in the picture you are seeing. That's Nigeria. And apparently they have had their own environmental disaster long before all that "black gold" started spilling into the Gulf.
I read the following story over at The Root, and I do believe that it's cut and paste worthy:
"It's a truth universally acknowledged that in the news media that one missing white girl equals half a dozen dead black girls or 100 dead Muslims or 1,000 Africans with AIDS. The missing white girl will always get front-page coverage while death and disease striking men and women of color will be relegated to the inside pages, below the fold. Wikipedia even has an entry for it: Missing white woman syndrome.
It's a sad fact that this rule applies also to American oil spills. While everyone is now aware of the massive leak off the coast of Louisiana, in the Gulf of Mexico, only now is the U.S. news media beginning to notice in print the 50 years of environmental devastation inflicted in Nigeria. According to the Times story, oil spills equal to the Exxon Valdez spill have occurred every year for the past five decades.
''The oil spews from rusted and aging pipes, unchecked by what analysts say is ineffectual or collusive regulation, and abetted by deficient maintenance and sabotage," the Times article said. "In the face of this black tide is an infrequent protest--soldiers guarding an Exxon Mobil site beat women who were demonstrating last month, according to witnesses--but mostly resentful resignation.''
''Small children swim in the polluted estuary here, fishermen take their skiffs out ever farther--there's nothing we can catch here,'' said Pius Doron, perched anxiously over his boat--and market women trudge through oily streams.
''There is Shell oil on my body,'' said Hannah Baage, emerging from Gio Creek with a machete to cut the cassava stalks balanced on her head.." [Article]
Hannah, it's just too bad for you that you weren't born on A-merry-ca's Gulf Coast. But, then again, maybe it wouldn't have made any difference for you. Just ask the parents of Mitrice Richardson.
PSA: It feels good to be home. I missed you guys...well, some of you. :)
This is why your blog, my blog and thousands of other Black run blogs are so important, Mr. Field. So that we can learn what Shell oil is doing to the people of Nigeria and so people won't forget that Mitrice is still missing.
Great post and welcome back.
What up family. How you're doing Field? I got news. As you know Glenn Beck is having his March on Washington , the same day as Dr.King. The Urban League, NAACP, and Al Sharpton's NAN are having a counter-protest.Spread the word. Some of the folks on Kos have already lease busses.Here's the address so you can get some information.
Welcome back, Field. Where have you been?
I am truly bothered by Mitrice missing and no one has said much about her. Why hasn't Al Sharpton or NAACP come down hard on the police?
Oh yes, Shell and other oil companies have been destroying the environments for a long time. This time it is the Gulf and this time it will be a terrible mess that man will not be able to fix.
We must get away from dirty toxic crude oil. At least, we should cut out deep water drilling. It's destroying the environment that feeds us.
Read 2060 by Arthur C. Clarke. The chickens are coming home to roost and the recent diamond field find in Zimbabwe is an example.
Oh Facebook someone put a photo of the President
"with a gun photoshopped pointing at one side of his head, and red splatter photoshopped coming out of the other side."
This was on Daily Kos.
Thank you for posting this, I live in Nigeria and am aware that we have gulf of mexico size spills every year.
Those interested in Shell's disgraceful record in Nigeria might want to invest 2 minutes 21 seconds of their lives watching this instructional video.
I've heard about the spills in Nigeria but usually it's credited to people smashing the pipes to get the fuel.
Where the hell do you get your information?
What's up family? I missed you all.
Kid, thanks for the 411 in that March. Only in A-merry-ca. :(
Yes szpork, you might have to give me a link to that one. I am not saying that it doesn't happen, but causing an oil spill? I am not sure about that.
tenacitus, maybe you can help us out with what szpork alleges.
PC, thanks for that link as well.
Yes Val, we have to stay on the Mitrice Richardson story, because if we don't no one else will.
[quote]"It's a truth universally acknowledged that in the news media that one missing white girl equals half a dozen dead black girls or 100 dead Muslims or 1,000 Africans with AIDS. [/quote]
Filled Negro:
I am still waiting on AfroSpear to give me the formula notating how many "Street Pirate On Black" homicides are equal to ONE Police On Black homicides?
Let's logically look at your comparison between American oil company governance and that which is in Nigeria.
* The oil companies in Nigeria cut a check directly to the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT as they are not drilling on "PRIVATE PROPERTY" but instead on Government land. The conflict in the Delta region is because the local people receive little benefit as the central government misappropriates the profits elsewhere in the nation, leaving the locals POOR.
* Despite your claims that American oil firms undercut American government regulation for their own interests - WE HAVE MANY TIMES THE NUMBER OF PIPELINES here in America without the catastrophic leaking that you point out in Nigeria.
I realize that from this story many of you have the view "SEE this is what the OIL COMPANIES do when there is no regulatory regime. They are going to pursue their own interests, damn the people".
I have a new term "Regulatory Bigots". Just as there will never be a point where the natural risks of a potentially dangerous industry are totally controlled some of you will NEVER reach the point when you feel that there is enough REGULATION.
- an accident happens - WE NEED MORE REGULATION.
- if there is abundant REGULATION already in place you return back to the time when your adversary was in power and look at the REGULATIONS that they FAILED TO ENFORCE
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER will you reach the point of seeing that regardless of what you cook up in the legislature and the courts - there remains some RISK. The only place were THERE IS NO RISK is in the FACTORIES THAT ARE SHUT DOWN in Detroit and Cleveland. Then you all will be focusing upon the risk of having your foot cut on the broken glass from the windows that the kids throw rocks through.
Even PBS has had documentaries about the ecological damage done to Nigeria from oil drilling, it has included more than just oil spills.
Black Looks has had articles over the past three years about the battles that have ensued in Nigeria, because of oil. It is much more than a few people stealing oil for fuel.
Here are a few links.
[quote]So that we can learn what Shell oil is doing to the people of Nigeria and so people won't forget that Mitrice is still missing.[/quote]
What SHELL is doing to the people?
What about how the corrupt government of Nigeria is failing to govern within their nation?
In a long running debate with a good friend of mine - he points out that Chevron(?) killed Nigerians as they demanded that NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT FORCES be deployed to protect their facilities from attack by angry locals.
REALLY? Chevron killed them????
Again the Nigerian Government is the controlling legal authority. THEIR TROOPS did the killing.
The only reason why my good friend (my best man at my wedding in fact. The one who I went to Cuba with to check out his savior Fidel Castro) and many of you other leftists hold the positions that you do is because YOU are not directly involved with any industries which force you to make tough economic decisions which have trade offs.
YOU DON'T WANT OIL??? Fine!! You revert back to the original GREEN ENERGY - hunting and gathering.
Even if we take away oil based fuels. There are lubricants, medicines, coatings, chemicals that we use on a daily basis that need petroleum.
YOUR present standard of living is a function of this evil oil.
I assure you that you have used some of the oil that once flowed through the LEAKY NIGERIAN PIPELINES. Little different than the WHITE FOLKS IN THE NORTH during slavery times in America who used COTTON picked by the hands of the enslaved African in the South.
Thank you Filled Negro for your blog and other AfroSpear blog for pointing out "Capitalistic Consumer Co-conspirators"
[quote]As you know Glenn Beck is having his March on Washington , the same day as Dr.King. The Urban League, NAACP, and Al Sharpton's NAN are having a counter-protest.Spread the word. Some of the folks on Kos have already lease busses.Here's the address so you can get some information.[/quote]
Kid - I called out this foolishness of the NAACP, Urban League and National Action Network. (Marc Morial has single handedly removed me from the yearly donor roles to the NUL. I want Hugh Price back)
Despite the fact that 3 people were murdered in Baltimore over Father's Day weekend ALL LOYAL NEGROES are asked to come to the area on August 28 to join in on a PROTEST against Glenn Beck so that Kings name is not soiled????? WTF?
