the millions, and not thousands.
"However, in this lack of INSTITUTIONS they are able to step in and speak for you, especially since they have no particular entity that could FIRE THEM, as you say."
I didn't say they couldn't be "fired." I said...with whom would we replace them, if we fired them?
"At this point in time all they need to do is to tell you "Without people like ME you'd still be a slave"."
Slave to what? Slave to whom? I was free born.
A zinger from Zing:
Mockingbirds sing night and day, and can be heard warbling beautiful sounds. Sadly, for Mr. Mockingbird, none of them are his own.
What is your opinion of c. rangel?
u have slain uts all day as always...bravo!
the real query is:
how could republicans abuse/bamboozle/hoodwink/play/ignore...blacks any more than dems do????
"In other words, they seem intellectually incapable of concluding that Obama no longer deserves their support based, for example, on the hard, painful facts that he has persisted in wasting the country’s wealth and lives on two useless wars, he never cleaned up the regulatory system in the Department of Interior that allowed BP and other companies to escape effective regulation in the public interest, and he never fought for a public option in the health care reform legislation. While he was eager to bail out Wall Street he has shown no courage in saving Main Street. He has accomplished nothing effective to create private sector jobs and stands idly by as the middle class continues to slip down into the lower class.
The hard truth for progressives is that Obama has shown that he is just another politician playing the same old, corruption games and caving in to many special and corporate interests. Obama surrounded himself with a number of people who had no progressive credentials whatsoever, including his Chief of Staff, Treasure Secretary and top economic advisor. No surprise therefore that the Obama White House plays all the same old games that maintains corrupt and dysfunctional government
Just as so many Americans have woken up and are demanding criminal prosecution of BP and making them pay fully for all of the terrible environmental and economic impacts their greed has produced, progressives should be leading the nation in condemning Obama. Now is the time for progressives to admit that they are not getting the changes they were waiting for and never will get them from Obama. Progressives need to find the courage to openly say that one term is enough for Obama.
Better to create the conditions for someone else to become the reformer so many Americans want in the White House. Otherwise progressives may wake up to Republicans scoring very big in the coming mid-term elections and also offering up someone to take over the White House. Unless progressive are willing to take some risk they risk losing even more than they already have lost. Don’t stay with a loser. Seek a real winner. Someone people in the tea party movement might support."
"We are witnessing the final dissolution of both the Democratic Party and established Black leadership formations as effective agents of domestic social change and world peace. Corporate power has swallowed the Party whole, and is smothering or absorbing the residue of what was once a powerful Black people’s movement. The devastation is all but complete, as is evident when one examines the response to the crises of Katrina, the Iraq War, the necessity to impeach, and the hellish and inexorable growth of a Black American Gulag through mass incarceration.
The Black Gulag – the product of a people-savaging national public policy that began as a mass white societal response to the Sixties Freedom Movement and metastasizes each year regardless of crime rates – isn’t even an issue for Democratic leadership. No wonder, since both Democrats and Republicans have conspired over two generations to place a million African Americans behind bars at any given moment, creating a toxic prison culture that poisons every arena of Black life. During the watch of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s husband, Bill, more Blacks were thrown in prison than under any other president in history.
Mass Black incarceration is not a priority among Black elite formations, either. A deep historical current in Black political culture avoids even a discussion of horrendous imprisonment rates that tear at the very fibers of Black society. Preachers would rather internalize and moralize the ongoing state assault on Black life, while the Black misleadership class, as I have written, is “more embarrassed than outraged” at the volcanic emergence of a million-man-and-woman Black Prison Nation, through which doors multiple millions of the next generation will pass."
what could uts possibly "respect" so about a rabidly racist hypochristian tacky bama thief preacher pimp gaybashing fool who spawned 2 serial killers like huckabee???
charlie rangle is a flawless sinless angel compared to the demonic hobama!
yes indeed...one can tell a lot about uts by whom he admires
who "respects"
the inept bloody has been hick mh???
and uts dares to call YOU a neocon?
the irony and hypocrisy!!!...
"The political process is inimical to blacks. The solution Mr. Solutionist isn't political, certainly not the way it's being practiced by either side of the blackening political spectrum.
Money has corrupted the political process. It matters not whose politics you embrace, or whose solution for the moment appears as a radiant alternative to what's happening now.
