I am not in a good mood, folks. I have been seeing some very unflattering pics of Lark lately and many of you have been sending me e-mails and teasing me about Lark's demise. Oh my, not even our memories are safe these days. :( Anywhoo, I am hoping that my girl just had a bad makeup day. (she just left home without her MAC, that's all) Keep your fingers crossed for me, so that when I do find her, she will not be in this type of shape.
OK then, so let's talk about terrorist babies, shall we? Seems that a wingnut from Texas (Where else did you expect?) thinks that we have to be very afraid of Muslim breeding women:
"U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Ennis, isn't the only Texas congressman making headlines in Washington. Citing a "retired F.B.I. agent" as his source, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, said on the floor of Congress last week that terror cells are plotting to breed future terrorists inside the United States. "It appeared they would have young women who became pregnant [and] would get them into the United States to have a baby.
They wouldn't even have to pay anything for the baby," Gohmert said. "And then they would return back where they could be raised and coddled as future terrorists. And then one day, 20, 30 years down the road, they can be sent in to help destroy our way of life."
Gohmert issued the warning in defense of Arizona's immigration law, which the Obama administration is planning to file suit over." [Article]
They wouldn't even have to pay anything for the baby," Gohmert said. "And then they would return back where they could be raised and coddled as future terrorists. And then one day, 20, 30 years down the road, they can be sent in to help destroy our way of life."
Gohmert issued the warning in defense of Arizona's immigration law, which the Obama administration is planning to file suit over." [Article]
Folks (and all you wingnut defenders out there) please let that sink in a little bit....is it just me or do any of you ever wonder how the republic survived this long. "Terror cells plotting to breed future terrorist." And, of course, he says he has a source for this information. Calling Mr. "retired FBI agent". Calling Mr. "retired FBI agent". Where is he spending his days in retirement? Bellevue?
According to TPM, this might be a part of a larger effort by conservatives to "overturn birthright citizenships." (Or maybe it''s just this.) Oh, OK. Now it all makes sense. *cue in Rod Sterling's voice here*
And for those of you who like to pray I hope you are sending up some shout outs to the big guy [or gal] up above for his O ness. It seems that according to some right wing religious groups, the big guy used BP as a vehicle to direct his wrath at the cigarette smoking, non church going, Saul Alinskey loving, beige man in the White House. The big guy is not too pleased at his O ness for going after his chosen people ,and so those shrimp loving, Tabasco sauce eating, people in the Gulf, must be taught a lesson on his watch.
What else? Oh yes, I see that some of you are still not showing love for the Booty Shaking Network's award show. It was last night, and I hear that my man Chris Brown (or young Ike Turner. I kid, I kid!) Had a come to Jesus moment as he sang about MJ. Nice.
Chris, you have a lot of talent my brother, but in the future, please save the come to Jesus moments for those times when you are in his house. Just my [not so] humble opinion. Yeah I am in a bad mood. Did you see Lark's picture? It's enough to make a man totally rearrange his priorities in life.
I'll just assume that Filled Negro missed this one since it didn't appear on his blog or any other AfroSpear propaganda rag.
Officials: Taliban executes boy, 7, for spying
The problem is that it is the 90's 14 year old's makeup on a 35 year old woman.
Destructive Wingnut, do you not see the irony of what happened in Afghanistan with what is happening here?
This is what happens when Theocracies rule the day.
Hathor, I am afraid that you might be right.
Wow sorry about Lark, Mr. Field. Dating Martin Lawrence takes its toll I suppose.
FN, that was a bad picture but Hathor is right; it's all makeup.
She still has great features and good bone structure. She just needs a professional to arch her brows and apply non ashen colored foundation to her skin. Then a bronzer that isn't too red because she got that on her nose in the pic. Lastly, you ought to pray for her health. Her eye whites looked a bit unhealthy.
"Coddling future terrorists"? What? Who?
How's that work now?
You have missed the real lesson of your own blog.
For instance... as our good man from Texas has shown us, we need not bind ourselves by reality, and there are evil plots all around us.
That is NOT Lisa Turtle. That is an imposter, hack-job llokalike trying to make a buck. She can get away with it because the REAL Lisa Turtle got tired of bing type-cast and had trouble getting work and has since changed her name to Halle Berry.
Rest well tonight my friend... Lisa is stil waaaaay hot!
Field, read the link about BET and Bob "Money" Johnson continually sold our people's collective soul down the river. Suffice to say that I didn't watch the BET Awards, primarily because I couldn't watch the work of my all time favorite musician, Prince, bastardized and insulted by the Viacom Coon-fest.
And yes, Chris Brown needed to pull a George Foreman/Cat Stevens -- go off and find God on your own, away from the spotlight. He may never be the top biller at Essence Musical Festival, but he'd be a better man. Even if he had a road to Damascus experience, this comes off as trite and orchestrated. Yes, Negro, you're really sorry for slapping Rihanna, we get it.
Also, Field Negroes, are really shocked that some right wing republican from Texas thinks its acceptable to strip American citizens of their birthright because momma happens to be brown. (No one's stripping the citizenship of a Norweigan family's baby, I guarantee that.)
As for Lark, hey man Jasmine Guy introduced me to puberty and look her now. A sad day for Black men indeed. I'm with Hathor, I think its all that crappy drag queen, kabuki theater make-up. Sister, you're beautiful, take that clown paste off!!
"They wouldn't even have to pay anything for the baby," Gohmert said. "And then they would return back where they could be raised and coddled as future terrorists. And then one day, 20, 30 years down the road, they can be sent in to help destroy our way of life."
Wow. the world is becoming more and more dangerous. we need those immigration laws like the one in Arizona.
thank goodness more states are adopting similar immigration laws.
[quote]Destructive Wingnut, do you not see the irony of what happened in Afghanistan with what is happening here?[/quote]
Ahh Filled Negro - NO!
There is not one ounce of correlation here.
In Afghanistan they KILLED A 7 YEAR OLD for spying!!! This news, by the way, did not appear on your blog.
This guy from Texas - WHICH I DON'T AGREE WITH - mentioned NOTHING about killing anyone.
It is interesting though, Filled Negro, how the Times Square Bomber - who is a naturalized US citizen expressed such contempt and will to cause carnage in this nation.
Here is what I don't get - as I listened to the Bev Smith Show tonight she and her callers were more interested in DEFENDING Obama against (racist) McChrystal than in talking about the KILLING going on in Afghanistan.
Might Bev Smith be "sold out TO Obama" filled Negro?
[quote]“One has to understand where I’m coming from,” he told Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum in U.S. District Court in Manhattan. “I consider myself ... a Muslim soldier.” And he added this: Until U.S. forces leave Muslim territory, “we will be attacking U.S.”
The American-trained financial analyst and married father of two described matter-of-factly how he was trained in 2009, just three months after becoming a citizen, by Pakistani Taliban to build bombs and then returned to the U.S. to launch his attack. The purpose, he said, was to avenge attacks on Muslims by American forces overseas.
When Judge Cedarbaum asked him whether he realized that his victims in Times Square would have included children, Shahzad replied: “Well, the drone hits in Afghanistan and Iraq, they don’t see children, they don’t see anybody. They kill everybody. It’s a war, and in a war they kill people. They’re killing all Muslims.”[/quote]
"As for Lark, hey man Jasmine Guy introduced me to puberty and look her now. A sad day for Black men indeed. I'm with Hathor, I think its all that crappy drag queen, kabuki theater make-up. Sister, you're beautiful, take that clown paste off!!"
We are all getting older. Some age gracefully but most do not. Lark led a stressful fast life and people tend not to age well as they get older.
What does it matter? We are all going to get old and die anyway. Field's taste for women is a little off anyway.
CF, "When Judge Cedarbaum asked him whether he realized that his victims in Times Square would have included children, Shahzad replied: “Well, the drone hits in Afghanistan and Iraq, they don’t see children, they don’t see anybody. They kill everybody. It’s a war, and in a war they kill people. They’re killing all Muslims.”[/quote]"
It is clear as a bell where we should be focusing our minds. But our emotional immaturity leads FN to a politician in Texas as the "real" enemy.
Unbelievable what goes on in the minds of so many liberal Blacks. It's very scary.... Lord, please help us.
I felt sorry for Lark when I saw that picture.... then again Field, I actually felt bad for you too. No kidding, you came to my mind.
I am going to plead the fifth about terrorist babies, that isn't the issue. I have more of an issue with illegal immigrants giving birth to human passports to stay in America, and American territories. But I'll plead the fifth and say nothing.
LAA, "I have more of an issue with illegal immigrants giving birth to human passports to stay in America, and American territories..."
I agree. I find it amazing that Field supports illegal immigration and ignores its dangers. He seems to be willing to put our nation at risk by believing illegal immigration is harmless...typical leftist naive bleed heart.