*King is soiled by the people who are TERRORIZING Black people in our own communities
*King is soiled by the monthly MURDER that takes place on MLK Jr Blvd or Joseph Lowery Bvd or Joseph Boone Blvd or most recently Ralph d Abernathy Blvd in Atlanta where a store owner KILLED a street pirate that tried to rob his tattoo shop
Kid it is clear that you are clueless.
After you have been exhausted from exclusively fighting the enemies that your fellow bigots can unite around yet you STILL have enemies that you are not willing to address cutting your throats inside your communities THEN you will realize the emptiness and fraud of your actions.
I may go to Washington DC to have a COUNTER-COUNTER-PROTEST
I don't expect people to wring their hands about every issue in the world, but I do not expect a knee jerk reaction, that says it is always some poor persons fault when big corporation fail.
Sometimes you should just sit down.
Egypt $457,600M
South Africa $403,900M
Nigeria $294,800M
Algeria $268,900M
Morocco $127,000M
Africa Continent Total $2T
USA (Evil Empire) Total 14.2T
I get the strange feeling that while Black Diaspora "is in exile" he ain't departing from his nutrition source with the BELLY OF THE BEAST any time soon.
Though some of you resent the corporations here you also realize that it takes GOVERNANCE and not just hatred to build up an economy. You ain't leaving this STOLEN LAND.
Sometimes you should just sit down.[/quote]
If my goal was to be LIKED by you I would be sitting in the row of chairs that you have assembled for those who like to THROW INDICTMENTS.
Unfortunately Hathor - the world is far more complex than what your pride that you have "CLEAN HANDS" affords to you.
It is hard for you to see that you are not traveling new territory? So many ANGRY REVOLUTIONS have been initiated by people who point out the same perpetual injustices that you do.
When they take the seat of power they see that they now need to make the tough decisions.
For you all it is easier to indict the OUTSIDER - Shell - than to look toward the GOVERNMENT of Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea to see that the oppression over people in the context of OIL exploration is NOT just caused by OIL COMPANIES. CORRUPT MEN who look just like the masses who run the GOVERNMENTS have naphtha on their hands as well.
If nothing else Hathor - take a step back and consider the PATTERNS of your thoughts that are applied to nearly each and every situation that comes across your desk. The LEFT is always throwing out INDICTMENTS, retaining their position on the "moral high ground". Yet your standard of living is nearly exclusively based upon receipt of the very resources that you condemn.
Green is but a GOVERNMENT ENFORCEMENT ACTION. Without MORE POWERFUL government, imposing itself upon our economic liberties - boot on the neck and all - there will be no Green Economy.
It seems that you'd rather me shut up than to point out these facts to you.
I think 60 Minutes did a piece on this story a while back...
Is this the best you can do? To put words in other mouths and discern the pattern of your thought through them. If this statement seems illogical, reread your last comments.
The one thing that does pissed me off, is your presumption to know my standard of living.
I am sure I live off less resources than you think and at the age I am whether the earth goes green or not will not have the same affect on me, than as for you.
It's a truth universally acknowledged that in the news media that one missing white girl equals half a dozen dead black girls or 100 dead Muslims or 1,000 Africans with AIDS.
The Root wrote that? Their editor must have been on vacation.
He doesn't know anything about you but you are black and disagree with him.
So that in and of itself makes you a ghetto dwellin, whitey hatin, street pirate apologizin whiner.
I'm really starting to believe that CF is a paid operative of some rightwing thinktank or foundation.
I cannot believe that mere ideology would motivate a black man to so fiercely defend white racists and reactionaries at every turn while savagely slandering and attacking his own people.
ditto fn:
there is indeed a universal racism that controls global alternate universes...
"just us" injustices are worldwide phenoms...shame!!!
the root editors must also have been on vacation when they dreamed up that wiki page, because it doesn't exist.
however, it is a real phenomenon. i have posted before about how sick i was about the constant stories on the pretty white girl murdered by her pretty white xboy friend at vatech.
i have been aware of the problem in nigeria and the govt. there is 100% complicit. i agree with hathor that it isn't being ignored. want to know more about world? go to the nytimes webpage and switch it to "global view." go visit the bbc website more.
"The LEFT is always throwing out INDICTMENTS, retaining their position on the "moral high ground"."
It's amazing to me that you can write this bull$hit with a straight face.
JUST FOR INSTANCE, George Bush ran up the federal deficit more in 8 years than the previous 42 Presidents combined, expanded Medicare and got us into two unnecessary wars at the tune of $5 billion per month.
Yet we didn't hear shit from any tea partiers or free market libertarians until Obama got in office.
Hathor, it was probable BBC that reported the stories I read. There was more than one. People will gather with buckets and barrels and then a few will start wacking on the pipe. Sometimes it explodes and kills people, sometimes it doesn't.
Yes - Africa is a mess...
But so is China.
Heavy metals pollution in China is going to kill millions.
So far, they aren't addressing the real problem, which is selenium, and other heavy metals used in building electronics.
I guess what bothered me that it wasn't the veracity of of what you said, but that it implied that this was the definitive answer to the whole ecological mess over in Nigeria. Or that was the only thing you knew about it.
bush was crucified by the left and all media for 8 yrs..and by me!
king shrub just dared not to pretend he cared as hobama does...and he was far less thin skinned than hobama is
hobama's wars are WORSE than gwb's
where are all those war protestors???
the ONLY thing unique about the tea partiers is that the media are COMPLICIT is degrading and slandering them
free speech is officially treason in america now as hobama and his fans rule all media
Hathor, that was all I knew about the spills. I'm sympathetic to the people that live there.
Instead of calling out "missing white women syndrome," the black community simple needs to copy it. It's time to start treating little black girls like they are worth their weight in gold. Instead, the issues of black women are usually lost in the mix of Jena Six and other type issues. How much marching and coverage did Jena Six get in comparison to Dunbar village?
"How much marching and coverage did Jena Six get in comparison to Dunbar village?"
The Dunbar Village criminals are locked up in jail and doing big time, right?
In Jena, LA white kids jump and beat up a black kid and nothing happens to them.
Black kids retaliate and get put in jail for attempted murder.
There is no comparison between the two incidents.
So stop trying to act there is.
[quote]The one thing that does pissed me off, is your presumption to know my standard of living.[/quote]
You are right - I DON'T KNOW YOUR "individual" standard of living.
Thus I was not speaking of this.
I DO KNOW about your shared standard of living per your presence on the Internet to exchange your views with people you'll never meet (unless Filled Negro pays for a corporate jet that runs on Green Energy to pick us all up and have a Field-Negro convention)
Every word that you type travels across more than $60 billion of electronic switching equipment, most of it financed by CORPORATE BONDS
Every character that you type flows across the stolen land of the United States via fiber optic cable. Do you ever wonder how many Native American's bones were sliced in half as the corporate fiber installers trenched across the whole of America?
My basic point is that despite the fact that YOUR INDIVIDUAL HANDS are not soiled with the caustic fluids that CAPITALISTIC EXPLOITATION drip upon those with direct access YOU INDEED assume benefit from their (mis)deeds.
You need to look around the world where there IS no capitalistic exploitation (Chad) and make note that they also happen to not have Internet or water that comes out of the wall when they turn on their spigot.
Don't forget Rev Sharpton complained that the Dunbar Village defendants were receiving "unfair treatment." Sharpton also wasted time comparing the case to white youths who raped a girl at a party, not mentioning that the Dunbar village boys forced a woman to have sex with a child!
The big difference between the two is one centered on black boys (considered valuable) and the other on black women (considered disposable.)
[quote]JUST FOR INSTANCE, George Bush ran up the federal deficit more in 8 years than the previous 42 Presidents combined, expanded Medicare and got us into two unnecessary wars at the tune of $5 billion per month[/quote]
You are a LIAR.
Unlike YOU I have a body of evidence to confirm my claims per the BLOGS that I maintain.
The key point that I attacked evil Bush was his SPENDING.