When you offer an alternative to the corrupt system in play now, and acknowledge that it's foul smelling, with a putrefaction of its on making, then perhaps I'll listen."
That was profound.
Sup Mellaneous? I feel you about the "Quiet Negroes". They can be just as bad. Sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing.
Destructive Wingnut, I agree with mellaneous that you have a [very]few good points. The problem I have with you is that no matter how much you try to deny it you are a partisan. And your ideological soul-mates would not leave one of those cities you are always crying about in a better position.
Another thing: many of the things you advocate for cannot be done without serious funding. This is where it gets tricky. Do we tax to get it? Do we depend on private industry? Do we pass laws to make it easier to do some of the things you mention without all the red tape? How would ( I am not going to call them your party)someone else in power achieve these goals? Just asking. As I said, you are a theorist, and that's fine in academia, but it doesn't work out here in the real world.
"Could I drive down to New Orleans and SPEAK FOR BP?
How then do certain people without any 'OFFICIAL POSITION' get to work themselves into being our RACIAL SPOKES PEOPLE?
The truth is, HummZinger, they are ONLY operating in the VOID OF INFRASTRUCTURE that is present as they do their thing. I am not assigning "evil" to them. Certainly there is a long history of important people who have assumed this role.
However, in this lack of INSTITUTIONS they are able to step in and speak for you, especially since they have no particular entity that could FIRE THEM, as you say."
Ahh these analogies. What would your "INFRASTRUCTURE" or "INSTITUTIONS" look like? Are we the people the "Infrastructure and "Institutions" you are talking about? And if we are, how do we get the power and the $ to change things? Serious question.
Seeing how A-merry-ca is set up, if not within a political domain, how?
"charlie rangle is a flawless sinless angel compared to the demonic hobama"!
Your characterization of charlie rangel, I believe is a bit overstated.
[quote]The problem I have with you is that no matter how much you try to deny it you are a partisan.[/quote]
My dear friend Filled Negro (Jerk Chicken, steamed cabbage, rice and plantain for dinner tonight. I love my Jamaican mother in law).
I am a PARTISAN you say.
I have learned the frivolity of attempting to convince someone else of what they believe - ESPECIALLY when it is ultimately IMMATERIAL to the big issue. (But I do challenge you to look at the blog site "HipHopRepublican" for my posts to see if I am SUPPORTIVE of "Republicans who are Black" OR if I go after them for attempting to HIJACK MY RACE - just as I do with "Democrats who are Black".
Filled Negro - Again I have to accept that IN YOUR MIND there is a greater indictment against the EVIL RACIST GOP regarding what they LIKELY WOULD NOT DO in Philly, Trenton, Camden, Cleveland and East St Louis if they ever had control again more than you care to make note of the DEMOCRATS THAT ARE IN FREAKING POWER TO-DAMNED-DAY after years of promising us BENEFITS if we VOTED FOR THEM.
I have nothing that I can say to disembowel you of this strange notation Filled Negro.
[quote]Another thing: many of the things you advocate for cannot be done without serious funding[/quote]
Filled Negro - how many protests have you been personally involved in in which YOU said "PEOPLE OVER PROFITS"?
Why not turn around and speak this same language to the RANK & FILE that is standing with you?
I just listened to a new first time homeowner who told me about her new FLAT SCREEN TELEVISION that she purchased. What about telling Black people like her to INVEST in more constructive things?
Yesterday I received my annual "NAACP donation request that is dressed up as a SURVEY". (They actually believe that I AM GOING TO GIVE THEM SOME MONEY).
Why not convince the NAACP to collect money and FUND actual ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE than to advance the DEMOCRATIC PARTY?
Janelle said...
Is anyone just a bit tired of having to register to vote as a member of either major or any minor political party? I've been annoyed for decades.
Janelle, I understand your sentiment, but a multiple party system only works in a Parliamentary system, similar to the UK or Canada. Our political system was set up to favor two, maybe three candidates and little more.
Until a party gets, say 20-30% of the popular vote throughout the country, a third party is only a a threat the political party its closest in ideology. That's why Nader 'cost' Gore the election and why Pappy Bush got trounce by Clinton (Perot was flanking him from the right).