I suppose it will take a bomb to go off in Philly or some major city that kills thousands or even millions of Americans for Field to face reality.
No wonder there are TWICE as many conservatives as liberals. Who wants to distort and torment the common sense of their minds like that?
The issue in Arizona is not illegal immigrants, it's illegal brown immigrants. Can anyone say what would constitute "reasonable suspicion" of illegal Canadian immigrants, or other white-appearing folks? It appears to me that for most people the whole illegal immigration issue is based in the fear of white folks that the demography shift is not going to be maintaining a white majority for more than just a few more years.
Sophia said...
The issue in Arizona is not illegal immigrants, it's illegal brown immigrants. Can anyone say what would constitute "reasonable suspicion" of illegal Canadian immigrants, or other white-appearing folks? It appears to me that for most people the whole illegal immigration issue is based in the fear of white folks that the demography shift is not going to be maintaining a white majority for more than just a few more years.
What's worse is that many Negroes, including many who post at this blog have bought into the ridiculous meme that Latino migrants are 'stealing jobs' from Black folks. Yes, black folks are lining up to do jobs for virtual slave wages with no rights. Like my mother says, no one in their right mind is rushing back to the South to pick cotton.
Thom Hartmann put it best -- illegal immigration debate is an argument of race baiters vs. corporate fat cats in agriculture with no one representing working people, 'illegal' or otherwise.
Here's another little caveat -- if you want to stop Hispanic and Caribbean immigrants from flooding into the country -- tell our leaders stop supporting NAFTA, a BS trade policy that only makes Monsanto and Central American elites wealthy, and the War on Drugs, which is a cover for our government to prop up dictatorships.
Between the Narco state civil wars and depreciated crop values due to cheap corn flooding into Mexico via Iowa, its only logical that Latinos flood North looking for a means to support their families.
"The issue in Arizona is not illegal immigrants, it's illegal brown immigrants."
Illegal is illegal. That is the issue. They are illegal immigrants and violating the law regardless of color. But you are saying because they have brown skin is the reason for illegal immigration laws?
What about the immigrants from other countries who enter our country "legally"? Many are brown and black people, too.
If you want to make this a 'racial' issue, according to your beliefs, then you MUST take a look at the "racist" attitude of the "brown" illegal immigrants coming into America from Mexico.
FYI, they are one of the biggest racists on the planet AGAINST BLACKS! That means they don't care about the likes of SOPHIA because YOU are Black.
Sophia, people like you never cease to amaze me how you can continually set yourself up 'last' as a black person and once again, get "screwed". Only a race of morons with low self-esteem keep coming to the rescue of others while putting their own people last- over and over again.
Every race ends up surpassing us because we help them to quickly do it. But the kicker is that we help those who not only don't give a damn about us, but actually 'hate' us. That's right, Mexicans hate us....And gladly join the Whites in discriminating against us.
Now, to me, that mindset is proof that some of our folks are a little stupid. And Sophia, imho, you are living proof.
"Chris, you have a lot of talent my brother, but in the future, please save the come to Jesus moments for those times when you are in his house. Just my [not so] humble opinion."
Field, stop watching stuff like that. You'll feel better. Chris is a woman beater anyway.
The Best Party campaigned with promises of free towels at local pools, a polar bear exhibit at the zoo and a Disneyland at the airport. And the party has also instituted a novel requirement for forming a governing coalition in Iceland's parliamentary system: Party leaders say they will refuse to form a coalition with any party until they're satisfied that its elected officials have seen all five seasons of HBO's drama "The Wire." The Times reports that Gnarr suspects the party with which he formed a coalition had assistants watch "The Wire" and take notes, implying that the new mayor actually quizzed party members on "Wire" trivia.
Let's examine a few things, shall we. O.J. Simpson is doing a life sentence basically for stealing his own stuff back. Tiger Woods is being boycotted for having sex with white women. When the people on Gretawire went after Chris Brown , their reasoning was to stop a black man from making money. Now can I back up what I say?
Don Imus:
Got a promotion and a raise for calling Black Women "nappy headed whores."
Dog the bigoted Bounty/Brother Hunter:
After calling a litle Black girl nigger got a raise and a promotion.
Charlie Sheen:
Pulled a knife on his wife and gets a raise on his show "Three and a Half Men".Sent to a "Country Club" jail.During his career he has been involve with the Heidi Fless case and numerious prostitutes, AND NEVER GOT FIRED FOR IT! As a matter of fact it is part of his personae on his show.
Dr Mark Lamont Hill:
Fired by Rupert Murdoch himself on live television. His crime, support for Joann Chesimard/Assata Shakur. Apparantly Rupert "just noticed" on Dr. Hill's blog that he support her, so Fox's only liberal was fired.
Dr. Boyce Watkins:
Fired from Syracuse University for helping to organize the boycott of Don Imus and pissing off Bill Oreilly.Many rich, white , racist,threatened to stop funding Syracuse if they didn't get rid of the "Nigger".
"In Afghanistan they KILLED A 7 YEAR OLD for spying!!! This news, by the way, did not appear on your blog."
Uh maybe thats because Field lives in America, not Afghanistan. Thus the issues on his blog primarily deal with AMERICAN politics..
BY THE WAY CF..did you write about that boy on one of your many blogs??
As to the discussion about illegal immigration, race is a factor but not the only one-there's also class. In the UK there's been huge uproar over Romanian and other Eastern European illegal immigrants..nobody wants poor people. But rich people usually get a pass
Constructive Feedback said...
Officials: Taliban executes boy, 7, for spying
"We used to excute seven years old"
Clarence Thomas on giving juvenile life sentences.
UNBELIEVABLE! By throwing in the strawman (AKA the almost Times Square bomber) the Destructive Wingnut is actually siding with this loon.Wow!
"Illegal is illegal. That is the issue. They are illegal immigrants and violating the law regardless of color. But you are saying because they have brown skin is the reason for illegal immigration laws?
What about the immigrants from other countries who enter our country "legally"? Many are brown and black people, too. "
Blah blah blah. "Our country"? How did you get your country?
La-Coincidental, you nailed it! No ones is lining up for the jobs these folks are taking. No one! Yet we bitch and moan everyday about the illegals and not the poli-trick-sters (like Destructive Wingnut's conservative friends) who create polices which allow them to exist.
"Wow sorry about Lark, Mr. Field. Dating Martin Lawrence takes its toll I suppose."
Val, you are making me feel worse. :(
M. you live in Cali, could you reach out to Lark, please?
LOL@ brohammas. I am looking forward to lunch. :)
"I agree. I find it amazing that Field supports illegal immigration and ignores its dangers. He seems to be willing to put our nation at risk by believing illegal immigration is harmless...typical leftist naive bleed heart.
I suppose it will take a bomb to go off in Philly or some major city that kills thousands or even millions of Americans for Field to face reality. "
No,actually, a bomb already DID go off in a major A-merry-can city, and reality hit me right in the face: IT'S NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS I SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT. IT'S WINGNUT AMERICAN- MADE FREAKS WHO HATE THEIR GOVERNMENT AND BROWN PEOPLE.
Was there anyone on those planes on 9/11 here illegally. Shahzad, Nidal Hassan are citizens and the guy arrested on the plane was on a no fly list, but he was not illegal.
Being a criminal and being a terrorist can be different. I would venture to say that most of the Russian mob came here legally. When it was the US policy to let almost anyone from a communist country in, without much scrutiny. It got a little sticky when brown folks were fleeing communism from Central and South America.
The only apparent terrorist that I have heard of coming across the border, have been crossing the Canadian border.
Drugs, that another story. Eventually the Mexicans will only use white mules to carry their trade. Or they may even air lift the drugs here.
Yes I did write about it.
Thinks Like A Kid:
Can you detail for me WHEN Brother Justice Clarence Thomas has ever ruled that a 7 year old can be executed?
Can you detail for me if the NAACP would protest if a Street Pirate KILLED a 7 year old?
In your mind you believe that one day the "Black and Brown" coalition is going to fight against "White Supremacy" in this nation thus you put forth this attempt at cajoling.
Where are the people demanding that our BORDER LAWS be respected, that we change the PROCESS which alters the number allowed in via LEGAL MEANS?
You see Sophia - the biggest growth in Hate Crimes is between Black and Brown. Right now Hispanics are labeled as "White" under Hate Crimes classifications so the numbers are skewed.
Inside of prisons in the Southwest YOUR RACE IS YOUR GANG. You can see the future of "racial harmony" by looking in prison.
Mark my words in 50 years this miscalculation among the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist Left to FAIL TO ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAWS will be the most fatal mistake to date.
NOT because they are "Brown" but because after they get POWER - you are going to see that THEIR INTERESTS are not YOUR INTERESTS.