I still don't understand one thing though. Obama is able to attack Bush for "squandering a $245 billion SURPLUS yet OBAMA'S new budget for October 2010 (for the year 2011) will mark the 3rd straight year IN HIS PRESIDENCY in which our DEFICIT will be over $1000 billion!!!!
And you all REALLY believe that you are going to have FREE HEALTH CARE in 20 years?
EuropeZone demands more ENTITLEMENT CUTS in Greece
Don't forget Rev Sharpton complained that the Dunbar Village defendants were receiving "unfair treatment." Sharpton also wasted time comparing the case to white youths who raped a girl at a party, not mentioning that the Dunbar village boys forced a woman to have sex with a child!"
You got a problem with Sharpton then take it up with Sharpton.
"The big difference between the two is one centered on black boys (considered valuable) and the other on black women (considered disposable.)"
Oh bull$hit.
Are you another one of these bm hating proto-femmes?
How come we didn't hear jack from you types when Megan Williams was kidnapped and raped by a bunch of 'necks in WVA???
How come you're not marching to protest the Seattle cop who cold-cocked a teenage black girl on camera?
Oh wait.
The cop was white.
You just want to beat up on black men.
i am sick of coddling morons and thugs too!
as ALWAYS uts is sanitizing the jena 6 incident...shame!!!
it was a wm who was nearly beaten to death at the hs...
and ALL of them of all races had homework to do that day!...
and the black boys involved has been far less than model citizens before, during, and after
i do not believe in jim crow campuses...but i am also well aware that the only thing under that white tree that was not under the black tree was beloved wf fruit!
it has never been an issue of anything other than how hs kids are ALL distracted and out of control!!!
it was akin to an amanda knox non-issue for me
and the black boys involved HAVE been far less than model citizens before, during, and after
Why aren't you protesting the cop in Seattle who punched the black girl?
CF why when whites commit crimes against blacks or other whites YOU DON'T CARE! When blacks do it to each other you want draconian measures taken or you think it's funny.I think that anyone that commits a crime SHOULD BE PUNISHED!Most murders are done by people of the same race and usually a aquaintance or a relative.
Let's look at some facts N***ers and not born, they are made.Blacks got the legal right to vote in 65'. When I went to vote in Cleveland in 2004 there were only three voting machines.A voting machine consisted of a suitcase with a light and a punchpin.HOW THE FUCK CAN IT BE BROKE! J.KENNETH BLACKWELL did that shit.EVERYONE IN CLEVELAND WENT TO WORK LATE THREE HOURS. That has never happened in the city of Cleveland.I AM NOT SAYING THIS SHIT FOR MY HEALTH. Elderly black men stood in line with me saying that they had their "roscoe" and thay wanted to use it on Blackwell. People cried.We felt like we were left alone in the woods. The county Cleveland is in ,Cuyahoga is the largest black county in the state.
As yourself a few questions:
How many whites are excuted for murdering blacks.If you kill a white person ,YOU GET EXCUTED.Name five whites excuted for killing blacks.
Why was drugs dumped only in black areas?
The comment from the Godfather of leaving drugs only in black neighborhoods,based on the Appalachin meetings.
CF if you aren't going to stand up for my rights,THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!
BTW, I don't usually curse, but you're so obtuse.
"You just want to beat up on black men."
"You just want to beat up on black men."
Exactly, UTS.
Trapped in SC
Notice how quiet they get when you corner them.
A bunch of buckdancin self-hatin phonies.
They make me sick.
Right On!!
Kid - you can do better than this. I know that you can.
[quote]CF why when whites commit crimes against blacks or other whites YOU DON'T CARE![/quote]
[quote] When blacks do it to each other you want draconian measures taken or you think it's funny.[/quote]
You are CLUELESS in both cases.
I monitor how FRAUDULENT BLACK OPERATIVES are silent on ASSAULTS upon Black people that they can't exploit.
Say what you will about me but I am CONSISTENT. I don't give a hoot about Street Pirates - REGARDLESS of their color.
[quote]I think that anyone that commits a crime SHOULD BE PUNISHED!Most murders are done by people of the same race and usually a aquaintance or a relative.[/quote]
This begs the question then Kid:
WHY is it that an unbalanced amount of focus is placed upon non-Black or Police who kill Blacks when on a daily basis these intramural killings occur, trigging the most "Black people on television crying" videos.
[quote]How many whites are excuted for murdering blacks.If you kill a white person ,YOU GET EXCUTED.Name five whites excuted for killing blacks.[/quote]
Kid - I live in Metro-Atlanta.
FULTON COUNTY GEORGIA where Atlanta is housed is the BEST place for someone to commit murder and not get executed.
You fail to make note of this undercurrent.
When Whites kill Blacks in Georgia it is typically in one of these highly populated LEFTIST counties that don't execute.
As the AJC article which was attempting to expose the unfairness in the D.P. unintentionally pointed out - RURAL, conservative counties dole out the D.P. at higher rates. White who kill WHITES are executed. BLACKS who kill Whites in these places are executed.
In your fraud THIS is what you can't accept.
Why was drugs dumped only in black areas?
Because this is where the Drug Dealers choose to sell to their own community.
The comment from the Godfather of leaving drugs only in black neighborhoods,based on the Appalachin meetings.
Then you should round up some Black or Hispanic drug dealers that ONLY sell into White communities to balance things out.
CF if you aren't going to stand up for my rights,THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!
I WISH you would say this same thing to the Street Pirates who are causing the "Bloody Summer of 2010". The only problem is that unlike me they'll likely SHOOT YOU for saying that to them.
CF if you ever come to Cleveland, I want you to take a walk down Murray Hill a Italian Neighborhood.Blacks don't go there at night expecially with a white woman. I have been chased with baseball bats from there for no good reason.In seventh grade my school MLK Jr.Sr. high was pipebombed.We had riots here during bussing.Man you really piss me off.
Blacks are where we're at in society not because of stupidity , but because of racism and ass sucking toms like you.
We're where we at because of you CF. People like you told the FBI where Fred Hampton of the Panthers was sleeping in that buillding in Chicago,AND A TOM LIKE YOU GOT HIM MURDERED. Toms like you help Oliver North dump crack all over L.A.Traitors like Roy and Niger Innis, Project21, B.O.N.D.,yea all the punks that killed the Panthers and Black Nationalist. Plants like you that destroy ACORN.I could go on ...AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM!
u r late and as distracted as the black thigs in jena...as always
YEAH Really?
Detail ONE TIME where you advocated for blacks being victimized by whites?
Take all the time you need.
"WHY is it that an unbalanced amount of focus is placed upon non-Black or Police who kill Blacks"
And I have proved to you several times that this is a LIE.
There are many examples of agregious, brutal murders of black people by whites like Noah Jones, Garnett Johnsonm, Tyeisha Miller or the beating of 76 year old James Privott in Baltimore
that barely touched the media radar and certainly didn't elicit any marches or protests.
Once again you're proven wrong but that won't change anything.
not to mention that i spent an entire day discussing her like others herein
got amnesia to go with the bleach u use to whitewash all black racial incidents??????????
u r late and as distracted as the black thUgs in jena...as always
and what does that bg have to do with the jena 6 ojs???
black girl/female
why are u bringing her into a jena 6 convo?????
What's the difference between a gangbangger and a black conservative?
CF do you like whites calling blacks nappy headed ho, halfrican,magic negro.
Fuck the Pirates.The government made the gangs.Look up Ricky Ross . He worked for the CIA. It's illegal for the CIA to work in America!When will Oliver North go to prison for pumping crack in the hood cuz Reagan told him too.
You damn right black people are the problem, black people like you ,Jesse Lee Peterson,a pimp like Michael Steele , a guy that with the help of Republican Don King robbed his own brother in law Mike Tyson.
Name one black republican that contributed to th ewelfare of black people in America. You would have to go back further than Frederick Douglass.