So, until over 30% of the country is part of the Green Party, they'll always be spoilers since they'll "steal" votes from the candidate most ideological aligned with them. Unfortunately, but that's an inherent flaw in winner-take-all politics.
Now, please note that both the Democrats and Republicans were once 'third parties'. So its not impossible to become a viable 3rd way. It just requires a lot more planning and thinking to gin up votes.
Why in the Sam hill do any of us need any more i.d. than we already have? No document I possess that allows me to vote has any information about politics and my vote shouldn't either. Nor should any of our votes.
What kind of documents do you have? A passport? A driver's license? A birth certificate? I'd contact your registrar or local Secretary of State for assistance and best solutions. Maybe I missed something....
But, the broader question, you need an form of voter id if democracy hopes to work. Simply put, you want credible identification at the polls or you'll otherwise promote graft and outright fraud.
Again, some form of government identification and documentation isn't a bad thing -- unless you want old school 'Chicago Style' elections where dead people "vote" for the Democratic party machine in the primary.
Are we in a competition HummZinger?
[quote]If you're losing the argument, resort to the "you're too young to fully grasp the magnitude of the problem or the solution," and, then, offer your mature, wise, seasoned, and august guidance.
My apologies HummZinger. I should not have made this reference when you were, what did Obama say "Kicking my ass" as such. It won't happen again. I will avoid noting any youthful indiscretions that you might display.
[quote]hen all else fails, fall back on the ubiquitous "Street Pirates." [/quote]
HummZinger - don't blame me for watching the news, observing the antics that I see and then noting that certain people who CLAIM they have our community's interests in mind are SILENT over these issues.
You have used the specter of "street piracy" to force your arguments on so many occasions, that I'm sure if "Street Pirates" actually knew to what extent they are being used, they'd pay you a little visit and demand restitution.[/quote]
If I pulled my wallet out to pay them - they'd likely STEAL it and shoot me.
What can a nebulous "infrastructure" do for blacks, or anyone else?[/quote]
What you NEED to be asking is "How do other groups of people (not necessarily racial groups" organize themselves for group MOBILITY?"
I wonder if YOU fired back at Farrakhan when he demanded that everyone get attached to some ORGANIZATION in order to leverage their individual powers?
If you say it's missing, and are suggesting that the having of it is some kind of magic bullet, or some kind magical doorway through which blacks may walk and come out saved on the other side, then I must express skepticism. [/quote]
Magic Bullet?
HummZinger - what if I tell you that as a person who is involved in corporate consulting - HUMAN BEINGS operating to complete a task under the auspices of an evil corporation respond to the very same INFRASTRUCTURAL elements that can be deployed to accomplish other tasks. Should I suppress my observations because some people don't believe in the commonality?
I didn't say they couldn't be "fired." I said...with whom would we replace them, if we fired them?[/quote]
HummZinger - the REAL QUESTION IS:
* What infrastructure did these people BUILD UP while they were in power which could endure without them?
* What type of "farm team" did they create by which they could allow the entity to exist beyond their own mortal life?
* Did they work to tell the INDIVIDUAL RANK & FILE MEMBERS about their own PERSONAL POWERS and attempt to DISTRIBUTE THE POWER AND COMPETENCY to the periphery?
As for the Republican phenom -- I've met plenty of principled conservatives in my life. Not many, but quite a few.
Most of these were church going straight laced guys I've worked with in IT. Politically, I couldn't stomach them -- but I respect their opinions and consider them great friends.
I though I'm technically quite liberal, I don't think that every left wing idea can solve our problems.
One of the most respected members of my family church is a staunch Republican who proudly (yes, proudly) campaigned for Nixon and Goldwater. He's a deacon in our church and one of my mentors in teaching Sunday school. He is an educated small business owner who simply believed in small government. Not my thing, but he stuck to his guns. He also wasn't afraid to stand up against race baiters in the local GOP when they pushed forth racist policies.
My issue is that most of the Black conservatives between my father's age and my age aren't the principled Booker T types like my Sunday School teacher. Hell, most of them aren't even Colin Powell.
The problem is that most younger Black conservatives I've seen on TV or met personally talk as if they're reading from a copy of Mein Kampf or Fountainhead.