Still I can't wait until Maxine Waters is put out of office by a HISPANIC DEMOCRAT from Compton. Give it time.
Constructive Feedback said...
Can you detail for me if the NAACP would protest if a Street Pirate KILLED a 7 year old?
Still I can't wait until Maxine Waters is put out of office by a HISPANIC DEMOCRAT from Compton. Give it time.
First CF you are a Tom and a racist and counter productive.Maybe you dumb ass kissing, buck dancin',hambonin',minstrel ass never thought of this but,CALL THE GOTDAMN NAACP AND ASK THEM IF THEY NEED ANY HELP!
You can contact Jim Brown(yea, that Jim Brown)and see if there's a Amer-I-Can program in your city. The work with gangs.
You can do like George Clinton said and,"Shit gotdamn , get of your ass and jam". Do something you own damn self.
Now for you second comment about Hispanics,some black people are Hispanic,many in my family .SO MOTHER HAD YOU AND MOTHER FUCK YOU!
Anonymous said...
CF, "When Judge Cedarbaum asked him whether he realized that his victims in Times Square would have included children, Shahzad replied: “Well, the drone hits in Afghanistan and Iraq, they don’t see children, they don’t see anybody. They kill everybody. It’s a war, and in a war they kill people. They’re killing all Muslims.”[/quote]"
It is clear as a bell where we should be focusing our minds. But our emotional immaturity leads FN to a politician in Texas as the "real" enemy.
Unbelievable what goes on in the minds of so many liberal Blacks. It's very scary.... Lord, please help us.
11:41 PM
So, are you saying it's ok to kill innocent children,as long as they're not white christian amerry-cans?
Your blatant hatred toward "minorities" is transparent.
You seem to be disturbed by the fact that other people inhabit the earth besides white wasps (buzz).
Get over it. We're not going anywhere, so either deal with it, or kill yourself. Either way I don't give a shit.
"Unbelievable what goes on in the minds of so many liberal Blacks. It's very scary.... Lord, please help us."
This is coming from a negro who is a Glenn Beck/Tea Party fan.
Black Conservatives are literally "Roaches for Raid".
Absolute fools.
What up uptownsteve!
A great man once said "A black person voting for a Republican, is like a chicken voting for Col.Sanders".
The person who made that comment was J.C. Watts father.
You should check those sorry head scratchin, foot shufflin Toms over at "BookerRising" who are railing over Robert Byrd.
Now I was never a fan of Byrd's but he did renounce his racist past and enthusiastically endorsed our first black Persident.
But these nauseating shoeshining coons who actually cheer for the likes of Pat Buchanan, Glenn Beck and Rand Paul are questioning the intelligence of black folks for supporting the Democratic Party because an exKlansmen was in the party.
Yo CF if you're out there, riddle me this.
Why does Byrd upset you so much but Lott and Thurmond didn't?
Actually Lark probably doesn't look any worse than most of yall's wives and girlfreinds.
Problem is she hasn't been properly PhotoShopped; deblemished, neck elongated, hair retouched and wrinkles removed. You know, like the real women you meet every day.
Hey uptownsteve:
Over at Daily Kos they are mouring Sen.Byrd. I just kept quiet. In Cleveland there's a "unofficial" boycott of West Virginia going on.No one up here is going to the Mountaineer Casino.Remember how some of these folk acted during the election? They were on TV screaming Nigger.Hopefully Cleveland will have a casino in 18 months, until then we're going to Senaca, Greektown, anywhere but Wheeling, WV.
Field, I wonder how many illegal blacks/Haitians/African men, women, and children were sent back just this morning via US immigration. In the next couple of days I'm sure there will be another set, where is our outrage?
CF said: "...the biggest growth in Hate Crimes is between Black and Brown. Right now Hispanics are labeled as "White" under Hate Crimes classifications so the numbers are skewed."
[quote]First CF you are a Tom and a racist and counter productive.[/quote]
Actually I am VERY productive. I have two computers in front of me. ONE monitoring your BULL SHIT and the other handling my business.
[quote]Maybe you dumb ass kissing, buck dancin',hambonin',minstrel ass never thought of this but,CALL THE GOTDAMN NAACP AND ASK THEM IF THEY NEED ANY HELP![/quote]
HELP them do what? Elect more DEMOCRATS?
Put into power more people who believe that Blacks are THE LEAST OF THESE?
What do I need to talk to the NAACP for?
Do they serve some OFFICIAL BLACK capacity?
If so when why don't you look at the MURDERS and hold them accountable?
"I wonder how many illegal blacks/Haitians/African men, women, and children were sent back just this morning via US immigration."
Do you have any idea or are you just blowing smoke?
"the biggest growth in Hate Crimes is between Black and Brown. Right now Hispanics are labeled as "White" under Hate Crimes classifications so the numbers are skewed."
Proof please.
I smell bull$hit.
"Immigrant farm workers' challenge: Take our jobs":
"SAN FRANCISCO – In a tongue-in-cheek call for immigration reform, farm workers are teaming up with comedian Stephen Colbert to challenge unemployed Americans: Come on, take our jobs.
Farm workers are tired of being blamed by politicians and anti-immigrant activists for taking work that should go to Americans and dragging down the economy, said Arturo Rodriguez, the president of the United Farm Workers of America.
So the group is encouraging the unemployed — and any Washington pundits or anti-immigrant activists who want to join them — to apply for the some of thousands of agricultural jobs being posted with state agencies as harvest season begins.
All applicants need to do is fill out an online form under the banner "I want to be a farm worker" at http://www.takeourjobs.org, and experienced field hands will train them and connect them to farms.
According to the Labor Department, three out of four farm workers were born abroad, and more than half are illegal immigrants....
"The reality is farmworkers who are here today aren't taking any American jobs away. They work in often unbearable situations," Rodriguez said. "I don't think there will be many takers, but the offer is being made. Let's see what happens.
California's agriculture industry launched a similar campaign in 1998, hoping to recruit welfare recipients and unemployed workers to work on farms, he said. Three people showed up."
Lisa was having a bad hair day no doubt.
[quote]A great man once said "A black person voting for a Republican, is like a chicken voting for Col.Sanders".[/quote]
I can't do anything about the fact that you are pacified with this statement.
You don't have the intellectual curiosity to look at how Black folks FARE when we en masse vote for who ARE POPULAR.
Absent any sort of transparent force that is evaluating the EFFICACY of who we vote for - we can get a boat load of cities that are governed by FAVORABLE PEOPLE yet continue to have our permanent interests SQUANDERED.
* Philadelphia
* Baltimore
* Atlanta
* DC
* Trenton
* Camden
* Detroit
* Chicago
* Milwaukee
* Rochester
* Buffalo
Oh I forgot about this report from New York:
New York Gets Poor Grades On Black Progress
Always the PROGRESSIVE but making slow PROGRESS where things look most favorable on paper per your sold out political actor-vism.
I just checked the Hate Crime Stats website and there is clearly a designation for Hispanics.
"Ethnicity/National Origin:
Anti-Other Ethnicity/National Origin"
Busted AGAIN.
Steve, you're flip flopping. If I am not mistaken, you once somewhat sheared this perspective. But because CF said it, you all of a sudden disagree.
This might work to my advantage the next time you spew dishonest statements about black women. I'll ask CF to agree and repeat everything you state, that should make you retract your nonsense fast enough. LOL.
I never watched the show Lark was on; I guess I was too old. It seems that this girl is being given a bad rap. 20 years have passed. Give her a break!
La♥audiobooks said...
"Como puedo ayudar? My name is La, I'm a free thinker. I form my own thoughts, ideas, and I don't apologize when expressing them. Once black female advocate, now better felt appreciated in the company of piranas and poisonous spiders. But save your black Jena t-shirts for someone else. Cyber trouble maker. Able to argue fluently in four languages".
Ok Tio Tomas, if you hate black people so much why do you come here? Who pays ya,Fox. Rupert has been acting nice lately to Hispanics.
Another thing if you hate black people so much then why do you want them(sisters in particular) to by book off your site?
This people is a example of a ratfucker!
I'll assume that you don't have that info.
I didn't think you would.
"This might work to my advantage the next time you spew dishonest statements about black women."
Like what? Name one.
I'm sure you didn't like some remarks that I've made but you can't really dispute them with facts.
So you and CF are buddies now, eh?
La♥audiobooks :
"the biggest growth in Hate Crimes is between Black and Brown. Right now Hispanics are labeled as "White" under Hate Crimes classifications so the numbers are skewed."
So all those Minutemen that are on the western borders are black, hun?
I guess Jan Brunner, Rush Limbaugh,Kowboy Klannity Kostello,and Bill Oreilly are black?