CF you sorry son of a bitch , you won't ever acknowledge that Republicans did voter fraud to ME.
I am not impressed with your usage of techno speak.
I would say my connection uses no more energy that if I made a piece of toast, if that much. If I make a phone call, that uses the same infrastructure. The energy I use in my household and how I drive determines my energy foot print. You are the one who says that my life style is creating much havoc on the world or that I don't understand how I impact upon this planet. This I say, you can not know.
I am not a person who thinks my sh*t doesn't stink. That I can live on earth without leaving a trace, but I have lived without the amenities or benefits of oil and know how to start a fire to do more than just BBQ.
"CF if you ever come to Cleveland, I want you to take a walk down Murray Hill a Italian Neighborhood.Blacks don't go there at night expecially with a white woman. I have been chased with baseball bats from there for no good reason.In seventh grade my school MLK Jr.Sr. high was pipebombed.We had riots here during bussing.Man you really piss me off."
Kid, I was stationed in Cleveland while I was in the Coast Guard. It was 84-85 and I was in Cleveland one month when a black woman and her two children were firebombed and killed after being moved into Section 8 housing right in the middle of a white ethnic neighborhood called "Slavic Village".
The firebombers were never found or arrested.
No protests, marches or national media coverage.
Thank you Field for keeping Mitrice's candle lit.
LOL AB, I always laugh at that ungrateful Jena 6 nonsense.
And we can pretty much guess who those black boys were cuddling under that tree which started the entire racial riff in the first place. Talking smack to white boys about it didn't help either. A lot of those "black man's mission fighter" black women marching in those hot black t-shirts didn't even figure that part.
Steve, where are the T-shirts for the young lady in Seattle?
Kid: By all means KEEP TALKING!!!!! Thank you!!
You are past UptownSteve and BET Uncut
Lump it all on my back Kids.
Come on. Get it out of you.
Treat me as the father who walked out of you and now you need to lash out.
So much POWER to destroy the Black community despite not having any elective office and BEING SO DESPISED.
[quote]CF if you ever come to Cleveland, I want you to take a walk down Murray Hill a Italian Neighborhood.Blacks don't go there at night expecially with a white woman. I have been chased with baseball bats from there for no good reason.In seventh grade my school MLK Jr.Sr. high was pipebombed.We had riots here during bussing.Man you really piss me off.[/quote]
Summary - There are WHITE RACISTS who chase after you for wearing the wrong (skin) COLOR in their community.
Blacks are where we're at in society not because of stupidity , but because of racism and ass sucking toms like you.[/quote]
No doubt about it.
KILL ME and "the LEAST OF THESE Blacks" will instantly jump up 3 notches on the social order. THEY won't have to change a damned thing in their consciousness.
We're where we at because of you CF. ,AND A TOM LIKE YOU GOT HIM MURDERED. [/quote]
Yup I snitched on him like a MoFo. And though I was only about 2 years old when the Dailey lead Police murdered him - I used my father's iPhone at the time to call in a SNITCH to the PoP via text messaging.
[quote]Toms like you help Oliver North dump crack all over L.A.[/quote]
At best Oliver North taught YOUNG JEEZY how to use BAKING SODA to cook up some crack. You know rocks are easy to recover out of your jeans pockets than is powder. The lint kinda messes up the powder when the baggie breaks.
Have you ever snorted a piece of lint in with your coke? It HURTS man. With crack rocks - you just turn your pockets inside out on a table and pick them up, leaving the lint behind.
thank u laa!
i adore ONLY bros who defend us and our trees as diligently as wm always defend their women!
notice how silent uts ALWAYS is whenever he is called on his IRRELEVANT TANGENTIAL whitewashed sexist bs!!!!
u exaggerate
tyisha was given lots of publicity
it is sad that u incessanlt lie to make a "pt"
lying as ref = pointLESS!
unlike the brutal jena 6 thugs, tyisha was 100% innocent and executed by racist police...
Traitors like
*Roy and Niger Innis
* yea all the punks that killed the Panthers and Black Nationalist.
Plants like you that destroy ACORN.
I could go on ...AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM![/quote]
the LEFTIST BLACKS are the good guys.
Man who would have ever noted the PATTERN?
Let me ask you a question Kid:
Can you detail what ACORN has ever done to make ONE BLACK PERSON "UN-poor"?
How do we judge the EFFECTIVENESS of ACORN besides their overwhelming success of running "Get Out The Black Vote For The Democrats" campaigns?
If you ever leave Cleveland come to Atlanta. I will show you the Vine City and Pittsburg sections of the city. They both have more CAMPAIGN SIGNS per block than most other areas of the city. Ironically these other areas are better kept and thus their community standards would disallow so much signage all over the place.
Ironically in these two places is GROSS POVERTY. They are functionally "Poverty HARVESTING AREAS FOR VOTES". If I were an elected official from these areas which are the "Killing Fields" for Black bodies and Black dreams I would be EMBARRASSED to put my campaign sign up as an INCUMBENT.
Rough me up if it gets the anger out of you Kid. I can take it.
Just don't FOOL YOURSELF into believing that your agenda has ANYTHING to do with ORGANIC BLACK DEVELOPMENT.
It is ONLY a "Leftist Movement" with Black coal soot sprinkled upon it with ANGER to call it a "Angry Black POWER" movement.
[quote]I would say my connection uses no more energy that if I made a piece of toast, if that much. If I make a phone call, that uses the same infrastructure.[/quote]
Hathor - you miss my point!!!!
The point is that you can move to the middle of the Arizona desert and construct the most massive solar array to collect enough energy to have a 100% green energy house.
Without CONNECTIVITY to the grid:
* The Internet grid
* The Telephone grid
* etc
the AMOUNT of energy that you use is not the relevant point!!!
You where you live as compared to the person who lives in the mountains of Uruguay have the OPTION to consume a little or a lot. A person in a disconnected state can TRY AS HARD AS HE WANTS TO - if there is no INFRASTRUCTURE - funded by evil capitalism - that connect her to the grid - these THEORIES of amount of consumption per the stewardship of the Earth go out of the window.
You know what you're talking about.I also went to South High School in Slavic Village. I had to walk pass this bar down there called "The White House Inn". The local Klan met there. I had a white guy pull a shotgun on me.One year the police was looking for a black guy down there that raped a white woman. People found out latter it was a white guy that was running about raping white women.A black person knows that if they do anything to a white person , they would get life.
it is sad that u INCESSANTLY AND SHAMELESSLY LIE just to make a "pt"
lying in lieu of valid references = pointLESS!
"Steve, where are the T-shirts for the young lady in Seattle"
What you don't want to deal with is that those two girls in Seattle fought the cops on camera and had extensive criminal records.
If they had been two black boys you would have been cheering if the cops had given them a Rodney King style beating.
Hypocrisy abounds!!!
see how the hypocrisy abounds as the sexist uts applies his routine double standards to 6 MORE CRIMINAL/BRUTAL oj thugs in jena???
and NONE of them was ever punched in the face by cops as she was...or as they bashed in the face of a wm peer!!!
"it is sad that u INCESSANTLY AND SHAMELESSLY LIE just to make a "pt"
Where did I lie AB?
How come you and La*Audio didn't open your mouths about Megan Williams?
Hathor said:
Sometimes you should just sit down.
CF what has a Black Republican done to make a black person un-poor , OTHER THAN HIMSELF?
In college I worked for a group called CTO,Cleveland Tenants Organization.They were part of ACORN.They directed people to groups and places to get grants , loans, how to put their money in a separate account when on a renters strike.They didn't throw black people out of law school like Ward Connerly. They didn't sabotage my vote like J.Kenneth Blackwell.
Clarence Thomas has destroyed more black families than Larry Hoover ever could!
What up brother Field! Glad you posted that Roots link and the NYTimes story. I am working on that very thing for a new website, I'll tell more about it as it progresses, or at least I hope it will progress.
The Niger Delta is a mess these people which used to provide much of the food for the interior and just about all the fish now have to import frozen fish.