Example, I actually knew a self-loathing ass clown in college who was the only black member of the college's Objectivism discussion group (think Ron Paul libertarianism take to its nastiest extreme). This kid made Rand Paul look sane. He, as a Black man, argued that minority scholarships should be done away with (even though he had three and continually applied for more throughout college) and that the civil rights movement was a mistake.
This jiggabo was worse than a house Negro, he's a slave catcher. Honestly, as much as we all poke at CF, I doubt he think Malcolm and MLK should have just sat down and know their place.
For these younger cats, as with much of the New Right, conservatism is about protecting me and mine, not getting our community to do for self. You'll never see Alan Keyes or Armstrong Williams volunteering to tutor young black men.
Personally, so long as these new GOP candidates are taking principled stands for their community and aren't simply opportunistic hacks or self-loathing house Negroes who are doing the tea party's bidding in Black face, I say God bless them.
And AB, if you think Rangel's clean compared to Obama, you really don't know much about New York political history. Rangel's been a crook and a cheat since the 70's when he organized a coup to oust Adam Clayton Powell.
LAC you say that a multiple party system only works under certain circumstances, but Rand Paul might beg to differ. I am not advocating that he win or anything, it's just that he is running as a GOPer on Tea Party principles. So it would appear as though the Tea Party ideas filter into the existing two party system, much like libertarian philosophy. The Libertarian party is too individualistic and fragmented to do anything as a party, but their underlying Catoian philosophy seems to insert itself often in policies etc.
Binary systems are less complex than ternary systems but n systems are even more complex. But just because a system is complex doesn't mean you cannot navigate it LAC;)
how many 1000s of soldiers has charlie killed?
how many millions of renters has he evicted/made jobless/homeless etc???
how many oil cos has he helped ravage lands and lives????
u hobama nazis are hopreless!!!
Are you from this planet, or are you just brain dead.
Sometime I think you are just one angry person.
rangel, along with some of his cronies were nothing but a bunch of Harlem pimps.
on black jesus
jerusalem is in africa
he looked like jimi hendrix in all ancient art...
revelations 1:14 says his hair was like wool
and revelations 2:18 says he had feet of bronze
u r comparing 1 aging powerless dethroned harlem pimp to the leader of the GLOBAL nwo and calling me brain dead????
i needed that guffaw!
u r comparing 1 aging powerless dethroned harlem pimp to the leader of the GLOBAL nwo and calling me brain dead????
i needed that guffaw!
if u had a brain, would u use it to show your face? garner courage? post some sanity?....
Conflictive Feedback said..."I will avoid noting any youthful indiscretions that you might display."
I see you're using your apology to commit the offense again.
That's a cheap shot. Either man up and apologize, or hold to your previous position. I'll respect you more.
[quote]when all else fails, fall back on the ubiquitous "Street Pirates." [/quote]
HummZinger - don't blame me for watching the news, observing the antics that I see and then noting that certain people who CLAIM they have our community's interests in mind are SILENT over these issues.
Silent? Would you be happy is they yell, as you do? It hasn't worked for you, and I doubt if it'll work for them.
You're suggesting that black on black violence is met with indifference.
I doubt that.
You're suggesting that nothing is being done about it, because there's no will on the part of city officials to take it on.
I doubt that.
This violence may be hard to root out, for a variety of reasons, but I don't think political policies, or political decisions, short of sending in troops, will effectuate the change you seek.
Further, I don't think either political party is especially qualified, or equipped, when it comes to combating violence in the inner city.
Moreover, the problem of violence is more systemic than structural. It's grounded in social and economic realities that requires its own special needs solutions.
The presumption inherent in your contingency management approach is that a political solution exists, or can be developed.
If the problem was purely political, then I'd agree. Because other elements are at play, the solution must be organic and applied comprehensively.
Anything short of that, is to court failure at the outset.
"What you NEED to be asking is "How do other groups of people (not necessarily racial groups" organize themselves for group MOBILITY?"
"I wonder if YOU fired back at Farrakhan when he demanded that everyone get attached to some ORGANIZATION in order to leverage their individual powers?
Blacks aren't short on knowhow, or organizational skills.
That's a myth.
They know how to develop "group mobility," as you term it.
What's lacking is will. We discarded the "them against us" mindset when blacks begin to experience greater social and economic progress, owing to the civil rights push of the last century, and the carving of inroads into the broader job market.
You can't galvanize satisfaction to the same extent as dissatisfaction.