Kid, I don't hate black people. and I did that profile in humor. Furthermore, I don't sell books or anything on that site. I have several sites. But if you have a published book, poem etc that empowers or promotes positive black women, I would showcase it on that one. It's a small humble hobby tribute I did for myself and other black women a few years ago. I can't sit around waiting for black men like you to do it, it'll never get done.
Btw, I think you should ask your doctor about Effexor XR 150mg.
Kid, I was quoting CF, that's what those "" things represent.
I think I'm starting to understand you and the WAOD crowd.
If a black man doesn't drop to his knees at the sight of you, and thank the Lord he's allowed to be in your presence, then the brother has betrayed and abandoned black women.
Yall want to be worshipped and that aint gonna happen.
La♥audiobooks said...
"Kid, I don't hate black people. and I did that profile in humor".
Kid: Now where have I heard that from before?
"Furthermore, I don't sell books or anything on that site"
Kid: Well you won't mind me letting the people here know the location of the site:
BTW,what's the paypal for?
kid--why are you on LAA?
to all--why the personal comments? doesn't everyone already know each other by now?
Thanks for sharing the link, and maybe you could leave a donation to help pay for the server, why the heck not. And be sure to visit the black women/black women of color fallen soldiers tribute page.
CF says..
Mark my words in 50 years this miscalculation among the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist Left to FAIL TO ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAWS will be the most fatal mistake to date.
NOT because they are "Brown" but because after they get POWER - you are going to see that THEIR INTERESTS are not YOUR INTERESTS.
Still I can't wait until Maxine Waters is put out of office by a HISPANIC DEMOCRAT from Compton. Give it time.
I'm saddened to say this, but I agree.
Rotten Kid
How can you agree with that nonsense.
It's the old bait and switch by the righties.
The same reason why the white South is overwhelmingly conservative Republican.
The righties positioned black advancement as antithetical to white security.
Both Maxine Waters and Charles Rangels districts have been predominately hispanic for years.
I grew up in the New York's 18th District which was about 50% hispanic, 40% black and 10% white during the 70s and 80s and was represented by Robert Garcia who enjoyed strong African American support.
In fact it seems that the only folks who can't get past race on any level are white conservatives.
The same folks who CF dances and performs for.
I fail to see how people coming to this country for a better life interferes with my interests.
However I do see an immediate threat in Rand Paul, Sara Palin and The Tea Partiers.
Once again, people who CF sucks up to.
Once wrong with this picture?
I think people can see that we have a sockpuppet problem here.BTW, the let's do it for the troops meme has played out.
My enemy is not Black people, women, men,Hispanics, or whites.The enemy is the Republican party (except for Andrew Sullivan)focus people focus.
andrew sullivan is a not a republican.
maria said...
andrew sullivan is a not a republican.
You're right, Sullivan isn't a Republican -- he left the Neo-Con movement because they don't particularly found of gay folks.
Field where do you get this stuff? Seriously send me an email and tell me how you found this craziness.
Sorry about your girl, she is one of my favorites too. Life is rough she may be struggling with something,who knows.
Did you ever check out the girl from the Palm commercial (Michelle Van der-something? I thought she was worth a shout out.
And CF is wrong on his prediction about enforcing immigration laws. Immigration enforcement is in no way connected to black progress or failure. Its just another ruse by the rulers to keep us divided and add to their profit margins. You don't have to treat illegal employees fairly and you can underpay them and ignore their rights.
Think about it do the capitalist really care about more workers increasing the competition for jobs and being used as an excuse to possibly driving down wages.
From Wikipedia:
Andrew Michael Sullivan (born August 10, 1963) is an English author, editor, and political conservative[1] commentator. He has focused on American political life.
It also said that he's a Obama Conservative and Gay.
What are millions of Latinos doing for African Americans? Nothing. Take a look at how they deal with blacks in their own countries and you'll get a taste of how they will be dealing with them in the future here.
kid, assumed you knew he was gay. i've followed him for years. met him, too. what i like about him is he's smart and can't be easily pigeon-holed. a man who is comfortable with contradictions (gay, catholic). he's kind of a sober version of hitchens in many ways.
Well said...
What are millions of Latinos doing for African Americans? Nothing. Take a look at how they deal with blacks in their own countries and you'll get a taste of how they will be dealing with them in the future here.
Hey Well, go fuck yourself. Take that shit to Stormfront.You have Black Cubans,Domicians, Puerto Ricans,Chileans, Peruvians, Phillipinos and more.When you shit on Latinos , you shit on my family.
I didn't have to assume anything, I go to his blog also.BTW Sullivan still believes in that Bell Curve shit and Hitchens is a Asshole.
Hey Field add this guy Congressman John Boehner out of Ohio to your list.
He suggested that American citizens should retire at 70 and that those receiving pensions should turn down their Social Security (of course he ain't turning down any perks)
And he suggests that this be done so that there will be enough money to pay for the war in Afghanistan.
And during the same interview he suggested that Congress tell the American people that "we're broke."
I saw this on Huffington Post
i thought everyone knew he was gay, so i didn't get why you posted that.
we obviously don't agree on hitchens. personal tastes i guess.
"If a black man doesn't drop to his knees at the sight of you, and thank the Lord he's allowed to be in your presence, then the brother has betrayed and abandoned black women.
Yall want to be worshipped and that aint gonna happen."Steve
Yes, I think this is the truth about the ugly, fat, foul mouthed, bad attitude having Black woman who bitch about everything because nobody wants to be around them.
They're quick to blame their complexion for their problems without looking from within. So all Black men become bad guys who cannot be trusted and you have to use a condom with Black men because they cheat and all...Their distorted thinking is abusive and this is why they cannot form relationships with men that are worth anything.
M. Rigmaiden
Can't add anything more to that.
You nailed it.
Take a look at that ugly baffon face Mandisa Rigrotten vagina calling bw fat ugly and loud mouth. Glad you took that fugly pic of yours down you rotten vagina big nose vampire bitch with an attitude. Yea bitch I'm baaaaack!
[quote]And CF is wrong on his prediction about enforcing immigration laws. Immigration enforcement is in no way connected to black progress or failure. Its just another ruse by the rulers to keep us divided and add to their profit margins. You don't have to treat illegal employees fairly and you can underpay them and ignore their rights.[/quote]
The fraudulent Yoda-like character appears off of the mountain yet again.
Maybe YOU got confused.
The basics of my argument is
1) Since the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser is following an INORGANIC track where....
2) He proclaims his SOCIAL JUSTICE ENTITLEMENTS more than his.......
3) Competency Development methodology where he.....
4) Leverages the institutions that he now controls (especially the schools).......
5) QUITE OBVIOUSLY the more individuals that are added to the draw from the RESOURCE POOL the more of a crowd out effect there will be and YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BE SCREWED!!!!
Mellaneous - its not like Detroit and Milwaukee - both of which are now soundly under the control of Progressives are at their PEAK PRODUCTIVITY now.
You will one day be forced - face to face - with your THEORIES.
After years of believing that you could ignore the stenciled letters on the life raft that you see: "Warning Maximum Occupancy Is 30!! You Risk Capsizing The Vessel Beyond This Amount. ALL OF YOU WILL PERISH INTO THE FRIGID OCEAN" - you are going to have to make a choice Mellaneous.
You PERVERT constant external pursuit for "JUSTICE" as good HUMAN AND COMMUNITY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Yet staring you right in the face is the evidence of your incompetency as such.
The truth is that your outward pursuit is based upon the same spirit of HATRED as those you fight against are labeled with.
YODA's body functions will stop working once it reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the boat having capsized because he reached out for the bird in the tree - thinking he was doing "Jesus' work".
His body will be found 10,000 years hence after the next ice age event subsides.
Not this shit again.
maria :
If you're going to accuse me of homophobia,back it up. I only mentioned his sexual orientation along with the fact that he's a Obama Republican because you said he wasn't a Republican. I thought since you were wrong about that , you might be wrong on some other things.BTW, Christopher Hitchen is a racist and a punk. Do you want me to prove that too?
[quote]And during the same interview he suggested that Congress tell the American people that "we're broke."[/quote]
Some hard hearted bigots won't change until the system is brought down from insolvency.
Yet THEY will be the first one's doing the violent riots.
3 dead in violent Greek Protests over Economy
French Unionists protest proposed retirement policies
Violent Riots In Eastern Europe
i asked why you posted that he was gay, that's all. and i don't know what an obama republican is. i guess he was also a "kerry" republican, too. is sullivan a registered republican? i couldn't determine that. by his recent votes and position on issues, i doubted that he was a republican.
i don't think i was wrong about anything, and i am not trying to pick a fight with you, nor will i be drawn into one. there's no reason for me to defend why i like hitchens, or for you to feel the need to attack him.
all i said was sullivan reminded me of hitchens. i said "sober" as i know hitchens is a notorious drunk (i've met him as well).
have a good day.