The spills are usually the result of the malfunction of equipment and the pork guy is right there has been sabotage but the vast majority of leakage is due to faulty equipment especially pipelines.
CF is actually part right about the role of the corrupt Nigerian government which pulls in get this a little more than $60 billion a year from the oil industry,but of course as per usual he somehow seems to think well this is just the cost of doing business.
The corruption runs deep even in the locales where the money is distributed corruption and greed keeps the money from getting to the little people.
Nigeria which had a flourishing export industry in many food staples now imports most of its food primarily because of the large amount of eco damage. The Niger Delta is one of the 10 most fertile regions in the entire world.
Nigeria - well at least its people -is incredibly one of the poorer countries in Africa as a result of the corruption.
There has been some organized opposition to the oil companies by many locals especially in the Niger Delta region because they feel that and in fact have been left out of the benefits that spring from the black gold that comes from its region.
Many of the young people have taken an approach that says if we can't benefit from the oil then noone will. Many have begun kidnapping oil company employees and trying to destroy entire drilling stations.
Field its worse than we can imagine. The women in the areas are selling themselves to make money and of course their primary clients are the foreign oil workers.
Here we have the perfect greed inspired capitalist storm. Greedy industrialists don't consider the consequences of their drilling do little to make sure that the very people who they are taking mineral wealth from benefit while they get to blame the government who they know are not going to do the right thing with the money.
In none of my comments have I argued about any thing you have said. You use my words to express your agenda. I haven't spoke of evil capitalism or living off the grid or the need not to use fossil fuels. I really haven't expressed any opinion at all, but to take exception to you putting words in my mouth and making too many presumptions about me. I don't like my name to be used for you to get off on some platform, many times which is not relevant to anything said in these comments or the post itself. Sometime there are thing you say that are incomprehensible and you put my name behind it. There is nothing I can do, but to object. Fortunately I hope that I am anonymous enough so that if anyone actually met me would never associate me with you.
(Damn. I have a paper to write for "da man" and here I am screwing around with Kid. I need to be helping my evil corporation to take over the world. )
[quote]CF what has a Black Republican done to make a black person un-poor , OTHER THAN HIMSELF?[/quote]
I don't know you have to go ask a "Black Republican".
I belong to the "Community Cultural Consciousness & Competency Development Party"
MAYBE THIS IS WHY they have no POWER in the Black Community.
In college I worked for a group called CTO,Cleveland Tenants Organization.They were part of ACORN.
They directed people to groups and places to get grants , loans, how to put their money in a separate account when on a renters strike.[/quote]
Kid do you see that EVERY SINGLE ELEMENT on your list is one of EXTERNAL RESOURCE DEPENDENCY? The RENTER'S STRIKE!!!! That's a good one. DID THEY VACATE THEIR HOMES or PAY BACK RENT for the services they consumed "WHILE ON STRIKE"?
Its a good thing that YOU DON'T OWN SH.... Then you would be in the seat of the OWNER and would be impacted by the loss in revenue.
Do you ever connect the dots and see that with Cleveland's need for TAX REVENUES - when you go on a rent strike and this takes down the LANDLORD that the entire system ultimately collapses? (See Cleveland, Trenton, Milwaukee -all the places where PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE YOU dominate)
They didn't throw black people out of law school like Ward Connerly.[/quote]
Please identify ONE SINGLE BLACK PERSON that Ward Connerly "THREW" out of Law School.
I will promise to identify whole SCHOOL LOADS of Black kids as a response that have been negatively impacted by school boards that YOU favor. They don't need to worry about getting into LAW SCHOOL. They never read up to grade level.
They didn't sabotage my vote like J.Kenneth Blackwell.[/quote]
I take it that you didn't listen to Ed Gordon back when he hosted "News and Notes" on NPR? Evil, racist Black Republican Blackwell noted how as SoS for Ohio there was an ELECTIONS SUPERVISOR in various REGIONS of the state. In the BLACK areas that you fraudulently claim there was sabotage each of the elections districts had DEMOCRATS running them. NOT THAT THE TRUTH MATTERS TO THE IGNORANT like you.
Clarence Thomas has destroyed more black families than Larry Hoover ever could![/quote]
Shamefully I think that you believe this.
I have learned that I can't control what an IGNORANT person thinks as he takes out his anger.
All I can do is to get him to look at how INFERIOR he argues that the individual Black is in KEEPING HIS FAMILY TOGETHER. All the while this enemy who is far, far, far away is given CONTROL over the INFERIOR'S future as you proclaim.
The development of this inferior person's station is life has more to do with YOU fighting against his ENEMY rather than building up COMPETENCY in this person and others in his community so that together they can generate ORGANIC production that emanates from within the zone that they control and is transacted with others who VALUE their wares.
Keep talking Kid. With every post I learn more how you THINK. It gives me resolve to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER allow a person who believes as you do to have control over ME.
Here is how the "conflict" between you and I goes.
YOU make some sort of ad hominem against some entity that you have issues with:
* Corporations
* Capitalism
* etc
Even though its not targeted at ME - it rubs me the wrong way. I then post something that shows the "big picture" (ie: YOU have likely used the oil that flowed through the corroded pipelines in Nigeria) as I attempt to show the connectedness of commerce in this world and YOU take it as some sort of personal attack against YOU.
As I have said before I do not know your personal situation. Unlike KID I couldn't venture to state that YOU therefore killed the Nigerian people who drilled a hole through an active gasoline pipeline to siphon some gasoline off, only to see several hundred people die in the explosion. You may be an ultimate consumer of this commodity that gets laundered as it passes through the supply chain but I would never make it all about YOU. I am as complicit of a consumer as you.
My ONLY agenda is to get people to stop standing on moral high grounds; stop waiting until the government FORCES US to do something in unison; before any of us chooses to live the "Green Life" based upon their own compass reading.
(I did not indicate that you have not already Gone Green this).
I have no personal beef with you Hathor. At the end of it all we need workable solutions that rely on practicality and pragmatism. Various "burn them at the stake" schemes so often have unintended consequences.
(Now Kid, Steve, BET Uncut and Low & Country - that's another story.)
You sorry ass mother funking son of a bitch.KENNETH BLACKWELL DID IT! In Columbes in Rod Parsley's church Blackwell had many of machines for the WHITE people to vote.Here's the story some fake NAACP official(probably from Fox)hired hat the media called a crackhead to register Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and Daffy Duck.If someone wanted to get caught they would use obvious names.The guy couldn't make it up Sam Jones, Mark Page, sounds better than Porky Pig. This happened in Trumbull County,Youngstown near the Pennsylvania border, no where near Cuyahoga County. He sent "challengrs" to imtimidate little ole black ladies from Birminham like my mother you sorry mother fucker.
Why didn''t blackwell go to jail? He wrote a law that said he couldn't get sued. Jennifer Brunner try but couldn't.
BTW, those black kids that Connerly threw out of college , google it bitch.You're a piece of filth and you're discusting.People like you screwed Marcus Garvey,Nat Turner, Demark Vessey.You make your crumbs screwing poor black people out of their shit.You're worst than any gangbanger out there.
If shit like this keeps up , the only way to save America is to turn to Marxist or REAL Socialism.Have you read the news on yahoo today the rich just got richer.It looks like if the President isn't allowed to fix America ,the place is going to look like the French Revolution.There's a lot of whites in Cleveland out of work and the know the President didn't do it.
I pretty much read Field's blog everyday and I see the usual regular commentators going at it, which is a good thing, but I need to know: Has anyone of the regular commentators ever had their views swayed in at a least a little? Just curious.
yes rk
i have...many times
like maria swaying me on wyclef
maam swaying ne about my colorist refs re: that fool harry ford
fn swaying me on jamaicans and
homohatred etc after the recent gay parade in JA...etc
but i ask:
why SHOULD anyone be swayed when they are correct???
my mute rendering query re uts' indefensible glaring sexist hypocrisy and racist lies re the jena 6 etc???
kid said...