* What infrastructure did these people BUILD UP while they were in power which could endure without them?
* What type of "farm team" did they create by which they could allow the entity to exist beyond their own mortal life?
* Did they work to tell the INDIVIDUAL RANK & FILE MEMBERS about their own PERSONAL POWERS and attempt to DISTRIBUTE THE POWER AND COMPETENCY to the periphery?
These deficiencies, as you have enumerated them, don't necessarily require political solutions, or a political impetus to overcome.
It was the black church that played the major role in the civil rights struggle of the fifties and the sixties.
Where's that leadership, now? The black church represents our largest organized body in this country.
What is it doing with this organization? What is it doing with this collective potential?
Blacks, I contend, have grown fat, and contented...eating well off the fat of the land, and aren't bringing their collective social strength to the fore to combat what you see as black community deficiencies.
A zinger from Zing:
Solutions are like reflections upon the surface of a lake, upon which you may see your own visage, but the smallest rock thrown near it can destroy the perfect picture.
zing u r funny as fuck thanks fo dat
cf u got shit 2 say thanks mane
ab u r a fucking retarded buckdancing borderline personality disorder coon byotch
M. Rigmaiden said...
LAC you say that a multiple party system only works under certain circumstances, but Rand Paul might beg to differ. I am not advocating that he win or anything, it's just that he is running as a GOPer on Tea Party principles. So it would appear as though the Tea Party ideas filter into the existing two party system, much like libertarian philosophy. The Libertarian party is too individualistic and fragmented to do anything as a party, but their underlying Catoian philosophy seems to insert itself often in policies etc.
Binary systems are less complex than ternary systems but n systems are even more complex. But just because a system is complex doesn't mean you cannot navigate it LAC;)
Hey, MR, how are you? Wow, n system complexity? Sheesh, you're bringing me back to Systems Analysis class junior year.
Anyway, as I said, we could build a third party, but it can only work at a local level. The problem is that we have a really jacked up electoral process. Since we reward our electoral votes to who ever wins the majority of the state -- we've stacked the game against third parties from jump. That doesn't mention our jerrymandered Congressional districts and party machines.
The only way a third party candidate could win is that he or she would need 180 electoral votes (1/3 + 1) in a three way race. Which means the candidate would need to win the popular vote in approximately 11 to 13 states. And that's just rough math.
Unless you've got the campaign skills of a Clinton and the cash of a Perot that's a pretty big hoe to row.
BTW, here's the link to last week's conference (http://SIIM2010.ORG).
Can someone tell me what type of lapel pin Lollar is wearing?
"Can someone tell me what type of lapel pin Lollar is wearing?"
That's actually a tiny lamp pin.
reginay nay:
i can actually feel the ghetto winds RUSH onto this blog each time u "post"
kind of like the cash registers heat up every time u enter the horse hair store...nahmean???
seen this???
ab u r a fucking retarded buckdancing borderline personality disorder coon byotch
well said regina so you attack how she writes cause you have nothing else to say you dumb carpet eating fuck
reginay nay does not blog here to comment on anything fn posts...ever!
she "blogs" here exclusively to stalk and hate me...it is amusing really
just as when she lurks in the parking lot of firewater stores just to trade yak for ebt cards...
errday she hustlin'
just like she is hustling her stalker as poster herein...
so u dont hate all anonymous only the 1s who say shyt u dont like u stupid asshole
u are a nasty ugly dykminted byotch fuckin maroon
ur face looks like this
u is amused is u good
i guess i will keep putting u in ur place
fucking asshole
try to hurt others cuz ur life is sorry byotch
the world would be better without u in it
That is hilarious 3:53. It looks just like that cretinous sow!
"That is hilarious 3:53. It looks just like that cretinous sow!"@Anonymous 856PM
lol anonymous dat byotch looks to'w up from the flo'w up
talkin dat bullshyt
she a fucking loser bully who
fat ugly and insecure but try to blame her complection for the fact dont nobody like her
shyt dont nobody like her cuz she ugly fat and insecure
byotch need to lose weight and see a fuckin shrink
i will continue to call dat byotch out as long as she keep fuckin wit folk
fuck her and the nasty stinkin twat she rode in with
and u r 2 kind sows look better den her ugly ass
she cant argue with the truth
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