Take yourself back to grade school. You have the critical thinking schools of a lobotomy patient.
Why don't you take a look at the state of Afro people's living conditions and societal representation and participation in Central/South America? Mexico has god damn black faced characters on their stamps! Good ol Vicente Fox justified the exporting of Mexicans to America by claiming "There is no doubt that Mexican men and women, full of dignity, drive and a capacity for work, are doing the jobs that not even blacks want to do there, in the United States."
In the official census, Mexicans of African descent are not even counted as a distinct group. Light Mexicans dominate TV programs and advertising. Most politicians have light-brown skin or are white like Fox, whose mother is from Spain.
There are virtually no prominent black citizens in the country. Blacks are often referred to as "little negritas," or "little blacks."
"There are virtually no prominent black citizens in the country. Blacks are often referred to as "little negritas," or "little blacks."
And they're clamoring over the border to get to this country where a black man is President.
I see an education moment in the making.
Perhaps you MR lack the elasticity and personal grip to accommodate the average to smaller sized penises,
They don't call her Manface Rigamortis for nothing. She don't have the muscle grip, she lays there in bed doing nothing, she needs big dicks to fill up the big space.
Why don't you do some research instead of just shooting off your mouth?
Well said...
Take yourself back to grade school. You have the critical thinking schools of a lobotomy patient.
Why don't you take a look at the state of Afro people's living
In all of the world from Africa to India to Europe to the Americas there is a bias towards white and lighter skin. Let's examine here on this blog first.
Exibit A:
Constructive Feedback
He really hates Black people and the only Blacks he LOVES are those that bash other Blacks. When whites do it he absolves them of anything.
Those are blanket statments you made.Jay-Z has Hispanic heritage . So does Rosie Perez.It's true that darker colored Latinos in South America are treated badly. Some by people the same color as them. Blacks and Indigenious native do receive the worst treatment,just like in the US.It's like that all over the world.
Paul Rodriguez had a joke wher he says the police tell all the Niggers to get out of the car, he says he's out first.They are our brothers , not out enemies.
marie : An Obama Republican is just that. A radio host in Field's hometown , a Republican did the same also.
M-R sez - Yes, I think this is the truth about the ugly, fat, foul mouthed, bad attitude having Black woman who bitch about everything because nobody wants to be around them.
Actually it's more the truth about the attractive black women than the ones who are fat or average looking.
Searching for Denzel... And only a Denzel who will devote 100% of his time to them and have no other life.
Playas give them that talk. Guys who actually work for a living and have successful careers can't, and won't promise it.
Well said...
Blacks are often referred to as "little negritas," or "little blacks."
___________________________________ You seem to forget we had a President who called his Grandchildren,"my little Brown ones."
[quote]He really hates Black people and the only Blacks he LOVES are those that bash other Blacks. When whites do it he absolves them of anything.
Thinks Like A Kid:
You are a punk coward.
I stand in defense of INNOCENT BLACK PEOPLE who are being TERRORIZED AND ASSAULTED by Street Pirates.
The ONLY reason why these STREET PIRATES are not attacked by bigots like you in the same way that you go after Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and The Tea Parties is that THERE IS NO IDEOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL advantage for you to "waste your time" MANAGING THE INSIDE OF YOUR COMMUNITY.
There is far more profit in transacting the Inferiority Of Black people and our DAMAGED STATE from Slavery - per your perverted line of thinking.
When Thinks Like A Kid sees THESE TWO VIDEOS - he asks "Which Republican DENIED these otherwise honest Black males an education and a JOB, forcing them to hold a gun up to a 6 month old Black baby and shoot a pregnant Black mother.
I don't hate Black people.
Go sit down punk!!
Vicente Fox was full of shit. Blacks will do jobs that illegals are doing.
yeah, yeah, yeah Well
The hispanics hate blacks but Glenn Beck and the Tea Partiers are our friends.
Sell it at the next crossburning or tapdancing competition.
You do know that more hispanics participated in and were arrested during the 1992 LA riots than blacks, don't you?
Yep Steve, I'm sure you've come across a fair amount of these bitter fucks and they are truly ridiculous!
BTx3, if that is your experience then it must be valid. I've also met pretty women who have unrealistic expectations of relationships as well. But overwhelmingly, I've come across bitter nasty, hateful and ugly women who want Prince Charming to cater to their every whim, when in fact they are only deserving of a troll or goblins' affections. A lot of this has to do with attitude.
I've known a lot of women who aren't the most beautiful in the world but have no problem finding mates and keeping good relationships. The key is their attitude. They aren't looking for a man to fix the problems in their life BUT they ARE looking for a man to work with as companions or partners. These other types of bitter women want to be parasitic and have the man do everything.
And that is unsustainable for any type of relationship.
----------------------------------As to the anonymous commenter. The only person who continuously misspells my name AND says I look like a man is a sentient piece of shit. Aside from the curiosity, it gets old and stinky awful quick. Go back to the toilet where you belong!
When you finish blowing Klannity, Beck, and Limbaugh, you can start on me bitch.
I told you what you should do about the Street Pirates and you brushed it off.As much as you hate them that's why people that probably live near you have to call Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, because you won't do SHIT!
BTW, all that gang shit came about because COINTELPRO broke up The Black Panthers.Personally I'm going to contact some people familiar with the situation and see what's up. Some of these Gangbangers that get out WORK FOR FOX! Ratfuckers are not born, THEY ARE MADE!
Well said:
When CF is finished you can get started.Francis L Holland has written on the subject of racial arousal, maybe you should learn from it and stop dissing Hispanics. Hispanic is not a race!
Wh said anything about Beck? That's an obvious enemy.
How will Latino immigration help the black community?
From the Root: "Besides competing for work while simultaneously attempting to avoid drastically deflated paychecks and benefits, unemployed African- American job seekers must also frequently combat racial discrimination. In a 2006 research paper called “Discrimination in Low-Wage Labor Markets,” a team of Princeton sociologists discovered that, all else being equal, black applicants to low-wage jobs were 10 percent less likely than Latinos to receive positive responses from potential employers. Furthermore, employers were twice as likely to prefer white applicants to equally qualified blacks."
Kid is right; Hispanic is not a race. It is a designation that encompasses many races which is why Black Cubans are both Hispanic and Black. But the majority of Hispanics in the new world (barring Argentina and parts of Chile) are Mestizoes which is mixed race.
Manface, you are not attractive he wasn't talking about you.
Like I said, sell it at the next goober gathering.
Most African-Americans are working to middle class and have no fear of cheap immigrant labor.
Let me ask you something.
If latinos are such a threat to black folks, why is it that white righties are the ones hysterical about latino immigration????
You think black people can't intuit their own realities?
Well nobody is falling for the okey doke.
White righties and their black coonservative flunkies are all bent out of shape at latino immigration because:
a) Whites will soon be a numerical minority in America
b) Hispanics overwhelming vote Democratic
c) If blacks and latinos do form a cohesive political organization it will change the complexion, rhythm, and agenda of the US Government and the culture in general.
I can see that lump in your pants from here.
I don't think Latinos hate blacks. However, I do think they have same negative attitudes that many whites have.
Here's an interesting clip form an article that examines a Duke study that tackled that issue:
"Latinos bring negative stereotypes about black Americans to the U.S. when they immigrate and identify more with whites than blacks, according to a study of the changing political dynamics in the South."
I pretty much agree with what Frank Morris, formerly of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation said on the subject:
"In studies,”immigrants actually tend to say they think of themselves more like whites in America than like blacks, which is one reason why a black-brown political coalition has never existed anywhere except in the minds of black political leaders.”
M. Rigmaiden
"Yep Steve, I'm sure you've come across a fair amount of these bitter fucks and they are truly ridiculous!"
Fortunately I've come across them tangentially.
My wife is an attorney and she has many present and former female colleagues who fit this description.
And of course I worked with a few.
BT has a good point.
There are many attractive sisters who wait around for the perfect negro (rich, handsome, and sensitive) who is going to attend their every need and fulfill their every wish.
And of course when they hit 40 and still haven't met him they become bitter lunatics.
But I've seen far more of the 4s who swear they are 9s, with the personalities of wounded pit bulls, who cannot for the life of them figure out why the guys aren't breaking their doors down trying to get with them.
M. Rigmaiden
"I've known a lot of women who aren't the most beautiful in the world but have no problem finding mates and keeping good relationships. The key is their attitude. They aren't looking for a man to fix the problems in their life BUT they ARE looking for a man to work with as companions or partners. These other types of bitter women want to be parasitic and have the man do everything."
Most African-Americans are working to middle class and have no fear of cheap immigrant labor.
Most are Working Class. Have you checked out the black unemployment rate lately? It's 17 percent nationally. That's not including those that have dropped out of the labor pool, or never were in it.