"You sorry ass mother funking son of a bitch.KENNETH BLACKWELL DID IT!"
kid, you is whacked! Blackwell blew up the World Trade Center too, right? And he's got Obama's birth certicate in his wallet!
"Has anyone of the regular commentators ever had their views swayed in at a least a little?"
At one time I suspected that CF was a self-hating, buckdancing lunatic.
Now I'm certain of it.
"At one time I suspected that CF was a self-hating, buckdancing lunatic.
Now I'm certain of it."
Nah. He's just a troll. That's all. A hack masquerading as a wonk.
"Field its worse than we can imagine. The women in the areas are selling themselves to make money and of course their primary clients are the foreign oil workers."
So sad.
And are we feeling sorry for what these poor black women have to do, or are we condemning what they desperately must to do to put food on their tables.
Ya know Mell, most of those Nigerian officials and law makers are black Nigerian/African men who have been making these same resource and land raping contracts with those "foreigners" for generations. And they do it literally through sexing, bedding and marrying the foreign man's sisters, daughters and cousins.
Take a look at all those MANY prosperous "me firsters" anti-black female Nigerian male officials and dignitaries who so happen to be married to the same "foreign man's" white woman. Have you ever noticed that? It's staggering. These greedy African men help "foreigners" suck and mass rape Africa. These same African men sold out their own black people, they sold out, pimped and oppressed black women and black children for generations and decades out of greed along with the "foreign man". I Just thought I'd remind you.
Me too. At one time i was sure Uptown was a jive shucking Rufus. Now i'm certain of it.
amen laa!
are we concerned with desperate meaures or degrading sistas yet again?
even i said the cop and the girl he flgrantly abused were both wrong
but BOTH were less wrong than the "bruhs" in blue who dare to defend him!!!
all cops are blue first!
but i am certain no white cops would EVER defend a young wf punched in the faces by a peer like this...NEVER!!!!!!!
but i am certain no white cops would EVER defend a young wf punched in the faces by a BLACK MALE peer like this...NEVER!!!!!!!
Go fuck yourself.Every time when Blackwell comes to Cleveland, the media don't announce it.One time Kenneth and Rod Parsley brought with them a busload of black men wearing wool shirts. It was a hot day . They were playing the part of "Clevelanders". When people found out he came here some went downtown looking for him. Many of the blacks that settled here came from Alabama.We don't play that shit.
Steve keep kicking ass.
Steve, what about Megan? Don't you believe her? Don't you think she was threatened to recant? Don't you think those nasty toothless yahoos aren't capable?
No benefit for even a poor mentally challenged black female, even with her disability you refuse to give that to her, you rather believe she's some mastermind in deception.
RK, can anyone ever persuade you from your beliefs or even your personal preferences.
(Disclaimer: My views and opinions do not reflect all black women, no need marginalize others, call them bitter or various names on my behalf. Thank you).
Hey AB, I'm glad you to are able to stay on top of things, sis! LOL
An ad hominem attack has to be directed at a person. I only posted links. I did call your name, because you were supposedly speaking to what I had said.Then you call me out of my name. So now I am going to tell you to sit down and shut up.
kid said...
"One time Kenneth and Rod Parsley brought with them a busload of black men wearing wool shirts"
I'll keep an eye out for groups of black men wearing wool shirts, and inform the feds as soon as I spot 'em.
I've got a tip for you in return: Blackwell has a secret force of Korean grocers from Los Angeles who he uses from time to time masquerade as "Clevelanders". You can tell them by their Lakers t-shirts.
"Steve, what about Megan? Don't you believe her? Don't you think she was threatened to recant? Don't you think those nasty toothless yahoos aren't capable?"
I believe she was threatened to recant.
And guess what, I believe SOMETHING bad happened to Crystal Mangum the night she ran into the Duke Lacrosse players.
But La*A you doth project.
You want to paint anybody who doesn't share your intense anti-black male animus as "not caring about black women" and it's nonsense.
You black proto-femmes are as bad as white racists.
You don't want to say or hear anything about white men who attack or disrespect black women.
All you want to talk about is how us terrible black men treat our women.
WOAD had numerous posts about Dunbar Village where the perps were in jail.
But they only posted about Megan Williams after being challenged.
I went over there today and Ms McCauley is siding with the cops in the Seattle punching case.
I'd bet a limb that if that cop was black, she'd be yelling for his head.
RK, I haven't had my views totally swayed but I have had them enhanced..I've seen things from different perspectives, and read different interpretations of events and problems-and taken some of these on board.
I've also had my POV challanged, which is always good..if nothing else, it helped me to cement and formulate my beliefs better.
much respect sista!
"You don't want to say or hear anything about white men who attack or disrespect black women."
That's not true. Stop contradicting yourself, so what do you call my position on that Seattle sucker punching?
"You want to paint anybody who doesn't share your intense anti-black male animus as "not caring about black women" and it's nonsense."
I am not anti-black male, heck I'm engaged to one. Just like you claim to like dark skinned black women because your wife is one. LOL
What you said about WAOD.. "I'd bet a limb that if that cop was black, she'd be yelling for his head."
That's not true one arm Steve, "What About The Blog Host" isn't as pro black-female as you may think, classism has been known to rear it's ugly head on that blog. And not all pro-black female's think alike, nor read the same blogs. You and Mack really need to get over that blog. LOL.
ditto laa!!!
what the hell is uts ranting about???
we are ONLY blasting a wm cop for attacking a bf child and bm cops CHEERING him for doing so!!!
that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with a GENERATION of women of all races who falsely cry rape????
"That's not true. Stop contradicting yourself, so what do you call my position on that Seattle sucker punching?"
I don't recall you stating a position.
Just wondering why black men weren't protesting in Seattle?
What IS your position on the Seattle cold-cock?
You think she deserved it?
Or was she totally innocent?
"I am not anti-black male, heck I'm engaged to one. Just like you claim to like dark skinned black women because your wife is one. LOL"
However I challenge you to produce one anti-black female remark that I've ever made on this board.
My animus is directed at black male haters period. Not sisters in general.
"And not all pro-black female's think alike, nor read the same blogs."
Hell I'm pro-black female. I'm just anti-black male haters.
Real simple.
"You and Mack really need to get over that blog. LOL."
I am no more consumed with that blog than I am BR, HipHop Republican, Afronerd or any other cyberspace gathering of confused negroes.
I merely reference them to point out their gross inconsistency and hypocrisy.
you have MADE countless anti-bf comments herien and you KNOW SO!!!
your most vile remarks are reserved for single black professional het females
scan ANY related archived topic!!!
not to mention the grossly biased and selective sexist bs you have evaded regarding the jena 6 thugs just TODAY!!!
i quote YOU steve:
8:50 AM
uptownsteve said...
Here we go again.
"I think black women are the ones told to hang in there more often, and it is the Black community and general society that expects black women to stay within their race, especially the black community. Stay away from the "evil white man", "don't give up on the brothers", "only black men will find you attractive" etc, etc, and etc."
TOLD BY WHOM??????????
This is a creation of your mind.
Any black man who isn't a celebrity and has dated a white woman knows the venom and grief you'll get from black women.
"I always welcome the refreshing sight of seeing a black woman in an IR with a non-black man. There is A LOT of catching up to do for black women in IRs."
Well what's stopping you?
I'll tell you what's stopping you but you'll never admit it.
Non-black men don't ask black women out often for whatever reasons one cares to postulate.
If they did we wouldn't be having this conversation.
You yourself confess to being pleased when you see a black woman with a non-black man so where is all the resistance?