It doesn't matter if most Latinos are Democrats because the Democratic part isn't the party of working people anyway. They're mostly lead by corporate stooges just like the Rethugs.
The black middle class isn't safe either
If a black Democrat in the White House can't or won't address these issues, then no one in the Democrat party will
"Most are Working Class. Have you checked out the black unemployment rate lately? It's 17 percent nationally. That's not including those that have dropped out of the labor pool, or never were in it."
Most are middle class. You just don't want to accept that.
And the hispanic unemployment rate is comparable if not higher.
"If a black Democrat in the White House can't or won't address these issues, then no one in the Democrat party will"
The Democrat in the White House is addressing the issue which is the recession that was cause by hairbrained Republican policies.
Yeah they do become bitter lunatics at forty and then child crazy and will do whatever to get those ivf treatments. I've seen it time and time again where a woman waits and waits for the perfect man, wakes up and cannot have kids anymore. Women like this are miserable.
I'm not saying that a woman's worth is dependent upon her having kids. However for a particular demographic of bitching, bitter women, lack of children can enrage them such that they attack those of us with children.
A fellow student in graduate level quantum mechanics years ago was married with children. She worked as an engineer during the day. One day she called in late to work because she had been in the ER all night with one of her kids.
Her boss, a super obese, manhating, CHILDLESS orca told her that she was upset that she had to support 'breeders' that have kids and then want special accommodations for them. This manhating whale had two or three dogs at home that she treated like little kids.
The divide between women who choose to have children and be in a relationship with a man versus women who want to be alone is growing. This is apparent from the posts here yesterday and today. And it is very sad. God didn't make women with uteruses and fallopian tubes without purpose. It's a shame so many women eschew their inherent nature and decry women who haven't.
The Democrat in the White House is addressing the issue which is the recession that was cause by hairbrained Republican policies.
Really? How?
Most are middle class. You just don't want to accept that.
How do you define middle class? Do you it by occupation or income? Both? Can you cite any studies that point to most African Americans being middle class? If so, what definition of middle class does the study use?
Please notice the consciousness of WhiteBowieSteve people:
[quote]The hispanics hate blacks but Glenn Beck and the Tea Partiers are our friends.
I am far more interested in you talking about "YOUR FRIENDS" that tapped upon your confidence and you helped support get into power over the school systems in Baltimore, DC and Philly.
Hate him all you want to: GLENN BECK HAS NEVER PRESIDED OVER A SCHOOL that is majority Black, with a favorable administration yet which FAILS to prepare our young people to be the professional service agents that our community needs to retain our desired standard of living.
You do know that more hispanics participated in and were arrested during the 1992 LA riots than blacks, don't you?[/quote]
I get the sense that you are saying that they were "down for whatever"?
Ride Or Die?
Was Tom Bradley an "Uncle Tom" insider?
LAA, "Btw, I think you should ask your doctor about Effexor XR 150mg."
ROFL...But it's true, Kid needs help.
UTS, "Rotten Kid
How can you agree with that nonsense.
It's the old bait and switch by the righties."
RK can agree because it is the truth, dummie. You, Sophie, and Kid are Negroes who continually set themselves up to be screwed over and over again.
UTS, your delusional ignorance is profound.
UTS sez There are many attractive sisters who wait around for the perfect negro (rich, handsome, and sensitive) who is going to attend their every need and fulfill their every wish.
Problem is the importance of first one - "rich". Any guy interested in a real relationship - isn't advertising that fact. While music stars and ghetto blasters like to flaunt a perversion of the lifestyle - most well to do black men who have earned their bones in the corporate or business world...
Keep a real low profile. They get real tired of every Hootchie-momma from 8000 miles trying to jump their bones to get to their checking account. So if he's talking about his Mercedes and (probably fake) Rolex - he's probably a Playa. And if you can't spot a fake Rolex from 10' away - you are outclassed from the get go and just headed to get burnt.
The next is, while good looking people succeed in fields where looks are at a higher premium than intelligence (acting, tv) - God didn't apportion intelligence by looks. And that is the prerequisite to succeed in almost every other field. Which is why the average looking sister gets the guy.
Don't believe me - check out any of the free dating boards. Check out the number of black women who set up their profiles to only date men over 6' tall. Professional black men are a rare commodity to begin with. The average height of black men in the United States is 5'9". Over 6' you are getting down to only 30% of all black men - and when you add single, over 40, college degree, job, and no criminal record (which are reasonable wants)...
You are down to a pool of less than 2% of black men - and perhaps less than .05% of the available pool of singles...
And you wonder why nobody calls?
Searching for Denzel...
[quote]When you finish blowing Klannity, Beck, and Limbaugh, you can start on me bitch.[/quote]
I take it that you believe that no one else is reading your BS?
How many Black people have been killed by Hannity, Beck or Limbuagh in 2010?
NOW - who many "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" have either INITIATED or SUFFERED THROUGH a Klan Reenactment in 2010?
In metro Atlanta alone I can think of 5 "rappers" that have been murdered.
Including these two:
Atlanta Rapper Murdered At STOP THE VIOLENCE Block Party
Rapper Killed While Making A Video
Do you mind if I school you on what I am doing?
Though I consider myself 100% equal to you - YOU are filled with the same BIGOTED spirit as our long time enemies have been operating with. They, like YOU believed that they had a special mission and thus they looked past their own contradictions.
YOU ARE ONE BIG CONTRADICTION - along with HummZinger.
By all means!!
Beat upon me like the resident daddy you never had.
In the long run I am going to teach the both of you some RESPECT!!!
How to respect authority!!!
I told you what you should do about the Street Pirates and you brushed it off.
WHY DON'T YOU TELL THE FATHERS OF THESE YOUNG BLACK MALES who could have been PILLARS OF THEIR COMMUNITY but for the BENIGN NEGLECT that their FATHERS displayed to them what they need to do about their SONS!!!.....who function as STREET PIRATES - attacking our BLACK WOMEN in the community?
I LIVE WITH my "Black woman" that who bore my children.
I RAISE my children. (I just paused and told my son that he is going to each EVERYTHING ON HIS PLATE and not throw any of his carrots or broccoli away)
You are so busy focusing on ME, HANNITY, etc that you are incompetent in putting forth a HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY within your own damned community.
(My daughter just ate all of her food. I just learned that "White sauce" in Chinese cooking is actually Chicken broth with corn starch. I need to figure out a way to not have the lumps from the starch that she asked me about).
Do you see Kid - I AIN'T NO DAMNED KID!! As for YOU alone - treat me as your AUTHORITY. I am hear to school you. Making you into a MAN. A leader. Rather than a PUNK insurgent.
As much as you hate them that's why people that probably live near you have to call Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, because you won't do SHIT![/quote]
Kid - are you tired of making stuff up and playing games?
You want ME to say that "I don't hate street pirates".
I WANT YOU TO GET THE ATTACKERS OF OUR COMMUNITY to say that they DON'T HATE BLACK PEOPLE and thus they will stop MURDERING our people.
BTW, all that gang shit came about because COINTELPRO broke up The Black Panthers.Personally I'm going to contact some people familiar with the situation and see what's up. Some of these Gangbangers that get out WORK FOR FOX! Ratfuckers are not born, THEY ARE MADE![/quote]
Was the INTERNET even around when COINTEL-DAMNED-PRO was around?
When CF is finished you can get started.Francis L Holland has written on the subject of racial arousal, maybe you should learn from it and stop dissing Hispanics. Hispanic is not a race![/quote]
When Francis told the story about his PAIN that he felt when the WHITE MAN could not believe that HE was an ATTORNEY - I lost it all for him. Sorry.
Even his AfroSpear co-founder buddy Filled Negro admits that Francis has some issues with "White Man Under Every Rock Trying To Get Him" phobia.
I have no issues with Francis or Filled Negro. I ONLY want them to provide coverage with more FIDELITY to the issues WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY.
(As the Black females if they hate my expose' on Street Pirates? It seems to me that BLACK FEMALES are the most frequent people "Crying on the evening news" after a Pirate attack.
I was taught by my FATHER to be a head of the house hold. A PROTECTOR.
What about YOU Kid (and Humm Zinger? - hell Gregory and LAC thrown in for good measure as well)
CF said --
Was the INTERNET even around when COINTEL-DAMNED-PRO was around?
Seeing as ARPNET, the precursor of the current web has been around since the 60's -- the answer is yes.
Now, if the question is "Was the INTERNET even available when COINTEL-DAMNED-PRO was around?", then you've got a slight point.
However CF, realize that many radical people's movements have been dismantled by the government, particularly militant left wing groups and civil rights movement. So despite you're worship of Ayn Rand's hyper-individualism the goverment has a large hand in the dismantling of progressive politics and the emerging Black thought of the 70's represented by groups like the Panthers and the Weather Underground.
To be fair, many lefty activist movements help to hang themselves figuratively in the 70's -- but COINTELPRO was a glaring example our government covertly working to silence the voice of its own people.
I was taught by my FATHER to be a head of the house hold. A PROTECTOR.
What about YOU Kid (and Humm Zinger? - hell Gregory and LAC thrown in for good measure as well)
Aaaw, you 'threw me in'? I'm so touched (sniff, sniff). Anyway, I know my father well -- 37 years still with my mother, 4 kids and I call him every weekend. In fact, my father sparked my interests in science and engineering -- as well as encourage my love of boxing.
So, Constructive, its not just conservatives who have loving fathers in their lives.
CF-"What about YOU Kid (and Humm Zinger? - hell Gregory and LAC thrown in for good measure as well)"
You left out the yahoos UTS and MackLying.
LAC thanks for mentioning your wonderful father and mother. Some people seem to think that all Black men are bad and that men in general are untrustworthy.
Problem is the importance of first one - "rich". Any guy interested in a real relationship - isn't advertising that fact. While music stars and ghetto blasters like to flaunt a perversion of the lifestyle - most well to do black men who have earned their bones in the corporate or business world...
Keep a real low profile. They get real tired of every Hootchie-momma from 8000 miles trying to jump their bones to get to their checking account. So if he's talking about his Mercedes and (probably fake) Rolex - he's probably a Playa. And if you can't spot a fake Rolex from 10' away - you are outclassed from the get go and just headed to get burnt.
No truer words spoken.
M. Rigmaiden said...
LAC thanks for mentioning your wonderful father and mother. Some people seem to think that all Black men are bad and that men in general are untrustworthy.
Thanks MR. Reminds, I got get my tickets for Thanksgiving.
OK CF let me ask your bitch ass again. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THE STREET PIRATES?
You make the Street Pirates sound bigger than the Crips, Bloods, Vice Lords, and Gangster Disciples combined.You do know the Nation of Islam mediates with the Gangs.
Another thing CF FUCK YOUR DADDY!
By all means!!
Beat upon me like the resident daddy you never had.
In the long run I am going
My father dead BITCH!
AND YOU KNOW IT! People that read this blog know it.
I bet you masturbate when you hear on the television that another brother dies.
And you wonder the fuck why no one wants you help in your town.Maybe it's because Silas Barkley , Miss Audra's manservant doesn't have the balls to do it his own gotdamn self.
"And if you can't spot a fake Rolex from 10' away - you are outclassed from the get go and just headed to get burnt."
What does a fake or real Rolex look like? Me thinks you don't know the difference yourself...you liar.
[quote]However CF, realize that many radical people's movements have been dismantled by the government, particularly militant left wing groups and civil rights movement.[/quote]
It is also true that Leftist movements have also TAKEN OVER certain key institutions in local areas of this nation and DESTROYED "functioning GOVERNANCE" of the places.
(Detroit, East St Louis, Trenton, etc)
Constructive Feedback said...
BTW, all that gang shit came about because COINTELPRO broke up The Black Panthers.Personally I'm going to contact some people familiar with the situation and see what's up. Some of these Gangbangers that get out WORK FOR FOX! Ratfuckers are not born, THEY ARE MADE![/quote]
Was the INTERNET even around when COINTEL-DAMNED-PRO was around?
Yea typical BITCH-ASS Tom! You must work for Fox. I didn't put COINTELPRO and the internet in the same sentence.
You just want to confuse people.
That's all the Republiklan Party has. I must be getting to you because you're writing more bullshit.
One more time.
Actually, Anon, if you've been around enough Rolex watches and/or knock-offs (5 years in the Yonkers/Bronx area) -- you can spot a fake rather quickly. Just throw it in water... If there's no water in side, its definitely real.
Here's a guy from Pawn Stars telling you rather simple tricks to spot a fake./watch?v=TU76nhgpQCk
[quote]OK CF let me ask your bitch ass again. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THE STREET PIRATES?[/quote]
ME? The "Bitch Ass"?
Isn't it great that I don't allow anyone to define me Kid? Then I just might be hurt by your words against me. Instead I see desperation in you.
Why do you as ME, your enemy, what to do about these young men who were to be the pillars of their community? If I allow you to tell it - I want them locked up or murdered. Right?
[quot]eYou make the Street Pirates sound bigger than the Crips, Bloods, Vice Lords, and Gangster Disciples combined.[/quote]
All of these ARE Street Pirates
[quote]You do know the Nation of Islam mediates with the Gangs.
One question: IS THE MENTORING WORKING? Has it SCALED enough to address the DIMENSIONS of the problem.
You see Kid - you evaluate NOTHING that your adversaries do as good enough. At the same token your FRIENDS can do the smallest of things and win your praise.
You need to decide if you want a FIX or merely a fawning for your ideology.
Another thing CF FUCK YOUR DADDY![/quote]
I will will see my father next month at our family reunion. I will pass your words on to him.
My father dead BITCH![/quote]
Sorry for your loss. I hope that
he was more of a positive guide in your life than your disposition on this board leads one to believe.
I bet you masturbate when you hear on the television that another brother dies.[/quote]
Maybe so Kid.
But let me ask you a question about your TRANSFERENCE onto ME.
DID I KILL this "brother"?
Or am I really reporting on how the KILLER STREET PIRATE "jacked off" as he performed a KLAN REENACTMENT?
And you wonder the fuck why no one wants you help in your town.[/quote]
Let's logically work this one out Kid.
If someone NEEDS help but then REFUSES help FROM ME - because of "who I am" then we can logically conclude that this person was not in need of help enough to let go of the bigotry that has consumed them enough to REFUSE assistance.
Sill Kid - the larger question is - Of the Black males who are favorable to you because they more readily connect with their SLAVE PAST and accept it as the key force that has injured them to-damned-day - WHY aren't THEY being asked for HELP when I acknowledge that they are EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS to me?
What I like about Kid's profane words is that he represents the common language and epitome of a black person.
Just think. Some Blacks on this blog complain about AB, yet remain mute about this vulgar ignoramus.
Lawdy, Lordy... I will never complain about AB again.
Btx said: "Don't believe me - check out any of the free dating boards. Check out the number of black women who set up their profiles to only date men over 6' tall."
So did you also check out the profiles of black men in the interest of fair comparison? I wonder how many black men indicated they only wanted black women with small to average body sizes. I wonder how many black men flat out stated they only prefer white or Latin women etc etc etc?
And let me ask you...I'm curious, what do you think a "hoochie mama" looks like? Do you happen to think Tiger's wife is a hoochie mama?
MR said: "I think this is the truth about the ugly, fat, foul mouthed, bad attitude having Black woman who bitch about everything because nobody wants to be around them.....They're quick to blame their complexion for their problems without looking from within. "
MR, why would you equate "ugliness" and having a poor attitude to black women who are obese or have darker complexions? And it's obvious that's what you meant when you referenced complexion. I have a close friend who is obese, dark skinned and childless, she is one of the kindest women you will ever meet in your miserable life. You claim to have all these things going for you as a woman, but its evident you're unhappy, lonely, dependent, and oppressed in your marriage, possibly abused.
Based on the vileness and "attitude" you have displayed on the previous thread, it amazes me how you could pick a fight with people and then paint yourself as the victim. You seem to be one of those children who never learned how to play well with others. You should never pick fights, if you can't handle the punches. And Its interesting the only two black men on this blog who are engaging you in your catty bitterness are the two black men who have continuously proved their disdain for black women. There will be no other time you will ever see them egg you on, or back you up on anything else other than to degrade other black women. And no, I don't hate no have malice towards black men, but I love myself and my self interest as a black woman much more.
MR, you have an abused and battered spirit. You are a coward with displaced anger towards other black women, because you can't stand up to those who hurt you. Therefore, your spirit will never rest because you're the one who's always allowing men to use and discard you one way or another. Go take a look in your own special kind of mirror. And no more kid gloves for you, a word to the "wise" is sufficient.
actually the "jobs being taken" aren't due to illegal immigration it's due to outsourcing and well-paid, union jobs (w/ strong, Black, well-paid membership--think car manufacturing) were shipped to either out-of-country or to Southern non-union states, oh and of course a dwindling Black, blue-collar work-force on account of the ever-expanding prison population, plus a multitude of other things that i'm certain that the smart folks (some more than others) on this Comment section can offer up.
it's SOOO easy to fall into the "blaming the illegals", which then often descends into issues about race. i'd hoped we were past that. and honestly? yes, i'm fully aware of some of the racist belief-systems many Latinos have disappointingly (& disturbingly) perpetuated. of course, you only have to watch about an hour of Univision or Telemundo to see just how inundated and astoundingly oblivious many spanish-speaking countries are around their racist inclinations, particularly those from countries heavily influenced w/ the African diaspora.