9:07 AM
Field, here's a yahoo search http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0geupeLESFM5rgA0kFXNyoA?p=bbc+news+nigeria+oil+explosion+leak&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top&SpellState=n-3289171460_q-h0arNVHlGSr6rSvYUWkVdwAAAA%40%40&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=1&xa=1YXI4EWVcPoiYdVg.EVVIA--,1277321995
Shell should have to renegotiate the drilling contract so it benefits the residents and not just the politicians and Shell. Shell should be fined and they should train and hire locals to rebuild the lines. That was part of the problem the whole time. Performing field work on the pipes was and is dangerous because they're hated.
Steve, just stop it and play fair. I've been stating my position from the previous threads. Does Mrs. Uptown ever read this blog??
more uts quotes:
2:26 PM
La♥audiobooks said...
"I told my wife that if a Whoopi Goldberg lookalike comes running up our block yelling "Black Men are Satan's Spawn" to hand me the Glock."
Oh Steve, what if she's a Paula Patton lookalike, would you inflict such violence against her? And why does Whoopi scare you so much and not Paula?
Btw, FP primarily advocates for black femalehood, I realize you don't like that. But she has never shown her picture, and she only describes herself as a black female. What exactly makes you compare, or invasion her as a Whoopi lookalike and not a Paula lookalike?
Steve, I'm trying to work with you here.
2:30 PM
alicia banks said...
uts is a rabid colorist
whoopi goldberg is his(and oj's) physical racial "boogie man"
in female flesh...
2:32 PM
"you have MADE countless anti-bf comments herien and you KNOW SO!!!"
"your most vile remarks are reserved for single black professional het females"
More bullshit.
I've said several time that I know single sisters who have a trail of men running after them.
I worked with a beautiful young sister who has been proposed to no less than 3 times in the last two years.
My problem, which I've clearly stated, is with the females who claim they can't find anyone "on their level" or "good enough" for them when in reality they should be damn happy if Junebug the garbageman shows them some attention.
As far as my quote that you produced, where is the black women animus???
You may not like what I said but there was nothing anti-female about it.
"Does Mrs. Uptown ever read this blog??"
On occassion.
And to quote her, ya'll have the "lackanookie blues."
more toxic lying sexist colorist bs quotes from UTS!!!:
10:17 AM
uptownsteve said...
Oh I get it now.
This is all about a couple of darkskinned sistas who are nuring psychological wounds because the lighskinned guys didn't pay them any attention.
Carry on.
I have NEVER been into redbones.
I figured if I wanted a white woman I'd go get a real one.
11:01 AM
anyone who uses the word redbone is retarded
in addition to being a brazen retard
you are a horrendous hypocrite
"I figured if I wanted a white woman I'd go get a real one."
as i said
niggers like you worship yellow women
by degrading dark ones
and then you degrade the yellow ones
by reminding them that they are "fake/not real" white ones
thanks oj!
My problem, which I've clearly stated, is with the females who claim they can't find anyone "on their level" or "good enough" for them when in reality they should be damn happy if Junebug the garbageman shows them some attention.
your sexist delusions wil never wash the endless raw eggs on your sorry lying face!!!
Don't worry Steve, my sweetie laughs at your desperation to defend the Street Pirates. And to quote him in english, he thinks you were one of them back in the day.
I dunno....
Lawd the truth is painful, isn't it?
still mum on jena 6 oj thugs
"What you don't want to deal with is that those two girls in Seattle fought the cops on camera and had extensive criminal records."
= 6/6!!!
"Don't worry Steve, my sweetie laughs at your desperation to defend the Street Pirates"
Oh geez La*A.
Don't tell me you're messin' with Constructive Feedback!
Seriously, I know a couple of white guys that I could introduce you to.
"still mum on jena 6 oj thugs"
What about them?
They're thugs.
Lock 'em up and throw away the key.
a deliberately pepretually evasive unrelated generic statement =
still an evasion
I am a "corporate Negro" so I think in terms of frameworks.
YES my "thoughts have changed".
I see that now, MORE THAN EVER, there is a need to have everyone drawn into a model by which:
1) Their claims can be VALIDATED as true (See Kid)
2) They are made clear about the the OBJECTIVES that they are working toward.
3) They are made to see that METHODOLOGY used to "obtain these objectives" are NOT the same as "getting there". (ie: your preferred ideology is a methodology)
4) That just because you can show how POPULAR your methodology is DOES NOT MEAN that it is EFFECTIVE
5) That the main people who are resistant to TRANSPARENT SCRUTINY of their POPULAR THOUGHTS are "inside traders" - just as the banking industry is.
They prefer their POWER to their PERMANENT INTERESTS.
This is what I have learned RottnKid - in addition to mastering my debate techniques against some people. (Steve - I can see his tactics from 2 miles away)
BTW, those black kids that Connerly threw out of college , google it bitch. You're a piece of filth and you're discusting.[/quote]
Again - please detail MECHANICALLY how "Ward Connerly THREW OUT Black kids?"
It sounds like you don't care about the HOOK UP that got the kids into school in the first place. You are pissed that it was taken away.
WHAT IS LOST in your argument if the SCHOOLS from which the "wide middle" of Black people come from which should be REFOCUSED into raising every Black student's capabilities 2 standard deviations HIGHER. This would INCREASE the number of Black candidates in the pool and drastically improve the admissions count.
People like you screwed
*Marcus Garvey,
*Nat Turner,
*Demark Vessey.[/quote]
No doubt about it man.
Call me the "Chief Screwer".
And just like these great men faced - YOU are playing the role of the INTOLERANT operative who seeks to suppress the exchange of ideas because they are unable to defend their position per the freedom of choice for individuals.
You make your crumbs screwing poor black people out of their shit.You're worst than any gangbanger out there.[/quote]
Wow. You mean to tell me if some economist was to document the FORCE that destroyed the GDP of Cleveland MY FACE would be shown?
I just learned how to spell the name of the Cuyahoga.
My barber is from Cleveland. He told me how he moved after seeing so many of his lifelong friends destroy their lives or be killed. I didn't realize that I KILLED THEM.
I should be ashamed of myself.
Maybe I should turn myself in and become a star after writing "Dispatches From Death Row; The Black Conservative Edition"?
If shit like this keeps up , the only way to save America is to turn to Marxist or REAL Socialism.
In YOUR VIEW - if things DO CHANGE you STILL are going to want SOCIALISM. Who are you fooling, fool?
Have you read the news on yahoo today the rich just got richer.
The REAL question you should ask yourself is WHAT ADDITIONAL VALUE HAVE YOU CREATED IN YOUR SKILLS that would have a person who was foolish enough to hire you to PAY you more money.
I WOULDN'T HIRE YOU based on what I know about you. You'd likely GO ON STRIKE and stay within my office as you take YOURSELF hostage and demand that I feed you.
It looks like if the President isn't allowed to fix America ,the place is going to look like the French Revolution.There's a lot of whites in Cleveland out of work and the know the President didn't do it.
Notice the SWITCH FOLKS.
Bush would have CAUSED the increased INCOME GAP.
Again WHAT COMPETENCIES WILL BE DEVELOPED among those with a HIGHER WAGE in your world?
Hey LA Audio you made a good point about the choices of the Nigerian bureaucrats and administrators. It makes sense because they are clearly haters of themselves and everything thats black.
It affects them all I read in some African journal that many of the Nigerian sisters were trying to hustle the foreigns mainly European oil men because they got to charge them more and they gladly paid.
I guess the European men in Europe aren't as undercover but those pigs have been fathering children with women over their and leaving them too.
Cornbread Fatback is the man.
He's getting all ORGANIC up in this bitch.
Quick question, conservative troll.
Why is it that every time minorities are happy, republicans, and angry white men (like yourself) are angry and sad?
Kid, "You sorry ass mother funking son of a bitch.KENNETH BLACKWELL DID IT!"
Watch your mouth, kid! you can't talk to CF like that!
"You want to paint anybody who doesn't share your intense anti-black male animus as "not caring about black women" and it's nonsense.
You black proto-femmes are as bad as white racists.
You don't want to say or hear anything about white men who attack or disrespect black women.
All you want to talk about is how us terrible black men treat our women."