However, it has been proven throughout our history that whenever there's a period of a huge influx of immigrants (legal & illegal) the same tired, rhetoric, complaints, racist policy-making, occurs. the blame for various social, financial, or medical, ills ALWAYS get pinned on those who have little to no power, to take our focus off of those in power who actually compromised our nation long ago. but All of this is done to make it more difficult to actually solve the immigration issue in a secure and HUMANE way.
i.e. when Yellow Fever outbreaks or other minor epidemics occurred Chinese immigrants were blamed en mass and legislation was actually drawn up targeted that population. the Irish were consistently blamed for diminished job opportunities in almost every major city during the turn of the 20th & parts of the 19th century. Of course none of these examples had anything on the Black experience, but my emphasis is on the parallels of the immigration debate throughout history. In the end this is not about ‘who has it worst.’
Subsequently, like a vicious cycle when Reagan opened the doors (& borders) in the 80s, millions have poured in ever since. add the NAFTA policies as LACoincidental stated has made our borders even more porous (thanks Clinton) than ever.
finally, when you have problematic legislation like AZ in the end it'll really boil down to law enforcement officials -- which should give folks pause. there isn't a DAY that goes by where a new vid illustrating police abuse or brutality has been unleashed on the Internet. considering that AZ isn't exactly known as a bastion of progressive racial understanding, i have to believe that this will make things even more intolerable for our Brown or Black or Asian, sisters and brothers in AZ. While I’m well aware that I certainly don’t have all the answers I just that I’m getting past-tired of the whole Lord of the Flies mentality that’s seemingly gripped our country.
Laa you should never pick fights if YOU can't handle the punches. You have the spirit of a manhater and that will never change so long as you continue justifying your hatefilled rants against Black males.
I don't feel that Steve has disdain for Black women; he is married to one. So how does your comment make sense? It doesn't.
Kid gloves? You have created some strange fantasy that doesn't jibe with reality.
I think you are a bitter foul parasite that hates on women who believe in the sanctity of marriage and monogamy.
That is pitious. And if you truly pitied me, you would not continue to make insults both explicit and implicit about my vaginal size accomodations or whatever else.
Get over yourself you self righteous pig.
I don't feel that Steve has disdain for Black women; he is married to one. So how does your comment make sense? It doesn't.
Thank you.
La*A is projection personified.
"Laa you should never pick fights if YOU can't handle the punches."
When you start throwing real punches let me know. I've always been a lady (most times), I don't do the street gutter thing, but I've never described myself as innocent. However, you've been picking fights with various people on this blog, then try to present yourself as some innocent intellectual victim when the heat turns up. I'm growing tired of this childlike modus operati of yours. People can read the previous thread/s to see just how bogus and tormented you really are inside as a "happy" married woman.
"I don't feel that Steve has disdain for Black women; he is married to one. So how does your comment make sense?"
Well based on your one dimensional mindset, you also claim that I hate black men, yet I'm engaged to a black man. So how can your accusation make sense under this faulty logic? And the man-hater thing is old, stop being a one trick pony.
You are much more of a simpleton than I realized. You will always be an easy target for those inclined.
Steve said: La*A is projection personified."
Perhaps you are too, Mr. defensive ex-Street Pirate who's now living in a gated community on the backs of his black victims.
Laa, You're engaged to a Black man but you feel that all men are likely to cheat even while married. Why bother? Your personal affairs are inconsistent with your rhetoric.
YOU are routinely pick fights with others and then try to front like you're elegant and well spoken. Your duplicity is duly noted, along with your transparency. It feels like I've been conversing with a mellower version of a b or m m m. But don't get it twisted your rhetoric is strikingly similar.
You insult the size of my private parts and then use a veneer of 'caring' about me because I'm tormented? You're insane and your relationship will never advance to shit because of your personal negativity.
Black male hating asswipes who are color struck idiots like you are miserable anyway. It's just a matter of time before your man leaves you for someone with a better attitude.
Your obvious disdain for Steve who is married to a successful woman, and has a good quality of life is quite telling. So if someone lives well they are living on the 'backs of black victims'?
God you are a hopeless, hate filled idiotic lunatic.
"Perhaps you are too, Mr. defensive ex-Street Pirate who's now living in a gated community on the backs of his black victims."
You hit the nail on the head. UTS pulls his hair out whenever CF brings up street pirates, that dummie can't handle the truth.
"I wonder how many black men indicated they only wanted black women with small to average body sizes."
Well duh.
Whose gonna aggressively seek out fat gals?
Hell, just walk over to the local Mickey Ds.
"Perhaps you are too, Mr. defensive ex-Street Pirate who's now living in a gated community on the backs of his black victims."
Wow, you have been hanging around CF, haven't you?
I don't live in a gated community.
I live in a middle class suburban subdivision that is majority black.
Thousands of them across the country.
Also sweetheart, I grew up in the inner city, like most of my black middle class peers, but was not a street criminal.
Millions of them across the country as well.
Sad that I have to explain this to a black woman.
*drops head* Dammit Texas, I love you but you're making it hard to do so! I wish I knew how to quit you.
BET is pretty much banned in my house. The Kiddo is not allowed to watch it. The only reason we watched the BET Awards was for the Red Carpet Show where my niece was performing with Roscoe Dash and Michon and to see Prince. Alicia Keys scared the hell outta me when she climbed up that piano with her pregnant self!
"Whose gonna aggressively seek out fat gals?"
Well, who's gonna aggressively seek out low income odd job men?
And Steve, it's sad that I always have to explain things to a black man as well. I'm not going to do this with you today either.
"Well, who's gonna aggressively seek out low income odd job men?
Nobody said this.
We were talking about women waiting around for Prince Charming to show up and they aren't Princesses themselves.
It's about accurately assessing yourself, your "level" and the realities of the world around you.
"It's about accurately assessing yourself, your "level" and the realities of the world around you."Steve
Yes that was the point originally wasn't it? Women who are threes and fours who feel entitled to a ten who will worship the ground on which they walk. Attitude is so much of this. But these bitter women don't seem to understand that. Their loss.
M. Rigmaiden is black male identified. She's too bitter with other bw to seek the interest of bw.
M. Rigmaiden,
Are you aware of William Julius Wilson's work on black marriage? The weight of his studies and others points to a high correlation between black male joblessness and female headed black households.
Veronice, I love Black women because I happen to be one. However I do not cosign with a lot of the crap spewed on this site as of late. NO that doesn't make me bitter towards black women at all. There are quite a few who feel as I do. Like ah women who are my family and friends!
Well, I haven't read Wilson's work to my knowledge. I've taken many Black studies courses and read a lot of folks but his name doesn't immediately ring a bell. But regardless of his contentions that doesn't matter to me. I advocate that people who love on another and want a monogamous commitment ought to get married. Nothing encodes that commitment more than marriage.
As to female headed Black households, that is a complex problem. In my family that phenomena has not asserted itself for a few generations. The majority of my cousins are married, as am I. We value marriage in our family.
Would you value marriage much if you had difficulty finding a gainfully employed mate?
Only fifteen percent of black births were outside of marriage in 1959. What changed over the course of the sixties, seventies, and eighties? Black male employment decreased-rapidly; black male incarceration numbers increased-rapidly; black women out paced black men in educational achievement by wide margins. Is it any wonder that marriage has become less attractive for many black women?
LaC sez And let me ask you...I'm curious, what do you think a "hoochie mama" looks like? Do you happen to think Tiger's wife is a hoochie mama?
Hootchie Mommas is a racially independent vocation, LA.
Black men have a higher tendency to prefer "thick" women ...
Which misses the point that nowhere in my post was I criticizing black women in general for body shape -
ergo - You're attacking the wrong person for the wrong reason.
As to the black guys who are only interested in white women, I can only tell you what a white woman friend told me of her experience on one of that dating site was -and I quote - "Of the guys who say they only date white women in their profiles - I had no idea there were so many ugly, fat, lonely black men in the world."
Well, your stats and everything might be true. I haven't investigated them. But all of that is irrelevant to my desire that people marry one another and stay faithful.
We tend to value what was modeled to us. My Grandparents on BOTH sides have had long standing faithful marriages and so have both of our parents. Therefore this was our goal to have a long lasting and fruitful relationship.
It's a shame that people are so cynical and distrustful of one another. This schism between genders almost seems engineered to keep us from realizing our potential as humans. We are supposed to complement one another.
And statistics should not dictate someone's personal decision. If I let stats run my life, I'd never do anything because everything inherently carries risk!
Black women might have experienced a decline in available Black men but that does not mean that men from other ethnic groups are unavailable to them.
BTX3-"Black men have a higher tendency to prefer "thick" women ..."
Where did you get that from? Are you an expert on black men, or just yourself? And what do you mean by thick?
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