I'm not concerned about women who fit the above description. As far as I'm concerned, that's their problem to sort out and work through. But I am concerned about them unleashing their neurosis on young black boys. Imagine seeing your son read WAOD and Sojourner's Passport. Now try to keep him from internalizing that by explaining to him that those screeds are just that. In a worst case scenario, he comes away with the conclusion that black women simply aren't worth the time or effort, since he'll more than likely be demonized no matter how "right" or "wrong" he does by them.
The white establishment isn't too worried about their men marrying black women. As long as the white women remain unsullied by black geneology, it's a win-win. The black gene pool gets "beiged-out", the menfolk continue to get killed off thanks to continued tomfoolery, plus they lose what was once a reliable means of support and unity and well....the "black problem" eventually solves itself.
What? You didn't think that our people were an endangered species? Well, we are. Under constant threat from both internal and external forces. Whites don't have to deal with such a problem.
"I cannot believe that mere ideology would motivate a black man to so fiercely defend white racists and reactionaries at every turn while savagely slandering and attacking his own people."
An extreme case of self-hatred can do that. The whole "Uncle Ruckus" thing seems funny because people just can't get around how a man can have that much of a hate jones over his ethnic makeup. Since he can't change who he was born without possibly killing himself, he proceeds to sabotage his fellow blacks -- kinda like a crab in a bucket.
Crabs eventually get cooked and eaten. Too bad crabs can't think that far -- or even believe such a thing could happen to them.
Damn - Low and Country - you put a Geechie hex on my computer.
I typed up an excellent reframing of your "Happy Black people" statement and then my Google Chrome browser froze up when I hit the button.
In short I said that it is PERVERTED to look for HAPPY BLACK PEOPLE. Racist WHITE FOLKS noted in the past that regardless of how much they dogged out Black folks during the work week they were the most happy lot of people on the weekend as they got to dancing, singing in church and boozing at the Hooch joint.
I then posted a video of "Chicago Lady 216".
This is show "CNN: The Deadly Streets Of Chicago". Everyone on the show is a parent who has suffered from a "Street Pirate Lynching" on streets of the most Democratic eco-system in America.
Chicago Lady 216 had thought that the Earth's axis had titled on Nov 4, 2008 and that all of the Earth would enjoy tropical sun year round.
Then a STREET PIRATE took the life of her child and caused her "Obama Commemorative Plate" to shatter to the ground. Despite her attempts to glue it all back together her world was never the same.
I get the feeling that SHE would say "President Obama MAKE ME FEEL THE WAY YOU MADE ME FEEL in 2008 once again!!! I will do ANYTHING for you to make me feel that way again".
I then stated that HAPPINESS must be inspected by the UNDERPINNINGS.
You can get happy off of WEED.
You can get happy when a no good slixter brings you roses on a 11pm booty call while his wife is sleeping.
Do you see that HAPPINESS in and of itself IS NOT an indicator of you having achieve your PERMANENT INTERESTS?
I was hoping for a more insightful, informative, discussion about Black folks' relationship w/ the environment and our contributions (both good and bad) to what will sooner rather than later be an energy crisis. Although I do appreciate the 1st-hand accounts of what's going on in Nigeria.
Nigeria is a macro-view of what MOST inner-city, predominantly Black or Latino neighborhoods look like. While yes, there are no major oil leaks, there are PLENTY examples of ground-water, public schools, abandoned manufacturing buildings, or massive levels of toxicity in the air or in the ground in many of these neighborhoods. They talk about the Spill in the Gulf but little has been dedicated to areas in the state capitol of Baton Rouge "affectionately" named 'Cancer Alley' due to the high levels of toxicity from the refineries lining the Mississippi. The neighborhood one of my grandmother lives in has cancer rates nearing record levels. But all over this country we have public schools who are predominantly black or latino have record levels of lead poisoning or Superfund sites serve as the back-drop to some of these same neighborhoods.
Yet, our level of consciousness about the environment or use of energy (which is DEFINITELY more than a Black or Latino issue) is a case of wanting or "cake and eat it" kind of syndrome.
We want to be able to drive whatever kind of cars, regardless of the emissions, we want to be able to drill anywhere we want in order to keep our gas prices low, we're not willing to commit tax-payer money to explore innovate ways to develop, safer, cleaner, green industry---which could also help the badly-needed dwindling manufacturing sector.
So until we start having a community and national awakening around people of color's relationship w/ the environment & our use of energy, we'll keep seeing disasters like Nigeria, the Gulf, or the many neighborhoods all over the U.S.
I am going to leave one of my rare comments here. I don't think people get it. What's left of the U.S. economy is hanging by a thread. If they can't cap that runaway blowout with relief wells, all hell's going to break loose right here at home.
The situation in Nigeria absolutely sucks. I don't mean to minimize it for a minute. But honest, folks, we are hanging by a thread, for real.
Grinder, I live close to the Gulf and have always fished there. That's done now. I read read 'The Old Man and the Sea' when it started and just got sad all over again. It just sucks. River repair quickly but the gulf won't.
Grinder, it's nice to hear from you again. I've always enjoyed your comments, they have always been informative and helpful.
I agree that if the relief well doesn't work, America will be in very big trouble. I am fearful that the relief well may turn out to be a failure. If that happens, I shudder to think what will happen to our nation.
I am praying that it will work, for the sake of our country and everyone.
I hope you will comment more in the future.
Nigeria is a macro-view of what MOST inner-city, predominantly Black or Latino neighborhoods look like. [/quote]
Black Girl #1:
Would YOU support the Federal Government providing:
* Respirators
* Hazmat Suits
* Removal Tools
* Secure Dumpsters
* Trucks to haul the materials away
TO these "Black and Hispanic" communities and ask that the local people coalesce to organize a group of concerned citizens to CLEAN UP THEIR OWN COMMUNITY, being employed by LOCAL FUNDING and/or VOLUNTEERING? The thought being that since this is an INVESTMENT IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES, which have been long over looked in the way of resources that they would be have a vested interest in removing these brownfields?
I get the feeling that you will see my proposal which asks the community to clean up their own communities as PUNISHMENT rather than a rational way forward. Can you imagine if we were alive 200 years ago and the newly stolen land needed to be prepared for human habitation absent a central government to hand out paychecks?
““Risk”remains a key issue for every business, but at BP it is fundamental to what we do. We operate at the frontiers of the energy industry, in an environment where attitude to risk is key … We continue to show our ability to take on and manage risk, doing the difficult things that others either can’t do or choose not to do.”
“we are exceptionally well placed to sustain our success in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico over the long term.”
“Operating at the Energy Frontiers” BP Review, London 2009
Given that there is the MWWS designation, I think it only fair that there also be a designation of "Hollering, "Nigga!" - That propensity of white women for making accusations against a phantom black man to cover their own misdeeds. HN! once resulting in lynchings, hangings, and sometimes entire towns being burned to the ground (see Rosewood.) In the late 20th century it was often met with scepticism when the accusation did not match known behavior patterns of black men. (see Susan Smith, and "The runaway bride.") It should also be noted that HN! is also done by white men, usually after the fatal shooting of a spouse, during which said white male sustains a much less letal wound after which the phantom black male runs into the night.
At the moment, anyway, I am finding myself relatively uninterested in BP's malfeasance, or even in what's happening in Nigeria. Note the word, "relatively." Yeah, BP should be held to account, and Nigeria is a disaster. But right now, I am very closely focused on the Gulf relief well operation.
I honestly believe that the Obama administration is fully aware of the high stakes involved. I further strongly suspect that they are downplaying those stakes, because if they came out and told us that the American future is hanging on this, everyone would freeze and the economy would go into a tailspin.
But make no mistake, folks, this is as big as it gets.
I was looking on the web site and saw that you haven't covered the BP disaster recently. I saw this article on how it affects black culture and black life and what not.
They even have a video:
I don't know if its material for your blog, but I found it very intriguing.
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